#remember how I said I didn't want to even look at another hot dog again?
little-pondhead · 1 month
Day 9: Hunger
Danny will fight and eat anything when he's hungry. This makes a few ghosts nervous.
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[Tried a transparent background on this one; does it look okay?]
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Dear Hearts and Gentle People 18
Summary: Cooper comforts you after the two of you leave Vault 3. There isn't anything he can do to take your memories of that place away, but he sure as hell could try.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Female Reader
Warnings: Not many? Hurt/Comfort. Cooper does his best. Drug use and sexual assault are mentioned. Lots of cuddles and crying.
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You don't remember how you got out of the Vault, and you don't care to recall how either. You lay in bed in your room at the Atomic Wrangler for three days, recovering from the copious amount of chems that the fiends have shoved into your system. Julie Farkus had told Cooper that she was lucky to be alive and that most women didn't have someone that could save them like he had for you.
Cooper had grit his teeth, lips pulled in a nasty sneer, and told the good doctor that it'd almost been too late, but he was just glad that Julie could help him. Today was the first time that you felt up to more than just sleeping, and the ghoul made sure to be by your side. You sat up, back pressed against the wall, and played with the plate of food in your lap.
"You gonna eat, smoothskin?" He asks and shifts his weight in the stool beside your bed. Cooper's been here for the better part of those three days, only leaving for necessary reasons and never for long. The bounty hunter is dressed down, only his jeans and button-up and boots, and you finally look at him.
You clear your throat, lips pulled in a harsh frown. "Yeah, I will."
Cooper doesn't like the tone you use and sits forward, elbows on his knees, and he stares you down, "Do I need to feed you?"
You scoff at the vauge threat and pierce a piece of steak before popping the morsel in your mouth and slowly chew it. You eye Cooper then swallow, "Happy?"
The ghoul narrows his amber eyes, "Not yet."
He watches your lips purse and look away from him, shoulders slumping and hands going limp. He doesn't expect to see tears growing in your eyes or to watch the way you fold into yourself, lips trembling as a broken apology spills from between your lips.
Cooper rises and takes the plate away from you, setting it to the side so that he can crawl into the bed with you. He sits against the headboard and pulls you back so that you rest between his legs against his chest. You don't bother fighting against him and simply cry a little harder when his hands rub soothing motions across your back.
"Wanna talk about it yet?" Cooper offers quietly. You've not said shit to him about your time in Vault 3. He understood the big picture when he'd arrived down there. His smoothskin had been treated worse than a fucking dog, drugged up and left to wallow in your own filth.
You shake your head. You don't understand how Cooper even wants to touch you right now. You feel disgusting, and the phantom feel of the fiends' hands still haunt you at every second of the day. You want another shower, but hot water was a precious commodity.
"Stop apologizing," Cooper rumbles after a moment, and you snap your mouth shut, unaware that you'd just said everything out loud. His arms tighten around you, and you bask in the strength of the hard planes of his body.
"Nothing those bastards did to you could make me love you any less."
His words only make you sob harder, but you can't help but feel relief at them. Your ghoul loved you and had taken on an entire vault of chem addled cannibals to save you. He had come out on top and dragged your sorry body all the way back to Freeside, snarling and demanding help from the followers.
"Thank you," you say, and press yourself as close to Cooper as you can. You never want to let go, and you never want to see the inside of a vault ever again.
"You're mine, Darlin', "Cooper rumbles and tightens his hold on you, "And nothin' will ever stop me from comin' for you."
*sorry if this one is a little lackluster. I had some trouble with it. ❤️*
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astroprompts · 2 years
“Pardon me, are you [name]?”
“I'm at your service.”
“I have been looking for you.”
“I'm getting nervous.”
“I may have punched him. It's a blur.”
“I wanted to do what you did.”
“He looked at me like I was stupid. I'm not stupid.”
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“While we're talking, let me offer you some free advice.”
“Talk less, smile more.”
“Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for.”
“You can't be serious.”
“Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead.”
“If you stand for nothing, what'll you fall for?”
“I am not throwing away my shot.”
“I'm young, scrappy, and hungry.”
“I probably shouldn't brag, but dang, I amaze and astonish.”
“The problem is I got a lot of brains, but no polish.”
“I gotta holler just to be heard.”
“Only nineteen, but my mind is older.”
“Don't be shocked when your history book mentions me.”
“I will lay down my life if it sets us free.”
“I'm with you, but the situation is fraught.”
“If you talk, you're gonna get shot.”
“I think your pants look hot.”
“Let's hatch a plot blacker than the kettle callin' the pot.”
“Oh, am I talking too loud?”
“Sometimes I get over excited, shoot off at the mouth”
“I never had a group of friends before.”
“When you're living on your knees, you rise up.”
“I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory.”
“I never thought I'd live past twenty.”
“We need to handle our financial situation.”
“For the first time, I'm thinking past tomorrow.”
“I may not live to see our glory.”
“I've seen wonders great and small.”
“Raise a glass to freedom.”
“Let's have another round tonight.”
“I didn't think that you would make it.”
“I came to say congratulations.”
“Now, be sensible.”
“From what I hear, you've made yourself indispensable.”
“Well, I heard you've got a special someone on the side.”
“What are you tryin' to hide?”
“I'll see you on the other side of the war.”
“I will never understand you.”
“If you love this woman/man/person, go get her/him/them.”
“What are you waiting for?”
“There's nothing rich folks love more than going downtown and slumming it with the poor.”
“Daddy said to be home by sundown.” / “Daddy doesn't need to know.”
“Remind me what we're looking for.”
“I'm looking for a mind at work.”
“There's nothing like summer in the city.”
“Your perfume smells like your daddy's got money.”
“Why you slummin' in the city in your fancy heels?”
“Some men say that I'm intense or I'm insane.”
“Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now.”
“They have not your interests at heart.”
“Oh my God, tear this dude apart.”
“Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution.”
“Don't let them lead you astray.”
“They're playing a dangerous game.”
“It's hard to listen to you with a straight face.”
“Chaos and bloodshed already haunt us.”
“Honestly, you shouldn't even talk.”
“My dog speaks more eloquently than thee.”
“If you repeat yourself again I'm gonna scream.”
“I'd rather be divisive than indecisive.”
“Drop the niceties.”
“You say the price of my love's not a price that you're willing to pay.”
“Why so sad?”
“Remember, we made an arrangement.”
“Now you're making me mad.”
“Remember, despite our estrangement, I'm your man.”
“You'll be back, soon you'll see.”
“You'll remember you belong to me.”
“You'll remember that I served you well.”
“You'll be the one complaining when I am gone.”
“Don't change the subject!”
“I will fight the fight and win the war.”
“I'll love you 'til my dying days.”
“When you're gone, I'll go mad.”
“Don't throw away this thing we had.”
“I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love.”
“You got me helpless.”
“I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight.”
“You walked in, and my heart went boom.”
“This one's mine.”
“Where are you taking me?”
“I'm about to change your life.”
“By all means, lead the way.”
“Thank you for all your service.”
“If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it.”
“My life gets better every letter that you write me.”
“I'm just sayin', if you really loved me, you would share him/her/them.”
“There's nothing that your mind can't do.”
“I don't have a dollar to my name.”
“Your family brings out a different side of me.”
“My love for you was never in doubt.”
“I've been living without a family since I was a child.”
“I look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit.”
“I just might regret that night for the rest of my days.”
“I'll never forget the first time I saw your face.”
“This is not a game.”
“You strike me as a woman/man/person who has never been satisfied.”
“I'm sure I don't know what you mean.”
“You're like me, I'm never satisfied.”
“I have never been satisfied.”
“Where's your family from?”
“There's a million things I haven't done.”
“So this is what it feels like to match wits with someone at your level!”
“I'm a girl in a world in which my only job is to marry rich.”
“I'd have to be naïve to set that aside.”
“I know my sister like I know my own mind.”
“You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind.”
“May you always be satisfied.”
“I will never be satisfied.”
“Love doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints.”
“There are things that the homilies and hymns won't teach ya.”
“My mother was a genius, my father commanded respect.”
“When they died they left no instructions, just a legacy to protect.”
“Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints.”
“If there's a reason I'm still alive when everyone who loves me has died, I'm willing to wait for it.”
“I'm not standing still, I am lying in wait.”
“Life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints.”
“If there's a reason I'm still alive when so many have died, then I'm willing to wait for it.”
“There’s only one way for us to win this.”
“Hit ‘em quick, get out fast.”
“Stay alive ‘til this horror show is past.”
“We’re gonna fly a lot of flags half-mast.”
“Yeah, he’s not the choice I would have gone with.”
“What are you doing, [name]? Get back on your feet!.”
“History will prove them wrong.”
“We have a war to fight, let’s move along.”
“I can’t disobey direct orders.”
“You're the closest friend I've got.”
“Don't throw away your shot.”
“If they apologize, no need for further action.”
“Time to get some pistols and a doctor on site.”
“Duel before the sun is in the sky.”
“Pick a place to die where it’s high and dry.”
“Pray that hell or heaven lets you in.”
“Can we agree that duels are dumb and immature?”
“Your man has to answer for his words.”
“Okay, so we’re doing this.”
“Look ‘em in the eye, aim no higher.”
“Summon all the courage you require.”
“Do you yield?”
“You shot him in the side.”
“Yo, we gotta clear the field.”
“This should be fun.”
“What is the meaning of this?”
“Meet me inside.”
“Don't call me son.”
“We called his bluff!”
“Watch your tone.”
“I am not a maiden in need of defending.”
“They take your name and they rake it through the mud!”
“My name's been through a lot, I can take it.”
“We need you alive!”
“I am more than willing to die.”
“I need you alive!”
“How long have you known?”
“You should have told me.”
“I'm not sorry.”
“You deserve a chance to meet your son/daughter/child.”
“Will you relish being a poor man's wife, unable to provide for your life?”
“I relish being your wife.”
“The fact that you're alive is a miracle.”
“Just stay alive, that would be enough.”
“I don't pretend to know the challenges you're facing.”
“I'm not afraid.”
“I know who I married.”
“So long as you come home at the end of the day, that would be enough.”
“We don't need a legacy.”
“We don't need money.”
“Let me be a part of the narrative.”
“Yo, turns out we have a secret weapon.”
“I'm taking this horse by the reigns.”
“And so the balance shifts.”
“For this to succeed, there is someone else we need.”
“No one has more resilience, or matches my practical tactical brilliance.”
“You wanna fight for your land back?”
“I need my right-hand man back!”
“If you join us right now, together we can turn the tide.”
“The world will never be the same.”
“I was younger than you are now when I was given my first command.”
“I led my men straight into a massacre.”
“I witnessed their deaths firsthand.”
“I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me.”
“History has its eyes on me.”
“Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory.”
“You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story.”
“I know that we can win.”
“I know that greatness lies in you.”
“Remember from here on in, history has its eyes on you.”
“Immigrants, we get the job done.”
“'If this is the end of me, at least I have a friend with me.”
“We gotta go, gotta get the job done.”
“We move undercover and we move as one.”
“We have one shot to live another day.”
“We will fight up close, seize the moment and stay in it.”
“We had a spy on the inside, that's right.”
“We're in the shit now, somebody's gotta shovel it!”
“When you knock me down, I get the fuck back up again!”
“And just like that, it's over.”
“The world turned upside down.”
“I'm dedicating every day to you.”
“Domestic life was never quite my style.”
“When you smile, you knock me out.”
“We'll bleed and fight for you.”
“When you smile, I am undone.”
“Pride is not the word I'm looking for. There is so much more inside me now.”
“You outshine the morning sun.”
“When you smile, I fall apart.”
“My father wasn't around.”
“I swear that I'll be around for you.”
“I'll do whatever it takes.”
“I'll make the world safe and sound for you.”
“You'll blow us all away.”
“Are you aware that we're making history?”
“Why do you assume you're the smartest in the room?”
“Soon that attitude may be your doom!”
“Why do you write like you're running out of time?”
“I've seen injustice in the world, and I've corrected it.”
“Now, what I'm going to say may sound indelicate.”
“Why do you always say what you believe?”
“Every day, you fight like it's going out of style.”
“Can we confer?”
“What do you need?”
“I know I talk too much, I'm abrasive.”
“You're succinct, persuasive.”
“Hear me out!”
“We have to start somewhere.”
“You're making a mistake.”
“What are you waiting for? What do you stall for?”
“What if you're backing the wrong horse?”
“For once in your life, take a stand with pride!”
“I don't understand how you stand to the side.”
“I'll keep all my plans close to my chest.”
“I'll wait here and see which way the wind will blow.”
“There's no one who can match you for turn of phrase.”
“Don't forget to write.”
“If I could grant you peace of mind, would that be enough?”
“They're asking me to lead.”
“I'm doing the best I can.”
“I'm asking you to be my right-hand man.”
“I know it's a lot to ask, to leave behind the world you know.”
“Look around! Isn't this enough?”
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ajaxswife · 2 years
"Dancing in the rain"
[Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax x gn!reader]
Genre: fluff, romantic, comfort<3
Recommended song: Until I Found You
Warnings: using childe's real name, sweetheart and princess
Note from the writer: hi! This is the first story i write, I apologize for any grammatical errors and for my bad english.. i take the ib by a fic but idr it.. sorry. anyway i hope you can enjoy it! <3
Ps. I love this man.
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After a tiring day at work you just wanted to go home and throw yourself on the bed, but what was waiting for you outside was just the rain. and guess? you didn't have an umbrella. funny right? so you decided to wait for the rain to calm down.
A few minutes later you heard a familiar voice scream your name, it seems to have a happy tone. little by little this tall figure with orange hair approached... there was no doubt. it was Childe.
"Childe what are you doing in the rain come here!" so as not to make you angry, he immediately ran to you with a laugh and took cover next to you.
"Y/N!! You just got out of work right? Are you tired?" He asked with a soft smile
"a little. but let's not talk about me. why are you here?"
"I was around here taking a walk, but it started raining so I was about to go home, when I saw you I thought I'd come and say hello"
he was soaking wet, he looked like a wet little dog. but why did he want to greet you? was it really a coincidence that he was nearby?
"Have you ever danced in the rain?"
"What- why should I do this? I don't want to get a fever"
"then let's do it! I promise you it will be fun. Just a few minutes, I assure you that you won't get a fever. there's only one life... so why not?"
"Yeah but-"
Without warning he took your wrist and brought you into the rain, but with a scream of surprise you let carry away.
"I thought worse," you said with a laugh
"Well then let's dance!" he took your hand and brought it a little higher than his shoulder, another leaned on your back, while you put the other hand on his shoulder. Your fingers had crossed, it seemed as if no one could untie you and without even knowing how to dance your steps synchronized, you could feel the purity of that moment, and his laugh; but not that laugh that he usually makes in front of others... the real one.
You couldn't take eye contact away from each other, he had such a calm and sweet look but at the same time fiery and clearly in love. On the other hand he had such blue and beautiful eyes... it seemed as if the light in his eyes had finally returned, how could you not look at him? you wanted this moment to never end, yes it was cold, but it didn't matter to you.
After a while, he brought you closer to him, you felt so safe when he was there, so much so that even if the world collapsed, you would be standing next to him and you wouldn't be afraid. At that moment you felt as if everything and everyone had disappeared and that in the world there were only you and him.
But all of a sudden he made you turn around and taking you by the back he pretended to make you fall bringing you back to the real world.
"I'm a very good dancer, am I not?" at that moment you wanted to punch him at how proud his smirk could be, but you loved him anyway.
"Instead of being an idiot, it would be better to go home, if you want we can do something hot to warm up" you said blushing
"Then let's hurry up sweetheart 'cause I think a storm is coming"
He made you stand up and with a laugh he took you by the wrist again running towards your house.
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When you finally got home, you and Childe changed, you don't remember how his pants and some shirts got in your closet, but it's better this way.
"anyway, I'd be happy if you call me by my real name, Ajax" he said with a calm and soft look
and with a simple smile, you nodded.
After watching a movie and drinking hot chocolate, it got late and you suggested to Chil- Ajax stay and sleep. Of course he agreed... but there was only a double bed. and so you slept together.
"It's a bit cold... c-can I hug you while we sleep?" Was that an excuse to keep him close to you? likely. but still it was really cold so... why not?
"Aw the princess feels cold how cute... come here come on" and making the big spoon, he took your head to bring it to his chest, you could hear his heart beating faster than expected... and your heart did the same
His arms held you tight, his warmth was the only thing you wanted to feel. The love you feel for this man is truly incomprehensible... and the same was for him.
Just before you fell asleep, you heard his calm, low-pitched voice
"I know you probably won't hear me but... goodnight y/n... I love you" kissing you on the head.
"I love you too Ajax, goodnight~" leaving the ginger shocked with a red face, he gave a small smile and pulled you closer.
~°.•End <3
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
Arsonist's Lullabye
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When I was a child, I heard voices
If there was a time when his parents weren't engaging in shouting matches, Billy didn't remember. A sliver of him wondered if it would lessen if one of them left. After his mom ran away, he tried not to wonder anything ever again.
Some would sing and some would scream
For every time he overheard them arguing, his mother would sing to him, her soft voice lulling him into a deep sleep. He would wake up in the closet to the sounds of his song bird screaming. He wanted to help her, he was a big boy, almost 7! But Ma made him pinky swear not to come out until it was quiet. Sometimes she had to lock the door, promising to always come back and let him out.
You soon find you have few choices
Billy didn't want to move to fucking Indiana. He didn't want to leave California. What if his mom came looking for him and he wasn't there? He didn't want a new mom, or a sister. He had a mother. He fought the move. He fought the anger running hot in his veins. As long as he kept it from burning his mother's memory like Neil had done with everything she ever owned... everything she ever touched, he was sane. Still, the cage around him shrunk in everyday, closing in on him. So he pushed back.
I learned the voices died with me
Fighting Neil was easier when someone was there to switch on a light and free him. His world grew smaller, and so did his will. The bitter pill Neil tried to force down his throat, that Ma running off was somehow his fault, that he wasn't worth fighting for, he couldn't just tuck into his cheek anymore. Sooner or later he would have to swallow it. But dying, Billy figured out, even in spirit, would kill what was left of Ma. Her memory was alive in him. The thought of something good existing within him was enough to feed his acts of defiance, however little they were.
When I was a child, I'd sit for hours. Staring into open flame.
Rage was a monster Billy learned about quite early on. According to Ma, this monster was invisible, so you couldn't ward it out from under your bed. It changed people, she told him. Billy wasn't stupid or blind; Rage had snuck into his father, and kept a permanent residence, slowly taking over him. Ma shielded him from Rage, and she wouldn't tell him how to fight such a beast. Billy picked up his own shield when he punched another kid for calling his mother a whore. He did exactly what Neil did to his mother, so why did his father send him to his room with a red cheek and no dinner?
Rage wasn't a shield, his mother had said, but a weapon. For Billy, it was both. It scared him, for he had watched his father lose to his own demons. Surrounded by people who were set on self destruction, another fear Billy shared, he couldn't help be intrigued. As he watched the flames grow, swallowing Neil up, and oh how quickly the fire spread.
By the time the monster came for him, Billy had been burned before. Pain, proof of life, drew him closer to the embers.
Something in it had a power. Could barely tear my eyes away.
Neil Hargrove was not a big man. Yet Billy had seen him dominate others, and he was understandably curious. What power did Neil hold over them? Billy would learn the hard way, and he would need to wield some of that to survive. Understanding the demons behind Neil's dilated pupils, a coal blue, was the key to survival. It was a dog eat dog world, and if you didn't go for the throat first, you would die.
Another key to surviving the cage? Plant your goddamn feet. Once you're on your back, you're instant prey.
The solution outright was simple enough; if you weren't the hunter, you were the hunted.
All you have is your fire. And the place you need to reach.
Being a Hargrove was lonely. In his haste to stay on top, never let his knees give out, Billy had chased away any potential friends. Maybe there was truth in Neil's words. Maybe he chased Ma away. Maybe if he had stayed inside the closet like a good little boy, she would still be here.
Max, someone Billy hoped he had some kinship with, turned her back on him and somehow made friends. She took the fire, made it her god. Billy became the fire; unpredictable, irritable, the epitome of the Hargrove demons. So much for a united front.
No matter what Billy did, he ended up hurting people. He wasn't sure what he did wrong, necessarily, only that others treated him that way. Surely there was nothing wrong with that, right? Maybe he did deserve it. And if he deserved it... it wasn't wrong.
There was a long climb to the top, and Billy wasn't sure he liked the idea of surviving in this world anymore. He burned anyone who got to close, because it kept him the safest he could possibly be.
He came to the conclusion on his eighteenth birthday that the top wasn't worth it. He wasn't worth fighting for. And the dreams his mind once catered to drifted further from his reach.
He was a boy who played with fire, his only friend. He was reckless with that old lighter, drawn yet again like a moth to a flame. Secretly, he craved the stars, and of course they too were eons away.
He hated being angry, really. He wasn't always like this, he wanted to tell Max. He used to be soft. He used to be safe without having to look over his shoulder. Someone had to do it.
Why did it always have to be him?
Don't you ever tame your demons. But always keep them on a leash.
Sometimes he liked being angry. He had his demons under control for the most part, otherwise his several masks would never hold. When submitting completely, there was a risk of vulnerability, and an even higher risk of being taken advantage of. Too many emotions exposed the ugly parts, and he couldn't control the stupid tears leaking from his eyes.
Just being angry was the safest option... as long as he kept a muzzle on Rage. Keep the flames going, but don't set the whole forest on fire. Better to keep the lighter close to you.
When I was 16, my senses fooled me. Thought gasoline was on my clothes.
Becoming a piss-poor mini Neil was never Billy's desired choice. He would rather not have a lock outside his bedroom door, or flinch every time someone raised their hand.
The impulses that came hand in hand with his anger branched out to wanting to not feel anything at all. Alcohol helped considerably, and it was the only time Billy could really picture his mother. Her caress of his cheek, her lullabye... but even in his hallucinations, she disappeared. Still, his mind was always going fucking haywire, worrying about what people thought of him, if people saw right through him (then Neil could, too).
Neil was the kerosene and the match, and Billy was his favorite match box, struck mercilessly until there was a spark. Nothing was truly his, not even his emotions.
Therefore, the only time he felt happy was when he was numb, usually under the influence of the cheap beer Neil had in the fridge but never touched. Billy almost wished he took a few. Blaming the drink instead of admitting his own father, his only flesh and blood relative left, hated him with no merits. He would never be the ideal son, and he knew that.
No amount of alcohol would make the hallucinations real, or fool Billy into believing his father loved him. But it did soften the harsh blows of Neil and reality, two forces that came hand in hand, and that would have to suffice.
I knew that something would always rule me. I knew the scent was mine alone.
His tongue was sulfur, his words cutthroat. He could never produce either when face to face with Neil. The bastard somehow had a way of cutting him down to size in ways Billy would perhaps have admired if he hadn't been on the receiving end of it.
What was it like to have total control over someone? What was it like to have total control over yourself?
He couldn't shake off the nasty words or the iron club he was ruled by. If someone didn't want to hurt him, they wanted to use him. At least then, he was seen. Sure, people only saw what he wanted them to see, but it was nice to be able to regain some sort of control over his life.
The shadows followed him wherever he went, reminding him that nothing good was real, and that they were trying to protect him. Billy didn't want sympathy from the darkness. He wanted love from the light. You took what you were given, though. There was no shaking of the stench of failure and disappointment. Damaged. Dangerous.
When I was a man, I thought it ended. When I knew love's perfect ache. But my peace has always depended. On all the ashes in my wake.
Eighteen was supposed to be his ticket to freedom. He subconsciously assumed freedom equaled immediate happiness. Ridding himself of Neil, Karen, Susan, even Max... that was supposed to be good for him. He leaves Hawkins in the dust, and drives to California.
But more ghosts greet him there, haunting his waking and sleeping hours. A good ghost does appear, in the form of Steve Harrington, and he smells like cinnamon and second chances.
Steve will want to escape his mood swings and nightmares, his horrible communication skills and his damned triggers. Billy knows this to be true. Why wouldn't Steve be any different? Every person passing by who bothers to stay leaves more ashes in their wake. It's only a matter of time before Steve wakes up and realizes that himself.
For the sake of his own fragile heart, Billy hopes it will be quick and painless.
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cellard0ors · 1 year
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They spend the next few days indoors, not leaving Travis's home.
They're either catching up on what they missed or making love. There's little in between.
Travis turns off his cell, he unhooks his landline, he calls into work and takes the vacation days he's been accumulating ever since he began. All because he wants to focus on Laura, just Laura.
As such, it's not a huge surprise when one day the knocking on his front door becomes unavoidable. There has been knocks before but they'd been...busy.
This time, thinking it's the pizza they ordered as they'd finally run out of food, Travis answers to find it's not a delivery, but family.
Specifically Kaylee and Silas.
Travis has never officially met Silas before, but he's sure the pale, big eyed boy cowering behind Kaylee is him.
His face is apologetic. Kaylee's is not.
Thankfully dressed (but unable to stave off a blush) Travis scratches behind his head and shrugs, "Um? Here?"
"I've been calling you! Texting you! I've stopped by before and knocked! No answer!"
"I was...probably sleeping?"
Kaylee's jaw is set and the classic Hackett temper is coming off her in full force, "Uncle T, you disappeared! After a full moon! No one knew where you were, your work said you took vacation which you've never done before and if it hadn't been for Silas tracking me down-!"
"Whoa, wait - Silas?" Laura enters and, while she is dressed, it's not by much. Mainly because she's wearing Travis's robe. And, no doubt, nothing beneath.
Normally Travis would be ecstatic at this knowledge, but with the two young people present it's beyond awkward.
...well, for him and Kaylee at least.
Silas, however, perks right up at the sound of Laura's voice and he cries her name in delight, sidestepping Travis to go into his sister's arms.
Laura hugs him close and kisses the top of his head, his voice near silent even though he's speaking, "I was worried I'd lost you!"
"Never." Laura promises with another kiss and he shakes his head, "But-? I thought-? D-didn't I hurt you? I thought I remembered-?!"
"It's okay. Trav-! I...I mean Sheriff Hackett took care of me." She rubs his slight shoulders, "Remember? Back when I sent the tickets? I said he'd help us."
Silas frowns, confused, "But he didn't "
He gestures to Kaylee, "She did."
"Yeah, well..." Laura just pushes it aside, but Travis feels like a complete asshole. Something Kaylee makes sure to rub in, "So, what? You've just been here this whole time?!? Screwing a hot blonde?!?"
"Kaylee Amelia Hackett!" Travis cries, scandalized, "Where did you-?"
Kaylee groans and rolls her eyes, "I'm not a baby, Uncle T. It's pretty obvious what you two have been up to! It even smells like sex in here!"
Travis doesn't think it's possible to be any more mortified than he is right now.
But then Silas sniffs the air like a dog and nods, "... she's right. I do smell sex."
Travis was wrong. NOW he can't be any more mortified.
Laura too is, at least, a little flustered as she resumes rubbing her brother's arms and clears her throat, "Ah, yes, well - um? Sorry I didn't go looking for you sooner, sweetie."
Silas just gives his own shrug, "It's okay. I found her."
He jerks a thumb in Kaylee's direction, his own cheeks a little pink and Laura can't help but grin, "Well thank goodness for that! Now that we're all back together again we can start brainstorming as a team to get one of Eliza's bones and make that cure."
"Cure?" Kaylee asks with interest, her anger lost quickly at the mention of possible salvation. Laura quickly details how, in the six years away, she managed to uncover a way to cure humans-turned-werewolves.
She also gives a little side story as to her and Travis's history, something Silas already knows but Kaylee is learning for the first time. By the end of it, Kaylee looks the most hopeful Travis has seen her in years, "So, we just have to get a bone?"
"Easier said than done." Laura admits sadly, "The shroud Eliza has in place over her corpse no doubt only drops when the full moon is up and, when it is, you'll turn and Silas will be vulnerable to her coercion."
Travis scowls, "Not to mention she'll be there in spirit. Can't imagine Eliza will just stand by while we take what we need."
"Oh, she will." Kaylee vows, "Because I'll keep Silas in line and she'll want to investigate that, see why he's distracted."
Travis puts his hands on his hips, "And just how are you going to do that, young lady? It's not exactly like you're in full control of your faculties when you turn."
"True, but I'm always - ah, up for a fight when I change." She looks at Silas guiltily, "Pretty sure you put us near one another when the change hits and it'll be like Mortal Kombat."
Laura shakes her head, "No. I don't like this idea. I don't want either one of you getting hurt."
"We're already hurt." Kaylee returns, "The only way to truly stop this is to do this."
"What about Chris? Caleb?" Travis asks, not adding in the rest of the family because he knows what a bad idea that is.
Kaylee apparently views all of it as bad, "No. I know my Dad, my brother - they won't hesitate to take the easy way out."
"The easy way-?" Laura starts and then sees Kaylee look pointedly at Silas and immediately tugs him close, her protective nature on full display, "No! Absolutely not!"
"Okay, well then, that just leaves my idea." She counters and Travis and Laura look at one another worriedly. They almost seem to share a mental connection, nodding at one another before Laura says, "Unless we think of something else."
"Of course." Kaylee offers and then, cryptically makes sure to add, "You've got until the full moon."
They don't come up with another idea.
In the end, Kaylee manages to lead the bulk of the Hackett family off course so she can join up with Travis, Laura, and Silas for their plan.
Travis and Laura make sure to douse themselves in werewolf blood for good measure and, the moment the moon rises, Kaylee and Silas change
True to her word, Kaylee - even as a werewolf - seems fixated on attacking Silas. He gives as good as he gets and Laura watches on with worry, but Travis manages to drag her away, expressing the importance of getting the job done.
Once more they find the remains of Harum Scarum and, more importantly, the remains of Eliza Vorez. Travis is brushing aside the thorns and brush when Eliza appears, her spiteful face twisted with hate, "What do you two think you're doing?!"
"What we couldn't do before." Travis snaps and he reaches in, taking a firm hold of one of her ribs. He does his best to pop it loose - age and fire doing a decent job of making the bone brittle.
Eliza, however, veers towards him, "I gave you your memories back, you son of a bitch! I can take them away again just as easily!"
"The hell you will!" Laura cries and she positions herself between Travis and the witch, "You might be dead, but death has a funny way of weakening your powers, Eliza - and clearly - you can still hear."
Eliza makes another move for Travis, but is stopped as Laura sings. Travis can't hear the words, but the melody of it...slows him.
It slows him just as much as Eliza but, with his hand already on her bones and her not yet within reach, the song does it's job.
It keeps the ghost at bay long enough for Travis to get a piece of her and, once in hand, Laura's song draws to an end and the ghost shrieks in anger. Horror is written all over her face and both Travis and Laura delight in the sight of it.
They do not - however - celebrate for long as Silas comes crashing through the woods. His intent is clear and Travis, refusing to have a repeat of what happened last time, shields Laura from any potential threat.
He doesn't have to for long, as Kaylee comes crashing through, followed by another werewolf that Travis is fairly certain is Caleb.
How Caleb appeared remains a mystery, but it matters little as all three creatures suddenly engage in a rather brutal fight. Laura looks like she wants to interrupt, her fear for her brother obvious, but Travis takes a firm hold of one of her arms, "C'mon - we can't let the kids actions be in vain."
"But what if-!"
"Later." He hisses and, seeming to recognize the hard truth of it, Laura allows herself to be led away.
It's the right move.
Thanks to the werewolves interruption, Travis and Laura manage to get away and, from there, it's very much like the stories they read as children in comic books and novels.
They use the bone and other ingredients to make the cure, to distribute, to end the curse for the Hackett family once and for all. Laura and Silas stay hidden from the rest of the Hackett's for good measure, at first - but eventually - they go for introductions.
There are some weak jokes from Chris about how Travis used to 'date' an imaginary girl named Laura and how they used to have issues with someone named Silas.
The people in the know play it off as if it's 'so ironic' and 'funny' but they know the truth of the matter.
Silas is quickly inducted into friendship by both Kaylee and Caleb, albeit Laura still sees the traces of the crush her brother carries. Travis might see it too, but if he does, he doesn't voice it, because in the end he only has eyes for Laura.
It's only fitting, as she feels the same.
They find a little cottage down by the lakeside and it's the perfect place for them to live together, to be together. Laura submerges herself in her home waters now and then - sometimes Travis joins her, sometimes he doesn't - but either way, she makes sure to flick her fin out at him as she swims.
Travis Hackett, fifty-six years old, sees his first mermaid, his only mermaid, his loving wife, swim away to have her fun knowing she'll always swim back.
Swim back to him, to their life, and to the love they share.
The End
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palialaina · 9 months
Hassian enforced bedrest lasts only so long as Hassian can keep Tau out of trouble.
This should not amuse me as much as it does.
Being fair, it last long enough to be troublesome, but with rotational fussing people, Reth couldn't exactly slip me anything. (I asked him, and he said he wanted to try, but Ahura was apparently eyeing him a little too much. Darn it dad!)
So, first off, Tau apparently decided he was bored with staying inside, and went wandering again, causing mischief on his own. This let me get up, since Hassian was too busy trying to track down the plumehound.
Honestly, I was fine days ago. Bruises are not life-threatening.
Tau apparently decided to be a ridiculous pup and steal Eshe's daily paper, so before I could go back to my flowstone hunting (Zeki swore it was in there, I just wasn't looking hard enough.) I had to figure out what he was doing.
I still have no idea, but at least I got Eshe some of her papers back? This dog is a goofball, that's for sure...
And then, since that mystery was solved, I went and scoured the mines again and finally found the missing flowstone. Brought the whole thing to Zeki who fixed up the battery, and then I went to show it to Sifuu.
Sifuu promptly decided I wasn't allowed to carry it to the door in the Flooded Fortress. Said it was 'explosive' and she didn't want Hassians' girl to get hurt.
If they all start treating me like I'm pitiful and helpless again, I am going to have words. I might be a bit accident prone, but I am not that pitiful. Jeez!
Anyways, since I couldn't talk her out of it, I had to let her come with me to the Temple of Flame. Apparently the Temple had pictures of a story about a kitsuu, which I'd never seen before. It was also really damn hot, and full of fire-related puzzles.
Tau, the butt, ran in ahead of all of us the moment we got the door open, so we had to solve all the puzzles to get the doors to open, and figure out where the furball had gone.
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Turns out, the furball found another furball! It wasn't easy getting over there, considering the open lava and everything... and also Hassian telling me there were ways that didn't involve trying to glide over said open lava.
Being fair, I wasn't exactly thrilled by the idea either. We sort of compromised, and jumped together. The kitsuu seemed kinda amused by that, I think? I couldn't tell, once we landed and Hassian was hugging Tau, it poofed away like the Proudhorn does.
I poked at the puzzle until I figured it out; I remembered that from the Temple of Waves. Woke up a corresponding constellation in Night Sky Temple too... So now I have another list of things to find, which isn't so bad.
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What did past humans use in their lights to keep them lit, even broken like that?
Admittedly, I don't think I'll go back to that temple. It was much too hot. But It makes me curious. With all the notes and things I found, it seems like this place was some sort of flow refinery? So the Temple of Waves was a shelter, this place was some sort of refinery... And there's still two constellations to go...
Also, I finally learned what happened with Caleri and the potion she gave to Elouisa. Which she apparently explained, in detail.
Like I thought, it didn't actually do much. Truth is a painfully subjective thing, no matter how much we want to pretend it's not. But Elouisa did ask me to help her get some stuff together for journals like they used to have as kids.
Honestly, Caleri really liked it, but I feel like she maybe misinterpreted it? Still, I like know that she's not as stern as she makes out to be. Sort of like how Eshe isn't actually all that bad, she's just never been allowed to live her life.
Also, I don't like Caleri and Elouisa's dad. There were probably definitely better ways to act.
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I did get this really pretty thing from Caleri for the journal though. I love it. I have no idea what it says, but it's pretty and I love it. Now if only she'd let me take some books home to read...
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 48 - apple cutting
Did someone say anchor statement???
"I’d pick up travelling companions for a few days here and there, but for the most part I would spend weeks without speaking my own language." - As someone from East/Central Europe with a bunch of US friends I talked about this a lot and how it affects us. Like the US is huge, but in every state they will speak your language. In Europe I can drive 100 north, boom, Czech. 250 km to the south, boom, Slovenian. 300 km south, Italian. 300 km east, Hungarian. 300 km southeast, Serbocroatian… Only big brother Germany is convenient xD And trust me, there are so, sooo many people who really can't speak English in Europe. There was a study not long ago which claimed that Austria was the second best European country regarding being able to speak English (Number 1 was the Netherlands, if I remember correctly) and I was shocked, like "How bad is it in other countries then because Austrians are shit when it comes to English."
"Obviously, I couldn’t do another four months, but I figured that just the one would let me revisit my favorite spots in the south – Slovenia, Switzerland, Bavaria, Italy, maybe Monaco or bits of southern France." - Wow, wonderfully left out the obvious space of Austria there, I'm heartbroken (jk, I know Austria gets full attention in two statements).
Somehow, now hearing a British person talking about travel in Italy I can't think of anything other than James May, our man in Italy! XD
Last year for vacation I was in Italy in September as well. It's really perfect, school has started again so you're off-season and the weather is still super warm or even hot.
"He was pale, scrawny almost, and looked utterly out of place. His loose, bright shirt was in stark contrast to his long, black hair." - Gerry!
"He was staring at me with an air of concentration. Like he was trying to read something written very small on my forehead." - Hahahaha, I imagine him squinting at Andrea Nuniz with a puzzled look on his face XD
"what he wanted was to have a nice holiday in peace. He said it in a really accusatory way, like I was ruining his holiday somehow, and I said so. He sighed and said that he wasn’t in the business of helping strays" - very subtle static there. Also I just wanna say that I love Gerry. Good-hearted characters are often described as Golden Retrievers, which doesn't really fit him very well, so I'd say he's that stray dog that pretends they don't care but is actually really friendly and kind.
"Was I married? Did I have a fiance, partner, friends? I told him no, not really. I was just about sick of his stupid questions, but he sounded oddly desperate. Siblings? No." - Desperately scrambling for an anchor to save that poor traveller's life.
"Mother? Of course I had a mother." - lol
"As I left, I heard him call after me, telling me to remember my mother, to keep her face in my mind." - anchor, anchor, anchor!
"My first move was to try and locate that street market he’d mentioned. Perhaps it wasn’t just hidden away, perhaps it had been actually illegal, and he’d gotten caught up in something he shouldn’t have." - Well good idea going to look for him on your own, I guess?…
"My first move was to try and locate that street market he’d mentioned. Perhaps it wasn’t just hidden away, perhaps it had been actually illegal, and he’d gotten caught up in something he shouldn’t have." - Good job, Jon!
"She’s been doing her work with the same diligence as before the Prentiss incident" - I think it's hilarious that the Not!Them had to work an office job for about 6 to 7 months XD
Oh yes, ending with a wonderful scene about evidence of Jon getting more and more unhinged. Great comedy! On my first listen I really didn't expect Elias to be the big bad at this point, just a normal corporate asshole. I actually thought Martin was kinda sus, disappearing into the tunnel during the Prentiss attack, finding Gertrude's body, the letter to his mother etc. Not in a bad way sus, I just thought he would definitely be more involved than it seems.
He was a lot more involved in the end
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mercurygray · 2 years
⭐, dealer's choice for TDS, please and thank you?
Time to Fess Up Take 2:
This sequence went through A LOT of revisions. This draft cut scene comes directly after Harry's evacuation. I was experimenting with how I could get both Dick and Joan to confess what was going on and decided to try Lewis and Joan. I don't remember exactly why I didn't keep this one - I think it comes off a) as a little too much Lewis/Joan and b) Lewis has far too much of his shit together in this scene, which isn't the headspace he's in during Bastogne and doesn't align with the character as set up previously. I do really like the emotional vulnerability here.
"Joan." She looked up at Lewis, her eyes vacant, lip trembling. Christ, this is bad. "Can you come with me? Want to talk something over with you."
Lewis lifted the tarp on his foxhole like he was holding the door open for dinner, and she slid inside, moving over in the hole so Lew could follow her, tucking the flap. It smelled of earth, of cold, of pine. And as soon as the flap was down, she broke, big, ugly, gashing sobs that half of Belgium could probably hear in the dark, and Lew gathered her up in his arms and simply held her, and let her cry. He could feel her tears hot on his cheeks, his jacket, the first warmth he’d felt all day. Even here, in the middle of winter, there was warmth in something, inside them. Oh, Joanie, how long’s this been in there?  “Hey now. Hey.”
“It's my fault, Lew, I shouldn't have let him light that fire.”
“Joan, you couldn't have known.” It's no one's fault. It’s my fault. Hell, it’s Harry’s fault. “You know who really should be doing this, petting your hair and kissing tears off your cheeks.”
“It's not funny, Lew. We don’t have time for it.” She took a big, shivering sniffle. “If Harry's gone, he's got…Dike, Buck, and...me." She said 'if' like it were possible that Harry would come back from the aid station explaining it had been a splinter, easily fixed, right as rain again. They both knew that wasn't happening. 
“So basically, he has you. He told me about your conversation the other day about Buck. Running yourself into the ground trying to save everyone else from themselves isn't going to do us any favors, either. Come here."
“You're laughing at me.”
“No, I'm laughing at myself," he said, rearranging his arm around her shoulders and rucking the blanket tighter around them. "About a month after you all - the girls - arrived, we were in the officers club one night shooting the shit and got around to talking about - well, you know. Dick wasn’t not having any of it, because that's who he is, and says, Lew, when it's really rough are you going to want Eileen or Joan in your foxhole? Now, Eileen is a beautiful woman, and the USO is lucky to have her, but between the two of you there's no one I'd rather be sat here with consoling.” “You want to bunk down here for the night? Sometimes we just need to be held, Joan.”
“They need me forward.”
“I'll send someone to tell them where you are - and if you utter one more complaint or excuse, woman, I'll tell them all you're in Dick's foxhole and you two looked mighty cozy.”
She sniffled, gave a weak laugh. “You wouldn't.”
“Oh, watch me. We can start another fire with Dick's blushes.”
"What did you tell Lip?"
"I told him Mom and Dad were fighting and you'd decided to run away to Dog Company."
"I told him you needed some rest and he could find you here if he needed you. He thanked me for getting you some sleep."
“We don't deserve Carwood Lipton.” 
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Oooh, Halloween prompt
Lucian x Peter - Peter forcing Lucian into attending a Halloween party with him. Bribing him with all sorts of fun stuff. Trying to talk him into shaving so he looks like that guy in that bad vampire movie (twilight, lol)
Or Thorne x Peter attending a Halloween party as their first public outing as a couple.
It'll be a cold day in Hell before Lucian shaves his beard, haha.
On with the fic!
"Doing that is not making me give into your absolutely stupid desire, Peter."
He looked at the human, who was pouting now, like a child. Which was rather funny, considering he was dressed as anything but something childish. In fact, Lucian wasn't actually sure... what he was wearing.
He said he was dressed as one of the witches from the Craft, but Lucian didn't know what that was, nor had he ever encountered a witch who dressed in such a manner. At least not in person, he didn't know if any that he had encountered in online forums.
"Besides," Lucian continued, "even if I were... dress as this character, he isn't even from the same movie."
"Crossover ships are all the rage with kids these days." Peter argued and that very clearly did not help his point, as whatever that combination of words meant went right over Lucian's head.
"I'm still not shaving. I like my beard, thank you very much." Lucian said with a finality to his words. This just made Peter pout more.
"Come on, just dress as Aro, just for tonight! Turn all wolfy later, that should get you back to being hairy, right?"
Lucian just stared at him. "That's... Peter, that's not how that works at all."
"Well, how should I know!? I'm not a lycan!"
"Look, I don't even want to attend this party, I'm not one for social outings, but I'm going because I love you dearly. For some reason. At the very least, I am willing to put on your first costume suggestion."
This seemed to change Peter's mode quickly. He perked up, looking excited. "Really?"
Lucian sighed. "Yes, really. As long as I don't have to dress up as a vampire lord, I will... dress in your first costume suggestion. It is somehow less demeaning to me."
He was kissed right on the lips, and Lucian had a feeling there was a small smear of black lipstick now on him, before he watched Peter rush to their room to get the items. He came back quickly, a bundle of perfectly normal clothing in his arms, but Lucian knew exactly what they were for.
With another sigh, he took the costume and went to get dressed, without prying eyes watching him as he did. When he stepped out, the lycan leader was dressed in jeans and his boots, a slightly torn white shirt and a red plaid shirt over that. His claws and fangs were out, and he knew his eyes looked different. Peter had suggested he go as a man changing into a werewolf and this was so much better than some posh vampire who looked nothing like him, despite what Peter insisted.
Speaking of, Peter was standing there, his makeup finally finished, grinning like a fool. "You look hot as fuck!"
"I look mostly human, dressed like this." Lucian pointed out. "Beside the obvious."
"Still hot! Classic werewolf, lovin' it! Come on, let's get goin', the party's probably already starting now!" He came over, nearly stumbling in the boots that he wore, before giving Lucian a kiss on the lips again.
"You owe me for this, Peter." Lucian pointed out, taking his hand as he made their way for the lift. "I am holding you to your many promises."
"Ah jeez, don't tell me you remembered all that bullshit..."
"I did, and you are not getting out of any of it, especially the one about dog jokes."
"Damnit! Fine! As long as I get to dance with you while drunk off my ass."
"You try to do that on a normal day anyway..."
I only chose Peter dressing up as one of the girls from the Craft because one, a mutual keeps reblogging gif sets, and two, it seems like a movie he'd enjoy.
Lucian, meanwhile, is in the normal werewolf garb, love a classic.
I'll leave it up to you which of my Lucian/Peter aus this is for.
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scribbleagain · 4 months
It is nearing the end of the work week of my latest attempt at consistency. This is my first journal to commend an attempt to change for the better. I bought a planner. the word "planner" seems strange and old. I can feel the sweater vest, smell the steam coming from a hot iron, and hear the crisp creases on a button down on it. an agenda book. that's what it is. like the good old days with the holographic covers that bobbed and weaved when you would tilt it to and fro. Anyway I love it. I like taking a pencil and scratching off every item. (I will soon do so again after finishing this newest addition to my agenda book). I haven't journaled in years. I don't know when I last did so in a serious way. It'll probably be better today because of the time that has passed since my last one.
or maybe worse.
the phone could have kept an agenda. I've actually done it before. but crossing something off with my pencil is a different feeling of accomplishment than tip tapping away on a screen. it's not the simple action. the phone is conflated. I do too many other things on it. Life used to be more sectioned off. one thing - one responsibility. I think when the phone started doing one more thing it was the beginning of the end. colors on my screen. it would blink from the default green to an orange and a red and a blue and whatever other colors. why. why did it need to take another step forward. because after that and texting with a full keyboard. and then taking pictures. we all fell apart in some way didn't we? people i mean. I think I did. it was all just too much happening in the palm of your hand. that eventually you couldn't remember anymore what it is you really wanted to do in the first place.
but this agenda book. silly little book. only has one job. to remember what i said i needed to do. and to do it and it rewards me the satisfaction of crossing it out. like homework in gradeschool.
I wake up in the morning, groggy as all hell but at a particular time now. because I wrote down that i said I would. and dare i let my day start by being unable to cross out an item on my agenda! the horror, what would that mean for the rest of my day. It let's me take my dog for a walk. do a few arm curls and shoulder presses. such a silly simple thing. writing and crossing things out.
I was watching a show "this is us" for the first time these past few weeks. ah it started in a really uncomfortable place for me for some reason. I figured out it was because I wasn't watching this show to relax or have fun. I was watching it to get mentorship. as soon as i came to terms with that the discomfort faded.
I was watching my role models in these fictional characters. living in ways that I wanted to live. but never saw before.
no one's perfect. but i think most of us try to be our best. but sometimes we need to have role models show us how.
I guess I never had that. and I guess it's a weird and new feeling to finally learn.
If I'm a dad one day, I want to be a good dad. I know I won't be perfect. Same with being a husband. a friend. a brother. but i'll try and it's good to have some ideas and examples of what that looks like.
I've also started reading godel escher bach. What a fun and challenging read. but even before talking about the book. What a discipline it is to sit down and read a book every day. to be present for each word. and to allow yourself to be taken down a path in your mind. for me a skill that is regrettably quite rusty. So far the book is pushing my understanding of what it means to think. and how that pertains to ai. I have some ideas that have spawned from shower thoughts and transformed to full on mini essays. It feels like passion. and it makes me feel fortunate to be alive in such an exciting time in history such as this.
I've started to teach coding to a small group of people for free. I don't really think I know why I started this. Maybe a mix between loneliness and looking for purpose. But it's going well some people are taking it quite seriously and learning. People relying on me, in small quantities, always brings out the best in me. And along the way I've learned a lot about myself as well.
I'm excited to approach some of my biggest weaknesses. accept some. and work on others. I've learned that I'm not necessarily a person you want to hang out with every week. I'm a little cynical, a little off putting, a bad drunk. these believe or not are things i'm just accepting about myself (though the drinking will be done less frequently, though probably with vengeful vigor). And then there's speaking. the way I talk, the cadence, the pace, the pauses, the way i talk over people or explain too much, my lack of brevity or pithiness. and that is something I want to work on. To listen to others more, to think more and use fewer words. To learn not to come on too strong. but still show excitement and joy. I think I'm ready for that to be the new me.
which reminds me.
off to my next item. "find youtube speech lessons"
the last agenda item after the "journal" I am finishing now.
0 notes
castle-dominion · 1 year
c1x5 chill goes thru her veins
I feel bad for the stunt actor. Why are those lights turning on?
Beautiful intro <3 with her ring & gun & stuff. (but she just keeps it in a drawer...? No surely that drawer is locked... gun laws in the usa can't be THAT lax...) Beautiful red coat. We need more of that in later seasons. She should shave her head, but like in a sexy way. For the leabians.
JE: Why can't they find bodies between 9 and 5? KB: Well, early bird gets the collar. *castle running around before beckett can even drink her coffee* JE: He was here before I was.
Poor lanie, she's there just as early as anyone. XD cold case LP claims she's frozen solid, but let's just make a note of that. Captions say mid-40s & i'm assuming that means 40-50 f not negative 40? That's what like 12 degrees c? Nope, 40f is 4c. not quite cold enough to freeze, not solid, even with wind. Lol ruby slippers Ok but bodies float in concrete Maybe the killer is just really flaky like me. Or maybe they killed her & didn't know what to do so they froze her until they came up with a plan.
I'm watching s4 with my family rn & the technology is booming. Reminds me of s2 when the fbi came in. Legit made me laugh out loud when castle made that wilford warfstache face. This seems like a good time to remembe MMIWP; missing & murdered indigenous women/people. It is literally an ongoing genocide, idk much abt the USA but indigenous people are disproportionately represented in cases like this in canada. Indigenous men are actually more at-risk for murders than women, though women are more at-risk for disappearances & sexual abuse. They are even overturning things like ICWA, FNMI kids are already overrepresented in the foster care system, forced genocidal assimilation is happening under our noses Right Now. Everyone is an ally until it is time to do some ally shit.
KR: Sure they do. Quantum physics, alien abductions, Schrödinger's cat. One minute, you're getting a hot dog in the park, the next you're fighting off Sleestaks on the far side of a dimensional rift. BRUH??? Reminds me of the alien episode in s2 or s3. Oh woman I remember in Range class we had our turkeys out all weekend & they were still frozen
KB: Okay, I'm on my way KB: Lanie's got an ID. So u don't need to look thru missing persons anymore right? RC, to rysposito: You'll take care of these? *leaves* JE: Hey, Ryan, can you, uh… Thanks. *also leaves poor ryan to go through or put away the files* Poor Ryan, he's just staring at espt leave with such hurt, his eyes just moving all over the table & room, & his mouth slightly open. He's left to deal with this. They really are treating him like the new guy even tho he really is not he's been there long enough in canon.
Steals his coffee Ofc he's a speedreader. I like how later they use that skill again. ok but she disappears often, she's gone for weeks at a time occasionally, the guy probably wouldn't have called in until seven days after she's gone Flirting with her lol. He probably thought she ran away for the first six months then figured she was gone for good or passed away.
R u using a 5yo file? Oh. Yeah five years. So new york "idc that the previous tenant was murdered, it keeps the rent low"
JE: Well, four years between murders? One's a popsicle, one just got popped? I love castle's shirt texture, I just want to feel it. KR: I don't believe it. RC: Give me 250 pages, I bet I could make you. KR: *chuckles* But he's right. "250 pages is 125 000 words single-spaced or 62 500 words double-spaced. Typical documents that are 250 pages or more include full-length novels."
CASTLE I could call it, "A Chill Runs Through Her Veins." ESPOSITO Ooh. I like that. [Castle and Esposito five-five.] CASTLE "Bam" said the lady, another best-seller for me.
(https://scriptline.livejournal.com/18916.html for my quotes, it's so much faster than typing them out. sometimes.)
You know, ppl ship caskett (obv, & then it eventually eventually finally becomes canon) & ppl ship rysposito (I can see why, plus if caskett is together obv rysposito would be together) but tbh I like castito or casposito or castlesito or estle or espostle or espositle or javick rickvier or whatever their ship name it. Probably casposito.
Hmmm. Homeless, White Plains. Homeless, White Plains. JE: both kinda creepy
I love him with his kids (possibly spoilers) I think I know how it ends, I feel like the parents will end up having done this & the kids will end up parentless & then grandparentless. Or maybe the husband did it & then the grandparents killed the husband bc screw you for robbing my daughter of her life & my grandkids of their mom & I'm not letting my grandbabies be raised by a murderer (unless they become murderers in which case.... you lost your point)
drinkin coffee in a bar. I mean he's right ig but at the same time screw you & acab. Oh war vet? Yeah no hun cops feel more brotherhood with soldiers than they feel responsibility to their jobs. The entire system is crap. I want to say "than they feel responsible for the ppl they are meant to protect" but... they aren't really "meant" to protect them. They are meant to police them.
That's why u like castle. He spins crazy theories instead of making things fit into a box. (except he still says "that's not how I would write it") Castle sherlock holmes moments.
JE: A couple of bucks jogged his memory. Yeah man Already have their little handshake uwu Reminds me of ochoa/herve doing the big handshake. I feel like castle wrote a cool handshake (made it up) for roach & then they put it in the movie but castle didn't actually know how to do the handshake.
Oh gosh this poor man. Only this time, all I find is a freezer plugged into a light outlet -- which, by the way, is totally illegal. So valid bestie. (I love him so much.) One time I had to make a mini model of a house for math class but it was my best friend & me & we were both disabled so we handed in the simplest project we could & got in trouble for it. Then our parents helped us out, they put in the water heater. Paul said "lets use this little pill bottle, we can glue it to the wall here" but then my dad chips in 'That's a Code Violation, man!' as if code violations matter in our little model. Both dads cracked up. It was funnier when it happened... (& whenever we go to tour dream homes dad points out the code violations. & ofc count how many secret rooms we can make. Not that we'd ever live there.) Oh fun fact, if you make a double male extension cord you can power your neighbour's apartment if they forgot to pay their electrical bill, JUST so they can like, keep their fridge running so their food doesn't spoil. Some anarchosocialist cyberpunk for ya. I mean the man's right. I see why he did what he did. People are really good at not seeing homeless people.
Man kept the freezer? ofc it's cash. every six months, plus three months of grace. Two months after the man is dead! So valid bestie, keep the footage of the last two weeks, but who has space for more than that?
If not x, then y. if not her, then him. If not sam, then whoM? Him=whom, he=who. Who did it? He did it. It was whom? It was him.
Mmm leftovers. That's a heck of an empty freezer. Hey self cleaning oven, sort of like that episode in s3! Did you know you can jerry your oven open during self clean mode to make it into a pizza oven? Don't do it tho. AC: Did I stop, or did something stop me? I love her RC: It's family moments like these I will never forget. AC: With a good therapist, hopefully, I will. DSAFHDSJHADSKJH
I like beckett's coat. This Wyler fellow seems neat. I like him. Man remembers the bf's name?
This boy looks like someone I've seen before. Maybe that actor/directer, gary sinus I like his shirt. Seems like a nice prison uniform. This fellow seems neat. Oh. I love & respect this man. I love him sm. This is tragic.
Sometimes I'm very "guy" but other times I am so obviously raised female, but I was also raised catholic. Nice pride flag lol B'y I think it's a bad idea to tell these children what happened to their mom, at least in any detail. They're kids. Or at most tweens.
What if GARY killed sam? He wasn't dead for four years or so, you could have come forward. he WAS dead for the past year, you could have come forward w/o fear.
Ooh this is the coolest & sweetest thing. I love their laser tag gear. RC: Mom! We are totally doing battle on the field of honor. MR: How old are you? RC: Old enough to afford the top-of-the line laser tag. You know that's what they tell addicts. The only fun you had was drinking & now you don't have that hobby? All your friends do drugs so you're out a community? Do what you wanted to do when you were a kid, now that you are an adult with adult money. Buy yourself an easy bake oven, go play laser tag, take that gymnastics class you wanted to do all throughout elementary. RC: I'm dead! MoOm! 
I like how castle doesn't try to make himself look like a presentable adult, he opens the door & shoots his laser gun. Poor beckett. She knocks on his door & then gets laser shot by a novelist she was a fan of who is now shadowing her on crime cases, then his daughter comes out from behind him, also wearing all this laser gear (including the fact that she is a responsible adolescent), & then his mom comes in from the side with a towel on her head & a mask on her face. "Pehtikwe"
Is this the first time she has been in his house? Or did she arrest him here once? She is indeed a comic fan, remember the vampire episode? It's like a murder board. Lol jinx. I like castle's sweater here.
See? Most ppl don't own a car in a city like that. Point for the adhd castle headcanon. Goes on a tangent like that. Plus, he's very childish sometimes, very childlike /pos sometimes, he procrastinates a lot, then he hyperfocuses & bangs out a novel, he can think inside or outside the box but he threw the box away so he doesn't know if he's thinking in or out, he is not very good at following instructions lol (you know i was diagnosed with ODD & recently I found out & thought "that's just what they diagnose you with when you don't understand things & so you ask questions or refuse to do things or you don't like being a child treated like you are not a person; that's why so many ppl grow out of of" & I Was Right, BUT that's only the misdiagnoses, ODD is actually a mood disorder, which might be why I kind of got over it when I went on mood stabilizers. Fun fact for ya)
It's late at night they just went to his house? Or maybe it's the next day.
ROGER They told me he was shot in a mugging. And now you're telling me, he was killed here, in my apartment?
CASTLE Not him. His wife.
ROGER His wife? What kind of family was this?
CASTLE Alright. So, you and I are married.
BECKETT We are not married.
CASTLE Relax. It's just pretend.
BECKETT I don't want to pretend.
CASTLE Scared you'll like it?
BECKETT Okay. If we're married, I want a divorce.
ROGER Are you two like this all the time?
(usually they give opposing answers. JE: yes; KB: no; RC: I wish; KR: ...??? Ok!)
Castle puts down the pan but beckett still has the pot *closes door on roger* *hands the pot back to roger*
Need to go to the eco station? Call your buddy with a truck.
I still respect this guy to a degree. I love the way his voice is breaking. This poor fellow.
Cap's right. what goes around comes around.
I remember how it ends. Not five years ago. Plainclothes. Melanie's dad. He did his own detective work & I'm proud. I know what you mean castle but you kind of can't do that.
I feel really bad bc he's just trying to be a good grampa, he is raising his grandkids, he solved his daughter's murder & paid justice to sam. Tho he probs could have gone to the police. Also why do those kids look native? Melanie & her parents are white af. IG we've never seen sam's body/picture so maybe he was native or a poc.
Dad, they probs don't have the evidence to convict you. Don't confess & you can get away with it. Ah I see why he did it now. R u allowed to bring back a service weapon? Good on him, he said a father MIGHT be justified. Never said he did it.
Oh beckett sharing her story!
We were supposed to go to dinner together - my mom, my Dad, and I, and she was gonna meet us at the restaurant, but she never showed. Two hours later, we went home, and there was a detective waiting for us. Detective Raglin. They found her body. She had been stabbed. She still had her money and purse and jewelry. And it wasn't a sexual assault, either. They attributed it to gang violence. Random wayward event. So, just like in Melanie's case, they couldn't think outside the box. So, they just tries to package it up nicely. And the killer was never caught.
CASTLE Why do you wear the watch?
BECKETT My Dad took her death hard. He's sober now. Five years. So, this is for the life that I saved. And...
[She reaches in her shirt and pulls out the necklace with the ring on it.]
BECKETT (CONT'D) this is for the life that I lost.
Oof, so good. So good. I love them.
CASTLE Until tomorrow, Detective.
BECKETT You can't just say "night?"
CASTLE I'm a writer. "Night" is boring. "Until tomorrow" is more hopeful.
The second cree word of this post: Wapaki. It means "tomorrow" but cree words are long. It means more like "if the sun rises tomorrow" & it implies that we have FAITH that the sun will rise tomorrow, we can't actually tell the future. We are just doing what we can. If, if the sun rises tomorrow.
& she doesn't lock her gun in her drawer.
Esposito & castle & getting the file & how did he convince espt to do this.
[41:50, INT. PRECINCT, RECORDS ROOM - NIGHT] Esposito enters, followed by Castle.
[Esposito leads him past rack after rack of file boxes, until he comes to one and opens it. He pulls out a file and hands it to Castle.]
ESPOSITO Remember, this never happened. I was never here.
CASTLE You have my word. Thanks.
[Esposito clears his throat]
ESPOSITO If you tell her I did this, I'll make you bleed.
CASTLE Understood.
ESPOSITO Good luck.
[The name on the file: Johanna Beckett. Castle takes a seat at a table and turns on the desk light as Esposito leaves, dousing the overheads. Lit by the light of the lamp, Castle looks down at the case file. He takes a breath, and opens it.]
I should do some chores.
0 notes
queenofhearts7378 · 1 year
Reasons why I love The Other Woman completely and with my whole heart based only on the quotes
"I need to go to brain camp [....] like you go lay on a beach and get tan and drink gingko balboa all day and you come back and you're super smart." "It's gingko biloba. Balboa was Rocky." "..........Right. See? See? That's why I need to go to brain camp."
"I don't see why you work so hard. The best part of being pretty is you don't have to. You don't see me walking around worrying about my job do you? 💅"
"You wrecked two marriges!" "First of all one of them was mine so it doesn't count."
"I'm not equipped to go on dates! Last time I went on dates I was 24 and the dating pool was everyone! Now it's like a shallow puddle of age appropriate men who are old and gross and I don't want to do that!"
"If I let you in we are NOT braiding each other's hair and drinking cosmos alright?" *gets drunk and braids each others hair*
"I am not situated. I can't even remember to shave my legs. I need like, a week of prep minimum."
"I am like Martha Stewart, but with like....big underpants."
"I can't believe I'm in the mistress' closet." "I'm not a mistress. A mistress knows she's dating a married man. I didn't know, so I'm not a mistress. Can you say that please?"
*pulls out a box of lingerie* "This looks like a box of bungee cords."
"I told you to get your ducks in a row. This? This is not getting your ducks in a row. This is putting your ducks in a woodchipper."
"I bet your dad is hot." "Alright you and your vagina need to *claps hands*"
"Okay if you killed him; don't tell me. I can't defend you if I know you did it."
"Today is a light recon day." "A grappling hook? Really?!?!"
"I lost my shit because I was a mistress virgin and you were my first one. Now I'm all worn in like an old glove."
"It's like a mid life crisis mistress! She's a cliche version of every wife's waking nightmare!"
"I really thought we were soulmates 😔 Oh my god I am so sorry, I can't believe I just said that. You're his soul mate I'm a whore!"
"You smell amazing! What is that?" "I think it's just sweat."
*Talking about his other mistress* "Can we keep her?" "No we can't keep her, we already have a dog at home."
"I think it's good that she's super hot. I feel like it brings up our group average." "This isn't frickin' Sister Wives honey."
"If we find any more mistresses I'm gonna have to send her to rehab."
"You're talking about maximum pain, right?" "We should kick him in the balls!" "....You know that's a really good thought, and I like the way your brain works. But we're thinking about something a little bigger than that."
"When you put the lawyer, the wife, and the boobs together, you've got the perfect killing machine."
"What happened to you?" "I had a fecal incident. And the only person who didn't try to rob me was a hipster."
"Stop frowning before you break you face." *smiles a big smile* "Better?" "I don't know. That's the Evil Genius smile, is someone about to get screwed?" "You screw me, I screw you back. I'm a lady like that."
"I have a friend who could do it!" "No. No no no. We are not gonna hire a hooker to sleep with my husband." "She's not a hooker, shes just a slut."
*laying on the floor in a wedding dress and holding a can of whipped and a bottle vodka* "I think I'm having a nervous breakdown."
"I can't join a gang! I don't know how to make shanks! I have soft hands and a small mouth, I will be the bottom!"
"I swear to God, every time I look into another pair of binoculars this guy has another mistress."
"My wife's not some criminal mastermind! SHE NEEDS FREAKIN BRAIN CAMP!"
"Even though it brought us together, let's never sleep with the same guy again."
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Please Don't Leave Me Part Two
Part One
Hero's head throbbed, not exactly painful but heavy. Like someone had filled the thin space beneath their skull with cotton and now it was pressing down on their brain. Thoughts trickled in slowly, fighting against the groggy darkness. They didn't remember how they got home last night. And this bed was...weird. Too many pillows behind them and not enough cushioning beneath. And it smelt...sterile.
Hospital. Memory struck them like a lighting bolt. Their stomach dropped. They wished they could go back to being unconscious. Or wake up again in their own bed and realize that everything that happened had been a bad dream.
It was supposed to be an easy fight. They'd been so confident. A little jittery maybe, but with 8 of them teamed together, they hadn't actually thought something bad would happen. Get a look at Villain's headquarters. Get an arrest under their belt. Earn that first-win bonus. That was the plan. How could it have gone so wrong?
Unable to put it off any longer, they opened their eyes slowly. The corners felt stretched tight, and their top and bottom lashes had crusted together from so much crying. The room was dim but a stream of light coming through the blinds stung their vision. Hero rubbed the blur from their eyes and dragged themselves up on their palms to survey the room.
It was empty except for a long-limbed, sharp-edged figure cramped up in a guest chair in the corner. They were dressed from head to toe in white: skintight white turtleneck, white compression pants, boots with tongues that stuck out the front like wings--also white. The only thing missing was their usual fur-collared cape. Without it, they'd lost a great portion of their intimidating size, coming off more wiry than chiseled.
As if sensing Hero's eyes on them, Supervillain eyes flicked open. Hero jerked back against their pillows and pulled their blanket up past their chin.
"Mm," Supervillain said, lowering the knee that had been pressed up into their ribs and straightening up in their seat. The front of their shirt was covered in rust-colored bloodstains. "You're up."
Hero unstuck their tongue from the roof of their mouth and tried to swallow away the bitter taste mixed with the peanut butter sandwich from last night's dinner.
It was all they could muster. Even if Supervillain looked different, their eyes still had the hard glint of diamonds and the cut of their face was sharp as knives. What had they been thinking last night, asking them to stay? There was their answer. They hadn't been thinking. Their desperation and their fear had spoken for them and now they were alone with one of the most powerful and murderous criminals in the nation.
Supervillain stretched their arms over their head as they stood, their ribs pressing through spandex and forming a hollow over their stomach. When they stepped up to Hero's bed they were tall, tall, tall. "How do you feel?"
"Fine," Hero said. Apart from the grogginess they actually felt pretty normal. The painkillers coming through their IV probably had something to do with that. Though it was a little too normal. They almost swore they could still feel both feet beneath the blankets. A part of them wanted to check and see if the doctors had been able to save their leg, after all, but another part of them resisted the idea. They knew. They didn't need to make it permanent just yet. "Um...you stayed."
They immediately felt stupid for saying it. No duh. They were standing right there.
"Well, you did hit me with those big blue puppy dog eyes," Supervillain said, that blade-like mouth curving into a sharp point. "How could I say no to that?"
Hero's face went hot. How could they have begged, cried, and poured their heart out to a villain? It felt like there should be a rule against letting the enemy spend the night in the emergency room with you. Wasn't that dangerously close to fraternization? Were they going to be fired?
"Hey." Supervillain's thumb pressed cold beneath their eye as if to rub all the inner turmoil away. "I'll get the nurse. Is there anything you need?"
Supervillain's fingers turned pinching. "Really? You don't want anything?"
Their eyes drilled Hero's brave mask into pieces and started into their skin. Hero shivered. "Um, orange juice?"
Supervillain nodded, dropping their hand and disappearing out the door. The impression of their icy fingertips lingered against Hero's skin. For the first time, they noticed the mechanical drone of the air conditioning. It didn't hit them very strongly beneath the warmth of their blankets, but if Supervillain had been in that chair all night, they would have been in direct line of the vent.
They were struck with the same confusion as last night. Supervillain was nice. And that just didn't make sense. Hero watched the news. They read the headlines. More than any of the criminals, this particular villain should have been mean and cruel and just evil.
Supervillain returned with the nurse and stood to the side while she went into a lengthy explanation about the success of Hero's surgery, how soon they could leave, instructions for their recovery, etc. When she got the part about prosthetics, Hero shut down. They fixed their eyes on a point just past the nurse's head, nodding periodically until she was done. They weren't ready for their life to change, and all this helpful information was just convincing them further and further that nothing could be the same.
If the nurse noticed their despondence she didn't say anything, but once she was gone Supervillain had their intense eyes fixed on them once again. "You don't need to think about any of that right now. Just let yourself recover from the surgery and take it from there."
Hero nodded numbly.
Supervillain checked the clock on the wall. "I should get going. I gave the hospital your agency's contact information. They should be sending someone over to check on you." They grinned. "Don't go begging me to stay again. Wouldn't want to cause a scandal now would we?"
"No, we do not." Hero forced smiled and busied their hands by gripping the hem of their blanket. Because the strange, mind-bending reality was that Hero did want to stop them again. Supervillain had been a constant from the moment of injury until now. Watching them get closer and closer to the door was like seeing the only steady ground they had crumble beneath them. "B-but!"
Supervillain looked over their shoulder.
"Once I'm done talking to the agency it would be fine." Hero studied the crochet pattern of their blanket. "Like, if for some reason you wanted to visit later, when you weren't busy, and no one else was around...I wouldn't mind. Not that I'm expecting you to! I'm just saying if you wanted to, it would-- I think--" They squeezed their eyes shut. "It's fine."
The room grew silent and eventually, Hero had to look up just to see if the villain was still there. They were, eyebrows raised but mouth twisted mischievously.
"Then I'll see you later," they said.
Hero's heart pounded against their ribs, and they quickly flopped over on their side, curling into a tight ball beneath their blanket. Their legs slid over the sheets as their knees drew up to their stomach. Oh. That did feel different. They buried their face into their pillows. Don't think about it.
The hero agent showed up within the hour. He was dressed in a perfectly trimmed black suit and tie and had his hooded eyes glued to a tablet in his hand. He gave a very different impression than the onboarding team or orientation managers. They had looked like heroes, but this man look better suited for a desk job in an accounting firm.
His sunken eyes traveled from his tablet to Hero and back again. "Hero was it?" His voice was dry and reedy.
"Hm. I have your contract here. You were onboarded just a couple months ago."
The agent stared at them. Was there a question in there somewhere? Hero wasn't sure how they were supposed to respond, so they simply nodded.
"Unfortunately, you haven't been with us long enough to earn any insurance benefits. The payment on your hospital bill will be up to you."
Hero swallowed. Don't panic. You knew that already. You don't have to cover all of it right now. You can take your first paycheck and get a side job for the rest. Pay in installments.
Maybe once they saved up for a prosthetic, they could get back to hero work.
"Could Iat least get my check for my first two months?" Hero asked.
The agent sighed. "You get $50 dollars for your training, as your contract promised, but that's all."
Hero blinked. "But... Wait. I've been working for two months. Patrolling. Investigating. I have to get something out of that, right?"
"You obviously didn't read your contract thoroughly enough. Heroes' salaries and coverage vary drastically depending on a number of factors. How long have they worked for the agency? How many arrests have they made? How big is their influence on the public? You get the idea. It's basically a point system. Heroes rack up points, and when they get a certain amount they get paid. Or when something like this happens they get covered. It's a little difficult to break into at the start but once a hero gets on a roll it's simple enough. You haven't done enough for the agency yet."
"I've earned something, right?" Hero said.
The agent scrolled on their tablet."You've earned a whopping 200. You need at least 500 for a check."
"But those don't go anywhere. I can keep building on those when I'm well enough to come back?"
"Sure. If you return before the deadline."
Hero's breath caught. "What are you trying to say?"
Another heavy sigh. As if Hero was the one inconveniencing them with their questions.
"The hero agency must focus on their active assets. I'm sorry to inform you that if you can't get back to work in a month, we'll be forced to let you go. Reemployment after termination is uncommon." They whipped a small card from their pocket and held it out to Hero. "On behalf of the agency, I wish you the best in your recovery."
With that, they turned on their heel and were gone. Hero looked down at the tiny card pinched between their fingers. They read the three words over and over in its clean-typed impersonal font, almost more of a warning than a comfort.
Get Well Soon.
Part Three
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abstract-crossverse · 3 years
Could you do a Tricky x Male Winged reader? (like demon-y wings-) Maybe they're an (ex)scientist he used to know before losing his mi n d--
Help what do I title this--
2022 edit: format change and some edititng in dialogue
Tricky x Male!Demon winged!Reader [headcanons]
You probably bumped into each other while he was chasing Hank around
He was just going to kill you for getting in his way, thinking you were just some random grunt but he completely froze once he saw your face
You were so familiar, but any memory he could bring up was blurry, but you were just so familiar could couldn't bring himself to just kill you
And you did fly off while he was trying to remember where he saw you, so he left it at that and went back to his hideout, forgetting what he was doing previously, much to Hank's relief
But you just wouldn't leave him, no matter how hard he tried to get you off his mind, it's always accidentally floating back to you
Which is another reason he decided to stick around you once he saw you again, he followed you like a duckling, even if you didn't know
He can be very stealthy if he's underground
Eventually you just, got sick of that 'stupid sign' following you and just yanked Tricky off that hole he created, after all, it would also give your location away
You just dragged him to an empty alleyway and asked wtf he wanted
"YOU LOOK FAMILIAR TO CLOWN, I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE" he responded, strangely enough, his voice was also familiar
"[Name].. my name's [Name]" you said
And there ensued a bunch of visits from our favorite zombie clown
He knew your hideout from following you so he just visited very often, and brought hot dogs
You became great friends overtime, and he was slowly remembering you
You already figured out who he was, over behaviour comparisons and a little digging
And it saddened you to see what your friend turned into, but you were just glad he was.... 'okay'??
The day he remembered most things about you was the same day he confessed
He made you laugh a little too hard that day, and as you were laughing, a wave of deja-vu hit him along with some clearer memories
He stood there, staring at you as you finally calmed down
Seeing him like that kinda spooked you out, but he snapped out of it right when you said his name
He didn't say anything when you asked if he was okay, he just, tackle hugged you and stayed quiet, which was kinda concerning
Eventually he explained the memories he remembered and accidentally confessed in the middle
When he realized he confessed he just freezed up, mind racing faster than usual
You smiled and awkwardly with a blush said you felt the same, and that you already knew who he used to be
He took a big while to respond, but he hugged you faster than ever and laughed like a maniac, he was just so happy you felt the same
Omg this is already so long
He likes to fly with you, on your back or just hanging from your hands
He also randomly launches you into the air to see you fly and glide back to him, where you have to hold yourself from smacking your boyfriend for scaring you like that
He doesn't like you getting close to his fights with Hank, purely bc he can get VERY carried away and fears accidentally killing you
But you watch from the sky anyway
If you have any scars on your wings, he asks if he can touch them, and trace them gently(and shakily) with his fingers, it's one of the only things keeping his focused enough to be able to stop shaking for a while
Often falls asleep while he does that though, so if you needed to do something before hand, good fucking luck cuz you ain't going no where
Since you have better memories of his former self then him, he might ask you how he was before the madness
If you where transformed into what you are now by the AAHW, then he feels guilty he didn't find you before to help you
Just pet his hair, makes all his troubles go away like a light switch, for a limited time ofc
I'm done this is so long, hope you liked it tho!!
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Just a neighbor (S.Mendes imagine)
A/N : here is a cute little piece about Shawn being your neighbor. English is not my first language and I didn't felt like proofreading the thing. Enjoy 🎄
Word count : 2.3K
Summary : Shawn is your neighbor... or is he only just that?
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Ahh, Christmas what a wonderful time of the year. From your window you could see the kids with their parents caroling and going door to door. You could see in the rather empty street, maybe because of the cold, the Christmas lights reflecting on your neighbor’s window. The yellow and the red was forming such a pleasant, colorful and joyful alloy.
You were supposed to be working, you had finals coming up, well one last final the following morning but you couldn’t detach from the sight, it’s all you had been thinking about since you caught a glimpse. No you weren’t thinking about the giant Christmas tree that was put up each year on the big place, the thought invading you were also not about Santa Claus. You weren’t into kinky Santa (but to each its own). Your world had changed since you had seen him install himself in the house in the street across from your building. He was just so gorgeous and everyone in the neighborhood knew him, and a lot wanted him.
You can clearly remember the day you realized you had a crush on him. It was a morning in mid September. The sun was peeking out, it was early and everything was silent and still. Your apartment was really small, it was only a one bedroom apartment so you used to take every coffee in front of your big window to make it feel like you were in a big and open space. After all even if you were between four walls the world was wide and with a lot of things to discover. Usually, you were never awake at 5 am but everything was piling up and you needed to get an head start on your work. And that’s when you saw him clearly, in the broad daylight with no worries in the world, you had your cup of coffee warming your hands as you stared at your hot new neighbor from across the street ready to go run. His dog was unleashed and his tail was moving because of its excitement of going on a run. You loved this dog always seemed so nice and cuddly but you might admit that you rather talk to his owner. You remember how the rays of sunshine hit his brown curls, and how his eyes squinted to protect themselves from the sun. He had only a white tank top and his shorts and oh boy did it make things to you. Thankfully, he started running quickly so you couldn’t ogle him for much longer, you had work to do. But while you were doing yet another assignment you caught yourself drawn to the window waiting for him to pass by once again so you could have another look. You wanted to get lost in his eyes, study every single of his face and chiseled body. At one point you were so tired you started seeing his face in the pictures of statue you were looking at for your art history class. And that’s when you knew it was time to do something else or take a nap.
You can admit that at first it was a bit creepy, staring at your neighbor while he was not aware of it. But you only did it once and then you had became friends with him. You were at the park, reading another one of your compulsory readings for school when you felt a wet ball landing on your feet. It was the golden labrador that you had seen in the lawn infant of your apartment complex. You extended your hand to let him smell it and allow you to pet him. You see no real danger so you started scratching his head, he must have really enjoyed your touch because he climbed up on the bench where you were seating and started rolling around.
« Tarzan! » boomed a voice from far away. Without seeing the person you knew to who that voice belonged. He ran to his dog. « No Tarzan! » he tried getting his dog off of you but the dog didn’t want to move. « I’m so sorry, usually he is well behaved » he said almost frowning.
« Don’t worry, he is so cute. I almost want to keep him » you said with a small laugh. As the words left your mouth you wanted to facepalm yourself, he might think you are after his dog, or that you are a weirdo who steal people’s dogs or … he laughed a bit but you didn’t know if it was purely because he was a polite man or if it was a little bit genuine. A ripping sound got you out of your daydreaming. You looked at your tights and saw a big hole where Tarzan’s paws were just a second ago. The man followed your gaze and you saw his eyes getting wider and wider. « Oh my god, I’m so sorry! » He started scolding his dog. « That’s fine, don’t worry, I have other pairs at home ». He sighed before extending his hand to you : « I’m Shawn by the way ».
« Y/N. » you answered.
After an hour of talking on the bench Shawn offer to walk around the park. The conversation with him was flowing, it was like you knew each other for such a long time. There were non awkwardness and it felt nice to get your mind off of things. « In which direction are you going? » He asked after you established the fact that you had to come back to your home to work. Oh boy, you thought, here it is, the moment to tell the truth. « actually, I think that we are neighbors. » you said a bit quieter. You were afraid he might think that it was weird that you knew where he lived and that you actually paid attention to his comes and go. « great so we can walk together. »
And that was the beginning of your friendship, you could never thank enough Tarzan for that. Shawn became quickly someone essential in your life. He would often pop up at your place to ask you to walk Tarzan with him. During the walks you would talk about everything and nothing, what burdened you, whatever problem he might have at work and so on. He would also come by to eat dinner with you. You knew how to cook decently whereas he was a bit of a mess in the kitchen so you often shared meals. You enjoyed the late night conversations on your couch with two glasses and a bottle of wine. Whenever you talked about Shawn to your friends they would always wiggled their eyebrows and act like teenagers teasing the shy kid. Which was not that far from the truth but still.
It was not Christmas Day, but you could feel in the air that it was close. You were asleep on your couch when you heard your ring bell. You groaned, almost slipped on a sheet of paper that had fallen down on the floor. You checked yourself in the mirror, not the best time to come around. You had the mark of the pillow on your cheek, your hair looked like a bird nest and you were still sleepy from the nap you took. You opened the door and saw Shawn standing in the lobby. You let him come on in. You didn’t had to tell him to help himself, he already knew the place. You went to the bathroom trying to freshen up and wake yourself up.
« So what are you doing here fine gentleman? » you asked.
« Do I need a reason to come and see you? » he pouted.
« Of course not » you said while pulling him closer to you and cuddling him. His head resting on the lower part of your neck.
After dinner, he stoop up and went looking for something in his bag. A bag that you hadn’t noticed when he first came in. He enjoined you to close your eyes. Which you did. « No cheating » he teased. You were allowed to open your eyes and you found a small rectangular wrapped gift between your hands. You glared at him. « Shawn ! You shouldn’t have! I’m serious! ». « Open it! » You saw the excitement on his face and wondered what was inside. You tear the wrapping paper and saw a pair of polka dots thighs, the same one you were wearing the day you met on that park. « Aww, Shawn! that’s so cute ! Tanks honey. » it slipped out of your mouth before you could even think about it. You realized what you had just said after seeing his cheeks getting red and he was slightly uncomfortable, or you thought so. He took you in his arms nonetheless.
You woke up, the sun rays getting in your face. You didn’t remember falling asleep. As you became more conscious you realized the presence of a weight on your body. You opened your eyes and were faced with Shawn’s hair. You could feel his chin in the valley between your breast. The air coming out of his nose was tickling your skin. He was asleep and you enjoyed that moment because you didn’t know if it would ever happen again. After a while Shawn started to move around. He was groaning and you couldn’t figure out if he was actually speaking or if it was gibberish. « Babe… » he groaned clearly this time. He kept repeating it while he was still asleep. You didn’t know if he was naming you that way but you still felt this giddy feeling inside of you, as if warmth was spread all over your body. You saw his eyes fluttered. After several minutes he said : « we slept like that ? ». You only answered with a small smile, not trusting your voice after hearing his rough morning voice that you would dream about for days. « I understand this pain in my back now. » he said while getting up from the couch and therefore from you. You suppressed the whine threatening to come out of your mouth after the leaving of Shawn’s body from yours. You realized a change in his attitude, he felt tense and not like himself. He scrambled to get his stuff and in no time he had his shoes on his feet and was out the door. He only left with a small « bye ». It was quite uncharacteristic of him and you started replaying the whole night in your head trying to find what might have made him left like that.
His whole demeanor change from this day. You used to be great friends, always visiting one another, and trying to do something nice and fun for the other but it wasn’t like that anymore. He closed his curtains, even during the day sometimes. He didn’t meet you at the park when he clearly knew you were there every Wednesday morning for your coffee run of the day. You had tried going out of your way to make it less awkward by doing small gestures like cooking him an homemade meal and bring it over but he didn’t answer the door and you let the meal on his doorstep while you knew for a fact that he was home. You had wrapped up Tarzan’s gift and once again rang the doorbell to give it to him yourself. Shawn didn’t answer. You were started to get really frustrated with this situation. One day, when everything was going wrong, your paper had been deleted because the back up did not work, you had spilled coffee on your favorite blouse, it was the fourth day of the heater not working, and Shawn was still not talking to you. You put on some shoes and crossed the street ready to confront him. You were repeating in your head what you would say to him, mumbling under your breath, still in rage. You knocked on his door. Fuck the doorbell this time. The lights were on but he still wasn’t coming to open the door. You yelled his name trying to get him to come. You started pounding your fists on the door while screaming his name. After four or five minutes of this game he finally opened the door. Your screams stopped. « Y/N! What are you doing? » He asked almost offended.
« What am I doing? What am I doing? Are you kidding me Shawn. We haven’t seen each other for three weeks. In one night you decided to not talk to me anymore, you decided I wasn’t worth your time or just your presence! I am mad, I am mad that you left me alone. I thought we were friends. And I am cold and sad. » you felt good, you finally expressed all your frustration and it felt like you were relieved from a weight you had carried for three weeks.
« We can’t be friends Y/N. » he said slowly as to soften the blow.
« What? Why? I don’t understand! I thought we were good friends. »
It might have been the look in your eyes, the hurt in your eyes, the way your voice cracked at the end of your sentence or maybe how you were letting him saw your raw emotions. It made him snapped : « I don’t wanna be friends Y/N! Don’t you understand? The lingering touches, the small kisses, the cuddles! I can’t keep doing this as just friends. It is hurting me. I am not dating you but I can’t date other women because I always compare them to you. I always think about maybe the possibility of us being together. So no! For now I can’t be friends with you » you decided to shut him up and cut his little rant by placing your lips on his. The kiss felt so good for being so long overdue. It felt like you were floating above the ground. Until you started shivering because of your lack of clothes and being outside. Shawn felt the shiver and gripped you by the hips, pulling you in his home before closing the door.
« So where were we ? » he asked. You giggled and decided to remind him by acting.
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