#req 🐟
spacexseven · 1 year
NOTE: i really missed working on oneshots :>>
REQUEST: yandere! dazai with an oblivious + self sacrificing darling from @cc-6789
CW: yandere character + themes, obsession, jealousy, stalking, deceit, (heavy) manipulation, abuse of power, breaking and entering. dazai is an Asshole
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the first time you loudly declared that you trusted dazai enough to go check on a case with him, dazai felt his heart falter.
it was almost funny how quickly you trusted him, but the thought that you might share your trust with anyone else immediately silenced any humor dazai may have found in the situation. if all it took from him was to regularly ask you about your day, with a little flirting on the side for you to already decide that he was...nice, what would it take from anyone else? was kunikida, who, despite his harsh comments, personally guided you through the hectic report writing process, also nice? was yosano, with her insisting that you step out of the office with her to stretch your legs, also just as easy to trust? though he was confident none of his coworkers held the same wicked thoughts about you as he did, the bitter taste in his mouth refused to go away every time he saw you cling onto yosano on your way out or graciously smile at kunikida before heading home.
and about why he decided to mess with you despite knowing that you trusted him, honestly, he was only curious—just how much did you trust him? or, perhaps, a sullen part of him thinks, it may just be an offhanded statement by which you meant nothing. though nobody around dazai threw around the word trust lightly, he wasn't sure if it was the same for you.
honestly, you weren't all that special in dazai's book, nobody as memorable as the dangerous ability users he mingled with or the incomprehensibly genius minds he discussed with. but there was something about you that lingered in his mind. he can't put his finger on it exactly, but he identified it to be woven into your determination and unwavering resolve, hidden in the bright look in your eyes when you grinned at his antics, and surrounding the silent reassurance you offered when the world weighed down on him—something about you that was entirely unforgettable. somehow, the perfectly ordinary you became so unattainable and striking, even without trying.
and he coveted for all that was you to be his, for it to be tucked away in the palm of his hand, hidden away from prying eyes. he yearned for it to shine for him and not for anyone else, not for any other sweet words or gentle caresses. wasn't it selfish? to want someone so much?
for the most part, you were oblivious to his sinister desires. if not, why were you so careless around him? why did you smile so freely, gravitate towards him so naturally, as though it was perfectly normal to do so? he wonders if you'll scorn him if you knew how selfish he was; not that he couldn't take care of it anyway.
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dazai inches a little bit closer to your stiff figure, watching out of the corner of his eye as you glance over at him nervously. at this rate, he was going to be in your lap before you could leave. he observes your eyes flitting between the clock on the wall, its hand crawling at an unbearably slow pace, and to his hand, which had found purchase on your thigh.
he lets his hand shift, holding his breath as his fingers graze your inner thigh with a light touch—light enough to resemble a slight breeze or a delicate brush, but you know it was him. he waits, with bated breath, his fingers on your thigh trembling in anticipation. your lips purse together, a frown slowly creeping onto your face, eyes stuck onto your screen instead now.
and then—"dazai," you finally acknowledge the man beside you, "i'm sure you're bored by watching me work all day long."
he stares at you, not exactly surprised by your response. you go on about how he could just wait outside and you'd be out in a moment or if he'd like you could close up now, but instead of paying attention to your words, his gaze is stuck on your pretty mouth. your lips, he observes, are chapped and dry. you don't seem to notice his attention shift as you ramble on, words never reaching dazai.
you're cut off abruptly when he leans over and starts digging into your bag, finally grasping the cylindrical tube he had been looking for.
"pucker up," he grins deviously at your startled expression, waving the tube in his hand.
honestly, you were far too cute—you had to be doing this on purpose. he was tempted to grab your face and kiss you right then, but he knew better than to try. as the confusion cleared up, you awkwardly follow his orders, hands clenched at your sides. any last protests from you are ignored, his fingers firmly holding your jaw.
a soft smile makes its way onto dazai's face as he slides the balm over your lips. you're still staring at him, quietly, unmoving, but your eyes are locked onto him. he thinks, for a moment, that he quite likes you this way; only looking at him.
"thanks..." though you sound confused, dazai doesn't try to explain himself. instead, he's waiting for you to say something. waiting for you to awkwardly ask him to not to that again, politely say something about boundaries and personal space. but you only look at him for a moment longer before directing your gaze back to your work, obviously unsure of what to do.
perhaps a little recklessly, he decides to test the limits again.
"say," he places a hand over yours, stopping you from typing, "about your friend in the special division..."
your eyes light up as you turn to face him, "oh!," you mention a name dazai can't be bothered to remember—he knows the loser's face, anyway, "he was the one who got me a job here, actually. do you know him, dazai?"
he inhales deeply and then sighs, as though he was gathering up the courage to tell you something. your interest is obviously piqued, as you completely move your hands away from the keyboard.
"well ango mentioned," you'd recognize ango's name for sure, "that he was acting a little...strange. sort of jumpy and on edge," dazai pauses for a minute to gauge your reaction, biting back a smile, "i was just wondering if you were aware of anything going on in his personal life?"
"not that i know of, but dazai, why—"
"none of this is really any of my business, but ango sounded really worried about it. and you know, there was some suspicious activity linked back to him as well...missing files and the sort...."
dazai was distracted for a moment, musing on how cute your shocked expression was.
"you don't think...he can't be a spy. he doesn't have any suspicious friends, and he really loves his job. i just can't imagine..."
dazai, with a perfectly feigned expression of concern, places a hand on your shoulder, "for the time being, i think it's best you distance yourself a little. obviously, there'll be an investigation and i'm afraid they might trace things to you. "
"that...makes sense," you whisper.
"i didn't mean to make you worried, [name]. i know you'd never do such a thing, but if he were to frame you or try to drag you into this..."
noticing your distraught expression, dazai tries to apologize to you for ruining your mood. you reassure him after that, though your voice is still shaky and dazai knows you're the one in need of reassurance. but what he's really interested in is whether you'd listen to him or the desperate pleas of your friend. whether you'd trust his words or not.
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it's a few days later that you slump over in your seat, looking absolutely devastated.
"he was packing up his things," you manage to say, "and...he kept saying that he was being set up."
dazai nods along as you confide in him your suspicions, not at all suspecting that your friend was telling the truth all along.
"and then," you lower your voice even more, "he kept mentioning you, and said that you were lying."
dazai's blood runs cold, and he rapidly assesses the situation. how could he salvage this? how could he—
"i think my phone's bugged!" you finally declare, much to his surprise, "i mean, how else would he know what we talked about?"
it occurs to dazai then, in a wonderful revelation, that you didn't suspect him, even for a moment. you had immediately assumed it was your so-called friend who was lying. oh, what a marvelous thing trust was. dazai doesn't waste any more time. he offers you some comforting words and asks you if you want to take the day off. in response, you look at him like he just offered you the world. you were so easy to please, he thinks, wouldn't it be just as easy for someone to sweep you up and away from him?
he thinks of suave, charming mafioso and exciting, mysterious strangers. he thinks of seductive smiles and alluring words. there was too much on the line, and you were not yet completely reliant on him. he had his work cut out for him, but he didn't mind. it was always so rewarding, working with you. dazai thinks of all the limits he can breach, all the lines he can cross. he could touch you more, he could plant more seeds of suspicion. he thinks about helping you out first, whisking you out of particularly risky missions, and protecting you from unpleasant people. after that, wouldn't it feel so natural for him to insist he should walk you home?
and would you be so upset if he were to hold you tightly, closely, if it was only because he was hiding the both of you from a pursuer? would you be doubtful the next time he told you that yet another friend was planning something evil, or hesitate when he claimed that a heinous crime was in the area and that you should obviously stay with him?
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maybe it was the paranoia that brought him to do this. dazai peers over his glass at your frozen figure by the doorway, wondering what your next words would be.
"dazai," you begin, confusion lingering in your words, "i wasn't expecting to see you here."
he shrugs, swirling the little liquid left in his—your—glass, before leaning forwards and placing it down.
"you weren't at work."
you blink slowly, "is that why you're here?"
"why didn't you come?" the actual question he wants to ask is left unspoken—was it because of me? he's not worried, not as much as he is cautious. it would be a shame to lose everything he's worked on all this time just because he pushed you a little too far.
"i just needed to take my mind off things after everything that's happened. but dazai," the corners of your lips tug downwards ever so slightly, "is that why you're here?"
"i thought," he says, his voice the most serious you've ever heard it, "that something had happened to you. you were worried about being bugged, and then the next day, you just...don't show up."
the hand around your bag strap tightens, and you straighten up.
"i didn't realize," you mutter, "i should have said something."
"you should have," he agrees.
"i'm sorry," your voice trembles ever so slightly, and he delights in the way it wavers. he loves the effect he has on you.
"it's alright," dazai smiles, benevolent and warm, as though you were in the wrong here, and not him, who made himself all too comfortable in a space that wasn't his, "i'm just glad you're safe."
dazai, again, thinks of cruel, brash mafioso and frightening, deceitful strangers. he thinks of mocking snarls and vicious threats. when he sees the way you look at him, hopeful and expectant, he finds that you had come a long, long way already.
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rabbit-or-rib · 11 days
Heyyyy pookie
Whenever reading ur things with Tim you always bring up bros strength
:3 maybe some headcanon on what he does w his strength (sfw or nsfw idc ily pookie)
[ NSFW ] 🚬 Tim Wright x gn!reader sfw + nsfw headcanons about his strength
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imma be honest this part's gonna be short
i said it in my last Tim post, but he loves to feel like the man of the house !!!!
let him lift up furniture for you to clean under, tell him where you wanna move that desk, this man wants to show off in the most "covert" of ways
if you like to wear heels, or you just end up getting tired when the two of you are out on a walk or somethin like that he'll pick you up princess style and carry you the rest of the way :))
he loves to be holding you/picking you up during sex !!!! feeling you grip onto his shoulders just a little tighter, how your legs squeeze around him- he eats it up
speaking of which 😸😸😸
as much as he loves your thighs and feeling them shake and squeeze around his head when he's getting you off, sometimes they get in his way (or so he tells you, totally not so he can leave fingerprint bruises for you to find later) and he pins them down to the bed, leaving you with barely any room to move out of his grasp
his strength also applies to keeping you in complex positions- if he wants to fuck you from the back and play with your chest at the same time, he's taking your wrists in one hand to pull your back right up to his chest while his other hand is free to do what it pleases
and he just. does not get tired of it.
yes, Tim's absolutely a grumpy old man, however he is a grumpy old man who is getting what he wants !!!!!!!!
if you wanna ride him, expect to be doing about half the work you normally would cus he loves to have a grip on your ass and bounce you as fast as he wants, uses you like a real pretty toy when he's in the mood <33
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thedogslegart · 8 months
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@castielrisingabove - Kingfishers ooo they love insects
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kittenminari · 2 years
jungeun and jinsol both being needy, grabbing at each other’s clothes, with jinsol grabbing jungeun’s hips and pulling her to straddle her. jinsoul whispering into jungeun’s mouth to “ride me.”
it kinda took a turn and idk if this was for the a/a but i'm writing it that way owo 
This really wasn’t how Jungeun thought her night was going to end. The plan, initially, was a peaceful dinner and a movie with a nice relaxing bath before passing out. 
But no. Here she was. Pressed against the hallway wall with Jinsol panting against her neck as she nuzzles at her scent glands. The little air between them is thick with both of their scents, and Jungeun finds herself letting out a small growl when the other alpha pulls away to look at her. 
Jinsol’s eyes are narrowed as she looks over Jungeun, watching how she tries to return a defiant glare. It’s no use, of course, if nothing else her scent was definitely giving her away. The sight before her makes Jinsol smirk as she leans back in, letting her lips just barely brush against Jungeun’s as she speaks.
“You want me.” It’s not a question, and she doesn’t even let Jungeun answer before recapturing her lips in a bruising kiss. 
Jungeun can only nod and return the kiss as Jinsol begins grinding against her. Somewhere in the back of her mind she remembers they should probably head to one of their bedrooms, lest be scolded by Kahei for stinking up the dorm again. That thought is quickly dissolved, however, when Jinsol’s hand finds its way between their two bodies and presses against Jungeun’s cock over her sleep pants. 
A pleased grumble makes its way from Jinsol as she pulls away, though not straying as far as she had last time. Once again, her lips only hovering over Jungeun’s.
“Ride me,” she whispers, tightening her grip ever so slightly. 
And the younger can’t help but whine and push against Jinsol further, “Bedroom, right now.” 
The two definitely get an earful from Kahei the next morning.
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luvzuno · 2 years
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🐟꒱ " A cute and fashionable girl, the kind of girl who turns heads "
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came0dust · 1 year
so it turns out doing art requests is like. extremely not a thing i'm good at lol. between overthinking what i was doing and juggling other non-art things, i ended up just kind of getting nowhere with them (as well as with personal works, due to feeling awkward about not working on something else). i opened up requests impulsively and didn't realize just how severely i misjudged my availability and just general ability to work on them until i tried to actually do them and found myself struggling with them more than usual. to the people who sent in requests, i'm sorry for not really being able to deliver, but thank you for showing interest in my work regardless 👍 maybe some years down the line i'll be more ready to commit to something like this but it turns out this simply did not work out
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seacreatures-daily · 3 days
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i stole the idea od daily blog from @fish-daily !!😭😭😭😭 im sowwy thank you for your content!!!!!!!!!
req for @throwawaydeer !!
( repost from @psimya )
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devourable · 8 months
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saint / savior . 21 . it/its
yandere / horror writer & artist, aspiring vn / dating sim game dev.
dark content ahead, 18+ exclusively
pinterest | blacklist / guidelines | commissions | discord server | character ai
masterlist | oc / fic reqs — closed | headcanon reqs — open
cashapp | paypaI
consider leaving a tip if you like my works!
anons :
🍭 anon , 🍓 anon, 🐍 anon, plush anon, ditzy anon, lolita anon, hozier anon, bunny, 💋 anon, 🌈 anon, 🥞🧸 anon, 🤡 jester anon 🐟 anon, 🍋 anon, emoticon anon, 🦋 anon
divider creds :
cafekitsune, mmadeinheavenn, poison-aesthetics
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kirarasdeliveryservice · 11 months
hey!! saw you were taking reqs, so may aswell give it a shot
can i req tighnari with a male!reader who often gets hurt/is just generally really reckless? preferably in the headcanon format, but whatever you feel like is fine 🐟
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Genre: Fluff
Format: Headcannons
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For starters he always makes sure that you bring a first aid kit with you when he isn’t accompanying you.
Literally stops everything hes doing, even his lectures, to assist you.
Literally explodes whenever you tell him that you got injured.
After a while of getting used to your reckless nature, he will just sigh and patch you up.
Sometimes he will cancel whatever plans he has to join you wherever you’re going to make sure you don’t die.
He schedules you appointments against your own will.
Somewhere down the line you started to lie and not say anything if you got hurt. Now he makes sure he gives you a thorough check up.
This isnt in a sexual way, but he will tell you to undress yourself. Just so that he can make sure that he didnt miss anything.
First time he did this was awkward, but he gave you a snack afterwards to make you feel better.
If you are apart of the corps of thirty, he will be extra cautious about letting you take things on by yourself.
If you turn up drenched in blood and looking disheveled, he will probably shit himself from getting mad at you.
After a while of angrily tying your bandages too tight and lecturing you about being careful, he will hug you and pat your head.
Even if it doesn’t seem like it, he cares about you a whole lot. He will probably cry and tell you about how happy he is that you survived all beat and bloody like that. Though, this will be after he lectures you.
He makes sure that you get the right amount of rest, even if you reject it. He will literally strap you down to your bed as his last resort.
After a long day of work, he does like to sit down and massage your back and shoulders. Sometimes he will get mad at you for how many knots you have in your shoulders.
He understands though, so he doesn’t poke at you much about it.
Sometimes he will sit there and tend to your wounds, even if they dont need much attention. Its become therapeutic to him.
He likes to see the relief in your face when he tends to you, but he will never admit to that.
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Apologies if this is short! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing this!
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7minji · 1 year
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       ❜   🐟    𖧷
hi thanks for 1.8k followers ???! i am so thankful for all the support lately ,<3 i don't know what to say bcz i am so speechless. almost 2k ??? i started tumblr in october ???? what ???? thanks u guys i am so happy to be here .. 💭
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my fav followers thank u for the love no particular order <3 @tozak-i @tookio @v6mpcat @wonlita @misdior @boos2bies @ningdoll @i4sullyoon @gwryus @menhpy @iluvrei @hy-ein @yeritos @s-heon @isflor @baesol @souffle-fluff @fuckici @miniepsds @jnieart @haewns @fuckizie @v-eu @v-ico @n-jws @k-alu @i6gyu @u-mji @y-unjis @m-inseo @tyunlouv @e-unjo @ecojinri @9society @vivihrts @vg-k @y-unjiniz @contexty sorry if i forgot anyone 😖😖
       ❜   🍽️    𖧷
ps my reqs are open pls request i am so bored and i finally have some free time <3<3 my blog is kinda flopping helpme 😭
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spacexseven · 1 year
to let a good deed go unpunished
NOTE: for the anime-only's, there may be a few spoilers about tecchou below, so please keep that in mind. i and Hopefully this isn't too ooc lol :< still waiting for more tecchou content ^^ i'm spelling his name as tecchou here, instead of tetchō :>
REQUEST: general y! tecchou headcanons from @shumidehiro
CW: yandere character, manipulation, unhealthy relationships, obsession, jealousy, stalking
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- an encounter with tecchou is an opportunity that is hard to come by outside of his work, since he's more devoted to his duty of upholding justice more than anything
- that's not to say it's impossible. besides, as long as he recognizes you share the same values as him, you'd easily make an impression on him, even if you didn't plan to do so
- due to tecchou's nature, he easily focuses on things that pique his curiosity or admiration. he can spend hours watching you display your sense of justice or leadership (much like the ants he watched without moving)
- while tecchou can be either a platonic or romantic yandere, his overall intentions are the same. he wants to protect you from the cruel, imbalanced world he's used to. he knows your beliefs can change in a moment once you realize the true nature of people, and doesn't want that to happen
- tecchou doesn't like lying to you or deceiving you. he's an honest person by nature and hates using force or mind games to get you to do something. since he believes sincere discussion is the best way to ease tensions, arguments with tecchou never get out of hand - most of the time he's not able to pick up on what you're feeling, nor does he stop to consider how you're affected as a consequence of his actions. in fact, he's surprised to know that you actually feel more paranoid than safe because of his constant surveillance - because unfortunately, as you'll quickly realize, tecchou genuinely believes his actions are helping you. you may be upset at his rigid rules but he only wants to protect you - he thinks you don't understand that his actions come from a place of good intentions, so while he's ready to hear out your concerns, it's impossible to get him to change his ways when they're so rooted in his personal values, and so he'll keep justifying his own actions to you. - tecchou feels responsible for protecting you from the evil intent of anyone else. due to this, he indirectly restricts your social circle so that all your friends are all either in the hunting dogs or involved with them in some way
- tecchou doesn't ever toy with you or harm you. however, that's not to say he won't hurt others...
- he revels in his ability to make any potential target tremble in fear from just his glare. and even if they don't back down from that, he has an array of methods to silence anyone who dares come in his way
- while tecchou doesn't consider himself violent, he's willing to dirty his hands to protect you. but at first, he doesn't actually consider hiding it from you
- it's likely a hunting dog member (jouno) would be the one to advise him about keeping it a secret. jouno's the one who explains to him that even if he was protecting you from who he deemed as 'evildoers', you'd probably not appreciate the sentiment
- in fact, you'd likely be horrified at the thought that tecchou would be so cruel as to harm someone who only wanted to talk to you. you could only justify tecchou's actions if you believed he was only truly apprehending criminals, which is ultimately why he makes sure you never catch him hurting someone else
- he doesn't want you to lose your trust in him, which is why kidnapping and imprisonment are also not in tecchou's plans; not unless he absolutely has no other choice. he fights off the evil from your shadow, and ensures that you are none the wiser
(softer hcs below that i felt didnt match with the rest)
- tecchou's not used to physical affection, but will quickly adapt to your preference. since he's physically a lot stronger than a regular person due to his modifications, it'll take him a while to figure out if he's holding you too tight or if he's hurting you
- he'll be happy if you want to join him while he's working out. whether you want to help out, watch or try working out alongside him, he'll appreciate the company
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rabbit-or-rib · 17 days
Can I be silly and goofy and do volley ball player reader again for Toby pookie :3333
fishy u can always hit me w them volleyball reqs dont u even fret (also i put nsfw hcs in there for u :3)
[ NSFW ] 🪓 Toby Rogers x volleyball player! reader sfw + nsfw headcanons
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he tries so hard to be supportive i promise but oh my god he does not know anything about sports
boy was homeschooled for a LONGGG time and sports weren't really that much of an option given how most of the other kids treated him, and he just never learned how like. most sports work
thinks ur lil outfit is so cute tbh he can't get over u when ur ready to go
he tries to go to all the practices and games he can- he knows how much those things matter and he wants you to know he cares
he'll try and take note of all the things you were doing well (probably listening to your coach trying to figure out what the name of whatever you did is) and point them out to you
he's such a sweetheart about every part of it
he really does try to deal with the other people that are at games/practices, but you might notice he's standing off to the side if it's more of an iffy day for him
hes adorbs and loves u to the moon and back
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he's so embarrassed about it but he literally cannot help staring at how your legs look and the curve of your ass when you bend down or how your back flexes when you jump up to hit the ball or or or or
he absolutely tries to fuck you in more positions where he can feel your legs wrap around him and pull him in- he's such a sucker for how strong you are
YOUR SHORTS ARE GONNA TAKE HIM OUTTT that flimsy fabric that's BARELY covering you ???? and he's supposed to be normal about it ????? you're joking. there's been more than one occasion where he couldn't help himself and you two might have been a little late that day
some of these being late events happen even when he really tries not to- but when you're telling him about your plans for later while you're getting ready and see him staring your figure down, arms crossed over his chest and almost panting breaths, it's a lil hard to let it slide
if he left any hickeys, fingerprint bruises, any kind of marking from the last time you two were alone that was visible with your uniform and you don't try to hide it, there's gonna be double that as soon as y'all get home
most days he can't get over the fact that you're his, when you show him off he gets beyond flustered but he can't stop the mix of a fluttering but primal feeling he gets having you all marked up
sweet sweet boy is down so terribly for you
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k-talia · 8 months
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⊼ 🐬 aquarium aes ✦
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⊼ 🐟 reqs open ✦
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mountalodiel · 3 months
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🪸 meet sidney! 🌊
here's my sim req for @cowplant-snacks! sidney is a marine biologist who works at the aquarium. they're living with their fiancée jessica, a horror author who specialises in ocean-based terror. the pair have matching moth tattoos and a dumb cat named fish. i hope you like them! the household is cc-free 🐟🎣🦑 more info + dl under the cut!
backstory: sidney was raised in sulani, living in a small house right over the ocean. they always loved the water, their skin always faintly smelling of saltwater from the hours spent swimming and snorkelling by their home. this love never left sidney growing up, and they eventually landed a volunteering position at the local conservation center - while they'd hoped to study marine biology at foxbury, college fees were too much, and this job was immediately hands-on in what they wanted to do (they took on odd jobs to pay rent). four years ago, they met jessica at the center - a san sequoia-based horror author who was researching marine life in sulani for her next novel. the pair immediately hit it off, fell in love, and got engaged when sidney finally moved over to live with jessica last year. since then, sidney's landed their dream marine biologist position at the local aquarium, and the pair have adopted a cat together named fish who is perfect and ever so stupid. the duo enjoy watching shitty slasher films from the '90s, visiting the aquarium even in sidney's off-hours, and playing baldur's gate 3 (well, sidney's just watching jessica play).
includes at least 1 option in the all clothing categories, traits, aspirations, skills, pronouns, sexualities, careers, and likes & dislikes. my usual tou applies!
GALLERY ID: ohmydawn
i use luumia's vanilla replacement skin default note: i saved sidney's work outfit using mccc - if it doesn't translate across saves, their work outfit is their 1st everyday outfit! i also cheated to move their lifespans along so that they're both nearing the end of young adulthood, but that doesn't super matter if it doesn't work lol.
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seacreatures-daily · 3 days
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now ill be drawing requests here!!
req for @groovainya !!
( repost from @psimya )
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swanwrestler · 5 months
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ㅡ 🐟 ✮𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆟✮ 🐟 ㅡ
꒰ cappuccino cookie simple discord layout. ⩩ f2u ꒱
Source: cookie run
Day 5 of @magnoliawriter 's event 200+ event!! : your previous hyperfixation
৴৴ I almost don't know what the prompt means,, also I lost my motivation bcs I actually made this after I make a req sorry💔💔
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