#respect our boundaries
keeganmantle · 5 months
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Because some artists have no respect for our wishes when it comes to our OCs, here's my expression of no, you cannot make sussy art of my babies. SquidKeegan is enraged. What about your OC?😐
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milf-propaganda · 2 years
if you’re a pillow princess and feel guilty for not being “active” in bed—i pinky promise, there’s people out there drooling over you. all they can think about is your legs wrapped around their waist. your nails scratching down their back while you moan into the kiss. feeling you tighten up before each climax then going limp around their fingers.
i promise, you’re not gonna be doomed or cursed, because you have firm boundaries. boundaries are beautiful and important. your boundaries matter.
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57sfinest · 1 year
calling harry a “can opener” was SUCH a good play for so many reasons i think about it every day.
in the context of his work, it makes him a tool. as many people have pointed out, including martin luiga, part of the hdb tragedy is that he simply cannot leave the force, and his superiors know that and are using it to their advantage. no matter what happens, even if harry hated every nanosecond of every bit of the work and wanted to leave, he can’t and won’t leave. they can leverage anything they want against him and then reel him back in with a facade of kindness when they “allow” him to keep his job, as long as he does what they want him to. the 41st knows he has this inexplicable talent with people and they use him for it. he’s a cop: that talent can be used in so many awful ways, to push so many different agendas. and they won’t even be his own. a can opener has no particular desire to open a can, aside from maybe the satisfaction of fulfilling a purpose. a can opener has no agency, it’s just a tool for someone else to use to get what they want. and he’s learned to be okay with being used as long as it means he gets to stay. his complacency with this system makes him guilty even if he’s also being harmed by it.
but in the context of his personal life you kind of... flip it. the people around him are going to be opened up whether they want to be or not, and it’s terrible for his relationships. it’s shown that the questions, the prying- the can-opening- it’s become inextricable from who he is as a person. it’s like he doesn’t know how else to communicate, except it’s hardly communication when you’re just ripping people open. he’s invasive as all hell, although whether he means to be is debatable. he’s the kind of person that wants to take things apart to see what makes them tick. he dissects people, but really that’s too delicate of a word for what he does; if he doesn’t get what he wants right up front, he’ll abandon all subtlety and go for brute force. if he can’t get your screws loose he’ll just smash you on the ground and pick through your pieces until he’s satisfied, and if what he did to you isn’t fixable? oh well, there are other cans to open. 
and he’ll use it for personal gain: we already know he is (was?) manipulative. once he knows how you operate, he knows how to make you keep him. he can yell or he can cry; he can threaten you or he can threaten himself; he can be completely suffocating or he can withdraw completely; he can be an incorrigible liar or brutally honest; he can present himself as a threat or a joke or a talent. he’s a chimera- that’s why he’s got this inexplicable magnetism, even when people know they shouldn’t like or trust him. fidelity of character means nothing to him. he’ll be whatever he needs to be as long as it gets him what he wants. the can-opening is just his way in.
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announcement re: anon asks
unfortunately, i have decided that i will no longer be answering nsfw/hard asks that are on anon.
due to the recent increase in blogs who have been exposed to be minors or have admitted to being minors, this has shown just how easy it is for us adults to be interacting with a minor without our knowledge. the anon feature will still be available, but nsfw/hard asks on anon will be deleted.
to the minors that are on this website, i know that putting 'mdni' and '18+' warning signs all over our blog and posts are not sufficient enough to stop you from reading and consuming nsfw content. but please DO NOT interact with the work and DO NOT approach us with asks/conversations that are nsfw.
in particular, to the minors who are pretending to be an adult, you are not only taking advantage of our trust and our outlet for writing and building relationships that are harmful to both parties, but you are also putting us at risk of legal trouble.
this is not about 'gatekeeping our silly fanfics'. this is about protecting you and us from very real consequences. please respect that.
thank you <3
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moths-daily · 7 months
Do you have any fluffy moths? I need floofsters in my life ^^ /gen
Here's a list of some cute ones. I hope you enjoy it.
That said, I would like to say that I have received two or three asks almost identical to this one in the past two days, and I am asking you all that if we do not get to your ask right away, please do not send it over and over. We are not a database, we are not a machine, we are not wikipedia. We are just some guy on this hellsite that like posting about moths. We are disabled, and don't always have the energy to answer to every ask. So please, be patient and respect however long it may take.
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crykea · 5 months
I don't rlly trust those ppl who wholeheartedly believe that cats r better than dogs or you can trust cat people more because "cats have boundaries and you know who will respect boundaries if they like cats" because that just proves to me you Don't respect dogs boundaries lol
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Aro culture is telling all ur friends to break up with their s.o when they talk about their relationship problems
#Anonymous#aro culture is#aro#aromantic#actually aro#actually aromantic#ask#mod phoenix#aro relationship wheel: communicate or break up#or as i personally frame it: communicate / set enforceable boundaries / break up#in that order#if ur wondering what i mean by enforceable boundaries:#there's a tendency to refer to statements like 'don't treat me like xyz' as boundaries#but when you create a boundary you need to consider how you'll respond if it is respected vs if it isn't#and an enforceable boundary tends to look like 'i feel upset that you keep calling me dumb to your friends. if you keep doing it#i will (not go to events where those friends are present) / (need to reevaluate our relationship)'#(can really depend on how likely you feel they are to respect / understand that as to what sort of follow-through is needed)#so like. communicate with 'i feel xyz when you abc' / 'i think xyz when you abc' types of statements#set boundaries with clear follow-through and FOLLOW THROUGH#and if that's not working? GET OUT. LEAVE. if you're concerned they'll be terrible about you leaving that is a MAJOR RED FLAG of abuse fyi#like it is a *classic* indicator of emotional abuse#if that's the case: work on (re-)establishing relationships outside of that one. get a support network. think about realistic responses -#if u share finances - can someone help u out while you separate your finances? ie can you work with ur bank to (re?)create a personal acct?#and can a friend of yours or family or anyone help with moving? things like that#not to mention just being able to handle the emotions about it#uh. all this to say: this is my formula for this type of convo#and this can be applied TO ANY RELATIONSHIP
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dabislittlemouse · 11 months
You guys remember dabissluttylittleprincess? Our mutual that we interacted often?
Then guess what, she was a fucking minor back then, LIED ABOUT HER AGE. And she would interact with all nsfw blogs, talking to us, when we made it clear we dont want minors to interact.
And she opened a new blog called dabislittledolly hiding her identity. And posting how she just turned 18, how happy she is to be an adult- i wanna puke
But I figured her out, and she admitted to me. I got all the screenshots and stuff if yall dont believe me, just dm me lmao- but anyway why would I bother to lie?
I wasn't gonna do anything public but yeah- she blocked me after I tried to be civil and I even told her that I wont block her or anything- but nah she had to be passive agressive and block me.
So yes I'm petty as fuck now. Bad move.
And yall deserve to know at least, because minors who try to lie about their age and crossing our fucking boundaries aren't sorry for hurting us, they're just sorry because they got caught.
Yall think you are slick, but nah. Try better. If you wanna read smut fine, I'm not your parent, but do not fucking interact with me.
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keeganmantle · 6 months
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Good afternoon. Here's something I've been wanting to lecture people with for a long time.😐
After dealing with that nephrite-rod guy, which of course I'm gonna have a grudge on for a long time, I realized, a bunch of these artists are completely crazy or out of control.😐
Like for real, when it comes to a bunch of random commissioners, from my experience, they bother you nonstop asking if you would like a commission. Even when you just told them you're not interested. And then they charge you for like, $60 or so which I get depending on what software you're making art on but it is still kinda pricey. And I've been scammed a few times from these people. And because of these scammers, I don't trust commissions. And that is no reason for you weirdos to come attack me because I would rather protect myself from these creeps. I don't really feel safe with these commission stuff. I'm kinda protective with my stuff which is perfectly fine! How would you feel if someone made NSFW of your OC which is like your child?!😐
And if I turn down art trade, same reason! Thst doesn't give you the right to attack me and threaten me! You crazy people need to get off the internet and get a life. We have boundaries! No means no! So if you commission someone, don't mention them begging for a DM 'cause then it already gives off a weird vibe. I don't really do commissions for these perfect reasons. So if you get so butthurt or upset about my boundaries, I can already tell you're a sketchy person and you're just asking to be blocked. Look what happened to Wang. Do not mess with me.😐
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stimmy--cryptid · 3 months
got sent a tiktok where one of our gifs of ourselves was used in the thumbnail + beginning of the video. gentle reminder in case anyone sees this that we're all very uncomfortable with our homemade gifs, esp when it includes us in the video and isnt just of objects, being reuploaded off of tumblr at all :[ ty!!
#esp without credit </3 pls dont put your @ over top of one of our homemade gifs#i dont feel too comfy with video/gifs of us being reuploaded off tumblr#we include that disclaimer in all of our homemade gif posts bc of this#ik a lot of people just like. take gifs off pinterest or off stimboards without bothering to check#this is just like a gentle plea to please check the sources on the gifs you use and to properly credit your gifs#theres more to say on this topic than a quick 1am tag rant on a post abt smth else#but theres a really big problem with not checking sources and not crediting within the stim community and especially off of tumblr#like people who just steal off of pinterset and google images and then say 'oh idk i saved this forever ago' or 'its from google'#not to be rude but also fully to be firm its so easy to credit your gifs and sources it takes us maybe 20 minutes at most to link a board#and its so easy when you go in with the intent to link it. just like the posts you download gifs from or open them in another tab#if youre using desktop firefox has such a quick extention to reverse image search and the results will pull up the original post+#+or the tags on a post that used the same gif to make it so easy to find the original#if youre gonna make stimboards that include someone elses content#be it homemade gifs or gifs you made from someone elses video#or even gifs made of a third party video you downloaded off tumblr or pinterest or google images#you *need* to credit the creator#and respect the boundaries of the creator.#we make sure the stuff we upload on any blog isnt harmful at all. that animals in gifs are respected that creators arent awful that+#+the video isnt made using generative ai. and like. not saying everyone has to go to those lengths. just that its doable and so easy#theres really no excuse to plagiarize and take a gif someone made of themselves and put your own url on it#even if you made the compilation its so easy to just *also* add the op's url + platform in somewhere else visible on the image#and its also so easy to like. go to the website google images is showing you for the image or reverse search the pinterest post#to make sure the creator is ok with their own video of themselves being posted on tiktok#:/#not stim#mod talk
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
Tips and Resources for curating your fandom experience across platforms
Hi loves,
I wanted to write up a curating resource post for fandom spaces, so here are some things I’ve learned along the way, and though only you can decide what your digital boundaries look like, I do hope that for anyone looking for them, this list might find its way to you.
For tumblr
How to make your DM’s only open to people you follow
How to make it so only people you follow, or people who follow you for a week can reply
How to have your ask box open, but closed to anon’s - no longer needed, there's a simple toggle button near the ask settings for whether to allow anons or not :)
Use the filtering function for your dash (this is also an option for a blocked user - who you might still see if a mutual reblogs them.  You can add their name to your filtered list, and then their post will be hidden on your dash).  This tip brought to you by @quiquimora tumblr resource post (great post if you’re new to tumblr)
For AO3
How to filter out keywords that might appear in summary or author notes, but not in tags (handy for when an author is trying to understandably avoid spoilers in the tags)
A script option for filtering (especially nice if there are certain tags you'll always avoid across fandoms).
Muting authors (a nice option if you don’t necessarily mind engaging with authors in comments, etc, but don’t want to see their content) - this secondary link includes a how to video you can now use the muting feature on AO3, no scripts needed :)
You can block authors now on AO3 as well, and here’s a tweet thread that shows you how, but also what it does, and doesn’t do
If you’d like to avoid certain ship pairings
How to use a few extra search symbols to filter out certain content
Quick tip: don't forget to save your curated search results in either a bookmark, or as a link on your mobile home screen - that way you can just do all the filtering once, vs typing it all over again every time you're loading up AO3
For twitter
Muting words/content
How to set up various privacy settings
For discord
Privacy & Server settings master list
Accessibility settings
Please feel free to reblog with your own tips!
Under the cut, a few extra tips for dipping into new fandom spaces:
Interact with reblogs and hashtags (this isn’t the end all to be all, but one way to showcase your sense of humor with commentary, or digitally applaud a content creator). People can get to know you a bit ;)
If you enjoy content creating, sign up for fandom events: big bangs, reverse big bangs, zines - a fantastic way to connect with several people at once sharing the same hyperfixation as you <3
Look up certain hashtags in someone’s blogs - not in the sense of digging up ten years of posts, but a quick search if you have squicks and triggers that someone might blog about a lot.  It’s not a judgment on them, for many might not follow you for the things you post about either.  It’s just self care to be aware of things you do not want to see on your dash and keep your following list to things that bring you joy - nothing says you can’t do the occasional reblog, or even connect with them on other platforms!
On the flipside - block liberally.  If you look up their blog and you both are on opposite ends of a spectrum on a topic?  Want to ensure they can never say such things to you in DM’s, etc?  Block.
And guess what?  People have the right to do the same to you.  Do not under any circumstances block evade.  This includes going to other platforms to engage with them if you know you’ve been blocked.  Just.don’t.do.it.please.
And if you've made it to the end, you get a digital cookie or hug of your choice 🍪🫂
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cheekblush · 8 months
i'd rather be friendless than to constantly have my boundaries disrespected
#i am so frustrated and annoyed rn#at the beginning of this year my ex best friend reached out to me and i cautiously let her back into my life#things were going great but now she turned a harmless topic into a full blown discussion even though i told her multiple times that i no..#.. longer want to discuss this matter but she kept going & then accusing me of continuing the discussion as well#and tbh i really should've stopped engaging with her messages much sooner but it's so annoying when someone sends you lots of messages with#their opinion although i mentioned several times that i want to drop the topic & then i'm just expected to shut up lol#she didn't respect my wish to move and made a huge fuss about nothing#i stopped replying to her since yesterday bc i really had enough & i should've just left her on read much sooner#but her messages were truly annoying me#her last message now says that we often have different opinions & she thinks she's more optimistic than me & that makes it hard for her to..#talk to me..... i was so dumbfounded when i read that this morning#our initial conversation was about whether a song is more pop or rnb....... & she twisted that into me being negative lmao#she was so obsessed with being right that she couldn't drop the topic even though i told her how exhausting the convo was for me#and like it's such an irrelevant topic... imagine being that obsessed with always being right 😭#idc anymore i'd rather be a negative bitch than someone who disrespects others' boundaries <3#i thought she changed for the better but she's so self-righteous opinionated & stubborn it's awful#i calmly told her that her behavior is bothering me & we easily could've just moved on but she kept going on and on#and she herself admitted that it's one of her flaws that she always has to be right & she's being petty & yet she didn't stop 🤡#even writing all this down feels so silly to me bc the initial topic was sooooo trivial#am i supposed to feel sorry for thinking a song was rnb rather than pop???? like go touch some grass please#she even sent me a screenshot of the wikipedia page of the song to prove that it's rnb & it literally said synth pop & rnb lol#but i wasn't even mad about that her not respecting my wish to drop the topic & move on even though i said it multiple times really pissed..#me off though.... like girl just let it go it's not that deep!!!#but apparently i'm negative & pessimistic for having a different opinion than her 🤷🏼‍♀️#like imagine starting a fight over smth SO IRRELEVANT but i'm the negative one sure lmao#okay i just needed to get this off my chest bc i don't have anyone to talk to about this & it's just ridiculous to me#☁️
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stardustfrin · 5 months
i think it's really funny how people just go on the internet and tell lies
#this post is about nightheart#i went into every book following river horrified that theyd ruin him#but man im just#not#seeing it#at all#nightheart is a misogynist? nope! thats the writers#nightheart doesnt respect sunbeam's boundaries? wrong! nightheart has done nothing but respect her boundaries#nightheart undermines frostpaw's problems by comparing them to his? wrong! hes empathizing with her#its to the point im wondering if im reading the same book as you all. how did you get this impression of this dude.#i think the last one in particular stems from nightheart's conflicts not being taken seriously. yes#its dumb#this was never a prior issue for any of firestar's kin#but it is happening#and that shit is so damaging let me tell you#and also#calling him a misogynist is just gross im gonna be so fr#the AUTHORS are misogynistic. we know this. this is not our first rodeo.#that fact just seems to be projected on to nightheart instead of pointing the finger at the erins#it is misogynistic that these characters are being conveyed the way they are. but the fact remains is that its whats on the page#and nightheart has every damn right to be upset about it#AORRY I AM LIKE. PASSIONATE. ABOUT THIS. i like nightheart a lot and see myself in him#i dont think its bad if people dislike him#but a lot of the reasons ive seen arent even valid reasons because they arent accurate representations of his character#tldr; stop blaming the authors' shitty writing decisions on nightheart pleaseee 😇#nightheart#warrior cats#i would not blame anyone if u said i aint rwading allat tbh this was not meant to get so out of hand
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clitology · 5 months
at the end of the day it's the person you think of when you listen to jeff buckley lover you should've come over
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dendromancer · 8 months
the way ed reminisces about the stabbing but says he wants them to wait and be patient. u just KNOW he's gonna fold in two days time
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asiancatboy · 26 days
i'm just saying there comes a point at which you have to think long and hard about the situation(s) you have found yourself in. the reason why you think i'm the common denominator across all of your failed relationships is because you are still obsessed with using me as a scapegoat for all your problems despite having zero evidence to suggest it's true, and because it's easier than admitting you have not changed in the past two years. perhaps you should look at yourself and your own actions
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