#reverie neo
rayno-minior · 27 days
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super incredible lore accurate Neo mood board
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asmrrpaddict · 1 month
Reverie Audios: The Catalyst headcanons
SPOILERS for No Man is an Island!!!!
💍One reason why Neo stopped Gage from going to Law is because they know Law is planning to propose and wants to give them space.
💥After Dove saw the vision and Cyril wasn’t moving fast enough, they spun Cyril away from the explosion and pushed him down to the ground with them on top to shield him.
🐕Honey kept nudging Casey with their head trying to convey they could understand him and try to keep him calm.
🧛‍♀️Sweets was feeling claustrophobic and surrounded by too many people (too much blood)before the explosion and after, they lost control.
🧛‍♀️They had the effects of being feral beginning to build, but didn’t know what it was so they were jittery.
Maybe both combined in some way??
There is so much going on with this audio, I have no clues about most of it!! I couldn’t come up with a single HC for a lot of it including what was happening with Gage and Neo, Dove’s other vision that kind of sounded like a heart monitor beeping in a hospital, and the whispering at the end. Answers will come in time. Reverie is really good at giving us the information we need when we need it.
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vawifey · 1 month
spoilers ahead
Hi, hello this is gonna be the one and only time I make a post like this because I seriously cannot comprehend what just happened. I listened to this audio before I went to church and then after I got out of church on the way home it finally hit me.
So seriously, spoilers ahead I’m being serious if you don’t want to read spoilers for reverie upcoming audio don’t read this
Seriously don’t read this if you don’t want spoilers
First thing I wanna talk about is bug 
I need to know what powers bug has because there’s no way that law said does Gage know and we’re not getting an explanation also, I know they’re going to talk later about the situation,
I just want to know how that conversation is going to go because when Gage told us about his mom, I know that was hard for him so I can’t imagine the struggle bug went through not telling him about their powers
Second thing I want to talk about sweets went Ferrell. I can’t imagine the things that are Both going through sweets and laws heads right now
Sweets is probably terrified because they don’t want to turn into the person that attacked them. They don’t want to be like him.
Something that I think is going through laws head is do I want this person around my child. I know they haven’t done anything to her, but I don’t want anything to happen to either of them so I know that is gonna be a conversation that needs to be talked about and I know it’s gonna be hard because I can tell sweets cares about Natalie and Natalie cares about sweets so that’s gonna be a difficult conversation especially because he already asked them to move in 
Third thing I wanna talk about is
is Cyril‘s partner going to die because I know their powers overloaded a lot 
And is Cyril going to be OK because this is the first time that we have heard him actually interact with whatever Roman sees correction, he said that he started to see them after Roman interacted with them in front of him
Edit: Cyril is hearing whispering. I totally missed that. I don’t think my brain caught up to that part when I first listen to it
(because it was at the end and I was already leaving) 
Fourth thing I want to talk about is Honey
Honey is a wolf/coyote shifter!!!!!!
First of all, I had a feeling that Honey was going to be some kind of shifter
I want to know how that conversation went. I feel like it would be a good conversation at first I don’t think Casey believed them but after an explanation. I think he Them believed them also I feel like he fainted so after he got better, they started talking and explaining
This was beautifully written it almost made me cry at the end Altair you are so talented seriously, it was a great video
also I might listen to it again because I think I’m missed some things but yeah again this is my first and only post about spoilers or anything like that. I usually don’t post spoilers
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Neo headcanon!
Neo and his partner often both fall asleep shifted so it just looks like a fox and a wolf cuddling and snoozing
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tankwiththeangst · 3 months
I fucking LOVE NEO!
That’s it…
That’s the whole post!
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v3x-y0urs3lf · 3 months
My riparian woodworks headcanons as someone who has literally never worked a day in his life ✌️
Gage and ‘Newbie’ weren’t always troublemakers or anything. I think it’s just a general thing that with time people get more comfortable joking around with each other.
I think for Gage he probably saw Law and Desmond being natural childhood friends and playing into a bit of tomfoolery, saw that his boss did in fact have a funny bone and started to seep into his natural ‘annoying’ personality.
Okay. I may or may not be drunk but I swear I remembered Newbie and Gage calling Desmond daddy.. and if Desmond’s daddy then Law is uncle. Neo’s that one cousin you only see during important holidays like Christmas and Birthday’s and half the time you don’t even realise he’s there, Gage is either the drunk uncle or he’s the annoying more cousin.
Someone has called Law ‘Dad’. Whether it was accidental, on purpose, completely serious or joking. Someone has called him dad.. I haven’t watched enough Law vids to give him a reaction.
There isn’t a ‘favourite child’ or anything (don’t think there would be mainly because they’re all adults.) but Neo seems like a goody two-shoes.. Which isn’t true but I feel like he is trying very hard to be on a ‘path of redemption’. (For those who know - I’m thinking Quest from BloomingPanic and Deuce Spade from Twst)
I wanted to include Nat somewhere in here, I don’t think Law’s been in that desperate of a position where he needed to bring her into work. If he genuinely didn’t have anyone to watch her then I feel like Desmond would just give him the day off.. That’s not to say that he hasn’t brought Nat in when he’s off shift though. I totally think that if none of them have seen pictures of Nat, they’ve met her.
And on the VERY off chance that Nat DID accompany Law during a work day, then Law is in the office doing paperwork or Neo (Desmond?) are watching her in the back. There is no way anyone is letting her wander into the back with all the actual woodworking stuff.
I wanted to mention 4/5 of them being Attuned but I don’t think anyone would necessarily tease Gage just for that.. I just think it’s a neat fact and makes me smile.
Oh but Imagine just how lucky it is that all of them are for at least all of them knowing about the attuned. I briefly brought it up earlier but they’re all adults, I don’t think they’d have any magical ‘accidents’ like Nat or Robin(?) and I’m not even sure if they all know that they’re all aware of the attuned.
Obviously from Gage’s audio about ‘coming out’ and Neo’s audio about being sick they are aware of
1. Neo is a shifter (Gage)
2. Desmond is a shifter (Neo)
And there’s obviously Desmond who more than likely knows that Law is attuned (and Vice Versa for Law.) AND there’s Desmond’s audio where it mentions that HE knows that Newbie is also attuned. (I’m like 60% sure he mentions that Law is a sorcerer to Newbie so.. maybe throw Newbie into that pile too.) So at least one person from the shop knows that SOMEONE know’s that they are attuned.
That was a whole rant but essentially…
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redactedasset · 4 months
piercings i'd give to reverie audio characters ! ✬
i have almost no knowledge at all of piercings please bare with me, i had a panic attack having my earlobes pierced sigh | all piercings searched up on pinterest <3
cyril ¡! snake bites + forward helix + industrial
ellis ¡! nostril + septum
gage ¡! bridge + helix + tongue
nathaniel ¡! standard lobe + industrial + some sort of eyebrow piercing | tbh i'm not surprised if his face is covered with piercings
neo ¡! standard + inner lobe + spider bites
jacob ¡! belly button + somewhere that's fucking painful
law ¡! industrial + standard lobe | he doesn't seem like the type to be very interested in piercings
casey ¡! snug + labret
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haven’t listened to all of them but i’ll try 🙏 also i just can’t see some of them with piercings at all lol
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emilysmovingcastle · 3 months
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yall ever have a comfort character?
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voicelesstoby · 1 month
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it is he
i still cant believe i did this with a mouse, im-
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 9 months
Ok I started listening to reverie audios and I made this little picture in my head.
What if sometimes neo and darling shift and darling curls around him when they cuddle like a giant fluffy pillow cause wolves are so much bigger than foxes.
I feel like that would be cute as shit lol
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evsstolenhearts · 6 months
Me dropping everything and running to my phone to watch Neo's new video:
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smilinlemon · 4 months
sometimes i forget people have multiple siblings so here's a play by play of me listening to the new Neo video:
Neo: one sibling down, six more to go
me: SIX MORE?! (information I already knew)
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hotmcrodz · 6 months
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next on the block we got neo!!! our beloved foxy boy and my top favourite haha
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plus darling!! the last drawing was a photo taken by gage lol
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theemotionallizard · 3 months
Reverieverse incorrect quotes: Basic ones I think are funny.
Ellis: You can't be that petty.
Dove: I once edited a Wikipedia article just to prove to Cyril I was right.
Newbie: Law, Neo won't come out of the office.
Gage: Just tell him I said something.
Newbie: Like what?
Gage: Anything factually incorrect.
Neo: Did you just say the Sun is a planet!?!?
[Prior to Gage and Bug getting together.]
Gage: I had a crush on someone once, and I didn't know how to handle it, so I filled their car with heart confetti.
Bug: That's so funny! I once went out to my car and found it filled with heart confetti.
Gage: How fun! I gotta go water my dog now.
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reverieaudios · 1 month
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The Finale to the Spring Event is finally here! The universe seemed intent on keeping me from making this but I've never been one to acknowledge warning signs. You can watch it here:
The Catalyst - No Man Is An Island
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v3x-y0urs3lf · 2 months
This audio fits the Reverieverse very well.
(Could possibly be Desmond and Law when they meet(?)
Sweets: I know you’re a mending sorcerer
(I just found his secret hideout.)
Law: uhh.. how did you- know I’m a sorcerer?
(Uhh.. how did you- find his hideout?)
Sweets: You’re wearing a ring with the mending/healing insignia!
(This is the only building in metro-city with a fake observatory on the roof!)
Law: .. oh okay.
(.. oh okay.)
Gage: I know Desmond’s a shifter!
(I just found his secret hideout.)
Desmond: uhh.. how did you- know I’m a shifter?
(Uhh.. how did you- find his hideout?)
Gage: 🤷‍♂️
(This is the only building in metro-city with a fake observatory on the roof!)
Desmond: .. oh okay.
(.. oh okay.)
(Could also be Terror with Desmond.)
Darling: I know you’re a shifter
(I just found his secret hideout.)
Desmond: uhh.. how did you- know I’m a shifter?
(Uhh.. how did you- find his hideout?)
Darling: You’re tall af and smell like one.
(This is the only building in metro-city with a fake observatory on the roof!)
Desmond: .. oh okay.
(.. oh okay.)
(Could also be Gage and Neo.)
Darling: I know you’re a shifter
(I just found his secret hideout.)
Neo: uhh.. how did you- know I’m a shifter?
(Uhh.. how did you- find his hideout?)
Darling: Gage calls you ‘foxy boi’ and you smell like one.
(This is the only building in metro-city with a fake observatory on the roof!)
Neo: .. oh okay.
(.. oh okay.)
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