#rich!wally darling
iciwelcome-home · 1 year
A Rich Welcome Home AU - Welcome Mansion
Okay! I think I'll go for it, the AU of Welcome Home and it's the Rich!Wally Darling. No clue of the AU name of it, but maybe Welcome Mansion... eh. I'll work on it. Anyway! The ideas of the roles I'll give to cast of Welcome Home Show. Plus some small info in my AU.
Wally Darling - The owner of the Darling Mansion. Took ownership after his parents passed away when he was only 14. He's been kinda spoil by his parents, but slowly becomes kinda cold after losing his parents, fearing to lose anyone he's close too. (He's probably 5'2" ft tall in this AU). There's a rumor about Wally, but are they true?
Barnaby B Beagle - Butler and Guard. Has been best/close friends with Wally since they were kids (at age 6 or 7). His adoptive mom is part of a family of maids & butlers. So far, one of the ones that Wally is somewhat nice to. Barnaby tries his best to make sure no intruders gets in... He is a guard DOG 😆Sorry!
Julie Joyful - Journalist, disguise as a Gardener. Has been working as a journalist in her family business for 5 years. She has heard rumors about Wally Darling and hopes to get the info before the others. Her partner in crimes is Frank, who has worked with her for 2 years. In order to get the truth, she decide to 'work' as a gardener to get close... which is hard.
Frank Frankly - News Reporter, disguise as a Butler. Takes their job serious as a reporter, having some odd feelings about the Darling Mansion. Tries to Julie from going into trouble, they were force to 'work' as a butler in order to get some info. However, a certain butler is making things hard to focus. *coughs*Eddie*coughs*
Eddie Dear - Head Butler. Has follows in his father's footsteps in butler lines. Despite Wally's somewhat harsh orders, Eddie could tell Wally is lonely and he hopes someone would at least get Wally to be nicer. For now, he follows Wally's orders and looks after the mansion. He does help and teaches new butlers and maids when they arrived and he is taking interest on the new butler named Frank.
Howdy Pillar - Limousine Driver. Work as Wally's driver for 2 years. Well-manner and goes where Wally would like to go, he doesn't get harsh treatment... unless he has to carry what Wally will buy (mainly hair products). He would talk his troubles towards the mechanic when the limo needs tune up.
Poppy Partridge - Kitchen Maid; also head Maid. Is like the mom towards everyone and is one of the ones who Wally treats nicely. She enjoys cooking and feeding everyone. If she gets sick, Wally would step in, but many would quickly take over to cook since Wally is not good at cooking.
Sally Starlet - Scullery Maid. Good in washing clothes, she's one of the new recruits, not knowing much about the Darling family. She would sometimes be in charge of telling stories to Wally to help him sleep and she's good at it, acting out and stuff. She does wonder what happened to his parents though, but it's a touchy subject...
Home - Mansion, duh! Had been around since Wally's great grandpa was alive. In this AU, Home the descendant of living buildings and enjoys hearing music playing. Sort of a second close friend and one of the ones that Wally is nice to. Knew the Darling family and sometimes reminds Wally he's a tad too harsh. Home is also one of the two who knows what happened to Wally's parents, sadly... no one, but Wally could understood them.
Now for my OCs that will be in Rich AU...
Eric Hopper - A recent homeless rabbit puppet, soon to becomes Butler. Lost his home after his mom kicked him out for losing a job. Despite that, he's still kind. As a kid, he did found and return something to a puppet boy with blue hair, but it was so long ago, Eric doesn't remember who was the boy until Eric stopped a robber from taking money from Wally Darling. As thanks, Eric was dragged and asked to be a butler which Eric agrees until he kinda regrets due to Wally's treatment. It seems he can under Home... [Also! In Eric's Place, Y/N would be also be in this role]
Whiskers Furball - Mechanic. In charge of fixing the limousine and often hears rumors about the Darling family. Somewhat an Informant for Julie to get juicy gossip around the neighborhood. He seems to lit up when Howdy comes around.
Possibly more??
...I might change the roles, but let's go with these for now. 😅 I might add Barnaby's mom in the AU, along with Julie's siblings if I want to. I will tried to sketch the main ones out in the roles in the future.
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blackhat-organization · 3 months
I'd like to say ty to my parents for literally being dead and leaving me money because now i can fund my buying addiction
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melancholypancakes · 1 year
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Welcome Home Human AU: Uptown girl
It’s not confirmed in OG but Brienne is from a wealthy family in other AUs she is :)
I just love interracial and opposite attract relationships so i put both with Wally and Brienne
Brienne as a human is white and she is a descendant from France, she lives in a estate with her family in this au much like the actor au.
It has been confirmed by clown The Welcome home neighbors are Black as humans.
I also like the fact of a rich girl in a relationship with a poor boy or just a guy not as rich as her.
Brienne has the same chill and sweet personality in the human au and loves to try downtown or what opposite of her uptown society.
She loves messy food and circus rides. She may or may not have a crush on Wally 👀👀
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sunnie-writes · 1 year
kiss marks !!
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pairing: wally darling x reader !!
genre: fluff, friends to lovers.
tw: stimming(?), mentions of intense staring.
plot: julie convinces reader to try makeup for fun, and then end up leaving a certain yellow fellow easily flustered by this.
pronouns: they/them, makeup has no gender !!
sunnie, talk that talk: AAAAAAAH MY FIRST WELCOME HOME FIC !! i seriously hope you guys enjoy it <33 feel free to give any constructive criticism if needed !!
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"trust me, you'll look delightful!!" julie happily said.
you could only smile at her antics. in this situation, you were being julie's test doll as she tried different makeup looks on you. after some time though, she decided to set on a particularly chic look on you, smokey eyes and cherry red lipstick. not only that, she made you dress up in clothes that fit the makeup more, saying something about "fitting the dark fancy look".
"aaaand done!!" julie placed down the lipstick, "oh. my. gosh!! you look absolutely stunning!!"
"do i? where is the mirror??" you asked, going directly to your reflection.
you could agree, that looked absolutely great on you, maybe you should try different styles for often. only with julie around, though.
"you look like a hollywood star, or maybe one of those crazy rich people on tv shows!!" she stimmed, flapping her hands nonstop.
"thank you, i... liked this." the praise made you shy.
"oh, we need to go now!! poppy is holding a friend gathering tonight in her backyard!!" julie smiled while catching your hand to hold hers.
you both left the girl's house and began walking towards poppy's. on the way, you thought about what could the neighbors say, maybe even a certain yellow artist would notice and think of you as something more.
truth be told, you had a huuuuuge crush in wally darling, the artist in your lovely tiny neighborhood. nobody could blame you, those half lidded eyes with a cat-like smirk surely would make more than just you fall completely down the stairs of love.
as you two finally arrived, you could see everyone eventually get into your point of view. the food table was full of delicious looking meals, and not to mention how everyone was dressed in different outfits from their usual daytime clothing, opting for a more formal look even.
"oh? julie and y/n arrived!!" barbaby exclaimed, "how are you doing, lady and--"
everyone immediately looked in your direction, julie hugged your arm on your side and giggled. heat started pooling in your cheeks as each of their eyes seemed to get wider at your presence. sally was the first to break the silence.
"oh my, y/n looks amazing!!"
barbaby whistled, "julie sure did a great job, you look stunning."
you chuckle as more praises pour in. unfortunately, it seems like the reason you got overly dressed up hasn't shown up yet. moving to the table, you get yourself a nice glass of grape juice while looking over to the gateway incase wally randomly pops out of the air.
looks like your prayers were answered, you hear poppy scream like a mother seeing her son in graduation clothing, "wally!! you're finally here!!"
you look over to him, your cheeks heating up immediately and heart beating a bit more fast. standing in a blue tuxedo with a red tie was wally, with his pompadour still up and his mesmerizing eyes. you swallow the air as to control yourself.
"ha ha, hello everyone." his voice still sounds as calm and relaxed as ever, which doesn't help at all with your flustered state.
"let me guess, you're late because you were working on your pompadour?" frank sarcastically spoke.
"oh, you guessed it. nice one, ha ha!" wally just laughed before looking around him, "all of you look amaziiiiiiiingggg..." his words slurred down as his eyes stopped at you.
you could feel his eyes burning through your skin. if you were made of wax, you would've melted already. his stare was everywhere, your clothing, your hair before finally stopping at your face, meeting your gaze.
"oh my..." wally had his mouth wide opened.
"hehe, surprised?" barnaby questioned his friend with a knowing face.
"y/n decided to let me do their makeup and choose their outfit today, don't they look amazing?!" julie exclaimed happily.
snapping out of his thoughts, wally answered.
"yea, of course." he smirked as usual while looking in your eyes, "what a sight for sore eyes."
you blushed before thanking him, earning another one of his half lidded eyes stare. wally made his way to you, holding one of your hands and planting a kiss on the back of your palm.
"oh my, what a gentleman we have here." you chuckled, trying to play cool.
it seemed to work, his usual yellow cheeks earned a light red shade. liking his reaction, you decided to be a bit more bold, planting a kiss on his cheek before walking away to julie, leaving a flustered wally holding where your lips once were.
"ooh, what was that?? you looked so... powerful!!" she jumped up and down.
"w- well i mean, two can play this game, right?" your tongue failed you, making you stutter and julie giggle at that.
"hehe, sly y/n!! i like this side of you, makes you look all cool and mysterious!" she striked a pose with finger guns, you laughed at that.
suddenly, sally walked right behind julie, waving at her and stopping in front of you, motioning for you to get close.
"i don't mean to gossip, but wally can't keep his eyes off of you!" the sunshine whispered.
you looked over your shoulder, making eye contact with that smug stare of his. you could feel him scanning your face, which was obviously making him more flustered since he couldn't stop staring so much.
seeing the romantic tension in the air, julie and sally looked at each other before walking together to the opposite side that you were, starting a conversation with eddie and frank. wally, seeing this opportunity, approached you with confident steps.
"so, mx. l/n, what made you dress up so... differently?" he asked.
"oh, you know darling, just for the friend gathering." you took use of his last name, obviously causing a reaction as he noticed what you did.
"ha ha, clever as ever, i see."
"thank you. any other question?" you smugly smiled at him while screeching on the inside.
"hmm, do you wanna take a walk with me, we can take a look at the stars maybe."
you were jumping up and down inside your head, "of course, lead the way."
you walked by his side, interlocking your arms together. his shoulders relaxed and he widened his eyes before walking out of the gateway with you by his side.
you gotta' give him credits, the sky looked absolutely beautiful that night.
"the stars look beautiful tonight." you spoke, eyes shining like the billions of lights above you two.
"not so beautiful as someone i know." wally was obviously hinting at you, but you decided to play his game.
"oh really? who?" you jokingly questioned.
"you know who." he responded, you tilted your head in a provocative manner, "you, of course."
"quite the romantic you are." you leaned closer to him, making his cheeks get brighter, "any other reason of why you wanted to take me out in this particular night?"
he looked to the side before staring right back at you.
"there is another reason." he released your arm and got in one knee, "you see, i have something to confess to you. y/n l/n, ever since you moved in here, i was never able to take my eyes off of you. even as you walked by and just laughed with our friends, i could always find my gaze stuck upon your figure. i thought i was able to keep my feelings hidden for you, each and all of my pining could be hidden as i fell more deeper for you. but today, you showed up in a way that i can't explain, blessing my eyes and enchanting this puppet's heart right into your palm." your heart was beating so fast, eyes almost watering before you calmed down, cheeks reddening at the sight of his moonlit self, "so i beg and ask of you, would you wanna give this artist a chance and become his one and only muse?"
you were speechless, only nodding your head before he got up and you threw yourself at him, kissing his face and leaving multiple lipstick marks. cheeks, forehead, the space where his nose would be, and finally, his lips.
you were so happy, couldn't contain yourself from leaving him absolutely breathless.
"of course, i do." you chuckled while he tried to recompose himself, only to be stared at by heart eyes and a loving sigh.
"give a man a warning before you rock his world like that." he laughed quietly.
you held his face on your palms, and it felt like you were holding the world, feeling confidence wash over you as you traced your eyes towards the marks you left on him.
"WOOOO-HOOOO!! GO Y/N!!!!" you heard someone scream.
looking over your shoulder, you were met with all of your friends watching you guys from afar. eddie and frank holding hands while eddie laughed and his boyfriend just slightly smiled, julie jumping up and down while stimming alongside sally who was shining even more brightly, howdy chuckling while clapping all of his four hands, barnaby clapping while howling happily and poppy stared with watered eyes like a proud mother.
well, at least you two didn't need to spend the rest of the night explaining how you and wally darling became a couple.
and with that, you gave him another peck on the lips, before pulling him to all of your friends, while he lovingly stared at you, his for now and forever number one muse.
"dearest, you're the absolute most."
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sunnie, talk that talk: HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED!! I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS OMG SUFNEJFJSJDJS n e ways, byeeee dear reader, ily mwah /p
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djljpanda · 11 months
My Wally Darling Au Ideas
Millionaires Wife Au
I don't know if someone has done something like this yet.
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This is an Au about if Wally were to marry a millionaire (y/n). This is more of a slice of life with plot points happening. I am working on the fanfics.
You and Wally have a big luxury mansion with apple trees in the garden for the apple of your eye
At least once a month you both get on your private jet and go on beautiful vacations
Wally is always up to date with the latest fashion
Five star restaurant dates with the best food made by the best chefs
You take him to charity events, get togethers
All of Wally's friends are either married to rich partners or rich themselves
Wally honestly loves you and hates when people would say he only married you for your money but you always tell him that you know
Wally getting frustrated on the actual gold diggers trying to get with you
You may be a millionaire but you are not always going to a five star place as you only do them for special events
Wally is a stay at home husband while you are the one that works but Wally does do chores around the house as you don't have any maids or butlers
Wally is always grateful for what you get him and always tries to gift something back to by making you some apple flavored treat
Wally does set up get togethers with his friends and he always invites you to them
You and Wally have an aesthetic like morning and night routines
You and Wally are always doing something new even if it's something small or you two would just be at home relaxing in bed or walking around in your guys garden or swimming in the pool
You always tell Wally how much you loved him and no money in the world can make you happy like Wally does
Y/n: Sweetie you look so beautiful today
Wally: Really?
Y/n: Yea really, Have I told you yet?
Wally: You haven't
Y/n: What! It's like 6pm!!!! Well you look beautiful today, sorry I didn't tell you earlier
Wally: It's okay, I love you
Y/n: I love you more
Quote is from @SabrinaFlores on TikTok.
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skullaton · 1 year
cold hands, warm hearts
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Wally Darling / Gender Neutral Reader oneshot
Rating: G Genre: Fluff, friends to lovers Summary:
It's a chilly autumn evening and the neighbours are hosting their own fall festival! You decide to partake, enjoying the time with your friends. It just so happens that one of your friends is also your biggest crush.
Ao3 link: Here Welcome Home belongs to Clown a/n: It's autumn in the southern hemisphere, so I wanted to write a cute, fluffy one shot for the season! Enjoy!
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Read Below ↓
Your boots crunch into the dry, crispy auburn leaves as you make your way through the small town of Home. It was this year's autumnal festival and you couldn’t wait to see what hijinks your friends planned!
The road was covered in an array of leaves, muting the already colour rich town in a blanket of yellows, reds, and browns. You marched up a hill, seeing the outline of the festival’s banners from a distance. You huffed, exerting yourself as you trekked, seeing your breath poof up in a cloud of smoke. The cold nipped at your bare fingertips, but you didn’t mind.
You can finally hear the commotion of your friends scrambling around and having fun. You tilt your head to read the banner - clearly in Howdy’s handwriting - ‘Home’s Fall Festival’. There were some elegantly painted designs, as well as some crudely decorated ones. It was definitely a whole town effort to make it.
“Don’t keep starin’! Come on in!”
You break out of your thoughts to look at the towering caterpillar who stood behind a food stall, beckoning you over with one of his long limbs. You happily skip over, grinning, “Hey, Howdy! Nice handwriting!”
“Oh, that thing?” He glanced up at the sign before waving dismissively, “Shucks, I write so often, it’s really nothin’.”
You chuckle, shaking your head. “If you say so, Mr. Pillar.”
He leaned forward on his elbows, looking down at you with big eyes, “Say, you reckon you want some food? We got hot popcorn, hot chocolate, hot dogs, hot peppers, you name it!”
Being around him was so amusing. He always made such amazing pitches. How does he keep having endless stock? And hot peppers ? Who’s ordering that?
You could only assume Barnaby.
“Maybe later!” You waved him off as you started to hop away.
He simply waved back, “Alright, I’ll be here if you change your mind!”
You went to see what your other friends were up to.
A crackling bonfire lit up the centre of the festival, its fiery warmth emanating throughout the tiny faire.
You could see Sally atop of a makeshift stage, playing out a dramatic scene from a play. Her monologues were emotive, filled with passion and drive. In this scene she was holding a plastic… skull?
Wait, was this Hamlet?
You decide not to question.
Julie sat next to Frank in the audience, arms linked as they watched in awe of the brilliant star’s performance.
Looking on, you can see Eddie and Poppy sitting at the arts and crafts tent. Eddie was gently trying to instruct how to make the perfect leaf wreath. But… Poppy would often glue her fingers together and cuss a little ‘Oh, feathers me!’
Eddie, as sweet as honey, would insist she was doing amazing.
Finally, you see Barnaby next to a wide oak barrel. A crudely painted sign stuck next to it, saying ‘Bobbin’ fer Applez.’
Then you see him. The perfect deep navy blue hair, the lazy smile and half lidded eyes of the guy you’ve totally been crushing on since you moved here.
Wally Darling.
He was casually picking up the crimson apples from the chilly water, all while flatly remarking, “See, I’m bobbing.”
Barnaby released a booming laugh, practically barking, “I’m gonna bob you on the head in a second!”
Wally just tilted his head, offering a confused smile.
The giant canine cracked his neck, positioning his hands on either side of the barrel’s opening. “Watch the professional at work!”
Then he dunked his head down into the frigid liquid, splashing it like a tidal wave onto the unsuspecting Wally. When he finally emerged, two whole apples were in his toothed maw.
Smug, he looked over the shorter man. Then his expression immediately dropped.
Wally stood, blank faced, the front of his puffer jacket absolutely drenched.
Barnaby popped the apples out, “Oh, shoot, Walls! Didn’t mean for this to be a Wet n Wild ride! I’ll be back!” He hurried his way off to Howdy’s stall, probably in hopes for something to help.
You took the opportunity to duck closer to Wally. “Looks like you’re having a splashing good time.”
You internally cringed at yourself. Damn that Barnaby!
“Ha ha. Ain’t it so?” Wally held his kind smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
You decided to unbutton your jean jacket.
He gave a flat “Huh?”
You slid off the fabric, offering it to the shorter man. The chill bit at your skin, causing a ripple of goosebumps to run up and down your body.
He blinked slowly. “You’ll get cold.”
You shivered, offering a sweet smile, “So will you!”
He reluctantly unzipped his jacket, tugging it off to replace it with yours.
It practically engulfed him. His fingers barely peeked out from the sleeves. You wish you could take a picture of him. He looked absolutely adorable.
You held onto his puffer in the crook of your arm, feeling the wetness seep into your bones.
Another chill ran up your spine, causing you to exhale another puff of smoke.
Then in a split second, a giant wool mass would plop over you, encasing you in a tent of darkness. Wiggling out of your wool chamber, you peeked out to see Barnaby grinning above you.
“Didn’t expect ya to switch with Wallers! You can’t catch a cold now, ya hear?”
You fixed the oversized blanket so it was slung over your shoulders. You stuck a tongue out to the giant canine. “I’ll be fine! ”
“Just wait! Your tongue will be frozen like that!”
“Will not!”
“Will too!”
“Will not!”
Wally popped in, copying Barnaby, “Will too!”
“Hey, you’re not supposed to side with him!”
He gave his signature cat-like grin in response.
It wasn’t long until night cloaked the town in darkness. Stars twinkled and danced overhead, with the moon showing half of its beautiful glowing face.
Everyone was gathered around the bonfire, enjoying the crackling warmth on this brisk night. Julie and Sally were playing with rainbow sparklers, twirling out a magical light display. Frank and Eddie sat cuddled next to each other, staring dreamily into the snapping wooden flames. Howdy was passing out hot apple cider, while Poppy was instructing Barnaby how to make the perfect roasted marshmallow.
That only left you and Wally, sitting next to each other on a wooden bench.
You sipped on the hot cider, allowing the toasty beverage to heat you up.
You both let the snaps and crackles of the logs fill in the silence, simply enjoying the sweet moment with friends.
That is, until you could hear a soft mumble leave the puppet’s felt lips.
“I wish I could paint you right now.”
Your heart skipped a beat. You glanced over to Wally, watching as the flames danced shadows across his face. It casted an orange hue, accentuating his soft, plush features.
A pink blush tinted your cheeks. You definitely wanted to blame it on the bonfire for licking at your exposed skin.
But you knew it was because this silly little artist was staring at you with this most love drunk expression. His adoration filled gaze made your stomach twist in happy knots.
You found yourself inching closer to him, your spare hand just barely brushing against his fabric one.
“I wouldn’t mind that.”
A blissful sigh escaped the man. He reciprocated the gesture, scooting closer. You could feel his knee bump against yours playfully.
It wasn’t long before you both tentatively laced your chilly fingers together, basking in the heat of eachother’s flesh.
“Maybe we should schedule something?”
“That sounds wonderful, Wally.”
A quietness lulled between you as you enjoyed the moment. Despite the silence, you could feel your limbs tingle with exhilaration as your tummy burst with millions of fluttering butterflies.
You may have cold hands, but at least your heart is full and warm.
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s/o who moved to the neighbourhood after a car crash ; wally
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requested by ; anonymous (07/05/23)
fandom(s) ; welcome home
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; wally darling
outline ; “Could I get Wally x reader where reader moves into the neighborhood after a car accident, and the two become very close. One day Wally learns that reader's family is actually pretty rich but reader didn't want anyone treating them different because of it? Also Wally finds out around Christmas time as reader's parents wanna meet Wally for Christmas”
warning(s) ; references to injuries, references to a car crash, references to hospitalisation, but mostly fluff
you moving to the neighbourhood had been less of an active choice and more of a compromise with some of your more fretful family members
you’d wanted to maintain your independence after your car accident whilst you healed
they wanted you out of the busy city where it happened (and where you lived)
so rather than move back home and be pitied 24/7 by family, friends and staff, you just barely managed to convince them to let you move away to a smaller, more rural town
you had your little bungalow that gave you full freedom to move around with your mobility aids
everything and everyone was a stone’s throw away from everything else, so there weren’t any cars (in fact the only vehicle you’d seen was a unicycle in front of one of your neighbours’ houses)
it was completely isolated from everywhere else aside from a small gravel road which, being your typical country road, was very thin, very rarely used and you only really saw deliveries being dropped off to the local grocers and the post office
so maybe one or two cars a week tops and they never came anywhere near your little home
your family were appeased, you got to keep your independence, and as an added bonus you got to move into the quaintest little neighbourhood ever
everyone was so friendly and keen to get to know you that it threw you for a loop — having come from such a large city to somewhere where everybody knows everybody it was bound to happen
but you couldn’t say that you particularly minded
eddie, the postman, was always happy to stop by and chat as he went about his rounds in the morning — he was also happy to offer any assistance if a delivery happened to be a bit too heavy or large for you to carry in on your own
howdy, the grocer, always made sure that he had what you needed in stock — even preemptively ordering things like your medications and other things you needed for the upkeep of your health (e.g. new wrappings for injuries, oil if you’re using a wheelchair with a squeaky wheel, and so on)
julie, a particularly colourful neighbour, was always happy to stop by and make you feel beautiful even when you were too worn down to even really get out of bed — keeping materials and items on her that best suit your hair texture from the moment she starts randomly dropping by
frank, a neighbour who was particularly fond of butterflies, was someone you came to appreciate because he didn’t dance around your injury and accident — he’d ask you how you were feeling or drop off some books that might apply to your situation, but he never imposed himself on you too much
poppy, a bird who lived just down the street, was always happy to come to your aid during your bad days — stopping by without a peep of complaint and cooking and baking some food for you, always making sure that you’re taken care of even when you don’t have the energy
barnaby and sally, two more neighbours that live for performance and laughter, became the highlights of your days as they would always make a point to stop by and entertain you with whatever jokes or plays they thought of — becoming part of your routine by making you smile
and they did it all without you needing to ask because they all cared so deeply for one another and for you that it was never even a question about them taking care of you
of course they weren’t overbearing, but they did make sure that you were in good spirits and good health as you healed — keeping enough of an eye out to be able to step in when you weren’t able to step up for yourself
by carrying your deliveries inside, by keeping what you need in stock, by keeping your self confidence high, by keeping you well fed, by making you smile so wide your cheeks hurt and by making you laugh so hard you’re crying
but out of all of your neighbours, one stood out the most; a blue haired painter called wally darling
though you usually just called him ‘darling’ — because you could easily get away with the pet name and because you always got a curious look from him when you did it
wally was the first one to greet you when you moved in, offering to help you put your house back together and complimenting the art pieces you’d been gifted by friends and family
he’s a painter and can appreciate the fine arts, you see — and you appreciated how friendly and conversational he was because you very quickly started to feel at home
and by the time the rest of the town had stepped in to help you organise your belongings, everyone was smiling and laughing and joking and talking like old friends — you almost forgot that you’d known them for less than a day because of it all
it really was a team effort and you smile whenever you recall the utter chaos that was your first week in the neighbourhood
howdy with his four arms carrying a pile of boxes so high that he had to shuffle through your front door on his knees — peering around the stack to smile sheepishly and ask you where everything needed to go (which took you a few moments as you needed to pick your jaw up off of the floor)
julie guiding everyone around the bungalow with the precision of an air traffic controller, using two rolls of wallpaper to ensure that everyone could see her through the mess that was your home layout
eddie and frank carefully — carefully — carrying in your sofa and your bed and placing them according to your and julie’s instructions (and dropping them on poor frank’s foot… twice)
barnaby making good use of his height and strength to bring in the remainder of your furnishings, cracking plenty of jokes along the way that had you snorting and eddie making a victim of poor frank every time he laughed
poppy making good on her promise to keep things organised and ensuring that all of your utensils and trinkets and small things ended up in the right place — leaving the home more organised than you’d ever had it
sally helping move any left over boxes from the moving van to the house all the while making a performance of it — including an impromptu recital of a shakespearean monologue whilst holding a snow globe that had cracked during shipping
wally painting and glossing your walls and cabinets throughout this whole mess, occasionally popping his head back into the main room to poke fun at everyone or to ask how everything was going
all of you dipping your hands — or paws, or wing — in paint and slapping them against the wall just above your fireplace before writing your names in your best handwriting just beneath them
a permanent reminder of your hard work and the mess you made
a mess that was definitely preferable to the weeks you spent bedbound in the hospital after being injured, feeling so very isolated and bored in the aftermath of everything you’d been through
that week was also the start of your relationship — well, at least it was when the two of you started dancing around your feelings and finding excuses to spend time with each other
wally would frequently pop by your home with a new painting or sketch that he’d made for you — getting to the point where a good portion of your house was covered with his work
you’d spend hours talking on the phone — he’d be the first one you called whenever you felt particularly low
he was the only one you divulged the full details of your accident to — thankful that he didn’t pity you or question it beyond telling you to reach out if you needed anything
you’re the only one he shares his apples with (and who gets to see his abnormal way of eating)
you’ll go out on small picnics into a nearby field and he’ll help you get up and down from the blanket, not once making a fuss or batting an eye, instead focusing on more important things like eating and watching butterflies
butterflies like the ones you felt whenever he looked at you or touched you or smiled or laughed or —
needless to say you were head over heels — and since wally was as well, it took very little time for the two of you to become an item
(with plenty of encouragement from your neighbours who were, by now, more than done with both of you tiptoeing around the obvious)
it’s safe to say that he thinks you’re the absolute most
and when the holidays come around and your family, who you haven’t really thought about beyond the occasional letter or phone call, want to stop by and visit, wally is happy to play host
he insists on going the full nine yards but compromises with you that you’ll host at your home and you’ll share the duties of decorating, cleaning and cooking
which quickly become more playful than dull because it’s you two so of course they do
and come the day of, you’re both completely prepared — even if your poor boyfriend is quietly sweating bullets and a mixture of excitement and anxiety as they pull up
and then you realise that you forgot to warn wally about your family
but it’s far too late for that as they’re already at the door and you’re already greeting them — and oh god there’s that antique necklace and that designer handbag and she’s giving his colourful outfit a strange look and wally’s noticed and he’s looking at you and oh dear…
thankfully he’s able to hide his surprise well (has his expression ever changed from that smile?) and as your folks fawn over you and your home and they bring in all of the gifts you’re only given enough time to shrug and smile apologetically before you’re both whisked away to play host
thankfully your boyfriend is an excellent public speaker and is able to charm your family enough to keep them entertained and cooperative (and stop them from invading your personal space and infantilising you) as he serves everyone the meal you’d prepared
by the time he’s sat down beside you and you’re all digging in to the feast you’d made, you’re able to relax because your relatives all clearly adore him
they ask him about the neighbourhood and his job and your relationship — all of which he answers tactfully and politely before moving on with questions of his own
and when the time comes to open your presents (including some generic gifts they’d bought wally as a measure of politeness), your fear of being perceived differently has practically faded away
you’re sat on the sofa, he’s holding your hand in his own, and your family are bickering amongst themselves amongst an ocean of wrapping paper and presents worth half a mortgage but it feels like home — and whilst he does give you a bit of a funny look, he assures you quietly that he gets it
he just would have appreciated a bit of fair warning about it — which is understandable
and you don’t know why you ever doubted your silly little blue haired boyfriend for a moment
he really is the absolute most
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howlingmod · 1 year
summary ; Wally takes some advice to heart. Instructions unclear, succeeded anyway.
notes ; no pronouns used for reader , reader and wally enjoy annoying each other ( in a married couple way ) , not proof read
wc - 1.3k
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It was a silly little idea, to be truthful.
You hadn't meant for him to take it seriously, but that may have been your first mistake. You knew he had a tendancy to confuse you being genuine with you joking, eyes studying your expression for some hint whenever you would say something he wasn't sure of. You hadn't, however, expected that he would stick to his interpretation this thoroughly, even when it became clear you weren't serious.
( Part of you almost thought it was spite- you could swear you gleamed it from the way he'd proudly planted his hands on his hips when he told you he'd go through with it anyway, no matter what you'd really meant. Despite the fact that, for a rare moment, his eyes were closed to further demonstrate his confidence, you'd still hid a grin behind one of your hands. Though, you were sure he could surmise your amusement from your tone when you'd hummed a little 'ah, I'm sure you will,' in response. That is, if the following 'Don't you laugh! I'm being serious!' was anything to go off of. )
It'd all started with you sitting by as Wally went about the motions of his morning routine- or, well, morning routine was something of a stretch. You loved him, no doubt about it, if you didn't you wouldn't spend so much time hanging around bickering with him. However, you also loved your own sanity, and waking up at the hours he did unfortunately went against that. Luckily, he'd eventually picked up some habit of inviting you over shortly after the time you usually got up for tea or coffee or some other drink he'd suddenly grown fascinated with before you both went about your days. While not entirely the same, it was a nice enough replacement, it gave you both a chance to see and talk to one another with some privacy.
You'd been at it again, sitting close by with some book you'd picked up because the cover had a pretty illustration of an orchard in some hilly, rich-green scenery taking up your attention. You could distantly pick out the clatter and shifting of things as Wally worked on the drinks. For someone who wasn't particularly crazy about the stuff, he'd always had some complicated methods of making coffee that you didn't quite understand. You'd shown off your much simpler, compact way of making it before, which only earned him half-heartedly shooing you off so he could do it his own way, huffing about how you were missing out on all the key steps. You didn't mind the wait, it was a bit of an added charm, a unique detail. And truthfully, it tasted better. You will not tell him this. He would never let you live it down.
( Darling as he may be, he still had some pride to him. )
You'd hummed your acknowledgement, only tearing your attention fully away from the page about ... something, something, different kinds of fruit, something, something, identification of fruit-bearing trees. You'd found his attention turned in your direction, hands reaching up to the top shelf in one of Home's colorfully painted cabinets.
He'd continued staring at you for a brief moment before glancing back to the shelf, then looking back to you. It was a silent request that you understood loud and clear. Part of you wanted to wait a moment longer, see if he'd simply say it or if he'd die on this hill of 'I will not be giving you that satisfaction no matter how much my arms start cramping' silence. Another part of you could really use the coffee, if your reading was anything to go by.
Setting the hardcover aside on the armrest of the cruelly comfortable chair you'd been taking up, you'd made your way over. There wasn't any crazy height difference between the two of you, it wasn't as though you absolutely towered over him- no no, but there was enough of a gap where you could reach the things he couldn't with juust an annoyingly simple amount of ease.
"You know, you really should invest in heels, Hun. That way you wouldn't have to make your poor, dear partner do all the heavy work," you'd sighed in faux exhaustion, hand feeling around for a glass surface blindly.
"Maybe I will," he'd blankly returned, just as the tips of your fingers found the mug hiding near the back of the cabinet.
"You should. You'd look good. Maybe then you wouldn't have to ask me to lean down for a kiss," you'd teased, voice sickeningly sweet as you pulled away to place the cup on the counter, making way for him to work his magic.
He'd just kept his head held high, ever-present smile pulled just a touch wider in smug confidence, plan already forming in his mind.


For all his confidence and sureness in his plot, he had failed to entirely realize this wasn't as cut and dry as asking for a favor and getting a 1-up over you. For all his boldness, he hadn't concerned the outcome of you hiding a snicker behind your hand as his own was stuck to the wall to keep himself up, ironically unconfident in his legs doing that.
"It's not funny, you know."
"You sure? I think it's just a little funny."
He frowned at that.
"C'mon, just a tad?"
With a heaved sigh, he attempted to straighten himself up, immediately regretting it when he started to stumble all over again. He swung too far back only to go careening forward in the process of rebalancing and to the floor- that is, if it hadn't been for gentle, firm hands catching him and pulling him back up instead. His own hands instinctively found your arms, scrambing to clutch onto you for support now that the wall was ways away. You were too busy looking down to make sure he was stood upright to notice the shift in his stare, still everfocused on taking you in.
Eventually, once you were sure he wouldn't lose balance and send you both to the hardwood floor, you looked back up to meet his gaze. Before you could make any comment on the wide-eyed, almost curious look he'd fixed you with he made his own.
"You look different from here."
There wasn't any real postive or negative meaning in his words, it was just an observation. Granted, from his sudden stillness you could surmise that it wasn't a change he disliked. You could feel his hands move from their place just below your shoulder to wrap his arms around your neck. Apparently, his discovery gave him enough confidence to lean back just enough to get a better look at you. Partly to stabalize him and partly out of your own, bubbling up affections, you wrapped your own arms around his waist.
He nodded, smile growing a tad wider, "Yes."
Unable to stay still, he shifted forward again to move one hand just above your shoulder while the other cupped the side of your face, "Do you remember that thing you said when you brought this up?"
"I said many things," you hummed.
Ignoring your weak, smart comment he leaned ever closer. You really only now processed the sudden change in your height difference, having to tilt your head up just a bit further to keep your eyes on him. You had to hope the lighting from his perspective covered up any redness in your face. Granted, the little twitch at the corner of his lips let you know he most assuredly felt the rising warmth of your face in his hand.
"I think you were right."
With one last little grin and half-lived, quiet chuckle on your part, he leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead.
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iciwelcome-home · 1 year
Small Info of My Welcome Home AU - Welcome Mansion
There are obviously some differences in my AU of Welcome Home, so I'll give some for those who are interest in it.
Rich!Wally Darling is kinda vain about his looks (mostly his hair x3c), in the 5 feet heights, not much of a nice guy unless you're close to him, 'kinda' bossy and spoil (duh). He rarely smiles. He does still paint, but he keeps that hobby hidden, staring is still a thing, loves apples.
Home is known as Mansion, but when Wally was a toddler, he could pronounce 'Home' so Mansion accept it. Mansion can move things or help around using doors, floor broads or titles. (Like Casa in Encanto)
Reporter!Frank Frankly isn't as enthusiast in studying bugs, but he still finds them interesting. Plus Reporter!Frank would a tad shorter than Butler!Eddie
Butler!Eddie Dear is kinda buff due to wants to protect Wally from any danger, just in case Butler/Guard!Barnaby is sick or on breaks.
Butler/Guard!Barnaby and Maid!Sally can play the violins, trumpets or flutes.
Journalist!Julie and her siblings were farmers before starting their news business. Julie is known to wear disguises in order to get any juicy infos.
Puppets/Muppets coexist with humans, (and possibly toons, eh maybe). However, there are discrimination between them back in 70s or early 80s (Still trying pick what year during in my AU 😅).
There is/are some 'dark' rumors about the Darling Family. (Hence of the newscasts are trying to get in. Now what are they? Still working on it. I have either the death within the family or issue with the products the family created)
...And that's all. I'm still working on it. Hopefully my AU will be okay. And there'll be a CanonXOc thing in it. I do allow Y/N, of course. But first, let's see how this AU will go.
Go here if you want to see the roles of the cast of Welcome Home
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simplylatte · 9 months
♡ Last Heartbeat ♡
Corpse Puppet AU by @sketchquill
Idea: He was deeply in love. Wally Darling, a handsome young man. Julie Joyful, a gorgeous young lady. It seemed as if they were the perfect pair, though love has blinded Wally from realizing that wasn't the case. In fact, he was so, so wrong.
Reminder: Quick disclaimer, this fic will contain one-sided love and murder!! While canon to both Corpse Bride and Corpse Puppet AU, I know this stuff is not for everyone! Potential spoilers will be ahead as well for Corpse Bride!! You have been warned, viewer. >:)
Julie Joyful, how does one begin to describe her? Her beauty is simply just breathtaking. Pretty, beautiful, gorgeous.. no words can even describe how extravagant this young lady was. Always wore her precious jewels and pearls around her neck. Always kept her long, blonde hair up in a ponytail. Always wore her most delicate dresses, everything looked so good on her. People all around town can never get enough of her beauty. She knows this and takes pride in it. How many hearts she's stolen, how many men have fallen in love with her. It was too much to count. She could brag about it all day if she really wanted to.
However, just because they fall for her doesn't mean she falls for them, oh no no. Julie is rich and wealthy, she shows it so through her outfits and precious jewels she wears. She has very high standards, mind you, and not a single man or woman out there has swept her off her feet. It was getting tiring, actually. Always having looks at her, but never returns them simply because she doesn't see them that way.
But it's not like she needs the love, anyways.
She doesn't need it. What she needs is gold, lots of them. Diamonds if possible, she wants it all. Sure, she's rich, but what she has now isn't enough. She needs more. More of that wealth and luxury.
And fortunately for her, a poor soul just so happens to fall in love with her, and have the money.
It was quite simple, actually. As usual, Julie was headed out when a young man just so happens to walk to her the opposite direction. He stops and looks at her, and right then and there, is already falling in love. For a moment, she was about to wave and walk off, but what caught her attention was the satchel of gold he carried. Was he rich, too? It wasn't easy to tell, despite being wealthy herself. She reaches her hand out and plays along, pretending to be swept off her feet by him. He takes her hand and holds it softly. With a small bow, he introduces himself.
Wally Darling.
An interesting name to say the least.
But that doesn't matter now. His name means nothing to her. For now, however, she played with his feelings and sent him compliments purely to toy with his heart.
It was like a fun little game. Except Wally is the pawn and Julie is the player.
And of course, all games must come to an end.
And that ending will be his.
Weeks go by, and it all came down to this exact moment. It was cold out, the moon sat exactly in the middle of the dark skies as all could be seen were the moonlight and stars. Wally stood nearby at an oak tree, he was ready to go. All dressed up in a tuxedo, taken from his father. It was true, you really didn't need much when you were in love.
He held his satchel of gold close, smiling so brightly as he waited for his beloved Julie. He never questioned why she asked for his precious valuables. Perhaps it was to show them off? She shows her jewels off, so maybe she wants him to do the same? Yeah, that seems fair.
The waiting was starting to get to Wally. He became worried. Did she get lost? Oh goodness.. did she leave him alone? To sit in the darkness? He knew she knew about his father being against their wanted marriage. He couldn't cope with that alone, but he couldn't bear to think of the possible scenarios of where Julie could be.
As he stood alone, there stood Julie just at a fair distance away from him. She alone wasn't dressed up, just in one of her fancy dresses. She wasn't about to ruin a wedding dress for this quick stunt. She stared, closely examining his posture and keeping low Incase he were to turn around. With a twisted grin and ax in hand behind her back, Julie slowly approached Wally. A few steps in, she puts on her facade and coughs to get his attention.
"Wally, sweetheart?" She called out, just managing to force care into her voice.
Wally felt his heart flutter, his stomach filled with butterflies. He turned to his feet and faced Julie, sighing in relief when he saw she was okay.
"Julie, my pretty rose!"
Ew, she hated that name.. she forced a smile and took a few steps forward, sighing.
"Oh, Wally.. you have no idea how much I've been waiting for this moment."
..Poor Wally wasn't aware about what was coming to him. His heart was beating so loud, being filled with so much love for his precious darling. He loved her. Wally loves Julie. But she doesn't love him, not at all.
"There's no need to wait anymore. We can run away, be somewhere far away. We can have our future, just to ourselves. Oh, Julie, I'm so happy to marry you!"
The excitement in his voice, his unconditional love for her was showing through.
Too bad for him, that was about to be cut off.
"Oh, Wally.."
Julie paused for a moment. She broke the facade. A creepy smile crept on her lips as she took out the ax that she hid behind her back.
"I wish I could say the same."
What..? No, no no..
Wally was taken aback. He quickly took a few steps back as fear crept on him like an incoming tsunami. That tsunami crashed, all was visible was fear and terror on his look.
No, he didn't have time to think. He needed to get out, and fast. Wally quickly turned on his feet to run, but he was stopped. Julie was quick to grab him by the arm, tightening her grip as she prepared to strike. Before Wally could think or process what was happening, there was a sudden sound that clapped through the air.
It was loud, causing Wally to flinch. He then felt excruciating pain somewhere in his arm. He looked down and screamed, seeing he was now missing an arm.
"PLEASE, STOP!" Wally managed to scream out in between his pained noises. Tears ran down his face, crying in so much pain. Julie took enjoyment in his cries, he should've stepped away when he had the chance back then.
With a sick, twisted laughter, Julie took the chance and shoved Wally down to the ground. He groaned in pain, trembling as fear and pain overwhelmed him. He was a sobbing mess, the veil covering his face as he looked up at Julie with heartbreak, fear, and betrayal. She stomped down on his leg, causing him to flinch and cry more in pain.
"Stay still. I'll make this as painless as possible for you." She spoke coldly. She made it very clear that she never loved him. She never loved him, and it now too Wally this exact moment for him to realize that.
"N-No, please.." He began to plead. Julie lifted her ax up in the air, staring down at Wally with a horrific grin.
"JULIE, PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS TO ME! I LOVED YOU, PLEASE! NO, NO!!" Wally was bawling his eyes out. His heart beat faster, but not out of love. It was out of fear and terror. Oh god, he was about to die. There was nothing he could do.
"NO!" Was all Wally could scream out as he saw Julie slam her ax down.
Then.. everything went black.
There was no pulse. No heartbeat.
Oh.. he was dead..
Wally was dead..
Why him..?
It didn't feel real, he didn't want it to be real.
No, no.. he can't possibly be dead.
Somewhere, out there, he was there. It was pitch black. Was he in his mind? That would be far fetched, yet there he laid on the ground. Everything was pitch black. So much pain overwhelmed him, it was difficult to move. But eventually, the pain slowly began to subside.
Wally softly groaned as he slowly sat up. As he sat up, he noticed stitches on his arm that.. was chopped off.
His eyes widened. Tears flooded his eyes as he saw how horribly discolored his skin was. Once a cheery yellow, was now a dark blue that is cold. He looked down at himself, now noticing that all of his precious valuables were now missing.
Wally lost everything. Oh.. he really lost everything.
He couldn't handle this. Wally slowly began to sob as he stared at the ground in disbelief.
"N-No.. I can't be dead.. I can't.. be dead.. No.. please.. Julie, why..?"
Wally held his hands together tightly and held them against his chest as he sobbed uncontrollably. He felt like he couldn't breathe. His heart ached, his body was numb. What did he do to deserve this..?
He didn't understand. He didn't understand anything. Wally sighed with a shaky breath as he continued to sob. He slowly curled up in a ball. All he could do was cry and sob. He couldn't control his emotions. Tears kept pouring down until his head ached.
Wally loved Julie. She meant the whole world to him. She was the one who made his heart flutter. But now?
She was the one who made his heart stop beating.
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Lover boys
Pairing: Satanic x Wally Darling x Shy!Male reader
Illustrated au, picture done by @satanic-witchcraft!
Extra comments: This persona is originally stuck in a place with no time but I changed that for the fic purpose and for more context I'm weak and found this welcome home persona super beautiful and the creator said that that persona liked Wally and vice versa with Wally soooo- it was a too rich of an opportunity to pass it-
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Satanic was reincorporated into the neighborhood after a couple of weeks when Wally found him. They both started dating at the month, this was done thanks to Sally and her girlfriend, Julie, never ending efforts to get them together. They were a cute couple, a perfect clash of colorfulness with monotone yet both of them were shocked when a new neighbor came into the neighborhood.
M/n Corelli was his name, he was quite shy and yet he crashed quite well with the whole neighborhood. He was sweet and caring and such an easy sight on sore eyes so it didn't take long for both Wally and Satanic to start looking at M/n in a different perspective.
Wally was quite the easy one to get to fall in love, even though M/n did it without noticing it, it happened with such a simple thing. That simple thing being stargazing, he had found M/n laying on the grass in the middle of the night where he ended up joining him to look at the star sky and an action as inoccent as hand holding made Wally's illustrated heart skip a beat.
Now with Satanic it took some time for him to see M/n in a more than friendly way but he list the battle as soon as M/n took him dancing in a hangout. It was such a peaceful moment for both of them, M/n got a break from his over thinker of a mind and Satanic was godsmack with love.
The couple did talk about M/n multiple times but today was the day they actually truly talked about M/n.
"Satanic, how would you feel about M/n... hypothetically speaking... Maybe... Joining our relationship?," Asked Wally doubtfully while Satanic grabbed his hands and nodded his head while smiling that smooth af soft smile which made Wally blush.
"We should probably ask M/n if he wants to join first, shouldn't we?," Said Satanic making Wally smile shyly while nodding and both of them, holding hands, walked to M/n's house. When they arrived Wally knocked on the door and they waited for M/n to answer.
"Wally? Satanic-, what are you guys doing here? Is one in the morning," said M/n while pointing at the nonexistent watch in his wrist before yawning. The couple looked at each other before smiling while looking at M/n, Wally hugged M/n from behind propping his head in his shoulder while Satanic hugged him in the front propping his head on top of M/n's.
"We want you to go on a date with us tomorrow," said Wally softly while Satanic placed a soft kiss on M/n's head making the named on squeak and blush while hiding his head on Satanic chest nodding a yes. Wally and Satanic looked at each other sharing the same thought.
"Such a cutie..."
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I'm making an au for welcome home, it's called the movie teen au, so basically they all are teenagers and act like stereotypical movie teenagers. Idc if i wanna make them human like but puppetness stay or full on animated puppets because both seem fun. I don't have designs ideas for them but Wally's the designated rich kid and Julie is the most popular girl around, Frank is the nerd, Sally the theater kid, Eddie is the designated ordinary man, you know how in some movies one of the personalities is the fat girl who's designated mom of the group? THAT'S POPPY!! Barnaby is the clown of the group and finally Howdy is basically the designated big brother figure of the group (wally and julie are the fashionistas of the group so they do literally every style everyday, their current favorite is gyaru. And they look fantabulous!!)
Character ages in this au
Wally Darling - 16 the eldest of the youngest squad
Barnaby B. Beagle - 17 youngest of the 17 year old trio
Julie Joyful - 16 older than sally by 1 month
Sally Starlet - 16 younger than Wally by 7 months
Howdy Pillar - 18
Poppy Partridge - 19
Eddie Dear - 17 3 months younger than frank and 5 weeks older than barnaby
Frank Frankly - 17 oldest of the 17 yr old trio
If it was Human but still keep their weird puppet abilities au.
And by that i mean: they still have their human forms but have most of their puppet traits, wally still eats with his eyes, julie still has her horns, barnaby has the doggy traits, eddie... is the designated human, howdy keeps his extra limbs, poppy has bird wings and feathers, sally has abilites related to the sun and the moon, Frank can still do that huge head spin.
Though they do keep their puppet like abilities, They are mostly human. This time Barnaby suffers (without regretting ANYTHING THAT FUCKING MUTT) from his extreme hotdog meal though.
If you wanna keep them puppets, then they are just themselves but like teenagers.
I'm currently writing a story abt them except I'm not done, everyone can use this au!!
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alexta1032 · 1 year
♡Welcome home au ♡ studio Au ◇
Se llama Rich money wally darling
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melancholypancakes · 1 year
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Brienne Velvet is an actress, singer, dancer, and puppet activist
Made in 1949, in Los Angeles, CA she has been in many musicals, sung songs, and been romance films.
She is known mainly for "Chigaco: The Musical" playing Velma Kelly, "Moulin Rouge" playing Satine, and "The Hunchback Norte Dame" playing Esmeralda.
Brienne played female characters that were the opposite of her personality.
Such as a rude diva much like her sister or a sexual woman based on how her puppet body is.
Brienne in reality is actually a kind person, introverted, and understanding puppet that gives emotional and mental support.
Brienne also appears to be best friends with Wally Darling and Miss Piggy both individuals divas themselves.
It would seem an unusual friendship if it wasn't for Brienne's "background".
She grew up in the hills having a rich lifestyle with foster parents, Margaret Velvet and Archie Velvet.
Four muppets, Brittany Velvet, Brienne Velvet, Cathy Velvet, Jasmine Velvet, and Henry Velvet.
Brienne hung out most with her diva sister, Brittany.
Listening to her drama problems, shopping, jogging, and having parties mostly on Brittany's part.
Although they were different and had cat fights Brittany would never let anyone diss her little sister EVER.
Despite, everything that has happened in the world Brienne lives in.
She's a puppet activist and desires peace with puppets and humans, longing for racism to come to an end.
In "Welcome Home" Brienne plays a character who is cocky, confidential, and a rockstar who happens to share her gothic style.
Her character is a side character up until Wally Darling's character has a crush on her, making her part of the main cast as the love interest of the main character!
Brienne is the opposite of her character, in reality, she is introverted, sweet, optimistic, and considerate of others even if they're humans.
Wally Darling and Brienne Velvet seem to have a romantic dynamic in "Welcome Home" but in real life, they're just best friends...for now.
@frillsand actor au 💫
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angelfoodcake222 · 1 year
💌 💛 Xanthophilia 💛 💌
Xanthophilia: the love of the color yellow.
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Gif by @bee-stim
Tw[Trigger warning]: you goofed, bad/decent poetry, fluff, scopophobia, (possible) head injury, simp stuff. Enjoy.
🌕The story starts with a 3rd person's view peering past the window leading into a puppet's (most likely Y/N's) office as they frantically &/or cartoonishly searches for the note they thought they had put away to revise it into a less sappy, mawkish, schmaltzy confession of their feelings for the star of the show in favor of writing as more of a note to show their appreciation for his appearance in the shows, offering to design his next suit to fit his seemingly snazzy essence. Maybe something in a fetchingly robust red?
🌕Wally gets a note [accidentally] sent by his semi-new neighbor, Y/N the stylist/seamstress, after it gets mixed up with other things in their messy home office.
🌕When he opens the pristine red heart stamped, white envelope he finds something to the effects of a love letter complete with a lightly perfumed (not intentionally, just cast off from when you were getting dressed near your desk & the episode you were written into called for you & Wally to be near each other)piece of salmon pink paper filled with rich blue ink scribbles that open with "To My Most Darling, Fabulous Neighbor," before he stood stock still beside his open window to read on. His unblinking eyes read this (or something like it):
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I cannot help but swoon when I see you wearing any one of my designs. It makes my little heart throng when I see you happily going about your life with the clothes I tailored for you & how your honeybee fleece makes it look as though you were the sun himself put into a tangible form. An incarnation of bright, beautifully blue-topped chef-d'oeuvre Pablo Picasso, Peter D. Jaquish, or even Leonardo da Vince could so much as dream of bringing to spontaneous life. Andy Warhol hasn't a prayer in recreating the honorific hues you iconically carry with your pools of opalescent snowfall glistening like freshly fallen snow with a pair of priceless black pearls that bring an incomprehensible level of depths to them.
If your lulling voice & genteel demeanor were not enough, your eyes draw me further & deeper into these profound feelings I've been pushing down for countless convoluted reasons that I cannot put into words. I hope to make a garb that finally brings worthy wearability to your form & its near-otherworldly resplendence. Possibly make you a line of Red Deliciousness & Pink Ladies for myself, if it's not too much, of course. Maybe swap makeup & hair tips or you could show me how you do such majestic work in such brief windows before the cameras come on.
With love & awaiting skill, Y/N.
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🌕Wally is stuck in place, rereading the besotted epistolary in his hands as the words take him some time to grasp. He even asked home to pass him the dictionary from the top of his bookshelf to translate many of the words just to boil it down to its writer being, for lack of better words, "wally, wally, blood & dolly" for him.
🌕He sat in his plush chair, rereading the confession with a new understanding of what Y/N had composed, now transcribed to his understanding.
🌕He barely heard the frantic knocking upon Home's door & Home rocking his chair to snap him out of the hypnosis.
🌕When he does pull through & opens the door, there stood Barnaby with an excited yet curious look on his face.
🌕While Barnaby was getting a hot dog from Howdy with Eddie & Frank picking out ingredients for something related to jelly, Y/N skids in & make a B-line for Eddie, asking if he had delivered any mail from their house to Home that day.
🌕Eddie checks his notes & confirms their hectic question, noting the "very pretty thing holding it shut so nicely" that he could not bear to stuff it into his bag, therefore packing it mindfully in hand to Wally's dwelling.
🌕Y/N's face turns a few shades darker before they fall back into the apple display & causing everyone concern, especially Julie & Poppy who had just walked in not even a split second before it happened.
🌕Barnaby ran to Home, grabbed Wally & brought him to Howdy's where everyone else gathered to check on their friend laying amongst the ripe red fruit scattered about, especially Poppy who told everyone to step back & give the stylist/tailor some room while she tended to them.
🌕He thought back to the letter he had tucked into his cardigan pocket instinctively while Barnaby dashed him to the store & reflected on the decadent words you utilized in writing such a thing. This was followed by him piecing together what had happened.
🌕He, Poppy & Barnaby helped Y/N back to their home & tucked them into bed.
🌕Barnaby & Poppy went all about their neighbor's home looking for things to ease their probable headache after their fall while Wally sits at the same-sized puppet's bedside, quietly watching them rest their lovely, lettered mind. Unable to push that poem from his mind.
🌕While Poppy tended to Y/N's head & Barnaby grabbed some additional pillows from their closet, Wally continued to watch you (a character trait the two bigger puppets were used to, so they didn't notice it.
💛He had never fallen so hard before & he doubts he ever will for anyone else ever again.
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djljpanda · 9 months
Millionaires Wife Au
Spouse Wally Darling X Rich Reader
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How You And Wally Met
I feel like you both ran into each other at a small get together, you went because of your friend and Wally went because of his friends
You had just been pointed as the CEO of your families business and a party should help taking away all that stress
You were getting drinks until you bumped into someone as turned to see who it was you saw Wally but you didn't know his name at the time
You apologized and from there you two started talking the night away as you found out you two have somethings in common
You two didn't leave with each other's phone number or socials but just left happy to have someone new to talk too
When you guys met the second time you were getting some sweets till you saw a familiar face working at the cash register and surprisingly to you he recognized you
This time you for sure got Wally's socials and did hit him up once you got home
From there you two just talked about each other's day and you would even vent about work and family but Wally was always there to be your rock
Soon you asked Wally if he's free to go out, not on a date of course, and Wally agreed
But soon those trips to the town turn more romantic and soon you both did go on a date
Just know that before you two went out he would spend awhile trying to figure out what to wear for you
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