rikandadefest · 3 months
Rik and Ade Fest 2024
And now for a fourth year running: it's the Rik and Ade Fest! We've been trying to get your attention for the past 10 weeks, so hopefully you're listening! Give this blog a follow NOW to stay up to date as this year's fest progresses. Right on!
As usual, you can submit up to 3 prompts for fanart and/or fanfic for any piece of media featuring Rik and/or Ade. Also, as usual, you don't need to commit to making art or fic later to submit a prompt. We need more prompts than participants!
Unusually, there's an extra rule in place for prompts this year. We're asking you to please not send in any prompts for The Young Ones or Bottom - just for this year! Next year, you can go mad!
Why are we asking this of you? Is it just that we're bastards? Well, we've noticed an (unsurprising) bias towards these two shows throughout fests, so we're trying to give Rik and Ade's lesser known/popular media a chance.
If you do accidentally submit a TYO or Bottom prompt this year, never fear! We won't be adding it to the prompt list this time, but we will hold on to it and add it next year. As well as this, all the previous unclaimed prompts for TYO and Bottom will still be available for artists and writers to claim and make work for this year.
But anyway, here's the ol' reliable Google Form for submissions. It will be open from today (23rd March) until 1st April.
If you're new to the Rik and Ade Fest or just want a refresher, the guidelines are available on the #RikAndAdeFest2024 ao3 collection:
Happy submitting, scumbags! You can contact @xgardensinspace or @neil-neil-orange-peel if you have any questions.
We are aware our fanart books currently have broken links. This is a recent occurrence. Ao3 cannot host pictures, so all fests' art is hosted elsewhere. We're looking for a new host site and may have to contact certain past artists for their art again once one is found. We intend to have this issue fixed before this year's fest is revealed in June. We apologise if this discourages artists from participating, though we would always encourage you to share your art on Tumblr, Instagram, or elsewhere too once a fest is revealed, in any case.
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neil-neil-orange-peel · 3 months
I always get very excited for the Rik and Ade Fest. I know I'm not as active on here as I once was, but I'm happy that I still help run the fest with @xgardensinspace. So, new and old scumbags, what are some reasons you should get involved this year?
Because making fic and art is fun
Because having a prompt to use as a springboard can make fic and art even more fun
Because this fandom is 40 years past fashionable, will always be small, and needs as much love as it can get
If you submit a prompt and no one takes it on this year, don't be disheartened! The truth is there will be waaaay more prompts than scumbags participating. I've submitted 3 new prompts every year to keep the list full, and twice now people have taken on one of my prompts the year after I first submitted it. You never know when the right person will come along!
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rikandadefest · 13 days
One week to go until the fest submission deadline, scumbags!
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rikandadefest · 6 days
Lawks a lordy! The fest deadline is upon us! 😱
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But never fear, scumbags! Those of you who claimed a prompt and haven't managed to submit yet - drop @xgardensinspace or @neil-neil-orange-peel a line if you need an extension. Don't worry, this happens every year! The absolute final this-is-it-no-more-leeway-time's-well-and-truly-up-now-buster day for submissions will be 11th June.
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rikandadefest · 2 months
The day has arrived! The prompt list is ready! Thank you to everyone who submitted new prompts - and thank you for abiding by the temporary ban on TYO and Bottom prompts. Please DM @xgardensinspace or @neil-neil-orange-peel if you're interested in claiming a prompt.
Rules & Guidelines:
*Strictly no hate towards any prompts allowed - if you don't like one for whatever reason, don't claim it.
*You may take on as many prompts as you'd like, but only one at a time. This is to ensure claimed prompts are completed and not simply claimed and forgotten.
*If, for any reason, you find yourself unable to complete the prompt you've claimed, please let @xgardensinspace or @neil-neil-orange-peel know. It's okay, no one will be mad!
*If you produce fanart - please email it to [email protected] or DM it to @xgardensinspace or @neil-neil-orange-peel. It will be added to a fanart book and posted in the collection. If you have an ao3 account, please let us know your username so we may add you as co-creator; if you don't have an ao3 account, please provide us with an alias you wish to be credited under.
*If you produce fanfic and have an ao3 account - please add your work to the ao3 collection before posting it, otherwise it will appear in the tags early. When searching for collections to add a work to, the fest's will appear as Rik And Ade Fest 2024 (RikAndAdeFest_2024). Previous years' collections should not be available for you to add to, but please make sure the collection is marked 2024 before you add your work.
*If you produce fanfic and don't have an ao3 account - please email it to [email protected] as a Word Doc, Google Doc, or any other file type that is copy and paste friendly. Please also give us an alias you wish to be credited under and any tags you would like us to add to your fic. Your fic will be posted to the collection via the ao3 account RikAndAdeFest and will not be edited by us.
*500 words minimum for all fanfic.
*Fanart must be sent with a high resolution.
*The deadline for all submissions is 2nd June. The collection will be posted on 12th June.
Here is the PDF with the prompt list:
Have fun, scumbags!
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rikandadefest · 2 months
sorry for the dumb question but I see the legend for "fic or art" and "only art" on the prompt list, so does the grey/white colored prompts indicate only fic? I didn't see it specified. thank u!
Hi there! Apologies for the confusion! We should make this clearer in future.
The colour-coding element was only introduced last year because artists in previous years were finding it hard to envisage which prompts would work as art. To help with this, we started highlighting prompts that are specified as being for artists in orange, as well as highlighting those that are specified as being for artists or writers in yellow - just to make things super clear.
As for the rest, a few of them may specify that they're for fic - or, when you read them, they might just seem more naturally inclined towards fic - but making art for them is still fine! The orange ones are blocked off from fic writers, since we always receive less art and want to give artists in the fest a chance, but almost every other prompt is available for both artists and writers.
I'm someone who just writes fic and doesn't make art, so what I look for in a prompt is a potential story. I can't speak for artists, but I'd guess they're more looking for a moment they can capture (I could be talking out of my arse though). I can see how certain white/grey prompts might just sound too writerly to work as single art pieces - that said, we've never had someone try making a little comic strip out of a prompt before, so I think there are usually creative options available if a prompt really sings to you.
I hope this cleared things up! Main take away is: artists, have a go at anything; fic writers, try to steer clear from the orange stuff (there really aren't that many purely orange prompts, but if you're really REALLY desperate to write for one, maybe try contacting whoever submitted that prompt to see if they'd be cool with it).
- R
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rikandadefest · 1 year
Rik and Ade Fest Master Post:
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rikandadefest · 4 months
#RikAndAdeFest Countdown! ⏳
It's that time again, scumbags! With the #RikAndAdeFest2024 less than two months away now, we're back to love bomb some more fanfic and fanart from previous fests.
This week, we're giving a shout out to the fandom's long time favourite ship:
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In 2021, @neil-neil-orange-peel had female!Vyvyan teasing female!Rick over the kitchen table, as she made her way through cornflakes and ketchup:
Also in 2021, @mariigoldmayall genderbent our favourite poet and punk too, and they had a sexually charged standoff as the kettle boiled:
In 2022, @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street gave us domestic fluff, letting the lads chill out with some music:
In 2023, @neil-neil-orange-peel sent the boys to Hammersmith, alongside Mike and Neil, to visit another Rik and Ade couple:
Also in 2023, @torn-and-bloody explored a drunken evening after the pub, where hidden feelings are revealed:
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We'll be boosting fic and art from another angle next Saturday! Check back then!
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rikandadefest · 3 months
#RikAndAdeFest Countdown! ⏳
We're finally in March, scumbags! Not long to go until the #RikAndAdeFest2024 opens for prompts!
Today, we'll be showcasing previous submissions about a Comic Strip fan favourite:
✨Bad News✨
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In 2022, Incy Little Spider explored a conversation between Spider and Colin the night before Castle Donington:
Also in 2022, @lostinthemayall explored the aftermath of Castle Donington:
In 2023, @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street invited Colin and Vim to a Rik and Ade parody of the Last Supper.
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We'll be boosting fic and art from another angle next Saturday! Check back then!
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rikandadefest · 4 months
#RikAndAdeFest Countdown! ⏳
Another Saturday, another chance to signal boost fanfic and fanart in the run up to the #RikAndAdeFest2024!
This week, we're shining a light on fanworks made for Rik and Ade's grottiest show:
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In 2021, @addersblack gave Richie and Eddie the Soulmates AU treatment:
In 2022, @mariigoldmayall had Richie reflect on childhood memories while writing his autobiography:
Also in 2022, @postpunkpontypandyphantomthief put Richie and Eddie through a role reversal:
Also in 2022, @addersblack gave Richie a happier birthday:
In 2023, @deaditeyes and @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street included Richie and Eddie in group meals featuring various Rik and Ade characters.
Also in 2023, @neil-neil-orange-peel had Richie and Eddie play host to four students from Scumbag College:
Also in 2023, @fourstarsandahamster got Eddie to attempt being romantic for his and Richie's anniversary:
Also in 2023, @my-blood-is-maple-syrup let Richie have some success in his dating life, for once:
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We'll be boosting fic and art from a different angle next Saturday! Check back then!
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rikandadefest · 4 months
#RikAndAdeFest Countdown! ⏳
Only six weeks to go until the #RikAndAdeFest2024! Have you got a prompt ready?
This week, we're giving some love to a particular category of fanworks:
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In 2021, @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street transported Vyvyan, Rick, Neil, and Mike into the world of Doctor Who:
In 2022, @mariigoldmayall mentioned Richie and Eddie going to see a certain heavy metal band in their youth:
In 2023, @deaditeyes and @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street staged meals between various Rik and Ade characters.
Also in 2023, @neil-neil-orange-peel explored what happens when the Scumbag lads and the Hammersmith hardmen meet for Sunday lunch:
Also in 2023, @postpunkpontypandyphantomthief imbued The Young Ones with elements from The Evil Dead:
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We'll be boosting fic and art from a different angle next Saturday! Check back then!
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rikandadefest · 5 months
#RikAndAdeFest Countdown! ⏳
Blummin' flip, scumbags! We're now just 10 weeks away from the start of the #RikAndAdeFest2024! Can you believe it? To get everyone in the mood, each week we'll be boosting some of the bloody brilliant fanfic and fanart made for past fests.
To kick things off, we'll be giving some love to:
✨Gen Works✨
Fandom isn't all about shipping, and neither is our fest! Why not check out the following?
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In 2021, @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street sent all four young ones for a spin in the TARDIS:
In 2022, @lostinthemayall took on the aftermath of More Bad News, with an unexpected friendship blooming between two band members:
Also in 2022, @addersblack gave Richie a pleasant birthday, courtesy of Eddie:
In 2023, @deaditeyes and @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street conjured up group meals between various Rik and Ade characters, while @viviangreeneart and 20thcenturycoyote gave us Kevin Turvey dozing with a butterfly:
Also in 2023, @postpunkpontypandyphantomthief sent Vyvyan on a(nother) sadistic mission to torture Rick:
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We'll be boosting fic and art from a different angle next Saturday! Check back then!
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rikandadefest · 3 months
#RikAndAdeFest Countdown! ⏳
Less than a month to go until the #RikAndAdeFest2024 starts, scumbags! We're back to celebrate more of our past fests' fanworks.
This week, we're championing one type of submission:
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The Rik and Ade Fest was started under the premise it would be accessible to both writers and artists. We're pleased to say every fest so far has featured at least one piece of art. You can find all fest fanart in this series:
Thanks go to the artists: @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street, 20thcenturycoyote, @viviangreeneart, and @deaditeyes.
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We'll be boosting fic and art from another angle next Saturday! Check back then!
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rikandadefest · 3 months
#RikAndAdeFest Countdown! ⏳
One week to go, scumbags! That's right! The #RikAndAdeFest2024 is very nearly here!
Our final look back will focus on a specific type of fanwork:
✨X Reader & OCs✨
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In 2023, @deaditeyes included a couple of OCs at a Bottom/TYO barbecue:
Also in 2023, @my-blood-is-maple-syrup sent a reader insert on a date with Richard Richard:
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We hope the past 10 weeks have helped you discover some new fic and art. Thank you once again to everyone who has submitted to our fests so far.
The #RikAndAdeFest2024 will start on 23rd March, where everyone will have 10 days to submit up to three prompts to our Google form. So go on, you bastards, get creative! We'll see you in the fest!
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rikandadefest · 3 months
#RikAndAdeFest Countdown! ⏳
Not long to go at all until the #RikAndAdeFest2024!
In light of this, this week we'll be gushing over the fanfic and fanart for the show at the heart of the scumbags fandom:
✨The Young Ones✨
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In 2021, @neil-neil-orange-peel let a genderbent Rivyan make a mess on the kitchen table:
Also in 2021, @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street shot the lads into space with the TARDIS:
Also in 2021, @mariigoldmayall had a genderbent Rivyan's arguing blow up into something more:
In 2022, @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street let Rick and Vyvyan chill out with some cigarettes and records:
In 2023, @deaditeyes and @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street included Vyvyan and Rick in group meals between Rik and Ade characters:
Also in 2023, @neil-neil-orange-peel sent the Scumbag lads on a day out to Hammersmith:
Also in 2023, @postpunkpontypandyphantomthief showed us Vyvyan going to extreme lengths to win a lifesize skeleton model:
Also in 2023, @torn-and-bloody sent a drunk Rick and Vyvyan home after the pub to confess their feelings:
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We'll be boosting fic and art from another angle next Saturday! Check back then!
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rikandadefest · 5 months
#RikAndAdeFest Countdown! ⏳
Congratulations for getting through another week of January, scumbags! Not only does this mean there's less January left, it also means the #RikAndAdeFest2024 is a week closer too.
This time, we're here to show our appreciation of fanfic and fanart for one of Rik and Ade's lesser known shows:
✨Filthy, Rich & Catflap✨
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In 2021, @neil-neil-orange-peel expanded on Eddie's anecdote about the night Richie wet the bed:
Also in 2021, @postpunkpontypandyphantomthief dropped the characters in the 2010s to see what havoc they'd wreck on modern British showbiz:
In 2023, @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street depicted Richie Rich and Eddie Catflap at the table in a Rik and Ade parody of the Last Supper:
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We'll be boosting fic and art from a different angle next Saturday! Check back then!
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