#rinne x reader
kohakun · 1 year
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title » anything for you.
pairing » rinne amagi x gn!reader
synopsis » rinne has never been one to hide how much he adores you, and he hides it even less on your birthday.
requested? » no
genre » fluff
a/n » happy birthday march <3
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rinne loves every single thing about you. if somebody were to ask him why he's so deeply enamoured with you, he'd go on a tangent about how happy he is in your presence, about how your smile brightens his day, about how oh-so endearing you are, about how you're the one who completes him as a person.
he has never been afraid to show you how in love he is, always brazenly giving you his affection no matter who's around you both. now of course, this factor only intensifies on your birthday. on this day, he's more than determined to let you know that you're the most important person in his life.
as the sunlight peeks into your shared bedroom through the blinds, rinne's sleep is interrupted, but he's much too excited about what's going to happen throughout the day to sleep in. he glances at you who's peacefully asleep in his arms and he can't help the smile that graces his face.
he discreetly gets out of bed, knowing that he can't delay too much on his surprise since you're an early riser. cooking has never been rinne's strength, but with a month spent on perfecting your favourite breakfast (with niki's assistance, of course), he was confident enough to not ruin it.
the appetising smell of food cooking is what wakes you up and the absence of your boyfriend next to you in bed alarms you immediately. you get up and make your way to the kitchen, beyond surprised when you find rinne in an apron placing food on the table.
"happy birthday, baby," he says with a grin on his face, walking towards you to engulf you in his loving embrace. his smile widens further when you thank him for having cooked breakfast for you and he places a chaste kiss to your lips.
he leads you to sit at the table where your food is and he watches with a lovesick gaze as you dig in happily, complimenting him about how well it was made. he can't help but kiss you again after you finish your meal, pulling away only to pepper kisses all over your face and hear you giggling.
when you smile warmly at him, it's like his world stops completely to admire you. rinne decides at that moment that would do everything possible to see your beautiful smile for the rest of his life.
he loves you more than anyone, more than he had ever thought was possible. he's completely and utterly infatuated by you, and he knows that he'd do absolutely anything for you, the love of his life.
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seangelfish · 11 months
Hello!! I really like your work... if it were food I would eat it (weird compliment but still—)
I'd like to request platonic! headcanons rinne and hiiro with their sibling who is a singer in a girl rock band like Leo/Need (not exactly the same, just as an example for the music she plays)
Hehe, thank you so much, I'm really happy to know that people like my writing! ♡ I took a listen to Leo/need (for research) and I LOVE their song 'Teratera'. Anyways, I made the reader younger than Rinne, but a bit older than Hiiro (middle child things). I hope you enjoy reading, and thank you for requesting! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
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Rinne and Hiiro Amagi w/ a sister who is a singer in a girl rock band!
Genres/types: Headcanons (platonic!)
Word count: 1,218
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Rinne Amagi
– Your biggest supporter and he isn’t scared to show it.
– Whenever he'd go to your concerts, people would give him dirty looks because he looks like a big scary guy, but he’s just there to support his little sister.
– Would support you by buying all your group's albums and merch. You’d be embarrassed by this, but deep down you’re extremely appreciative. He would try to get himself an ita bag to display your badges, but you begged him not to.
"You don't act like this with Hiiro!" you cry.
"That's because you're different, my dear sister~"
– Since the three of you don't live together, the only time you'd meet up is at your place. You'd play a little sample for your brothers with your bass. They always listened to you attentively. You were always talented with instruments ever since you three grew up back in the village.
"Oooh, let me play one of your songs, onii-san!" you tell Rinne. "I like that song you did with 2wink, what was it called?"
"It's Lemon Squash Cheers!" Hiiro answers.
"Yes, that's it! Let's sing it all together! I learnt some parts of the chorus, hehe~"
"Aww, how sweet, so you do catch up with what I do~" teases Rinne.
"Of course I do!" you say happily. "I keep up with both of you, and I'm really proud of you!"
They were more proud of you though.
– Rinne would tell his unit members all about you. Out of all the three Crazy:B members, only Niki was interested. HiMERU was surprised Rinne had another sibling and so was Kohaku, but they didn't press on further, not until you decided to meet them for lunch one day. They were surprised at how different you were compared to their leader. You were composed and kind unlike Rinne.
"Don't fall in love with her though," Rinne would tell them, embarrassing you yet again.
"I can't believe you two are siblings though," HiMERU states. "Do you know how much trouble your brother has made for us?"
"I am so sorry for his behaviour," you say. "Hiiro and I aren't like that..."
– Rinne likes to boast about your achievements and performances. You always thought that he was favouring you over Hiiro though, so you'd have to scold him for it.
"Give some appreciation to our little brother!"
"Eh, should I...?"
"Come on, onii-san!"
– But you loved Rinne. He was your big brother that you always went to when things turned south. Whenever the haters got to you, he was always there to tell you that they are insignificant and that you should focus on those that love you. He's the first person you will ever turn to when you needed help.
– You would catch him sing to your songs and play your bass. He isn't embarrassed by this, and even asks you to teach him how to play.
"Onii-san, you should know how to play a bass," you say, not bothered to teach him nor correct yourself that the thing you were thinking of was–
"That is a tonkori; that is completely different, (Y/N)."
– He loves tossing you high in the air when your group receives an award at a music show. Well, he tosses you up in the air for no reason anyway.
– Always brings up that he wants to collab with you. The other Crazy:B members don't see a problem with this, and neither does your group. Maybe if you were permitted, you'll be able to sing on stage with your big brother one day. You could play your bass with your band whilst he dances. That would be fun!
– Ultimately, he is very proud of what you have made for yourself. He will continue to keep supporting you and your group, and will always watch your performances on his phone when he couldn't make it to your concerts in person.
Hiiro Amagi
– You're his biggest inspiration (apart from Rinne, of course)! Although he sings in his idol group too, your performances are a lot different than his. You sing AND play the bass with the other members of your rock band who play a variety of other instruments.
– He looks up to you a lot, and would watch your performances on his phone. He likes how passionate you look when you sing. He tries to incorporate the way you present yourself into his performances, but only a little bit.
– Would sneak into your concerts because he thinks that siblings don’t need to pay until you tell him not to do that because you don’t want security up his ass.
– In the end, you give him a special pass so if he wanted to attend your concerts, he can do it properly.
– He adores you so much! He would even ask you to help him with idol training. You always obliged because he’s your little brother after all, and you were incredibly proud of him!
– Sometimes you two would dance together to some of ALKALOID’s songs. He’d be surprised at how quickly you learn the lyrics. You love his group's songs and would sometimes play them on your bass. He would listen to you play with a big smile on his face.
– Also would try to sing to your songs and play your bass. He's a lot better than Rinne, and learns quick. He performs one of your group's songs to you, and you couldn't help but smile at how much he admires you.
– Would tell Aira all about you since Aira seems to be knowledgable when it comes to idols.
“I have a sister who’s the lead singer of her band. Have you heard of her?”
“Huh, you do? Who is she?”
“(Y/N) from X Band.”
“WHAT?! SHE’S related to you?!”
– He buys some of your merch, but his favourite item has to be the plushie of you with your bass. He keeps it by his bedside table at the dorms. It's like his sister is always beside him cheering him on, and of course, you were cheering him on in person too!
– Because you have more experience in the industry, he would always call you for help. You were always happy that he confided in you.
"Thank you, nee-san!"
"No problem, Hiiro."
– He misses his older siblings a lot, but he misses you more and would call you every night before bed.
"Today has been good, nee-san! I worked with my seniors at Star Pro today and I learnt a lot about being a good idol! Hokuto Hidaka from Trickstar was with me today and..."
"That sounds wonderful, Hiiro. I'm glad you're having fun!"
"Yes! I'm off to bed now, and you should go to sleep early too, nee-san."
"Yes, yes, I will... just for my baby brother~"
He laughs on the phone. "Haha, goodnight, nee-san!"
"Goodnight, Hiiro."
– He'd hug you tightly whenever you'd win an award for your group's music. He's a bit taller than you, but you adore hugs from your little brother.
– He'd hug you after every encounter, and you would let him because you missed him too. The two of you would try to get Rinne in on the hug as well, and with force, you'd succeed.
– He loves his older siblings so much, and you love him the same. It's nice to see the three of you pursue the same career.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist | Rules
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Hello I hope you’re having a great day but I’m very curious which ensemble stars character will like boldly make out with you in front of everybody?!
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Heya!! I'm having a good day so far, hope it's the same for you😊
gn reader
Who would make out with you in front of everybody?
Rinne 100% has done this before, no doubt about it. He doesn't care about the concept of decency or if he makes anyone else uncomfortable. Doesn't care that society tells him that this is not appropriate behavior, if he wants to kiss you then he does! He's pretty big on pda and always has an arm around you or asks you to sit on his lap.
It's not even a case of isn't-aware-that-people-are-watching, no, Rinne does this completely on purpose and has this huge smirk in his face when he pulls away. I'm convinced he does this every single time you two hang out with Crazy b and everyone is so sick of it. HiMERU feels the last piece of his sanity leave every single time.
And then Rinne just laughs afterwards. There doesn't need to be a particular reason for this, it's just a thing he likes doing
Another person that might do this is Ritsu I feel. Everyone already knows that the two of you are dating with the way he always clings onto you or asks you to cuddle with him. He likes pda because he just always wants you to hold him and so he doesn't particularly care if someone is watching as long as he gets his needed dose of affection.
I don't think Ritsu is normally the type to make out with you in front of people though. Rather he likes planting lazy kisses against your cheek or neck when he's feeling a bit mischievous.
There is only one thing that would prompt him to do something like that, and that is jealousy. Ritsu is already kind of prone to jealousy and doesn't like it when he isn't the center of your attention. It normally works out because all of your close friends know that you're dating and so he knows that they won't try to make any advances on you.
What does upset him though is when the two of you are hanging out somewhere and then suddenly some stranger starts approaching you because they thought you were attractive and want to ask for your number. And the longer they heap compliments onto you and in turn ignore him, the more upset Ritsu becomes until eventually his jealousy hits a limit and he feels like he needs to teach them that you're already dating someone.
So in a bold move, he casually turns your face to look at him and quickly leans in to kiss you on the lips passionately. All while staring down the stranger that was just talking to you. You can feel Ritsu smirking against your lips when the stranger flusters and apologizes before quickly leaving.
Ritsu hesitantly pulls away and all is well again
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honeybeewhereartthee · 6 months
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In one Christmas Eve live. You watch the shuffle live of Rinne among the fans. His throwing teddy bears to fans as gifts with his shuffle unit mate. Your sitting beside crazy:b watching in the vip seats reserve by Rinne.
"Look, MC-han. Rinne-han is signalling for you to catch the teddy bear." Kohaku pointed out to Rinne who was supposed to be finish throwing teddy bear but went to run to the direction where you four are seated and winked at you.
You heard the fans screams and when he thrown the teddy bear you reach out to catch it and for split of moment he give a flying kiss and went to the scripted chorography of the song.
You seems daze for a moment as you look at Rinne who seems to have a filter on as he seems extremely handsome today. But maybe it's the snow getting into you.
"Sit down." Himeru pulled you back to your seat and you hug the teddy bear and watch the live yet your eyes is all in focus on Rinne. You wonder... No, it's probably something you just don't want to admit. Maybe...
"What's wrong, MCchi..." Niki ask you as the four of you walk to the back stage after the live to meet up with Rinne and everyone.
"... I guess I'm just in denial." You hug the teddy bear tighter as the three looked at you and then to one another. Niki even pause at his Kirby moment to give you a look. "oh so your admitting you like rinne?" He joked.
"Hmm." You nodded your head."..."the three was shock by your answer. Your eyes is on the teddy bear to not notice Rinne behind you. Who was about to surprise you.
"I like Rinne. " You said with a smile. Rinne who heard it stopped on his truck. His face show a look of surprise before it turns bright red as he hers you next words.
"Himeru han. You said it's weird fate I keep getting haunted by Rinne merchandise and cards in game. Maybe it's just fate and world telling me something... " You chuckle and did not notice how the ever so cool headed and teasing gyaru Rinne have his composers broken behind you.
Even his shuffle unit who was about to greet everyone like tomoya and Subaru was shut up but Ibara as he notice the moment is very sussy.
"Even so he committed food poisoning act against me..I don't mind to taste or eat his dishes with such same result. Cause he made it. " You chuckle.
"Is that why you still eat every single crumbles of it?" Kohaku sighs as he remembers you commenting it's killing your stomach with the last food made Rinne, a new dish he wish to try. Thinking he can ace it in first try.
"I guess." But as you think about things. You remember the words of you guardian about someone you meet long ago. You already promise someone.
"I wonder... If I can if I already made promise someone.' you mumble your smile dropping as you think of a memory of someone you meet long ago, their face already too blurry but they were so silly person who is curious about many things. "It Doesn't matter!" Rinne chuckle and you suddenly realize his behind you and heard what you said.
"AMAGI WHEN DID YOU--" your face turn crimson as he circle his arms around you.
"Hey, since it's Christmas. I'm going to take a week off. I'm going to go back to my village with my bride." Scooping you up to his arms. Rinne stared at ibara. He knows those four was behind him unlike you, who's clueless.
"Sigh. Do as you want." Ibara can't control this bee, might as well do what he want since it mean less trouble for him to take care of when his not around.
"What do you mean--" you did not agree to this! But Rinne just chuckle as turn around and run to leave the place. Calling his village by phone to ask them to get ready a few things as his going back to his village for one week.
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kaveuh · 2 years
hello!! i wanna request something but i cant seem to access ur rules or masterlist so i thought i might tell you. ignore this if it’s against any rules but can i request poly relationship hcs with rinne and niki?
ur writing is great btw!!
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POLY RELATIONSHIP W/ rinne amagi and niki shiina !
author’s note — no you're good anon! it's a my bad because i haven't set up my rules yet but i do and will write poly ^_^ live love laugh rinniki i love my little scrimblos— and thank u nonnie, i'm glad you enjoy my writing <3
warning(s) — none
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if you agreed on dating BOTH rinne amagi and niki shiina, you are a very strong and patient person. getting into a relationship with only one of them is one thing, but two of them? you're in for a very, very, long ride… (/hj)
niki's a bit more tame than rinne. he's more peaceful and is in the down low. he's also comfortable to sleep with— because unlike rinne, niki sleeps like he's dead. rinne, on the other hand, he will end up winning a boxing match while sleeping. 😭
however, sleeping with the both of them is surprisingly… comfortable? despite the fact that they're fighting for who gets to cuddle up against you, they are soft pillows, so you're not complaining at all!
NIKI SHIINA I LOVE NIKI ! he usually gets up first, whether that’d be early in the morning or the afternoon, latest he’d wake up would be around 2 PM, 3 if he had a bad night. he's the chef in the relationship, of course! though, he only cooks breakfast in bed for you, and not rinne… (favouritism smh /j) GOD he’s so cheesy about it too.
"here's breakfast for you, my love!" he will wake you up 💀. it doesn't matter how fucked you look after waking up, niki will giggle to himself and start showering you with kisses and compliments. "ahh, you look so pretty! 'm so lucky to have you!" type of shit and rinne just deadpans at the sight of it.
rinne LOVES to take you two out on random dates! messing around with HiMERU is his go-to. he thinks it's hilarious. let the poor man rest, rinne. but on a serious note, he always takes you guys on those cheesy and generic dates— like amusement parks, aquariums, fancy restaurants, etc. yet, he still somewhat makes it feel like it's only a you-guys-thing.
if you're all too lazy to go out and stay home, you and rinne will set up a fort while niki picks out a movie while waiting for the food. which you ended up buying a bunch of snacks from a store, anyway.
kohaku's definitely your adoptive son, and HiMERU's the cool, tired uncle.
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mikafaery · 1 year
HI i'm so glad i found your enstars blog .. can i request ✊️, ❤️, and 💌 + rinne ?
Hello!!! Thank you so much for finding my blog!!! And Of course! I would love to write for Rinne!
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Rinne NSFW Headcannons
MDNI 18+
Warnings: Sex, Masturbation, Strong Language, Sexual Tension
GN!reader x Rinne
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Rinne's Late Night Thoughts
Rinne is the epitome of Horny. He jacks off whenever he needs to release some tension or When he starts to have late-night thoughts of you. His thoughts start off with how pretty you looked that day then it turns into how badly he wanted to fuck you right where you were standing.
The feelings all build up and he can't help but fuck his own hand after seeing how good you looked dressed up for him.
"Fuck Y/N- The things you do to me~" he moaned into his hand.
He can't handle being alone with his thoughts or it makes him turn into a huge mess, all because you decided to dress up for him.
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You're so beautiful
You were cooking dinner with Rinne. Although you wanted to just make some pasta, Rinne had other plans.
In a matter of moments, Rinne had carried you to the bedroom and got on top of you.
He looked into your eyes as he fucked you "You're so beautiful Y/N. I don't know how I got so lucky."
His movement was sensual and tender and gave you praises while holding your hand so that you knew how much you meant to him. He wanted you to know that It wasn't just sex and that he was making love to you.
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In A Meeting
Rinne sat in a meeting half asleep. He had been up all night with you so he hadn't gotten any sleep. He knew the meeting was about the next crazy: b performance but he could barely pay any attention to the monotone voice of his managers.
That was until...he got a message on his phone.
He opened up his phone to see a text message from you.
Message from Y/N:
"I know I kept you up all night and that you'll be tired for your meeting, so I want to help wake you up"
You sent him a nude
Rinne almost had a heart attack from the sudden picture and quickly turned off his phone in hopes that no one around him would see. But it did wake him up.
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demonichikikomori · 8 months
Sorry, Not Sorry
Rinne Amagi x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.2k+ Tags: Cheating/Non-Con Voyeurism/DubCon/BroCon /j Unless?/Blackmail
Art by lllistn on Twitter!
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It's time... For 13 Lovely Hauntings! This was in my last tarot card vote but I wanted to write it still! Also, this might get another chapter (on Ao3 at some point) if enough people want it. If not? It's just a stand-alone fic. All of the pieces for this event are literally just my drafts I’m clearing out but didn’t know where to post. I didn’t really post the last two months so I’m stuffing you guys with content. Sorry. Not sorry. (Badum Tss.)
Your boyfriend Hiiro Amagi takes you back to his childhood home during a weekend away from college classes. He wants you to meet his father, and his older brother Rinne Amagi... I guess.
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You were walking hand and hand with Hiiro Amagi with a cheerful expression down a long dirt path. Your shoulders brushing as your hands remain intertwined tightly in the chill of the fall air, your freed hand clung to your duffle bag packed with clothes and your favorite soaps for the weekend. You stepped over a small bank of snow reducing itself to slush with a smile glued to your face. Today, you finally meet and spend the weekend with Hiiro’s family. You had been dating Hiiro Amagi for almost a full year, and he thought it would be nice to spend the weekend after exams in his village. It was an honor to know Hiiro adored you so much that he was ready for you to meet those closest to him. Even if it was just his father and older brother. 
“My father is excited to meet you. He kept begging and begging for me to bring you to our village when we had our next break from classes!” Hiiro chirped as the two of you entered the quiet village. The sun was starting to set along the treeline, casting a neon orange glow over the village. “I promise you’ll love him as much as he loves you. My older brother won’t be here until tomorrow though.” He gently nudged you with his elbow as your nerves began to spike with jitters. First impressions are everything, and you know how to behave in front of the head of the household. But what about Hiiro’s older brother? For some reason during the almost full year of dating, Hiiro has never once brought him up until recently. 
Hiiro walked you up to his childhood home and began fishing in his pocket for a key to the door. “What is your older brother like?” You asked curiously as he patted at his pockets with a soft ‘mmmm’. “He’s reckless, but not in a bad way! Sometimes he does things that I don’t like, but that’s just his personality.” Hiiro began to frown, keeping the description vague. He finally found the key to the house and looked it over. “But don’t worry about him until tomorrow. I know you’ll like him too.” His tone picked up its usual cheerfulness as you started to puff up your cheeks. Maybe his older brother is someone you would simply have to tolerate this weekend, for your boyfriend’s sake. After all, Hiiro never actually talked about him.
Before Hiiro could push the key into the door, it was suddenly yanked open and your eyes widened with shock. “Oh! Rinne! You made it here before us!” Hiiro was just as surprised to see the man leaning in the entrance's door frame, chewing idly on a toothpick. You stood silent and stunned as you soaked in the sight of who you could only assume was Hiiro’s older brother. The cunning air around him was an extreme contrast to Hiiro’s usual heroic nature, but the similarities in appearance proved that they were indeed related. 
Riine Amagi sported a head of long, wild, cardinal red hair. His skin was pale and paired well with his mischievous cyan blue eyes. The older sibling was taller than Hiiro with defined muscles he wasn’t afraid to show off which explained his current state of shirtlessness. He instead wore thick black sweatpants that hung low on his hips. A wispy trail of red could be seen peeking out from under the waistband of his expensive underwear. His eyes sparkled at the sight of you behind Hiiro with a smirk forming on his handsome face. “Who’s this fine piece of-” 
“This is my girlfriend! I was bringing her here this weekend to meet you and dad. But, I thought you were coming back tomorrow.” Hiiro cut Rinne’s possibly inappropriate comment short as he outstretched an arm in front of you. Almost like he was shielding you from the older man you couldn’t peel your eyes away from. This was Hiiro’s older brother. And if you and Hiiro ever got married, he would be your older brother too. 
“Hah? Tomorrow? Mmm, change of plans. Niki was busy I guess.” His response was half-hearted, still looking at you with that same sparkle in his eyes. A sparkle that began to draw you in until Hiiro obstructed his older brother's vision with an agitated wave of his hand. “Where’s father?” He asked as Rinne rolled his eyes and stepped away from the door. “He’s doing chief stuff. He’ll be back in an hour.” The older man scoffed as Hiiro quickly took your hand and led you inside.
The warm air and scent of cheesy pizza welcomed you as you and Hiiro removed your shoes with Rinne monitoring the scene. “So, how old are ya’ sis? You’re really pretty. You doin’ the college thing with Hiiro?” Rinne’s voice was deeper than Hiiro’s and smooth like gold colored honey. He didn’t look that much older than you and Hiiro, but the air he exuded felt much different. More intense than Hiiro. “I’m the same age as Hiiro! And I share one of my English classes with him, but we have different majors and minors.” You explained sheepishly as you placed your bag on the ground and placed your shoes beside Hiiro’s. When you looked up, you noticed that Hiiro looked annoyed that his brother was talking with you.
Rinne let out a soft ‘ahhh’ of understanding with his hands now settling on his hips, his fingernails were lined in a black polish that had been chipped away to specks and flakes. Hiiro never painted his nails. Even if you offered to do it for him, it was a hard no. “Well, sis, what made you like Hiiro so much? If you say his looks, just know he got them from me.” He asked playfully, far more interested in you than his own little brother as your face began to grow hot. 
Before you had the chance to respond, your boyfriend began to growl as he pulled you behind him. “Leave her alone, we just got here! Ask normal questions, you sexual harasser!” The younger brother snapped as Rinne shrugged his shoulders with a laugh. “Kyahahaha☆!~! Riling you up has always been easy. And now that you have a girlfriend it’s even easier!~!” He teased as the two began to go back and forth. Unbeknownst to Hiiro, you were peeking over his shoulder to capture a few more glances at Riine. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him during dinner, and you were starting to grow fearful that he may start to notice. Hiiro, thankfully, seemed oblivious to your ogling. Hiiro’s father did nothing but compliment you all night, grateful that his youngest son was capable of finding someone as charming as you. He then jokingly asked when you and Hiiro would be married and how soon you were ready to give him a soccer team’s worth of grandchildren. To which you had to bashfully decline giving him any response so soon. You and Hiiro were still young! Rinne’s laugh rattled through your brain at the sight of your shy expression. His tone was so sweet when he called you ‘cute’, apparently ‘falling in love’ with the way you puffed your cheeks when you pouted. Hiiro wasn’t too happy about the comments his older brother made and the two began to bicker until dinner ended. 
When it came time for bed, Hiiro’s father encouraged the two of you to share a bedroom. Who was he to stop anything from happening? And a girl shouldn’t be cast off to the confines of some old couch or hard floor! You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed that your boyfriend’s father would encourage something risque under his own roof and you began wondering if Hiiro got his sense of righteousness from his late mother... 
As Rinne wished you a playful goodnight and vanished behind a door not too far down the hall from Hiiro’s you started to feel a sense of guilt. There was no reason to pay mind to a man you had just met. Especially your boyfriend’s older brother. But the attention he was giving you was much, much different than what Hiiro gave you. Of course you loved and adored your boyfriend. But sometimes, it felt like you were just friends instead of lovers. You never found the chance to speak up about the topic of being more intimate with your boyfriend. It could be anxiety keeping you from trying, or the deepest hope that maybe it would happen naturally. The farthest you had gone with Hiiro was a messy makeout in his dorm. But the moment you reached for his belt, he sheepishly nudged you away and you were sent back to your own room. 
You feared that it could be something he saw in you that made him uncomfortable with the prompt of sex. Or maybe he was just too nervous to try? Either way, it was starting to leave you with an insecurity you couldn’t shrug off. 
You settled into Hiiro’s room, silently admiring the decor that had been left untouched since he had gone away for school. Your backs faced one another as the two of you changed into your pajamas, for you? An oversized shirt and a pair of shorts. The light was shut off and the two of you crawled into Hiiro’s bed with you on the outside, closest to the door despite Hiiro’s protest. “What if someone breaks in? I need to be ready to jump up and defend you!” Hiiro grumbled as he laid on his side to face you. You rolled your eyes tiredly as you huddled closer to him beneath the blankets. “Well, what if I need a bathroom break? I don’t want to climb over you.” You already knew that you had won the conversation as Hiiro settled down and the two of you drifted peacefully to sleep. 
Well, you were asleep. 
You weren’t sure why you woke up so suddenly, but you were dying of thirst. You slipped out of bed with a soft yawn. Your eyes opened wider and wider as you started to recover and wake up. You looked for your phone to check the time, seeing that it was 1:37am. You hadn’t been asleep that long, and the whole house was silent other than the soft creaks of the old home settling. But you really needed a cup of water. You glanced in the darkness to see Hiiro was sleeping peacefully, his back facing you as you stretched your arms above your head and made your way towards the door. 
You crept down the hall to avoid alerting anyone else in the house of your mission. But your steps halted as a sound filled the air. One that sounded nothing like the creaking of the old house. A soft pap pap pap that caused your stomach to grow tight and hot when you noticed it was coming from Rinne’s room. Maybe you were just imagining things? You keep your steps light as you pass the door while holding your breath. The sounds and soft moans beckoned you to backtrack. And backtrack you did. 
Returning to the door made your face burn as you listened to the sounds within the room. Your imagination provided ample imagery of what might be happening on the other side. How fast his fist would be pumping. If he was using a toy or not. If he was smirking or if his mouth hung open with ecstasy. You reached towards the doorknob. 
There was hesitation, fingers hovering over the cold brass as you stood stunned by the impulsive decision. But it wouldn’t hurt to take a peek right? You twisted the knob cautiously with a thick swallow. The pounding of your heartbeat playing in your ears as you began to crouch with the door slowly and silently being pulled open. 
You peered into the pitch black room, listening to the wet sounds and Rinne’s carnal moans from within the room becoming significantly louder. You wanted to see more. You wanted to see him. Your lips parted as you pressed your face into the door with wide eyes laced with curiosity. You could feel your inner thighs becoming hot as you took the risk of cracking the door open further. With the hopes of catching a glimpse of Rinne, you pulled and pulled greedily at the door as you fell hypnotized by the sounds of lust. 
And catch him you did. 
Looking back at you with a stunned expression within the darkness as the sounds fell deaf.
You choked back a scream and let go of the door in a panic. Scrambling to your feet, you tried to rush down the hall as Rinne yanked the door open with his eyes narrowed into slits. You were left with no time to react as Rinne caught you by the back of your shirt and pinned you against the opposite wall. His fist now gripped your collar as he looked down at you with a tight frown. His body was pressed against yours and you could smell the scent of lust and the salt of his sweat emanating off of his skin. The way his warm breath tickled the skin of your face with each short puff. His cheeks were flushed as you began to tremble with terror. No, no, no, no. 
Rinne remained silent, looking over your terrified face before turning his head down the hall where you were supposed to be sleeping beside Hiiro. There was a soft chuff as he returned his attention to you. “What’s going on sis?” He asked, his voice lined with venom and something else you couldn’t put a finger on. Your mouth filled with cotton as you looked around the dark hallway. You couldn’t look him in the eye. “… Getting water…” You mumbled as Rinne hummed, letting go of your collar to instead grab you by your forearm. He wasn’t rough, but he was firm with his grip. “Me too.” He began dragging you towards the kitchen, and you struggled to match the stride his long legs had. 
The kitchen was dark, illuminated by the yellowish light glowing above the sink. Your boyfriends’ older brother let you go with a little shove, easing you towards the counter as he opened a cabinet in search of two glasses. He was silent as he walked through the small kitchen. It was strange, even though he was clearly agitated, his eyes sparkled. Just like when his eyes first met yours. You felt your stomach twist and churn with anxiety as he filled the two cups with water and held one out to you. But when your fingers brushed against his, you nearly dropped the cup out of shock. You wanted to go back to Hiiro’s room. You wanted to close your eyes and pretend this didn’t happen. 
The cup was shaking in your hands as he stared at you, his gaze burning and filling you with guilt. “… I’m sorry.” You whispered, your reflection appearing in the crystal clear water. Rippling and distorted as Rinne crossed his arms in front of you. An older brother scolding his eventual sister-in-law. Well, unless Hiiro found out about this. “What are you sorry about, sis?” His voice was smooth and soft, making you straighten up with your thighs pressed tightly together. “… Spying on you…” You mumbled again as Rinne hummed with a sound of content. “Why were you spying on me, sis?” You tried lifting the cup to your lips. “I dunno…” You didn’t want to say why. “You know why.” He purred and placed his own glass on the counter, reaching towards you to poke at your stomach with his slender pointer finger. 
He herded you against the edge of the counter with his usual smirk returning. Like he was planning something horrible. You felt his large body press against yours, easing his body between your thighs . “Wanna tell your new big brother why you watched him jerk off? Why did you watch while Hiiro, your boyfriend, was sleeping? Why you sat in the hall on your knees with big eyes, and your mouth wide open?” His grip on your forearm was back as he began pulling you against him. Rinne towered over you like an imposing force and you couldn’t fight the way your heart quickened. Should you say morbid curiosity? The lack of attention you got from Hiiro pushing you to take the risk? A blatant lie that you tripped and fell against his door? “I dunno…” You couldn’t muster the strength now that you had been cornered like this.
“Then why don’t we wake up Hiiro and tell him?” Rinne suggested with his squeaky cackle. Your blood ran cold and you shook your head, your glass nearly toppled out of your hands as Rinne remained smiling. “Hmm? Noooooo?” He purred teasingly as beads of stray tears rolled down your cheeks. “Curiosity killed the cat sis, but y’know…” Your boyfriend’s older brother trailed off as he loosened his grip on your arms, rubbing his thumbs over your skin. “Satisfaction brought it back.” He whispered as he removed a hand, and took the cup from your trembling grip and placed it next to his own. A small whimper rolled off of your tongue as his hips bucked into yours suddenly. 
The sound was embarrassing as you looked away from Rinne, eyeing the flooring with your mouth clamped shut. “If you come back to my room, I might forget about this whole thing.” Rinne purred as he bucked his hips again, and again, and again. You could feel him starting to harden in his sweatpants as he gave your upper arms a firm squeeze. You couldn’t let Hiiro find out about this. “You… Can you promise you won’t tell?” You begged softly, refusing to look Hiiro’s older brother in the eye. 
Rinne kept his grip firm on your arm, not too rough, but it was tight enough to keep you from darting away. “Me? Promise? I don’t think I should. You were the one who came creeping on me.” He chuckled softly as you allowed your eyes to shamefully fall shut as the tears dried on your cheeks. Rinne was quiet before grumbling under his breath. “Alright, alright, ‘promise I won’t say anything.” The older sibling began to pull on your body until you were flush against him. “If you do what I say, I won’t say a word.” His tone was slick as you started to feel as though there was no other choice. You could be truthful with Hiiro, or avoid that painful reality entirely. 
And maybe spending the night with Rinne won’t be so bad… “Okay.” Your voice was weak as Rinne smothered his cackle with his hand. He was enthusiastically tugging you out of the kitchen and towards the bedroom. Your heart began to sink as you allowed yourself to be dragged behind him.
This was wrong. This was extremely wrong. If Hiiro found out, he would be devastated. But what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Right? Rinne promised he wouldn’t say anything if you went with him. With one final glance towards Hiiro’s bedroom, you were nudged into the one belonging to his older brother. And the door shut with a soft click.
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Tagged Accounts: N/A
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mxnaluv · 1 year
hii!! c q t k u for rinne amagi from ensemble stars?? thank you!!
Yes, ofc!!! I love Rinne!
Rinne Amagi NSFW Alphabet
MDNI!!! 18+
Warnings: Sexual Themes
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C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) :
Rinne loves to cum on your ass. He thinks it's really hot and loves to see how you react every time he does.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He really likes quickies and the risk they have on them. he loves the adrenaline rush and tries to do it often with you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owns like one or two toys but not many. He mainly uses them on you and would never think to use them on himself unless you brought it up to him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Rinne's kink is brat-taming. Whenever you tease him or make him jealous he loves it. He wants to put you in your place and he's REALLY good at it (IYKWIM)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves to tease you and see your reactions. Rinne would tease you often during sex. He would edge you, tease you in public, etc. Literally anything he could do to tease you, HE WOULD DO IT.
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valeriele3 · 1 year
I have an idea for this post and this post
Y’know how sometimes your game will glitch like the posts above?
What if it’s the characters messing with the code?
In the main story Eichi glitched and he was just there talking even if it wasn’t his turn. The same thing happened yesterday night with Rinne (I can’t exactly explain so please go check out the two links)
I personally don’t put those characters(Eichi and Rinne) in my screen or office unless it’s their birthday or they’re part of the characters that can interact with the birthday cake of the bday boy (Ex. Mika’s birthday. There can be an interaction of Mika receiving a gift from Rinne)
Imagine a player(you) who doesn’t read the main story unless they’re bored. And skipped through all of them for the diamonds then..
They saw that you finally decided to continue the main story! They were sooo happy!
So obviously they have to take advantage of this rare chance, right? After messing with the code a bit they can finally talk to you!
Unfortunately, it only looks like they’re glitching and talking but the only voice you can hear is the recorded lines..You can’t hear what Eichi and Rinne is saying
But of course they don’t know that..They keep on talking and talking the whole episode without knowing that you can’t actually hear them
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royalty-unknown · 2 years
Hey idk if your doing the black phone still, but if you are, can you do something with CG!Robin x little!fem!reader or little!finney? It’s fine if not, just wondering
Is That our daddie?
TW!!: F slur is used 2/1 times, Moose being steriotipical towards Robin, SA (Not r@pe), Cursing, Crying, NOT PROOF READ, And jumping.
Hi my little dove, This was my first The Black Phone Request and I love it sm! I really had fun making this and I hope to get more request like this!
Robin, Finney, And Y/n have been together for about a month now. But it was in the first week that Robin really started to notice some child like behavior from Finney and Y/n. He honestly thought is was cute but he still wanted to understand why they were acting like this. He did do some reaserch about it and alot of things were seen one that stood out like a sore thumb. It was age regression.
So with that info he continued to dig deeper and tried to figure out things that he could do to help them! So during 5th mod in math class robin wasn't paying attention to anything around him but the fact that Finney and Y/n looked as if they were on the verge of tears. He tried to pass notes but the two littles just looked at him confused and tilted their head, then the bell rung and the both ran out if the classroom in the direction of y/n's house.
Only to be stoped my moose and his meanie friends.
"Hey baby where ya going? Huh? Where are you going with this nerd?" Moose said hugging y/n from behind and his friends surrounded Finney who looked as if any moment tears would fall. Moose was y/n's ex but he didn't treat her right. Not one bit. "I-I's jw-Just g-going h-owme" Y/n said trying her best to sound like a big girl.
"Aww with this fag?" Moose nodded his head and his friends pushed him on the ground. That broke the dam and finney started crying. "L-Lweave h-him alone!" I said trying to get mooses hands off of me, But that only tightend his grip on my wrist which caused me to start crying because it hurt. I tried pulling away but his hands slowly made his way to my princess parts so I screamed loud.
Really loud.
Which caused a large number of people to come which only made moose slap me and he told me to shut up. He held my chin to look up at finney then he said in my ear "Your. Mine. And this faggot here and the fucking hispanic are nothing to you." (I'm so sorry) Then he nodded his head and I screamed "NO!" Before they started kicking finney.
Until gwenny and robin came running around the corner moose couldn't see him because of the angle we where in, I looked at Robin with tears running down my face but my vison was quickly moved to the ground beacause, Moose pushed me there but before he could do anything else his face was met with a rock. I looked at the person who hit him and It was gwenny. I looked at her and started crying.
She gently helped me get up and shushed me as she went to take care of one of the other boys before checking on finney saying bye to me and going home. While Robin was beating the absolute shit out of Moose and his other friends. Finney was slouched over against the gate meaning tht he was passed out from crying, pain, and screaming. I crawld over to him and sat on his lap shaking him "Fwinny.." "Fwinny wakie" At this point I was fully regressed and sobbing.
I got picked up by someone and that someone was vance. When did he get here? you thought. But you quicly wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist and put your face in his neck. "Shh sh no crying uncle vance is here bub" He said patting your bum and rocking you. Vance is you finney's and Robins best friend and he already knew about you and finneys age regression he told you that he could help you and finney tell robin just incase something happend like now but you and fin were too scared that robin would leave you both so he was gonna wait until you were both comfy.
But he had to tell him today.
Because then he would understand why you and finney were acting like this. When you looked around you seen finney passed out in Bruces arms. He must had bween wit vwance! You thought. Robin was so confused on why you and Fin were acting like this. So he grabbed vances arm and pulled him to the side. "Look man I know you know what going on so tell me. Why is fin and n/n (Nickname) Acting like this?" He said and vance sighed.
He had a long pause before he started speaking telling him everything while rubbing your back because you were gripping onto his vest crying. By the time he was finished he smiled because he was right! "Yes! I was right!" He said and vance chuckeld. He turned around so that his backwas facing Robin so Robin could see your face "Hi little one!" Robin said gently brushing vances hair out of your face because you were hiding behind it. You let out a soft shy "H-Hi" Which made Robin smile warmly at you.
Vance asked you in your ear "What did moose do to you little one?" He asked because he heard your scream. You paused then said "He touched my princess parts." You said whimpering. Which caused Robin and Vance to look at eachother with a hatred angry look. "Okay bubba i'm going to give you to uncle bruce so you can go to robins house. Okay? Me and daddy will be there in a sec." He said walking over to bruce whispering something in his ear that changed Bruces facial expression to.
Angry Then soft. Vance set you on the ground giving you a small peck on the forhead and a highfive then he ruffled finneys hair and did the same who was now awake but still in Bruces arms because he was hurt. He waved bye then walked over to Robin who was standing infront of Moose with a phsyco look witch made you whimper but before you could see anything else Bruce started walking to Robins house once you were around the corner from the fight you heard a.
"What are you gonna do about it fag-"
from Moose Before hearing Moose scream in pain and hearing cheering and the names of Robin and Vance being chanted from the crowd. You just smiled to yourself and once you got to Robins house Bruce helped you and Fin change your clothes into some of Robin's. (As a thicker girl I can't fit Robins stuff so I'm just going to say for the sake of our thick/chubby queens that robin buys stuff in your size for us and makes it smell like him <3333) and after that he helped Finney with his brusies and wounds before laying him down on Robins bed with me and we all cuddled under eachother making sure to be careful of the fact that Fin is hurt.
By the time Robin and Vance came back it was around 7pm and we got home at 5. "Daddie! uncle vawnce!" They Smiled and hugged me the finney. After everyone got settled in pjs because Vance and Bruce decided to spin the night, Me and finney were whispering and Giggling in eachothers ears. "What are you two little bunnys whispering about?" Robin asked Then me and finney both looked at eachother gasped covering our mouths and giggling.
"Is dat our daddy now's?" Finney asked and I nodded "Mhm! Dat's our daddy now's!" I said before both me and finney were gently tackled on the bed and kisses being placed all over out faces while we were giggling. It was Robin. Being a good daddy. And Vance and Bruce just smiled leaning on eachother while watching the movie that was on and the bottom of the bed.
You and Finney started to get sleepy and yawn so Robin had an Idea to do skin to skin which he thought would help you sleep. So he gently layed you on his right and finney on his left taking off both of your shirts and simply laying you both down on his chest. You and finney held hands as you both started going to sleep You all said your goodnights beofre vance and bruce got next to you (It's a king sized bed) them cuddling eachother and going to bed.
The next morning at school you heard that Moose and his friends were in the hospitial. You wonderd how that happen as You, Finney, Robin, Burce and Vance passed notes around 2 mod.
I LOVE HOW THIS TURNED OUTTTT!!! Please know that it is never okay to call someone the f-slur it was used then but now is more or less a sensitive topic. So please don't you may not like it but its still not right to call someone anything out of their name. MY NAME IS Friendly Neigborhood Killer Bunny! AND I LOVE YOU! UNTIL THE NEXT STORY MY VICTIMS!
Friendly Neignborhood Killer Bunny <3
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narumika · 2 years
Hello! ^^ may i request Hajime shino, Rinne amagi & Arashi Narukami With a shy male reader that enjoys crossdressing in cute clothes? TIA ♡
hajime, rinne, & arashi x male reader, fluff
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h. shino
— he understands the appeal and doesn’t see you any differently! he loves the way you look in your outfits as well, often comparing you two to “two elegant princes” !! he thinks you pull it off better than anyone else as well, always quick to shower you in compliments when he sees you. he defends you when people say something negative as well, why are they so caught up in what you’re wearing? they just need to mind their own business. overall he’s supportive and he likes to spin you around whenever you wear skirts/dresses (if you do) because the way they flow makes him happy.
r. amagi
he, doesn’t really care. thinks you’re a cutie but teases you and makes jokes about it a lot. he probably pokes fun at it but if he goes too far he apologizes, but if he hears someone making jokes about you? he gets defensive. he defends you and calls them scummy douches. he also is a fan of flowy skirts/dresses, they make him feel lucky.
a. narukami
she loves your fashion sense! she often requests you join in knights photoshoots or match outfits, she also has the best shop recommendations! she cannot get ENOUGH of how you dress so she volunteers to pick out your outfits for you once and a while. she also kicks anyone that tries to poke fun at you, you’re just a beautiful boy and it’s not her fault they needed something more to recongnize it. she does your makeup from time to time too
@nnatsume @yumetokashite
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kohakun · 2 years
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title » bf texts
pairing » rinne amagi x gn!reader
requested? » no
warnings » swearing
genre » fluff, crack
a/n » rinne wouldn't normally be my go-to character for non-requested content but i mostly wrote this for march, so..
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mochashot · 1 year
hello hellooo!! :]
idk if your christmas request is still open but can i request a rinne fanfic where he and reader cuddles on the couch, theyre both arguing on which movie they should watch before rinne decided to put on a cheesy christmas romcom and hid the remote away from reader so that they cant change it? just to fuck with them a little yknow www,, im not even a rinne fan i just thought that idea would be funny.. you can ignore if youd like!!
i hope youre having a nice day!!
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You know you love me anyway~
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Rinne x gn reade
Tw/cw: cursing at each other playfully, nickname bae(look okay idk what nicknames for him to call you😭), calling him jackass
A/n:sorry request are taking awhile, I've been trying to find motivation 😫 .
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You and Rinnie decide to have a movie night before Christmas eve. Rinne left to fetch snacks while you at home prepared everything else.
You herd the door open knowing Rinnie is back,
"Rinne get your butt here, you took too long." Complaining as you open the covers for him
"Yeah Yeah, my bad the line was long." Plopping down next to you and pulling you closer. Looking at the screen seeing what movie you're picking.
Being the shit he is, put his hands under your shirt and starts to tickle you with his cold hands making yelp and squirm while laughing. Once you put your arms up he snatched the remote out of your hand and changed the movie.
"This movie is much better than the one you picked." Smirking at you, you rolled your eyes and snatched the remote back and changed it. Making Rinnie pout
Making this continue for 5 minutes
You decided to get your phone and search up Christmas movies, as you left Rinne took the remote and changed it "California Christmas".
Holding a grin and hiding the remote on a higher shelf where you can't reach. Letting out small giggles as he hurry back to the couch trying to calm himself so you don't suspect anything.
"BAE, hurry I got the movie on." Making you walk faster back and hurry under the covers with him. The moment you saw the screen you side eye him with annoyance.
"Are you shitting me right now?" Face not pleased but almost slightly amused.
"Kyahahah, aw stop with the face." Looking at you with a silly grin. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you close while smiling playfully.
Chuckling knowing you can't do anything shaking your head, as you lean into his hold.
"You're a jackass you know that" saying with annoyance while smiling, hiding your head in his neck.
"You know you love me anyway~". Pressing a kiss on your shoulder while you both laughed.
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A/n: I hope this comes to your satisfaction <3 happy late Merry Christmas and Early New year.
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honeybeewhereartthee · 6 months
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ORACLE that brought us together.
you don't really think that when you wake up, you realize--
1.) You were not dreaming about the event yesterday.
2.) Your nowhere near the place you were yesterday.
3.) Your cloths have change to something else..
it reminded you of the Feature outfit of Hiiro Amagi for one thing. And the other is, someone is waiting for you outside the door.
"are you awake?" you heard someone you don't know ask from the door as you were making a noise of flipping your things to find your phone and checking if you lost some organs from a weird organ trafficking thing cause it's just safety first. Through your all good except for the three things mention above.
"No I'm asleep." You sarcastically says, the person behind the door seems to pause at your sarcasm as you open the sliding door on the left side of the room, you saw the garden and beautiful landscape. It seems your in some traditional house of some tribe or something. It's pretty big and many things to see from where you are. It looks familiar.
You went out to the garden on barefoot when you saw something, just as you went out of site. The servant from the other side of the other door saw the young monarch walking toward them.
"My young lord. The young lady is awake." They bow at the presence of the leader of the tribe. Rinne nodded his head and open the door after a knock you did not reply on. "Hey, I know your awake--..." Rinne saw the garden door is open and your nowhere to be found.
"Geez. Well I have to look for her or she will find herself in Brazil." Especially with that very complicated no sense of direction of yours. That's why he made sure someone is waiting for you to guide you to where you wanna go but you just have to sneak around and get lost.
"Did she try to escape again?" An elderly man who looks is akin to Rinne ask with a low chuckle. "Who knows. I just have to look for her." Rinne laughs at his old man as he went to get some slippers or foot wear to bring along with him, since his pretty sure you went out without one. But before he could leave to the forest, his old man called out to him.
"Rinne, you have talk about how our tribe works so far from modern society works. And wish to change it." The old monarch starts. His first born son looks at him with face that shows no sign of emotion to be readed by him.
"You have use the oracle and your destined bride as a reason to get out of the villages. Yet tell me, my son. Do you only bring them back to meds your boredom--"
"old man, are you asking me if I like her or not?" Rinne sigh as he realize what his father is aiming at.
"... Well do you?"
"No." Rinne turns his back on his father. "Like is understatement." He chuckle as he run into the forest looking for you. His father watch his son left and cannot help but sigh in relief before he went his merry way.
It took him a while to spot you as you were up in the tree and dropped your bracelet— that his tribe women put on you for your status as well the outfit that fits for you as his bride, yesterday night—on his head. "Hey now that's not nice of you." He look up to you who's focusing on something. He looks at the tree and saw something written in it as he climb up besides you. When his up the big branch your siting on. He saw your playing on your phone.
"Event?" Siting besides you, he put the bracelet back to your right hand.
"Hmm." You nodded your head as you finish one gameplay. You look up to Rinne in a silent for a moment. "I guess it's really destiny." You remember seeing trails of shinny and pretty red and blue rocks that you follow to the tree and saw four rocks of Red, blue, (eye color) and (hair color) inside one of the hole of this tree and a handwriting that's look like some kid wrote it, years ago.
[ starting Point and the End point of (nickname) and RinRin]
in some blurry memories, you found yourself in a set of memories of you writing it with someone. You were daze at that moment as you realize something. You sigh as you realize a cutie childhood friend of yours turn into a very seggsy and nasty guy who bullies you, yet also the person you like.
"Did you remember?" He gets an idea what's have happened and chuckle hopelessly. He did told you about that but you refuse to believe him.
"Sorry." You laugh. "I like little rin Rin cause his so cute and silly." Looking straight into his eyes, you wonder how you gain courage to say something like this.
My good friend from long time ago. It's nice to meet you again." You smiled at Rinne. Your happy to meet him again. It's sad and self disappointing to your part to not notice it was him.
Rinne stared at you and suddenly reach out to held your cheeks. You were confuse for a moment but soon become flabbergasted and embarrassed red mess as he pulled you closer and give you a kiss in the cheek, close to your lips.
"W-waa... What!" You felt blood went to your head as he hugged you to not let you see his equally embarrassed face. He cannot believe he did something intimate and shameless like that! But his body just mode on his own!
"Yes or yes?" He back away for a moment as he look you serious in the eyes.
"Huh? Why is it all yes?" You wonder if his joking or not. What kind of choices is that.
"Ok, you said yes." He laugh as he stood up and scoops you up. Not caring that you two are up in the tree. Before you know it, he jump down. Earning a surprise scream from you.
"Hey!" You held tight on him as start to run toward his village. "Little MC said if we meet again and you liked me. It mean well continue the wedding." He says a she look at you for a moment as he speed to the trees. You look at him surprised and question, you don't remember if you said that! But what if his right? His better in remembering things than you do. So his probably right.
"But you don't even say it back..." You cover your face. "I love you, so let's get married~ so I can kiss you in the lips my wife." Rinne went passes by the village folks who greats you two and went to the priest place who happens to talk to his father.
"Old man, bless us already. So I can mark my territory." He demanded to his father. "Young kids those days." The elder laughs before you know it, a grand yet simple traditional wedding have happened. It happened so fast you only realize it's real when Rinne beams when he held you close as you two finally official.
Soft lips against yours, it felt right at the moment. As you two. You felt your cheeks burn brightly as he look at you with gentle gaze. Linking his hands with yours. I'm his eyes and in your eyes. Only the image of each other is reflecting in clear image.
"Don't you think it's stupid?" You ask him. "Hmm?" He seems interested with your question as you two depart from the village to go back to city after that break. Holding each other's hands as you two walking through forest.
"An oracle. Or words of the old people who dont know any better. Would you really go it cause they told you so?" You mean how it started with that so called oracle. It was the most stupid thing you heard in your life and it still is.
"It doesn't matter. I know it's too old school. But it brought you to me~ now you can't escape cause we're fated!" He spins you around as he evilly laugh before braking into a full genuine laughter's of happiness.
"Its stupid. But it's useful in its own way." Putting you down as he linked his hands with you again. He saw not far from ahead three of his unit waiting for him with a car rented out to pick the two of them up.
"But because of it. I meet you, I gain freedom and meet many friends... And be me." You look at him in surprise before you were taken back as he start to run toward the three.
"Yoo, Niki catch this." Rinne gives the dishes neatly packed for a souvenir for the foodie Niki and some sweets to Kohaku and coffee beans/tea from his village to Himeru as he went to the driver seat with you in the shotgun seat.
"Anyway, let's go back to the city!"
"Ok!" Everyone cheers before long you all drive to the city and chatted about what happened in the pass week. Congrats is told and teasing moment is shared. The story began and it ended with a silly child who's lost yet found her way to a place and set freedom to a boy who want to experience what's behind the things that was taught and force upon him before he is even born.
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kaveuh · 2 years
hello fellow knights enjoyer u seem very epic i like the vibes. first just wanted to say ur writing is literally so silly like the hiiro one got me giggling and kicking my feet and whatnot. anyways can i req domestic fluff with niki? like just.. cookin with him and cuddles n stuff idk i have major niki brainrot rn
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genre — fluff
warnings — unedited, improper grammar?? 💪 i’m sleep deprived (again) so this might not be as good? ahdjsjchd
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being niki’s s/o has more pros than cons. the best one yet, is how amazing his cooking is. an example of an “ideal date” with niki is staying home and watching mukbangs on youtube while eating anything that he cooks. if neither of you wants to stay home, he’s taking you out for a nice meal, afterwards a walk at the park— he’s cheesy (and kinda basic, but that’s okay!!) just like that.
does niki love you? absolutely! he loves you alot. does he trust you? yep. does he trust you in the kitchen? yeah, but he’s not letting you cook while he’s there.
he prefers cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner for you instead. in short, he just wants to be showered in compliments the moment you take a bite LMAOO. on a serious note, niki prefers you sit down looking all pretty ahihi 🤭🤭 the only time you’re going to be able to cook for him if he comes home later than usual (or if you wake up before him).
OK I HC THAT NIKI SNORES LOUD AS FUCK LMAOO. you’ll wake up in the middle of the night because he let out the loudest ass snore ever. literally a whole ass jumpscare..
niki is that type of lover who wouldn’t be able to sleep if he’s not at least touching a part of your body. (not in that way you silly 😊)— it’s reassuring, he says. he will always have his arms wrapped around your body, his chin on the top of your head and legs intertwined. niki falls asleep a bit later than you do— when he thinks you’re asleep, he’s leaving kisses on your forehead and playing with your hair until he falls asleep himself.
bonus: rinne once took a picture of the two of you napping and niki had it as his lockscreen since then.
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prxjectray · 2 years
hi tumblr its been a while. anyways. do you people like rinne amagi or whatever from hit game ensemble stars
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