biologyfiction · 5 months
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hicapacity · 1 year
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"Az ember nem élhet az élet délutánján az élet reggelének programja szerint; hiszen ami nagyszerű volt reggel, estére már elveszítheti fontosságát, és ami reggel igaz volt, az estére hazugsággá válhat," idézi Carl Gustav Jung pszichológust Richard Rohr ferences szerzetes, aki a minap töltötte be 80. életévét.
Rohr egyike a kortárs katolikus gondolkodás egyik legnagyszerűbb és legszabadabb szellemeinek - még azoknak is érdemes rá odafigyelni, akik egyébként (joggal) gyanakvással viseltetnek az egyház mint intézményrendszer iránt.
Rohr szerint az életnek két fele van: és nem feltétlenül az életkortól függ, hogy melyikben vagyunk éppen. Hogy befelé vagy kifelé ballagunk az életben, ahogy Pilinszky fogalmazott. Sokkal inkább egyfajta spirituális ráébredéstől az életünk korlátozottságára - és egyben végtelenségére.
Életünk reggelén az köti le a figyelmünket, hogy Valakivé váljunk. Hogy valaki mássé, mint akik vagyunk. Ahogy Jung találóan megjegyezi: a világ kérdezi, hogy kik vagyunk, és mi nem tudjuk megválaszolni ezt a kérdést - ezért a világ válaszolja meg helyettünk.
A reggel igazságai nem hazugságok - csak éppen korlátozott igazságok.
Életünk estéjén viszont már nem a Valakivé válás projektjében utazunk. Rájövünk, hogy nem tudunk örökre berendezkedni ebben az életben. És hogy a ragaszkodásunk ehhez a rögeszméhez boldogtalanná tesz bennünket. Az esti igazság: a világ megismerésénél fontosabb önmagunk megismerése.
"Aki meg is ismeri a mindenséget, ha önmagában hiányt szenved, mindenben hiányt szenved," mondja Jézus az apokrif Tamás Evangéliumában.
Felismerjük, hogy átutazók vagyunk - az egónk tiltakozása ellenére is.
"Az emberi ego bármit inkább választ, mint a zuhanást, a változást, a halált. Az ego azon részed, ami a status quo-t imádja - még akkor is, ha nem működik. Ragaszkodik múlthoz, jelenhez, és retteg a jövőtől," írja Rohr.
Rájövünk, hogy az Út, amiről azt hittük, hogy egyenesen előre, felfelé vezet, és az úton egyre jobban birtokoljuk, ellenőrizzük majd a világot - valójában befelé vezet a leginkább. Felfelé zuhanunk, a valódi önmagunkba.
"Nyitott szárnyú emelkedő zuhanás, visszahullás a fókusz lángoló közös fészkébe," írta Pilinszky, mintegy megelőzve Rohr egyik könyvének esszenciáját.
Boldog születésnapot, Richard Rohr, hálás vagyok, hogy utat mutatsz nekünk! 🙏
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floweringpoverello · 5 months
Infinitely Loving Face
Since the beginning Of time God’s presence Has been everywhere Even where you are today Divine grace Smiles With an invisible Infinitely loving Heavenly face. “…the indwelling of the Divine Presence in everyone and everything since the beginning of time” (from ‘The Universal Christ’, Richard Rohr, p.1) ~
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warumichradfahre · 8 months
Am Loch entlang
Schon immer war der Nordrandweg entlang des nordwestlichen Randes des Tagebaues Hambach eine beliebte Strecke für Radfahrerinnen und Radfahrer. Auf der Werksstraße des Tagebaubetreibers ist meistens nicht so viel Auto- und LKW-Verkehr, jedenfalls nicht in den Tagesrandzeiten und am Wochenende. Seit Kurzem gibt es aber entlang der Fahrbahn einen Radweg, der in einigen Teilen als Fahrradstraße…
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sigalrm · 9 months
Dies und Das
Dies und Das by Pascal Volk
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kallemax · 1 year
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Photo: Alex Greenshpun
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de01536 · 1 year
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#skatergirl #skaterboy #skater #skate #skateboard #skating #radfahren #rad #radtour #bagger #rohr #miniaturfigure #miniaturfiguren #miniatur #mini #miniatures #miniaturfotografie #miniaturas #h0 #h0scale #h0figuren https://www.instagram.com/p/CnGwg1WsGxB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fegffb · 2 years
Wochenspruch 37 / 2022
Wochenspruch 37 / 2022
Das geknickte Rohr wird er nicht zerbrechen, und den glimmenden Docht wird er nicht auslöschen. Jesaja 42,3a Der Wochenspruch für die Woche vom 04.09.2022 – 10.09.2022
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spiritnetic · 2 years
Bayern Munich Set To Replace Lewandowski With Osimhen
Bayern Munich Set To Replace Lewandowski With Osimhen
The Nigerian international, who is rumored to be returning to the Bundesliga, is coveted by every big club in Europe.According to a credible Italian publication, Corriere dello Sport, Bayern Munich has contacted Napoli over the transfer of Super Eagles forward Victor Osimhen.The Bavarians are resigned to losing Robert Lewandowski, who is eager to join La Liga powerhouse Barcelona. In addition,…
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pksy · 1 year
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Etel appreciation post because she is just so *chef's kiss*
Please reblog with more love for the dancers. They are just so cool!
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dramoor · 5 months
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"Jesus did not so much love people once they changed, but he loved people so that they could change."
~Richard Rohr
(Art: Christ Divine, by Jorge Cocco)
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altsunsworld · 9 months
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Liam, Gwen, Josh, Mason, Corey, Lori and Nolan are so sick of Thayden fighting (they are besties deep down idc.) while Alec, Isaac, Tracy, Brett and Erica cheer them on.
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floweringpoverello · 1 year
Infinitely Loving Face
Since the beginning Of time God’s presence Is everywhere Even where you are today Divine grace Smiles With an invisible Infinitely loving Heavenly face. “…the indwelling of the Divine Presence in everyone and everything since the beginning of time” (from ‘The Universal Christ’, Richard Rohr, p.1) ~
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allhalesterekstilinski · 11 months
I want to talk about the Teen Wolf siblings, particularly their age differences.
Brett is a freshman in season 4. We don’t know how old Lori is, but later she says Brett only accepted the scholarship at Devenford if they would accept her as well. This means either Devenford includes some middle school as well as high school, Lori was smart enough to skip a grade or two, Brett and Lori are 9 months apart, or they’re twins. It’s also possible she’s a couple years younger and was only recently accepted, but since he bargained for her from the beginning, I don’t think it’s as likely.
Based on the short audio clips from “Motel California” it sounds like Boyd and Alicia were close in age, both pretty young, but when we see her body she looks a little older. I would assume he’s older since he was in charge of watching her.
Malia and Kylie were close in age based on the framed photo in her room. In��“Ghosted” Kylie has mysteriously aged from about 7 to about 12. Though this is likely due to forgetting information and not caring enough to fact check their own work.
The same could be said for Theo and Tara. They seem to be close in age, but the actresses playing Tara look like different ages. I would guess in season 5 flashbacks she was 11 or 12 when Theo was 9, but in season 6 she looks 17.
Isaac is 16 in season 2 and Camden would have been 24. There is a discrepency unless I’m missing something. Since season 2 is early in the year I’m willing to bet Camden would be 25 later in the year. If Isaac is 16 and Camden would be 24, that’s an 8 year gap. But if he graduated in 2006, he was born in 1988 and is approximately 6 years older. There’s no concrete evidence of when either of their birthdays are, so perhaps Isaac’s birthday is before Camden’s and there’s a short period of time the gap is 7 years. The calendar puts his birthday in February.
Kate said that growing up Chris always tried to make her look like the bad guy.  In 3B Chris says he was 18-years-old 24 years ago putting Chris’s birth year about 1969. Kate was born in 1983. That is a 14 year gap. Either she exaggerated or lied, which I would believe, or Chris was an incredibly shitty brother, which I would also believe. Could you imagine 17 year old Chris blaming 3 year old Kate for him coming home late one night or breaking their mom’s favorite vase?
We don’t know how old Gerard is. Alexander was 27 when he died. Alexander was 19/20 years older than Chris, so Gerard was probably in his early to mid twenties when Chris was born. A lot of actors’ ages coincide with their character’s approximate age. Michael Hogan was born in 1949, so if Gerard is around his age, he’s 20 years older than Chris and 34 years older than Kate. But then he would one year older than Alexander. Not impossible, but he is likely older.
Hayden is about 16 in season 5 because she can drive. The youngest a cop can be is 20, so at the very least Clark is 4 years older. It sounds like Clark had been her guardian for a while, so the gap is likely larger.
If we are going to believe the “In Memorium” video from MTV, Laura was born in 1982 and Peter was born in 1976. We never actually know how old Derek is. Jeff said his ID, putting his birthday in November 1988, was fake, but why? What is the significance of it being fake? It served no purpose and I think Jeff just wanted to fuck with us. Especially because it’s not canon in the show, he said it outside of the show. And if we believe the calendar that makes Derek a Christmas baby, why would he make himself only a month and a half older?
I’m going to assume Derek was “with” Kate leading up closely to the fire, meaning late 2004. If Derek was 16, or almost 16 if his birthday is Christmas, that would put his birthday in 1988. So in the pilot he’s 22. In the script he was meant to be 19 but then he was aged up because Jeff thought it was more important to traumatize him than find a way around it. In 3A Cora says she’s 17, which would put them at a 5 year gap. Laura is 6 years older than Derek and 11 years older than Cora. And if Cora was 11 by January of 2005, she was born in 1993.
I don’t know if this is canon or fanon that Talia raised Peter. Regardless, he is about 5 years older than Laura, 12 years older than Derek, and 17 years older than Cora. But Talia would have to be at the youngest 8 years older than Peter, and that’s if she had Laura at 13. In “Visionary” she appears to be about mid-forties. If this is within a year of the fire, then Peter is 26/27. The gap between Peter and Talia could range from 8 to 20 years.
I’m just so interested in these dynamics.
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sigalrm · 2 years
Pipeline by Pascal Volk
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Christianity is a lifestyle—a way of being in the world that is simple, nonviolent, shared, and loving. However, we made it into an established religion (and all that goes with that) and avoided the lifestyle change itself. We could be warlike, greedy, racist, selfish, and vain throughout most of Christian history and still believe that Jesus is our personal Lord and Savior or continue, in good standing, to receive the sacraments. The world has no time for such silliness anymore. The suffering on earth is too great.
― Richard Rohr, OFM, Yes, and...: Daily Meditations (2013). Rohr identifies one of the fundamental theological errors of the Southern Baptists.
[Robert Scott Horton]
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