#rose grower
horsfields · 1 year
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Rosa Timeless Purple
Wonderfully intense fragrance and excellent for cutting.
The roses are in bloom!
Plenty to see and sniff on beds 4, 5 & 15.
We grow over 250 different varieties
These are in 8 Litre pots outside.
Check out or rose photo album
We are able to give wrap.
We are open seven days a week 10am - 4pm.
We are here to help with any gardening questions or advice, just pop in and ask!
Like to listen to our June gardening tips?
Click the link
Horsfields Nursery Tel:- 01226 790441
Horsfields Nursery
Pot House Hamlet
South Yorkshire
S75 4JU
Beautiful plants in a beautiful place
Stay fit. Stay healthy. Keep gardening!
Like to keep in the loop about our special offers & receive helpful hints & tips on gardening?
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bookdragonquotes · 3 months
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guinevereslancelot · 1 year
florist roses having no scent is actually so messed up. we bred the roses to look "perfect" and last a long time and but they have lost The thing that people have loved them for the most for thousands of years. now when u smell a boquet of roses all you can smell is the chemical scent of plant food unless they're actual garden roses. there's a metaphor in here somewhere
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portraitsofsaints · 2 years
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Happy Feast Day Saint Rose of Viterbo 1233-1251 Feast day: September 4 Patronage: florists, flower growers, people in exile, people rejected by religious orders, Viterbo, Italy
As a young child, Saint Rose of Viterbo had visions of Jesus and Mary. At the age of 3, she brought back to life her deceased Aunt, after laying hands on her. Rose became a 3rd Order Franciscan by 9 years old and shortly after had a vision of Christ’s suffering because of man’s sin. This inspired her, at age 10, to preach Christ’s passion and repentance for sin, in the streets of Viterbo. She requested to enter the Poor Clares at 15 but was rejected because of her poverty. Rose died at the young age of 18 of what was believed to be a heart defect and was laid to rest in the convent that refused her admission. Her body is incorrupt to this day. {website}
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buscandoelparaiso · 1 year
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twilightt-fantasy · 4 months
fight or flight [aro volturi]
request: Can I request #3 and #13 with Aro Volturi and a human?
prompts: "take a deep breath" // "you're okay, i promise"
requested by: anon
warnings: panic attack
thank you for requesting!!
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it had been building all day.
the familiar sensation of a panic attack had been on the brink of her mind all day, just waiting to spill out at the perfect time. she was hyperaware of everything, her fingers fidgeting, her knee bouncing, her breathing increased.
she couldn't tell what was causing it, but then again, she never could. anxiety was something she had struggled with for years, something she could never pinpoint a cause of, and something she still couldn't get under control.
no medication helped, or meditation, or therapy.
it made her feel utterly isolated.
the longer she was left alone with her thoughts, the worse she felt. she had spent most of her day exploring the castle with her guard, simply trying to keep the inevitable attack at bay. her mate, aro, was busy that day with trials and one thing she refused to do was call him away from his work - not for something as silly as this.
but now, she curled up in their shared bed, no longer able to bring herself to communicate with others. her thoughts were too occupied with her panic, her conversations stilted and drawn out because she couldn't focus long enough to pay attention to the topics being talked about.
she could feel her breathing grower faster, her heart beat picked up in her chest, and she sat up in bed, suddenly unable to sit still. her chest felt too tight as she swung her legs over the bed and stood quickly, needing to move instead of sit still. her vision was going dark, small black dots clouding her sight. hot tears slid down her cheeks, the wetness not helping with her fading vision.
the girl flinched when cold hands settled on her shoulders, unable to hear the words aro was speaking to her in her state of mind. she felt him lead her to the bed and push on her shoulders, forcing her to sit. "tesoro, tesoro, please listen to me."
his words broke through her thoughts and she drew in a harsh, wheezing breath. "i-i can't."
"you can, my darling. take a deep breath."
she drew in another breath, but it was still shallow and stuttered. a whine escaped with the exhale and she reached up, clutching her hair with her fingers. aro's hands moved to cover hers, this time pushing her head between her knees. he unwound one of her hands from her hair to place on his chest. "breathe with me, darling."
aro's chest began to rise and fall under her hand and she stilled for a moment, trying her best to sync her breathing to his own. his was slightly uneven, likely due to the fact that he didn't feel the need to breathe regularly. as her hand rose and fell with her mate's chest, she managed to break through the panic in her mind and focus more on him. he sat close to her, one hand still on top of her head while the other rested on his chest.
"you're okay, i promise." aro whispered, leaning forward to press a kiss to the back of her head. "you're doing great."
"i don't know what happened." her voice was still shaky and eyes were still wet.
aro's hand left her hair as she lifted her head and he instead moved to wipe her tears from her face. his lips were tilted into a kind smile, his eyes gentle and touch soft as he cared for his mate. "it's over now, my love. we know it's something that happens."
"i hate it." she sniffled, reaching up to catch another tear as it fell. "makes me feel so weak."
"none of that." the raven-haired king lifted her chin in order to meet her eyes, this time his expression stern. "you're not weak - you're very strong to be able to overcome your panic like that. resilient."
she looked doubtfully at aro, who only leaned forward to kiss her in order to silence any protest. "my strong mate." he murmured against her lips. "i'm proud of you for being able to overcome it. you should be too."
she didn't respond, instead leaning into his kiss again and closing her eyes. while she had a long way to go in order to overcome her anxiety and panic attacks, she was grateful to have such an attentive mate to help her through them every time.
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deanbane · 6 days
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Rose Grower's Disease [x] & The Fire & the Fawn [x]
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Seeing as you’ve (mostly) given us a tour of Croz’s jockey shorts already, I’m going to stand up on behalf of the Ladies Who Brady™️ and request your speculation on John Brady?
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*Inhuman and decidedly girlish screeches of delight and trepidation*
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nsfw (AF!) under the cut:
Oh my darling, beautiful Brady, how I love him, an all American boy excelling at a man’s job, he’s my husband number…I dunno but he’s up there and he can arm wrestle Croz for top billing. 🤭
Now to business. Speculations regarding the charming attribute (singular) of this lovely human.
Cock-versations || Brady edition (credit to @pearlparty for the genius name and to @suraemoon for being the doll I screamed to regarding this and who helped canonize the below theory)
Hear me out to the end, I beg but to begin: a perfectly substantial, nicely proportioned, beyond adequate and decidedly moderate dick. Justice for the moderates!
Initial extracurricular observations on colouring: pretty pale pole tbh, very veiny, weirdly pretty pube pattern, with coco-rose-blush accents and sack, special treat being when he’s excited his lower belly blushes too and matches his cheeks 🥰
Details of the piece: length is a good, nice, average or a little above. girth is quite substantial and a little more added to that, possessing that extra oomph that makes a difference! with those lean hips it’s plenty impressive to look at when in the act but be ready -he’s massive grower. you might meet him and it’s an adorable, sweet lil thing pillowed on a huge sack (biggest balls in the 100th? maybe, and it’ll make you think the cock is smaller than it is in comparison) when in repose and then voila!!! Six inches or more: at your disposal ma’am. And he does call you ma’am from time to time.
Personality of the user to be considered: this is the sorta post-war husband where you can go round after round and it’s bliss because your cervix isn’t bruised up or indented by cock, so -indulge in all the bouncing and railing to your heart’s content, it’ll feel great but it won’t put you in the hospital or wheelchair. Wahoo. This however, is just taking the member into account, not the attitude of the man attached to it who will, 100% use what he has at *his* disposal to have you limping all through Lent. And you’ll love it, and you’ll have to make up excuses as you shift in your seat at the Brady family table and tardily pass the gravy to his mama…ain’t your fault you’re distracted.
I think he could get quite rambunctious, both in good fun and to wind up a argument, but the Brady cock won’t have you sobbing because you had to take an elephant trunk up you, ya know? *SIDE EYES EGAN* So you could get quite wild rather safely. For instance -I put him down as #1 most likely to lovingly choke you with all due respect.
Or, if that’s not your thing -he’s at least gripping your jaw, squishing your cheeks in one hand as he goes in and out, “look at me, -look at me, keep those pretty eyes open”.
Don’t let the word “moderate” lull you into thinking it’s easy to keep eye contact, hard to do in fact when your eyeballs are taking a tour of the back of your skull because this boy *hasn’t stopped in ages and it’s still pummeling that spot right.there*
But Brady does love a little switching and he’s very tuned in, very intuitive, utterly caring in the end. You have all his attention at all times and he has a goal in mind -and wow will he get ya there.
We love a good all American moderate man of extreme capabilities
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topguncortez · 1 year
11. “I’m taking you to the hospital.” If you could ❤️
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In Sickness, In Health | Nick "Goose" Bradshaw x Female!Reader
warnings: exhaustion, dehydration, sickness, passing out, Goose being fucking adorable
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Goose had been silently watching you all week. Going into February was always a busy time for you at the flower shop. One, you had started planting all your hanging baskets, succulents, and rose bushes. Next, Valentines Day was the second busiest time of year as couples came in looking for flowers for their significant other. And spring was usually when prom and wedding season would be in full blast.
You were spending your days down in the basement working under the heat lamp, watering and watching your plants grow. You spent hours working on specific arrangements and baskets that you knew would see good. You also spent hours on the phone, contacting different growers about getting seeds for certain strains of plants. The kitchen table had become covered with magazines, seed packages, and past receipts from the year prior.
"Baby," Goose said, walking into the kitchen. You were barely awake, your eyes straining as you read over a magazine on perfecting the planting of hydrangeas, "Why don't we call it a night on the flower stuff."
"Mm, I can't," You said, rubbing your eyes, "I gotta get these ordered by next week if I want to have them in bloom for May. The old ladies love their red hydrangeas. They say we always have the best ones."
"Well," Goose said, "Can't argue with that," You smiled and he placed a kiss on your cheek, "A couple more minutes, then I'm taking you to bed. I'm gonna go check on Bradley."
"Yes sir!" You said, giving him a mock salute. He shook his head with a laugh, heading upstairs to check on the sleeping three year old. You stretched as another yawn fought its way out of your mouth. You grabbed your coffee mug and frowned seeing that it was empty. You pushed yourself out of your chair and walked towards the coffee pot on the counter, but white spots filled your vision.
"Whoa," You blinked a couple times as you went to reach out for the counter, placing your mug down. You winced as you missed the spot, the mug crashing to the ground and splitting everywhere. You went to crouch down to pick up the glass, but felt your head start to swim, and before you knew it, you crashed to the floor.
--- --- ---
Goose whistled as he walked down the hallway to your son's room. He gently pushed the door open, and noticed that Bradley's reading lamp was still on, and the little boy was playing with his two model planes.
"You," Goose said, pointing at the little boy, "Are supposed to be in bed." Bradley giggled shyly as he set the two planes down next to him.
"I'm not tired, daddy," He smiled and shook his head.
"You and your mother both," Goose muttered and walked into the room, "How about another book?" Bradley nodded and Goose grabbed a book from the pile near Bradley's bed. He sat down next to the little boy and he cuddled into his dad. Goose could never get tired of the way Bradley liked to curl up on his lap or your lap when you would read to him.
Goose was half way through "Goodnight Moon" when he heard the sound of glass breaking. His head snapped towards the bedroom door. He waited a moment, expecting to hear your voice that you were alright, and then he heard another loud thud.
"Stay here," Goose said, gently moving his son off his lap. He pressed a quick kiss to Bradley's forehead before running down the stairs to the kitchen.
"Y/N?" Goose called out as he rounded the corner into the kitchen, and saw you trying to pull yourself into a sitting position, "Holy shit, baby!"
You held your hand up as you leaned against the kitchen cabinets, out of breath, "There's glass." Your voice was weak and Goose looked down at the glass on the floor, and then to your bleeding elbow.
"What happened?" Goose asked, kneeling down next to you and gently touching your face.
"I needed more coffee and I just. . . my vision went black," You said.
"When was the last time you ate?" Goose asked, "You skipped dinner with us," You just shrugged and shook your head, "Okay. . . when was the last time you drank anything beside coffee?" Again, you shook your head, "Baby, I’m taking you to the hospital.”
"No," You pouted, "It's late. I'm fine. Bradley is sleeping-"
"You need hydration," Goose said, "You are going to work yourself sick. If you won't let me take you to the hospital, at least take a couple days off. Let Margery or Jack do some stuff. Please, honey." Goose held your hands in his, almost near tears and you felt your heart break.
You didn't think that you were working yourself too hard, but with you being in your current position, you knew you were probably on the brink of a stress induced attack.
"Okay," You said and Goose kissed your forehead, "I need to clean up the-"
"Your time off starts now, lady," Goose scolded you, "I'm taking you to bed, and then I'll come clean up the glass."
You smiled at your husband, "I like when you get all demanding."
"Sex is part of the time off deal," Goose smirked and winked at you.
You groaned and Goose chuckled, his arms going around your body and easily picking you up from the floor. He took you to your shared bedroom and gently laid you down on the bed. He helped you change out of your work clothes, and slipped one of his old academy t-shirts over your head. He tucked you in and placed a kiss on your lips before he walked back down to pick up the mess in the kitchen.
When Goose returned back to the bedroom, after cleaning everything up, he was met with the sight of not only you, fast asleep, but Bradley curled up with you. He smiled to himself, taking in the moment before climbing in and laying next to his family.
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horsfields · 1 year
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Rosa Golden wishes
The roses are coming into bloom!
Plenty to see and sniff on beds 4, 5 & 15.
We grow over 250 different varieties
These are in 8 Litre pots outside.
We are able to give wrap.
We are open seven days a week 10am - 4pm.
We are here to help with any gardening questions or advice, just pop in and ask!
Like to listen to our June gardening tips?
Click the link
Horsfields Nursery Tel:- 01226 790441
Horsfields Nursery
Pot House Hamlet
South Yorkshire
S75 4JU
Beautiful plants in a beautiful place
Stay fit. Stay healthy. Keep gardening!
Like to keep in the loop about our special offers & receive helpful hints & tips on gardening?
Click on our link to sign up to our newsletter
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elrielsgarden · 8 days
Elain Archeron’s Dresser Drawer Through the ACOTAR Series
Each time the dresser Feyre painted for each of the three Archeron sisters is mentioned in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series, the descriptors for Elain’s drawer design changes slightly. The floral motif remains constant, but the specifics change every time, even in Feyre’s own descriptions.
This is of particular interest because SJM is remarkably talented at tracking and consistency when it comes to things like this. So, what are the descriptions of Elain’s dresser drawer, and what is the possible significance of this?
In A Court of Thorns and Roses, Feyre introduces the dresser to the fandom with these words about Elain’s drawer design:
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Roses frequently symbolize love and beauty, which is beings to mind what Nesta recalls Mama Archeron saying in A Court of Silver Flames:
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This quote also heavily foreshadows both sisters’ romance storiea, but besides that the words love and beauty are used side-by-side. Additionally, Papa Archeron carved a wooden rose for Elain.
Violets can symbolize love and innocence, and these flower choices, whether we know the symbolism or not, provide readers a certain sense of who Elain Archeron is: she is beautiful, delicate, and romantically inclined. For the story right now, this is all we need to know about Elain. Her storyline is in the very beginning stages, and this is the perfect setup.
In A Court of Mist and Fury Feyre describes the dresser drawers to Rhys; this is when he learns Feyre painted the night sky before ever having met him.
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Roses are mentioned again, as are begonias and irises. The significance of these flowers lies in the fact that there are more described. We get more detail, just as we are slowly learning more about Elain. Irises also symbolize faith, courage, valor, hope, and wisdom—all of which we see in Elain’s character as the series progresses.
No mention of the dresser drawers appears in A Court of Wings and Ruin, but Elain bakes Feyre a birthday cake that she asks Nuala to help decorate in the design of the sisters’ dresser. This takes place in A Court of Frost and Starlight.
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Besides “flowers” we don’t know what designs were on this tier of the cake, but the crucial aspect of this scene is that Elain remembered the dresser and saw meaning and significance in it.
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Elain’s deep awareness of Feyre’s character really stands out here, as well as her carefully considerate nature, traits we see over and over in Elain. It also shows us that Elain sees herself as these flowers—not just Feyre. Elain, by doing this, states that she is indeed a flower-grower, a gardener.
Lastly, in A Court of Silver Flames, Nesta shows Cassian the Archerons’ cottage, and in his POV he describes Elain’s dresser drawer:
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Cassian does not specifically name flowers, but who expects a general to do that? Besides, his focus is on Nesta. However, it is important to note that there are vines on the drawer this time. This calls to mind what SJM said about an experience gardening ivy became heavy research for Elain’s book. And then in this book, vines (of which ivy is a type) are used to describe Elain’s drawer. Ivy can represent eternity and fidelity, but it is far more likely that the ivy (and the way the plant creeps quietly) alludes to Elain’s possible future journey as a Night Court spy.
In conclusion, the flowers of Elain’s dresser drawer carry an ever-changing, or ever-growing, parallel to her character development as well as possible foreshadowing for a spy plot for Elain. 🌸
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cupcraft · 2 months
A hilson hanahaki fic! No character death, but very medical!
if you like please rb for visibility :)!
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@clingyduoapologist @possuminnit @blissfali @ask-tubbo-bee @beaglesfoundindumpsters @hecksee @lupvium @blockofhoney @whereisela @snaxle @apileofmoss @legendofscarf @xpoolboy @voidless-screaming @wiiwarechronicles @cloverstellar @jeanbean16
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stargirlwindreader · 1 year
the fact that people still question Elriel when Azriels mother literally resides in an estate called Rosehall?? ROSEhall? Are you KIDDING ME? Elain the flower grower, the gardener, the one who was gifted her ROSE necklace by Az, who has a link to an estate called ROSEhall?? It’s so obvious everybody’s just being silly now
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qsmpficsarchive · 3 months
Cursive Petals by frofery
Oneshot | Not Rated | 6,088
Tattoo Artist Pac | Florist Fit | Awkward Flirting
A mongrel thought crossed the flower grower's mind. He stopped wrapping the roses for a moment.
"So... So I can keep it?" He said impulsively.
Pac frowned. "Wait, what?"
"The design. Would you tattoo it on me?"
The artist laughed, looking at him enigmatically. The man's nose turned slightly pink. Fit was serious, as if he didn't believe his own words.
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portraitsofsaints · 9 months
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Saint Rose of Viterbo 1233-1251 Feast day: September 4 Patronage: florists, flower growers, people in exile, people rejected by religious orders, Viterbo, Italy
As a young child, Saint Rose of Viterbo had visions of Jesus and Mary. At the age of 3, she brought back to life her deceased Aunt, after laying hands on her. Rose became a 3rd Order Franciscan by 9 years old and shortly after had a vision of Christ’s suffering because of man’s sin. This inspired her, at age 10, to preach Christ’s passion and repentance for sin, in the streets of Viterbo. She requested to enter the Poor Clares at 15 but was rejected because of her poverty. Rose died at the young age of 18 of what was believed to be a heart defect and was laid to rest in the convent that refused her admission. Her body is incorrupt to this day.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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witch-of-the-creek · 1 year
Fascinating flora, special edition.
White Sage
I am still doing a regular post about sage in general, but as a conservationist and student of ethnobotany, I wanted to address the conservation status and history of salvia apiana in particular.
White sage is endemic to Southern California and parts of Northern Baja, and is a valuable medicinal and cultural resource to indigenous populations who were forcibly relocated to these areas. Today, the majority of white sage is cultivated by indigenous Americans on protected land.
Smudging refers to a variety ceremonies that involve the burning of sacred herbs. The British, Spanish, and French colonizers started to relocate indigenous people, to wash away their culture, take their children, and erase their languages. Smudging is an English word that was used to generalize and belittle a widely held set of spiritual practices, and has now been reclaimed by many indigenous communities.
The use of this plant by non native people, and the misappropriation of the word ‘smudging’ came much later, around the time the first legal protections were established to protect the remaining people and culture. “In the 1960s, the hippie movement co-opted the use of white sage and evolved into the New Age Movement.” (Ramirez, Rose & Small, Deborah)
The popularity of white sage has only gotten higher, and with a boom in demand, illegal harvesting of the plant has become all to common a practice. “With very few commercial growers of white sage (Salvia apiana), the vast majority of products are wild-harvested.” (Ramirez & Small)
“What I learned when I was in California and visited the Etiwanda Preserve was that it is the epicenter of the current commercial harvest.” (Leopold, Susan).
“What is important to stress is that this underground sage mafia is not ethical or sustainable wildcrafting as it is portrayed in hipster IG accounts and stores! The scale of white sage commercial trade on the Internet and demand in China is alarming” (Leopold).
“I was invited by the owner of a white sage company to meet at the Etiwanda Preserve in March of 2019; he wanted to show his sustainable harvesting methods. I quickly pulled out my phone to show him that it was against the law to do so, and that recent arrests had been made. He carried on as if that was not the case” (Leopold).
The current elemental status of white sage is G4, which means ‘apparently secure.’ This rating has not been reviewed since June nineteenth, 2002. The lack of updated information on the plants range and occurrences have kept it off multiple endangered species lists.
The article referencing a book by Ramirez and Small, published in spring of 2020, evaluate that 50% of white sage has been eradicated due to urbanization.
I am not native, I can’t speak for any native people. All of what I have stated here is a summary or quotation of the words of indigenous activists, ethnobotanists, and conservationists. My hope here is to give a factual overview of the situation and provide direction to people more knowledgeable than myself.
Sources below
-News from Native California, Spring 2020 By Rose Ramirez and Deborah Small
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