x-heesy · 2 years
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#panicdynamicpandemic #trackoftheday #gifattack #gifmania #moody #edm #electronicmusic #shakewhatyamamagaveya #raaaaven #electroshockboogie @kattywompuss #dancemfdance #partymusic #lostinmusic #thankslordfortrapmUsick
Rudeboi by Honky and Sambo (dope dod)
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ildar75 · 1 year
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negavox · 1 year
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Ya know, if ya know! #texasska #ska #skankin #rudeboi @spieslikeusska #myteenageyears https://www.instagram.com/p/CofFXwmukmE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cassettemoon · 6 months
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Misc ff7 wips
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neocrias · 15 days
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really nice guy who only hates you
Sinopse : Jeno hates you and always makes it clear, but you don't care because the feeling is mutual. Until one day, your mutual friends set you up and the unwanted encounter ends in a way neither of you could have imagined.
wc: 4,6K gênero: fluff; kind of haters to lovers; slightly suggestive
Jeno doesn't know why he hates you so much, but he definitely hates you.
From the minute you walked into the arcade, walked into the hangout of his friends, clinging to Jaemin's arm and pretending to be all cute and innocent, he knew he didn't like you and decided to make it clear. Jeno didn't look in your direction when you spoke, he didn't laugh at your jokes - even though his whole group of friends thought it was funny - and whenever he had to talk to you he was harsh and rude.
He never bothered to be at least a little polite to you and there were many times when he bumped into you on purpose just to annoy you. He succeeded every time, by the way. 
Also, you were never a very patient girl and this only worsened the hostile atmosphere between the two of you. 
Maybe it was your very confident manner, or your different style, maybe it was the way you gestured when you spoke... Jeno doesn't know what it was, but he knows he hates you. And if he could do everything he wants, surely, "spill a bucket of paint when you pass him in the hallway" would be the first thing. Oh, he longed for the moment when he could tear the confident, self-centered expression off your face, removing all the happy sparkle from your eyes was his biggest dream.
You hated it too. So maybe the enmity was reciprocated, but you knew it wasn't. You didn't hate Jeno, not in the same way he hated you, but you sure hated the way he treated you.
He never bothered to be even a little polite to you and there were many times when he bumped into you on purpose just to annoy you. He succeeded every time, by the way. You were never a very patient girl and that only made the hostile atmosphere between the two of you even worse.
One day you went to see the new cafeteria that opened on the university campus.
At first the whole group would go, until everyone, one by one, canceled. Leaving only you, Jaemin and Jeno to go alone. Of course, none of the three bothered to check the group chat conversations, so the reaction of disgust you and Jeno had when meeting each other was too dramatic and annoying even for Jaemin – who has always been very patient and playful with your mutual hatred.
That day, however, he didn't want to hear about the bullshits between you, feeling too tired to deal with it. Jeno didn't take the hint and made sure to hit the bottom of your glass when you went to drink your juice, consequently dirtying you on purpose. You also didn't act as polite as you should’ve and on impulse threw all the rest of your cold drink in his face in retaliation.
— I told you, man — Jeno commented when you shot back. The boy wiped his face with his hands and then twisted his wet shirt with an arrogant look and proud of the reaction he managed to get out of you. He was talking exclusively to Jaemin, his best friend, as if you weren't by their side. — She hides behind this sweet girl façade, but she's stupid.
— YOU are stupid, stupid asshole.
— You don't even know how to curse —  Jeno crossed his arms, being the arrogant bastard he's always been with you. He had a sneer gracing his thin lips and an eyebrow raised in defiance.
You wanted to rip that evil smile off his face in the most violent way, but you prioritized your friendship with Jaemin and only for that reason you made an effort to have a greater tolerance for the boy's teasing, unfortunately you lost control this time and already felt the guilt because of the disappointed look Jaemin gave you.
— Jaem… — you called in a restrained voice, pouting your lips when your eyes filled with tears of anger and frustration, you tried to hold back the tears, refusing to cry in front of Jeno.
The blond let out a heavy sigh and rubbed his temples hard, looking at you with the most tired and annoyed expression. — That's it, let's go.
— Oh, what's up!? — Jeno complained nervously. — Are you going to stay by her side even when she does shit?
— You're the one who started it — Jaemin warned.
— It was just a joke — Jeno said.
— A joke, my ass — you grumbled and Jeno gave you an angry look, silently yelling at you to keep your mouth shut.
— I'm tired of you two — Jaemin complained. The blond chattered endlessly, complaining about you at such a fast speed that the two of you missed half of the scrambled words. — Act like an adult at least once in your life and stop messing it up for everyone.
This happened a few weeks ago. About the same number of weeks you don't see Jaemin, or the other boys in the group. It's not that they're purposely excluding you. You're just too ashamed of your lack of control to face any of them, especially your best friend.
Even remembering it makes you angry. Because of the damn Lee Jeno you don't even have the courage to look at Jaemin and what makes it worse, is the knowledge that he's only like that with you.
You see how Jeno is so kind to everyone else, always offering to help anyone who needs it, even the ones he doesn't know, always promoting group study sessions for friends who are struggling, and you've been actively excluded from all the sessions by him. Jeno has even driven his car over a puddle of water just to get you wet, when earlier that same day he handed over the umbrella to a pair of freshmen to get home without getting wet.
Tired of feeling lonely and miserable, you decided that you would go after Jaemin today. You felt the need to apologize for your behavior before, even after the boy asked you incessantly to have a little more patience.
The walk to Jaemin's dorm was very quick, taking no more than 15 minutes at a slow pace, and the cool spring weather was an incentive for his apology. Without realizing it, you arrived in front of the small and old dull yellow apartment, the doorman didn't even bother to announce your presence, already used to you wandering around the building. Tired of feeling lonely and miserable, you decided that you would go after Jaemin today. I felt the need to apologize for your behavior before, even after the blond asked you incessantly to have a little more patience.
— I haven't seen you in a while! — he greeted.
— Hi, Mr. Choi — you replied with a sympathetic smile. — Is Jaem home?
— Oh, yes. He arrived a few minutes ago, you were lucky. 
With a restrained thank you you took the stairs up to the third floor, where he shared an apartment with Renjun, a design student, and Jisung, a freshman in the dance course.
You give three rhythmic knocks on the door, his trademark and after a few minutes of waiting, Jaemin appears disheveled and with swollen eyes. 
— Thank God, I thought you were going to run away from me forever — he complained, but he wasn't mad, and pulled you into a tight hug. 
— I was embarrassed — muttered. — I know I promised I wouldn't do anything stupid, but…
— But Jeno won't give you a break — Renjun shouted from the couch.
— You didn't have an internship today? — you asked. 
— I traded my time off with Soohee — he replied simply.
— That's weird, you know? — Jisung, who was coming back from the kitchen, eating another one of his many packages of ramen, asked rhetorically. — Jeno hyung is usually very nice and kind, I don't understand why you guys are like that... 
— Because he hates me!
— That's the problem, Jeno hyung doesn't hate anyone.
— Well, there's a first time for everything, I guess.
Jaemin remained silent during the conversation and sat down next to Renjun on the couch, going back to paying attention to the movie they were watching before you arrived.
— I’m really really sorry, Jaem
— Don’t be. He had it coming — Jaemin comforted you, pulling you to sit with them and watch the movie. Suddenly, everything was fine again.
— Dude, I think you're crossing the line with her — Chenle complained about the drama between Jeno and Jaemin's best friend.
The Chinese didn't understand what his friend had against you, in fact, Chenle liked you. To him, you were a nice, funny, decisive girl, you knew very well what you wanted and you didn't give much confidence to anyone who wasn't your friend. This, of course, gave you a bad name in the halls of college during integration week, some upperclassmen didn't like being continually let go by you, so they made up a rumor or two out there, but you never cared. Chenle admired that. 
— Fuck, even you, dude? — Jeno was unhappy. No one was on his side, and he began to question whether he was really overreacting to you. This made him hate you even more, again for no reason.
— At this point it just seems like you can't control that you're like SUPER into her — Haechan proves.
— Not everyone is a weirdo like you who likes to make girls cry, Haechan — Jeno pinched the tip of his nose.
— Not everyone — the brunette agreed — but you sure do.
Chenle let out a loud laugh, amused by Jeno's irritation, but he couldn't help but think about how Haechan's theory made a bit of sense, so the Chinese asked incredulously. — Dude, are you seriously into her?
— Of course not, idiot. 
— So you're intimidated by her? — Chenle insisted once more, and that only made Jeno even angrier. Jeno rolled his eyes hard and crossed his arms uncomfortably and replied with an arrogant voice.
— Intimidated by what?
— Well, she has a reputation.
— So? 
— SO you are afraid to get dumped by her? 
— Ugh! As if!
The two boys continued arguing heatedly as Jeno grew more and more annoyed, which only amused Chenle more and more and made the Chinese man laugh loudly. Eventually, Jeno got up and locked himself in his room, slamming the door hard to make his anger clear.
Haechan smirks and Chenle realized right away that their older friend was planning something bad – or good, if seen from the right point of view. 
— What are you planning?
— Only good things — Haechan replied. Then the two exchanged complicit glances and smiled mischievously at each other, already knowing where they wanted to go and immediately agreeing to the plan.
haechan created the "genius idea" group haechan added renjunnie haechan added Jaemin
jisung: I don’t think this is a good idea, hyung
haechan: Don’t be a pussy, jisung
Jaemin: no, he is right, haechan-ah that’s a terrible idea
haechan: Jaemin, trust me a little, ok? I know what I'm doing, man!
Jaemin: i don't think so… rejunnie: maybe he’s right
haechan: I’m always right, man.
chenle: My thought exactly
Jaemin: i should know you’ll be involved on this you little brat
chenle: You know what they say: great minds think alike
haechan: Come on, he’s so into her. It’s getting stupid!
renjunnie: what could go wrong? they already hate each other…
jisung: So… what do you think, hyung?
Jaemin let out a tired, thoughtful sigh. He knew that this was definitely not a good idea, but maybe it was a necessary move.
If Haechan's theory was right and in fact Jeno was into you and just didn't know how to react, then maybe it would change things for all of you and for the whole group to be honest. But if Haechan was wrong...
Jaemin doesn't even like to think about that possibility.
In the end, he decided to give his - almost always - well-meaning friend's crazy ideas a chance. Without giving it much thought, Jaemin typed his reply:
Jaemin: fine let’s do it
Now he just needed to talk to the two of you, especially you. 
It would be easy to convince Jeno to go out with the group, all he needed to say was that it would be a date with the boys and the brunette would be there in a flash. But it was different with you. 
You two hung out a lot, Renjun and Jisung joining you often, but when Haechan and Chenle got together, it meant that Jeno would join in too. And you'd been avoiding him like the plague ever since the incident in the cafeteria, wanting to ignore him at all costs. So it would be hard to convince you to go out with the whole group again and Jaemin was the one responsible for thinking of something to change that.
He called you earlier that evening, biting his nails anxiously at having to lie to you when one of his promises was never to lie. Guilt was already coursing through him, so he hoped it would pay off.
— Jaem? Did something happen? — your sleepy, soft voice rang out on the other end of the line when you picked up after the fifth ring. — Are you all right? Do you need help?
He only realized he'd been too long without answering when you started firing off questions in a hurried and worried manner. Jaemin let out a nervous, breathy laugh before answering. - I'm fine. A bit anxious, actually.
— What do you want now, Na Jaemin? — you asked from the other side, this time in an impatient and accusatory voice.
— The boys are going to have a meeting at the usual arcade, to celebrate Haechan's scientific initiation…
— No — you cut him off, knowing full well that he was going to ask you to go along and, normally, you would have accepted, because you liked going out with the boys, but now you were avoiding Jeno like the plague.
— Please, I need you there! — Jaemin hurried. — Yuki's going and she hasn't left my side for months, I kind of need...
— That I help you get her off your back? — you cut him off once again. — Why don't you just tell him you're not interested? 
— I've already tried!
— Jaem, I don't know if...
— Please, for me? — Jaemin knew it was a low blow, but if he wanted you to go he'd have to appeal to the emotional. Anyway, it's your fault for being a butter heart.
He heard her heavy sigh on the other end of the line along with annoyed grumbles, cursing herself for being so soft.
— Okay...
— Yes! I love you, you know that, right? — he thanked you, and imitated various kissing noises. You laughed tiredly and hung up on him, not wanting to put up with any more of your best friend's mushiness.
Okay, you've gone, now all that's left is Jeno.
You entered the arcade alone after waiting for Jaemin for long minutes outside. You also flooded his number with messages and calls that he deliberately decided to ignore. 
— Na Jaemin, I swear to God... — you grumbled, entering the vintage arcade that no one knows how it has managed to hold together over the decades and looking for the boys at the tables in the integrated cafeteria, but finding no one.
You picked up your cell phone again and checked the time: it was just after 6 p.m. "Maybe I'm too early," you thought to yourself, calculating the possibilities and deciding that this was what had happened.
To pass the time, you ordered a strawberry milkshake. You were happily savoring the sweetness of your frozen dessert, feeling minimally happy at the start of the evening, but your happiness didn't last long because it was at that moment that you noticed Jeno entering the arcade, also alone and angry.
— Of all people… — you grumbled, rolling your eyes.
If the boy saw you here, he made a point of not showing it and walked straight past you. Jeno sat at the last table, sprawled on the brown leather sofa and typing furiously on his cell phone, his thick eyebrows furrowed in concentration until he raised his face in confusion, feeling that he was being watched.
So your eyes met and he made a sneer that was promptly reciprocated by you. When Jeno raised an eyebrow, as if to silently say "what are you looking at?", you responded with an exaggerated roll of the eyes and turned away from him.
The arcade was still partially empty and therefore quieter than usual, so it wasn't hard to hear the sound of heavy boxes falling to the floor in a loud thud, followed by a thin scream that aroused your attention and concern.
— Oh my God! Are you all right? — you asked hurriedly and got up from the bench you were sitting on. Just as you were about to lift the mobile bench to help the attendant, Jeno pushed you, getting in front of you to get to the little accident faster.
— Idiot — you grumbled.
— Are you all right? — he asked, gently lifting the girl off the floor and checking that she had no apparent injuries.
— I'm fine — the girl replied quietly. — I was startled by the boxes falling, but they're all empty, so I'm fine.
She let out an embarrassed laugh, looking at Jeno and then at you with cheeks red with embarrassment. You realized that there was no point in trying to help her, thanks to Jeno who monopolized the girl's attention with his exaggerated worries, so you decided to pick up the boxes that were scattered on the floor and the few packages that fell out of them.
— Thank you, you've been very kind — she thanked you for what seemed like the fifth time in a row. — You can order whatever you like — she suggested, looking hopefully at the two of you as you gathered outside the counter again. Seeing your refusal, she insisted — It's on the house.
— I've already eaten — You pointed to the half-empty glass of milk shake.
— My friends aren't coming anymore, so I'm leaving — Jeno denied it and you turned your face away in confusion, looking at him in shock and denial. 
You took your cell phone out of your pocket, looking for the group chat and frantically reading the messages in search of answers. You refused to believe Jeno, but Jaemin's singular message apologizing was the cruel confirmation you needed.
— Shit! — you both complained together - which surprised both of you - but the reasons were quite different for you.
You were stressed that Jaemin had let you down, you felt angry and disappointed that he had lied to you and used the "for our friendship" card to manipulate you into meeting the tormentor of your nightmares.
For Jeno, the situation was a little worse, as his stalker was walking towards him with a wide, frightening smile that didn't reach his glazed blue eyes. In the same minute he felt his breathing become heavy and his knees give way, he looked around, thinking of the best way to get out of there without the girl catching up with him.
You noticed your enemy's desperate face, trembling hands and ragged breathing after noticing the foreign girl approaching. You looked at him, then at her, then back at him and decided that you could revel in the suffering of the boy who was too nice to everyone but you. So you turned your back on him and picked up your bag, preparing to leave and leave him behind.
Jeno didn't react with anything other than frightened glances and an unsure step backwards when the girl started to come closer and try to touch his face with her pale hands. You wanted to punch yourself in the face for worrying about the boy who had been nothing but cruel and rude to you, but his cowed reactions got to you.
Jaemin was right, you do have a heart of butter.
With an exasperated sigh you moved back closer to the boy, entwining your arms with his and stared at the girl with your typical cold, sharp eyes that you wore as your personal armor against the harassment you suffered from seniors at the beginning of college.
The blonde girl looked at you with the same fury in her eyes as you looked at her, but you didn't let yourself be intimidated. She was no match for you anyway.
— Is something wrong? — you asked with disinterest.
— Yes! — she was impatient and clenched her fists in a firm, furious grip. — You're touching my boyfriend!
— Your boyfriend? Are you sure? - you replied condescendingly. — Because it seems he can't even stand to look at you and neither can I.
— You don't know who you're messing with — said the girl, trying to look intimidating.
You just smiled mischievously in response and took two steps towards her, towering over her who is considerably smaller than you. With your chin held high and a glint of pure evil in your eyes, you replied: — And do you know who you're messing with?
You must have looked really scary because she blinked in shock and staggered backwards, her eyes blinking nervously, trying to understand what had just happened. Jeno was also surprised - and a little scared - by your attitude, suddenly remembering the feeling he had when he first saw you on campus.
Contrary to what he remembered, it wasn't with Jaemin. On the first day, the veterans organized a hazing to welcome the freshmen and you were there, looking all proud and fearless for refusing each of the challenges they proposed until the leader got too angry to deal with you and sent you away with a simple wave of his hand and a tired sigh. 
That day he realized that you were everything he wanted to be and would never be: able to stand up for yourself. That day he also realized that he was jealous and intimidated by you, so when you showed up behind Jaemin, acting completely different from when you were alone, he decided that he didn't trust you and therefore hated you.
Now, Jeno couldn't feel more grateful for your duality. Thanks to you, Ava was gone and he could return home without having to deal with the girl's obsessive and stalkerish attitude.
He sighed with relief. But the feeling only lasted a brief moment, because as soon as he looked at you again, he saw the way your eyes looked worried. Worried about him.
Without understanding what he were feeling, Jeno got angry again and shoved his shoulder into yours as he walked away. You snorted in disbelief and glared at him angrily, watching his broad back move away towards the alley where he had stashed his bike. 
In an impulse of rage, you went after him, stepping heavily as you were equally annoyed, running a little to catch up with him.
— Is that what I get for my thanks? — you shout marching after him and when all he does is walk faster without looking back, taking the bike key out of his jacket to leave, you feel even angrier and run after him, pushing his back hard.
Jeno stumbles, but manages to balance himself and turns to you with a red face and furious eyes. — I didn't ask for your fucking help, okay? — he shouts back and towers over you.
You don't back down, in fact you take another brave step forward, coming face to face with him. — You couldn't do that even if you wanted to. You were acting like a puppy who'd lost its mother — you teased, pushing his chest with your index finger. It wouldn't hurt, but if you were going to annoy him, you'd take your chance. — You missed peeing your pants, scaredy little puppy.
He pushed your shoulders back in retaliation and, after a shocked sigh, you retaliated by doing the same thing to him. The two of you repeated the childish act a few times, never too hard to hurt, but enough to cause a nuisance.
— Dude, what's your problem with me? What the fuck have I ever done to you? ��� you shouted. Lucky for you, the street was empty, except for a trio of friends who had passed you both earlier without caring. — Apart from getting you rid of that crazy bitch, of course!?
— You get in my way all the fucking time. You've wormed your way into my group of friends, into my life and now I can't even hate you in peace because you can't stop being the Miss heroine who has to save the day, can you?
You laughed out loud, throwing your head back. — Have you heard yourself? — you asked incredulously. — You sound like you're into me and you don't know how to ask me out.
You tried to joke, hoping that sarcasm would be able to get you out of this weird and confusing situation you've gotten yourselves into, but Jeno was serious. Staring at you in shock and realization, expressions that you were quick to copy the next second.
Before you could say anything else, Jeno grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you eagerly. It was quick, strong and desperate, like the first impulse to breathe after drowning for so long. You gave in almost automatically, your body instinctively knowing what to do, accepting him as if he had always been yours. In fact, he was, he just didn't want to admit it.
You melted in Jeno's warm hands. The boy's soft lips tasted like paradise itself. You almost felt your knees give out when he circled his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. 
You encircled the boy's neck with your arms and propelled yourself on tiptoe so that you were at the same height, making the kiss more comfortable for both of you. You pushed back, trying to make space between you so that you could breathe.
Jeno wasted no time and trailed kisses down your cheek, jaw and neck, sending shivers down your spine at the ghostly sensation of his touch. Everything was so new and intense for both of you that all you wanted to do was give yourself to each other right then and there.
He took precise steps forward, pushing your body back until you were leaning slightly against the leather seat of his motorcycle. His right hand went to the back of your neck, gripping your hair to keep you where he wanted you.
Your lungs were burning from lack of air, and although you didn't want to, you pushed back, trying to make space between you so that you could breathe.
But Jeno wasn't satisfied with just that. When you pulled away, he wasted no time in trailing kisses down your cheek, jaw and neck, sending shivers down your spine at the ghostly sensation of his touch. It was all so new and intense for both of you that all you wanted to do was give yourself to each other right then and there.
— I can't fucking believe it, Lee Jeno — you complained, but this time your voice had a tone of amusement, causado by the situation and the playful little bites the boy was leaving at the base of your neck.
— I don't believe it either… — he replied and gently brushed the hair from your face. — I still hate you, just so you know.
— It's mutual — you replied teasingly and they both smiled mischievously.
— Yeah? — he replied before coming closer once more, surrounding you with his scent. His lips brushed against yours so lightly that you leaned in, wanting to kiss him again.
Você acenou com a cabeça em confirmação, o que só fez Jeno sorrir ainda mais.
— That's even better.
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antis-eye-chotic · 7 months
I wonder if Tom Cardy and Brian David Gilbert's collaboration came about after bonding over their songs about unconventional pacifist cowboys
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faraige · 1 month
I know when Cooper finds frozen Janey or whatever happened to her it's going to be incredibly emotional and Walton Goggins is gonna obliterate our hearts with his performance, but if when our tears dry no one does something funny with the Ghoul and The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy by Tom Cardy I'm gonna lose a bit of hope in humanity
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sybilius · 1 year
The thing about The Ballad of Smokin’ Joe Rudeboy is that not only is it a deranged banger of a tune, it unlocks a power fantasy the listener probably didn’t even know existed: being so good at telling someone to fuck off forever that even people with guns back down.
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inamindfarfaraway · 1 year
Brian David Gilbert’s “Pumpkin Cowboy” and Tom Cardy’s “The Ballad of Smokin’ Joe Rudeboy” are at opposite ends of an extremely niche spectrum or alignment chart.
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aquaticaeronaut · 8 months
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Tuna time.
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louxosenjoyables · 4 months
rude boy
the wailers
Studio one ska!
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Naomi: You know those things will kill you, right?
Rocky, pouring another glass of whiskey for himself, Hyūga and Smoky: That's the point.
Cobra, smoking a cigarette: We're trying to speed up the process.
Fujio & Murayama: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
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It is super low quality and I definitely do not know the principles of animation but heres a little clip I made
I think the song fits my FNV oc Geiger, who is also a cowboy who mainly uses his fists, very well
Song is “The Ballad of Smokin’ Joe Rudeboy”
By Tom Cardy
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londonfogmonday · 1 year
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The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy
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thirstyvampyr · 3 months
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Never gonna walk away - The original rudeboys
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antis-eye-chotic · 8 months
The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy is one of Tom Cardy's best songs for several reasons:
Despite the narrator speculating that Joe might not know that everyone he gets into a fight with has an actual gun, Joe assures the audience that he does know and doesn't give a fuck. What a badass.
His daughter shows up wearing the velvet cloak the outlaw who killed her mother wore, letting Joe know that she got to them first and had already avenged Bo. Badassery runs in the family.
Despite the silly concept of a cowboy winning duels by flipping people off, his backstory is actually pretty tragic. It's not explicitly stated what happens to his wife, but considering the narrator says Joe was "too slow" we can conclude that Bo was probably shot by the outlaw while Joe was getting help, and presumably died during childbirth. Joe never goes back for their daughter, so he must have assumed or been told that she died along with Bo.
The chant of "Fuck off" in the background of the showdown with his daughter. You'll be too busy listening to the story to even notice it at first, but it's pretty funny when you finally hear it.
Joe "shooting" the cappucino out of the barista's hand in the music video cracks me up every time lol
Can you imagine an actual music video for this? It'd be so amazing
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