#rudy pankow series
Six Feet Under the Stars | Rudy Pankow | Prologue
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When Thea Ross comes back into Rudy Pankow's life five years after he graduated high school, he's not prepared for her to tell him their last encounter resulted in more than he bargained for.
words: 3.5 k
A/N: Oh look I finally got around to posting this. This has been edited and this version @teelagurl558 hasn’t read yet teehee. Okay I am going to bed now.
tagging people who might be interested: @pankowperfection @pankhoeforlife @sweettartforrudy
“Dorothea Claire Ross, how dare you enter this room without giving me a hug.” Chase Stokes' voice rang out across the meeting room from where he sat on the opposite side and end of the table from where the bleach blonde had just sat down. She held back the urge to roll her eyes at the twenty-eight year old, standing up to walk around the table to give him a tight hug.
“Where’s Em?” He whispered in her ear, “You didn’t tell me you got the role, bitch.”
“Mama Jen has her, Rylie said she would bring her in a couple weeks when I’m settled in my apartment.” She whispered back. “And after I got the role, I disclosed to Jonas that you are my cousin and asked him not to tell you, it was supposed to be a surprise. Speaking of surprises, he’s not here yet?”
“No. He’s stuck in traffic but should be here soon, he’s supposed to be in front of you.” He confirmed. “You’re gonna have to tell him.” 
She glared at him but said nothing, pulling away to return to her seat and sip at her too large, extra caffeinated salted caramel cream cold brew. She knew Chase already had the order memorized from how long he’d been buying it for her, and she could tell he remembered as he made a gagging motion as she took a drink. With a smirk, she sent a playful middle finger his way. 
“So, uh, not to pry or anything but what was that about? Clearly you and Chase know each other.” Madison was the first to speak after a moment of silence. 
“Oh. Yeah, we do.” Thea confirmed. “Known him for all 22 years of my life.”
“Thea is my cousin.” Chase explained. “My mom and her mom were sisters. Thea’s mom unfortunately passed away when she was a kid, and my mom kind of took over in the mom department because no offense to Uncle Grant but he had no idea what he was doing, so she’s like my little sister. She moved to live with my mom when she was 17 and that’s when we got super close.” 
Thea snorted, trying not to burst into laughter at him when he referred to her as his sister. From the corner of her eye she saw Rudy walk into the room, so she didn’t say what she was about to, just bit her lip and smiled politely at the blonde who sat down in front of her, apologizing for being late.
Throughout the table read, Rudy kept staring at her like he knew her from somewhere, but couldn’t quite place where. She knew she was going to have to tell him everything and she was dreading it. As the room cleared out, the pair stayed at the table, and Chase shot her a look as he left, silently asking her if she was okay. When she nodded, he smiled and left, leaving her and Rudy the only two still in the room. 
She could see the wheels turning in his head, making her try not to laugh as she sipped on her coffee and gathered her things to head back to her apartment. Finally, with a shake of her head she spoke to him for the first time in nearly five years.
“Ketchikan High School.” She told him. “I can still read your mind, Rudeth. Just because it’s been five years.” 
“I thought it was you.” He said. “Your hair changed, and uh, you look good.” 
“Uh, thanks. You look good too.” She half smiled. “Hey, uh, I actually need to talk to you about something. It’s not work related and I honestly should have told you five years ago, but I didn’t know I needed to tell you.” 
The blonde man raised an eyebrow at her in confusion. “Oh?”
“Yeah, uh, would you want to come back to mine so we can talk?” She asked. “I mean, if it would be okay with Elaine. I don’t want to cause an issue with her, I’m not trying to break you up over you hanging out with me or something. Not that I think she’s a controlling person or anything. Jesus Christ, I’m just going to shut up now before I have to bury myself alive.” 
Rudy cracked a smile as he laughed. Thea stayed quiet as she took him in again. She couldn’t help but notice for the first time just how much her daughter actually looked like her father. It was the same crooked grin that Emma gave her on a daily basis, and if she was being honest it was probably her favorite thing about her ex best friend. 
“Yeah, no, it’s fine.” he told her. “She’s out running errands then she has a meeting as well. I’ll just text her I’m catching up with you. Did you drive?
“No.” She told him. “I took an Uber.” 
“Excellent, you give me the address and I’ll drive.”
So admittedly, the drive to her apartment was tense. She knew it wouldn’t be as carefree as the drives they took in high school. Chewing on her lip, she glanced at the man driving as she tried to not imagine how different her life would be if she’d managed to tell him about Emma when she found out she was pregnant, but she couldn’t help herself. 
Would they still be acting, or would Rudy have given everything up to support his family? Actually, that was a stupid question because she knew the answer to that one. She knew that if Rudy had even had an inkling that she was pregnant when he moved to LA, he’d have been back in Alaska, or joining her in Florida. He’d be working a dead end job to support his daughter and would be doing everything in his power to make sure she was getting everything she wanted and more. 
That had been a huge reason why she hadn’t told him, knowing that he’d give up all of his success in a heartbeat to support his daughter. She couldn’t dwell on that now, knowing that in just a few minutes he was going to know about Emma Raine Pankow, and she didn’t know how he was going to react to that. All she could do was hope that it went well. 
One thing was for sure and certain, Rudy Pankow was about to get the biggest shock of his lifetime in the form of a blonde haired, blue eyed little girl and Thea wasn’t the one to blame for him not knowing, at least completely.
☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼
As soon as the pair were in Thea’s apartment, she was nervous. She didn’t know how to bring it up, but knew it was going to have to happen and soon. With a sigh, she let them and made a beeline to the kitchen to find them something to drink, playing her words over and over in her head as she considered how to break the news. 
“Who’s this? She’s adorable!” Rudy had picked up one of the framed photos of Emma waiting to be hung up from the counter, studying it closely. “Are you a mom, Thea?”
Okay, so maybe she didn’t actually have to tell him that she was a mom now. She did however, much to her dismay, have to tell him he was a father. That was the scary part. You can do this, Thea, just say it. Rip it off like a bandaid.
“I am. She’s four as of February 19th.” She told him, pulling two Pepsis out of the fridge and handing him one. “Her name is Emma, by the way. And her Nana and Gammy absolutely adore her.”
“She’s four?” He raised an eyebrow. “Oh fuck, Thea, if she’s four and she was born in February. I-.”
“I didn’t find out until I was already in Florida, Ru,” she said. “I didn’t have your new number and I tried messaging you on social media but you never answered. Your mom and dad, Gammy and Gamps, by the way, didn’t even know until I went back for Christmas. I was eight months in at that point.” 
“Can I meet her?” He asked. “I mean, I want to meet her. What does she call your dad and stepmom?” 
“Poppy and Lola.” She told him. “And Chase’s mom and stepdad are Nana and Pa.” 
“So Chase?” He asked quietly, not sure if he was really ready for the answer.
“Is my cousin, Ru.” She told him. “His mom is my moms sister. But he has been nothing but the best Uncle Chase to Emma Raine this whole time.” 
“Emma Raine?“ he smiled softly. “Like, after your mom?” 
“Mhm” she hummed, “Emma Raine Pankow. The plan was always to tell you, Ru. You have all your rights to your daughter, you’re on her birth certificate.” 
It was quiet for a moment, like Rudy was trying to absorb the information that she’d just told him. He was a father. He’d gotten his best friend pregnant the one time they slept together before they both moved to separate sides of the lower forty eight, and she’d kept it from him for nearly five years. He had a four year old daughter, and he didn’t even know it. This had to be some sort of cruel joke, right?
“Press is gonna have a field day with this, you know.” He half laughed. “”Outer Banks actor teen father” I can see the headline now. Of course, they’ll have to actually read the article to see that the mother of said child is my friend with benefits from high school turned co star. And I had no fucking idea the kid even existed.” 
Thea didn’t exactly like his tone when he said that, spinning on her heels to glare at him and trying to contain her anger. Unfortunately her temper had always been an issue for her, although it had gotten better with motherhood. But standing here, looking at him with so much anger on his face, like all the information had just caught up to him, and his condescending tone made her snap.
“Excuse me?” She started walking towards him. “I tried to tell you! I messaged you multiple times, I called your mother to get your new number and she never called me back. Which I took to mean that you didn’t want me to have your number. So I made an executive decision, asshole. I chose to keep my mouth shut. You wouldn’t understand, you can’t. You don’t understand Ru, I chose to do this. I chose to keep her a secret, the only other damn person on set that knows about our daughter is Chase. This far from my first role, you can fucking google me, but you won’t find one mention of Emma Pankow on the internet, unless you follow my damn private Instagram. Which you, by the fucking way, unfollowed six days after you moved. I wasn’t even settled in Florida yet but you know what was settled already? Your daughter in my body. I chose to keep my mouth shut, to keep her a secret and not ruin your life because I chose to ruin mine!”
“That wasn’t your decision to make,” he seethed at her. “It wasn’t your right to keep my daughter away from me for four fucking years, Thea! I had no idea she even fucking existed! I lost out on four years of being a fucking father to my child! Four years, Thea! I missed it all. I don’t have a god damn bond with my daughter because of you. Yeah, we were fucking teenagers when I oh so unfortunately ruined your life, but that wouldn’t have stopped me from giving everything up for her, for you. But you know that and you still selfishly kept her to yourself for four years. You’re right by the way, I did tell my mom not to give you my new number but it was for your own benefit, Thea! I thought you deserved better than me.”
Before she could stop herself, her hand came up and made contact with his face. The force of the slap made him gasp in shock as his hand came up to run where he was sure a red mark was forming. Deep down he knew he deserved it, but at that moment he didn’t really care. 
“I’m selfish?! You told your mother not to give me your phone number. I told her it was important, which she found out two months before your daughter was born. That’s selfish Rudy. If you wanted to cut ties with me you should have told me in the airport that day. Did you? No. Instead, you told me you loved me and that you would wait for me to finish high school and come to LA with you. That was the plan right? I go to Florida for my senior year and then I move in with you in LA.” Her voice was raw as she yelled at him. “So, yeah, Rudy, you missed everything, four years of it but it’s not entirely my fault, is it? You missed every doctor's appointment, every kick, the birth of your daughter. You know what else you missed? Me going back to school two and a half weeks after I had an emergency c section, against doctor’s advice, because I was so sick when I was pregnant I didn’t have any days left. You missed Chase working nights and then staying with your daughter from 7:30-4 every day so I could fucking graduate. You missed me not even getting to walk  across the stage because your daughter was in the NICU with RSV and they didn’t know if she was going to make it. That was the fourth time I tried to get your number, asshole. I thought that if she didn’t make it, you’d at least like to know I did everything in my power to make sure she did. You missed her first day of preschool, you missed her first steps, first words — which was fucking dad, by the way, and you missed so many sleepless nights, you prick. Not because I was up with her, but because I was crying over you. You were my best friend, I gave everything to you, and you moved to Los Angeles and dropped me like I was nothing to you.” 
Before he could respond properly, the door swung open, as she hadn’t locked it behind her and Chase came walking in, sighing and rubbing his temples as he took in the scene in front of him. Thea was seething, her chest heaving as she stood in Rudy’s face, waiting for him to respond and Rudy held a pissed off look on his face, his cheekbone starting to bruise from the force of the smack he’d taken minutes before. 
“Separate it.” He demanded. “I’m serious, I could hear you both from downstairs.”
“You don’t get to come into my apartment and boss me around, Chase.” Thea sent him a death glare as she turned to look at him. He knew she was pissed so he held back the urge to roll his eyes at her. 
“I have been bossing you around for twenty two years, Dorothea, and considering you can’t be trusted to not assault your fucking baby daddy? It’s clearly not stopping now.” He tried to stay calm. “Sit your ass down on that couch right now. Rudy, you can sit on the chair there.” He took a few steps into the kitchen to check her freezer for something to put on the blonde's face, deciding that the bag of frozen carrots was going to have to do before wrapping them in a dish towel and handing them over to him. 
“You’re bruising, that should help a bit.” He sighed. “Now, we’re going to talk like adults because we aren’t seventeen anymore. You guys have a child together whether you like it or not. You have an amazing four year old daughter that I knew was yours, Rudy, the moment I met you. And sure, I could have betrayed my little sister and told you but it wasn’t my place and right now we have bigger things to worry about than your butthurt feelings that you didn’t know because you chose not answer your fucking phone because your child is going to be here in approximately four hours.”
“Four hours?” Thea questioned. “No, Rylie isn’t supposed to bring her for two weeks. I don’t have her room set up yet.” 
“Rylie called me because she’s been trying to call you.” Chase told her. “Mom had to go out of town and Rylie has classes she can’t miss so she’s gotta bring her today. I came over to help finish getting the apartment ready,  but walked into world war three.” 
“Right so Rudy should leave.” Thea said.
“You told me I could meet her!” Rudy interjected. Thea rolled her eyes, but decided not snip back at him. 
“That was before you called me selfish for doing what I felt was right.” She was calm, almost scarily calm. Chase knew she’d reached a point in her anger where she was so angry she was calm, and knew he needed to step in. 
“Okay here’s what we’re going to do before Thea decides to break your nose, Rudy.” He started. “You’re going to leave, and tomorrow, I am going to take Emma to the beach. While I do that, you two are going to talk. Like adults, none of this screaming at each other shit. You don’t need it and neither does Emma.”
“Again.” Thea muttered. “Break his nose again.”
“I’m sorry what?” Chase questioned. It was Rudy’s turn to snort in laughter, wincing as it spread pain through his bruised cheek. 
“Thea broke my nose six years ago.” He explained. “That’s how I got the deviated septum.” 
“He deserved it then too.” Thea deadpanned. 
“I did not!” Rudy argued. Thea rolled her eyes at the blonde. It seemed like, for a moment, they were back to their old selves. 
Chase rolled his eyes, moving to stand between them as he fought off the urge to scream. He was twenty eight and it currently felt a lot like breaking up fights between his younger siblings growing up, except this time it was the woman he considered his sister and her baby daddy. 
“I don’t care if he deserved it or not.” He spoke calmly. “Rudy, I am politely asking you to leave and when you guys meet up to properly talk tomorrow, for the love of all things holy, do it in a public place.” 
“Why because she won’t assault me in public?” Rudy’s snark was back, making Thea clench her jaw. “Clearly you don’t know Thea very well then.” 
“Pankow, if you don’t leave I am going to let her knock the shit out of you.” Chase told him as he pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “You and I both know she can throw a punch, and I’m about four seconds from letting her do it.” 
“Okay, I’m going.” Rudy stood up, handing the bag of half thawed carrots to Chase. “Tomorrow then. I will text Chase to tell you where to meet up.” 
The Stokes-Ross cousins watched as the younger man walked out of the apartment, Chase sighing as he looked at Thea. 
“You can’t just hit people because you’re mad at them.” He sighed. “What exactly happened?” 
“I don’t want to talk about it right now.” She told him. “I need to get Emma’s room ready and now I have to figure out childcare.” 
Chase looked at her with a frown. He knew that she was stressing out, and he didn’t know how he could help it but to help her get the place ready. The absolute one thing he knew for certain was that Rudy and Thea were a hot mess. They always had been, he knew that. He’d spent several weeks trying to get her out of her funk that she was in because of him only to have the truth come out that she’d given everything to her best friend before she moved. He’d been the one that drove her to Walmart at four am to get a pregnancy test, held her when she cried for days because it was positive and she had no way to get ahold of the blonde man. 
He’d been the one to sit at the hospital with her for nearly thirty two hours while she was in labor with her daughter, then was the one who stayed with Emma during the day so that Thea could graduate. In a way, he felt like he’d been playing dad to his co-star’s child from the get go, but he was going to make sure that Rudy got the chance to be the dad he deserved to be, even if Thea wasn’t happy about it. 
With a soft smile, he turned to look at the blonde girl and sighed.
“Okay” he confirmed. “Tell me what you want me to do.” 
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mvybanks · 2 months
You want more ideas? Betttt
JJ and reader used to date when they were like in middle school or high school but they broke up. Sometime in the future, they reconnect maybe at a bar or something. Then they ended up making out and mid makeout, JJ's like "fuck, you've gotten better." Or when she's giving head
i will never stop saying how much i love your brain😫 your ideas give me so much inspiration UGHH I LOVE YOU
the one where jj never stopped loving you
warnings: kinda rushed toward the end😭, make out session, barely proofread
It wasn’t easy to take your eyes off him — five years later and he still had the same effect on you.
He looked good, you thought. Perhaps even better than the last time you had seen him. The face hair had finally began to appear on his face, lightly and clean, and as your eyes wandered, you noticed how his arms had gotten bigger, along with his shoulders, now obviously broad and sculpted, giving him a look that made him appear more like a man. Through the half unbuttoned shirt, you could tell that he was also sporting some chest hair, and you were sure there were other new features that you had never seen before.
Nonetheless, he was still JJ. The ocean blue eyes gave him away, the same eyes that had once made you fall in love with him and that you could recognize in a crowd of thousands. His hair looked a tiny bit darker, but it was still of that ash blond that you loved, and still long enough for you to run your hands through them — that same length he’d had throughout all high school because of you.
Five years might have had passed, but there you were, hanging out in a bar with your friends and taking stolen glances at your high school sweetheart instead of having fun like you should’ve had.
However, your presence hadn’t gone unnoticed by him either. Not even a little bit. His eyes were trained on you, although he made sure you wouldn’t see that, and he couldn’t help but admire you. You had been his first love and not even five years had helped him forget about you. His life had gone on, but his mind landed on you more often than he wanted to admit.
He swore his breath hitched when he had seen you there that night. The dress you were wearing hugged your new figure perfectly, allowing him to fantasize about how much your body had changed. But he was glad to find out that your sweet eyes and warm smile hadn’t been taken away by some jerk, because he was dying to see them again. He wasn’t sure he was ever going to run into you again since you had moved out of the island where you had both grown up, hence why he had never prepared himself for that very moment.
JJ didn’t know what he was doing when he excused himself from his friends, and he sure as hell had no idea what was going on when his feet had began to lead him towards you. What was he supposed to say? That you had been on his damn mind all those years? That he had never been able to move on from you?
Instead, he only called your name once he had walked close enough for you to hear him. The taste of your name in his mouth was something he had been craving, never once had he been able to pronounce it, too scared of the feelings that it might’ve brought with it. But then, it fell from his lips like honey, sweet and easy, as if no time had passed since the last time he had seen you.
When your eyes fell on him, a genuine smile took over your features, which were then glowing and radiating joy at the sight of him. “Jay,” you exclaimed surprised, not even realizing that you had used the nickname that you’d had for him all those years.
His heart missed a beat at the sound of your voice, of his name falling from those lips that he was desperate to touch again. The eye contact felt weird, but also not at all unfamiliar — it was like coming back home, but not being sure why you had ever left it in the first place.
Your friends felt the connection immediately, and knowing exactly what had happened between the two of you, they got up with an excuse, leaving you alone.
“Can I?” JJ asked referring to the now empty stool beside you.
You grinned, “yeah.”
And so you spent the night talking and catching up with JJ Maybank. Drinks kept coming in as giggles and laughters were exchanged, reminiscing the past together.
Unbeknownst to you, he watched your every move and was entranced by you. Perhaps the alcohol had started to take over his system as well, but he couldn’t help but stare at the way your eyes sparkled with each smile you threw his way, at the way your lips curled perfectly before trapping the glass of your drink between them. He hated his mind for being jealous of the glass you were holding, because it got to feel your mouth over and over again as you sipped.
Then finally, at the end, he was able to satisfy his wishes.
Neither of you knew how it happened, but you found yourselves outside the bar, making out against the wall of the building like two teenagers. JJ’s body pinned yours against the surface as his hands explored your body hungrily. Your dress had ridden up because of his greedy touch, your thigh hung on his hip, tightly gripped by his fingers, which ran upwards, underneath the fabric, continuously and teasingly. Your hands were entangled in his hair, tugging on his long locks and emitting moans from him in response.
It was impossible not to tell how much you had been thinking about this, how every touch that evening had led to exactly that moment.
As the kiss slowed down a bit, signaling that the both of you were about to separate to get some air in, you placed your hand on his neck, running it down to his chest, which made him groan at the contact. Putting some distance between your mouths, you began leaving wet kisses down his jawline and neck, turning JJ into a breathy mess.
“Fuck —“ He moaned, “You’ve gotten even better at this.”
Finally looking up at him, proud to see his eyes closed and his head titled backwards as he was attempting at regaining his breath, you smiled.
“Oh, Jay.” You breathed out before you raised yourself on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear, “you don’t know the half of it yet, Maybank.”
JJ was definitely still in love with you.
@jjmaybankisbae @notslay-norcleor @poppet05 @solargazes @cindersnightmare @fairlymax @chaostudee @goldenroutledge @harleyharlot @taintedxkisses @uhcallmemommy @babypoguelife @screan @voguesir @vigilanteshitposting @kliness @gemofthenight @magnificantmermaid @f4ll-for-you @marzipaanz @sweetestdesire @guililove @freyawhitexxx1 @mistalli @shady-the-simp @fangirl-madz @one-sweet-gubler @camelliaflow3r @emery-333 @hallecarey1 @lovelornanonymity @rafetopia @maybankslover @jjgaybanklover @lyndys @futurecorps3 @bxrbie1 @maybanksbabe @moremaybank @jjsbank444 @vivian-555 @jjfordays @highpope @livsters @starkeylover @peachpitlover @instabull @fishingirl12 @outerbankszn @congratsloserr @loveu-always @rentaldarling @embersfae @bee6r @savagemickey03 @lunalovegood156 @idli-dosa @madelynie @riveramour
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jbicon · 4 months
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marvelsgirl616 · 28 days
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jj maybank icons | OUTER BANKS S1. (2020) | rudy pankow
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flonkertn · 9 months
𝐈𝐕𝐘 - 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : rafe cameron x pogue!reader , jj maybank x pogue!reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : cheating, sexual references, a little angsty (i need to write jj comfort i feel so bad), swearing
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 1.9k (future chapters will hopefully be longer!!)
𝐚/𝐧 : my first series aah! i’m actually so excited i’ve wanted to publish my writing for so many years. the series will be heavily inspired by the song ‘ivy’ by taylor swift, some chapters more so by the lyrics but i’m trying to capture the vibe of the song as well (it’s my most listened song this month help me). feedback would be greatly appreciated!! pls enjoy <3
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White flurries drifted slowly down in the winter air, most falling to the ground just to be swallowed whole by the ocean of snow that lay beneath, but some clinging to the cool, frosty glass of your window which provided them an eerie home.
Soft sunlight crept over the curved edges of the clouds, it’s fingertips clinging to the rounded corners mercilessly, it’s rays dappling as they peeked through the now raindrops that sat waiting on the panes, barely illuminating the room and forcing a glow to sit idly on your skin.
Beams bounced off the cluttered walls in an attempt to bring forth life, appearing to work as your droopy eyelids pry open and expose your quickly dilating pupils to the world that surrounds you.
While the air outside is cold, your skin absorbs the radiating warmth of the limp body resting beside you, bones slotting into the crooks of your figure and hugging your frame so gently, ghosting above as though you were formed from glass.
Yet, as your eyes scanned the room, the arm that sits snaked around your waist tightened it’s grip, subconsciously holding you close despite the soft snores that begin to ring through your ears.
Flashes of the night before pass through your mind, fuzzy and grainy and out of order, but as your gaze meets a downturned picture on your nightstand, a golden frame that encases a photograph of your boyfriend, the oh so familiar guilt builds back up in the pit of your stomach, and you know exactly whose arm is currently tugging at your hips.
Rafe Cameron.
The ill-defined affair with the Kook Prince had been consuming you for the past 3 months, and you were certain you’d called it off, but he always seems to crawl his way back into your head, and your sheets.
You knew it was wrong, and you knew that it would kill JJ if he found out, he’d burn the world to the ground and take himself with it, but Rafe just seemed to have a hold on you, this ability to control your every move wether you liked it or not, and you sure as hell liked it.
Fingertips traced over his knuckles as you peered down at his strong arm, his hot breath falling on your neck and melting the hair and the fabric and anything else that stood between his lips and your skin, eating away at it desperately just so his mouth could briefly make contact.
Bold, black letters forced their way into your peripheral as you pushed your head ever so slightly to the side, careful not to wake the sleeping lion, the tamed beast, that inched it’s way further into you. The digits “7:16” planted on the clock and assured you that you had at least 2 hours before JJ would be awake, let alone be making his way over to your apartment.
“Rafe” Your voice was barely a whisper, but enough to make the body next to shift in it’s place and bring it’s limp head up to meet your gaze, a smug grin tugging at the corners of it’s mouth as it leant in for a kiss.
“Mornin’ , princess” He rasped, planting a few more on your cheek and jawline before flopping down onto his back, rubbing his forehead between his fingers, pinching at the skin, and turning to look at you again.
You said nothing. You knew you should just tell him to leave but you couldn’t muster the strength, opting instead for a cold glare and a gentle sigh, the look in his eyes competing with the one in yours, neither of you seeming to gain the upper-hand.
“Maybank on his way?” His body turned away from yours, pushing up from the mattress with his wide-spread palms before his feet made lonesome contact with your cold, wooden floor and reaching for his previously abandoned boxers.
“No we got a couple hours, he’ll still be asleep” You sat up, forcing your eyes away from his figure just as he turned back around, so predictable.
“Really?” You could hear the smile in his tone, accompanied by the metal clang on the floor as he dropped his long-forgotten trousers, the belt still looped through the fabric hooks due to the anticipation you both felt last night, rushing through each “step”, as you called it, desperate to feel your bodies sticking to one another once more.
The mattress sunk, taking you with it as it compensated for the pressure of the new weight it was forced to carry. You could sense how smug Rafe felt, just how wide his shit-eating grin really was, the feeling flowing off of him and into you like a soundwave.
“A few hours.” He quips.
You reluctantly nod, knowing he’s just trying to rub it in, the fact that you slept with him. Not your boyfriend, but him. You kissed him and fucked him and fell asleep in his arms and now you were inviting him to stay, a series of events that you’d both lived through on multiple occasions, but somehow Rafe got more and more proud of himself each time it happened, it seemed to boost his ego further, if that was possible.
Before you could argue, or even think to, his hands were wrapped around your body again, dragging you on top of him and kissing you more, fingertips grazing your skin and massaging in his touch, pressing it into you as if to mark his territory and clinging to your plush thighs which sat either side of his waist, an action he knew would pull a smile from the depths of your heart and paint a hazy, rose blush across the apples of your cheek. And it did.
“So happy you have a lazy boyfriend.” The barely coherent murmur was trapped in between your lips and sent a vibration down your throat, allowing you to register what he said and swat at his bicep, and yet he only deepened the kiss and sent a groan down your throat, his smirk present against your skin.
A few moments pass, lips pushing into his before you pull away, watching as his head runs after you like a lost puppy, trying to win you back. “You should still get up though, he’ll be here by the time you get out of the shower.”
He lies there, dumbfounded, brows furrowed and eyes glued to you as you climb off of him and out of bed, sliding your feet into the security of your slippers and taking his shirt for yourself, the hem falling at your upper-thighs as the rest of the fabric drowned your figure.
“I’ll start on breakfast.”
His voice chases after you as he shouts, “I do not take that long!”, but you continue down the hall and into your kitchen, a wide smirk playing on your lips as the springs of the bed creak, indicating that Rafe is taking your advice.
JJ’s knuckles were turning white by the time you opened the door, his unnecessarily aggressive knocking jolting you into action shortly after Rafe left, every part of your brain working to remind you who you were actually dating and reciting each detail of the blonde boy like a worm in your ear so you knew how to react when you opened the door, a process you’d now become accustomed to.
“Hi hon-“ He cut you off as he pushed his way inside, moving you with his hands that pressed into your hips as he shut the door behind him. “How come you haven’t been answering your phone?”
His eyes were wide and ridden with concern, shifting between your own so vigorously and pulling you just a little closer, knowing if you stood any nearer to him he’d kiss you before you had the chance to answer his question.
But your eyes were wide too, face filled with guilt and fear and hesitation, searching your brain for an excuse like your life depended on it.
The precious feeling of his calloused fingers on your supple skin should’ve brought you comfort and eased the ache that you felt in your ever-tightening chest, but despite the incandescent love that his touch brought forth, and the memories that it produced, it can’t seem to ease your rapid and raging heart, whose beat pounds against your ribs and begins, in a desperate attempt, to claw it’s way out of your body and break free.
“My phone is still in my room, on charge.” Gesturing down the hall and smiling as you shook your head a little, trying to persuade him as best you could. After he paused for a moment, a split second, but still a moment too long for your liking, you raised your eyebrows and forced your smile to grow, hoping and praying that he’d agree and move on.
JJ wasn’t even considering that you were lying, he trusted you, and he didn’t think twice about your phone. It wasn’t until he pressed a long-awaited kiss to your lips and strutted into the kitchen that the subtle and innocent doubt started to seep in.
“How come you’ve used two plates for your breakfast?”
You froze. You just froze. There was no movement or reaction besides your breath hitching and a slight stumble backwards, so movement indeed, but you didn’t process it. Your brain was scrambled and mouth couldn’t function, you were paralysed and what was a second for him, was almost an hour for you.
The relaxed muscles in JJ’s back were staring at you, his eyes focused on the messy countertops that lay before him and not the horror that ensued behind;the fear that you currently exerted. And your brain longed to copy the relaxed stance of the body in front of it, but it couldn’t.
“I uh.. I wanted eggs and I wanted pancakes and…” You were rambling, your mouth was moving and white noise was falling out without it being processed by the rest of you. You couldn’t bare to watch as JJ turned around to face you, his expression awfully calm given the circumstances, but then again, he didn’t know what you knew.
“...I can’t have sweet and savoury on the same plate! Madness J, honestly.” Now you were accusing him of being mad? God, it was pathetic. It was like you were in a car crash and you were somehow the car.
But he just smiled, chuckling to himself a little as he lowered his head, as he took a step further and kissed you once more, hands tangled in your hair which manages to ease your aching momentarily.
“You’re so weird when it comes to food.”
His body pushes gently past you and towards your bedroom, releasing a ground-shaking breath from your lips, so loud you wonder if it echoes in JJ’s ears the same way it does yours.
It had been so long since you’d slept with Rafe, or done anything with him that the tension felt so strange and new, like the first time it happened.
You didn’t know how to act around JJ, flinching at his touch and zoning out once your eyes finally registered the “on my way love” that sat expectantly on your phone screen. Eventually you learnt to deal with it, to suppress the fear and memories and things went back to normal, at least around JJ they did. Yet somehow, now it was worse than ever before. You’d spoken to him for, what? Thirty seconds? And yet you felt as though you’d never be able to breathe again.
You’d had sex with Rafe dozens of times, stayed over at his, slept in his arms and kissed him in the confinement of any walls that could surround you, whispered sweet nothings into his ears and let him do the same to you, caught and memorised the glint in his eye whenever you smiled. But you didn’t mean it, and at least JJ didn’t see it.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 : @sadfury @f4ll-for-you
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lovemomhatepolice · 1 month
jj maybank masterlist
navigation taglist requests 
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★ - smut | ♡ - fluff | ☁︎ - sad | ✦ - angst
ONE-SHOTS nswf alphabet part 1 part 2 ★ (SOON)
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A/N: please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
I apologize in advance to everyone for so much expansion in the masterlists, but it will be so much easier for me and you to catch up, once I get it all to the state I want - I promise
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pankowperfection · 1 year
Lessons Learned (Chapter Two)
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Summary: Rudy has his own thoughts about one particularly hard to ignore student, you
Warnings: smut, 18+, dirty thoughts, mentions of sex, masturbation
Link to the series master list here
Rudy’s POV
Another semester of giggling girls (mostly) who didn’t give a single fuck about this course. God, I’m so tired of only having a handful of students each semester that are as passionate as me about classic literature. This particular cohort wasn’t all that bad, except for y/n.
From day one she’d caught my attention. Failing to sneak in late, flushing a beautiful shade of crimson when I reprimanded her. She quickly schooled her expression to one of indifference, taking her time to look me over head to toe. The heat in her gaze alone made blood rush to my cock, having gone far too long without a woman to keep me entertained. 
Each passing lecture only piqued my interest further while also adding to my annoyance. Either her clothes were shrinking from the shitty campus laundry machines or she was trying to get me to see her well defined curves. My eyes often traveled in her direction as I lectured, trying not to linger too long on how her lips looked wrapped around her pen she always seemed to have in her mouth. 
When she spoke up the first few weeks, she showed her intelligence by actually asking the right questions or participating in the discussion. Then she started to slip in compliments. “Such a great point Professor Pankow, and might I say you look so good in your suit today.” She always lingered after class, torturing me with her exposed cleavage and the curve of her ass barely hidden by her skirt. 
The day I thought I’d lose my control for sure, career be damned, she’d shown up early, choosing a seat in the front row where I’d have no choice but to have her in my field of view throughout our entire hour together. She’d slowly been spreading her thighs apart while scooting down in her chair, unnoticeable to her other peers no doubt. While everyone was turning to the right page in their textbook I made the mistake of letting my eyes wander up her long legs. 
I instantly stopped in my tracks, every thought vanishing from my mind. She was wearing the tiniest pair of light pink, fucking lace panties. Her pussy lips were slightly peeking out the sides, begging to be worshiped by my tongue. The fabric covering her was damp enough to darken the material, all the blood rushing below my belt once again. When I dared to meet her gaze she was smirking, mouthing “like what you see?” to me. I had to end class early in fear another student would see the tent in my pants.
She was starting to infiltrate every thought. Making me second guess myself if she actually wanted ME or if she was just playing around. Lately she’d kicked it up a notch, slipping in innuendo when she answered my questions, smirking in victory when she saw that annoyance flicker across my face. God, I’d love to teach her a lesson, show her why she should not fall out of my good graces. 
That thought sticks with me as I climb into the shower, steam filling the room. Before I even realize what I’m doing my hand is wrapped around my dick, already hard because I’d been picturing y/n bent over my desk. I bet she’d make the prettiest sounds when I spanked her, licked her, fucked her. That smart mouth has been begging to be filled with my cock, tears streaming down her cheeks while she tries to take all of me. 
The thought of her on her knees, struggling to please me has me tightening my grip, starting to stroke faster. I wonder if she’d beg me to stop or to fuck her harder? Would she prefer it sweet and slow? Or was she an animal who could never be tamed, letting me tie her up and fuck her in any position. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to fuck her in my office, letting everyone nearby hear her scream. “Oh shit,” my balls tighten, dick jerking in my hand before I shoot my load onto the tiles. This girl was gonna be the death of me.
@adventuresinobx @starkeyobx @paradisehamilton @ailee-celeste @pankhoeforlife @outerbankspov @houseofperfecttaste @drewbooooo @maybankslover @maybanks-luver @blueicequeen19 @toystory2wasjustokay @onmykneesforrafe @penny4yourthoughts @maddie-routledge @ilovetheavenger143
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loveharlow · 2 years
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CHAPTER SYNOPSIS; [2.6k] The Pogues leave the comfort of their island and travel onto another. An all-expenses paid trip, courtesy of Ward Cameron's parental guilt fund. Exhausted and aching from the compact plane seats, they've reached their destination. Welcome to Orlando, pogues.
CHAPTER WARNING(S); swearing, a tad bit slow because this is the first chapter but it's still cute
A/N; So I promise this idea came out of nowhere but I'm so in love with it like when I say I did the entire planning for this in a couple hours I mean it. It's angsty and cheesy and exactly what I wanted so I hope you like it!
series masterlist. jj masterlist.
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“Guys! Guys! You will not believe what just happened.” shouts a giddy Sarah, practically skipping into the Chateau with a bright smile on her face. Her eyes are lit up like a kid with a sugar rush and she’s basically bursting through the front door, plopping down beside her boyfriend on the couch.
We were just sitting around seeing as we hadn’t had much to do since we’d all graduated last week.
“We’re going to Florida.” Sarah gushed, the smile never leaving her features. However, JJ snorted, everyone turning to him with raised eyebrows but we were just as confused.
“Yeah and I was the first person to walk on the moon.” He mocked. Sarah’s face fell and I plucked his arm, muttering ‘don’t be a dick’. 
“I’m being serious.” Sarah said a little sadly.
“Sarah, we can barely afford a ferry to the Mainland. What makes you think we could afford to go to Florida?” John B quipped.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe the plane tickets my dad bought for all of us to go there next week.” She said in a teasing tone, pretending to look at her nails. All of our eyes went wide. It was a shocked silence that filled the small space until Kie spoke up, visible bafflement written across her face.
“Why would Ward Cameron pay for us to go on a trip?....What does he want?” She was met with hums of agreement and Sarah’s triumphant smile accompanied by a small giggle.
“He doesn't want anything. I think he feels bad about how he treated John B when we first got together. More specifically, I shut him out since he treated you guys like shit and he thinks money is the solution to everything. He also says it’s a graduation gift. Look,” She pulls out her phone from the back pocket of her shorts.
She scrolls and taps for a minute or so then turns her phone around for the rest of us to see. “-six economy tickets from the Outer Banks to Orlando. Believe me now?” She questions cockily.
We stare at the screen, murmurs of ‘holy shit’ echoing out around the room. 
“No first class?” John B asks.
Sarah snorts and puts her phone away. “He doesn’t feel that bad.”
“Attention passengers, the seatbelt sign is now off and the plane has landed. Be mindful of passengers when retrieving your belongings from the overhead bins. Welcome to Orlando.”
Rubbing my eyes, I lifted my head from JJ’s shoulder. It was him, Pope, and myself in a row—Pope begging for the window seat to take pictures and JJ giving it to him without a fight, taking the seat closest to the aisle and leaving me in the middle. He may not want to admit it but it was easy to see the way he tensed when the plane took off, roughly swaying us back and forth as it gained speed to take off. 
He relaxed halfway there, though. I connected to the plane's wifi and turned on one of the free movies, even though I ended up dozing off.
Passengers were gathering their things and shuffling through the narrow aisle as we waited for a while until we could get up comfortably and grab our own. Once there were less people crowding the cabin, we unbuckled ourselves and stood up with groans, the seats causing mild discomfort. 
We grabbed our bags from the bins, my bag a bit heavier than I recall, almost causing it to hit me in the head before JJ’s hand shot out. “I told you the bag was heavy.” He reprimanded, lowering my small duffel bag and handing it to me. I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, yeah. I got it.”
He playfully glared at me before lightly pushing my shoulder. “Get off the plane, you brat. This cabin is too small, it’s making me nauseous.”
I laughed but walked up, following behind the other half of our group that was walking in front of me. “Correct me if I’m wrong but is JJ Maybank scared of planes?”
“Yeah, right-” He deflected, exiting the cabin behind me with Pope following behind him sleepily, wishing the attendants a farewell. “Never. But nobody wants to sit in this ice box all day.” He retorted, now walking beside me as we walked up the ramp that connected the actual airport and the plane.
“You have a point. It was so fucking cold.”
“You don’t have to tell me.” He chuckled. “Don’t think I didn’t notice when you slipped off your crocs and wrapped your cold ass feet around my ankle.”
My jaw dropped slightly as I felt a heat rush to my cheeks. It was something I had done almost subconsciously, noting how warm he was during the flight as I laid my head on his shoulder. I had just kicked off my crocs and pushed them under my seat with my heel and wrapped them around his leg. “I didn’t think you would mind.”
“I didn’t.” He winked. I scoffed and walked slightly ahead of him seeing as we fell behind the group a bit.
“C’mon, I want coffee and a cookie.” I urged him to catch up with myself and the group.
OUR GROUP HAD SPLIT, SORT OF. Kie and I were standing in the small line at a coffee shop in the airport while everyone else was at baggage claim. It wasn’t too long but there was still a wait. It was about a quarter past 3 pm so people weren’t really craving coffee at the moment. The other stops like pizza and sandwiches had a pretty decent wait, though.
“Did JJ and Pope want anything?” Kie inquired.
“Pope just wanted water and JJ wanted tea.” She just nodded and moved up in the line.
“So…” She started. She looked like she would explode if she didn’t ask whatever was on her mind so I turned to her with questioning eyes and motioned for her to ask her question. “You’re sharing a room with JJ. How do you feel?” She sang with a kiddie-ish smile on her face, grabbing my arm and shaking it a bit, causing my own smile to form.
“It’s not that big of a deal, Kie. It’s not like we haven’t slept in the same bed before.” I replied, slightly awkward. It was as clear as day to see that I had a crush on JJ. We’re best friends and we have been since elementary school. He made me feel things that no one ever has. No friend, no boyfriend. It was like my heart beat a certain way just for him. 
A way that made my head spin and my mind go blank. And up until about a year ago, I was convinced that best friends was all we’d ever be. For context, JJ had kissed me at a kegger almost a year ago. That was the first time we’d kissed but it wasn’t the last.
So why aren’t we together? Because JJ Maybank doesn’t do feelings. That's the only reason I can come up with, anyway. But as far as I know, JJ and I have kissed a number of times on different occasions and each time I try to talk to him about it, he’ll avoid me like a virus or act like he’s busy until I stop trying to bring it up. They aren't even like full-on kisses. Sometimes it can just be a little peck. It's almost like he does it on accident.
“You’re right, it’s not a big deal.” Kie agreed. “It’s a huge opportunity. You can get laid or a boyfriend. Or both.”
“Kiara.” I whisper-yelled. “Oh my- please, stop.” I hissed as we approached the counter. We relayed everyone’s drink requests to the cashier, who informed me that they only had sugar-free cookies. Ew. We rounded to the other end of the small kiosk where others were waiting to pick up their orders. 
“I’m just saying. You guys have been running circles around each other for years. One of you needs to say something before it’s too late and you end up as one of those 'what if’s', y’know?”
I sighed and dropped my head forward. I was achy from the plane and I felt a mild headache coming on. “Can we please just drop this for right now? Please?” I pleaded with the girl beside me. I knew she was only trying to give me that ‘push’ but I just wanted my coffee and to sit down somewhere comfortable.
“Fine.” She complied. “I’ll stop. For now.”
“6 drink orders for Kiara!” The barista mildly shouted from her place behind the counter, Kie and I walking up and grabbing both cardboard trays of drinks and she handed us a handful of straws. Thanking her, we walked off in the direction of baggage claim where the others should’ve been waiting.
Kie examined her hand that held the straws. “Plastic straws? People never learn.” She grumbled, annoyed. I couldn’t help but smile fondly. Only Kie, I thought.
WE WERE NOW WALKING THROUGH THE GARAGE CONNECTED TO THE AIRPORT. Apparently, Ward had thrown in a rental car, too. A black, seven seater BMW. The walk was quiet, aside from the sounds of everyone drinking the decently prepared beverages from the coffee stand. Sarah was clicking the noise button on the keys in search of our temporary vehicle.
Once we heard the sound of the car, Sarah let out a silent ‘thank you’ and everyone let out satisfied hums. Approaching the car, Sarah popped the trunk and prompted everyone to pile their suitcases and bags inside. I let go of my suitcase, which JJ had kept an eye out for in baggage claim while Kie and I were gone, so I could slide my bag off of my arm and into the trunk.
When I turned around my suitcase was gone, my head whipping around as I heard the clanking of wheels and turned back to the trunk to see JJ putting it inside. Since my bag was the last and everyone was already piling into the vehicle, JJ closed the trunk, turning to me with a smile that said ‘don’t mention it’. I just nodded and gave him a small smile. 
We rounded the vehicle to climb in, the seat pulled down in the back which I assumed was for me to climb in and sit next to Kie who was in the last row. Pope was in the second row and John B and Sarah were upfront, Sarah driving. 
“Sorry,” Pope started, looking in my direction. “My legs are too long to be all the way back there.” I shook my head with a small smile as I climbed in, “It’s cool.” Once I was settled next to Kiara in the back, JJ pushed the seat back up, securing us in and climbing in himself and shutting the door.
Sarah started the car. 
“I thought you had to be like 21 to rent a car.” John piped up.
“Dude, Ward paid for this. He found a way.” Pope added.
“He’s not wrong.” Sarah replied with a shrug. “Let’s just pray not to get pulled over. John B, pull up the navigation.”
“Why can’t you do it? I wanna sleep.” 
“Because I’m driving. Just pull it up.” 
John B groaned but pulled out his phone and entered the address of the AirBnB as Sarah read it to him. She turned on the radio and let it play lowly as she pulled out of the garage.
AFTER ABOUT FORTY-FIVE MINUTES LATER, WE PULLED UP TO THE HOUSE. It was almost 5pm so the sun was still out. Finally being away from the airport gave everyone a little boost of energy, no longer as exhausted or tired. Instead, almost beaming with excitement as we stared up at the house we’d be staying at for the next few days through the window as Sarah pulled the vehicle into the driveway.
“It’s so pretty.”
“Is that a hot tub?”
Turning off the car, Sarah hopped out followed by the rest of us. We stood outside of the car, peering up at the house. It seemed to be a two story home, an off white color on the outside, a balcony poking out on the second floor, pristine windows on the outside, and the big freely moving plants and palm trees surrounding the front door. You could also see what seemed to be a couple deck chairs and a hot tub around the side. 
Everyone started moving to grab their belongings from the trunk, visibly more energized with little smiles on their faces. When everyone had everything, we made our way to the front door where there was a keypad to unlock it. Sarah punched in the code that she received from Ward that the homeowners had sent to him when he booked the house. With the door open, we all shuffled inside taking in the interior. It was nice and modern. A small foyer when you walk in, a slightly curved staircase leading upwards to the bedrooms, walking further you were met with the kitchen which was clean and smelled like lemon. 
The cabinets and structures were a kind of charcoal-ish gray and spotless, a small island in the middle of the room set with 3 bar stools and 3 lights hanging above. To the right of the kitchen was the living room, a simple L-shaped sofa with a flat screen sitting above a TV-stand. 
I walked out into the backyard, John B following mindlessly as everyone else wandered around as well to scope out the place. There was a short gravel path leading to where I spotted the outdoor furniture earlier. A small hot tub accompanied by two neutral colored deck chairs and a small circular glass table between them.
Walking back into the house and going back to where I saw the staircase, I ascended it. Reaching the upper floor, there were five doors. 3 were open and revealed a queen-size bed in each with their own quirks—tv’s, dressers, closets, desks, etc. The other two doors, one of which was a bathroom and the other a linen closet filled with soap, body wash, towels, and other essentials, were cracked open allowing us to see inside.
At the sound of Sarah’s voice, everyone gathered back in the small foyer downstairs where we had abandoned our luggage.
“So, for the rooms-” She started. The pairs had already been established so she was just making sure everyone was okay with the rooms. Her and John took the room all the way to the left, Pope and Kiara in the room in the middle, and JJ and I in the room all the way to the right. She stated there were bathrooms in each room as well and to make sure we keep this place as organized as possible.
Everyone nodded and set off to their assigned rooms for the rest of our stay. I followed JJ as he ignored my protests stating I could carry my suitcase up the stairs myself. He had his own backpack on, his suitcase in his left hand and my suitcase in his other. We both entered the room and it was quite spacious. Not overly large but definitely bigger than anything we were used to back home.
The bed was in the middle facing the TV against the wall opposite to it, black bed sheets and pillows. There was a closet to the left of the bed against the wall next to the bathroom door.
JJ sat all of the bags out of the way, me following suit with my small duffel bag as he sighed dramatically and fell back onto the bed. “Oh, this feels amazing.” He closed his eyes.
I nudged his calf with my foot. “Scoot over.” He shuffled to the side as I plopped down next time, turning to face him. He was right, the mattress was soft and felt like it was molding to every part of my body.
“This trip is going to be great.”
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A/N; So this is the start to a small series I came up with. This chapter was just an introduction of sorts so I'm sorry it moved a bit slow, I know it felt like filler but the next chapter is so damn cute.
feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
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pedrometal · 1 year
⟣ᰱ🎣🍓〉✚🔈🏪 ◟𝚁υ∂ყ ραꦱᩚ𝕜𝗈ω ಖ⭒̫۫私꯴⟡᳕🗯´-
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•••𝖦𝖮©𝖣 𝖭𝖨𝖦𝖧𝖳 ⛪! 444 ꫤ🪣ꜛꜜ٭░ ❥ ⛑️•̩̩͙♡๑ 𝗅ι𝗄ᧉ ↷σɾ 𝗋ᦸᩚ𝖻𝗅✢ᦋ ☆% . . ✈️ 𝖺ꪧᡶ𝗂-ꫝᨹ𝗋૭ᩨ ઈଓ 🆗🪽🚉🗯✶
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mvybanks · 5 months
SAFETY NET — ch. 1
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a/n: she’s here🤭🤭 i really hope you guys like this and i might post second part in a couple of days!
warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+, lots of mentions of sex and innuendos but there’s no actual smut (yet👀)
word count: 4k
pairing: ice hockey player!jj x college student!reader
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safety net playlist
add yourself to my taglist <3
Rebound sex.
What is better than that, really? Hot, meaningless sex with the first stranger that catches your eye.
You weren’t expecting it to be this good, though. You were pretty sure the guy that you couldn’t remember the name of was thinking the same thing. The filthy activities went on for hours, filling the room with giggles and laughters. The loud music that was coming from downstairs was long forgotten as the blond haired man was basically rearranging your guts, moaning in your ear like no man had ever done before, and you were lying if you said that it wasn’t the hottest thing ever. All you wanted to do that night was to forget about everything, everyone, every single disappointment, because that’s what relationships are after all. You couldn’t take it anymore; tears and broken heart had been your life-long companions and you had decided on not falling for that kind of delusion ever again. Another man cheating on you, another one who told you that he loved you and then turned his back and had sex with another woman, and once again you were the one who had been left behind, always one step back from everyone else, never leaving the place where they had left you. You were tired, honestly, of forever being the nice girl who let everyone step on her. What you craved in your life was passion, love, just pure happiness — was that so difficult to find?
Therefore, you decided on enjoying yourself. It had been a couple of months of having sex with strangers, college parties being the best way to find men who were willing to have one night stands, and perhaps you had started to feel more free, finally beginning to forget about the men that had broken your heart. And hell, you had never felt lighter than that night, the one that you and your best friend recall as the best sex you’ve ever had.
You left the guy’s room when the sun was already up, shining through his blind-less windows. He was fast asleep; you had both fallen asleep, actually, and thank God for that because there was no way you would’ve been able to leave that room when he had finished with you, your legs still wobbly from the rough activities.
“Hello.” You felt like a deer in headlights, utterly embarrassed. When you had stepped down the stairs, you hadn’t imagined to find anyone, especially not the owners of the apartment for the party had ended particularly late. The smirking man greeted you from behind the white cup he was drinking from — probably coffee, you thought. God, what you wouldn’t have done to have a cup of coffee in that moment.
The tall, dark-haired man nodded at you. “Adam or Marcus?” He asked you nonchalantly, before he took another sip.
“Excuse me?” You wished to disappear right there.
“Where are you coming from, sweetheart? I bet Marcus, he’s the one who gets most of the girls.”
Six feet underground. That was where you wanted to be in that moment. You couldn’t even remember the name of the guy. “I have to go.” You stumbled over your words as you all but ran to the door.
“Wait!” Someone else’s voice stopped you — and that one was very familiar. You turned around and there he was, someone who apparently was named either Marcus or Adam.
“She slept with you?!” Amusement was laced in the other guy’s voice, obviously shocked.
Okay, so probably Adam?
“Shut up, Young.” He grumbled as he ran down the stairs to get to you.
“Oh fuck, I can’t believe you had sex with a stranger!”
You were wishing really hard to suddenly gain the power of turning invisible. In a flushed-cheeked frenzy, you pushed down the front door handle, mumbling a “sorry, I have to go,” and walked outside, all but running towards your car. As soon as you had gotten inside, you let out a laugh. What was your life?
“Jesus, Nick! You could’ve shut your fucking mouth!” JJ groaned exasperatedly at his friend once you had left.
Nicholas chuckled, “Sorry, man. Caught me off guard.” He noticed the way the man in front of him walked towards the couch and sat on it, throwing his head back. “She was hot.”
Lifting one eyebrow at him, JJ sarcastically grumbled, “No, shit. I didn’t notice that, y’know.”
“You had sex with a stranger.”
JJ sighed. “I saw her last night and she was — God,” he groaned, “One moment we’re talking and she’s dancing all over me, next thing I know we’re in my room.”
Nick handed him a fresh cup of coffee, which his friend immediately accepted, and went to sit next to him. “Sorry you’re not gonna see her again.”
“It didn’t look like she wanted more than a one night stand to me.” He shrugged. “It is weird that she stayed the night, though.”
“We slept for like an hour, so…”
“The hell did you do all night?” It took one look at his friend’s face to understand, “Damn, I didn’t know JJ Maybank had it in him.”
JJ got up, ready to walk up the stairs again, “Just because I don’t do meaningless sex doesn’t mean I’m not good in bed.” He admitted without turning towards his friend and making a beeline for his room, one thought on his mind: who the hell were you?
“Babe, I’m telling you. Best sex I’ve ever had.” Was all you said as you entered your shared apartment. Your roommate and best friend, Elle, was making breakfast, ready to hear everything about your wild night.
“Must have been. You didn’t even come home last night.”
Your aching legs quickly took you to the couch and you almost moaned at the feeling. Your limbs were sore, and yet you would’ve done it again. “Yeah, ‘cause we kept going all night.”
“Who the fuck is this guy? You sure he’s in college?” She asked incredulously.
“I don’t even remember his name.” You admitted before recalling what that other man had told you that same morning, “Maybe Adam something?”
“Yeah, sure. Give me a more common name.” Elle handed you a plate with scrambled eggs and a cup of coffee, one that you had been dreaming of, and sat next to you, crossing her legs as she listened intently.
“Not my fault that’s his name.”
“Alright wait. Before you tell me all about the hot sex, tell me you’re coming to the game with me tonight. Please?” She put her hands together and gave you those puppy eyes that only Elle knew how to make.
“I’m tired.” You grumbled.
“We’re talking about sexy hockey players! Please, do it for me?” She batted her eyelashes at you and kept whispering small ‘please’s.
“You’re really hard to say no to, you know that?”
She squealed and wrapped her arms around you. “Thank you, thank you thank you.” As she got back to her previous position, she grabbed her mug from the coffee table and took a sip of her tea. “Okay, tell me about this guy.”
The mid October weather was colder than you had expected, making goosebumps arise on your poorly covered skin. Of course the low temperatures of an ice hockey rink weren’t ideal either and you were cursing at yourself for not having worn a warmer coat. Your fingers gripped the hot chocolate cup that Elle had bought for you when you had arrived, and you were sure even the beverage was getting cold. As you sat on the ice-cold benches, you barely gave your attention to the game before you, you didn’t really know what was going on anyway, and only listened to what your best friend was saying, yapping about how hot the players were. Well, you couldn’t have blamed her. Two of them in particular had very familiar features but you couldn’t quite put your finger on why, however you ignored your feelings at first, sure that you had probably seen them around campus.
That was until the speaker said his name. That name. “Captain JJ Maybank,” you repeated pensively, catching your friend’s attention. “Where have I heard this name?”
She didn’t think much of it either. “Probably some girl talking about him. He’s the captain of the team and single, every girl talks about him.”
“Yeah, but…it sounds so familiar.” Scrunching your eyebrows, you tried to take a better look at the players. “Which one is he?”
“Number seven.”
“Can barely tell from the helmet.”
Elle rolled her eyes. “Babe, you don’t know any guy from the team, please. This is the first time that you’ve come to a game.”
You tried to shake it off, you really did, but when the first intermission started and the captain took his helmet off, you almost fell from your seat. “Oh God.” You whisper-yelled. “Shit, shit, shit, shit!”
“What, what, what?” Elle matched your tone.
“It wasn’t Adam.” You turned to her, “The guy I slept with — his name wasn’t Adam, Elle. It was JJ.”
Her eyes widened as she looked between your panicked face and the captain of the team who was drinking from a water bottle. “Are you sure?”
“It’s him. Elle, I’m almost one hundred percent sure it’s him. I couldn’t remember the name but it’s impossible to forget about his face!”
Your best friend wanted to throw you into his arms because when does anyone have the opportunity to sleep with the captain of the team? One that was painfully hot, too. “How — how can you tell from here?”
“Well, I don’t know! Make him take his shirt off and I’ll tell you for sure. Could recognize those abs from miles.” She laughed loudly, throwing her head back, and you pushed her playfully for everyone was looking at her. “Elle!”
“You’re telling me that the best sex of your life was with the captain of the hockey team?” She repeated as tears fell from her eyes for she was still chuckling. “The same guy that girls around here drool over?”
Your hands flew to your face, covering it as you couldn’t believe it. “I have to leave. He can’t recognize me!”
“Babe, you can’t run away from him forever.”
“I can try!”
She grabbed your forearm and forced you down on your seat, “Nope. You promised me that you would stay, and you’re staying! Who knows, he might see you and want to pick up where you left off last night.”
You gazed at her with panic in your eyes. “That’s what I’m trying to avoid!”
“Why? He’s hot and you said it was the best sex of your life!”
That was when you realized that you were still in public. Luckily, it seemed like people around you weren’t invested in your conversation, probably not having figured out who you were talking about. “Because I’m not doing relationships anymore, Elle. I told you that.”
She sighed and stared at her best friend, worry all over her features. If she had to be honest, Elle was worried about you. It wasn’t like you to go around and have intercourse with strangers over and over again. Perhaps it was fine at first, to get it out of your system, but she wanted to also watch you get treated right, and that would’ve never happened if you didn’t try to get out there. “He won’t see you, okay? Let’s just enjoy the game and we’ll leave when it ends.”
You nodded and decided to stay, although a feeling of dread began to creep up from the inside. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to see him again, he actually seemed like a decent guy as well, but you weren’t ready to get your heart broken again. After all, you knew that that was how it was going to end, your heart in a thousand of pieces and him going on with his life as if you had never existed. And yet, there was something about him, something that made you want to get to know him.
“What do you know about him?” You suddenly asked as you and Elle walked outside the building, the game long forgotten. Everyone around you was yelling and cheering, screaming about the win.
“We just won the first game of the season and you’re not even a little bit happy?” Elle answered, ignoring your question.
“C’mon! What do you know?”
“I thought you didn’t want to get to know him.”
She chuckled, “Fine, fine. If you really wanna know, I’ve heard a rumor that he doesn’t sleep with strangers. The only girls that have ever slept with him were his girlfriends.”
Your head was spinning as you quickly turned to her. “What?! How are you telling me this just now?”
“It’s not like you forced yourself on him or something. He probably really liked you. And it’s a rumor, c’mon. Also, I think he broke up with his last girlfriend a couple of months ago.” She kept on walking, not looking at you, “Would explain why you went at it all night.”
You shook your head in disbelief. Meaningless, one night stand — that was all you had wanted. “Does he have roommates or something like that?”
Elle took a second to think about it. “Uhm, yeah I think.” Another beat, then she pointed at you, the bulb light on her head coming to life. “If I remember correctly, he lives with some of his teammates. Nicholas, Marcus and…Adam.”
The conversation you’d had that morning.
“Marcus and Adam,” you echoed. “It wasn’t a rumor.” You all but facepalmed yourself. “The guy I told you about this morning. He looked so shocked when he realized that I slept with…JJ.” You whispered his name, scared that someone might’ve heard you. She extended her hand towards you, waiting for you to shake it, which you did, although confused. “What?”
“I’m congratulating you. You’re so beautiful that he couldn’t stop himself from sleeping with you. Good job, soldier.”
Your laughter was loud, followed by your best friend’s as you both stopped your walk to giggle about the situation. Unbeknownst to you, the man in question was only a few meters behind you, and as he heard that laugh, he recognized it immediately.
“I’ll catch up with you guys at the bar, alright?” JJ warned his teammates as he began to step towards you, his gym bag over his shoulders. Once he had approached you, he almost wanted to slap himself in the face because how was it possible that he didn’t remember your name?
“Excuse me. Hi,” he grinned widely at you, giving you a heart attack in the process.
Elle pushed her elbow in your side, making you wake up from the trance. “Uhm, hi.”
JJ ran his fingers through his messy locks, which gave you too many flashbacks of your own digits between them. Elle decided to take a few steps back, “Oh, look. Water stand,” she mumbled, obviously trying to find an excuse to leave you alone. “This might sound weird but I was really hoping to run into you again.”
Why was your heart doing backflips? The beautiful eyes were throwing you off. “Yeah, I’m sorry about this morning.” You cringed at yourself, the reminder of your escape one of the most embarrassing moments of your life.
He chuckled, deep and low. “It’s okay. I would run away from Nick if I could, too.” You stared at each other, sheepish smiles on both your faces. “Hey, listen. Me and the guys are going to celebrate the win. I’d really like for you to join us, if you want.” And as he noticed your hesitation, he continued. “Your friend, too, of course. We’re just gonna have a drink. It’s on me.”
The smile that he gave you was almost impossible to say no to. Almost. As you were about to politely decline, Elle intercepted the conversation, looping her arm with yours, “We’re there.”
You attempted at not showing the murderous look that you wanted to give to Elle and tightened the hold on her arm in response.
“Cool.” He grabbed his phone from the back pocket of his jeans. “Do you mind giving me your number? I’ll text you the address.”
Smooth. Real smooth JJ Maybank, you thought.
You raised one eyebrow at him, obvious teasing smirk on your lips as you took the phone from his hands and typed your name and number in it. “There you go.”
“See you in a bit, then.”
“Yeah.” You smiled, and this time it was genuine.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Elle let out the laugh that she was keeping in. “Oh he definitely didn’t remember your name either.”
“He could’ve asked for your phone number later at the bar. Girl, he needed to know your name.” She chuckled again, “Did you even exchange names before you got into bed?”
“I’m beginning to think we didn’t.”
“And remember, drinks are on Maybank tonight!” Nick cheered as everyone around him clapped and began drinking.
There were other people beside the team at the bar, but most of them were celebrating the win, yelling every once in a while, some of them would scream “To Maybank,” to congratulate him on scoring the winning point. You had lost Elle, or better she left your side to go flirt with one of the teammates. You didn’t mind though, you knew you were there to have fun and your friend needed it too.
“Hey,” JJ whispered in your ear for the music in the bar was too loud, not that you would complain about the closeness. He tentatively wrapped one arm around your waist, and yet the action was secure as he brought you closer to him in the crowded place.
“Hey,” you smiled as you turned around in his arms to face him. “I think I haven’t told you yet. Congratulations!”
“Thank you.” He gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Do you want something to drink?”
You shook your head. “No, thanks.”
“Do you want to get out of here? I can barely hear you.”
Nodding at his words, you let him lead you outside, a hand on your lower back helping you walk through the crowd of people. As the cold air hit you, you instinctively wrapped your arms around you. Why did it have to be so damn cold?
“C’mere,” JJ said as he slipped his jacket off and put it around your shoulders. “Better?”
“Yeah,” you choked out, “You didn’t have to.”
“You were cold.”
You realized how close you had gotten to each other, your faces incredibly close. “I don’t know what you did to me but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” He whispered, so near to your lips that you could feel his breath fanning out on yours.
“I didn’t do anything.”
He groaned, “That’s even worse.” That made you giggle, probably the best sound he had ever heard. He cupped your cheek in one hand, attempting at completely eliminating the distance between you two, but you were faster. You put a hand on his chest, creating even more distance. “Could you take me home, please?”
JJ was left speechless. Had he done something wrong? You looked like you liked him too, didn’t you? “Sure, of course. Do you need to tell your friend?”
“She’s probably busy getting to know your team.” You smiled teasingly.
“Right,” he chuckled.
It was easy, wasn’t it? JJ thought. Talking to you, it was easy. Sex had been otherworldly and you had let him known that countless of times the night before — hell, you had agreed with him on lots of things. So, what was the problem? He knew he didn’t stink, he had checked thousands of times before you had arrived. Had Nicholas been right about you? Maybe you really did want just a one night stand.
Once you had approached JJ’s car, he mindlessly opened the door for you, helping you get inside.
He’s a good guy.
He’s a great guy, you thought.
Why did you have to go and be so damn stubborn?
JJ typed in the address you had told him to bring you to into his phone and began driving accordingly. Thankfully, the drive was a couple of minutes long, during which you had texted Elle that JJ was taking you home. You felt like you could die in the loud silence — you were both screaming, but no words were coming out of your mouths. As he parked outside your apartment complex, you slipped his jacket off.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled.
“About what?” He turned to you with confusion written all over his features and you couldn’t help but think about how cute he was.
“You’re great. You really are and I pushed you away tonight and I apologize if I seemed like a bitch or something. I’m not, I swear.”
Smiling softly, he placed a hand on yours to make you stop. “It’s okay. You don’t have to like me, I get it.”
“No! It’s not that. I — “ Were you really about to spill everything out to a stranger? And why did it feel right to do so? “I don’t do relationships. Not anymore, anyway. And I don’t want you to get the wrong impression because you seem like a really good guy.”
He nodded deep in thought, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he looked away for a second and you believed that man had been probably sculpted by the Greeks. “I had fun last night.” Was all he said, completely off topic, which made you grin.
“I had fun, too. Lots of it, actually.” You admitted.
He sneered and leaned closer to you. “Two people who can have that much fun together shouldn’t throw everything away, don’t you think?”
You cocked an eyebrow at him. “What are you gettin’ at, Maybank?”
His hands reached out for you, grabbing your thigh and leaning close enough for him to lift it and place it on his hip before completely making you sit on his lap, your legs on either side of him. “I was thinking we could come to an agreement.” He rasped against your lips, the euphoric feeling of the night prior coming back to you.
“I’m listening.”
His mouth got closer to your ear, placing a gentle kiss behind it, before he continued. “How about we’re friends who have sex from time to time?” His lips pressed against the side of your neck, making you let out a breathy moan. “Or all the time.”
“You mean like friends with benefits?”
“Yeah, that,” he went back to facing you, pupils blown out from arousal as he stared into your eyes, “Because I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself from touching you any time soon.”
You went to rest your forehead on his, your palms sliding down his front and then up again, until one of your hands interlocked with the small hairs at the nape of his neck. “You’re a smooth talker, JJ Maybank, you know that?”
He gave you what you had gathered was his signature crooked smile. “I didn’t hear a no.”
You shook your head and brushed your lips against his. “‘Cause I’m saying yes.” You quickly gripped the door handle and opened it before getting off of him, leaving a very quizzical JJ behind you. “You coming or not, JJ?”
His eyes widened at the realization. He followed your movements and locked his fingers with yours. “You got me already down on my knees, baby, and you haven’t done anything.”
You looked at him from your shoulder, “I hope that’s not just a figure of speech.”
“Oh, no.” He smirked, “I meant literally, baby girl.”
What had you two gotten yourselves into?
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@jjmaybankisbae @notslay-norcleor @poppet05 @solargazes @cindersnightmare @fairlymax @chaostudee @goldenroutledge @harleyharlot @taintedxkisses @uhcallmemommy @babypoguelife @screan @voguesir @vigilanteshitposting @kliness @gemofthenight @magnificantmermaid @f4ll-for-you @marzipaanz @sweetestdesire @guililove @freyawhitexxx1 @mistalli @shady-the-simp @fangirl-madz @one-sweet-gubler @camelliaflow3r @emery-333 @hallecarey1 @lovelornanonymity @rafetopia @maybankslover @jjgaybanklover @lyndys @futurecorps3 @bxrbie1 @maybanksbabe @moremaybank @jjsbank444 @vivian-555 @jjfordays @highpope @livsters @starkeylover @peachpitlover @instabull @fishingirl12 @outerbankszn @congratsloserr @loveu-always @rentaldarling @embersfae @bee6r @savagemickey03 @idli-dosa @madelynie @hotchsstuff @forevermoreharrington + in the comments!
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givingairtomymouth · 5 months
Okay, hear me out. While Garrett Hedlund to me is the only person who could play Murtagh, and I'm praying that whatever Eragon series they're working on now is an ANIMATED series... if they really will have to make a show with actual actors... who plays misunderstood characters with daddy issues better?
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marvelsgirl616 · 1 month
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pictured: a wild bisexual in his natural habitat.
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httpsaturnox · 1 year
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Rudy's Camera Roll ꕥツ ও 〰︎🦺🎨 ⊱ 𝐍ᴥᩚω Ꭾ✸𝘀𝕥 ▓⃞🐳 ⏤͟͟͞͞✪┆∘˙•☘︎𓍯ᘎ⊹💭🍓💢𖠺܀⚡︎ ℓꪱᩚ𝐤𝗲 𓇼 𝕽𝖾ᩚ𝗯𝕝𖦹𝗀 🦝🍽️🗺️ 𖡎𖥡⟭﹏﹏◠❥𖨆✴◡🍊🥬🧣˙∘𓆩∞𓆪
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drewsbabee · 2 years
I love you might not be enough. (3)
this is very much a filler chapter but didn't want to leave everyone hanging for too long!
Don't know how many parts this will end up being but I promise the next one will bring more to the table! So please bare with me here :)
angst(ish) and just some good ole forgiveness arcs LOL
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Y/N's pov
The walk home felt longer than it should have been. 
Deciding against going home and wallowing, I cross the street to the park across from our shared apartment.
I scoff at myself as I sit on a bench 
"Not your apartment anymore more bug," I whisper to myself tearing up 
"oh Drew how'd we end up here"
Letting more tears slip out I hug my arms tighter around myself. 
Arms wrap around me and I jolt in fear but instead of pushing off the person I break down into sobs recognizing the comforting arms
"Shhh, Bug it's okay. You're okay"
I lean into the boy's chest as I sob violently "Fuck. Why does it hurt so much?"
"He loves you. So fucking much that this is hurting him just as much as it hurts you" Rudy whispers into my hair "Let's get you home babes,"
Rudy’s pov
I tuck the poor girl into bed as I grab my phone to call Drew. 
"Thank you, Rudy... " I hear her whisper before turning over to fall asleep
I press a kiss on her forehead and pat her shoulder before stepping out to the kitchen to call Drew 
"Is she okay?" Drew asks as soon as he picked up the phone 
I sigh "I found her at the park crying... but besides that, she’s doing as good as she can be"
The line goes silent for a few seconds 
"What do I do Rudy?... How do I fucking fix this"
"You fight for her." I say firmly "You love the girls but they were wrong to assume everything they saw in the media. They were wrong to not give her a chance. For them to not understand her let alone get to know her. You love her Drew and it's about damn time you fought for something that makes you happy."
"The girls may have not seen it but Chase and I could. You love this girl… she’s it for you. So fucking fight for this. For you and for her" 
Drew stays quiet for a second processing everything 
"I'm going to talk to the girls tomorrow..." He trails "I need to get them to listen then I'm going to get my girl back"
I smile "Look... I'll stay with her tonight. I’ll make sure she’s okay, just update me with everything that happens"
"Thank you so much, Rudy. Thank you for being with her"
"She family now. Regardless of what happens. We got her"
Drew says one last goodbye as I let out a little sigh 
"Please let them be okay."
Drew's pov
Last night was rough. Nowadays, I wasn't used to waking up alone.
I didn't like it.
Chase let me stay over which was bound to lead to an awkward encounter with Maddie. 
Walking out of their guest room I immediately spot Maddie sitting quietly at the counter staring at her cup.
"Hey..." I say almost stoic
after no response, I figured she hadn't wanted to talk. And I had no energy to try.
"I'm sorry..." She starts 
My head shoots up as I stare at the girl with a small frown evident on my face
"I can't speak for the other girls but Maddison implanted this idea that you deserved better and I didn't look at the bigger picture. She loves you and you love her... I saw the type of love that reminded me of Chase and I. I'm so fucking sorry I let it get this far"
"Please tell me it’s not too late to fix this" She pleads 
I nodded slowly and whispered, "I sure hope not…"
Maddie sadly smiles at me 
"I hope you can forgive me for not seeing it sooner"
I muster a smile at her "I do. Thank you for seeing how much she means to me. But please understand that I’m not gonna stick around for shit like that. It’s my relationship, not everyone else's."
Mads nods as I pull her into a side hug
"am I free to enter?" I see Chase peek his head out from the side of the wall
I chuckle and nod, ushering him in
"Phew I'm glad the tension is cleared I swear I was about to grovel" Chase jokes 
Maddie walks over to chase wrapping her arm around him 
"Let's go get your girl Drew" Maddie smiles
Let's go get my girl back.
Y/N's pov
I woke up with a raging headache. Rubbing my eyes I throw the covers off me desperately needing a coffee.
"Thought I heard you were up," Rudy says peaking his head in "I made you some coffee"
I carefully take the hot coffee and look at the boy gratefully "thank you, Rudy... I'm sorry you had to deal with all that last night" I say sheepishly
Rudy scoffs "Don’t apologize for that bug." 
I smile at him lightly 
"Have you heard from drew?" I say while looking down at my coffee
"He stayed the night at Chase's," He starts softly
"He's hurting just as much as you are... He loves you so much, but he wants to respect you and your decision,"
My eyes water "I'm so at a loss here... I refuse to be the reason they hate him, but I don't want to lose him"
Wiping at my eyes I place the coffee on my side table trying to hold it all in. Rudy sits beside me wrapping an arm around my shoulders 
"Before we left with Drew he said and I quote 'my sweet girl, selfish enough to want me but not selfish enough to keep me’ Do what your heart tells you bug... be selfish for once"
I laugh through tears "Easier said than done,"
Drew's pov
"you think she'd want to talk to me?" Mads asks sheepishly "I want to make things better,"
I lightly chuckle "She would love nothing more, because despite everything that happened that girl will welcome you with open arms" 
Mads smiles "I'm gonna head over today"
"Thank you," I whisper
"Baby you go and head over, Drew and I are gonna set up at the beach," Chase says walking in 
I tilt my head in confusion "How did you-?" 
Chase lightly smiles "the first thing she told me when I asked what she liked about LA, First, she said obviously said you…”
I laugh as I shake my head
“and second, was that one beach spot you took her to when you first asked her to be your girlfriend" 
I smile down at the floor 
"she definitely isn't the biggest fan of all things LA brings..." Chase trails lightly chuckling "but she loves it because you're here... the beach is just a bonus"
"Whenever I can't find her I know she's down in a secluded area of the beach reading a book," I say grinning
 "I miss her."
"I know for a fact she misses you," Chase says patting my shoulder
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cognacdelights · 2 years
when my world is falling apart
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the romantic tirades of indie routledge series masterlist
the domestic pleasures of indie routledge series masterlist
add yourself to my taglist
when i look at you by miley cyrus
summary: in the wake of her drunken argument with eve, indie finds herself tumbling down a pit of sadness. as she begins to spiral out of control, jj sticks right by her side to see her through the darkness. 
warnings: swearing. angst. mentions of abuse, mentions of death. mentions of grief. 
author’s note: i think this might be one of the saddest chapters that i have ever written. as always, please feel free to leave a comment or a reblog with your thoughts or come talk to me in my ask box! always love hearing your thoughts! also this is 7.5k words so pls give me some love!
Grief. It was something that Indie was so painfully familiar with, yet something that she had not yet experienced at all; whilst she had felt the heart-breaking, soul-destroying, spirit-crushing emotions of grief in the moments following the losses of her mother, her father, and her ex-life-long best friend in each of the varying contexts, she had not yet cycled through the grieving process in full for their loss. Each loss that she experienced just sent her tumbling back to the very beginning once more. Rather than accommodating the now empty, abyss-like voids that they once filled in her life by filling them with the joyous memories that they had once shared together, she had instead patched over them with the tarnished fabric of self-destructive behaviour and an indestructible attitude. And, for the most part, it had worked for her. Until it hadn’t; until now.
Nick Cave had once said that grief comes in waves, and that was very much true. Indie had been hit with a tsunami-like wave of grief following her recent and very public fight with Eve. It started with that one, seemingly negligent comment regarding her absent mother: your mommy didn’t love you enough. Whilst it was a cheap and nasty shot thrown by Eve, it was the equivalent of the shifting of the tectonic plates beneath the seabed; it was the catalyst that forced the heavy emotions to rise from the very depths of the waters of her soul and peak above the surface.
The secondary, cheap, and nasty shot from Eve that Indie didn’t have any friends was the gravity that pulled the peak of the wave back down to the surface and sent it hurtling towards the shore in every which direction. The unfortunate reality was that there was at least some truth to Eve’s vicious words; Indie didn’t have any friends of her own. JJ was her boyfriend, and John B was her brother — both more of an obligation to tolerate her than she wanted to admit. Kiara and Pope were, realistically, her brother’s friends that she had muscled in on. Everyone else was merely situational; she worked alongside Leonie, Cleo and Alivia were on her hairdressing course at beauty school, and Liberty was Pope’s girlfriend. With each day that passed since the infamous brawl at the boneyard, the more she really began to feel the consequences of those absences in her life — and the quicker the wave began to hurtle.
Of course, as the inevitable wave of destruction neared the shore, JJ had spotted the warning signs. He noticed the slowly receding water from the ivory sands of the shoreline as Indie began to retreat inwards on herself. She was quiet and distant — which was most definitely the furthest thing from the Indie that he knew and loved; she had always craved the intimacy of physical contact between them, but now she sat at the very opposite end of the plush couch cushions with the furry, pink throw pillows as a barrier between them and her bare knees tucked tightly against her chest. She would barely utter a word, only ever letting out a mouse-like squeak when she was spoken to, as she sunk deeper and deeper into her all-consuming thoughts and misery.
However, the high-pitched sirens begging him to seek higher ground began to blare when she finally spoke up one night, entirely out of the blue.
It was late — and after a long day working hard in what wasn’t much more than a metal can with no air conditioning, JJ had just freshened himself up with a cold shower. He stepped out of their bedroom only slightly cooler than he was before the cold droplets of water had graced his feverish skin. The ever so slight breeze that swept through the cosy apartment — through the opened doors and windows — and brushed gently over his perspiration-covered skin was a welcomed touch as he rounded the corner into the living room, his sock-covered feet padding quietly against the carpet.
Indie had remained in the same spot that she had been in for the majority of the day — her scheduled classes for the day having been cancelled due to the uncomfortably hot temperatures. She was still dressed in the same pair of tight, black athletic shorts and grey, logo-printed t-shirt that was been tied around her abdomen that she had been wearing that morning when he had left for work. A heavy feeling pressed against his toned chest as his concerned eyes set upon her. Something just wasn’t right with his beloved Indie; she had no spark inside of her, no light in her eyes; she’d utterly lost her shine. And that was indescribably sad to see. Not only because she was somebody that he cared very deeply for, but because she was typically somebody who had such an infectious energy surrounding her; her wide smile warmed his heart, and her dulcet giggle was intoxicating. But there had been none of that as of late.
His nonchalant footsteps came to a steady halt behind her, and he leaned over the cushioned back of the sofa. His ring-cladded fingers brushed gently through her knotted locks before the tender pads of his fingers slipped down her petite shoulders and engulfed her silhouette in a loving embrace. He peppered several sweet kisses into her coconut-scented locks before giving her dainty frame a final, loving squeeze. As always, she melted into his affectionate touch but was hesitant to return with any of her own.
Then, after a pro-longed second of their embrace, JJ retreated — continuing on his lackadaisical journey towards the opened, sliding French door. He casually swiped the half-empty packet of Marlboro cigarettes and his engraved lighter from the cluttered sideboard and stepped outside onto the cool stone of the balcony. Leaning his t-shirt clad back against the rough bricks of the outside wall, he pulled out a cigarette and held it between his lips. He tossed the now lighter packet down atop the small, round table that had been pushed against the far-right railings and lit the cigarette. Within a matter of thirty seconds, his lungs were filled with the calming toxins of nicotine as he took a deep inhale — peering out at the peaceful, almost aerial view of the silver streaks of moonlight reflecting against the calm waves in the horizon.
His attention was soon swiftly brought back to his melancholic girlfriend when he caught her chestnut tangles appear in the open doorframe out of the very corner of his eye. He watched silently as she stepped out onto the cool stones and tiptoed over to the inside-facing, wooden chair in the far corner of the balcony. As she proceeded to sit down and peer upwards at him with her dim and saddened doe eyes, he offered her a drag of his slowly dwindling cigarette.
Indie shook her head timidly in response before, once again, pulling her knees up to her chest. She hugged them with a vice-like grip, wrapping her arms around her sunkissed ankles and resting her chin atop the gap between her knees as her fingers toyed with the charms of her golden anklet. There was a brief moment of silence between the two of them as he let out a long exhale — the noxious cloud of smoke surrounding him and taking just that little bit longer to dissipate with the lack of breeze.
“Was Eve right?” she eventually spoke up — questioning him with a dry and hoarse tone of voice. She watched as his chiselled features contorted into a confused expression, his untamed eyebrows furrowing inwards and deep-set crinkles wrinkling his forehead. “Am I horrible person?” she persisted with a weak voice, “am I selfish, and jealous, and attention-seeking, and everything else she said about me? Do I ruin things for other people?”
JJ took a step forward, propping his lit cigarette against the side of the half-filled ash tray before crouching down before her. His ring-cladded fingers found hers and interlocked in a loving hold as the pad of his thumb grazed softly over her knuckles. Then he took a deep breath — letting out a long, dragged-out exhale as he gathered his thoughts. “You’ve had your moments—” he admitted honestly, “—but you’re not a horrible person, Ind. There’s been times where you’ve been selfish, and jealous, and times where you’ve probably gone looking for attention from people, but that doesn’t mean that’s who you are. You’ve made mistakes and done some shitty stuff, but you’re also someone who has been through a lot in such a short period of time. You acted out in a time when you were hurting and did some things that you wouldn’t have done otherwise. But what you aren’t is a horrible person.”
“But I still did those things and—”
He cut off her interjections as he continued to speak, “people wanting to check in on you and caring about you doesn’t make you attention-seeking either, like she thinks it does. It means that she didn’t understand what you were going through or just how serious it was; it means that she was jealous of you and the way people cared for you.”
He gave her delicate fingers a reassuring squeeze before continuing, “you aren’t selfish for putting yourself first in a time where you needed to. And, trust me, after everything that’s happened these last few years — you’ve needed to focus on yourself. You needed to look out for yourself. You might not think so and at times it doesn’t seem like it, but you have so many years on her, Indie; she lives a really sheltered life where Daddy Shoupe buys her whatever she wants and whatever she says goes, but you’ve had to grow up fast and learn that life just isn’t like that. You’re not the person that you were a year ago, or even six months ago. She doesn’t know how much you’ve changed and grown as a person because she hasn’t been around to see it. You’re always going to be the villain in her story because she isn’t mature enough to look at things from a wider perspective and see that you outgrew her because of your circumstances. You matured a lot quicker than she did, in ways that she will never be able to understand, because you had to. She just doesn’t recognise that. So, you being mature is translating to you being jealous, and selfish, and attention-seeking in her mind because she just doesn’t understand why you’ve done the things that you’ve done.”
“But she was right about the other things…” her gaze dipped to their interlocked fingers as she pressed her rosy lips together, suppressing the hot tears that had begun to pool in her reddened waterline, “—my mom didn’t love me. She didn’t want me and left me. And sometimes I think that’s why. She hated me because I was a horrible person. I wasn’t the little debutante that she wanted.”
“Your mom’s a piece of shit, that’s all I really have to say on that one,” JJ responded rather bluntly. “Oh, and that isn’t a reflection on you—” he added, “—it’s a reflection on her. Any parent that walks out on their child is a piece of shit, and I can speak on that one. My mom also didn’t love me and decided that leaving me with a drunk, abusive asshole was the right thing to do.”
“Sorry, I didn’t think.”
“Don’t apologise.” He reached a hand upwards, tenderly running his fingers through her knotted waves as he tucked them behind her pierced ear. “The jokes really on them—” he shrugged his shoulders dismissively, “—they’re not going to be here to see us in the best years of our lives. Your mom isn’t going to see you get your GED, or graduate from beauty school, or pass your driving test, or get married and start your own family. She doesn’t get to take credit for that when you do those things, or even part of it. Neither does Eve. That all goes to you and your hard work. And my mom doesn’t get to see me love the most amazing girl the way that my dad should have loved her.”
“Eve was my best friend—” she sighed heavily, “—and I really thought that it would be me and her against the world forever. We were supposed to go to prom together, graduate together, go off to college together and join a sorority. She was supposed to be my maid of honour at my wedding and Aunty Eve to my kids. And now it’s just… this whole mess. Eve was my person. She was the Cristina to my Meredith. I could be all dark and twisty and she would get it. She would be dark and twisty with me. She would be there, no matter what. Now, I don’t have any real friends and it makes me think that she’s right about me.”
“There was a whole load of references that I don’t understand in there. But you aren’t dark and twisty, whatever the hell that means. I don’t think I want to know.”
“Meredith from Grey’s Anatomy calls herself dark and twisty because fucked up shit keeps happening to her, and — you know — fucked up shit keeps happening to me,” Indie explained with a timid voice — gently toying with his fingertips.
JJ rolled his cerulean eyes with a dramatic flair, “if you’re dark and twisty then so am I.” He then gave her dainty fingertips another, re-assuring squeeze. “And you have friends, Ind. You’ve got me, and Kiara, and Pope. Leonie from the salon, and those girls from beauty school. You have your old friends from high school. What you don’t have is Eve, and there isn’t anybody that’s going to fill that role. Eve was your childhood best friend. You two grew up with each other. But, like I said, you’ve outgrown her now. You aren’t going to get that kind of friendship with other people because you can’t relive all the memories that you two bonded over when growing up. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have friends, or people that love and care about you.”
“I just— I miss having an Eve. I don’t think I miss her; I miss having somebody who I’m that close to. I want someone who I can call up to come and stay with me when you’re working away, or somebody to go shopping with, or someone to make extra strong margaritas with me and day drink whilst we rewatch Grey’s Anatomy. I want that someone who is going to be the maid of honour at my wedding and the Aunty to my babies without hesitation.”
“And you’ll have that, baby. I promise you,” his softened gaze met with hers — his focused eyes staring meaningfully into her own umber orbs as the solemn words slipped off his tongue, “one day you will have that. But — I’m going to say something real fucking cheesy right now — Rome wasn’t built in a day and friendships like that don’t just appear overnight. It’ll happen and you’ll get there. You’ll find your people. You just have to believe that you’re not alone and you don’t have no friends right now. You have lots of people around you who love you and care for you, and will make extra strong margaritas with you and watch all the shitty tv with you that you want.”
“Are you going to watch Grey’s Anatomy with me?” she questioned cautiously, arching her thick, dark eyebrow.
“If it’s going to put a smile back on your face, then yeah.”
There was a brief moment of silence as she absorbed all of the comforting and consoling words that he had shared. Then, a second wave of melancholy overcame her — her bottom lip quivering ever so slightly as she took a wavered breath. “I really, really wish that my dad was here right now,” she admitted with a croaking voice before whispering quietly — her words drowned in sadness, “I miss him so much. It’s not the same doing all of these things without him.”
“I know,” his deep voice was gentle and soothing as the very tips of his ring-cladded fingers twirled the ends of her chestnut tresses around themselves. “He is here. Maybe not physically, but he will always be with you in everything that you do. He’s watching over you, with that big, old grin on his face. And I’m telling you — he couldn’t be prouder of you. There’s no bigger supporter of you than your dad. Not even me, and I have an ugly, pink, furry rug in my living room that you just had to have.”
“Leave my rug out of this,” she showcased her infamous pout.
A soft chuckle rippled through his brawny chest as the corners of his thin lips twitched upwards ever so slightly in an amused smile. “He loved you so, so much, sweet girl. He would’ve done anything for you, so that you could have everything that you wanted. He would’ve moved the Earth if it meant that there was a smile on your face because that’s all he ever wanted. He wanted you to be happy, and safe, and cared for. And you are all of those things — well, usually.” JJ then cocked his head to the side ever so subtly and spoke softly, “he would’ve fought off everybody to be the first one in line for a haircut when you get your qualifications.”
“I just wish that I could have given him a haircut at least once—” a heavy, sorrowful breath escaped as her lungs decompressed once more, “—and, you know, he could see me and you happy.”
“Your dad would have killed me if he was here.”
“No, he wouldn’t—” her unruly waves flitted back and forth as she shook her head in disagreement, “—he loved you.”
“Your dad liked me, but not enough to let me run off with his perfect, little princess—” a deep, rasping chuckle rippled through JJ’s toned chest, “—and definitely not enough to let you move in with me. He’d hunt me down, kill me, then drop my body somewhere out at sea.”
“I wouldn’t let him,” Indie let out one of her infamous, melodious giggles — the apples of her cheeks turning an ever so faint shade of rouge and the very corners of her rosy lips curling upwards, “I’d give him the eyes and the pout, and I’d get what I want. He couldn’t resist the eyes and the pout.”
“You know—” a half-smirk quirked his stubble-lined lips upwards also, “—I know those same eyes and pout very well. I see them at least twice a day.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
A deep, lone laugh erupted from the very depths of the back of his throat, “oh yes you do, India Routledge. Don’t pull that innocent shit with me. How do you think you got that god awful rug?”
“What do you have against my rug, Maybank?” her full lips pulled forwards into the infamous pout in question.
“Nothing.” The tender pad of his thumb lightly grazed over her velvet-like lips before moving to cup her cheek against the palm of his hand. He held her both lovingly and affectionately before speaking, this tone soft. “Why don’t we go back inside?” he suggested, “—order some waffle fries and donuts and snuggle up on the couch? And if you stop pouting, I might let you put your Meredith’s Anatomy on.”
Indie agreed with a gentle nod.
“Come on then,” he encouraged — slowly standing from his crouched position. He extended his paw-like hand out to her and watched with a subtle smile curling the corners of his thin lips upwards as she placed her dainty palm in his. Her ring-cladded fingers laced with his own and he gave her a supportive squeeze, before making his way back into the cosy living room.
Over the past several years, the last two long and grievous years especially, Indie had somewhat and somehow managed to cycle through the first three stages of grief. For the majority of the time, she had found herself stuck in the denial phase; there was an optimistic part that lived deep down within the sombre crevices of her soul that clutched tightly onto the hope that one day her absent mother and her missing father would return. There was even a slight fraction of her that longed for Eve to turn up at her door — armed with a meaningful apology and open arms ready to welcome back their friendship. Of course, that was precisely why that was the denial stage; Indie was not yet ready to come to terms with her own part in the breakdown of their friendship and believed an apology from Eve would solve everything.
Then came the anger, and boy had this stage hit like ten tonnes of bricks. Everyone had felt this stage, even JJ. It was marked by spiteful and emotion-filled arguments with — well, honestly — anybody that she could find to argue with. John B was the usual victim of her angry lashing out, and there had been many, many a time when their screeching has awoken everyone in the beloved, old Chateau. The pair of them had erupted like two volatile volcanoes; Indie had thrown things, John B had spat hurtful comments in times of frustration, she had slammed doors and smashed bathroom mirrors, he had come down hard and strict, she had packed her bags and runaway, and he had wished that she was anybody else’s problem but his own. It was a terrible, turbulent time in their household.
Then came the bargaining. This one was short-lived and had somewhat merged into the depression phase. There would be nights in which she barely slept at all as she silently begged and pleaded with whomever the higher power may be for her missing father to walk through that door. She’d promised better grades, a more pleasant attitude, to lay off the drinking and the drugs, to wash the dishes whenever she was asked — hell, she had even thrown around the idea of volunteering with Kiara at the local beach clean ups. It was to no avail and the lack of a desired result pushed her swiftly into the depression stage.
And here she was — cycling through the ocean that was stage number four. Depression was by far the hardest of the grief stages and that testament was proving true with Indie. She was stuck, drifting along with the forever changing tides. One day she was mellowed by the calming lulls of a placid wave — where things, life, was more bearable. Then, the next day, she was thrust head-first into the rough and choppy waters of the high seas; she was left to fend for herself with no life raft as the dark and melancholic heavens opened up above. And that was exactly where she was, lost in the open waters of the ocean with rugged waves — fighting her damned hardest not to get pulled under.
JJ, however, was still peering out at her from the shoreline. He spotted the looming wall of water on the very edge of the horizon as it continued to hurtle towards the shoreline. This was when he knew in his heart that a full-scale breakdown was inevitable.
The heavens above were a dark and fascinating shade of indigo as Indie slowly made her way along the terracotta tiles of the second-story walkway. Her dirty, off-white Nike Air Force sneakers were quiet as the scuffed soles padded against the tiles and down the stairway. Instinctively, she wrapped the thin flannel shirt around her exposed silhouette as a subdued ocean breeze swept through the otherwise empty forecourt and parking lot.
Indie followed the bright, white light and the tinny echoes of the radio that seeped out from under the cracked-open garage door. She pushed the metal door open just that little bit further, before ducking her head underneath. It was contrastingly bright inside — illuminated by the long, exposed bulb that hung from the high ceiling.
She stepped further inside, her slender figure slipping between the haphazardly piled boxes of her stuff and the lazily discarded car parts. She placed the pads of her dainty fingers against the body of the car that took up the majority of the space inside the garage — feeling all of the chips and scratches to the paintwork as she neared the hood of the car. She halted at the headlight as her muddied shoes came into her focused boyfriend’s eyeline.
JJ — with one grease-stained hand resting against the opposing side of the car and the other wrapped in a vice-like grip around a monkey wrench — looked upwards. His cerulean eyes caught hers and he watched as she greeted him with an innocent smile. He straightened his posture, now towering over her with his height and looked down at her. “Hey,” he spoke softly, still holding the oil-covered tool in his palm.
“Hey,” Indie answered with a dulcet tone, batting her thick eyelashes in her infamously angelic manner.
His gaze raked over her petite body with a slight suspicion, before returning to her tanned features. “What do you want?” he questioned with a furrowed brow and ever so slightly narrowed eyes.
“Kiss.” She stood on the very tips of her toes, creasing her off-white Nike Air Force sneakers, as she pressed her rosy lips to his in a series of sweet kisses. Her arm flung subconsciously around the back of his neck as the warm palm of his hand slipped beneath the back of her flannel shirt — his thumb slipping through the belt loop of her high-waited, denim shorts. She rested her blush-tinged cheek against the perspiration-laced muscles of his toned and shirtless chest and nestled herself into his warmth. “Is it running yet?” she asked with a seemingly genuine flair to her tone.
“Nah, not yet—” JJ responded, pressing a few, loving kisses against her temple, “—Jimmy’s still trying to source me a couple parts from the junkyard.”
Her full lips pulled forwards into a sultry pout, “guess we’ll just have to take the pick up instead.”
“And where do you guess we’ll be taking the pick up at this time, huh?” his untamed eyebrow quirked upwards in a querying manner.
“Target,” she spoke so matter-of-factly, as if it were completely obvious.
“What are we buying from Target?” JJ threw yet another question towards his doe-eyed girlfriend — once again putting emphasis on the ‘we’.
A low, amused chuckle rattled through his burly chest as he gently prodded his finger into her side, “you’re banned from Target. You spend too much money in there.”
“I unbanned myself,” she told him. Indie bat her dark eyelashes at him once more.
He rolled his indigo eyes dismissively as he surrendered, “go get my keys and we’ll go.” He peered downwards at his petite girlfriend, watching as a mischievous grin curled her full lips upwards and she retrieved his pick up truck keys from the back pocket of her denim shorts.
It was a short drive to Target in which Indie spent the majority of the car ride flicking through the playlist on JJ’s unlocked phone — flicking between several Arctic Monkeys songs and the most recent 1975 album. She eventually settled upon a song as they pulled up to the entrance to the parking lot, opting instead to reply to the several unopened messages that filled his notifications bar. The pad of her thumb hovered over the message thread between him and John B, but with a wavering exhale, she decided that it was better left unread; the siblings still hadn’t uttered a single word to one another since Indie’s boneyard incident, and she was nervous to know the state of their relationship. Instead, she opted for a safer thread — Jake, his good friend from work.
“Jake said those stuck up rich fucks are sat across from him at the bar again,” she read aloud the text message word for word, before peering over at her boyfriend — whose straw-like tousles were hidden behind a backwards-facing hat. She furrowed her dark eyebrows together out of sheer curiosity, before asking, “what stuck up rich fucks?”
“Oh—” he replied nonchalantly, “—he got into a thing with some tourons after work on Wednesday when he hit on one of their girlfriends. You know what he’s like.” Resting the palm of his hand against the leather back of Indie’s headrest, he manoeuvred the steering wheel with a casual ease and peered over his burly shoulder as he reversed into one of the many, empty parking spaces. “Tell him to keep his hands to himself this time. He needs to protect his last remaining brain cell.”
With quick thumbs, Indie typed out a response — word for word matching what JJ had instructed her to say. She then locked his phone and placed it back down into the centre console. However, just as she was about to reach for the doorhandle, his lock screen lit up with a candid picture of herself and a new notification bar stretching across the very middle of the screen.
“Aw, how cute—” she mocked with a bitter tone, “—Kaitlynn sent you two fire emojis.”
“I sent her a pic of the car, that’s all. That’s what she’s sending fire emojis to,” JJ clarified as he climbed out of the pick up truck cab, and made his way around to the passenger side. “You can look if you really want.” He was as unphased as ever as he opened the passenger side door — taking a hold of Indie’s ring-cladded fingertips and helping her step down from the towering height of the cab.
“Just because I trust you, it don’t mean that I trust her—” she responded with a slight pout, “—I still want to shove a stick up her ass and roast her like a marshmallow.”
“Alright—” he tapped her rounded ass in a somewhat authoritative gesture as they made their way towards the store entrance, “—knock it off, girl scout. She’s just a friend.”
“Hmph.” Indie’s dainty feet carried her at a two-fold pace towards the neatly lined carts, where she grabbed the nearest one and began wheeling it towards the automatic doors of the store.
“Babe—” JJ questioned, a deep laugh slipping from between his thin lips, “—why do you need a cart?”
“For all my things.”
Indie was slowly making her way down the wide aisles, making sure to take a glance at every item that she happened to pass on the shelves, when she came upon the fresh produce. She continued to push the empty cart along as JJ traced her slow and curious steps behind her — his protective palms placed lightly on either side of her voluptuous hips in an attempt to steer her away from any unnecessary purchases.
Of course, his plan failed miserably when she stopped before an over-flowing bin of watermelons. With a loud groan of exertion, she wrapped her tiny arms around one of the largest watermelons and lifted it into her cart. She placed it down at the very bottom before letting out a deep exhale — blowing the stray strands of her chestnut tresses from covering her reddened face. She then peered over at her loving boyfriend with an angelic glimmer illuminating the amber speckles of her eyes.
“Question—” she began, as she positioned her watermelon in a way that didn’t inhibit the shopping cart’s agility, “—do you know how to wallpaper?”
“Uh—” he placed both hands around the cool plastic of the handle and began to push, “—yeah. You paste the paper and stick it on the wall, then run the tool over it to get rid of any air bubbles.” His cerulean eyes narrowed and stared at her in an accusatory manner. “Why? What have you done?”
“Okay, cool—” she continued with a cheerful tone, wandering off towards the homeware section and ignoring his accusatory questions, “—what about applying vinyl to surfaces?”
“Same kind of thing, except you peel the back off and stick it on. Why?”
“And what about laying and staining a wood floor?” Her innocent eyes peered backwards over her flannel-covered shoulder with a raised eyebrow.
“Indie?” JJ demanded an answer, “what have you done?”
“I decided I want to redecorate, so I placed an order on next day delivery and it should be here some time tomorrow morning—” she flashed him an angelic, butter-wouldn’t-melt grin, “—I got some really cute wallpaper for the living room and our bedroom. And this really nice vinyl to cover the countertops in the kitchen. But I couldn’t find a nice hard wood floor to match the vinyl— well, I could, but it was expensive. So, I bought a cheaper one and a stain. I want it to go all through the kitchen, living room, and the hallway.”
The tousle-haired blonde stopped in his tracks, his mouth hanging agape in utter shock. “Which room are we redecorating?”
Indie blinked as though it was obvious, “all of them.”
And all of them did she decorate. Her once cute and flirty, pink — or rose gold to appease her teal-eyed boyfriend’s hatred of the colour pink — and grey colour scheme had well and truly gone out of the window. And, yes, that included the godforsaken, pink, and furry rug that he had utterly despised; although, what had replaced it crushed his hope for something tasteful with a stampede of hooves. When she had pointed to it in the store with an excited glisten lighting her golden orbs, he very much died inside. If he could, he would take the pink, furry rug back with open arms. However, he knew that his beloved girlfriend was going through an emotional rough patch recently — and decided to let her keep the little joy that she had found in completely turning their cosy apartment upside down; he kept his mouth firmly closed and his opinions to himself.
After several hours of watching instructional YouTube videos, JJ had set to and managed to cleanly rip up the old, slate tiles and the worn-in carpet from the open-plan living area. Then, had somehow managed to lay the wooden floor perfectly. He’d then stained it with a dark, cool-toned oak finish that matched the vinyl that he had wrapped the kitchen countertops with. Indie then decorated with her newly purchased copper pan set, matte black dinnerware set, and her copper-plated cutlery. A copper pendant light hung above the kitchen island — shining down upon a freshly-stocked copper-plated fruit bowl and matte black salt and pepper shakers. She had organised the contents of their pantry into labelled, glass containers with black, cork lids and had their fridge had been stocked according to plastic containers.
The dark oak stained floor continued into the living room, where there was now an accent wall; a rustic, stone-textured wallpaper covered the wall that housed the wall-mounted TV and the wall-mounted fireplace, as the remaining walls were covered with a warm and cosy cream colour. The cabinets beneath the television had been wrapped with the same dark oak vinyl as the kitchen counters, and decorated with copper, candle-lit lanterns. The same photographs were switched into copper-coloured frames and re-positioned into a sequence that pleased her. The, the grey-toned couch and matching armchair were covered with cream-coloured throws and brown, patterned throw pillows, and beneath the wooden coffee table laid an authentic, brown cowhide rug.
She had originally intended to decorate their bedroom with a beach scene wallpaper that acted as another accent wall — however, upon opening the several rolls of wallpaper upon their delivery, Indie was not impressed. Instead, she opted to panel the accent wall board and batten style, before painting it a beautiful, deep navy colour. The remaining walls were coated with a fresh layer of crisp, white paint. She replaced their bedding with a light and bright white bedding that was covered with a navy-blue anchor pattern, before adding several nautical and navy themed throw pillows. The grey, crushed velvet curtains were replaced with a more subdued set of floor-length, white curtains and the matching, wooden nightstands were decorated with two, white ornate lanterns.
The spare bedroom contrasted the rest of their apartment significantly; Indie had opted for a light and airy, neutral theme for this bedroom. All four walls were painted with a bright and crisp coat of white paint and the wicker bedframe was dressed in similarly crisp, white bed sheets. A subdued canvas of a landscape, beach-front photograph hung, centred, above the bed and a brigade of cream and neutral-toned throw pillows lined the bedding.
The bathroom, however, went relatively untouched; it merely saw some fresh, new towels and some new marble-printed soap containers and toothbrush holders. Minimal, but just as effective as completely redesigning the whole room.
And, thus, that lead Indie to where she was now — laying beneath the new anchor-patterned bedding unable to sleep just moments before the anticipated crash of the powerful tsunami wave hitting the shore and surging inwards. JJ snored softly beside her, completely oblivious and dead to the world; the renovations of the previous several days had completely drained him of all his energy, and he had fallen into a deep, coma-like slumber the very second his straw-like tousles had hit the pillow. He was laid stomach down, face shoved carelessly into the fresh bedding, as his brawny arm hung over the very edge of the mattress and the duvet bunched around his half-naked waistline.
Meanwhile, Indie had been frustratedly tossing and turning for the duration of the night — reluctantly seeing every hour of the clock. Her mind was busy, racing, with all of the memories of her childhood. She had remembered things that she had no recollection of happening until this very moment. It was almost as if she was getting a play-by-play movie screening of her entire childhood, all at the mercy of her new-found insomnia. Her heart swelled at the thought of sitting in the passenger seat of The Twinkie — her scuffed shoes dangling off the edge of the tattered, leather seat as she listened to her beloved father telling her all about the latest developments in his obsessive quest for The Royal Merchant gold; hot, saline tears pooled in the reddened waterlines of her mocha eyes as she recalled sitting on the cool kitchen counter — carefully helping her mother weigh out the ingredients to a cake, as her tongue peeked out from between her full, rosy lips out of sheer concentration; and the overwhelming emotions caught in the very depths of the back of her throat as she remembered how her and Eve used to sit on the edge of the wooden dock at The Chateau and dip their bare toes into the lukewarm water, taking turns to describe how they saw their future together.
She placed her clammy palm over her plump lips, cupping her mouth in a bid to muffle the sorrowful sniffles as she slowly scrolled through her photo albums. As the delicate pad of her finger glided across her dimly lit phone screen, her father’s beaming smile appeared on her screen. It was her favourite photo of the pair of them from the summer before he had tragically been lost at sea; he stood beside her on their family boat — his arm wrapped tightly around her dainty silhouette as a proud grin etched itself across his weathered features. She held a large fish that she had caught, with his help — of course, in her hands. She looked so happy; they looked so happy. It was a truly beautiful photograph of her and her late father that she had been meaning to get printed and framed since she had moved into the apartment with JJ, but the thought had constantly slipped her mind.
She felt the sudden rush of emotion overcome her and pressed her cupped hand against her mouth harder to suppress the anguish-filled wail that crawled out from the depths of the back of her throat. The hot tears breached their barrier and spilled over her puffy and reddened waterline and trickled down her tanned complexion. Then, Indie cried — hard, yet silently as not to wake her sleeping boyfriend.
As carefully as she possibly could, she slipped her shaking silhouette out from beneath the fresh bedding and made her way out of the bedroom. She stepped ever so lightly — avoiding the creaking floorboards — and slipped her bare toes into her dirty, off-white sneakers. Then, she quietly slipped out of the front door, carelessly leaving it unlocked behind her and began walking.
She walked for what felt like an eternity, until she reached the familiar dirt-road driveway that she had hiked up many a time previously. She followed the slight curve in the road, the hardened gravel crunching beneath her purposeful footsteps. Then, she came across the cars that lined the driveway; the cars that weren’t hers; the cars that weren’t the beaten up, old Volkswagen van or the barely running Toyota Corolla. Out of the corner of her bleary, tear-filled eye, she spotted a new Grady White tied up to the private dock and the realisation hit her with the force of a moving truck; she had never felt so out of place in her childhood home before. It was no longer her childhood home. John B had moved out several months prior and it now belonged to a new family; one that wasn’t hers.
A second, heavy pang of anguish pressed against her chest — each desperate breath she attempted to take suffocating her even more than the last. Her eyes stung with the constant, hot tears and her cheeks were crimson raw. Indie turned on the heels of her scuffed, off-white sneakers and continued to walk in the opposite direction, her dainty feet carrying her at a hurried pace to as far as she could possibly managed from The Chateau. She crossed dimly lit roads without even so much as a second glance and stumbled haphazardly into the sand-dusted roads on several occasions.
Fortunately, Indie made it to her second, subconscious destination in one piece — most likely down to the absolute minimal traffic at what could only be described as the witching hour. Her dainty feet carried her up the familiar cul-de-sac and down the stone-paved driveway. She hiked the several steps up to the front door and knocked — fiercely hard and loud. She continued, her clenched fist unrelenting as it pounded against the wooden door and refusing to give in despite catching the muted, orange lighting seeping through the crack in the upstairs curtains.
“Alright—” the rasping, groggy voice called out from behind the wooden door, “—I’m coming, for fuck sake.”
Indie still didn’t stop. Not until the hard wood disappeared beneath her tightly clenched fist. She dropped her reddened knuckles to her side and watched through clouded eyes as the door opened. Before her stood her brother, John B — shirtless and half asleep, rubbing the crust from his tired, mahogany eyes. She stared blankly at him for a brief second, the brisk wind slapping against her rouged cheeks as the salty tears continued to spill and her chest heaved up and down with gasping breaths.
Desperately, she threw herself towards him — coiling her petite arms around the back of his neck and hiding her tear-glazed features against his exposed chest. Her arms tightened around his burly posture as her body convulsed with choke-like cries, and eventually she let out an undignified wail, “I want my dad.” Indie sobbed grievously into the warmth of her brother’s chest, “I want my dad. I want my dad. I want my dad.” 
John B was still attempting to process what exactly was going on before him in his barely conscious state — his vision still half-blurred from the rudely abrupt awakening from his otherwise peaceful slumber. His reaction was delayed; however, as his brain began to slowly digest the anguish-filled words that were spewing from her mouth, his robust arms wrapped themselves around her dainty shoulders and held her securely — his grip around her tightening with each heart-wrenching sob. 
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pankowperfection · 1 year
Lessons Learned (Chapter 4)
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Summary: You get a reward for following Rudy's rules, only to return the favor afterwards
Warnings: smut, oral (male & female receiving), teasing, hair pulling, 18+
Every lecture was now even more tortuous. You have to sit in class and act normal, knowing that your professor has seen your most intimate parts and made you cum harder than anyone ever has. You found your mind wandering even more than before, curious about what your next “lesson” during office hours would be.
Every time you started thinking about his fingers inside you, how the tip of his cock had felt against your tongue, you ended up pressing your thighs together for relief. It’s like Rudy knew somehow, always glancing your direction at exactly the right moment to catch you, causing a blush to creep up over your cheeks and a knowing smirk to spread across his face. 
On Thursday afternoon you quickly changed into something a little sexier, playing into the school girl fantasy by putting on a button down shirt paired with a pleated skirt. Thigh high stockings kissed the tops of your legs, no panties to cover your pussy just as he’d requested.
You can feel your slick running onto your thighs as you approach his door, softly knocking once again before he tells you to come inside. He’d been waiting, quickly pressing your body against the door and clicking the lock into place. 
“Well look at you. A wet dream come to life.” He quickly pins your hands above your head, trailing his nose up your neck and making you shiver in anticipation. The scent of his cologne mixed with how his body is pressed to yours is intoxicating, quickly making all other thoughts leave your mind.
His free hand urges your legs apart, a wide grin appearing when he feels your arousal on your thighs. When his fingers just barely brush over your lower lips you whimper, having been desperate for relief since your last session. “Such a good girl for me, already following the rules. I think you deserve a reward.” 
Both hands travel to below your ass, urging you to jump into his arms. He carries you over to the couch with ease, laying you down gently onto the velvety cushions. He comes down on top of you, hovering on his muscular arms as he brushes the hair back out of your face.
“Professor, what are you-” He silences you with a kiss, the surprise of the moment knocking the breath out of your lungs. His lips feel like heaven, perfectly shaped to fit with yours. 
He grinds into your core, making you moan into his mouth while your hands tangle into his hair. You’d always fantasized about pulling on the soft blonde locks, wondering how he would react. His tongue teases the outline of your lips and you welcome him inside, tugging on his hair and causing him to moan against you.
Two fingers tease your entrance, swirling around the edge before plunging inside. He swallows your cries of pleasure, scissoring you open while you arch beneath him. 
His mouth starts a path down your body, kissing and sucking on your neck before focusing on your breasts. You suck in a sharp breath when he flips up your skirt, pushing your knees towards your chest so your calves settle onto his shoulders.
Slight embarrassment spreads through your system at him being face to face with your pussy, no other guy had ever even attempted to go down on you. 
He takes his time to tease, laying open mouthed kisses up each inner thigh, your clit fluttering in anticipation. As he moves closer to where you need him most you tense up, uncertainty filling your mind about whether you taste weird or look normal. He senses your unease, softly stroking your waist. “Relax sweetheart. Let me make you feel good. Oh, and try not to scream.” 
He winks before leaning down, licking one agonizingly slow stripe from your entrance to your clit. Your hips jolt at the contact, teeth digging into your bottom lip to contain your moans.
He takes his time to thoroughly explore every inch of your folds, tongue teasing around your entrance before plunging inside. You can’t help the loud whine that leaves your throat, intense pleasure surging through your veins at the feeling of his tongue fucking you. 
“God, you taste so sweet. Could stay between your thighs forever.” Your hands once again make a home in his hair, fingers pulling roughly on the strands each time his tongue flicks over your clit. He knows exactly how to drive you crazy, two fingers slowly angling in and out of your entrance while his tongue worships your bundle of nerves. 
“Fuck Rudy, don’t stop.” Your back arches higher, thighs starting to tremble as he brings you closer to the edge. He doubles his efforts, sucking your clit into his mouth and nibbling lightly with his teeth. The new feeling sets you off, lips parting in a silent scream as you squeeze his face with your legs. Your mind goes totally blank, too blissed out to even form a single thought.
He lightens his pressure, kitten licking you while you come down from your high. When he lifts up his head his chin shines with your release. He proudly licks his lips clean, crawling back up over your body to kiss you once again. The taste of you on his tongue makes you crazy, hands ripping at his clothes, desperate to get him naked as quickly as possible.
He senses your urgency, smiling sardonically as he starts to loosen his buttons. You push yourself up to a sitting position, greedily raking your eyes over his naked chest and torso.
The man was carved like a god, each muscle well defined and making drool pool below your tongue. He makes quick work of his belt, metal clanking as he undoes his pants and drops them down to the floor. You’re reminded of the one small taste you’ve already gotten of his cock,  eagerly dropping to your knees on the floor. 
“God, you look so pretty like that, on your knees, waiting for me to let you suck my cock.” He reclines against the cushions, erection resting against his abs. “Come here,” he commands, urging you forward. Your hands rest on his thighs once again, kneading his flesh while you wait for your next instruction. 
“I think you know what to do,” he smirks, referencing your last time together. You decide to tease him as he did you, taking your time to nibble your way up each of his thighs. To your surprise he lets you play, watching intensely as your mouth inches closer. You wrap your hand around his length, smearing his pre-cum as you start to stroke him slowly.
Feeling adventurous you start out at his balls, lightly sucking one into your mouth and rolling your tongue around it. He groans, bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he watches you devour him. 
The other gets the same treatment before you kiss your way up his shaft, licking the tip before swallowing him down. You moan and he curses, hands tangling into your hair as the vibrations make his toes curl. You somehow manage to take all of him, letting him hit the back of your throat without any issues.
“Holy fucking shit, do you not have a gag reflex?” You nod your head no as best you can, starting to bob your head up and down while your tongue traces the underside of his length. 
The more sounds of pleasure he releases, the harder you work. His grip on your hair is borderline painful, but you can’t bring yourself to care. The unique taste that is Rudy mixed with the weight of his cock on your tongue has you dripping onto the carpet, moaning as you hollow your cheeks. 
To give your jaw a break you back off slightly, kitten licking the tip while your hand slides up and down. Your spit drips down onto his balls, soaking the couch cushions but he’s too far gone to care. “Oh god, y/n. I’m gonna cum.” His thighs tense beneath your hands, cock jerking before you taste his salty release. You eagerly keep sucking until he’s empty, licking every last drop off of his skin. 
“Jesus. I had no idea you knew how to suck dick like that.” You smile at him, resting on the couch while your jaw recovers. 
“Me either, I’ve never done that before.” 
“THAT was your first time? If I was handing out grades that would definitely be your first A+ sweetheart. I’ll keep that in mind when I grade your latest essay.” 
Not thinking about it you lean over and press your lips to his, stomach flipping over at the feeling of your lips connecting once again. He doesn’t pull away, letting you explore his mouth at your own pace. “Thank you for making me feel good, professor. See you next Thursday.”
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