#rune's fanfic
runekirikjartan · 28 days
Mandokarla Aran AU: Fox Lore
… if you wanted me dead, you should've just said, nothing makes me feel more alive...
Fox steps off the laati onto Coruscant's duracrete and durasteel jungle covered surface with his hands clasped behind his back. Waiting for him is not the jetii, but Senate guards and the Chancellor of the Republic himself, Sheev Palpatine, Fox's direct superior on Triple Zero. He didn't realize that their posting didn't give them a jetii, but he supposed it didn't really matter.
They were there for Coruscant, to protect the Heart of the Republic.
Fox could do that without a jedi.
He glances briefly over his shoulder at the rest of the troopers streaming off the laati until his men have come to a stop behind him, standing at attention until the Chancellor instructs them otherwise.
"Commander." The Chancellor greets him, a smile with not so many teeth and eyes that make the hairs on the back of Fox's neck prickle and stand like they do when something feels off and wrong.
'Marshal Commander' Fox thinks in correction. His rank is his pride.
He begins to talk and explain that the senate guard will escort them to their barracks and then the Coruscant Guard headquarters. He asks about how many men will be stationed on Coruscant with a glance to the men standing behind Fox.
Fox explains that the rest of his men will join them within the week.
The Chancellor's face is impassive, but there's a tightness in the smile that Fox doesn't like, doesn't trust.
He chalks it down to being on an unknown planet and in an unknown area, where he hasn't sufficiently examined all entry and exit points. Where he hasn't been able to place his men at weak points in the security of the landing platform.
They start walking.
…is it a wonder I broke? Let's hear one more joke, then we could all just laugh until I cry...
Fox pushes his hair from his forehead. The strands are getting lighter, greys turning white at the end, even if the crown of his head stays pitch black. Carver went through a few holo-articles that described the condition in which hair began to turn white,. Thorn wanted to chalk it down to Force osik. Fox blames it entirely on the fact that they were woefully underprepared to take on and manage the security of an entire planet with only the measly hundred and twenty thousand of them in the Guard.
If he had his way there would be double the number of men.
But he's not in charge, not really. His acquisition forms need to be signed off by the Chancellor for the most part, but Fox has signed enough of his paperwork that he knows the man's signature almost as well as his own. So instead he forges signatures to get his men extra stims, he and engineering hollow out a wall behind the maintenance tunnels to hoard their supplies.
Then the decommissioning order comes.
It's the first of many (not that Fox knows that). One of Fox's corporals was on a solo patrol within the Senate. He's a good vod, a corporal that was with them since the beginning of the Guard's deployment. When Fox gets to him, he's shaking, helmet off and abandoned as two other Guard are between him and a senator who has flown into a vicious and cruel rage.
And when it escalated up the chain of command, Fox was expecting support, something good that he could tell his men only to be met with the startling and uncomfortable realization that not even his superior officer saw him and his vod as human. That even the Chancellor didn’t think that the Guard, with their beating hearts and blood that stained the duracrete beneath their feet were people.
"An accusation like that is hard to shake."
"Surely this can be dealt with internally, sir." He tries to protest, hoping that he can just sweep System under the rug of other nameless faces and hope that the senator hadn’t gotten his designation. 
"They need to learn Commander.”
'Marshal Commander' Fox corrects if that would actually make a difference.
It doesn't.
..."Who's afraid of little old me?"...
Fox dreams in colour. He dreams in oranges and reds and brass and browns. He dreams of his vode with shining halos and weapons that grow brightly in their hands. Their eyes are nothing but light. When they speak, their voices come out as one.
"The stars will guide you Commander."
"Marshal Commander." Fox corrects out loud this time, finally speaking the words often lodged in his throat.
The vode in front of him chuckles in unison, a voice much deeper than their own, much louder than their own. Their eyes grow brighter, blinding in their nature and Fox is forced to turn away from the intensity, covering his eyes. When he looks back, they’re gone, and in their place stands a warrior.
It has to be a warrior.
Beskar’gam covers their limbs, painted brass and gold. Their helmet almost resembles a mask of sorts, the familiar style of a t-shaped visor accented by three bands across the warrior’s chin. The top of the helmet isn’t exactly humanoid, possibly accounting for a species differential. Fox doesn’t flinch at the sight of them, but it is a near thing when they step closer to him.
“Who are you?” He asks, hand drifting down to his holster, fingers closing around air as they snort.
“The Ka’ra was right about you.” The being says, clearly Mandalorian in origin now that it has spoken Mando’a. Fox doesn’t know why he’s dreaming of Mandalorians. 
“Pardon my language but what the kark does that mean?” 
“You, Marshal Commander Fox.” The being starts, and for some reason he sounds smug in a way that makes Fox wary. “Are worthy. The Ka’ra deems you perfect for carrying on our ways.”
Fox tilts his head to the side. He eyes the figure warily.
“Now tell me what that actually means, in basic.” 
Fox stares into the mirror of the fresher, his armour stacked neatly on the counter by the sink. He grips the edge of the counter and stares at his own reflection, only slightly mourning the loss of his hair. There, on the sides of his skull, shining a layer of second skin are the words to ‘vode an’ etched into his skin, one side of his head devoted to each verse. Carver hadn’t questioned his request to dig out his tattoo machine, nor did he question things when Fox began to mutter in a language almost as old as Coruscant itself.
Carver did, however, almost drop the tattoo needle entirely when the ink laid into Fox’s skin began to glow as bright as the further star in an empty night sky. 
Coruscant’s history speaks to him, almost as loudly as Kad Ha’rangir, all while the deity stands over his shoulder and watches him through the reflection of the mirror.
“Where do I start?” He asks as his eyes settle on Kad Ha’rangir’s visor.
“The children who are willing.” Kad Ha’rangir tilts their head to the side. “The ones who have already made up their minds.” 
“They’re mine, the ka’ra cannot have them.” Fox hisses.
“For your boon, you must, they have already decided.” Kad Ha’rangir steps closer. Their hand on Fox’s shoulder burns, warmth sinks through Fox’s blacks and feels as though it brands through skin, muscle, deep into his bones..
His gaze flicks back from Kad ha’rangir to himself in the mirror. His eyes shine golden, overtaking the brown that he shares with his brothers, whiting out the rest of him that seems human.
...You should be...
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argisthebulwark · 11 months
'I'd Kill For You' vs 'I'd Die For You'
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summary: who would fight and who would lay down their life in place of yours? gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used. feat: Brynjolf, Farkas, Cicero, Rune, Mercer, Miraak, Teldryn, Erik warnings: canon typical non-graphic blood/injury/death
Brynjolf would die for you. He can’t bring himself to take a life - Gallus never mixed words when teaching Brynjolf that lesson. But he would gladly die in your place. He begs you to leave him and save yourself, to get as far away as you can before Mercer’s Frenzy spell. His knuckles are white as he struggles to keep the blade pointed away from you despite the magicka taking hold of his mind. "Please, you have to get away. Let me handle this traitor. If there is love for me in your heart then you need to run and not look back."
Farkas would kill for you. He would lay waste to an entire camp if you asked. Silver Hand or run of the mill bandits it makes no difference to Farkas - he’d cut down anyone threatening your life.  "You're not getting away from me that easy. I'm not burying you 'til I drink you under the table one more time."
Cicero would kill for you in a heartbeat. He’s been waiting. Please ask him to kill for you. Daggers are in hand awaiting your word. He’s already mapping out the order in which he’ll take down anyone who looks at you wrong. You are his Listener, after all. It is his duty to keep you safe from harm.  "Loyal Cicero strikes at your command, dearest Listener. Just say the word."
Rune would die for you without thinking. He’d jump in front of the killing blow meant for you. He would let you cry into his armor, would wipe your tears when you demand to know why he would do such a thing. He would tell you that you still have so much work to do, the rest of the Guild relies on you too much to let you die. "The rest of them, they need you. Go on and make me proud, yeah?"
Mercer would begrudgingly kill for you. He’d try to spin it so you don’t think it has anything to do with you but there’s no mistaking it - he saved you. He’d grumble something about you being more useful alive than dead but you both know. Even if he refuses to admit it he’d kill almost anyone to keep you safe.  "Don't let it go to your head. The moment you stop bein' useful I'm tossing you back to the wolves."
Miraak would only die for you. When it comes down to it, when his sole hope for survival is ending your life he can’t bring himself to do it. He lets you kill him because he knows what you mean to the rest of the world. He’s realized that even if his life stretched on for another millennia it would be worthless without you. "I cannot face it without you, Mal Dov. I have wasted enough lifetimes to mourn the one I might have lived with you."
Teldryn would kill for you. The moment he spots you in trouble, surrounded on all sides and outnumbered by bandits all the memories would come flooding back. The grief of losing a close friend and patron. He couldn’t lose you. He’d rush in without a thought, fending off swords and arrows at your side. "Can't have you dying and ruining my fine reputation. I am Morrowind's finest bladesman, you're not dying on my watch."
Erik would die for you. He’d do anything for you. After all you’ve done for him - reigniting his dreams of becoming an adventurer, helping him escape the family farm, seeing the world at his side, he will not allow you to die. Laying in your arms he reminds you that he’s loved every moment spent in your company. "I wanted to grow old with you. I wanted to see everything with you."
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rougecreator1 · 1 month
Magic Stones ||
|| Wednesday Addams x platonic!sibling!reader
|| Warnings: bullying, some swearing, Wednesday starting a fight, brief mention of death during rune reading
|| Summary: reader is Norse Pagan. Wednesday and reader are out in town, as Enid had dragged them out for coffee when some town teens bully reader because reader had brought along a rune set and was doing a reading for Wednesday. Wednesday shows the teens not to mess with an Addams and they head back to Nevermore where Wednesday comforts reader.
(anon request)
Requests open!
Started: April 24th
Finished: April 28th
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Enid had dragged you and Wednesday into town one weekend, the both of you really hadn't wanted to go but she gave you those damn puppy dog eyes. You and Wednesday shared a look, sighed and got dragged along the moment Enid realized you weren't going to complain. How did this become your life?
She was really happy to have her two roommates out along with her, she's been DYING to get the both of you to the Weathervane for a hangout. You knew Wednesday had already been, but as for you you're more of a homebody. So you don't leave Nevermore unless you absolutely have to; such as when Wednesday drags you along on her monster hunting adventures. That's really the only time you leave.
When you guys got to the Weathervane, Tyler took your coffee orders and you noticed he put extra care into Wednesday's. Making you raise an eyebrow at your sister, who either didn't notice your look at all or didn't care enough to comment on it. Knowing Wednesday it was probably the latter.
You guys sat and chatted, mostly you and Enid while Wednesday made the occasional one liner.
Though, at one point Wednesday looked directly at you and raised an eyebrow." Y/N. Do you have your rune set on you?" She asked suddenly, you looked at Wednesday and nodded. You never went anywhere without it; you've relied on it in quite a few situations and its always helped you out.
Your trusty black obsidian Norse runes.
"Yeah. Always do, why? Need a reading?" You asked her, taking out the runes from where you kept them in a small black velvet bag in your coat pocket.
Wednesday nodded.
The way you did your readings was the circle method, so you got up and went to ask Tyler for paper from a note pad. He gave you a confused look but handed it to you, along with a pen. You went back to your seat.
Enid was watching with pure curiosity in her eyes, she hasn't seen you do a reading yet and was interested in how it worked.
"What's the pen and paper for? How do you know which rune means what?" She was rambling out a bunch of questions, you could see the annoyance in Wednesday's eyes and you sighed yourself.
"There's a few main ways people cast runes, everyone has their own different style of it. This is just the one I feel connected to." You explain so Enid could understand what you were doing, you were going to just explain how it all worked instead of answering her individual questions; you figured you would probably answer them anyways during your explanation." It's called the circle method."
You took your paper and set it down in front of you, taking a breath and closing your eyes for a few moments. You didn't have a whole lot of time to meditate, so you just did a brief one to clear your mind. You opened your eyes and drew out the circle.
Enid's eyes stayed fixed on what you were doing, Wednesday kept her eyes on you as she watched. She always found your rune readings intriguing and insightful, they've helped her out a few times during this whole monster hunt and she was hoping they could help her again.
You shook your bag of runes, letting them move around for a moment before looking at Wednesday. "What's your question?"
"I need more insight on the monster." She informed you, you nodded.
You weren't sure what all your runes would be able to tell you about it; but you hoped you could pull out enough information to be at least somewhat helpful to Wednesday.
You reached into the bag, taking out five runes that you feel have a connection to the specific question. Taking those five runes you gently tossed them into the circle you've created. Four land around the middle, two touching each other while the other two are more spread out. The finale one landed just outside the circle; meaning this involves some outside force.
You move your gaze to the two runes that were touching, deciding they were the most important to the reading. The first rune that catches your attention is Eihwaz; a symbol of death, transformation, and understanding.
You figure the first two were the most important meanings for this specific reading. "A creature of transformation, causing death. Which we already know." You lean back in your seat and sigh, looking at the next rune that had landed beside Eiwaz. You raise an eyebrow when you see what it was.
Ehwaz; partnership, movement, progress.
Partnership? You looked at Wednesday.
"Someone close to you is the monster." You explain, getting a sinking feeling in your stomach. You scanned the other runes for more information.
Mannaz. Man. Well, that narrowed it down.
"Someone masculine." You continued, giving brief explanations. Your eyes felt drawn to the rune that was just outside your circle. Kaunaz; a symbol of knowledge and fire.
You knew knowledge had something to do with it, you didn't know what but you were sure it didn't mean literal knowledge. The knowledge was a representation of something or someone.
a teacher. cough.
You just couldn't figure out what and before you could think about it anymore, you were pulled from your thoughts by the sound of mocking laughter.
Wednesday's head snapped around and she saw a group of boys, standing not too far from where you three were seated. She glanced at you and then back at them with an intense gaze.
"You really believe in those dumb stones?" One boy said with a laugh, hand on his chest and doubled over from laughing so hard," Ooo! Look at me with my magic stones!"
Your cheeks turned pink with embarrassment and looked away. Using your hand to shield your face from them. You knew your "stones" weren't just a bunch of made up garbage. You'd seen them come true time and time again; but hearing them mock you did make you a little insecure about your beliefs.
"Only a Nevermore freak would believe in such bullshit." Another chimed in.
Enid glanced at them, but kept her focus mainly on you. Giving you a soft smile," I think they're cool, don't listen to what they're saying. Okay?"
You were about to respond, when Wednesday suddenly stood. You quickly looked at her and your eyes widened as you watched her punch one of the boys.
"Wednesday!" You got up and locked your arm with hers, trying to pull her back.
Very. Very reluctantly she lets you.
The guy had stumbled back into one of the tables and was trying to pick a fight with Wednesday now.
"You're not getting away with that!" He yells, you were about to intervene but Tyler beat you to it.
"Woah, woah, alright! Wednesday, can I speak with you?" He looked at Wednesday, you couldn't help rolling your eyes as you let go of her.
She glared at Tyler but went with him while Tyler kicked the boys out of the cafe.
You and Enid shared a look.
Back at Nevermore, you and Wednesday were in your dorm alone. Enid had gone to hang out with Yoko and her friend group for the night; which the both of you didn't overly mind.
You liked having the space to yourselves.
Wednesday had just finished her daily hour of writing and had turned to look at you. You were seated on your bed, which was located in the middle of the room by the big window. You sat there, meditating and trying to calm your mind from today's events.
"They were wrong." Wednesday says suddenly, you open your one eye and raise an eyebrow at your sister. Was she trying to comfort you?
"Your... runes are quite insightful. You are very skilled with what you do." A compliment from Wednesday was rare, but she was always softer with you. So it wasn't impossible.
You smiled softly, Wednesday's opinion meant more to you than you cared to admit. Even those simple words were enough to ease your insecurities from earlier.
"Thank you." You replied, she nodded her head and stood. Grabbing her cello and taking it outside, clearly ending the conversation.
One compliment must've taken a lot out of her social battery.
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chanelslibrary · 6 months
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▷I finished reading Manacled for the first time last weekend…and it was a lot to process!! lol I definitely understand why it’s one of the top Dramione fanfics—the writing and character arcs are incredible.
▷I had so many thoughts while reading—sad, mad, annoyed, exhausted, etc and if a story can stick with you long after you’ve finished it then it’s a great story
▷One thing that I was fascinated with was the runes mentioned/used. They had a Norse/Scandi origin and when I researched further I found another rune that wasn’t mentioned but I thought represented Draco—Tiwaz.
▷This post is my dedication to the runes…
*noted-my headcanon has Hermione mixed/black, sorry not sorry!
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idksmtms · 5 days
Tennis Masterlist
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A/N: Guys. I couldn't handle the deficit in fanfics about my fav tennis dudes so I had to do this. I had to. Requests for my tennis fics are OPEN so feel free to request whoever you want (from this list)!
Disclaimer: Though it is based off of real people, this is written purely for fictional purposes and for the sake of writing. No disrespect is intended to the real people portrayed/concerned in this scenario.
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Carlos (Carlitos <3) Alcaraz
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Coming soon....
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Jannik Sinner
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Coming soon...
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Andrey Rublev
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Coming soon...
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Holger Rune
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Coming soon...
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Hubert Hurkacz
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Coming soon...
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Ben Shelton
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Coming soon...
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Others that I will only write for if requested!
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boybandposter · 1 month
Did anyone else ever play the Rune Factory Series? Golden Sun? Harvest Moon? WHAT GOOD GAMES WTH. I wanna write for some of the people tbh…..
LIKE…. lemme show some of these mfs ‼️‼️
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you’re telling me that no one likes these fine ahh people ⁉️
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sheigarche · 3 months
XVII- Legacy of De Rune Family
(Alternative Amicia Ending)
Amicia and Lucas managed to reach Hugo, who gave himself to the Macula and was on the brink of destroying everything. Hugo used the last spark of humanity within himself to convince his sister and Lucas to kill him before it's too late. Despite the pain, Amicia and Lucas have to take the tragic decision to end Hugo's suffering and save the world he loved.
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-the end-
Read here!
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looneylunascamander · 1 month
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The Runes of the Mind
Dramione 8th Year
"She needed to get the darkness under control. Neville wasn’t the first person to notice today, and he wouldn’t be the last if she couldn’t contain it."
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mercury-merkai · 3 months
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Goblet of Shadows -Escape
written by the mastermind herself MKMG
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aashiyancha · 2 months
@love-bokumono-fics I did it! I finished my March prompt!
It's gonna be an AO3 exclusive (mostly cuz its mixed prose and comic to start) but here's a little preview
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And the link to read it! It's based a lot more on the vibe of the song I shuffled to and the chorus loosely but kind of ended up being it's own thing. Just a head's up it was a Cavetown album I was listening to so be prepared for a bit of blood and angst XD
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fkitwebhaal · 2 months
Tumblr Version Fic: Reflection/Refraction
Ship: Durge/Astarion
Fandom: BG3
Warnings: Astarion's backstory refs
Rating: T
Astarion had used a disguise self scroll before, he knew this wasn’t part of the spell.  “Are you impersonating me?” Astarion couldn’t help the glee that appeared on his face. Or Astarion sees his own reflection via unconventional methods. He sees more than he thought he would.
Fic below the cut:
The day after they finished clearing out the Goblin camp, Astarion watched their leader come back from an outing only to head straight to his tent. 
Astarion hadn’t been pleased to be left behind that morning. Sure, he hadn’t wanted to explore depths of the abandoned Selune temple, but he didn’t want to risk being written off as useless in their merry little band. He’d spent the day trying to make himself useful, collecting herbs that looked familiar and repairing his own gear; things he thought would be seen as productive. If he’d spent an hour or two basking in the sun just to enjoy it, neither Karlach or Gale commented on it.
He was relieved to see everyone return in one piece, especially Rune, who for some insane reason, was willing to lend him blood when it was needed. As their leader got closer, Astarion eyed them closely. They looked mostly intact despite the blood stains on their robes and a bit of webbing in their hair. Their expression was focused, brow crinkled like they were thinking about something a little too hard. Astarion wondered if said expression was related to himself. 
Astarion wasn’t quite sure what to make of the amnesiac sorcerer yet. This was worrisome because it was looking increasingly likely that they’d be his best gambit to seduce for his safety. Most of the camp had begun to pair up besides Gale and Rune, and if Astarion had to pick between the two magical disasters, he’d go for the one that had edible blood first. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t like Rune. Despite his better instincts, he found himself almost fond of them. Part of him was tempted to blame that feeling on the fact they were feeding him their blood, but he knew that wasn’t it. Well, it wasn’t the only reason, at least. They were straightforward when it came to solving problems, and while Astarion disliked their tendency to take up any call for aid, they at least weren’t so foolish as to refuse payment for it. Their plans were well thought out. Rune wasn’t adverse to sticky fingers or honeyed lies if they thought it would keep their merry band in one piece, but was reluctant to use the same tactics on the members of the party. He found their interest in books to be after his own heart, their agitated grumbling when they stumbled across a plot point they found nonsensical almost charming. And despite his fangs, despite the fact they’d woken up to find him trying to take a bite out of their neck, Rune had never looked at him like he was a monster. 
No, it wasn’t that he didn’t like Rune. It was more that he had no idea what to make of them. How did one reconcile a person who could easily lie to an enemy about their intentions with the same person who didn’t even bother to hide the fact they’d butchered an innocent bard? How did one piece together a person out of such opposite actions? Astarion had learned a lot about their party in the last tendays, but he wasn’t foolish enough to believe he was the only one who was hiding more secrets close to the chest. For all their apparent lack of deceit when it came to members of their own ranks, there was clearly more going on with Rune than any of them knew.
All things considered, he didn’t know that much about Rune. This would have concerned him less if he didn’t have the feeling that Rune also knew so little about themselves. They hadn’t even remembered a name to go by when he’d first met them. What if they made it to the city and found they had a life where protecting a vampire was too complex a complication? Or worse, what if they knew Cazador? 
A part of Astarion, the part that was fond the human who’d smiled after one of more bawdy jokes, wanted to believe that there was no way Rune could know Cazador. The rest of Astarion, who’d spent 200 years watching people who wore charming masks in public to become monsters in private, knew better.
“Something occurred to me.” Astarion snapped out of his dire predictions to see Rune standing in front of him. They didn’t appear to be deep in thought anymore, instead a more hesitant expression on their face. Not nervous, maybe unsure? Astarion forced a smile on his face and sunk back into the role of a charming rake. 
“Oh? Do tell.” He leaned forward and tried to ignore the smell of spider guts on their clothing. “Is it about me?” 
Rune nodded. “You wanted to see your reflection, right?”
Astarion’s mind went blank for a moment. That was…well, Astarion wasn’t sure they remembered that. It was a few days ago he tried that stunt with the mirror, fishing for compliments in the hopes to catch someone on the hook. Rune had been the only one of their companions to comment on it much more than a passing observation, but Astarion hadn’t thought it went as he planned, given they pointed out his apparent laugh lines before anything else. He tore himself from the memory and took another step closer to the sorcerer, placing a finger on their chest. It was a bit much, but given how their pulse picked up, it did the trick. 
“Yes, I did. Don’t tell me you’re secretly an artist, darling.” He doubted it. The last time Astarion stole their journal, he’d found a whole page that listed edible plants. Next to each plant was a horrendous sketch trying to depict the leaves. If Rune couldn’t draw a flower, Astarion doubted they could draw a person. 
“I have an idea,” the sorcerer said, holding up their hand to bat his gently aside. “Of a way you could see what you look like. Two ideas actually.” Astarion began to object but they cut him off. “And not with the tadpole.”
The tadpole had come up as an option during that same conversation regarding his reflection. Astarion had refused the offer to see himself though another’s eyes. He claimed he couldn’t trust their eyesight, which was a useful lie. In reality, he wasn’t sure he could endure seeing himself through the filtered perspective of those who looked at him with desire. “Well, I’m intrigued. Tell me more.”
“The first is a minor illusion spell. It’s a simple cantrip, but it should give you a general idea.”
Astarion wasn’t sure what he thought about that. A minor illusion would do the trick, absolutely, but that minor illusion would be crafted by Rune. Whatever image Rune cast for him would not be his true reflection, merely a simulacrum of however Rune saw him. It wouldn’t have the emotional overlap that the tadpoles risked, but Astarion was sick of seeing himself through the eyes of others.  “And the other?”
“Disguise self. Same idea, just a little more solid.” 
Now that caught Astarion’s attention. A disguise self spell likely carried the same concerns as minor illusion, but the spell was more intended to make a disguise, rather than represent a caster’s artistic whims. There was a chance it would be more accurate as long as Rune made themselves look like Astarion as he was now.
“It wouldn’t be perfect,” Rune continued. “I’m taller than you, so the height would be wrong, but otherwise, I think it should work.” They looked at Astarion and shrugged. “If you’re interested, I could-“
“Could we do it now?” Astarion asked before he even truly thought the offer over. Oh Gods, did he sound almost eager? He was getting sloppy. If Rune noticed, they didn’t comment on it, instead gesturing off towards the woods. 
“Sure. I should have enough energy. Wanna try it in the clearing back there?”
Astarion stilled. Why did they want to go to the clearing of all places? Was this their weird idea of a seduction attempt? Astarion hoped not. “Why, want to see the whole package?”
Rune shook their head, then gestured to the rest of their camp. “…I thought you might want some privacy to see your face after all this time. Well, as much as you can, given I need to be there.”
Huh. Well, that was a relief. Astarion added two traits to his mental list about Rune. The first was thoughtful. The second was foolish. He gestured for Rune to walk ahead of him, and fell into step behind them.
“Willing to walk off with a vampire alone?” He clucked his tongue as they walked into the foliage. “I can’t believe you’re our leader when you have absolutely no sense of preservation.”
Rune turned around to look at him. Astarion couldn’t help but notice how the light filtered through the trees to hit  their neck right over his last bite mark.
 “I’m not scared of you,” Rune said.
“Have my charms gotten under your skin, perhaps?”
Rune stared at him, like he’d said something nonsensical. After a beat, they turned their gaze back in front of them. Astarion almost didn’t hear their reply. 
 “I’m more dangerous than you are, that’s all.”
Astarion huffed, feeling both insulted and off put. He wasn’t sure if he should write that comment up as them being arrogant, or unsettling. Perhaps both. 
A minute of walking later, they made it into the clearing. Astarion stood back as Rune walked into the center of the space and shook out their hands, like they were trying to wade off any magical accidents. After a moment, they said an incantation. Astarion watched as someone entirely different appeared in front of him. A high elf, with an angular jaw, pale skin, white curly hair, and a lithe figure. Someone who was both familiar and entirely new.
“I know it’s not the same as a reflection,” Rune said, their voice adopting the same cadence as Astarion’s, though the pitch was still Rune’s. “But I thought it would at least give you an idea.”
Astarion couldn’t stop staring. He had cobbled together a general idea of what he looked like using both his memory and what he could see, but he’d never truly been able to reconcile each piece of information he had into a whole picture. He knew he was good looking, people told him that plenty, but there was so much more to notice that no one had ever bothered to point out. Were his red eyes always as sharp and clever looking? Did some of his curls always pop out just behind his ears, raising up to protest against gravity, or was that when he’d slept on them wrong? Was Rune being honest when they’d complimented him on the laugh lines he could finally now see?
He couldn’t say any of this out loud of course. Instead, he fell back on something safe, something expected. He was proud of himself when his voice sounded only a little unsteady. “I really am quite good looking, aren’t I?”
“As if there was any doubt,” Rune said, their posture and tone changing further. Astarion watched as they walked around him. It was different then the way Rune walked normally, more of a confident prowl than the upright rigid stance Rune often favored. Astarion had used a disguise self scroll before, he knew this wasn’t part of the spell. 
“Are you impersonating me?” Astarion couldn’t help the glee that appeared on his face.
“It’s not a proper mirror if I don’t get the affect right,” Rune said, their voice falling back into their usual rhythm. 
“It’s not bad.” That was a lie. Astarion hadn’t seen his own reflection in over 200 years, but he knew how he moved in theory and he could hear his own voice. He knew enough to know Rune’s impression was quite good for someone he’d only known a few tendays. They were a good liar, though he knew that already. “Have you been planning to take my place in some gambit, or have you just been paying close attention to my person?”
“It can be both,” Rune said from behind him, lips near his ear and damn, they even got the purr in his voice right. Maybe Astarion’s attempts to seduce them had more promise than he hoped, if they’d kept that close an eye on his person. “Tactically it can be useful to make the enemy think you’re in two places at once.” The second sentence they said in their impression of Astarion’s voice. It sounded so out of place Astarion chuckled. 
“Talking like that gives you away.”
Rune stopped in front of him. They were no longer trying to impersonate how Astarion moved, and Astarion noted they seemed relaxed. He couldn’t remember them ever being this at ease. “That’s why you have to pay attention to how people talk to really get it right. Also posture. Watch,” Rune cleared their throat and stood up straighter. With amused horror, Astarion watched as they pushed the white curls on their head back in a manner that would have ruined the coils were they not the product of an illusion. When they spoke next, their tone was more formal and stilted, with an almost academic undertone and oh Gods-
“You see, the spell disguise self is merely visual. Should a caster wish to accomplish a more compelling act of deception, they must either use a more powerful spell, or be a skilled enough thespian to properly make up for the gaps in the spells limitations.” Astarion gaped at Rune as they tilted their head, an expression crossing their face that looked wrong on Astarion’s countenance. “Of course, changing one’s voice is a difficult task, regardless of acting ability-“
Astarion stared at himself, both impressed and horrified. While the voice was off by a pitch or two, there was no mistaking a lecture that could have come right from Gale. Rune held up one of Astarion’s perfectly manicured fingers while they continued, much like Gale had yesterday when informing the party about the perils of hags.
“But should one manage to study their subjects mannerisms and behaviors with dedication-“ 
“If you say one more thing in that tone while wearing my face, I will drain you dry,” Astarion hissed, the threat obviously hyperbole. He thought he should perhaps be upset, that they’d decided to show off their impressions while he was witnessing his own face for the first time in centuries, but for some reason, he found it reassuring rather than crass. They weren’t treating him like something fragile, or worse, like this moment was a special gift that they’d expect him to repay with interest. Instead, it came off as a casual gesture of goodwill, thoughtful but not expected to be remarked upon by more than one sharing a waterskin.  
Rune dropped their hand and swung both their arms, taking on a posture that looked far too relaxed on Astarion’s own face. When they spoke, their voice was too low to pass entirely for Karlach, but the pacing was spot on. “Well, I mean, it’s just fucking cool, how much you can do. Bit freaky too, I guess, but mostly fucking cool. Right Fangs?”
“Gods below, that’s unsettling,” Astarion said, but he was clapping regardless. “Can you do that with everyone?”
“I can’t get Lae’zel’s accent quite right. And she has a growl with some words I can’t do. But I’ve been trying just in case. It could be useful to have people paying attention to me instead of her in a fight.”
“Yes, directing fire to the one in robes instead of the one in armor; tactically brilliant indeed,” Astarion said dryly. “Get back to your impersonation of me, I was rather enjoying it.”
Rune continued on their impression for a few minutes. At one point, Astarion got the idea that they should try to mirror him directly, and they ended up standing across from one another as Rune attempted to mimic his movements. They did a decent job except for when he started spinning a dagger in his hands; Rune’s hands shook too much trying to hold the blade to even hold it. Astarion got the impression the failure wasn’t due to clumsiness, but he didn’t push.
“You know, darling,” Astarion said, leaning in forward in a way he knew was seductive. “While you can’t perfectly mimic my clever fingers, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them.”
Rune leaned in the same way he had, fluttering their lashes a bit. Their mouth curved up into a smirk as they began to speak, and something about it churned Astarion’s gut. Before they could say another word, he cut them off.
“Stop smiling like that.”
“Like what?” Rune titled their head, dropping their rather impressive impersonation of Astarion. They still looked like him, but that expression on their face was entirely Rune’s. 
“Like-“ He thought back to the smirk he’d seen on himself. It was supposed to be his seductive look, of that he was sure, but the corners of his mouth stretched a little too wide, like fishhooks were dug into each corner. It wasn’t easy to tell, Astarion could easily see why people would fall for it, but his red eyes looking far off gave it away. 
Did he always make that expression like it was forced on his face?
Rune was still staring at him. Astarion struggled for what to say; he couldn’t exactly tell Rune his objection to the expression, less he give up his entire scheme. What was he going to say? “I could see you mimic me trying to manipulate you and I hated everything about myself for it?” He couldn’t. 
“Just-forget it,” he grumbled. 
Rune looked at him for a moment, then took a step back, giving him space. “Mind if I drop the spell? It’s almost dinner.”
Thank the Gods for that. “Might as well.” 
Astarion watched as they made a quick gesture and the spell fell, leaving the human sorcerer back to their normal self. As they began to walk back towards camp, he managed to find his mental footing again. He reached out and grabbed their wrist and they turned to look up at him.
“Thank you,” Astarion said. “For this. Truly.” At least he could be honest about this. At least there were still some truths that were safe to tell. They smiled back at him, and pulled their arm from his grip.
“You’re welcome,” they said. “If you want me to do it again, I can as long as you wait until the end of the day to make sure I have enough energy.”
Astarion thought about that hollow smile again and shook his head. “I think I might prefer the mirror image next time, actually. I don’t want you worn out on my account. At least, not for something so trite.”
Rune stopped walking and turned towards him. They stepped forward and for a moment, Astarion thought they might reach out and touch him. They didn’t, instead fixing him with an intent stare. “I don’t think being able to see yourself is trite.”
Astarion knew what he should do in this situation if he wanted to work towards his planned seduction. He should say something about how they’d “clearly understood the importance of his beauty” or how “of course it isn’t with a face like this.” Turn up the charm, place on the mask, put on the show. But the act didn’t come. Instead, he just nodded once, not saying a word, and watched as they turned back around to leave the clearing. He didn’t move until they were out of sight, swallowed by the trees and bushes in front of him.
“Huh,” he said once they were gone, looking down at his hands. He reached up with his left and ran his thumb across his mouth, following the curve there and mentally mapping out his own expression. He couldn’t know for certain, but in his mind he could see an open soft smile across his own face. The kind of smile that looked genuine.
He dropped his hand, putting the mental image out of mind. He was being absurd; he had an act to maintain. He couldn’t get soft now. With that thought, he straightened his shoulders and left the clearing himself.
The thought of what that expression on his face might look like, came with him.
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runekirikjartan · 2 months
Mandokarla AU Facts
it's set halfway through 21 BBY
Fox is really close with his batchers and would do anything for them.
Stone has an in with the Nulls.
Fox will get a love interest in it :)
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argisthebulwark · 11 months
Fake Marriage Trope
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summary: Short drabbles about a fake marriage with various skyrim favs. gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used. feat: Erandur, Arnbjorn, Brynjolf, Teldryn, Rune warnings: none
Erandur worries that being unmarried as a Priest of Mara is odd, what if it made others doubt his devotion? The two of you had become close after travelling together - choosing one another was easy, natural. Sharing a home gives you somewhere to rest after handling Skyrim's many problems and Erandur gains a spouse to gush about to Mara's followers. It's a win-win. After spending time posing as your husband he'll realize that it isn't as much of a lie as he originally thought - he truly does care for you, loves when you spent time relaxing at home or dozing off on his shoulder. He would likely stumble over his words trying to explain how he caught feelings for his own spouse.
After aiding in the rebuilding of the Brotherhood, you have garnered quite the friendship with Arnbjorn. Surprisingly, your joint efforts have caught the eye of potential new clients. Meeting with a group of powerful nobles in a bid for a massive contract one mentions offhandedly that they take comfort in your dedication, citing the leader's marriage to a fellow assassin. Clearly you care for your Guild, it makes you appear quite trustworthy! Forging a deal with Arnbjorn you both agree to continue the farce, allowing them to believe you're married. It brings in money, gets you better jobs, some stability - and all it takes is pretending to be in love. He would take notice when you began wearing the cheap wedding band even on rest days, or referring to him as your husband in casual conversation.
Stealing from rich people is fun. Stealing from rich people with Brynjolf is very fun. Dressing up together, attending some fancy party with fake names and a hasty backstory. You can't help it if your heart flutters when he dutifully places an arm around you or your sudden urge to kiss him when he spins you around the dance floor. It's difficult to remind yourselves that it's just a game, a cover to gather as many septims as you can carry back to Riften. Hearing Brynjolf introduced as your husband only makes matters worse, your cheeks heating until you're sure the cover is blown. With pockets stuffed and fancy wine clouding your mind it's easy to pretend that Brynjolf truly is your husband, that the way he gazes into your eyes is more than an act.
Teldryn has been hired dozens of times - as a mercenary, a sellsword, a guide. When a returning client hires him at triple the agreed upon rate he assumes you're taking him somewhere dangerous. You are - your familial home. As the only unmarried sibling in the bunch you often find yourself the target of all extended family members and their intrusive questions. After explaining it to him you get nothing but a dry laugh and a promise to do his best. He takes to the role of doting partner quite well - answering questions about how you met and entertaining family with stories of your travels together. Near the end of your trip you find that neither of you want the ruse to come to an end.
Rune wants a family. People to visit on holidays and tell his coworkers stories about. You want a partner to bring home to your family so they'll ask about something other than your shady line of work. What a good deal! When you find yourself seeking him for comfort after a rough day you pay it no mind. You're friends, after all. The marriage is only for show. The same rule applies when Rune holds you a bit closer than necessary or introduces you to new recruits as his partner - you have to sell the act, right? Can't have anyone exposing your lies. Tamping down on the worry that something more is brewing isn't easy but you try. It's difficult to remind yourself that it's all a show when he places a hand on your thigh or finishes a story your sibling's told him before. Falling for him is too easy.
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daswarschonkaputt · 7 months
Greetings lovely author
I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if there is an estimated time for a kinnportay update?
not currently, no :(
i'm gonna be straight with you guys -- i haven't been open about it on here but my life this past year has been kind of fraught. a lot of my followers will remember that i was taking a break from fanfic in order to try my hand at original works, but even that got put on the shelf in response to some of the things that have been going down this year.
tbh i don't especially want to go into huge amounts of detail, but basically one of my family members got sick, and needed full-time care. they're doing better now, but still not where they were before. there's more to it than that, but that's the biggest thing.
it's actually become kind of a meme in my friend group that we're all waiting for 2023 to die inelegantly. i'm not even the one having the worst time lmao.
i will say i am rewatching kinnporsche currently with someone, though. (in return, i am watching jojo's bizarre adventure. i am not sure who got the better deal.) so, if everything goes well... then well. let's not jinx it.
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popp1n · 9 months
Hyrule knew a lot about magic. It's hard not to learn about something you can sense all around you. Every link had their own magical signatures. Time and Legend had their magical artifacts, Twilight reeked of magic that was dark but not necessarily evil, and Wind left wisps of magic that undoubtedly were left by something on his adventures according to his stories.
However, Wild was different. Wild's magical imprint didn't come from artifacts or other forces, it seem to come from him and him alone. It didn't feel normal either. It dissipated and clung and passed through anything he touched.
If Hyrule didn't know better, he would of thought that Wild was some sort of half diety or catalyst. It was just so strong that it scared him at first. Most things with that much magic usually are not good news. He's glad he stuck around.
The longer Hyrule was around Wild, the more he noticed how his magic behaved. Wilds magic was just as curious as he was. It dispersed when Wild attuned to his surroundings and focused when he did. It swam amongst the members of their group when they relaxed by the fire. It all clicked when he got to see how the shrines in Wild's world worked.
The sheika technology, with their uncanny representation of the land and ability to sense where places were, felt much like Wild's magic, but it was much more formal and restrained.
It wasn't until then that Hyrule put his observations and Wild's story of resurrection together. It made a lot of sense then, but brought little relief.
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the-diabolist · 1 year
Derek Goffard (N)SFW Alphabet
Hey look, I actually finished one. Too bad it's Derek.
A — Affection (How affectionate are they?)
I don't think he ever feels much genuine affection for anyone, but he can get away with artificial affection.
Under normal circumstances, he's mostly just mean. But if he's feeling insecure or sad or something, you become his emotional support animal.
This may lead to cuddling, hair stroking, and overall sticking to you like glue. He might even treat you like a therapist and unload some of his issues - not that you can do anything about them.
(He will refuse to acknowledge any of this later.)
Now, if you happen to have him wrapped around your finger? Then he's a little more consistently demonstrative.
Because he wants you to like him. He needs you to like him. You like him, right?
Oddly enough, the closer he feels to you, the less likely he is to open up. So he won't ask for that validation directly; he does it by being physically affectionate and gauging your reactions.
(If you're not receptive, he'll assume you're upset with him or something. If you reciprocate, it'll reassure him.)
In short: he can be affectionate, but it's for him, not you 😅
B — Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and of their partner’s)
There's nothing he doesn't like about himself physically 🙄
Well... other than the scars.
But that's why he covered them up with that baller tattoo!!
So, his back went from his least favorite to his most favorite. He's proud of it, from a reclamation standpoint, even if he does still jolt awake with phantom pain sometimes.
Give him a back massage if he's feeling particularly waspy - he'll simmer. Trace the ink and he'll go all relaxed and boneless. Kiss the scars and he's putty in your hands forever.
As for you, it's probably obvious - he likes your mouth.
He likes the way it feels against his own, or trailing over his skin, and how pretty it looks wrapped around him.
He likes how your lips look when you pout, or smile, or scowl, or scream. He likes how you bite them when you're nervous or excited. He likes the way they shape his name.
I hope you like expensive lipstick, because you're definitely getting some. He wants you to wear it while you blow him. He knows he'll enjoy it.
(What he doesn't expect is to get so turned on by the lip print you leave behind when you kiss him on the jaw the next day. The color, the shape - after he caught sight of it in the mirror, he'd made you give him more while he fucked you on the sink.)
Write him a little note (or better yet, a wish list) and sign it with a kiss. All his blood will rush south and he'll have to sit down.
C — Cuddling (Do they cuddle? How and when?)
He does! (For selfish reasons)
He’s likely to view you as a comfort item on rough days regardless of your status in his life, but if you’re anything more than just a toy to him, he’ll do it a lot more often and more gently.
If he’s stressed, upset, tired, sick – you name it, you’re his captive source of relief. That catharsis comes in many forms, some more violent than others, but cuddling is one of them. Especially if he’s feeling particularly wet and pathetic.
D — Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory; a dirty secret of theirs)
He'd never say this - I'm not sure he'd even admit it to himself - but he kinda craves a hard dom who'll just wreck him.
Try it sometime. Get him beneath you, plant your foot on his chest (or neck), and use your most authoritative voice to tell him you expect him to behave or you'll punish him.
He'll still scowl (it's knee-jerk), but that flush on his face isn't because he's angry. He's fronting; don't back down. I guarantee he's already rock hard.
Degrade him, order him around, hurt him (but not too much! He's a lightweight), tie him up, edge him until he's sobbing and begging. You'll have him whipped for life.
Don't get me wrong, he's still going to be super bratty about it - that is his natural state, after all - but taming him isn't too hard. He gets desperate fast.
Keep his leash short. It's what he deserves.
E — Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
The only effort he puts in is more or less accidental.
Which is to say: if he’s putting in work, it’s because he’s made things difficult for himself for no reason.
Could he just be nice to you? Show you he cares? Sure, in theory.
But instead, he’s mean until you’ve had enough of him, and then he has to fall all over himself trying to make it up to you so that you’ll speak to him again.
Occasionally he will make an effort seemingly spontaneously, but it’s just because he wants something from you, mark my words.
F — Favorite Position (Goes without saying. May include a visual)
I don't think he's picky, honestly.
When it's go time for him (which is frequent), he just kinda grabs you and gets down to business in whichever way is easiest.
So like... against the wall or on the edge of a surface (sink, table, counter) happens a lot, and bending you over things happens a lot.
But missionary/mating press on the floor or the bed or the couch probably happens the most.
(If I remember right, he's the only one in that game who does fuck you face up. Everybody else hits it from behind.)
Sometimes has you ride him. If you're the dominant one, that'll happen more often than not.
G — Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Can he afford gifts? Yes. Will you get any? ...Depends. I fully believe it's possible (though maybe not likely) to manipulate him into infatuation and get him wrapped around your finger, in which case he'll get you anything you ask for.
Or even if you can't whip him, you may be able to get him emotionally entangled enough that he'll bring you something now and again (if you've been good).
Normally, though? You're property, and property doesn't need gifts. He'll adorn you as he sees fit, meaning sometimes you'll get clothes or jewelry (it's mostly lingerie tbh), but they're not exactly gifts.
Either way, yeah, he's entitled af and expects your undying loyalty and complete obedience in return xD
H — Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
Similar to cudding, he will hug you if he needs a hug.
Will also do it as a precursor to sex. He thinks he’s sneaky and clever but it’s obvious.
More likely to enjoy it if you’re sitting in his lap, but it’ll still turn him on, so you’ll eventually end up in the same situation either way.
In front of his friends, unless it’s one of those days he’s trying to appear aloof, he’s either going to be hanging all over you or he wants you hanging all over him.
I — Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He does not know what intimacy means, nor can he even spell it.
Has no desire to be romantic. He will be occasionally, but only in the same way that a broken clock is right twice a day (meaning: accidentally).
As I’ve said, he’s more of a softy when he’s feeling depressed or anxious, at which time he might share his woes with you. Which I guess counts as some degree of intimacy, even if he’s just being whiny.
J — Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Ohhhh boy.
Listen. Despite all his bluster, this little brat is actually very insecure. So yeah, he gets very jealous very easily.
But that's not his fault (because nothing is ever his fault), so it must be your fault, right?
So get ready for him to make his jealousy your problem.
(Make no mistake, he'll definitely be a dick to any third parties who may or may not be inspiring the jealousy in the first place, but he likely won't do more than throwing attitude and snide comments.)
He's not going to win any prizes for sweetness or consideration at the best of times, but he's downright mean to you when he's feeling jealous. Like in a petty way.
He'll ignore you. Call you names. Trip you or bump into you so that you drop your drink. Tell you to go get his jacket from across the room and then insist that you keep looking when you can't find it (he didn't bring a jacket).
If you've never been bullied before, you're going to learn how it feels.
And worse - since it's rooted in insecurity and attachment issues, the only way to get this behavior to stop is to fawn all over him. Even though you've never wanted to fawn over him less than you do right now.
Cling to him, tell him all the ego-inflating things he loves to hear (he's so handsome, you absolutely adore him, can't get enough, he's so good to you, etc), drag him off somewhere and cater to his preference for physical affection.
Eventually he'll calm down and you can live your life (mostly) normally again.
K — Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Well we covered the lipstick thing already ;)
Blood kink - remember that improptu tongue piercing he gave you? Yeah. He's intrigued by period sex too, if that applies to you; he hasn't decided if he should give it a try or if it's too icky for him.
Sadomasochism - which role he's playing will depend on you. He defaults to sadism (physical and emotional/mental - he's a meanie), but if you're a rare breed and manage to dominate him (it's not that hard, actually), he's a very good masochist. His tolerance for degradation is much higher than his tolerance for physical pain, but he'll take both.
Edging - related to the above entry. He's a mean guy, and he'll delay or deny your orgasms for days at a time (if he can manage not to lose control, which... is hit or miss. Sometimes he just gets too into it and messes up). If you're domming, give him a taste of his own medicine - but he's not good at holding back, so he'll probably test your patience.
Begging/dacryphilia - another obvious one. Your tears turn him on and your begging feeds his ego; do both and you'll turn him into a minute man.
L — Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Honestly he's not picky.
He has no sense of shame and even less respect for consequences, so practically anywhere is fair game as far as he's concerned.
Won't necessarily go for it right out in the open, mostly just because you're his and he doesn't care to give random strangers a show. He gets jealous too easy.
Does enjoy the thrill of illicit behavior, though, so somewhere out in public but slightly hidden is his ideal.
Public restrooms, back row of the movie theater, in a parked car, etc.
Sneaks you into his room through a window, like a teenager, just for the fun of it :p
M — Motivation (What turns them on? What gets them going?)
God, what doesn't? 🙄
Doing something "provocative" with your mouth -- could be anything, ranging from licking cheeto dust off your fingers to biting your lip to scowling. Double points if you're wearing lipstick.
Stoking his ego. Compliment his appearance, praise his intelligence, tell him how good he is at things. Double points if you give him doe-eyes while you're at it.
Depending on his role in your relationship, these things may also apply:
Shy, submissive behavior, especially if it adds an element of dubcon, like avoiding his gaze, shrinking away from him, getting tongue tied, gasping/whimpering when he touches you, etc.
And stuff that feeds his sadism, of course, like crying, begging, or screaming.
OR, if he's the submissive one: using a stern voice, degrading him, and being mean to him in general. Really likes it when you use him however you want and then kick him out. 😈
N — Night Out (What type of dates do they like to go on?)
Can he afford to take you to fancy places? Yes.
Does he take you to fancy places? Nope.
Nothing educational or "high-brow," either, like the planetarium or zoo.
He prefers simple, straightforward, entertaining things like going to a movie/sports game, or an arcade.
He'll definitely try to get you into paintball.
Probably also parties with "friends" in clubs or whatever.
Dates with him can be fun and eventful, but also kinda exhausting!
O — Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
I'm sorry but.... not only is he not very inclined to service you this way, he's also not very good at it when he does.
You're pretty sure he knows what to do, but he half-asses it because he'd rather switch places with you 🙄
He’ll happily be on the receiving end all day long. He adores your mouth, after all, and is even fonder of things being all about him.
(Don’t let him tell you he’ll return the favor if you go down on him. He’s a liar. Make him reciprocate up front or you’ll get nothing.)
Does slightly better in a 69 situation, but only if you pace yourself so that he has incentive to do a good job. If he climaxes before you, it’s all over.
A bully, and mean about it. Likes the whiny, reluctant noises you make. Maybe you don’t want him down there after all 😑
Silver lining: he’s actually pretty good with his fingers. Ask him to do that instead.
P — Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc)
Fast and rough almost every time.
Has no patience, plus he can go several times in quick succession, so he sees no reason to slow down.
And why would he bother being gentle with you? He’s such a big fan of the sights and sounds of you being ravaged by him.
As far as he’s concerned, if you aren’t begging him to slow down, he’s not doing it right.
Q — Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex. And if they happen, how often?)
As long as he gets off, he honestly doesn’t care.
Yeah, longer sessions give him more time to play with you, but also… he comes fast (and then maybe a couple more times – his refractory period is short), and then he’s tired.
His drive is high, too, but he doesn’t always have a lot of time.
So… quickies are probably the norm, unfortunately xD
R — Risk (Are they down to experiment? Do they take risks?)
He’s down for – and, in fact, pushing for – any risks that don’t involve possible pregnancy.
He wants to try practically everything he’s ever seen, or heard of, or imagined.
This includes positions, kinks, toys, maneuvers… anything he thinks might be fun to do to you, whether you show any enthusiasm or not.
S — Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
At first, he probably doesn't. He has his own big fancy bed, why would he deign to sleep in yours?
Maybe he'd occasionally decide he's too sleepy after sex to go back to his own room and he'll stay over, but don't expect him to cuddle, and he's leaving as soon as he wakes back up (and he's going to hog the blankets for sure).
If you do manage to get him deluded into thinking your relationship is more like a normal one, though, he might start to see you more as a source of comfort and seek you out when he's feeling vulnerable.
He might decide to stay the night with you if his father has been particularly terrible to him that day. You might wake up to him sliding in beside you in the middle of the night after he's had a bad dream, or if he's been restless and unable to sleep.
(He's almost cute like that, but don't be fooled -- he still hogs the blankets.)
T — Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
He doesn’t trust you and he doesn’t not trust you.
He does worry (or know) you’d leave him if given the chance, but he makes sure to deny you that option, so it doesn’t really matter.
If you’re close, he does trust you somewhat – to keep his secrets, be on his side, etc.
U — Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
Oh jesus christ
Unfair is practically his middle name.
If he can find a method to tease you that 1. torments you mercilessly, probably leaving you with zero satisfaction and 2. still gets him off, he will abuse it until long after you’re sobbing.
Anytime you get what you want, rest assured that it’s merely a side effect to him getting what he wants.
To his credit, though, at least turnabout is fair play – if you’re the dominant one, this is exactly how he wants you to treat him.
V — Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
It's nigh impossible to ever get him to shut his (whore) mouth, and the bedroom is no exception.
He usually starts with well-controlled - though mean - dirty talk, mostly of a derogatory nature.
Then it'll turn more into babbling centered on how good you feel.
Eventually he'll devolve into breathless moans, and he won't last much longer after that :)
W — Wild Card (A random headcanon)
I think he’d be really into any piercings you may have. His favorites would be tongue or genital piercings.
As a matter of fact, if you don't already have a genital piercing, he might just decide to give you one, and then get you jewelry with a scorpion on it.
Basically a "property of Derek" stamp for your naughty parts 😒
He’d probably want to do the same thing to your tongue/lip, too.
X — X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
He is probably the one who injured you xD
If you're just a toy to him, he won't care beyond wanting to keep you in working order.
If he actually cares about you to some degree, he'll still pretend not to care - up to a point, anyway.
For something mild, he'll just make fun of you for being a wimp.
If it's moderate, he'll also make fun of you, but at least he patches you up/helps you get around.
If it's severe... he'll definitely panic. Freaking out may include: yelling, being too rough with you (accidentally), fumbling everything he tries to grab, and possibly crying.
Like, he'll get you the help you need, but it's gonna be stressful.
Y — Yuck (Any pet peeves about their s/o? Do they have any habits that might bother their s/o?)
He’s fussy. He’ll probably complain about literally anything, even things that he actually finds attractive, because he’s a grade A buttface.
He doesn’t like it if you pay attention to other guys (or girls, if you’re attracted to them too), or if you don’t take him seriously – even when he’s throwing a tantrum and being unreasonable.
(He always wants sincere and unwavering attention from his chosen Comfort Item, and anytime he doesn’t get that, he’s going to be upset.)
As for you, I mean… take your pick of his awful attributes.
The emotional instability, the unreasonable demands, his spoiled rotten attitude – the list goes on!
Also he bites his nails and chews with his mouth open, because I said so.
Z — Zeal (Are they passionate? Do they like passion?)
Lack of self-control, passion, call it what you want 😊
He gets worked up into a frenzy pretty easily, which is pretty much the same?
As for whether he likes passion, it’ll depend on your relationship dynamic.
If you’re just a toy, then no. He wants fear, not passion. If you’re more like a couple, then sure, he won’t complain.
A better complement to him is probably someone cool and collected, though. If you’re domming, I recommend taking that route.
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