#rwrb spotify playlist
honey-bri-books · 10 months
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softboynick · 4 months
a kiss
firstprince | Alex is having a little trouble trying to convince himself that his New Year's kiss with Henry didn't mean anything
1.4k words, rwrb-compliant
read on ao3
It’s been a week since the White House Trio rang in the New Year, and Alex is still thinking about it. He tells Nora and June that it didn’t mean anything. It was just a kiss. A silly, little kiss. Between two bros. Bros, homies, buddies who kiss. The best of bros and close personal friends, according to the conjoined efforts of the White House and Buckingham Palace. 
It’s absolutely fine. He had that weird thing with Liam in high school, and that didn’t mean anything. Right? Right. 
He’s still having trouble convincing himself, though. 
So what if Henry kissed him at his New Year’s Eve party. So what if he grabbed his hair and touched his face in a way that made his legs turn to jelly. So what if he tasted like mint and expensive champagne. So what if his lips felt so plush and soft against his mouth, like he uses fucking lip scrubs and chapstick religiously. So what if he kissed him back. So what if he kind of, maybe, liked it? So what.
He still hates him, the smug, snobby son of a bitch. It’s all Henry’s fault that he’s spiraling in the first place, so yes, he definitely does hate him, don’t get it twisted. 
It’s been a week, and he just wants Henry to talk to him. He’s been having a lot of one-sided conversations with himself on their text thread, and he hates to say it, but it’s getting a little lonely and sad. Alex is very big on confrontation—he’s an aspiring lawyer, after all—so this whole ghosting situation isn’t going to cut it. He’s itching to do something about it, something drastic, maybe, but June thinks flying across the Atlantic to kiss Henry senseless might be a bit of an overkill. 
Oh, and yeah, that’s been a recent development. He’s pretty sure he isn’t entirely straight. Probably bisexual, and he wants to kiss Henry now. Preferably against a wall, but he’ll take anything he can get. That is, if he can actually get the guy to talk to him. He knows the PM’s dinner is coming up at the end of the month, so he’s going to need to pull something together before then. 
Nora gives him a seventy-seven percent success rate and a forty-five percent chance that it might just all backfire on him, and Alex accuses her of having no faith in him at all. She just laughs and pats his head like he’s some kind of fucking child, and he has to wonder why he’s friends with her in the first place. 
School distracts him enough that he doesn’t need to think too much about Henry and his preferred way of dealing with things—also known as, running away—but at night, when it is just him and his thoughts (and his trusty right hand), that’s when things get a little tricky (and a bit sticky). 
January flies by, and suddenly, it’s the night of the PM’s dinner. Alex is antsy and swipes a flute of champagne to keep himself from spiraling even more than he already is. He anxiously keeps glancing over at the door, jumping every time a new arrival is announced.
“Looking for someone?” 
Alex nearly jumps out of his skin at the sound of his sister’s voice. When he turns to her, she has a stupid fucking grin on her face, like she knows something that he doesn’t, and he isn’t dumb enough to doubt that. June is the eldest and the wisest out of the Claremont-Diaz siblings, and she always seems to have a leg-up on Alex every single damn time. 
“Fucking Christ, you need a bell.” 
June laughs and plucks the champagne out his hands and takes a sip of her own. 
“Hey! Get your own.”
“Sure, but only if you stop looking at the door every twenty seconds. You look like you’re about to pass out, Little Bit.”
Alex scowls at the nickname and snatches the glass out of June’s hand, finishing it off before she even has the chance to steal it back. 
June rolls her eyes and rests her hands placatingly on her brother’s shoulders. “Dude, you need to calm the fuck down. Dinner hasn’t even started yet, and I can already smell the BO radiating off of you.”
He instinctively lifts an arm and takes a subtle whiff of his pit. “What- Oh, god. Do I stink?”
“Alex,” she stresses, giving his shoulders a squeeze. “I’m just fucking with you.”
“Oh, fuck you, June.” 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just calm down, will you? He’ll be here soon. So until then, just go around and do what you do best. Schmoozing and looking cute. Just don’t get into any arguments, though. You can do that after Mom’s re-elected.” She gives him a little shove, sending him into the light crowd of international and domestic dignitaries already forming. He gives her the finger behind his back and heads off. 
He decides to make his way over to the open bar for something stronger than champagne when he’s stopped by none other than Miguel Ramos. God, he probably needs to start double-fisting to get through the evening. He hides his grimace behind a well-practiced smile and tries his best to keep up with the conversation without looking too distracted. His ears pick up Texas strategy in the midst of all his droning, and he fails to hide his surprise. Miguel says that he has his sources like it’s some kind of acceptable explanation, and Alex suddenly has the urge to smack the smirk off his face. 
He doesn’t have the chance to do it, however, because they’re announcing His Royal Highness’ arrival, and Henry is walking—more like, sauntering in and looking far too good in a suit and bowtie. Kissing Henry becomes a need more than a want at this point. 
He leaves Miguel before the guy can get another word in edgewise and heads over to Amy with a simple request. It takes some sly maneuvering, but the Red Room is his best chance to actually have a private conversation with Henry. 
Alex is just a bundle of nerves as he waits for Henry to step into the room. He knows he’s being ridiculous, but he thinks the portrait of Alexander Hamilton is judging him. He has half a mind to flip the painting over so he won’t have his beady eyes looking at him anymore, because he doesn’t need another white man questioning his life choices. He nearly considers it, too, but that’s just insane. He should be thinking about what he’s going to say to Henry, not United States historical figures and how their ghosts are probably judging for being so stupid. If they weren’t racist and homophobic first. 
Okay, shut up, brain.
Before he has a chance to even pretend to look normal, the door is already opening, and in steps Henry, gliding in like the fucking angel he is. It should infuriate him, because no one should be looking that beautiful, but he sees Henry, and all the words he’s planned to say leave his brain in an instant. He is dumbfounded. 
“Look, Alex. I’m so-”
“Shut up. Stop talking.” He crosses the room in two long strides and pulls Henry into his arms, and before his brain resets and he can start thinking again, he is slamming their mouths together. 
Then, Henry pushes him away.
“Wait a minute.” 
While Henry’s having his own crisis a few feet away, Nora’s analytical numbers flash across his brain, reeling through his mind like a broken record. Seventy-seven. Forty-five. Seventy-seven. Forty-five. Seventy-seven. Forty-five.
Oh, fuck. They’re kissing again. 
Henry drags him in by the lapels of his dinner jacket, and Alex eagerly follows. Their lips meet again, the kiss hurried and driven by the heat burning under their skin. Everything zeroes in on that moment, and all he can think about is the curve of his lips, all soft and supple, the way his hips fit perfectly under his hands, the solid weight of his body against his. 
Alex presses him into the wall. Fuck Hamilton and his judgy stare. He slots himself between his thick, sinful thighs, and drags a leg up to wrap around his waist. He twists his hips slightly just, and he groans into Henry’s mouth when he feels just how hard he is in his trousers. He’s hard, too, and it takes everything in him not to cum in his underwear.
God, he just wants to do bad, very bad things to this man, and he’s pretty sure Henry will let him. Now he just has to figure out how to get him up to his room. 
One-hundred percent success rate. Eat shit, Nora.
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zukoinmypocket · 1 year
rwrb is taylor swift’s london boy and YET it isn’t. there are so many great musical choices idk why that’s the song the fan base loves. yes, i know the lyrics are adjunct to the novel. yes, i am also a huge taylor swift fan. no, i still don’t understand. not when the music mentioned in the text is so fantastic in establishing both character and setting. these are the songs that need to be in movie!!
the music used to represent alex (and by extension america) is completely different to the music that represents henry (and england.) these specific choices are incredibly revealing. alex is hall and oates, johnny cash, fleetwood mac, dolly parton, selena, chente, gloria estefan—as well as— kid cudi, the fresh prince, and lil jon. henry is queen(!!), david bowie, elton john, and obviously romantic era music. i don’t think it’s unintentional that alex’s artists are all american and henry’s are historically queer, english artists. not when identity is such an important theme in the book.
knowing who you are and where you come from is intimately linked with music. geography has such a huge influence on music that you can usually tell the nationality of an artist from the opening chords and strumming pattern alone. a lot of this recognition is subconscious which is why it’s such a fantastic tool for establishing setting.
rwrb mentions a lot of songs and it name-drops even more artists. not all of them will be included in the film, i know. but it should be noted that they play an important function of establishing setting and character. ((it’s actually super typical of casey mcquiston novels. their books have very distinct, effective soundscapes because of this. you can really tell that cmq has considered the musical zeitgeist of the setting within their books. it’s sort of ironic that music plays such a prominent role in the text, considering that the nature of books is typically one without audio. but i digress))
tldr: i won’t care if london boy doesn’t feature in the rwrb movie. however, i will care if rich girl by hall and oates doesn’t open the film.
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elipheleh · 10 months
Learning about things referenced in Red, White & Royal Blue
Over the last 20 days I’ve been sharing a series where we learn about things referenced in Red White & Royal Blue. I shared a post similar to this at the start, with my intended post list, updating the links as I posted them. Now I have come to a stopping point - at least for now, I do have some other ideas but i want to let the film release happen first - I wanted to share the complete list, with all the posts linked. They are listed in order of posting, not in order of appearance in the book.
Waterloo Vase
Alex engaging with queer history (main post) & individual links - Stonewall, SCOTUS decision 2015, Walt Whitman, Laws of Illinois 1961, The White Night Riots, Paris is Burning, David Wojnarowicz photo
Music (main post)
Thisbe & Pyramus
The V&A Visit (main post) - individual links: Statues, James I & George Villiers, Santa Chiara (incl proverb & David and Jonathan)
Section 28 & Henry
It would be great if you could reblog this to share it more widely! I am really pleased with the feedback i’ve received from it & so happy that it’s helping others learn about things just as it helped me. This was always an attempt to learn together, and it warms my heart to see people’s tags that prove we have been doing so. If you do have any ideas that we might want to cover in the future, let me know! I love learning and I love sharing my new knowledge with others.
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cherrychapati · 8 months
my offering to the rwrb fandom <3 prince henry of who cares aka love of my life
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supercalime · 17 days
I don’t think I ever shared my firstprince playlist and that has to change, specially now that the sequel has been announced
Please check it out and tell me what you think
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its-tortle · 9 months
i think i have finally finished finetuning my firstprince playlist!! have a look if you wanna :)
the build
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the flight
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the fall
the crash
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the reckoning
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the garrison
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the exhale
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dreamyplaylists · 5 months
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Alex and Henry Playlist
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devilstelephone · 10 months
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from Twitter @secretlycharmin
Casey’s RWRB playlists in Spotify!
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seaweedbrainjackson · 10 months
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alex claremont-diaz - a playlist
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thedreadpiratebonnet · 10 months
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I started a playlist just for Henry (with a side of FirstPrince from his pov)
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littlemisskittentoes · 8 months
I Have Done a Thing
In my defense, the wonderful humans of The Brownstone Server encouraged me. I also regret nothing.
For anyone with special interests that match up with mine, I present to you…
✨A firstprince x 1d playlist, complete with a song guide.✨
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softboynick · 3 months
cologne | firstprince
Henry wanted to keep things casual, but he's starting to forget what casual even means.
3.5k words, scent kink, fwb or more?
Oh, baby, just leave the scent of your cologne Leave the scent of your cologne I'm not done yet Please, kiss my neck Let's go for another round I hate what this song is about - "Cologne" by beabadoobee
✨Read on AO3✨
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tentativelyteal · 8 months
A playlist for Red, White & Royal Blue, in narrative order
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elipheleh · 9 months
RWRB Music
Okay, so everything got a little confusing so here is a mega-/master-post. This is all of my rwrb playlists, book-accurate, film accurate, and ones Casey shared.
There will be a lot of links. Due to the audio limit, there are only 8 playlists embedded. However, every playlist is hyperlinked to spotify, and all of mine are available at my spotify profile. Many are embedded in their original posts, which are also linked to here.
This is the original masterpost. It forms part of a wider series where we learnt together about things from the book.
This section is all Book-Accurate, pre-film.
all the music referenced in the book:
continues below the cut
Playlist of all the music in the book, both explicitly and implicitly mentioned. basically a combination of all the book-accurate playlists into one. link to playlist
Young America NYE Gala. link to post, link to playlist
LA Karaoke. link to post, link to playlist
round the fire, texas vacation. link to post, link to playlist
Alex's Music Taste. link to post, link to playlist
Misc Music (from the book). link to post, link to playlist
Posts which didn't have playlists attached: Henry's Music Room (with special visitor, Bea) / Henry & Alex's Song
This next section will be 'official' film playlists. [original post] These are not my own, although I have created backup ones on my account.
songs from the film. link to official playlist, link to my backup (not embedded)
alex & henry inspired playlist. link to official playlist, link to my backup (not embedded)
full original soundtrack album from drum & lace.
I have created a spotify playlist which has almost all of the songs that play during Red, White & Royal Blue, in the order in which they are played.
Some are absent because they're not available on spotify, others are simply too short for me to think it was of any use - e.g. Yankee Doodle & God Save the [Queen/King] which they play when Alex returns to the palace after the emails.
I also created a version without the score from Drum & Lace, but still includes the other classical pieces.
casey then did a series of updates about the music they associate with alex & henry. i will only include the playlists here, but there is more information in this post.
full playlist of songs and albums they shared:
songs specifically connected to alex:
songs specifically connected to henry:
this section is all about casey's spotify account. while the playlists they shared that are collated/linked in the context of the above section (link to post with all those playlist links) are unlisted, they have a selection of character playlists available publicly. These predate the film, so are all book-accurate.
Here are the ones for Henry & Alex. They also have playlists for June, Nora, Bea, Pez, Zahra, Rafael, Ellen, and a general book playlist.
They also uploaded a playlist they made when originally writing the texas chapter, linked here.
As seen in various clips, Alex's room in the White House has 6 LPs framed on the wall above his record player. They are never all visible at one point, so I collected the covers into one image. The information is linked below the image, with individual links to the albums and a playlist with all the songs together.
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Wonderful Wonderful - The Killers Rumors - Fleetwood Mac Full Moon Fever - Tom Petty good kid, m.A.A.d city - Kendrick Lamar Bigger Than Both of Us - Hall & Oates Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John
I have collected them all together into a playlist for easy listening.
Link to the post for the whole series
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honey-bri-books · 10 months
"I hate you, but I love you. I can't stop thinking of you. I'm stuck on you." 🎶
This song is for Alex, when Henry ghosts him after the Lake House.
Working on a playlist for RWRB finally. Btw, if no-one on here has ever heard of this song before, I am officially old. Lol.
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