#s: hungary x prussia
yanxidarlings · 9 months
general headcanons
◯ turkey / sadik adnan
◯ prussia / gilbert beilschmidt
◯ america / alfred f jones
◯ finland / tino väinämöinen
◯ ukraine / irina chernenko
◯ romano / lovino vargas
◯ australia / jett kirkland
platonic/romantic headcanons
◯ platonic england
◯ platonic nordics
individual headcanons
◯ shy with america
◯ superhero-esque with america
◯ platonic yandere with america
◯ daydreams with america
◯ uncivilised with england
◯ victorian poc with england
◯ childhood friend with hong kong
group headcanons
◯ heartbroken with the axis
◯ disappointed with the axis
◯ anxious with the axis
◯ unhappily married with the allies
◯ aroace with the allies
◯ lesbian with the allies
◯ refusing to eat with the allies
◯ insecure with the nordics
◯ sickly with the italy brothers
◯ pugnacious with the german brothers
◯ psychopath with eng-ita-ame
◯ androphobia with eng-spa-can
◯ otome with ger-eng-ame
◯ bosses relative with ger-eng-ame
◯ sociable with ger-eng-rus
◯ sharing with ger-eng-pru
◯ lovestruck with ger-swe-spa
◯ reciprocated yandere with rus-ame
◯ rejected proposal with rus-ger
yandere vs yandere
◯ austria vs switzerland
◯ ukraine vs belarus
◯ hungary vs romania
◯ england vs romania
◯ russia vs germany
◯ america vs russia
◯ america vs germany (p2, p3)
◯ norway vs iceland
◯ hong kong vs south korea
◯ greece vs turkey vs egypt
yandere alphabet
◯ D,M,Z with america
◯ F,H,I with america
◯ C,D,H with prussia
◯ D,A,Y with australia
◯ J,Q,U with the baltics
◯ D,W,Z with ame-can-fra
◯ X,S with eng-ger-rus
◯ F,L,M with eng-pru
◯ B,J,T with rus-ame
◯ E,K,R with ice-jap
◯ A,P,Y with hk-tai-mac
yandere discussion
◯ unrequited yandere
◯ warmonger
◯ fake broken
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atom-writings · 1 year
Hello! Could you do the main 8 (or something with Gilbert, my egotistical bbg) with a athletic/strong reader? As in can carry them around with ease type strong, I just think it’d be cute. If not, that’s totally okay! :)
(HWS Prussia X Reader) Strong S/O!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N whoops may have misread this slightly. Oh well! Im pretty sure ive done stuff similar to this request with the main 8 so? Should be fine. let me know if not tho
Trigger Warning: Swearing, other than that, none!
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Strong, powerful people have always held a very special place in his heart. Throughout his entire existence, strength has been the most defining thing that drew him to people. His first crush was Hungary, who could break his arm in her grasp. The most important person ever to grace his lifetime was someone who could easily command great armies. So when sweep him off his feet, he knows it’s meant to be.
He absolutely adores how strong you are. Whether you’re muscley, lean, or neither, he just finds you endlessly attractive. A lot of the time he’ll goad you into manual labour just so he can stare at your muscles while they’re working. And who are you to not oblige his less-than-subtle request? His drooling face is just as enjoyable for you as you are to him. 
Please pick him up and carry him around please, please- he’d be so, so happy
But just because he can’t get enough of your physique, doesn’t mean he isn’t gonna be a little emasculated. Of course, not enough to be an actual problem (he’s not that shallow!) but he’s gonna try to prove himself just a little. 
“At least it’s only a couple flights of stairs!” You yell, hoping your boyfriend can hear you from behind. Which, wait, he is behind you right?
You turn around to check, not hearing his footsteps for a moment, only to be greeted with the utterly ridiculous sight of him. Gilbert grunts and groans, taking only baby steps as he tries to carry the last 20 grocery bags in one trip.
“You- You don’t have to do that, baby!”
“Don’t doubt me!”
“I’m not doubting you! People are just uh… staring.”
“Yeah, bet they’ve never seen a guy as strong as me- AH!” He yells before immediately slipping on the first stair up to your apartment. All you can do is put your face to your palm as he yelps, desperately scrounging around on the ground to try to recoup the groceries he had comically thrown in the air.
Plus, if you’re big into maintaining your strength, that’s great! You can come along with him to work out! He’s something of a gym rat himself, so having someone along to encourage and be encouraged by is something he really values. Plus he can glare at anyone that’s checking you out. (He is very willing to yell at them. And it’s always German yelling. Effective, but at what cost?)
But if you’re just into sports, he’s gonna be your number-one fan. Like, legit, he’ll run fan pages. He would miss anything to support you at a game. You need a water boy? Please, please, let him be your waterboy.
Of course, he’ll always support German teams over your own, but he also thinks you personally should win instead. So it’s not a big deal.
He’s also very eager to show you off. He’s never had the… best taste in partners, so he’s very excited to finally have someone strong and kind to bring home! Plus, his entire family is also strong as hell, so maybe you guys can have a competition. Yes, he’s the only one that wants that, but it’s important to him, damnit! He’s gotta prove you’re the best one there
Overall, he loves his S/O no matter what, but your strength is one of his favourite things about you. He’ll be there for you when you’re weak, just as he’ll be there to admire you when you’re doing incredible things. He just loves… you.
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                              2ps are known to lust for blood and power.
Below lies are those that have allowed themselves to be made know, though not without a PRICE.
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           Ancient Egypt 
           Ancient Greece
           Ancient Persia
           Czech Republic
           Holy Roman Empire 
           Hong Kong 
           S. Korea
           New Zealand 
           Niko Niko Republic 
           None at this time
           Principality of Wy 
           None at this time
           Republic of Kuglemugle
           Turkish Republic of Cyprus 
           None at this time
           None at this time
           None at this time
                                            Return to Masterlist
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
MasterList III: Nekotalia, Originals & Randoms
Updated March 13th 22:10
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Platonic Yandere Nordics 
Platonic Yandere France, Japan, America, Russia, and Austria 
America, Canada, France, Germany, & Italy call you when you left for college 
Yandere Lithuania Headcanons SFW and N$FW
Platonic Yandere Protectors Germany X France w/Reader 
America and Japan adopting an introvert meme
Canada, Germany, and Prussia with the chaotic drunk reader
Reader begging Germany, Prussia, and Russia with an axolotl
Wild Card Ask: Some RusAme Space Fantasy Thing
Halloween Costumes (2022)
RusAme: In Space No One Can Hear You Scream
Pirate France x Male! Reader
Germany England and France with a Jade West like S/O
There are Reasons why I don't like Winter Nights Demon Russia X Reader
What Love Making looks like during winter
Germany, Italy, and Japan answering your texts
Chaos Lord Darling in Love with a human America, Germany, & Russia
Club 27 Birthday Drabble Part 2
Yandere China with a Pop/Idol Darling
Yandere Norway Headcannons (SPICY!)
France with an Onyx skinned darling
Italy x reader who loves reptiles (Skink specific)
Russia admitting he's immortal to his Gender-Neutral Darling
Axis Trio + Prussia with a Darling who is afraid of storms
Dimension hopping Omega/Demon AU 
Yandere Bully America x Reader X England 
Hetalia pun pick-up post 
America, Canada, Denmark, and Sweden flirting and teasing 
It’s Hot: Russia, Canada, & America
Yandere Prussia disciplining his S/O
Quotes that represent the Allies 
Germany with a free-spirited S/O
Platonic Yandere’s America x Russia w/Reader 
Platonic Yandere America and Prussia 
Yandere America x Reader x Yandere England who are in love with the same darling
England and Germany with a Black Nation darling 
Yandere Prussia with a Spy Solider 
When Yandere’s switch places with their darling 
More information about the Omegaverse 
Coming out as Ace in the Omegaverse
Yandere Demon Hungary x Wizard S/O 
Mating Season AU ( may or may not finish or may put into another AU as better world building) 
Yandere Japan and Germany stalking a celebrity S/O 
Yandere France and Russia with an Oni S/O 
Two platonic demons: Yandere Demon America with partner in crime Y/N 
Yandere Demon America x Archangel Darling that are soulmates 
America, China, and Japan w/ a Tamamo no Mae (Ninetails fox reader) 
Yandere America, Germany, and Japan with a non-compliant darling
2p America x Reader x 2p Italy: The Diplomat pt.1 
2p America X Reader x 2p Italy: The Diplomat pt.2 
UkFra: Mindscape 
The Spicy Stuff, so Viewer discretion is advised N$FW
Spicy Yandere! Demon America Headcannons 
Spicy Yandere America with Pregnant S/O 
Yandere! Demon Germany SFW and NSFW Headcannons  
Yandere Demon Japan sfw and nsfw  
Yandere Demon America w/ Yandere S/O that wants a baby  
Yandere Demon America & Demon Queen  Bondage  
Yandere Demon America with an Angel he's finally tainted  
Yandere Demon America claiming them for the first time after kidnapping  
2p FACE Spicy Headcanons 
2p FACE aftercare 
Spicy Demon Japan Headcannons 
Spicy Yandere Alpha America X Alpha Darling 
Spicy Cardverse America 
Spicy England and Germany with a Black Nation Darling 
Alpha Canada x Omega Reader N$FW 
Yandere Alpha Russia Headcannons 
Yandere Alpha America having fun with his pregnant S/O 
Yandere Alpha America w/Alpha Fem Darling 
An Ask I did that I love a lot, so Imma feature it. 
@my2phetaliaheadcanons Yandere with a Professor darling
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toastermoth · 5 months
Hetalia Masterlist
N. Italy:
S. Italy:
Hong Kong:
Luxembourg x M!Reader gen HCS
New zealand:
England's brothers:
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roszabell · 11 months
🏠 - Quick! You now live in a mansion in the middle of nowhere and you've got your choice of three nations to live with. Who do you choose as your new housemates and why? Canada, Hungary, and Romano
🏛 - If you could pick one historical event to be adapted into Hetalia, what would it be? Canada being a badass in the world wars and Netherlands' liberation!!
⚔ - In terms of the nation lore in the series, what would you like to see expanded upon or introduced? Definitely I'd love to see Canada's relationship with/influences from Scotland and the Nordics. And/or, how they travel between countries - but there are a lot of amazing headcanons for this, so maybe its more fun left open for interpretation!
💫 - Now say you can only choose one country to add to the series. Who is it? MEXICO!!!!!! GIVE US CANON MEXICO PLEASE! I have my headcanons for him/her that are mainly just from @stirringwinds 's OC, but i NEED North American trio to be canon (more than just a mention)!!!!!!
💘 - What's the most obscure pairing you've got a soft spot for? Estonia x America (estame) :3
👻 - There are lots of explanations about what happened to Prussia after he was dissolved and why he's still around. What's yours? Well, its canon he was East Germany and lived with Russia during Soviet times, and then stuck around as Kaliningrad afterward—but that doesn’t give him much to do! It ties in with my ships mostly haha. I think he sticks aroud with Ludwig, but gets bored and makes friends with Matthew (whos fresh off nedcan breakup) in the early 90s and it eventually turns romantic! He stays at Matts house around 8 months of the year, spending holidays/winter in Germany (to be with family and becuase Matthew's winter sucks. dw they do have Christmases together sometimes, and it is quite often Matt gets to snuggle him by the fireplace in a snowstorm). Ik ik it is sappy ok 😭 He also spends as much time as he can with old friends (Aus, Hun, Poland, etc)!
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Welcome to the Hetalia HC and Scenarios blog!
Here are the rules.
I can do all characters you request, if its an (your OC x s/o) Please add a description your OC! If you don't, most likely i will not accept it on delete your request
Characters that are Minors (example; Sealand/Wy/Seborga) are not allowed in NSFW requests! Only acceptable in x child!s/o OR when you specify them as older (15+)
I accept NSFW and SFW request. But i am terrible at NSFW scenarios but i will accept it! But no incest like (character x sibling!s/o)
S/O is gender neutral unless you specify their gender. If not, i'll make them Gender neutral with They/them pronous
I will write mostly Fluff/Lime but if you would like Smut/Angst/etc. I'll do it but it'll probably needs some editing
I would accept Character x Character as long as its not Incest (ex. Norice,Germancest,Itacest)
If you requested a group scenario(?) (ex.Nordics x s/o) I would do it but as long its not a smut rq.
Now here are the list of characters i do!
• Axis : N.Italy,Germany,Japan,S.Italy,Prussia
��� Allies : America,England,France,China,Russia (Canada)
• Nordics : Denmark,Sweden,Norway,Finland,Iceland
• ASEAN : Vietnam,Thailand,Philipines,Malaysia,Indonesia,Singapore
• The rest of the Characters: Ukraine,Belarus,Lithuania,Estonia,Latvia,Poland,Spain,Portugal,Austria,Hungary,Romania,Bulgaria,The Netherlands,Belgium,Luxembourg,Turkey,Greece.
And last but not least, All 2p!'s and Nyo!'s are welcomed too!
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ao3feed-spamano · 1 year
Neve Rosso Sangue
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/UpG53As
by Benny_Haibara
Stati Uniti, 1985 Il governo statunitense ha indetto una caccia spietata ai mutanti, esseri umani dotati di poteri soprannaturali, per proteggere l'umanità in pericolo. Feliciano Vargas è un mutante arrestato dall'esercito e rinchiuso nell'inespugnabile fortezza di Westbrook, dove vengono catturati e studiati i mutanti più temuti. Dovrà sopravvivere all'interno della prigione, tra esperimenti e lavori forzati, per poter tornare a casa e riabbracciare il fratello maggiore, aiutato nel frattempo da un gruppo di mutanti rivoluzionari determinati a salvare i prigionieri. È una storia in cui due mondi opposti si scontrano e si uniscono continuamente tra il dolore, l'amore, l'amicizia e l'odio. [Mutant!AU, supernatural powers] (Coppie principali: GerIta, Spamano, FrUK) !ATTENZIONE! il rating potrebbe salire da arancione a rosso, per scene future con contenuti violenti e/o sessuali espliciti
Words: 3008, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Italiano
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: North Italy (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Other Hetalia Character(s)
Relationships: Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), Austria & Hungary & Prussia (Hetalia), America/Japan (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff and Angst, Mutant Powers, X-Men Inspired
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/UpG53As
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lietpolski · 1 year
Denmark, 0! (I'm so glad they added an all option!)
!!! ok here we go :D
1) what would their social media page/activity be like: i've discussed this w/ a friend but i think denmark is the most technologically capable after sweden! i think on twitter he's a little more professional (but he loves rting feel-good stuff) BUT he shines on insta. it's full of artsy pictures of the danish countryside and embarrassing videos of him and his friends on his stories :,)
2) what animal they remind me of: i don't care that it's predictable that man is a puppy!!!! manga denmark is a golden retriever but anime denmark is a yippy chihuahua with that fucking voice
3) my thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone: LOVE!! i think his canon outfit is really nice compared to.... whatever the other four are doing!! his hair is dumb but it's dumb /affectionate /i love him
4) physical headcanons: i got a few! he's an early bird!! and a light sleeper. physique-wise he's the second tallest nordic and he has BIG ass arms (an axe was his main weapon so!! makes sense to me!) he has a huge sweet tooth + he loves pastries!! but his favourite is whatever norway bakes because he's a softie :) as for actual food.... this man survives on sandwiches hot dogs and beer. get well soon x
5) social headcanons: denmark is the nordic with the most friends outside of the group!! finland comes close, because everyone loves finland and he has estonia & hungary, but i think denmark's outside friendships are more involved! a strip that really stuck with me is one during the denmark-norway period, where he goes to the netherlands and asks him to give him the buddy price on weaponry and ned agrees despite how he usually is :,) within the group, i see him as having an older-brother-but-kinda-dad relationship with iceland. sweden and him are close now and they're just the brothers who had a fallout but now r coping by insulting themselves jokingly (only when they're a few drinks in sometimes it's not a joke). he and fin only became close in later centuries but their personalities are super compatible so they're great friends!! and he and norway... oughghhg you're talking to dennor lover #1 here HAH to me they've been basically on-and-off in love for 1100 years or so :,) i'll go more into it in a future post so i'll stop here but!! yeah!!
6) psychological headcanons: i feel like i covered most of this in my denmark analysis!! but hm yeah for me his greateast fear is for sure isolating his family again. and despite how carefree he acts, i think he weighs his decisions very carefully because of what happened in the past when he didn't. i think he's actually really good with dealing with anger in modern day (he's had a lot of practice) but he regrets how he used to be before. speaking of before!! i love to think abt him from the viking era to approximately the late 1500s just... cocky bloodthirsty denmark is really fun to explore and i think people should play it up more instead of making him p much as sweet as in modern times! i dont think he wouldve been anything like that to anyone but his family and own people (also animals btw this guy loves animals 100%)
7) ship(s) with them that i like or at least consider: in terms of like... my version of canon i'm a dennor soloshipper i think :,) BUT i find denmark/norway/finland/sweden fun to think about!! also denmark/estonia is a rarepair i think is veryvery cute. and some classic nedden never hurt anyone!
8) made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever): yes!! estonia as i just mentioned! he was danish land once and he's a nordic fanboy now so they have to have some kind of relationship! also prussia; i know they do have the whole awesome trio thing going on, BUT i think historical denmark & prussia is not spoken about enough. the 2 were on the same side all the time back then!! finally i find it really funny if he and poland get on each others nerves HAH again because of historical reasons!
9) headcanons about their past: again covered a lot of these already but!! here's one that's a little different. denmark was the first to become christian, and i think he would've annoyed the fuck out of norway and sweden (who were still norse pagan) about it! sometimes it just got him exasperated eye rolls, sometimes it got him beheaded, yk how it goes
10) content about them I'd like to see more of: anything i love denmark sosososo much more iceland & denmark content!!! i adore norway & iceland don't get me wrong but they for sure overshadow ice & dan when it comes to familial dynamics and it's a shame! also i think a lot of the historical content focuses on the viking era, the fall of the kalmar union or 1814, and i'd like to see more of him in the 1500s-1700s!! he was up to interesting stuff!!
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ara270904 · 1 year
In this episode of Help why I chose Biochemistry. But this has nothing to do with what I'm really going to talk about.
I'm talking about all the characters I remember seeing shipped with Sweden and Nyo Sweden.
• Finland
• Norway
• Denmark
• Iceland
• Estonia
• Lithuania
• Germany
• Prussia
• France
• Spain
• Russia
• Belarus (I see an one shot in fanfiction.net)
• Ukraine (The same as Belarus)
• Turkey (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11349293/1/Sweet This is my favorite of Turkey x Sweden, is called Sweet by Hebi-Kazechi-10)
• Hungary (I see two with Hungary and Nyo Sweden, and one with Hungary and Sweden)
• Switzerland
• Italy
• Japan
• Greece
• England
• America
• Austria
• Sealand (I didn't even read that because why I would read that??)
Idk, I don't remember more
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Prussia: You're the most awesome person I've ever met. Well, second.
Hungary: Right, first being you.
Prussia: No, actually, it's this guy I know who lives in something called the mirror. What up?
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yanxidarlings · 3 years
• general yandere turkey headcanons
• general yandere prussia headcanons
• general yandere america headcanons
• general yandere finland headcanons
• general yandere ukraine headcanons
• general yandere romano headcanons
• general platonic yandere england headcanons
• general platonic yandere nordics headcanons
• america with a shy darling
• america with a superhero-like darling
• america with a platonic yandere darling
• england with an uncivilised colony darling
• england with a PoC darling in the 1800's
• germany stealing his darling back from america
• germany winning a war against america for his darling
• hong kong with a childhood friend darling
• axis with a heartbroken darling
• axis with a disappointed darling
• axis with an anxious darling
• italy and romano with a sickly darling
• italy, england and america with a psychopath darling
• germany, england and america with otome darling
• germany, england and america with a bosses relative darling
• germany and prussia with a pugnacious darling
• germany, sweden and spain with a lovestruck darling
• allies with an unhappily married darling
• allies with an asexual aromantic darling
• allies with a lesbian darling
• allies with a darling refusing to eat
• america and russia with a yandere darling
• russia and germany with a rejected marriage proposal darling
• england, russia and germany with a sociable reader
• england, canada and spain with an androphobic darling
• yandere hetalia and america with an unrequited yandere darling
• yandere hetalia and england with a warmonger darling
• yandere hetalia and portugal with a fake broken darling
• austria vs switzerland over darling
• ukraine vs belarus over darling
• hungary vs romania over darling
• england vs romania over darling
• russia vs germany over darling
• america vs russia over darling
• america vs germany over darling
• norway vs iceland over darling
• hong kong vs south korea over darling
• greece vs turkey (ft egypt) over darling
• america d, m and z
• america f, h and i
• prussia c, d and h
• australia with d, a and y
• japan and iceland e, k and r
• england, germany, russia x and s
• england and prussia f, l and m
• america and russia b, j and t
• america, canada and france with d, w and z
• baltics with j, q and u
• hong kong, taiwan and macau with a, p and y
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guns-in-the-desert · 3 years
Prussia NSFW A-Z
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 A= Aftercare
Cleans the sheets immediately, gives you a bath, changes the sheets, and y’all just cuddle.
   B= Body Part
Another titty guy, he’s duper aggressive with them, is absolutely obsessed with biting your boobs, they're always covered in bruises. On him he likes everything, as we know his milkshake brings EVERYONE to the yard.
  C= Cum
A disgusting motherfucker, everywhere, he wants you covered in it, he wants it coming out of your nose (and that’s on an angry dragon), he got it in your eye once and he just laughed at your pain. Don't worry though he clean everything thoroughly 
 D= Dirty secret
He let Hungary peg him once, never again, he’s traumatized, he just doesn’t know how Austria enjoys that.
 E= Experience
Has HELLA experience, he stays “baggin’ bitches” it's kind of he thing, he’s been around a long time, and Prussia’s been dissolved for years what else does he have to do.
 F= Favorite Position
I hope you're flexible, that’s it.
  G= Goofy (is he more serious or goofy in bed)
It really depends how he’s feeling, sometimes he cracks jokes the whole time, other’s he doesn't even speak, you just know.
 H= Hair
Is completely bare, he shaves regularly so it’s not a hassle later, expects you to do the same.
  I= Intimacy
He’s not intimate at all, he’s having a whole ass three hour comedy show, or bullying you, there is no inbetween.
 J= Jack off
He does it all the time and tells you whenever he does it just be like “I did something you're not allowed to.” he’s so damn mean.
K= Kink
EVERY-DAMN-THING he’s nasty, like he loves most bodily fluids (and I hate that), is into age play, not all the time though just on occasion. Is a top, so don’t get it fucked up, will fuck you up, Impact play specifically Flogging. Just a mess really.
  L= Location
Everywhere, not even in everywhere in the house, y’all have straight just broken the law at times, but it’s fine, you only got caught once.
  M= Motivation
Is always ready to fuck, doesn’t matter where, doesn't matter when. He’s always DTF.
 N= No
No scat or pegging (or anything that even vaguely suggests he sub in anyway), that’s it,
 O= Oral
Prefers receiving, but doesn't disappoint is a solid 7.5/10 when it comes to giving he is very precise, so it can get quite repetitive but it feels good so… when you blow him don't use hands, he believes it’s cheating
   P= Pace
Could give sonic a run for his money, honestly look out.
  Q= Quickies 
Likes to tease so isn't the biggest fan unless he’s fucking your face.
  R= Risk
Is willing to risk it all, unless there are minors present, but that really is his only restriction.
 S= Stamina 
Could go on for hours (with about 15-20 min breaks in between a few rounds) on end, scratch that, all motherfucking night.
  T= Toys
Is a firm believer, in you only need me, so unless it’s like paddle, handcuffs, ect., he’s having none of it, no vibrators, dildos, ect.
 U= Unfair
The biggest will hold of your orgasm for hours just for fun, but don’t worry he makes up for all the ones you've missed
 V= Volume
Isn't loud, kinda sucks at dirty talk but he thinks he’s amazing at it, and you CANNOT convince him otherwise
 W= Wild Card
You know how I said y’all got caught once, it was in a hotel pool, for those of you who don't know, water creates suction. He essentially got stuck inside of you, and y’all had to call for help, it didn’t take too long and the hotel staff wouldn’t have pressed charges if Gilbert wasn’t wasn’t such A dick. He was like “I bet you salty cuz my dicks bigger than yours.” and “My girl is hotter than any girl you've ever been with.” Completely unprovoked, in fact that man just saved you. In conclusion y’all didn’t have to get arrested but y’all did
  X= X-Ray
BIG ASS DICK, five meters is an exaggeration but 7 inches ain’t, uncut
  Y= Yearning 
Is number 6 on my top 10 highest sex drive list, which once again says alot about the people above him
Z= ZZZ (How quickly does he fall asleep after?)
This man does not sleep, like at all. Cuddles you until you sleep, and just does extra cleaning.
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HELLO, these are honestly my favorite write so I’m a happy to post this, also a reminder request are currently closed.
Up next: Nordics reaction to s/o being hit on
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emoryinaboat · 3 years
No one:
My main straight ships in hetalia:
Hungary x Austria: Female knight in shining armor and male damsel in distress.
Czechia x Slovakia: Girlboss x Malewife.
Nyo Germany x Italy: Headstrong, bodystrong lady and her dumb simp boyfriend.
Hungary x Poland: Two strong, badass gender-nonconformists on the two different ends of the spectrum
Spain x Belgium: Himbo defense and damsel sweetheart who could pop a cap in your ass if need be.
Prussia x Ukraine: Sweaty virgin coming to terms with the fact that he's dating a sweet fluffy goddess.
Norway x Belarus: Two terrifying, stunning deities who know they're a prettier couple than you.
Canada x Ukraine: Two soft beans who love eachother s vrr mch but could also kill you on sight.
And all of the women peg, gOODNIGHT-
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crimson-kisses · 3 years
So I just read your Yandere Germany x reader fanfiction. And I just have to say, What if the reader the readers sisters were kind of like Ludwig's family just the opposite. To put the cherry on top, Ludwig's family if Yandere for the readers sisters too ( Like Prussia, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Switzerland's sister ( I forgot her name 😅 ). So when the darling's found out about what happened to their beloved sibling ( Ludwig's s/o ), they. were. Livid. So instead of letting they're Yanderes getting away with what they're doing, they're going to fight back and get they're little sister back. It's basically like " manipulating me and restricting my freedom is one thing, but hunny you're sure as hell isn't going to get away with hurting and ripping apart my family ". Of course the Yanderes doesn't take them seriously. But once all of them mysteriously escape one by one, of course all of them are going to be ripping and running to find their darlings. A few weeks later, they all got a frantic and derange call from a certain german. He was talking about how 5 strange ladies broke into his home, took his darling, and 2 of the 5 ( Probably Prussia's and Austria's darlings. ) beat him bloody. That by its self told all of them that their darlings were more likely responsible for committing an act like that. And that Boo, is how the 2 family's went to war. And it seems like neither of the 2 families are backing down either. But the question is, who will come out on top; the Germanic family or the ( Ludwig's s/o's last name ) family. ( Can you please do separate out comes please. Like " If the Germanic family wins " and " If the ( Ludwig's s/o's last name ) family wins. )
Find out next time on Dragon Ball -
I-I mean, find out when @hittingpetrafromtheback writes this concept. * Cough * Sorry my inner weeb was coming out 😅😳😳.
Basically their darlings escape and beat the shit out of Germany. Well well well,,,,, if it isn’t the consequences of their own actions. Btw I am aware that Hungary is not Germanic per se, but I will add her in this as well. This is a VERY long post, I apologize. I have no idea wtf is this. I wanted to explore this concept.
Warnings for yandere themes! Also this is a lengthy post so I apologize in advance.
Yandere Germanic family x F!reader(s)
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I certainly suppose that the Germanic family + Hungary, has the upper hand when it comes to this than the darlings.
They are nations after all. They have inhuman power, immortality, strength and intelligence. They are very influential as well in their country, also in their regions and have powerful connections.
These nations have been around for centuries, they have experienced much more than any other. All of them know how the world works and would use it to their own advantage.
And the darlings, being humans do not stand much of a chance against them, whether its unfair or not, doesn’t really matter when it comes to facts. Doubtfully they can go to war against them, I mean they are humans not nations. :( they cannot simply just disappear as I have mentioned earlier, they are humans.
They have a lot to offer and bargain with, so other countries would be on the look out for all of you as well. Especially considering that most of them are in organizations, to keep order in their own places, they would help out each other.
Unless the darlings were already intensely trained in a way, they won’t really stand much of a chance. How would they come to know what happened to their sister? Or communicate to initiate such a plan coincidentally? How did they get through the borders? It’s..... very unlikely.
Let us presume they had communication with each other and started planning how to overcome their captors, by analyzing them (which would take time ofc).
But although this scenario is unlikely, as always your ideas are interesting and fun to explore. I am willing to write my thoughts on it- And yes I got excited and went overboard.
Liechtenstein [Elise Vogel]:
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Elise, mostly nicknamed Lily by the others, is a pretty tame, somewhat delusional and obsessive yandere. She is very attentive towards you, talks to you about everything and loves to take care of your needs or wishes.
Life with her is pretty sweet, calm and very homely. Although her brother would intimidate and interrogate you, when he deems it necessary. He also pretty much guards you at first, until you appear to be compliant towards her.
The easiest out of the other family members to escape from, comparatively ofc. She isn’t too tough or rough on you, doesn’t apply ground rules and is almost never aggressive towards you. Although she can be condescendingly sweet at times.
Living in an isolated cabin on one of her own personal farm, where coldness is frequent, it would be hard to run from if you aren’t used to cold weather.
Winning her trust is a must and pleasing her, which is mostly possible by being affectionate and cheerful towards her. Don’t overdo it tho, her brother would notice and along the way so would she.
If she does, she would be overwhelming and would constantly hover over you, asking you questions and mostly keeping an eye on everything you do. She would be concerned and emotional about it. And trust me, Basch and Roderick (being her mentor for many years) will notice that.
If you succeed in gaining her trust, then its somewhat easy to escape her. As long as her attention is not focused on you as she is obsessive. When the right time comes, knock her tf out.
Even if you do run, Elize is great at aiming her targets. Basch has trained her well with guns and albeit being a peaceful young lady, she won’t hesitate using her skills with a gun in order to capture you.
So knock her out after gaining her trust, make sure it’s at the right time and her brothers are nowhere near.
Elize is easy to escape from and her place is also near Germany. It would be pretty easy to reach there and find their sisters. Until she has already alerted the rest of the family, which would alert them about the plan. So you all will have to move quicker than them.
Austria [Roderick Edelstein]:
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Roderick is an observant and a practical man. It simply won’t be easy to quickly gain his trust, with him you have to play the cards right.
Unlike Elize, he will definitely place some ground rules and would expect you to follow them as an obedient lover. He won’t care much about how you feel about it.
You will have to be submissive towards him, tie your apron and quickly analyze the stoic man. He is possessive and manipulative towards you, it would be quite difficult to make him relax.
Either make him food with poison [so it would actually affect him quicker, rather than just making him dizzy since he is a nation so-] or hit him. Hard. But that wouldn’t really work out well, he will quickly notice something is up and hold you down.
Since Roderick doesn’t know much about food or cooking, it will be easier to poison him. You will have to be affectionate towards him and prove your loyalty as well. He would relish in the fact that you are cooking for him and not notice your plan. As long as he isn’t in the kitchen with you, ofc.
If caught you will be punished, humiliated for this behavior. Roderick can be very petty and a sassy piece of shit when he needs to be, its frankly fucking frustrating.
Not that easy to escape from tbh. Best bet? Poison him, make him sick and then swiftly escape and quickly run to Germany. He would be quick to alert the guards at the border too, so move fast and smartly.
Switzerland [Basch Zwingli]:
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Chile. Anyways-
Very hard country to escape from, his borders are throughly guarded and his security is very strict.
The nation would be hard to fool as Basch is naturally very observant, skeptical and distrustful towards others. He won’t trust you that easily and the whole house is locked up, located high on the mountains. It’s an isolated town and very cold, so good luck running way.
As a yandere, Basch is over-protective, overbearing and strict. It’s hard to make him feel at ease, since he is always worried about you.
He will often belittle you down and think of you as a weak person so you won’t get much freedom. And he’s stubborn as fuck too, you will have to be patient which Basch really isn’t.
You will have to be smart, quicker, analytical, alert and mostly submissive.
Submissive to make him feel at ease and trust you. Try to be more like Lily and more dependent on him, notice his moods and react accordingly.
Smart so you don’t fail and so you don’t get fucking beat, he will catch up to your lies and manipulative tactics eventually. And it will be harder to escape.
Quick so you don’t get hit by a bullet and trust me, he has a wide collection of guns and he is not afraid to use it. He will hunt you down and drag your ass back home. Good luck with getting through his upgraded locked system [courtesy of Germany] and the tracker on you :3..... and the cameras.... and the guards.
Advised by Prussia, he will resort to corporal punishments as would Austria. He most won’t likely go to Prussia though as neither would Austria.
They both are prideful, stubborn Germanic men so they won’t (thankfully) ask him for any advice since it would hurt their ego. Same with Hungary.
The moment you slip tf up- no one is going anywhere. Borders are throughly guarded and the nations are tying their darlings down- all the nations, no one is taking any chances.
Hungary [Erzsebeta Herdévary]:
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Unstable to the max.
Good for you, she won’t be able to function practically once she has her grasps on you, being very enthusiastic about that.
A somewhat possessive, protective and obsessive yandere. She is always hovering over you and won’t let you out of her sight, and is damn strong too.
She is very affectionate, protective and passionate towards you. Smothering you with her cuddles and always clutching your arm in a deadly grasp.
The only moment you would be able to escape, is when she is distracted. Which is hard with you around, when she is busy, exhausted, distracted and pretty much a bundle of mess- hit & run. Or just sneak out. Fast.
Hurry tf up srsly.
Hungary is far from Germany, to go there you will have to cross Poland or Austria, both nations are close to her and won’t hesitate to close their borders and capture you quickly. So be quick.
When Erzsebeta notices you are gone, she would be distraught but also she is very damn fucking pissed. Her hunter instincts will kick in and she will hunt you down. This women is not to be underestimated.
Hun, you better hope you are far far away because Erzsebeta will harshly punish you. She can be sadistic when she does punish, her punishments are mostly sexual and humiliating.
She is like Germany in that aspect, consider yourself heavily guarded and observed from now on. It’s hard to gain her trust, although she would still be loving towards you.
Your privileges would be revoked and you would be similar to a doll to her. She won’t let you do anything on you own anymore, controlling your every move.
It would take months before she will cool down but would still belittle and be sadistic towards you.
Basically hide yourself, be quick enough and run to Germany. You should be prioritizing your life rn anyways.
Prussia [Gilbert Beilschmeidt]:
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Just..... don’t. Don’t do it.
Gilbert is not to be underestimated. So run as fast as you can and don’t even think of turning back.
Escaping would be very hard, so would be planning any shenanigans. Your electronics are already hacked and tracked, the man is spying on you 24/7. Mtf doesn’t even sleep much and even if he is, he is still alert.
You won’t be able to manipulate him, all of your attempts would be shot down or he would simply play along with it. Gilbert would pry any stuff out of you and keep a keen eye on your actions. He will twist your words around and play with your mind.
He would use your scent for his dogs, which unlike Germany’s cute dogs (not to be underestimated tho) are military trained and brutal when need to be. They will track your scent and hunt you down, even without their owner.
Unlike the others on this list, he doesn’t fall in love that easily. That’s why he gathers any information about you, it’s an obsession, a newfound curiosity, a desperation perhaps, that turns into love eventually.
Hence why he is more dangerous and willing to get dirty, unlike the others. Gilbert doesn’t care about wreaking your mental health.
There’s more I want to say but that is for another day. This is getting too long.
So, you escape somehow, or maybe you weren’t kidnapped yet which is more likely. Make sure not to converse with anyone, hide yourself, don’t stay anywhere for too long, drop your electronics, dye your hair and just disappear.
Good thing you are already in Germany. Or maybe it’s a bad thing. Depends on how pissed Prussia is.
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Germany would be able to take down 5 inexperienced women or even strong military men easily. Dude is a hardened soldier, mix that with Prussia’s strict and harsh training and you have got a hard obstacle to deal with.
Best bet? Knock him out [which is hard], don’t try to fight him or drug him [again it’s hard], make him drunk [kinda hard] and then beat the shit out of him. Make sure he is isolated and tied up tho. [again it’s hard].
So y’all beat the shit out of him or just the two of you. After that it’s better to quickly hide and run far away from Europe itself. Or in the middle of the fucking Ocean.
Darling’s family wins:
Y’all gotta be avengers or some shit to pull this off fr.
Life would be very tough from now on, the entire Europe would be in search for you until many years later [80yrs, yes you heard me hun, they are immortal after all]. Even if you are old, you will die with them by your side.
Remember Germany is the powerhouse of the EU. He has influence and power, this adds on to Prussia as well, basically all the EU countries are looking out for you. America, Japan and Russia would be as well, by the request (Japan)/bribe (Russia)/blackmail (America) of Prussia.
Ever heard of Visegrád Group? Yeah almost everyone is on the lookout.
The rest of your lives would be tough and you will have to be careful about your every movement, live in constant nerve wrecking anxiety. These nations will be distraught and desperately on the lookout for you. They have means to resources and money that you don’t. Not to mention their hired spies, even criminals and many forces behind your trail. All the borders are closed and have tightened security too.
Your numbers are your disadvantages btw. As many darlings escape, many nations and their allies, will start looking for you.
Germanic family wins:
Most likely to happen.
This can go two ways- either the escape plans were futile or y’all got caught after hurting Germany. Better hope it’s the former one especially if you are Prussia’s darling.
If the escape plans are futile then you most likely won’t be getting punished because you didn’t really escape, albeit planned to do so.
Eliza would be very upset and end up calling her brother, which will end up in threatening and a tracker if you escaped but got caught before reaching Germany. God forbid if you hurt her.
Basch would be very demeaning and irritated, he will shoot down all your manipulative attempts and tie you down along with a shock collar. He won’t take any bullshit.
Roderick would be smug af. Along with being very petty and taunting your intelligence, he will make you feel small and pathetic in his presence. You will have a chain with a tracker and a camera. He is annoyed and irritated tbh.
Erzsebeta is very pissed off and suffocates you with her demanding antics, was she not good enough for you? Did she not provide for you?. She will not be used like this. Expect to have chains around you and a tracker.
Oh boy Prussia- Gilbert would be disappointed- not at you- but himself. He basically wasn’t swift enough or was too careless [which he barely is], this will make him more driven and serious in his search for you and by the reluctant requests of the others, for others as well.
Now he will simply kidnap you and take you away from everyone, your connections would be cut and you will be watched. But- if you hurt his dear little brother- he will be very furious and let’s just say, you won’t be able to walk for a long time. He’s brutal, cruel and merciless. Forget Basch’s wrath.
Basically, the nations would tighten their hold on you. Enforce some security guards and systems, they will be more strict and cut off their darlings’ privileges. All the other nations around them too, they won’t be having any shit like that and would tie up their darlings.
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A/N: Finally I finished one ask at least, sorry for the slow update everyone! This was somewhat descriptive so it was rather hard to write ^~^. I will be focusing on answering other asks and won’t be answering any chats/convos at the moment! Hope you all understand.
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rank classic fandom ships!
Classic Fandom Ships huh? Okiiii if I miss any let me know
1-5: negative possible incest out of 5 (quote my friend Lemon)
Do I ship it?: I’d rather get a booster shoot, thanks.
General Feelings: I can’t ship ships when one character raised the other, even if it’s an au where it didn’t happen, knowing that England is a caretaker to him in that way just kills it for me. There’s no way to make having a crush on someone you raised, distant or not, not be weird. No matter what that’s going to come off creepy. Doesn’t even matter if they’re blood related or anything. It’s still the idea of one nation being an adult while the other raised them since they were a little kid. It gives me the same vibe as dating your childhood babysitter. If you want this dynamic, why not try PruEng, DenEng or PortEng, same sunshine x raincloud aesthetic with 0% creepy under tones.
TLDR: You’re just in it for the Cute Jock x Angry Nerd dynamic and it shows.
2. GerIta (Ive already talked about.)
TLDR: If fandom ships were ice cream, GerIta would be vanilla. It’s a base line, it’s fine as it is and some people hate it for that exact reason. I like vanilla, it’s alright.
3. FRUK (Ive already talked about)
TLDR: 11/10 would pirate fight again.
4. Rochu (Ive already talked about)
TLDR: It vibes. It just vibes.
5. Spamano
1-5: -5
Do I ship it?: I’d rather not, thanks.
General Feelings: I just never liked spamano, again the Angry x Sunshine (which isnt what Romano is, but it’s how it’s often written) isn’t really fun to me? I used to hate it cause I don’t like tsundere’s in writing style cause I personally cannot understand them. Like my brain does not register well with aggressive insults being seen as compliments because it’s from X person. But that’s just me, I don’t do that shit I think “tsundere” needs to die. But that’s beside the point.
I don’t like it now for two reasons. One because of the same thing I said with USUK, I’m not comfortable with shipping pairs where one raised the other, no matter what it’s gonna be weird dynamic wise. Two is in my mind the merits of Spain as an older brother or father figure to Romano mean more than him as a love interest. It can create a lot of dynamics that are more fun both between Romano and Spain and Romano and his brother. It creates a situation where one is often in the position the other wanted. 
Vene having more money and general social support, but often having to play along in cherry high class situations which makes a lot of his relations, especially with Austria, feel kind of hallow. While Romano was more poor and seen as low class and crass, but he has much more honest and deep relationships with the small group of people he cares for. it creates situations where the brothers can envy one another and I dont know. I just like it better than leaving Romano with only something like Rome and letting Vene have Hungary and Austria.
TLDR: Let Romano have a father figure please he’s earned it.
6. PruAus
1-5: -2
Do I ship it?: No
General Feelings: If you like Prussia with someone slightly uptight and orderly, why not just use England instead? Their personalities work better together cause at least then he gets a partner that understands him being a feral punk gremlin. I’m biased in this regard I don’t like Austria as a character so take with a grain of salt. But I never cared for the dynamic. The only PruAus thing I ever liked with bubblyernie’s ask art school prussia blog, and that’s it. It feels like the rivalry dynamic but it doesn’t get to the fun part for me, but again I also get that I have a bias.
TLDR: Meh.
7. PruHun
1-5: 5
Do I ship it?: Y e s
General Feelings: I just like the idea of them being strong feral gremlins on horseback together. Powerful generals, good friends, just the idea of excited forest heathens on adventures. I don’t know, it’s just fun. If not romantic they would be ride or die friends and I cannot be convinced otherwise.
TLDR: 10/10 would feral gremlin in the woods again.
8. AusHun
1-5: -2
Do I ship it?: No
General Feelings:I never liked cause I always saw Hungary change around Austria versus other people, especially Prussia. Plus they’re canonly divorced. I’m not an expert on Hungary, but I just don’t care for it. There’s better ships. Though again, I am biased.
TLDR: Let them stay divorced, Hungary deserves better,
9. PruCan
1-5: 0
Do I ship it?: Nah
General Feelings: Nothing really to say on PruCan, I just see them as friends and ship them with other people. They’d be good gaming friends tho absolutely 110% catch those two raiding together. They’re gaming nerd buddies and I can respect that.
10. SuFin
1-5: -3
Do I ship it?: Fuck No.
General Feelings: I really don’t. I just don’t like it. I know mainline ship but I just- Every time I want to talk about the Nordics it comes up. I’m not well versed in Nordics. But every single time I try to talk about Finland, or any of the nordics. BUT ESPECIALLY FINLAND, it devolves into how Sweden plays into it, or how SuFin plays into it. Like I cannot talk about Finland without him being treated as Sweden’s accessory and it infuriates me. Let Finland be his own god damn character and then maybe I’ll like SuFin cause he’s never given his time to shine without having it feed into someone else.
TLDR: Finland is no one’s wife, fuck off.
11. DenNor
1-5: 0
Do I ship it?: Nah
General Feelings: Again, I never knew much about the Nordics, but the basic of the ship when I first saw it was ‘haha Norway chokes Denmark with his tie what a tsun-tsun hur hur’, which makes me really uncomfortable... as someone who doesn’t vibe with abuse=romantic feelings. I like NorFin myself, and Denmark is a ball of sunshine. I don’t hate it but it’s not really good.
TLDR: Why was the tie choking thing seen as funny/romantic? Am I missing something??
12. RusAme
1-5: 4
Do I ship it?: Sure
General Feelings: While it’s not my immediate first pick romance wise, I thoroughly enjoy all the RusAme there is out there. If not lovers, I still see them as ride or die friends. Because they’re both freakishly strong I feel like they’re the only ones who can really cut loose and use their full strength on one another even in the most small ways and it means the world to them that they can do that. No holding back just full open honesty with each other. Also the fact that it’s canon that people think they hate each other and they’re just like ‘nah man we pals’ is fucking great.
TLDR: Rock on you funky space lads.
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