#saadie responds
bite-sized-devil · 1 year
The first time Beel is inside you...
He's amazed. How could one, tiny little human like yourself, take all of him? And so well? It's dizzying how tight you are, but nothing compares to the heaven that is you in your entirety.
He was never sure any human could take him, and then you came along. Beel knows he's big... And you completely rocked his world the first time you let him take you. Slowly, inch by inch... He couldn't have asked for it to go any better. You took all of him, and fuck, you looked so good beneath him like that, all scrunched up beneath him in a mating press.
His hunger doesn't seem as ravenous with you like this because now, this is all he can dream of. You were far more satisfying than any meal when he's balls deep inside you. His under now only focused on completely consuming you with rapturous joy.
And when you came apart on his huge cock? Well... Let's just say that made him even hungrier for more of you.
Oh? You want him to fill you up?
He's done for. Gone. Deceased. Obliterated.
You? Want his cum? Inside you?
He had to make sure he heard that right because he would love nothing more than to stuff you full. He's got so many rounds to go, he hopes you're okay with that. He hopes you're okay with leaking his cum for the next week from how much he's about to spill round for round, all night long.
Though, he wouldn't mind eating some of it out of you, too. Do you think he forgot about really tasting you? Hah, think again. That demon will be between your legs quite a few times that night because there's just nothing as delicious as you or your essence mixed with his. His little master is just so mouth-watering, he hopes you won't mind if he just stays there for an hour or three.
And when you two are done, he'll hold you until you fall asleep, and then quietly get up to grab a snack before returning to catch some Z's with you for just a bit longer.
After all, you need your rest. Because he is the Avatar of Gluttony, and he'll be ready for more soon enough.
👑😈 Anon, holy smokes you need to get out of my brain hey!
I was legitimately daydreaming thinking about how BIG Beel is and how shocked he would be at me MC taking him completely.
Fuck and then the cum eating, seriously again GET OUT OF MY BRAIN.
Are you secretly my smut twin? What is happening. How do you know what I like? Are you a god? What is it? I love you!
I've re-read this like 10x and I'm still hot for it. I need (to fuck) some air. A cold shower. Some spaghetti (unrelated I'm just really fanging for some)
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daimonclub · 8 months
Rules, life and literature
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Rules of life Rules, life and literature, ideas, quotations, aphorisms and opinions about the wise rules to move on well in life, dealing with all the different situations of the human existence. Humans arose, rather, as a fortuitous and contingent outcome of thousands of linked events, any one of which could have occurred differently and sent history on an alternative pathway that would not have led to consciousness. Stephen Jay Gould At age 17, she was rejected from college. At age 25, her mother died from disease. At age 26, she suffered a miscarriage. At age 27, she got married. Her husband abused her. Despite this, her daughter was born. At age 28, she got divorced and was diagnosed with severe depression. At age 29, she was a single mother living on welfare. At age 30, she didn't want to be on this earth. But, she directed all her passion into doing the one thing she could do better than anyone else. And that was writing. At age 31, she finally published her first book. At age 35, she had released 4 books, and was named Author of the Year. At age 42, she sold 11 million copies of her new book, on the first day of release. This woman is J.K. Rowling. Remember how she considered suicide at age 30? Today, Harry Potter is a global brand worth more than $15 billion dollars. Never give up. Believe in yourself. Be passionate. Work hard. It’s never too late. St. Michael’s Shield of Truth Prayer St. Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against truth. Help us to seethe righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. Evil people always support each other; that is their chief strength. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Just when I discovered the meaning of life, they changed it. George Carlin Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiation - creation - there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The trouble with the world is not that people know too little; it's that they know so many things that just aren't so. Mark Twain Two percent of the people think; three percent of the people think they think; and ninety-five percent of the people would rather die than think. George Bernard Shaw Sadness is caused by intelligence, the more you understand certain things, the more you wish you didn’t understand them. Charles Bukowski
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Life rules and literature Wisdom overcomes fortune. Decimus Junius Juvenalis It's not wise to violate rules until you know how to observe them. T.S. Eliot The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Bertrand Russell The trouble with the world is not that people know too little; it's that they know so many things that just aren't so. Mark Twain A noble heart will refuse happiness built on misfortune of others. Saadi The more unintelligent a man is, the less mysterious existence seems to him. Arthur Schopenhauer For all evils, there are two remedies - time and silence. Alexandre Dumas Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment. Lao Tzu He who dares not offend cannot be honest. Thomas Paine All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Edmund Burke Nothing is more fairly distributed than common sense: no one thinks he needs more of it than he already has. Rene Descartes Money is flat and meant to be piled up. Scottish Proverb If I ever marry it will be on a sudden impulse, as a man shoots himself. H. L. Mencken If you allow men to use you for your own purposes, they will use you for theirs. Aesop If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects. Albert Einstein The mark of a civilized man is his willingness to re-examine his most cherished beliefs. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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Social life and friends The modernist writers found despair inspirational. Mason Cooley No one's fate is of any interest to you except your own. Mikhail Bulgakov Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment. Sun Tzu Show respect to people who don't even deserve it; not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours. Dave Willis We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Norman Macewan What a man takes in by contemplation, that he pours out in love. Meister Eckhart First appearance deceives many. Phaedrus Force is that which rules the actions without regulating the will. Saying One of the best things to do sometimes is simply to be. Eric Butterworth To be continued ... Don’t miss these other similar posts: 100 golden quotes and aphorisms 100 best quotes and aphorisms 100 famous quotes and aphorisms 100 memorable quotes and aphorisms 100 top great quotes and aphorisms 100 great quotes on love Great and famous philosophy quotes Rules, life and literature Business life quote Quotes by authors Quotes by arguments Thoughts and reflections Read the full article
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delaimaginacion · 3 years
-El problema Le fue planteado a un sabio el siguiente problema: —Un hombre está en un aposento, a solas con una joven a quien ama. La puerta está bien cerrada, los sirvientes duermen y el galán se estremece de deseo. Como dice el árabe: 'Maduro está el dátil y el guardián del oasis no impide cogerlo'… ¿Tal vez rezando con fervor podrá este hombre vencer la tentación? ¿Qué respondes? —Quizás se salve la joven; mas no se salvará de los murmuradores.
Saadi, en El jardín de las rosas
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fundacionidriesshah · 4 years
Abriendo otra puerta
P: ¿Por qué los Sufis, en la  literatura y aparentemente también en vivo, toleran a otros que a menudo son obtusos y que parecen cometer  errores en comprender algo de la naturaleza más elemental?
R: Esto es difícil de responder plenamente a menos que sepamos a qué casos nos referimos. Sin embargo, hay dos circunstancias bajo las cuales esto ocurre frecuentemente:
1. Cuando el intercambio es tolerado para ilustrar a otros: “hablando a la pared de modo que la puerta pueda escuchar”; y también para que la persona   pueda “despertar”, aunque no necesariamente en ese momento. 2. Cuando la gente es  obtusa porque está suprimiendo inconscientemente su percepción de los hechos o de la verdad. Hay mucha gente que actúa en contra de sus fidedignos y certeros impulsos por alguna razón transgresora. Esta razón en general se debe a que algo en ellos teme la  er ouste de la verdad, sea porque esto los trastorna o porque son parcialmente hipócritas.
Esta tendencia, por cierto, ilustra casos en los que la gente, intentando adivinar una carta o un dado, comete tantos errores que es estadísticamente imposible que esté equivocada tantas veces. Esto ha mostrado que hay personas que de hecho están adivinando correctamente, pero que algún censor interno les impide admitirlo y realmente invierte los hechos.
El “censor” es esa parte del Yo Dominante: la personalidad artificial que busca proteger los modos de pensamiento existentes de la persona, quien por lo tanto está sufriendo un conflicto interno: una de sus mitades conoce la verdad y la quiere, admitiéndola en su cerebro; la otra mitad inhibe la aceptación de este hecho, ya que está dedicada a mantener lo que considera un equilibrio. Si admitiese la verdad – así es como razona – debería enfrentarse con lo desconocido; teme que la personalidad cambiaría, o que la persona estaría entonces motivada por algo más (la verdad), no por el pequeño manojo de ideas y reacciones con las cuales está familiarizada.
Mientras mantengas ciertas puertas abiertas, tales como la puerta de imaginar que puedes dominar tu propio aprendizaje con herramientas insuficientes, no podrás abrir – y atravesar – la puerta de una comprensión mayor. Es por esto que Saadi, por ejemplo, dice (en su Bostan, el Huerto): “La puerta de la iluminación está abierta para quienes otras puertas están cerradas.”
El yo dominante Puedes leer este libro, gratis, aquí: http://idriesshahfoundation.org/es/libros/el-yo-dominante/
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wisdomrays · 5 years
Soil and Rose
QUESTION: Sheikh Saadi states: “Be soil, so that you grow roses; nothing other than soil can grow roses.” What meanings does this aphorism suggest pertaining to our understanding of servanthood to God?
ANSWER: If we first look at the literal meaning of this aphorism, we can say the following:
Roses only grow in soil. As it is not possible for a rose to grow from granite, marble or iron, it also cannot grow from silver, gold, emerald or ruby even though these materials are held by people as so precious.
Actually, the fact people are buried in the soil when they die, suggests the same meaning. The body of a deceased person is not cast aside; rather it is buried in the ground so that it grows otherworldly roses in the beyond. You can attribute it to the truth about the last coccyx bone or some other interpretation. Human beings contain such an essence that God Almighty resurrects them through it. However, one who has let himself decay spiritually in this world, will not be able to grow as a rose in the realm of Paradise.
The pinnacle of servanthood: Prostration
Soil represents both modesty and humility. Although it is trampled underfoot, with God’s permission and grace it serves as a source of life for people and other beings. Therefore, if a person is like the soil, as long as he remains modest and sees himself as nothing despite any position he is elevated to, as long as he remains a humble servant to God, he will always rise and bear fruit. However, a person who assumes greatness and tries to fly in the air will fall headfirst one day.
In this respect, a person must be humble in accordance with the favors and blessings that God has bestowed upon him. You can visualize this truth by thinking about the essential movements in Prayer. For example, a person who makes the opening takbir, “Allahu Akbar,” sees his position before God as insufficient and humbly bows before Him in a form of reverence. Afterwards, the person virtually says: “My God I am so thankful to You, for You have given me the opportunity to worship You thus, how great You are! How exalted You are! Given that You are the only One who is great, what falls to me is insignificance. However, I cannot express this while standing on my feet. Here I lower myself before You as much as possible.” With these feelings, the person prostrates before his Lord. Then he says: “O God, Thanks are for You my Lord, for Your blessing me with the opportunity to worship You thus. How great You are! How exalted You are!” Then he sits back beseechingly. As if the person has caught a glimpse of Him, he finds the first prostration insufficient and prostrates himself again.
Remember the following saying of the Pride of Humanity, peace and blessings be upon him: “The closest that a servant of God is to his Lord is while he is prostrating,” Thus he stated that there is no state in which a person can be closer to God other than prostration. This meaning is expressed in a poem as:
Head and feet both on the ground, the Prayer rug kisses the forehead.
For closeness to God, here is the road.
The disaster of laying claim to achievements
So how close a person will be to God is determined in accordance with the degree of his modesty and humility. Actually, this is the general attitude of a genuine believer when confronted with the showers of blessings bestowed by God. Such a believer becomes more and more humbled before the infinite blessings of the Beneficent Lord, he places his head on the ground and declares his nothingness before the Infinite.
In this respect, those who have dedicated themselves to serving their religion, country and people must never lay claim to achievements, no matter how high a position they are promoted to. They must always retain humility and not entertain any expectations other than God’s good pleasure. They must not attach their hearts to any worldly or otherworldly returns. People devoted to serving humanity on the path of truth must not cherish any ideas such as, “Let me settle this worldly affair of mine; let me have a house where I can live comfortably; let my child achieve this advantageous position...” In addition, they must not associate the services that they carry out with entering Paradise or being saved from Hell, as they must expect these as unmerited favors from Divine grace, providence and protection.
Those who fill their pockets and form money pools whilst claiming they are serving the nation, are obviously lying as their actions show. They seek to gain worldly positions and have expectations such as popularity, applause, appreciation and becoming the center of attention for the services they carry out. These denote hypocrisy, egotism and daring to be so insolent as to bargain with God. Those who lay claim to success and achievements, which are but Divine favors, who ascribe these to their own cleverness, intellect, perspicacity and sagacity and thus boast like pharaohs, may have this opportunity today. However, tomorrow they will lose in utter failure what they have in their hands today. Just as they insolently stick their noses in the air today, tomorrow they will eat humble pie with their noses rubbing in the dust. This is the Divine Custom, which has never changed.
Be manure, so that you fertilize roses!
It is out of the question for a real believer to take advantage of certain accomplishments for personal gain, or to grow insolent and boastful with the lightheadedness of victory. In the face of favors bestowed by the Divine, a real believer acts with considerations such as, “I wonder whether I can propagate a suitable environment to encourage new roses to flourish by returning to the soil with my roses, flowers, leaves and roots?”
Even if a believer becomes a rose garden and flourishes so vigorously that nightingales flock all around and start singing for him, he must still have the awareness to fall back to the soil in modesty as rose petals for the sake of making new roses grow. It is our duty, in the face of the bountiful showers of blessings bestowed by God, to further deepen our effacement, modesty and humility. When others talk about us with appreciation, we should be able to say, “How strange, what did we do wrong that these people are singing our praises, which to us is like swearing!”
From the perspective of causality, if we are to ascribe the services carried out to a cause other than God Almighty, they should be ascribed to the concord and unity between believers. One should remember that God Almighty accepts concord and unity as an expectant look directed toward Him, and He responds positively to those who turn to Him. Concord and unity are the most important means of Divine guidance and assistance.
Consider the meaning of the verse:
“He has attuned their (the believers’) hearts. If you had spent all that is on the earth, you could not have attuned their hearts, but God has attuned them. Surely He is All-Glorious with irresistible might, All-Wise” (al-Anfal 8:63).
As it is also pointed out here, what really matters is God’s help, protection and guarding. As long as we commit to Him, He will favor us bounteously, turning our one into thousands. He expresses His greatness by letting a drop carry out a task, which would normally require an entire sea. Similarly, He may employ an atom instead of a sun, or an ant instead of a rhinoceros; because one of God’s ways of expressing His greatness is through realizing great tasks by using very little things.
Become so merged with the soil that even your grave will be unknown
God is sufficient, the rest is empty desire. We do not need applause, appreciation or flattery. We must serve God with the utmost humility and modesty, become fixed on gaining His good pleasure and then be buried in soil again in order to serve as a seed for a new rose. Let alone seeking appreciation in our lifetime, we should not even have such a desire and expectation as, “Let a huge crowd attend my funeral.” You should even regard the conventional statements during your funeral ceremony about your being a good person as idle talk and never forget that what really matters is maintaining a sound relationship with God Almighty.
If we have to have some expectations for the services we carry out let them be that the spirit of the noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is revived and pervades the four corners of the earth. However, even in this respect we should not insist that we personally see the results, but leave the issue to the decree of Divine Will. It is not correct to prioritize anything other than what He wills. We want and wish, but cannot know what He wills. Some souls with a propensity to be like coal will never embrace right guidance and become like a diamond, even if we wish it. Though we are resolute and persistent, so that God Almighty and His Messenger will set a throne in hearts, we leave the result to God alone and welcome His judgment and decree.
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libertariantaoist · 5 years
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The New Cold War
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Korean Peace
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
gimmie ur top three dad jokes 💀
Okkie okkie okkie!!
1. Why can't the chicken cross the road?
Bicaaaaauuuse (sounds like b'caaaaaawk) 🤣
2. Did you hear about the dog that lost both is leftside limbs? He's all RIGHT now!
3. And three the classic
Beel: "I'm hungry"
MC: "Hi hungry I'm MC"
Belphie: "... Kill yourself."
Slumber party questions
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fastworldnews1 · 3 years
Flooded roads and traffic jams as torrential rain hits parts of Karachi
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Heavy monsoon rain lashed parts of Karachi yet again on Thursday, leaving roads flooded, cars submerged and commuters struggling to reach their destinations.
No casualties were immediately reported in the latest spell that began in the afternoon and disrupted life across the city in a matter of a few hours.
Videos and pictures shared on social media showed numerous areas, especially in the city's Central district, inundated with rainwater and vehicles submerged up to their wheels. A large truck could be seen lying on its side near Nagan Chowrangi as residents waded through the water with their motorcycles and cars.
According to Karachi police, traffic flow was affected due to accumulated rainwater from Liaquatabad to Teen Hatti, Jinnah Bridge Turning to ICI, and Jahangir road to Gurumandir, at Gurumandir Chowk, Karsaz to Pir Bukhari, FTC to Avari, PIB in front of Central Jail, Murshid Bazar, Tibet to Regal, Tibet Chowk, Patel Para, Lasbela Chowk, Denso Hall, Regent Plaza to FTC, Anklesaria Chowk, Shaheed-e-Millat turning, Nagan Chowrangi, Club Chowk, and Aiwan-i-Saddar road.
Police advised residents to tune into SPFM 88.6 for traffic updates and call 1915 (021-99216356-58) to seek assistance.
The highest amount of rainfall was recorded by 2pm in Surjani Town at 70 millimetres. It was followed by PAF Base Faisal (36mm), Nazimabad (18mm), Airport Old Area (14.2mm), Jinnah Terminal (10.2mm), Saadi Town (7.2mm), Quaidabad (5.5mm) and University Road (5.2mm).
While out on a post-rain tour of the city, Karachi Administrator Barrister Murtaza Wahab said areas such as North Nazimabad, New Karachi and North Karachi saw flooding because of problems with the Green Line bus project infrastructure where two small pipes were unable to carry all the water.
He said while one side of the Nagan Chowrangi road was "completely clear", the other side was inundated because rainwater had been blocked by the Green Line structure. The flow of water started after work was done to clear the pipeline, Wahab added.
Responding to criticism directed at the Sindh government in the aftermath of today's rain, the PPP leader said, "Those railing against the Sindh government were saying [only] 10 days ago that rainwater did not accumulate in Karachi because the federal government had cleared the city's nullahs. Where are these people now who were taking the credit?"
K-Electric, meanwhile, said its staff were working to restore electricity in the areas where rain caused blackouts. It said power supply was continuing through more than 1,850 feeders.
The power utility urged residents to exercise caution to prevent electrocution incidents.
On Tuesday, the Met department had forecast rain/thunderstorms in Sindh from September 22 till Sept 25, saying monsoon currents were expected to penetrate into the province.
“Under the influence of this system, rain-thunderstorms with isolated heavy falls and occasional gusty winds are likely in Tharparkar, Umerkot, Sanghar and Badin districts during Sept 22-25,” the department’s advisory stated.
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diariodecampinas · 3 years
Covid: MPT amplia prazo para Campinas responder sobre afastamento de servidores da educação com comorbidades
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Ministério Público do Trabalho aceitou pedido da prefeitura e novo prazo para administração se manifestar é 7 de junho. Salas de aula têm capacidade limitada a 35% e permanência por até 3h Reprodução/EPTV O Ministério Público do Trabalho (MPT) aceitou o pedido de Campinas (SP) e concedeu mais oito dias para que a administração responda ao despacho que determina o afastamento do trabalho presencial todos os funcionários da educação que possuem comorbidades (doenças preexistentes) relacionadas à Covid-19. O despacho aceitando a dilação do prazo foi feito nesta sexta-feira (28) pela procuradora Clarissa Ribeiro Schinestsck, e a prefeitura tem agora até o dia 7 de junho para se manifestar. A determinação, assinada inicialmente no dia 18 de maio, faz parte do inquérito que acompanha o retorno das aulas nas escolas da rede municipal e também inclui o afastamento dos trabalhadores da educação que estão em tratamento de câncer e fazem uso de medicamentos imunodepressores e quimioterápicos. Prefeito de Campinas, Dário Saadi (Republicanos) disse em coletiva nesta terça-feira (25), data em que venceu o prazo inicial de oito dias dado pelo MPT, que o Departamento de Vigilância em Saúde (Devisa) ainda estava finalizando a análise do documento. Na ocasião, o chefe do Executivo afirmou que a autoridade sanitária do município é o Devisa e que a decisão de afastamento ou não será baseada na conduta definida pela Vigilância, ainda que o MPT tenha despachado sobre o tema. “A autoridade sanitária, por lei, pela Constituição brasileira, é a Vigilância em Saúde da Prefeitura de Campinas, no caso a Vigilância Sanitária, a Vigilância Epidemiológica. (…) A nossa conduta será baseada no órgão oficial de autoridade sanitária do município, que é a Vigilância Sanitária do município de Campinas”, ressaltou o prefeito. Afastamento Segundo o despacho, o retorno ao trabalho presencial dos trabalhadores deve ocorrer somente após a vacinação deles. As comorbidades consideradas pela procuradora foram definidas no Protocolo de Manejo Clínico da Covid-19 na Atenção Especializada, do Ministério da Saúde. Veja abaixo: cardiopatias graves ou descompensadas (insuficiência cardíaca, infartados, revascularizados, portadores de arritmias, hipertensão arterial sistêmica descompensada); pneumopatias graves ou descompensadas (dependentes de oxigênio, portadores de asma moderada/grave, Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica – DPOC); imunodeprimidos; doentes renais crônicos em estágio avançado (graus 3, 4 e 5); e diabéticos. Caso a prefeitura descumpra o despacho, o MPT pode mover uma ação civil pública para pedir que a Justiça determine o afastamento sob pena de sanções. Retomada durante pandemia Na rede municipal, as aulas presenciais foram reiniciadas em 26 de abril nas escolas de ensino fundamental, após 13 meses de suspensão por conta da pandemia. Já nas creches, o retorno presencial ocorreu em 3 de maio. As atividades nas escolas estaduais e particulares foram retomadas em 19 de abril. Antes do reinício, o Departamento de Vigilância em Saúde (Devisa) inspecionou as escolas para identificar quais deveriam passar por adequações para cumprir as regras sanitárias de afastamento entre carteiras e medidas de higiene. Além disso, o MPT definiu que as profissionais de educação grávidas fossem afastadas. “As servidoras gestantes da Secretaria da Educação de Campinas foram afastadas das atividades presenciais. A medida antecedeu a sanção da lei federal que determina o afastamento de trabalhadoras grávidas de atividades presenciais durante a pandemia”, informou o órgão. Regras das aulas presenciais Retorno híbrido, com aulas presenciais e por meio da plataforma digital. Presença dos alunos não é obrigatória. Pais ou responsáveis podem decidir se enviam os estudantes. Capacidade das salas de aula ficará restrita a 35% tanto durante a fase de transição quanto nas etapas vermelha e laranja do Plano São Paulo. Todos os profissionais e os estudantes vão usar máscaras, já que receberão kits com os equipamentos de proteção. O kit dos alunos terá quatro máscaras não descartáveis e álcool gel individual. Os professores, além das máscaras, também contarão com protetor facial (face shield). As carteiras serão disponibilizadas com um distanciamento de 1,5 metro e totens com álcool gel serão distribuídos em pontos estratégicos das escolas. O tempo de permanência dos alunos nas escolas foi reduzido de cinco para três horas, o que diminui o período de exposição e dá mais prazo para limpeza da unidade entre um turno e outro. Os alunos dos dois turnos terão duas refeições cada (café da manhã e almoço ou almoço e café da tarde). Alunos da educação integral, do ensino fundamental, terão aulas presenciais todos os dias. VÍDEOS: Tudo sobre Campinas e região Veja mais notícias da região no G1 Campinas.
The post Covid: MPT amplia prazo para Campinas responder sobre afastamento de servidores da educação com comorbidades first appeared on Diario de Campinas. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3wAfQVI via IFTTT
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noticiasindaiatuba · 3 years
Casa onde criança era mantida acorrentada no barril é invadida e vandalizada em Campinas
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Tio confirma que residência ficou destruída e diretor do Deinter-2 condena tentativa de ‘justiça com as próprias mãos’, ressaltando que ato é crime passível de pena de até seis meses de prisão; menino de 11 anos permanece internado e foi transferido de unidade durante o tratamento contra a desnutrição. Casa onde menino era mantido acorrentado em barril foi invadida e vandalizada por vizinhos, em Campinas (SP) Wagner Souza/Futura Press/Futura Press/Estadão Conteúdo A casa onde uma criança de 11 anos era mantida acorrentada em um barril de ferro, em Campinas (SP), foi invadida e vandalizada na noite da última segunda-feira (1º). O ato é considerado crime de dano ao patrimônio, previsto no Código Penal, e que pode render de um a seis meses de detenção. À EPTV, afiliada TV Globo, o tio do menino confirmou que a residência ficou “destruída”. Móveis, alimentos e objetos diversos foram revirados e vandalizados no imóvel localizado no Jardim Itatiaia. O pai do menino, a namorada dele e a filha dela estão presos e vão responder por tortura. O garoto segue internado. O delegado José Henrique Ventura, diretor do Departamento de Polícia Judiciária de São Paulo Interior (Deinter 2), condenou a atitude que, de acordo com moradores da região, teria sido cometida por alguns vizinhos indignados com a situação. “Isso é dano doloso. Depredar patrimônio público ou particular é crime de dano, e se muita gente estiver envolvida, pode até caracterizar uma associação criminosa. Não se pode fazer justiça com as próprias mãos”, alerta Ventura. Segundo o diretor do Deinter 2, o vandalismo no imóvel não prejudica o andamento do inquérito, uma vez que a parte pericial no local já havia sido realizada no fim de semana, após o resgate do garoto por policiais militares no sábado (30). “A perícia já recolheu o que tinha de recolher, fotografou o que tinha de fotografar”, diz. Para que a Polícia Civil possa instaurar o procedimento contra os invasores, é preciso que as vítimas, ou um representante delas, faça a representação. No entanto, não houve registro da ocorrência até a tarde desta terça-feira (2). Tortura repercute na vizinhança Mãe de dois filhos, uma mulher de 30 anos, que mora próximo da casa da família, conta que a notícia sobre a tortura vivida pelo menino, que além de permanecer acorrentado sofria com alimentação precária, deixou todos horrorizados. “Olha, quando mandaram os vídeos com o menino, fiquei horrorizada com a situação. Sempre morei por aqui, nunca imaginava”, conta. Segundo a dona de casa, que preferiu não ser identificada, a notícia sobre a invasão no imóvel correu pelo bairro, mas ela condenou a atitude. “Não fui até lá, mas até comentei com minha mãe. Vandalismo, quebrar as coisas, não adianta”, disse. Móveis e objetos diversos foram depredados na residência em que menino de 11 anos sofria tortura, em Campinas (SP) Wagner Souza/Futura Press/Futura Press/Estadão Conteúdo Criança segue internada Nesta terça, o menino que estava internado no Hospital Ouro Verde acabou transferido para outra unidade da rede municipal, o Hospital Mário Gatti, onde trata de um quadro de desnutrição. Seu estado de saúde é estável. Em nota, Secretaria de Saúde informou que a mudança foi uma questão logística, uma vez que o Ouro Verde tem concentrado atendimento de casos suspeitos e confirmados de Covid-19. “Os dois hospitais são municipais e geridos pela Rede Mário Gatti de Urgência e Emergência. A transferência se deu porque havia um leito mais adequado para o atendimento do menor no Hospital Mário Gatti; o Ouro Verde tem ficado voltado a casos de síndrome respiratória e COVID. O menor continua bem, estável, recebendo nutrição adequada e aguardando condições de alta”, diz o texto. Prefeitura de Campinas apura falhas no caso de menino acorrentado em tambor Investigação da prefeitura A Prefeitura de Campinas informou que vai abrir, nesta terça (2), uma investigação para apurar “eventuais falhas e omissões” dos serviços públicos municipais, além de entidades conveniadas, no caso de um menino mantido com as mãos e os pés acorrentados dentro de um barril de ferro. A criança foi resgatada no último sábado (30), após denúncias de vizinhos. Na segunda-feira (1º), o prefeito de Campinas, Dário Saadi (Republicanos), fez uma reunião e exigiu um relatório para entender até que ponto órgãos ligados à prefeitura, como o Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (Caps), Centro de Referência da Assistência Social (Cras), além do Conselho Tutelar, sabiam da situação. O documento apontou que o menino foi atendido “várias vezes” na rede desde setembro de 2019. Depois da chegada do relatório nesta terça-feira, o chefe do Executivo decidiu abrir a investigação. De acordo com a administração municipal, além de apurar supostos problemas na condução do caso do garoto, a intenção também é “propor melhorias e adequações no fluxo de atendimentos a situações como esta”. A investigação será conduzida pela Secretaria de Justiça e terá prazo de 60 dias para conclusão, prorrogáveis por mais 30. A apuração correrá em sigilo para respeitar o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Prefeito de Campinas abriu investigação para apurar caso de menino torturado Fernanda Sunega/PMC Reunião em Brasília O caso também foi pauta do Ministério da Mulher, da Família e dos Direitos Humanos. Uma reunião definiu que será garantido acompanhamento psicológico ao menino vítima dos maus-tratos e análise minuciosa sobre seu futuro, que pode envolver o acolhimento por parentes, uma instituição ou família acolhedora. “Dessa reunião saíram alguns encaminhamentos com relação à criança: a) Garantia de acompanhamento psicológico; b) Garantia de análise minuciosa do caso para decisão acerca do encaminhamento aos cuidados da família extensa, do acolhimento institucional ou do acolhimento familiar (família acolhedora)”, diz o comunicado. Conselho Tutelar O Conselho Tutelar Sul de Campinas (SP) negou, em nota divulgada na noite de segunda, que tinha conhecimento da tortura vivida por uma criança de 11 anos. Segundo o órgão, a família era acompanhada há pelo menos um ano e monitorada quanto a situação de vulnerabilidade social. O Conselho Tutelar informa, inclusive, que as últimas informações sobre o caso, obtidas em dezembro de 2020 e janeiro de 2021, mostram que a “situação da criança e da família vinha evoluindo bem e positivamente.” Os vizinhos que chamaram a polícia informaram que os maus-tratos à criança já ocorriam havia anos, e apesar das denúncias ao Conselho Tutelar, o sofrimento do menino não parou. Prisão preventiva e investigação O Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo (TJ-SP) confirmou na segunda que as prisões em flagrante dos três suspeitos por tortura de uma criança foram convertidas em preventiva. O pai do menino, a namorada dele e a filha dela foram presos no sábado (30) – o garoto está internado sob a tutela de uma tia. O caso também é acompanhado pelo Ministério Público (MP), que informou a abertura de uma investigação sobre o caso pela promotora da Infância e Juventude de Campinas Andrea Santos Souza, que ainda não vai falar sobre o caso. A ocorrência foi registrada na 2ª Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher (DDM), no Jardim Londres. Em nota, a Secretaria de Segurança Pública (SSP) informou que o inquérito policial segue em andamento e “tramita sob sigilo”. Ainda segundo o Ministério Público, o promotor criminal que vai ficar à frente da investigação só será definido depois que o caso for relatado pela Polícia Civil. A Promotoria vai apurar também o comportamento da família e se foram solicitadas anteriormente medidas de proteção à criança. Situações semelhantes podem ser denunciadas pelo e-mail [email protected]. Criança foi resgatada após sofrer tortura em Campinas, diz PM Polícia Militar Sofrimento e castigo Segundo a PM, o menino era mantido em pé no espaço onde também fazia necessidades fisiológicas. A corporação diz que foi acionada após moradores da região perceberam que o garoto havia deixado de ir para a escola e de brincar com outras crianças do bairro. Os policiais contam que entraram na casa após autorização de uma jovem de 22 anos, que é filha da namorada do pai do menino. Segundo a Polícia Civil, o pai disse em depoimento que o filho é muito agitado, agressivo e fugia de casa. Ele alegou que fez isso para educar o menino. Os policiais usaram um corta-fios para remover as correntes e ele foi socorrido por uma equipe do Samu ao Hospital Ouro Verde, onde permanece internado. Pai pode responder por tortura A Polícia Civil considerou que o homem aplicou violência e grave ameaça que provocaram intenso sofrimento físico e mental; enquanto que a namorada dele, uma faxineira de 39 anos, e a filha dela, que atua como vendedora, se omitiram e nada fizeram para evitar os resultados. O delegado de plantão determinou a prisão do pai da criança e, caso ele seja denunciado e condenado, pode receber pena mínima de prisão pelo crime que varia de 2 a 8 anos. Já a namorada e a filha dela, se responsabilizadas apenas pela omissão, podem receber pena de 1 a 4 anos de detenção. A polícia arbitrou fiança de R$ 5 mil para cada uma delas, mas não há informações sobre os pagamentos. O G1 não conseguiu contato com as defesas dos indiciados até esta publicação. Criança era mantida amarrada em barril pelo pai em Campinas Reprodução/Rede Globo Veja mais notícias da região no G1 Campinas.
The post Casa onde criança era mantida acorrentada no barril é invadida e vandalizada em Campinas first appeared on Notícias Indaiatuba. from WordPress https://ift.tt/2YGsIdY via IFTTT
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publicidadesp · 3 years
Justiça decreta prisão preventiva do trio suspeito de manter menino de 11 anos acorrentado dentro de barril em Campinas
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Pai do garoto irá responder pelo crime de tortura, enquanto a namorada e a filha dela, por omissão. Vítima está internada. Menino de 11 anos é resgatado após passar um mês acorrentado pelo pai e preso em barril O Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo (TJ-SP) decretou nesta segunda-feira (1º) a prisão preventiva dos três suspeitos de manter um menino de 11 anos com as mãos e os pés acorrentados dentro de um barril de ferro, em Campinas (SP). O pai da criança, a namorada dele e a filha dela foram presos em flagrante no sábado (30), após denúncia de vizinhos. O garoto está internado sob a tutela de uma tia. O caso também é acompanhado pelo Ministério Público (MP), que informou a abertura de uma investigação sobre o caso pela promotora da Infância e Juventude de Campinas Andrea Santos Souza, que ainda não vai falar sobre o caso. A investigação também vai apurar até que ponto órgãos ligados à prefeitura como o Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (Caps), Centro de Referência da Assistência Social (Cras), além do Conselho Tutelar, sabiam da situação. O Conselho Tutelar informou, no domingo (31), que já acompanhava o caso há pelo menos um ano e e vai apurar se houve falha. A Polícia Militar foi ao local após denúncia de vizinhos. A ocorrência foi registrada na 2ª Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher (DDM), no Jardim Londres. O processo vai correr em segredo de Justiça. Ainda segundo o Ministério Público, o promotor criminal que vai ficar à frente da investigação só será definido depois que o caso for relatado pela Polícia Civil. A Promotoria vai apurar também o comportamento da família e se foram solicitadas anteriormente medidas de proteção à criança. Situações semelhantes podem ser denunciadas pelo e-mail [email protected]. Na manhã desta segunda, aconteceu uma reunião na Prefeitura de Campinas entre o prefeito, Dário Saadi (Republicanos) e os órgãos assistenciais. O chefe do Executivo solicitou que, em 24 horas, as entidades entreguem documentos sobre tudo o que já havia sido registrado sobre o caso do garoto. “Eu me reuni com várias secretarias, de Assistência Social, de Saúde, de Justiça, para saber todo o histórico dessa criança, solicitei todos os documentos de atendimento e de acompanhamento dela, para que, de posse das informações, eu possa avaliar se vou ou não abrir um processo de investigação. É um caso que deixa a gente completamente perplexo pela crueldade e será investigado com rigor”, afirmou o prefeito à EPTV, afiliada da TV Globo. Criança era mantida amarrada em barril pelo pai em Campinas Reprodução/Rede Globo Policiais que encontraram a vítima informaram que ela era alimentada com cascas de fruta. O menino estava nu, dentro de um tambor de metal fechado com uma telha e uma pia de mármore para evitar que ele saísse. O vídeo do momento em que ele é encontrado mostra que a criança mal conseguia se mexer quando foi encontrada. Ele tinha a cintura, pés e mãos acorrentados. O menino estava há quase cinco dias sem comer, segundo a polícia. “Colocavam pra ele casca de banana, fubá cru”, relata o cabo Rodrigo Carlos da Silva. A Polícia Civil acredita que ele estava acorrentado dentro do barril há um mês. “Desde o começo de janeiro já estava sendo preso no tambor. Ele teria que ficar em pé nessa amarração, que era feita com os braços presos em cima do tambor”, relatou o delegado Daniel Vida da Silva. Área onde criança era mantida, em Campinas Polícia Militar Ainda segundo a Polícia Civil, o pai disse em depoimento que o filho é muito agitado, agressivo e fugia de casa. Ele alegou que fez isso para educar o menino. Caso já tinha sido denunciado Os vizinhos disseram ainda que os maus-tratos à criança já ocorriam há anos, e apesar das denúncias ao Conselho Tutelar, o sofrimento do menino não parou. “A gente tinha conhecimento da vulnerabilidade da família, e por isso havia uma rede de apoio acompanhando, serviço social e saúde. Em nenhum momento dos relatórios do serviço que acompanhavam, chegou tamanha violência”, explicou o conselheiro tutelar, Moisés Sezion. Sofrimento e castigo Segundo a PM, o menino era mantido em pé no espaço onde também fazia necessidades fisiológicas. A corporação diz que foi acionada após moradores da região perceberam que o garoto havia deixado de ir para a escola e de brincar com outras crianças do bairro. Os policiais contam que entraram na casa após autorização de uma jovem de 22 anos, que é filha da namorada do pai do menino. Criança foi resgatada após sofrer tortura em Campinas, diz PM Polícia Militar Os policiais usaram um corta-fios para remover as correntes e ele foi socorrido por uma equipe do Samu ao Hospital Ouro Verde, onde permanece internado e sob a responsabilidade de uma tia paterna. Em nota, a unidade hospitalar destaca que a criança apresenta quadro de desnutrição. “O Hospital Ouro Verde informa que o paciente tem um quadro estável e continua passando por exames. Ele apresenta desnutrição e está sendo alimentado e hidratado”, diz o comunicado. Pai pode responder por tortura A Polícia Civil considerou que o homem aplicou violência e grave ameaça que provocaram intenso sofrimento físico e mental; enquanto que a namorada dele, uma faxineira de 39 anos, e a filha dela, que atua como vendedora, se omitiram e nada fizeram para evitar os resultados. O delegado de plantão determinou a prisão do pai da criança e, caso ele seja denunciado e condenado, pode receber pena mínima de prisão pelo crime que varia de 2 a 8 anos. Já a namorada e a filha dela, se responsabilizadas apenas pela omissão, podem receber pena de 1 a 4 anos de detenção. A polícia arbitrou fiança de R$ 5 mil para cada uma delas, mas não há informações sobre os pagamentos. O G1 não conseguiu contato com as defesas dos indiciados até esta publicação. Veja mais notícias da região no G1 Campinas.
The post Justiça decreta prisão preventiva do trio suspeito de manter menino de 11 anos acorrentado dentro de barril em Campinas first appeared on Publicidade SP. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3taL3Om via IFTTT
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khalilhumam · 4 years
How “excited delirium” is misused to justify police brutality
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/how-excited-delirium-is-misused-to-justify-police-brutality/
How “excited delirium” is misused to justify police brutality
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By Joshua Budhu, Méabh O'Hare, Altaf Saadi “I am concerned about excited delirium or whatever.” These were the words spoken by a fellow police officer as Derek Chauvin knelt on George Floyd’s neck for the final eight minutes of his life. This concern for “excited delirium” may now become part of the case for the defense in the upcoming trial for the murder of George Floyd, as it has for other Black men before him. Just three months shy of Floyd’s murder, officers in Tacoma, Washington had suggested “excited delirium” as the cause of death in the case of another unarmed Black male, Manuel Ellis. And last year in Aurora, Colorado, paramedics injected Elijah McClain with ketamine, for “exhibiting signs of excited delirium”. McClain later died of cardiac arrest after the injection. Law enforcement officers nationwide are routinely taught that “excited delirium” is a condition characterized by the abrupt onset of aggression and distress, typically in the setting of illicit substance use, often culminating in sudden death. However, this “diagnosis” is not recognized by the vast majority of medical professionals. In fact, “excited delirium” is not recognized by the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, or the World Health Organization, and it is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).    The diagnosis is a misappropriation of medical terminology, used by law enforcement to legitimize police brutality and to retroactively explain certain deaths occurring in police custody. There is no systematic or publicly available data about how this diagnosis is used in relation to deaths in police custody. The limited data available involves small samples in certain states only: In one Maryland-based study, excited delirium was invoked in 11 percent of deaths in police custody and in another Florida-based study, 53 deaths in police custody were attributed to this entity over the past decade.    Further adding to the lack of clarity surrounding this terminology is that “delirium” refers to a well-established diagnosis frequently seen and treated by medical professionals, with a clear diagnostic criteria. “Excited delirium,” however, is not a term that is used in clinical practice nor does it have diagnostic criteria. It inaccurately and selectively combines various signs and symptoms from real medical emergencies such as drug intoxication, psychosis or mania, thereby creating a blanket diagnosis that appears medically legitimate at first glance.    The term “excited delirium” was first used in 1985 by Charles Wetli, a forensic pathologist, to explain a series of sudden deaths in cocaine users, occurring primarily in police custody. Wetli used the same term to explain the deaths of 32 Black women occurring in Miami over the 1980s, proposing that a combination of cocaine use and sexual intercourse had led to their demise. Police subsequently attributed the deaths to asphyxiation by a serial killer.    From the beginning, this terminology has been disproportionately applied to Black people, and has only been used in specific contexts pertaining to encounters with law enforcement. One study looking at cocaine-related deaths in the 1970s and 1980s in Dade County, Florida, revealed that these deaths were more likely to be diagnosed as “excited delirium” when involving young Black men dying in police custody and “accidental cocaine toxicity” when involving cocaine-related deaths in white people.   Despite these highly racist roots, the term gained traction and evolved over the past 30 years into the catch-all diagnosis that it is today, advanced primarily by law enforcement. The “risk factors” for this purported condition include “bizarre behavior generating phone calls to police”, “failure to respond to police presence”, and “continued struggle despite restraint”. The “syndrome” also supposedly endows individuals with “superhuman strength”, and being “impervious to pain”, and remains disproportionately diagnosed among young Black males, underscoring the racist undertones of these “diagnostic features.”   The problem is twofold: It winds up being a convenient scapegoat cause of death after a violent confrontation with law enforcement, and it becomes a justification for police aggression that is unwarranted.   We propose three solutions.    First, medically-trained professionals should be the primary responders and decision-makers in the management of acute medical emergencies, such as drug intoxication or acute psychosis. The management of these medical emergencies should be in line with evidence-based consensus practices. In scenarios where police involvement is unavoidable, de-escalation strategies should be employed – officers currently only have about 8 hours of training in crisis intervention and de-escalation techniques, compared to about 100 hours of training on firearms and defensive tactics. Use of firearms or violent restraints, such as chokeholds restricting blood flow to the brain, are never appropriate medical interventions.   Second, we recommend that the medical community actively engage in denouncing the validity of this “diagnosis.” Currently, it exists largely as a medicolegal construct, with limited review and commentary from medical professionals and organizations. Many of the authors who have published the existing reports in medical literature have financial conflicts of interest with law enforcement agencies and the Taser corporation. The diagnosis is not validated by any clear pathophysiologic theory, pathologic evidence, or unique clinical features. It has been used in an inherently racist manner, insinuating that there is a medical condition predisposing a distinct group of individuals, primarily Black men, to die in police custody. There is no place for silence or inaction – medical societies have a duty to prevent the perversion of medicine for institutional or individual gain.   Third, we recommend transparency in data about police custody deaths. In 2013, Congress passed the Death in Custody Reporting Act which went into effect in December 2014. Yet federal officials have not yet gathered the data and made it public. Data transparency is a critical component of addressing this problem and central to developing evidence-based practices. Meaningful policy changes and accountability are impeded by the lack of accurate reporting.     “Excited delirium” is an imprecise, subjectively defined term, and often applied retrospectively in a manner that lends itself to misuse. It draws upon aspects of real medical conditions such as delirium, psychosis, drug intoxication, and sudden cardiac death, but manipulates them to form a broadly-applicable blanket diagnosis that serves the interests of law enforcement and absolves them of accountability.   
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ghostwryta · 5 years
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Nasser Al-Saadi responds to Nigerians who tags him on Twitter https://ift.tt/2XKchi2
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fundacionidriesshah · 7 years
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Abriendo otra puerta
P: ¿Por qué los Sufis, en la literatura y aparentemente también en vivo, toleran a otros que a menudo son obtusos y que parecen cometer errores en comprender algo de la naturaleza más elemental?
R: Esto es difícil de responder plenamente a menos que sepamos a qué casos nos referimos. Sin embargo, hay dos circunstancias bajo las cuales esto ocurre frecuentemente:
Cuando el intercambio es tolerado para ilustrar a otros: “hablando a la pared de modo que la puerta pueda escuchar”; y también para que la persona obtusa pueda “despertar”, aunque no necesariamente en ese momento.
Cuando la gente es obtusa porque está suprimiendo inconscientemente su percepción de los hechos o de la verdad. Hay mucha gente que actúa en contra de sus fidedignos y certeros impulsos por alguna razón transgresora. Esta razón en general se debe a que algo en ellos teme la intrusión de la verdad, sea porque esto los trastorna o porque son parcialmente hipócritas.
Esta tendencia, por cierto, ilustra casos en los que la gente, intentando adivinar una carta o un dado, comete tantos errores que es estadísticamente imposible que esté equivocada tantas veces. Esto ha mostrado que hay personas que de hecho están adivinando correctamente, pero que algún censor interno les impide admitirlo y realmente invierte los hechos.
El “censor” es esa parte del Yo Dominante: la personalidad artificial que busca proteger los modos de pensamiento existentes de la persona, quien por lo tanto está sufriendo un conflicto interno: una de sus mitades conoce la verdad y la quiere, admitiéndola en su cerebro; la otra mitad inhibe la aceptación de este hecho, ya que está dedicada a mantener lo que considera un equilibrio. Si admitiese la verdad – así es como razona – debería enfrentarse con lo desconocido; teme que la personalidad cambiaría, o que la persona estaría entonces motivada por algo más (la verdad), no por el pequeño manojo de ideas y reacciones con las cuales está familiarizada.
Mientras mantengas ciertas puertas abiertas, tales como la puerta de imaginar que puedes dominar tu propio aprendizaje con herramientas insuficientes, no podrás abrir – y atravesar – la puerta de una comprensión mayor. Es por esto que Saadi, por ejemplo, dice (en su Bostan, el Huerto): “La puerta de la iluminación está abierta para quienes otras puertas están cerradas.”
El yo dominante Puedes leer este libro, gratis, aquí: http://idriesshahfoundation.org/es/libros/el-yo-dominante/
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alazzawiv · 6 years
Bad legal surprise for the owners of New Year 2018 ..... !!
Abbas al-Musawi ... ... Do you tell us the mystery of the relationship between al-Maliki and al-Jarjafji ..... When you are very protector of your master and guardian of your grace ....?!
Abbas al-Moussawi, political and cultural adviser to Vice President Nuri al-Maliki repeated his appearance during the past week on various satellite channels and repeated his remarks, which hails the eight and a half years spent by Nuri al-Maliki in power as prime minister and commander-in-chief of the armed forces ended the eight years tragic end of Iraq and its people, To organize a preacher and four provinces of the politicians Al-Dawash and Mr. Abbas al-Moussawi know that he was reading to us in 2013 and how we expected this end and there are articles in the archive if Mr. Abbas al-Moussawi wanted to provide it and he knows it well.
What is required of Mr. Abbas al-Moussawi, instead of being distracted by his worn-out rhetoric, is to tell the Iraqi people how al-Maliki's (al-Sakhil) and (Abu Rehab) have turned from policemen in the Najaf police department as protection in the holy shrines, Najaf emergency regiment turned into deputies and where they have tens of billions spent in the elections in the province of Karbala and if we can not believe he can ask the writer who said that they spent billions of dinars and no one knows the source to be deputies and Sobhan God who turned protection police to MPs and with them billions and still They spend it on a pool Signs and do not know about any signs of talking ..... Is the promise of defeat against Daesh or signs of looting, theft and corruption ......?!
Abbas al-Moussawi challenge you to the entire Iraqi people from Zakho to FAO to answer the money paid by the director of the Zain Iraq Mobile Company Mohammed al-Jarjafji to Nuri al-Maliki in exchange for postponing payment of one billion and a quarter billion dollars owed to Zain Telecom and postponed for five years and challenge you to reveal the secret of the relationship Between الجرجفجي والمالكي ..... We challenge you publicly ...... !!
And if you deny that, we published this document and the line of Maliki personally and we have a certificate from the laboratory of criminal evidence confirms that the line is the line of Nuri al-Maliki, which pays the media of bribes and corruption and spend money for the elections and we all remember the electoral campaign for the owners in 2010 and 2014 spent hundreds of billions .. .... وان كنت ناسي نفكرك ...... !!
Mr. Moussaoui asked you and your master to understand why the money paid by Mohammed Al-Jarjafji to the owners and any description can describe this money, which is tens of millions of dollars ..... !!
And there is another subject you are asked to answer, which is the subject of Harlow and Al-Marabit security company and mediator between the Hanwa company of Korea, which built the project Basmaya and how paid the share of Ahmed Nuri al-Maliki and of course the integrity of this speech has nothing to do with it and in the heart of its work because if it was working to call everyone from Maliki Al-Jarjafji and made them a lesson for those who are considered and if the integrity needs evidence, they are present and ready to provide them by condemning them all from Maliki to Jarjafji to Saadi and Wahib Chihod and there is a sound recording of Saadi and Wahib in Dubai. The content of the registration was sufficient to condemn them and condemn some officials, To live in it for integrity, but today we say the time of fear of the corrupt and the time of silence and immunity for anyone regardless of his authority over the Iraqi people and wait for the response of any of the parties who have been named and challenge them to respond to go to the judiciary to sue us for libel and libel and we will continue to speak in another article and wait response Mr. Abbas al-Musawi, political and cultural adviser to Maliki to respond to the book and will not respond because he does not dare to respond because he can not defend the corrupt, but we promise a judicial surprise very close very opened in 2018.
The document in the first comment ..... 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
Sexiest Pokémon character?
- 🌊 anon
Hiya 🌊 anon, hope you're feeling fresh (like the hobbits from lotr) today!
Love that you had to specify CHARACTER 😂😂
For me its Volo. There is something about a guy that covers part of their face that is just sooooo 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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He's puuruuuudy we like him 😍💕
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