#sam brenton
elgisinspiration · 2 years
Main characters as suspects in a murder investigation:
Tinka: would come forward as a witness during a canvas, inquire very concernedly about the victim and worry for her own safety. If any evidence has been linked to her, she'd get distressed to the point that the detectives have to comfort her. Will always pivot to being a victim or used by others.
Laika: will heavily complain about having to come in, mock the detectives about their lack of progress and would point them to evidence that throws them off her scent. Detectives will want to arrest her for obstruction of justice and insult of an officer, but nothing will stick. She will threaten to sue.
Sam: will be questioned as a Person of Interest in one of the first rounds, as he's very loud and will have had some questionable contact. However, will throw the interview halfway through by confessing to an embarrassing crime which he begs to keep secret from his mother and colleagues. This confession will make all evidence tying him for the murder look circumstantial. Neither crime can be absolutely proven.
Sophia: will offer to help by answering questions, but with her lawyer present and will claim diplomatic immunity as soon as questioning turns accusatory. Good day to you, Detective.
Julian: will be verrry skeptical, quizzing the detectives on their investigation, manipulating them towards the scapegoat he prepared. Will question if they have followed procedure for the evidence regarding him, to the point that their supervisor will want a review. Next time you want to talk to him, you'll have to contact his lawyer.
Olav: very friendly, will give some perspective on the victim that gives about seventy people motive for him. Will react very sad at seeing any photos, and say that any loss of life is very sad, and he hopes the victim found some peace. Olav was actually enjoying a walk with his cousin during the time of the murder, you can ask him. Will comment on that the detective looks very tired, if they ever need someone to talk to, here's his office number
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booksandwords · 2 years
Sanctuary (Anthology)
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Read time: 2 Days Rating: 5/5
Edited by Carol Shaughnessy Contains contributions by: Sherrilyn Kenyon/McQueen, Sheri-Lynn Marean, Rachel Hailey, Nicki Nance, Kris Kellen, Kimberly Forrest, T. Elizabeth Guthrie, L.J. Sealy, Sam Brenton, Jennifer Forist, Jennifer Becker, Cathy Graham and Kim May
This is a book that I never knew I needed but absolutely did. Sherrilyn McQueen's Paladins are some of the most supportive people (mostly women) I've ever been around. This shows they also use their creativity well and clearly know their source material. Sanctuary is a collection of fanfictions written by Paladins centred on the titular Sanctuary bar and grill. Sanctuary itself is one of the most popular places in the Dark Hunter world. Everyone is welcome there just don't try anything stupid. Or as Kim May phrases it in A Fox With New Fur “Don’t start no shit and there won’t be no shit.”
What is interesting is the similarities and differences between the stories and their interpretations of the world. The biggest similarity between most of the stories is the use of Dev. While canonically the quads (except maybe Remi) and Fang rotate door duty so many of writers choose to use Dev the humorous and most recognisable Quad as an outsiders first introduction to Sanctuary. Also commonly if there was a character with an existing relationship with the bar it is nearly always the male. The other thing that I missed until I started writing this review, there are few if any Dark Hunter OCs. They are all Weres or other supernaturals.
The order of the stories is good. Choosing what was first and last was the most important for Carol Shaughnessy. Her choices of Dragon Heart Awakened by Sheri-Lynn Marean and A Fox With New Fur by Kim May respectively are effective choices. Dragon Heart Awakened is heavily romantic and echoes Sherrilyn McQueen's writing so well. Enemies to lovers with a twist, honestly it is an enjoyable start. Kim May's Megumi is one of the characters out of her element entirely and A Fox With New Fur is not a romantic story. It is just Megumi reclaiming her life. This is one for fans. Only fans will appreciate this. But you must remember reading that these are only interpretations of our beloved Hunterverse, they may or may not align with your perception of it.
The Legend of Sanctuary by Sherrilyn Kenyon
And I will leave everyone with one small reminder. These are fan stories, written by fans. While I gave them the ability to write in my world, what they have done isn’t necessarily Dark-Hunter canon. This book exists outside of the time line of the Dark-Hunters. And I hope all of you enjoy our little side adventure. Hugs!
This is the forward. The story of Sanctuary, the reasons Sherri chose to include the bar and an introduction to the anthology itself. Honestly, I really like the legend behind Sanctuary, why the Peltiers set it up. It really is one of the best known and popular stories in the Hunterverse.
Dragon Heart Awakened by Sheri-Lynn Marean
“I understand, and apology accepted. Love makes us do things we normally wouldn’t. How did this vendetta arise anyway?” “It started when a crazy ancestor of mine cursed all of dragonkind.” Aimee shook her head. “No one can ever simply get along, can they?” “Not in my experience,” — Aimee Peltier and Evany
Evany and Sawyer are great creations. Evany feels like every inch a Sherri heroine, intelligent and protective. Sawyer is a strong male who does need something even if he's not sure what. I could see him being from the mould of a Hellchaser. The whole thing feels very much like the princess saves herself, but I'm glad we don't go into the dark parts right before the end. It would be so hard to do justice do in such a limit word count. It was a strong choice to start on.
Brave by Rachel Hailey
“My mom is going to kill me.” “Yeah, been there, done that, and bled on the t-shirt.” Hannah twisted around to find a tall guy with jet-black, wavy hair leaning against the bar. He regarded her with eyes of deep jade. “What?” “I'm pretty sure my mom made attempted murder a holiday tradition. It's good to know my family isn't the only one that puts the fun in dysfunctional.” She shook her head with a light laugh. “Definitely can relate to that.” He sank to a stool next to her with a dazzling smile that displayed two deep dimples. “I'm Kearse.” — Hannah and Kearse
Okay, I need to start this by saying I really like the doll nickname Kearse uses for Hannah and I'm not even entirely certain why. It just suits him and I kinda feel like it suits New Orleans too. Brave isn't an out-and-out romance story. Brave not only relates to how Hannah is with Kearse, the lines between them but for the start. This is a demigod, Hannah coming into her own, protecting the innocent with her life and empowering herself. Kearse is a Sherri man to his core, amusing, kinda flirty, he wants her and knows she is his mate but respects her beyond all things. I like the ending. It gives a solid end and understanding to Kearse's story.
Mourning Shadows by Nicki Nance
“You’re gorgeous, Shem. I couldn’t pull my eyes away.” She reached forward and handed him the blue bundle she was now fisting, then she stepped back. “Welcome to my world. I’ve been looking at you that way since I was 15.” — Masciarina and Shem
This is one of my faves in the collection. It plays the world in an interesting way. Assuming I interpereted the signposts correctly, it's an alternate timeline. Shem and Mar are both wonderful. Shem is the one who twists the world on its head. Mar just makes some interesting adjustments to the characters. We do get one surprising get appearance.
Dreaming of New Orleans by Kris Kellen
“That’s an understatement. Let’s see, how to put this. I’m the friendly one,” he paused as both Aimee and Quinn laughed. Glaring at them he continued. “Cherif, you haven’t met him yet, he’s the oldest and acts it, Quinn over there is the quiet one, and, well, Rem is the grumpy one.” Looking at her he shook his head, “Remi doesn’t talk to people, not if he can help it. So, him sharing about the family, yeah, that seems weird to us.” — Dev Peltier
This takes the let Remi be happy idea and runs with it, and I couldn't be happier about it. Remi deserves happiness, I needed someone to write this. Canonically Remi is only in love with Quinn's mate Becca not a spurned male. He just needs to find the right woman/female to help. Leading lady MacKenzie Galanis is a brilliant choice. She feels like the daughter of a Dream Hunter, my fave of the Hunters. It was a pleasure to see Max, so many people forget about him. The ending of this fic will possibly be slightly controversial, even if the whole concept is not.
Hot Wings and Howlers by Kimberly Forrest
“I guess a lot of people around here have a thing for Artemis.” It had been said more to herself than for Simi, but the woman scowled blackly, muttering, “Nasty old heifer goddess.” Taken aback by the vitriol behind that statement, Jack repeated, “Heifer goddess?” “Artemis,” Simi confirmed grumpily. “She a mean old heifer. The Simi hates her.” — Jackelyn “Jack” Phillips and Simi
In some ways this has clever framing, the Eric that is mentioned as a cousin is from Chronicles of Nick. Maudaug's brother, Tabby's boyfriend. I forgot that he was a Squire though I don't know for who. This one is so short and deceptively simple. It has no romantic subplot just someone auditioning to join the Howlers part-time. What little magic is in play is the standard Were stunning the human. Though it's really nice to see Tori getting a mention. Forrest does a brilliant job capturing the voice of the Simi.
The Fugitive Jackal by T. Elizabeth Guthrie
Kenzie’s first thought was how tall and wide the man in front of her was. He looks like a tank. A very yummy tank. Falling back on her training, she realized he had to stand well over six feet tall. “Yummm,” purred her instantly horny witch. — Kenzie
Colt seems popular with fans as the hero, he has more than a little chemistry with Kenzie (another Kenzie?). What I really do like about this is the language Guthrie chooses to use. Kenzie is more than a little sassy and has a great observation of Fang, Colt is brilliantly written in his confusion and Fang is perfectly captured his humour (but Fang, Fang, Fang don't piss off your mate). I was honestly not sure how to feel about this story. It tells the story it needs to tell and it is a wonderful use of a bounty hunter, those we know are hunting Weres and were-Jackals (we've known some over the years why do I feel like they are all idiots?).
Ravaged Angel by Mary E Jung
A famous biker bar known to most locals, it stood resolute under the moonlight, as if daring deadly beasts to crawl out of the darkness and step over its threshold. By the scent of danger in the air, Melody would venture that gauntlet was picked up more times than not. — Melody
This is a sweet fic featuring demigod Melody and Wereleopard Angel, the lead singer of The Howlers. Melody is a haunted and hunted woman, hunted by Apollo (woo 😒). I could have used a couple of quotes from Ravaged Angel. Their relationship is so soft. I like seeing the empowerment that comes with being defended in Sanctuary's walls, the power that Melody gains from seeing people caring for her. Total respect to Jung for using Angel in a personal context, away from the stage.
Sanctuary by Carrie Humphrey
Kedah opened one eye, knowing that if she opened both, she would officially be awake and wasn’t ready to commit to that nonsense. — Kedah
To me this is possibly the weakest of the 14 stories. It's a vampire and mate meeting the members of the Peltier family for the first time and offering her services to fix a problem. It is one of if not the only story set pre-Bad Moon Rising, Nicolette and Papa Bear are still around and running Sanctuary. It's great to see Nicolette again. I do like the writing though, there are some fantastic quotes. But the story just leaves me wanting something, like it should be longer, like there are chapters missing.
One Fated Night by L.J. Sealy
Clara’s cheeks heated as she became aware that he was watching her. The fact he hadn’t uttered a word, as if he were happy for her eyes to roam his body, made her heart race. When her gaze met his heavy stare for a moment, she froze. — Clara
I like One Fated Night as a take. Heroine Clara is a Wolfswan on the run from a future she desperately doesn't want, from an abusive man, an abusive future. Hero Axe is a lone wolf who steps in to save her despite being on the way out of the town. After Axe is beaten badly Clara saves him in return. They are both alone in the world but seeing Axe rebel against the bitches work though is something I liked to see. That panic just makes so much sense. I don't think it's something we see it enough.
Valentine's Day at Sanctuary by Sam Brenton
“Poor thing went through absolute hell. We're glad she's out on the other side of that horror." Angela smiled at Ash shyly when he didn't say anything. "Sorry. I just realized how much I rambled. I tend to do that when I'm excited.” — Angela
My lord is this fun. Brenton makes a very bold choice, they choose to write through the eyes of one Acheron Parthenopaeus. His night starts off normal, moves to odd then gets downright insane. It plays heavily with the fourth wall and what would happen if Sherri's characters, specifically Ash with his darkest of dark past and remit to protect the Dark Hunters found out about Sherri's writing.
New Beginnings by Jennifer Forist
“I know you feel what I feel,” he nuzzled his nose against my neck, sending bolts of electricity coursing through my body. “If you think I’m letting my future mate deal with two losers without me—well, we need to get to know each other better.” — Cassian 'Cash'
Oh, this is desperately sweet. I love the protective nature of some were females. Aimee being the badass bear swan we know she is, doing the us females gotta stick together thing with the hurting werewolf. Heroine Satara protecting the lovely Grace, who really needs it. But you know still taking time to check out Cash as he defended her (can't let a good opportunity go to waste). The whole idea of a pack protecting those most vulnerable in the wolf community appealed to me. Forist chooses to give Cash an interesting fear, I like that humanising feature.
From Her Darkest Dreams by Jennifer Becker
He was like a giant stuffed animal curled up next to her, his back to her front. She doubted he would appreciate being called a stuffed animal, though. Men didn’t like to be considered cute and cuddly. — Delphi Sideris
The story of Thrax Gataki a katagarian black panther and Delphi Sideris an oracle. Oracles are not something I see a lot in the fandom but I like the way she is used here. It plays a lot with the tropes of the series. A couple of comments with the name Thrax it feels like Jennifer Becker might also be a fan of The League series Thrax is so close to Thrāix (pronounced Thrace). Also something so, so League is the use of “νεράιδα” (Fairy) as a term of endearment from Thrax to Delphi. Becker is the only one that includes this element.
Falcon's Flight by Cathy Graham
“Who is Savitar? I don’t recognise him as a Were.” Skye looked at Cane. “Savitar is… well he just is.” — Skye Falconi and Cane Whitethunder
Oh I like this one. I like the use of jumping through time to create a complicated family, the idea of the perpetual parents meddling with the children and the idea of a family having a surprising gift from the gods. Cane is our link to the canonical Dark-Hunterverse as the son of Sanctuary doctor/vet Carson, though he himself isn't canon. Skye is sweet and kinda innocent which is always welcome. The plot itself is just kinda amusing. The whole story is lovely. Also that Savitar quote is just fair. What else can we say about Savitar at least until Sherri gifts us a backstory (🥳Which OMG is actually happening😍).
A Fox With New Fur by Kim May
“He some kind of demon?” She nodded. “Oni. He’s been hunting me.” “What did you do to piss him off?” “I rejected him.” “Seriously?” Megumi reclaimed her drink and took another sip. “He’s yakuza. One day he saw me walking down the street and he decided that he had to have me. I said no. When he persisted, I fought back, but he didn’t get the hint. That’s when I broke his neck. His rage and crimes were sufficient to instantly turn him into a demon. and he’s been stalking me ever since.” — Colt and Megumi
With kitsune Megumi as the main character and an Oni as the main villain, I appreciate Kim May's choice to include another pantheon that I have only seen in maybe Chronicles of Nick (if I remember my CoN lore correctly). Though there might be a spark of something between Megumi and Colt that is not the point of the piece. The primary point is Megumi reclaiming her freedom and her life from the man who has been hunting her. And what a way to get it. I honestly do appreciate it as a way to end. So much of Sherri's writing is about female empowerment, something at May manages to capture so well.
Read for @godzilla-reads​ Simple Reading Challenge. Filling the May August prompt: "Read a Short Story/ Essay Collection" As soon as I saw this prompt and this book I knew I had to read it. Sherrilyn McQueen is one of if not my favourite author. Her fandom, the Paladins is one of the most supportive I've been in. This even exists needs to be promoted.
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mkarchin713 · 10 months
John and Maggie Brenton -Human Hunters
You know how in the Ghost Zone, Humans are the Ghosts well that got me thinking what would happen to ghost hunters who became ghosts.
Allow me to set the scene
The students of Casper High are going on a field trip to the Ghost Zone via the Fenton Portal and Specter Speeder. They run into trouble and get lost in the zone.
(I know this has been done to death but bear with me)
They all get flung into a corner of the zone that Team Phantom has never explored before. While trying to find there way home the Casper High Class run into John and Maggie Brenton-Human Hunters.
Now John and Maggie are basically the embodiments of what could happen to Jack and Maddie if they became ghosts. John and Maddie are so obsessed with ghost hunting it became their obsession in death. Since they couldn’t accept the fact they where now the very ghosts they feared/hates/hunted they have convinced themselves that ghosts are humans and humans are ghosts, this in not helped by the fact humans have intangibility in the zone. Now this pair of anti-Fentons/nega-Fentons/whatever are chasing the class through the zone trying to rip them molecule by molecule.
While on the run the humans find themselves in different ghostly areas like Undergrowth’s Lair (how will Sam react?) and the land of the dead of Ancient Egypt (will Tucker be Pharaoh?). They could meet various new characters from mythology, history, and straight out fiction (this is the infinite realms the possibilities are infinite)
All the while the Fentons have to deal with the fact they are now on the other end of the Bazooka as well as the fact that most of their theories about ghosts are wrong and the evidence is all around them. What’s worse is discovering their 14+ year old son and his friends know more about ghosts than they ever dreamed.
How are the humans going to make it back to the Fenton Portal without being dissected by human hunting ghosts or revealing Danny’s powers.
 potential DP tropes include; Everlasting Trio, Defect Quartet, Wes Weston, Ghost King Danny, Ghost Baby Danny, Little Baby Man, Liminal Team Phantom, Liminal Amity Park, Fenton Parents A+ Parenting, Reveal Gone Wrong, Reveal Gone Right, Pharaoh Tuck, Plant Sam, Vivisection/Dissection fic, and many more
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makeyouminemp3 · 1 year
don't you love when parallels ♡♡♡
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camyfilms · 1 year
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Sweet Aurora, you stole what was left of my heart. And now I have lost you forever. I swear, no harm will come to you as long as I live. And not a day shall pass that I don't miss your smile.
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filosofablogger · 11 months
♫ Gimme Little Sign ♫ (Redux)
I know … I played this one just over two years ago, but when it crossed my radar this evening, I just couldn’t get it out of my head and I’ve been singing it (much to the chagrin of my girls) and even almost kinda-sorta dancing to it, so … time to share the joy with you guys!  There really isn’t much trivia about this song, oddly. I’m taking you back to 1967 tonight … 54 years … wow … where have…
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tadejpogacar · 5 months
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SAM WELSFORD Santos Tour Down Under 2024 - Stage 6 📸 by Brenton Edwards/Getty Images
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youngsamanda · 3 months
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not to be a silly goose but i have the itch to write and below are a bunch of things i'd love to write ! i am open to writing on tumblr or jcink but heavily prefer discord ! please be eighteen or over if you are giving this post a like or messaging me ! if you have any questions please let a girl know i love to yap about headcanons , characters , and swap pinterest boards i will be annoying abt it ! but yea give this a like or dm me if interested !
plots : slasher multimuse / messy 2000s socialites / yellowjackets style where we play older and younger versions of plane crash survivors / mermaid x pirate romance / not actually the characters but the vibes of red white and royal blue gay royals and all that / just want random period pieces like characters in the 70s or something / rich girl x country boy / proper enemies to lovers / the bitches from the mummy / mob lackey and mob boss daughter / something based on beth x rip from yellowstone / literally just a drama college friend group bc it’s fun / gimme real old gay vampires that are just messy and awful for each other but keep falling back together / literally on my knees begging for any kind of beauty and the beast plot / gay cowboys / next gen marvel or dc / scooby doo style friend group and ships / 70s rockers / literally anything where we can cast older and younger versions and do next gen stuff eventually bc that's so fun / co-stars on a fantasy television show
wanted opposite : nick robinson / archie renaux / emilio sakraya / jena malone / ryan graves / adrian kempe / sza / lily gladstone / yahya abdul mateen ii / alperen duymaz / drew starkey / fka twigs / aubrey plaza / peter gadiot / renee rapp / paul mescal / havana liu rose / milo manheim / taylor zakhar perez / riley keogh / anna diop / melissa barrera / ben barnes / ayo edibiri / fabien frankel / dev patel / oliver jackson cohen / danny ramirez / aubin wise / cillian murphy / amber midthunder / daniel sharman / auli'l cravalho / logan lerman / phoebe tonkin / rege jean page / winona ryder / dua lipa / elodie yung / joseph quinn / simone ashley / camila mendes / jensen ackles / henry golding / blu hunt / aaron taylor johnson / calum hood / gabriel luna / savannah lee smith / may calamawy / ruby cruz / chay suede / brady skjei / zazie beetz / donald glover / emilio sakraya / evan peters / lola tung / anyone really
ships : wanda x vision (recasting required) / (recasted prefered) sam x bucky / bucky x steve / natasha x bucky / gale x dewey / buffy x spike / buffy x angel / keyleth x vax / older annabeth x percy / anakin x padme / tom blythe x rachel zegler / mason gooding x jenna ortega / peter x gwen but not tom holland peter / bloom x sky from winx club / danielle galligan x calahan skogman / nesta x cassian / taylor zakhar perez x madelyn cline / mickey x ian from shameless but recasted / rhaenyra x harwin / taylor zakhar perez x amita suman / haley x nathan from oth / haymitch x effie from the hunger games / anna diop x brenton thwaites / lydia x stiles (recasted) / scott x allison (recasted) / older sean x emma from degrassi (recasted) / rosalie x emmett from twilight (recasted) / odessa a'zion x drew starkey / courtney eaton x sophie thatcher / lorna dane x marcos diaz (lorna recasted) / kaz x inej / nina x mattias / jason todd x rose wilson (not titans tv version) / clark kent x lois lane / hal jordan x barry allen / klaus x caroline (recasted caroline at least) / hayley x klaus / mackenzie davis x gugu mbatha-raw
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Newly Named OCs
thank you thank you thank you @cecexwrites for talking me off the edge of a metaphorical cliff and helping me figure all of this out let's go
Upcoming Plot Bunnies (not going to share details now bc I'll post their asks once I make headers)
Vanya Baker – Gilmore Girls, x Max
Lillie Ledger – Bridgerton
Theodosia Byrd – Bridgerton, x Benedict
Samira Devlin – Supernatural
Archie Quinton – Doctor Who
Zenais Rosier – Harry Potter, x Pansy
The Society
Claire Tomkins ( Olivia Holt ) — Elle’s twin sister, thinks Campbell is a sketchy ass bitch
Luca Clarke ( Froy Gutierrez ) – poly Sam & Grizz OC, chaotic rich football player and leads the guard after Grizz goes on the expedition, hates Campbell
Camryn Clarke ( Madelyn Cline ) – poly Hallie OC, Luca's step sister and best friend, also Harry's best friend, rich bitch wild child
Jurassic World (blame Cece)
Joss Murphy ( Madelyn Cline ) – Lex's daughter, head empty
Courtney Krill ( Kristine Froseth ) – Vivian's younger sister, waitress on the island, x Matthew Steele
Matthew Steele ( Tom Holland ) – bar tender on the island but wants to one day work in the research & development department, x Courtney Krill
Miles Shepherd ( Chris Evans ) – runs security on whichever exhibit Devon runs, x Devon Grady
Elijah Lewis ( Dylan O'Brien ) – head 100% empty, x Raegan Mitchell
Everest Ledger ( Tom Hiddleston ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Tanner Kane ( Brenton Thwaites ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Kai Forrest ( Josh Hutcherson ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Decker Haynes ( Dwayne Johnson ) – head empty, future oc ship but can't decide between a few options
Ariana Galanis / Ariadne Bayern ( Nicola Coulghan ) – Bluebeard's final wife, but Bluebeard is Peter Pan. Hook rescued her from being the latest sacrifice and hid her in the Enchanted Forest, but then the curse happens
Marigold "Goldie" Thistle / Thumbelina ( Sabrina Carpenter ) – Thumbelina, fairy princess, just vibes
Kieran Iverson / Ambrose Morvan ( Aaron Tveit ) – in the Enchanted Forest he was a travelling musician/writer but Regina killed his first love, he ended up leading a band of rebels fighting against her reign, tbd what he's doing in Storybrooke, x Pearl Gale
Hermione Bridgerton ( Millie Bobby Brown ) – Hyacinth's twin, just vibes
Callum Linfield ( Henry Goulding ) – head empty just vibes, x Euphemia Bridgerton
Thomasin Elkins ( Anne Hathaway ) – widow in the ton, friends with Violet & Agatha (and Charlotte?), ends up starting a flirtation with Jon Lockwood which soon turns into more
Molly Pevensie ( Millie Bobby Brown ) – Lucy's twin, ends up back in Narnia before them in Prince Caspian, has to survive alone when there are no Narnians to help or protect her and ends up befriending Caspian
Recasts / Updates
Eulalia Rosier ( Kacey Rohl ) – Carissa Rosier's new name
Lea Aldrich ( Grace Van Dien ) – Zoe Aldrich's new name / face
Mandy Holbrook ( Olivia Scott Welch ) – Mandy Holbrook's new face
Eilwony ( Kiernan Shipka ) – Eilwony's new face
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Sleeping Beauty Spring: "Maleficent" (2014 film)
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This reimagining of Disney's Sleeping Beauty was conceived in 2003, as Disney's answer to the recent success of the musical Wicked. Due to various delays, it didn't premiere until 2014, but it's clearly a spiritual sister to Wicked all the same, with a famous villainess re-conceived a sympathetic protagonist. It features a screenplay by Linda Woolverton (Beauty and the Beast, Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland), and stars Angelina Jolie as the "evil" fairy of the title.
The opening scene introduces two neighboring enemy lands: a mundane human kingdom, and the beautiful Moors, where magical creatures dwell. We meet Maleficent as a happy, innocent fairy child, who flies through the Moors on her majestic wings. When a poor orphan boy named Stefan ventures in from the human realm, Maleficent befriends him, and as they grow up, they become lovers. But then the humans' ruthless King Henry wages new war against the fair folk. His soldiers are no match for Maleficent's magic, and in battle she mortally wounds the king. So on his deathbed, he decrees that whoever kills Maleficent will be his heir. Tragically, Stefan (Sharlto Copley) gives in to ambition – though he can't bring himself to kill Maleficent, he burns off her wings as she sleeps, then presents them as proof of her "death." Maleficent's despair at this brutal betrayal gradually becomes hard, cold bitterness, and she crowns herself the queen of the Moors, an enemy to all humans. Meanwhile, she gains a servant and spy named Diaval (Sam Riley) – a raven whom she can change to a man, or any other animal, at her will.
When Diaval informs her that King Stefan has fathered a child, Princess Aurora, Maleficent seizes her chance for revenge. Unlike the original Maleficent, however, she doesn't curse Aurora to die when she pricks her finger, but to fall into an endless sleep from which only true love's kiss can wake her; the last part is meant as mockery, because neither Maleficent nor Stefan believe in true love anymore. Accordingly, Stefan hides his baby daughter in the care of the only three fairies he trusts: Knotgrass (Imelda Staunton), Flittle (Leslie Manville), and Thistlewit (Juno Temple), this film's equivalents of Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. And from here on, he devotes his life to waging war against Maleficent, who surrounds the Moors with a forest of gigantic, impenetrable briars.
Unlike in Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent easily finds the cottage where the fairies raise Aurora. But Knotgrass, Flittle, and Thistlewit are much stupider than Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, and inept as foster mothers. Despite Maleficent's insistence that she hates the little "beastie," she and Diaval secretly watch over Aurora, ensuring that she lives to the age of sixteen, and over the years, Maleficent finds herself warming toward the innocent, brave young princess. Eventually, she spirits Aurora (now played by Elle Fanning) into the Moors for regular visits, and they form a close bond, with Aurora thinking Maleficent is her fairy godmother.
On her sixteenth birthday, Aurora resolves to leave her three silly "aunties" and live in the Moors. The same day, she also meets the handsome Prince Phillip (Brenton Thwaites). But when she announces her choice to leave, the fairies reveal her true identity and tell her about the curse. Now believing Maleficent to be evil, the distraught Aurora goes to her father's castle. There, the curse's hypnotic power takes effect and leads Aurora to the fateful spindle.
In desperation, Maleficent spirits Phillip to the castle, where the silly fairies urge him to kiss the sleeping Aurora. But his kiss doesn't wake her: his crush on her isn't "true love" because they only just met. After the others leave, however, the grieving Maleficent approaches Aurora's bedside and kisses her forehead. This kiss of true motherly love breaks the spell. (A twist that might have been even more effective if Disney hadn't already used a similar twist in its latest animated success, Frozen.)
But there's still a villain to defeat, as Stefan's army attacks Maleficent. Though she briefly fights them off by turning Diaval into a dragon, the soldiers soon overpower them. That is, until Aurora finds Maleficent's severed wings and frees them to fly back to her. With her power of flight restored, Maleficent triumphs, and the battle ends with Stefan falling to his death from a tower. Maleficent then removes her briars from the Moors and gives up her throne to Aurora, who unites the human and fairy realms in joy and peace.
While I understand why this film had mixed reviews, I understand its popularity too. It's a visually stunning production, with an atmosphere that perfectly balances darkness with enchantment. And while the screenplay has some uneven characterization, in general it's an engaging new spin on an old story. As for Angelina Jolie she embodies this version of Maleficent in all her dignity, ferocity, wry wit, and complexity. That said, she never captures the sheer gravitas and charisma that Eleanor Audley's voice and Marc Davis's animation gave the original Maleficent. No matter what its fans might claim, this film can't replace the artistry of the animated Sleeping Beauty. I especially dislike the reduction of the three good fairies, the original film's true heroines, into obnoxious idiots.
Still, for an epic, creative reimagining of an iconic Disney villainess's story, Maleficent is very much worth seeing.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @comma-after-dearest, @thealmightyemprex, @paexgo-rosa, @fairytaleslive, @faintingheroine, @the-blue-fairie, @themousefromfantasyland, @reds-revenge, @thatscarletflycatcher
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queenie-official · 7 months
✨🫧💟About me💟🫧✨
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Masterlist Ao3 Wattpad
-🪻 Hi! my name is Queenie🤭 my pronouns are she/her, i’m 18 years old and obsessed with fictional men and Women✨
-🪻 Send in whatever you want in my asks, i love hearing from you huns Xx<3
-🪻 i write fluff only (this might change later idk) since i have zero real life experience with smut and therefore i feel i would not do it justice when writing for it (but if you want to send in asks about certain opinions or thoughts that are smut related i 100% will respond so don’t worry🫶🏼)
-🪻i’ll write for any of the characters i listed below⬇️ i will not write for real people because it makes me uncomfy😭 but i’ll openly simp with you over a celebrity if you do send in something about that person
🪻i am an ENFP (but for some reason my extroverted abilities seem to fail me when i’m online 😭)
-🪻i’m Pansexual and proud💋 i will not tolerate homophobia or any kind of discrimination against the LGBTQ+, you will be blocked immediately if i see any.
-🪻 i am an August leo 💅✨ 2005 babies let’s goooo💪💪
-🪻UTTERLY OBSESSED with little mix🤭 those girls are my all time roman empire. i will talk about them for hours🌝
-🪻i’m biracial, i’m like literally mixed with everything but i’m mostly Italian 🇮🇹, puerto Rican🇵🇷, Irish🇮🇪, and Cuban🇨🇺 (i am a no sabo kid😔, but that’s okay my fellow no sabo kids unite😌)
✨💟here’s a list of all my fictional crushes (i will write for them if requested!)💟✨:
-tasm!peter parker
-Steve Harrington
-Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper)
-Richard Grayson (Nightwing- Brenton Thwaites)
-Louis (TWDG)
-Henry Turner
-Poe Dameron
-Javi (TWDG)
-Will turner
-Luke (TWDG)
-Anakin Skywalker
-Sam monroe (life as a house)
-Padme Amidala
-James kelly (American heist)
-Barry Allen (the flash- Grant Gustin)
-AJ (Takers 2010)
-Carter Davis
-Clay Beresford
-Sherlock Holmes (henry cavill)
-Leo Campoli (little italy)
-Simon Aumar
-Yelena Belova
-Matt Murdock
-Michelle Jones
-stephen glass (shattered glass)
-Mike Schmidt
-Xenk Yendar
-Scott Barringer (higher ground)
-Tadashi Hamada
-Rachel Green
-Derek Saurez (our life)
-Nightowl (blooming Panic)
-Vanessa Shelly
-Mammon (Obey!Me)
(honorable mentions for more of my wives since these girlies are real people: Jade Thirlwall, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Perrie Edwards, Maya Hawke, Sadie Sink, Jenna Ortega, Zendaya, Vanessa Hudgens, Margot Robbie, Halle Bailey)
(also as you can tell i’m obsessed and will write for pretty much all of hayden’s characters provided i’ve seen the movie or show 😭)
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mattmurdocksthighs · 1 month
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zoey deutch as april hearst fionn whitehead as axel hearst
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bella hadid as camille pierce noah beck as calvin pierce
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olivia cooke as odette princeton alex fitzalan as otto princeton
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hailee steinfeld + daniel sharman as scout
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devon bostick + naomi scott as link
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miranda mckeon as sofia bennett walker scobell as stefan bennett
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colin ford as rhysand greenleaf emma myers as rhiannon greenleaf
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alicia vikander as cataline sam corlett as colton
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dylan o'brien + chloe bennet as charlie hudson
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leighton meester as behati jensen ackles as brenton
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hellsmouthhq · 3 months
Any face claim ideas for Leo wyatt and kol mikaelson?
oh my gosh -- so many !! both leo and kol are EXTREMELY wanted !!
for leo wyatt there's chris evans , luke mitchell , kit harington , chad michael murray , jensen ackles , brenton thwaites , sam claflin , theo james , oliver stark , aaron tveit , bradley james , josh dallas , hugh dancy & milo ventimiglia !!
for kol mikaelson there is penn badgley , ben barnes , jamie campbell bower , alex fitzalan , tom holland , grant gustin , dacre montgomery , william moseley , rudy pankow , chase stokes , cody fern , freddy carter , robbie kay , hunter doohan , timothée chalamet & will tudor !!
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moon-meridian · 10 months
hello, friends! here is a collection of some of my favorite faces. i'll update this list as i come into contact with faces that i've been introduced to and want to interact with. please keep in mind that this list is just what comes to mind, i love new faces so feel free to suggest new ones to me !#happyroleplaying
aaron paul, aaron taylor-johnson, aaron tveit, adam dimarco, adan canto, alan ritchson, alberto rosende, alexander calvert, alexander skarsgard, alex fitzalan, alfie allen, alfonso herrera, alfred enoch, alvaro rico, andre lamoglia, andrew garfield, andrew matarazzo, andy samberg, angus cloud, antoni porowski, antony starr, armie hammer, aron piper, austin butler, avan jogia, ben barnes, bill skarsgard, blair redford, blake jenner, bob morley, boyd holbrook, brandon flynn, brant daughtry, brenton thwaites, brian j. smith, bright vachirawit chivaaree, cameron monaghan, casey cott, carter jenkins, chace crawford, chadwick boseman, chance perdomo, charles melton, charlie coxx, charlie heaton, charlie hunnam, charlie weber, chase stokes, cheyenne jackson, chris evans, chris hemsworth, chris messina, chris pine, christian navarro, christopher abbott, chris wood, cody christian, cody fern, cole sprouse, colton haynes, curran walters, dacre montgomery, daniel sharman, darren barnet, darren criss, david castaneda, david castro, david corenswet, dean geyer, dominic cooper, dominic sherwood, drey ray tanner, drew van acker, dylan minnette, dylan o'brien, dylan sprayberry, dylan sprouse, ed westwick, eka darville, eric dane, evan peters.
felix mallard, finn jones, finn wittrock, froy gutierrez, gavin leatherwood, gong yoo, grant gustin, gregg sulkin, gus kenworthy, hart denton, hasan minhaj, henry cavill, henry zaga, herman tommeras, hero fiennes-tiffin, hugh dancy, ian bohen, ian harding, ian somerhalder, itzan escamilla, iwan rheon, jack falahee, jack quaid, jack mulhern, jack o'connell, jacob artist, jacob elordi, jai courtney, jan luis castellanos, jared padelecki, jason momoa, jedidiah goodacre, jensen ackles, jeremy allen white, jeremy jordan, joe dempsie, joe keery, joel kinnaman, joel mchale, joe manganiello, jonathan groff, jon bernthal, jon krazinski, jordan fisher, jorge lopez, joseph gilgun, josh hartnett, joshua bassett, justin hartley, justin theroux, karamo brown, karl urban, kit harrington, kj apa, kyle allen, liam hemsworth, logan shroyer, louis partridge, lucien laviscount, luke evans, luke pasqualino.
manny jacinto, manu rios, matt bomer, matthew daddario, mark pellegrino, mason gooding, maxence danet-fauvel, max irons, max riemelt, mena massoud, michael cimino, michael trevino, michael vlamis, michele morrone, michiel huisman, miguel bernardeau, miguel herran, mike colter, miguel angel silvestre, miles heizer, milo ventimiglia, nathan parsons, nicholas galitzine, nick robinson, nico mirallegro, nico tortorella, nikolaj coster-waldua, noah centineo, nolan gerard funk, oliver jackson-cohen, oliver stark, omar ayuso, omar rudberg, oscar isaac, paul wesley, penn badgley, pol granch, rafael silva, rahul kohli, rami malik, richard madden, ricky whittle, riz ahmed, robert sheehan, rome flynn, ronen rubenstein, ross lynch, rudy pankow, rupert grint, ryan guzman, ryan kelley, ryan potter, sam claflin, sam heughan, samuel larson, scott eastwood, sean teale, sebastian de souza, sebastian stan, shiloh fernandez, skeet ulrich, steven strait.
taron egerton, taylor zakhar perez, theo james, thomas doherty, timothy granaderos, timothy olyphant, toby kebbell, toby wallace, tom ellis, tom hiddleston, tom holland, tom hopper, tom pelphrey, tyler blackburn, tyler hoechlin, tyler lawrence gray, tyler posey, wentworth miller, zac efron.
austin porter, benito ocasio (bad bunny), brandon arreaga, charlie puth, dominic fike, edwin honoret, harry styles, jack gilinsky, jack harlow, jaden smith, joe jonas, lil nas z, machine gun kelly, nick jonas, nick mara, omar apollo, shawn mendes, troye sivan, zayn malik, zion kuwonu.
bang chan, choi chanhee, choi minho, christian yu, han seungwoo, jackson wang, jay park, jung ki-suck, kim jennie, kim jisoo, kim jongdae, kwon hyuk lai, kuan-lin, lalisa manoban, lee dae-hwi, lee tae-min, mark yien tuan, ong seong-wu, roseanne park, taehyung, wong kunhang, wu yi fan, xiao dejun, and yan an.
adam senn, adil haddaoui, adrien sahores, agustin bruno, arthur gosse, billy vandendooren, bo develius, brad skelly, brooklyn beckham, cameron dallas, casey jackson, christian hogue, daniel abohzira, daniel bederov, david gandy, derek chadwick, desire mia, diego barrueco, francisco lachowski, gage gomez, gui fedrezzi, harvey newton-haydon, isha blaaker, ivan kozak, jacob bixenman, janis danner, jamie dornan, joe collier, jordan torres, juan betancourt, julian schratter, kit butler, lenny izaguire, manu rios, marlon teixeira, marvin cortes, matthew noszka, matty carrington, maverick mcconnell, michael yerger, neels visser, nick bateman, nicolas simoes, nyle dimarco, ollie loudon, owen lindberg, rafael lazzini, rafael miller, reese king, richard diess, robbie satchwell, sean opry, simon loof, simon nessman, tanner reese, tom webb, vinnie hacker, will higginson, xavier serrano, zander fitzpatrick
gus kenworthy, noah beck, ryan garcia, vlad hoshin.
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silencehq · 4 months
mods, mwfcs de fcs mais velhos? na casa dos 35+
Laura Harrier, Nico Tortorella, Karla Souza, Marco Pigossi, Amanda Seyfried, Brenton Thwaites, Lily James, Michael B Jordan, Margot Robbie, Sam Claflin, Riz Ahmed, Tessa Thompson, Lupita Nyong'o.
Foram os que consegui pensar agora, laranja! Se precisar de mais, basta dizer que eu procuro outros no arquivo.
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newbornfallshq · 2 years
FCs for children of Hayley & Elijah's children and some secrets pretty please.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Alex Fitzalan
Alex Lawther
Asa Butterfield
Axel Auriant
Brandon Flynn
Brenton Thwaites
Casey Deidrick
Charlie Heaton
Chace Crawford
Dane DeHaan
Daniel Radcliffe
Douglas Booth
Dylan Minnette
Dylan O'Brien
Fionn Whitehead
Giancarlo Commare
Gregg Sulkin
Harry Styles
Herman Tømmeraas
Jack Mulhern
Joe Jonas
Joe Keery
Josh Hutcherson
Joshua Bassett
Liam Hemsworth
Liam Payne
Ludovico Tersigni
Luke Pasqualino
Louis Tomlinson
Max Irons
Maxence Danet-Fauvel
Miles Heizer
Nicholas Hoult
Nick Jonas
Nick Robinson
Nico Tortorella
Noah Centineo
Robert Pattinson
Sam Claflin
Theo James
Timothee Chalamet
Tyler Young
Zac Efron
Adelaide Kane
Alexandra Daddario
Alexis Bledel
Alycia Debnam-Carey
Alyson Stone
Anna Kendrick
Ariel Winter
Bailee Madison
Caitlin Stasey
Elizabeth Gillies
Emilia Clarke
Emilie De Ravin
Emily Browning
Georgie Henley
Isabelle Fuhrman
Jessica De Douw
Jessica Lowndes
Jessica Stroup
Joey King
Kendall Jenner
Kristen Stewart
Kylie Jenner
Laura Marano
Liana Liberato
Lily Collins
Lindsey Shaw
Lucy Hale
Lyndsy Fonseca
Mackenzie Foy
Maia Mitchell
Madeline Carroll
Maisie Williams
Miranda Cosgrove
Marie Avgeropoulos
Megan Fox
Meghan Ory
Olivia Cooke
Rowan Blanchard
Ruby Rose
Shailene Woodley
Shenae Grimes-Beech
Taylor Hill
Vanessa Marano
Willa Holland
Zoey Deutch
they've been ingesting vervain as a means to get stronger but it’s taking a toll on their health
they've been ingesting wolfsbane as a means to get stronger but it’s taking a toll on their health
they killed themselves in order to become a vampire to feel closer to their family
they killed someone in order to become a werewolf to feel closer to their mother
they triggered their vampire and werewolf gene when they got into an accident with their friend/ex
they accidentally killed their partner and want to resurrect them because of the guilt and pain they feel
they want to create their own wolf pack and become the new alpha of all the wolves
they put their magic inside of an object and hid it away because they wanted to just feel human
they want to create their own coven and be the most powerful witch
they resent Hope for being the reason that Elijah sacrificed himself
they resent Hope for being the reason that Hayley sacrificed herself
they resent Hope for being the first born, feeling like they don't matter as much compared to her
they want to find a way to remove their werewolf gene
they want to find a way to remove their vampire gene
they want to find a way to remove their magic
they want to find a way to leave Mystic Falls and New Orleans so that they don’t have to be trapped with their family anymore
they're using themselves as a human blood bag, getting a high off of it
when they turn into a vampire they plan to drain Elena of the cure, even if it means her death
they plan to sacrifice themselves if it means that they’re free from this world
they want to rebuild the strix and become their leader
they hate being a Mikaelson because of the pressure the names holds over it
they're creating magically enhanced drugs and selling them
If you need more suggestions with anything we're more than happy to give more!
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