#rachel hailey
booksandwords · 2 years
Sanctuary (Anthology)
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Read time: 2 Days Rating: 5/5
Edited by Carol Shaughnessy Contains contributions by: Sherrilyn Kenyon/McQueen, Sheri-Lynn Marean, Rachel Hailey, Nicki Nance, Kris Kellen, Kimberly Forrest, T. Elizabeth Guthrie, L.J. Sealy, Sam Brenton, Jennifer Forist, Jennifer Becker, Cathy Graham and Kim May
This is a book that I never knew I needed but absolutely did. Sherrilyn McQueen's Paladins are some of the most supportive people (mostly women) I've ever been around. This shows they also use their creativity well and clearly know their source material. Sanctuary is a collection of fanfictions written by Paladins centred on the titular Sanctuary bar and grill. Sanctuary itself is one of the most popular places in the Dark Hunter world. Everyone is welcome there just don't try anything stupid. Or as Kim May phrases it in A Fox With New Fur “Don’t start no shit and there won’t be no shit.”
What is interesting is the similarities and differences between the stories and their interpretations of the world. The biggest similarity between most of the stories is the use of Dev. While canonically the quads (except maybe Remi) and Fang rotate door duty so many of writers choose to use Dev the humorous and most recognisable Quad as an outsiders first introduction to Sanctuary. Also commonly if there was a character with an existing relationship with the bar it is nearly always the male. The other thing that I missed until I started writing this review, there are few if any Dark Hunter OCs. They are all Weres or other supernaturals.
The order of the stories is good. Choosing what was first and last was the most important for Carol Shaughnessy. Her choices of Dragon Heart Awakened by Sheri-Lynn Marean and A Fox With New Fur by Kim May respectively are effective choices. Dragon Heart Awakened is heavily romantic and echoes Sherrilyn McQueen's writing so well. Enemies to lovers with a twist, honestly it is an enjoyable start. Kim May's Megumi is one of the characters out of her element entirely and A Fox With New Fur is not a romantic story. It is just Megumi reclaiming her life. This is one for fans. Only fans will appreciate this. But you must remember reading that these are only interpretations of our beloved Hunterverse, they may or may not align with your perception of it.
The Legend of Sanctuary by Sherrilyn Kenyon
And I will leave everyone with one small reminder. These are fan stories, written by fans. While I gave them the ability to write in my world, what they have done isn’t necessarily Dark-Hunter canon. This book exists outside of the time line of the Dark-Hunters. And I hope all of you enjoy our little side adventure. Hugs!
This is the forward. The story of Sanctuary, the reasons Sherri chose to include the bar and an introduction to the anthology itself. Honestly, I really like the legend behind Sanctuary, why the Peltiers set it up. It really is one of the best known and popular stories in the Hunterverse.
Dragon Heart Awakened by Sheri-Lynn Marean
“I understand, and apology accepted. Love makes us do things we normally wouldn’t. How did this vendetta arise anyway?” “It started when a crazy ancestor of mine cursed all of dragonkind.” Aimee shook her head. “No one can ever simply get along, can they?” “Not in my experience,” — Aimee Peltier and Evany
Evany and Sawyer are great creations. Evany feels like every inch a Sherri heroine, intelligent and protective. Sawyer is a strong male who does need something even if he's not sure what. I could see him being from the mould of a Hellchaser. The whole thing feels very much like the princess saves herself, but I'm glad we don't go into the dark parts right before the end. It would be so hard to do justice do in such a limit word count. It was a strong choice to start on.
Brave by Rachel Hailey
“My mom is going to kill me.” “Yeah, been there, done that, and bled on the t-shirt.” Hannah twisted around to find a tall guy with jet-black, wavy hair leaning against the bar. He regarded her with eyes of deep jade. “What?” “I'm pretty sure my mom made attempted murder a holiday tradition. It's good to know my family isn't the only one that puts the fun in dysfunctional.” She shook her head with a light laugh. “Definitely can relate to that.” He sank to a stool next to her with a dazzling smile that displayed two deep dimples. “I'm Kearse.” — Hannah and Kearse
Okay, I need to start this by saying I really like the doll nickname Kearse uses for Hannah and I'm not even entirely certain why. It just suits him and I kinda feel like it suits New Orleans too. Brave isn't an out-and-out romance story. Brave not only relates to how Hannah is with Kearse, the lines between them but for the start. This is a demigod, Hannah coming into her own, protecting the innocent with her life and empowering herself. Kearse is a Sherri man to his core, amusing, kinda flirty, he wants her and knows she is his mate but respects her beyond all things. I like the ending. It gives a solid end and understanding to Kearse's story.
Mourning Shadows by Nicki Nance
“You’re gorgeous, Shem. I couldn’t pull my eyes away.” She reached forward and handed him the blue bundle she was now fisting, then she stepped back. “Welcome to my world. I’ve been looking at you that way since I was 15.” — Masciarina and Shem
This is one of my faves in the collection. It plays the world in an interesting way. Assuming I interpereted the signposts correctly, it's an alternate timeline. Shem and Mar are both wonderful. Shem is the one who twists the world on its head. Mar just makes some interesting adjustments to the characters. We do get one surprising get appearance.
Dreaming of New Orleans by Kris Kellen
“That’s an understatement. Let’s see, how to put this. I’m the friendly one,” he paused as both Aimee and Quinn laughed. Glaring at them he continued. “Cherif, you haven’t met him yet, he’s the oldest and acts it, Quinn over there is the quiet one, and, well, Rem is the grumpy one.” Looking at her he shook his head, “Remi doesn’t talk to people, not if he can help it. So, him sharing about the family, yeah, that seems weird to us.” — Dev Peltier
This takes the let Remi be happy idea and runs with it, and I couldn't be happier about it. Remi deserves happiness, I needed someone to write this. Canonically Remi is only in love with Quinn's mate Becca not a spurned male. He just needs to find the right woman/female to help. Leading lady MacKenzie Galanis is a brilliant choice. She feels like the daughter of a Dream Hunter, my fave of the Hunters. It was a pleasure to see Max, so many people forget about him. The ending of this fic will possibly be slightly controversial, even if the whole concept is not.
Hot Wings and Howlers by Kimberly Forrest
“I guess a lot of people around here have a thing for Artemis.” It had been said more to herself than for Simi, but the woman scowled blackly, muttering, “Nasty old heifer goddess.” Taken aback by the vitriol behind that statement, Jack repeated, “Heifer goddess?” “Artemis,” Simi confirmed grumpily. “She a mean old heifer. The Simi hates her.” — Jackelyn “Jack” Phillips and Simi
In some ways this has clever framing, the Eric that is mentioned as a cousin is from Chronicles of Nick. Maudaug's brother, Tabby's boyfriend. I forgot that he was a Squire though I don't know for who. This one is so short and deceptively simple. It has no romantic subplot just someone auditioning to join the Howlers part-time. What little magic is in play is the standard Were stunning the human. Though it's really nice to see Tori getting a mention. Forrest does a brilliant job capturing the voice of the Simi.
The Fugitive Jackal by T. Elizabeth Guthrie
Kenzie’s first thought was how tall and wide the man in front of her was. He looks like a tank. A very yummy tank. Falling back on her training, she realized he had to stand well over six feet tall. “Yummm,” purred her instantly horny witch. — Kenzie
Colt seems popular with fans as the hero, he has more than a little chemistry with Kenzie (another Kenzie?). What I really do like about this is the language Guthrie chooses to use. Kenzie is more than a little sassy and has a great observation of Fang, Colt is brilliantly written in his confusion and Fang is perfectly captured his humour (but Fang, Fang, Fang don't piss off your mate). I was honestly not sure how to feel about this story. It tells the story it needs to tell and it is a wonderful use of a bounty hunter, those we know are hunting Weres and were-Jackals (we've known some over the years why do I feel like they are all idiots?).
Ravaged Angel by Mary E Jung
A famous biker bar known to most locals, it stood resolute under the moonlight, as if daring deadly beasts to crawl out of the darkness and step over its threshold. By the scent of danger in the air, Melody would venture that gauntlet was picked up more times than not. — Melody
This is a sweet fic featuring demigod Melody and Wereleopard Angel, the lead singer of The Howlers. Melody is a haunted and hunted woman, hunted by Apollo (woo 😒). I could have used a couple of quotes from Ravaged Angel. Their relationship is so soft. I like seeing the empowerment that comes with being defended in Sanctuary's walls, the power that Melody gains from seeing people caring for her. Total respect to Jung for using Angel in a personal context, away from the stage.
Sanctuary by Carrie Humphrey
Kedah opened one eye, knowing that if she opened both, she would officially be awake and wasn’t ready to commit to that nonsense. — Kedah
To me this is possibly the weakest of the 14 stories. It's a vampire and mate meeting the members of the Peltier family for the first time and offering her services to fix a problem. It is one of if not the only story set pre-Bad Moon Rising, Nicolette and Papa Bear are still around and running Sanctuary. It's great to see Nicolette again. I do like the writing though, there are some fantastic quotes. But the story just leaves me wanting something, like it should be longer, like there are chapters missing.
One Fated Night by L.J. Sealy
Clara’s cheeks heated as she became aware that he was watching her. The fact he hadn’t uttered a word, as if he were happy for her eyes to roam his body, made her heart race. When her gaze met his heavy stare for a moment, she froze. — Clara
I like One Fated Night as a take. Heroine Clara is a Wolfswan on the run from a future she desperately doesn't want, from an abusive man, an abusive future. Hero Axe is a lone wolf who steps in to save her despite being on the way out of the town. After Axe is beaten badly Clara saves him in return. They are both alone in the world but seeing Axe rebel against the bitches work though is something I liked to see. That panic just makes so much sense. I don't think it's something we see it enough.
Valentine's Day at Sanctuary by Sam Brenton
“Poor thing went through absolute hell. We're glad she's out on the other side of that horror." Angela smiled at Ash shyly when he didn't say anything. "Sorry. I just realized how much I rambled. I tend to do that when I'm excited.” — Angela
My lord is this fun. Brenton makes a very bold choice, they choose to write through the eyes of one Acheron Parthenopaeus. His night starts off normal, moves to odd then gets downright insane. It plays heavily with the fourth wall and what would happen if Sherri's characters, specifically Ash with his darkest of dark past and remit to protect the Dark Hunters found out about Sherri's writing.
New Beginnings by Jennifer Forist
“I know you feel what I feel,” he nuzzled his nose against my neck, sending bolts of electricity coursing through my body. “If you think I’m letting my future mate deal with two losers without me—well, we need to get to know each other better.” — Cassian 'Cash'
Oh, this is desperately sweet. I love the protective nature of some were females. Aimee being the badass bear swan we know she is, doing the us females gotta stick together thing with the hurting werewolf. Heroine Satara protecting the lovely Grace, who really needs it. But you know still taking time to check out Cash as he defended her (can't let a good opportunity go to waste). The whole idea of a pack protecting those most vulnerable in the wolf community appealed to me. Forist chooses to give Cash an interesting fear, I like that humanising feature.
From Her Darkest Dreams by Jennifer Becker
He was like a giant stuffed animal curled up next to her, his back to her front. She doubted he would appreciate being called a stuffed animal, though. Men didn’t like to be considered cute and cuddly. — Delphi Sideris
The story of Thrax Gataki a katagarian black panther and Delphi Sideris an oracle. Oracles are not something I see a lot in the fandom but I like the way she is used here. It plays a lot with the tropes of the series. A couple of comments with the name Thrax it feels like Jennifer Becker might also be a fan of The League series Thrax is so close to Thrāix (pronounced Thrace). Also something so, so League is the use of “νεράιδα” (Fairy) as a term of endearment from Thrax to Delphi. Becker is the only one that includes this element.
Falcon's Flight by Cathy Graham
“Who is Savitar? I don’t recognise him as a Were.” Skye looked at Cane. “Savitar is… well he just is.” — Skye Falconi and Cane Whitethunder
Oh I like this one. I like the use of jumping through time to create a complicated family, the idea of the perpetual parents meddling with the children and the idea of a family having a surprising gift from the gods. Cane is our link to the canonical Dark-Hunterverse as the son of Sanctuary doctor/vet Carson, though he himself isn't canon. Skye is sweet and kinda innocent which is always welcome. The plot itself is just kinda amusing. The whole story is lovely. Also that Savitar quote is just fair. What else can we say about Savitar at least until Sherri gifts us a backstory (🥳Which OMG is actually happening😍).
A Fox With New Fur by Kim May
“He some kind of demon?” She nodded. “Oni. He’s been hunting me.” “What did you do to piss him off?” “I rejected him.” “Seriously?” Megumi reclaimed her drink and took another sip. “He’s yakuza. One day he saw me walking down the street and he decided that he had to have me. I said no. When he persisted, I fought back, but he didn’t get the hint. That’s when I broke his neck. His rage and crimes were sufficient to instantly turn him into a demon. and he’s been stalking me ever since.” — Colt and Megumi
With kitsune Megumi as the main character and an Oni as the main villain, I appreciate Kim May's choice to include another pantheon that I have only seen in maybe Chronicles of Nick (if I remember my CoN lore correctly). Though there might be a spark of something between Megumi and Colt that is not the point of the piece. The primary point is Megumi reclaiming her freedom and her life from the man who has been hunting her. And what a way to get it. I honestly do appreciate it as a way to end. So much of Sherri's writing is about female empowerment, something at May manages to capture so well.
Read for @godzilla-reads​ Simple Reading Challenge. Filling the May August prompt: "Read a Short Story/ Essay Collection" As soon as I saw this prompt and this book I knew I had to read it. Sherrilyn McQueen is one of if not my favourite author. Her fandom, the Paladins is one of the most supportive I've been in. This even exists needs to be promoted.
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fawnsite · 4 months
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lighticonx · 3 months
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forsapphics · 4 months
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THE L WORD (2004 - 2009) · S05, E03: Lady of the Lake — dir. Tricia Brock
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fwirbanks · 1 year
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redcarpet-streetstyle · 8 months
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encisthings · 5 months
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livmoorez · 1 year
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Favourite moments of the 2023 NCAA gymnastics season:
Southern Utah scores 49.500 on floor for the second consecutive week, becoming the first MRGC team to hit 49.500+ on floor multiple times in the same season. A team score of 197.125 also marks a school record road score.
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supernaturallyliterate · 10 months
Unprepared Casters Arc 8: The King is Dead
Finale thoughts: HOLY FUCKING SHIT
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cityofiris · 2 years
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hold me down
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neinmachinahells · 2 years
Can we talk about the siblings "making a choice" that meant they don't get to live out their fae lives together!?
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rexferguson · 14 days
do you take requests for lyric gifsets?
i do! i did a request last year for a lyric gif set. admittedly, depending on the song + the character, a request like that could take me longer but i'm definitely not opposed if i have the content available to make said gif set. :)
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4theitgirls · 6 months
youtube wellness channels: a masterlist
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workout channels
akshaya agnes - pilates, yoga, strength training
april han - bodyweight strength training
bailey brown - pilates
boho beautiful yoga - yoga
cami sophia - pilates
caroline girvan - weight & strength training
celamarr - weight & strength training
charlie follows - yoga
daisy keech - strength training
dansique fitness - pilates & ballet style workouts
dayana wang - short workouts you can do in bed
dn.beauty natural - short slimming workouts
eleni fit - cardio, pilates, hiit
emi wong - bodyweight strength training
eylem abaci - strength training, pilates
feel good with olya - bodyweight strength training, stretching
fightmaster yoga - yoga
fit by lys - pilates, low impact workouts
fitness__kaykay - weight & strength training, mobility
flow with mira - pilates
gayatri yoga - yoga, pilates, yogalates
gloria song - bodyweight strength training
growingannanas - weight & strength training
growwithjo - walking workouts, strength training, pilates
hailey c. - bodyweight strength training
heather robertson - weight & strength training
hinafit - kpop inspired bodyweight strength training
isawelly - pilates
jessica richburg - yoga
julia.reppel - mobility, strength training
kaila wen - pilates
kpop fitness - kpop inspired strength training and stretches
lena snow - bodyweight strength training
lilly sabri - pilates
madeleine abeid - pilates
madfit - weight & strength training
mady morrison - yoga, stretching
mary braun - bodyweight strength training
mizi - strength training, cardio
move with nicole - pilates
moving mango pilates - pilates
nathalie shanti - pilates, yoga
nobadaddiction - weight & strength training, cardio, hiit
oppserve - bodyweight strength training, stretching
pamela reif - strength training, stretching
pilatesbodyraven - pilates
rachel gulotta fitness - strength training, cardio, fun themed workouts and stretches
rachel’s fit pilates - pilates, strength training, cardio
raminara - pilates
rovena - walking workouts
shirlyn kim - pilates, bodyweight strength training, cardio
sydney cummings houdyshell - weight & strength training
teagan dixon - fun cardio, bodyweight strength training
the glow method - yoga, pilates
the yoga ranger studio - yoga
yoga with adriene - yoga
yoga with bird - yoga
yoga with kassandra - yoga
yoga with kate amber - yoga
yuuka sagawa - bodyweight strength training
somifit - strength training
other channels
diana conforti - fitness, meals, workouts
gainsbybrains - fitness, body recomp/fat loss
janet ndomahina - health, productivity, general wellness
keltie o’connor - fitness, general wellness, nutrition
kyla beland - fitness, health, general wellness
leanbeefpatty - nutrition, talks, motivation
lenalifts - vlogs, fitness, habits
linda sun - nutrition, realistic eating
llexliftz - fitness, healing relationships with food
michael sealey - sleep meditation and hypnosis
mina rome - cooking and recipes
nairee kiana - fitness, health, general wellness
natacha océane - fitness, health, general wellness
rachael wrigley - nutrition, healing relationship with food
samantha clarke - pilates and strength training, vlogs
sanne vloet - pilates, vlogs, nutrition
vicky justiz - bodyweight strength training, fitness tips
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sgbabereview · 3 months
Thanks for visiting the page. We rate and review SG’s best and sluttiest girls and how well they get boys hard.
MOST DESIRED GIRL: Kellie 94 reblogs (Updated 8 March)
For the first time, a non-influencer tops our chart of the most reblogged girl. If you found someone else you like more, reblog her review and put her in contention for the top spot!
Charlene - sgboobies Rachel Hailey XWP - small tits Beverly - small tits Jolin (IRL) Kellie (IRL) MOST DESIRED Az (content creator) - sgboobies Eunice (IRL) - small tits Laura (IRL) - small tits Jiahui - fitfucks, rising star, small tits Sherr (IRL) - sgboobies Tricia - sgboobies Jacelyn (IRL) Kimberly Zanna - small tits Queenie - fitfucks Leona (IRL) - rising star Chloe - sgboobies Yuki (IRL) - small tits Ellena - fitfucks Amanda (IRL) Esther - small tits
#30A is a series featuring the island’s tightest girls with cute tiny tits. Who ever said that small boobs aren’t beautiful!
#sgIRL is a community driven series featuring friends and girls you know. Share the love and help fellow men orgasm to your friends!
#sgboobies showcases the island’s best rates tits and the girls that flaunt them. Let’s encourage them to show their best assets and leave lesser and lesser room for imagination!
#fitfucks is a tribute to the disciplined girls in SG who dedicate themselves to looking tight and right. We join them on their fitness journey and inspire them with our cum.
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barbiebutgayer · 23 days
Celebrities to Block
Doja Cat
Taylor Swift
Kim Kardashian
Baby Ariel
Lady Gaga
Sabrina Carpenter
Jojo Siwa
Hailey Bieber
Nathaniel Buzolic
Gal Gadot
Haley Kalil
Ariana Grande
James Charles
Trisha Paytas
Tina Fey
Leonardo DiCaprio
Nicole Kidman
Kieran Culkin
Alexander Skarsgård
Sarah Jessica Parker
Amanda Seyfried
Barry Keoghan
Ben Platt
Tessa Thompson
Kylie Jenner
Nicki Minaj
Cardi B
Rachel Zegler
Kerry Washington
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fwirbanks · 1 year
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The L Word (03x09) - Latecomer
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