#sankta Milo
maroon-book-dragon · 3 months
Grishaverse Ship War Finals!
Finally coming to an end (no one is surprised at this matchup)!
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callmefirefly · 1 year
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So it seems you can now buy your very own emotion support goat from the Netflix shop - all hail Sankta Milo!
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sleepless-crows · 1 year
sankta neyar deserves the treatment milo got
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
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savethegrishaverse · 4 months
Milo the Goat is actually Morotzova, and I can prove it
UPDATE: SO I may have been misguded a tad. Illya is in fact Baghra's DAD not her husband so...
Okay so we know Morozova dies - gets split in half, it’s all sad, it’s in the Lives of Saints I think. So Morozova the man is dead, right? But his whole story is about bringing the dead back.
And we know Sankta Lizbeta dies as well in her Saint Story and her blood is why roses are red. 
BUT in Season 2 we see her as a bee in reference to when Zoya will meet her officially later,
And now I’m thinking…
So Kaz finds a goat in Os Kervo. A random goat named “Milo”
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The goat ends up being Jesper’s emotional support goat
And while Jesper is holding him, he performs an unbelievable feat of fabrikation to save their lives.
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We know the Morozova line are all amplifiers
We know Jesper is a Grisha, who would benefit from the effects of amplification AND we know Kaz is NOT Grisha, which would explain why he assumes the goat is normal.
Jesper says a heartfelt goodbye to Milo, and gifts him a bullet necklace to remember him by.
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Later, at the Military camp where Mal and Alina are being held captive by the Darkling, Milo sees Mal. 
Somehow the goat happens to mosey over (after no doubt hearing the juicy gossip the Darkling and Mal were shouting at each other moments before) and Mal happens to be able to use the bullet to break free, thus in turn starting the chain of events that ends with the main crew breaking out of the Darkling’s control.
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Knowing that Mal is the firebird and therefore also from the Morozova line, it’d make sense why Milo (who is Morozova) would help him. This would also explain why Milo isn’t in season two, as he’s terrified of coming across his daughter Baghra because she would 100% chew his ass out for hanging around as a goat when he should be helping to reign in his emo grandson. To be fair his emo grandson and said grandson’s ex-girlfriend/ex-grooming victim have been killing off Milo’s amplifier friends so like… I dunno, maybe he’s grieving. So he obviously fled across the fold when everyone was distracted fighting and is now happily chilling in Os Alta waiting for his wife and daughter to reincarnate again like he did. 
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please don't take any of this seriously, I am on pain medication.
Also thank you @sleepyzenpanda for pointing out my mistake you're a Saint 🫰
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my-ruthless-zoyalai · 7 months
i have a big sankta alina drawing i’m working on, but art block is artblocking and I can’t draw faces so here have a crappy doodle of milo the goat
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Okay, modern au, kinda high-school but not really? Bit of background: Jan and Marya are split, Marya still struggles with her mental health and has to go to Sankta Hilde's every now and then. That leaves Wylan home alone for days at a time. Both Wylan and Jesper live on the outskirts of Ketterdam and take the same tram to school
They both sign up to the extra credit work. Somehow, a mixup occurs and they get assigned to the same person. Nanny Helena, an 80-something badass who made her way through three spouses and came out on the other side filthy rich. She's immediately Jesper's icon and role model
Nanny Helena dotes on both of them but they don't get along at first. It's a bit of jealousy on Wylan's part because he doesn't have any good grandparent figures and Jesper has a load of family he can talk to. Because he's such a sourpuss, Jesper ignores him and snipes at him a lot, mostly out of impulse
Jesper's super into vintage stuff so Nanny Helena gives him a single record of her favourite song - Wooden Heart. It takes it home and plays it, like, 20 times on repeat. Next time he's at the old person's home, he keeps singing it under his breath
On their way back home, Jesper snoops and sees Wylan drawing his face. He pounces on him and questions it. Wylan tells him - snippily - that Nanny Helena loves his drawings and asked him to draw portraits of both 'her boys'. He'd already drawn himself so- before he can finish the sentence, Jesper snatches the sketchbook off him and flips through to his self-portrait. He scoffs and says Wylan's done himself a disservice. He sits down next to Wylan and dictates to him how pretty he actually is for him to draw, until the end of the line. Wylan goes so far after that as to walk Jesper home
From there, their rivalry's more playful and they stop ignoring each other in school. Nanny Helena happily helps along their rivalry - she's always liked boys fighting over her - and starts gently prodding them together while she does so. This all culminates in Jesper noticing when Wylan skips both school and half his meeting with Nanny Helena
When Wylan finally shows up, he's pale and it's clear he's been crying. He tries to hide it but Jesper asks him about it and he breaks down. His mum's had a bad turn and now she's back in St Hilde's. She won't be back until Friday - five days away. Before he can think about it, Jesper offers for Wylan to live with him and his da for those five days. Wylan tries to protest but Jesper won't hear of it, neither will Nanny Helena
So, they head back to Wylan's place - which produces an impressed whistle from Jesper, the hendriks' have money - to grab his stuff and then to Jesper's house. They are immediately accosted by two dogs - Milo the labrador and Sturmhond the golden retriever - and Jesper's worried dad. Jesper texted him the whole situation and Colm's so welcoming, much more welcoming and fatherly than Jan ever was. It nearly makes Wylan break down again
After those five days, Wylan and Jesper are thick as thieves and easily pining after each other. Nanny Helena sees this and is sick of it. She asks Wylan to get her something from a store cupboard and then asks Jesper to take her on a walk. When they pass by the store cupboard, she shoves him in and leans her stick against the doorhandle. She then goes for a cup of tea
The rest is, as some might say, history
Nanna Helena is the real MVP here ✨
The rivalry to playful rivalry to hurt/comfort I to pinning just *holds heart in chest* it's so beautiful 😭
Wylan going to Jesper this literally happens in my 60s AU 🥺 Different circumstances but still
JESPER'S DOGS STOP- I want Wylan to have a dog so bad 😭 I did have an idea where it was like six of crows au where everything is the same except Wylan has a dog and it slowly becomes the crows' dog (even though Nina is a cat person she ADORES dogs)
Anyways the closer Nanna Helena is evil I love her 😌
The title of the doc should be Nanna Helena and her Volunteer Boys just saying ✨
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"Who's let Sankta Milo go hungry?" Jesper gasped dramatically, before revealing two fistfuls of fresh grass and grain. "Here you are, your Holiness. Fresh from House van Eck's prestigious, well-kept lawn~"
jesper ! father ! i am weak, i am starving, that dreadful mun let two minutes pass before filling my bowl . . .  i thought i’d starve to death .
the little goat bleated, the ruse paying off . little nubbed tail waggity wagging, he chowed down on the food jesper presented to him . there was nothing in the world like fresh van eck’s prestigious well-kept lawn grass, and the grain !  to die for .
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now to return the favor by covering jesper in goat kisses and hugs !
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im-someone-i-guess · 3 years
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Jes looks so offended that they don't remember who Milo was
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arkhamsymphonies · 3 years
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Just feeling robbed that we didn’t get to see Nina interact with Milo ft. I don’t know how to draw goats
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toast-on-t0ast · 3 years
got the collectors edition grishaverse books and a wylan inspired necklace (from the incredible eunoiabeadss on etsy) for my birthday i will not shut up about this ever
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maroon-book-dragon · 5 months
I'm running a best Grishaverse ship (poll) war starting today! Listed below are all the ships I can think of thus far (canonical and non-canonical) that I have seen widely circulated or that I feel people would vote for. Please feel free to reblog with new ones in the tags or message me!
Kaz x Inej, Kaz x Jesper, Jesper x Wylan, Jesper x Goat, Inej x Nina, Nina x Matthias, Nina x Hanne, Alina x Nikolai, Alina x Darkling (as much as that pains me), Alina x Mal, Alina x Genya, Alina x Zoya, Mal x Zoya, Nikolai x Zoya, Darkling x Zoya, Genya x David, Tamar x Nadia, Fedyor x Ivan
I think this is a fairly comprehensive list, but lmk!
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callmefirefly · 1 year
Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture... ⬇️
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...and this picture ⬇️
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Milo the GOAT
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mailykamuse · 3 years
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Sol Koroleva ☀️
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alonlyfangirl · 3 years
You got blessing from Sankt Milo for trying to get Free rein trending 🐐 #free rein 🤡🐎
I feel so lucky
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