#sao agil
softboysora · 1 year
Last Recollection new illustrations
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hxdes-mind · 9 months
Anyway the scene where Klein tells at Agil in Dicey's calling him "cardboard sword dealer" lives rent free in my mind.
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transboykirito · 3 months
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zodiac-senpai · 7 months
Not sure if many of you are aware or interested but apparently in the 《ga(y)meverse》 timeline in the SAO games, due to Kirito and his group actually finishing SAO on floor 100 (not floor 75 like in the anime/LNs), SAO takes half a year longer to complete (around 2 years and 5 months).
This leads to 《The Seed》 releasing around the time of Hollow Realization (which I actually remember them mentioning since it was pretty much my intro to SAO games (due to the dayum gay Eugeo DLC), which is a year later unlike the main timeline 🤔
Thus, the events of 《Fatal Bullet/Lycoris/Last Recollection》 (which you could assume if Alicization/Lycoris wasn’t long after FB) occur between 2026 and 2027.
This would make Kirito 18 in the real world (unlike 17 in the main/anime timeline at the time of 《Alicization》) and 20, not 19, in Underworld by the time of Last Recollection, as time there is faster than in the RW. (I’m still surprised that he’s not actually 19, as a friend stated.)
Not sure about Eugeo but he’s probably around the same age, given the only difference is that he lives past the battle against the Administrator (unlike that evil/anime timeline 🥺💕)
So going off this, that’d make Kirito and some of his male companions in the gameverse:
《Kirito》 - 18 (RW) | 19-20 (Underworld)
《Eugeo》 - 19-20
《Rogu》 - 18-19 (implied)
《Eiji》 - 21
《Itsuki》 - 24
《FB Protagonist》 - 19-20
《Klein》 - 27
《Agil》 - 31
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togetogetogepi · 2 months
Sword Art Online characters as dogs
This is a completely subjective list. It doesn’t have all the SAO characters. You can expand it if you want. If I hate a character, it doesn’t mean that I have anything against that specific kind of dog.
Oh my dog, what am I doing.
Kirito: a mutt. He’s the dog that first comes off in your head when you think “dog”.  He’s a medium/small size, black with white spots and very slim. A mixture of so many breeds that you really can’t distinguish any of them. He could be a good service/rescue dog with appropriate training or a good motivation, but nobody has any expectations on him because he’s not that special.
Asuna: a white Samoyed. A pure and expensive breed with long hair, considered a really pretty dog. She’s also incredibly strong and playful, which could be tied to how Asuna acts when surrounded by friends, far from her family’s grasp. These dogs are related to the snow, so it fits with Asuna’s surname.
Yui: a small robot dog that looks like a Dalmatian with dark bue spots. She really doesn't know how to be a dog, despite her cutting-edge technology. Kirito and Asuna pick her up like a puppy whenever she has to go up or down the stairs.
Agil: a St. Bernard. A huge, strong dog with an affable and loyal personality and considered a good nanny for children. Considering that Agil is the oldest of the group (dude is 30), works in his bar and spends a lot of time around the group of teenagers, I think it’s funny to think that he’s the “dad/caregiver” of all the others.
Klein: a red Shiba Inu. I had trouble with this one, so I thought “orange and Japanese dog” and boom, there he is. Shibas are apparently decent guard dogs so it fits Klein’s need to protect others. Plus, he’s the kind of guy that would spend hours watching memes, especially old ones and we know who’s the ultimate meme dog.
Lisbeth: a chocolate, short-haired Chihuahua. She’s nervous, easy to jump and attack, but a good dog deep down. You may not see her, but she’s always there to hear all the gossips. She’s not everyone’s taste, but you would miss her if she disappeared.
Silica: a cream sable Pomeranian. She’s small, not very strong, loves to have company and she’s more arrogant than she looks. In this AU, Pina is a tamagotchi that Silica takes everywhere.
Kuradeel: a grey Borzoi. A skinny bitch. Bro is glued to Asuna’s window while singing “Didn’t I do it for you?”.
Kayaba: a German Shepherd. The kind of dog you could feel comfortable with while still respecting him. He’s wayy too intelligent and calm. Not much else to say, Kayaba is boring af.
Suguha: a blue mix of Mastiff and Labrador. She’s extremely buff from training, and can be pretty aggressive, but is overall social and close to her loved ones. Her love might be a bit too much for many.
Sugou: a white and lemon Papillon. A posh and slightly smart dog that can’t win any fight due to how fragile he is. The name of this breed also means “butterfly” in French and in this AU, Asuna is capable of tearing him apart with ease, and that makes me happy.  Thanks to @transboykirito for suggesting this one!
Now if I ever want to draw dogs, I have a place to start. An odd place to start. Maybe I shouldn't have discovered Tumblr.
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sadioradio · 6 months
Accountant: Ok, so do you have any dependents?
Agil: Does 6 teenagers I found at the side of the road count?
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thegayfromrulid · 2 years
Since you're mood for writing...
SAO gang x reader in a spooky event!
The gang must survive the haunted house as they prepare for a challenge. Will the gang survive the night, or they'll forever lost from the headless knight, The Hallow Echo
I apologize for the wait! I'm wrapping up a really big paper this October, but I wanted to get this one done before Halloween! I hope that you enjoy! Link to AO3 version below, and Tumblr version below the cut!
AO3 Link: The Hallow Echo
         “I-I don’t know if I can do this any longer!”
         “I-It’ll be fine! Just a b-bit longer, guys!”
         “A-are you sure?”
         “Kyaaaaaaa! Something touched me! Something touched meeee!”
         “You’re fine! Just bear with it! You’re fi–aaaagh!”
         Perhaps, at this moment, you’re wondering how it got to this point. All of your friends are trying their best to find one another in the pitch-black space while also keeping their guard up; this certainly wasn’t how the morning started. In fact, it had been a normal Saturday morning of just lying around in bed until a very excited text game through the group chat.
         Kirito: guys! theres a horror event happening tonight!
         Lis: waaah Kirito why did u wake me up for this
         Kirito: we should totally do it!
         Asuna: Kirito-kun, you *know* I don’t like this sort of thing…
         Silica: im not scared!!!! i have pina! <3
         Lis: ofc u would say that Silica
         Silica: ;-;
         (Y/N): ig im down. what time?
         Klein: yeah, deets kiri-bro!
         Sinon: wth are we all yelling about @ 10 on a Saturday???
         Silica: spooky event…
         Kirito: starts 10pm and runs til bout midnight. meet at the house in 22 @ thirty til?
         Asuna: Kirito-kun! Come on!
         Sinon: you don’t have to join, Asuna
         Lis: ofc she does!!! dont wuss out Asuna heh
         (Y/N): haha yeah, ill be on. see ya then.
         Since Kirito had been a bit sparse with the details, you did yourself the favor of looking up what he meant. Alfheim Online was hosting a single-day event for Halloween that took place on a special map. Players could enter the space in groups to take on the challenge, giving each group their own scrambled map. There was no chance they’d run into any other groups during the challenge, so it wasn’t a fight for a single prize. Basically, it was a haunted mansion that was being disturbed by a field boss-level enemy called The Hallow Echo. No description was provided about what this mysterious boss looked like, but players would enter the house and be trapped inside of it for the duration of the event. They had two options for completion: survive the time limit without dying (flight) or defeat The Hallow Echo and escape (fight). The rewards were different for the two completion styles, with defeating the boss as having more desirable prizes.
         The intensity of the quest mentioned that it was somewhere between medium to very hard depending on the overall stats of the party that entered and whether they chose fight or flight. It was designed in a way that ensured that the players who chose simply to play the evasion game could still get something out of it, even if higher level players wanted to challenge the difficult boss monster and reap the rewards of a battle well fought. You assume that the group will likely be trying to defeat the boss monster; if Kirito suggested it, then there’s definitely a cool prize he wants from the rewards. It’s an exciting event to look forward to.
         At a little before 9:30 PM that evening, you log onto ALO and confirm that you’re in the log cabin. You typically log out there, but every so often, during a big quest you can’t be peeled away from, you’ll stay at an inn in the closest town over night so that you can get back to it faster. You’re relieved to find that you did, in fact, log out from within the cabin. Kirito appears to have already beat you there. He holds up his hand for a high-five. You grin and give him one.
         “Glad you could make it, (y/n)!” he says.
         You let him know that you’re excited to start the quest. It’s been a while since something big has happened that everyone could show up for. The others start appearing, the chatter in the little player home increasing until the last member, Agil, shows up. He had to wrap up some things at his café and bar before logging on, but the gang is finally all here. Asuna opens up a map with an uneasy look on her face and shows everyone where the haunted house appeared. Everyone checks their inventory to make sure they have enough potions, and then you’re off.
         The haunted house itself it about a ten-minute flight from the cabin. It doesn’t take long for everyone to get there, and a small crowd of players has already started to gather around it. There’s a timer display in front of it, counting down to when the event will start. A few people are trying to shove their way to the front, but you know there’s no reason to do this. After all, every team will get their own map separate from the others. There’s no limit on how many people can enter at once; if that were so, they’d have to make more than one version of the house. The exterior is dark and gloomy, and the weather around it seems to have turned from a clear, moonlit night into a stormy one, with flashes of lightning cracking close enough to the top of the house that it might sound rather alarming from the inside.
         “Ohhh, this is gonna be so good!” Lisbeth exclaims.
         Asuna awkwardly chuckles.
         “You don’t think there are any astral-type monsters in there, do you?” she mutters.
         Kirito reaches down and grasps her hand, giving her a soft look.
         “I’ll make sure they don’t come after you,” he says.
         Sinon rolls her eyes.
         “Get a room, you two,” she says.
         Lisbeth laughs and smacks Asuna on the back.
         “We’ll be fine!” she says.
         The timer finally hits zero, and players all dash forward to enter the haunted house. Each party is sent into a separate map, so there’s no worry if some members are faster than the others. They’ll all end up in the same map as long as they’re registered in the same party. The speedier members of your party arrive first, so when you enter the space, Kirito, Asuna, and Leafa are already taking a look around the dimly lit hallways. Sinon trails in right on your tail. Lisbeth practically pushes Silica into the space, and Agil and Klein trot in behind her. Alice, for some reason, is bringing up the rear, her hand perched on the pommel of her sword as if expecting something to attack the group from behind. An NPC appears out of the shadows when there’s been about thirty seconds of no new entries to the space.
         This NPC is an elderly woman with spindly grey hair sticking out of a tightly wrapped bun. She’s wearing clothing that you would expect to see the proprietress of a traditional Japanese inn wearing, which seems a bit out of place for the fairy world setting. It isn’t quite accurate, though; the cut of the fabric is wrong for a kimono or yukata, making it more of what one would imagine a quick, from-memory sketch of Japanese traditional clothing looked like from someone who’d seen it perhaps once. The designs on her dress also could be European in nature. Its coloring is either a dim blue or a grey, but it’s hard to tell in the low lighting. She bows at you all, and Kirito walks up to her. She starts to talk as soon as he initiates with a “hello.”
         “Weary travelers, I’m afraid that this abode isn’t the friendly stay that it used to be,” the NPC says. “For years, I offered beds to those traveling across Alfheim, and I fed my tenants enough to fill their bellies for the road ahead they had to travel. As of late, however, there’s a disturbance in this house that keeps me from keeping adventurers overnight, so I’m afraid I can’t arrange beds for you this evening.”
         It was a natural enough way to start a quest. Kirito prompts her for more.
         “What kind of a disturbance?” he asks. “Is there any way we can help you out?”          The old woman scrunches up her forehead and sighs.
         “There’s something haunting my home,” she laments. “It’s too much to ask of you, but if you would be willing to check it out for me, I’d be willing to pay you quite handsomely if you can get rid of it.”
         A quest menu popped up in front of Kirito. He clicks the button to accept the quest, and then a darkened map appears in the corner of your vision. It seems like the map needs you to walk around in order to see the pathways. You suggest splitting the group in half. Everyone else agrees that this is a good plan, since the goal of the party is to locate The Hallow Echo and defeat him. You go with Kirito, Asuna, Silica, and Lisbeth. The other group of Sinon, Agil, Klein, Leafa, and Alice goes to the left, while you all go to the right. Along the path, there are smaller monsters that don’t take too much work to defeat as a team.
         But things change when the lights all go out.
         An echoing, guttural voice laughs in the halls. You can’t tell from which direction it’s coming; it’s all-encompassing. A light flickers in front of you for a moment as Kirito, you think, holds up a torch. In that moment, you lay eyes on its form—The Hallow Echo, a knight decorated in a dark armor that soaks up the blackness around it, with a sword hovering dangerously close to your own neck that is dripping with something wet and thick. A lone detail stands out in the center of the light; a gaping, dark hole sits where the knight’s head should be. As soon as you note this, Kirito’s torch is extinguished with a sizzle and a hiss, as if something licked its fingers and pressed them against the tip to put it out. The group lets out a collective scream, and they all leap backwards to avoid possibly getting hit by the knight’s weapon.
         “Was that it?!” Lisbeth shouts.
         Metal clangs against something solid in the dark, most likely the wall.
         “That’s DEFINITELY it!” Kirito shouts back.
         A yelp comes from your left. It sounded like Silica.
         “Headless…why did it have to be headless?” Asuna mutters.
         “How the hell are we supposed to defeat that thing in the dark?” Lisbeth asks.
         Another clang slams down. It sounds like it hit the floor this time. Silica shrieks and you hear her jump up to her feet and start running. She winds up bumping into you.
         “S-sorry, (y/n)!” she stammered.
         You tell her it’s all right and give her a gentle pat on the head. The same echoing laugh as before greets you again, still feeling as though it’s all around you.
         “Listen to the sound of its footsteps!” Asuna cries out. “When it’s close enough, attack it! If you hear it stop for too long, then it’s getting ready to use one of its attacks. Jump back if you hear no footsteps for more than six seconds!”
         Despite her fear of the ghastly, Asuna takes full charge of the fight immediately. Her prowess as a leader always comes out in situations like this. Her methods work well for a bit, and as the group fights, you run into the others, who join in on Asuna’s strategy. Everything seems to be working well, up until you see The Hallow Echo’s HP fall into the last bar. Suddenly, his footsteps vanish all together, and his echoing laugh zooms around as if he’s floating through the air around you.
         Suddenly the battle changes from a physical one to a true test of courage. You can feel things making grabs at your body in the dark. Touching the walls often renders a slimy, unpleasant texture. More than just the one laugh surrounds you; other voices echo in the halls, and sounds of chittering or scurrying accompany it. Now in an astral form, The Hallow Echo flies around you and sometimes through you, sending a cold chill inside of the space he passes through.
         “I-I don’t know if I can do this any longer!” Asuna finally wails.
         There’s a grunt from Kirito as he swings at the specter flying past him. You can hear a metal “clink!” as his sword hits the core inside of the ghastly figure.
         “I-It’ll be fine! Just a b-bit longer, guys!” he reassures you all, though the words were most likely directed at Asuna more than anyone else.
         “A-are you sure?” she stammers back.
         Another thud comes from behind you.
         “Kyaaaaaaa! Something touched me! Something touched meeee!” Silica cries.
         Someone else hits the core.
         “You’re fine!” Leafa cries. “Just bear with it! You’re fi–aaaagh!”
         An arrow whizzes past your ear and hits The Hallow Echo’s core. The light from the arrow gives you enough space to swing at it. Your sword connects with the core inside, and this time, instead of just hitting it, it slices through it with a sound like glass shattering into hundreds of tiny pieces. White light bursts from the spot, and everyone can see The Hallow Echo in his full form once more as he dissipates into a black mist and gets swallowed up by the center of the light where the core burst. Everything is pitch black for a moment, and then the hallways light up with the same dim candles that you’d first seen when entering the haunted house. Right on cue, the elderly NPC walks up with her hands clasped together.
         “Oh, thank you!” she cries. “How ever can I thank you for taking care of that monster for me?”
         Kirito lets out a strained laugh.
         “I-It’s our pleasure,” he says.
         A few of the group members chuckle at his statement. The NPC waves her hands and points them at the group.
         “Will this be enough?” she asks.
         You all get a dialogue box showing you the quest rewards for beating The Hallow Echo. The prizes, as mentioned in the notice for the event, are quite handsome. A large sum of yrd is given, as well as some crystals that are useful in smithing. Everyone receives a weapon in their specific class that has quite high stats. Some rare potions are present as well. As you all leave the haunted house, high-fives are shared for a job well done.
         As you log off for the night, you know you can rest well, as The Hallow Echo has been defeated, and the limited time quest didn’t escape your grasp.
         Well, that is, unless he returns for revenge next year…
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truessences · 2 years
YASSSS it's Klein
and the others! ABOUT TIME they got there! I just need Leafa to show up with the others after her really weird encounter with that human pig dude and that tentacle woman. Now Kirito... wake your ass up!
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waffliesinyoface · 17 days
Ideal SAO epilogue
-Kirito goes HARD into learning every bit of computer science and robotics in order to give Yui a real girl body. Obviously, being an engineering student, Klein helps. At some point Kirito is exposed to enough "programmer kneesocks" jokes to go "wait, you can just be a girl"
-Asuna has either performed hostile corporate takeover on her father's company (because clearly he's fucking incompetent at picking his employees) or has cheerfully disowned herself from the family and has moved in with Kirito, winning over her new in-laws immediately, because she is actually the best.
-Argo starts daytrading and quickly becomes wildly fucking rich, and then becomes a youtuber, who does both investigative journalism and video game guides. Think Hbomberguy, but with rat whiskers. Yes she kept the whiskers. No, she will never explain why. She is taking the secret of the <<Demon Rock>> to her grave.
-Lizbeth is incredibly frustrated at video game blacksmithing prowess not translating to the real world, and promptly decides to learn how to make actual swords.
-Klein eventually moves to Fuyuki City and meets his one true soulmate, Taiga Fujimura. (this is a joke, but only by half. can you fucking imagine.) Thankfully, Japan has really good public transportation, so this does not stop him from cheerfully showing up and bothering his pals.
-Agil goes back to running his bar. Somehow it becomes the meeting place for SAO friends. Yes, even the underage ones. He refuses to serve them alcohol but they won't go away.
-Silica is the youngest and as such is stuck in school for a bit longer, and has a slight reputation for defending people from bullies. She's not putting up with any more Rosalia characters, thank you very much. How are you going to talk shit when she's punched you in the throat? You aren't, that's how. For some reason I want to say she eventually ends up working as a park ranger, but I can't quite articulate why...? I just think she belongs in the woods.
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heyyallitsbeth · 2 months
Nobody ever talks about them but Agil and Klein are 100% sleeper hits of SAO. Both absolutely rock every scene they’re in, they’re fantastic.
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your transfem kirito posting is making me wanna watch sao tbh.......
serious answer: don't
read it instead, the anime adaptation really just butchers the light novels to the point it's actually insulting sometimes
some examples:
-no internal monologues (<one of my biggest gripes)
-skipping exposition to the point it introduces plot holes that just aren't there
-adding sexual assault scenes that just straight-up weren't in the source material
-just playing up the standard harem anime tropes even though it just really isn't like that in the source material at all
-minimizing the roles and screentime of poc characters compared to the ln, like agil and iskahn, or in the case of kizmel just straight-up writing her out of the progressive movies (<actually unforgivable)
-little to no rat (talking about argo here)
point is the anime is not very good and you should read the books
(the one and only exception being the ordinal scale movie)
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softboysora · 1 year
Infinite Moment/Hollow Fragment Silica
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jadegretz · 2 months
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Karin Kanzuki: Fierce Fashionista by Jade Gretz
Neon signs cast a garish glow over the steam-slick streets of New Sao Paulo. The air crackled with a humid heat, the kind that clung to your skin like a second layer. Karin Kanzuki, her trademark red headband pulled tight, navigated the labyrinthine alleyways with practiced ease. Her mission – track down Blanka, the feral fighter rumored to have been sighted brawling in the city's underbelly.
Whispers about Blanka had always sent shivers down Karin's spine. He wasn't just a street fighter; he was a living enigma. A man, or maybe something more, raised by wild animals in the Amazon rainforest, he possessed an uncanny connection to nature and an unpredictable fighting style that bordered on the animalistic.
Tonight, those whispers turned into a cacophony as Karin stumbled upon the source of the commotion. An abandoned warehouse, its walls adorned with faded graffiti, echoed with the sounds of a brutal fight. Stepping inside, the stench of ozone and damp earth hit her like a physical blow.
In the center of a makeshift fighting arena illuminated by a single flickering bulb, stood Blanka. The rumors were true. He was humanoid in form, but with a grotesque twist: his skin a mottled green, his long, matted hair the color of dried leaves, and his eyes – those were the worst. Wild, yellow orbs that held a primal hunger.
His opponent, a hulking fighter tattooed with gang symbols, lay crumpled in a heap, whimpering. Blanka roared – a sound that sent chills down Karin's spine – and turned his gaze towards her.
"You shouldn't be here, little girl," he growled, his voice a guttural rasp. "This is no place for dolls."
Karin ignored him, her stance dropping into the familiar precision of Shotokan. This wasn't a competition; it was a fight for survival. Blanka launched himself at her with surprising agility for such a bulky frame. His movements were erratic, unpredictable, like a wild beast stalking its prey.
He lunged, his clawed hands aimed at her face. Karin barely dodged, the wind of his attack ruffling her hair. She retaliated with a lightning-fast Makibishi Kick, a sp …(see the rest of the story at deviantart.com/jadegretzAI). For more supergirl, chun li, batgirl, tifa, lara croft, wonder woman, rogue and much more, please visit my page at www.deviantart.com/jadegretzai - Thanks for your support :)
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transboykirito · 8 months
ALRIGHT Y’ALL ‼️‼️ if you’ve read the sao novels please reblog and tag the character(s) you think were done dirty by the anime adaptation - bonus points if you explain your thoughts, rambling is encouraged!!
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zodiac-senpai · 1 month
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famousinuniverse · 5 months
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Regional Folk Dances of Thailand
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Sri-Nuan is a traditional Thai dance performed during religious and ceremonial events. It is characterized by slow, graceful movements accompanied by gentle music and chanting. 
Sri-Nuan often features female dancers dressed in exquisite costumes and elaborate headdresses. 
The dance conveys a sense of tranquility and spirituality. It invites the audience to experience a meditative and serene atmosphere.
Teut-Teung (Drum Dance)
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Teut-Teung (Drum Dance) is a vibrant and energetic dance form showcasing traditional Thai drums’ rhythmic beats. 
The dancers, usually in groups, move in sync with the pulsating music, creating a dynamic and lively performance. 
Teut-Teung is often performed during festive and cultural celebrations. It captivates the audience with its energetic drumming and synchronized movements.
Farmers Dance (Rice Growers Dance)
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Farmers Dance (Rice Growers Dance) is a dance form that pays homage to the central role of rice cultivation in Thai society. It depicts the daily lives of farmers, from preparing the fields to harvesting the rice. 
The dancers mimic the actions of planting, reaping, and threshing the rice, accompanied by lively music and chants. 
The Farmers Dance celebrates the agricultural heritage of Thailand. It serves as a reminder of the country’s strong connection to its agrarian roots.
Serng Kratip Khoa
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Ms.Thailand Aniporn performed the Serng Kratip Khoa Dance as her talent for the 2015 Miss Universe Talent Competition.
Serng Kratip Khoa is a traditional Thai dance originating in the country’s central region. It is a highly expressive and dramatic form of dance-drama, often depicting stories of love, loyalty, and heroism. 
Serng Kratip Khoa combines intricate choreography, elaborate costumes, and emotive facial expressions to convey deep emotions and narrative elements. 
This dance form captivates the audience with its powerful storytelling and artistic performances.
Serng I-San 
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Serng I-San is a lively and energetic dance style originating from the northeastern region of Thailand known as Isan. 
Fast-paced movements, rhythmic footwork, and vibrant music characterize it. 
This dance form reflects the rich and lively spirit of the Isan region.
Serng Krapo (Coconut Dance)
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Serng Krapo (Coconut Dance) is a unique dance form that originated in southern Thailand. 
It showcases the agility and coordination of the dancers as they perform intricate movements while balancing coconut shells on their bodies. 
Serng Krapo incorporates acrobatic stunts, such as flipping and jumping. This adds an element of excitement to the performance. 
This dance form is a testament to the physical prowess and skill of the dancers.
Fon Sao Mai (Silk Weaving Dance)
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Fon Sao Mai (Silk Weaving Dance) is a graceful and elegant dance that pays homage to the art of silk weaving. The dancers mimic the actions of silk weavers, delicately handling threads and creating intricate patterns. 
This dance form showcases the precision and patience required for silk weaving. 
The movements are fluid and gentle, reflecting the delicate nature of silk. 
Fon Sao Mai celebrates Thailand’s rich textile traditions and artisans’ skills.
Sword Dance
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Sword Dance is a dynamic and captivating dance form that incorporates swords as props. It combines martial arts and dance elements, showcasing the performers’ agility, strength, and skill. 
The dancers execute precise and synchronized movements, wielding swords with finesse and control. 
Sword Dance represents bravery, courage, and honor. It reflects the historical significance of martial arts in Thai culture.
Likhe is a form of masked dance-drama that originated in the southern region of Thailand. It features performers wearing intricately carved masks depicting characters from mythology and folklore. 
Likhe tells stories of battles between gods and demons, emphasizing the triumph of good over evil. 
The masked dancers execute dramatic movements and engage in mock combat. They captivate the audience with their expressive gestures and vibrant costumes.
Bantheong (Happiness Dance)
Bantheong (Happiness Dance) is a joyful and celebratory dance that expresses happiness and good fortune. It is often performed during festivals and auspicious occasions. 
Lively music, energetic movements, and vibrant costumes characterize Bantheong. 
The dancers exude joy and enthusiasm, spreading a sense of merriment and positivity. 
This dance form serves as a reminder of the importance of celebration and communal harmony in Thai culture.
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Nora is a traditional Thai dance-drama that combines graceful movements with storytelling. It is often performed in a group, featuring male and female dancers. 
Nora encompasses many themes, including love, morality, and social issues. 
The dancers use expressive gestures, intricate footwork, and fluid body movements to convey emotions and depict characters. 
Nora showcases Thai dance’s versatility and artistic depth. The dance captivates audiences with its enchanting performances.
Ram Nora Son Ram
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Ram Nora Son Ram is a dance-drama that originated in northern Thailand. It is based on the epic Ramakien and portrays the story of Rama, Sita, and the battle against the demon king Ravana. 
Ram Nora Son Ram combines music, dance, and theater to depict the heroic deeds and triumph of good over evil. 
The performers execute dynamic movements, acrobatics, and fight sequences. They create a visually spectacular and engaging performance.
Ram Nora Klong Hong
Ram Nora Klong Hong is a dance-drama representing the story of Prince Ram, his exile, and his encounters in the enchanted forest. It showcases the beauty of nature and the mystical elements of the woods. 
The dancers move with grace and fluidity, embodying the characters and the enchanting atmosphere of the story. 
Ram Nora Klong Hong brings to life the mythical world of Thai folklore. It enchants the audience with its ethereal performances.
Ram Nora Tam Bot
Ram Nora Tam Bot is a dance-drama that focuses on the episode of the construction of the monkey army’s bridge to Lanka. 
It portrays the bravery and determination of Hanuman and the monkey warriors. 
The dancers portray the characters with animated movements and vibrant costumes, capturing the energy and spirit of the story. 
Ram Nora Tam Bot celebrates courage, loyalty, and the triumph of good over evil.
Ram wong
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Ram Wong is a lively and interactive dance that encourages audience participation. It is commonly performed during social gatherings and festive occasions. 
Ram Wong features simple yet energetic dance steps that people of all ages can easily learn and enjoy. The dancers form circles or lines, creating a sense of unity and camaraderie. 
The participants move in sync, following the rhythmic beats of the accompanying music. 
Ram Wong Thai dance brings people together, fostering a sense of community and celebration.
Nora Tua Oon
Nora Tua Oon is a traditional dance form that originated in the southern region of Thailand. 
It is known for its graceful and delicate movements, which are reminiscent of the flight of birds. 
Nora Tua Oon represents freedom, elegance, and beauty. The dancers emulate the lightness and agility of birds through their fluid motions and precise footwork. 
This dance form captivates the audience with its ethereal and enchanting performances.
Nang Thalung (Shadow Puppetry)
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Nang Thalung (Shadow Puppetry) is a unique and ancient form of Thai performing arts. It combines puppetry, storytelling, and music to bring traditional tales to life. 
The puppeteers skillfully manipulate intricately designed leather puppets behind a backlit screen, creating mesmerizing shadow images. 
Nang Thalung narrates mythological stories, historical events, and moral lessons. It captivates the audience with visual artistry and narratives.
Final Words
Steeped in history and customs, Thailand definitely befits its reputation as a land of traditions and ancient wonders. 
That aspect of the country shines especially bright through these traditional dances. Each of which is an intricate display of music, movement, and storytelling art.
We hope this guide on the traditional dances of Thailand has been a helpful resource for you! 
Which dances are your favorite? Do you have plans to see any of them on your upcoming trip to Thailand? Tell us in the comments!
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