#savannah drabbles
savannahsdrabbles · 2 years
Rise!April: Wait so you wear glasses?
Rise!Donnie: Technically yes, but most of the time I wear contacts.
April: You live in a sewer - where the heck do you get contacts?
Donnie: The same place I get glasses.
April: .... That does not answer my question.
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inafieldofdaisies · 7 months
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Happy Halloween from Calahan who is taking over the cult indefinitely (a.k.a. WIP Wednesday bcs I'm late, kinda) | "Sinners Welcome" Drabble
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I had this idea floating around about doing an edit of Cal cosplaying as Joseph for Halloween, so here y'all go. I'm just so proud of it. I went as far as designing his tattoos myself as graphics to use. Below we got the story that goes with the edit, I will be posting it on AO3 soon, too. It gets nsfw towards the end because John do be sinnin'.
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"Donovan.", Whitehorse called out as soon as Sabrina walked in through the door, a part of her feeling glad he was saving her from the compulsory morning small talk with Nancy. "Morning, Sheriff.", she sent him a small smile, noting the deep frown he wore for such an early hour. "Walk with me." He didn't wait for her to reply, heading towards the small kitchen in the Sheriff's Department. Silence took over as he waited for the coffee machine to grant him, if she had to guess, not his first dose of caffeine for the day. "Is everything okay?" "You're with Rookie today.", he mumbled as he took a sip from his mug, "Pratt called in sick, and I need someone to keep an eye on him." She nodded, "Fine by me." "Good, good.", his voice lowered, "To be frank, Hudson refused after hearing where they'd be headed." "Jesus, boss… you're making it sound like me and Gray are about to go to war.", Calahan poked his head into the room, lips twisting into a cheeky smile. Whitehorse's eyes narrowed as he smoothed down his mustache, "I'm more worried about you starting a war, Rookie." A snort left the younger Deputy, "Not on my to-do list, no worries." "I've heard that before.", he turned to Sabrina, "Donovan, just… try to keep him in check, will ya? Make sure he doesn't kill anyone." Calahan sent her a 'can you believe this guy' look over their boss' shoulder, "Will do." Whitehorse sighed, "The last thing I need is John Seed showing up out front, and makin' demands again. Am I clear, Rookie? Stay out of trouble." "As clear as this fine morning, sir.", the words were paired with a dramatic salute. "It's fucking overcast today, Rookie."
Sabrina bit back a laugh as he made a hasty escape before Calahan could raise his blood presure even more than he already had. "Kid." "What?", to an outsider the innocent look in Hartley's eyes would have been convincing enough, but by then she knew better, especially with the overall satisfied demeanor he had going on even after being prematurely scolded by Whitehorse. "Where are we going?" The smile that took over his face promised trouble, "Payin' good old Joe a visit." It's all he provided as an explanation before he spun on his heel and gestured for her to follow him. "I didn't get a coffee." There was an extra bounce to his step, strange giddiness, and he didn't even bother to stop when he muttered, "Already on it, Gray. It's waiting for you in the car. Chop-chop."
Minutes later, they were pulling at Joseph's Compound, the music Calahan had playing in the cruiser drawing the attention of the two Eden's Gate members manning the front gates to it. The fact they rested their hands on their holsters as he shut off the ignition wasn't lost on Sabrina. "Cal?" By the looks of it, he wasn't sharing her concerns about things going sideways on trigger-happy Peggie territory, "Yeah?" "Try not to make them angry… for me?" He ran a hand through his dirty blond hair before nodding quickly, "I will try my best, partner." She knew it was all she could really get from him as a promise, especially considering his previous run-ins with Joseph's men. There was a reason why Hudson had refused to tag along with him for the day - avoiding paperwork or having to talk him down from the edge. Chances were, their routine visit could result in a fight breaking out, punches being thrown or worse. Sabrina exited the car, following Hartley towards the entrance of the Compound as he strutted like he had no care in the world, headed straight for the cultists.
"Joseph called us in.", he announced and crossed his hands over his chest, regarding both men with a bored expression. "Morning.", she added, refusing to buckle under the scrutiny that somehow had ended up on her instead of Calahan. "Ask for Mercy.", one of the bearded men grumbled out, dark eyes revealing little as he extended his hand to point down the road behind him. "Well, that didn't sound menacing at all.", Sabrina remarked under her breath as she and Hartley followed the muddy path surrounded by fences on both sides on foot, and judging by how trodden it was, large processions from and to sermons weren't uncommon. The observation was just another awful reminder of how big of an influence the cult had, how many it had sucked in with its practices and empty promises. "Fucking weirdos. There better be a woman named Mercy waitin' or I'm-"
"You promised to stay calm.", she reminded him, gaze trained ahead in anticipation of anything malicious after the man's cryptic words, "I take it that you don't know who we're looking for?" Calahan snorted, "Not like I and Joseph's many wives hang out at the same spots. Hell, most of them don't even dare to look me in the eye, let alone come near me, like I'd seduce them just by breathing in their vicinity." "Rubbin' off your sin on them?", she asked jokingly. "Sins. Plural. I contain multitudes, Gray." Sabrina could feel everyone staring as two advanced ahead, a couple of houses and other small buildings coming into view, with a church towering over in the distance. There was a decent crowd around the spacious property despite the early hour. Men and women all dressed alike - in worn-out clothes bearing the symbol of their leader, the red Eden's Gate cross in stark contrast with their muted appearances. In the sea of beige and wary faces something captured her attention - a woman in a white vintage looking dress moved with conviction, but instead of coming to them and sparing them the hassle of looking for 'Mercy', she aimed for a redheaded man Sabrina had only seen on printed materials of the cult.
"That one, I know,", Calahan nodded towards him, coming to an abrupt stop and leaning in to whisper, "Jacob Seed, grumpy son of a bitch. Last person, I'd ask for directions, though." Without doubt, the oldest Seed did have a serious, over-disciplined aura about him, far different from the easy-going, dangerously charming act John put on in his attempts at recruiting new people for his brother's Project. Sabrina bit her lip as the woman with curly blonde hair tilted her head to look up at the man towering several inches over her, her demeanor relaxed in spite of the way Jacob was regarding her - like he wanted nothing to do with the interaction. As if he could sense the two sets of eyes watching them, his icy stare shifted from her to the Deputies standing a couple of feet away before he said something quietly and nodded in their direction. "Good morning, Jakey.", Calahan raised his hand in a mock wave, and the Seed brother sent him a frown before heading off the way the woman had come from without returning his greeting.
At the same time, she progressed forward, a friendly grin brightening her features as she came to a halt in front of Hartley, definitely not keeping a purposeful distance like the rest of Joseph's followers, "Deputies." He appeared completely taken aback by the bold move, especially with her deep brown eyes set on him. In ways she couldn't fault him, he had a weak spot for women, even more when he became their sole focus. Sabrina was the first to speak, "We were told to ask for Mercy." "That would be me. Mercedes Sibley. If you would follow me…", she spun around with that, uttering quiet hellos to people and leading them past the church where a house resided spaced out from the rest marked with phrases in latin. Sins, to be exact. Nothing was written above the doorway of this one, Sabrina realized. Mercedes pushed the door to the house open with her and Hartley close on her heels.
She wasn't sure what to expect from what she deemed as the home of a cult leader - somehow the plain walls in need of repaint adorned by a couple of portraits and newspaper clippings felt mundane, too normal. The short hallway led into an ordinary looking living room, where Mercedes made a right turn towards one of the open doorways, announcing in a far gentler voice as she reached it and moved aside so they can pass through first, "The Deputies are here, Father." Joseph Seed, the man that had built a giant statue of himself and pronounced himself as God's mouthpiece, sat in one of the chairs at that small kitchen table while his older brother stood nearby as if on guard duty. The gun and knife holster strapped to his tight certainly hinted at that. "Good morning, my name is Deputy Donovan, my colleague and I are here on a call.", Sabrina explained while Calahan remained silent, an unreadable expression coming over his features when his blue eyes set on the 'Father'.
"Shouldn't we call John, let him handle things?", Jacob grunted out, pretending like they weren't even in the room as Mercedes moved past him and resumed a position behind his brother. To Calahan's credit, he made none of the expected remarks, his serious demeanor beginning to worry Sabrina to an extent. "Somebody broke in, brother.", Mercedes glanced in the oldest Seed's direction, his gaze narrowing at the last word she had said in a sickly sweet tone, "Does it make sense to call in an attorney for that?" Joseph's eyes bounced between the Deputies, finally coming to rest on Hartley's, "Sit, Mercy, my child. There's no need to call John at the moment." Mercedes complied by slipping into the chair next to his, silently hinting for Sabrina to do the same. She cleared her throat, settling into her seat across from the woman before pulling out her report notebook and laying it down on the table, "How about we start from the beginning then?"
Calahan loomed behind her, hand grasping the back of her chair, standing watch just like Jacob was for his brother. Joseph pushed his sunglasses up his nose before leaning forward, hands clasped in front of him, "I went to bed last night, and nothing was out of place. After waking up this morning, I noticed a couple of things were missing." Sabrina noted his words down, tapping her pen on the page, trying to avoid any unnecessary eye contact, "Things as in?" She couldn't imagine how stuffy the room would feel if John had been there too to make demands, possess the conversation. How fully outnumbered they'd be then. "Personal belongings.", Jacob cut in. "We would need a list of anything that's been taken, Mr. Seed.", Sabrina sent him a quick glance, just in time to catch his eyes darting to Mercedes. Interesting. "My old Bible,", Joseph began, lips pursed in disdain, "an engraved belt, a black custom blazer and… my rosary. I believe that's all."
"Okay.", it was a strange list of items to be stolen, but Sabrina didn't say anything as she jotted down each item, "Any sign of forced entry, or better yet, can we take a look around ourselves?" "I still think we should call John.", Jacob grumbled out again, making Mercedes sigh quietly. "He doesn't lock any of the doors.", she said eventually. Calahan snorted at that, whatever energy for acting decent running its course, "So, the perp just… entered?" "Which is still a crime, is it not?", Mercedes asked slowly. "Technically, yes.", he chuckled, "But, Father here is making it a hundred times easier on thieves. So frankly, anyone living on the property could be a suspect. He's lucky nobody has done other serious crimes upon his person while he sleeps. A slit throat for example." "I trust my children, they would never steal from me, let alone hurt me.", Joseph argued. "Do you, now?", Calahan's voice took an edge, "Can they say the same about you, Father?"
"So much darkness,", the Father's eyes rose up to look over Sabrina's shoulder, "is trapped within you, child, looking for a way out. My family could help you, set you free from it." "I'd take no help from a man that doesn't even know how to protect his own home. If I were you, I'd worry more about the thief lurking amongst your people instead of my poor blackened soul… after all, stealing is a sin, is it not?" Jacob came closer, "It was an outsider, we are certain of it. So just do your job and find them." Sabrina nodded as she closed her notebook, "We will take a look around then." Mercedes rose up with that, "I can show you two-" "Sit down, Mercedes.", annoyance seeped into the command as Jacob strode past the table and out of the kitchen, calling out for Sabrina to follow him. He pointed at each door that led outside, the old floorboards groaning beneath his feet at almost every step he took. Calahan stayed behind in the kitchen doorway as she took notes, leaving her to ask questions and navigate the hostile waters.
"Your brother sleeps where?" His chin lifted up towards a doorway that led out of the living room, "Down that hall." "Heavy or light sleeper?" Jacob crossed his hands over his chest, impatience oozing from his body language, "How is this relevant?" "Considering I'm trying to determine most likely point of entry… it would be helpful. If you have better things to do, Mr. Seed, I'm sure Ms. Sibley won't mind taking it from here." His jaw ticked at the suggestion, "Light." Sabrina focus zeroed on the backdoor, and she walked back and forth a couple of times while scanning for any potential evidence the thief might have left behind, "Would you mind…" "I mind." It took a lot of willpower for her to not roll her eyes, reminding herself the quicker they wrap up the report, the sooner her and Calahan would be rid of dealing with the Seeds.
"It would be helpful if somebody with different stature-" Jacob repeated her movements before she could finish her sentence, then turned back to her with a 'are you happy now?' expression. "Thank you.", she lifted her attention from her notebook, making sure to pick her next words carefully, "Your brother claims the perp entered the house during the night while he was asleep." At his nod she continued, "And his floors aren't exactly-" His icy blue gaze narrowed at that, "What's your point, Deputy Donovan?" "I assume the items were in the room where he sleeps?" "Yes.", a hand scratched his bearded cheek. "And he didn't hear anything?" "Are you accusing my brother of lying?" It was at that point she began to wonder if John in fact had been around, he would have been easier to deal with, or he would have ended up avoiding answering her questions even more, especially with how cagey Jacob acted, like she wasn't there to help, but rather arrest Joseph.
"I'm not accusing Mr. Seed of anything. In an investigation every bit of information is useful, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem. You called us, I'm just trying to do my job here." "Mercedes called you. I had nothing to do with this.", he corrected her coldly. Sabrina spared a quick look in Calahan's direction, finding him watching the two silently with a dark smirk from his previous spot, before she pulled the door leading out of the back of the house open. Her eyes remained casted downward, and she could feel Jacob standing close as he peeked over her shoulder at what had captured her interest. "Do many visitors use this door usually?" "No." At his confirmation, she crouched down, taking a picture of a fresh footprint left in the mud and measuring it with her hand roughly, she hushed the part of her telling her the size of the shoes the thief wore seemed to match Calahan's.
"So this is the point of entry?", he inquired for once as she got back up. "It would seem so.", she pocketed her notebook, "Anything of significance back there?" "That way leads off the property." Sabrina carefully avoided stepping over the only evidence left behind, her sights set on examining the path the perp had most likely took after snatching Joseph's belongings. "I will need to take a look then.", she didn't expect for the oldest Seed to follow, but he did, the crunch of leaves and twigs signaling his steady pace behind her. The silence only broken by the occasional chirping of birds around them was unnerving, even more paired with the fact she was being shadowed by an armed individual who wasn't exactly keen on her and Calahan's presence at his brother's Compound. Yet she refused to allow him the satisfaction of knowing he was making her uncomfortable, she had no doubt he would enjoy every second of it.
"I haven't seen you around before.", Jacob mumbled in an even tone as she advanced forward, watching her every step carefully as the path pretty much disappeared into an overgrown grass. If it was anyone else, his attempt at small talk would have made her smile, she'd probably would have tried to ease the person's unease at it, instead she kept her answer as short as possible, the same way he had before, "You folks don't exactly have a habit of asking for our help." A noise of agreement left him at the same time her boot caught on what she guessed was an exposed tree root, making her trip as she navigated the terrain soaked by the rain from the night prior. The dreaded faceplant never came thanks to the hand that wrapped around her upper arm and steadied her, followed by a dark chuckle. "Careful now, Sabrina." The fact he knew her first name despite remarking how he'd never seen her before was a red flag on its own and confirmed he knew more than he let on, the choice of using it at that exact moment though, was what gave her pause.
She held his stare in defiance before shaking off his hold, "I can handle myself." The bored expression swooped back in place as he lifted his shoulder, "Be my guest." Sabrina covered the remaining distance to the property line in a rush, worrying about what would await her upon returning to the house, if Calahan would have managed to keep his cool as promised. To her relief Jacob settled for keeping any further comments to himself, trekking a few feet away behind her until they reached the fence that was meant to keep intruders out. Or members trying to flee, in… A well-thought cut in the chainlink greeted them. The sought after point of entry and escape. "You're better at this than expected.", he remarked quietly, pulling at the fence as his face scrunched up into a frown. Sabrina pursed her lips at the offhand compliment before snapping a couple of pictures, "Not sure if I should say thank you or feel insulted."
All she got as reply was an unreadable look before he let go of the mesh the thief had snipped at to gain entry on the cult's land. "So perp goes through all this trouble, risks getting caught by your brother… for a belt, blazer and old bible?" "Locals have been know to do far stranger things to Eden's Gate property." "Still… are you certain nothing else is missing? Anything beside your patience, that is.", the last part she uttered out in a low voice, but judging by his reaction he heard it. All she could describe him as was appearing insulted at the bold but very true observation, "I'm absolutely patient." She raised an eyebrow and set off towards the way they came from, "Sure." "Far more patient than your partner back there.", the 'partner' part he said as an insult, clearly thinking as highly of Calahan as the young Deputy did of him. Just when she was convinced he would slip back into avoiding conversation, he spoke up again, hesitation lurking behind his words, "Do you think he was lying?"
It was quite obvious who he meant, still she settled for a simple, "Who?" "Joseph." "About which part?" The idea anyone, let alone someone so close to the Father was questioning something he claimed had happened, was certainly an unexpected outcome. By then Jacob had caught up, falling into step beside her, "Being asleep. Considering you were a detective…" "You read my records or something, Mr. Seed?" "Something like that." Sabrina sneaked a fleeting glance in his direction, "You actually want my professional opinion or is this some tactic you picked up from John?" "I want the truth." A sigh broke free as her eyes came to rest on the house that was drawing closer and closer, "Well, do you think your brother would sleep through a person entering his home, no, worse, his bedroom… rummaging through the space in the dark for the items while leaving no traces behind?"
"It was a compliment.", he muttered when they reached the backyard and he pushed his way inside first, his stony demeanor returning at once. Whatever doubts were plaguing him were none of her business, her sole focus as she followed in his wake was making sure Hartley was okay and staying true to his promise of peace. "Cal." Calahan had hardly moved from where she had left him and he gave her a puzzled look before asking, "We done here?" "I need like 5 minutes.", her smile was forced when she entered the kitchen where only Mercedes was still seated, while Joseph and Jacob were nowhere to be found. "He won't be pressing any charges…" Sabrina shifted in place, "We haven't established any suspects yet, Ms. Sibley." "I'm just saving you time, Deputy.", the blonde got up with that, smoothing down her dress, "John has decided to take it from here, figure out who's done it and make sure the incident doesn't repeat."
"You heard her, Gray.", Calahan added behind her, "We're off then, miss." He sent Mercedes one of his signature winks before storming out of the house, and to her credit she appeared completely unfazed in comparison to the usual response he got from women, "I will see you out." Sabrina nodded and set out after her, meeting up with Hartley who was waiting for her outside by the entrance. With a final wave from the woman, the two were off on their way back to their cruiser, quickly becoming the center of attention once more. A couple of feet down the dirt path she spotted another familiar face that stared at her anytime she would turn on her TV or drive through town. The man that had decided to take over the 'investigation', believing he was more capable. John was engaged in a hushed conversation with Jacob, pausing whatever he was saying to steal a look at her.
"I feel like we're animals in a zoo." Calahan let out a chuckle, "Sadly no petting, though. Speaking off…" To her horror, his voice rose as they passed the two Seed brothers, drawing in even more eyes to them. "Anyone feelin' like sinnin' tonight?", he hollered cheerfully, "Halloween party at the Spread Eagle. Girls, I'd even buy you a drink. Dancing's on the menu, too, followed by other activities if you're lucky." The dark expression that came over John's face was enough for her hands to wrap around his arm and squeeze his bicep in a warning as she whispered under her breath, "You promised to behave." "I behaved plenty.", his smirk was full of pride, "Plus, look at Johnny, I'm pretty certain I saw a vein in his forehead pop, I need to get closer to see-" She ushered him along, knowing things were bound to end well if he and John were to butt heads right then and there, "Follow the path, kid." To the youngest Seed credit, he refrained from giving them a piece of his mind, and Sabrina wasn't sure if it was thanks to the crows and his brother watching his every move or because he was planning another appearance in front of the Sheriff's and making Whitehorse's day hell.
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"Do you think I'd get lots of candy, Rin-Rin?", Savannah asked with an excited smile as she peeked over the back of the couch. Sabrina sank in the empty space next to her, and her sister snuggled into her embrace, "Even if you don't.", her voice lowered like she was about to share a little secret, "I hid a stash for you someplace in the house." Excitement shone in her green eyes, "My favorite candy?" "Of course, pumpkin." "You know, bats use echolocation to find their food?" Sabrina released a chuckle,  "Then it's even more fitting." A knock sounded, making her rise up from her seat, curiosity swooping at who was stopping by when Ms. Darcy wasn't meant to be there for a good couple of hours. She swung the door open, finding Calahan leaning against the doorframe with one of his usual grins, a black duffel bag hanging off his shoulder, a familiar pair of yellow tinted shades covering his eyes.
"Hey." "Kid?, she gave him a confused look as he pushed his way inside, "I thought we were meeting at the bar?" "Tiny!", he greeted Savannah, and before he could blink, a blur of red curls was rushing at him, and he scooped her sister up like she weighted nothing. "Uncle Cal,", small hands came to rest on his shoulders, as her mood brightened even more at the surprise visit, "did you come to see my costume?" "Of course, Sav. You're going to be the cutest bat." He lowered her back onto the ground, turning to Sabrina with a determined expression, "Speaking of costumes, Gray…" There was twinkle in his baby blues as he regarded her, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was just as excited for the holiday as Savannah. "You're yet to tell me what you're even going as.", she raised an eyebrow in a question, having no idea what he would actually pick. His lips twisted into a smirk, "A beloved character, if you will."
"Oh?" "And I kind of need your help… seeing how you're the one with artistic skills, especially compared to little old me." Sabrina nodded, "What are we talking?" Calahan's response was to chuck the duffel bag at her, and she caught it swiftly before dropping it on the floor and unzipping it to see what he had brought along as materials. Her hands lifted a pair of dark gray jeans that laid on top, covering the rest of the items inside, and she needed a moment to process what she was staring at. A belt engraved with the Eden's Gate cross. A black blazer. A well-worn bible that looked like it was close to falling apart. No, not a bible, rather than a Joseph's version of it. A rosary was at the bottom, confirming her suspicions further. "Calahan.", Sabrina muttered in disbelief as her gaze rose up to his, registering the sheepish expression he wore at the discovery.
"Yeah?" "It was you." "No comment." "I-", she shook her head, "I have no idea what to say." "Say you will help me by drawing a couple of tattoos for me?", he paired the words with puppy dog eyes for good measure. "Jesus, Cal." "You're in troubleeee.", Savannah giggled behind him, completely oblivious to the fact her beloved uncle had committed a crime, broke the law when he was supposed to enforce it. "Pretty, please?", his voice dipped, "I went through so much s-", he stopped himself before a curse slipped out, "stuff to get them… I'd draw the tats myself, but well… angles aren't exactly friend, and I feel like this look deserves more, you know?" "And Whitehorse?" "You heard Mercy, there's no case for us to worry about. Joseph can, uh, fluff off." Sabrina sighed, "I can't believe this."
He shimmied towards her to pick up the bag, "That a yes?" "I-" "Say yes. I knoooow, wrong brother.", he tried mimicking John's usual tone from his broadcasts, successfully making her laugh as her frown melted away. "You're going to owe me one." Calahan made a cross over his heart, "Goes without sayin'." She took a deep breath before pointing at the hallway that led upstairs, "Bedroom then, I will be right up." "Not something I expected to hear from you.", he wiggled his eyebrows before disappearing up the stairs. "Sav, I will help uncle Cal with his costume for the party, I won't be long, okay?" Her sister nodded excitedly, a rush coursing through her system like she had already gone through the candy reserve hidden for her, "I can't wait to see his." Sabrina winced at the idea Calahan most likely planned on going shirtless that evening and showing off as much as he could, "Behave while I'm gone, okay? If you need anything, just holler." "Okay.", Savannah's attention shifted back to the TV, and Sabrina rushed out of the living room and towards her bedroom.
Hartley had made himself at home in one of her armchairs, jumping to his feet as soon as she came into view. "Ready?" Sabrina rubbed her forehead as she rummaged through the drawer that held all body paints she had left from previous Halloweens, "Don't expect miracles." "Want to see my sharpie rendition of Joe's tattoos? Then we can talk about failures.", he asked before lifting his shirt over his head, "I showered before coming over, by the way." Sabrina gestured to the chair in front of her vanity as she selected what brushes she might need, "You're a lot, you know that?" "Just try not to fall in love.", Hartley added jokingly as he shuffled over, muscles flexing as he sat down in his designated spot. "That won't be an issue." Her disbelief made him laugh out loud before he muttered, "It's a thing. Like for real." "Then maybe Mary May would tonight?"
"Doubtful.", his tone became sober for a second, regret swooping in, then another grin erased his scowl, "I found you pictures." Sabrina released a dramatic sigh of relief, "Good, because it ain't like I've seen Joseph naked, so you'd be getting generic tattoos without references. You're lucky you're not getting prison ones, consider you committed a crime last night." "Pfft, he has extras of everything I took. The only reason he called us in was because he couldn't believe someone had the guts to enter his actual house." She didn't bother to point out the bible looked treasured, somewhat irreplaceable based on its state. The fact Joseph might value the items wasn't going to change Hartley's mind and make him return what he stole, not even because of the risk he might get into trouble with Whitehorse, but simply for the idea he refused to bow down to any of the Seeds. He pulled out his phone, presenting a couple of shots from sermons the Project no doubt used to promote themselves.
"You know, for a cult that hates technology and sinning, they sure are relying hard on both to lure people in…", Sabrina uttered out, beginning with a crudely done, faded reddish tattoo on his right clavicle, spelling 'Sloth'. Calahan snorted, "Have you seen John? Fucker is the very definition of honey trap, then you have Faith… Hell, the little lady from this morning certainly was one too." "Both brothers were acting strange around her." "Jacob?", he huffed at the idea, "Ain't no way. John, I can picture being frustrated as fuck and losing his mind at the fact his brother banned sex." "Whatever you say." "All that talk of sin, like come on.", he argued, "Folks are talkin' about him and his life before the Project…" "I suspect I don't wanna know." His grin remained in place, fully fueled by the fact he was getting what he wanted while gossiping about the family that was a thorn in the County's side, "Oakley and I made a bet after hearin' some interesting things from Addie. $50 says he has a sex room at the ranch Joe knows nothing about."
"And how exactly would you confirm that?", Sabrina's next step was painting a black-and-white crown adorned by the cult's cross and to Calahan's credit, even with all the unleashed energy within him, he remained seated without fidgeting too much. "No clue.", he began slowly, sounding like he was actually considering the idea, "I ain't takin' one for the team, that's for sure. No idea who would and how successful they'd be, either." "That would be a sacrifice." Hartley groaned at that, "He most definitely chants 'Yes' over and over as he comes. Guaranteed. Can you imagine it? I can't picture sentencing anyone to that torture." "I'd rather not. Sit still,", she warned as she began working on another tattoo, "Can we change the subject?" "What? Johnny fuckin' ain't your cup of tea? Because I have more thoughts on the matter." "You're on thin ice, kid." "Fine, fine.", he rolled his eyes, "He stopped by the station, you know… To his shit luck, Whitehorse had left already, almost caused him to have a meltdown before his actual scheduled meltdown."
"What about?" A laugh rumbled his chest despite her previous warning, gaze filling with a prideful gleam, "Me inviting his precious members to party at Mary May's. How I was spreadin' my sinful ideas without any shame. Told him, I'd be spreading more than ideas tonight and flipped him off before I left." "Jesus." "He's probably complaining to him still. 'That sinner, how dare he! And why can't I have some, too, God?'", he went for another attempt at imitating John's way of speaking. The next tattoo that spelled 'Lust' had quite the unfortunate placement, making Sabrina back away to examine her work up until that point. "Abs are next. It might be too far, even for us." He didn't appear bothered by the idea at all when he rose up to give her better access, "Yes, m'am. Paint me like your local cult leader, not one of your french girls."
"Hilarious.", she shook her head at his amusement, "When I woke up today, the last thing I imagined having to get close and personal with your lower regions." "Oh, come on. There are worse views. Plus, I'm wearing pants, you ain't even getting the full Hartley tour." "I guess that's true.", a real tattoo above his left hip drew her attention despite trying to remain focused on her task, and a giggle broke free as she made out what it said in a convoluted font, "Cal?" "Gray?", he mimicked her intonation, eyes meeting hers. "Does this spell what I think it does?" "Oh, yeah." It took a lot for her to keep her balance or her hand steady as another laugh made it past her lips, "But, but… why?" He shrugged, "Because it's the truth. And fyi, this isn't what I usually get from girls, you're kinda bruising my ego." "I mean, it does match Joseph's 'Lust', if nothing else."
"Fucking hypocrite.", he muttered out loud as Sabrina made a sign for him to spin around with her finger and sit down again as she moved onto his back. "I did get a feeling he wasn't being truthful about his whereabouts when 'the thief' broke in." "Entered, all that was missing was a 'Welcome, come on in, Cal' sign'.", he corrected her, "It was the middle of the night, and the house was empty, Gray. He was lying through his teeth to you, and to his brother." "I figured as much." "Speaking of…", another sin that in the reference image looked like it was inked on by a child adorned Calahan's skin, "How was trekking on your own with Jacob? Not many would dare go off with him." "Not like I asked him to come.", she explained slowly, her mind drifting back to their interaction, his cryptic words, and strange behavior. The fact she was avoiding answering the question wasn't lost on him, "Well? I'm waiting."
"Like pulling teeth, no idea why he even volunteered to tag along when the whole time he was rushing to get me out of his hair as soon as possible." Calahan scratched at his stubble, "I can make a good guess, but you won't like my theory." "I suspect as much." "I will keep it to myself then." "A first." "You're welcome, it physically hurts me to hold in my jokes sometimes." A couple of minutes later, most of the simple tattoos she could copy to bring Calahan's planned look together were done. "Damn.", he exlaimed as he examined himself in the full-length mirror in her bedroom, twisting as much as he could so he could see his back as well, "I knew I shouldn't have attempted to do these myself." Sabrina laughed, "That would have been a look." "Thank you, Gray.", Hartley gave her a half-hug, staying mindful of smudging his temporary ink, "Now Whitehorse's inevitable lecture would be worth it, truly."
"I'm honestly surprised you didn't steal Joseph's underwear, commit to the bit all the way through." A snort left him, "Please, I have my limits. Glasses are a little gift from Addie and exhibit A to him not telling the truth, because I so would have snatched his sunnies, too. The jeans are mine.", a shudder racked his body, "For all I know Joe likes going commando." "Thanks for the visual." Calahan feigned a bow, "I live to serve. Or to scar people, depending on the occasion." "I need to help Sav get into her costume, I promised to take her trick-or-treating before the party." "Ah, man, I'm tempted to tag along. Think people will give me candy?", he plopped down onto her bed with a dreamy sigh. "Considering your persistence and charm, I'd guess yes. But…" "But what?" Sabrina pursed her lips, "It might be best to stay back, minimize how many people would see you before it's even showtime. Word's bound to get to John or Joseph himself."
"True.", he nodded, "Mind if I stick around, then we can leave together?" "Of course. And if you're good, you might even get some candy from Sav's reserve. Relive your childhood to the fullest before getting the adult version of Halloween." His eyes lit up at that, "You got yourself a deal." "Just avoid making Ms. Darcy shoot you by mistake if she gets here while we're gone."
After taking Savannah out to show off her bat costume she had personally worked on in making what she called 'more realistic' and returning with enough candy that her back-up stash had become unnecessary and was gifted to Calahan, Sabrina bid her and Ms. Darcy goodbye for the evening. The latter had joked how she wouldn't mind Eden's Gate if the younger Deputy was in charge. "First thing, Darce asked me was if I had forgotten my shirt,", Hartley smoothed down the stolen blazer that no doubt would come off eventually and was the only thing he wore to cover his bare chest, "and how at least I had something on to not catch my death in the cold." "She's too cute sometimes.", Sabrina retorted as she got into her Bronco and buckled in. "Yeah, reminds me of my Nana, but…", he wiggled his eyebrows, dropping Joseph's bible and rosary in his lap before he leaned back into his seat and added, "then she told me how the ladies would sure appreciate the view."
Their laughter filled the truck as she pulled out of her driveway, an advertisement about the party at the Spread Eagle coming on the local radio station she usually had playing. "Sinners welcome." closed the message, and Calahan gave Sabrina a wink when she snuck a quick look in his direction. "Yes, it was my idea. A little fuck you to John." "Mary May's paying you for those gems or?" He chuckled, "I suggested she could also use me as a model, do some shots with my renditions of the Seed brothers." "Oh my god." "She shot the idea down, sadly. Maybe next Halloween.", he drummed his hands on the dashboard, "Good news is I'm getting free drinks tonight as a thank you for helping her decorate and set shit up." "You plan on finally doing something about your crush tonight?" "What crush?" "Very funny." "Speaking of getting laid… want me to be your wingman?" Her nose wrinkled at the offer, "I'd pass on that."
"I'm like the best wingman you can have, just saying." She pulled into one of the empty parking spots across the Spread Eagle, "I'm not sleeping with anyone tonight, Calahan." Hartley jumped off the truck, bible in one hand, while the other had the rosary wrapped around his palm a couple of times. He leaned against the door, thankfully lowering his voice so the other patrons that were pilling to go inside the bar wouldn't overhear him, "If you do change your mind, just say the word. I'm going to find you someone worthy. A stallion to ride." She let out a groan as she rested her forehead against the steering wheel, "Please don't ever say that again." His laughter followed her as she got out too and locked her doors, his arm swinging over her shoulders as the two walked towards the entrance of the Spread Eagle. Loud music and chatter filled the space as the Deputies pushed their way inside. Mary May was practically swimming in drink orders to a point she didn't even notice Calahan sneaking behind the bar to envelop her in a bear hug.
The blonde's confusion quickly dissipated as she shook off his hold, still not taking a good look at his costume, "Rookie, keep that up and you will be stuck behind the bar the whole night. Helpin', not partying." "You're no fun.", Calahan complained as he heaved himself over the counter instead of taking the long route, winning another curse from Mary May followed by her eyes widening when she finally noticed his attire. He leaned against the bar counter as she slid a drink his way, "Do you like my costume, gorgeous?" "Where the fuck did you even find…", she shook her head, but a smile played across her lips. "I plead the fifth." "Brin,", her attention shifted to Sabrina, slipping back into bartender mode, "What are you drinkin'?" "I'm his DD tonight." "So nothing new?" She shrugged as Calahan downed his first glass for the night. "I'm gonna make you something delicious." "Thank you, M."
He shuffled closer, whispering in her ear over the music, "I will be right back, have to greet my Pyrobros. Do some rounds, recruit people for my newly founded cult." Before she could even respond, he strutted over to Hurk, Sharky, and a couple of other locals that were standing around one of the tables at the far end of the bar. "So, if Rookie's Joseph…", Mary May returned to her after serving a couple of newcomers, "I guess you're going for John? If you do need a Jacob-" Sabrina's confused frown cut her off, "I'm not wearing a costume, I thought those were optional." "No?" Blue eyes ran over her blue button-up she had left mostly unbottoned after leaving her jacket in her car. "Nope. Does it look like it?" "I mean, paired with him,", Mary May's head cocked in Calahan's direction, "I'd say yes. No pun intended." A drink was placed in front of her, and she took a sip, sweetness hitting her taste buds, "I love this one."
"Yeah?", pride shone in the blonde's gaze before it shifted to the far end of the counter to a figure sitting next to the wall, bathed in shadows, "Anyways, I was gonna suggest Lizzie over there being your Jacob." It was rare anyone called Oakley Moore Lizzie, most folks weren't bold enough to engage in a conversation with the woman, let alone use a nickname she considered forbidden. "Oaks.", Mary May called out to her, gesturing for her to come closer. Seconds ticked by before Oakley switched seats, shoulders bumping with Sabrina's as her pale gaze settled on her. It's what she considered a proper greeting that was usually confused with her being hostile and granted, most of the time, she wasn't one for tolerating small talk. "Brin." "How's Betty?" Warmth melted away the iciness in her eyes at the mention of her grandmother, "You know Nana, refuses to sit down. And is now forcing me to socialize after Cal mentioned the goddamned party. I was planning on going hunting."
Cheers and whistling drowned out her response as Calahan did a victory spin for the crowd gathered inside, spreading his hands in the air the same way Joseph did and exclaiming, "The Father? I prefer Daddy, my children. Sin tonight… make me proud!" "He's something else.", Oakley commented with a smirk as she downed her whiskey, nodding past Sabrina, "Did he actually go through with 'borrowing JoeJoe's things'?" "Unfortunately. We got a call about it this morning." The news ripped a laugh out of Moore, another rarety, "Even his ratty bible?" The stolen bible lay discarded next to Sabrina, and she moved it out of the way of whoever wanted to occupy the empty chair to her left, mindlessly flipping through it until something caught her eye. A picture was nestled between the pages, its corners frayed like it had been touched many times. "What the-", the question drew Mary May's attention, and she leaned over to peek at what she was holding. "Ask for Mercy." The woman they had met that morning stared back at her in the photograph, smiling, wearing another similar white dress. "Well, fuck me.", Oakley uttered under her breath as she too huddled closer to examine the find, "JoeJoe has a dirty little secret?"
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"Ah, man, you nailed the Joe-bro look, I swear.", Hurk raised his beer to Calahan for a toast just as a slender hand came to rest on his elbow. "Hello.", a petite blonde dressed as a fairy he hadn't seen around before greeted him with a shy smile, eyelashes fluttering against her cheeks while she ogled his bare chest that was covered in temporary tattoos. The ladies sure appreciate it. Thanks, Gray. "Calahan.", he reached out his hand, giving her one of his signature grins, "And you are, beautiful?" A giggle left her as her palm touched his, "Cheyenne, but friends call me Cherry." "Cherries are my favorite.", he replied as he leaned in closer and straightened the dainty wings she had strapped around her shoulders, "You gonna dance with me, Cherry?" "I'd love to."
A song faded into another with Cheyenne melting further into him, her flowery perfume invading his senses while he wished he was dancing with somebody else. The same somebody that was currently not so secretly shooting daggers in his direction. Mary May was certainly not appreciating the view as she poured a drink to Grace Armstrong and then moved onto another customer. "You want a drink or something, baby?", Cherry's voice pulled him out of his staring, and he forced his attention back to her, offering her a carefree smile. "I have everything I need right here." Her hands traced his pecks before encircling his neck, her body moving to the rhythm as she pressed it closer to his on the small dancefloor. His head dipped at the telltale signs while she rose on the tiptoes to meet him halfway, their lips locking and for a second, he could pretend he wasn't kissing a stranger he just met.
It was even easier when they were blondes, yet those nights stung even more afterward. A coy smile took over Cheyenne when she leaned back, her lipstick smudged slightly, "Feelin' like going someplace more private?" Before he had a chance to respond, the door to the Spread Eagle flew open with such force it banged into the wall. The noise cut through the music and murmurs of the crowd, followed by a booming voice. Or what John considered booming voice that Calahan rather described as irritated child on the verge of a meltdown. "CALAHAN HARTLEY." The grin on his face didn't melt away at his name being called, instead, he pretended nothing had happened, forcing John to strain his vocal chords some more. Even his own mother hadn't ever called his name that way, no matter how much trouble he had been in. By the youngest Seed's tone, Calahan could guess he had somehow seen one of the many pictures and videos patrons had taken with him in Joseph's attire.
"I will be right back, beautiful.", he assured Cherry before sneaking out of her embrace and facing John with a wide smile, mimicking the pose his brother loved so much. "JOHNNYYY!", he hollered back, his night getting even better when the man's face twisted in rage at the sight of him, "I knew you would be tempted to come."
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Sabrina spun around in her chair as a loud bang cut through the usual chatter around them, horror gripping her as John Seed marched through the entrance of the bar like he owned the place. His voice, or rather the way he screamed Calahan's name, promised trouble, especially since he had always been mostly calm during what others categorized as 'meltdowns'. "That damned bastard, having the guts to show up here.", Mary May, slammed a glass on the counter with way too much force, the liquid inside spilling over the edges as she regarded the man that viewed her business as something that needed to be shut down. Oakley had sneaked out minutes prior, saying how she needed a smoke if she was to sit through the night and since then hadn't returned. "JOHNNYYY! I knew you would be tempted to come.", Hartley yelled back, full of glee. Before she could think twice, Sabrina was out of her chair, cutting through the crowd that had grown silent as bargoers, including Joey and Pratt, watched the scene unfolding that was bound to end in disaster.
"Brin. Fuck.", Mary May called after her, but she pushed forward while Calahan himself advanced in John's direction, raising a hand adorned by his brother's rosary in the air. "I'd buy you a drink, Johnny, but don't think you're my type." "How dare you…you-", John barely managed to get any words out when he took in the Deputy's outfit, "Is my brother A JOKE to you?!" "Why, YES. YES. YES.", Hartley screamed back, "You love that word dontcha, Johnny? He is a JOKE. And let's face it, I'm wearing the look BETTER." Sabrina made it into the space that people had cleared out in anticipation of a fight breaking out, gliding between the two swiftly, knowing well enough that either men were close to unraveling and doing something drastic. "Kid.", she warned, feet planted firmly while feeling John's approach behind her, "Don't." Her gut told her she had a bigger chance at reasoning with him since Whitehorse was the one who always dealt with Eden's Gate's ruthless lawyer.
"Move, Gray.", his blue eyes were clear, signaling he wasn't nowhere near his boiling point as his fingers wrapped around her upper arm, ready to move her aside in sign of danger. Like hell I will move. "You came on OUR LAND. BROKE-" "FUCKING LEAVE MY BAR.", Mary May cut in, drawing everyone's eyes to herself, to the shotgun gripped in her hands, "RIGHT FUCKING NOW." "You…sinner.", John's rage switched target for a breath, "You've learned nothing, have you, Mary May?" "OUT.", her blue eyes narrowed, "Before I create more holes into your body since you seem to love those." "Look at you. All of you.", Calahan let out a dark laugh as John continued his speech, "Spreading the sin. Turning your backs on Eden. When the Collapse is on our doorstep."
A cacophony of curses echoed back from the crowd, furious stares zeroing behind Sabrina, and all she could imagine was the confrontation turning into a real bloodbath and how Whitehorse would chastise all of them for failing to stop it. With her thoughts getting darker by the second, she spun around, a pair of angry blue eyes settling on hers, "Mr. Seed." Something flew past her head, crashing into the wall and making her duck down on instinct. A bottle smashed into pieces, aimed at John. "How DARE-", he yelled again, but only managed to get two words out before she was cupping a hand over his mouth and pushing him out of the bar, door slamming shut behind her as the chilly air hit her at once. "Please, just leave.", she removed her palm off his face and placed herself between him and the entrance, the exterior lights of the bar dancing across his skin.
"You-", John stopped himself, a shaky breath leaving him as he regarded her, "Do you even know what he did?" "Is it worth getting hurt over? That bottle was just the beginning." He advanced forward again, expecting her to budge, allow him entry. She did none of that, unwavering while he drew near enough she could smell him - an expensive cologne drifting off him, stark contrast to most of the Project's members odors. "Go home, Mr. Seed." John shook his head, set on taking things too far, "He broke into my brother's home, took his belongings, and is wearing his clothes as a costume. They're all drunk and mocking him, and all he stands for on social media." "And you're sober and can be the bigger man by walking away." His eyes ran over her face, silence taking over as the party inside the bar continued like nothing had even happened.
"Are you wearing me as a costume, too?" "It's just a shirt, costumes are optional." "Good, because I'm not a-" "Go home.", she tried again, gentler that time around, nodding towards the truck he hadn't even bothered to park, instead stopping it in the middle of the road in his angry spell. "I'm not leaving without Joseph's bible." Sabrina nodded, "I will be right back, don't do anything, okay?" She didn't wait for him to respond, rushing back into the bar where the celebration was back in full swing with Hartley grinding against a blonde in a fairy costume. Laughter carried around her as she reached the bar and grabbed the bible, ignoring Mary May's string of questions with her mind set on solving the issue, ensuring the night didn't end in disaster. "Here.", she announced the second she was back outside, exchanging the worn copy of Joseph's Word to John. "I won't let him get away with this. Hartley should be upholding the law.", he gritted out and spun around, striding off back to his vehicle as she finally released the breath she had been holding.
Whatever relief she experienced began dissipating when seconds ticked by and he didn't drive off, instead rounding his truck in the dark, a faint light bouncing around as he examined something. "Somebody slashed my tires, Deputy. All four.", his voice carried over the quiet night. "What?" In a couple of steps, she was standing by his truck, his phone illuminating a jaded cut in the front tire. He huffed, "Leave, you say? Leave? They won't let me." "I'm-" "Sorry? Are you really, Deputy?" "You can call someone to pick you up…", she wrapped her arms around herself, the cold finally getting through her thin shirt. John shoved his phone back into his jeans pocket, "Absolutely not." "I don't know what to say, Mr. Seed." Reality was she had allowed herself a night to go out and have fun, and now she was stuck placating a hostile individual who in ways had every reason to feel bereaved.
His gaze casted behind her, aimed at the bar, making her worry he was contemplating having another go at Calahan and hunting down whoever had deflated his tires. "I can drive you home.", the words came out in a rush, her willingness to help getting her in trouble not for the first time. All she got was silence, his expression hard to read in the dark, so she pointed behind him, "My truck is over there." "That's how every horror movie starts.", he muttered back. "I thought your c-", she shook her head to dismiss what he would have no doubt taken as an insult, "Never mind." "What?" "Nothing, Mr. Seed. Would you like me to drive you home?" She took his nod as an 'Yes' and quickly moved past his truck, headed for her own as she sneaked a glance over her shoulder to assure he was following. Sabrina was the first to climb in, reaching over to unlock the passenger side door for him, but John stood frozen next it, a look of suspicion washing over his features.
"This feels like a trap." She gritted her teeth before forcing a smile his way, "You're welcome to walk home then, Mr. Seed. Some fresh air won't hurt ya.", then leaned back into her seat as she waited for him to make his choice. At the end, his pride won, and he got in reluctantly, clutching his brother's bible between his fingers as he slammed the door shut. "I carry a knife on me.", he warned as she started the Bronco, pulling out of the parking spot just as a person emerged from the shadows from the side of the Spread Eagle, the twinkling lights picking up their light blonde hair. Oakley. With her hatred of John, chances were she was the one that had struck while he was too busy inside the bar. "I do, too.", Sabrina retorted while he reached out and changed the radio station to the one Eden's Gate owned and used for propaganda.
Most of the drive to his house passed in silence, only disturbed by the way-too-cheerful choral songs. Every once in a while, she'd spare a quick look in his direction, catching him staring at her, too, while the tension in the small space only grew. The next time she did it, she found him flipping through the bible like she had done, his hands freezing when he got to the picture. She drummed her fingers against the steering wheel as he plucked the photograph and examined it. There was no shocked exclamation, no cursing in surprise like Oakley had done. John remained stoic while he stared at the picture his brother clearly valued enough to use as a bookmark in what looked like a well-read paperback. The picture was of a woman. A member of his cult. The one that was worried about his wellbeing and had enough influence over him to convince Joseph to call the police. There was a reason why both Mary May and Oakley eyed the hidden photograph with interest, why they spent a while speculating over the story surrounding Mercy.
Sabrina rolled to a stop in the driveway of the ranch, fully expecting John to jump out of her truck as soon as it wasn't moving with how extremely quiet he'd been. Instead, he remained seated, staring at his brother's bible, his features twisted into a frown. "Have yourself a good night.", she muttered, hoping it would be enough to pull him out of whatever stupor had taken over him and get him out of her vehicle. "Joseph keeps that bible on his bedside table.", he whispered, thumb brushing over the worn-out cover, "And he had the picture-" His words died down abruptly as if he suddenly remembered himself, then returned to looking out through the windshield into the darkness outside of the car, only disrupted by the Bronco's headlights. "It's none of my-" "Did you feel it, too?", John interrupted her, blue eyes moving to hers, "Even now."
A part of her warned her to mind her business, but curiosity won over it, "Felt what?" "That pull. The electricity." She said nothing, knowing her opinion were to either lie or admit he was somewhat right, which no doubt would be an ego boost to him. Truth was, something obscure, palpable hung between them, charging the air, growing stronger the closer he'd been. It doesn't matter. "Goodnight.", Sabrina repeated again and leaned over to open the door for him and make her stance crystal clear. The move was a mistake on its own because she hesitated, hand coming to rest on the door handle as his scent invaded her senses once more. "You want me to go?", he asked, watching her closely. "Yes."
Yet her fingers refused to obey, to swing the door open, prompt him to leave. Tattooed hand wrapped around hers to lift it between them, the interior light of her truck illuminating the top of his palm. The black ink that covered it. She was convinced she had stopped breathing when she pulled his arm closer, making sure she wasn't imagining things. That the tattoo her fingers were tracing was the same. That it was real, what she'd seen again and again. "Sabrina?", confusion swooped into his tone, mirroring hers. "I feel it.", her confession was barely audible, but clearly enough for him to make a choice, "It changes nothing." His eyes darkened, darting to her lips before he cupped her cheek with his free hand, "No matter. I'm still going to kiss you." No part of what he had said was a question, but she nodded anyway despite her better judgment as he leaned in, mouth covering hers.
His lips moved over her own slowly, a tingle climbing up her spine at the contact while her rational side screamed for her to push him away, no matter who he might be in her visions. It's him. Her hand braced against his chest, moving up on its own before grasping the nape of his neck and pulling him closer. It was then that she returned the kiss fully, lips parting as his own tongue darted out, a groan leaving him at the granted access. His taste took over her system while he set out on exploring her mouth, fingers intertwining with hers. A muffled tud broke the spell between them, making John pull back, staring at her intently with hunger written all over his face. "I should go. Be good." She nodded, but his hold of her hand only tightened, signaling he was torn, not exactly feeling the words. "Thing is… I don't want to.", he confirmed, licking his lips and making her wonder if he was tasting her.
"I don't, either." His gaze shifted to his feet, where Joseph's book had tumbled down onto the floor of her car before returning back to hers. "This is probably going to come back to bite me.", he uttered out, "Most definitely actually, Deputy. But… I'm asking you to come inside. See where this takes us." Her eyebrow rose up at his bold invitation, "I must have misheard you." "You didn't." Sabrina forced a laugh, "Don't you people have a rule about this?" "We do, quite frankly.", he nodded quickly, "I'm doing this despite it." "What would your brother think?", she pushed further, expecting him to fold, remember himself, and the doctrine forced upon each member. One, he clearly didn't respect enough. "What would Whitehorse think about Deputy Hartley committing a crime on private property last night?" It was the lawyer in him, the negotiator set on getting what he wanted, peeking through.
Her gaze narrowed, "What are you implying?" "We're both facing a dilemma, Deputy, toeing a line, you're keeping Hartley's secrets, covering for him. But there's a simple question - what do you want?" To head home and not get involved in a messy situation, especially after how you acted at the bar. "For you to kiss me again.", a satisfied smirk came over him at her answer, and he let go of her hand, only so he could open his door. "Come then.", he called out as he jumped down onto the gravel, gesturing for her to follow suit. His door slammed shut as she turned off the Bronco's engine and exited, rounding the truck where he met her halfway and took hold of her arm again. "One rule.", she muttered at his back as he pulled her along towards the ranch's main entrance, the overhead light coming on to life at their approach.
"What?" "You won't make a fuss about Calahan's indiscretion." He sighed like it physically pained him to let Hartley off the hook, "Fine. But this would be the first and last time." A small victorious smile danced across her lips as his hand wrapped around the doorknob and pushed his front door open, causing her to blink in shock, "You don't lock your doors, either? Of course, it runs in the family." Darkness ruled over the house aside from a dim light spilling out from the room ahead of them. "I wasn't exactly in the best mindset when I left.", John explained, leading her forward past a dining table and a lit stone fireplace that was providing the aforementioned illumination and separated the large open space in two. He spun around when he reached the other side of it, hand landing on her waist to drag her into him, "We're doing this?"
Her nod was all he needed to fulfill her previous wish, lips descending over hers as he took a couple of steps backward until he was lined with the couch that faced the fireplace and he lowered his body onto the leather surface, bringing her down with him. She straddled his lap on instinct, sinking further into the kiss while his fingers traveled beneath her shirt, coming to rest just at the edge of her bra. Like he had done before, he broke their liplock, leaning back to regard her as his hand made it past the lace garment, cupping her breast. "Look at you,", she said before lowering her mouth to his and whispering, "sinning." He pinched her nipple in warning, "Haven't even begun." A surprised yelp left her when John shifted until he was lying on top of her, undoing her jeans as he held her gaze and dragged them down her legs enough to have better access. "You want to stop, you tell me.", he instructed before he stole another kiss, hand moving from her waist down her abdomen and beneath her underwear.
One finger pushed inside her, swiveling into her wetness, more pooling at his touch and the satisfied growl that broke free from him. "More.", Sabrina ordered, buckling against his palm to get more friction to her clit before he complied, adding another digit to the mix as he began pumping in and out of her heat. "You're dripping for me." "Yes.", the word made it past her lips before she could think better of it, a grin appearing on his face as he repeated the movement again. Slowly that time, tantalizing her, hinting at his plan. "John.", she groaned in annoyance, "Don't you dare go there." He shook his head, "Say it again." "No." "Again and you're getting another finger." "He was right. You are weird during sex." "Who?", his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as his hand halted inside her. She rolled her eyes, "Calahan."
"Why am I not surprised the pest was talking about me." He resumed the previous infuriating pace, prolonging giving her what she wanted. "Say it, Deputy.", John repeated, and when she shook her head in defiance, he added, "I'd sweeten the deal." "How?", she moaned out when his thumb brushed against her clit, adding pressure before retreating. "Another finger.", he dropped a kiss across her lips, "My mouth. And then…" She hated how his talking alone had an effect on her, turning her on. "Then what?" He took his time considering the question before whispering, "You get to ride me." "And if I don't?" "Mmm..", his mouth lowered to her neck, sucking on the tender skin as his fingers kept the same slow pace, while her arousal grew, dripping down his hand, "I take my time. Wear you down. And, be assured, I'd enjoy every minute of it, Sabrina."
"Once." "Hm?" "I'd only say it once, don't be pulling any dirty tricks on me, Seed." "Deal.", he muttered and halted his teasing altogether, waiting for her to follow through with her part of the agreement. A shuddered breath left her when his thumb circled her clit again as encouragement, "Yes." "Such a freeing word.", John rose up, clutching her panties and pulling them down past her knees. His lips lowered to her belly, kissing a path over it while his hands spread her thighs apart, positioning her the way he wanted her. "No games." He tsk-tsked, "Where would be the fun then?" Her protests were cut short when his mouth found her center, tongue licking away at her arousal and drawing more out of it as result. "You taste so sweet. To think I almost walked away.", he remarked, peeking at her from between her legs, before diving back in for more.
Her noises urged him on as she climbed towards a powerful climax, three fingers entering her like he had promised, lips wrapping around her clit and adding much needed pressure. She rocked against his hand, sinking further into the pleasure, almost forgetting who was delivering it to her, how they had ended up there in the first place. His name ripped off her lips as she came, his thrusts picking up and only heightening the sensation. "That's it. Give in. Let it all pour out for me.", she ignored how close he sounded to his preachings in the cursed broadcasts, "There's more where that came from." He moved up her body, little tremors still coursing through her limbs as he kissed her, giving her a taste of herself. "Can you handle more?", he challenged, rising up on his heels while his hands worked on undoing his belt and jeans to leave him down to his underwear, his erection's outline pressing against the material, begging for release.
"You tryin' to trick me?" He smirked, "Nothing of sorts." "You haven't delivered on everything yet.", Sabrina reminded him as she got up too, fingers grasping the waistband of his boxers, and pulling them down. "Protection.", he mumbled to himself, "I don't-" "What… you don't do this a lot?" His look of disbelief made her chuckle, "Absolutely not." "I'm on the pill." Her hand wrapped around him, stroking his cock a couple of times as he contemplated the idea. "Yes.", he answered finally, sitting back down onto the couch, still mostly clothed aside from his nether regions. Sabrina stripped off her boots, pants, and underwear completely to ensure nothing would obstruct her mobility, his eyes following her the whole time, tongue darting out to lick his lips. With her clothes out of the way, she threw her leg over his hip, straddling him as her hand lined his tip with her entrance.
She sank down onto him slowly, relishing every inch, judging by his measured breathing and how his features twisted in concentration, he was doing the same. Trying to maintain his control. "So tight.", he gritted out, "You gonna move for me, Deputy?" She rocked against him slowly, her sleakness making her glide up and down his shaft with ease, the sounds of pleasure filling the darkened room paired with the crackling of the fire. "You're killing me here.", he whined against her lips, fingers gripping her hips to dictate the pace. "Riding you. It's what you said." "Yes." "So, let me do that. Have patience." "Deputy…" She grasped his hands, moving them to her chest, "If you want something to hold, the girls are feeling a bit ignored." "We can't have that.", John caught up quick, unbuttoning her shirt while she resumed riding him.
Her bra came undone next as he made work of the front clasp in a blink, baring her completely to him. "I will rectify the situation.", he vowed in a serious tone, his mouth swooping down to her chest, paying attention to each breast individually. His compliance caused her to move faster, arousal coating his length as she squeezed her muscles around him in attempts to coax his orgasm out. "You feel so good for a Seed. Who could have known…", she teased and let out a yelp when his teeth grazed her nipple at the jab. It wasn't long before she stumbled over the edge, her walls clenching around him and drawing his own climax, making him let go with a groan. Her name fell from his lips as he spilled inside her. "Oh, John.", she muttered quietly against his neck, euphoria overwhelming her system. "Bold and brave?", he chuckled, "It seems somebody's been listening to our radio station." A hand swatted at his chest, "You're totally ruining the moment."
He hummed in disapproval, arms encircling her body as she snuggled into him more, "Sleepy?" "A little bit." "My bed awaits." "You're asking me to actually stay over?" A series of kisses covered her collarbone, tracing her butterflies tattoo, "I'm far from done with you." She broke out of his embrace, an emptiness settling between her legs as she rose up, convincing herself she couldn't allow him to take things even further than he already had. "Deputy.", he called out, still seated on the couch, watching her while she gathered her clothes from the ground and huffed at his release running down her thigh and making it impossible to get dressed without creating a mess. His gaze met hers, shadows and light dancing across his features and partly obsecuring his expression, "What?" "You're not going to need them.", she opened her mouth to speak, but he waved her off, getting up too and snatching her clothes from her to drop them on the couch, "We're going to my bedroom."
"John.", his name was paired with a sigh at his tone that left no room for arguments. He made quick work of taking off his own boots, jeans, and boxers, pulling her in by her waist as his lips hovered over hers, "Go. Run. And you can keep thinking back to this moment, wishing you made a different choice, or you could be honest about what you want… How much you want it." His hand grasped her backside, and she could feel him hardening between them again while he kissed her, coming for breath only to add, "I'd like to fuck you on an actual bed instead of having my sweaty skin sticking onto old leather… might as well be comfortable seeing how I broke so many rules already." The idea he actually cursed out loud made her snort, "Fuck me?" "That's the plan. Just say 'Yes'. Are you staying?" Of course you're fishing for your favorite word again. Silence settled around them, heavy with possibility, with the realization he was infuriatingly correct she'd regret it.
He brushed her hair out of her face, "Your eyes are so expressive, you know that? I could basically see the battle within. Which option is winning?" Her hands traveled up his chest, locking around his neck, "Yes. Happy?" What she got as reply was a triumphant grin before he hoisted her up, legs wrapping around his waist as he rounded the couch, moving with determination with her in his arms. "Someone's in a rush. How long has it been?", she joked while he took the stairs two at a time, getting to the second floor of the ranch in couple of beats. "Way too long, Deputy." Darkness engulfed them as he headed down a hallway, pushing a door open with his free hand that wasn't holding onto her. It was where he finally dropped her to her feet, the coldness of the hardwood floors meeting as it shut with a click behind them. John was on the move again, his footsteps being her only indicator in the pitch black, then a table lamp next to his bed came to life, illuminating the space and his nearing form with faint glow.
Her eyes took in her surrounding, bouncing from his bed, sheer curtains and wooden interiors of the room, to the ordinary furniture and two doors leading who knew where before they settled on his chest as he discarded his shirt and reached out for her again. A combination of scars and tattoos marred his skin. A small old key hanging around his neck. "Not what you expected?", he asked when his hand found her cheek, caressing her skin gently. Your bedroom or the fact you're someone I've been seeing for years? "I don't know what I expected." He nodded and moved onto her own shirt, pushing it down her arms until it pooled at her feet, her lace bra following in its wake. "Definitely weren't dressed as me, eh, Deputy?" She gave him a pointed look, "I told you-" "You'd look good in my shirt. I wouldn't mind you stealing that." Her laugh was a surprised one, "Careful what you wish for… I might be planning my costume for next year already."
"Beautiful.", he whispered as his eyes ran over her naked body, thumb breezing over her bottom lip and slipping into her mouth, eyes darkening when she sucked on it, "Patience. Remind me of that, in case I forget." Sabrina nodded, releasing his digit with a pop, and he pushed her backward, mouth clashing into hers when her legs met the edge of his bed. The soft matress engulfed her body as he settled over her, hand coming to rest beside her head to keep his weight off her while the other traveled down her stomach and slipped inside her for a brief moment before retreating. Her palms braced against his chest, running over the hard planes as her thighs fell open more, urging him to act. Anticipation swam within her when his fingers grasped his lenght, his tip brushing across her wetness a couple of times before finally pushing in slowly despite how wet she was and the desire she could see in his eyes.
A stray piece of hair had fallen over his forehead, and she smoothed them away, muttering, "Fill me up already." "I'm trying to be patient here. Not embarrass myself.", his expression was focused, like he refused to fully give in, act on his urges, let his composure slip. "Fuck patient. Better yet, fuck me as promised." He blinked, considering her words before thrusting all the way in and ripping a moan out of her as her walls enveloped him, and more followed when he began to move. "I'm starting to think going after the Deputy tonight wasn't the worst idea I've had to date.", he groaned against her mouth while at the same time he threw her leg over his shoulder, sinking in deeper into her at the new angle. "He sure would die laughing if he knew how the night unfolded after I broke you two apart." "He'd be obnoxious about, wouldn't he?", he chimed in, "Probably claim it was what he had planned all along to get me back for the previous time."
She couldn't help but smile at his annoyance, "Possibly." "Most definitely.", John insisted, pairing his next words with a hard thrust, "I couldn't stop thinking about you today." "Yeah?" She did her hardest to match his movements as a climax began to build within her, and her legs parted to take more of him. "Yes.", he gritted out, a giggle escaping her at the memory of Calahan's theory about his habits in bed, "Something amusing, Sabrina?" "No." There was doubt in his gaze, but he let her answer slip, emphasizing each word with a rock of his hips, "First time I saw you up close… I imagined it so many times." Her eyes widened at the bold confession and idea he had been thinking of her to begin with, "For how long?" "Since you moved here, but I had to be good, telling myself I wasn't missing anything."
In ways Hartley had been right about the signs and his theories about John's frustration. Regret slipped over his features, prompting her to cup his bearded cheek, "I'm here now." "That you are, and I plan on making up for that lost time.", he said with conviction, slowing his pace as his hand slipped between them to rub her clit. With a couple of flicks across it paired with his thrusts, the release she could feel twisting and twirling inside her came to a crescendo. His name rolled off her tongue, causing him to smirk while he continued to move, head dipping down to whisper in her ear and sending a shiver all over her body while her hands fisted the satin sheets beneath her, "Think you can come again before I do?"
Minutes later she found herself completely spent, laying snuggled in the crook of his arm while her fingers traced a lazy pattern across his chest. "Three times.", he noted with pride, hand running down her back under the soft covers, "I'm thinking we can break that record next time." Next time? Sabrina ignored the off-hand comment, assuming he hadn't meant anything by it, that he was just still basking in his own climax after demonstrating how dead set he was on holding off until he couldn't physically anymore. "Should I expect you to show up at the Sheriff's tomorrow?" "Today.", he corrected her, "And no, Deputy. I promised, didn't I? Hartley is off the hook until whatever he does next comes back to bite him." Her grin was concealed against his neck and she placed a kiss on his skin, "Thank you."
"Does that mean you're due to work in few hours?" "Mhm.", she hummed absently, "Why?" "I might pay you a visit instead.", his caress was slowly lulling her to sleep, especially with how relaxed she felt as she laid in the embrace of someone considered enemy of the County. When she said nothing, he took her silence as agreeance to his idea, adding, "We could see that the theft case gets closed." Her fingers froze against his chest as it was toying with the metal key nestled between his pecks, eyes lifting up to meet his baby blues, "I never opened one, you wanted to handle things yourself, remember? Play detective." "I will think of something else.", he said nonchalantly, "Like my truck's slashed tires… All four of them, a serious enough offense." "John." "Yes?" "This…", she paused, wondering what she had gotten herself into, "it can't happen again."
It was then that she got her first confirmation he had been serious upon mentioning 'a next time', coming in the form of a determined look he gave her before uttering out, "We shall see about that, Deputy." The same one he wore each time he argued with Whitehorse, refusing to back down no matter how much the Sheriff tried to placate him. If how impossible to shake off he had proven to be when it came to Calahan, she didn't dare think what it would take for him to give up after their night together. A part of her didn't know if she wanted him to, no matter how disastrous the consequences promised to be.
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Tagging, @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @onehornedbeast @theelderhazelnut @cassietrn @madparadoxum @voidika @corvosattano @unholymilf @purplehairsecretlair @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @florbelles @g0dspeeed @aceghosts @simplegenius042 @thesingularityseries @the-silver-chronicles @nightbloodbix @clicheantagonist @wrathfulrook @harmonyowl @jillvalentinesday @shegetsburned @sstewyhosseini and anyone with something to share <3
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andthatisnotfake · 3 months
New Look
“There you are!”
Savannah closed the bedroom door after finding Bertrand on their balcony, but he didn’t acknowledge her at all.
“Everything ok?”
“You can’t laugh.”
She frowned, but before she could ask anything, he turned around.
He was wearing glasses.
She stared at him in stunned silence.
“I know, I look like an idiot. An old idiot.”
“That’s not what I was thinking. At all.”
He paused and looked at her face. He knew that expression…
“Do you think this is… sexy?”
“Baby, if I didn’t think this was sexy, I would be the one in need of glasses.”
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 months
Kinktober 14 & 21 Andrew and Sav? 👀
14 – lingerie & 21 – on camera: Savannah Evans x Andrew Berry
(graphic sexual content under the cut, minors dni)
Kinktober Prompts
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“Andrew,” Savannah whined, hips jerking off the bed.
“Be patient, pretty girl,” he scolded, lightly tapping her inner thigh.
She whined but obeyed, dropping her hips back onto the bed, feet planted and knees bent.
She could hear the click of Andrew’s camera and the whirring of a photo printing, one arm thrown over her eyes as if that would hide her from the weight of Andrew’s heated stare.  He took her other arm where it was loosely wrapped around her stomach, gently guiding it over her head to grab the headboard, forcing her her to arch her back.
The camera clicked again, the mattress shifting under his weight as he moved up the bed to focus on her chest.  She had looked at herself in the mirror for a long time before letting Andrew see her newest set, she knew exactly how delicate the bra’s pink straps looked against her skin, knew how her nipples almost matched the darker pink flowers on the top of the cup, already visible through the otherwise sheer bra, stiffening as Andrew’s hot breath ghosted over them.
“Come on, baby,” he said, “let me see your eyes.”
She obeyed, she always obeyed, lifting her arm off of her face and instead grabbing onto her other wrist, still above her head.  After a small second she opened her eyes to see Andrew with his chin on her stomach, looking up over the top of his camera to meet her gaze.
“Hey, pretty girl,” he said, getting a small smile in return.
As overwhelming as it was to be the subject of his undivided attention, watching Andrew work had her clenching her thighs together and hoping he wouldn’t notice the obvious signs of her growing arousal.
He was barely touching her, he never touched her this early in a photoshoot, but he pressed a soft kiss to the bow nestled perfectly in the middle of her breasts, then another before he returned to kneeling at the foot of the bed.
There was no hiding from his new position, but he watched with a smirk as she pressed her thighs even closer together.  Tutting, he tapped the inside of her right knee, prompting her to drop her knees to each side and expose herself to his camera lens.
“Good girl.”
Savannah whimpered, feeling her folds twitch.
She wondered what it looked like from Andrew’s perspective, embroidered flowers sitting delicately over her perfectly shaven cunt, the already flimsy crotch entirely see through from her own wetness.  
Judging by the click of his camera and his blown out pupils, it must have looked pretty good.
He nudged her ankles apart, opening her up to him even more and leaving more space for his camera to sit between her legs.
“You’re so fucking wet, baby.”
Abandoning his camera for a moment, he pushed himself up onto his knees, settling onto one arm so that he could tease her with a gentle kiss on her lips.
She leaned up, chasing after a second kiss, and he pulled back.
He brushed her dark hair off of the pale skin of her neck to fan out on her pillow, following the faint brush of his finger tips with a bruising kiss.  Allowing himself a moment of pure self indulgence, he sucked a dark bruise onto the pulse point just below her jaw, following it with another on the sharp line of her collarbone.
She bit back a whine, he picked up his camera.  He snapped a few pictures of her new hickeys, each photo printing and then immediately set out of her sightline, flipped over to let them develop properly.
So distracted by his camera, she didn’t notice his other had moving until she felt a sharp pinch on her nipple.
She gasped, wide eyes watching him take a picture of the reddened skin.  Rolling the bud between two fingers, he took another picture and then leaned forward to take it between his teeth.  He bit down gently, pulling a startled squeak out of her, before repeating the same treatment on the other side.  Only once both of her nipples were as red as her cheeks did he pull the bra straps down her arms, leaving the flimsy fabric dangling under her chest.
Savannah was never surprised by the size of Andrew’s hands, but she was rarely as aware of it as when they were on her chest.  A perfect handful indeed.
He squeezed, gentle at first but then harder, the pressure resonating deep in her core.
She arched her back into his touch, only for him to pull back.
“You know the rules, baby.  If you want something, use your words.”
She pouted, arching into him again.  Instead of indulging her, Andrew pinched her nipple again, harder than before.
“Please?” she said quietly.
“You’ve got to be louder than that.  I’ve heard you sing, baby, I know you can.”
She whined, then louder, “Please, Andrew.”
“That’s more like it,” he said, firm hands massaging her breasts.  “Please what?”
“Please,” she said again, louder still.  “Andrew please.”  Her voice cracked, eyes shiny with tears.  “I need you — I need you down there.”
“That’s it, there you go,” he said, kissing her gently.  “I’m so proud of you, I know that’s not easy for you to say.”
He used one hand to pet her thigh soothingly, the other picking his camera up and snapping a picture.  Her bright flush and unshed tears were only making her green eyes brighter, and he wanted to be able to relive that view.
“There you go,” he said again, petting his hand further up her thigh until his pinky was brushing the edge of her panties.
“Please,” she whimpered.
“I’ve got you, pretty girl, just breathe.”
Laying between her legs, Andrew stabilized his camera against the mattress.  He held it with one hand, finger ready on the button, his other hand reaching to drag a firm finger over her wet folds.
“You’re so messy,” he told her, snapping the waistband of her panties.  Her hips jerked.  “You’re going to ruin these.”
His words were jumbled in her ears, like she was listening to him from underwater.  It was fine, she didn’t need to know what he was saying anymore, the low gravel and teasing lilt to his voice were getting her completely soaked on their own, every blurry word resonating inside of her.  He slid her soaking went panties down her legs, tossing them somewhere onto the floor.  
She could feel his hands brush against her inner thighs as he centred her cunt in the frame, her clit pulsing with every click of the camera.  
Click.  He spread her folds with one hand, wetness dripping down her thighs.  Click, another picture, one thick finger plunged deep inside of her.
He pulled out, letting go of his camera just long enough to push her legs further apart, her knees bent up to her chest and her hands on her ankles to hold herself open.
“Look at you, all spread out for me.”
The waiting was torture, her newly exposed position meant another picture break, his light touches meant to please his camera, not her.  He cupped her ass, gently massaging it while she caught her breath.  
Without warning, he slid two fingers back in, shocking a gasp out of her.
“Open up for me, baby.”
He adjusted the angle of his fingers so that his thumb could brush over her clit with every rough thrust, bringing her right up to the edge but never letting her tip over.
“Please, Andrew.”
He kept going, adding a third finger and pressing deeper into her.
“One day,” he told her, snapping a picture of the way she opened around him, “we’re going to test out just how much you can fit in here.”
“Yes please,” she whispered.
“Another day, baby.  You’re being so good for me, opening up so nicely.”
“Please,” she said again, “please, Andrew.”
With the hand that wasn’t still inside her, Andrew reached up to brush away the tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.  
“It’s okay, sweet girl,” he said.  “Just tell me what you need and I’ll take care of you.”
He caught her eye and she couldn’t look away, caught in the intensity of his gaze.
“You can do it,” he urged, pressing his fingers into her g-spot until she squirmed.
“Your mouth,” she said, arching into his touch.  “Please, I need your mouth.”
“That’s my good girl.  You did do well using your words, baby, I’m proud of you.”
He made her wait for one more moment while he adjusted his camera, before leaning down and licking from her opening to her clit, swirling his tongue against the sensitive nub.  His gentle touches combined with the rough scratch of his beard on her thighs was the best kind of torture, heat pooling in her gut. 
He continued to finger her, slower and deeper than he had been before, sucking her clit into his mouth.
Savannah’s whole body was lava, liquid heat flooding through her veins and building, pulsing in her core and threatening to spill over with every skilled flick of Andrew’s tongue.
Then, oh so carefully, Andrew scraped his teeth over her clit, and she screamed.
She could no longer hold up her legs when her orgasm hit, throwing one arm up over her eyes, the other tangling into his hair.  He pressed a sweet kiss into her inner thigh, taking his hand off of his camera to guide her shaky legs over his shoulders.  His warm breath on her wet cunt and his calloused thumb on her clit made her shiver, not letting her catch her breath as he forced her right back to the edge.
One orgasm blurred into another and he still didn’t stop, tongue soothing her oversensitive clit, fingers coaxing out every last drop of come, he just kept going, going, going.
She could feel herself squirt, could hear it gushing out around Andrew’s fingers.  Sobbing, whining, louder than she’d ever been in bed.  She wasn’t sure if she was begging for more or begging for him to stop, thick fingers continuing to massage into her g-spot as she fell apart around him.  Boneless, she could only sink into his touch, taking everything he was giving to her.  She opened her eyes, squinting against the spinning room just to watch her juices drenching his chin, his tongue pushing into her to chase the taste.
His self satisfied smirk and soaked beard were still burned onto her eyelids when she finally blacked out.
She wasn’t sure how long she was out, exactly, only that when she opened her eyes, Andrew had moved all of his pictures into a neat pile and was cleaning up her drenched, beardburned thighs with a soft washcloth.
“There you are, sweet girl,” he said when he saw her looking.  “Think you’re ready for another round?”
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wynterhxney · 1 year
tag dump - Landon B. Wynter
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0 notes
merotwst · 1 year
‹ . housewardens ›
· scenario drabbles
⇝moments that happened in your married life.
[ n: a little something to get myself out of a writers block. not proofread and not very confident of my writing bcs ahaha i havent written in a hot minute + no motivation. this took me almost a week to finish but i still hope u guys enjoy ! ilyyyy ]
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- - - → tw. children (does that count as a tw?????? idk man kids jumpscare in kalim's part)
riddle rosehearts ‹ heartslabyul ›
it wasn't rare for riddle to be working so late. he was a busy man and lived up to his parents' legacy of being the best of the best. you were aware of this when you said yes to his proposal to spend a life with him forever but as his spouse, it pains you to see him overwork himself sometimes. it wasn't the first time you woke from your quiet slumber at 2 in the morning to an empty space beside you. your feet padded across the cold marble floor through the hallway adorned with photographs gilded in gold of you and him that have been taken over the years. a soft knock at the mahogany doors to his study and a quiet response from the other side permitting you to come in. the tea on the tray you carried made riddle sigh with relief, the tension in his body seemingly fading away. he had a soft smile on his face as he brought the teacup to his lips.
“come to bed, riddle. it's so late.” you urge him gently as you made yourself comfortable on one of the chair on the other side of his desk.
he gave you weary look, “i'm not sure i can yet, my love. there's still so much work to do.”
you let out a soft sigh, “i figured as much.” you whispered, standing up and walking around the desk to give him a soft kiss on the lips, “i'll be heading back to sleep then.” you inform him and quietly made your way back to the room.
it wasn't rare for riddle to be working so late. he was a busy man who lived up to his parents' legacy of being the best of the best. it was rare, however, for him to softly close the bedroom door behind him leaving his study and his paperwork unfinished to slip under the covers and wrap his arms around your form.
“what made you change your mind?” you asked, a loving hand on his cheek.
“you did,” he said with a sheepish smile on his face, “you always do.”
leona kingscholar ‹ savanaclaw ›
when you choose to accept a prince's request for your hand hand marriage, you're not only accepting him as a person, you're also accepting the responsibility that comes with becoming royalty. since the day you and leona exchanged your vows, for better or for worse and till death do you part, the title of royal has been embedded onto your name and cemented into sunset savannah's history for all eternity. what you do and say will be seen, heard and talked about by the public. it's your duty to be present, not just for your husband the royal family, but for yourself as well.
so you do your part. you attend the balls, you speak out on important issues that need attention. you smile, you wave, conversing with other country's political leaders and powerful people. you learn to adapt and navigate through the life of a royalty one step at a time. you were doing your best but sometimes it felt like it wasn't enough. and that's when he comes in to yank an ipad out of your hands and snap you out of your trance. he says dwelling on ridiculous articles and getting yourself all affected negatively by it doesn't do anyone any good. that's when he wipes the frustrated hot tears from your cheeks as he sits beside you on the bed, a softer tone now etched in his tone when he spoke, “i know it isn't easy.”
you sniffle in response, your voice shaky as you spoke in uneven breaths, “i'm trying so hard,” a sob, “why does it always feel like i'm always running short? why am i sometimes being treated like i don't know what's happening?”
leona's tail flicks, “did the articles tell you that? or was it the servants whispering in the halls? the people in the ballrooms?” he places a hand on your chin and gently makes you look at him, “listen, i don't know what you overheard or read—but the fact that you undermine your own achievements for the validation of other people is annoying the shit out of me.”
his eyes bore into you as his hands squeezed yours, “you're not royalty from birth, but the amount of things you were willing to change—willing to do just so you can be with me still constantly leaves me in awe. the politics, the royal etiquette and other pointless bullshit takes years to master. you're almost halfway through the progress bar despite being so new to it all.” leona places his forehead against yours, “even if the whole world is against you, i'll be by your side. i've never been more proud to have you as my partner. fuck everyone else.”
when you choose to accept a prince's request for your hand hand marriage, you're not only accepting him as a person, you're also accepting the responsibility that comes with becoming royalty. since the day you and leona exchanged your vows, for better or for worse. you've done all of this just for him. you would keep doing it just for him because know he'd kidnap every star in he sky if you asked him to. you can cry, you can scream, you can be angry—but he's always there and always will be and till death do you part.
you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding in the entire time. and with a raspy voice and a genuine smile, you whisper back.
“fuck everyone else.”
azul ashengrotto ‹ octavinelle ›
homesickness is something you've dealt with the first time you were practically punted over to this twisted world you now reside in. but over time, you realize that this world was always more comfortable for you. it became home whenever you were in the arms of your lover. you found comfort in azul's arms so gentle and tender around you—as if you were the rarest and most fragile seashell he picked up from the depths of his home in the sea. eventually, you stopped thinking of the life you've left behind. you were happy here and that's what mattered.
likewise, he found his home in your arms around his neck in a warm embrace like the first rays of the sun just as the winter season was coming to an end. but unlike you, azul had access to his home. he just never had much opportunity to come back to visit. his life with you on land was what you both collectively decided on. a house near the beach, but nowhere near where his home is at. just enough to breathe in the salt air and the cool embrace of the ocean breeze on his skin. and on more than one occasion, you've seen him let the waves wash over his feet after he'd come back from work. his shoes in his hands as he mindlessly watched the sun set over the horizon.
“a penny for your thoughts?” your hand subconsciously finding its way to his, fingers interlocking together and fitting together perfectly.
“just thinking of the coral sea.”
“i've told you last time we should go to visit again.”
azul let out a sigh and you knew why he didn't like going back to the coral sea—to several memories of his past littered across every corner of the place. he looked at you wearily, the dimming orange beams of the sun coated his face with a lovely hue that made him look almost ethereal and melancholic.
“it's hard going back there sometimes,” he admitted, his head hung, “it took a lot for me to take you back there... to show you everything i've been running away from.”
“and i love every part of it. every part of you, azul.”
you squeeze his hand gently, “it's never always sunshine and calm seas. and i'm always here to embrace you when storms come.”
homesickness is something azul's never really dealt with in the years he's been away from sea. he was happy to be out of there and start anew—but he didn't have a home. no, he was always relying on himself. but over time, he realized that this world was always more comfortable with you. it became home whenever he was your arms, his lover. you were his new home. and no matter where he would end up, he always finds himself running home to you.
kalim al-asim ‹ scarabia ›
“baba's here!” was exclaimed by an energetic boy popping out from the blanket fort you all built together. giggles bounced around the walls as little pairs of feet padded along the floor. the children both ran to their father, the younger one trying her best not to trip and fall on her way there. kalim, who was still in conversation with jamil as he entered the room, had been cut off by the squeals and giggles of the children running to his embrace.
“ya malayiki! 'abi saeid jidana liruyatik maratan 'ukhraa!” (oh, my angels! dad's so happy to see you again!) your husband exclaimed excitedly, wasting no time kneeling to catch their warm embraces in full, “have you two been good?” he asked, lifting your daughter up in his arms earning an excited giggle from her and taking your son's hand in his free one before standing back up, “naeam ya 'baba!” (yes daddy!), your little girl giggled excitedly, “we built a house!” she squealed, pointing at the blanket fort. it was quite a big fort filled with small fairy lights and plenty of pillows and maybe a few snacks littered here and there from their 'construction break'. you three had spent hours making ‘the biggest house for baba’ for when he would get back and the kids are evidently very proud of the outcome of their hard work.
“(maman/baba etc.) said we could sleep here tonight!” the little boy chimed in, shaking his dad's hand to catch his attention. kalim could only grin widely at this, “well,” he started, “since you both worked so hard building the house, i say we all sleep here tonight!” the gasps from the kids and the happy cheers that followed indicated the joy they felt. he's always been a natural with them and you always adored him with children. it's just that he can get quite busy sometimes, which even he has told you about how saddened he is whenever he's apart from his family. and so whenever he has time, you can be sure every second is devoted to you and the kids. his whole heart is with you, after all. always has been since the moment he laid eyes on you all those years ago.
“alright kids,” he said, placing a kiss on your daughter's cheek and squeezing your son's hand gently, “jamil will take you to get you cleaned and ready for bed, okay?” they both grinned in response, “okay!” the kids said simultaneously.
“kalim.” jamil gave a disapproving look, “how many times must i tell you that this is the nanny's job and not mine.” he said in an annoyed tone while simultaneously taking the little girl in his arms and holding onto the boy's hand. this is when you come in from behind, wrapping your arms around your husband's waist, “aw, but they like you, jamil. don't you, kids?”
“i love uncle jamil!” the younger one giggled, “he's one of the funny grown ups.”
jamil let out a defeated sigh, “come on, children. let's get you both cleaned up.” he said, softly shaking his head and if you looked close enough you could see the soft smile on his lips as they walked away.
as soon as the silly questions of, ‘when will you get married’ and ‘can i pet your parrot, uncle?’ faded off into the distance, kalim wasted no time peppering every inch of your face in kisses and tackling you to the blanket fort as both of you giggled and laughed like middle schoolers rolling over the soft silky fabric under your skin. safe to say no matter how old you get, the love you and your husband share will forever remain the same as when it first blossomed from years ago.
vil schoenheit ‹ pomefiore ›
vil liked to keep things organized. he liked to keep a schedule he strictly follows like the skincare routine every night or the color patterns of what fashions he'd decide to wear that day. it's the same as when you were both courting. he had a routine to follow whenever you would see each other on a date. flowers, then he'd check if you dressed right, take you out and give you the best night of your life.
and you know how people say ‘change is good’? well, there are also some things that stay the same over the years. and that was good for you, too. like how he'd book the best restaurant in the city or take you out for a romantic cruise on your wedding anniversary. those nights were always perfect. and at the end of those nights is the same as well. paparazzi flashing their cameras at your face asking the most ridiculous questions. people getting in your business. that was the down side of your relationship with vil, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle. you knew what you were getting into the day you married him.
but oh sevens. when will they give you a break? it's your wedding anniversary with vil again tonight and he had a whole evening planned out for you. but there was a swarm of paparazzi outside the penthouse you were staying in. your husband had an upcoming movie and that had everyone abuzz and trying to get some statements out of him. there were so many to the point where you both had to go back inside because you could see the camera flashes with your eyes closed. well, you could. vil was used to it. but he wasn't about to force you to run out there with him again. your perfect night hasn't started yet and you already looked exhausted from that temporary encounter. vil silently cursed them for that.
after maybe 30 minutes of waiting for them to leave and with no luck of it ever happening, the blonde stood up from his spot on the couch, “that's it,” he spoke with a tone of finality in his voice, “get changed, darling. we're leaving.”
the confusion was evident in your face and it only made sense when vil came out wearing a hoodie, jeans and mask over his face. he hated wearing such common looking clothes, but sometimes situations call for it. and for you, frankly, he would do almost anything.
vil liked to keep things organized. he liked to keep a schedule he strictly follows like the skincare routine every night or the color patterns of what fashions he'd decide to wear that day. he absolutely hated when his plans wouldn't pull through but sometimes he finds serendipity in even the most dreary situations with you. you could spend your anniversary on a special yacht with the best waiters serving you first class meals and a candlelit dinner or just in a parking lot inside your car with cheap wine that you both agreed tasted awful but kept drinking anyway and at the end of the day, everything still works out. as long as you're by his side, he can learn to be contented even with all the disorganization of ruined plans as long as he's laughing to trashy radio podcasts and temporarily (today's a special exception, he says) ruining his diet for you.
idia shroud ‹ ignihyde ›
your husband, your favorite person, best friend, the only one you love enough to spend the rest of your life with... can sometimes be a little irritating. you know idia better than most people around you. he wasn't exactly the easiest person to get to know because of his very reserved personality but he is one of the smartest and funniest people you know. and you'd hoped that since he is one of the smartest people you know and you're actually married to him, he'd lend a hand when you're trying to do a little bit of spring cleaning to at least make the house look like it's a habitable place and not just a reserve for an endless supply of red bull and monster energy drinks. though the house wasn't necessarily ‘messy’, but it always seemed pretty empty and lacking a bit of life to it. so you thought of doing a bit of rearranging, putting up new decorations and replacing a couple furnitures which you both had bought and majority picked out by him.
this has been the third time you'd checked in his office and your patience was growing thin. you watched him from the doorway as he typed away some sort of code in his computer which was the only light source in the room. you crossed your arms as you called out his name, “idia shroud.” before flicking the light switch on making him hiss at the sudden brightness. he flinched upon seeing you. uh-oh. you used his full name, this can't be good.
“i've been calling you down to help me assemble the table. i'm not good at building things!”
“and i told you i'd be there in a bit. i'm just finishing things up around here.”
“okay! fine. jeez you don't have to threaten me.” he threw his hands up in the air in defeat as he stood up from his chair, “you're lucky i love you.”
you cocked a brow at this comment, arms still crossed across your chest and he rolled his eyes, “fine. other way around, i know. i'm lucky you love me.” he sighed but this time with a smile on his face as he leaned in to plant a kiss on your forehead, “now where is that table you need me to build?”
your husband, your favorite person, best friend, the only one you love enough to spend the rest of your life with... can sometimes be a little irritating. but you know idia better than most people around you. and he sometimes would seem detached and spends most of his time in his own company in front of his computer, he truly cares about you and your happiness. the amount of love he shows through the things he does, even the most menial of tasks like bearing the new, less darker curtain colors that you wanted to put up on the windows or stopping whatever new project he was trying to develop to help you move the new couches around the house. he would never do this for anyone else. and as you both sit under the kitchen counter, a bag of open chips on the floor and soda in your hands looking over at the new house makeover you both spent all day working on, you smiled.
“i'm lucky you love me.” you said, taking a sip of your soda and putting your head on his shoulder. he let out a short, breathy laugh before placing a soft kiss on your temple, “wanna go play mario kart and ruin our newly bought couch with chip crumbs?”
“sure.” you said, slowly standing up. you took a few seconds to stare at each other before you started sprinting to the couch, “last one to get there is in charge of cleaning it up!”
“hey, no fair!”
“nothing's fair in mario kart, babe!”
malleus draconia ‹ diasomnia ›
you once told your husband that one of your most favorite things about him is his smile and the way it so gently breaks out around you. his booming laughter that follows as you eat dinner at the big, lonely castle that was once the place he walked around alone that now feels more alive after he'd married you. you make the most emptiest of places feel alive with love and laughter. you painted his life with colors that he could never see with anyone else.
and speaking of painting, he'd snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of the metal part of he paintbrush clinked on the glass of the jar as the painter dipped the brush into the water. he gave you a glance where you were sat, looking straight at the back of the canvas as if trying to bore a hole onto the painting focusing on keeping your face straight and expressionless as instructed. it was traditional for briar valley's royalty to have their portraits painted whenever there was an addition to the family. and this case, the new addition was you when you both married. and now as he sat beside you, stealing glances he was sure you noticed by the way your lips twitched, he couldnt help but think of how the morning sun's rays seeping into the room that bathed your skin with the soft golden glow of the 10:00 am sun. it made you look absolutely beautiful. well, you always looked beautiful in his eyes. it's why—
someone cleared their throat.
“your highness,” the painter called out to him, “eyes front, if you please.”
he quickly straightened himself, “my apologies.” he hastily responded. he could hear you suck in a breath beside him, probably trying to contain the giggle that was trying to escape your throat.
another 20 minutes of silence passes. just the soft brushing of the paintbrush against the canvas and the occasional clink of the glass could be heard. he couldn't help but steal a glance at you again but to his surprise, you had your eyes on him as well. upon seeing his gaze shift to your figure, you immediately played it cool pretending you weren't looking but the way the smile threatened to break your facade betrayed you. malleus couldn't help the corner of mouth from twitching.
you did your little inhale again to try to compose yourself but uncharacteristically for him, he found that quite humorous abd had to clear his throat to keep him from letting out a laugh.
now that made you break out a smile and clear your own throat to try and stop yourself from bursting into full blown laughter.
you heard the irritation of the painter in the way he placed his paintbrush down. he stood up and gave you and malleus a sharp look before speaking in a very annoyed voice, “i shall go and have a drink delivered to both highnesses as to aid you both in the supposed strains on your throats.”
he made his way to the door, grumbling to himself about how ‘undignified’ or how ‘not taken seriously’ the situation was.
there was a moment of silence before you and malleus burst into a fit of bubbly laughter. his laughs were in his chest escaping in low vibrations while yours were loud and sharp simply to show how hilarious you found the situation to be. with how glorious both your attires were for the portraits looking like the epitome of royalty, the way you were both giggling like teenagers simply threw all the gloriousness out the window.
you once told your husband that one of your most favorite things about him is his smile and the way it so gently breaks out around you. his booming laughter that follows as you eat dinner at the big, lonely castle that was once the place he walked around alone that now feels more alive after he'd married you. even the most boring events in his life that once he would have been forced to accept in all its blandness would be splashed with the most vibrant colors whenever you were in the picture. his life, his love, his pride and joy—you. now that he's seen colors he never would've imagined to be possible to exist in all its dazzling beauty, he can never go back to the dreary shade of gray that hazed over his life. you were his freedom, and he would be ready fight the world to hear your laughter by his side till death do you part.
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© merotwst 2023 · do not copy, translate or reproduce.
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dante-mightdie · 6 months
I'm completely enthralled by blue-collar!Simon 🫠you have no idea. As a girly that appreciates any gift - no matter how small as long as it's with any thought behind it - your drabble with Simon saving up to buy his missus a gift straight up made me melt.
I give you this thought:
The moment his missus tells him that the weird little rock he found stuck under his steel-toe boot was super pretty, he made it a point to look out for similar or prettier rocks at the construction site.
One day he grabbed and held Johnny's boot so high he almost tripped, just so he could get a shiny agate gemstone unstuck from the ridges of his heel to bring home to his missus.
Nobody dares question why this absolute unit of a man has little shiny rocks in his pocket.
In his mind: shiny rock=happy missus
listen. you have to appreciate the small things with this version of simon bc he is poor
but he takes care of you, treats you well and keeps a roof over your head
he’s a good man savannah a good man!!
he loves little gifts that don’t break the bank. pretty rocks, conkers in the autumn, and lighters with cool patterns that he’d think you like
even if you don’t smoke he’ll tell you to use it on a candle or something
always pays for your nails on payday
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Savannah Squad Presentation Night Headcanons/Drabble [2/3]
it has been forever :'D (everyone say thank you to @moonbiine)
ANYWAYS, here's part 2 :}
Part 1: Taylor & Logan Part 2: Ben & Tyler Part 3: Aiden & Ashlyn [WIP]
Logan's POV
Two hours and twenty-eight minutes. It has been two hours and twenty-eight minutes and we've been stuck at 76% complete for forty minutes. Whoever made Windows deserves to burn and I stand by that, cause what do you mean that they can push an update and force restart my laptop.
"Logan when was the last time you updated this?" "Logan, why are there fifteen updates that need to be downloaded?" "Bro, when was the last time you actually shut down your laptop?" ... "I've been busy, okay--"
So it might be my fault. Partially. I will admit that much, but the laptop's never given me a problem before and it was running fine. It's just old, and has a few odd... kinks? I mean, the left half of the mousepad is jammed to the point where it can't click, and, sure, the screen does go black every now and again, but just hit it a few times it works! It's character, charm even (and I can't be bothered to fix it...)!
It was, honest to God, easier for Aiden to run back to his place and grab his laptop.
"So we agree that Logan is off electronic duty right?" Taylor had asked as Ben was setting up the other computer to the television screen with Aiden helping. It was a unanimous decision. Ben and Aiden are the new tech guys.
"Yeah, that's probably for the better," I had conceded.
Ben Clarke
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Ben goes next because he saved the groups sanity by suggesting that Aiden just gets his laptop. Everyone, thank Ben for the night not failing.
To address the obvious, Ben has a text to speech app on his phone, which is connected to a speaker, that he uses to present. I will say that there is a sort of humor in this for two reasons. One, the voice can either be monotoned like a typical text-to-speech program with funny pronunciation errors, or two, it will sound like one of those videos on tiktok where an AI is reading a tumblr post about SuperBats or something and gets progressively more expressive as time goes on. Personally, I want to hear exasperated robot Ben voice explaining to Aiden why "Life is a Highway" on repeat can and will be considered a torture method.
Ben's music taste is GODLY. And he's more of a eclectic listener too so he has experience with a good amount of genres. This man does not bash other genres of music that he doesn't care for, he thinks its rude to the person he's talking to and to the artist.
Aiden is the exception to this rule^^
DESPISES having to subscribe to music platforms. What do you mean that you can't listen to a song on repeat without paying, what do you mean that you will interrupt his carefully crafted playlist with a recommended song that does not fit the vibe. This end up derailing his presentation couple times.
He has a set criteria that he judges on: length, vibes, transitions, and replayability. Good playlists should at minimum be an hour, have similar vibes/sound while still being unique, the transitions between songs shouldn't be jarring, and the playlist shouldn't be painful to listen to after a month.
Taylor and Ashlyn helped him judge everyone's playlists by acting as secondary perspectives. Taylor is more open to everyone's music tastes while Ashlyn scrutinizes them more. They pretty much just took a playlist that everyone listens to regularly, one that they made but listen to it every so often, and their liked songs.
I would also like everyone to remember that the series is set in 2016... they would have songs mostly from the 2000s-2010s with the exceptions of some 90s and 80s songs. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm just saying that I looked up 2010s hit songs and I'm filled with nostalgia.
Overall, Ben's criticisms and recommendations are genuinely thoughtful. Especially the recommendations. For each person, after critiquing their playlists, Ben made a slide of genres and artists that each person should check out to expand their tastes.
(I'll probably make a bit about what songs were on their playlist, idk tho)
Group Reaction (how they ranked in comparison to each other)
Personally, Tyler and Logan getting the best ratings because their playlists are very consistent in their vibes and are replayable. I also think that Ben's music taste fits the most with these two for some reason, so they got the most song recs out of everyone.
Ashlyn is third in the ranking. She has one or two that she listens to occasionally, and they're pretty short. They are absolute polar opposites though. One of the playlists is rock, since she canonically likes Paramore (if you don't, get well soon), and the other is classical music for her ballet performances.
Taylor is next. Her playlist isn't bad, its just... a bit everywhere. Like it starts pretty good, but you can tell that somewhere along the lines of creating this playlist she just added songs that she remembered that she likes. It mostly fits the same genre. Ben makes her a more organized playlist after the presentation.
Aiden is dead last. It's not because his music taste is shit. Aiden actually has a pretty good music taste. No. Its because he only listens to his liked songs on repeat like a monster. It is musical whiplash. You go from a movie theme song, to crying, to listening to white girl club music, to rock, to crying again, and then for some reason the Home Depot jingle???? The only playlists that he makes are for jokes really. Do you know the John Mulaney bit where he plays "What's New Pussycat?" 27 times. Yeah, that's Aiden.
Tyler Hernandez
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Tyler's next, and, I'm letting you know now that he sprayed the fuck out of Aiden for interrupting. Yeah, Ash pulled them a part.
Motherfucker is so pleased with himself, like its honestly so funny. Aiden had him by the collar and Tyler was just fucking smiling. Taylor does throw her slipper at him for being rude, but he could honestly care less.
The slideshow itself is the most soulless thing ever made, man used the Blank Google Slides template and called it a day. Like one stock image on each slide, and its so pixelated. He probably did it like an hour ago. That's why his presentation is funny because he's just jabbing at Aiden over and over with a basic slideshow that you'd see someone pull out in a Spanish 1-2 class.
You know what? He probably had another presentation about what piercing he think would suit the group best, and just did this one out of spite cause Aiden was being loud. I take back my previous statement about him doing it an hour before getting to Logan's place, he did this on his PHONE WHEN THE LAPTOP WAS UPDATING!!!! Like Logan was taking a walk, Ben was trying to fix the computer, the girls went to make sandwiches, Aiden was running errands, and Tyler made this in an hour.
His presentation is based off a tier system where it gets more effective with each method. Methods 1-3 are pretty basic where its just stuff like duct taping his mouth shut, 4 and onwards just gets funny
I'll be completely honest, each way he put is wild, and it gets progressively more deranged as the presentation goes on. These one's my favorite
"Number 9: Dying You know, I thought this would be the best way, but the bastard got crushed by a ceiling and walked it off. I want you to try and convince me that Aiden wouldn't crawl out of hell just to ruin my day. " "Number 10: Put him in a room alone with Ashlyn's mom and dad *insert a picture of Aiden sitting not so comfortably in between Ashlyn's parents* I don't even think I need to say anything else, I mean, I will, but like... look at him"
This is honestly the shortest presentation of the night but so far it's the most chaotic (he will quickly lose this title).
Tyler went through two spray bottles, mainly for Aiden, but he did spray Taylor once or twice. She threw a shoe at him. It's only fair.
Groups Reaction
Aiden is standing to the side with a towel around himself because Logan said his grandparents would kill them for ruining their couch. He's not exactly pissed but he is kind of sulking. Honestly this just makes his presentation so much better for him.
You know how Tyler asked for suggestions in the beginning, Ben and Ashlyn give him genuine ideas. Mainly Ben, just out of good humor you know. And Tyler's taking notes.
Taylor is giggling, but she does feel a bit bad for Aiden. At some point she gives him a consolation sandwich to raise his spirits.
Logan, however, doesn't and he's just quietly enjoying the scene that's unfolding around him.
The end of these two presentations are by far more chaotic than the first two, and it feels like its only going to get worse from here(/pos). Because right now Aiden is fighting with Tyler, getting him soaked too, Taylor is filming them while Logan provides commentary, and Ashlyn is standing with Ben setting up the next powerpoint.
While it was initially decided that Aiden would go last, Ashlyn suggested that she and him switch. Mainly so that he can drip dry while presenting, and sit down when he's done.
Aiden is following a presentation that was just jabbing at him, how do you think his is going to end up now?
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rugggie · 11 months
My school bus graveyard obsession has come back, and what better way to indulge it than writing abt it🤞
Sbg Drabbles... my favorite characters x fem! Reader
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You and Logan have been friends forever, forever being since middle school, 6th grade to be exact. So You've been though a lot of each other's cringe phases, relationships, family issues, drama.... So it was no wonder you guys were so close, what you didn't expect was to be going through this together. Every single night since the savannah field trip was like hell, Roman eating creatures trying to kill the 8 of you, running like your life depends on it, being scared to go to bed at night, not being able to tell anyone.
And now to make it even worse.. you just watched the side of your best friends stomach get scratched open.
"H-how bad is it.." Logan chocked out though sobs, while everyone just looked at it "why aren't you guys saying anything?! It's bad isn't it, it hurts I'm scared!" He said in obvious panic.
You walked over to him sitting down in front of him "no, you're good bro." You spoke calmly smiling, lying to his face.. even though on the inside you were also freaking out. You took your hand cupping his cheek, and wiped his tears away.
He was still crying, like a lot but he was definitely calming down. "Ashlyn, can you pass me the pain medicine?" You said, still trying to keep your composure.
"Mhm, here.." he said passing you one of the pills, you took it out of your hand offering it to Logan "here, take this it should make it hurt less..."
Logan didn't say anything, he just nodded his head and swallowed the pill..
"Hey, Logan remember that one time in like 8th grade..." you paused scooting into a more comfortable position "..where you got in trouble for calling Mr W an idiot,, because he marked your test wrong and wouldn't change it.. than I felt bad and called Mr W a mother fucker so we could both get lunch detention together..?" Logan nodded, looking at you smiling a bit.
"Oh! and that one time my dad took us fishing and I got a fishing hook stuck in my hand and I made you pull it out?" Logan laughed a little.
"That was horrible, I was so scared I was gonna get it more stuck" he mumbled with a shaky voice.
"Oh my god.. remember 7th grade?!" You said with wide eyes as if you were having flash backs, which you were...(dark times..) flash backs to your bad anime phase, and Logan's stranger things phase.
You laughed, giving you the look.. you both knew what you were talking about. Everyone around you two looked very confused.. aiden even started asking questions that you both could never answer.
You kept talking to him as Ben patched him up, it was definitely helping him calm down.. you grabbed his hand when ben was about to disinfect the wound. Logan death gripped your hand biting his lip. You just smiled and kept bringing up stupid stuff the two of you have done.
It was probably obvious to everyone but Logan that you liked him, Taylor asked you about it before, You tried denying it but it was obvious
You were the only person in the world that would sit and listen to his 10 hour rants about astrology, the only person in the world that stands up for him constantly, you wanted to be the only person in the world that liked him. It was painful to see him hanging out with Taylor, of course you knew Taylor wouldn't ever do something like that to you. But you couldn't help but think he would end up liking her she was smart, funny, positive, and so so pretty. You never knew when the right time to tell him was, or if he even liked you like that.. but for now its best for everyone if you just stay friends.. you wouldn't wanna go messing everything up, and you definitely don't want Logan to feel awkward around you.
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You and aiden were the definition of polar opposites, he was a thrill seeker, dare I say crazy.
You were carful, and a lot more prone to freaking out in situations like this.
"A-Ashlyn what was that... it looked like the thing we saw at the weed house..!" you said, panic and fear present in your voice. You had just left you, and your friends shared room. "A-and where is {friends name}?!" You started to cry, wanting to turn back and go get her.
"She wasn't in the room with you?" Taylor gasped, more than a little freaked out. You shook your head no, Ashlyn stayed quiet leading the two of you out of the room.
"Taylor!" You heard a relieved voice, that had to belong to Tyler yell.
"Ty!?" She said in what sounded like disbelief.
"Oh so it was you guys, why are you running? And why are you crying y/n?" Aiden teased with his usual smile on his face.
"The thing from the serrel weed house.. it was in Ashlyn and Taylor's room.." you breathed out, still terrified.
"What's going on!?" Tyler asked, hugging his sister.
"There's something in the-" Ashlyn all of a sudden stopped mid sentence turning around.. the thing was there again. Right in front of you again.
You looked at it wide eyed, still trying to put some sort of reason, or logic behind this all, tuning out everyone. You were pulled out of your thoughts by Aiden grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the room. You all got out safely, making sure to slam the door shut.
"W-what was that thing.." Logan stuttered out, shaking with fear..
"According to Tyler, that would be the "prank" from earlier today." Aiden said, in a very condescending tone. "You know what I find kinda weird,, no one's even come out of their rooms even after all the screaming and banging." The door knob wiggled, thankfully Ben grabbed it before the thing could get out
"That could've been bad!" Aiden smiled, and laughed
"Could've?!?" Tyler spoke angrily, looking at Aiden like he was crazy. You still haven't said anything, you just kept staring at the door still gripping Aidens hand. completely disconnecting from everybody.
"STOP TAKING THIS AS A JOKE, ITS BEEN BAD! THE SKY IS RED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" Tyler angrily yelled Trying to knock some sense into aiden, they kept bickering only to have it interrupted by Taylor's quiet voice
"G-guys.." she paused almost in fear "look down.." everybody but you looked down, you did not want any part of this anymore. "Out of sight out of mind" you kept repeating in your head
"How far away is your room?" Ashlyn asked Aiden
"5, or 6 doors down.." he said almost nervously, well you could tell he was nervous. The grip he had on your hand tightened.
"Y/n, Aiden give me the strings off your shorts.."
"Kayyy,,,, why?" He asked pulling his string out of his pants..
You quickly pulled it out handing it to her.
"Y/n.. are you okay, your face is really pale.." Ashlyn said with concern examining your face..
"Y-yeah I'm totally finnee" you weakly whispered out, still on the verge of pissing your pants. She told you guys her plan on using it to trap the devil spawn. She told everybody to go, you were still paralyzed with fear, and the person who was dragging you alone let go of your hand tying the rope to a pole.
Ben let go of the door so the others started booking it, Aiden yet again grabbed you and yanked you along with them. You were struggling to keep up with everyone, maybe due to the fact you're fairly unathletic. You were already panting and gasping for air by the time the thing was right behind you. Turing your head fast enough to get whiplash you saw it reach out for you, Aiden tugged you forward causing it to only rip the back of your shirt. Ashlyn crashed the cleaning cart into it, slamming it against the wall.Ben gave you a look of concern, like he was asking if you were okay. You nodded your head sorta understanding what he meant.
"Y'know.." Aiden said letting go of your hand and grabbing a bottle of bleach "this could be pretty fun!" He laughed looking like an absolute crazy man, he sprayed the bleach in the creatures eyes.. the side of its face started to melt and its mouth unhinged, as if it was supposed to be screaming but none of you could hear anything.. well except Ashlyn, by the why she was plugging her ears.
"Why isn't it screaming..? Is it mute lol" Aiden said tilting his head.
"Ew, why does it look like that.." you whispered finally getting a good look at its terrifying ugly face.
"Y/n, Aiden c'mon! We gotta go!" Ashlyn yelled at the two of you.
"Nah c'mon I think we can take 'em! There's enough bottles-" Aiden went back to making his crazy face, you grabbed him this time pulling him back and running to the room with Logan, Tyler and Taylor.
You shut and locked the door, finally relaxing and falling backwards onto the floor trying to catch your breath. "GAH!" You yelled and jumped back as the monsters started banging on the door.
"Maybe we should put the couch in front of the door.." Ashlyn said. You guys moved the chair, you sat on the floor next to Aiden calmed down a little.
"Hey, Aiden.. thank you for saving me like 6 time out there.." you sheepishly whispered, avoiding eye contact with him.
"Nah, it was nothing! But it was super funny to see you so scared!" He laughed hardly elbowing your side.
"Nuh-uh! So not funny it was scary!" You protested elbowing him back
"Okay, scared cat.. you couldn't even move" he said laughing 10x harder than he was before.
You giggled with him a little bit, sorta embarrassed about how much of a baby you were being in front of him. And even more of the fact that you guys were holding hands.
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This Wasn't in the Itinerary
Both of you work so hard, it's only right that you be treated to a vacation.
Character; Ruggie Bucchi
Content; fluff, gender-neutral reader, drabble
Word Count; 850+
AN; This is for a mutual of mine who brain rotted and I wanted to write a version of it. I hope you enjoy it!
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“A vacation? That I get paid for,” Ruggie gave Leona a semi-shocked look. What's he playing at here?
Leona rolled his eyes, “Yeah, you’ve pulled your weight and then some, so yeah, you’ve earned it. Already booked you a room too, so don’t even try gettin’ out of it.” He tossed a key at Ruggie, who clamoured trying to catch it.
Ruggie’s brows were pinched, but he looked at the key; it looked fancy, way too fancy. “How much was this?” Did I really earn this? “I can’t-”
“Too late, room’s booked. They also got some fancy schmancy breakfast options too,” Leona handed him a card that had all of the information about the resort, all in pretty cursive. "So yeah, you can accept it."
Dear Ruggie Bucchi, Escape the stress of your life and come to The Canopy, a resort focusing on rewinding and letting your hair loose. Enjoy the fresh breakfast made by the best pastry chefs in the Sunset Savannah. Take a dip in one of the many pools on the grounds. Head out on a river cruise and look at the local wildlife. The Canopy is an all-inclusive resort, and we hope you enjoy your stay with us! Room Type & Number; Single bed with a minifridge, as well as a balcony with a hot tub. Room 183, East Wing.
This… this is real. “I-,” he took a deep breath and exhaled. “Thanks, Leona.”
“Don’t mention it,” Leona said nonchalantly He wouldn’t tell Ruggie, but he has been planning this vacation for him for weeks. “Just enjoy it. Ya earned it.”
. . .
When Ruggie arrived at his room there was already a small bag in the process of being put away, but it wasn't his. He double-checked the room number, yup, Room 183, East Wing. then why was there another bag in his room? But that scent smelled familiar-
He turned around and saw you, standing in the doorway holding a brochure for some local shops. “Prefect?” He asked back, equally confused about the entire situation. “What are you doing here?”
You entered the room and went to your bags, looking over the card Professor Crewel left outside your doorstep. Or at least it said it was from the professor, but he hadn't said anything to you about it, but weren't complaining, you worked your butt off. Plus you didn't have to pay for any of this, so you weren't going to turn this down. “On a vacation. And you?”
“Same boat. Well, a forced one,” he also looked at your card. Room 183, East Wing. Had they double-booked the same room by accident? “Wanna talk to the front desk?”
You both looked at the bed; it looked nice, fluffy, and like it was made from the softest clouds. But it was a single, just big enough to hold one person. There was no way it could hold more without the two of you being crammed together. Ruggie could feel his ears heat up at even the idea of being in such cramped quarters with you.
You sighed and grabbed your bag, mentally preparing to talk to customer service. "Not really, but sure, why not?"
. . .
You both returned from the front desk to your room. Your shared room. And there were no other rooms available. Both you and Ruggie were stuck with each other, as the shuttle bus back to Night Raven College didn’t come back until tomorrow at noon at the earliest. So you would be stuck here for the night, sharing a single bed, together. But there were worse ways to spend your vacation, plus you like Ruggie.
“If you want I can take the floor, I don’t mind,” he offered, rubbing the back of his neck.
You placed a hand on his forearm, stopping him. “No, it’s okay,” you gave him a soft smile, “I don’t mind.” 
You got into bed a squished yourself to the edge so Ruggie could have the other half. Once he got comfy he looked up and then quickly looked away, and so did you. It was a tight squeeze, but like hell were you going to make him sleep on the floor. 
Huh, did he always have flecks of silver in his eyes? You shook your head, trying to shoo those thoughts away. When you looked back up though, Ruggie was already asleep, lightly snoring. Has he always been this pretty?
He shuffled over to you, slinging an arm across you. “Mmm, don’t leave,” he mumbled.
You stiffened but then relaxed, sighing. You carded your fingers through his hair and looked at him softly. “I won’t.” You sat there for a little bit before you too fell asleep, hiding your face next to his heart. A steady thump thump thump luring you deeper and deeper into a calm dream. 
. . .
“You did that on purpose didn’t you,” Jack asked, looking up at Leona.
Leona shrugged, “Eh, they don’t need to know that.”
Professor Crewel was not the one to gift you an all-expenses paid holiday, it was Leona. He had grown tired of the two of you not admitting anything and it was driving him up the wall, so he decided to speed things up. Hopefully, his plan turned out… the both of you deserved good things.
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savannahsdrabbles · 1 year
Ocean Song - Part 11/12
rating: PG
notes: 3.5k words. A03 link can be found here. Decided to split this final part into two parts because it was getting so long!
Donnie cocked his head, blinking rapidly to lower his third eyelid and squinting through the mist that pelted his face. The boat’s droning roar and both humans’ raised voices slowly fell away, their volume fading to a low rumble as he focused. 
Yes, there it was - that sensation that reached into his chest, clutched his heart and threatened to drag him out across the surface of the water. It had been growing steadily stronger since the moment his feet touched the shore, but now the light tingling in his brain had kicked up to a frantic buzz. They were almost there. 
He blinked as the source of the invisible sensation seemed to shift, sliding from somewhere in front of their boat to slightly to their left. Without a word, he raised a pointed claw and gestured in the proper direction. Casey understood his signal, and within seconds the boat began correcting course. Donnie waited, keeping his claw raised until the tugging sensation shifted back to directly in front of them, then lowered his arm to show that he was satisfied. 
Now that that was settled, he could turn his attention back to the situation at hand – or rather, in his hands. 
The outer material of the first food he’d been given hadn’t tasted great – he’d tried nibbling on the dry, tasteless corner for a few seconds before April leaned over and cracked open the shell. Inside were a number of smaller objects – the source of the mouthwatering aroma. He’d sniffed them, hesitant at first, but hunger took over before he could finish giving them a thorough examination. Within minutes the “nuggets” were gone, and Donnie was licking his lips with flourish.
“More,” he chirped, twisting around to face Casey and making grasping motions with his claws. Sitting on the bottom of the boat between the two humans’ legs had seemed slightly demeaning at first, but it came with a perk of being the perfect location to reach for food from. “Give,”
“Oh – uh, sure, here you go,” Casey paused mid-bite and sat his own food item – a circular object partially wrapped in some sort of crinkly peel- into his lap before reaching into the paper bag next to him. “I’ve got a large order of fries, and then the kid’s meal came with some apple slices,”
“Stick to just the apple slices,” April swallowed a bite of her own food and then cupped a hand around her mouth to project her voice. “Loggerheads are omnivorous so his stomach is probably pretty hardy, but he shouldn’t even be having processed foods in the first place.”
“Oh, I guess you’re right,” Casey turned to toss the fries back in the bag, but a hand on his knee caused him to hesitate. The turtle licked his lips and blinked back at the boy impatiently. His eyes flicked towards the grease-stained fry packet, then back to Casey’s face. The boy hesitated.
April caught the exchange and smirked. “Man up, Jones. Don’t let the puppy dog eyes work on you.”
“But… look at his face.”
Donnie shifted to look at April as if on cue. He hummed happily, one hand to his mouth and his jaw working rapidly. She squinted.
“Casey? Where did your burger go?”
“Wait – what?” The boy looked down at his lap in surprise, then twisted in his seat to frantically pat the area around himself. “He – how did –”
The turtle let out a small belch and held out his hands once more. “Ah-pulls?”
“Wow. Out-smarted by a turtle,” the redhead laughed as she broke her own burger in half and held out a portion above Donnie’s head. “Let’s just hope that he’s not going to make himself sick with all of that grease.”
Casey shrugged and waved away the offering. “Eh, I wasn’t super hungry anyway.” He leaned forward to flick Donnie’s shell good-naturedly and then killed the engine. The boat puttered to a lurching stop beneath them. “I should probably be working on getting that collar off, anyways. But like I was asking before– the internal compass thing? How does that work?”
April swallowed another bite, then carefully rewrapped the remaining half of her meal and tucked it away from Donnie’s reach. “Oh! Uh, yeah, it’s kind of like homing pigeons. The science isn’t one hundred percent certain, but it’s largely understood that sea turtles have an iron compound in their brains called magnetite-”
“Like the Pokemon?”
“I think you mean Magnemite? Anyway, the running understanding is that they can use this iron compound to kind of read the Earth’s natural magnetic fields and use it to direct themselves.”
“So… they basically have a GPS running in their heads?” Casey pawed through the toolbox he’d found beneath the seat, his head tilted thoughtfully. “That’s pretty wicked,”
April nodded and glanced back at Donatello. The turtle had successfully managed to tear into the package of apple slices with his claws and was grumbling happily as he snacked. “Yeah. What’s really cool is that sea turtles will return to the beaches they were born at to mate and lay eggs – so years can pass and they can travel for thousands upon thousands of miles, and yet they always know the way back home.” 
Casey lifted a screwdriver from the toolbox with a triumphant ‘ah-ha!’. “I wish my brain could do that – just have a compass always pointing me back home. Though… I guess most maps already can point me back towards New York. Scratch that thought. I want my brain compass to point somewhere cooler.”
April chuckled, then hesitated as a question surfaced in her brain. Where would her internal compass point to? Japan was nice, but it wasn’t home. Then again, neither was Alaska, or South Carolina, or Thailand… or any of the other places where she and her dad had been stationed. She barely remembered the New England area, where she’d spent her toddler years. Before that, all she had were baby pictures to prove that she’d existed elsewhere. 
“Huh. I guess my compass would point back towards my dad,” she said hesitantly, then gave a more resolute nod. “When I’m with him, I’m home,”
Casey sat the toolbox back between his feet, his face softening slightly. “Aw. That’s really nice, Apes,”
April ducked her head, her cheeks suddenly warm. Why the heck did she just say something so personal out loud? And to Casey ‘I bet I can eat an entire pack of Saltines in under thirty seconds’ Jones, of all people? “Shut up.”
“No, for real- that’s sweet!” Casey raised his hands in surrender, then gestured towards Donnie. “Who knows – maybe he’s the same way! Like maybe his compass is pointing him towards his brothers, I mean,”
Donnie looked up from chewing on the now empty plastic baggie and blinked, his brow furrowing in sudden concern at April’s expression. “Ayps?”
“Oh no – don’t get him using that dumb nickname!” the girl moaned as Casey let out a loud chortle. The turtle looked back and forth between the two of them, whining in confusion and concern until April gave his head a reassuring pat. “Either way, I’m sure he’s leading us to where – or who – he feels safe with. Once he’s back with his family, then it’s up to them to get as far away as they can. Right, Donnie?”
The turtle hesitated, then nodded in affirmation. “Family leave.”
“I really hate that,” The smile that had just stretched across Casey’s face was quickly replaced by a heavy frown. “They shouldn’t have to leave their home when they did nothing wrong.”
“I know, but what other option is there?” April shrugged, her shoulders tensing as if she were suddenly feeling the weight of what they were asking of him. “They know that he exists now, and as long as he’s alive they’re going to keep coming back to try and find him, right? Plus as far as we know, they still think he’s the only turtle. The best thing that we can do is to keep it that way and put as much distance between him and the labs as possible.”
“Yeah… I guess so.” Casey shrugged again, still fidgeting with the screwdriver in a way that told April he did not, in fact, guess so. With a resolute ‘hrmph’, he leaned forward and placed a hand on the back of Donnie’s neck.
Donnie had still been focused on April’s expression, studying the way her brow had creased and the look of unsureness behind her eyes, when he felt fingers closing around the nape of his neck. He stiffened, heart rate shooting up and pupils shrinking to pinpricks.
They were touching him touching his neck bad touch pain was coming oh no oh no oh no not again run run away RUN!
Casey hesitated behind him for a fraction of a second, seeming to notice that something had changed in the atmosphere, and that was all the window of time that Donnie needed.
Donnie surged forward, tearing the collar out of the boy’s grip and twisting around so that they were face to face. The boat rolled unsteadily beneath them.
“NO!” he bared his teeth and hissed. Casey immediately leaped backwards and put his hands in the air. “No touch! Bad!”
April gasped and grabbed for the edges of the boat. “Donnie-”
The turtle hissed once more in response, his whole body trembling with adrenaline, then let out a sharp squeal as Casey lunged for the collar a second time.
“Dude - hold still! I can’t help you if you freaking drown us!”
“No no no!” The turtle scrambled backwards and away from the outstretched hands, not paying any heed to the rocking until his shell hit April’s legs.
“Dude, chill!” “Donnie stop!”
Donnie looked back over his shoulder at April and, seeing that there was no other way to retreat, chose his next best option. The turtle curled in on himself and covered his face with his hands. He braced for the moment that he knew would come next - someone would grab his neck and force him down into the sand, and then there would come a prick of metal and the smell of blood…
… but the moment didn’t come.
No one spoke as the boat gradually leveled out and settled into a gentle up and down rhythm with the waves. The turtle slowly lowered his hands a few centimeters, only to meet the startled eyes of the boy who had never once tried to hurt him. He covered his face again, cringing in shame.
“What was that all about?” Casey’s tone wasn’t one of anger, but Donnie thought that this one was almost worse: pity. 
“Maybe you should explain what you’re doing as you go?” April said gently. He could feel her hands hovering somewhere out of his eyeline, wanting to pat him in reassurance but afraid to get too close. The strong desire to leap out of the boat, swim to the nearest shoreline and bury his head in the sand was growing in his chest. He was making things much harder than they needed to be. 
“Hey, Dude,” Donnie very slowly peeked between his claws, still keeping his face mostly covered as he met Casey’s eyes once more. The boy was holding a long, thin device in his hands - a stick? Maybe. He held the stick out for Donnie to see better, and moonlight glinted off of it as Casey continued to speak.
Between the frantic thud-thud-thud of his heart beating in his ears and the unfamiliar Human Spoken Language terms Casey was using, Donnie could only grasp bits and pieces of what was being said. Something about the thing the ‘goons’ had put around his neck? Casey wanted to use the stick on it…  and seemed to believe that this could help? They were so close to Home now that he almost wanted to cry. His brain couldn’t take any more new, stressful news. But he also trusted these two humans. They wouldn’t hurt him... right?
Taking a shaky breath, Donnie slowly scooted back towards Casey - with April holding the boat steady - and turned his shell to allow access to his neck. 
He cringed at the initial contact and Casey apologized softly. The boy’s hands moved more slowly this time, gently adjusting the object around his neck and muttering under his breath. There were a few small tugs, each followed by quick apologies, but the boy continued working. Donnie scrunched up his toes as time ticked on, but forced himself to remain still and calm. Casey was a good human. He and April were not like the others.
Donnie’s head shot up, eyes widening as Casey finally pulled his hands away and took with them the weight that had burdened his body for the past several hours.
He raised a quivering hand to his neck. A soft gasp escaped his mouth, followed by a deep sigh of relief as he reveled in the feeling of the tender and irritated but otherwise familiar skin under his fingertips.
“And, voila!”  Donnie turned to see Casey holding the collar triumphantly. He waved it and the shiny stick with a grin, then tossed them both into the box beneath his seat, never to be seen again. “I’m sure that feels so much better, doesn't it?”
With a warble of gratitude, Donnie pivoted on his knees and threw himself forward to but his head against the boy’s chin. “Thank you thank you thank you!”
Casey yelped, one hand reaching to rub the now tender spot, but he laughed good-naturedly. “Heh - you’re welcome, Dude! Also wow you could use that skull as a weapon.”
Donnie bobbed his head up and down excitedly, even though he wasn't  quite certain what that meant. All he knew was that his heart felt full and his brain was fumbling with the best way to further express his gratitude when a distant sound made him stiffen.
April saw the turtle perk, his head swiveling to face a point in the distance moments before the sound of deep rumbling reached her ears. She whipped around to face the source and gasped sharply.
A motor boat black as the night and twice the size of their little dingy was racing towards them, its broad stern slicing through the water like a jackknife and sending up massive waves in its wake. Aboard the ship stood two individuals, their determined shouts growing clearer as the gap between the vessels narrowed.
She jerked back towards Casey, heart pounding, but the boy had already read her mind. He clutched the rip cord in one hand and gripped the top of the motor with the other, throwing his whole weight back and cursing in frustration. 
            “Donnie – head down!” April placed a firm hand on the edge of the turtle’s shell and pushed, forcing him onto his belly. He resisted for a moment, pressing back against her hand with a low whine, before submitting to her urging and flattening himself on the ground. “Casey-”
“I’m working on it!” Casey growled as he slammed his fist down on the engine. The metal rang back hollowly. “Come on – start you stupid piece of garbage!”
“Fancy meeting you two again,”
April wheeled around and bit back a shriek when she found herself suddenly staring down the barrel of a pistol. 
“How's that car of yours?" Anton smirked and wiggled his index finger, teasing it against the trigger. April gulped, her bones suddenly feeling like they were made of ice. “I was worried that you two might have gotten hurt after your little off-roading adventure. Kind of a shame that you didn’t though; it would have made our lives a bit easier.”
“But enough small talk – I believe that you have something of ours.” Ivan gripped the edge of their boat and used his own gun to gesture between the teens. “The Boss was not too happy when he heard that some hippie kids had made off with our little friend,”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Casey’s voice was tight with barely subdued anger. He jerked on the rip cord once more, but the engine remained silent. “I don’t see any friends of yours here.”
“No?” Ivan cocked his head, then aimed his gun towards the sky and fired a single shot. The explosion ripped through the night air, and April’s stomach dropped as Donnie let out a pained squeal and sat up with palms clasped to his ear slits.
“Ah, there he is!” The Russian man gave a wide, Joker-esque grin and chuckled. “He’s thrilled to see us!”
“Back off,” April raised her arms to shield Donnie, though she knew there wasn’t much use. The goons' boat was now perpendicular to their own and they were tethered together by Ivan's large hand. Even if Casey managed to get the engine started again, there would be nowhere for them to go. 
“Come on now,” Anton’s eyes were hard to see in the darkness, but April could almost hear them roll as he spoke. “Don’t make this any harder than it needs to be. You’re some of those PETA kids, aren’t you? You heard about the poor lab animals and decided that you were going to be noble and release them into the wild?”
April bit her tongue, refusing to speak or lower her arms.
“Look, this isn’t your normal ‘testing makeup on animals’ or whatever situation, sweetie. We’re the good guys, you see?” Anton leaned forward so that she could see his face more clearly. He bared his teeth in some semblance of a smile, and she scowled in return. The boat shifted slightly, and April heard Donnie's claws skitter across the metal as he moved. “You’ve gotten yourself wrapped up in something that you have no business being a part of, and we’re trying to give you a way out. So just hand over the turtle, and maybe we can arrange to let you go back to your normal life, okay?”
Before April had a chance to share what she thought of that idea, the boat jerked beneath her and Donnie let out a squeal.
“DUCK!” April dropped down as much as she could, covering her head and looking back just in time to see Casey shoving Donnie to the floor and chucking the toolbox over both of their heads. The container rocketed through the air, missing her by mere inches and colliding with Ivan’s face.
A solid CLANG could be heard as metal connected with bone, and the Russian man bellowed in pain. 
“Why you little-” The pistol slipped out of his grip as he pinwheeled his arms around, and moments later both the toolbox and gun were tumbling overboard and sinking like stones. 
April only had a moment to feel relief before a thick hand wrapped around her upper arm and hauled her to her feet. 
“Fine - you want to do it this way? Let’s start with your girlfriend!” Blood oozed from a fresh gash in Ivan’s forehead as he jerked her towards the boat's edge. Casey yelled out her name, and she heard him frantically fumbling to catch his balance as the boat rolled and threatened to capsize beneath them. She screamed and desperately wrenched her arm back and forth, but the man continued to drag her towards the motorboat.
“NO!” Donnie suddenly lunged past her, claws outstretched to rake down Ivan’s already bloodied face. 
The man let out a yell and shoved April away, the force sending her crashing into Casey and knocking the two to the floor. Water poured into the boat as the stern dipped down, soaking the seats of their pants.
Donatello continued to claw and bite at their attacker, loud, animalistic growls tearing from his throat, until a fist crashed into the side of his head. He immediately fell silent, head whipping to the side and stumbling backwards until he collapsed into April’s lap. She gasped, wrapping her arms around the turtle and holding him to her chest as he blinked dazedly.
“Who the heck do you think you are?” Casey roared and moved to push himself up when a gunshot exploded in the air.
“ENOUGH.” Anton’s voice boomed, causing everyone to freeze. April felt her whole body start to quake as he lowered his arm and leveled his own gun at Donnie’s head. The turtle let out a soft groan, his face still buried in her shoulder. “The Boss said that he didn't care whether we brought the turtle back alive or dead. But considering the amount of trouble he’s been, it looks like dead will be easier.”
April didn’t have time to scream before he pulled the trigger.
Metal scraping.
And then April was underwater.
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cozycryptidcorner · 2 months
All stories and monster matches will be on my Ao3 page in case things with tumblr go even further south. I also have a Masterlist for the Monster Matches, and if anyone is interested in commissioning me, here’s some info.
Riaghan the Kelpie/Female Reader, Part One (sfw), Part Two (nsfw), art by me 
Kalil the Naga/Female Reader (nsfw), art by me, art by illustrariane
Adham the Infected/Female Reader (nsfw)
Ciarán the High Fae/Female Reader (nsfw), art by me
Alesdair the Changeling/Female Reader, Part One (sfw), Part Two (nsfw)
Noor the Siren/Gender Neutral Reader (sfw)
Sela the High Fae (wlw) (sfw), art by me, art by thatweirdoneintheback
Mark the Selkie (sfw)
The Nøkken, Part One (sfw), Part Two (nsfw- female reader)
Aleksander the Naga, Part One (sfw), Ten Word Ko-Fi Drabble (sfw)
Hikaru the Kitsune/Female Reader, Part One (slight nsfw), Part Two (nsfw)
Winter, Chapter One (sfw), Chapter Two (sfw), Chapter Three (sfw), Chapter Four (sfw), Chapter Five (sfw), Chapter Six (nsfw- female reader), Chapter Seven (sfw), art by lukeios, art by puddimilk 
Winter Ficlets: Fantasies (nsfw), Adoration (sfw), Morphine (sfw), Poison (sfw)
Tisiphone the Erinyes (wlw) (sfw), art by me
Alien Android/Female Reader (nsfw)
Merikh the Incubus, Part One (nsfw- female reader) Part Two (sfw)
Raúl the Centaur (sfw), art by thatweirdoneintheback
Eòin the Kelpie (sfw)
Fylkir the Selkie, Part One (sfw), Part Two (nsfw- female reader)
The Spring Sacrament (nsfw- gender neutral reader)
Ronan and Sally’s Story (not a reader insert), Chapter One (sfw), Chapter Two (sfw)
Nayda the Selkie (wlw) (sfw)
Intertwined (wlw) (sfw) (not a reader insert)
Yavid the Demon (sfw)
August the Infected (mlm) (sfw)
Savannah and Remembrance (not a reader insert) (sfw)
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rookiesbookies · 3 months
And if you voted for something and have any opinions, submit a request or drop a comment or reblog with what you want to see from what you voted for? Like maybe you want Krueger in the Greek Gods AU a little more or Price’s Assistant in the Assistant AU. I know there's a lot of choices so don't feel overwhelmed! I'll probably do another poll at some point. The reason the Sex Doll AU isn't up here is because Price's post is coming out soon and I want to move away from it a little bit and might just stick to HC and drabbles/burbs on it, not full length posts
Let me know, I love to hear from my lovely little readers, all my AU and their parts are listed on my AU list here!
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theodoradevlin · 1 year
Sebastian Sallow - Expert on Ancient Magical Artifacts & Giving You Shit
Okay. This is totally a random head canon I just got - so bear with me and picture it.
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Sebastian Sallow is officially an adult, in a profession that is decidedly as risky as he is, because let's be honest... he's never gonna learn to stop toeing every damn line he comes across.
He's got a few more scars, and hasn't shaved in a while because he's been running around the African Savannah like some type of mad man trying to get his hands on some pandora's box type of artifact that he's getting paid quite a pretty penny to track down.
He doesn't know much about the buyer - but a lot about the artifact. It's sort of his specialty, after reading too many damn books about everything and anything.
He knows that first and foremost, it could severely disrupt the Wizarding world should it get into the wrong hands.. Yet, he never made any promises that his hands were the right hands.
No..no of course not. That would be ridiculous.
After all....he's been known to open a few pandora's boxes of his own.
He had stumbled into this line of work, mostly due to the reputation he sowed after those events at Hogwarts all those years ago. The rumors flew at how he had been able to track down an ancient triptych, and use it to control Inferi.
He hoped those rumors didn't spread too far, however, else the authorities go digging too closely to his dark past.
His sister, Anne, was already up to her ears in ways of trying to get the Ministry of Magic to ignore your questionable antics, after all. They didn't need more of a reason.
Anne had become an Auror herself, and had gotten Sebastian into their good graces with his discreet recovery of a few key prophecies. In return, the Ministry agreed to turn their eye in the other direction as he carried on finding slightly more...risque items.
And those more questionable items were precisely the reason his skills had attracted certain types of acquaintances and clients over the years as he became an expert on all ancient things. Then a professional treasure hunter, more or less.
It wasn't until he was in that African Savannah, securing the box and making a run for it with it, that he gets stopped by a mysterious figure.
"Where do you think you're going with that?"
A familiar voice creeps out from beneath a mysterious hood. The type of voice that makes his heart still for a second.
"Theo? Theo fucking Devlin?"
Out of all the places in the world, he runs into the only girl that was ever able to leave bruises on his heart that he still harbored, begrudgingly.
She also happened to be looking for the same object using her own particular set of skills, having been charged with protecting ancient magic items by another interested party...and the way she could wield ancient magic herself didn't hurt. If anything, it gave her an advantage in finding these things. She gives his shocked face a devilish grin.
"Surprise... You gonna hand that over nicely, Sallow? Or are you going give me more trouble?"
He smirks. " Trouble? Think of it as ...unsanctioned fun. I tend to remember you had a similar affinity for that too once..."
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I love the idea of Sebastian being some sort of magic ancient artifact hunter once he grows up - like Indiana Jones style, Tomb Raider shitttt. And obv MC is out there too being a bad ass and somehow they can fuck up some adventurous shit together and then have a lot of angsty hook ups to make up for lost time.
I mean it makes sense. He's not going to be an auror - he doesn't have a regard for rules OR order. BUT he's too damn passionate and curious not to be out there doing something incredibly impressive, and yet impressively questionable at the same time.
GOOD THING HE HAS ANNE TO KEEP HIM IN HIS PLACE. but not MC cause they bring out the crazy in each other let's be real
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stormbreaker101 · 5 months
Iridian Fairytail - Bookworm and Illuminator Illustrator of the Lost Pages
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Age: 8
Level: levelless Myth
Personality; Bubbly, whimsical, imaginative, emotion-driven, sweet as caramel
Status: Enjoying a safe life with her cousins and adoptive family and 'auntie', but hoping that Nora can make it home safe too.
Story: Iridian is the only one of my Wizards who wasn't born on Earth, and so the Spiral had never been a game for her. She was made by Bartleby to serve as an emotional anchor for Nora, who feared that Nora would not be able to handle the crushing weight of Azteca's demise. Iridian would be something Nora could live for while recovering and waiting for Khrysalis's storyline to begin.
Iridian grew up surrounded by a loving community. Not just Nora's family, but most of Ravenwood welcomed her as a friendly and familiar face. It was not too uncommon of a sight for her to become a 'guest' in any of the Ravenwood professors' office hours outside of class, listening to the students talk magic and drawing her own magic on the side. She would ask to visit Cyrus the most; Myth magic and storytelling came the easiest to her.
None knew of her semi-divine origins. Nobody needed to know. She fulfilled the role Bartleby set out with flying colors as is, keeping the Scion steady during the antsy times between questing sessions.
But not even Iridian's presence could keep Nora from reaching her tipping point after Arc 3. When Nora lashed out at the Chaos Heart, she quickly grabbed Iridian before fleeing the Spiral entirely.
Iridian missed her friends terribly and didn't understand why she and Nora had to leave, but... at least she has her big sister by her side. And Iridian quickly made friends with a stranger she and Nora found while searching for a distant land to call home. That stranger was Renee, a woman whom Iridian would quickly start calling 'auntie'.
Despite being far away from the Spiral, Iridian's magic blossomed. She could still see the Spiral vividly, drawing out different things that were happening in it as stories, doodles, comics, drabbles. Sometimes Nora would have to go back to the Spiral by herself, saying it wouldn't be safe to make Iridian travel too much with her, but Iridian never felt too far from Nora, thanks to her stories.
Something blindsided even her mythic vision. As suddenly as Iridian was whisked away from the Spiral, she was frantically brought back, now in the Arcanum that Nora had been friends with... once. In the stories.
A few days later, terrible news struck. An outcome Iridian could have never imagined EVER. Nora was dead. Gone. Her story's... over. Just like that. That's... not supposed to happen.
But it did.
Star suggested the idea that Iridian would be better off with a stable home elsewhere, but Iridian didn't want to lose anybody else in her family! Star had to assure her that Iridian wasn't gonna lose anybody else. The trio of cousins would stay with her. Star's friend Owen Macheca (@saturniidaze) offered to let the girls move in with their adopted family in the (Multiversal) Reconstructed AU (@clockwork-fiends).
Indeed, the Macheca family was more than kind to Iridian. This family had its own... quirks... but what family didn't, really? This seemed a wonderful space where Iridian could get a chance to live a good life, grow up stably...
Though, oddly, Iridian never seemed to grow. She hardly looks any older than 5, the age she was when she and Nora first left the Spiral. Life stagnated for her. Calm, stable, but boring. All the stories were elsewhere! Emma became a lost pirate, Star was on Earth doing detective-ing, Savannah's learning so much magic not just with the Arcanum but a new buncha characters called the Astral Alliance, and now Owen has xeir own business in xeir first Spiral too!? When will it be Iridian's turn to not just write stories, but live them? Make them? Be them?
Maybe she can learn something from her dreams...
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tallyanimatez · 2 years
I need some random drabbles because my brain is not functioning to write for Domicile au
"So you're a Doll? But you don't look like it?" Deuce asked.
"The concept of dolls are complicated...we were made to become a-artificial humans as a t-test. However, my existence is a forbidden r-research. So please don't turn me in to the government" You pleaded, you even went to as far as kneeling infront of Deuce, who looks uncomfortable at your gesture. Your pride doesn't matter, you only want to find your family, and that's all you care about so you can't afford to get caught.
Riddle seems quite eager to spend time with you when he's done his work as the master of this manor, you don't know why. Ever since he first saw you around the manor, you became his personal assistant the moment you met him. He's very lenient to you in every aspect, it doesn't apply to the others unfortunately. He once accidentally slipped out: "Do you remember who I am?" You lightly shook your head. You then saw the hopeful look he had suddenly diminished into a disappointed look, he then said that it's nothing to worry about, but the question he asked caught you off guard.
You were always fascinated by beastmen and mer-people, the concept of humanoids is always bizarre in their own way, ...but for the second-born prince of Savannah taking a liking to you is definitely next level of weird...
Leona is awkwardly fond of you for whatever the reason is, maybe it's because of your quiet nature? Or perhaps it was because you were his pillow for most of the time whenever he feels like it.
One time, when you beat him at chess, he asked you who taught you that. You recalled that other than your guardian, someone else also taught you how to play chess after so many close call wins, but you don't remember who they were because you weren't in the best condition back then. He only huffed at your response, you didn't understand why but you felt guilty.
"Good game! I enjoyed it a lot." You applaud Ace at his attempts to sabotage you during the card game, ultimately you still won.
"Man, I never even caught Ace when he tried to hide his cards." Jack grumbles, he's clearly annoyed and probably shamed. He's always like this, making human emotions much harder to predict.
"Heya Yuu, you wanna see an apple carving?"
"Epel those are bo-"
"I'd love to!" You beamed. Epel's apple carvings are intricate in each carving mark and you're always surprised on how he could make such a thing on an apple no less.
"Boo hoo Yuu, you're a kid who just discovered candy or somethi-OW"
Deuce hit Ace's head, Deuce often does it whenever Ace makes fun of your childish behavior, while you don't mind most of the time as every human being isn't perfect, but Deuce feels like it's an insult to you so he takes your stead to hit him
Authors note: Test are coming so I might go on a 2 month hiatus, or could be active, but that's all.
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