#sawyer pt 3
bxnnywrites · 9 months
🖤 Killers Reacting to Nervous!Reader Holding Their Hand (Pt. 2) 🖤
AN :: Since my last one was well received, I decided to do another one as a quickie! I'm also testing out a new layout so lmk what you think!! Hope you guys enjoy <3
Characters :: Kazan Yamaoka (The Oni), Eva MacMillan (The Trapper), Frank Morrison (The Legion), Susie Lavoie (The Legion), Bubba Sawyer (The Cannibal), Ellen Ripley (Bonus!) Pt 1 Here [link]
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༉ Kazan Yamaoka :: The Oni
[PT: Kazan Yamaoka: The Oni]
✴ He's surprised by it at first, your small hand in his giant one.
✴ It puts into perspective just how tiny you are compared to him, though these days it's rare for anyone to be bigger than he is.
✴ You're so small, so frail. It gives him a surge of protectiveness, the need to keep you safe.
✴ He leans over and brings the back of your hand to his lips, kissing it softly, gentlemanly.
✴ Fucking hell that makes you blush even more.
✴ He chuckles a bit, ruffling your hair with one hand. A small act of affection to let you know you're safe.
✴ He will keep you safe, no matter what.
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༉ Evan MacMillan :: The Trapper
[PT: Evan Macmillan: The Trapper]
✴ Honestly? He's a bit nervous too.
✴ He won't admit that though, won't even show it. Him? Nervous over someone holding his hand? Nah, he would never.
✴ He squeezes your hand in return, pulling you just a bit closer, but doesn't have much immediate reaction to it.
✴ Absolute sap about it in private though, can't stop thinking about it. It was so simple but it reminded him that you loved him, only him.
✴ The next time you're together he takes the initiative and holds your hand first. Keeping you close to him to really let everyone know who you belong to.
✴ Fuckin dork.
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༉ Frank Morrison :: The Legion
[PT: Frank Morrison: The Legion]
✴ Aw, lookit you! You're so nervous from just some hand holding.
✴ "You're damn cute when you blush like that, babe."
✴ You pout in return and he chuckles, pulling you a bit closer and kissing your forehead.
✴ "You're just provin' the point, y'know?"
✴ More pouting and he's grinning ear to ear, bastard that he is.
✴ But you suppose that's why you love him in the first place, cocky son of a bitch.
✴ Anyways, similar to Michael, his hand now. It shall be returned within 3-5 business days. Dw about it.
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༉ Susie Lavoie :: The Legion
[PT: Susie Lavoie: The Legion]
✴ asdfghjkl;'
✴ Oh my god hand? Hand Holding???? You are Holding her Hand?????
✴ Screaming internally
✴ You're blushing so much oh fuck you're so cute you're so pretty
✴ What does she do oh shit fuck uuuuuuh
✴ Holds your hand tighter, trying not to implode from her own nervous wreck of emotions.
✴ Eventually, and very quickly, she kisses your cheek.
✴ Trying not to die from her own blushing and embarrassment.
✴ You give her hand an affirming squeeze, smiling at her, and she relaxes.
✴ God how did she get so lucky?
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༉ Bubba :: The Cannibal
[PT: Bubba: The Cannibal]
✴ You...you're holding his hand?
✴ You're so gentle, your hands are so small, so soft.
✴ He could crush your hands if he wasn't careful, a similar worry to Michael's.
✴ But you were holding his hand!!! Your dainty little hand was in his!!!!
✴ It was a sign you loved him, really loved him!
✴ He starts giggling, he can't help himself. He doesn't even notice how nervous you are, consumed with his own delight.
✴ Pulls you into a really, really tight hug. One of the ones where you have to remind him to be gentle.
✴ He makes an apologetic noise and nuzzles his face into your hair, picking you up bridal style to hold you close.
✴ He's so happy you love him, he loves you just as much. He's so darn lucky to have you.
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༉ BONUS :: Ellen Ripley
[PT: Bonus: Ellen Ripley]
AN 2: wifewifewifewifewifewifewife
✴ Damn that's sweet.
✴ Sweet like the feeling of fresh coffee in her veins, like hearing her cat purr against her chest.
✴ And you're so damn cute all nervous like this, it makes her heart sing.
✴ God she's so glad to be trapped in this hellhole with you.
✴ She kisses the back of your hand and runs her thumb over it gently, giving you this look that lets you know you mean the world to her.
✴ And you look at her the same way.
✴ Wordless but full of meaning in such a simple touch. Affection that goes beyond what words could describe.
✴ The other survivors are gagging from how sweet you two are.
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Final Notes :: I'm a big butch lesbian so I added my Wife as a bonus because this was a bit of a sausage fest (besides Susie, perfect lil angel baby). It was weird writing romance for Susie tbh bc when I look at her I'm just like "Ah yes, my child." because whenever I play as her I get weirdly protective and if she gets palette stunned it becomes like, a personal offense. That's my fuckign niece dude!!!!! But I know some peeps would love to be romantic with her so I am here to provide. As is the authors duty. If you make it weird I'm shanking you behind a Wendy's.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to rb and follow if you enjoyed!! <3
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bunniekittiee · 8 months
TCM headcanons that are sad and that no one asked for pt.3
Warning: Abuse, angst
When Drayton first started to abuse his family, Nubbins would cry to Chop Top when they were smaller, like about 5-6.
The twins put on a front that they were not fazed by Drayton’s abuse and even taunted the man to do as he pleased.
But every so often, Nubbins would crawl into Chop Top’s bed late in the night and cry into his brother.
Sometimes Chop Top would cry too, but he did his best to hold himself together for his brother.
Despite being twins, Chop felt like the older one of the two.
When the old man started laying hands on Bubba, it always ended in the twins sticking up for little Bubba.
They’d take the beatings for him or even ran Drayton in circles to tire him out.
Though Drayton was younger then too, so he could go on for long periods of time.
Drayton never felt to use the same treatment on Sissy.
Whether he thought it was wrong to use it on a little girl or because he was afraid of what she would do, Sissy never got beat.
However, that does not mean she did not go unpunished.
Sissy argued with Drayton a lot. And I mean a lot.
Think of it as a defiant, rogue teenager (except Sissy was young) and a father that can’t accept the fact they’re wrong.
Sissy, at a young age, argued back and forth continuously with Drayton and even drove him as far as to throw her toys and belongings away.
Sissy and Bubba would dig them out of the trash and spend hours doing it.
She would not go down without a fight and she was stubborn. She was not going to let Drayton push her around like he did her ‘brothers’.
When she got older, her arguing continued and instead of toys, Drayton would throw away her makeup and hair products.
This did not stop Sissy from her behavior and eventually she started to lock her things up so Drayton could not throw them away.
She built up a resentment towards Drayton for targeting the things she loved and enjoyed and distanced herself from him very quickly when she was able to.
Sometimes Sissy still has nightmares of her belongings being thrown away by mean ol’ Drayton.
She would cry to Bubba out of frustration because of how Drayton never seemed to care about any of them.
Bubba felt her pain too.
Everyone knew that Johnny was not a Sawyer/Slaughter.
This was apparent when he grew up and looked nothing like Nancy or the others.
This was also obvious when the kids would visit Nancy and the next time they saw her, she had Johnny. There was no belly bump, so how did she have him?
Johnny started to notice that he might not be related when he was a teen and confronted Nancy (aggressively might I add) but instead of telling him the truth, she lied about a lot of it.
She told him that yes, he was not a Sawyer/Slaughter by blood. He was not truly related to the family he had grown up with.
This made his whole world crash down.
And if that was not bad enough, she told him that his real mother left him to die in the freezing cold winter by a dumpster.
But Nancy, Johnny’s “angel in disguise”, saved him and took him in as her own. Loved him like her own.
Nancy thanked his mother for abandoning him, for she wouldn’t have her perfect Johnny, but she also shamed her for doing that to the poor boy.
This was far from the truth but Johnny never knew that.
Johnny felt like he did not know himself or the family he was raised with. It caused an identity crisis.
Feelings of abandonment stirred inside of him and he questioned things a lot.
Was he so easy to leave behind?
Was everyone going to abandon him eventually?
Would he be left all alone?
Over time, he buried it deep and chose to never address it. But he will get those thoughts that creep up.
Murder and predation aside, part of the reason why Johnny is afraid of falling in love with a victim or another woman is because he is afraid of being abandoned again.
Drayton was young when he started taking care of his siblings and it made him angry. Very angry.
Although Drayton was in his late twenties, he knew at his age he should’ve been married and having children of his own.
And here he was making lunches, bottle feeding his baby brother, changing diapers, being a mother/father figure to his siblings.
He missed out on a lot during his adult years like parties, having a family of his own, relationships, etc.
Drayton himself was not raised properly in good hands.
Little do the kids know, he suffered abuse just like them. Physical and emotional for a good portion of his life.
So it was no doubt that he was going to be a bad “parent”. He wasn’t even parented correctly himself, so how would he know what to do?
But giving him that, what he did to them growing up is inexcusable and Drayton does not like to talk about it.
He blames it on testosterone but he knows the real reason why.
He resented and was angry at all of them for invading his life and turning it upside down. Drayton never could secure a relationship or enjoy the things an adult would because he had lots of little family members to take care of.
That weighed on him a lot, and he turned to alcohol very frequently.
This sparked many rages and fights in the household.
He’s done things that he doesn’t recall and feels shameful whenever they talk about what he’s done to them.
Will still go into fits of rage and will beat them with a broom because that’s all he really knows.
He’s changed, but not that drastically.
They just learned to either take the beating or ignore Drayton.
Oh Bubba, sweet Bubba.
Very emotionally invested in his family, hates when there’s conflict.
He feels like he’s at fault if they are upset at each other because he’s supposed to help the family.
Sort of like the family therapist.
Sissy is the main one that comes to Bubba for help, but the twins have looked to Bubba for aid.
Johnny never has talked to Bubba about his feelings, he thinks it’s stupid to have a “therapist”.
Says therapy makes it worse.
Bubba chooses to differ.
He remembers things very well, even from when he was a baby.
Bubba remembers having a bad, intense rash around his mouth when he was a baby from something he did not know and never got medication for it.
It scarred his face, and sometimes he sees it when he looks closely.
Drayton made an excuse that they couldn’t afford treatment.
Bubba is very childlike and doesn’t understand that his family uses him for their selfish reasons a lot of the time.
That’s why he’s the main “killer” as much as Bubba might not want to be, he is just trying to provide for his family.
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maddymoreau · 3 months
My Thoughts on Poppy Playtime Chapter 3
Ollie is ADORABLE!!!! "No ouchies or lost body parts?" HE'S A BABY I NEED TO PROTECT!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!! (¬‿¬) I have ZERO evidence for this but my theory is he’s The Prototype.
I’m REALLY happy to see the phone Ollie calls the player on is identical to the one in Project: Playtime! It’s nice seeing stuff introduced in Project: Playtime finally appear in the main series.
( ⚆_⚆ ) ESPECIALLY DR. HARLEY SAWYER!!!! WOW THE TAPE FEATURING HIM TALKING TO THE PROTOTYPE WAS DARK!!!! I knew a man like Dr. Sawyer would be a sick and twisted individual since he created the Bigger Bodies Initiative.
Despite that I was NOT prepared to hear the joy in his voice to experiment on children. It was revolting.
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This exchange:
Prototype: "You stick us. Beat us. Tear at flesh. Do you feel it?"
Dr. Sawyer: "There is a secret inside you, 1006. Valuable beyond all measure. I cut and prod and burn at it, and I get closer with each session . . . So speak, or don't. Fight, or give in. Regardless, I learn something new about you every day . . . (Laughs) It excites me!"
Prototype: "Thank you."
Dr. Sawyer: "You . . . thank me?"
Prototype: "Absolutely. I learn something new about you every day."
_| ̄|○ I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO DR. SAWYER SO BADDDDD!!!!!! He wasn’t around for The Hour of Joy but I hope he suffered.
Leith Pierre: "Normally I'd have Dr. Sawyer do this but he's uhhh . . . out, let's say. So you got me until they find his replacement."
(o ´ _ ` )o The contrast between how Dr. Sawyer speaks to the experiments VS Leith Pierre the Head of Innovation at Playtime Co.
Both dehumanize the experiments in different ways.
Leith Pierre can’t even bother remembering Catnap's real name. He puts on this fake friendly facade. Referring to Catnap as his Pal and Buddy. It's so disingenuous.
Especially when he asks, "Heya Theo! How ya doin' bud?" Pierre could care less about how Catnap feels. It's only when Catnap responds, "The Prototype will save us." That gets Pierre to finally drops the corporate spiel. Admitting to what this place is. Catnap’s prison.
No wonder Catnap worshipped The Prototype after being save when this is what he’s told about his horrific situation.
Leith Pierre: "THIS is your life now. Get used to it."
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I absolutely LOVED all the new features for the Grab Pack. The air jet looked SO FUN!!!! Watching people desperately shoot the flare gun against smiling critters in a cramped space WAS SO INTENSE!!! The smiling critter's small growls and whimpers made me sad.
(ʃƪ 〃’▽’〃)♡ The horror in this chapter was INCREDIBLE!!!! While I had fun playing Chapter 2 I remember feeling disappointed by the scares.
It reminded me of PT ∑(; °_°) Especially with the radio informing us that in Elliot Ludwig's house it was discovered he HAD THE BODY OF A CHILD IN A DUFFLE BAG!!?!?!?!?!?!
"8-8-1995 I find your presence intrusive. After all this time you return. You come in here and yet you kill and murder. You pilate and destroy. Your presence was demanded 10 years ago and yet you didn't show up . . . 8-8-1995 You were supposed to be here. Why weren't you here? You missed the event. You missed the meeting. You missed the party. You have no right to be here . . ."
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I thought I was going to see MY BOY 😭💔!!!!!!
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Huggy Wuggy is completely fine.
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Kissy Missy was so sad and adorable in this chapter. Seeing her stare at the picture and hug herself BROKE MY HEART ( o̴̶̷᷄ _ o̴̶̷̥᷅ )!!! She deserves the world.
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Catnap acting like a child and avoiding school 😭💔
Miss Delight was a minor spoiler I knew about since people used her face in their thumbnail. However I was NOT prepared for her to act like a Coil-Head!!!!
Theodore being described as antisocial and having a peculiar relationship with an imaginary friend _(:ì」∠)_.
That “imaginary” friend being The Prototype. Who guided Theodore to help them both escape. Only for Theodore to get electrocuted since he was just a child who didn't know how to safely use a Grabpack.
The Prototype throwing away their chance to escape to save Theodore by bringing him to the staff. Showing The Prototype does care in some way.
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Only for Theodore to be later turned Catnap.
THEN the player electrocutes Catnap the SAME way Theodore originally received his injuries. The Prototype comes to “save” Theodore once again but this time by making Catnap a part of him AND CATNAP ACCEPTS SO WILLINGLY (˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ )!!!!
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It felt like I was watching a religious experience.
I love Poppy Playtime but I do think they show too much in their trailers. Dog day is a great example but even then his scene was *chef kiss*
All the smiling critters crawling inside Dogday as he desperately screamed in agony and for us to run away left me speechless.
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I liked the detail of Dogday calling us angel. I'm excited to see all the AUs people create where we save him.
I know Poppy is right that it was just senseless slaughter. How all that death didn't fix or help anyone. Especially when it didn't matter if those killed were innocent or not.
However imagining these characters being painfully experimented on and stripped of their autonomy. Going though years of hell and finally reaching their breaking point. It's hard to not feel good for them getting to release that anger. Even if I know it's wrong.
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When hallucinating Huggy Wuggy's face is on the employee training video:
“Join the Innovationists, where the bounds of science are continuously pushed. Or join the Counselors of Playcare, whose diligence and care for our children will help shape a brighter future, just you see.”
“Now every one of you has your part in that future, so should you come back tomorrow feeling unhappy for where you are, or what you’ve done . . . worry not, for your supervisor is here and happy to listen! And . . . should you come back . . . years later . . . your conscience finally getting the better of you. May you descend into the dark and the dust, finding all that awaits you are incomprehensible horrors . . . each hungry for your return, each eager that they might find you. Perhaps they’d smile at you from a shadow, their smiling mouths full of teeth and meat and plastic, watching and waiting patiently for their turn at a warm welcome. Or perhaps they won’t allow you such a time to figure your place in the world you’d left. A world that’s theirs now. Welcome home.”
The video transforms into a manifestation of the player's guilt. Not only for their involvement for whatever they did while working at Playtime Co. but for being gone and returning after ten years.
This is also paired with the player's possible guilt for killing Huggy Wuggy and their fear of him.
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The hallucination version being a more exaggerated version of the Chapter 1 Huggy Wuggy vent chase.
When Catnap causes the player to later hallucinate:
Poppy: “Do you even know what’s real?”
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Poppy: “No you don’t.”
THEN AT THE END OF THE HALLUCINATION IT SHOWS US THE DAY OF JOY!!!! Which is very odd when you consider two things. We've been told multiple times we weren’t there and during this scene we didn't know what the Hour of Joy was.
So the player hallucinating being in front of Huggy Wuggy’s podium during The Hour of Joy with a large Prototype hand reaching for us IS ODD!!!
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This is just speculation but perhaps the player's memories aren't as trustworthy as we think. After all we still aren't even sure who even sent us the letter or tape in Chapter 1.
It’s important to point out the characters from Chapter 2 made ZERO appearance during these hallucinations. Mommy Long Legs, PJ Pug-a-Pillar, Bunzo Bunny and the Wack-a-Wuggy.
Is the Huggy Wuggy imagery used because he’s who we encounter at the start of the game?
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#Something something something the first key we needed in game was held up by Huggy Wuggy while on his podium.#So is The Prototype in the hallucination symbolizing he's the key to answering all our questions or am I overthinking everything asdnsf;alk#Rambling about my Poppy Playtime Self Insert -> I haven't decided what but something happened to my self insert to cause her memory issues.#She remembers small details from her time working for Playtime Co. but not the experiments.#So throughout the Chapters she's slowly unraveling the mystery of not only Playtime Co. but herself.#Everything story wise plays out the identical in all the chapters except one thing.#At the end of Chapter One instead of the box falling onto Huggy Wuggy. My self insert doesn't pull the box down in time.#Just as Huggy Wuggy is about to kill her. He finally gets a good look at her face.#Which she had hidden in the beginning with a mask + hat and hoodie because of the cameras.#As she ran and descended further into the facility she discarded her disguise.#Once Huggy Wuggy realizes who she is he stops trying to kill her.#Since there's not enough lore about the player's backstory yet I haven't decided why.#However whatever reason or friendship or connection they had she can't remember. Whatever it was causes Huggy Wuggy to not kill her.#During Chapter 2 Huggy Wuggy follows besides her. Helping when he can.#He can't help during the tests however since Mommy Long Legs considers that cheating. Mommy even is confused WHY he's helping her.#At the end of Chapter 2 when listening to the tape about Huggy Wuggy being the optimal outcome.#My self insert feels guilty and worries the only reason he hasn't killed her is because of what they did to him.#However the goof reassures her in his own odd way (pat on the head or a hug) that's not the case. In Ch. 3 he's with Kissy Missy and Poppy.#When Kissy Missy attacks my self insert he defends her (no violence just shoving and growling) but Poppy and I dissolve the situation.#Since Huggy Wuggy can't be protected from the Red Gas I imagine he has to wait with Kissy Missy and Poppy.#As for what history Huggy Wuggy and my self insert have to make him not be violent towards her I haven't decided.#The hallucination nightmare imagery remains the same. Although she feels comfortable with Huggy Wuggy now there's no denying he scared her.#Combined with her slowly remember her involvement and the guilt consuming her. Wondering if subconsciously she always knew.#I'm excited to delve more into their friendship and past. Although aggressive Huggy Wuggy is extremely smart.#Using the vents and escaping the facility. He doesn't act like a lost puppy or anything. He has his own agency.#Despite his hunger and aggression whatever their history is it's important enough he wants to ensure her safety.#Poppy Playtime#MaddyMoreauPost
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skinnywalker · 1 year
Multifandom masterlist
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Nsfw 🌶
Angst 🧅
Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso
None yet
Coach beard
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Trent Crimm
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Rebecca Watlon
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Jamie Tart
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Roy Kent
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Sam Obisanya
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Dani Rojas
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Nate Shelley
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Will Kit man
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DnD honor among thieves
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None yet
None yet
None yet
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Criminal minds
Headcanons 🌶
Spencer reid
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Aaron hotch
Professional nanny
Penelope Garcia
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Derek morgan
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Emily Prentiss
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Stranger things
tastes like kiwi 🌶
Girls like boys who like boys
Black fem reader
Let's just forget
Male reader
Back bumps 🧅
Male reader headcanons
Things are different now
Somebody has a crush
Love you
Where you will go pt1
it will be ok 🧅
dating eddie as el's brother
Chrissy Cunningham
In the forest pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Steve Harrington
God you were such a dick🧅
Billy hargrove
My little dove pt 1🧅
Pt 2🧅
Pt 3🧅
Karen wheeler
Suburban mom 🌶
Picture prefect
Mall love
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None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
The Last of Us
Joel miller
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Ellie williams
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The Sandman
The ruby burns
Humanity's cold arms 🧅
A bird in a cage 🧅
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The Corinthian
Lester sinclair
Lester x male reader pt1
Pt 2 🌶
RZ Micheal myers
Child reader pt 1 🧅
Pt 2
Mine after all this time 🌶
Bo sinclair
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Puppy tender
Vincent sinclair
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Tiffany valentine
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Norman Nordstrom
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pt2 🌶
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Stu macher
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Noel yet
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Multi fem
Fem slasher headcanons
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Bubba sawyer
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The collector
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The lost boys
Male rolling reader
Tiny hands
All in a day's work 🌶
Oh Stevie 🌶
I'll do it myself🌶
Pretty boy🌶
Cold water
My god
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Bucky barnes
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Steve rogers
Well hello 🌶
Tony stark
Just a coffee outing
Natasha romanoff
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Wanda maximoff
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Foggy nelson
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Matt murdock
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Miles Morales
I knew you
Spider Gewn Stacy
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Pativr Prabhakar
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Hobie Brown
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Boy crazy 🌶
Edward nashton
Bottom headcanons 🌶
You just don't get it pt 1 🧅
Pt 2 🌶
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Red Dead Redemption
Arthur Morgan
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Lenny Summers
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Charles Smith
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GoT and HotD
Daenerys Stormborn
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Rhaenyra Targaryen
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Sansa Stark
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Arya Stark
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Bran Stark
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Jon Snow
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Theon Greyjoy
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Yara Greyjoy
Daenerys Stormborn
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Sandor Clegane
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Brienne of Tarth
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Podrick Payne
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Oberyn Martell
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Margaery Tyrell
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Loras Tyrell
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Tyrion Lannister
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Jamie Lannister
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Tormund Giantsbane
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megggyeggy · 6 months
A Terrifying Tale from the Darkened Pizzeria
Hell Hath No Fury: You’ve Been Misled. Pt. 1
Pt. 2 here
Trigger warning: Mentions of murder, physical assault…William being weird. Mike pretty much is just annoyed at this point.
HYPD, Hurricane Utah. March 12th 1988. 1:35 PM.
Rowan was sitting at her desk as she typed away at her computer, she sighed as she rubbed her forehead in a stressed manner before her captain had started handing out files for the officers and detectives to handle for the day. “John, you’re on meter duty. Vanessa, traffic duty. Sawyer, I need you to go talk to Ms. Gonzalez, she called again- her boyfriend apparently can’t take a hint. Escort him off the property. And…Detective Nosky, I need you to work on a cold case for me. It’s a weird one.” Dan had given out demands, looking through the files before tossing the cold case onto Rowan’s desk. “In 1985 a group of children disappeared at Freddy Fazbears Pizza, 5 kids in total. They never found the bodies, they never found a prime suspect. Our officers searched the place top to bottom, nada. So I need you to question the owner, see if you can find something that makes him tick.” Dan gave Rowan the scoop on the cold case, shrugging his shoulders as if he also knew this was a waste of time..which it was. Rowan sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose before shutting her computer off. “Right..” Rowan muttered under her breath as she stood up.
Vanessa frowned as she looked at Rowan who didn’t seem like she was gonna fight their captain on this. “Sir, isn’t that really just a waste of time? They never found anything…shouldn’t we put our focus on more important things?” Vanessa questioned curiously which Dan looked at Vanessa with narrowed eyes, a vague expression on his face. “Are you saying 5 children who have been missing for 3 years isn’t important?” Their Captain questioned the blonde woman as he pulled his cigarette carton out of his dress pants. He watched Vanessa closely, waiting for an answer. “That wasn’t rhetorical, Officer Monroe.” Dan huffed as he placed the cigarette in his mouth, searching his dress pants for a lighter. “No, sir..of course not, that’s not what I’m saying. But-..” Rowan looked at Vanessa with narrowed eyes, arching her brow. “Look, I get where you’re coming from, but those kids didn’t just disappear into thin air. It’s our job to find them, not to forget about them.” Rowan scolded her fellow officer which made Vanessa frown, a look of guilt weighing on her face.
Rowan let out a heavy sigh as she grabbed her keys to her cruiser before grabbing the file folder, “Lighter in my drawer.” Rowan called over her shoulder to her captain who had thanked her, apparently he lost his own lighter..
Hurricane, Utah. Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. 2:40 PM.
Rowan had pulled into the Freddy’s Pizzeria parking lot, the owners tried to keep the place running..obviously they couldn’t let it go. She took note of how many cars were there, 12, in total. Rowan sighed as she got out of her cruiser and locked the door behind her. She approached the diner with curious eyes. Once she entered the restaurant she took time to look over the employee of the month plaque.. the health and safety plaques, drawings that the children had made were put up onto the wall. Rowan could hear the upbeat music that the animatronics were performing, she made her way further inside as she scanned the area for an employee. She took notice of a man speaking with an employee, how he looked at her with furrowed brows before shooing the employee off. The man approached Rowan with a wide smile, “Hi-..Hello, Officer. How can I help you?” The man awkwardly spoke, which Rowan arched her brow. “Hello, Sir-…” The man grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh please, call me Henry!” Henry had told her to which Rowan’s eyes narrowed, not enjoying the interruption.
“Henry…I am Detective Rowan Nosky..I’m working on a cold case that involves your restaurant. I was wondering if I could look around, I would need access to the whole restaurant. Of course, I need your permission to do a search.” Henry looked nervous as he watched Rowan, tilting his head. “I thought they closed that case? I mean-..they didn’t find anything! I can assure you, Freddy’s is the safest place for children! Our company is not involved-“ Rowan took a deep breath, drowning out the man’s rant about how there was no possible way someone working at their diner was responsible. She heard it all before. Rowan looked at Henry with narrowed eyes, she placed her hands on her hips. “So do I have your permission or not? If not, I will have to come back with a search warrant and that won’t look pretty on your part.” Rowan had warned the man, who sighed in defeat.
“I can’t make any decisions without speaking to my partner.” Henry told the officer, grabbing his walkie talkie from his belt and he pressed the button on the side. “William, can you come to the entrance? We have an issue.” Henry muttered into the walkie, releasing the button which allowed the static to come through. There was an awkward silence between the two, waiting for a response. “Can it wait?” William’s almost annoyed voice came through, which Henry sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose before speaking into the radio. “No. It’s the police.” Henry answered, once again..there was silence. Rowan stood there with her hands on her hips, indistinct police chatter coming over her own radio as she watched Henry with narrowed eyes.
“Doesn’t seem like he takes this too seriously.” Rowan commented on how lazy William seemed to have acted with an ‘issue’. “Oh-..he’s just-..had a day..Y’know-..” Henry laughed nervously before sighing in relief when he saw William walking towards the couple. “Hello! How can we help you?” William greeted with a friendly grin, slapping his hand onto his friend’s shoulder who seemed to be more relaxed now that William was here. “Like I told your partner, I just want to look around. My department is opening the cold case files from 1985, the disappearances. If I have your permission?” Rowan spoke calmly, her thumbs hooked through her utility belt.
William’s eyes softened at the mention of the disappearances, he sighed as he seemed to stare off into space for a moment. “Oh yes..that was…a very sad year…” William mumbled before looking at Rowan as he smiled faintly. His eyes raked over her figure for a moment, William lifted his hand to fix his glasses before humming. “Sure, yeah. Of course, you can have a look! Just uh-…” William looked towards some of the parents who were looking in their direction, “..make it quick, yeah? Don’t want any unwanted attention.” William told Rowan politely, to which she bowed her head. “Thank you, Sir-“ William grinned cheekily at Rowan, “William Afton.” Rowan hummed as she squinted at William, “Mr. Afton.” She stated before walking past the two men.
Rowan had searched around the play area first, nothing. She looked behind the stage curiously, brows pinched together as she sighed in frustration. Rowan pulled out her flashlight as she aimed it underneath the stage, nothing…Rowan breathed out softly as she stood up straight, looking towards the animatronics. The Purple Bunny seemed to be staring right at her, its eyes squinted..she felt chills run up her spine, it wasn’t even moving or dancing anymore..There was an uncomfortable tension between the officer and the animatronic Bunny, before suddenly it started dancing again. The sudden movement caused Rowan to flinch, she stared hard at the Bunny who didn’t spare her a glance. Rowan scoffed as she rolled her eyes, “Stupid.” Rowan muttered under her breath before leaving the stage.
Rowan knew she only had so much time before she would be asked to leave the premise, so she was trying to be quick. Rowan went back to the parts and services room, looking around the room curiously. “Huh..definitely screams horror movie.” Rowan told herself, looking at the animatronic, it’s chest cavity open. The character had an old timey hat on her head, with curls framing her face. Bright red circles on her cheeks. Rowan frowned at the sight of the robot, it was so…unsettling. Rowan made her way towards one of the spare Freddy suit’s as she held her hand out to remove the head. “Officer Nosky! Find anything?” William’s booming voice had made Rowan jump out of her skin, she spun around as she looked at William with wide eyes. “I-..” Rowan glanced over her shoulder at the Freddy suit, glancing back at William who was looking at her with an amused expression. “No-..but I’m not done-“ William sighed out as he looked down at his watch, “It’s almost 4 O’clock. You’ve been here over an hour. If you haven’t found anything, you’re not going to. I apologize but I’m gonna have to ask you to leave, I believe you wore out your welcome.” William spoke politely, an apologetic expression written on his features but it didn’t reach his eyes…in his eyes..there was a certain glint in them. As if begging her not to look into the suit. Rowan frowned as she watched Afton closely, brows furrowed together. “Okay-..” Rowan muttered as she pushed past William and made her way to the front entrance. “Thank you both for your time and cooperation.” Rowan thanked both of the owners with a fake smile on her face, Henry nodded his head with a warm smile on his face while William watched Rowan with an uncertain look on his face, forcing a smile upon his face. “Of course, anytime, officer.”
Rowan’s Home. 12:07 AM. March 13th, 1988.
Rowan tossed back and forth in her bed, a thin layer of sweat covering her body as she squirmed around in bed. Another nightmare. The Freddy suit from the restaurant…it had something inside of it..a child’s arm sticking out of it, motioning for her to step closer. “You almost got it! Just a little closer!” A child’s voice had exclaimed, as she inched closer towards the suit…she held her hands out to reach for the head. “Closer..” The child’s voice had darkened, sounding almost demonic. As she grabbed the empty animatronic suit’s head, lifting it up- the child’s arm had reached out and grabbed her by the hair. “It’s me.” The voice snarled before Rowan had jumped out of her sleep in a cold sweat, panting heavily. Rowan looked around with wide fearful eyes, “What-..” She breathed out shakily, her eyes fluttering as she looked at the time. 12:07 AM. She wasn’t gonna be able to sleep..Not like this. Rowan rubbed her face stressfully as she took a deep breath, “What is going on..” Rowan muttered before freezing, as she came to a realization. She was quick to jump to her feet, “They-..They never found the bodies because they were looking in the wrong places..” Rowan told herself.
Rowan quickly ran to grab her landline, she looked through her phone book for Freddy’s Diner. Once she found a phone number, she quickly dialed the phone number. She waited for an answer but instead the line simply beeped, “Busy..?” Rowan whispered with furrowed brows, she tried to call again but to no avail. Rowan huffed in annoyance, biting her inner cheek as she looked at her shoes in thought. She should go check it out…Rowan ran to grab her rain jacket and her rain boots, she was dressed in her black joggers and a white t-shirt. She wasn’t worried about getting dressed into something respectable since no one would be seeing her. “They’re in the suits.” Rowan muttered, the situation was bittersweet..she most likely cracked the case yet-..the kids were still missing..and dead. Rowan grabbed her car keys and quickly ran outside into the rain, she needed to check in that suit before coming to any conclusions..she couldn’t make assumptions based off of a dream, but she could investigate because of a dream.
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. 12:30 AM.
Rowan made her way into the restaurant as she held onto her flashlight, the hood of her raincoat up and over her head. She had picked the lock to the front entrance before entering the building. Rowan knew exactly where she was gonna look first, she had to see for herself..was one of the children communicating with her in her dreams? Or was she simply just insane? She was going to find out. Rowan made her way further into the restaurant, holding her flashlight tightly in her grasp as she looked around curiously. “What’re you guys hiding?…” Rowan muttered to herself as she made her way towards the stage, perhaps she would look inside those animatronics first. She grabbed a footstool that was sitting in front of the stage and opened it, placing it in front of the Bonnie the Bunny animatronic. “You first,” Rowan muttered as she prepared herself to look into the suit before an amused voice cut her off guard. She stood on the footstool as she grabbed the head of the Bunny animatronic, freezing when she heard mechanical footsteps. Rowan looked to the corner of the diner, it was dark..but she saw glowing silver eyes looking back at her. The animatronic stepped out into the dim light, it was a yellow bunny…a haunting smile on its face.
“You couldn’t just leave it alone, could you?” The animatronic snarled at her, her brows pinched together in confusion. It could talk? Rowan was quick to step down from the footstool, she went to grab for her gun but..it wasn’t there. She must’ve forgotten it in her car. “Hey, don’t get any closer!” Rowan demanded, fear lacing her voice as she kept her distance. The Yellow Bunny cackled in amusement, “That’s cute…You shouldn’t have come back here. Stupid little girl.” It snarled in response as it continued to step closer to her which caused Rowan to tense as she glared at the animatronic. “Stay back!” Rowan commanded apprehensively, she took a step back but tripped over the footstool, falling onto her back with a pained groan which caused her flashlight to roll across the room. Rowan rolled onto her stomach as she got onto her hands and knees, crawling towards the flickering light of her flashlight. “This is going to be so much fun!” The Yellow Bunny snickered, excitement lacing his tone. Rowan screamed in fear when she felt a hand seize hold of her hair, yanking her back against her chest of the bunny suit. “They won’t find you either,” The Yellow Bunny sneered, he shoved her forward before kicking her across the face as hard as possible.
Rowan’s body rolled a few times after the harsh kick, she could hear ringing in her ears as her vision blurred. “W-..Wha..” Rowan breathed out heavily, trying to get the strength to sit up. She could hear a new voice, a feminine one. “Dad-..Please..if she-..” the voice was muffled as Rowan groaned in pain, reaching out for her flashlight. Rowan’s shaky hand grabbed it as she rolled onto her back with a huff, shining it in the direction of the new voice. “V-..Vanessa..?” Rowan breathed out, brows pinching together in confusion. “She knows you're involved now..really want to lose your job because of some bitch who couldn’t catch a hint?” The man in the Yellow Bunny suit growled at Vanessa who had bowed her head in defeat. “This is your mess, you should’ve kept her away.” The man growled, removing the Yellow Bunny animatronics head. “I’ll take care of it.” William had said with an amused expression as he looked down at Rowan, tilting his head to the side. Rowan’s brows pinched together as she looked up at William, “M-..Mr..Afton?” She groaned out, she could feel a warm liquid trickling out of her nose. “Don’t worry. It’ll all be over soon.” William cooed, grabbing Rowan by the hood of her jacket. “You really shouldn’t have come here.” He sighed out as if this was a chore for him. William dragged Rowan to the back rooms, the door closing behind them with an eerie creaking sound.
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tygerbug · 11 months
2023 movies as NES games:
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The Super Mario Bros Movie
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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
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The Little Mermaid
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
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Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Pt 1
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Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom
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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
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Haunted Mansion
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Trolls 3
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The Monkey King
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Peter Pan & Wendy
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Dune pt 2
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Ghostbusters: Firehouse
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Ant-Man and the Wasp in Quantumania
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Evil Dead Rise
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Coyote Vs Acme
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The Flash
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The Quest for Tom Sawyer's Gold
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Godzilla Minus One
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Big George Foreman
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Cocaine Bear
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Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist
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Fast X
Part Two
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your-blorbos-are-queer · 10 months
character pride icons pt. 42: misc. tv/movies (again again!) pt. 3
queer headcanons
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amos burton (the expanse) - gay | shawn spencer (psych) - bisexual | rebecca bunch (crazy ex girlfriend) - pansexual
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max mayfield (stranger things) + heather mcnamara (heathers) + veronica sawyer (heathers) - bisexual
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ben gates (national treasure) - pansexual | riley poole (nt) - bisexual
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gwaine (merlin) - aromantic | ilsa faust (mission: impossible) - bisexual
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ethan hunt (m:i) - transgender + bisexual
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luke patterson (julie and the phantoms) - asexual + pan
feel free to use these for any non-commercial purpose, as long as proper credit is given!
if you'd like to see a different combination of character + flag, my ask box is always open for requests
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freddysglove · 2 years
rating slashers on how likely it is that i would survive them
includes: ghostface (billy + stu), freddy krueger, billy lenz, bubba sawyer, michael myers, norman bates, vincent and bo sinclair, brahms heelshire, chucky and tiffany, jason vorhees, and amanda young.
billy loomis - 7/10. 
he’s unnerving, but also skinny and kinda ditzy. i think i could most likely trick him and get away.
stu macher - 10/10. 
throw out a fucking banana peel and you’ll KO him.
both billy and stu - 3/10.
they have both height and strength over me so i couldn’t take them both at once :<
freddy krueger - 2/10 [in dream world].
would’ve been 1/10, but i’m adding one on the off chance that studying his movies for almost 14 years ups my survival. 
freddy pt. 2 - 8/10 [irl].
i think he’d be pretty easy to dodge and escape without his powers. even in a fist fight i feel like i could probably take him. i have zero fighting experience.
billy lenz - 10/10.
i do not have an attic. 
bubba sawyer - 4/10. 
use the tactics stretch used and hope.
michael myers - 8/10. 
i’d... just... run?...
norman bates - 5/10. 
again, just an unnerving skinny dude. however he is incredibly unpredictable, sooo. yeah. half and half.
vincent sinclair - 3/10. 
they are a scary mothafucka. wade’s ‘transformation’ is one of the only things in a horror film that actually made me genuinely uncomfortable (and slightly nauseous.) i’m afraid my only chance would be to smooch their nose :3
bo sinclair - 7/10. 
he just kinda seems like he’d be easy to fool.
brahms heelshire - 9/10. 
just rock the dude to sleep and walk out the house? LMAO
chucky - 6.5/10. 
yes, he has the strength of a full grown man or whatever, but he’s like a foot tall. kick him across the room and lock him in a dog kennel.
tiffany valentine - 100/10. 
she is my baby gowrl. we would get married on the spot. i will take no arguments.
jason vorhees - 8/10?
i didn’t pay too much attention to the original series to be completely fair, but from what i can see in freddy vs jason the dude just goes completely limp when he gets in contact with water??? just get a spray bottle or cry on him or something. idk.
amanda young - 2/10. 
she’s sexy but terrifying. i don’t think she would show mercy to anyone. 
169 notes · View notes
See first photos of 42 new Hallmark Christmas movies (Entertainment Weekly) - Hallmark Channel Part 1
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Checkin' it Twice Premieres: Oct. 20, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Kim Matula, Kevin McGarry Contains: Ice sports, new neighbors Official description: "A journeyman hockey player (McGarry) falls for a real estate agent (Matula) in a career crisis when he's traded to her hometown and moves into the cottage in her hockey loving family's backyard."
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Where Are You, Christmas? Premieres: Oct. 21, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Lyndsy Fonseca, Michael Rady, Jim O'Heir, Julie Warner Contains: A sprinkle of holiday magic, unexpected consequences, Garry Jerry Lenny Larry Terry Gergich Official description: "Addy (Fonseca) wishes for a year without Christmas and she wakes up in a world of black and white. She must work together with the town mechanic (Rady) to restore Christmas."
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Under the Christmas Sky Premieres: Oct. 22, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Jessica Parker Kennedy, Ryan Paevey Contains: A life-altering accident, an out-of-this-world romance Official description: "Kat (Kennedy) is an esteemed astrophysicist, who is scheduled for her first trip into space next year until an accident grounds her.  While on leave, coming to terms with the reality that her dream of being an astronaut is over, she volunteers at the local planetarium.  There, she is paired up with by-the-book David (Paevey) to work on an exhibit opening right before Christmas. Will the stars align to bring these two together at the holidays?"
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Christmas By Design  Premieres: Oct. 27, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Rebecca Dalton, Jonathan Keltz Contains: Christmas couture, learning what matters most Official description: "A fashion designer (Dalton) gets accepted into a Christmas challenge to create a new holiday-themed collection and not only finds the inspiration for her next line but decides to redesign her approach to what's most important in life."
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Mystic Christmas Premieres: Oct. 28, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Jessy Schram, Chandler Massey, Patti Murin, William R. Moses Contains: Mystic Pizza-adjacent, fish friends, Mystic, Conn.  Official description: "Juniper (Schram) travels to Mystic, Connecticut during the holidays to work at the rehabilitation center and aquarium. She reconnects with Sawyer (Massey), the owner of the pizza shop."
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Joyeux Noel Premieres: Oct. 29, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Jaicy Elliot, Brant Daugherty Contains: France, a mysterious artist, an editor and reporter on the case  Official description: "When a romantic painting of a Christmas market captures the imagination of copy editor Lea (Elliot), she is sent to France with pragmatic reporter Mark (Daugherty) to uncover the mystery behind the artist."
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Flipping for Christmas Premieres: Nov. 3, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Ashley Newbrough, Marcus Rosner Contains: Real estate agents, a supposedly simple house renovation Official description: "It's almost Christmas when busy realtor Abigail (Newbrough) agrees to help her sister with the 'simple flip' of a recently inherited home. Unfortunately, co-beneficiary Bo (Rosner) has other plans in mind."
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Never Been Chris'd Premieres: Nov. 4, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Janel Parrish, Pascal Lamothe-Kipnes, Tyler Hynes Contains: Reunited BFFs, a reignited high school love triangle  Official description: "Home for the holidays, BFFs Naomi (Parrish) and Liz (Lamothe-Kipnes) reconnect with high school crush Chris Silver (Hynes). A complex love triangle forms, forcing them to take stock of their lives and find the value of friendship."
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The Santa Summit Premieres: Nov. 5, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Hunter King, Benjamin Hollingsworth, Amy Groening, Stephanie Sy Contains: A Santa convention, chasing down a lost Claus  Official description: "Jordin (King), Ava (Groening) and Stella (Sy) are three best friends who head out for a night on the town to take part in the annual Santa Summit, an event where revelers don Santa suits and visit local spots on the circuit to eat, drink and be merry in true holiday fashion… and set out to find a secret Santa (Hollingsworth) Jordin connected with at the start of the night's festivities."
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Everything Christmas Premieres: Nov. 10, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Katherine Barrell, Cindy Busby, Corey Sevier, Matt Wells Contains: Holiday road trip, unforeseen circumstances Official description: "Lori Jo's (Busby) love for Christmas takes her on a road trip to Yuletide Springs with her roommate Tori (Barrell), where Christmas is celebrated year-round, to participate in a longstanding town tradition to honor her late grandmother.  Along the way, the friends meet Carl (Sevier) and Jason (Wells), and the foursome make stops during their journey to enjoy more small-town Christmas attractions. But when a series of events puts a damper on their plans, a little Christmas magic may put this trip back on the right path."
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Christmas Island Premieres: Nov. 11, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Rachel Skarsten, Andrew Walker Contains: Inclement weather, a career on the line Official description: "When a snowstorm diverts Kate's (Skarsten) first private flight en route to Switzerland to Christmas Island, she must team up with an air traffic controller (Walker) to secure her dream job as the family's pilot."
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A Heidelberg Holiday  Premieres: Nov. 12, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Ginna Claire Mason, Frédéric Brossier  Contains: Germany, a holiday market, getting in touch with one's roots  Official description: "Heidi Heidelberg (Mason) receives the dream opportunity to sell her beautiful, handmade glass ornaments at the prestigious Heidelberg Christmas Market in Germany. While there, she meets Lukas (Brossier), a local artisan who helps her reconnect with her lost heritage."
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Navigating Christmas Premieres: Nov. 17, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Chelsea Hobbs, Stephen Huszar Contains: A divorcée, ringing in the holidays on a remote island, a hot lighthouse operator Official description: "Recently divorced Melanie (Hobbs) and her son Jason visit a remote island for Christmas, only to find themselves running a real working lighthouse where she connects with the curt but cute owner (Huszar)."
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A Merry Scottish Christmas Premieres: Nov. 18, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Lacey Chabert, Scott Wolf Contains: A Party of Five reunion, a brother-and-sister duo, Scotland, hidden secrets Official description: "When estranged siblings, Lindsay (Chabert) and Brad (Wolf) Morgan travel to Scotland at Christmas to reunite with their mother Jo, a big family secret is revealed."
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Holiday Hotline Premieres: Nov. 19, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Emily Tennant, Niall Matter Contains: London, love at first phone call, a secret connection Official description: "After leaving London, Abby (Tennant) connects with an anonymous caller while working at a cooking hotline. The caller is single dad 'John' (Matter) who Abby unknowingly has become smitten with in real life."
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Catch Me If You Claus Premieres: Nov. 23, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Italia Ricci, Luke Macfarlane Contains: An ambitious news anchor, a home intruder purporting to be Santa's son, a high-stakes Christmas caper Official description: "Avery Quinn (Ricci) is an aspiring news anchor who's finally getting her big break on her station's Christmas morning newscast. But that's put in jeopardy when she captures an intruder in her home wearing a red suit claiming to be Chris (Macfarlane), Santa's son, who is on his first mission. A night of adventure ensues as they find themselves being pursued by the police as well as some shady characters. Along the way, they connect over living in the shadow of their parents and inspire each other to go after their dreams."
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Letters to Santa Premieres: Nov. 24, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Katie Leclerc, Rafael de la Fuente Contains: A wish-granting pen, children of divorce Official description: "When young siblings receive a magic pen from Santa that appears to be granting wishes, they request a Christmas gift they want more than anything – for their separated parents (Leclerc, de la Fuente) to reunite."
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Holiday Road Premieres: Nov. 24, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Warren Christie, Sara Canning Contains: Inspired by real events, canceled flights, unexpected allies, holiday road trip Official description: "When bad weather leaves each of them stranded at the airport for the holidays, a tech entrepreneur (Christie), a travel writer (Canning), a devoted mother (Enid-Raye Adams) and her son (Kiefer O'Reilly), a stubborn senior (Trevor Lerner), an enigmatic woman with a hint of mystery (Brittany Willacy), a couple traveling from Beijing (Sharon Crandall, Ryan Mah) and a social media influencer (Princess Davis) all agree to rent a shared van to embark on a road trip to Denver. When their unexpected journey brings them into uncharted territory, they navigate a series of misadventures together and form a deeper bond that just might change the trajectories of each of their lives. Inspired by true events."
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Christmas in Notting Hill Premieres: Nov. 25, 6 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Sarah Ramos, William Moseley  Contains: Haddie Braverman and Peter Pevensie, London, a famous footballer, an American on holiday  Official description: "Famous soccer star, Graham Savoy (Moseley), has always been too busy for love, but when he comes home to Notting Hill for Christmas, he changes his mind after meeting Georgia (Ramos) – a visiting American and the one person who has no idea who he is."
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Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up Premieres: Nov. 25, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Lacey Chabert, Wes Brown, Stephen Tobolowsky, Melissa Peterman, Ellen Travolta, Seth Morris, Jennifer Aspen Contains: A sequel, new neighbors, lots and lots of holiday decorations Official description: "As the holidays approach, Emily (Chabert) and Jared (Brown) are looking forward to celebrating the holidays together again, this time as a couple. Emily, now embracing Evergreen Lane's uniquely festive spirit, is ready to work with Jared, Ned (Tobolowsky), Mary Louise (Travolta) and Pamela (Peterman) to make this year's Christmas celebrations the best yet – even if being the HOA president's girlfriend doesn't stop those dreaded decorating citations.  When a house on the block goes up for sale, it causes quite a stir with residents.  When the soon-to-be neighbors turn out to be holiday royalty (Morris, Aspen), it looks like this year's competition is about to heat up. As the welcoming committee prepares for the new arrivals, only one thing is certain – this Christmas, Evergreen Lane is going to sleigh!"
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Our Christmas Mural Premieres: Nov. 26, 6 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Alex Paxton-Beesley, Dan Jeannotte Contains: Home for the holidays, single mother, a holiday art contest Official description: "Olivia (Paxton-Beesley) is a single mom who returns home for Christmas. Her mom secretly enters her into a mural contest; she wins but partners with teacher Will (Jeannotte) to create a Christmas masterpiece."
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A Biltmore Christmas Premieres: Nov. 26, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Bethany Joy Lenz, Kristoffer Polaha, Jonathan Frakes, Robert Picardo Contains: Star Trek and One Tree Hill stars, the Biltmore Estate, a screenwriter penning a classic holiday film reboot, time travel, a 1940s film star, a time paradox Official description: "Lucy Hardgrove (Lenz) is a screenwriter who lands the job of a lifetime when she's hired to pen the script for a remake of the beloved, holiday movie classic, His Merry Wife!, which was filmed in 1947 at the beautiful, historic Biltmore House. When the head of the studio isn't satisfied with the ending Lucy wrote because it deviates from the original's feel-good conclusion, he sends Lucy to Biltmore Estate for research and inspiration. While there, she unwittingly discovers the ability to travel to the 1947 set of His Merry Wife! through the help of an hourglass. While on set, she and Jack Huston (Polaha), one of the film's stars, spend time together and become close. But her sudden appearance has set off a chain of events that put the production in jeopardy. Before she can return to the present, Lucy must make things right or threaten to alter the future forever."
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My Norwegian Holiday Premieres: Dec. 1, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Rhiannon Fish, David Elsendoorn Contains: Christmas in Norway, a mysterious connection, troll history Official description: "JJ (Fish), grieving the loss of her grandmother and seeking dissertation inspiration, stumbles upon an unexpected holiday destiny. Meeting Henrik (Elsendoorn), a Norwegian from Bergen, their connection deepens when he discovers she has a troll figurine from his hometown. To explore the troll's history and her grandmother's ties, JJ agrees to join Henrik on a journey to Norway. In Bergen, they're drawn into Henrik's family Christmas and wedding traditions, with his sister's wedding the day before Christmas Eve. JJ embarks on a holiday adventure, uncovering the troll's origins and finding her own path to healing, love and family."
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A Not So Royal Christmas Premieres: Dec. 2, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Brooke D'Orsay, Will Kemp Contains: A journalist tracking down a story, a hidden identity, missing royalty Official description: "Tabloid journalist Charlotte (D'Orsay) attempts to land an interview with a reclusive Count. In response, the royal family has a groundskeeper (Kemp) pose as the Count since the real one fled years ago."
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Christmas With a Kiss (working title) Premieres: Dec. 3, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Mishael Morgan, Ronnie Rowe Jr., and Jaime M. Callica Contains: Home for the holidays, a family-run Christmas carnival Official description: "A Mahogany presentation. A woman (Morgan) returns home to help with her family's Christmas Carnival and romance ignites. A photojournalist (Rowe) curates a surprise reunion."
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Magic in Mistletoe Premieres: Dec. 8, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Lyndie Greenwood, Paul Campbell Contains: A curmudgeonly author who sparks backlash online, his well-meaning publicist, and a Christmas festival  Official description: "Harrington (Campbell) is the author of a popular book series but commercial success has left him a bitter recluse. As he returns to his hometown for an annual Christmas festival celebrating his books, he's joined by April (Greenwood), a publicist for the major publishing house he works with.  April is there for damage control after Harrington's recent comments on social media have ruffled some feathers. But as she gets to know him better, hope springs that April can unlock Harrington's guarded heart and help him rediscover the spirit of the holiday."
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Christmas on Cherry Lane Premieres: Dec. 9, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Catherine Bell, Jonathan Bennett, John Brotherton, Erin Cahill, James Denton, Vincent Rodriguez III Contains: Aaron Samuels, a neighborhood coming together for the holidays Official description: "A young couple preparing to welcome their first child (Brotherton, Cahill); an empty-nester (Bell) and her fiancé (Denton) ready to start a new chapter; and a couple (Bennett, Rodgriquez III) who unexpectedly have the chance to expand their family on Christmas Eve celebrate the holiday as they navigate these turning points in their lives."
Click these links for more, ew.com, today.com, tvinsider.com
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trashbag-baby666 · 2 days
The Curt and Ken Wedding
What’s Waited Till Tomorrow Starts Tonight (MOTA hs au)
Pt. 2 (nsfw) - Mota Masterlist!
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•The wedding was very much a long time coming event. Back in high school Ken had even made a Pinterest board of his dream wedding with Curt.
•They had been engaged since a little after eight months of Curt being back stateside. However, they really wanted to wait to have an actual ceremony and reception till they were back on their feet. Comfortable in their new house, finish dealing with Curt’s VA problems, make sure both of them were in a healthy mental state for it.
•However, they did get their marriage certificate from the local court house. That way Ken could be under Curt's insurance and they’d both receive his military benefits. Ken hadn't been insured for a hot moment due to his ex. Thats why they semi rushed into it, Ken had a tun of appointments between therapy and just physicals so they could make sure he was putting weight back on.
•Curt found himself a little over whelmed when it came to all the wedding planning. He has undiagnosed adhd, planning had always been a little difficult for him. Ken had kept an organized binder of all their costs and options for everything.
•They originally planned to have it in the empty barn at the Clevens. They lived less than a half mile from them and it wouldn't cost them anything for the venue.
•But Grandma Lemmons got involved when she came to visit. With Grandma Lemmons nothing is allowed to be lowkey. She's a high society woman who dresses in all black all the time and has wore the same pearls for the last fifty years. Some people think she may have killed her husband...
•She finds the best vineyard in the Cheyenne area, she makes them pick a distinct color theme. They go with a light, muted blue and green, as their main theme with white and navy undertones. It's only later on after John points it out. That their colors were their eye colors and yeah he thought that was cute. Curt rolls his eyes and shakes his head but he also thinks its adorable.
•They spend months, and I mean months harness training Cleo. Ken was admit that Cleo and Hum's should be in the wedding. John's the lucky one who gets to be the animal handler but he takes his job very seriously. There's also no such thing as a cat who didn't like John, specially one of his old barn kittens. Ken had asked if he could take her when they moved out. Since this litter of kittens was purely an accident, so they let him go right ahead.
•Brady insisted he make their outfits for the big day as well.
• "Anything you guys want, I'll make for you."
•Him and Ham actually catch a flight out from New York to get their measurements. Brady takes his work very seriously, there's a reason he has a very successful name and has designed for Zendaya before.
•Curt wears his dress uniform for the ceremony but Brady makes him a custom tux for the reception. Ken wears a long lace dress with 3/4's sleeves and a long lace veil. He's that bitch. At the reception he wears a white blazer with white slacks and a lace cropped tank under.
•Come the day of the wedding Ken and his wedding party (Rosie, Gale, Brady, and his grandma) were all at the hotel suit helping him get ready. Brady was more there as the unofficial stylist.
•Curt was back at home with John and Sawyer. (Brady also came by to play stylist for a bit.) John’s also in charge of the animals so he’s the one that gets to wrestle Cleo into her little dress Ken got her. Fortunately, he knew that Hums at least wouldn't fight on the costume. He was a good boy who just got mixed up in his moms wedding agenda.
•Sawyer is making a video diary of their day and every time he brings the camera remotely anywhere near Curt, he's turning into the groomzilla. He knows he's already legally married to Ken but he's finding himself spiraling on about it. He already was panicking about his mom being there, especially on the terms that it was at a vineyard. She promised him she's sober and she wouldn't have anything to drink. But he'd heard that one a million times before. Sawyer assures him he'll keep an eye on her.
•Right before the ceremony is about to start Ken is in the private room trying to calm himself down. Rosies dabbing his tears carefully so his eyeliner doesn't get messed up. Gales rubbing his back and coaxing him down, assuring him that Curt loves him and he's not going anywhere. Every once in awhile Ken gets himself worked up, sometimes triggered by a nightmare or in this case his wedding. He begins to think that everything around him is just some cruel trick by his ex and he begins to spiral.
•Luckily, they get him talked down and Johns near by with Hums and Cleo so they come to see him to calm his nerves.
•Commence the wedding! They had their ceremony outside on the vineyard patio on an early September day. The trees were changing colors, the heat cooling down. Leaving them with the perfect Saturday.
•John and Rosie were Curt and Ken's men of honor. Gale walked Ken down the aisle to 18 by One Direction, the two sharing a strong embrace once at the alter. Gale ordained and Hums brought the rings to them in a little basket.
•There's plenty of laughs in their vows, recounting of times of true love and their silliest memories. Most definitely how thankful they are for each other, they're each others rocks. They're everything to each other.
•Their sealing of the vows with their kiss is passionate. Curt's hands around Kens waist dipping him just the slightest so he doesn't lose balance. Everyone cheers for them, specially John who tries his hardest to whistle. He's not very successful. Rosies cowbell just has to do.
•Ken is easily wine drunk fast while they eat dinner, although the guys will notstop clinking their glasses with their silverware for them to kiss. Easily, he's also drunk off Curts lips. The familiar warm taste, combined with the red wine taste on his lips causing him to want to jump onto him right here. He knew they had big plans for later in the evening...
•Their first dance is to Sweet Creature by Harry Styles
•John is most certainly on the dance floor all night. Similar to his and Gales wedding. At one point he paid someone enough to give him a microphone and he sang Can't Help Falling in Love. Curt shook his head and Gale laughed, Ham for sure filmed him.
•They have a three tiered red velvet cake with cat and dog cake toppers.
"Kenny, red velvet is just chocolate with cocoa powder."
"Yeah but it's fancy that way, Curtie."
•He gave in even if It wasn't his first pick. He wasn't even sure what his first pick was aside from ice cream cake. Trust, Ken had already said no ice cream cake.
Brought to you by the brains of Military La La Land
Taglist: @austeenbootler @coastiewife465 @slowsweetlove @executethyself35
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛
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The clown that once ran @painted-piggy-ships-archive has now taken up residence here after feeling exhausted with my very first self ship blog. It served me well for almost three years (the blog itself turns 3 in February of 2023). Can you believe I only joined Tumblr in 2020?
Anywho, the name’s Gabriel/Corey/Clownie and I am mostly attracted to a vast selection of fictional villains, but my other consistent interests include the arts (particularly film and writing) and the horror genre. This blog will be a mix of self shipping content and personal ramblings. I don’t often post straight up ns//ft content but my sense of humor can be raunchy at times and the content I’m interested in often tends to be gory/violent if not also sexual in nature so viewer discretion is advised.
Current Pronouns: It/Its, Oink/Oinks, They/Them, He/Him, Hye/Hymn/Hymnself, Rot/Rots, Lamb/Lambs, Glow/Glows, Halo/Halos
Other Blogs: Horror Content - @phone-in-the-attic​ Film Reviews/etc - @cinephile-inc Batman Content - @the-jokers-husband​ Harry Potter Content (For people who hate JKR and aren’t terfs/bigots/etc only, of course) - @americannslytherinn​ FNAF AU blog - @wheretheresaway-theresawilliam​ Main/Dump - @offbeat-the-clownlord​ 18+ Blog - Ask for link if of age and interested ;0)​​
DNI: Terfs, bigots (racists, homophobes, etc), Joker/Harley shippers, proshippers, generally hateful people
F/o list below the cut (Short version) | See the complete version here!
Key: 💗 = Main | 💞 = Secondary | 💝 = Tertiary | 🏡 = Familial | 🌻 = Platonic | ✨ = Main Focus | 🔒 + bold = Not Comfortable Sharing
Structure: [f/o name] [source] | [relationship status or type] [marriage or engagement date if applicable] | [tag]
🔒✨ 💗 The Joker [DC Comics] | Married (12•04•21) | 🃏A Joker and His Ace🃏
💗 Wade Wilson/Deadpool [MARVEL Comics] | Married (07•12•22) | 💣Bulletproof Boys💣
🔒✨ 💗 Jack Torrance [The Shining] | Married (12•31•22) | 🪓Darling - Light of My Life🪓
🔒✨ 💗 Charles “Chucky” Lee Ray [Child’s Play franchise] | Married (03•19•20) | 🌈Foul-Mouthed Little Fucker🌈
✨ 💗 Betelgeuse [Beetlejuice] | Married (10•01•20) | 🪲Two Bugs in A Rug🪲 [🐞Two Bugs in A Rug🐞]
🔒✨ 💗 Severus Snape [Harry Potter Franchise] | Married (date n/a) | ⛅He Saw a Glow in The Darkness⛅
🔒💞 Michael Myers [Halloween franchise] | Dating | 🔪The Night He Came Home🎃
💞 Anton Chigurh [No Country For Old Men] | Dating | 🐮Sugar Bully🐮
💞 Dr. Otto Octavius [Spider-Man 2 (2004)] | Dating | 🐙6 Arms to Hold You Tight / Does That Make You an Insect???🐙
💞 The Metatron [Dogma] | Dating | 👁The Metatron🪶
🔒💝 Hannibal Lecter [NBC’s Hannibal] | Dating | 🍽️Ella et Porcus🍽️
🔒💝 Sweeney Todd [Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street] | Married (08•19•21) | 💈I Will Learn to Love Again💈
💝 Dr. Frank-n-Furter [Rocky Horror Picture Show] | Dating | 👠Material Girl👠
💝 Ashley “Ash” Joanna Williams [Evil Dead franchise] | Dating | 🍂Good. Bad. He’s The Guy With My Heart.🍂
💝 Scott Pilgrim & Ramona Flowers [Scott Pilgrim series/franchise] | Dating | ❗Multiplayer❗
💝 John Kramer [Saw franchise] | Married (08•17•23) | 🧩The Missing Pieces🧩
🔒 🏡 Pamela Voorhees [Friday the 13th] | Adoptive Mother | 🧸Mama Voorhees🧸
🔒 🏡 Jason Voorhees [Friday the 13th] | Adoptive Brother | 🧸Jason🧸
🏡 Morticia Addams [The Addams Family] | Adoptive Mother | 🥀Black Is Such a Happy Colour🥀
🏡 Gomez Addams [The Addams Family] | Adoptive Father | 🤺Either Way What Bliss🤺
🏡 Wednesday Addams [The Addams Family] | Adoptive Sister | ☠️Poison Sister☠️
🏡 Pugsley Addams [The Addams Family] | Adoptive Brother | 🧨Explosive Brother🧨
🏡 Fester Addams [The Addams Family] | Adoptive Uncle | 💡Uncle Fester💡
🏡 Addams “catch-all” tag: 🕷️*Snap Snap!*🕷️
🏡 The Sawyer Brothers [The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Pt. 1 & 2] | Cousins | 🍖Sawyer Family Shenanigans🍖
🏡 Glen & Glenda Ray/G.G. [Child’s Play franchise] | Step-kids/kid | 🎸Rebel & Rhinestone🎀
🏡 J. Jonah Jameson [Raimiverse Spider-Man] | Uncle | 🗞️
🏡 Fairy Godmother [Shrek] | Adoptive Mother | 🔮Just a MA! Away🔮
🏡 Prince Charming [Shrek] | Adoptive Brother | 👑Charming Siblings👑
🏡 Lydia Deetz [Beetlejuice] | Step-sister | ☔My Whole Life Is One Big Dark Room☔
🏡 Harry James Potter [Harry Potter Franchise] | Adoptive Son | ⚡👓
🌻 Tiffany Ray-Valentine [Child’s Play franchise] | 👰Living Dead Girl👰
🌻 Barbra & Adam Maitland [Beetlejuice] | 🌻👻 [🌻]
🌻 Peter Parker [MCU & Raimiverse] | 🕸️Spiderboy🕸️
🌻 Nellie Lovett [Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street] | 🥧Try It! (You Might Like It)🥧
🌻 Jay & Silent Bob [View Askewniverse] | 🧢The One That Talks (Jay)🧢/🧢Cute Motherfucker🧢
🌻 Dante Hicks [Clerks Trilogy/View Askewniverse] | 🏒What Are You Looking At Ya Hockey Puck (Dante)🏒
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birdstooth · 1 year
Inspired by/Based on Fics
(sorted alphabetically by author)
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SERIES - Be Thee Wolf or Sheep
Masterlist - All shall love me and despair!
SERIES - The Second Mrs. Rogers
Chap 2 - Anything you can do...
Chap 3 - This is Spartaaaa!
Chap 4 - Commit to the Bit
Chap 5 - You got the stuff?
Chap 6 - Dances with butlers
Chap 7 - coming soon!
Chap 8 - HMS Peggy
Chap 9 - coming soon!
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SERIES - The Grey Man AU
Stop All the Clocks - we found kittens!! (Lloyd, Six)
Late Night Discussions - St. Courtney patron saint of trolls 🙏 (Lloyd, Six)
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SERIES - Campus AU
Quick Study - Wolfish + pt 2 + pt 3 (Bucky)
SERIES - Hopelessly Devoted
Chap 1 - Rachel but she's Malibu Barbie/a nice Regina George 
Chap 2 - Andy but he’s a Pomeranian 
SERIES - Hue and Cry
Masterlist - READ IT
Chap 1 - advanced psychological warfare (Bucky)
Chap 9 - kill each other!! (Bucky and Steve) + Heraldry + Medal ceremony
don't look!! (Steve, Bucky)
SERIES - Resistance
Pt 3 - The Triumvirate (Steve/Tony/Bucky) + NEW crew member lmao
SERIES - Unexpected
Animal Crossing Crossdressing
SERIES - Unsolicited
Chap 26 - Humpty Dumpty Allegory? (Lloyd but he’s an egg)
Chap 30 - I’M GONNA BOP YOU feral dog.gif
SERIES - Who's the Boss
Suzanne, defender of interns (kind of)
Bonnie and Clyde CLloyd
Who's the (Cake) Boss
Elle Woods aesthetic
Gotta love Craigslist 
Chap 1 - Americano for GABRIELLE
Chap 17 - spiritual heaven equivalent of your choice ft. bunnies
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To Let You Win - Bucky with “training weapons”
Saturday Mornings - marginally related doodle (Bucky)
A Date - dates are the #1 cause of 70% of global warming (Borky)
Warrior/Worrier - Hallmark's top sellers
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SERIES - All or Nothing 
This story hasn’t been written yet but we’ve already chosen sides lol
Definitely not the plot but also maybe bc anything is possible
SERIES - Closer to Heaven and Closer to You
Pt 3 - How Bucky gets his robo arm
Pt 5 - BUNNY & CLYDE + coloured version
Pt. 7 - everything everywhere all at once
SERIES - Stained Like Georgia Clay 
Masterlist - THE MOVIE POSTER (Mr. Peanut, Bumblebezo$, Loretta, Hal)
Chap 5 - Loretta but she's Tom Sawyer (Loretta, Hal, various sheep)
Chap 11 - Loretta gets ONE (1) bacon + alternate scene (Bumblebezo$, Loretta, Hal)
Chap 14 - Captain Wayton Toe & First Mate Loretta 🏴‍☠️ (REDACTED for spoilers, Loretta)
Jan 2023 Masterlist - just a St. Bernard sleeping :)
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SERIES - A History of Touch
Midnight City - RIP caterpie (Steve)
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My Pearl - Jewlery heist (Ari, ft. special guest Princess ARIEL)
female character x reader
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SERIES - Secret Sierra
Chap 10 - "my two dads"
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The Truth Will Set You Free - dress rehearsal (Nick Fowler, Max Burnett)
Follow You Home - you forgot your Rose! (Bucky x reader)
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SERIES - The Lion's Mouth
Chap XV - Right now, right now? (Peter Parker) + Idiot Sandwich (Suzanne and Lloyd)
Chap XVI - Poor Suzanne lol (Suzanne and Lloyd)
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His One Weakness - Lloyd vs a spider 
SERIES - Memory Served
What's in a name?
Part 1 - Ransom vs doggos
Part 4 - surprise cameo
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SERIES - F1 Series
Oversteer (Bucky x trainer!reader)
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Best Friend! Bucky x Avenger! Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Avenger!Reader x Bucky Barnes
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SERIES - Your Hands Have Made Some Good Mistakes
Chap 25 - Steve eats a yucky appetizer :(
Epilogue - she wants to order (Bucky)
Barbed Wire & Bare Hands (blurb) - No Steeb, only us!!
SERIES - Northbound & Reaching
Spring Chicken (blurb) - good job buddy!!
SERIES - After You, Hell Should Be Easy
Chap 1 - surveillance time lapse (Winter Soldier)
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
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randomly-a-fan · 1 year
On the Red-Dirt Road Finale
Pt. 1  
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Before, Chop Top whacked MJ in the head to knock her out. While MJ was knocked out, she remembered the things that Pennywise translated out for Jason by accident. ‘Does he really think I’m immature? how does he put up to my actions and reactions?’. MJ was tearing up during her unconsciousness. She didn’t think that Jason would dare to come rescue her; since she’s been disobeying her husband’s request, why would he bother? he could be a free man, the kind that can do his bidding.
In the darkness of her unconsciousness, she heard a loud ringing. “DINNER TIME.” Drayton shouted, as he was ringing the bell. MJ woke up feeling all wet and sweaty; perhaps from the aftershock after getting whacked in the head. “Yer goin’ to love Grand-dad, he’s a one-hitter when it comes to hammerin’ down victims.” Drayton explains. He was expecting a scream or a squeal, however, she was quiet. “What’s the matter, aren’t yeh excited for dinner? I know I am, and grandpa too... which reminds me *to his brothers* HURRY UP YOU SLOW-POKES, IT’S DINNER TIME.” Drayton shouted to his brothers.
MJ didn’t move a muscle the whole time, even if Chop Top tries to scare the crap out of her, she wouldn’t flinch. “The bitch is in a depressed state; she thought she can be a hero and save her daughter, but instead, she went down to her fate.” Drayton explained with a chuckle. Bubba stares sadly at MJ, before he walked over to her to wipe away the tears that’s been staining her cheeks. “Good call, Grandpa hated salty brew.” Drayton said.
After MJ’s face was cleaned, Bubba carried MJ all the way to the washtub next to grandpa, where grandpa does a one-hitter, only, he keeps dropping the hammer multiple times. If MJ had the moment to make the mock, she’d say: 'He’s a one-hitter alright, he really hits the floor to its death.' But she’s just accepting her fate. When grandpa got the aim, she was knocked out again.
The Sawyers were going to do more to her, until they noticed that the ceiling is falling apart, and that they’ve all heard a weird noise. The noise was coming from the large pipe. Jason jumped out, making a threatening chi chi and ah ah. Even though Drayton have met Jason before, he couldn’t recognize him under his Hockey Mask. “What’s the big idea! What business do you have?” Drayton shouted at the intruder. Jason first removed his hockey mask then puts it back on. “Ah, Jason is it, what’cha doin’ wearing a hockey mask?” Drayton asked with a fake smile. Drayton was unaware that Chop Top was petrified; he knew that the hockey-masked guy was The Camp Blood Legend.
Jason saw from over Drayton’s shoulder, was his wife with her face in the washtub, then the old creepy man in a wheelchair with a hammer. Jason stared angrily at Drayton. “Oh uh, look... I tell you what sonny, I’ll give you some money, if you just spare us and be on your way.” Drayton said while holding out the money from his pocket. Jason doesn’t give a damn about money, he wanted his wife, alive, so he raised his machete and charged at the boys. Jason successfully stabbed Drayton in the behind, which will give him quite a shock. Drayton crawled under the table in fear. Chop Top gave grandpa the hammer before he cowers in fear. “Bubba, get’em down, he’s no match for you, get’em!” Chop Top yelled out at his little brother. Bubba didn’t want to move a muscle; he gave Jason the friendship bracelet a long time ago, does he really want to kill off his friend? 
While Bubba thinks, he remembers what Malon has told him, about making the choice for himself, and listen to his own heart. Jason shoved grandpa out of the way and caused the wheelchair to roll backwards. Jason cut the binds from MJ’s arms and tries to wake her up. MJ only groans as she’s trying to get out of her unconsciousness, so Jason lifted up his mask and gave her a kiss by the lips, to help her snap out of her unconsciousness. “...Jay?” MJ said groggily. Jason nodded while tearing up. As Jason hugged his wife tight, Chop Top was going to whack both Jason and MJ in the head, with a hammer that he has picked up when Grandpa fell. Bubba saw what his brother is going to do, so he gave his brother a good whack in the head with a lamp to give him a shock. Jason and MJ were shocked to what they’ve just witnessed. “Bubba! You saved our lives?” MJ asked in shock. Bubba nodded while whimpering; he hit his own brother, his own family, but he can’t stand to see his friends get killed, not when Malon will be missing them.
Without the Voorhees or Bubba knowing, Drayton took a grenade from the Nubbins corpse’s pocket and pulled the ring off of it. “Come with us, Bubba; you can relive a happy life, away from your traumatic events.” MJ offered. When Bubba was about to accept, he heard a faint noise from under the table. Bubba then noticed the grenade that Drayton was using, so Bubba squealed at the Voorhees to make them leave, while Bubba goes over to stop the grenade from hitting his friends, even if it means giving his own life for them.
Malon and Aquarius were waiting outside, while Pennywise lays on the sofa to settle his stomach. Then they both heard an explosion. “What was that!?” Malon asked in panic. Aquarius saw that the hideout was about to collapse, so she held Malon in her arms, to prevent her from looking out the bus window. “Is mom and dad back yet?” Malon asked with worry. “Penny, can you sense anything?” Aquarius asked with hope. “I don’t know, I’m still recovering from my tummy ache.” Pennywise answered. Malon didn’t care if Aquarius didn’t want Malon to see, she squirmed out of her grasp and rushed outside. “MOM... DAD...” Malon called out. 
Aquarius rushed out to Malon’s side. “Malon... You’re a big girl now, and I believe it’s time for you to face the music... I don’t think your parents made it out.” Aquarius said sadly. Malon looked up with tears. “NO, my dad is alive, and he’s keeping mommy alive too, I just know it... I can feel it!” Malon said with angry tears in her eyes.
After a few minutes, and the dust is settling, they’ve noticed a large figure coming towards them; Jason was carrying his wife bridal-style out of the dust. “They’re alive, thank God!” Aquarius praised. “MOM... DAD.” Malon shouted out before running towards them with happy tears. Jason puts MJ on the ground so they can both give Malon a heartwarming hug. “Look at us, we’re together again... As a family.” MJ said while tearing up. Then something came to Malon’s mind. “Where’s Bubba?” Malon asked in concern. “I wanted to thank him, and take him home with us.” Malon said. Jason and MJ stared sadly at each other before staring back at Malon. “Sweetie, Bubba risked his life for us, he went down with his brothers; it’s all he ever wanted.” MJ explained sadly. Malon’s mouth was wide open after hearing that. “You mean he’s... No... No... NO...” Malon collapsed down with tears running down her eyes. “That’s not fair, Bubba did not deserve this!” Malon bawled. Jason hated to see Malon crying so hard, but he had to get Malon and MJ onto the bus, so he waved at Aquarius to walk Malon into the bus, while Jason carries his wife into his arms again.
Once Pennywise was driving, Aquarius took a look at MJ’s injured foot. “I think it’s cute when Bubba tries to fix it with a ‘Hello Kitty’ band-aid, however, it won’t help with the possible infection. When we get back home, we’ll make a stop at my cousin’s place; she performs tetanus shots and other vaccinations. But for now, we have to clean it up and patch it up.” Aquarius said while fixing MJ’s foot.
While Aquarius was cleaning MJ’s foot, MJ and Jason were looking at Malon in the back of the bus. Malon was still upset for what Bubba has put himself into. Jason wanted to join Malon by laying down next to her. He was going to wrap his arm around her, but he assumes that Malon was not in the mood to be cuddled. Until he felt Malon snuggling against him, and wrapped her arm around her dad. Jason also saw Malon tearing up, and is rubbing her face against his side, so Jason patted her head and gave her multiple kisses.
After Pennywise drove past the border, Aquarius insisted that they stop at the diner for breakfast. However, Malon didn’t want to eat; she was too much in destress to eat. But MJ and Jason didn’t want Malon to not eat, so they both decided to stay with Malon for a few minutes. “You two go ahead, we’ll come in eventually.” MJ said. 
So, once the Grays went in, MJ and Jason sat next to Malon to talk to her. “Sweetheart, we understand that you’re sad over Bubba, but you have to understand that he gave his life for us.” MJ explained. “But why doesn’t Bubba want to come with us? We could have given him a happy life, away from his abusive brothers.” Malon asked with confusion. “He didn’t come with us, because he didn’t want to leave his brothers; they’re his family.” MJ answered. “Even though they’ve been mean to him? Siblings should never be mean to their siblings.” Malon said. 
MJ paused as she tries to think of a response. When she looked over at her husband, something came up. “Let me ask you this Malon, remember when your grandparents came over for a visit, and that they’ve been mean to daddy?” MJ asked. Malon nodded. “Well, mainly grandpa, but yeah.” Malon added. “Well, if my parents offered to take you home with them, would you go? I mean, my dad knew that your dad is a serial-killer.” MJ asked. “Of course not, I love you and dad very much! I know dad kills trespassers, but that’s only because he’s protecting us from harm.” Malon explained. “There you go; even though Bubba was bullied by his brothers, it doesn’t mean he wants to leave them.” MJ explained. 
Malon nodded slowly after hearing the facts. “It doesn’t help to state the fact that he’s now dead...” Malon said. “But I’m assuming that he’s happy in heaven, and he would want me to be happy too... Though, is it alright for me to be sad?” Malon asked. “Of course.” MJ answered while giving her daughter a hug. Jason smiled at his girls for sharing a bond, until his wife pulled his arm to join in the hug. Once the conversation is settled, the Voorhees went into the diner for a hearty-breakfast. 
However, for what Malon has witnessed at the hideout, she didn’t want to eat any meat, so she asked the waitress to hold any meat products; such as sausages, ham, and bacon. “Malon, you love bacon, what’s wrong?” MJ asked. “Clearly for what your kid has been through, she doesn’t want to eat any meat that came from a living creature. So, she chose to live her life as a vegetarian.” Pennywise explained for Malon. “No one was asking you Penny.” Aquarius informed. “Sweetie, being a vegetarian is a big decision; it can be life changing if your body wasn’t used to having protein.” MJ explained. Malon didn’t respond to that; her traumatic event caused her to not have anything to do with murder. 
Jason understands what she’s thinking, if he were in Malon’s shoes, he wouldn’t want to eat meat either, thank goodness for him, he can still eat steak. Jason isn’t too worried; Malon is still young, so she might change her mind about wanting to be a vegetarian... He hopes.
Back in Texas, the construction workers were taking care of the demolition of The Texas Battle Land. When one of the crew workers was eating his sandwich, he heard someone approaching from behind. When the man turned around, he saw a large man in a leather mask. As the man screamed in terror, Bubba chopped him up with a chainsaw. Once the man is dead, he swung his chainsaw around in the air on the road by the abandoned amusement park.
The End???  
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wub-fur-radio · 1 year
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I Am Not a Robot ✅    
 … a diverse and engaging mix that showcases some of the best music in the psychedelic, garage, punk, and indie rock genres. Tune in, turn up the volume, and enjoy the ride. – ChatGPT
We’ve all checked the box — dozens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of times — but how often have we stopped to think about how it makes the robots feel? Wub-Fur presents an eclectic, electric, organic, and cybernetic mix of new psychedelic, garage, punk, and indie rock tunes for the enjoyment of all peoples - meat and metal. Featuring contributions from Frankie and the Witch Fingers, R. Ring, Purling Hiss, Carlton Melton, Dead Sea Apes, and 13 other bands who (as far as we know) are not robots.
Cover art generated by the Stable Diffusion AI via Night Cafe.
▶︎🎶 Play on  Mixcloud –or– YouTube (or scroll down to use an embedded player below)
Running Time: 1 hour, 29 minutes, 55 seconds
Intro (0:21) — Ryan Sawyer, Andres Renteria, & John Dwyer | Los Angeles, CA
Chalice (5:53) — Frankie and the Witch Fingers | Los Angeles, CA †
Gotten Lazy (2:43) — Francie Moon | Montague Twp, NJ †
Hangers On (2:01) — Dan Sartain | Birmingham, AL
Disorder (2:23) — Bikini Beach | Konstanz, Germany
Dust Devil (5:26) — Jack Harlon & the Dead Crows | Melbourne, Australia
Panic (3:38) — Obscure Animals | Austin, TX †
Still Life (2:17) — R. Ring | Dayton, OH
If the Wheels Are Coming Off, the Wheels Are Coming Off (4:14) — Ulrika Spacek | London, UK
When the End Is Over (4:44) — Purling Hiss | Philadelphia, PA
Rock & Roll Atom Bomb (3:12) — Plastic Bubble | Lexington, KY †
Grey on Grey (5:07) — Winged Wheel | Detroit, MI †
You Don't Have to Think (5:18) — Missing Jack & the Kameleons | Toulouse, France
Time and Space and Pyramids (5:37) — Liquid Sound Company + Herd of Instinct | Arlington, TX
The Beauty of Infinite Sand, Pts. 1 & 2 (16:06) — Planet Harakiri | Hungary
Chop Shop (7:23) — Carlton Melton | San Francisco, CA †
Parasite Rex (6:04) — Dead Sea Apes | Manchester, UK
Tae the Moon (7:26) — Helicon | Glasgow, UK
All tracks released in 2023, except those marked (†) which were released in 2022.
✊🏻 Wub-Fur Internet Radio Supports Bandcamp United ✊🏻
🤖 🚫 🤖 🚫 🤖 🚫 🤖 🚫 🤖 🚫 🤖 🚫 🤖 🚫 🤖
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If you’re not seeing an embedded player it’s probably because you’re reading this on Tumblr, in which case you can click here to open this post directly on the Wub-Blog.
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misdre · 7 months
i was tagged by both @syfien and @niziye for this meme (thank you!!) and, well, you may or may not have seen that i've done it a few times already before, but, HERE IT IS AGAIN! just because i can!
3 ships instead of just saying rei/max and gianni/oli again let me share this unhinged ship thing that haunts me that i have a feeling some people will lowkey want to murder me for: so i've been watching lost since last summer and. you know the jack & kate & sawyer thing going on there? i'm not even sure myself what their thing exactly is because this show is fucking weird but kind of an OT3 of the good guy & the girl & the bad boy? where she has like simultaneously kind of a cutesy-dramatic thing with jack and some kind of lustful tsundere yet surprisingly wholesome thing with sawyer? well i'm plagued by the thought of a takao/hiromi/kai with the same dynamics. you're welcome
first ever ship i don't really remember what i've already said on this before other than digimon ships but i'm thinking sailor moon and the stars season really got me on the seiya/usagi train at some point, even though. in hindsight. it just makes you feel bad for mamoru. but i was like 12 years old and didn't like mamo
last song "sadness - pt. 1 / radio edit" by enigma -- i'm listening to a "most popular song each month since january 1980" playlist gfgjdfjgf don't even ask me what month this is, i have no idea
last movie split
currently reading "hell house" by richard matheson, and maybe "if it bleeds" by stephen king. maybe because sometimes i just kind of start an audiobook to try out if i feel like listening to it and haven't yet decided if i'll stick to this, i'm not huge on king actually.
currently watching aforementioned lost but very irregularly. the same finnish things as last time i answered this. i also watch a lot of youtube every day but nothing yet today
currently consuming coffee. decaf because it's 5:30pm here
currently craving was craving for some gotdamn peace and quiet all day but now i'm at home and wearing woollen socks so everything's good again.
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Chapter Twelve: Oily Night Pt. 3
“What’s wrong Face Fur? You said you wanted hot, so now I’m HOT! Am I not hot enough for you?!” Envy growled out as they held Freddy’s face close to the disgusting mess that was Sawyer Carpenter’s face for a brief moment.
 “I’M SORRY FOR SAYING I WANTED YOU TO USE A HOTTER DISGUISE!! NOW GET OFF ME!!” Freddy wailed, freaking out at the state Envy is in and being clung by the ever changing flesh bundled.
 “Awwww, but we were having so much ‘fun’ with this interaction Face Fur.” Envy made a weird sort of hissing-purring-like sound as they slinked off of Freddy like an octopus that had escaped its containment.
 “Okay Envy, I think you had a bit too much of the tequila there…how about we get you on the couch and sleep it off…” Dolly forced a smile as she tried to remain calm during this situation.
 “Nah, I’m going to latch myself to the ceiling.” Envy said as they grew eight sickle like limbs and promptly climbed up the wall.
 “Envy, get down from the ceiling, you’ll hurt yourself and you’re making holes in it.” Dolly said as she watched Envy perched themself on the ceiling like a fleshy cocoon.
 “I’ll get the broom.” Hughes was not amused with the developing situation.
 “Do it Hughes, do it!” Freddy encouraged, the thoughts of Envy being batted with a broom brought up feelings of catharsis. 
 “Oh why am I not surprised that the ungrateful brat is encouraging the one month old in misbehaving? I’ve been nothing but kind to you both and this is how you repay me?” Envy chided from the ceiling in a mocking fashion.
 “What the hell do I have to be grateful for!? Be grateful for the highly illegal doctor’s appointment with a child doctor!? Oh wait, was I supposed to be grateful for the destruction of Gherkin!? Could it be that I should be ever so grateful that I have a horrible monster for a roommate that torments me at every single moment of my life? OH HOW COULD I BE SO UNGRATEFUL FOR SUCH AN ENRICHING EXPERIENCE, ENVY!” Freddy finally exploded on Envy for all the grievances they caused thanks to the liquid courage consumed. 
 The entire apartment went silent for a moment as if to process everything that had been said by Freddy when Envy retracted their sickle limbs and landed onto Freddy in a screaming rage fit. To hell with Dante’s plans, Freddy had to die and it would be the most satisfying for Envy to enjoy after the shit day they had. Hughes and Dolly went to try to separate the two drunken morons as Dorian watched in pure awe of the moment. It was hard to grip Envy, mainly because their body was very much like a balloon filled with chunky chowder with a mind of their own. Freddy didn’t hold back on Envy as he finally started punching the blob right back in retaliation. Envy still couldn’t find the urge once more to kill as they got punched repetitively by Freddy. Instead, Envy went for whipping their little pseudopods at Freddy, leaving horrible red marks on Freddy’s arms. The fighting continued before Envy suddenly went limp and passed out on the floor, the tequila finally kicking in to send Envy into sleep.
 “Fuck…is Envy dead?” Hughes asked as he got Freddy onto the chair to sit out after the brawl he got into.
 “No..there’s like a bubbling thing going on with their body, so I think that’s Envy breathing.” Dolly said, looking at the bubble-like ripples on the flesh mound of Envy.
 “There’s no fucking way Envy is staying here…” Freddy was done messing around with Envy and the bullshit they’ve pulled just now.
 “Okay I’ll just bring Envy over to Lust and Gluttony to take care of them then..” Dolly went to try and haul the Envy puddle out of the room.
 “No, have them be placed in the toilet and flushed down.” Freddy growled as he pointed to the bathroom.
 “Freddy we are not flushing Envy down the toilet! They’re drunk and formless right now!” Dolly argued, not thrilled with where it’s going.
 “But Dolly, Envy would nicely fit in the sewer system and the rats would be given a good meal for once.” Freddy sneered as he glared at Envy from the chair. “Come on Freddy, just calm down. It’s not worth it to stoop to Envy’s level right now. For now, I need to check you over for injuries.” Hughes calmly said as he looked over the lacerations on Freddy’s arms.
 “Okay, Hughes, please take care of Freddy. I’ll be back shortly after dropping Envy off at Lust and Gluttony’s room to sleep off the tequila.” Dolly tried to move Envy, but found that Envy had latched themself to the floor having woken up.
 “No..I’m staying..” Envy protested as they clung to the floorboard. 
 “Envy, you did a scary thing with your body and harmed Freddy. You need to stay the night with Lust and Gluttony until you’ve both sobered up.” Dolly attempted to reason, Freddy back on guard and ready to flush Envy down the toilet.
 “No, not unless you stay there too.” Envy was clearly ready to die on this particular hill as Dolly gave Envy a very weirded out look at the deal. “Envy, you’re going to have to be reasonable here, I need to make sure that Freddy..” Dolly paused as she got cut off by an angry Freddy who was very much done with everything. “Just go with them Dolly, if it means that they leave, just go and stay there.” Freddy said, his angered eyes focused right on the blob known as Envy.
 “Freddy, are you sure, you got pretty badly hurt there..” Dolly looked at Freddy with worry at the moment. “Yes I'm sure, just take that asshole, I don’t want to see them right now.” Freddy huffed as he finally turned his head around to stop looking at Envy.
 “Alright, I’ll see you later tomorrow then.” Dolly conceded as Envy let go of the floorboard, having gotten what they wanted.
 Envy clung to Dolly like an octopus when she teleported them next door. Freddy relaxed and slumped down a bit on the couch now that Envy was gone. For Freddy, this was a welcomed reprieve from the torments of a deranged homunculus that hated him for no real reason. It didn’t help the situation now that Envy has now caused him physical harm. There really was no going back for Envy in Freddy’s eyes and he was certain to have them switched out for Hughes instead. The sting of the disinfectant caused Freddy to wince as Hughes applied first aid to his wounds. It was going to be a long and painful night for Freddy after the tequila incident, likely to never drink it again afterwards. Meanwhile, next door, Lust and Gluttony were getting ready to run out to do a late night job at some library when Dolly came out of nowhere with a maniacally laughing blob of flesh. It took only a matter of seconds for Lust’s expression to go from startled, annoyed, and finally confused at the horrific thing Dolly was carrying over to the couch.
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