alethianightsong · 6 months
This is just my interpretation so here goes:
"Punk" as a suffix is inherently about anti-establishment. Therefore:
Cyberpunk -> Mega-corporations control the media and hoard resources and anyone not consuming mindlessly is a threat
Desertpunk -> Water is hoarded by either petty warlords or mega-corporations and the hero is often someone fighting or existing outside the system. Mad Max comes to mind but Tank Girl also. Basically, any setting where drinking water is treated as crude oil and all the conflict that entails.
Oceanpunk -> Not quite the opposite of Desertpunk. Instead of arid deserts, it's vast swathes of ocean with little islands (floating or stationary). An authoritarian regime controls or wishes to control the waters and its inhabitants. Land can be a resource or ancient technology from the "old world" can drive the conflict. One Piece, Waterworld, Flapjack, any setting where boats are used frequently as transportation and the setting. I wanna see more submarines in this genre.
Scavengepunk -> The oil's been used up and global war has rendered progress & production stagnant. People scavenge junk to meet their needs but this junk is very much a finite resource. The regime either hoards what they scavenge or forbid the scavenging of certain goods, fearing it could upset the power balance. People who can actually manufacture or invent new tech might be persecuted cuz being able to build your own stuff instead of scavenging just disrupts the status quo. These types of stories usually have 1 of 2 MacGuffins: the main hero restarts some dangerous old-world tech or invents something powerful. Mortal Engines is technically scavengepunk and steampunk combined.
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dpargyle · 9 months
Tumblr media
'tiny lancer'
Pexels Imagery (Edited & Transformed): cottonbro studio // Fatih Doğrul // Janella Mendoza // Valeriia Harbuz // Tirachard Kumtanom
(Sketchbook Pro, Canva, PhotoMosh, & beFunky Photo Editor)
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trauma-express · 3 years
Grace could've been a runaway in a Earth AU or maybe there was a war/apocalypse, the Apex already dressed like that at least.
I guess it’s plausible she would have run away in an earth au. As for war/apocalypse, that’s a whole other type of situation for an au tbh.
Sidenote it is so funny to me the Apex dressed like that, they did not have to, they live in a mall and really could have worn normal clothes but they went scavengepunk instead sddsfsdds
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alethianightsong · 6 months
Why it's called "Mortal Engines"
You know how the Snowpiercer has a perpetual motion machine powering its engine? The engines of the traction cities don't have that, so they must constantly burn something to fuel themselves, making them 'mortal engines.' To summarize, earth's crust is rendered unstable due to earthquakes brought on by war, so cities are put on wheels cuz that's cheaper than constantly rebuilding after weekly earthquakes(?). Roll with it. Thousands of years into the future, the earth's crust has stabilized but big cities still consume smaller cities for their resources in a process known as "municipal Darwinism" which was supposed to be a temporary solution but humans are stubborn and the traditionalists refuse to go back to stationary cities. The result is that the UK and Europe are treeless wastelands of churned dirt, the forests ran over and consumed by centuries of moving cities.
Spoilers beyond this point:
The last few pages of Book 4 are dedicated to Shrike's pov where he sits guard and watches Tom & Hester's bodies decay. When he awakes, a forest has grown around him, the first forest in millennia. None of our characters save Shrike get to live long enough to see this forest and while it is sad, it's beautiful and sweet and fitting.
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trauma-express · 3 years
Maybe Grace or Simon saw Mad Max several times as a kid before getting stuck on the train?
I mean I question letting kids under 10 watching an R-rated film but maybe heir parents did not care or realize... But they could have.
If you’re suggesting the Apex scavengepunk look was inspired by it then maybe! I could def see the kids emulating apocalypse movies in their new freedom
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