#search engine submission list
hminnovancellp1 · 6 months
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guest-blog-insider · 2 years
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Link Building Services
Any web project's use of relevant information has long been a key concern. Top-rated and most-searched websites frequently use news posts, written pieces, captures interviews, media releases, reviews and analytics, debates and discussions to attract new users.
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Sorry if this has been asked before, but what's your process for selecting songs to create polls for? I have an extremely wide music interest range, but I feel like even I would have massive blindspots for a lot of stuff, just because of the sheer amount of music that's available, difficulties with search engines, and the user-reinforcing nature of algorithms on most sites.
So far, I'm extremely impressed. One particularly-niche artist I love has appeared on here before, which absolutely made my day. If there's a random-selection tool you're using, perhaps selecting from a massive, community-built database of song listings, then I'd be very interested in knowing about it. If not, then once again I'm really impressed by the range you've been finding so far, just based on genres alone.
Hope you're having a great one!
asfkjfdhr i just really love music? :'D it's my autistic trait, I think.
I have siblings who are up to 20 years older than me so I grew up with their music as well as my parents' music while the other kids my age had never listened to that stuff but i made them, i got to listen to music from "the other side of the world" through foreign family members, I was pretty much glued to MTV, and Eurovision can be quite a good source as well. And then there's the movie soundtracks....!!!! and there were a few anime years as well with all that music, too. It all have been a great way to expand the interest range without even being aware of it, i think? There have been some fantastic new discoveries to me amongst the submitted songs but i've also been lazy and chosen submissions that's already been in my mp3 collection. I am slow with working my way through the submitted songs but there's gonna be more of them, I promise!
idk i just thought this whole music hoarding thing was normal when growing up and then I realized it wasn't and I guess I've finally found a use for it now lmao 😂
The process of picking songs pretty much goes like "I love this one! And this! I don't love this but it's cool and different so in it goes! But I love this! And this! And thi- no wait that is too similar, I'll hold it for a while. And this! Oh and a submitted one! And this!"
That said there's only one song i've actively searched out and it was by googling "2024 number one" for something brand new from this year.
Which artist of yours was it that was posted? :D
Thank you so much, and I hope you have a great day too!! 💖💖💖
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I was wondering if you could explain how the Matrix actually... works? Is it more like a Time Lord artificial afterlife, or just a collection of knowledge? Do you ask your dead housekeeper for her cookie recipe, or do you just access it like Google?
What is the Matrix?
Think about Wikipedia.
Now, imagine if Wikipedia had detailed profile pages of every single member of the human race that had lived since its inception in 2001 (around 7.5~ billion individual, heavily detailed profiles).
Then, imagine each profile page had a little downloadable file that was that person's consciousness.
Next, think about how every person's knowledge gained in their life is spread throughout that Wikipedia on every single subject.
Now, think, 'What if Wikipedia had a plugin that could tell you future events based on all the information it has from all these people's experiences?'
Finally, put all this into a cool little weird video game that uses virtual reality.
If you can imagine that, you're pretty close.
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Functions of the Matrix
Knowledge Repository: The Matrix acts as an archive, containing the lived histories and profiles of every Time Lord that's lived, and all the knowledge they gained in their life.
Quick Updates: Living Time Lords are biologically connected to the Matrix, able to access the information at will (except if you've been a bad Time Lord, of course). When they die the Matrix automatically creates their profile page when they die, so their entire life goes to the Time Lord Wiki for the benefit of all.
Simulated Reality: If entered, the environment is a simulated reality where the personalities of deceased Time Lords can continue to exist. This can make it seem like a kind of artificial afterlife where you could potentially interact with past or future incarnations of Time Lords.
Predictive Tool: The Matrix generates prophecies and foresees potential futures, guiding Time Lords in making informed decisions about potential timelines.
Physical and Astral Projection: Time Lords can also use the Matrix to project their images across spacetime or within the confines of a TARDIS, communicating across vast distances or even between different temporal phases. Isn't that handy?
Security and Integrity
Despite its advanced capabilities, the Matrix isn't infallible. It can be tampered with, and its data can be manipulated or stolen, which is considered a helluva crime on Gallifrey. The Matrix also uses various safeguards, like Cloister Wraiths and living fibre optic cables that act like firewalls to protect its most critical data.
Access and Interaction
Access to the Matrix varies; it can be through physical terminals, via direct neural connections, or by using artefacts. Once inside, users can navigate a realm where physical laws are malleable and where their thoughts can shape reality because anything is possible.
In practical terms, if you're deadset on finding that cookie recipe, the Matrix could definitely provide access to that knowledge, either by allowing you to interact with the housekeeper's stored personality or by just retrieving the information like a search engine. Alternatively, you could shirk your holiday in Disneyland and jump right into the Matrix to spend a day being attacked by virtual blancmanges and Victoria sponges until you find what you need.
Hope that helped! 😃
→🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (WIP) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP)
》📫Got a question / submission? 》😆Jokes |🫀Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts 》📚Complete list of Q+A 》📜Masterpost If you like what GIL does, please consider buying a coffee or tipping below to help make future projects, including complete biology and language guides.
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Hello! I hope you had a great day! I love this blog :)
I do have a question pertaining to the masterlists (or overall how this account works): Are the fics on them just recommendations, or are they an attempt to collect & list all the pertaining fics/authors?
I ask this as an author myself who has fics that I know would work for several of the lists I’ve seen (& have writer friends who I know have written fics that could also fit under some of the lists) & I’m just curious how they get chosen. Is it only from authors who help run/support the page, or only from authors who have given permission for their fics to be posted/listed on this account, or just the top hits, or are they added from suggestions, etc?
This is a genuine question, I’m not trying to sound snarky or complain that my fics have never made it on one of the lists- I’m simply just asking out of curiosity. :) Again, I love this page & greatly appreciate all the time and effort that goes into it! Thank you! <3
Hello Anon!
Thank you for this question!
Masterlists are attempts to capture every fic in the fandom that fit that topic. Most of this blog is currently fics I have read, fics from authors of who I have read, or found via searching for a masterlist that was asked for. I'm slowly but surely making my way through all works of each author on the "Library of Authors" and tagging each of those to put on future masterlists. Then I'll tackle the "Additional Authors" list as well! this is just rather timeconsuming
I have two lists going for authors: Library of Authors and Additional Authors. If you are not there or if you know of an author who is not on either list, please use this Google Form in order to be added! That google form can also be used to highlight a work you really like! If you have a fic like that, please include what masterlists it may fit on (even if a masterlist hasn't been published yet like SingleParent!peeta or engineer!katniss)!
As for who runs this blog, it is ran only by me (@youreyesholdgalaxies) who is not a writer in the fandom (yet...whose to say what happens in a year or so).
Submissions are much appreciated for fics as noted above and is one way to be featured on the blog.
I'm glad you've enjoyed the blog and please never hesitate to ask any questions! I am more than happy to answer them. And please let this answer highlight how much I would be happy to include and grateful to have suggestions from the community!
Please let me know if you have any further questions, comments, or suggestions!
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punisheddonjuan · 3 months
So we're all familiar with the obvious SEO'd websites written by AI and engineered to appear at the top of any search result and just how fucking awful they are and how they're clogging the internet with garbage making it more difficult to find relevant information. I hate them. Well, all of them except for this one I came across recently, I can't remember how, but it's in the running as one of the most unintentionally hilarious websites of all time.
Ladies, gentlemen and those who identify as the secret third thing, may I introduce to you, Fluentslang.com.
Fluentslang is an attempt to do with ChatGPT what Urban Dictionary did with thousands of witty, funny, gross, and sometimes brilliant user submissions: provide a definition for slang and internet terms. Except Fluentslang does this poorly, extremely poorly. So let's take a look (underneath the read more).
Let's look at what fluentslang says about the internet acronym "kys":
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It even offers conversational examples:
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All of the articles on Fluentslang follow the same format, there's a definition, a conversational example, and then it suggests what this might mean coming from either a boy or from a girl!
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The whole site is like this, it's baffling. Okay let's do another one, how about their page for "Daddy":
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Don't we all strive for to have someone who calls us Daddy and we call Daddy in turn? Okay, how about something a little more niche and weird, let's go with "unbirth":
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I don't think that's what that means but okay. Let's try another one, this time "Boof":
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Helpfully it also offers conversational examples:
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I think I've seen all of those videos.
It's a little strange how many of the entries have this weird sort of "corporate therapy speak" sort of vibe to them. It's a little like a middle manager who took a course on CBT trying to be helpful in the most condescending way possible. The best example of this is the definition for "Netflix Bipolar":
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Oh but definitions aren't the only thing that Fluentslang does, it also does listicles! Let's look at the list for "Top 47 Slang for Fucking":
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I've only ever heard the term "diddle" when used as a euphemism for child molestation, which I guess is a form of fucking, albeit one that is non consensual and morally abhorrent but uh... yeah that's weird. What else is on here?
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I'm confident that no one has used this phrase since 1929.
Let's look at one more listicle, this time "Top 29 Slang For Straight Person", hands down the funniest article on the website:
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Okay this one is just hilarious the whole way through.
Alright that's enough. I got a laugh out of it, but seriously this is probably the least harmful AI generated fake SEO'd website out there. All sites like this are harmful by varying degrees, at their least harmful they're a hindrance to finding useful information, at the other end they're serving people faulty medical advice. Most are somewhere in the middle, simply giving bad information that is liable to ruin your day. Recently I was looking up whether WD40 would be safe for lubricating the tuning machines on my classical guitar, a vintage RamÍrez with a value of close to $3,000 CDN based on similar eBay listings (I bought it from my former teacher for much less than that amount). The first page that came up in my search suggested yes that would be fine, but I clocked it as AI generated almost immediately, and it took a bit more searching before I came across a forum post from fifteen years ago that definitively stated "no, WD40 will destroy the wood finish, use graphite". Thankfully I'm internet savvy, but if I wasn't I might've damaged an instrument I dearly love. These sites are cancer. I hate them.
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shinsources · 3 months
Visibility Features + Preventing Third-Parties Sharing Our Info.
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So I was in the process of making my new blog strictly for advertising my fanfics, original fiction, worldbuilding, and what have you. Now because of the recent events that came about with Tumblr being Stupidr and giving out everybody's shenanigans "to train AI models" as they claim, I wanted to go ahead and go out of my way to Enable it (something I strongly encourage literally everybody to do btw).
Hide <username> from people without an account. This blog will only be viewable to people that are logged into Tumblr and its submission form will only be available on mobile apps. Learn more.
Discourage external searching of <username>. External search engines like Google or Yahoo will be discouraged from indexing your blog and showing it in search results. It is ultimately up to them to honor your request. Learn more.
Exclude <username> from Tumblr Search. Your blog will be hidden from Tumblr search results, and the in-blog search function will be disabled for everyone, including you. Learn more.
Prevent third-party sharing for <username>. Prevent this blog's content—even in reblogs—from being shaerd with our licensed network of content and research partners, including those that train AI models. Learn more.
Three of the four things listed above are, in my opinion, strictly optional (for the most part) whereas one of them is obligatory. And that, once again, happens to be the Prevent third-party sharing for <username> option.
Now using programs such as DeepL, Grammarly, Hemmingway, ProWritingAid, and what have you are fine since they're writing assistants. What that means is that they're used for improving our grammar, punctuation, phrasing, etc. But using AI Programs to "create" fanfics or original stories or fanart or adoptables to sell?? No. That's not okay.
It's one thing to trace over things to learn how to make body parts proportionate in various angles. In fact, it's encouraged for young artists to start out by tracing and then watching/reading/viewing tutorials on how to draw things via freestyle and by merely looking at them. And when it comes to improving our writing styles it's best to read a lot of books, poetry, scripts, articles, songs, etc. because this helps us learn a wide variety of different literary devices and point of views and writing styles. Not only that but it also broadens our vocabulary. The same is equally true for constantly writing. The more we write the better our writing, style, vocabulary, and what have you improve.
This is why so many of us are anti-AI. There are so many people who pour their hearts and souls into their art (be it writing, gfx, drawing, or whatever) and these AI Bots are taking all of these away from us. They're also very privacy invasive (in which the internet is already hella problematic when it comes to being invasive and not caring about our privacy so there's that to consider).
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lucss21a · 4 months
The Blue Pages: Yellow Pages for the Old Web
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Go there now!
Hello there again! As you know, this site directory is now turned into it's own very site. Why? Because that's more cooler and somehow intuitive.
As I explain on the title, The Blue Pages serves as an old web counterpart to Yellow Pages, an item from the bygone era of traditional telephone where you open the book to find local businesses and services in your are to call in.
The Blue Pages serves as a much niche complement to both the White and Yellow Pages, instead of either providing a residential directory or a directory for local businesses, it's a directory of old web (and sometimes modern web) sites or platforms that you could visit or use nowadays.
But wait, isn't this Google?
Yes... and no. Yes, we are listing websites to search for just like Google, and no because I will do things differently.
See, even during it's 25 year old lifespan as a big tech company, Google slowly is becoming an advertising powerhouse and not only just only search engines. Google, Bing and other modern search engines rely too much on the algorithms, which is horribly being abused by mostly spammy websites, AI generated bullcrap and more than more often than not, Reddit is added to suffixes of most tech related search queries.
The Blue Pages differs by mimicking real life yellow pages. While yellow pages sites exists, it mimics the directories for something like hotels, so I decided to go with the same style as the physical yellow pages.
In this layout, while it is only alphabetical and categorized, it doesn't rely on algorithms, as it is already relevant to a particular audience. Much of the listings on the page are included by me or from submissions I saw on Mastodon, Discord or SpaceHey.
But how do I use it?
Easy! Go to the Blue Pages site, choose a category, and find which website do you want to visit!
How about putting my own site or my friend's?
Submit them to me! I'll review it myself and would put it there within days! You can send submissions on Mastodon, Discord, SpaceHey or Email, but I can\'t guarantee that I could read it immediately.
What if I put ads on it?
You can! But it's purely limited. I don't allow heavy use of JavaScript, server-side scripting or malicious code injected in the ad. Please send your code to me on a pastebin or in Codepen, as well as where to put it.
Available types
Inline - Put your ad as a listing only! Only uses text.
Single column - Occupy a single column.
Multi-column - More columns, more fun!
All columns - More^2 columns, more fun!
Why do this?
Because search engines are designed with a broader audience and this only aims an obviously smaller one.
It's cool and much more elaborate than a list only with descriptions.
Because I can.
To have something from the physical world to the digital, literally.
And, I could procrastinate for longer periods.
So what now?
The Blue Pages is open source, in fact I made it a specification so everyone could use it.
I wanted everyone to embrace it, and adapt it for their communities. The Blue Pages will connect sites together as the directory is relevant to your niche interests, but without the invasive stuff in it.
If you are wondering about the old site directory, then it would be archived but unlinked except for the sitemap.
By this, I hope that you could reflect onto what the internet was in ye olden days, and also to have fun browsing.
With the Blue Pages, you can Let Your Fingers Walk on Water. Quite literally. Yes, we literally downgraded from actual search engines but, do you even mind that? You are in your own anyways, so why not check out the directory.
As for those curious, you can see the directory here.
And as always, see you next time!
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dailybloog674 · 13 days
Top Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites List for 2024 with High DA
As you all already know that bookmarking a link is one of the best & beneficial ways to get backlink & drive some amount of traffic also. If you wish to bookmark a link on social bookmarking sites such as Google Bookmarks, Digg.com etc. then we value your efforts and would like to present to you this new social bookmarking sites list for 2023 with high DA. I am 100% sure that using these sites, your website's SERP rank will increase and you can follow backlinks also.
We are going to present you with 1100+ free social bookmarking sites at the end of this post that will make your job easier. We have tried and tested all of these social bookmarking sites, and all of them are working fine.
Read More : On First Page Seo Tips we make your website rank on Google
What is Social Bookmarking?
Social bookmarking is the process of storing favorite sites on websites like Digg, Mix, Reddit, Delicious or other social bookmarking sites for future use. Instead of using traditional bookmarks with folders as storage systems for our favorite websites, social bookmarking sites let you collect links that you want to save, making it easy for you to access them too. You can also share them with your friends too.
Social bookmarking also offers SEO advantages. They provide you backlinks. It is why free social bookmarking sites are widely used in the SEO industry. If you're looking for more backlinks and want your site ranked higher in search engines, high PR social bookmarking sites can be a great tool.
Benefits of Social Bookmarking Sites
After performing On-Page SEO of your website, the next and important activity that you perform is off-page SEO. In off-page SEO, social bookmarking is a top activity that is used to add links to other domains and get quality backlinks. When you start your off-page SEO activities, you must start directory submission and social bookmarking submissions. Doing social bookmarking of your links will help your website get indexed quickly, and this helps to rank your website for your target keywords.
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freeseo1 · 9 months
Free Directory Submission Sites List
50+ Free High-Quality Web Directory Submission List Sites 2023 https://www.leedlink.com/free-directory-submission-sites-list/
50+ Free High-Quality Guest Posting Sites List 2023 https://www.zeedom.com/free-guest-posting-sites-list/
Discover the ultimate SEO Directory – Your one-stop resource for the best SEO tools, services, and strategies. Boost your online visibility and rankings with curated listings and expert insights. Explore the world of search engine optimization today!”
Welcome to the SEO Directory, your comprehensive online guide to all things related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Here, you’ll find a curated collection of top-notch resources, tools, and services to help you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing. Whether you’re a seasoned SEO professional or just starting your journey, our directory offers valuable insights, industry trends, and trusted providers to enhance your website’s visibility and performance on search engines. Dive into the world of SEO and optimize your online presence with confidence Directory submission sites hold great significance in acquiring valuable backlinks, making them an invaluable off-page SEO tactic for sharing a business’s details and its website URL. https://www.zeedom.com/free-guest-posting-sites-list/
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br4inr0tx · 11 months
Hey welcome home fans! Here’s a list of everything I’ve found so far since the update. If I do find more, I’ll update!
So I’m going to separate everything I’ve found into three sections:
- The “Answers”
- Wally’s Recordings
- “Staff Only”
Since there’s SO MANY, I’m not gunna be super thorough with how I found them all. I will explain somewhat though. I compiled most of these in my notes so all of them (I think) will not be directly linked, since I just copy and pasted them. It’s not to much for you to do the same, right? Let’s get to it!
For these it’s the same process. On each different page- EXCEPT FOR THE GUESTBOOK PAGE -there are bugs of different varieties that lead you to a video of two characters talking to each other. Most of the time they end with any sort of mention of Wally, but I think there’s one or two that don’t. ALSO! I PUT THEM IN ORDER! (Unfortunately, I could not find numbers 3, and 14)
https://www.clownillustration.com/1-14-ph (Bug on Media Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/2-14-sp (Bug on Playfellow Page, they’re really hidden! They’re on the top right!)
https://www.clownillustration.com/4-14-bf (Bug on Welcome Home Intro Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/5-14-be (Bug on Transcripts Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/6-14-jf (Bug on Merch Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/7-14-ej (Bug on Guestbook Submissions Page 1)
https://www.clownillustration.com/8-14-ef (Bug on Eddie’s Profile in Neighborhood Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/9-14-fp (Bug on The Neighborhood Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/10-14-js (Bug on About Us Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/11-14-jb (Bug on Stickers Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/12-14-hb (Bug on News Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/13-14-he (Bug on Guestbook Page)
These recordings show up in the form of doodles (presumably by Wally?) scattered around most of the pages. You have to sit on the page for at most 10 seconds for them to show up. They’re mostly unsettling recordings of Wally speaking. I noticed each of them are labeled with a word, therefore it probably spells out a sentence. IM UNSURE IF THERE ARE ANYMORE HOWEVER! They are put in no specific order.
https://www.clownillustration.com/help (Doodle on Welcome Home Intro Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/will-2 (Doodle on Welcome Home Intro Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/a (Doodle on About Us Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/i-2 (Doodle on Stickers Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/find (Doodle on Guestbook Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/i (Doodle on Welcome Home Main Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/will (Doodle on Wally Intro Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/neighbor (Doodle on So Below Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/soon (Doodle on 404 Page, this is the most creepy one imo)
https://www.clownillustration.com/understand (Doodle on Playfellow Page)
https://www.clownillustration.com/understand (Doodle in “You” Info Page)
So you remember the letter trick you’d enter into the search bar? Here’s a cool one!
Enter in "staff-only" into the search engine, and it will take you to a password page. To get the password you must go to the merch section and find a quiz page in the photos section. The answers being Barnaby, Sally, Poppy, Julie, and Wally. Therefore, the password is "BSPJW".
Have fun exploring that page! There’s a passage you can read on it!
That’s all I have for now! Happy exploring!
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lawyerbd · 3 months
Boost Your SEO: High-Quality Backlinking Sites ( Google Drive Link )
In the competitive world of SEO, backlinks reign supreme. They act as votes of confidence from other websites, telling search engines like Google that your content is valuable and deserves to be seen. But building a strong backlink profile can be expensive, leaving many websites struggling to compete. Fear not, budget-conscious SEO warriors! This article unveils a treasure trove of high-quality backlinking sites that won't cost you a dime.
2024's Guide to High-Quality Dofollow Backlink Sites
Top Free Backlink Building Sites in 2024
Top Profile Creation Site List for Backlinks in 2024
Top Instant Approval Blog Commenting Sites List (2024)
Top Free Guest Posting Websites in 2024
Disclaimer: While these sites offer free backlinks, remember, quality matters more than quantity. Focus on building relevant, contextual links from websites with good domain authority. Spammy tactics can actually harm your SEO, so proceed with caution and prioritize quality over sheer number.
Unleash the Power of Directories:
Industry-Specific Directories: List your website in relevant online directories within your niche. These directories often offer free basic listings, providing a valuable backlink and increased visibility within your target audience.
Local Directories: Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing, along with other local directories like Yelp and Bing Places. Local SEO is crucial, and these platforms offer free listings to boost your local search ranking.
Content is King (and Can Earn You Backlinks):
Guest Blogging: Contribute high-quality articles to established blogs in your niche. This not only builds backlinks but also positions you as an expert and drives targeted traffic to your website.
Forum Engagement: Actively participate in relevant online forums and communities. Share valuable insights, answer questions, and link back to your website where appropriate. Remember, genuine engagement is key, not just spamming links.
Get Creative with Social Media:
Share Engaging Content: Regularly share informative, visually appealing content on social media platforms. Encourage users to share and link back to your website, organically building backlinks.
Run Social Media Contests: Host contests and giveaways that require participants to share your content or link back to your website. This can be a fun and effective way to generate buzz and backlinks.
Embrace the Power of User-Generated Content:
Encourage Reviews and Testimonials: Display positive reviews and testimonials on your website, and encourage satisfied customers to share them on other platforms. This can lead to organic backlinks from review sites and social media.
Run User-Generated Content Contests: Encourage users to create content related to your brand or niche, offering rewards for the best submissions. This can generate backlinks from user profiles and social media shares.
Remember: Building a strong backlink profile takes time and effort. Utilize these free resources strategically, focusing on quality and relevance. With patience, persistence, and a dash of creativity, you can achieve SEO success without breaking the bank!
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Bonus Tip: Utilize free backlink analysis tools like Ahrefs Backlink Checker or Moz Open Site Explorer to monitor your backlink profile and identify potential opportunities.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the websites mentioned in this article. Please do your own research before submitting your website to any directory or platform.
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Digital Marketing Course in New Chandkheda
1. Digital Marketing Course in New Chandkheda Ahmedabad Overview
2. Personal Digital Marketing Course in New Chandkheda – Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
What are Search Engines and Basics?
HTML Basics.
On Page Optimization.
Off Page Optimization.
Essentials of good website designing & Much More.
3. Content Marketing
Content Marketing Overview and Strategy
Content Marketing Channels
Creating Content
Content Strategy & Challenges
Image Marketing
Video Marketing
Measuring Results
4. Website Structuring
What is Website?- Understanding website
How to register Site & Hosting of site?
Domain Extensions
5. Website Creation Using WordPress
Web Page Creation
WordPress Themes, Widgets, Plugins
Contact Forms, Sliders, Elementor
6. Blog Writing
Blogs Vs Website
How to write blogs for website
How to select topics for blog writing
AI tools for Blog writing
7. Google Analytics
Navigating Google Analytics
Traffic Source
Real Time Visitors
Bounce Rate%
Actionable Insights
Making Better Decisions
8. Understand Acquisition & Conversion
Traffic Reports
Events Tracking
Customization Reports
Actionable Insights
Making Better Decisions
Comparision Reports
9. Google Search Console
Website Performance
Url Inspection
Accelerated Mobile Pages
Google index
Security issues
Search Analytics
Links to your Site
Internal Links
Manual Actions
10. Voice Search Optimization
What is voice engine optimization?
How do you implement voice search optimization?
Why you should optimize your website for voice search?
11. E Commerce SEO
Introduction to E commerce SEO
What is e-commerce SEO?
How Online Stores Can Drive Organic Traffic
12. Google My Business: Local Listings
What is Local SEO
Importance of Local SEO
Submission to Google My Business
Completing the Profile
Local SEO Ranking Signals
Local SEO Negative Signals
Citations and Local
13. Social Media Optimization
What is Social Media?
How social media help Business?
Establishing your online identity.
Engaging your Audience.
How to use Groups, Forums, etc.
14. Facebook Organic
How can Facebook be used to aid my business?
Developing a useful Company / fan Page
Establishing your online identity.
Engaging your Audience, Types of posts, post scheduling
How to create & use Groups
Importance of Hashtags & how to use them
15. Twitter Organic
Basic concepts – from setting-up optimally, creating a Twitter business existence, to advanced marketing procedures and strategies.
How to use Twitter
What are hashtags, Lists
Twitter Tools
Popular Twitter Campiagns
16. LinkedIn Organic
Your Profile: Building quality connections & getting recommendations from others
How to use Groups-drive traffic with news & discussions
How to create LinkedIn Company Page & Groups
Engaging your Audience.
17. YouTube Organic
How to create YouTube channel
Youtube Keyword Research
Publish a High Retention Video
YouTube ranking factors
YouTube Video Optimization
Promote Your Video
Use of playlists
18. Video SEO
YouTube Keyword Research
Publish a High Retention Video
YouTube Ranking Factors
YouTube Video Optimization
19. YouTube Monetization
YouTube channel monetization policies
How Does YouTube Monetization Work?
YouTube monetization requirements
20. Social Media Tools
What are the main types of social media tools?
Top Social Media Tools You Need to Use
Tools used for Social Media Management
21. Social Media Automation
What is Social Media Automation?
Social Media Automation/ Management Tool
Buffer/ Hootsuite/ Postcron
Setup Connection with Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Etc.
Add/ Remove Profiles in Tools
Post Scheduling in Tools
Performance Analysis
22. Facebook Ads
How to create Business Manager Accounts
What is Account, Campaign, Ad Sets, Ad Copy
How to Create Campaigns on Facebook
What is Budget & Bidding
Difference Between Reach & Impressions
Facebook Retargeting
23. Instagram Ads
Text Ads and Guidelines
Image Ad Formats and Guidelines
Landing Page Optimization
Performance Metrics: CTR, Avg. Position, Search Term
Report, Segment Data Analysis, Impression Shares
AdWords Policies, Ad Extensions
24. LinkedIn Ads
How to create Campaign Manager Account
What is Account, Campaign Groups, Campaigns
Objectives for Campaigns
Bidding Strategies
Detail Targeting
25. YouTube Advertising
How to run Video Ads?
Types of Video Ads:
Skippable in Stream Ads
Non Skippable in stream Ads
Bumper Ads
Bidding Strategies for Video Ads
26. Google PPC
Ad-Words Account Setup
Creating Ad-Words Account
Ad-Words Dash Board
Billing in Ad-Words
Creating First Campaign
Understanding purpose of Campaign
Account Limits in Ad-Words
Location and Language Settings
Networks and Devices
Bidding and Budget
Schedule: Start date, end date, ad scheduling
Ad delivery: Ad rotation, frequency capping
Ad groups and Keywords
27. Search Ads/ Text Ads
Text Ads and Guidelines
Landing Page Optimization
Performance Metrics: CTR, Avg. Position, Search Term
Report, Segment Data Analysis, Impression Shares
AdWords Policies, Ad Extensions
CPC bidding
Types of Keywords: Exact, Broad, Phrase
Bids & Budget
How to create Text ads
28. Image Ads
Image Ad Formats and Guidelines
Targeting Methods: Keywords, Topics, Placement Targeting
Performance Metrics: CPM, vCPM, Budget
Report, Segment Data Analysis, Impression Shares
Frequency Capping
Automated rules
Target Audience Strategies
29. Video Ads
How to Video Ads
Types of Video Ads
Skippable in stream ads
Non-skippable in stream ads
Bumper Ads
How to link Google AdWords Account to YouTube Channel
30. Discovery Ads
What are Discovery Ads
How to Create Discovery Ads
Bidding Strategies
How to track conversions
31. Bidding Strategies in Google Ads
Different Bidding Strategies in Google AdWords
CPC bidding, CPM bidding, CPV bidding
How to calculate CTR
What are impressions, impression shares
32. Performance Planner
33. Lead Generation for Business
Why Lead Generation Is Important?
Understanding the Landing Page
Understanding Thank You Page
Landing Page Vs. Website
Best Practices to Create Landing Page
Best Practices to Create Thank You Page
What Is A/B Testing?
How to Do A/B Testing?
Converting Leads into Sale
Understanding Lead Funnel
34. Conversion Tracking Tool
Introduction to Conversion Optimization
Conversion Planning
Landing Page Optimization
35. Remarketing and Conversion
What is conversion
Implementing conversion tracking
Conversion tracking
Remarketing in adwords
Benefits of remarketing strategy
Building remarketing list & custom targets
Creating remarketing campaign
36. Quora Marketing
How to Use Quora for Marketing
Quora Marketing Strategy for Your Business
37. Growth Hacking Topic
Growth Hacking Basics
Role of Growth Hacker
Growth Hacking Case Studies
38. Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
Understanding Affiliate Marketing
Sources to Make money online
Applying for an Affiliate
Payments & Payouts
39. Introduction to Google AdSense
Basics of Google Adsense
Adsense code installation
Different types of Ads
Increasing your profitability through Adsense
Effective tips in placing video, image and text ads into your website correctly
40. Google Tag Manager
Adding GTM to your website
Configuring trigger & variables
Set up AdWords conversion tracking
Set up Google Analytics
Set up Google Remarketing
Set up LinkedIn Code
41. Email Marketing
Introduction to Email Marketing basic.
How does Email Marketing Works.
Building an Email List.
Creating Email Content.
Optimising Email Campaign.
Email Marketing Best Practices
42. SMS Marketing
Setting up account for Bulk SMS
Naming the Campaign & SMS
SMS Content
Character limits
SMS Scheduling
43. Media Buying
Advertising: Principles, Concepts and Management
Media Planning
44. What’s App Marketing
Whatsapp Marketing Strategies
Whatsapp Business Features
Business Profile Setup
Auto Replies
45. Influencer Marketing
Major topics covered are, identifying the influencers, measuring them, and establishing a relationship with the influencer. A go through the influencer marketing case studies.
46. Freelancing Projects
How to work as a freelancer
Different websites for getting projects on Digital Marketing
47. Online Reputation Management
What Is ORM?
Why We Need ORM
Examples of ORM
Case Study
48. Resume Building
How to build resume for different job profiles
Platforms for resume building
Which points you should add in Digital Marketing Resume
49. Interview Preparation
Dos and Don’t for Your First Job Interview
How to prepare for interview
Commonly asked interview question & answers
50. Client Pitch
How to send quotation to the clients
How to decide budget for campaign
Quotation formats
51. Graphic Designing: Canva
How to create images using tools like Canva 
How to add effects to images
52. Analysis of Other Website
Post navigatio
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blog-now · 1 year
Tumblr media
410+ Free Blog Submission Websites List for SEO in 2023 [High DA]
Are you looking for the best free blog submission sites list (with high DA) to submit your website or blogs? Get quality backlinks to your sites in 2023
What are Blog Submission Sites?
Blog submission sites are online platforms or directories where individuals, bloggers, webmasters, or businesses can submit their blog posts for publication. These sites allow bloggers to share their content and gain exposure to a wider audience. By submitting their blogs to these platforms, bloggers can increase their website's visibility, attract more visitors, and potentially improve their search engine rankings.
Visit: https://blognow.co.in/blog-submission-sites
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rgbwebtech · 1 year
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medicaldoctordana · 1 year
was considering posting my work to fanfiction.net but their "community guidelines" are SO Mean??? below the cut and they are also NOT inclusive at ALL! (copy and paste from the website)
FanFiction does not filter content and is an open system that trusts the writer's judgement. However, there is an inherent responsibility that falls to writers as a result.
Here is a list of conducts that should always be observed:
Spell check all story and poetry. There is no excuse for not performing this duty. If you do not have a word processor that has the spell checking feature, use a search engine such as Google.com to find one.
Proofread all entries for grammar and other aspects of writing before submission. 'Hot off the press' content is often riddled with errors. No one is perfect but it is the duty of the writer to perform to the best of his/her ability.
Respect the reviewers. Not all reviews will strictly praise the work. If someone rightfully criticizes a portion of the writing, take it as a compliment that the reviewer has opted to spend his/her valuable time to help improve your writing.
Everyone here is an aspiring writer. Respect your fellow members and lend a helping a hand when they need it. Like many things, the path to becoming a better writer is often a two way street.
Use proper textual formatting. For example: using only capital letters in the story title, summary, or content is not only incorrect but also a disregard for the language itself.
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