alexanderrogge · 29 days
Jim Hᴏft - California Supreme Court Rules People Cannot be Detained for Trying to Evade Police Officers:
California #ReasonableSuspicion #CriminalActivity #HighCrimeArea #SearchAndSeizure #FourthAmendment #Arrest #Detention #CivilRights #ConstitutionalRights #LawEnforcement #Law
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mastershake008 · 2 years
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#hardees ⭐ #searchandseizure #lindell #mikelindell #mikelindellcrackhead #mikelindellisacrackhead #mikelindellthecrackhead #crackheadmikelindell #lindellcrackhead #crackheadlindell #mypillowguycrackhead #crackheadmypillowguy #mypillowguysucks #mypillowguyisanidiot #mypillowguyshouldbeexecutedbyfiringsquad #mypillowguywtf #mypillowguyisadouche #mypillowguyisaracist #mypillowguyiscokedout #mypillowguyaintshit Reposted from @screemin.memer P https://www.instagram.com/p/Cig1xKbglTM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rsauud · 6 months
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I checked out the 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution and sort of decreased a bunny hole that later on lead me to Probable Cause. this is part 1 Let’s discover together:Brooks Notary & Litigation Supporthttps://www.pensight.com/x/pambrooks #paralegal #law #blackslawdictionary #police #excessiveforce #searchandseizure
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Search and Seizure pt 9
Request from @x-justtheletter-x: For Search and Seizure, could you do a part where Brendon is in the studio and the reader is inside their house reading/watching TV they don't have enough time to call Brendon or Zach to help, but then Brendon walks after the seizure or something like that please and thank you.
Pre-read Epilepsy Disclaimer
Brendon was having a dry spell in his songwriting. It’s happened before, it usually just takes a few weeks and he’s back at it. Today he woke up ready to go and you love the little glint in his eye when he’s excited. He went out back to the studio.
You didn’t feel great, still sleepy and groggy, so you decided to flick on the tv. You drift back off to sleep.
You woke up and your stomach was tied in knots, being pulled tighter.
Fuck fuck fuck
Your arm started to disappear.
“Bren?!” you tried and your voice weakened, “Bren?”
He’s still in the studio. You struggled and got your phone from the coffee table, fumbling to get to Brendon’s number. He doesn’t usually bring his phone into the studio, but it was worth a try.
You hear his phone ringing in the next room.
Your panic spins out of control. You get down on the floor, stepping on poor Bogart in the process. You know you’re way too close to the coffee table but you don’t have the strength to push it out of the way. You were too weak to get anywhere else, so you resigned yourself to this dangerous spot, laying on your side.
Your thoughts were becoming progressively less clear. You have a last minute thought to call Zack but it’s too late. The world dropped away.
It turns out Brendon was not as successful as he had hoped. Everything he recorded just sounded wrong. He decided to take a break, get some water and clear his head.
He walked out of the studio and saw Bogart inside the house, clawing at the glass door, anxiously awaiting his arrival.
“Jesus bud, you gotta go that bad?” Brendon laughed as he opened the door, expecting Bogart to run out into the grass, but he didn’t go anywhere. He just stayed at Brendon’s feet, looking up at him. “Okay, suit yourself,” Brendon shrugged and closed the door.
Brendon walked into the living room and saw the tv on, but the couch unoccupied. He wondered where you were. Probably in the bathroom or getting changed. Bogart jumped up on Brendon, scratching him down his legs.
“Ow, what is your problem?” He said, shaking him off. He strolled towards the kitchen and did a double take.
He saw you on the floor, flat on your back.
“Y/n?” Brendon said in shock as he ran over to you. “Shit shit shit,” he muttered as he threw the coffee table aside to get next to you.
“Y/n?!” he called to you, dropping to his knees. Your body was relaxed and your eyes were open but looking nowhere in particular. He saw blood and spit dripping from each corner of your mouth and quickly rolled you onto your side. Barely anything came out. Something felt wrong to him, like you were barely even breathing at all.
He followed his instincts and places a hand on your chin, gently opening your mouth. Brendon’s glad he did--you were then able to gag and clear the significant amount of blood from your mouth. Your breathing sounded muffled and labored, but at least you were breathing.
“Fuck,” he said quietly. He saw your phone next to you and snatched it up, quickly dialing 911, smudging blood across the screen. He wiped your mouth so it could remain clear as he waited for someone to pick up. None of the blood on your face was dried, so he was hopeful that you hadn’t been lying there long. Why were you on your back? he cursed himself. 
A calm voice answered. Brendon rattles off the answers to all the questions the dispatcher asks, never taking his eyes off of you.
He can’t tell if you’re not waking up as quickly as usual or if time was moving in slow motion. He puts the phone on speaker and texts Zack:
Sos home seizure
That’s the unspoken code of how the band members talk to Zack when they were in a bad situation: importance, where you are, and what’s happening.
Within 10 seconds, he replied:
On my way
Your breathing starts to change and you cough a little.
You concentrate on your surroundings and see that you’re laying on a soft rug. You feel like you need to cough, like you had swallowed water the wrong way. Why? A few feet away you saw a small blob... a figure... a creature... Bogart? Your eyes focus on what’s directly in front of you--there is a person just inches from you. It’s so difficult to move, but you just want to get away. God, why was it so hard to breathe?
You feel a hand on you and you can’t stand lying there defenseless anymore. You do your absolute best to move away, barely able to breathe.
You start to struggle on the ground and Brendon tries to comfort you.
“Y/n, you’re okay,” he says quickly, “It’s okay, baby.”
You end up coughing and gagging, trying to get air in between.
“It’s alright,” he said, “get it all out.”
It finally ends but you are still quietly gasping. You hear a voice.
“Just breathe,” the voice sings, “It’s okay.”
You try to follow the sound of the voice.
Brendon notices, getting lower and putting himself in your line of sight so you can see him.
“Y/n, it’s Brendon,” He informs you sweetly, “I’m right here, you’re safe.”
Your eyes find his face and his expression softens a bit.
“Hi Y/n,” He coos. You are momentarily comforted before being interrupted by a choking sensation that you swallow down. He notices that you are much drowsier than usual. You can barely keep your eyes open.
“C’breathe,” you tried to say. You were so confused that you weren’t sure if Brendon could tell or not. Brendon nodded in understanding.
“I know it’s hard to breathe,” he replied, taking the child-like tone you needed, “The paramedics are coming so they can help you breathe better, okay?”
Normally you’d be pissed that he called 911, but you were too out of it and scared to care.
“Bren,” you gasp.
“I’m right here, Y/n,” He strokes your shoulder.
You notice his hand is covered in blood and so is the phone beside you. You cough out some foamy spit and Brendon wipes it away. The weakness you felt was overwhelming.
“Hey, Y/n, look at me baby,” He said slowly.
You realized you were starting to close your eyes so you open them and do as you’re told. There was something so calming about his eyes.
“Hi Y/n,” he said as he pushed some hair from your face, “Keep looking right at me, baby.”
There’s a loud knock at the door and a voice called out: “Paramedics”
“In here!” Brendon yelled back. The door opened and the team of medics came in, navigating to the living room. You could hear the loud steps of heavy boots entering and the rustling of bags.
“Scared,” you looked at Brendon and squeaked simply. His heart ached.
“I know darlin, I know,” he reassured you as he moved down to your feet, out of the way, “But I’ll be right here, okay?” He places his hand gently on your leg so you know he is there. You nodded.
The medics were obviously concerned with how you’re breathing and quickly began to treat you with an amount of urgency that worried Brendon.
Zack had just pulled up to the house. He saw the ambulance in the driveway and knew it must be bad. He hustled to the door and was stopped.
“Sir, you can’t--”
“That’s my sister!” He asserted and they let him through. He lied about being related to you in medical emergencies--it was easier that way.
You were panicking on the floor as the paramedics put an oxygen mask on you.
“You’re okay,” Brendon reminded you as he rubbed your leg from where he was sitting. Brendon realizes your legs were covered in fresh bruises, probably from hitting the table during your seizure. He felt so guilty that he wasn’t there to protect you.
You hear another pair of footsteps enter the room and make an attempt to look. Brendon looks up as well, feeling relieved to see it’s Zack who gives him a little nod.
“That’s Zack,” Brendon told you sweetly, “He’s here too, okay?”
Zack took note of your difficulty breathing and the sizeable amount of blood on the floor. Fuck. This definitely was not good.
The medics made quick work of getting you loaded into the ambulance.
As they started driving, the paramedic was saying things to his partner, words Brendon had never even heard before.
Tachycardic. Satting. Tachypnea. Stridor.
It heightened his anxiety but he tried to remain focused on you.
Halfway through the ride, you pick your head up to lean over more and start gagging again. The paramedics quickly jump into action, one pulling the oxygen mask to the side while the other is ready with a suction device, pulling the fluid away from you. Brendon makes sure he is out of their way and holds your hair.
“There you go,” one of the paramedics said kindly, “You’re doing great, Y/n.”
Brendon stroked your arm in agreement. It was over relatively quickly and you rest your head back down, returning to your quiet gasps. Your eyes wander over to Brendon in defeat.
“It’s okay, darlin,” Brendon said softly, “It’s okay.”
Once you arrived at the hospital, the medical team continued to treat you hastily. You remained on the oxygen and medication was given to you. It was getting so much easier to breathe, no longer a need to cough and gasp for air.
As Brendon was guessing, you had aspirated on your blood--because you were on your back during the seizure, the blood had nowhere to go and you inhaled it instead. Having that much fluid in your lungs can be incredibly dangerous, even after the fact. The doctor admitted you to the hospital for 24 hours.
Now that you were stable and staying the night, Zack went back to the house to pick up things for you and Brendon.
“Thanks man,” Brendon says as Zack hands over the bag.
“Yeah, ‘course,” Zack replied with a nod, “Do you guys need anything else?”
You looked to Brendon and he shook his head.
“No, I think we’re all set,” You replied with a tired smile.
“Alright,” Zack said, “Call me if you need anything.”
“Thanks Zack,” you coughed and he left.
Brendon turned back to you and your eyes were already heavy with sleep.
“Wanna sleep for a little while?” He suggested.
You just nod and curl up.
“Okay,” he agreed softly.
He sits there just watching you sleep for a few minutes. It brought a smile to his face, feeling so grateful to see you at peace. After a while, he reached into the backpack Zack had dropped off and retrieved his phone. He looked at the screen.
1 missed call Y/n
He felt like he had been punched in the stomach. Guilt sat so deeply in his stomach it made him sick. He should have had his phone. He should have been there for you. He should have prevented all of this.
Instead, you were all alone, terrified and in danger. He sees that your arm strewn over the pillow is covered in bruises. You could have died if he hadn’t found you when he did. God, what if he lost you? It would have been all his fault.
His throat was being held in a vice grip by the sobs he was trying to withhold. Tears streamed down his face as he sniffled, putting his head in his hands. He tried to keep it together, but he started to choke on silent sobs.
He could have lost you and it would have been all his fault.
He’s pulled from his thoughts.
“Bren?” you question in a small voice.
He quickly wiped his tears and smiled, trying to laugh off being caught.
“Hi baby,” he said sweetly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“‘s okay,” you replied, rolling over. You reached out to him so he sat down on the bed. You happily cuddle up to him and he holds you, endlessly grateful that you were in his arms, safe. You feel him starting to shake and he finally can’t hold in the sob anymore.
“I’m so sorry baby,” he sputtered.
“Brendon--” You try.
“I should have been there,” he continued, “I’m so, so sorry.”
“This isn’t your fault,” you reassured him, “This was completely unexpected. You did nothing wrong. ”
“I could have lost you,” He sobbed, “I can’t--I don’t--”
“I know, I know,” you reply, beginning to cry too, “It was so scary, but now we’re right here. Together. We’re okay. That’s all that matters now, okay?”
He nodded and you buried your face into his side as you both cried.
“I’m so glad you found me when you did,” you whispered with solemn gratitude.
“Wish it was sooner,” He shook his head in disappointment.
“Doesn’t matter, remember?” you reminded him, “We’re here and safe. That’s what matters.”
He sighed with a nod, pulling you closer.
“I love you Bren,” You said softly.
“I love you too, Y/n,” He replied, “So much.”
Gees reader, way to scare the shit out of Brendon! lol. In the comments I will explain each medical term in case you’re curious. Hopefully, you liked this chapter. I have another in the works. Like/reblog if you’re feelin’ it!
@ray—-toro @charliecynthiaa @msbeliever-prettyweeper @darkmoon707 @marine482 @ladevoteeshirts @itsdangerousblues @kenziepayne33 @lizzrossstories @un-surpassable @lolisded @itsdangerousblues @kyky9103 @lizzrossstories @j2minion @graceaudreyjudy
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werisetolegalize · 3 years
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Reason #5 to #VoteNo on the #MoreAct. The Retroactivity language is too narrow. Currently the bill applies to any #offense “committed” in #criminal #proceedings. It should be broadened to convictions where #Cannabis was the basis for the search which led to other charges (w/ some exceptions e.g. violent crimes). And not just criminal matters. #ChildCustody #PublicHousing #WelfareBenefits...If your #Rights or #Privileges were taken bc of Cannabis those rights must be restored too! Call your #US #Senator and request they VOTE NO on the MoreAct! #SearchAndSeizure #ExculpatoryEvidence #NYCHA #Section8 #Loud #SearchWarrants #StopAndFrisk (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIvh2fDhljj/?igshid=1nvttiqjaafgl
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tax4wealth · 4 years
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https://lnkd.in/e3jiG9s Watch live at 4 PM tomorrow 1st August 2020 : Discussion on Search and Seizure under Income Tax Act with Shri Ravi Gupta Ji #incometax #incometaxact #searchandseizure #livediscussion #tax4wealth #SearchandSeizureunderIncomeTax #procedureforsearchandseizureunderincometax #SearchandSeizureunderIncomeTax #OverviewofSurveySearchandSeizureUnderIncomeTaxAct (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDThE9UJeCE/?igshid=1uehvzd59sgo4
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dallasviewmedia · 4 years
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⚠ WARNING⚠ THESE LAWS ARE TRYING TO TAKE IT ALL! #searchandseizure https://www.instagram.com/p/CAHYY5VgZ99/?igshid=21mszos1ydn5
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This essay was over the unconstitutionality of warrantless searches, based on King v Kentucky (2011). #caselaw #probablecause #exigency #warrantless #illegal #searchandseizure #4thamendment #home https://www.instagram.com/p/B1XSB3ynudc/?igshid=wnnnpqp718i7
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civicdirect · 5 years
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#trump administration’s #descent into #fascism continues with the #expedited #removal #rule. #abolishice #dueprocess #illegal #searchandseizure https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RqrROAtr7/?igshid=1duvnlnx9d9ux
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ejforliberty · 2 years
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This is insane! 📸: @reasonmagazine • When you plug your phone into your car to listen to your favorite band or podcast, you give police a way to rummage around in your personal data without a warrant. That includes not just GPS details but all the other information your phone shares with your car's onboard computer. The Supreme Court has held that police generally need a search warrant to examine the information on a cellphone, to track a car by attaching a GPS device to it, and to obtain cellphone location data from service providers. But Fourth Amendment jurisprudence has not caught up with rapid advances in car technology, leaving the door open for police to extract data from vehicles without their owners' knowledge. @theintercept reported in 2021 that U.S. Customs and Border Protection had purchased "vehicle forensics" kits that can retrieve travel data, text messages, and photos from synced devices. This workaround is likely legal, because car computers seem to fall under the "vehicle exception" to the Fourth Amendment's warrant -requirement. The Closing Warrantless Digital Car Search Loophole Act would require a warrant for such a search unless operating the vehicle requires a commercial driver's license. Any vehicle data obtained without a warrant could not be used as a basis for probable cause or as evidence considered by courts, grand juries, or regulatory agencies. Congress should close this loophole and bring the Constitution's protection against warrantless searches into the 21st century. To read the full story on #civilliberties, tap the link in bio or visit Reason.com 🎨: Lex Villena #FourthAmendment #police #warrants #ejforliberty #ejfl #libertarian #blacklibertarian #fiscalconservative #sociallyliberal #endtheduopoly #ditchtheduopoly #helpmegetto1k #1kfollowers #blexit #lp #searchandseizure #mirandarights #youhavetherighttoremainsilent #loopholes #legalprecedence #reasonmagazine https://instagr.am/p/CbSZlJUO-10/
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alexanderrogge · 2 months
John H. Bryan - Law Student ARRESTED | Then Quickly RELEASED!
FourthAmendment #ReasonableSuspicion #Ballance #Gaines #AnonymousTip #WeGotACall #PapersCheck #FailureToIdentify #DefundThePolice #PoliceMisconduct #SearchAndSeizure #WrongfulArrest #NewMexico #CivilRights #Law
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musicotfuture · 2 years
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#musicotfuturespotifyplaylist #newmusicmonday featuring @honeycombsunshine @searchandseizure @lucy_kruger @c__lrc @rossfloramusic @jadehilton21 @lilivioletmusic @simonmcbrideguitar @georgebarnettmusic @barrettcrake @iconforhire @aspasiamusic @baconbrosmusic @stickyfingersband https://open.spotify.com/playlist/32Da5ENoM5zu4VERdTeZU0?si=yyG_8YBSQ9-0gL6f62MISA PR @theplanetarygroup @mysticsonspr @limetreemusic @authoritycomms @auteurresearch @deadhorsebranding @evergreenartists @chrishewlettpr @antifragilemusic @kartelmusicgroup @themusicfederation @anchorpublicity @publicitynation @tallulahpr_ @lpragency https://www.instagram.com/p/CcyNNMhKW0f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magic-city-lawyer · 4 years
Everything you ever wanted to know about the 4th Amendment part 3 - Vehicle Searches.
#criminallaw #searchandseizure #criminalprocedure #criminaldefense #lawyer #attorney #arrested #police #sheriff #lawenforcement #miami #florida #policesearch #trafficstop #4thamendment
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Search and Seizure Pt 8
Request: “S&S where Brendon is at an interview and they start talking shit about Y/N?”
A/N: this was kind of hard for me to write because these are all my true feelings based off of so many similar events I’ve experienced. I still don’t even know if I captured it the way I feel, but I tried.
Pre-read Epilepsy Disclaimer
Brendon had left with Zack to go to an interview at Rock 104 FM, a local radio station. You stayed behind to get some work done and watch the dogs. Brendon went on the air at 3 pm.
“I’m here with Brendon Urie of Panic At The Disco! Thank you so much for being on the show today, Brendon!” Tim said.
“Thank you for having me!” Brendon smiled widely.
“So you just released your new album a couple weeks ago,” Tim started and Brendon nodded along, “Do you wanna tell us a bit about that?”
“Yeah,” Brendon responded happily, “It’s very much inspired by some of the music I grew up listening to, which is a pretty broad selection. A lot of it was the kind of stuff I would sneak around my parents, ya know?” he giggled, “All the rock stuff.”
“And you’re on your own now?” Tim clarified, “You’re the only band member left?”
“Uh yeah, yeah,” Brendon responded and tried to reframe the question positively, “Having complete creative control has been really freeing. It’s a lot of fun.”
“But it’s really just the Brendon Urie show now though,” Tim said condescendingly, “You’re just using the Panic name, keeping it alive?”
Brendon picked up on his tone and started to feel uncomfortable.
“It’s still a team effort,” Brendon countered passively, “I work closely with my producers, who are incredible. They really help mentor me and shape the music into what you hear on the album.”
Tim nodded and moved on.
“The last time we heard from you, you hadn’t experienced your death as a bachelor yet!” Tim said enthusiastically, “You’re now a married man.”
Brendon’s eyes lit up at the thought of you. He couldn’t help it.
“Yes,” Brendon said proudly, “To my beautiful wife, Y/n.”
“I understand she’s had some pretty... public health issues,” Tim noted.
Brendon’s discomfort immediately returned. Again, he tried to reframe the off-color question to be more positive, hoping they could just move on from the topic.
“Unfortunately yes,” Brendon said, “But she is incredibly strong and doing very well.”
“That’s good to hear, good to hear,” Tim said absently. Brendon could tell that Tim had more to say and dreaded whatever his next comment would be. Sure enough, Tim continued to prod: “It sounds really scary, for you and for her.”
“It’s hard to see someone you love struggle with anything,” Brendon answered generically. His protective instinct was beginning to kick in and he really wanted to stop talking about it all together. It was none of this guy’s business and the way he was asking questions felt more disrespectful than concerned.
This interview was about to go downhill.
“There was a video of her circulating on the internet for a while of an incident in a grocery store,” Tim stated.
“That was a very traumatic time,” Brendon immediately shut him down, “It’s really not an appropriate thing to talk about.”
“But it sure did look traumatic,” Tim said, not laying off at all, continuing on with disgust in his voice, “It’s pretty gross, with the blood and all that.”
And with that, Brendon was done.
“Wow, that is an awful thing to say,” Brendon rejected, having to force a bitter chuckle of disbelief just to keep his composure. The anger within him was undeniable. “And there’s nothing ‘gross’ about it,” he said defensively.
How dare this interviewer to make fun of you, right in front of Brendon. Zack was watching through the window as the situation escalated and he was ready to step in. The last thing he needed was for Brendon to have a meltdown or get in a fistfight.
Tim didn’t really seem to care that he had offended Brendon. He may even be enjoying getting a rise out of him.
“I was just thinking it kind of has that demon vibe,” Tim continued humorously, “Very Emperor’s New Clothes-ish.”
“Are you fucking serious right now?!” Brendon exclaimed, quickly standing up from his chair, “You think this is funny?” He was not about to let anyone say something so horribly insensitive about you. He was clearly squaring up with Tim, ready to fight. Zack could tell and ran into the booth, rushing in to defuse Brendon’s anger.
“Brendon!” Zack’s voice boomed in warning as he swung the door open, commanding him to stand down.
Brendon stood with fists clenched, scanning Tim for another moment. He willed himself to let it go, but not before giving Tim some words of advice.
“If you ever talk about my wife again,” Brendon hissed, getting up in Tim’s face, “You’ll regret it. This interview is fucking over, you piece of shit.”
Zack arrived next to Brendon to escort him away and out of the studio.
You were still at home, typing away on your laptop when you suddenly get an influx of notifications. You succumb to the temptation of checking them.
This is the cringiest interview I’ve ever heard. Poor @y/handle. #rock104fm This guy is a douche bag. I feel so bad for @y/handle right now. #rock104fm Brendon is handling this like a champ. I would’ve snapped. #rock104fm 10 out of 10 would punch this guy in @y/handle’s honor. #rock104fm
What the fuck is going on?
You immediately go to the radio station’s account and play their stream. There’s just music playing now, so you go back a little bit and find Brendon’s voice, talking about the album. You listen as the conversation progresses and the topic shifts over to you.
“It’s pretty gross...” “Kind of has that demon vibe...” “Very Emperor’s New Clothes-ish...”
Tears stung your eyes and anger clutched your throat, squeezing it shut.
You don’t understand how people can be so heartless. Do people think it’s funny that you live in constant fear of dying? Tears roll down your face. Everyone thinks you’re disgusting. Brendon is too good for you. He deserves someone so much better.
Your phone starts to vibrate. It’s Brendon. You don’t want to pick up, but you know you should. Being upset will make Brendon upset too, and you don’t want to make him feel bad. It wasn’t his fault. You thought that maybe you could act like you hadn’t heard it and that everything was fine, but you can’t seem to stop crying. You give up and sniffle hard before swiping open the call.
Brendon doesn’t even wait for you to greet him.
“Y/n?” He asks quickly.
The sound of his voice instantly reduces you back to tears and you cry into the phone.
“Aw no, baby,” He sighed with disappointment. He was hoping you hadn’t heard. “Shhh, it’s okay.”
“Bren,” You choke, “I’m s-sorry.”
“Y/n, no!” Brendon replied, “You have nothing to be sorry for! He’s a fucking idiot. I’m on my way home right now, okay?”
“Okay,” you sniffled.
“I love you so much, Y/n,” He said, “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Love you too,” you replied.
You sit on the couch with your knees pulled up to your chest and wait. It feels like no time had passed when you hear the door open.
“Y/n?” Brendon calls out. You don’t answer, but he easily spots you on the couch. You look at him, clearly ashamed. “Y/n,” he frowned as he walked over and carefully sits down next to you. “I’m so sorry baby,” he said quietly and put a hand on your shoulder.
As soon as he touches you, you completely fall apart. You practically crawl into his lap and begin to choke on your tears. He gathers you up and wraps his arms around your trembling body.
“Talk to me,” He directs you softly.
“I feel s-so scared,” you cried, “All the time. So alone.” You can’t control your sobs, letting it all out to Brendon. “I don’t think anyone understands how scared I am.”
Brendon can’t stand hearing you like this.
“I know Y/n, I know baby,” He soothed, “It’s okay to be scared. And you’re right--people have no idea how brave you have to be. Every day, you are the bravest person I know. I’m so proud of you.”
“It’s not fair,” you cry, “It’s not f-fair.”
“Shhh, I know it isn’t,” Brendon tried.
“No one else constantly thinks about what will trigger a seizure,” you continued to sob. “I just want to be like everyone e-else. I don’t know why you even love me.”
“Y/n stop!” Brendon cuts you off and holds you tighter, “There are so many reasons I love you. Just the way you are.”
“I shower with a baby monitor so you can hear me if I fall--a fucking baby monitor, Brendon. I’m an adult and I can’t even shower alone. It’s like... like epilepsy just takes everything away. It just takes up so much energy and I’m so tired.”
“I know it’s hard,” He said sweetly, “You’re such a fighter.”
“I just want it to be over but it never ends,” you hiccup. “People always talk about me and ask me so many questions. I just want to be like everyone else. I want to be able to think about other things, but it never ends. It never fucking e-ends.”
You become limp in Brendon’s arms, feeling beyond hopeless and exhausted.
“Take a breath,” Brendon spoke softly, “You’re okay.”
“Bren, please make it stop,” you begged him quietly, “Make it stop.”
Brendon felt his heart being torn from his chest, wanting to cry with you.
“I got you,” He whispered in your ear, “I’m right here. I’ll always be right here."
You grab fistfuls of his soft t-shirt and manage to bury yourself further into him.
“It’s going to be okay, Y/n,” He soothed, running his fingers through your hair. He didn’t know what else to do but hold you and gently rock you. It seemed to be working. You continued to cry for a few minutes, but you were slowly quieting down, clearly drained. “I’m right here,” he spoke gently, “It’s going to be okay. Okay?”
You nod against him.
“I love you, Brendon,” you murmur, adjusting yourself in his lap. He can tell you’re so worn out that you’re about to fall asleep and allows you to get comfortable.
“I love you too, Y/n,” he replies, giving you a kiss on the top of your head.
It’s not long until your breathing evens out and Brendon can tell you’re asleep. He then cries tears of his own. He wished he could fix it all, take away your fear and pain, and make it better. He wished that he could keep you safe. He wished that people weren’t so cruel.
And he definitely wished that he had punched Tim when he had the chance.
It takes a long time for the radio interview incident to die down. It was kind of interesting to see that almost all the comments completely trashed the radio station. You’re used to the internet having mixed reactions, but this was different. Nearly everyone was coming to your defense, praising Brendon for how he handled the situation and offering kind words of support to you. It was a much-needed reminder of the good in the world.
Emma came to visit, checking to see how you were doing and having a fun girl day. You were so happy to have an amazing best friend.
You were also happy to see Tim was fired from his job. The selfish part of you hopes he ends up making minimum wage at a job he hates. You knew that was a mean thing wish upon anyone, but your anger had to seep out somewhere. Fucking asshole.
A couple weeks later, you had come home from grocery shopping and Brendon was sitting on the couch.
“Hey babe?” he asked.
“What’s up?” You replied, setting the last of the groceries down on the counter and walking over to him.
He had a serious, unsure kind of look on his face and you were a little worried. You sat down next to him.
“I know it’s really hard for you sometimes,” He started carefully, “And I know you can feel really alone.”
You nod. It’s true--epilepsy was very isolating. It feels like no one really knows how it feels to live in constant fear of having seizures. You remember telling him about it when you had your meltdown. You wonder where he’s going with all this.
Brendon pulled his laptop out from next to him and opened the screen.
“So I looked around and found out that there’s actually an epilepsy support group in the area,” He looked at you cautiously, “I was thinking it might be nice to have people who can truly connect with and help you.”
He saw tears pooling in your eyes.
“It’s not because I think you’re crazy, or that you’re weak!” He jumped in quickly, panicking that he may have hurt your feelings. “You don’t have to, it was just an id--”
He is cut off as you throw yourself into him, arms wrapping around him.
“What did I do to deserve you?” You choke, “Like, I must have been a saint in a previous life or something.”
“Aw babe,” he chuckled.
You lean back a little and take his face in your hands and squish it.
“You are the sweetest human,” you said, “Of course I want to go, I think it’s exactly what I need. I love you so much.” You plant a quick kiss on his lips and release him.
“I love you too, Y/n,” He gazed at you with a smile.
You never knew you could love someone this much. You realize you’re straddling him.
You reattach your lips to his and lace your fingers through his hair, pushing your body against his. He is very pleased with this unexpected turn of events. You grind down on his lap and he sighs a bit, pulling away.
“I guess I should offer you psychiatric intervention more often?” he giggled.
You just smiled back at him and dove back in.
I hope you liked this chapter, it was a tough one. There is more to come, so stay tuned :)
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tlobj · 4 years
“People should be very concerned about the privacy implications of these programs, which seek to gather personal information such as health and location data.” https://bit.ly/2ToSZLT #fourthamendment #4thamendment #searchandseizure #righttoprivacy #privacy #covid19
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copblaster · 5 years
Illegal Legal Mail Search by Columbia County Deputy Austin Marquette
Columbia County Sheriff's Deputy Austin Marquette admitted to illegally searching inmate legal mail outside the presence of the inmate in a write-up last year. I have since lost the second page, but I have uploaded the first. In the lost page Marquette described going into my cell when I was not there, noticing several envelopes clearly marked legal mail, and feeling them to see if he could feel anything that was obviously not paperwork. When he found my coffee and radio, which I technically was not supposed to have, he wrote me up for contraband. The law at the time in the jurisdiction of the Ninth Circuit already clearly established that inmates have a legal right to be present whenever legal mail or work product is inspected. See Mangiaracina v. Penzone 849 F.3d 1191 (9th Cir. 2017): "We recently addressed prisoners legal mail rights in Nordstrom, 762 F.3d 903. In that case, a prisoner alleged that he had written a letter to his criminal attorney and that a correctional officer, instead of inspecting the letter in Nordstroms presence before sealing and sending it, stood in front of him and read the letter. We held that this event, though isolated, sufficiently alleged a violation of Nordstroms Sixth Amendment right to counsel.Although the case concerned improper reading rather than improper opening of legal mail, we noted that the practice of requiring an inmate to be present when his legal mail is opened is a measure designed to prevent officials from reading the mail in the first place. Id. at 910 (citing Wolff, 418 U.S. at 577)...We therefore now clarify that, under Nordstrom, prisoners have a Sixth Amendment right to be present when legal mail related to a criminal matter is inspected...Defendants argue that this case is distinguishable from Nordstrom because Mangiaracina does not allege that jail officials ever read his mail. But indeed, how could he? If the practice of opening legal mail in the presence of the prisoner is designed to prevent correctional officers from reading it, then the natural corollary is that a prisoner whose mail is opened outside his presence has no way of knowing whether it had been (permissibly) inspected or (impermissibly) read." My practice of hiding my contraband in my legal material had a couple of purposes. First, legal material is less likely to be inspected if the inmate is removed from his cell for a shakedown because inspecting it out side of his presence is illegal. Second, if an unlawful inspection results in an incident report the inmate then has written proof that the officer broke the law. In this case I lost my contraband but I gained knowledge that my legal material was being illegally searched while I was not in the cell.#austinmarquette #columbiacountyjail #searchandseizure #legalmail http://dlvr.it/R9zJxQ
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