#secret keeping is hard for real
colourstreakgryffin · 11 months
Heya! I feel like some of the hashiras can't keep a secret for their life especially if it was for a supprise birthday party for the reader. Some of these I have mixed feelings on so I'd love your input. Warning: it's lowkey long
Mitsuri: Would try her best for like 30 seconds the next time she sees reader when she does she gets giggly, excited and squirmish as if she's got ants in her pants before blabbing it out. Would get mega upset at herself and would profusely apologise feeling like she ruined everything.
Rengoku: He's struggling. Big ol smiley face giving reader short answers and avoiding looking them in the eye or just avoiding them overall cause he knows if he talks more it would accidentally spill out. I think he'd keep it till the big day so a heavy weight will be lifted off his shoulders when the day comes
Muichiro: I know what you're thinking "wouldn't he just forget a supprise birthday party would happen" and to that I say logically if you know how he is yes BUT. Imagine by miracle he remembers maybe like a few seconds after he was told possibly by a Kasugai Crow or he just finished reading a letter/invite and reader walks in on him he'd forget it's supposed to be a supprise so they shouldn't know and he'd tell them.
Inosuke: See inosuke is an easy choice the lil dude is a loud mouth he would probably announce how lucky they are that the great Lord Inosuke is doing a party for them (as if he'd actually know what one is smh) But, I also feel like if someone said or more dared him to keep it whilst underestimating his power he'd keep the secret just to boast about it later to show he CAN keep one.
Tanjiro: It's Tanjiro, poor baby can't lie for his life. However in the entertainment district arc he did hide the fact he was undercover in one the houses as Sumiko Kamado but that was until he was asked about it so I feel like he could keep it unless reader brings it up or ask if he's doing something for their birthday
OK that's all tell me what you think! 👀
- 🍜
This is extremely accurate and I love every single headcanon mentioned here!
Please write a post or something for yourself because you are 100% correct, king/queen/royalty!
I won’t change anything said here because all of it is perfection!
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stuckinapril · 5 months
friend wanted to see my tumblr, and when i told him i can’t show it to him bc it’s basically my personal diary he went “oh so I can’t see it but a bunch of strangers on tumblr can??” he literally does not get me. no one will get me like the people in my phone get me
#It’s just so different#even though it’s public it still feels secret and safe. i feel comfy sharing a lot more on here than I do in my actual day to day life lol#in my head I’m also just speaking to myself 90% of the time which helps#if a friend off tumblr saw my thoughts I’d feel so weird ab it#esp bc they might get the vagueposting about certain situations and tell mutual friends#no thank u. this is for me. I’m not about to start censoring my thoughts bc someone I know knows my tumblr#u guys literally saw me have LIVE BREAKDOWNS#meanwhile I’ll have the worst fucking day in history and tell no one about it. I’m already cripplingly private but way more so in real life#this is basically a low stress journaling outlet for me. it’s so important for me to maintain the separation#like this is actually my diary & has been so handy for letting out emotions / articulating thoughts / staying on track !!#& I’ve met so many kind people on here who actually get me. which is so hard to find irl bc I’m surrounded by pre-med gunners/overachievers#who are by standard not very good w emotion & can be competitive/judgmental. or at least it’s hard for me to be vulnerable in front of them#and I’m part of that crowd so I reserve my emotions only to a handful of very close friends#it’s nice to hop on here and express negative emotions!! or positive emotions!! just whatever I want and it’s low stress and people get me#I don’t have to worry about judgment or competitiveness etc etc#like everyone on here is so kind & nice & understanding. & just a breath of fresh air from the types I run w. it’s just nice to have this#so idk that’s why I think I’ll always be strict about keeping the worlds separate. it just works#p
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captainhysunstuff · 1 year
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Soichiro is worried about Light’s taste in men.  (Let’s assume that somehow Yotsuba was never involved with Kira junk in this reality, lol.)
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total-drama-brainrot · 2 months
Question about p! Noah..
How would he hypothetically react to being stabbed. (Accidentally) Like not a deadly stab wound but one big enough for it to be considered concerning.
How would the rest of the cast react?
Ok so what I'm asking is how committed is p! Noah to the bit? How for would he go in such a serious situation. Maybe he didn't care at all and walked around bleeding? Maybe he was only thinking of ways to torment the others using this to his advantage. Idk.
Also love this au sm!!
"Hypothetically", just say you want to stab him. This is a safe space, I'm not judging. ...Okay I'm judging a little bit.
I actually have a few thoughts about reactions to stabbings, as someone who's been involved in more than my fair share of them, and generally I think a lot of people don't tend to understand just how much it fucking hurts to be stabbed, even when it's non-fatal. It is a very painful experience, even with the added anaesthetic of adrenaline, and seeing just how often media portrays people walking off stab wounds or regarding them as little more than scratches is just. Infuriating.
Now, I personally headcanon Noah as someone with a fairly high pain tolerance. This is backed by a lot of the bone-crushing and otherwise painful experiences he suffers through in the show and is generally able to shrug off without complaint (and really, Noah would realistically have so much chronic pain after World Tour in particular, given how much he's crushed, tossed and thrown about in that season alone). But that doesn't mean I think he can just brute-force his way through acting unconcerned by a literal stab wound.
Even p!Noah wouldn't have that unwavering of a constitution, and he's crazy. Though I do think he'd make a good effort of maintaining his persona as the unflappable unstable wildcard, he'd be quick to abscond from the situation at hand and treat the wound. Again, that shit hurts, and it's really hard to keep up any pretences under the pain of a stab wound, so getting himself out of the situation as fast as possible would be his top priority- the less time he spends around the others in his vulnerable state, the slimmer the chances are of them seeing behind his mask of mania to the scared person hidden behind it.
Because his detachment from reality is the vast majority of his defence mechanism game plan; if Noah allows himself to be seen as anything but the psychopath he's portrayed himself as- either by the audience or the now aware cast- he's lost practically everything he's spent seasons building up on camera. Letting himself be seen as vulnerable or even affected by something as "inconsequential" as a stab would is a no-go, so he'd stutter out a few witty zingers and bounce.
(Which is an incredibly unhealthy mindset to have, but p!Noah isn't exactly mentally sound even without his exaggerated persona. His commitment to The Bit is strong enough for him to momentarily disregard his physical wellbeing, but not enough to grant him the ability to completely ignore it.)
It'd play out something like this:
Noah's eyes momentarily widened in shock as he felt the cold steel of Duncan's knife embed itself into the meat of his upper thigh. The pain was searingly sharp, molten agony burning like lava in his veins, and the bookworm found himself reflexively stumbling backwards from the punk.
"Did you just stab me?" He asked incredulously, sparing a glance down towards the weapon sticking out of his now ruined cargo shorts. The sight was almost comedic; Noah's oversized shorts rested against the hilt of the knife like cushions, completely blanketing the wound beneath them. He was almost amused enough to laugh, but the constant screaming of his nerves had his laughter congealing against the back of his throat with the rest of his saliva, leaving his mouth uncomfortably dry.
Duncan, in turn, seemed just as shocked by the turn of events. The delinquent's terrified blue eyes darted from Noah's face to the knife jutting out of his thigh. Which prompted the cynic to contort his grimace into a toothy grin, as any sign of weakness here would completely ruin his carefully cultivated image, though the edges of his smile were soured by the constant throbbing pain in his leg.
Truly, it was Noah's own fault. He shouldn't've provoked the stab-happy jailbird, but messing with Duncan was just too fun an opportunity to pass up.
"Oh fuck! Oh shit, dude, I'm so sorry!"
And he really was. Noah could tell by the shaky panic in his voice, the bulging of his ice-blue eyes, and the way Duncan seemed to curl self-consciously into himself. Not that the pessimist thought he had any right to act to timid- he was the one with the knife in his leg.
Again, Noah wanted nothing more than to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Here he was, stood before the resident metal-faced punk, brandishing the other's knife deep in the flesh of his thigh like some sort of twisted fashion statement. Every minor twitch and spasm of his muscles had white-hot agony lick at the back of his mind like flames, matching the welling heat of pained tears he desperately choked down; Noah refused to cry in front of Duncan, refused to let the other know just how much pain he was in.
He took a few tentative steps backwards, edging towards the exit of the Economy Cabin and towards the relative safety of the Confessional. Each step was a test in his composure, as every time he put even the slightest bit of weight onto his pierced leg Noah felt liquid hot torture bubble through his veins.
"Wow. I know you offered to give me a piercing, but don't you think this is a bit much?" Noah snarked, playing off the unsteady tightness of his voice as mirth with a humourless giggle, and disguising the wince he couldn't quite subdue as a cocky tilting of his head.
Noah placed a steadying hand on the doorframe of the exit, never once turning his back to his assaulter or letting his feral grin falter, as his tear-fogged eyes scanned across the cabin. He'd made it to the exit, but really needed a moment to catch his breath. It was so hard to breath around the sharp, burning pain.
The cynic felt, more than saw, the concerned looks the other occupants of Economy were shooting him. In fact, both Owen and Alejandro had jumped from their seats to, assumedly, assist him. That wouldn't do- Noah staunchly refused to show any semblance of helplessness in front of Alejandro. The latino's hero complex and overblown ego would never let Noah hear the end of it, and making himself even the slightest bit sympathetic in front of their audience would offset the persona he'd worked so hard to maintain.
Damn his team and their inconstant bouts of humanity; concern was the last thing Noah wanted! The whole situation was jeopardising his image! He'd have to do something drastic to stop his well intentioned teammates from following him- something crazy.
"I'm keeping this, by the way."
The bookworm yanked the knife from it's nested perch in is thigh, scattering scarlet droplets of blood in its wake, and brandished his newfound weapon with performative flourish. It hurt like a bitch, and Noah had to force down a shudder at the feeling of his own rapidly welling blood as it began to trickle down his leg like molasses in rivulets of crimson. No doubt his shorts would be ruined, not that they weren't already.
A resounding cry of disbelief rattled through the cabin, though Noah payed it no mind.
It... probably wasn't the best idea, ripping the knife out of his stab wound. But Noah was nothing if not committed to his act, and it wasn't as if he could just re-plug the bleeding with the knife.
Unless? ...No, no that was stupid. The persistent throbbing pain of his sluggishly bleeding wound was probably just messing with his head.
It was, however, satisfying to watch the well-intentioned concern on the other's faces drain into white-faced revulsion and terror, as Noah playfully began to spin the blood soaked weapon between his fingers. Both Owen and Alejandro came to a halt a few meters away from him, the Spaniard in particular seemed to recoil at the stray droplets of the cynic's blood as his face took on a peculiar green tinge.
And Duncan stood shell-shocked in his original position, apparently still stunned by disbelief by his own actions. Not that Noah cared, but it was a little ironic to him; the big bad delinquent couldn't handle the ramifications of his own violence. How sad, Noah's heart was just bleeding for him- or was it his leg? It was hard to tell, the rapid loss of blood made his deductive skills a little wonky.
"Thanks for the gift, Duncey. Toodles!~"
With that, Noah skittered his way out of the cabin, leaving a trail of scarlet behind him.
"Dude, what the fuck."
And then p!Noah hobbles his way to the Confessional to treat his stab wound and stop the bleeding. And probably has a little cry over it because ouch, being stabbed hurts. (Obviously he'd muffle the sounds of his sobs and agonised hissed breaths as he deals with the wound- he wouldn't want anyone overhearing his moment of weakness.)
Then, of course, he remembers that the Confessional is decked out with a camera and quickly re-masks into his usual persona and waxes poetic about how pretty he looks covered in his own blood, and how Duncan was so generous in gifting him his prized knife, and how Noah would love to repay the favour. Or something along those lines.
Duncan in this scenario would have the added bonus of not only dealing with the guilt of stabbing someone, but also the paranoia of Noah's rebuttal. Of which Noah would relish in, because of course he would.
As for the others, Noah would make a conscious and continuous effort to keep them as unconcerned with his wellbeing as possible, since his whole goal is to make himself seem as inhuman and unstable as possible. Letting the others care about him would humanise Noah in the eyes of the cast and the audience at large, which is a big no-no for his game plan.
That doesn't mean he wouldn't let Owen fuss over him in private; Owen's one of the very few people around who knows that a lot of Noah's instability is an exaggeration, so Noah isn't as hesitant to lower his walls.
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cowardlykrow · 2 days
If Pete, Steph, Richie, and Ruth went bowling, who do you think would win?
Well.... i can’t even see Richie and Ruth bowling to be real
I feel like they would complain that it hurts their arms or something and would always bring up the one [or multiple] times they separately threw their shoulders out- or some other horrific accident-
But i suppose if they did play: Ruth wouldn’t even be able to pick up the lightest ball available while Richie would be way too sweaty to hold his ball most of the time and when he did manage to get a grip on it, he’d try and do some ridiculous anime pose before each turn only to have the ball slip and hit something or someone that wasn't the pins [he’d get them kicked out tbh]
Also they would SO use the gutter guards so do they even really count??? 
Now I think Steph and Pete would get really competitive and into it for sure and I also fully believe Pete would totally be winning, but would inevitably lose on purpose to let Steph win
So the answer is Stephanie
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voidscreamns · 1 year
#i dont think i’ve talked my nonverbal!Diluc hc on here yet#but i keep seeing posts abt disability/chronjcally ill/neurodivergent hcs for genshin characters so here’s one from me#idk i feel like after That Night™️ and being on the run from the Fatui/working with a secret organization#diluc not just learns the ‘value’ of keeping secrets and staying quiet but also internalizes his guilt and trauma of saying smth that could#hurt people#it started with him telling Kaeya that he’s not a Ragnvindr anymore and then is exacerbated by his 3-4 Year Fatui Murder Rampage thru Teyvat#and with all ghat trauma and self-deprecation and paranoia he just. stops talking.#he picks up sign language in Fontaine and still writes but at some point he just stops talking and never speaks again#when he comes back to Mondstadt it was hard to adjust to for both him and the people around him#Kaeya initially assumes that Diluc just refuses to talk to him until he later hears gossip abt how no one has ever heard him speak since he#came back. he goes to Adelinde and/or Elzer abt it and they tell him that they neve even hear Diluc so much as hum or grunt#afterwards everyone changes up real fast— Kaeya and Venti drinking at the bar and seemingly just talking at Diluc but they’re always#observing his reactions and body language even when they’re drunk#Jean tries her best to be patient but she has a hard time reading him bc he’s changed so much in the time he’s been gone#Adelinde & Elzer and the winery staff are the most communicative he’s with— Diluc is far more likely to write with them to communicate#at some point Diluc has a business meeting with some rich dude from Fontaine or smth#Kaeya walks in bc he has an actual important mission thinf to discuss and he sees Diluc and this Fontaine dude and the dude’s wife#moving their hands so fast and with all kinds of gestured and stuff#and it’s the first time Kaeya sees Diluc look so EXPRESSIVE— he’s frowning and raising his eyebrows and mouthing words and all this#and Kaeya just goes ‘what’#turns out the Fontainian dude is deaf and both him and his hearing wife know sign; she helps interpret this to kaeya for the dude and Diluc#and Kaeya is like ‘oh okay’ and goes to the kitchen like ‘i’ll just wait here till yall are finished’#and he sees Adelinde and Elzer there with stoic faces and they just. stand there in quiet for so long.#Kaeya finally says ‘…..so. sign language huh’ and Adelinde and Elzer have the most pained looks on their faces#later that week Diluc finds like everyone around suddenly doing basic signs with him#he later learns that the winery has ordered a shitton of signing books from Fontaine and are trying to learn#+ Kaeya and Jean too with help from Lisa bc like dont you know learning several languages is a requirement for graduation from the Akademiya#soon the use of sign starts spreading in Mondstadt— there might be some small communities where they have their own native sign but it’s not#as standardized nor widely known as it is in Fontaine#this is getting really long so I’ll stop here but yeah. nonverbal Diluc who signs fjskdjs
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marsixm · 2 months
ocd rly sucks sometimes bc i swear my paranoia just shoots me in the foot with my personal life so bad
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
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the eclipse (2022) | akkayan | ep.5
the curse again? but they got cursed already. / yes. first, their stuff started disappearing. then, they got into some little accidents, and then some car accidents. according to the legend, there’s one more incident left. getting burned. 
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cagcd · 7 months
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While on the topic of Johnny's powers again, I really do love the idea of him being able to sense other's mood or negative energy as when he absorbed so many souls it gave him a link to such things ( thank you powpow for inspiring this ily ) he's always been attentive and able to read others, but after his powers are awakened he can easily tell when something is wrong or when someone is upset, especially when it comes to his loved ones, but he doesn't address it directly and offers his support through the guise of him simply being annyoing ... What hurts even more is that no one in turn knows when he is going through something, he's a good actor and makes sure no one is able to read him, not wanting to be vulnerable and have his trust betrayed ... he just sticks to his own solitude to deal with everything ...
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minty-bunni · 2 years
Danny could totally blame some of his ghost fight injuries on Dash if he times things right. He avoids questions about how he managed to break his arm AND gets the added bonus of making Dash look bad.
He could use this to get out of gym for awhile as well.
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sharkneto · 11 months
Really random ask but i just thought of something interesting; if the commission exists in Number’s timeline, how would he react if they gave him a job offer?? (before the events of HIT, he has no idea what the commission is)
i just wanna know how number would react to the commission? i imagine he’d consider saying yes for a tour of this Really Cool Time Travel Organization, but at the same time he’d absolutely hate them.
This has been sitting in my inbox for a while (sorry) and it's partly because I'm bad at answering asks and partly because... I never fucking considered this? And it's such a fun and interesting what-if, too! What if Number got recruited by the Commission?
So, the Commission of course exists in Number's timeline - it exists in all timelines - but the canon reason they don't bother Number is 1) apocalypse is still on and 2) when things change enough for his branch to be on their radar, Five is causing them so many problems they don't have resources to divert and fix it and it's a "we'll get to it after we deal with Five" (which they never get a chance to do because Five keeps causing them problems and destroying their resources).
But if the Commission had been smarter, they should have gone to tap Number before he ran into Five again and before they tried blackmailing Five into a contract. It's an obvious solution - they know the kind of stellar work Five can do, and their Five is all jaded and too broken from them leaving him in the apocalypse for too long (oops) to control properly. That's a dud, but maybe this younger version of him is workable - controllable via inexperience rather than destroyed will?
From Number's end, I think he'd be wildly curious and initially interested. Shifting Mirrors Five was a secret agent for years in no small part because he thought it was cool. Time Agent is *even cooler* than secret agent. And he knows about Time! These guys know about Time! He could learn so much! He could be a Time Agent. Before he learned more about it, I think he'd kind of make a plan of "finish my degree with Sarah and then go do this for a bit before coming back and getting my PhD." It's time travel! He doesn't have to miss any time in the real-world, they only want five years, they can't complain that he's putting it off a few months to finish his degree because they can just jump ahead and pick him up then - wins all around.
Where this all falls apart for the Commission is Number has better morals than Five. Five is better at the "a few hundred dead so I can save the world (my family)" rationalization and long game. Number coming in would just be killing people to keep the timeline on its arbitrary track. He doesn't have a "direct" A to B on how this helps him stop the apocalypse (even if the Commission is stringing him along about that). He's pragmatic, he's practical, he fucking hates killing. Any solution that doesn't involve a life being lost, he's going to take it (Marcus only dies by his hand because he misestimated how heavy the dumpster was going to be and didn't have time to recalculate if that was going to be survivable for poor Marcus, he regrets grunts dying in the big living room battle and none are killed by him. In the alternate timeline, Carmichael only dies by his foot because Carmichael just killed Five and Rob and Sarah are in direct danger from him). Number is not going to play their game, is going to look at how they keep the timelines managed and say "that's bullshit".
So you absolutely nailed it - he would absolutely want a tour of the time organization, want to know all about what they're doing and how they do it and think it's so neat --- right up until he learns about Corrections and how their entire operation hinges on incidental murders to keep the timeline neat and orderly to their arbitrary criteria. And then he'd want to destroy them brick by brick.
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asbestieos · 1 year
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sorry for how scrunched this is, ill transcribe all the writings below the readmore <3 but tomokoi is my everything,, eventually ill draw their unit stuff and more time-line accurate portraits but for today you get this reflection on current tomokoi politics
-> Q: caretaker for, loves wholeheartedly // couple behind closed doors
-> Shinji: admires, will always offer help // “bad boy” duo
i can explain that second part fhgbhfgb "bad boy" because the public perceives them as delinquent-adjacent like bad boy (romantic) and they both find this funny and often pull a bit where they'll rip on each other's nonexistent rap sheet. this bit gets less funny after Shinji gets framed and jailed for attempted murder
-> Minami: kindest friend
-> Luka: confidant // unknowingly enemies
Q (founder and former leader of Tomokoi; current leader of XIV)
-> Heart: adores // couple behind closed doors
-> Shinji: less than trash // leaders
-> Minami: missed, fave member (of Tomokoi)
-> Luka: suspicious of // unknowingly enemies
Shinji (current leader of Tomokoi)
-> Heart: indebted // “bad boy” duo
-> Q: apologetic… // leaders
-> Minami: grateful, wants him to trust his feelings w/ others
-> Luka: ILY but stop being secretive
-> Heart: reliable ☆ (repressed crush)
-> Q: he has changed…
-> Shinji: sympathetic, unconditional support ;P
-> Luka: we take care of each other! ♡
-> Heart: knows their secrets, monitors their activities // unknowingly enemies
-> Q: scared of // unknowingly enemies
-> Shinji: too hard on himself
-> Minami: good friend, trusts w/ health
Heart and Q are currently members of a separate unit, XVI (“sixteen”), with two other members, while Shinji, Luka, and Minami carry on as Tomokoi !!
the story of Tomokoi is v smaddening and heartbreaking. this was back when Minami still went by ‘Hide’ short for.. their name ^_^; he also did not have those facial scars at this time.
Tomokoi began in junior high with five friends who wanted to become idols. Q founded the group and came up with its conception, believing it was the best way to popularize themselves. Tomokoi was only ever meant to sustain their dream while in junior high and to help them all develop their skills early to get ahead of the pack
for Q and Minami, they were perfectly able to maintain and dissociate their persona from their lives; for Shinji, Heart, and Luka, they struggled to live with their respective persona and how the public saw them. Minami becomes Q’s favorite, Q considered him skilled and determined enough to become an idol and sets him as the group's center; Heart as Q’s personal caretaker unconsciously becomes neurotic over it, Shinji gets jealous of his other unitmates for having an easier time with their persona than he with his own. Tomokoi ends up being very turbulent bc theyre all middle schoolers forced to play people they arent for the sake of a far-off dream they might not get to achieve. Luka is literally just Standing There (very upset that their friends are constantly at each other’s throats)
but the ultimate goal of every Tomokoi member is to audition for Reimei and to be accepted as individuals. they gave themselves individual personas to act out through Tomokoi to make themselves shine, so they hope that with the transition to high school, the tension that’s between them all will disappear along with Tomokoi; they’ll still be friends, but Tomokoi embodies the painful struggles and agonies and horrors they put themselves through as literal kids, and by moving on to individual work, they hope to move on from that painful part of their lives and to mature into idols
well, every single member of Tomokoi is accepted into Reimei - except Shinji, due to family history issues he was unaware of (blah blah blah sins of the father) and his own behavior (lashed out at judges). Q immediately gets on his ass for fucking up, Luka tries to defend them, all three get a distress call from Minami who, as it turns out, has been lying to his family the whole time about his future career path but that's not important, it's more urgent that he's terrified his family is about to kill him and themselves and needs help
lots of shenanigans happen. Shinji gets caught with the Madoka family's blood on his hands, Q frames Shinji for the assault of the Madoka family for very petty reasons, Minami is unconscious and hospitalized due to injury for the whole three weeks Shinji's trial takes. you may ask where Heart is during all this? Germany, trying to find their birth family (fruitless effort) (also didn't tell anyone they were going) (entrusted Luka, Shinji, and Minami with Q's health but really only Luka tends to Q).. it is a lot! by junior high graduation, Shinji is in juvenile prison, Q suffers a mental breakdown that Heart has to tend to, Luka disappears entirely, and Minami is left to care for what remains of his family, most of whom now rely on him due to disability.
this summary really doesnt do their individual stories justice i dont think i could do them justice but (shakes tomokoi) THEYRE EVERYTHING TO ME!!! THEYRE VERYTGHIGNGT TT OT MEEEAU AUAAUAGAG UAUA
ill also,, write up shit about their individual characters and personalities later i just wanted to get this relationship sheet out there so everyone knows theyre. not ok. ever
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roundaboutnow · 1 year
i love bella in h2o but i think i dislike s3 because they did zane dirty. he made all that progress in s1 and s2 just to be the asshole again? such a shame.
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s4pphoiduser · 2 years
blind (2022) is driving me insane. im begging my friends to watch it but theyre either busy with exams or almost exclusively fluff/romance-watchers . i need to talk ab this w someone just hit me up or something GOD
#kdrama blind (2022)#blind 2022 spoilers#tvn ocn blind (2022)#so my theory is the same as other peoples' its confirmed that 13 yoonjae is sungjoon so im thinking sunghoon was there too (somehow idk) an#that hes 11 and jung inseong the juror is 12. 11 and 12 seem to be real brothers? bc in ep1 11 said 'go meet mom' and not 'go meet your mom#and maybe 11 and 13 escaped together after hiding under the floorboards? since sj Was adopted maybe he was taken in when the parents found#sh after they escaped together? and the thing is everyone is involved somehow so if the mother was like in a high position at the center (i#i didnt the lady at the start of ep7 for someone else) then how was sunghoon there? idk i havent gotten that far on my theory except that#hes 11. maybe they were Both adopted? so the next to die is either the lady  idr her name or the producer guy. 24 + 7 r confirmed dead now#13 is sungjoon. and inseong is def connected to this somehow like the rest of the jury. ergo my theory that hes 12. also i think the body#they found w ahn taeho's phone in ep8 is jung yoonjung's (yoonjae's older sister) bc of the necklace and the size of the skeleton. so now#they've found one body from the events of 20 years ago that happened at the center. all the jurors' kids will be killed as revenge for the#parents turning a blind eye on them as kids so theyre being punished by having their beloved children taken away from them. i think its#amazing how theyre all connected they dont know it at all. choi soongil was the only one who recognized ahn taeho (bc of the scar) and#yeom hyejin didnt know her father was sending kids to be abused and enslaved. kang youngki saw kids in numbered uniforms doing hard labor#never said a word bc keeping it a secret earned him money that he spent on his own kid who wouldve been around the same age as them.#from ep8 we see that the producer made a docu on the center and just buried it. and ofc mr baek who was the ringleader of all this.#his daughter killed on her birthday and kang youngki's daughter killed on her wedding day as retribution. im sad that ahn taeho died living#a life of guilt and fear moving around all the time but at least hes free from that now. im glad he got to apologize to 'yoonjae' for it#honestly i cant be mad at ahn taeho bc he was a survivor and a child and terrified. also is it just me or did sunghoon look disappointed#when ahn taeho confessed? like thats all the evidence i have supporting my theory that hes 11 i think. ofc theres the vibes? that he and#sungjoon have more history than the shows let on so far but if he was 11 he would be so disappointed bc he planned their escape#anyway come talk to me about this its driving me crazy
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torchiiko · 1 year
ummmm. spamton x reader where reader is just as if not more insecure than spamton and by loving each other they also learn to love themselves
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sensitivegoblin · 1 year
Knowing that you get ler moods make me want to tease and be a brat until you want to destroy me . . . 🤐
Hehe well that’s very fun~ I’d be happy to teach you manners any time🪶😌
Honestly I can’t take too stubborn of brats tho, it confuses me too much I’m not a brat tamer😅
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