#sei rants
seirxi · 1 year
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Shop is open again
Stock is very limited for some items!! Shop will also only be open until April 25th so act fast.
(Btw the first 50 orders for free stickers thing is a lie it’s actually 100 but I was too lazy to change my template loll)
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bellamer · 2 months
Motherfuckers who constantly complain about blackwashing or any other minority being cast in a remake and tell minorities to make their own stories need to shut the fuck up unkindly
Because I can guarantee not one of those dickheads ever watched
Canon Busters: The one time it did get social media attention on twitter the tag got taken over by some idiots who were crying to bring back some shit called The OA
Seis Manos: Netflix didn’t promote it at all so it’s mostly their fault but still
The Jellies, Lazer Wulf or Camp Buckooth: every time these shows were promoted here came annoying ass venture bros and Metalocalypse fans under every video commenting that these shows were trash and to bring back VB and Metalocalyps
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: which is doing semi fine but it’s still annoying when I see a promotion online and the comments are filled with “Bring back the owl house !” because you know they lost their show so they can’t let anyone else enjoy their shows
I’m A Virgo: everyone complained that it was ‘too weird’ but claim that they want different stories about black people that aren’t slave stories but turn their heads at black surrealism
Nope: People claimed it was too confusing and that they didn’t understand the story when the story and the message is absolutely easy to understand
It’s always “make your own stories !” yet they never help support those stories, they always try to hijack what little promotion or they just straight up ignore it or even when we do make our own stories they still complain and claim it’s “woke pandering” or “woke propaganda”
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willwillywilliam · 2 months
I'm fighting for my life. I only had 97 wish-stone before the pach. I farm everything I can and only get one stone in 30 Echos.
Then I see a legendary at pity 50, I see two epic in the same pull. I'm happy, i finally can get Chu Yao.
Then is only a epic divine, I'm sad but i still have the legendary. And is the fucking Tiye divine.
I am tired of Tiye she is everywhere, and I'm bored of playing with her, and her divine is pretty bad.
I'm falling in desperation, that twink doesn't want me to have him.
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diningpageantry · 25 days
transphobes attacking me on insta for taking HRT after i literally explain that T saved my life by stopping my near-constant menstrual linked-hormonal seizures that i've been having since i was abt 16ish.... they don't actually care if it literally is keeping you alive in a medical sense they want you dead because you don't hate that you're not cis regardless
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dollyprincessollie · 1 year
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bro was NOT lying when he said this
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jediaprentis · 1 year
Okay but what's the thing with Star Wars and white, brown haired women? It's BORING.
And it's lazy character design (we're talking about a space fantasy after all). It's like the default player character in games but just switch the gender. I mean, every single leading woman character in SW movies is a white brunette stronk woman. At least we have some variety of design with so side characters.
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ma-chi1993 · 4 months
💬 and 🖊 (Germany) I just adore how you write him (and posso resistere dal fare tante domande)
💬 (condivido un pezzettino di una fraita che sto scrivendo, mi piace particolarmente come è venuto questo paragrafo)
Il tramonto dipinge il cielo di rosa e la luce che filtra dalle finestre di Notre Dame rende la cattedrale un luogo quasi paradisiaco. Francia fa finta di pregare, in ginocchio vicino a Veneziano, e nel frattempo lo osserva. E' ormai un giovane uomo anche se sul volto si mantengono dei tratti femminei, segno di una bellezza androgina; i capelli rossi sono brillanti e setosi, e delle lievi lentiggini cospargano le guance rosee e il naso; le labbra sono carnose e rosse per il freddo e perché continua a mordicchiarle, per chissà quale motivo. Sotto la luce di Notre Dame, in ginocchio a pregare devoto davanti al crocifisso. Italia Veneziano è comparabile ad una apparizione angelica, e Francia si sente molto un peccatore che ha appena avuto la fortuna di assistere ad una tale divina apparizione. Senza rendersene conto si lecca le labbra. L'amore eleva a Dio, perciò amare un angelo sceso in terra a ricordargli che è solo un misero peccatore non può che essere un atto supremo di devozione al Signore. Sedurre un angelo, tuttavia, potrebbe aprire per lui le porta della redenzione così come quelle dell'inferno.
🖊 Germany
Ah, Germany. Idk why but he's definetly the easiest to write for me. We are pretty similar on many aspects, so I guess that's why. I find him fascinating to write: dude is young, surrounded by nations that have centuries of experiences and life over him, which i think it can explain the competitiveness he has shown in some occasions and his fixation to be at his best. If you know the time period of when he was born it's easy to imagine how the people around him sold him a future of glory as soon as he could stand on his feet - and we all know how it all ended. The struggle that comes from being told, all your life, that your future is bright only to being brought down to reality by the cruelty of history and humans, it opens so many possibilities to explore in fiction.
Of course an history like his makes it hard to dedicate time to cultivate any kind of relationship with others, hence his awkwardness and shyness. He is a romantic at heart but was never taught to express his emotions properly - Prussia, bless his heart, probably tried but he is even more emotionally constipated than his little brother - so I guess he finds himself fantasizing a lot about love, but hell will break loose before he does the first move - he will remain awkward in a stable relationship for this exact reason. Add an education were he was taught to always be at his best, and you have someone that is terrified of doing something wrong to his beloved because of his inexperience - he would need a lot of reassurance because of this.
Shipping aside, I think the friendship between Veneziano and Germany works so well it's because Veneziano can see a lot of his old self in Germany: young, naive, constantly being about his glorious future; but Veneziano is old, really old, and knows that this is mostly bullshit that humans try to sold to nations to make them follow their orders. I can imagine how bad he must feel in watching his friend being manipulated like that and not being able to do anything about it, to shield him in any way. He can also compensate his character well, giving the reassurance he needs - romantic or not, it's a well put together relationship.
So, in conclusion, it's really funny to go into Germany's head, lol. He is a complex character, but not at the point that it might be confusing to handle him
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mirrorthoughts · 10 months
I do love travelling by train, I really do, but the German train system is currently a clusterfuck. I have yet to take a train today that’s actually punctual <_<
And I’m already travelling since 8am. Actually I had to take a train about half an hour early to get to my other trains who all only go once every hour.
And the first one, that that I would have missed, was SO packed with people for 90% of the time (I was travelling for 4,5h from end station to end station) that it felt as if we were travelling in a sardine cab and not a train. And I was one of the lucky ones to actually have a seat!
The current train is actually alright - and there’s a lot more space and less people - but we already started 5mins late from the station (again first stop/end station of the whole drive). Though I will still get my next train afaik. I still have at least 15 minutes to change train even though we’re late.
Still. I love taking the train. But I hate how bad our train system has gotten.
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boyakishan · 6 months
Some dude went "your posts get 0 notes lol".
Like. Dude. I'm not looking or needing attention. The idea that having hundreds on notes on this site is either because your post's got merit.
Or you know how to play the game.
"it's in God's hand and I am not praying"
And another thing. Conversely, the fact I'm racist doesn't mean anything. Everyone's technically racist. Me calling out how something seems racist to me doesn't mean anything. You applying moral "you're saying I'm a bad person by saying I'm racist?"
No. I didn't say that. I just said it feels racist. If you think that I'm saying you're bad, that's all you. I'm just saying you're racist.
It's not hard, it's just stupid.
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seirxi · 9 months
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me watching new people get into one piece for the first time and seeing them discover the dreams, joy, and whimsy that I love about the series
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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when you can never forget… _(:3 」∠)_
#mad cringe 3am rant incoming pls stand by—#…so i found my enstars screenshots from 2018 and i don’t even remember half of them happening h e l p#there’s stuff like spamming for repayment fes event nazuna niichan till i had 0 dia left…#…and making ship birthday board things for the 2019 birthday events. i made leokasa and subahokke ones s o bs#and i think i saw a makoizu ss from the librarian event? the outfit + blushing seaweed head sure looks like it’s from that event#(tfw you’re the only one shipping this problematic ship lmao)#also speaking of enstars hi are there any other hokke recasting rejectors out there👀👀👀#hokke’s current va has been voicing him for much longer than his previous va ever did and i *still* can’t get used to his ‘new’ voice lmao#i remember benching his 5☆ so fast the moment i heard his ‘new’ voice post-recasting. sad times. initial hokke was my first 5☆ too…#but the most cringe memory i have of enstars is… downloading it thinking it was a haikyuu game bc subaru lowkey looks like hinata.#in my defence i couldn’t read japanese back then ok. i was so confused when they told me to pick an idol unit bc ‘where my volleyboys at???’#i really should’ve realised something was up when i saw hokke (or as i thought he was back then: haru from the swimming anime) appear smh#it took me like 2 months to get through the tutorial bc i was so confused. 0/10 experience; should’ve quit enstars on the first uninstall#but lmao i still have the og enstars app unupdated on my old phone. it still has the dumb 4th anni thing on the icon. time flies…#and well if you read this for some reason or other… go listen to ‘crush of judgement’ or ‘sei shounen yuugi’👀 they’re the best songs (imo)#also nazuna niichan is the bestest boy and prettiest boy and the cutest boy and have you seen his frozen ice card it’s so cute and aaaaaaa—#also now that that’s done can i talk about my 3.5 year long love live phase—#ok i think i got enough cringe out of my system for now.#tune in in a few hours for (maybe) more cringe tag blubbering about shin jidai this time (provided my dvd comes in today dhl p l s—)#it is suiyoubi my dudes#inedible blubbering
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set-wingedwarrior · 8 months
Sometime's I really want to strangle my roomate
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jaywritesrps · 9 months
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heavenknowsffs · 1 year
Já tou no lodo e só tou a teatar 5 casos lmao quando receber chamadas no meio vou-me matar 🤡
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fellhalcyon · 2 years
i have been spoiled by utsukushii kare and minato’s laundromat and eternal yesterday..... i have been tricked into blindly trusting japanese bl once again.......... fujimi orchestra my beloathed how does your storyline manage to be worse than the hairstyles on your actors................. wtf on gd’s green earth did i just watch
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