made4venting · 2 years
I can’t help but be angry with myself… I feel so stupid. The way I think is so stupid. The way I blow up is so stupid. The things I do is so stupid. Everything about me seems so stupid. I am so stupid.
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depressedmelody11 · 1 month
it feels like someone is squeezing my heart right now. it has been like this lately...
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unfoldingmoments · 6 months
The Obsession with Me, Myself and I, Self-Pity & Self-Hate
When people lack relationships with others, they tend to rely on their inner thoughts for assurance, affirmation, and guidance.
While this inner voice, which is also known as our conscience, can serve as a helpful tool to convict us when we do wrong, when we have no other voice of reason to rely on, it can also drive us to make impulsive decisions.
Human beings were built for relationships. After God created Adam, He stated it was not good for man to be alone and made him a suitable partner to share his duties with.
Evidently, when a person struggles to relate to others, they stop reaching out to other people and instead withdraw within themselves. This is how the obsession with ‘me, myself, and I’ is born.
Some people may argue they cannot be obsessed with themselves since they do not conflate their self-worth. But that’s just it; the fixation on self does not necessarily have to take on the form of arrogance or pride.
On the contrary, people can become obsessed with themselves by harboring self-deprecating thoughts that highlight their weaknesses.
Just like an individual who is obnoxiously full of themselves can construct a world that revolves around how “amazing” they are, someone with low self-esteem can create a reality where they are the worst person to have ever walked the earth.
Both ends of the spectrum are equally dangerous since preoccupation with self leads to selfishness, self-pity, and self-hate.
Can I let you in on a little secret? Making everything about what you think and how you feel is the quickest way to sabotage relationships because selfishness and self-centered thinking is the primary cause of conflicts, disagreements, and dissension.
In fact, scripture is very clear about emphasizing the importance of selflessness, and the greatest example it gives revolves around Christ Himself. Since Christ loved us so much, we should also be willing to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.
Obviously, this is not possible if we are only thinking about ourselves.
Quit Daydreaming: How to Wake Up & Break Free (Part 3): Day 2 • Devotional https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/41788/day/2?segment=0
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athingirl · 8 months
Best Story Of The Week...October 26
  It never fails.   Whenever I’m suffering from a severe case of the Poor Mes, I get a celestial smack.    It was close to 7 a.m. coming from the Park, limbs well oiled from my morning run, when I meet a middle-aged man of color wheeling a shopping cart overflowing with cans.    He wore old jeans, a ragged parka with a wool scarf tied around his neck, like an exhausted ice skater. One of his…
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ehyaawesome · 1 year
I am big sad.
I dislike the fact that I feel I will never be loved in an intimate way. Not like sex. But like being hugged by someone who truly loves every bit of you.
I feel like that a huge part of me is missing for not having that. And it really fucking sucks.
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littletealight · 1 year
Wits end with Money
Wits end with Money
So this is a continuation of something from the last post. I may talked about it before how I am currently living with my roommate and have been scrambling around for a job and even applying for SSI which would literally just be rent and saving up for a car because where I live is not walking friendly. Well my roommate is currently going nuts with spending, like to the point of one cc getting…
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iankarlo · 2 years
Night Market Foodtrip | 33rd
Another busy day. I have been dealing with multiple jobs earlier and it is driving me crazy. There are so many concerns and there are so many additional items in my model and I am really getting crazy. 
It kinda lighter feeling although I am busy the entire day. I managed to work on the things I need to work on and I am happy that somehow I am progressing. 
It took me sometime to deal with it and I think I am running out of time. I badly wanted it to be out as early as this month so I am hopeful that I can have a good salary this coming December or maybe this January. 
Later today, I had a chance to talk to Ae. I mean although I feel like we have been distancing ourselves, I tried to make some conversation still. I just helped him a little with his decors and we are laughing around with some stuff. He laughed at my jokes and he is really cutie. I like looking at his hands cause it looks smooth and soft. He has been too serious lately so I tried not to talk to him. But yeah, I'm glad we had some interactions today. 
Also, Buloy replied to me about his video having a vaccine. He is very funny although we don't have much time to talk a lot. I wish we could have some more time to talk. I know he is busy and he is distancing to me too. I don't know what to feel exactly. I like him so much but I know he doesn't feel the same way. 
Sometimes, I hate the way I really see myself. I hate being called ugly or always in the safest zone. I know I don't look physically good that's why I am not likable plus my intimidating personality. I don't know how can I worked out on this that's why sometimes, I just feel like I wanted to change everything in myself so I will look better. I really hate how I see myself in the mirror and how my body and face looks like. I know this sounds self pity but honestly, this is how I feel. 
How can I make myself lovable?
Anyway, let's stop our drama. My friends and I supposed to eat siomai as our merienda and we ended up eating in night market food stalls. We ordered Chicken Inasal and bought some barbecue. We had fun and I really enjoyed laughing around with them. It somehow lessen the overthinking in my head. 
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I feel happy yet I feel sad. 
Love always,
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jebinthomasmathew · 2 years
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Posted @withregram • @rajivchelladurai Self pity will not solve the problem in fact it will make it worse #selfpity #emotionalintelligence (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgNpW6kIDBu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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contessavermillion · 2 years
Ma won't buy heat. It's June, it's freezing, she has the money but she won't buy heat. She's saving it to pay for my father's tombstone. I think it's insanity that she sits in the cold while holding onto money for a granite stone for my father's grave. He wouldn't want this. We've had this argument before. I know I should have it again. I know I should fight her but I don't want to. I'm just so tired. I'm so tired of being sad and angry and feeling like shit no matter what I do to try and feel better. When I look at the people I love all I see is their end, their deaths. Daddy dying just made ever9so incredibly shit. Nothing is better. Not a single fucking thing. And I'm just so so fucking tired. It was his birthday. And now it's Father's day. And the silence where he used to be threatens to swallow me whole. I feel cold to the marrow. My whole world drowned when he died. And I don't know how to help Ma anymore. I don't even have the energy to want to try. I feel like the worst daughter in the world. Too broke to buy the damn heat for her myself. Too fucking apathetic to get a new job so I can make more money. Too fucking tired to hate myself enough to try.
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gpuzzle · 4 months
starting to feel like I am utterly incapable of being loved; that everyone just sees me as a fucked up adult child due to being a literal sperg; and that I will forever be deeply alone, no matter how much I try to get out of my shell, thereby casting me onto the role of outsider forever.
I hate this so goddamn much.
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pissy-lissy · 7 months
I found out yesterday that the two American frat bros I met ten years ago during my gap year are getting married to each other. They were only best friends back then and even then I was pretty envious because they had such a special friendship.
And now they are actually together and happy and engaged. And I am really happy for them, but also incredibly sad, because I am really lonely atm and I never figured out how to be in a relationship with another woman. I am still partly closeted and dating is hard and only being brave enough to acknowledge your queerness in your late 20s makes you miss a lot of stuff.
I hate that I can't just be happy for two queer people who found love and that it always makes me feel like I am missing something essential.
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mitamicah · 10 days
I don't know if something about gender euphoria would make it better or worse? If you think it'd make you feel worse, please don't read On Saturday I discovered my first mustache hairs, and I can't stop feeling them and smiling. There was so many times I thought it would never get better. But it did.
This is so cool!!! I am so happy for you dude 😍🥹🫶
It is the small things that makes it worth it 🥹
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depressedmelody11 · 1 month
i had this thought suddenly, for the very first time in my life (if you can believe it), "do i really know myself. is what im putting out to the world my real true self? or is it just an act in always trying to please people? in the hopes that they'll like me. or validate me."
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notmysophie · 6 months
Hozier is performing an hour and a half away from me tonight and I can't be there because I am fucking broke. I can't even mope about it properly because I have rehearsals. Guess I'll just have to comfort myself with the thought that we will be on stage at the same time in the same country...
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athingirl · 2 years
Hell In A Snowsuit
Hell In A Snowsuit
   When things don’t go your way, how should one behave?    A loaded question since there are so many options.    We can suck it up like the saint we’re not, putting on a good show, or The Ritz, whichever’s your fancy.   We can take it out on the world crying victimhood pointing fingers, and then of course there’s going up on the roof with an Uzi, and thanks to the NRA, are as accessible as…
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matrose · 2 years
stress stress stress theres a leak in the bathroom dripping water on the floor my grandma got hospitalized again my grandfather will not fully recover from his stroke my little brother wont go to school and gets into all sorts of trouble i might be developing a dermatological autoimmune disease that i need to get checked out soon and and and!!!!! aaarghhh i wish i could be a tree
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