#send them
hey. competitions? getting too specific. "middle sibling competition" "most unhinged knife weilding bisexual with abandonment issues competition" "biggest left tit competition" ridiculous, all of you. pure cowardice. if your characters are so good they should win against all. they should climb the ever increasing mountain of corpses free of constraints. so, i give you:
the most character of all time competition
no limits. no categories. simply characters fighting to the fucking death in one single glorious showdown, the ULTIMATE battle, as they should have been all along. if your characters are truely strong they will prevail. they will fight as long as they need to. or do you doubt them?
must be a character
must be from something
must be willing to fight for as long as it takes
send them
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astralnymphh · 2 months
aestarion i need more domestic ellie with her kid
i take domestic!ellie requests day and night around the clock please please PLEASE
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bumblebeeenby · 1 year
Y’all please send me your Ninjago fanfic recommendations. Anything goes (no smut please), just call out your favorites! I have read so many but I just KNOW there are gems deep in the archive I’ll never see without other people pointing them out ( ˙-˙ )
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gcslingss · 5 days
requests pls :3
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archangelsarchway · 14 days
part two is in the works... pls send requests though guys I thirst for knowledge
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How ya'll feeling~?
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scrunklyshinyguy · 4 months
has ANYBODY made a gif of that cute little hop that dame did near the end of the episode??? like that was SOOOOO cute i need pics, gifs,videos ANYTHING of her during the episode
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Ruben scenarios in my inbox??
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Top 5 excuses for when you need to abandon a social engagement (help a girl out ahead of this busy festive socialising season 🤣) 🧡🧡🧡
Hah, brilliant question my love, we all need a break every now and then and I will happily share my secrets 😉
“I’m not feeling 100%” - the most obvious one. I also feel like this is even better now after the pandemic because you can just show how responsible you are. Not 100% can also mean almost anything, you can decide for yourself if you want it to develop into a whole thing (to cancel the whole week) or be over quickly (to still do the next thing).
"Something's come up" - be vague. One thing I've learnt is that the more details you provide the more it sounds as if you're lying. If something really has come up you know it has and you don't bother with details because you know it's true. When people add details it's because they want to convince you. Red flag.
"The kids are ill" - I don't have kids so I can't use this but my friends seem to do all the time. Also, kids get ill all the time and then they get better immediately before they get ill again so it's an excuse you can use over and over.
"I've got a doctor's appointment." - Again, be vague. No-one can seriously start questioning what kind of doctor's appointment or why you need to. If you want to add some details, I usually go with "it's probably nothing but they had a cancellation and I don't want to risk having to wait for weeks". I mean, I don't know how the NHS is these days but here, quick doctor appointments are like gold.
"I'm just not feeling up for it/I'm so tired." - Look, sometimes it's okay to be honest. Me and my friends are trying to normalise being honest about these things because sometimes you just need to have an evening at home to write fic do nothing and that's okay. Sometimes we're just bloody tired and that's okay too.
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
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1luckyrubberducky · 2 years
I just remembered I have multiple bird pics I’ve taken… Wanna see some?
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
(i am banning myself, i swear) but send me asks (aaron or jake), i’ll do you a 5 sentence baby blurb (after tomorrow is over)
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zmbiesuga · 1 year
just a reminder that requests r open and if u request i will write it. im in a rut with my own writing and brain juice so i havent been able to produce anything that hasnt been asked of me 👍 i also just put up a list for who i write for if u guys are confused about that
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aroace-madness · 2 years
If anybody has any images for me to redraw as toh characters
Pls send them
I can't find any
Edit: ok nvm i got it
But y'all are still free to send me photos
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tardis--dreams · 2 years
My boss: maybe the easiest way would be for you to call them
I could also just set myself on fire, how does that sound like
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frostbitesjc · 2 years
pov you had an entire month to prepare for your mid year exams but you decided to do nothing for almost 3 weeks so now you only have 3 days left to study
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cemeterything · 2 days
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stuck between "psychological horror statement" and "objectively the funniest thing you could say to your real flesh and blood dad" in the father's day card aisle
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