#separated peepaw au
intotheelliwoods · 8 months
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hes having a crisis....
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separatedleoau · 1 year
Note: this post has been sitting on my drafts for like two weeks now, maybe more, but it seemed relevant to the current separated au polls so... here
Is so funny to me that people keep asking me questions about how One would react to other Leos because my answer is always the same: he'll fight them and he won't like them
Where am I? Who is this person that looks just like me? Why are they looking at me weird? Those are a few questions that might cross his mind but it doesn't matter because confusion and anxiety are gonna take over his body and he's gonna let it out as anger
He's gonna stab first and ask questions later
Doesn't help the fact that I make him more of a violence gremlin when he's with other Leos than he is in my au
I mean I eventually want him to get along with the rest bc this boy needs friends, but he's not easy to get along with and the fact that the others have their own brothers and families that they love so much is not gonna help
You know how on the peepaw multiverse the future leos are on diferent degrees of trying to kill each other and the kids are sometimes somewhere around just chilling?
One would take a look at the two groups and think whatever the adults have going on is way funnier and jump right into the fight
Can he win? Absolutely not. Does he know that? Yes. Is he still gonna try to stab someone? Of course he is
Glad now we are leting the separated Leos fight, One is having the time of his life
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thejadecount · 1 year
Okay but I honestly think that we should get some Peepaw Multiverse Leos interacting with other AU Leos like LFLS and Separated though
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angelmichelangelo · 1 year
the dad diaries for @turrondeluxe ❤️
if anybody doesn’t know, the peepaw and babies au has TOTALLY taken over my brain like. in the best way possible so of course i just had to write a lil fic for it <3 i hope u like this, amigo! i have other little ideas floating around in my head if you’d ever want more fic version of your au :) anyway enough rambling ENJOY!! everybody go check out the au i’m fairly certain everything is archived on @peepawronin for your enjoyment :-)
His coffee, as strong as it may, didn’t deter the headache that was blossoming behind his tired, weary eyes from expanding; creeping across the front of his skull with each steady pulse of his heartbeat.
He takes another sip, steels himself to see if perhaps the magic he knows does not truly exist has worked and…
There’s the sound of his youngest, voice thick with babyish chub still, carrying across the lair with determination, tallying around inside his squeezing head like a brash drum cymbal.
Before he can push himself up off his stool, it goes off again, shrill and impatient,
“Papa! Papa! I’m telling!”
That was nothing new for Michelangelo these days, that familiar old phrase, minced with saccharine dramatics, he’s blinking his eyes hard to starve off the rest of the headache that threatens him; the kind that travels down the back of his skull and towards his shell and over his spine and makes him feel about a million years old.
He heaves a sigh. He already feels a million years old these days, what with the trophies of his days gone by evident across his aging body, like his trick knee and the ache he gets in his elbow when it perhaps rains a little too hard. It’s one thing to feel it physically, but the added bonus of it being emotional as well weighs just a touch too heavy for his liking.
He comes to a stop in the pit where the sounds are louder and more pitchier, and there’s two little turtles to accompany them, faces all pinched into varying degrees of annoyance.
It’s Odyn who reaches him first, as it often is, he’s a daddy’s boy at heart, little tiny legs carrying him the small distance that separates them, he goes barrelling into the larger, older turtle, face first into his pant leg. He’s gripping the edges of the fabric with three little fingers, giving it a sharp tug when he says with a rush of air,
“Papa, Uno is being mean again!” He whines, pressing his snout into Mikey’s leg. “He keeps calling me names!”
Uno has since joined their fray now, chest heaving with each stuttered breath as if the idea of being accused of such a thing is stunting each draw of air into his lungs.
“No I didn’t!” He retorts, voice all pitchy and nasally. Michelangelo groans softly to himself. “He’s just being a baby! Like he always is!”
Such a spiteful word directed towards their youngest is enough to erupt a hurtful sob from the smaller turtle. He buries his face further into his fathers leg, his voice warbled and muffled from both the tears the the mouth full of pant he has right now, but Mikey is able to carefully decipher it of something along the lines of, (in true irony),
“See! He keeps calling me a baby!”
He pries his son’s iron grip off from his leg, forcing him to look upwards with a tap of his finger beneath his damp chin. Fat tears roll down his cheeks, framing his face almost perfectly, he looks at his child sternly.
“You know not to take it to heart, hm? Do you eat baby food and wear diapers?”
Odyn sniffles, bringing a fist up to scrub away at the snot collected beneath his snout.
Mikey hums. “And do you chew on furniture and need papa’s help to feed yourself?”
Odyn shakes his head. “No, papa.”
Michelangelo grins softly. “Then you’re not a baby. You know that, I know that.” He looks pointedly at his other son who is unmovable under his gaze. “Uno knows that. He only says it to get a rise out of you, right?”
Odyn’s bottom lip wobbles dangerously. “Yes,” he says in a rush, “but—”
Michelangelo is swift to cut in. “But I will deal with your brother. Okay?”
Odyn doesn’t seem entirely swayed; Michelangelo thinks that maybe he wanted some sort of permission to perhaps say a bad word directed at his brother, or maybe to have it out in a short scrap and there as kind of emotional compensation that only siblings would believe to be a reliable source of insurance against name calling.
But the smaller turtle eventually heaves a heavy, wet sigh, and nods his head solemnly.
“Good. Go play with your sisters,” Michelangelo instructs him, tapping him gently against the ridge of his shell. “I think they’re coloring. Will you make me something pretty?”
That gets his spirits up, the smile beaming across his face so bright, it might as well evaporate his previous tears left behind on his cheeks.
“Okay!” He calls out with delight as he toddles off to join his other, much quieter siblings on the far side of the room. Mikey watches them as they scoot aside and make space for him, offering up a fresh slice of paper, he’s already making grabby hands for the brightest crayons they own.
“He’s always getting me into trouble.”
That’s Uno’s low, forbidding voice, all full of that way too early angst that he recognises from himself and his brothers in their adolescent years, and when Mikey turns to face him, he’s sullen.
He doesn’t wait to hear whatever wisdom his father might be able to offer, instead, his bottom lip is trembling like it’s heavy with the weight of all the words he wishes to say; all the woes and the hurt that comes with having little brothers, and suddenly, with his face drawn in such an expression and his eyes narrowed and his mouth tight, Michelangelo sees a glimpse of Raphael in this child.
“You know, I was the youngest of my brothers,” Michelangelo explains to him. He motions for him to follow as they leave the pit, letting the soft voices of the other children behind them as they walk back towards the kitchen from which he came. “I pulled the same tricks he pulls from time to time.”
Uno pauses his end of conversation to clamber on top of the barstool that wobbles slightly under his swaying weight. Michelangelo steadies it with a hand until his son is fully situated, and once he is, he’s swiveling around to face the older turtle, still sporting the same, sour expression across his younger face.
“Then why’d you let him get away with it?” He says, words barbed, like this was somehow his fault now. “It’s not fair, papa.”
And Michelangelo chuckles softly. There are the glimpses of Donatello that shine through, like bright sunshine filtering through curtains in the early morning in hues of gold – that sharp intellect that constantly comes with its millions of almost unanswerable questions.
“Because I also know what my older brothers were capable of,” he tells him gently. “They did all they could to push my buttons, to get me in trouble. They knew how to play the game without getting themselves a foul.”
Uno heaves a loaded sigh, his plastron rising and falling, his hardened glare seems to melt away a little as he allows his father’s words to soak in.
“I just hate him,” he says suddenly, words dark and low. “He’s so annoying.”
Michelangelo stiffens at that. And at his father’s physical reaction, Uno shrinks a little, aware of what he’d just said; how loaded his words were.
“You don’t hate him.” Michelangelo tells him, Uno’s gaze gingerly lifts to meet his. “You are annoyed by him, yes, but hate is such a strong word, musko-san.”
Uno’s dark eyes flicker across the room with nerves, caught out, he wrings his hands together, as if trying to rid himself of the nervous energy that this conversation was building within him.
“I’m sorry chichi,” he says in a small voice. “That was mean. I don’t hate Uno.”
Michelangelo hums. “I know.” Then, “You know how I know?”
Uno shakes his head.
“The time you taught him kanji,” he begins to list. “Or when he lost a tooth and you soothed him because he was hurt.” He watches with pride as a small smile ghosts across his child’s face. “Or whenever you read to him before bed, even when it’s the stories you have already heard before.”
Uno rubs tiredly at his eyes; all of these emotions are a lot to bear for such a small boy.
“I know you love your brother, Uno,” Michelangelo tells him, tapping a green finger beneath his chin to gather his focus. “I know because I see so much of your oji in your soul.” He smiles warmly at his son. “Each one of them,” he adds, moving his finger down from his face to rest across his plastron, right over where his heart lies. “Right here, hm?”
Uno shifts in his seat, the old, worn barstool groans under his growing weight, he pitches himself as far forward as he can go without toppling off, looking up at his father with big, round curious eyes.
“Really?” He says, voice clinging to an awed whisper.
“Really.” Mikey tells him with a stern nod. “Now go play,” he says quickly, flapping him away with a dismissive hand.
“Papa hasn’t had enough coffee this morning,” he mutters, pinching his eyes narrowly to try and avoid the impending headache that’s crawling back across his skull. “Try not to have anymore arguments until at least late afternoon, yes?”
Uno hops off his seat, almost tripping in the process, he stands tall when he tells him,
“That’s okay!” He’s smiling now. A sight Mikey is sure he’ll never truly tire of, no matter how many headaches life brings. “Maybe I can ask the others if I can draw too, and we’ll make you something nice to make you feel better, hm?”
Michelangelo reaches across the countertops for his discarded beverage from earlier. Curling his fingers around the mug, he finds with welcomed surprise that it’s still warm. “You better,” he tells him with an entirely serious tone surrounding his words, raising one brow ridge for emphasis. “I didn’t spend hours scavenging those crayons for nothing.”
And with that, Uno is padding off in the direction of where his other children are gathered; straining an ear he can hear their excitable chatter and babble as they continue to work together.
And when their eldest sibling joins in, there doesn’t seem to be any lasting animosity; Odyn shows off what he’s already made, pride and excitement swelling over whatever leftover hurt from their spat, and Michelangelo chuckles to himself as he listens to Uno’s gentle encouragement that floats through front the other room.
He brings the coffee mug to his lips, steam curls itself around his snout, and a smile touches at his face, the slightest of turns. He awards himself with another mouthful, and whilst it doesn’t do much to quell his migraine, it does feel deserved.
And later that night, when he has all four of his children growing heavy in his arms, fighting a battle against fatigue that they are bound to lose against, as it is most nights, he watches his as Uno shuffles in closer to his brother, his pudgy little arm draped across the slope of his shell, and Odyn, his jaw slack, drool dried across his chin, his soft snores only just about disturbing the silence that falls across the room, he seems to curl into his brother’s offered warmth and Michelangelo smiles softly to himself.
Here in his lap are his children – the little turtles that call him papa and rush to him to settle disputes and disagreements, and to kiss scraped knees and to devote each of their wobbly crayon drawings to him that end up covering the fridge and the kitchen walls in a decoration of color and love and he knows that even with coffee, even with the best coffee in the world, all of this is worth a thousand bad headaches. Tomorrow might bring peace and tranquility and ease, or perhaps it shall be Yi and Moja that decide to scrap and fight or maybe all four will fall out of love momentarily, as siblings often do.
Michelangelo should know, he’s been one his entire life, even if his brothers are no longer here to push his buttons or fight him or argue over petty, useless things, he knows with great ease, that despite it all, they always found their way back together, whether it was over something big or small – that was the love between brothers and family.
He presses his sleeping turtles closer to him, curling his arms around them, they melt around his warmth and he knows that much like his group of siblings, these four here, were no exception to the same rules.
He closes his eyes and basks in the moment, acutely aware in the moment of quiet, of the headache that has finally shrunk itself away.
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leeseechkeens · 1 year
I really need your help.
Being back on tumblr is amazing and rise fandom here is amazing. But I have several ideas for what art I can share an make some different AUs. I need you to choose one direction so I could start making content!
The first one is Donnie peepaw. You know him. You love him. I have different things to show: his interaction with Leo, Mikey and others in the future, but especially Baxter.
The other one is my separated “Lost And Found” au. I know that separated AUs is a pretty popular thing but hear me out: Something went wrong and Splinter could only save Mikey from the main four. Donnie was found and raised by Purple dragons, Leo ended up with Big Mama and Raph had to stay with draxum. Mikey is supposed to find and return them all to the family.
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liz4rdthing124 · 6 days
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Some drawings I’ve drawn in the sketchbook which was a small notebook that I stole from my father in accident, now first of, HAPPY PRIDE MONTH RAHHHHH‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️, and second, I decided to join the current trend of drawing Peepaw Tello in his silly goofy overalls!!! Tellos arms look kinda gorey looking now that I look at them…ehe whoops ANY WHO, the sketches from the 29 are basically out of context doodles of Mikey in my separated au :3👍
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karmawonders · 1 year
Zhongli brainrot incoming my lovely little ducklings
Notes: imma call god!reader also known as Creator as Divinity cuz it sounds cute aight? Aight. And it makes sense cuz we are the most divine thing, so like? It works. U can argue with me but I enjoy the name, and as a SAGAU x cult au consumer, that name would just FUEL my God complex.
🌸Also this is probably non comprehensive my adhd n more went nyooom with this one, so you have been warned🌸
Warnings: sagau. Religious themes. Reader is God/ above God. Yandere worshippers. Slight zhongli x childe Lemme know if I should add anything.
Aight bitches we know the drill
Zhongli? The loyalist of our devotees. Also the oldest of all the motherfuckers
My dude got arthritis or smth idk I like to think he goes over to baizhus pharmacy for painkillers occasionally since he is just an old old frail wee peepaw. (Jokes ofc)
Now listen. My man's Morax was an Archon. He may of left that title but the dude is still very much a God. Not like, as high of God as the creator is, but a God nevertheless.
Dude gots a whole ass teapot/ pocket dimension solely for a temple to Divinity.
It continuously is expanding as he finds more books that could be about Divinity / theories about Divinity, etc.
Rip to the poor adeptus who is managing it.
Sure he usually has Childe pay for his shit, but it's not cuz he is broke! He is farr from it
Dude just has
Tendencies to hoard
Curse his dragon nature ig man
All the Mora? Safely in a separate teapot outside of his temple one. You can swim in it scrooge Mcduck style. He probably does take naps in it sometimes in his dragon form ig.
So he has Childe buy a ton of things that He thinks Divinity may even possibly like or acknowledge
It is dangerous when he walks amongst the harbor shops.
Not for the shopkeepers, they quickly learned to put their finest goods out in front when the see the funeral consultant nearing.
Mostly for whoever is gonna be paying for it. Which is usually Childe.
Oh shit man you see that fancy ass tea set that dude is polishing? We gotta look at it.
"Don't drag your feet Childe, we must secure this purchase for Divinity."
Childe can't argue if he knows it's going to Divinity, to you. He's one of your worshippers to ya know, he owes you his life.
He just wishes
Ya know
Zhongli would haggle a little before immediately purchasing whatever it is
He still shudders at the time he spent that much mora for something known as a "Primogem". A solid 5 million.
Just to ya know
Learn that a certain blonde haired traveller basically gets them for free just for being their first vessel / connected to Divinity.
That one hurt a Lil ngl
I mean Learning that Divinity would find a single primogem absolutely useless if not insulting on its own.
Listen man's Divinity is still interacting through Teyvat through a screen at this time, you ain't nowhere near to actually being there physically atm.
Which gives Zhongli a good amount of time to figure out wtf to do with this questionable purchase
Now it's true that Zhongli is a vivid spender
But he knows when something is the real deal, and he won't just let that slip away.
If it happens that his walking wallet at the time doesn't have the cash for whatever item
He will very upsetti spahgetti
Yes he buys tons of things for himself
But when it was something he wanted to get as an offering g for you? Dudes gonna be very upset.
He will begrudgingly procure mora from his more teapot after asking the items owner to have it on hold for a bit, and buy it.
The next few days he works extra hard to replace the mora in his hoard
But on the bright side your temple is just looking so wonderful with that new vase!
He likes decorating a lot. From his own abode, to organizing the mora and gems in his "den", to making sure your personal temple / shrine is absolutely perfect
He really do be like one of those Sim youtubers who spent 30 hours just on the house
If he is to one day show you this, in person, he has to make sure it's absolutely perfect! Everything needs to be the finest of fine!
He sees the rug he bought 20 or so years ago slightly aging?
Bye bitch
Like imma just pawn this off since it's a great rug and I want my money's worth but it's not worth a God possibly walking upon it anymore.
In all his free time dude is in his personal temple to Divinity
Admiring the things he got for you, remembering their history should you ever ask,,, and uh
So much dusting
Like this temple gots TON of shit in it
I mean it's bound to when he has worshipped you for so long
Probably goes on for miles
Might as well make it a public museum at this point
If there isn't like, special anti dust adeptus magic or smthing that is
Oh I just had the funniest fucking idea
You know how in other games (worlds?) Dragons live like hundreds of thousands of years before dying of old age or shit
Zhonglis like 7 thousand I think
Aka he is a baby compared to otherworld dragons
(Yes I know he is technically not a dragon dragon but shhhhhh)
So he goes on about how Erosion will sooner then later do him in and everyone's like
Noo Rex lapis perfect geo Archon nooooo fight the erosion oawr nawr
And he like ofc full heartedly believes that this is the case
Until ofc Divinity gets down there, aka you.
And your just like
"Ya old fart
when was the last time you got proper exercise
500 years ago?
No wonder you feel like shit bro- go hit the gym smh"
If he didn't do regular spars with Childe or any other acolytes before, he definitely does so now.
And then he feels better cuz he wasn't getting enough exercise outside of the vessel commission's he went on. Dude just wasn't getting enough dopamine in his head and fr thought it was erosion like smh
Zhongli built up Liyue for you, ya know. To Be like your favorite nation etc etc.
So I think he would be supppppeer interested in the world you were in previously
Wtf is a car and a highway and wdym they are super dangerous but people are on em regularly all the time? Tf?
What the heck is air condition Divintiy you are making up words I think aksksjrdqsdfhjk
...sun...screen? Never heard of this?
Teyvat not knowing basic medical stuff would be hilarious to me
Like imagine someone is coughing on something
Let's say Itto cuz I feel like he would do that
And you just
Get behind him and heimlech him
And everyone's like
????wtf he was good as dead???
And zhonglis sitting their having war flash backs to all the people he could of saved if he JUST GAVE THEM A BIG OLD HUG FROM BEHIND?
/yes I know that's not how it works but shush aight/
Zhongli wants to know absolutely anything and EVERYTHING about Divinity
You say an off comment about liking a certain smell and dude gots like
Notebooks and sticky notes written down the very second after
And then you go back to your abode or to the shrine he has and it smells overwhelmingly like that
Imagine saying you like the smell of freshly cut grass and he just goes
??? How tf do I get that smell?"
I just realized these brainrots are very fun to write and non stressful you can expect more
Anyways I love my man's Zhongli and I will die for him without hesitiation
🌸Abrupt ending queen right here, do not be surprised akkajsks🌸 and if you are shook it ended, boo!
I think this is getting a bit long and I don't wanna like have a post that makes my thumbs scroll miles before finishing it ifykyk
Anyways hope that was somewhat readable akksksksks
🌸Consider checking out my masterlist?🌸
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radicallxser · 6 months
you asked, i answer,, part two of the ddf au pretty please?? and you are wholly encouraged to infodump too 🔥🔥 (i'll make a separate ask for the dead space peepaw au)
ask and ye shall receive anon!
one of my favorite aus tbh-
ddf au, part two: busted
The mess hall is somewhere you've only been once. On one of your first official jobs; fixing one of the freezers.
Beyond that, you aren't allowed in.
The other mechanics eat there on break, though. And you don't particularly feel like telling Big Blue himself that you're the child of a murderer.
So you let him walk off with false hope.
Whatever. It wouldn't have gone far anyway.
About a week pases before you're called back up from your typical duties.
A turtle mutant stands near a ship, he's not as muscular as big blue and slightly taller. He's got a tattoo on his shoulder that you don't stare too long at.
This must be Othello.
"Sir", you salute.
He doesn't bother turning turning his head to look at you. He simply gives you a side eyed glance.
"I take you're the mechanic who worked on my brother's ship?"
Your heart drops. Brothers?
You nod stiffly, trying to figure out what you might've done wrong.
He rolls his shoulders, then turns fully.
"I'd like to compliment you on your work. It's a decent job for someone who isn't me."
You want to puff your chest up in pride.
His eyes flash with something as he looks you over, then it's gone.
"I'd also like to know why you denied my brother's dinner invitation. I haven't heard the end of it, you know."
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gayassbish · 6 months
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A/N: This is the kickstarter for my CHRISTMAS event! Find it here! | 1.2k Words
Genre: Fluff! Slight Crack
Reader: Gender Neutral
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AMBER is very serious about keeping an active lifestyle and is even more serious about her health. She wants to live to 100 and still be able to jump around like she does now. But she is always contradicting her longevity! She constantly puts her life in danger by eating extremely spicy hot buffalo wings that she knows she can’t handle and she annually sky dives from planes for fun. Not that you don’t try to stop her crazy antics though.
You are constantly reminding Amber how chasing after an adrenaline rush can cause her to be 6 ft under sooner than she thinks, but in turn, Amber always tells you that life is too short to be boring. Each time she says that you can’t help but think how your life is too short to be a widow before you even get married.
But alas nothing separated Amber from adrenaline: not the bleak season, not freezing temperatures, nor you ;).
And this winter when Amber says she wants to go hiking on the mini mountain a few hours from your area with you, your immediate reaction is that your lovely girlfriend wants to murder you in the middle of the woods </3.
Despite your protests, you can’t deny her in the end. After all what if something happens to Amber when she’s alone out in the forest? So if you can’t convince her not to go… then you have to go :’).
As payback though, you didn’t make the journey easy for her. You made her do the folding, the packing, the driving, and she basically still had to drag your ass out to hike the nearby mini mount. with her. Why did you date someone so adventurous? You don’t know, and you’re cursing yourself for loving someone so energetic.
The moment Amber parks the car and you exit from the comfort of the built-in heater of the vehicle, you feel a shiver down your spine.
You’re faced with the hiking trail in-front of that leads up and up with a mixture of leaf-barren trees and branches still adorning their reddish-yellow ones. Amber has told you about hows she hiked this mountain a lot with her grandpa as a kid. You can’t help but imagine a little Amber running around the woods and playing hide and seek with her old peepaw behind trees. Though the thought warms your heart, the freezing breeze calls you back to reality.
“Babe, come get your bag and let’s go change.” Amber shouts from the back of the car, shutting the trunk. She hands you your bag and leads you to the changing stalls placed in the back of the parking lot.
Amber changes quickly into thick sun glasses, a purple rain proof jacket and tights… But you, on the other hand, “Wow… look at you.” Once outside the changing stall, Amber has the nerve to laugh at you when she sees how you look like an inflated balloon. It’s not a big deal though, you’re only wearing multiple sweat pants and jackets. But for some reason Amber just has to say something. “Gosh, just how many layers are you wearing?” Amber leans against the door and crosses her arms over her chest, wearing a huge idiotic smile.
“Oh my god, you know how I get cold!” You send her a glare, not willing to put up with her cheery attitude in this kind of weather. “Let’s just get this over with already.” You huff aggravated and walk past her to the trail.
Amber, after secretly taking photos of how silly and cute you look, quickly catches up to you and just doesn’t take off that stupid smile off her face. Like what’s there to even smile about? Your pain? Your misery? Smh. “Can you even walk right in all that?” She jests, still making fun of you. She pokes a finger through your arm to try and see if she can feel you.
You slap her hand away. You give her another of your signature glares to compliment her goofy ass smile. “Last to the top buys dinner.” And run past her as quick as your (now stubby and little) legs can.
Amber starts laughing her ass off before trailing behind you.
The rest of the hike consists of stopping here and there to take selfies, posing as you meet the fellow hikers that offer to take photos, water breaks, and admiring the view… but as you hike further up hill and the wind gets harsher and the air gets cooler… it becomes more of a challenge to continue rather than your average Sunday morning hike.
So before you can even make it to the halfway point of the hike, you’re already spent.
“Oh come on babe, we’re almost there!” Amber looks back towards your teeth chattering self that’s about 15 feet behind her. She runs back down to you and grabs your hand. “At this rate you’re gonna lose.” She sings in a light jokey tone, but you’ve already long forgotten about this bet.
When Amber takes your hand, she starts walking, planning to drag you to the tippy top, but you don’t budge.
Amber looks back at you with an eyebrow raised, confused. “Amber..,” You watch her confused face turn into one of worry at the shaky tone of your voice. “I don’t think I can do it.” You speak brokenly with your teeth chattering and look at her with your runny nose. Sniffling and frowning at her and it breaks Ambers heart. You feel bad since she drove far to take you here, but you really can’t go another step.
Amber, however, doesn’t even think of the drive (or the effort to drag you outside the house). She’s just worried that maybe she did push you too far this time. “Are you certain?” Amber hunches over a little to be at eye level with you since she’s standing on the slanted mountain plain, higher than you. When you nod at her she brings you into a hug. “Okay! Here’s what’s going to happen.” You break the hug to look at her pearly whites. Rather than this smile being mildly infuriating, you find her cherry grin very comforting. “We’re going to go back down and I’ll take you to the nearest IHOP. You can get the sticky honey roast hot coco you like and it’ll be my treat!”
Amber watches your face light up from the promise of a chocolate served drink and you give her a kiss on the cheek. “Ah thank you! You know just what will cheer me up!” And Amber raises a hand to feel where you kissed since your lips were very cold.
“Your lips are freezing.” Amber looks at you and holds your hand again, she starts walking back down-hill, this time with you actually moving.
“You can try to warm them then.” You swing your arms with hers, obviously very happy at your return.
“Did you want to stop hiking to make out with me or because you’re actually cold and tired?” Amber questions your intentions as she looks at you, barely able to hold her smile back.
“Fine… no kisses for you.” You huff and run past her and you can hear her laughter as she trails behind you. She eventually catches up to you and Amber steals a quick peck from you! You scream some nonsense that she’s being a cheater but before you can accuse her anymore she gives you another peck. She steals a lot more from you and you both end up laughing your asses off as y’all head back to her car. You wonder if maybe your next adventure will be filled with less kisses and actually more… well, adventure.
A/N: GUYS Head Canon for Amber as a cop, but A GOOD ONE that wants to actually change the broken system from the inside… a lot like Judy from Zootopia. One, they’re both (gullible) self-righteous bunnys. And two, they’re literately the same “person” just in different fonts I swear.
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nani-nonny · 1 year
I thought I’d update my pinned so here goes:
Hello! I’m LoneAnon aka Nonny aka LoneAnonon on AO3! My current fixation is Rottmnt, more specifically Future Leonardo (peepaw brainrot) hehe, so a lot of my works as of recent are Future Leo related! Check them out when you can!
Important: my response to ai with my works
Current Work(s):
•WDS or Whispers of Distant Souls aka another F!Leo returns to the past with Casey fic but F!Leo is haunted by his dead brothers. WDS TEASER
•I’m Blue… da ba dee da… aka Reunion, DMD, LCD, and WDS F!Leos collide in one dimension due to a multiverse oopsey (aka aka a silly “what-if” story where my peepaws meet :).)
•(Accidentally) Played American Football With My Newborn aka a silly F!Leo story where he takes a small baby turtle to the past to stop the krang. Never did he think being a single parent would be harder than defeating the krang. (No turtle tots were harmed in the making of the title.) father-daughter fluff snippet
Completed Works:
•DMD AU or Dead Man’s Deal AU a series with an 8-chapter main story and ongoing side stories centered around F!Leo, who returns to the present carrying his heavy guilt that lands him in the Battled Nexus as the Barbarian. DMD Fanart
•Reunion aka a oneshot where F!Leo returns to the past in order to pick up Casey Jones (takes place after the movie).
•LCD or Leonardo Come Down aka a prologue+9-chapter fic where F!Leo returns to the past with Casey (separately) and is hellbent on getting his revenge. Casey is given the task by Michelangelo to stop the Krang and save Leonardo while F!Leo faces the consequences of his actions. LCD fanart aka my pfp
•Setting Sun aka a 5 part short, interactive story where the readers’ decisions can end the story, or discover the details of Mikey’s situation. (Unedited, no beta, silly little dumpster fire aka something bad that you might not want to look away despite how bad it is) AO3 link
•Distorted Mirror aka a 4 chapter rottmnt Leo-centric fic focusing on his role as the leader in silly time travel oopsies. (The oopsies being the future timeline with the krang apocalypse hehe)
•BYMH or Between You and Me and Him aka an ongoing series where you can ask any of my peepaws anything, or tell them you hate love them. [Peepaw multiverse interview] (please state your request as for bymh)
More to see:
Upcoming Works:
•Lost Ronin aka F!Raph returns to the past under “circumstances” and it’s up to the present turtles to solve these “circumstances”.
•Estranged aka an AU where the Hamatos reunite with their long-lost sisters, Jennika and Venus. (Based on the two turtles meant to be introduced in rottmnt future seasons—we were robbed tsk tsk.) Teaser: Two Birds Jennika and Venus appearance
•(possible?) The M-Word aka a 5?-chapter post-Rise-movie angst fic that deals with Raphael’s trauma regarding what he endured in the midst of the invasion.
•(possible?) Inimitable/Spiderweb aka Big Mama imprisons F!Leo to force him to train her upcoming Battle Nexus Champions in exchange for his freedom.
•(possible?) Reunion F!Leo returns to the past once again to provide ultimate peepaw advice and give the kids the reassurance they need.
•I’m In The Wrong AU aka a joke idea where F!Leo goes through the portal to find the key and stop the krang, but he finds himself in a New York unlike the one he knows. Rottmnt x ‘12tmnt crossover
•Mystic Mirror on the wall, who the fuck are those turtles?/A Genius’s Curiosity/Mirror Realm Activities (name still undecided) aka a separated au where Donnie is raised by Draxum, Mikey raised by Big Mama, Raph raised by the Krang and Leo raised by the streets. The turtles are reunited by Donnie aka Subject 03’s newest creation, a mirror that goes beyond its purpose and creates a realm inside its reflection that the turtles use as their escape from reality.
•Attached aka an rottmnt au set during the apocalypse where Leo is too late in providing backup for the ambush attack on Casey. Upon finding her body, he finds an infant protected in her embrace. An infant with the unforgettable gleam in its eye signifying the Krang.
[Tcest DNI]
[Story tags and asks tag below]
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wraenata · 11 months
Awesome fics for @heckitall
These are the fics I am reading/have read in my subscriptions on ao3. I'm a little behind unfortunately. I would link everything in my bookmarks but uhh, theres 699 fics there. So many incredible fics I have yet to read! Also, all of these fic authors have tumblrs except one (Below the Surface).
I'll make a separate post for comics au blogs to check out.
A Tale of Spirits: The tmnt get transported to the atla universe. It's awesome.
all the ashes in my wake: Leo gets Ella Enchanted. ANGST ensues.
Below the Surface: Post movie fic. I really love this one.
Change of Perspective: Body swap fic but ANGST.
hollow mind: Leo gets chased by the EPF. I LOVE THIS FIC.
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good: Leo is cursed, never to be seen, never to be heard, never to be felt. THIS FIC IS AMAZING.
Like Father Like Son: Whoo boy. My first rise fanfic I read. Probably wouldn't still be here without it. It's amazing. Draxum kidnaps Leo and forces him to be his soldier to destroy humanity. ANGST ANGST ANGST.
Peepaw Multiverse
At My Worst: F!Leo's spirit gets tossed back in time into his younger self's body and now he has a second chance to stop the apocalypse.
Ghost in the Shell: SAINW Donnie from 2k3 gets transported to the rise universe to look after the boys. (Has not read yet and I hate myself for it). Ghost didn't make it to second place in the Peepaw tournament for nothing though. I know it's amazing.
Last Grain of Sand in the Hourglass: Instead of saving Leo from the prison dimension, F!Leo is accidentally pulled out. Now it's a race to save lil Leo before it's too late. AMAZING INCREDIBLE EATS IT ALL.
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis: Peepaw Leo goes back in time. Incredible fic. Very action packed.
not quite kintsugi, but close: Peepaw Leo goes back in time. So very wholesome. No angst. Very lovely fic.
Odd Man Out: Peepaw Leo goes back in time. Slice of life.
too lucky to count: Peepaw Mikey goes back in time. Leo has a problem with this.
Trial And Error: Peepaw Leo goes back in time. Very focused on the relationship between Leo and Peepaw. And world saving.
we'll meet again soon: Let's save everybody! Very comforting.
Separated Aus
Red Rover Red Rover Send My Brothers On Over: Raph was raised by Splinter and the Leo, Mikey, and Don by Draxum. Mostly hurt, not a lot of comfort.
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
2 Arms Left Masterpost (Part 4)
(Part 1) - Main comic masterpost
(Part 2) - Mini comic masterpost
(Part 3) - Bonus little drawings
(Part 4) - Crossovers, and misc sagas
Below the cut is extra/other stuff!
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Crossovers/Peepaw Multiverse/Separated Multiverse
Assorted shenanigans #1
Assorted shenanigans #2
Assorted shenanigans #3
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good #1
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good #2
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good #3
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good #4
We'll Meet Again, Soon
Last Grain of Sand in the Hourglass
Dumbass Separated Leo AU
All other SLAU/2AL crossovers are tagged as #the besties because there is so many crossover drawings with them!
Krangified Donnie #1
Krangified Donnie #2
Krangified Donnie #3
3 Sided Coin
AU Comp 2024
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The extra tiny Little Leo saga
He is off balance without an arm :(
He should hate me
What about a little big Leo?
How did this all happen?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The microscopic Little Leo saga
Future Leos reaction!?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The IRL 2AL saga (the bobble heads, and action figure)
An Introduction
Is this even real?
They are important and queer!
Stay hydrated!
Why are we here?
Poptart action figure has arrived!!
Poptart and the bobbles!
So many... so many poptarts.....
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Assorted Merch art
Keychain concepts
Sprout keychain too?
do NOT the poptart keychain!!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Prosthetic info
Arm info #1 - Concept art
Arm info #2 - What if he gets punched there?
Arm info #3 - Complications?
Arm info #4 - What does Leo miss about a flesh arm?
Arm info #5 - Does Leo feel weather changes?
Arm info #6 - Port care and maintenance
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Hug Saga
Start here
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Assorted Lore dumps <- needs updating, maybe an informational lore post later
Dump #1
Dump #2
Dump #3
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Arc 1
Arc 2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Color References
Big Leo
Big and Medium Leo
Medium and Little Leo
Most updated color reference for Sprout and Poptart!
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I’m new to the tmnt online fandom, what exactly is this blog? Stupid question I know considering it says in your name 🙈
I don't think its a stupid question. You will get a needlessly detailed answer however.
Basically on tumblr, when they released polls, people were like "omg lets make our blorbos* fight." The blorbos then "fight" by being pitted against eachother in a poll and fans choose who moves on and who dies.
Blogs were created to be able to organize the blorbos fight and gained a lot of traction on tumblr in general. They go through brackets, kinda like March Madness. This is a blog that hosts such a competition.
So Pollmaster Coral (@rottmntpeepawpolls) created the Peepaw Polls to have the Rottmnt Peepaws duke it out for all glory and it made polls very popular, especially within the TMNT tumblr community**. @tmntaucompetition (Pollmaster Shadow) started around this time and
These competitions*** pit AUs against eachother and for propaganda people create VERY cool art. (I love seeing the art so much). I forgot what I was going to add to this paragraph.
Separated AUs are AUs popularized by ROTTMNT. They are AUs were at least one of the turtles is raised separately from the other turtles and end with them usually becoming a family at the end. Like a refound family type trope.
So in summary, this blog hosts a competition between tmnt separated aus.
Currently most of the poll blogs are on hiatus because most mods run blogs on their own and need a break. From what I can tell there's going to be a lot more activity in this coming spring (in the northern hemisphere).
Currently @last-ronin-tmnt-competition @tmnt-oc-comp are actively doing polls if you want to check them out!
*character you like
**I'm not really in other fandoms so polls could be popular in them but I wouldn't know
***I am aware theres comps that have like canon poll stuff (like character battles like Big Mama vs Sloppy Joeseph) but there's a lot of them that are similar (and confuse me) so I am unware of how many there are. So this mostly a discussion of polls that regard AUs
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@the-pinkest-minecraft-sheep you are my friend. I am sick as shit, working off four hours of sleep and a whole pot of coffee, but I feel like I have to give you this (very important) information. Now, here is a guide to ROTTMNT fan AUs
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Separation AUs
Separation AUs are very popular AUs where one or more (sometimes all the turtles) are raised separately from the other after they are mutated (whether it is from splinter dropping them or they get kidnapped) and they end up finding each other (sometimes they start out as enemies due to who rised who) These AUs normally end with the whole family being together again of course.
The other perinatal figure (this does not mean they will be good parents), besides splinter options that are normally used, are:
Big Mama (evil spider lady)
The foot clan (the whole ass cult)
Baron Draxum (evil sheep guy)
April's parents (they are never shown in the show)
Señor Hueso (the skeleton guy who owns the pizza place)
Warren stone (the evil worm guy) and Hypno-potamus (the evil hippo guy) (this one is a bit rare, tbh but I have seen it once or twice)
Future AU (or Apocalypse AU or Bad timeline)
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(I am putting effort into this stupid post. You better read it @the-pinkest-minecraft-sheep )
Future AUs take place after the show and before the movie in the bad timeline (I hope by now you know there is time travel that happens) basically after the Kraang start taking over the world the turtles start a resistance (which normally has mutants, humans and yokai(s?) all work together) they all end up dying at some point (that doesn't not mean that death is permanent) but Donnie and Raph always die first (due to cannon)
Arcane AUs
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It's what it says on the tin AUs based on the show Arcane. These are really interesting, tbh, and I have seen two of these that exist that surprises me.
Villain AUs
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It is basically what it says on the tin: an AU where one (or more) of the turtles turns evil (in this style, it is normally Donnie who turns evil because yeah......) or is evil because it is a separation AU, and they were raised by evil spider lady or evil goat man (again, it is normally Donnie who is evil)
Cowboy AUs
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I have only seen art for this AUs and haven't seen any comics or fanfics, so I have no idea about the lore..... (I am pretty sure they just gave peepaw Leo (future Leo) a cowboy hat and went from there, but I could be wrong)
Sea turtles AUs
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Hear me out. What if they were sea turtles that is this AU (I honestly love it)
Feral AUs
(I don't have a picture for this one)
AUs where, for one reason or another, one (or more) of the turtles starts acting like a regular(ish) turtle. I have only seen/read a couple of these tbh
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These are the only ones I could think of. Send me your thoughts
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pommigranite · 5 months
List out your AUs and provide descriptions of them like you’re a wikipedia professor go:
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okay okay they’re under the cut lol
ATWD Au- technically a separated/villan au but all the turtles are together and they are separated from their gay dads who are married to each other. and also the turtles are trained by the spirit of shredder and raised by the foot clan (yippee I finally revealed this to people other than cal and twig lmao). im still working out some logistics on this one lmao they’re a family teehee
Fifth Stage Au- peepaw in the past au teehee. he deals with “the five stages of grief” while also trying to not become the uncle to his past self/brothers (spoiler alert he totally becomes their uncle/brother) hehe. The au Lelantos comes from <33
Peepaw with a Baby Au- bad future au but Leo gets separated from his brothers/the resistance and also finds an abandoned yokai baby. Absolute chaos ensues lol. I have admittedly drawn like absolute zero content for this au, but it hovers in my mind… my wips…
… do I have more aus??? I can’t remember lmao
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liya4kar · 1 year
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This was not supposed to happen.
Was it because Mikey lost his focus for one second, trying to save his brother? Or was it a cruel joke from a universe that had already given them plenty of hardship?
The portal did not work as intended, and three war veterans find themselves displaced at different times, and as their arrival causes a major change in the timeline, it is up to the Hamato clan, past, present, and future, to find a way to save their world and their family.
Decided to try my hand at my own Peepaw fic, with a slight twist of Separation AU! On today's menue, a travel in the past that doesn't occur as expected, and an unfortunate jumpscare for some children...
The image without text is available under the cut!
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