#severus snape does not like mothers day
ebysse · 27 days
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ma’s old singer
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valaryswrites · 10 months
🪐 pov: you overheard your boyfriend remus and his friend sirius talking about you
warnings: english is not my first language & mentions of being hard. mostly fluff
Grimmauld Place was silent that night. You took a nap, and what a nap! You woke up feeling dizzy, you watched the sky trough the window; it was dark, and of course, raining.
There was a pair of glasses in the bed right next to you. But there were no books. Not a single one. So apparently, Remus spent the whole evening watching you sleep. He’s not a nap guy.
Walking down the stairs you smelled the sweet scent of an apple whisky; Sirius was probably drunk, it was his favorite drink, and it was friday. You heard Lupin’s voice.
In silence, you approached the nearest door; right next to the kitchen.
You were ready to join them, but you stopped the moment you heard something that caught your attention.
“I didn’t know she hated Snape.” said Sirius, and you knew he was taking about you. “Can’t blame her, that cheeky mother fucker will be the death of me.” Remus laughed.
“Yeah, she does.” the man said. “She was her student, and you know how much Severus loves his students.”
“I don’t know about Snape, but the one who really loves his students is actually you, mate.” Black laughed out loud. “Can’t believe you were fucking one of them! Thank god she’s old enough.”
“Ugh, don’t be a pain in my ass, Pads.” said Remus smiling. “She wasn’t my student back then.”
There was a silent. You thought about stop hearing that private conversation and make yourself visible. But Sirius started talking again, and you couldn’t help it; they were mentioning you.
“You really love her, huh?” Black asked after pronouncing your name in a whisper.
“I do, yes.” Lupin answered and of course, you smiled. It wasn’t new; both of you said those three words thousand of times to each other. But that tingle in your belly was always there.
“I’m glad you do, Moony.” Sirius said. “I want you to know that… I like her. It won’t be a problem for me if you want her to live here with us.” your heart stopped for a moment. “I would love that. I’ve been alone for so long... I like her company.”
“Yeah, I thought about that.” Remus whispered and took a deep breath. “But I don’t want her to think I’m going… too fast.” You insulted him inside your head. How silly! Of course you wanted to.
“Oh, come on, Remus!” Padfoot said. “You are adorable, but kind of stupid sometimes. Do you love her or not? Don’t doubt, for god’s sake! We could die any day!”
“I know!” Remus answered quickly. “She listened to me when nobody else did. You were away, and she was my only friend. I like having her around, she makes me happy... and hard.”
“But mostly hard.” You said, making your appearance at the kitchen. You walked towards Remus and kissed his cheek. He smiled, and Sirius laughed.
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“Harry didn’t name any of his kids after Remus because he’s saving that option for Teddy!”
Wrong. Harry didn’t name any of his kids after Remus because it wasn’t personal enough.
James Sirius is named after his two fathers; Lily Luna is named after his mother and one of his and Ginny’s best friends. Albus Severus is named after two wizards who were incredibly influential for Harry’s development and safety (I have a HC on why on earth Harry decided to name his child after Dumbledore and Snape, but that’s a separate post entirely). None of his and Ginny’s kids are named after Remus, not (just) because they wished to save the name for Teddy, but because of Teddy.
Harry looks his orphaned godson in the eyes one day, a year or two after the Battle, and realises how fucked up it was that Remus, despite technically being able to, never visited him. He can’t imagine leaving Teddy all alone like that, in a family he might know doesn’t look favourably upon magic. There’s a chance that Lily may have told Remus about Petunia and Vernon and their bigotry, their hatred. And Remus, for some reason, didn’t come look.
Harry looks that little boy in the eyes and realises how weird it was that Remus didn’t admit to having been the best of friends with James Potter until late into Harry’s third year. Harry can’t fathom that, if Teddy was Ron and Hermione’s kid and both Ron and Hermione died, he’d be able to talk to the spitting image of Ron with Hermione’s eyes (but starved, intense, broken, thirteen years old and remembering his parents’ murders) and not say, “Your parents were my best friends. Let me tell you about them; let me tell you all that you want to know.”
Harry figures he’d move mountains to keep Teddy safe and happy. Harry figures that Sirius would’ve done the same, considering he mustered up the strength to break out of Azkaban after twelve years and swim to Britain to ensure Harry’s safety at the smallest sign of danger. Sirius lived in a cave and ate rats for Harry with dementors breathing down his back: Harry knows with utmost certainty that, if Sirius had had the freedom to do so, he would’ve burnt the country down for Harry.
Remus didn’t do that for him, wouldn’t have, be it for a lack of freedom or a lack of want. Remus was ‘Lupin’ to Harry even in death, even after being named godfather to his son. Harry had to convince thirty-seven year old Remus to stay with his pregnant wife at seventeen. Harry got blown into a wall for his efforts, was given the honour of becoming godfather months later. Harry liked Remus, still loves him even, but there’s nothing Harry wouldn’t do for Teddy and there was very little Remus did for Harry, and there’s that.
Later, Harry doesn’t even suggest naming a child after Remus. Ginny doesn’t even ask. None of their children are named after Remus, because Harry is a man who is quick to anger when it’s about innocents, a man whose forgiveness only goes so far. He’s never been truly bothered by his own situation, but he’s bothered by the mere idea of Teddy ending up in a similar one and him doing nothing.
Remus did nothing. That’s the crux of it. That’s why.
(After Lily Luna is born, Teddy asks if ‘Luna’ is for his dad. Harry looks at Ginny, and Ginny looks at him, and Harry does what Remus taught him: he swallows his apprehension and lies.
“Yes,” he says, raking his fingers through Teddy’s fluffy, turquoise hair. He thinks he’ll raze cities for this child. “But we saved ‘Remus’ for you.”)
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turvi · 5 months
Please some snape x wife reader. They are on vacation withou their child and Severus obviously missed her so much.
Thank you very much 💕
Y/n couldn’t help but smile when she heard Severus grumble about the overpriced dates they bought from the local shop. She knew her husband loved to complain but he was complaining more than usual. As Severus grumbled with a frown Y/n gently held his hand distracting him from his thoughts. It surprised him how his heart still skips with her one simple touch even though they have been together for 6 years now. 
One look at her husband’s frowning face she could tell the real reason he was more grumpy than usual. It was not the overpriced dates. “Severus it’s only been 2 days we will get back to her in no time.” 
Severus rolled his eyes. The audacity of this woman thinking she knows him well (she does). “How are you so calm knowing our daughter is back home without us?” 
Y/n chuckled kissing his cheek, her thumb gently wiping the lipstick off “Sev she is with Mama and Papa she is in good hands.” She didn’t mind his grumbling not one bit because she knew their daughter Clementine had Severus wrapped around her little finger since day one. Although he had been terrified and anxious wondering day and night if he would be a good father or not, it all changed when he held her in his arms.  
“Can we call your parents again?” Severus knew if Y/n hadn’t left him yet now she would, but her soft giggles soothed his thoughts and for a moment he couldn’t take his eyes away from her. 
“My love, I have never called my parents so much in my life as I am now, while on vacation with my husband who misses our sweet angel.” 
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, giving a quick peck on her head. “You tolerate me, my heart.” 
My heart. It still made her blush after being with him for such a long time. “Hmm, I do…but I guess that’s what I get for marrying the notorious Severus Snape.” she yelped as he pinched her hip, her laughter swallowed by his lips as he kissed her. A kind of kiss that said so much. Thank you, I love you, I am so grateful for your presence in my life. 
“To be honest with you, I miss her too. She has your smile and Severus she is so smart for her age.” 
His eyes were full of love as he saw the mother of his child talk. “I think that’s where you are wrong my heart she has your looks and I am thankful for that because I wouldn’t wish my looks even on my worst enemy.”  He felt her soft palm on his lips and a scowl on her face, which was quite hypocritical of her given she also looked down on herself, but in Severus’ eyes she was the most beautiful girl. He had not a single clue what she saw in him that she liked so much that she decided to spend her life with him and have his child.  
“Severus Tobias Snape, don’t you dare speak such foul words about the man I love.” Her eyes. He loved her eyes the most. They were so expressive, so soft yet intense. He kissed her palm and believed every word he said, yet he kept it to himself for he loved her so much. 
“I can never understand how you love me so much. But maybe that is the beauty of it,” he spoke so softly that Y/n would not have heard if they were not in the quiet part of the town. 
His smile got wider when his wife wrapped her arms around his waist his arms immediately doing the same “Now I miss her too.” Severus chuckled. Even though they had taken this vacation to get some alone time, they missed their daughter. “Seems like we are cutting short our vacation.”
A/N: Here I am again responding to an old ask. REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS
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mxlfoydraco · 1 year
What are the sweetest, most fluffy, most tender fic recs you have? Hurt/comfort préférable but anything works
I'm a major angst reader so our definitions of fluff may vary! I'm adding on to these lists: Fluff & Hogwarts Era Fluff
Save My Wonders by @unmistakablyoatmeal(21k)
Immediately chocolate assaulted Draco’s senses. Warm melted chocolate mixed with his mother’s roses and… something else. Something new. Freshly scrubbed skin and maybe a faint sheen of sweat. It was so familiar… And it only intensified when Potter came up behind him.
Two of Us by @sorrybutblog (5k)
The gang goes to a gay bar. Or: five times Harry accidentally pretended to be Draco’s boyfriend and one time Draco told him to put out or shut up.
All Things Go by @sorrybutblog (32k)
Draco’s back at Hogwarts by court order. Harry’s back for no particular reason at all. Some things change, some stay the same. Neither expects to spend eighth-year living in close quarters, playing rugby (poorly), staying up late, sneaking around, and finally figuring it all out.
Quick as a Flash of Lightning, Unhurried as Eternity by @onbeinganangel (10k)
Can you fall in love with someone by simply watching them fiercely love another version of yourself?
Knead by @jovialobservationanchor (83k)
This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy's lean arms.
the treehouse near primrose downs by @softlystarstruck (14k)
Draco and Harry have been roommates for years, so buying a magical house in the countryside shouldn’t be a big difference. But in between fresh loaves of bread and beds of wildflowers, things start to fall into place.
you bring me home by @softlystarstruck (35k)
Harry is happy. He has his cat cafe and his hobbies. He has his friends, and Dolly Parton, and a shirt with a cowboy frog on it. It’s all a man needs, really. He doesn’t need to obsess over a magic-less, anxious Draco Malfoy coming into his cafe after disappearing from the wizarding world years ago. He doesn’t. Not even if the cats like Malfoy. Not even if Malfoy is soft, and funny, and a little bit neurotic. No matter how much he wants to obsess.
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by @sugar-screw (22k)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
I Think I Want to Marry You by @phdmama (6k)
5 times Harry Potter asks Draco Malfoy to marry him and Draco doesn't answer. And then the one time he does.
Meddling, Menswear, and Magic by @writcraft (18k)
Draco Malfoy is working in a job he hates and avoiding the magical world entirely, but he really is fine. When a bequest from Severus Snape brings Draco back to a much-changed magical world, he must find his place within it and navigate his growing attraction to Harry Potter in the process.
Constellations on your skin by @orange-peony (56k)
“I’m going to get my scars removed,” Draco announces on a rainy Wednesday afternoon. “Who are you seeing?” Blaise asks. “The best Healer out there,” Draco replies with a little shrug. “Harry Potter.”
Sweeten to Taste by @saintgarbanzo (51k)
It starts with Draco's buckwheat crepes with honeyed oranges. Or maybe it starts with his porridge with toasted walnuts and homemade apple butter. Or perhaps it starts with the cinnamon buns Draco made from scratch with mascarpone icing. Harry just knows he's hungry for more.
The Little Marauders Nursery and Day Care by @digthewriter (9k)
Harry Potter is the proud owner of The Little Marauders Nursery and Day Care and his favourite student is Scorpius Malfoy. Scorpius’s dad might be okay, too.
Sourdough by @academicdisasterfic (17k)
Draco writes romance novels and doesn't leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth by @cibeewastaken (19k)
Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved! So Draco decides to boldly go where no one has gone before: to put himself through scrutiny; their friends’ teasing and pranks; unsound romantic advice from a house-elf; wearing pretty clothes; all to try and win Potter’s heart through courtship. (An unnamed ginger bastard can be heard yelling from afar: “This is actually a detailed guide on how not to court someone!”) But who cares about the opinions of redheads? Literally no one.
Nice Things by aideomai (22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
Thermodynamic Equilibrium by @dorthyanndrarry (5k)
Harry's far too hot. Draco's always cold. And somehow against all odds, together they create a perfect equilibrium.
Stay (With Me) by @dorthyanndrarry (6k)
Harry and Draco have been seeing each other casually, whenever they bumped into one another at Galas and Balls and other social events, always keeping one another at a careful distance. But one step forward seems to remove all space between them, sending them crashing together with an almost inevitable gravity.
If It Takes All Night by @tackytigerfic (10k)
It's not the first time Harry's been the victim of a botched curse (that's one of the reasons he doesn't like crowds), but he feels bad that Malfoy had to get caught up in it too. So they're bonded. That's ok, they just have to make sure to be touching at all time. No problem. Because Malfoy smells so nice, and has such lovely shiny hair, and his skin is so very warm. But this isn't going to be a problem for their friendship at all. Is it, Harry?
Espresso Patronum by @tasteofshapes (15k)
When Draco reappears five years after the war and opens a wildly popular coffee shop, Harry’s pretty sure that Draco’s Up to Something. He just has to prove it.
The Charm Conundrum by dysonrules (8k)
Harry misplaces an interesting "self-help" manual. Draco finds it and discovers some fascinating insights into Harry Potter.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by @greaseonmymouth (96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry. Features: Little League Quidditch, an abundance of bath bombs, happy endings, and gay robots in space.
Harry Potter’s biggest fan by @gnarf (9k)
Ever since Scorpius heard about Harry Potter for the first time from one of his friends, one could say that he was his biggest fan. So naturally, it would be the thing he needs to talk about while visiting his grandparents for Sunday dinner. Draco’s father could not hold back the comments on why he had to go through this again, and Scorpius understood just enough to know that his father actually knew Harry Potter in person. That’s when the pestering started. Not much later and Draco found himself face to face with Potter, all thanks to his son.
Sunseeker by @shiftylinguini (15k)
Harry is a struggling writer. Namely, he is struggling with: writing his next book, dealing with his agent, finding a decent tea strainer, fielding his friend's concern over the aforementioned book, and figuring out who the cat loitering in his garden belongs to. He also has a slight liking-Malfoy problem. Okay, he has a massive liking-Malfoy problem.
All Roads Lead Home by dracogotgame (14k)
Draco is strong-armed into spending the first Christmas after the War with the Weasleys. And Harry Potter.
Draco Malfoy Absolutely Does Not Need to Be Loved by Harry Bloody Potter by @nv-md (18k)
It’s not easy to be bonded to your childhood rival, turned fuckbuddy, who you also have extremely uncomfortable but repressed feelings for—just ask Draco Malfoy.
Nyctophilia by prolonged_autumn (107k)
Everyone's back for 8th year, and Harry and his friends seem determined to spend their last year in school running around at night, hyped up on coffee and alcohol and Honeydukes candy, doing all the childish things they didn't have the chance to do before. Draco watches as he's always watched: from afar, quiet and bitter and hopelessly in love. That is, until Pansy decides she's had quite enough of it.
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legilimens-library · 10 months
Ok, im having a soft moment so here we go.
Im sure Severus never had anyone cook/bake for him, give him any individual affection, or do anything that made him feel special. No one to fight for him, he's always fighting for himself, yk?
But theres that one teacher (y/n), his bestest friend, always makes him feel wanted, loved, special. And he doesn't know what to do about it, so he just keeps being his cold, sassy self, UNTILLLLLLLL one day she leaves suddenly (short leave or other, your choice!). And poor boy realizes he actually really likes being wanted and appreciated- maybe confession when y/n returns?!!
Im down bad for this man, its concerning
~anonie 🖤
I absolutely adore this prompt and I enjoyed writing this little drabble for you. I apologize that it took me so long to respond, but I’m still trying to figure out how to work with the inbox and I didn’t see it right away. But anyways, I hope you like what I wrote. 🖤
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Mutual Feelings
Severus Snape x gn!Reader
1823 words
“How long do you plan to be gone?”
You were pulling your coat over your shoulders before you turned around to see Severus standing by your office desk, his brows furrowed with a sort of solemn expression as he fiddled with his hands.
For a brief moment, you thought that he might actually miss your presence while you were away. He’s never been known to show much emotion in general, but ever since you started your position as the new Herbology professor, the both of you became quite close and he couldn’t help but let his barriers down and he found himself laughing at your frivolous jokes and smiling at the thought of joining you at your office to grade assignments while jesting each other late at night. He hated to admit that you had turned him soft, but he could never bring himself to be angry with you for befriending him in the first place.
“I don’t know yet, but I’ll send you an owl once I get to my sister’s place. She’s been a little worried about our mother’s health recently, but I’m sure it’s nothing too concerning.”
As you stepped closer to Severus, he regained his posture and smiled as you looked up at him. His hands twitched, trying so desperately not to brush away the stray hairs that fell in your face. For so long, he was trying to convince himself that he had no other feelings towards you other than that of a friend, but you somehow wormed your way into his heart and all he could think of was you day in and day out. You were so kind to him, far more than he ever deserved and yet you reminded him that he was wanted, maybe even loved through your acts of kindness as you sought after his advice and even baking him cookies when you knew he needed cheering up after a long day of teaching.
“In that case, I look forward to hearing from you once you get settled. But do be careful while you’re away, I don’t know how long I can endure your students as they will most likely fail at repotting the mandrakes again.” You laugh at his words, but he does have a point. Due to the last time, one of the Ravenclaw students was a little careless when repotting his own mandrake and you ended up in the hospital wing after you fainted. Severus was unabashedly furious, but you assured him it was only an accident and there was no harm done.
“Hey, that was one time!” You slap his shoulder lightly. “Besides, I don’t think any of them would dare make a mistake while under your tutelage. But thanks again for covering for me, I appreciate you doing this.”
“Oh, if only you knew.” He chuckled lowly. “But it’s no trouble at all, and if you need any further assistance while you’re gone, I would be pleased to oblige you.”
“I’ll have to keep that in mind, thank you. I best be off now though, otherwise I’ll never hear the end of my sister pestering me for being late. Goodbye, Severus.” You reach out and wrap your arms around him in a tender embrace and he surprises himself when he willingly reciprocates the hug, giving you a gentle squeeze before he reluctantly steps away.
“Goodbye, Y/N. Safe travels.” Severus only hopes that you don’t notice the small blush that tints his pale cheeks as you turn around to the fireplace in the corner. And with the flash of green flames engulfing your figure, you’re gone.
It had been a whole week since you left the castle and Severus was experiencing an inner turmoil with himself as he pushed his food around with a fork during dinner. You would usually sit next to him for every meal and he soon came to realize how much he enjoyed your company above everyone else who sat at the high table. He never thought he would ever start to harbor feelings for anyone really and yet here he was, looking somberly at the empty chair beside him. He honestly didn’t know how much longer he could bear this unwelcoming loneliness without you there to annoy him with your silly little quips and your sweet little smile that would light up the entire room whenever you greeted him. His heart flutters at the idea of potentially confessing his intentions toward you, hoping that you would share the same sentiments, but there was only one way of knowing and he was growing eager for your return.
You of course had written him several letters, you detailing how your mother was doing quite well despite your concerns and he in return described, albeit exaggerating, how your students managed to not destroy the greenhouses despite their clumsiness. He received your most recent owl only yesterday and he was delighted to see that you would be back in no less than two days time, but it seems that the hours were dragging on and on against his favor.
With a withering sigh, Severus stood to resign from the assembly of his fellow colleagues and made the long trek back to his office to continue and hopefully complete grading the towering pile of parchments that lingered on his desk. The empty hallways were too quiet for his liking as he missed the unnecessary small talk you would have had with him and it only reminded him of your absence even more. It only made his scowl grow deeper and he began to wonder what you were doing at this precise moment, but he soon found out what that answer entailed as he opened the door to his office and stepped through the threshold of the dimly lit space.
There you were as plain as day, sitting in the rickety chair behind his desk with your hands tucked under your chin and that sweet little smile upon your face that he adored so much, as if you were expecting him all along.
“Hi there,” You couldn’t help but grin at the sight of him and the butterflies in your stomach only fluttered even more as he looked upon you in such surprise with those dark and twinkling eyes of his. You were hoping to get that sort of reaction and you tried with all your might to remain calm, but you were rejoicing from the inside at your little triumph.
Severus’s brain must have short circuited before he could give you a sarcastic reply in response, but you were too quick for him to keep up as you crossed the room to stand in front of him. He gazed down at you and he was entranced by your bright eyes for what seemed longer than was appropriate and he was confused by the worried look that replaced your smile he was so used to seeing all the time.
“Is something wrong, Severus?” Your voice sounded so timid and gloomy and he wanted to rectify that matter as quickly as he could to once again behold your cheerful expression.
“N-no, nothing is wrong, Y/N. I’m just surprised to see you, gladly, of course. I wasn’t expecting you for the next couple of days is all.” He wanted nothing more than to grab ahold of you and never let go in fear of you disappearing again, but he remained stoic in fear of not wanting to further upset you with any sudden actions.
“Oh, well, that’s alright. My mother kept insisting that she was fine and that I was wasting my time on being bothered over her health, so she sent me on my way and I figured I would come back early. I’m sorry if I startled you, I guess I should have let you know before I came back.”
“Don’t be, I’m just glad to see you back in one piece.” Severus then finally smiled, his posture softening for a brief moment before he tensed up again as you embraced him tightly. The familiar scent of your perfume engulfed his senses and he let out a soft sigh of content.
But before he could even think of the next action to take, he instinctively held your head against his chest and stroked your hair through his nimble fingers. You pulled away from him and he realized just how close you were to each other and froze, his arm still around your waist and his hand still grasping at your head. It was as if time stood still as he gazed at you longingly and without another thought, he leaned in to capture your lips in a tender kiss.
This caught you off guard for only a second, but you were quick to reciprocate his affections and kissed him languidly, wanting to savor this moment for as long as you could before you both ended the connection. Severus then rested his forehead against yours as you both caught your breath, the small puffs of air that fanned over your face warmed your cheeks even further than your rising blush ever could and smelled distinctly of mulled wine and something that could only be described as him. It was now a permanent addiction you would surely never get tired of.
“I-I um, was hoping to beat you to that first, but that was even better than I expected.” You chuckled sheepishly.
“You-you’re not angry with me?” Severus whispered, his breath hitching in the back of his throat.
“Of course not,” You voice in a hushed tone, reaching up to cup his face and stroke at his cheek gently. “I’ve been wanting to tell you how I feel about you for so long, but I was afraid you would be upset with me and it would ruin our friendship.”
He breathes a sigh of relief at your words and is overjoyed that you have the same desire for him as he does for you. He never would have known that someone would ever like him, let alone wanting to show him that he deserved to be loved in any manner after all of the heartache he has endured in the past. Yet here he was, with you in his arms as you shared more soft and sweet kisses, never wanting to part from you again.
“The feeling is mutual. But I can’t begin to tell you how delighted I am to have you here with me, just like this.” Severus sighs happily, placing a kiss atop your head as he hugs you tightly to his frame.
“Well, maybe we could go to my chambers for a nightcap and start there?” You bite your lip, still nervous with anticipation at the prospect of the Severus Snape confessing his true feelings towards you.
“I would like that very much,” Severus murmurs, taking a hold of your hand as the two of you walk down to your room like you were giddy schoolchildren once more.
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My headcanons for Severus Snape aka my Pookie Bear Schnookums. (A lot of them)
Keep in mind these are just MY personal headcanons. You do not have to agree.
Read below the cut!
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- prefers fruit candies over chocolate, though he does like dark chocolate every now and then
- maintains a very organized hygiene routine and is the epitome of self-care (He brushes his teeth after every meal, flosses, showers every day, and even uses the occasional moisturizer. Taking care of himself does not make him less of a man.)
- one of his favorite past times is sitting with a book (specifically muggle books) by the fireplace in his personal quarters, especially on rainy days
- sleeps with lots of blankets and wears pajama pants to bed with a t shirt, but then complains how he is always hot at night (He never changes the sleeping pattern however. The warmth is comforting.)
- Has a soft spot for muggle music, sometimes he will go to a muggle record shop and buy some. (he fancies The Smiths, Fleetwood Mac, Nirvana, Radiohead, basically loves all music genres except country, he finds it annoying)
- visits his mother's grave as often as he can and tells her about his day, the good and the bad
- he became a teacher because he genuinely wanted to inform the youth, hoping to educate them for the future. He may be a cold man, but he isn't heartless.
- He doesn't have favorite students, he doesn't agree with that ideology. He may have 'least favorite students' but he would never choose a 'most favorite'. He does not like how Professor Slughorn has the 'Slug Club'.
- He actually deeply cared about Harry Potter, but was afraid to step into his life as he was scared something would happen to him like his parents, leaving Harry alone again.
- When he finds out a student has a learning disability or a personal issue, he will look into said issue and figure out how to help to the best of his ability.
- He cuts his own hair sometimes, but usually McGonagall will tidy it up.
- He hates bananas. There is no explanation, he just doesn't like them.
- If he sees a student being bullied, he intervenes instantly. He doesn't want to see another kid go through what he did.
- He is very close with McGonagall, but also, Hagrid. Sometimes he will go down to his hut and ask for some help gathering ingredients for potions (like venom, blood, essence, etc.),then he will make small talk and ask if there are any animals Hagrid is currently nurturing. Sometimes it will peak his interest.
- His favorite colors are purple and green, he likes how they look together.
- He ISN'T transphobic/homophobic. He is actually very accepting. He doesn't care about sexuality or identity, he just cares about who you are morally as a person.
- He smells like pine, eucalyptus, and spearmint constantly but, in the fall he smells of warm apple cider with a hint of clove.
- He brushes his hair a lot
- He has muggle clothing, but he never wears them on/near school grounds, god forbid a student sees him in casual wear.
- Sometimes he has a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. He will sit on his bed and practice breathing, calming his mind. He will make a mental list of things to do to 'get ready for the day'. Once the list is done, he feels a lot better.
- As previously hinted, he loves apple cider. He's practically obsessed with it. He only drinks it in the fall though. He thinks it makes it taste better. And he uses mulling spices with fresh apple juice, not fake stuff.
- During the holidays, he will always get a gift for every one of his staff members. If he overhears of a student going through a particularly bad time with their family or something of the like, he will get them one too. Not a huge gift, but something nice, like a box of sweets.
- He usually doesn't get many gifts during the holidays, only the occasional pair of mittens or new potion set. People think he isn't a materialistic person, which he isn't, but he wishes people would at least give a card. He never got presents growing up.
- He always has room for dessert after a meal
- His monotone voice is not from lack of interest, it's just his natural tone of voice. He hates it too, as it's one of the reasons he was bullied growing up.
- He doesn't smile much because he isn't sure when you should smile. He doesn't know when it's appropriate. So, instead, he'll give a little smirk or a chuckle. He's insecure of his smile as well.
- If he has a song stuck in his head, he'll tap his feet underneath his desk and hum along. He's very discreet about it though.
- One of his secret talents is playing guitars, he doesn't do it often, but he's actually good at it.
- He doesn't raise his voice much even when he's angry, because it reminds him of his father. He doesn't like yelling.
- His favorite flower is NOT A LILY! He actually really likes daisies and dandelions. People consider them to be "weeds" as they can take over people's lawns, but growing up he had a garden that his mother used to tend to. However, she let the grass and flowers around it turn into overgrowth. She took Severus out there one day to harvest some carrots, and he asked "Mom, why do you let all of the grass and weeds grow every where?" And she replied "Dear boy, there is no such thing as weeds. They are simply wild flowers that grow in unwanted places. All they want is to grow and to live. Just like us."
- He keeps/maintains a garden at his house in honor of his mother, and he let's the wildflowers take over.
- He has a guest bedroom, but no one ever visits him.
- He is definitely a top/dom, but he CAN be a sub. However, he doesn't find it as fun.
- He does not have that high of a sex drive. He doesn't NEED to have sex. If he fell in love with someone who didn't want to have sex that often, or even at all, he would be perfectly fine with that. Because sex doesn't define a real relationship. Love does.
- He has never and will never partake in looking at pornographic material. He finds it extremely uncomfortable and disgusting, especially how much of it is violence towards women. Also, he believes sexual relations like that should be private and intimate.
- He is very vocal in bed, as he wants his partner to know he is enjoying it as well.
- Always makes a safe word before anything sexual.
- He always gives aftercare no matter what.
- He is extremely kinky, let's just say that.
- Loves roleplay
- He is very big on foreplay because he doesn't want his partner to not be pleasured correctly or feel 'unready'. He always wants his partner to be comfortable and happy.
- He loves being called sir/professor and SOMETIMES daddy. Though, he prefers the first two most of all.
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saintsenara · 2 months
Been reading through your ship asks and cackling at your responses for the better part of the last hour, so I thought I’d ask some of my own! Alright, here we go:
Sybill Trelawney/Barty Crouch Jr.
Molly Weasley/Sirius Black
Igor Karkaroff/Severus Snape
Great-Aunt Muriel/Arabella Figg
thanks anon, great choices. it's always a pleasure to meet someone with taste.
barty crouch jr./sybill trelawney
yes, one hundred percent.
we know that "moody" was committed to searching every teacher's office [such a method actor, he walked so lady gaga in house of gucci could run], and trelawney's was definitely given a thorough going over [behave] so that barty could report back to the gaffer that the prophecy wasn't just gathering dust in her filing cabinets.
and - well - she's starved for company, isn't she? it's the easiest thing in the world for her to suggest that they crack open a bottle of sherry and complain about what a knob snape is.
plus, she's canonically not very good at divination, so she's bound to miss that her tealeaves have arranged themselves into a red flag.
sirius black/molly weasley
obviously, the easy way round this pairing is to make it a sort of hate-sex thing, in which molly and sirius fire themselves up for a night of passion by arguing over who's right about harry. the easy-and-also-degenerate way round it is to connect it to sirius'... complicated relationship with his mother...
but a hill i'll die on is that this fandom really overestimates the tension between molly and sirius in order of the phoenix [and also, to be quite frank, that she's in the right...], and that their relationship can actually be explored really interestingly without the idea that they hate each other.
while we know that molly conducts missions for the order, her primary role in the period 1995-1998 is a domestic one. she's the person who is responsible for things like making grimmauld place habitable, or for feeding the collected members of the order. the importance of domestic and caring work within resistance and revolutionary organisations is really overlooked - because of misogyny! - but it's something which is absolutely vital to those organisations being able to carry out their aims.
and the series does actually show us this - even if unintentionally. order meetings frequently take place in the kitchen around mealtimes. the domestic spaces of grimmauld place and the burrow serve not only as organisational bases but also as centres of support and community for order members [tonks coming round to see molly for tea and sympathy; lupin being asked to christmas at the burrow; snape's refusal to eat with the order being considered further evidence that he's a prick, and so on]. the difficulty molly has with bringing grimmauld place under control serves as a metaphor for the order's struggle against voldemort.
which brings us to sirius during order of the phoenix.
one of the things i think is often overlooked when we think about sirius' depression and feelings of uselessness while he's confined to grimmauld place is that these stem from him holding the belief that the only viable way of helping the war effort is to take a combat role. one of sirius' great tragedies is that he's reckless and self-destructive - and part of how this manifests is that he can only see value in being someone who fights, who's out and about, and who's putting himself at risk for the cause. he's unable to consider himself useful to the order outside of that context - which is why he chafes so much against the idea that staying in the house and remaining safe is crucial work, in that the very fact of him living protects harry.
you can do so much with the idea that - once the kids are back at school - the only people rattling around grimmauld place all day every day are molly and sirius, and that she spends her time trying to chivvy him into recognising that the domestic labour she'd quite like his help with is really the only thing holding the rag-tag order together. he's not going to give a shit at first, but he can learn...
and food and love exist on both sides of a coin marked comfort, don't they?
igor karkaroff/severus snape
i mean, this one's basically canon, isn't it? karkaroff's always sneaking around trying to catch snape on his own in cupboards so he can have a look at his forearm-length snake [tattoo]. it's giving "hooked up once but only one of them realises it wasn't going anywhere".
arabella figg/muriel prewett
yes. they broke up when one of mrs figg's cats pissed on that goblin-made tiara.
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dilute-flower · 1 year
The Black Cat
Prolog: You've got to be kitten me
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A/N: Hello and welcome (a second time maybe) to my cute and fluffy story about Snape turning into a cat. Have a purrfect day and enjoy! (This is the prolog, more will follow soon.)
Pairing: Snape x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
“You insufferable, arrogant…”
Well shit! This time he really managed it. He brought Minerva McGonagall to her limit. Ever since Snape started teaching at Hogwarts, he wondered how much it would take for Minerva to fully lose it. Because no matter how many boundaries he overstepped, that woman always managed to stay put. The witch would simply purse her lips, say something flat and leave.
But this time her head turned dangerously red, and the insults just seem to keep spilling out of her mouth. Apparently, all it takes to bring that vicious side out of her, is to question her ability to keep an order in her office. An odd reason to snap, Snape thinks. But perhaps this was simply the last drop it took after the potion master purposely tried to enrage her over the last two weeks.
It started as an experiment. He was bored and curious. But now that he reached his goal Snape feels suddenly very ashamed of himself. He respects Minerva with his whole heart. She’s been a mentor to him over these past years, almost like a mother. And here he is, purposely hurting the elder witch simply to satisfy his own curiosity like a silly child.
He opens his mouth to apologize but Minerva merely raises a forbidding hand while her other hand clenches dangerously around her wand. She rambles on about how respectless he behaved these past days and Snape is sure that she’s about to hex him. His own hand finds his wand within his robes on instinct. And he’s right. Within seconds the woman raises her wand and fires of a wordless spell in his direction.
The wizard is fast enough to block it, but the spell hits the large mirror in the corner of Minerva’s office and reflects it right back at him, hitting him in the chest. A weird feeling spreads where the spell hit. Suddenly the room starts to spin, and every piece of furniture becomes much larger. Snape has to look up to see the smug smile on Minerva’s face. Has she shrunk him?
The wizard also registers many new smells and sounds. It’s like his senses are on overdrive. Suddenly Snape realizes that he’s on all forth and looks down to see he has paws instead of hands and feet. His head turns to the mirror. If his normal sunken face would be reflected, it would have been paler than usual, but instead, he sees a black cat looking back, mimicking his actions.
The shock was apparent on the cats’ face and Minerva couldn’t stop herself from chuckling. “Well finally you get what you deserve, Severus” She says “Remember when you said that I couldn’t even manage a simple transformation spell last Monday? Well, there you go.” The witch turns to walk around her desk, sits down and starts fondling a bunch of parchment before shooting an amused smile at Snape.
“If you think you’re so much better at everything than me, then I suggest you try to turn back into your human form by yourself. I mean, I wouldn’t want to mess it up.” Minerva is well aware that it’s almost impossible for a non-Animagus to simply transform back without being able to wave a wand or say the spell. But that’s exactly the point. She recognized the game Severus was playing lately and he definitely needs to learn his lesson. Let him wander around like a cat in the castle for a while. Gives him time to think!
Snape tried to argue but nothing, but a pathetic meow leaves his throat. Minerva seems pretty pleased with herself. “Go on.” She says waving him off, “You may leave now!”
What? She does not really expect him to leave in this state! Snape lets another annoyed meow escape his throat before slinking towards Minerva’s desk. The soft pads of his paws feel weird on the hard stone floor and his movements are silent even though he’s trying to stomp with rage.
With a light swoosh Snape manages to land in front of Minerva on top of her desk. He hisses at her, his tail swaying nervously behind him. Strange how natural it feels to use that new body part. “Oh no, no, no! Such a bad little kitty.” Minerva mocks him “C’mon now. Shoo!” She gestures him to move off her table, but he won’t budge. She just has to transform him back, right now!
A loud knock sounds at the door and soon Dumbledore enters the room. Thank the Gods, Snape thinks. At least someone reasonable enough in this castle to help him out of his pathetic state. Dumbledore’s eyes twinkle as he scans the Situation in front of him. Snape scrambles to his feet, or paws, and almost runs towards the elder Wizard calling “Help me, headmaster!”, but the other man hears merely a strangled growl.
“Got yourself a new friend, I see.” Dumbledore calls and bends down to give the cat a little scratch behind his ears. The cat hisses at him and takes a few steps back. “Not a friendly one” he muses. “Where did you find it, Minerva?”
“Oh, I saw him right outside the castle and took him in. We have so many cats here, I thought one more stray wouldn’t matter anyway.” She said with the most innocent voice she could muster, and Snape shoots her a vicious glare.
The old wizard chuckles. “You always had a heart for strays, didn’t you?” He can’t be serious right now. Snape lets out a frustrated growl, but the sound leaving his body sounds almost cute.
“You know, Minerva,” Dumbledore leans down again and grabs the cat before it can escape. He cradles it in his arms and starts scratching its head. Involuntarily, a low rumble leaves Snapes throat. He’s purring. “This cat reminds me of someone.”
“Oh really?” Minerva doesn’t look up from the assignment she started marking, feigning innocents.
 “Doesn’t it remind you of a certain dungeon bad?” Dumbledore’s eyes twinkle as he shoots Minerva an amused look. He knows, Snape thinks hopefully. His hand doesn’t stop scratching and the cat can’t stop purring. It just feels so nice, damn it!
“Well, now that you mentioned it, I can see the resemblance.” She smiles “Maybe Severus would be interested in this Cat. As far as I can remember, he doesn’t have any pets.” Minerva’s eyes find Snape’s and a hiss escapes him.
“What a wonderful Idea!” Dumbledore exclaims. He sets the cat back on the floor and makes his way to the door, already leaving the office.
“Albus?” Minerva calls and Dumbledore turns to face her once more. “Why did you stop by again?” The headmaster chuckles. “Oh right. I just thought I heard something off in here. Thought I should take a look. But apparently everything here is just perfectly fine.”
The old wizard shoots the cat a very amused look and winks at Minerva.
 “Well then, Have a nice evening.”
With that he leaves the office and a very shocked cat behind.
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sailor-rowling · 5 months
Would You Rather... Harry Potter Style
Have Ron for a friend or have Hermione for a friend? Hermione
Fight the Basilisk or fight a Dementor? Dementor
Spend a weekend with Dudley Dursley or spend a weekend with Kreacher the house elf? Kreacher
Be a Quidditch Keeper or be a Quidditch Beater? Neither
Be sorted into Ravenclaw or be sorted into Hufflepuff? Ravenclaw
Have an Invisibility Cloak or have a Time-Turner? Time Turner
Receive a Howler in front of your friends or eat a vomit flavoured Every Flavour Bean? I'm pretty sure I have tried a vomit flavored jelly bean (all of the ones I tried were so nasty!) so Howler, at least it would be funny.
Attend the Yule Ball or attend the Quidditch World Cup? Yule Ball
Spend the afternoon in the Burrow with the Weasleys or spend an afternoon in Diagon Alley? Diagon Alley
Have Severus Snape as your father or have Dolores Umbridge as your mother? Dolores Umbridge as a mother
Have a pet Hippogriff or have a pet Phoenix? Both
Take a class in potions or take a class in caring for magical creatures? Both
Have a flying broomstick or have an enchanted flying car? Flying broomstick
Be a werewolf like Remus Lupin or be a ghost like Nearly-Headless Nick? Werewolf
Spend a week lost in the Forbidden Forest or spend a day in Azkaban? Lost in the Forbidden Forest
Play Quidditch or play Wizarding Chess? Wizarding Chess
Be a teacher at Hogwarts or be an Auror? Hogwarts teacher
Have Hagrid as a friend or have Dobby as a friend? Dobby
Change the story so that Dumbledore does not get killed or change the story so that Sirius does not get killed? Sirius, because he had such a miserable life and Harry deserved to spend more time with him.
Spend an hour talking with JK Rowling or spend an hour talking with Daniel Radcliffe? J.K. Rowling, of course!
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mrslunasnape · 1 year
Eye of The Beholder
This work was created for the Snapebang 2023! @snapebang
Author: @mrslunasnape Artist: @deathnotelu Artist: @okeydokeylackey Rating: PG Pairings: Severus Snape x OC Trigger Warnings: Bullying Tags: Teen Snape, Marauders Era, Friends to Lovers, Angst, Fluff, Snape getting the love and support he deserves, bullying, inner monologue Summary: Severus comes from a hard upbringing. His father was abusive in multiple senses of the word. It's left him with an image of himself that he hates to look at. He's afraid to let anyone else really see him, for fear that they too might see him as the wretch that he sees himself as... Until his potions class partner challenges Severus to see him through her eyes.
“I want everyone to partner up! Partner up, everyone! Come now, let’s not slog about!” Professor Slughorn bellowed all too cheerily for a 7:00 in the morning class.
The room filled with the sound of students grumbling and the shuffling of feet as the practically zombie students took their seats.
The dungeons were dimly lit by candles on their last bit of wick. The bricks lining the walls were stained with the smell of smoke, ash, and herbs. An unusual ochre colored growth flourished in some of the cracks, but no one dared to investigate what it was.
“Do you want to be partners?” Luna nervously asked Severus.
“What?” Severus mumbled as he pried his focus away from his well loved potion’s textbook. He had been hunched over it, scribbling in any space he could find in the margins…which wasn’t a lot.
“For the assignment today, do you want to be my partner?” Luna repeated.
“I…um….yeah, sure.” Severus managed to get out before moving his satchel off the chair next to him to make room for her to sit.
Luna had dark chestnut hair that’s untamed curls spilled just past her shoulders. Her eyes were oceanic blue with a faint green lining around her pupils.
She was the middle child of the Black family, and it always seemed to perplex Severus that she would want anything to do with him. Her younger brother was cordial enough with him, but her older brother was downright cruel.
Severus was tall and lanky. His obsidian eyes housed no hidden flecks of light in them and matched the oil slick black hair that draped down to his chin. He was frequently referred to as a bat by the other students, and deep down Severus didn’t really ever blame them. He avoided looking in mirrors, not just because he didn’t like his physical appearance, but because he had a deep seeded fear that if he starred at the coal black eyes looking back at him in the mirror for too long that he would see himself. Really see himself. His father was a monster who abused both him and his mother, and he feared that a part of him slumbered deep within him. He was terrified that one day that part of him would awaken and turn him into his birthright; into a monster akin to his father.
Luna sat on the stool beside Severus and nervously tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear.
Gods. She can’t even look at me. Am I truly that hideous? Did I brush my hair this morning? Does it even matter? Focus, Severus.
“Amortentia!” Professor Slughorn announced as he lifted the lid off a large cast iron cauldron at the front of the room to reveal a swirling pink potion with a mother-of-pearl sheen to it. Most of the girls in the class giggled while several of the boys either groaned or mockingly made gagging noises.
Professor Slughorn ignored the commotion and continued, “A combination of the French word Amour, meaning love, and the Latin word Tentia, meaning held; the Amortentia potion can defined as a potion that reveals to us what we hold a special place in our heart for. What we love some might say.”
Professor Slughorn leaned over the swirling concoction and inhaled deeply; almost comically. He leaned back from the cauldron, his back practically crumpling as a euphoric exhale escape his lungs, “Ahhh, smells like success, fame, and recognition.” He chuckled heartily, “Many people make the mistake of thinking that the Amortentia smells only of romantic love, taking on the scent of the love interest of whomever smells it. Of course this is common enough, but it isn’t always the case. Some people have things that they love more than they love other people, and those smells often shine through in Amortentia. For example, the smell of money is a rather common one.”
Professor Slughorn turned his attention to Severus, who sat in the back row and was who once again preoccupied with the contents of his potion textbook, “I suspect Mr. Snape’s Amortenia would smell like books and ink. Honestly, my boy, I’m shocked how you manage to keep ink off that nose of yours with how close you get to that thing the parchment when you write.”
A few students chuckled.
Severus’s cheeks felt as if they were physically on fire.
Please don’t make them look at me.
“Now, while I appreciate your insatiable appetite for learning, Mr. Snape, I would kindly ask that you at least turn that desire to learn towards my lesson rather than your book.” Professor Slughorn lectured.
Severus grumbled something inaudible under his breath, but he returned his quill to its inkwell none the less.
“Moving on!” Professor Slughorn swished his hand in the air in a rather flamboyant manner, “Perhaps Amortentia is misnamed, for as we discussed earlier, its French route suggests it to be a potion of love. Of course, your average witch or wizard off the street will see it that way. But you, my dear students, are not common riff raff off the street! So learn well that Amortentia isn’t really about love at all. Sure, when you inhale its fumes each individual smells scents that appeals to their heart, but when the potion is consumed… well, now that’s a different story entirely.” Slughorn winked cheesily at the students.
“How can a love potion be dangerous?” A Slytherin boy taunted from the front row, “Oh no, my heart feels tingly now, so dangerous!” He pretended to faint into the arms of the student sitting next to him, who was all to eager to play the role of catching him and fanning his face.
Several boys laughed, while most of the girls in the glass shot him dagger eyes.
Professor Slughorn gave a muted chuckle, “That sounds like the talk of someone who has never experienced real love before.”
It was the girls turn to laugh.
Professor Slughorn continued, “Don’t be fooled, love is more dangerous than hate. Hate will make do unspeakable things to another in order to calm your own demons. Love will make you do unspeakable things to yourself in order to calm the demons of another.”
The fainting boy rolled his eyes.
“But, as I was saying, Amortentia is not truly a love potion, but rather an essence of love potion… and the worst essence of it. Despite how many skilled potioneers have tried over the centuries, none have been able to authentically recreate the emotion of love. If they had, they would be exuberantly wealthy and love potions would certainly not be sold from tacky little fountains at Zonko’s.” Professor Slughorn said as he side-eyed a Hufflepuff girl seated in the second row.
The girl had a tiny pink crystalline vial that housed a potion with a mother-of-pearl sheen to it. A distinct Zonkos label was plastered on the vial which read “Aphrodite Amortenia”. She was showing it off to a small group of girls who were huddled over it like a secret treasure. Upon being called out by the professor, she quickly shoved it into her satchel and flashed a weak smile.
Professor Slughorn pulled a small plastic comb from his chest pocket and brushed his hair back neatly, “No, Amortentia does not create love. It creates obsession. Specifically, it creates an obsession for the person who administered the potion to whomever drank it. While not love, obsession will certainly still make you do crazy things. People have killed for less.”
The room fell awkwardly silent.
Professor Slughorn clapped his hands together in front of him, the loud echo bouncing off the stone dungeon walls breaking the silence, “Well then, let’s get to brewing, shall we? Open your text books to page 493.”
Severus opened his textbook to Amortentia section, which to his potion partner’s surprise, was already filled well into the margins with notes in tiny fine print.
“You’ve already done your research I see.” Luna said playfully as she nodded her head towards Severus’s book.
“I like to read ahead…” Severus said mousily as his thumb caressed the worn pages of his well loved textbook.
Luna leaned in closer to read the small ink scratchings in the margins. There was so much written in such a tiny area that she had to squint in order to make the writing legible. There were corrections to ingredient measurements, recommended cauldron temperatures, substitute ingredients, and even notes on various ways to procure oils and seeds from herbs.
“Wow.” She whispered.
“I know, it’s a mess. My handwriting isn’t very good and some of the notes overlap because I was trying to squeeze in some information and there’s not a lot of space to work with but-”
“Severus, you’re brilliant.” Luna cut him off.
Surely I heard her wrong.
Severus’s face, normally almost as pale as the castle ghosts, faded to a sweet shade of pink. “Really?”
Luna’s fingertip traced along the lines of handwritten notes, “Yes. Really” She paused and looked up at him with a tender smile. “I should have you tutor me.”
“Oh, well…” Severus stumbled over his words.
“Mr. Snape. Ms. Black. This is the last time I’m going to ask for your attention.” Professor Slughorn scolded.
Severus and Luna’s faces both went red and their shoulders hunched with embarrassment as once again turned their attention to Professor Slughorn.
“The particular version of Amortentia that we will be brewing today was developed by Hogwarts Alumni Laverne de Montmorency. We’ll be using the following ingredients. Ahem.” Professor Slughorn cleared his throat before picking up each clear glass jar on his desk and holding it up so that the students could get a better view of each ingredient, “Ashwinder eggs. The eggs of this fiery serpent will help us to draw in the fiery energy of passion. Rose thorns, to remind us that love often hurts. Powdered moonstone, also known as the wishing stone, to enhance the desire for love. Pearl dust, known traditionally to help with heart conditions. Today it will aid us in a rather unconventional definition of a heart condition. And of course, rose petals, a timeless symbol of love. You’ll find the proper measurements for each of these outlined in your textbook, along with how to prepare them. We have about an hour left in class. That should be ample enough time for you to brew a small batch of Amortentia.”
Luna turned her attention back to her own textbook, “It says here the first step is to grind the moonstone and pearl down into dust using a mortar and pestle.” She dropped the gems into the mortar on their shared desk and began to twist her wrist back and forth in a feeble attempt to grind the stones into dust.
“It works better if you go in a circular motion.” Severus said barely audibly.
“What?” Luna questioned, not hearing him over the sound of several sets of mortar and pestles grinding around the room.
“Like this.” Severus said as he reached out and grabbed the pestle, his slender hand firmly placed on top of hers as he guided her to move the pestle in a grand circular motion encircling the entire inside of the mortar.
Luna turned her head to thank him, and quickly found her face so close to his that she could feel the warmth of his breath. The tip of his unique nose practically touched hers.
Severus, startled, quickly released his grip on the pestle and jumped back. “Sorry.”
“Thank you.” Luna said in unison with his sorry, “Wait, what?”
“Nothing.” Severus added nervously.
Why can’t I just act normal for once? This is why you have no friends.
Severus cracked the Ashwinder eggs and added them to the bubbling cauldron in silence as Luna finished grinding the powder. He tossed the shells into the bin and then turned back to face her, “Rose thorns and petals are next.”
A bouquet of gorgeous red roses sat in a spiral vase on the desk. The pair set to work carefully plucking the velvety petals from the flower and using a small paring knife to extract the thorns from the stem.
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Art by @deathnotelu Instagram: amber_dnl
“Ouch!” Luna exclaimed as she dropped her knife on the table with a clatter. A small crimson droplet began to bloom on her thumb.
“Did you cut yourself?” Sever asked, clearly concerned.
“Yeah, but it’s not bad.” Luna said as she sucked on her small cut in an attempt to cull the sting.
Severus winced, “Don’t do that. It’s not good for the wound.”
Luna pulled her thumb back out from her mouth and a small droplet of blood once again formed on the tip of her finger.
Severus picked up his satchel from the ground and began to furiously dig around in it. Finally he pulled out a small bandage roll and a tiny vial of a fine yellow powder.
“What’s that?” Luna asked.
“Yarrow powder.” Severus responded, “It helps to stop bleeding.” He held her hand still with one hand and with the other carefully sprinkled some of the pine smelling powder onto her cut. He then proceeded to tightly wrap her finger with a small cloth bandage. “There.”
“I’m lucky you carry around first aid supplies.” Luna said with a smile.
“I get hurt a lot.” Severus said solemnly.
Luna felt her heart sink a little, “Thank you, Severus.”
I must seem so pathetic.
“Any time.” He meekly responded as he tucked his supplies back into his satchel.
Severus scooped up the collection of thorns they had made and tossed them into the brew. He began to stir methodically, one clockwise rotation followed by two counterclockwise rotation. He repeated this patten over and over as the potion began to swirl and shift colors in the cauldron.
Luna watched him curiously and then looked back down to her textbook, which clearly indicated to only stir the potion clockwise. She was going to bring this discrepancy up to him, but before her very eyes the brew began to shimmer with the telltale mother-of-pearl glow that only Amortentia produces. In fact, the shimmer of their potion seemed to surpass what was in Professor Slughorn’s own cauldron. They certainly had gotten theirs to shift colors faster than everyone else in the room.
Luna began to lean over the potion in an attempt to smell what unique scent the potion would create for her, but Severus reached his arm out in front of her and stopped her before she could get too close.
“Hold on.” He instructed. Severus peered over to Professor Slughorn, who was chatting up a Ravenclaw girl who was rumored to be the top of their class about joining his Slug Club. Seizing his opportunity, Severus slipped to the back of the classroom and into the storage closet. A mere moments later he returned holding a vial of tiny bright green leaves.
“What is that?” Luna whispered as to not attract any attention.
“Peppermint leaves.” Severus responded with a devilish grin only worn by those who have completed a successful heist.
“That’s not on the ingredient list.” Luna said curiously.
“It’s on mine.” Severus said proudly as he pointed to his textbook. Sure enough, scribbled in his own handwriting at the bottom of the ingredient list: peppermint leaves - finely chopped not crushed.
“Are you sure? Have you tried this before?” Luna questioned.
Only about a hundred times.
A warm smile melted onto Severus’s face as he finely chopped the small green leaves into the most delicate little pieces.
Luna couldn’t help but stare at him as he worked. His long slender fingers had a way of dancing with the knife. His face, which all too often had a cold and solemn look to it, now had a warm smile that while subtle, seemed to bring color to his entire face. He was beautiful, completely in his element.
Severus carefully scooped up the chopped peppermint and placed it into Luna’s hand, “Here. You do the honors.”
Luna hesitated, but when she saw the pure anticipation on Severus’s face she tossed the leaves into the cauldron. The spirals of purple smoke that were chaotically spurting out of the cauldron appeared to calm and find a consistent pattern.
“Huh.” Luna mused, clearly impressed.
Severus took a step closer to her and smiled, “Peppermint removes the rather unpleasant side effect of the drinker singing out of tune love songs.”
Luna giggled.
“You can try to smell it now.” Severus said, his head nodding towards the cauldron encouragingly.
Luna leaned over the swirling shimmering pink potion and inhaled deeply, her mind racing about all the different possibilities of scents she would smell. She paused and then stood up with a look of disappointment plastered on her face.
Oh, shit. Did I mess up?
“What?” Severus questioned.
“I don’t smell anything.” Luna said, “Are you sure the peppermint didn’t mess with it?”
“I’m certain.” Severus said sternly, “What do you mean you don’t smell anything?”
“I mean it doesn’t have a smell. It smells the same leaning over the cauldron as it does standing right where I am now.” Luna said.
“Huh.” Severus lifted a hand and rubbed his chin as if deep in thought, “Maybe what you love is Slughorn’s potions class.”
Luna laughed and playfully smacked Severus on the shoulder, “Oh, shut it, you.”
Severus gave a chuckle, and Luna realized this was the first time she had really ever heard him genuinely laugh. It was rich and deep.
“So it really smells like the classroom to you?” Severus pushed.
“I mean, not the classroom per say. The dungeon certainly has a distinct smell to it… I don’t know how to describe it. It’s not the dungeon itself that I smell. It’s just that where I’m standing right here smells no different to me than the Amortentia does.” Luna attempted to explain.
“Can you be more specific?” Severus asked.
Luna closed her eyes and inhaled, “It smells like sandalwood, blood oranges, ink, parchment, and the singe of smoke you get on your fingertips when you’ve spent too much time working with a potion.”
Severus looked down at his ink stained fingers. For a brief moment he hoped that it was him that she was smelling, but he quickly shoved that feeling down into a bottle with the rest of his emotions.
“Oh, just wonderful!” Professor Slughorn sang as he clamored his way over to the pair.
Startled, both Luna and Severus jumped before turning their attention to Professor Slughorn, who was now bent practically in half deeply inhaling the vapors coming out of their cauldron.
When he finally pried himself away from the vapors of their concoction his eyes were glazed over as if he were drunk.
“You two have done a wonderful job! Absolutely superb! Quite the potions pair you two make! Well done! 25 points to Slytherin for each of you on a job well done.” Professor Slughorn mused as he walked off towards the next pair of students, his walk a little more wobbly than usual.
“Oh, Gods!” Professor Slughorn groaned, his face practically turning green. “What did you two do?” his voice was now comically nasally as he had pinched his nose to not smell the brew in the student’s cauldron that was just as offcolor as Professor Slughorns skin.
The class erupted in laughter. Except for the pair who had made the disastrous brew, who began to melt out of pure embarrassment into their stools.
Professor Slughorn walked to the front of the room and removed a handkerchief from his coat pocket. It was painfully discolored, suggested not only that it was not just for show, but also that it was not washed frequently enough. He obnoxiously blew his nose and then tucked the dirty hanky back into his pocket. “Now then, I must remind you that love potions are banned here at Hogwarts. So please, no smuggling out any samples from todays class.” Professor Slughorn motioned towards the previous pair of student’s cauldron, “Especially yours. Who knows what that would do.” He skin began to shift to that nauseating green once more just thinking about the foul smell that pair had managed to create.
Professor Slughorn returned his attention to the Hufflepuff girl from earlier in the lesson, “Which reminds me. I’m going to need to confiscate that vial from Zonko’s.”
The girl grumbled, but handed over the vial to Professor Slughorn, who promptly tugged the vial into the tiny pocket hidden inside his jacket.
Severus and Luna walked out of the classroom together, but Severus stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Sirius leaning against the stone wall just opposite the classroom door.
The Hufflepuff girl and her group of friends were now huddled around Sirius, vying for his attention. Sirius was clearing basking in the radiance of their attention, but he was clearly not interested in any of them.
Why do so many girls look at him like that? Can’t they see him for what he really is?
“Lunch?” Sirius asked casually as he pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on with his back and strolled towards Luna.
Luna hesitated a minute and turned to look at Severus, who had looked away pretending to be preoccupied with something else.
If I don’t make eye contact maybe he will leave me alone for once.
“Yeah, sure, I’m hungry.” Luna finally answered.
“Great. Meet you in the hall with the guys.” Sirius smiled and headed off. The pack of hormonal girls followed him like lemmings.
Luna turned to look at Severus, “Are you going to lunch too?”
“What?” Severus asked surprised.
“Are you hungry? You can come to the Great Hall with me.” Luna questioned.
She’s just being nice to me because she pities me.
“Oh… No, thank you. I was just going to go for a walk outside. Maybe read some by the lake.” Severus gave a slight smile.
“That actually sounds really nice.” Luna adjusted her satchel over her shoulder, “Maybe I’ll just grab something to go from the Hall and see you out there.”
“Oh, you don’t have to.” Severus said.
“I want to.” Luna replied cheerfully.
Severus’s smile was genuine this time.
Severus sighed in relief as he relished the feeling of the cool early autumn air as it kissed his skin. The temperature had just started to drop, but the leaves hadn’t begun to change colors just yet. He felt a weight come off his shoulders as he walked out of the castle walls. The loud hustle and bustle of the castle hallways was replaced by a comforting silence that enveloped him in a hug and calmed his nerves.
He loved going outside to walk or read during lunch. Any other time of day there were plenty of people out walking the grounds, but at this particular time of day he had them all to himself.
“Hey Snivellus!” a shrill voiced called out from behind him.
Severus froze in his tracks, and his grip on the leather bound book in his hands tightened so much that his knuckles went white. For a moment he stood there in silence, his breath labored with inner rage, silently praying that they would just leave. He spun around quickly, “That’s not my name.” Severus snarled.
“That’s not my name.” James Potter mocked while making a pigish face. Sirius, Peter, and James all laughed. Remus and Lily hung back nervously, but neither did anything to deter their friends behavior.
James strutted towards Severus, a rather nasty grin plastered on his smug face, “I see you’re out to lunch with all your friends.” James mocked as he motioned towards the empty grounds.
Severus’s lips pressed tightly together in attempt to keep his rage from spilling out. He hugged his book to his chest, but remained silent.
Just leave me alone.
“Whatcha reading?” Sirius teased in a sing-song voice as he reached for the book.
“None of your business.” Severus responded coldly.
“Come on now, don’t be like that Snivellus.” Sirius goaded, the devil burning in his eyes.
“I told you, that’s not my name.” Severus spat, his voice now shaking with rage. He was finding it harder to swallow the venom of the beast that lay dormant within him.
“Ooooh hoooo, tough guy?” Peter chimed in, practically tripping as he stepped closer to Severus. His voice cracked when he spoke.
James scoffed, “The dungeon bat gets out of his cavern for one day and suddenly thinks he can take on the world.”
“Come on, let me just have a peak at the bloody book.” Sirius pushed as he once again lunged for the book. The cheery tone in his voice was gone and replaced with impatience teetering on anger.
Severus stepped back to dodge Sirius’s advances, but tripped on a tree root sticking out of the ground behind him. He stumbled and fell backwards. The stinging on his backside felt like nothing compared to the stinging that he now felt in his pride.
“Pathetic.” James sneered as he pushed his crooked glasses with one finger back up to their correction position on his nose.
Severus attempted to get up, but just as he was getting back to his feet, James reached into his robes and aimed his wand at Severus.
“Expelliarmus!” James shouted and Severus’s wand went flying from his hand, landing in some rather tall grass.
Panicked, Severus began frantically searching for his wand in the tall grass, tossing fistfuls of clumps of weeds and brush to the sides.
Come on, come on!
“Impedimenta!” James shouted, sending Severus once again tumbling to the ground.
This time he fell face first, his jaw smashing against a protruding sharp rock. The pain was instantaneous. Blood began to drip from his chin.
Severus’s thoughts went blank.
“You fucking asshole!” Severus shouted as he wiped his chin and looked down to see his fingertips covered in blood. Another drop fell from his chin and mixed with the dirt at his feet. His gaze returned to the clan of bullies, his obsidian eyes darkening beyond imagine.
“Tsk tsk” Sirius tutted, “What a filthy mouth you’ve got on you, Snivellus.” He placed a hand on his chest and feigned disgust.
“I can fix that.” James jeered, “Scourgify!”
Bright pink soap bubbles began to foam within Severus’s mouth and pour out his lips. They dripped down his face, mixing in a rather unpleasant manner with the blood on his chin. It made his fresh wound singe and burn. The taste was foul and Severus began to choke on the foam building up in his throat that prevented him from breathing properly. He felt as if he was going to be sick, but he stifled the urge to vomit for hear that he might asphyxiate.
“Ha, nice one James.” Peter egged him on. His rat-like face contorted in a rather disturbing smile.
“And now, for the grand finale” James announced, waving his wand arm in the air like a twisted circus ringleader, “Levicorpus.”
Severus began to slowly float in the air. His body writhed in a feeble attempt to keep his feet on the ground. He was about ten feet in the air when his body began to twist to turn him upside down.
“Let’s take a peak under those robes, shall we? Let’s see if you have the equipment to back up the attitude you just gave me.” James spit furiously.
Lily and Remus both looked horrified, but neither one of them made any attempt to stop James. They simply stood there and watched it happen.
Severus desperately attempted to scream for help, but the pink soap bubbles formed a gag.
I want to die.
“Expelliarmus!” a familiar female voice shouted.
James’s wand went flying from his grimy paw, and the moment it left his hands Severus was dropped back down to the earth with a loud thud.
James turned towards the voice, his face beat red with rage, spit foaming around his lips as he screamed, “Who the fu-”
“Flipendo.” Luna whispered with a soft rage, interrupting James mid sentence and sending him flying backwards into the field of grass where Severus’s wand was still lost.
“Luna!” Sirius scolded, “What the hell was that for?”
“What do you mean what was that for? Look at him!” Luna practically screamed as she motioned towards Severus who was just now getting back on his feet. He was covered in a mixture of dirt, soap, and blood that formed a rather repulsive color when mixed together.
“Oh, come on. It’s just Snivellus.” Sirius grumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair. A nervous habit of his from childhood.
“His name is Severus.” Luna said sternly, noticing the moment of weakness in her brother.
“Whatever.” Sirius scoffed as he reached out a hand and helped James back to his feet, “Come on, let’s just go.”
As the group headed back to the castle, Luna stood there, her chest rapidly rising and falling with labored breath. When she was sure that they weren’t going to return, she turned around and headed over to Severus, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” Severus said, clearly trying to hold back tears.
She must think I’m so pathetic.
“What am I saying? Of course you’re not okay.” Luna sighed and picked up Severus’s satchel. She reached inside and pulled out a familiar small vial of fine yellow powder, “Is this the yarrow powder?”
“Yes.” Severus responded meekly.
Luna popped the cork off the vial and poured a little bit of the fine powder onto Severus’s chin. He winced. “Sorry.” Luna whispered as she winced sympathetically.
“It’s not your fault.” He responded.
“All the same.” Luna smiled softly as she gingerly wiped his wound clean with first aide supplies she found in Severus’s satchel.
“I told you I get hurt a lot.” Severus gave a half-hearted laugh, but there was a darkness to his tone.
Luna frowned, “Please tell me this doesn’t happen all the time.”
Please don’t look at me like that.
“Not all the time.” Severus groaned as Luna wiped his wound, “… Just sometimes.”
Luna sighed, “I’m sorry.”
She thinks I’m pathetic. I am pathetic.
“I told you, it’s not your fault.” Severus repeated sternly.
There was an awkward moment of silence.
“Are you hungry?” Luna asked.
“What?” Severus responded.
Luna reached into her own satchel and pulled out two sandwiches, “I stopped at the Great Hall before coming out here. I know you said you were going to come out here to walk and read by the lake. I figured you’d be hungry… and I was hoping that maybe I could join you?”
What the hell?
“S-sure” Severus said, his voice clearly a little shaky.
Luna beamed and handed him one of the sandwiches. Severus took it from her with a faint smile. After relocating Severus’s wand in the brush, the two made their way down the path a bit until they came to a large oak tree on a hill just above the lake. It’s looming height suggested it had been there for years, perhaps as longer than the school had been open. There was a distinct patch of dirt at the base of the tree where grass had clearly stopped growing decades ago. It was obvious that over the years many students had sat here gazing out at the waters of the lake.
“This is one of my favorite spots.” Severus said as he took a seat at the base of the tree.
“It’s beautiful.” Luna remarked as she sat down next to him.
They sat in silence, eating their lunch and watching the wind blow little ripples of water across the lake.
“No, no, don’t cut it.” Severus said as he quickly snatched the silver dagger from Luna’s hand.
“What?” Luna boggled at him, “Did I mess something up already?”
“Technically, no.” Severus grinned.
Luna’s forehead crinkled with confusion.
“You get the juices out of the Sopophorous bean much more effectively if you crush it with the dagger instead of cutting it.” Severus said as he methodically pressed the shimmering silver blade at an odd angle into the bean against the cutting board. There was a soft crackle sound as the exocarp cracked open and thick silver juice oozed out from the pearly white bean.
“Where did you learn that little trick?” Luna questioned.
“Trial and error.” Severus responded as he poured the Sopophorous juices into the cauldron. He flicked his wand at large hooked spoon in the cauldron and it began to stir. It mixed the contents seven times counterclockwise before stopping, reversing direction for one stir, and then continued to repeat this pattern.
Luna watched the ladle dance in the cauldron and then peered back down at her textbook for a moment before turning her gaze to Severus, “Is this trial and error too? The extra clockwise spin?”
Severus simply smiled.
“You’re really something else you know that.” Luna praised.
“What?” Severus practically stuttered, “No, I’m not.”
“Don’t be modest. You’re bloody brilliant, Sev.” Luna beamed.
A faint rosey pink flushed Severus’s face.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you were teaching this class one day. Hell, teaching your techniques to all the potioneers of the world.” Luna said earnestly.
“It’s just a few tweaks. Nothing major.” Severus insisted as his gaze moved to the floor.
“I wish you could see you like I do.” Luna resigned.
“… What?” Severus questioned.
“Oh, excellent work you too! You’re turning out to be quite the potioneer duo!” Professor Slughorn chimed as he leaned deeply over the still stirring cauldron to peer inside. “As a matter of fact, I was wondering, Miss Black, if you would be interested in a little soirée I’m holding this weekend. I call it my Slug Club. It’s rather exclusive. I only invite students who I think really have potential to make waves in the wizarding world. What do you say?”
“Actually, Professor, If you’re looking for wizards who will change the world one day, you should really be asking Severus to attend. He’s the brilliant mind behind our success in your class.” Luna insisted.
“Well then, my invitation extends to you my boy. What do you say Mister Snape?” Professor Slughorn solicited.
You can’t say no now that she stuck her neck out for you.
“Um… Sure.” Severus mumbled.
“And you, Miss Black?” Professor Slughorn pushed.
“Of course.” Luna replied.
“Excellent!” Professor Slughorn said emphatically as he open his jacket and procured a pair of embossed party invitations. “I do so look forward to seeing you both there. Please dress formally.”
Ugh, what did I just agree to?
When Severus wandered into the Slytherin common room after his last class of the day had concluded, Luna and Regulus were sitting together on black leather couch in the center of the room in front of a roaring fire. Luna had a parcel on her lap that was wrapped with brown paper and tied with a simple string. The two appeared to be huddled close together like thieves and laughing.
“Dad is going to kill you if he finds out.” Regulus chuckled.
“Oh, please. He has like a thousand of them. He’s never going to notice if just one of them goes missing.” Luna rolled her eyes.
“Evening.” Severus drawled.
Luna and Regulus practically jumped out of their skin, like children caught misbehaving by their parents.
Severus’s eyebrow peaked at this behavior, “Up to no good are we?” he teased.
“No.” Luna said defensively.
“Yes.” Regulus said at the same time as Luna’s denial with a rather cheeky smile plastered across his face.
Luna gave Regulus a playful smack on the shoulder and Regulus laughed heartily in return.
“Come on, join us in our bad behavior.” Regulus teased as he scooted over to allow Severus to sit between him and his sister. He gently patted the spot on the couch in a welcoming manner.
What’s the catch?
Severus cautiously sat down between them.
“Here.” Luna said as she pressed the parcel into Severus’s lap, “This is for you.”
There it is.
“It isn’t my birthday.” Severus said cautiously.
“I wasn’t aware that I needed a special occasion to give a gift.” Luna tormented, “Just open it!”
Severus surgically opened the parcel, taking special care to unfold each little bit of paper instead of simply shredding it. When he finally had it unraveled, a cloak as dark as the night sky lay on the brown parchment.
It’s gorgeous.
“Try it on!” Luna exclaimed. The smile on her face was akin to innocent excitement of a child on Christmas morning.
Severus hesitated, but Regulus gave him a gentle push on the shoulder with his own shoulder, “Come on, Sev.”
Did he just call me Sev? Are we… friends?
Severus stood up and began to fasten the cloak, his slender fingers making quick work of the ties. The cloak enveloped him.
“It looks fantastic.” Luna beamed, her eyes widening to take him all in.
“Well, yeah.” Regulus scoffed, “It’s dad’s. It’s expensive. Of course it looks good.”
“It’s what?!” Severus exclaimed as he began to undo the cloak with a look of pure panic in his eyes.
Luna shot up from the couch and grabbed Severus’s hands to stop him, “It’s fine, Sev. I had Kreacher mail it to me. My father has tons of these, he’s never going to notice one missing.”
“I really don’t want to bring the wrath of Orion Black upon myself.” Severus said nervously.
“Kreacher won’t tell him. Really. He isn’t that loyal to my dad. Now if I had tried to get him to take something from mother… Well that would have been a completely different story.” Luna grinned.
“You’d be dead for sure. Both of you. And Kreacher. And probably me. And Sirius too for good measure.” Regulus chuckled.
Severus gulped.
“I got you this.” Luna said as she tidied up the bits of the cloak that Severus had undone, “So that you could feel like the superhero that you are. You know, like a cape.”
Oh Gods.
Regulus almost choked on his own spit from trying to contain his laughter.
“Don’t.” Luna warned as she pointed a threatening finger at her brother.
Regulus mimed locking his lips with a key and tossing it to the side before raising his arms like a criminal being arrested.
“I know it sounds silly… and maybe childish” Luna said tentatively, “But when you have this on I want you to see you like I see you. Brilliant. Caring. Strong.”
“I’m not..” Severus began, but he was quickly interrupted.
“You are.” Luna insisted, “When you wear this cloak, I want you to feel like a superhero. To be brave.”
Regulus shot up to his feet, “Like this, Sev.” Regulus stood with his feet firmly planet, his chest puffed up, and his hands resting on his hips like a hero right out of a comic book.
They aren’t messing with me… this is genuine.
Severus laughed nervously, and replicated Regulus’s pose, albeit with much less confidence.
“I love it.” Luna giggled as she clasped her hands in front of her chest.
Severus crooked his neck in a feeble attempt to see past the towering stack of books that he held as he maneuvered from the Restricted Section of the library to a small table in the corner of the room where he hoped to read undisturbed. His face contorted in a wince as his hip banged against the corner of a bookshelf on the side of his book tower that he couldn’t see.
“Aw, hurt ourself, did we Snivellus?” a familiar voice taunted.
Severus froze in his tracks, the book at the very top of the stack fell to the ground with a thud.
“Looks like you dropped something.” A second familiar voice chimed in, “Here, let me help.”
Can’t I just have one day…
The tower of books came crashing down to the ground, revealing James and Sirius in their wake. James had smacked the books from Severus’s hands, and stood there with a smug look on his face. “Oops.”
Severus looked down at the books strewn on the floor, some of which had had their spines cracked. He felt a rage building up inside him that longed to be unfettered.
The pair of boys began to cackle like the witches in muggle fairy tales, watching Severus’s burning gaze towards the ground.
“You’re so clumsy. Did you get some of the grease from your hair on your hands? That’s probably why you dropped that.” James sneered.
Normally Severus would sulk away and have an imaginary argument with his bullies in his mind when he got back to the dormitory. He would think of all the things that he wanted to say but never had the courage or the confidence to in person. Today was different. As he stared at the books on the floor he caught a glimpse of the bottom of his cloak billowing in the light draft that always seemed to be present in the library. Flashes of him and Regulus posing like super heroes in the common room while Luna laughed went through his mind. And he felt brave.
I don’t deserve this.
“Do you have no respect for anything?” Snape annunciated each work with deadly precision as he slowly raised his gaze from the floor to meet James. His obsidian orbs darkened like night as the hurt and rage he had spent years bottling up poured out of him.
Rage from being an outcast. Rage from being tormented relentlessly. Rage from being beat and called names from his father. Rage from his mother who watched it all happen. Rage from the dark thoughts that he poised his own mind with about himself.
James took a step backwards, caught off guard by the sudden change of demeanor, “Wha-”
Severus cut him off abruptly, “Do you have any idea how valuable these books are?”
James snorted, “Valuable? They’re a couple of ugly books. They’ve got torn pages and broken spines.”
Severus gave an exhausted sigh, “The value of things does not lie in their appearance.”
“That sounds like shit ugly people say.” Sirius chuckled.
Severus scoffed, “I am constantly amazed at the level of delusion people must possess to think that beauty is the same as goodness. The ladies may swoon over you now, but your ugly hearts will rot you from the inside out. I only pray that I am there to witness the day people finally see you for who you really are.”
Severus gathered his books, taking the time to inspect each one for damage before placing it on the desk next to him.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Sirius said, his chest puffed out defensively.
“It means I hope you choke.” Severus said coldly as he sat down and began to read.
“Gods, please tell me that you actually said that last bit.” Regulus said eagerly, perched on the edge of the leather couch in the common room, “And I mean out loud, not in your head.”
Severus gave a lighthearted chuckle, “I did.”
Regulus fell back into the couch and full on belly laughed, “Oh, I can’t wait to tease Sirius about this. Good on you, Sev. It’s about time you stood up to that lot.”
Luna walked up to Severus and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a deep hug, “I’m so proud of you.”
I’m proud of me too.
Severus stood with his arms awkwardly straight as his sides, still as a statue as Luna hugged him. His body may have been frozen in that position, but inside his heart flicked with an unusual warmth.
Severus broke himself out of his self-induced trance and finally looked up from his potions textbook. How long had he been at it? He could have sworn the sun was still up when he had started, but it was dark now. He could, and frequently did, lose himself in his studies.
He looked back down to his book and glanced over the tiny handwritten notes scattered among the margins. He was more than just a few chapters ahead of the class, he was practically finished with the book. He yawned, but caught himself just before his hand reached his mouth and pulled it away. It was absolutely covered in ink stains.
He closed his worn textbook and tossed it into his leather satchel. He gathered the rest of his things quietly, after all he wasn’t sure what time it was, and he didn’t want to disturb anyone else in the dorms.
He made his way quietly to the bathroom and dropped his satchel on the floor next to the door. The echoing thud of his bag hitting the ceramic tiles of the floor let him know that he was alone. He locked the door behind him, sighed wearily, and began to undress. He always showered late at night so that he didn’t have to deal with other people. The thought that someone might see him disrobed absolutely horrified him. Hell, he even avoided looking in the mirror during his evening routine.
Severus procured a small bottle from his satchel. It was a special shampoo blend that he had crafted for himself. Plenty of people had referred to him as “greasy” and he was experimenting with creating his own blend that would alleviate this issue.
He turned the shower water on, but remained outside the stall allowing the water to heat up. Dancing waves of steam poured out of the shower stall and began to fill the room. The mirrors fogged over and he no longer felt worried about catching a glimpse of himself. He popped the stopper off the bottle and absentmindedly took a whiff of his shampoo. It smelled delightful, like sandalwood and blood orange. Severus froze for a moment as his thoughts raced.
It was at this moment that he noticed the light singe of smoke on his fingertips from working with cauldrons and the splotches of ink along the sides of his fingers and his palms.
Earlier in the week when Luna had described what she smelled in the Amortentia… it couldn’t be.
But there it was, both in and on his hands. Sandalwood, blood orange, smoke, and ink. What she had smelled was him. He shook his head dismissively, as if to shake his own thoughts out of his head.
Surely not?
Severus sat uncomfortably next to Regulus on the black leather couch near the fireplace of the Slytherin common room. He was dressed in a high collared dress robe of varying shades of black and grey. He had also included the cloak that Luna had gifted him. The robes long sleeves with tightly clasped buttons and equally buttoned up beck ensured that very little if any of himself was showing. He felt more secure by hiding his body away behind those buttons. Each one a tiny shield fighting off anyone from seeing him underneath.
He couldn’t sit still, and found his hands constantly fidgeting with the buttons on his clothes. The thread in the button over his wrist had begun to fray as a result. Butterflies danced in his stomach.
This isn’t a date. This is a professor led social event. This isn’t a date.
“You alright, mate?” Regulus asked with one eyebrow peaked.
“What?” Severus said rather surprised. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he had almost forgotten that Regulus was even in the room.
“You’re all…” Regulus fumbled his own hands around rather dramatically, mimicking Severus’s hands, “I don’t know. All twitchy.”
“I’m fine.” Severus assured him as he clasped his hands together and forced them to behave and sit still. The frayed button was all too obvious now and it pained him that he didn’t have time to stitch it to be more presentable before the party.
A sound of a heavy door shutting from the girls upper dormitory entrance filled the room, causing both boys to snap their attention upwards.
Luna was adorned with a black and green layered dress. The top was black with long sleeves and black buttons running down the sides of her waist. The second layer of fabric peaked out beneath the top layer and was emerald green with black lace florals ontop. A small black silk bow was tied in the center of her collar.
“That looks new” Regulus smiled as he went over and gave his sister a hug, “You’re gonna drive those nerds at Slughorn’s party nuts.”
Luna giggled and playfully smacked Regulus, “Shut up.”
“Fine. You look ugly. Is that better?” Regulus teased.
Stop it.
Luna full on belly laughed now.
“A right old maid. You’ll be single your whole life. Mum and Dad will get no grandchildren from you, that’s for sure.” Regulus continued to speak over Luna’s laughter.
“That’s enough.” Severus said sternly.
“What? Don’t you think my sister looks ugly, Sev?” Regulus tormented, “What’s the issue? Do you fancy her, Severus?”
“N-no. Of course not.” Severus stuttered.
Luna stopped laughing. She felt her heart sink to the very pit of her stomach.
“I’m just teasing.” Regulus assured him, “Just keep an eye on her at the dance, yeah? Don’t let any of those nerds get too fresh with her. Bring her back in one piece.”
“I will” Severus smiled nervously.
“Good, because I really would hate to kill you. I actually kinda like you.” Regulus had a shit eating grin plastered on his face.
“Regulus!” Luna scolded him.
Regulus simply chuckled, “Go on now, you’re gonna be late.”
Severus and Luna walked down the empty halls, the light from the tips of their wands the only thing pushing back the pitch black darkness. It was late at night, and most of the school was sequestered to their dormitories. They, along with the other attendees of the Slug Club, had been granted special privileges to be out late tonight to attend Professor Slughorn’s soirée.
Their footsteps echoed so loudly that they bounced off the walls and gave the illusion that someone was walking behind them.
Luna inched closer and closer to Severus as they made their way down the hall until finally the side of her arm was brushing against his.
The sudden sensation of another touching him startled Severus, and the nervousness he felt only heightened as he turned to see Luna’s face lit up faintly by the glow of their wands next to him.
“Sorry.” She whispered, as if they weren’t the only two people in the hall. “Just a bit nervous in the dark.”
“I’m right here.” Severus reassured her.
They walked in silence the rest of the way to Professor Slughorns office. Every now and then the natural sway in their arms from walking would cause their hands to graze one another. Each time it sent a cold panic into Severus, like ice shards piercing his heart.
They gave the secret knock that Professor Slughorn insisted everyone in the Slug Club memorize and the door swung open. Not magically, but by Professor Slughorn himself who stood proudly just beyond the threshold in an ill-fitted plaid suit. “You rushed the triplet in the middle, but I’ll let it slide this time.”
Why did I agree to come here?
He took a step back and ushered the pair into the room with a grand sweeping of his arm, “Welcome, welcome!” he voice bellowed.
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Art by @deathnotelu Instagram: amber_dnl
The pair walked awkwardly through the door together. They felt like they had walked out on to stage in the middle of a play; as if the spotlight had suddenly shown on them and they were standing there with no lines rehearsed. It felt as if everyone was starring at them.
They were.
Kill me.
“Drinks are just over there.” Professor Slughorn broke the silence as he pointed towards an elaborately dressed buffet table on the opposite side of the room. It was adorned with several large bowls of varying drinks.
“Thanks” Luna gave an awkward smile and headed towards the drinks. Severus followed close behind.
The novelty of the new party guests wore off quickly and soon the room was back to murmur of voices, fake laughter, and clinking glasses.
“What do you want to drink?” Severus asked as he grabbed two ornate crystal goblets.
“Fizzleberry, please.” Luna responded.
Severus poured himself the same, although he had never actually tried it before. It took him longer than he would admit to pour the drinks, as his hands were shaking. It filled him with self-hatred. Potioneering was a craft that required steady hands, and on any other day he was steady as a muggle surgeon. Not today though. Crowds and parties were certainly not his thing.
I hate everyone.
“Thanks.” Luna smiled as she took the drink from him.
Almost everyone.
Severus attempted to socialize at first, but he couldn’t help but feeling like a lost puppy following Luna around while she talked to the other guests. She would look to him to join in on the conversation from time to time, but remained silent. He was sure she was just trying to include him, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was just a disappointment.
She probably regrets telling Slughorn to invite me.
Eventually, not wishing to be a burden or to spoil the mood of the party, Severus had sat himself alone at a table in the corner of the room. He had been holding the same cup of fizzleberry soda since they arrived, but he hadn’t taken a single sip of it. Honestly, he wasn’t sure if his stomach could handle it, and he was absolutely not going to deal with the embarrassment of throwing up at a party. The other students already had enough ammunition to use against him.
When he finally took a sip of his drink he realized that it had long since gone flat. He wretched and his face tightened up in a painful looking grimace.
Ugh, flat and unbearably sweet.
If it were up to him, he would have slipped out and gone back to the dormitories soon after arriving. Of course he wouldn’t though, he had promised Regulus that he would look after Luna. Although, if he was being honest, he knew that she didn’t need looking after. After all, she had been the one to recently come to his defense.
“Severus?” Luna said his name in a tone that suggested it was not the first time she had tried to get his attention.
“Hm?” He barely got out as he snapped back to reality.
“Let’s go.” Luna said encouragingly as she nudged his chair with her leg.
“The party isn’t over.” Severus said, although inside he was dying to leave.
“I know, but Professor Slughorn cracked open a vintage wine that he said everyone could have some of as long as they didn’t tell. I’m sure no one will notice if we leave, and even if they do they’ll probably forget come morning. Let’s go. You look so uncomfortable.”
Oh thank the Gods.
“Alright then, if you’re sure.” Severus said tenatively.
“Now when you’ve made a name for yourself, don’t forget who it was who set you along your path, yes?” Professor Slughorn said as he lifted a glass of wine that was certainly not his first for the night high above his head.
Sure enough, not a soul noticed them leave.
As soon as the door shut behind them, the loud chattering sounds of the party vanished completely. Clearly Professor Slughorn had placed a silencing charm on the door so as not to draw an unwanted attention to what really goes on in a Slug Club party.
Severus immediately started heading back towards the Slytherin dormitories, desperately wanting to put some distance between himself and that wretched party. When he only head one set of footsteps echoing in the hall he turned to check on Luna, “Coming?”
“Can we take a detour?” Luna asked, her hands nervously clasped behind her back like a child trying to act innocent to gets sweets from her parents.
“I don’t think that’s very wise. It’s late and I promised Regulus I’d get you home safely. He said he would hate to kill me, you remember?” Severus smiled.
“Just a quick one.” Luna pleaded as she leaned forwards on her toes just slightly.
Severus sighed, “Fine. A quick one.”
Luna beamed and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him off with her in the opposite direction.
It was much lighter outside the castle walls at night than it was inside of them. Thousands of twinkling stars up above lit up the night sky and illuminated the walkways of the grounds.
The sounds of owls hooting and katydids chirpping filled the night air. Sounds like branches snapping beneath creatures wandering in the Forbidden Forest carried so much father in the night; their rustling being able to be faintly heard from the banks of the Black Lake.
The pair was seated at the base of the ancient oak tree by the lake. Hundreds of fireflies danced in the sky, creating little orbs of light that waltzed with them on the surface of the water. Every now and again a firefly would wander over to them, its little green light illuminating their faces for a fleeting moment.
“Beautiful.” Severus whispered.
“Right?” Luna smiled, “Autumn is just beginning, so this is the last chance we’ll probably have to see them this year. I just wanted to see them one more time before we get into the nitty gritty of the school year. A bit of nature’s magick to get me through the year.”
She has no idea I didn’t mean the fireflies.
She leaned back against the base of the might oak, which Severus was already leaning against; their shoulders pushing against each other.
“It reminds me of when I was little. I loved watching them in the garden. When I was very young I would cry when they would go away for the year. Regulus actually caught me some in a jar once to keep as pets… Sirius smashed them and painted his face with their glowing inside. He thought it looked like war paint.” Luna laughed hollowly.
“I’m sorry.” Severus said solemnly.
“For as sweet as he can be to me, he also has a tendency to hurt things that I love. I don’t know if it’s on purpose or not.” Luna sighed.
“What else has he hurt?” Severus asked, his gaze still fixed on the fireflies over the lake. When he received silence as an answer, he turned to look at Luna. She sat in utter silence looking at him.
Severus swallowed, but his mouth was just as dry as his throat and offered no comfort from the nervousness that now muted him like a cotton ball in his mouth.
She can’t possibly mean…
Saying nothing, Luna slid her hand closer to Severus’s.
The pair both looked down as their hands dared to close the gap between one another. Their fingers anxiously playing chicken over who would touch the other one first.
Come on, Severus, be brave.
Finally Severus’s pointer finger gently brushed the top of her knuckle.
Their eyes met and Severus could see himself in the reflection of her eyes. And for once, he could really see himself. Not as how his father saw him. Not as how his tormentors saw him. Not even as how he saw himself… but as how she saw him. Brilliant. Caring. Strong.
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Art by @okeydokeylackey https://okdl.carrd.co/
He leaned in towards her cautiously, expecting her to pull away at any moment. But she didn’t. Their lips grazed against one another, and Severus felt his heart stop. In a fraction of a second that felt like an eternity he waited for her to jerk away from him utterly repulsed. But she didn’t. To his utter surprise, she pressed her lips back into his. His hand wrapped gingerly around her cheek and pulled her in closer as he dared to go in for another kiss.
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smilingformoney · 1 year
The Nightmare
Snape x OC | Angst/Comfort
Severus wakes from a terrible dream.
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Read on Ao3 or under the cut:
Severus woke in a panic, sweat dripping from his brow as he cried out for his wife. He reached out across the bed for her but - she was gone.
He bolted upright, looking around desperately. It couldn’t have been real, could it? Had she truly been taken?
“Sephy!” he called out. “Sephy, where are you? Sephy…”
He brought his knees to his chest, his breathing quick and shallow. She was gone, he had taken her, and their babies too…
Severus almost jumped out of his skin when he felt the mattress move as someone weighed it down. He looked up, and sobbed with relief when he saw Persephone sitting on the side of the bed, concern etched into her beautiful face.
“Oh, Sephy, there you are!” Severus gasped in relief as he threw his arms around her and pulled her body against his. “I thought - are you alright?” His hand flew to her stomach. “Are they okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine, Sev,” Persephone said softly, albeit with some confusion. “Just a bit of morning sickness, that’s all. There’s nothing wrong.”
Severus buried his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her lavender scent and listening to the throb of her pulse reminding him she was alive.
Persephone cradled him in her arms, holding him protectively. “Did you have a bad dream?” she asked.
Severus nodded, not looking up.
“Oh, Sev, come here. Lie down with me.”
Persephone climbed into her side of the bed and allowed Severus to cling to her, his head resting on her breast, one hand carefully cradling her stomach.
“Do you want to tell me about it?” she asked as she gently stroked his hair.
“It was so vivid,” Severus said hoarsely. “So real… he was back. He took you. I tried to find you but I was too late. He… he killed them. Our babies, he killed them.” He sobbed against her chest, tears staining her nightgown. “Then he… he killed you. I screamed and - and then I woke up, and you weren’t here. I was so frightened, Sephy. What if he does come back? What if there was something we don’t know about -“
“Shh, shh, don’t talk like that,” Persephone said soothingly. She gently took his left arm, the one that was laying over her belly protectively, and carefully turned it over to show him the bare skin. “See? Gone. It died with him.” She took his hand and softly laid it on her skin near where she had felt Ariadne squirming against her organs some minutes earlier. “We are alive, and our love is so strong that we made two of them. Can you feel them?”
Severus closed his eyes and focused. Underneath his hand, ever so gently, he could feel something moving. Then, to his surprise, he felt a kick, right on his hand.
“Does she know I’m here?” he gasped.
Persephone giggled as Ariadne kicked again. “She’s excited to meet her daddy.”
Severus moved down the bed to gently kiss her belly. “Hello, my darlings,” he whispered against her skin. Persephone felt Ariadne stop moving, as if she was listening to his voice.
“Oh, I think we found the secret to calming them down,” Persephone chuckled. “Say something else.”
Severus smirked, pressed his lips against her skin, and murmured, “I love you so much, my precious babies. I am counting down the days until we meet. I know that you are both going to be so brilliant, so brave, just like your mother and your sister. I will spend every day of my life working to give you everything you need. I love you both so, so much.”
“They like that,” Persephone smiled. “They like your voice. They’re calming down already.”
“Then I shall speak to them every day,” Severus promised. “And they will know they are loved from the moment they are born.”
He placed another gentle, loving kiss to her belly, then glanced up when he heard a sniff.
“Are you alright, my love?” Severus asked with concern as he realised she was crying. He moved back up the bed again to kiss away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.
“Happy tears,” Persephone promised. “I’m just… overwhelmed by how much love you have for us. And how much love I have for you.”
“I never thought I could love a single person until I fell in love with you,” Severus said. “And now I love four. Four beautiful, perfect, incredible girls.”
“I bet they’re going to look like you, like Abbie does.”
“Certainly not. I must have given Abbie all my genes, I have none left to give. They’re going to be the spitting image of you, I’m sure of it. Will they be identical, do you think?”
“I’m not sure,” Persephone mused. “What if we end up with one of each? One you and one me.”
“There’s already a second me next door, we don’t need a third. One was more than enough; Abbie is only tolerable as she’s a better me than I ever was.”
Persephone laughed. “Tolerable?! Severus, you worship the ground that girl walks on.”
“Maybe so, but don’t tell her that, I’ll never live it down.”
“Oh, I don’t need to, she’s well aware. Now come on, let’s get back to sleep. Do you need a potion?”
Severus hesitated. He wanted to say he didn’t need it with her there, but he was still a little shaken up. Sensing his hesitation, Persephone took her wand from her bedside table and summoned a Dreamless Sleep Potion from the cabinet.
“Thank you,” Severus murmured before taking a generous gulp from the vial. As he did so, Persephone settled onto her side, her belly supported by a pillow.
“I miss snuggling into your chest,” she sighed as Severus wrapped his arms around her, gently cradling her belly protectively. “The first night after they’re born, I’m giving you a proper cuddle again.”
Severus chuckled against the back of her neck and laid a gentle kiss to her shoulder. “Thank you, my love,” he said softly.
“For what?” Persephone asked, although her eyes were already closed for sleep.
“For soothing my nerves so easily,” Severus replied. “For loving me so well, and for so long. For staying by my side, and for marrying me despite all my shortcomings. For giving me three beautiful daughters. For… well, for you. I love you so very much.”
Persephone smiled. “I love you too,” she mumbled sleepily. “Now get some rest, Severus.”
He placed one more kiss on her shoulder, then settled down to sleep, resting easy now knowing that his wife and unborn children were safe in his arms.
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"Where You Go, I Go.
What You See, I See."
Summary: Svetlana and Severus on a daily basis.
Warnings: love and love and sexual content too! And I'm not the owner of the image above.
"Things weren't easy in the beginning, they weren't easy for anyone."
Or, at least that's what everyone tried to say in the ears of the youngest when they tried to give sermons, whether that sermon was about whatever it was.
The problem is that the way things turned out was funny, and how it was! Why would Severus Tobias Snape have always been a renegade? We have this question casually every month of the year that we are at in.
There was a little girl with short black hair and emerald green eyes who was always tearful, skinny and frail, she swung her favorite pink teddy back and forth and everywhere, one day she was laughed at at school, she got angry, but still didn't understand. What's with the people? What's going on in their minds? Why should this little trivial show be repeated in most social interactions? Why would she be any different? The little girl wouldn't have answers so easily, growing up little by little, she would ask questions for everything, would it be a kind of fiery ignorance that was growing inside her?
And then she began to consider that she was ignorant because she didn't recognize the truth, and even reading Muggle philosophers or taking a look at Bertrand de Pensées-Profondes and nothing, and about love and death, she hadn't found anything concrete. in her head, such unreal concepts... Could she ever feel that?
"Dad doesn't love Mom, Mom doesn't seem to like me that much... Why do couples at school sometimes seem so close? Could there be some secret, intimate commitment like that? A truer alliance than cheap, bravura fantasy books and notions of what would be right or wrong, something... Beyond?"
As we said once again, we pointed out a little more, things are not as they are. They are not delivered on trays but are also sometimes not required. Svetlana Smirnova would not have an interesting part of her childhood to give us, she was, like many children, spoiled, not fully understood, left aside and still, having everything she asked for. When she turned 11 and had already read all the magical theory possible, she was sent to Durmstrang.
"What do you think about the fate of the memory after death,Dimitri?" Svetlana whispered, remaining seated next to her new traveling companion.
"Where does this question come from? The mind does not exist after death!" After long discussions along the way with random children on the train, Svetlana finally thought about sitting quietly.
After her mother's suicide and her father's abandonment, she was sent to London to live in a house on her aunt's properties, Svetlana was sent to Hogwarts, she knew a lot but still liked being able to have interactions, even if mostly, all were failed interactions. That was when she met Severus Snape, after being holed up in the library for months reading and reading all the books possible and taking notes in new notebooks as the other 6 were already completely finished, she had managed to catch the boy's attention.
"Would you be spying on me!?"
The girl approached the boy from behind with slow steps until she appeared in front of the sofa and he became rigid.
"Hah? I don't."
"Okay then, but I was, you're always here too, well, most of the time, at Durmstrang there was never a soul in the library there... And not many books either..." Severus' eyes widened when he found out about Durmstrang.
"You came from Bulgaria? Were you taught the Dark Arts?"
"Yes, and I really admire knowing how to defend yourself, there is still Grindelwald's symbol on the wall in the school corridors." Svetlana said as she sat down next to the boy and gave a sideways smile, something she had learned to do to not look so serious, I suspect what a painted smile can do, people gradually paint an image of you.
"I like it too." Severus said finally, still paying attention to his book until the girl was still there and decided to open her book on wizarding philosophy.
"You know... We're from the same house..."
Svetlana tried to start a conversation since the boy didn't think of anything else, before answering, Severus bit his lip as he felt the flood of anxiety in his body.
"I suppose we are." Severus lowered the book a little.
"Would you like to be my friend? It seems blatantly quick to me, I understand if you don't want it, we can start little by little if you think about it."
The girl said uncertainly, playing with the long white sleeves of her uniform while looking at the marble floor of the place. And upon hearing this, Severus thought that this was a very unusual thing to happen to him, what a great surprise and why was it being offered to him? The boy observed the asymmetrical face and the upturned nose, he observed some more the rosy cheeks and the strangely beautiful lips that the girl had.
"I suppose we can."
He said equally uncertainly and returned his attention to the book. Svetlana opened a huge, hopeful smile and got closer to Severus and decided to open her book too, Severus smiled against the curtain of the used book pages and they remained like that until mid-afternoon, Svetlana taking notes and Severus watching her like a cat that wants to see if there is danger ahead in the actions of a new creature.
And that's how they started to be friends, Svetlana never left Severus alone and when he was alone he ended up meeting his friend so they could at least do something together too.
Svetlana lent all the dark magic books she had to Severus and they both already knew the timetable of the other's classroom and would meet at the end of each class to tell eachother possible news, Svetlana always gave the taller boy, a kiss on the cheek. Severus ended up having the habit of meeting in places less full of students so no one would say they were lovers.
Severus' cheeks were always wet from the lips that touched there and Severus didn't think it was a bad thing, Ana was the first girl who had kissed him and even if it wasn't appropriate he didn't mind receiving some sort of "care". His hair was getting always cleaner, long and straight, just like Svetlana's long hair, which had finally reached her knees. What Severus was pondering was how a girl so beautiful and certainly always desired by most students would be so comfortable around him? She was too sweet but she never let go of him.
Well, what a surprise! Severus Tobias Snape had a definitive companion, and she adored him.
No one adored him before, his mother took care of him the best she could but she wasn't a transformative presence, he had missed her for a while, his father wasn't much of a father figure and Lilly wasn't much of an equally present person. He didn't take her away from Petunia, Petunia chose to walk away from her. Certainly, Severus thought too much and Severus assumed too many things, too quickly.
Something unusual was happening to him, before he met Svetlana he was getting into a black hole alone. She didn't feel ashamed of anything, much less of him, is it possible to be so understanding and loyal at that age? He thought again about the implications of the mind, as she always asked about.
Some people maybe are just different...
"What do you want to eat for dinner today?"
Svetlana turned to Severus who was reading the daily prophet while eating pancakes with raspberries and drinking natural cashew juice. The boy smiled thinking that the simple choice of words seemed to make them married.
"I'll eat anything you decide to do" Severus said finally putting down the newspaper and the girl nodded smiling too.
"Then you'll love what I'm going to do." Severus began to eat the raspberries and Svetlana sat down with her plate full of fruit and a red glass cup with water in it, while she delicately took the newspaper from Severus' lap.
"I didn't know you were interested in newspapers."
"I'm interested in everything, I haven't yet shown you my library of classic books written by muggles, you'd like to"
"Do you have a "whole" library for this??" Severus wasn't surprised but he left his book on his lap and looked at him uncertainly.
" Yes yes, any knowledge is interesting, in fact Aunt Olga will come back tomorrow and bring Newt Scamander home, he will spend a few days with her until they go to another country to do some studies, so get ready for hours of laughter and loud conversations with teas, biscuits and her destroying the house trying to find something that's right under her nose!" Svetlana warned with her index finger in the air and Severus' eyes widened as he remembered the well-known Newton Scamander, Svetlana used to read various articles about him.
"Your aunt knows almost everyone, it wouldn't surprise me if she had traveled back in time and made friends with Merlin."
Severus went to the counter and this time started to make some coffee.
"Oh, that's another long story... Hey! How did you know about that!?" Severus heard the chair creak and before responding the rain began to fall outside, and they both looked at each other before looking at the window.
"MY CLOTHES!" Svetlana shouted, taking her wand and opening the window while pointing at each piece of clothing and they went like flying Quidditch balls flying inwards until they folded themselves on the table.
"Phew" the girl sighed and closed the window and Severus rolled his eyes.
"Sometimes I think your magic was borrowed." He commented and felt a hug from behind and a quick sigh from his girlfriend.
"I know we sound like a muggle television comedy but I really adore you"
Severus was used to the hugs but not every night hearing the girl he thought so much about finally saying she loved or adored him, or dictate how he is beautiful while combimg his hair in a few minutes while he combed Svetlana's long black hair, taking a little longer just to be able to run his fingers lightly along the smaller girl's neck or kiss her cheeks from behind, pretending to be positioning a hairstyle while holding her long strands forward her body and hugging her belly. An everyday habit, that always needed to be done, he said.
"And I adore you more."
Severus took the girl's delicate hands and caressed them.
As he drank the freshly brewed coffee and sat down at the table and continued his book, he took a quick look at Svetlana who was reading a book while sitting next to him. His girl leaned to the side, yawning fakely, wetting her lips and then kissing Severus lips calmly until Severus pulled her closer and they both began to kiss more intensely, squeezing, pulling, pressing both bodies until Svetlana felt more precisely how much more excited her lover was when pulling her long hair at the ends and caressing her cheeks while pulling her closer to his face with a hand behind her neck.
Both emerging and sinking in desire, the more they began to get ready for something that could happen, feeling like any kiss wasn't enough. And each time the girl tightened her grip on Severus' arms he pressed her down and held her waist firmly but she wanted more.
Both did not had a very sexual nature but when they were together they began to stimulate each other more often,something they had never experienced before. It was something new and risky. Something bigger and fiery.
Svetlana could already feel Severus getting harder against her entrance and both were wearing very thin clothes, postponing the inevitable meeting. A surprise was that it hadn't been difficult for both of them to surrender on the spot whenever they could.
"Was it a primitive human way of emerging?"
Both of them could only answer their minds as they partially opened their lips and gasped. Svetlana began to unbutton Severus' black trousers while he thought that they had never done such a thing until now,at least, not in the kitchen.
It was already past 18:30 and even though they still had to prepare dinner, he wanted to feel his girlfriend a little more, and soon the same feeling passed through his mind,
What was he actually thinking ?
He suddenly remembered that when minds could be connected they could send signals.
"Was she thinking about that?"
He thought, but his answer was confirmed with a moan from Svetlana as she managed to lift her green silk dress up and release Severus' cock. He put his right hand under the girl's dress and felt how wet she was, he moved his hands in her entry and then down to her thighs, feeling the liquid leaking out and without thinking too much, he positioned his cock inside her, hugging her quickly while they both panted uncontrollably.
"You like feeling my cock deep inside you, don't you?" Severus moved forward giving another deep thrust inside the girl and held her tighter when Svetlana gave a loud grunt the sound of the rain continued to make noise outside as well so did the house becoming more dark. The girl held her arms around Severus' neck and licked Severus' lips before kissing him more intensely. Severus lifted her still on his lap and placed her on the small counter.
"You're so hot and sloppy, my love." Svetlana whispered in Severus' ears, this made his heart race faster and he pulled his cock out slowly and leaned in to kiss Svetlana's lips while placing his pale hands on the small girl's hips. Svetlana was having slight spasms with her tired eyes and her cheeks flushed violently, what Severus thought it was cute. Then, still kissing his beloved, Severus slowly inserted his cock again inside Svetlana's pussy, the girl was feeling more filled but Severus didn't stop kissing her, she felt another slow thrust again, Svetlana lost consciousness and ended up kissing Severus awkwardly while keeping her hands on his cheeks caressing him.
"W-we... We have to..." Svetlana couldn't finish because Severus thrust more intensely and began to increase the pace of his thrusts. He was equally ecstatic to feel the warm and soft inside of his girlfriend, gradually tightening her waist, which was making her feel weak.
"will probably leave visible marks at dawn" She thought.
And with each violent thrust her body rose more and more and the girl ended up arching her back against the wall.
"We have to make d-dinner, Severus!" Svetlana screamed and Severus smirked looking at his beloved with his dark onyx eyes, Svetlana gathered her legs around him while Severus thrusts got deeper and harder and then Severus leaned forward giving a thrust more intense than the last ones getting still inside Svetlana. He leaned over and kissed her lips, both bodies were already sweaty, Svetlana reached her peak very quickly. Bringing her body together to hug Severus and squirming as he removed her from the counter, he continued thrusting a few more times inside her, during her orgasm.
Sitting back in the chair while holding her body and ejaculating inside her,Severus sighed when Svetlana's pussy was once again in contact with his cock when he had sat down so quickly, and they both let out a loud moan as they held each other tightly, Severus was getting ready to let go inside of her when she grabbed his arms and breathed hard.
"Fill me more, Severus, and don't you dare come out of me so quickly" the girl commanded and Severus rolled his eyes as he came a little more inside Svetlana's pussy, she even adjusted herself to sit deeper while kissing Severus' lips.
"If you keep insisting that I cum inside you we'll be having babies in a few weeks" Severus gave his lover a smirk.
"That wouldn't be a bad idea..." They both widened their eyes slightly continued to hold each other.
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I saw this in my emails from Quora and honestly…I’m dead asf
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Ok, let’s unpack this:
Firstly, he looked down on her because she was a muggle while spying on her sister, with whom he was enchanted.
First part of the sentence I agree with but not in the way a snater would want me to. I could sit here and write an essay about WHY Severus would have a distaste for muggles but thats not the topic. Second part of this sentence is WILD…did you skim the book and not read it?
Here, let me fill you in:
"Lily, come on, we're leaving!" she said shrilly. Lily obeyed her sister at once, glaring at Snape as she left. He stood watching them as they marched through the playground gate, and Harry, the only one left to observe him, recognized Snape's bitter disappointment, and understood that Snape had been planning this moment for a while, and that it had all gone wrong...”
This ^ is the scene where he tells Lily that she’s a witch….context clues? He had been watching her and observing her do magic and planned on telling her that she was a witch, possibly to make a new friend. Had nothing to do with being “enchanted” (tf)
In this same scene, Harry describes Severus as looking “no more than nine or ten”…he was a fuckin KID…y’all have no shame. Has it ever crossed a snaters mind that poor, abused boy had no friends? Didn’t really know how to interact with people properly? Saw a witch his age and thought ‘FRIEND!” ? Nobody thought of that!?
Then decided to throw a branch on her because Petunia was eavesdropping their conversation.
"What is that you're wearing, anyway?" she said, pointing at Snape's chest. "Your mum's blouse?"
There was a crack. A branch over Petunia's head had fallen. Lily screamed. The branch caught Petunia on the shoulder, and she staggered backward and burst into tears.”
Yea. It was because she was eavesdropping. Sure, Jan. Let’s ignore and therefore defend making fun of poor people. Let’s ignore and therefore defend making fun of a little boy for “wearing his mother’s blouse” shall we? JKR would be proud.
And y’all act like he did it on purpose. He was a kid and we can’t honestly expect a kid to be able to control their magic fully!? But it’s Severus Snape and even him as a fucking CHILD couldn’t possibly do anything by accident, right? But let’s all go laugh at Harry releasing a boa constrictor on Dudley! Because that’s funny. Right?
It honestly confuses me when Snape haters bring up the branch incident because they’re always the same ones that fight tooth and nail to defend Harry’s ACCIDENT
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A few days/months later, he and Lily went through Petunias room to read her letter.
Diary entry: Day 193728 of this fandom treating Lily like she’s perfect and does no wrong. There’s no food, no water, and everyone has lost their mind. I don’t how long I can make it out here. Send help.
“Setting a terrible example”…So basically the thought process is that Snape said “I wanna go through your sisters room” and Lily said ok and just let him right in like an idiot. I can’t even be mad at this because it honestly confirmes my long running theory that Lily is naive and can’t think for herself to save her life. Thank you for that. I’m glad to see Snape haters agree.
Awful boy, that James Potter
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amusingmyselfsblog · 1 month
I wonder if Narcissa wakes up in the middle of the night just thinking how the fuck did both Severus and Regulus betray the Dark Lord.
Because think about it. Regulus was a Death Eater. He probably had the same opinions on muggle borns and blood purity that his mother had. The only reason he defected was because of his house elf. I’m adding a popular fan theory that Narcissa and Regulus were close. It’s a very similar reason to why she defected from the Dark. She was doing it to protect her son. But she didn’t know about Regulus’s reasons.
Then there’s Severus. She knew he was a spy. She was one of his closest friends. (Side note: Lily and Narcissa both being close to Severus. I need a full dissertation on everything because I feel like I stepped on a landmine of information that I don’t know how to handle). She also named or agreed to name him the godfather of her son. He kiIIed Dumbledore. It must’ve been sent her into a spiral to realize at end of the battle of hogwarts that Snape was Dumbledore’s man through and through.
“She’d one day stumble upon Draco’s prefect badge and think of the good old days when Sever- what do you mean he was a spy for Dumbledore?!? How on Merlin’s green earth was the possible. He hated Dumbledore. Severus couldn’t be that good of an actor. He couldn’t stand the sight of that old basta- oh. Oh. OH. She was the one he fooled the most. He didn’t spend that much time with the Dark Lord. He spent most of this time with her family. It was on their word mostly that he was accepted again. But how could her and her husband’s best friend be someone working for the Light since the first war? And what did it say about her that her best friend was lying to her about his true allegiance. How could you call that true friendship? what does that say abo- ”
Then she’d need to stop because she couldn’t allow herself to fall into that black hole. Which is why she spirals about that same topic again 8 months later. Because you need to face your feelings head on. Because burying like that will only make them come to the surface uninvited again.
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soliloqueeer · 9 months
13 Questions Every Harry Potter Fan Should Be Able To Answer
Question 1: Which house do you belong to?
Ravenclaw. I'm curious, creative and introverted. But I would also be happy in Hufflepuff since I am, at the end of the day, baby.
Question 2: Which Deathly Hallow would you choose?
If I'm being honest with myself probably the stone, to have one final conversation with my mother who recently, and very suddenly, passed away.
If that hadn't happened then I would've chosen the invisibility cloak because I love the idea of not being perceived.
Question 3: Which Character do you have a (not so) secret crush on?
Interesting question. I had to pick someone compliant with their characterization in the books then I'd probably say I'm most attracted to Tonks or Sirius, or the Weasley twins. But if you saw my AO3 history you'd think Tom Riddle.
Question 4: What are your Indepth and controversial thoughts on Severus Snape?
I think that Severus is a very tragic character. He came from poverty, was abused and neglected by his parents. The only person to ever show him kindness was Lily. He was canonically ugly, weird, and had bad hygiene. He was bullied by two classist Gryffindors and craved power and vengence which led him down a dark path. He died a hero who was courageous and self-sacrificing but I don't think she-who-shall-not-be-named wrote a convincing enough redemption story, especially not one in which the hero would give one of his son's Severus's name. He was still a wholly miserable person who was stuck in the past and verbally abused the child of his former nemesis for six years.
My controversial thoughts surrounding Snape was that he was first and foremost a genius - a potions prodigy who literally crafted his own spells as a teenager.
There was an unequal power dynamic between Severus and the Marauders. He was a dirt poor half-blood and they were rich purebloods. There was never any equal footing between them and as much as he participated in the feud, it was always in retaliation to their cruelty. (I can say this without bashing Sirius and James as all people contain multitudes).
I also don't believe Severus was a bigot. I think there's a good chance he hated muggles, as a result of the abuse from his father, but I he was too smart to buy into the idea of blood supremacy when he, a half-blood, was smarter than most of his pureblood peers. And when Lily, a muggleborn, was at the top of their class.
One of the more controversial headcanons I have is that Severus was recruited into becoming a Deatheater, not because he believed in their agenda but because he was allured by the promise of power, influence and vengeance. I believe he probably moved up high in the ranks after graduating Hogwarts because he was cunning, ambitious, and committed to proving himself and gaining Voldemort's respect. I also believe during his time as a Deatheater he most likely had to commit horrible acts of violence and cruelty, and that while Severus does have a sadistic streak (one that gives him the allusion of power), he does not wish suffering upon innocent people. He probably dealt with these peforming these acts by compartmentalizing his responsibiltiies as a Deatheater and using occlumancy.
One final thing I want to add is that I don't think Severus was obsessed with Lily in a 4Chan, incel sort of way (in fact, he kind of gives off ace vibes). In my opinion, Lily was the only person to ever give him love, kindness and compassion, and while he was in love with her, he was above all else, completely wracked with guilt over being responsible for telling Voldemort about the prophecy. He agrees to protect Harry because he feels indebted to her until the day he dies.
Question 5: Who, In your Opinion, Is more evil: Voldemort or Dolores Umbridge.
What a funny question. The first thing that comes to mind for me is Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and the discourse in 2015-17 about which politician was worse. Voldemort (like Trump) is honest about who is is and what he stands for (self-interest and accumulating power). Alternatively Umbridge (like Clinton) tries to create the perception that she is good and righteous.
Umbridge represents the banaltiy of evil. She's sadistic and abusive, even towards children -all while wearing a polite smile on her face. She has the same vibe as a Catholic nun who abuses people in the name of god, and for Umbridge it was about the rule of law.
However, Voldemort's evil can't even be measured on the same scale. He's a meglomaniac eugenicst willing to purge the world of things he deems inferior to him. He was inspired by dictators like Hitler and Stalin.
It's far easier to hate Umbridge because she's not honest about who she is, and we've met a figure of authority who's exactly like her. Voldemort by all accounts and purposes, was far more powerful, influential and destructive, but too grandiose to relate to.
Question 6: Which death in the series is the most heartbreaking?
Sirius, Fred, Remus, but especially Fred. It was cruel to take him away from George. I think it would've been more satisfying if Percy, as a way to redeem himself to his family, sacrificed himself to save his brother during the Battle of Hogwarts.
Question 7: What Quidditch position would you play?
I wouldn't. I'd probably be in the stands or take advantage of the school being empty and fuck around in the empty castle all day.
Question 8: What Wizarding Career would you pursue?
Probably a teacher or academic/Unspeakable as I love research. That or someone who paints the magical portraits.
Question 9: Which book in the series is you favourite?
PoA was always my favourite as a kid because I really loved Lupin's character, and hearing about the Marauders. The time-turner plot gives me an eyeroll now but the climax is still one of the most thrilling to me. We also got a taste of Powerful Harry, which actually never came to fruition, but I really loved the idea that Harry was a very exceptional wizard who was coming into his powers and not just an every-man character.
Question 10: Who should have ended up together? Hermione/Ron or Hermione/Harry?
Hermione/Harry if it was developed earlier on. The author explained that Ron/Hermione was something she pigeonholed herself into in the first two books but later regretted it. I think canonically, Harry and Hermione are like siblings, but if their relationship was developed after PoA then it would've been really satisfying to see.
Question 11: Have you read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child?
No. Never will.
Question 12: Was Dumbledore a Hero or a Villain?
A hero. His plan worked in the end, as convoluted it may have been. I don't see Dumbledore as an all-good Santa-Claus-Grandpa character like his die-hard fans do, but I also don't see him as a chess-player villian twirling his moustache from the shadows.
I used to really hate Dumbledore because of how secretive he was. It was absolutely insane for him to have put Harry on that wild goose chase with such little information and it was a miracle they won the war at all.
At the end of the day, I think he was a man that feared having too much power due to the mistakes he made in his youth when he was hungry for it. He influenced things from the sidelines because he knew he was imperfect. He made mistakes all the time, and owned up to them, and if he was all-powerful those mistakes would have much graver consequences.
He loved Harry, in the end, and did not want to see him in that mess, but had the pressure of saving the world on his shoulders.
Question 13: Who is the real Hero of the Story? Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom?
Seems like a redundant question to me, but perhaps there's discourse around it I'm not aware of.
Harry is. But he doesn't carry that tile alone.
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