shizaharu · 4 months
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Commissioner: Ninnydoodles
The dear Ninny asked me to draw her HH/HB Oc Rokea together with my Oc Jax. <33 Looks like he wants to tell her something x3
Thank you so much for supporting me with this commission >w<
If ya interested: ~ Commissions 2023 ~
Wanna support me? Then check this out <3 ko-fi.com/shizaharu
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rpjinbeizaki · 8 years
Linked with Guard my Heart
“My dear prince,
I am writing you these words hoping youwould understand them. It had been a while since I last wrote something. I amnot as good as you with letters. But this is the only way for us to communicateright? I’m glad you taught me how to write and read… But I wish I could be withyou for me to tell you everything I want to tell you.
Kisumi is a weird man. I had never methim in the palace and I don’t know if I should trust him. My brother stillhates you. And I don’t know how to feel about this situation. I am a soldier,your personal guard, this is what I devoted my life to. I left the sand tribeand you rescued me, this was all to know about me. Becoming one of them againis…weird. I love my brother yes, but if I were to remain alive I wanted to stayby your side. This was the reason why I had preferred to die rather thanremaining away from you…
Rin. Knowing that you are suffering andall alone really kills me. Please let me at least come back. Kisumi stops me todo it but he is not the one I obey to. So I will not obey him. Tell me what Ishould do. But know that I can’t forget you and live as if you don’t exist.
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radiodread · 8 years
sharkrose replied to your post:setting myself up for far too much. kissy...
I’m so excited for this
same! well, excited for kissy day, ofc. :>
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rinmatsuoka · 8 years
sharkrose replied to your post “You know….when I was younger I used to think 27 & 28 sounded like such...”
I feel you @ 26
there should be a thing where you restart when you’re about to hit 30 but revert back to 20 lmao
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wingedauthor · 8 years
Second Chances: Sharkrose RP
Sousuke fidgeted uncomfortably in his suit as he entered the hotel/casino. He had no idea why he was doing this. It was unlike him to agree to a Blind Date but Rin had convinced him to. Damn that shark boy for being so convincing. All he said though was Sousuke would really be helping a friend out. Knowing Rin, that could be anyone on planet Earth. 
After a few wrong turns, he finally found his way to the Ball Room. He got a few odd stares since, despite the suit, he was still considerably underdressed. But he had an invitation so no one could stop him. The room was packed with very wealthy people that made Sousuke slightly jealous but he just looked around. 
Rin said his date would be dressed in a nice suit too and would have a flower in his coat pocket. Of course that only narrowed down his choices to half the crowd but he also said that Sousuke would know who his date was the moment he saw him. After that, Rin refused to give anymore details. 
He sighed accepting a champagne flute from a wandering waiter. He never had much of a taste for the stuff but if it’d help calm his nerves he’d take it. It had been nearly 20 minutes since he arrived at the party and with no sign of his date anywhere, he was tempted just to leave. But as he started to head for the door, he caught sight of a mop of pink hair. 
“Kisumi...?” He whispered quietly before pushing his way through the crowd. And sure enough, as he got closer, he recognized his old school days friend. It had been nearly 5 years since they last saw each other. “Kisumi!” He said in  a little louder tone. 
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iskabee · 8 years
During the basketball game when Kisumi sees everything going to shit just shouts 'This is why we can't have nice things!!'
that mini-tantrum from the ova on blaaaast
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rhincondon · 8 years
"Right" kisumi answered as he leaned against him. "Sou-suke." He said as he leaned closer towards his ear. "Knock, knock.." He continued as he waited a bit for there 'who's there.' "Olive."
“Who’s there?” He replied, glancing over at the other, but furrowed his brows just a bit as he got so close. “Olive who?”
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sougre-moved-blog · 9 years
Starter for @sharkrose ;
Send ☢ for a starter between my muse and yours following a Nuclear Fallout where both think they are the last standing survivor.
Being frozen for 200 years had taken it’s toll on the world he had once known as his home. It had been a few weeks past the moment he first stepped foot out of the vault he had found ‘refuge’ in during the Nuclear war. It seemed that civilization had been dwindled down to a mere selection of ghouls, and a wide array of mutated creatures due to being highly radiated. The fact that he might be the only true human alive, was quite disturbing and a bit hard to swallow, but he made due.
Wandering the wastelands, he headed towards what used to be a small, but well furbished little town. Most of the buildings still stood, but at the same time everything had been a new discovery. Skeletons scattered about the ground, abandoned cars, tarnished with wear from the years, along with nuclear residue were left to rot on the street, some even still had their driver in place, but in the pile of bones. He kept on his way, dressed in a drabby get up, a leather vest with no shirt beneath;which had been seen its better days, and a pair of loosely fitting leather trousers, reaching the top of his combat boots.
Hands tucked into his pockets as he stepped over the debris of a fallen over mail box, pausing as he spotted something, or someone in the distance. In this world one could never truly be sure that what they see was the real thing. He slowly reached to his hip, drawing out a pistol, and slowly stepped forward. From where he stood, all he could see was a mess of pink. He moved along slowly, careful not to stir any sound from the debris on the ground and startle whoever or whatever it was before him.
Lowering down to crouch, he inched closer, until the barrel of the pistol was pressed up against the back of the man before him, easing to stand, and slightly towering over him. “You’ve got two seconds to tell me who the hell you are, and what you are doin’ here.” Sousuke had been on the edge since he was deceived down in the vault he had been brought to, sure it saved him, but truly was this any better than dying?
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needsous · 9 years
20+ questions
@sharkrose liked for a starter
It was one of those weekend days in which there really wasn’t much to do besides chill on the couch and watch whatever happened to be on the television. Sousuke was completely slouched out on the couch, browsing some internet forum on his phone. They hadn’t exchanged many words, but it wasn’t an awkward silence; they just enjoyed each other’s company.
“Hey, this is interesting.”, he said, reading from his phone. “’If you're having a hard time thinking of something to talk about with your lover, try some of these. It will only help you grow closer or make your realize you're not right for each other’. Not really our situation, but we could try some of these out; there are some really good ones in here. It’ll be fun.”, he said, looking unusually enthusiastic for a day like this.
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rhincondon · 8 years
Kisumi was starting to get frustrated when it didn't seem like Sousuke was laughing at all despite his attempts at tickling. "Fine.." He pouted. "I try my best you know." His arms went limp instead, now hanging on him. "At least I'm pink.."
He couldn’t help but give a little smirk down at Kisumi when he seemed to give up the battle. Honestly, there was a part inside of him that enjoyed watching him get all pouty because something didn’t go his way. “I’m not saying you don’t, but at least you’ve got that going for you, right?”
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haruka-nanase-chan · 9 years
「Friends of Friends;;」
“Haruuuuu! No! I’m fine!” He chuckled glad that he even answered the phone in the first place. He had called several people before someone has finally picked up. “Wait-wait wait wait you’re coming over?!” His voice seemed happy at first. “Aw man but I have to clean, door please open so I can clean you.” He spoke apparently to the door as he smooshed the phone to his cheek.
“Haroo! Come quick okayIloveyoubuhbye!” He chirped before sharing his cellphone with a quick snap. By the time Haru came around Kisumi was sitting on his doormat outside of his apartment. His smile was so big it was spread wide a crossed his face his eyes were closed. “Hihi!! Where’s the key?!”
「遙」-  Before leaving his house, he made sure to grab the spare key Kisumi had given him. After Makoto left to study in Tokyo, Kisumi and him had started talking more, even becoming so close that he’d gotten a key to the other’s apartment, although that was probably just so Haru could help him in situations like this. Haru still wasn’t there yet that he felt he could completely trust the taller male, but he was definitely getting there.
  Haru made sure to make his walk as swift as possible, not wanting Kisumi to suddenly do something stupid while he's waiting. Finally making it to his apartment, he spotted the male sitting on his doormat, greeting him with a small hi, before passing him and unlocking his door.
  “ You should be more careful next time.. ” Because knowing him, there definitely would be a next time.
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radiodread · 8 years
Kisumi is definitely the type of 'notice me' probably why he spilled the beans about Sousuke to get attention (possibly) and I also think he likes any type of attention positive or negative ;)
This is probably true, lol. If anything maybe he’s just taking the first best opportunity to make conversation, I dunno. Or he’s just really worried about Ssk and wants to let others know so they can do something about it because he can’t/feels like he’s literally incapable of doing anything about it (seeing as Sou distanced himself from Kisumi the last time they met in the hospital and Kisumi found out his “secret”).
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izumou · 9 years
Can you do kisumi mobile wallpaper?? Please n3n
I’ll try to make some!
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rhincondon · 8 years
Kisumi beamed as he got Sousuke to start to crack a smile. "Yes of course I am. I tell this joke to Hayato all the time and then I tickle him." He grinned as his fingers began to squirm along Sousuke's sides. "I'm a very good octopus!"
Why did he ask something like that when he knew just what the answer was going to be? Gritting his teeth a little, he tried squirming from his hold again in an attempt to escape the assaulting fingers. “You need about 6 more arms to be a true octopus.” Though he wasn’t all that ticklish, he wanted to try and escape Kisumi’s attack before he found out where the ticklish spots were.
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rpjinbeizaki · 8 years
“What’s wrong?? I could feel in how much pain you were just now. God, I’m still shaking.”
Of courseKisumi would know...
There was no point in denying the fucking pain they were both feelingright now. Sousuke had just finished a lap and immediately got out of thewater, ignoring all the remaining ones. His shoulder was killing him. The painhad been off for few days before slamming back in. 
The amethyst eyes were not leaving him, it was following him he could tell as he managed to catch him beforeSousuke found refuge in the shower. Knowing that they were soulmates despitehow young they were was horrible for the black haired man unlike what everyoneelse thought. But it was exactly because they were young that it was bad. Theyhad to live their lives together but what if they couldn’t stay all that timewith one another. Next year Sousuke was going to Tokyo to pursue his dreams andKisumi was going to remain here in Iwatobi.
Even if his boyfriend had promisedhim to go encourage him for his competitions, Sousuke knew that distancebetween them was going to be too hard for the two of them even if they weresoulmates. Sighing the black haired man looked away. The teacher seemed to letthem their privacy but he could feel his concerns too.
“It’s nothing. I just hadn’t warmedup enough, my shoulder is just a bit too stressed.” Yet right now it wasn’t hisbody that hurt the most, it was not knowing what the future awaited for bothKisumi and him.
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