#shauna has to bring that side of Jackie out of her
jilyandbambi · 10 months
we talk a lot about Shauna being ruthless and violent and resentful, and not to say she isn't those things but also--
Shauna, who risks burning alive to save Van.
Shauna, who pauses to comfort the reunited Tai & Van after the latter is found safe
Shauna, who consoles and looks after Javi all through season 1 while his older brother is busy being misogynistic and getting fucked
Shauna, who takes on the job of butcher despite not necessarily wanting or enjoying it and never complains or slacks off even when the task becomes traumatizing
Shauna, who tries to get Jackie to eat, to keep going, when everyone else has given up on her by that point.
Shauna, who has to be goaded, essentially given permission before she becomes violent
Shauna, who loved her baby in spite of the stress her pregnancy added to an already precarious situation, who spoke to him and cradled him and futily tried to keep him alive, who buried him away from the others to keep him safe in death
Shauna, who kept her daughter's favorite childhood toy in her car long after she'd outgrown it, to always keep a piece of her close by
Shauna, who sees Tai struggling and invites her to stay over, so that Tai won't be afraid to sleep
Shauna, who goes along with Jeff's boring, milqtoast furniture salesman fantasies because while she doesn't love him the way she did Jackie, she does care about him and wants to make him happy
Shauna, who was the only one of the group to show up to Misty's how to get away with murder seminar and thank Misty for going to the trouble
Shauna, who is soft-spoken where Jackie is loud, conciliatory where Jackie is pushy, helpful where Jackie is lackadaisical, proactive where Jackie sulks.
Shauna, who's not a perfect friend or mother or wife but who's still quietly one of the nicest, most empathetic of the Yellowjackets and yet because she got drafted into being the group's butcher, wrote bitchy journal entries, and did one fucked up thing behind her best friend's back (which she immediately regretted and agonized over) gets rebranded by fandom as caustic, overly-snarky and quick tempered when it takes her 10 episodes to get pissed off enough to raise her voice
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nataliesscatorccio · 8 months
Dead cabin guy and his technicolor dreamcoat have haunted me since the wardrobe reveal in season two, and today im going to make it everyone's problem.
Travis wears the coat first. He and Natalie take the blessing and go out to look for Javi. Travis hallucinates (prophesies?) that Javi is dead and buried beneath the snow, but Natalie shows him it's only a fox. Travis finds the strange, mossy tree stump. The next day Travis has strong feelings about which direction is best to search for Javi in, and we don't see more of him until Nat reveals the bloody pants. Not that weird, all things considered. New season, new wardrobe additions. Hiking on a caloric deficit with PTSD, you'll probably hallucinate. Pretty standard stuff.
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Then Nat wears the coat. She takes it to lay Jackie's bones to rest at the crash site, and while she wears it she sees (hallucinates? prophesies? I'm not sure!) the white moose that they'll later lose to the lake (ergo the hunt, ergo Javi dies for real but more on that later).
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We get to Old Wounds, the hunting competition, and Lottie wears the coat now. You see where I'm going with this but just to be thorough: she enters the realm of death dreams, talks with Laura Lee, almost freezes to death.
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Episode five. Melissa wears the coat. Maybe that's not important! Maybe it's just to show that they all share the wardrobe, and that the side characters are as equally All In This Together as the main characters are. Or it could mean something that a peripheral character, wearing important wardrobe, framed in antlers (not unlike Travis in 2.01), has the line "maybe he did die, and that's his ghost." It's a little suspicious, and at this point starts to feel like a pattern.
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Who wears it next, who wore it best!? That's right baby, it's Paul! For his dreamworld drifter, hallucination hunk Coach Ben Scott. Nicholas Urfe himself. Ben spends almost all of his time in a dream, until *drumroll please* Paul, very pointedly, takes the coat and walks out the door. "Where do you think you are, Ben?" he puts the coat on. "You had to have known you couldn't stay here forever. [...] What matters now is that you aren't welcome here anymore." Following Paul means committing to death (to dream), and until interruption that's the choice Ben makes. Because letting Paul (and the coat) go would mean committing entirely to reality.
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Of course, the pièce de résistance is something I didn't even notice until I went looking for it. The first dozen times I watched, I thought that after Lottie's beating Shauna brought her a blanket. "Lottie's cold." But she doesn't. She brings her the coat. Lottie is laying with it when, in a fever dream, she witnesses/hallucinates/prophesies parts of the hunt.
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It's there again (on the back of the chair) when she sits by the fire and speaks for the wilderness, appointing Nat their queen. Ben watches, having woken from the dream himself, as they all bow to Natalie and leave reality behind for good.
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Of course, there are a lot of times when characters hallucinate strange things in the cabin while not wearing the coat, because they're all starving to death and traumatized. Mari. Shauna. Akilah. But in addition to that, it seems like a pattern worth noting that in each instance where a character wears the technicolor coat, the line between the real and the imagined seems to blur with more ease. Does dead cabin guy's technicolor dreamcoat help the Yellowjackets connect to the dream realm?
I'll be brief here with the biblical parallel: blah blah Joseph is the favorite son (you were always its favorite), his father gives him a technicolor coat (they're nothing special, they don't change color in the cold or anything). blah blah Joseph starts having prophetic dreams etc etc his jealous brothers throw Joseph down a pit (the wilderness chose) and bring his bloodstained coat back as false proof of his death (hanging on a branch. a couple miles back). You get my drift.
Does it mean anything? Who knows. But in a series where wardrobe is such an integral part of the storytelling, it felt worth paying attention to.
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shaunamilfman · 4 months
never saw you coming
Summary: "You knew when you started dating Jackie that Shauna came along with the territory, but you hadn't quite realized how present she was going to be. Most people would get annoyed at the constant third wheeling, but you aren't most people. You weren't sure when your relationship with Jackie had crossed the line into a relationship with Jackie and Shauna, but you thought it might have something to do with first time you fucked Jackie in front of her."
A/N: jackieshauna x r endgame obviously. theres smut but definitely a lot more plot than you'd think.
The first time Jackie had brought Shauna along to your date you figured that you’d just gotten your wires crossed somewhere; Hell, she’d even had Shauna drive her to your house to pick you up. You’d paid for all three of your tickets, as strange as it was you did invite her out, which seemed to please Jackie. She’d held on tightly to your arm the whole time, quickly lacing your fingers together, but you were constantly aware of Shauna glaring a hole in the side of your head. 
As if dealing with Shauna's glares during the movie wasn't enough you had to put up with Shauna's snickering as you climbed in the back of her stupid two-door car. Jackie slapped lightly at Shauna's arm as she told her off for laughing, but Shauna didn't seem all that deterred. Shauna held her hands out placatingly as she gave Jackie an innocent look, but she couldn't stop the way her lips twitched as she tried to keep from smiling. 
Despite the way you flushed at Shauna's laughter you couldn't help but enjoy their bickering as Shauna drove. Shauna caught your eye in the rearview mirror to share a fond look as Jackie gave one of the worst takes on a movie you've ever heard, completely missing the point of it all. 
Shauna has a nice voice, You thought. She was much prettier when she didn't look like she was contemplating your imminent death. 
You'd taken the chance to switch to the front seat as Jackie insisted on being dropped off first. It would leave you in the uncomfortable predicament of sitting next to Shauna, but she'd at least stopped glaring at you since the movie ended. Jackie had given you a fond smile when you stumbled out of the car after her, placing a hand on your arm to steady you. 
It seemed unlikely, you thought you had been very clear when asking her out, but maybe she just hadn’t realized that it was a date. You figured you’d just talk to her about it the next time you saw her. You were quickly disavowed of that notion when she pulled you down by the collar of your shirt to kiss you goodbye. She pulled away and sauntered up to her front door leaving you star-struck in Shauna’s car. You sat in complete silence the entire way home, staring out the window as Shauna watched you contemplatively. Shauna had even seemed surprisingly sincere when she'd told you to have a good night as she dropped you off at home. 
The second time Jackie brought Shauna you figured she just didn’t feel comfortable alone with you. After all, you didn’t know each other all that well. The third, fourth, and fifth times Jackie brought Shauna along you finally just assumed she was a part of the package and started accommodating for a third person in your outings.
You knew it was strange that Jackie insisted on bringing her best friend along– she'd been quite insistent that best friends was the extent of their relationship when you had asked in one of your rare moments alone– but there were very few things you wouldn't put up with for the opportunity to date Jackie Taylor. 
The way her smile had lit up her entire face when you accommodated Shauna's food allergy when you'd made them dinner was payment enough. That had even garnered you a soft smile from Shauna herself, just a hint of the affection she usually reserved for Jackie shining in her eyes. 
That was another thing you had noticed, all those loving glances the two of them shared. You don’t think you’ve ever seen two people seem more in love, and yet they didn’t even seem to know about it. You wondered idly what Shauna even thought she was so angry at you for if not for dating Jackie. You also knew that Jackie honestly loved you separate from her feelings for Shauna. You were conflicted for a while as you mulled over the information, but ultimately you decided that the only thing better than one hot girlfriend was two. You were practically dating both of them already even if you only got to fool around with Jackie. It was a win-win for everyone involved.
You knew you had to tread very lightly with this decision: it was better to make Jackie think it was her idea. You’d just have to lead the horse to water.
Shauna glares over at you as you sip the last of your drink through your straw, purposely sucking noisily at the air knowing how much it annoys her. Your lips quirk up in a smile even as Jackie lightly taps you on the arm. “I’m gonna get another drink,” You tell Jackie, lightly pushing against her leg. She shakes her head, giving you a flirty smile as she shifts further into your lap to cement her seat. God, she was so good at being annoying when she wanted to. You glance up at the movie she’s made the three of you watch, making sure nothing important is happening as you sit your drink down on the end table. 
You slide your arms under Jackie, lifting her up as you move her over to Shauna’s lap instead. She scoffs with an offended look on her face, but Shauna just shrugs and moves her head to peer around Jackie’s shoulder. You can feel Jackie’s eyes on you as you pick your drink back up, following you all the way to the kitchen where you finally disappear from view. You pop open another can and quickly pour it, not wanting to miss anything. You’d shout from the rooftops about how much you hate Jackie’s dumb romcoms, and yet every time you found yourself glued to the TV.
You take your seat on the couch back, Jackie’s pout still firmly in place as she pretends not to look at you. You hold your arm out for her but she huffs and shakes her head. Shauna rolls her eyes and moves Jackie off her lap to sit between you. Jackie looks back at Shauna with a betrayed look. Shauna, for her part, just shrugs. 
“You can have her if you want,” You offer Shauna, playfully pressing against Jackie’s shoulder to lean her against Shauna. Shauna grins as she shakes her head, pushing her back against you. 
“No, really,” You insist, pushing Jackie back. Jackie’s gone limp as you pass her back and forth between you, eyes blown wide as you bargain with each other to take her as if she isn’t there. 
You put an end to the manhandling when Jackie starts to get whiney about it, pulling her back into your lap as if nothing ever happened as you turn back to the movie. Jackie’s arm wraps tightly around you, and the shaky feeling of her quick breaths against your neck tells you that Jackie might have enjoyed that in ways you weren’t expecting. You give her a questioning glance and she flushes before burying her face in your neck to hide. You rub your hand against her back absentmindedly as you give a curious-looking Shauna a shrug. Jackie’s weird sometimes, you suppose. 
Despite your thoughts about opening up your relationship, you couldn’t help but quietly seethe in anger as Shauna cock-blocks you yet again. You wouldn’t mind that she was sleeping over in Jackie's bed, again, and spooning Jackie, again, if it wasn’t for how fucking smug she looks doing it. You weren’t sure why Shauna was suddenly deciding to fuck with you like this, you honestly wouldn’t have thought anything of it if she didn’t purposely try to provoke you about it. You so desperately want to know what she’s thinking in moments like these if she truly feels like she needs to compete with you for Jackie.
You’ve seen her act the same way with Jackie more and more as she tries to compete with her for your attention, but Jackie never seems to notice what Shauna’s doing. Shauna drapes herself over your lap before Jackie has the chance to and Jackie just gives her a wide smile as she sits next to you instead, leaning her head against your shoulder as she talks about her day. 
Shauna laces your fingers together and Jackie just grabs your other hand, completely unaware of the look of frustration on Shauna’s face. You’d almost find it funny that Shauna doesn’t realize that Jackie could never be jealous of her if only it wasn’t so sad. You’ve made an effort to include Shauna more in an attempt to put the idea in Jackie’s mind, but it only seems to heighten Shauna’s need for attention from both of you.
You know this is something you’re going to need to address soon or Shauna was going to do something desperate, but you didn’t really know how to have that kind of conversation. They both seem so oblivious to their feelings for each other that you’re not even sure they’d understand your concerns if you brought them up. It would just have to wait till the morning, You thought sleepily. Your eyes slip shut as the exhaustion of the day finally catches up to you.
You’re woken up by gentle shaking a few hours later, eyes blinking open blearily to see Jackie’s flushed face staring at you. She’s slipped away from Shauna at some point, shifting closer to you in her sleep. You smile sleepily at the thought, eyes slipping shut again. “Y/N.” Jackie whispers insistently. You groan quietly as you grieve the idea of getting a full eight hours of sleep, eyes opening again as you give her your full attention.
Now that you're wide awake you find yourself far more interested in what Jackie has to tell you, recognizing the look on her face. “Jackie,” You draw out, a faint look of amusement crossing your face.
“Shut up,” She mutters, but you’re overcome with fondness at the way she squirms in embarrassment. “Had a dream.”
“Mhm. I can see that,” You murmur teasingly. “What was your dream about then?”
“It was about you… and me… and we were… you know,” She trails off, flushing as she looks at you expectantly. 
“I'm afraid I don't know.”
Jackie sighs, giving you a look as if to say are you really going to make me say it? and you just grin in response. 
“You were touching me and someone was watching,” She says so quietly that you can barely make it out. 
“Someone?” You ask, already having an idea of just who this someone was.
“No one in particular, just someone,” Jackie murmurs quickly, not able to meet your eyes. You roll your eyes at the denial. Whatever. 
“Did they like watching you?” You ask, pushing gently against her shoulder to lay her on her back. You slip your fingers up her shirt, fingertips running lightly against her stomach. 
“Yeah,” She breathes out quietly, sighing at your touch. “Sha- she liked it. She kept talking to me, asking questions.” You hum in understanding, glancing over at Shauna to make sure she's still asleep. She's lying on her side facing you, which is a little nerve-wracking, but her eyes are closed and her breathing is even enough to reassure you as you slip your fingers beneath the waistband of Jackie's panties. 
Jackie inhales sharply as she glances over at Shauna, her thighs clenching shut reflexively around your hand. “Don't look at her. Look at me,” You murmur. Jackie slowly turns her head back, but you know she's resisting the urge to check back on Shauna again. There’s something about the look on her face that intrigues you, but you have things you’d much rather be doing.
You trail your fingertips through her wetness, rubbing a teasing circle around her clit only to choke back your laugh as her hips jump into your hand. The both of you hold still, looking carefully over at Shauna. Reassuring yourself that Shauna’s still asleep you slide your hand down to slip a finger inside of her. You're met by Jackie’s surprised squeak as she clenches around you.
“Quiet, Jackie,” You tease. “Don't want to wake Shauna up do you?” Jackie whines at the comment, hips jumping up. You laugh softly. “Like that idea, do you?” Jackie worries her lip between her teeth as she shakes her head, but she shifts closer to bury her head in your shoulder nonetheless. 
You weren't sure what you were going to say after that, probably another teasing comment that you knew she’d enjoy, but you're left speechless as you meet Shauna's eyes over Jackie's shoulder. Normally you'd apologize profusely for doing something like that in front of her, but you hesitate at the desperate look on Shauna's face as she watches how tightly Jackie's thighs squeeze around your hand. You knew Jackie well enough to know she wouldn't mind sharing this moment with Shauna– knew that she wouldn't mind sharing anything with Shauna–and Shauna herself was certainly not opposed to the idea, which left it up to you. Shauna has been such a brat all afternoon that the idea of wiping that smug grin off her face gives you a heady rush. 
You’d stilled long enough in shock that Jackie began to whine in protest as she clenched her hand in your shirt. You laugh softly in her ear, pressing an apologetic kiss against the side of her head as you resume the movement. You catch Shauna’s eyes, a smile slowly lifting the corners of your mouth as she finds herself unable to look away from you. You touch Jackie the same way you always do, just the way she likes, but you find yourself doing it more and more for Shauna’s benefit. You savor the way her eyes keep darting down Jackie’s body, a hungry look on her face as she watches the way your hand flexes against the fabric of Jackie’s panties. 
Shauna inevitably meets your eyes again, unable to keep herself away for too long at a time. 
You’d give anything in this moment to know what she’s thinking as she watches Jackie get fucked right in front of her. You certainly had an idea of what Shauna was feeling, her eyes blown wide with arousal as her thighs ever so subtly clenched together. She’s so careful not to let Jackie know she’s awake, so afraid that Jackie will take it from her.
You break eye contact to look down at Jackie as you slip a second finger in on an outstroke. Jackie releases a muffled moan in approval, biting down on your shirt as she tries and fails to keep herself quiet. You truly had no idea how Jackie was convincing herself that Shauna was still asleep as loud as she was, but you didn’t dwell on it for long. Normally you would take your time with her, enjoying the frustrated sounds she’d make as you worked her up far too slowly for her tastes, but you knew you could only keep Jackie from realizing Shauna was watching for so long. You grind the palm of your hand against her clit, enjoying the quiet noise of surprise as her body jerks.
You can practically feel the weight of Shauna’s gaze but you pay her no mind as you focus on your girlfriend, knowing from experience that she’s getting close as she starts actively rolling her hips. She’s practically balled your shirt up in her hands with how tightly she’s holding it, trying to pull you even closer as if any distance between the two of you was unbearable to her. “That’s it, Jackie. You’re being so good for me,” You murmur against her ear. She shivers at the heat of your breath, nodding her head against your shoulder.
“Tell me,” She pleads. You smile knowingly. 
“Come for me, Jackie?”
Jackie falls over the edge with a muffled whine, biting hard at your shirt as she tries to keep herself quiet. You slow your hand down as she finally catches her breath, hips stilling as she pulls her head away from your shoulder to look at you. Her legs shake around your hand, her whole body shuddering as you pull your hand back and let her waistband snap against her. Jackie exhales shakily, face red from where she buried it in your shoulder. 
Jackie relaxes against the bed long enough that you think that she’s probably fallen asleep till she starts sitting up. You watch her curiously as she climbs over you to get off the bed, losing interest as she murmurs the word bathroom on her way out. 
You’d almost forgotten about Shauna as you focused on Jackie, but her sudden shifting reminds you of her presence. You laugh softly as her thighs press tightly together, almost desperate for the friction. “Jackie will be back soon,” You remind her, not looking very sorry about it. Shauna gives you a weak glare, but she still seems a little too affected by everything that’s happened to put any real heat into it. 
You shift closer towards her, raising your fingers to her mouth in offering. Shauna immediately stills as her eyes focus on them; They’re still wet from Jackie, nearly glistening in the light from the street. Shauna hesitates for just a moment, glancing up at you to see what you’re thinking. 
You smile softly and that seems to be all it takes as Shauna immediately envelops them in her mouth. She moans at the taste, tongue immediately circling your fingers as she cleans Jackie completely off you. You gasp as she digs her tongue into the web of your fingers, taking them so deep into her mouth that you’re nearly overwhelmed by the warmth.
Your eyes narrow as the smug look comes back on her face. Shauna makes a shocked noise as your hand moves, palm resting against her chin as you press your fingers down against her tongue. She seems surprised, but certainly not averse to it. She opens her mouth wider as you start exploring it, fingertips rubbing against the top of her teeth as you pull out completely to cup her face with your hand. You’re not sure what was going to happen next, but as the sound of a door opening down the hallway sounds you know you need to stop.
Jackie quietly walks into the room, climbing back over you and collapsing a bit too roughly on the bed was Shauna is actually still asleep. Jackie reaches blindly for your hand to lace your fingers together, but jerks her hand away as she pulls your hand closer to her face to examine it.
“Ew,” Jackie whines disgustedly as she wipes your spit-covered fingers off on your shirt. “You got it on me.”
You scoff. “You don’t complain when-” You start, but Jackie clamps her hand over your mouth. She shakes her head, glancing nervously at Shauna.
Jackie giggles suddenly, turning back to face you with a wide grin on her face. “Did you know Shauna drools?” She asks. You look up, and sure enough, her face is still wet with her own saliva. You shake with silent laughter, burying your head in Jackie’s shoulder as you desperately try to keep in. Shauna was going to be so mad at you in the morning for this. 
You catch your breath after a while, pulling your head back to look at a slightly confused Jackie. 
You just shake your head, smile still splitting your face. “We good to sleep now, Jackie?” You ask softly. 
“Love you,” Jackie murmurs sleepily, the both of you tensing in surprise as the words leave her mouth. She opens her mouth, probably to walk it back before you interrupt.
“I love you too.”
“Yeah?” Jackie asks softly, eyes cracking open to look up at you. You’re nearly breathless at the look of affection she gives you, a gentle smile despite the look of exhaustion on her face. You're not quite sure what she’s tired for, considering she didn’t really do much of anything, but you nod before leaning down and kissing her. You pull away after a moment as you let Jackie adjust the both of you until she finds a comfortable position to sleep in, pulling your arm firmly over her body. You can hear Shauna’s shaky exhale, making Jackie tense in anxiety before slowly relaxing as Shauna stays quiet.
You close your eyes, holding Jackie tightly as the gentle movements of her breathing lull you back to sleep once again.
“Y/N,” Jackie says with a hint of frustration. You glance up suddenly as she pulls you out of your thoughts. She’s standing by the side of the couch and doesn’t seem too pleased with you.
“Yeah?” You ask guiltily, realizing that she's probably been trying to talk to you for a while. You’d been pretty distracted thinking about last night and she’s obviously been trying to get your attention.
“You weren’t listening,” She accuses, glancing over at Shauna to back her up. Shauna, for her part, is sitting on the far side of the couch fidgeting as she can’t seem to find a comfortable position to sit in. She looks up but can’t meet your eye, instead looking at Jackie. Shauna shrugs at Jackie’s question, fiddling with the cuff of her flannel. Shauna’s been thinking about last night too, leaving Jackie oblivious to the tension. As Shauna shifts in her seat again, you suddenly notice the way she’s been rubbing her thighs together.
“I’m sorry, Jackie,” You murmur, pressing a kiss against her fingertips. Jackie pouts down at you, but you can tell she was pleased by the kiss. She always loves it when you make her feel like a princess. You press a kiss against each of her knuckles, ignoring Shauna’s scoff as you make your way up her hand. Jackie’s grin splits her face by the time 
“I asked when you wanted to leave for our date. We’ve got to drop Shauna off, remember?” She asks. You look over at Shauna who almost seems relieved at the answer. You’re sure there are a lot of things she’d like to be doing with the memory of last night so fresh on her mind.
You hum in consideration, as if deep in thought before suggesting “How about we take Shauna with us?” Jackie’s face immediately lights up, bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement as she looks over at a slightly dismayed Shauna. 
Shauna laughs nervously, knowing more than anyone how difficult it is to tell Jackie no. “I mean I’d love to bu-”
“Great!” Jackie says, clapping her hands together. “It’s a date then!” Shauna gives you a sour look as she slumps back against the couch.
“Why don’t you tell her what we’re doing today while I go get ready?” Jackie presses a quick kiss against your head as she passes by and climbs into Shauna’s lap like usual. Jackie was always very touchy, not that either of you ever complained, but it seems to be biting Shauna in the ass as of this moment. Shauna squirms beneath her, the weight of Jackie sitting on top of her far too much with her mind still on the last day's events. Shauna glares at you over Jackie’s head as Jackie goes on about all the shops you were heading to today. You wink at Shauna as you head out of the room.
You'd put a lot of the blame for the lack of communication on Jackie and Shauna, yet you've found yourself to be a huge part of the problem recently. You promised yourself you would finally talk to Jackie and Shauna about the state of your relationship, frankly it was getting ridiculous at this point, but the moment just never seems right. There was no shortage of moments when you should have spoken up, but something always seemed to get in the way. You'd think it was funny if it wasn't getting so irritating. 
The first time you considered saying something was when you caught Shauna writing in her journal. You wouldn't normally consider that anything of note, but she kept glancing over at the hand you'd used on Jackie and flushing slightly as she quickly glanced away. You watched in vague amusement as she filled pages and pages with whatever she was writing about. You opened your mouth to comment on it, but Jackie flopped down in the seat across from you ranting about her math teacher before you could. You nodded along to Jackie's rant, deciding to bring it up another time.
The next time you considered saying something was when you caught Jackie and Shauna whispering and giggling as they leaned against each other in the locker room, both of them in various states of undress. You watched as Jackie's hand trailed the side of Shauna's stomach in a decidedly non-platonic manner as Shauna stuttered over her sentence. They sprang apart guiltily the second they saw you, both of them hurriedly getting changed. That definitely would have been a good time to speak up, but as the rest of the team started filing into the locker room you let the moment pass by. 
You considered saying something as you caught the jealous look on Shauna's face as you kissed Jackie goodbye in her doorway, Shauna's eyes following the way your fingers traced the side of Jackie's face. Maybe you should have said something at Jackie's shuddering breath as she noticed Shauna had been watching. But then Jackie pressed a quick kiss against lips and walked inside with a rushed “I love you.”
Maybe you should have spoken up as Jackie sat in your lap watching someone flirt with Shauna with an unreadable look on her face, but you were too busy glaring at him to realize Jackie was focused on it too. Shauna seemed almost surprised when she caught the two of you looking at her. She didn't seem all that interested in what he was saying, you don't even think she was listening to him, but her lips quirked up with a hint of a smirk at the twin looks of jealousy on your and Jackie's faces. 
You were definitely ready to talk about it then, on the verge of moving Jackie off your lap and storming across the room. Jackie snaps out of it at the look on Shauna's face and gently cups your chin as she turns your face to kiss you in full view of Shauna. It was petty bullshit, you were more than aware, but there was a reason you got along so well with the two of them. 
You rested your hands against Jackie's hips as she shifted to straddling you, catching Shauna's eyes over her shoulder as Jackie attached her lips to your neck. Shauna watched intently as she held her drink up to her mouth to hide her expression, no longer even pretending to listen to that man talk. You should have spoken about it then, but then Jackie bit gently at your neck and you were much more preoccupied with other things. 
Needless to say, you were growing more and more annoyed by the situation, but you couldn't even be that mad anymore knowing that you were now part of the problem. You groan in frustration, burying your head in your hands. Shauna looks up in shock from her notebook, pen hovering above the page as she looks you over. She caps her pen as she shuts her journal, sliding both of them into her bag. She puts a hand on your arm as she asks, “Y/N?
You're startled by the interruption of your thoughts, slowly lowering your arms from your face. She laces your fingers together after a moment of hesitation, squeezing gently in a comforting motion. “What's wrong?” She asks gently. You're almost in awe as you look at her. You knew she was more than capable of being sweet, but you've never had this kind of attention from her. It was usually directed at Jackie.
You want to put everything on the table immediately, but you know her well enough to know that she wouldn't react well to this conversation on her own. “Nothing, Shauna. Just a bad test grade,” You lie. 
Her eyes narrow slightly but she seems to let it go. “It's not about…” She trails off awkwardly. 
You shake your head, quick to assure her. “No, no. It's not about that night,” You promise. Shauna flushes at the reminder but looks down at the table as she nods. She opens her mouth to say something else, but Jackie slides into the seat next to her. 
“What are we talking about?” Jackie asks in feigned excitement, not sparing your linked hands a second glance. You knew the look on her face well enough to know she had a headache coming on. Obviously so did Shauna, who pulled her hand away from you to rummage through her bag for some Tylenol. 
“Coach again?” You ask. Jackie groans, shaking her head. 
“Don't even say his name,” She mutters, dry swallowing the Tylenol and pressing a kiss against Shauna's cheek in thanks. Shauna glances over at you to see your reaction, but you don't seem to have noticed as you continue to talk to Jackie about her meeting with coach. 
Shauna sighs. 
You're getting ready for bed after Shauna had left, a rare night in which her mother insisted on her being home for once. When you catch Jackie staring at you and quickly looking away at her nails for the third time in the last five minutes you sigh loudly enough that she glances back up. 
You give her a knowing look that she seems surprised at as if she thought she was being really subtle with her glances. “Is there something you want to talk about Jackie?” You prompt, looking expectant as you climb onto the bed to sit next to her.
Jackie pouts as she asks, “How did you know?” You flop back on the bed with a groan, lifting your hands up to cover your face. “Was it that obvious?” She gently tugs your hand away from your face, lacing your fingers together. You make a dramatic showing of looking at her, and then looking away, and repeat it a few times until she lightly smacks you on the arm and giggles. 
“Maybe it was a little obvious,” She admits. You laugh. A little?
“Fine! It was very obvious. Kick a girl while she’s down,” Jackie complains, but her voice betrays her happiness. “It was just… Lately, Shauna’s been around a lot more,” She pauses as she considers what to say.
“Not that she hasn’t always been around,” She rushes to add, closely watching you as if trying to read your mind. “It’s been different lately, don’t you think?”
“Different?” You ask slowly, a hint of excitement entering your voice. Was she finally going to admit it? Thank god.
“What we did at the party,” Jackie says, “I didn’t know why I was so jealous. I mean I was there with my girlfriend so why would I care if Shauna had someone? Thought I could prove to myself that I just wanted attention but it didn’t work.” She looks frustrated at herself as she speaks, and you gently squeeze her hand to bring her back to the moment.
She squeezes back before letting go of your hand entirely, shifting so that she can lay on top of you instead. She buries her head in your shoulder, voice muffled and barely comprehensible as she asks, “I didn’t realize it then, but you were looking at her too weren’t you?” 
You start gently rubbing your fingertips against her scalp, making Jackie melt against you as you consider your response. “I was jealous too,” You say finally, “I didn’t like it when she was talking to someone else, even if it wasn’t fair of me.”
“Was she watching?” Jackie asks slowly. “When we were…”
“She was,” You say carefully. “She looked jealous too.”
“Do you… Do you think that maybe she would– I mean if you also want,” Jackie says quickly, stumbling over her words in a bit of a panic.
“Relax, Jackie,” You say softly. “I know she would, and so do I.”
“You can’t know for sure,” Jackie says. Your hand stills guiltily in her hair as you clear your throat nervously. Jackie quickly pulls away from you, rising up to her knees to straddle you as she looks down at you with a suspicious expression. “Do you know something I don’t?” She says, sickly sweet and on the verge of a threat.
“Do you remember when you had that dream and we–” You start but are quickly interrupted by Jackie.
“Yes,” She says slowly, a look of dawning realization on her face. 
“Shauna was awake,” You say quickly, just wanting to rip the bandage off.
Jackie pauses, suddenly looking a little embarrassed. “You knew about that?”
You gasp. “You knew about that?”
“She breathes differently when she’s asleep,” Jackie says dismissively as if that's a normal thing that normal people know. Right.
“If you knew she was watching, why didn’t you say anything?”
Jackie shrugs and she offers. “She’s Shauna, and we talked about it later. Why didn’t you say anything?”
You grin. “She’s Shauna.”
Jackie laughs softly, hand resting against the bed next to your head as she leans closer to your face. “She liked it?” She asks finally.
“She did,” You confirm quickly, nearly rolling your eyes at the pleased look that immediately crosses Jackie’s face. “I let her taste you,”
Jackie makes a squeaking noise, facing flushing a bright red as she sputters above you. “Is that– Is that why her face was wet?” She asks dumbfoundedly. She pauses, her embarrassment slowly turning into something else the longer she thinks about it. 
She stumbles over her words as she manages to get out, “She… her mouth… your fingers?”
“Is that what you want to focus on?” You ask patiently, resting your hands affectionately against Jackie’s hips.
“Yes. No. Later,” Jackie decides quickly, looking a little unsure as she continues. “I like Shauna, Shauna likes us, and you like Shauna?”
You laugh, giving her an amused grin. Leave it to Jackie Taylor to ask the obvious. “I like Shuana, yes.” 
“Don’t laugh at me,” She whines, leaning down to place a kiss against your lips. She giggles as you try to chase her as she pulls away, gently pressing you down with a hand against your shoulder.
“I’ll talk to Shauna.” Jackie nods decisively, squeezing gently at your shoulder. “She’d take it better coming from me don’t you think?” Jackie pauses. “Or maybe we don’t tell her just yet.”
You groan in frustration but Jackie quickly shushes you and continues, “Hear me out, hear me out. Shauna knew that both of us knew and didn’t tell either of us. Maybe we leave out some information for once?” You laugh softly, rolling your eyes.
She’s so petty. You nod. Jackie smiles affectionately as she leans down to kiss you again.
You reach a hand out as Shauna walks up to take a seat on the couch next to you and lightly grasp at her arm, tugging her towards you like you would if she was Jackie. She stumbles back into your lap as you wrap your arms around her waist and rest your head on her shoulder. 
“Y/N?” She asks softly, seeming confused.
“I missed you last night,” You say quietly against her ear. She shudders at the feeling, shifting uncomfortably in your lap.
“Jackie was there,” She refutes. She seems surprised at the position but doesn’t make any move to get up. She tentatively relaxes the longer you go without commenting, letting you hold her tighter as she leans further against you.
“You know,” You say. “You’re looking really hot today.” Shauna glances around as if looking for Jackie before she finally realizes you’re talking to her.
“I… I do?” She asks, an equal mixture of pleased and confused. 
“Not that you don’t always look hot, but this is really working for you,” You murmur, gently running a finger across the sliver of her stomach that her shirt exposes. Shauna gasps softly, almost arching into your hand before her embarrassment catches up to her. She stills immediately and you can feel her blush against the side of your face.
“Don’t be embarrassed, Shauna. Jackie and I are always talking about how good you look in this shirt,” You say, quickly stopping the grin that threatens to expose you as Shauna inhales sharply.
“You do? You and Jackie talk about me?” She asks, pretending like she isn’t interested in the answer. 
You shrug as if the answer doesn’t matter, changing the conversation to something else. You can practically feel Shauna’s irritation at this topic change, but she doesn’t acknowledge it as she reluctantly allows it. Shauna tenses at the sound of the door opening, scrambling to try to get off your lap but you just hold her tighter. 
She watches Jackie wearily, grunting in surprise when Jackie happily wraps her arms around the both of you as she effectively squeezes Shauna in between your bodies. Shauna's practically squirming in your lap at this, springing up the second Jackie pulls away. She stumbles to her feet with her hair messy, her face flushed, and her expression unreadable. 
Jackie sits down on the far side of the couch as she talks aimlessly about her day, leaving a disgruntled-looking Shauna to sit between you. You and Jackie share an amused look behind Shauna's head. Jackie gently tugs on Shauna’s shoulder, trying to get her to lay her head down on her lap. Shauna glances at you suspiciously before quickly shaking her head. You’ve seen Jackie and Shauna lay all over each other in far more intimate positions, so you know she suspects something is up. Shauna has always been a smart girl, quick on the draw, so you knew you wouldn’t be able to get one over on her for long.
“Shauna,” Jackie whines, pouting at her. “Please?” Shauna may be a smart girl, but even smart girls are not immune to the whims of Jackie Taylor. Shauna holds out for an admirable 30 seconds before she sighs, shifting to lay her head in Jackie’s lap. She shuffles awkwardly trying to find a comfortable position for the rest of her body before you pull her legs up and into your lap. Shauna lies stiffly across the both of you, arms resting against her chest as she takes the position in.
You can’t help but snicker at the uneasy way she watches you as if any moment you’ll tell her off for the way Jackie gently strokes her head. Shauna gives you a weak glare, more for the sake of it than any actual heat. With the way she has to look up to see you, you can’t help but notice one of her best features.
“You have such pretty eyes, Shauna,” You say. Jackie laughs softly, thumb resting under Shauna’s chin as she tips her head back to see them.
“Y/N is right. They’re very distracting,” Jackie says, nodding sagely. “You can really get lost in them.” Jackie’s hand rests against Shauna’s face as she gently strokes it with her thumb. Shauna shivers at the touch, eyes wide with a mixture of emotions you can’t quite place. You start to get a little nervous, exchanging an unsure glance with Jackie as you wonder if you’re taking it a bit too far. Shauna was… fragile. Quick to make assumptions, to fly off the handle. It was best to end it while it was still fun, and you can tell Jackie agrees.
“What the fuck are you guys doing?” Shauna snaps, trying to sit up. Jackie’s arm presses against her chest, forcing her to choose between sitting up and possibly hurting Jackie. Shauna grumbles as she lets Jackie lay her back down, looking extremely displeased about it.
“We’ve decided that you’re our girlfriend now,” You say amusedly, arm resting on top of Shauna’s legs to keep her down in case she tries to escape. “Congrats!”
Shauna sputters a protest, looking annoyed at the clear amusement on both of your faces. “You can’t just– You can’t just make that decision without me,”
“Oh? Do you not like it when people leave out important information and don’t communicate?” Jackie asks, smiling down at her.
“What?” Shauna asks. You note that despite her clear irritation with the situation, she still seems pretty pleased with the results. You can see just a hint of a grin peeking out even as she tries to stifle it.
“Jackie told me about that little conversation you had,” You say wryly, giving her a knowing look.
Shauna nods shamefacedly, “You uh, found out about that huh?” She fiddles with the cuff of her flannel as she awkwardly clears her throat. She squirms in both of your grasps but quickly realizes she can’t get away without a fight. She’s flushed with embarrassment and can’t seem to make eye contact with either of you as she stares up at a particularly interesting spot on the ceiling.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You ask.
Shauna sighs uncomfortably, closing her eyes as she relaxes against the two of you. “I just… It was the first time I felt like I was… that we were… an us.” She admits. “What if I told you that both of you wanted me there? What if you decided that you didn’t want to risk that?” She looks suddenly unsure as if she still thinks you could change your mind. “Did you mean it? About wanting me to be your girlfriend?”
You and Jackie exchange a look, a little sad over Shauna’s admission. The immediate wave of guilt that rushes over you at the realization of Shauna’s loneliness is a little overwhelming. You, of course, had known about the extent of their feelings for a while but you hadn’t realized Shauna was feeling alienated from the two of you. Not anymore.
“Of course we meant it silly,” Jackie says. Jackie’s grip on Shauna’s face tightens, gently pulling her up to meet her for a kiss. Shauna gasps, hands flailing awkwardly before finally resting her weight on her elbows as she eagerly reciprocates Jackie’s kiss. You watch the two of them for a few moments, assuring yourself that you don’t feel any sort of jealousy at the action. You felt something at the sight, but it certainly wasn’t jealousy.
“Don’t hog her,” You complain, having waited far too long in your opinion to kiss Shauna Shipman. Jackie pulls away with a breathy laugh, letting go of Shauna’s face to push gently at her back. Shauna sits up with her eyes blown wide, watching you hungrily as you draw her into a kiss of your own. You're lost in the feeling of her lips against yours, soft and exploratory, as her arms come up to wrap around your shoulders. Jackie, not quick to be forgotten, presses herself against Shauna's back as she attaches her lips to her neck. Shauna gasps, quickly overwhelmed by the attention but greedily accepting it as the two of you share her between you. 
Maybe there were some benefits in talking about your feelings. Who knew?
The next time you go on a date Shauna plans it, you and Jackie giggling and nudging each other as you follow behind her. Shauna sighs as she glances back, she really can't take either of you anywhere. Maybe she hadn’t picked the best date idea ever, as Jackie quietly lamented later when Shauna’s in the bathroom, but she’d never done it before. You were sure her next date would be better. You hoped. Maybe she should leave the date planning to you and Jackie, actually. 
The next time you fake yawn and stretch your arm over Jackie's shoulder– a move you only used because you knew how much Jackie loved the classics– you find yourself with an arm around both your girls instead. Shauna scoffs but notably makes no actual protest, shifting closer to lay her head against your shoulder as they both cuddle closer. Jackie watches on fondly, lacing her and Shauna's fingers together across your lap. 
You're surprised to find that the general dynamic doesn't seem to change all that much now that you're officially dating Shauna. You were practically dating her before, but you really figured there would be more of an adjustment period. It feels like she was always here– maybe she always was, even if it wasn't acknowledged. No longer was she awkwardly trailing behind you and Jackie on your dates, but a much more active participant. She no longer had to pretend to gag when she caught the two of you kissing, instead, she’d happily make her way over to join.
The biggest point of contention in your relationship always seems to be who got to be in the middle. You quickly gave up on that fight, knowing better than to get in the middle of a spat between those two, no matter how light-hearted it was. Those traitors would turn on a dime to band together against you. You learned your lesson a long time ago on that one. You instead chose to watch fondly as they bicker about who gets to be the little spoon for so long that you've fallen asleep before the decision was made. You find out in the morning that Shauna won, but Jackie still managed to weasel her way between you after Shauna fell asleep. Leave it to Jackie to play the long game. 
Shauna herself seems to be the most hesitant with the new dynamic, eyeing the two of you wearily whenever she finds you together without her. It wasn’t exactly jealousy, though it looked similar at first glance. Rather, it was an insecurity she couldn’t quite shake that the two of you would realize that you didn’t need her in your relationship. Jackie was quick to nip that in the bud, knowing from experience how much Shauna could get in her own head. 
The two of you make a concerted effort to include Shauna in everything, to shower her with so much affection that she seems to get overwhelmed with it at times. As much as Shauna likes to pretend that she doesn’t need that level of attention, it’s undeniable the way she’s flourished under it. Shauna seems happier than you’ve ever seen her, and you can’t deny that you feel the same way.
As for Jackie, she is more than satisfied with the arrangement. She confesses to you quietly one night after Shauna falls asleep that she thinks she might have always had a crush on Shauna and just didn’t know it. The urge to laugh was strong, but you managed to power through it anyway as you reassured her that you weren’t angry with her for it. Even if she didn’t know, you certainly did.
Jackie gasps, her grip on your arm bordering on painful as she arches her back and digs her head into your stomach. “She’s that good, Jackie?” You ask teasingly, feeling more than seeing the way she nodded desperately against you. You were far too focused on the sight that lay before you: Jackie’s legs thrown over an incredibly eager-looking Shauna’s shoulders. Between the arm you’ve got wrapped across her hips and Shauna’s grip on her thighs, Jackie’s got nowhere to go. Utterly overpowered in just the way she likes. You knew from experience how enthusiastic Shauna got in moments like this, knew how quickly her grip would turn bruising. You can't deny how appealing the thought is, already anticipating the way Jackie would moan and squirm when you pressed down against them.
Jackie’s hips twitch as her movement is stalled once again, quickly forcing you out of your thoughts as Jackie mumbles absentmindedly in agreement “Good, so good.” Shauna moans loud enough that you can hear her even over Jackie. You’re surprised Shauna can even hear her with how tightly she’s got her thighs wrapped around her ears, but you can tell that the comment spurs Shauna on as she pulls Jackie impossibly closer to her mouth.
You reach a hand down to run your fingers through Shauna’s hair, gently brushing a few stray strands out of her face. Shauna nudges her head into your hand at the action, momentarily forgetting about Jackie as you push her hair behind her ears. Jackie whines in protest, quickly taking advantage of Shauna’s lax grip on her thighs to buck her hips up as she pointedly digs her heels into Shauna’s back. It backfires on her in the best way as Shauna makes a shuddering noise at the hint of pain, arching up in search of more pressure.
You tighten your fingers in her hair, tugging Shauna gently back towards Jackie. Shauna whines at the sting, quickly focusing back on Jackie as she tightens her grip on her thighs once more to stop her hips from jumping up at the touch. Your free hand moves up to cup her breast, rolling her nipple between your fingers. “Brat,” You chide, grinning fondly as you admonish Jackie. Jackie’s breathy laugh quickly turns into a moan as Shauna’s mouth finally makes its way up to her clit, her body jerking at the way Shauna moans against her when she reflexively digs her heels in deeper.
“Kiss,” Jackie whines, head thrown back to give you her most pathetic look as she stares up at you. You’re not one to deny her anything, especially looking as desperate as she does right now, so you quickly lean down to meet her. She moans the second your lips touch, the effort being made almost exclusively on your part as Jackie’s far more focused on whatever Shauna’s doing.
You pull back as you give up on kissing her, smiling gently at the pout that crossed her face at the action. Jackie quickly gets distracted, her body writhing as her eyes slam shut. Her hand reaches up to pull your hand away from her breast, lacing your fingers together in a desperate need for a grounding touch. As much as she loves to have both of you focus on her she’s still quick to shy away, becoming overwhelmed at the sheer amount of attention she receives. You squeeze her hand gently, prompting Jackie to latch on as her grip quickly tightens. 
Jackie throws her head back with a silent cry, the calm before the storm as she comes with a loud needy cry. Her body shakes with the force of it, thighs trembling violently over Shauna’s shoulders as she works her down. You revel in the feeling of her muscles tensing and untensing as she tries and fails to move away from Shauna’s insistent movements, captive to the feeling as she thrashes and moans.
Jackie collapses back against you the second she’s finished, shuddering wordlessly as she tries to catch her breath. Jackie lets go of your hand to throw her arm over her eyes, breath still coming out in harsh pants. Your eyes trail down her body, lingering on the faint discoloration her heels have left on Shauna’s back. You can already imagine the way they’re going to look when they bruise, can already imagine the way Shauna’s going to come crawling into your lap the second she catches sight of them in the mirror till they heal.
Jackie groans quietly in protest as Shauna pulls her legs off her shoulders, letting them fall limply to the bed as Shauna shifts onto her knees between them. Shauna’s face shines with the evidence of Jackie’s orgasm, licking at her lips absentmindedly and giving you a smug look when she catches you staring. You reach your newly freed hand out to rest on the back of her neck as you pull her up for a deep kiss, groaning quietly into her mouth as you share the taste of Jackie between you. You can feel the slickness of Shauna’s face as it transfers to yours, lips moving insistently against each other in search of every last drop.
You pull away with Shauna’s bottom lip still trapped between your teeth, Shauna whining in pain as she tries to chase your mouth only to be stopped by Jackie’s firm hand on her shoulder. 
Shauna’s lip finally slips from your teeth as Jackie, who’s looking awfully miffed at being pressed between the two of you the whole time, keeps her from following you. Shauna’s hand slowly reaches for her mouth, body shuddering at her fingertip comes back with just the slightest amount of blood. Shauna relishes the sting, eyes dropping back to your mouth as if unable to look away.
Jackie groans as she wiggles her way out from between you, nearly kicking Shauna in the stomach as she flops uselessly on her stomach next to you. You and Shauna turn to look at her in concern, but Jackie lazily waves you off as she props her head bonelessly on her arm to watch the two of you. “Weren’t looking for another?” Shauna asks wryly, pointedly massaging her jaw. Jackie gives her a tired smirk as she shakes her head.
“Mm, no. Three was enough, thanks.”
Shauna scoffs, rolling her eyes fondly as she gently shoves at her shoulder. Jackie’s body rocks with the motion, but it does nothing to dislodge her or remove the smug look from her face. “Shauna doesn’t understand how hard it is to lay there and look pretty, huh?” You tease. Jackie nods enthusiastically, the two of you sharing an amused look as Shauna groans irritably. 
You scoot backward up the bed so that your back rests against the headboard, patting invitingly at your lap as you grin at Shauna. Shauna makes a big show of being irritated, but still quickly shuffles up on her knees to straddle you. You run your hands over her bare thighs, settling them to rest on her hips as you draw her into another kiss, tongue immediately seeking out the small cut on her lip. Shauna gasps as you tease her with the faint sting, her hands wrapping around your shoulders so you can’t pull back as she surges forward in a harsh kiss.
She's pressed your bodies closer together than you’d previously thought possible, every inch of your torsos touching as her thighs bracketed your hips. Shauna makes a loud noise of protest as you pull away to catch your breath, quickly closing the distance as if it pained her to be separated for even a moment. 
Her hands slide up to tangle in your hair, clenching her fingers in a gentle tug– she never could fully resist the urge to cause a little pain. She quickly slips her way into your mouth as she takes your sharp gasp at the tug for what it was: an opportunity. Your grip on Shauna’s hips tightens as she experimentally rocks her hips down, quickly matching her rhythm as you pull her forward. 
Shauna pulls away with a breathy gasp– apparently the distance is acceptable when she's the one creating it, go figure– and rests her head against your shoulder as she revels in the pleasure she’s given herself. She mouths absentmindedly at your neck, far too invested in maintaining her rhythm to put any actual effort into it.
With the lack of other distractions, you quickly focus on the insistent rolling of Shauna’s hips as she grinds down against you. Shauna bites petulantly at your neck at your breathy laugh, moaning against you as your fingertips dig into her hips in response. You squeeze her hip firmly once more, hand sliding between her legs as Shauna apologetically soothes the mark with her tongue.
You slip inside of her with two fingers, knowing how much Shauna enjoys the stretch as she cries out against your neck. She rocks jerkily against you as she adjusts to the feeling, strong thighs tensing as she starts riding your fingers in earnest. The headboard slams against the wall with the force of Shauna’s movements, insistently chasing her high with her usual violent intensity. 
The harsh breaths and muffled moans she's releasing against your neck lull you into a state of awe as you watch Shauna move. Shauna nips pointedly at your neck, not much appreciative of your distractedness. You start grinding your palm up against her, curling your fingers insistently. Shauna gasps as she grinds down hard, momentarily losing her rhythm as your palm touches her just right.
You glance absentmindedly at Jackie who’s watching the two of you closely. She waves her fingers lazily in greeting, looking exhausted and on the verge of falling asleep. She gives you a small smile as she mimics eating popcorn, her eyes focused on the way Shauna’s breasts bounce as she rides you.
Shauna’s thighs start to shake as she gets close, forcing you to take control as Shauna’s movements get more and more out of rhythm. You brace your arm as you start thrusting up into her in earnest, Shauna’s eyes slipping shut as her head slumps against you.
Shauna comes with a loud moan of your name, thighs trembling in a mixture of pleasure and exertion as she rides out her orgasm. Jackie rubs her hand comfortingly against Shauna’s thigh, happy to remind everyone of her presence once the work is finished as always. Shauna blindly reaches for Jackie’s hand as she laces their fingers together, still shaking against you as she catches her breath. “That was good,” Shauna murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss against your neck as you start running your fingers through her hair
You were right. Shauna does have a nice voice.
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tabithatwo · 1 year
hi hello thinking about how neither lottie or taissa is advocating for their sight or championing themselves.
lottie quietly doing the best she can to lean into what she hopes is real to give the others protection and faith, yes! but it isn’t I CAN LEAD YOU (especially this season) it’s I can quietly do the things that can’t hurt, in case they help. it can’t hurt to prick my finger and they’ve come back safe so far and I’m aware of my mental health I’m OH so aware and I know the dangers of delusions being proven correct by happenstance by setting up an infallible cause and effect by building my own reality BUT but. it’s just a prick and it’s just a sip and if I don’t do it now and they don’t come back safe then I AM the reason. it can’t hurt IT CAN’T HURT.
but see, now she’s stuck. she’s wedged into this place of having followers and she can’t tell them how she feels, partly because she isn’t even sure how she feels to begin with because nothing is real and everything is far too real!! (because BECAUSE lottielee jackieshauna parallels and so much post laura lee was not in our view, we didn’t fall as deep deep deep into the rabbit hole with lottie as we did with shauna, but this season has confirmed it for us. lottie and shauna both lost reality when they lost Them and they were both already girls with a loose grip of reality to begin with) so it’s That, but it’s also because she isn’t Lottie The Girl From New Jersey Who Shoplifts, she’s not herself, she’s what they make of her. she’s Lottie The Reason We Will Survive This.
she was on the other side of this dynamic, she felt that anger at jackie, she felt that sense of betrayal, she felt that letdown, that rebellion in her heart. because jackie wasn’t serving them the way they wanted needed craved being served. jackie couldn’t be that person. jackie who had been divisive in her leadership before they even crashed, because what is leadership if not a spotlight that people can adjust to make you glow like something ethereal or to point out all your flaws with great illumination? jackie had larger than life expectations put on her (and they were warm and sunny and positive some of the time yes, but that all curdles when it’s left in the spotlight too long.)
so suddenly lottie is divisive. there are teams around her and against her and myth built up, but the myth isn’t that she’s the bratty unhelping girl who gets whatever she wants like it became for jackie, the myth is she is our only hope. she is our savior and salvation and seer. and she doesn’t need to even say anything to make that so. jackie didn’t need to say anything to make them color her selfish (other, but bad). lottie doesn’t need to say anything to make them color her anointed (other, but good). she is girl vessel, girl hopes, girl dreams, a witch hunt where she Better Be A Witch.
doomcoming lottie snapped. she was On drugs and she was Off drugs and she was tired and she gave them something to cling to that they could shape into more with the seeds of the past (bear and blood and you get the picture) that they’d already been trying to plant in her image. (jackie did the same that night. she snapped, she yelled, she gave them something to cling to that they could shape into more with the seeds of the past that they’d already been trying to plant in her image, do you SEE??)
and of COURSE natalie understands both lottie and jackie. of course she knows what it’s like to be doing nothing but your best, to not want the responsibility, to be seen more as liability than asset, even though the only reason you can fail so hard is because you provide so much. before the crash and after, because girl carrying the weight of family secrets and girl who bears their insecurities and girl who SEES that they are insecure so she cannot even bring herself to be ANGRY with them and girl who hunts. girl who hunts and feeds, but now who hikes and disappoints, because there is no game to bring home, but that can only be Her Failure because it is Her Contribution, do you hear me are you with me??
so natalie walks for miles and she eulogizes jackie and she steps out of her reward her one small comfort and she makes sure that lottie sinks into the hot water and she apologizes, she apologizes, she apologizes. because maybe she’s mad, maybe she says it isn’t fair in the heat of the moment, but at the end of the day she knows who she is and what she is and all that they’ve made her and she carries that responsibility. (like jackie the girl she wasn’t home to save and lottie the girl she doesn’t know how to reach. it’s too late for them, there are no words to undo it. jackie was sealed when she made captain and natalie was sealed when she pulled the trigger and lottie was sealed when she warned van.)
and taissa finally TAISSA. she has hidden her secret. little girl looking in the mirror and seeing something that shouldn’t be there and older girl who is hearing things that she shouldn’t hear and leading people places she shouldn’t be able to lead them to. she doesn’t want it and she’s made it the Most Known of them all. don’t tell lottie, don’t tell the others, don’t bring it up. and van who champions her so naturally, so routinely, so lovingly for all the normal things. van who believes in the supernatural. van who has simply refused to die. van can’t hold it in anymore, because taissa’s sight Brought Back Javi. but tai doesn’t want her to mention it to the others. tai is perceptive and tai understands power struggles and she’s tired and hates this part of herself and she’s scared and she’s logical and she doesn’t want to Be Lottie (not lottie the girl from New Jersey who shoplifts, but lottie who better be a witch).
so maybe I’m seeing things myself, maybe I’m reading too deep, but here’s what I saw in old wounds.
lottie, who sits quietly while the others discuss her prophecy. lottie, who seems to have developed an openness to a different view of jackie in her death, because she was girl there and now she’s girl gone and she served them again in death and maybe lottie didn’t quite have the right idea of her and maybe lottie is in her seat now, in a way. lottie, who wanders into the snow without ever really agreeing because it was never really a choice, and cuts her hand because it can’t hurt IT CANT HURT.
natalie, who signed up to hunt when it was spring and warm and possible, who knows that it will be hers always and forever now. natalie, who will always be the reason they are starving, more than the reason they are fed. natalie, who is jealous of the girl who is bone, because she was allowed death. natalie, who has sympathy for all of them and knows that lottie has been made her rival through the mechanisms of group projection than her own volition. so she bathes her and tends to her and apologizes to her.
taissa, who has always been a leader and always been under scrutiny but did so in a way She Could Control. taissa, whose deepest secrets are being unfolded before her eyes because she can’t stop herself from divulging them when she is unconscious. taissa, who might start to think that maybe lottie didn’t ask for this.
so jackie is bone, and natalie is hunter, and lottie is seer, and taissa might be even more so. natalie alone in the realm of the mundane (for this), but aware of them all, so I’ll set her aside for a moment.
jackie accidentally opened the door to this spiritualism. she was the seance and doomcoming (and the first communion), but she didn’t mean for it to be that. she meant to cheer them up.
lottie thought that jackie had it wrong, thought that she didn’t use her position to protect the girls, because she refused to work with the woods and lottie tries to save them and protect them and negotiate with the wilderness for them.
taissa thinks that lottie has it wrong, because she feeds into their delusions and her power is a runaway train in this setting and taissa wants to keep them alive in the best way. the practical way. except that logical leadership never led to anything out here and her other self, her spiritual self, found javi after months.
pedestals and wrecking balls and clearer views once you’re hoisted up with the girls on them. girls who are not Them but who are What Others Say. shauna dictating jackie and mari dictating lottie and van dictating taissa and everyone dictating natalie. everyone meaning the best and riding the high of delivering it, until it’s cut out from beneath them. you don’t go from great to fine. the mighty don’t fall to land on a straw bed with the rest of them, thanks for trying and welcome back. they are Icarus and their love for the others is flight and their belief that They Can Do It Better is the sun and the sun burns. in death or in life or in dreams.
and maybe in old wounds lottie understood jackie a little more and taissa understood lottie a little more and nat, who has always been able to understand them all, can watch and wait and hope that it changes things. but it won’t. because they aren’t driving their own stories anymore.
so they’ll hunt and they’ll bleed and they’ll walk in their sleep and, no matter what they say or don’t say, the others will fill in the gaps.
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deerlottie · 1 month
🐶 — snowed in
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summary: you and shauna get snowed in on your trip. warnings: suggestive, no crash! au
this is honestly not the way you expected your vacation to go with your girlfriend. your two year anniversary is coming up, and shauna had suggested renting a cabin somewhere in the woods. of course you expected it to snow since it’s winter, you both did, but you didn’t expect to be snowed in, with absolutely no way out.
“i’m getting major flashbacks right now.” shauna quietly says, sitting down on the couch. “you remember jackie? well i went to high school with her, and we camped out somewhere this one time, and it started snowing in the night. we had a little fight before, so she slept outside, and, uh…” shauna gets sidetracked as she spots some blankets piled up by a door. “hey, look!”
“woah, wait. is she okay?” shauna completely ignores your question as she grabs the blankets and lies them down near the fireplace. she brings a few pillows and plops them down as well.
“here! we can cuddle by the fire to keep warm like they do in the movies.” she says with a wide smile on her face, sitting down and patting the spot next to her. you roll your eyes at her cuteness but go sit next to her nonetheless. she brings you into her body immediately, sighing as your guys’ body warmth heats her up.
“i hope the storm stops soon.” you muffle out between her chest. you really wanted to go out with her and build some snowmen or snow angels.
“mhm.” she hums out. she’s playing with the baby hairs on your neck softly and it’s making you want to purr. almost. she’d never let you live it down if she knew how much this simple touch affected you. her touch stops as she slips her freezing cold hands under your jacket. you let out a little squeak at the feeling.
“goddamn, shipman. you’re gonna kill me with those hands.” you gasp out, making an attempt to scoot away but she grasps at your sides, pulling you impossibly closer.
“i already do every night.” she snorts out.
you groan at her innuendo, playfully slapping her arm.
as you two lay there in silence, you feel your eyelids slowly fall. she must know that you’re falling asleep because she carefully gets up and carries you to the cabin’s bedroom. after moving the blankets, she places you down onto the bed and scoots in to lay right on top of you. she has her face buried in your neck and you feel her kiss you softly before mumbling out a “g’night, i love you.”
taglist: @rstlessdreams @star-m4n @ethvrealz @shipmanisms @jadeisnothere5
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fabaceous · 1 year
exactly one (1) person asked for my thoughts on jackie’s pov of jackieshauna so me being me i obviously wrote an even longer essay than my shauna essay. so. here you go anon, SORRY or you’re welcome.
we can all agree that if you boil jackie down (um... sorry, too on the nose?) to her bare essentials, what you’re left with is basically a huge pit of insecurity. shauna is incapable of facing other people, but jackie is incapable of facing herself. jackie is incredibly inwardly/emotionally unstable but she doesn’t actually realize it because she does such a good job of distracting herself by curating her environment, her image, the people she’s surrounded by, their image, her hobbies, and on and on and on. she (without fully understanding that this is what she’s doing) tries to impose order on her outer world in the hopes that that will, by extension, bring order to her inner world.
so, here is my thesis statement: i propose that shauna is both jackie’s biggest source of stability AND her biggest source of instability.
shauna is the only one who’s always been there for her. it’s so telling that out of all the things jackie could’ve complimented shauna on in that scene (her intellect? her depth as a person? her looks?) she chose this. it shows us what jackie’s priorities are and why she values shauna: shauna is her rock, her best friend and trusty sidekick, she’s steady and loyal.
thing is, shauna isn’t. while shauna saintifies jackie after death and turns her into an  idea/symbol, jackie kinda does the same to shauna in life. she needs shauna to be her rock, and she needs it SO badly, like survival-level badly, that she just can’t leave space for shauna to be anything else. this sucks for shauna, because she doesn’t feel like jackie truly sees her in all her complexity. but it also sucks for jackie, because she just doesn’t realize when things are going downhill - and she doesn’t realize that her search for stability in shauna has been doomed to fail from the get-go, because shauna has a mind of her own.  
and this is when shauna becomes jackie’s biggest source of INstability: when she goes rogue. or, maybe more accurately, when she does what jackie interprets as “going rogue” - aka going against jackie’s carefully laid-out plans, whether or not she truly meant it as a snub. exhibit a: voting to go to the lake instead of stay at the crash site. for a healthy, secure person/relationship this would’ve been a simple difference of opinion. but for jackieshauna it drove a wedge between them for an entire day or possibly more, because by defying jackie, shauna destabilizes jackie’s very, VERY tenuous grip on the TINY amount of control she feels like she has over her world.
this control is EVERYTHING to jackie because it’s the only thing that can alleviate her internal turbulence. and she is DESPERATE for her fix, so she reaches, grasps, searches for the stability that she needs, that she only knows how to find in shauna, and it always seems to be just out of her reach, and of course we know it’s impossible to find internal stability through external things, but jackie thinks if she just stretches a little further and holds on a little tighter, she’ll get what she needs, so she clings onto shauna more and more desperately, not realizing that squeezing so tight could have unwanted side effects.
and just like with shauna - there IS genuine love here! but as much as shauna has warped ideas about what love looks like (and boy does she!), jackie has some messed up ideas about love too! jackie adores shauna, but part of that adoration is tied to how jackie builds shauna up in her own head, and when shauna fails to live up to the role that jackie needs her to play, it sends jackie into a tailspin and she lashes out. and i think jackie thinks that because she loves shauna, she can’t possibly be hurting her. it’s not a cage if i make it cozy, right? if i put some blankets down and keep her nice and safe? she’s not trapped, i’m taking good care of her, she’s choosing to stay, and if she wanted differently, she’d say so. (but shauna can’t/won’t say so, as we know.)
so. to sum it up. on a good day, shauna keeps jackie afloat, but on a bad day, shauna sends jackie spiraling. jackie needs her so desperately and the tragedy is that she loves shauna so much and she’s so terrified of losing her that she does everything she can to prevent it, but her desperation blinds her to the fact that, by holding onto shauna so tightly, she’s contributing to the very situation she hoped to avoid: shauna leaving her.
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zeezelweazel · 11 months
i love love your blog!!! could you write a oneshot of best friend! lottie pining over fem! reader and confessing after she gets jealous when a guy flirts with reader at the party?
Lottie Mathews| I'll be yours, if you'll have me
Thank you so much!
I've read a few fics like this with lottie so I hope this didn't turn out to be too similar to them
"Ok Lottie, I love you but there's no way you're wearing this shity dress that you stole from TJ Max to Jeff's party. The whole damn school is going to be there!"
Lottie groans and puts that dress to the side while pouting. For a rich girl your taste is very shity Matthews, you're lucky you're cute.
"You only talk shit because you look good in everything."
You giggle at your best friend's childish behaviour and take her hand to pull her towards the closest. All of the deliberate fashion advice that you give her doesn't register to Lottie's brain, her head is already full of you and how gorgeous you look in this outfit and how your make up is flawless and how soft your voice sounds and how silky your hair looks and-
"Earth to Lottie? Do you like the blue skirt or the grey one with this top?"
"Um the blue for sure."
You only nod at her and continue looking through her accessories. Lottie is already stumbling with her words and you haven't even gotten to the party yet. She can practically hear Taissa's voice in her head. 'She's literally head over heels for you just confess to her already'.
"Easier said than done." She mumbles quietly as she stares at you trying to envision a pair of silver earrings with the outfit you've assembled and her insides feel warm.
When you arrive at the party, only 30 minutes late, majority of the people are drunk off their asses. You and Lottie move through the crowd keeping eachother in sight so you don't get lost. Now, when it comes to parties the Yellowjackets usually are spread around. Van and Tai are most likely having a make out session in a random room at Jeff's house. Speaking of Jeff, him and Jackie are probably together and where Jackie is Shauna has to be nearby. Nat is with her friends and Misty is probably not even here.
You and Lottie share a look and mutually decide that it's better to just hang with eachother for now. You enter Jeff's house and like you expected there are tons of people there, talking, dancing and drinking. Speaking of drinking...
"Hey Lot, will you go grab us some drinks? I'll try to look if any of the girls are around here."
Lottie just nods and makes her way to the kitchen where the drinks are, leaving you alone in the crowded living room. After you took a good look at all the people and didn't recognise any of the girls you decided to head towards the pool. That's usually were all the popular girls are and by extension the jocks and if the jocks are there Jeff, Jackie and Shauna must be as well. Sure enough, you spot the three of them sitting in the side of the pool. You start to head to them but someone calls your name and you stop in your tracks. It's a guy from the baseball team, his name is something like Martin..?
He cuts your path to your friends by getting in front of you and starts complimenting your outfit.
"You look so good in that... urm whatever it is! Even at school you always dress so nice. It seems like you know what fits you perfectly. You know what would fit me?"
You suppress a sigh as you heavily contemplate on saying no and just walking away but since Lottie isn't even here yet, and this guy has no chance at all you decide to humor him.
"What would?"
He chuckles and moves closer to you bringing his hand on your chin.
"You, of course."
You can't really hold your laugh this time as a giggle slips through. Unfortunately for you the boy took that as approval of his horrible flirting and got closer as he wrapped his arm around you. At this point you were ready to push him off you hear someone shout from behind you.
"Hey get your hands off of her Markus!"
The boy instantly turns around to look at a very pissed off Lottie coming towards you. She doesn't even wait for him to say anything before she tugs you on her side and glares at him.
"Get the fuck out of here. Now."
You can't help but be surprised at her aggression as you keep looking between her and Markus. Lottie rarely got so angry. As Markus leaves embarrassed Lottie is still following him with her eyes. You look at her face, trying to study her expression.
"Um, Lot? What was that?"
She looks at you surprised, as if she just now realized how obvious her jealousy was. She can even see Jackie and Shauna looking at her with a questioning look.
"Nothing, he was just being creepy and I helped."
You fold your arms over your chest and look at her with a 'do not bullshit me Matthews' look.
"You went like full beast mode there Lot. I've only seen you get like that, like, twice."
Lottie can't handle your questions or the looks from her teammates and there are just so many fucking people in this stupid pool area. So without another word Lottie just storms off, leaving as fast as she came in.
You follow after her as you keep calling out her name. You are even more confused now. Why did she get so angry at that boy flirting with you? And why did she get so defensive when you asked her about it?
You eventually manage to catch up with her in what looks like a guest room. She's sitting down on the bed and looks up at you with e defeated expression.
"Well damn Matthews now you really have to tell me what the fuck was that."
Lottie takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. There's no way out of this now, she knows that much, but still she's scared of telling you how she feels. She can't bear the thought of loosing you. You're the most important person in her life. The one who understands everything when it comes to her parents and her schizophrenia and all that comes with that. You're a good person so she knows that you won't be disgusted or anything but just seeing that pitying look on your face as you try to gently reject her would break her heart. Well it's not like you have any other choice.
"I um... I was jealous." She can see how you're even more confused now but thankfully you let her continue. "There's a reason why I never like anyone you date. Even when they're good people. It's because I get jealous. And I get jealous because well, I like you."
Your eyes widen for a moment and then soften as you look at her sweetly.
"Oh Lot, I like you too, you know that right?" Lottie is so surprised but excited to hear you say that, she almost can't believe it. "There's no way I would let any stupid boyfriend, or girlfriend, come between us. We're best friends."
Best friends
Of course, how did Lottie ever think that you'd like her like that? She feels frustration bubbling up in her chest. You didn't even understand what she meant. Well if she's going to confess might as well do it properly, so she can get rejected properly as well.
"I want to be your stupid girlfriend!"
She doesn't even mean to shout but her words shake you anyway. Holy shit Lottie fucking Matthews said she wants to be my girlfriend?! You are too busy with your internal panic to notice Lottie being on the verge of tears. All you see is a blur passing by you and heading for the door.
Oh hell no, you're not running away again.
You manage to grab her wrist before she makes her escape and spin her around so she's facing you. You don't waste a single second as you grab her face and bring her down so your lips meet in what definitely seems to be the best kiss of your damn life.
Lottie immediately gets the memo as she puts her hands on your waste. It's impossible to kiss for much longer because both of you can't stop grinning. When you pull back, you take a moment to just look at your girlfriend.
"I think we need to thank Markus for this."
"Oh fuck no."
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lottiembae · 2 months
jackie taylor x fem!reader
Summary: jackie accompanied y/n to her home, something unexpected occurs and her power showered up.
Warnings: fluff, jackie!thor.
Note: English is not my first language.
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The blonde walked to the bathroom, shirtless. A satisfied smirk reposing on her pink lips when she started to clean her abdomen.
Y/N stood up and put on her underwear, her breath a little irregular by the recent orgasm. When she leaned down to grab her trousers, something caught her attention. She put it and leaned down again, looking under the bed.
Why Jackie had a hammer under her bed?
She tried to grab it to inspect better, but by her surprise, she can't.
"What the hell?" She murmured under her breath, removing her hair from her face. "Jackie! Why do you have a hammer glued to the floor?" She asks, not believing her girlfriend.
Jackie opened her eyes, throwing away the towel and walking fastly to her bedroom again. She saw Y/N looking under her bed until she approached, a frown on her face.
"It's for a project! You know, colleges are weird." She lied, pulling Y/N up gently. She know that her girlfriend didn't buy it by the suspicious look throwing at her. "I found it and I liked it, that's all. And it's not glue." She admitted, leaning down and grabbing the hammer easily. "See?" Jackie tend it to Y/N.
"Jackie, I couldn't raise it up before." Y/N explains, crossing her arms and gazing the hammer suspicious.
"Try now." Jackie suggested, moving the hammer towards her.
Y/N rolled her eyes but give another try. She wrap her right hand on the handle, and when she is going to raise it and Jackie pull off her hand, the hammer fell to the floor with a hard sound, bringing Y/N with it too.
Then, Jackie remembered that something similar happened when she told to Shauna and she tried to hold the hammer. The blonde cursed and leaned down, grabbing with her hands Y/N's face.
"Shit! Are you okay?" Jackie softly ask, her eyes filled with worry.
Y/N scoffs, the heavy hammer almost hit her right ankle. "I told you! Why can you lift it if you aren't strong!" She said, her eyebrows knitted and her eyes falling on the hammer, seeing a symbol in the middle. On the corner sides, something that looks like runes decorate it around the wall.
"I'm sorry... I forget. Let me help you." Jackie rasped out, helping Y/N with both hands.
"You forget!? What the hell, Jackie! Why can you raise it and I can't?" Y/N questioned incredulous, emphasizing with her hands.
Jackie swallowed, a timid smile approaching on her face. "Come here." She intertwined a hand with hers and walked towards the small bed, sitting with her. "I'll explain everything to you since I found the hammer, okay?" Y/N has an unreadable expression but slow, she nods with her head. The blonde nods too, taking a breath. "Alright. You'll see... I found it around five months ago, in Wiskayok before I came to study at Rutgers. I was walking to my home the day I found, usually Shauna drive me but that day she needed to do something urgent with her parents... Anyways, a half way from my house, the are a waste ground and funnily in the middle something shined, the hammer. Well, the mjorlnir. Shauna told me the name a lot of time when she researched those months... I walked there to see what it is and I saw the mjorlnir. I saw a light blue illuminating the symbol and something inside me was telling me to hold it up. And that's what I did," Jackie shrugs, nonchalantly. "I lifted it and the light blue stopped. I took it to my home and I call Shauna. She helped me to figure it out." She finished, a nervous smile playing on her lips.
Y/N take a breath, assimilating everything Jackie told her. She bit her bottom lip, perplexed. "And what," she cleared her throat. "What can you do with... the mjorlnir? Lift it?" She asks, the last thing unsure.
"I have powers!" She announced at her, excited. "Shauna found out that it's a Nordic mythology thing... Actually the mjorlnir belongs to Thor, Odin's son and the god of thunder. Not everyone it's worthy to lift the mjorlnir. This hammer," Jackie moves the mjorlnir in the air a few times like it is a feather. "can only be raised for the one who is worthy of it." She explains, this time a little calmer since she can share some information about it.
"And you are?" Y/N lowly said, incredulous. Jackie smashed her arm gently. "Sorry, but it's weird. What powers do you have?"
Jackie thinks about it. The truth is that she never face something to know if she has it or no. But something inside her knew that she has them. "I don't know." She simply said, her gaze lost in the floor, letting out the intertwined hand.
"Then, how do you know?" Y/N asks in a softer tone, seeing the sadness taking Jackie's features.
"I just know..." She muttered, convinced.
Y/N let out a quiet sigh. She took the same hand that was intertwined with hers before and with the other grab her chin, her hazel eyes on her now. "If you say you have, I trust you." She said, giving her a small smile before peck her lips.
Jackie hummed, grateful. She closed her eyes momentarily, opening them to see Y/N's beautiful loving eyes on her. "I have extra lucky to found you too. My year was sucking until I met you and then, started dating you." She brushes her shoulder with hers with a silly smirk, Y/N roll her eyes with a smile. "It's truth! I was lonely here, my best friend is in Brown."
Y/N gave her another chaste kiss, shutting her up. "Well, super power girl. I need to come back to my room in time. Can you, please, accompany me?" She murmurs on her mouth.
The blonde closed the gap and brushing their noses, she deposited her lips on hers. "Do you really need to go today?" She asks after kissing her.
"Hmm. I promised to Lia I will be there for her tonight." Y/N explains, standing up and tending the shirt on the floor to the owner, who roll her eyes but put it on. "C'mon, not be a baby with that face."
Jackie shrugs, putting away the hand pinching her cheeks and stood up, walking to the chair where her jacket is. She looked to the mirror, fixing her hair in a decent ponytail and fixing her clothes. She could heard Y/N's laugh.
"You have lucky to have a hot girlfriend..." Jackie muttered, her eyes still on the mirror.
"You are so humble." Y/N comments quietly, seeing how her girlfriend turns around, grabbing her apartment's keys. She put on her jacket, walking out while Jackie follows her.
"Hey...! You are too, don't be jealous." Jackie added.
"You love wearing that jacket, uh?" Y/N comments, Jackie's fingers lacing with hers while they are going to her apartment that is not that far away.
Jackie looked her jacket with a nostalgic smile. "Yep! That and I looked hot on it." She wiggles her eyebrows, chuckling when Y/N roll her eyes. "I miss the yellowjackets." She admitted.
"Be careful your actual team don't hear that." Y/N teases her, swinging their hands softly.
The blonde let out a quiet laugh, nuzzling her head on her neck. It's getting colder and the weather threatened them to rain in any moment. She let out her hand and wrap an arm around her waist, kissing her neck and hearing Y/N soft chuckle.
"Stop, it's ticklish." Y/N murmurs, leaning her head to the spot where Jackie is, trying to hide her neck.
Some drops finally hit the floor, and consequently them. Jackie let out a tiny yelp, cursing because the humidity would ruin her hair. It didn't help that Y/N tell her that she was warned by her to grab an umbrella.
Y/N laugh when Jackie grab her hand and start to run, the rain getting stronger and pouring on them. "Stop laughing, Y/N!" Jackie whined, turning a corner where the roads hold puddles there and were hit by cars. The blonde feared they will be splash on them and avoided the edge.
A few horns were heard, alongside with whistles to call their attention. "We can take you whatever you want to go!" A male voice said, accompanied by some laughter from his friends and himself.
Jackie clenched her jaw, not paying them attention and a few steps forward from Y/N, she guided them to approaching the building where her girlfriend lives.
"Don't be boring, girls! We can have some fun." Other guy spoke, the car stopped a few meters from them, two of them getting out of the old car.
Y/N held Jackie's hand stronger, not liking how it is turning. The blonde turned to look at her and saw her scared face, and that was enough for her to stop on her tracks and look with a disgusted face towards the boys.
"Stay away from us." She hissed, her thumb rubbing circles on Y/N's palm to calm her, and control herself.
They look each other with snide smiles. "You look very scary." The blonde tall talk, smug plastered on his face.
Jackie didn't like when people underestimate her. She removed her wet hair from her eyes, a fake sweet smile on her lips now. "I can be scary, dickhead. Stay away from us." She gave them a challenging look.
They laugh on her face, but she could appreciate that the only one she spoke didn't like what Jackie called her. Y/N pull from her hand towards hers when they walked towards them. Jackie swallowed, not feeling scared at all, more like annoyed.
"Or what would you do?" He mocked, crossing his arms on his chest. Small laughter falling from their mouth.
Jackie feels rage inside her. She loosened her grip on Y/N's hand and taking a step forward, she punched his face in a bold move. Y/N gasped, covering with both hands her mouth. The guy in question had his head to a side, turning his face slowly towards Jackie, a thread of blood falling from his nose.
"You regret this." He mumbled, making a move to grab her. However Jackie is faster and retreat a few steps back, making the blonde boy to almost fall to the ground.
The sound of thunder resounded away from them. The rain hitting the pavement with force. Jackie looks at Y/N, her breath catching on her chest. "Stay behind." She lowly said, pushing her gently a few steps back.
The guy in question seem really pissed now. The other one throw a punch to her way, but with a reflex she didn't know she has, avoid it. Jackie grab the fist into her hand and twisted his hand with force, he let out a pained scream.
Jackie's breath is irregular, a brief frown on her perfect eyebrows. Did she do that? Drops of water fall from her eyelashes, blurring a little her vision.
The blonde guy throw his punch to her face, this time he punched her, hard on her right cheek. Jackie let out a low hurt sound, bringing a hand to her cheek and massaging it. She can taste her blood on her mouth. Her hazel eyes found the guy with a smug smirk that soon was remove.
Jackie turn her hand into a ball and with the other hand grab his wet white shirt, his face passed from smugness to a scary one. "Your eyes..." He muttered lowly, his eyes fixed on hers.
She frown, confused. Jackie blinked a few times, pushing him on the wall behind her. "You are going now. Take your friend and never again try to bother another girl." She spat, the thunder now above them. A loud sound from the sky made them look up.
However her attention was interrupted when the other guy came to remove her from his friend, failing. Jackie heard him before he approached her and without looking she kicked him with her leg, hearing a pained sound falling from his lips.
A new sensation run for her veins, she could feel something coming towards her. And like it is telling her to extend a hand to an empty street, the sound of a metallic thing was heard. Y/N saw something fly in front of her eyes, stopping because Jackie grabbed it. The mjorlnir. She saw too how her girlfriend put the hammer on his chest and how his face started to contort, his face becoming red and his breath getting slower.
"Do you understand me?" Jackie whispered, but Y/N could hear her.
"Jackie! He can't breath!!" She approached them, putting a hand on her shoulder and gently squeeze it.
Jackie swallowed, loosening the mjorlnir on his chest. He gave big breath of air, his chest up and down in a fast way. He cleared his throat and nod, slowly trying to stand up and help his friend. Y/N hold Jackie's hand, only if her girlfriend has in mind to finish her job. They watch how them get in the car and drive fastly, away from the couple.
"Let's go." Y/N muttered, shivering a little. She dropped Jackie's hand and start to walk to the building.
Soon Jackie copied her, the grip on the mjorlnir stronger while her eyes fixed on her, a thin line on her mouth. The sound of the rain is muffled when they get inside, a sigh of relief escaped from Y/N's mouth when the heat inside meet her body, but it will not enough until she pull off her wet clothes.
Her mind is a spiral. She almost can't wrap what Jackie told her before and then, she fight with two boys two inches taller than her without looking bothered by it.
"Y/N..." Jackie calls her in a thread of voice. The sound of their wet shoes echoing the hall. "Are you mad?"
Y/N shakes her head without looking at her, she step inside of the lift when the doors opened. "It's weird everything happened today." She comments, pressing the button while shrugs.
Jackie frown, leaning her back on the brown wall. "I shouldn't told you." She scolded herself, rubbing her eyes.
"No! You should said it sooner... What I want to say Jackie," Y/N let out a frustrated sight, closing her eyes. "That not everyday you see your, apparently, normal girlfriend to fight some dudes with their arms the double stronger than you. I know what you told me before, but it's weird!" She rant out, rubbing her cheeks.
The blonde let the mjorlnir on the floor carefully, and wrap an arm around her shoulder, bringing Y/N to her side while her other arm wrap around her waist. "I would fight them even if I don't have power. You are my limit, Y/N." She admitted, kissing her head lovingly.
Y/N turned her head to look at Jackie, who has a soft look on her hazel eyes. Small drops of water falling from her hair to her face, running towards her chin and falling on the floor.
"I know." Jackie whispered, grabbing Y/N's face between her hands and sealing their lips together in a slow kiss. They separated after a few minutes, the blonde leaned her forehead on her with her eyes closed, her thumbs caressing her cheeks. "Me too."
"You are a dork." Y/N muttered, biting a smile watching Jackie. "I never imagined say the first I love you in this way."
Jackie chuckles, nodding. "I admit that I imagine it in a lot scenarios in my head, but never this one."
Y/N turns her head to the side, her hands on Jackie's hips. "Do you tell everything to Shauna, right?"
"That predictable I am?" Jackie looks with a smile how Y/N laugh, nodding with head. "I can't wait to introduce her to you."
"Yeah. I need team up with someone to tease you." Y/N comments, the lift's door opened and she walked out.
Jackie smile turned into a frown.
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chansaw · 1 year
so. as i mentioned earlier, my animorphs yellowjackets au isn’t a one-to-one “shauna is rachel, jackie is tobias” kind of thing. each of the yellowjackets characters have aspects of the character arcs from animorphs, so it’s not a cut and dry copy paste deal. anyways. here’s the broad outline of who’s who on the team:
shauna: the heavy. the tank. the butcher. like rachel, the war brings out a totally new and different side of her that scares her and her teammates. not only does shauna discover that she’s quite good at this whole “guerilla warfare” thing, she enjoys it. she likes the rush she feels when she has the enemy at her mercy. throughout the war, when the yellowjackets need to inflict maximum pain, damage, and casualties, they send shauna. she’s the first line of offense, and she gets the job done, no questions asked. naturally, being considered a living weapon by her teammates starts to take a toll on her. and that’s not to mention the whole jackie situation.
lottie: like jake, she’s not sure how she ended up becoming the group’s leader. she certainly didn’t ask to be the leader. no one slapped a captain’s armband on her shoulder or threw a whistle around her neck; coach martinez picked tai to be the new team captain after the cops declared jackie taylor's presumed death. but when they’re off the field, the other girls look to lottie to make the big decisions. she doesn’t know why, but they trust her. they’re putting not only their lives, but the lives of billions of people in her hands. she’s trying so hard to keep up the facade of the pretty, popular, statuesque rich girl everyone else sees her as but she can't carry the world on her shoulders forever. sooner or later it's all going to come crumbling down.
taissa: people have called her machiavellian before. “you’re a ruthless bitch, taissa turner,” van had teased her once. if thinking pragmatically and keeping her eyes on the big picture makes her ruthless, then so be it. just like marco, taissa will tell you it’s not her fault no one else sees that bright, beautiful line between motive and a means. or if they do, she’s the only one willing to take the necessary steps to reach the solutions she can see so clearly in her mind’s eye. like when she gets intel that allie stevens might be a controller, and she knows what exactly what she needs to do to ensure she won't’t be a liability to the team. she may be the captain in name only, but she’s the team’s tactician, and she knows no victory comes without sacrifice. it’s not tai’s fault she’s the only one willing to make them.
van: van palmer doesn’t know why she’s still fighting. she’s been maimed, mutilated, and tortured to the brink of death - but not to death. she’s still alive, and she’s still fighting. van guesses she’s waiting to be shown that her suffering is justified, that there’s a reason she hasn’t been executed or, god forbid, taken by a yeerk as a host. tai tells her she’s the heart of the team, that her breezy jokes keep them sane. she helps them forget the crushing obligation that’s been placed on their backs, and doesn’t that count for something? van wants to believe her.
laura lee: dear, sweet, precious laura lee. the moral compass of the team. whereas shauna rampages through the enemy lines, laura lee tries to show as much mercy as possible. laura lee knows that most of the controllers they're fighting are involuntary - trapped in their heads, watching from the passenger seat as the yeerk pulls the strings. whenever she can, she spares their lives. shauna tells her she has plenty of mercy - that she's doing them a favor, putting them out of their misery - but laura lee knows that's not god's mercy. laura lee favors aerial morphs - she knows it's dangerous, but sometimes after school she'll morph a falcon or an eagle and just soar over town to forget everything for a while. it helps her feel a little closer to heaven; it reminds her of god's love. she has to trust that god will protect her and her friends.
nat: like marco, natalie is initially the most reluctant to get involved. she’s ready to write the whole construction site incident off as a dream or a shared hallucination. her life sucks enough as it is. the impending takeover of earth by slug aliens is just the cherry on top. but when she learns that kevyn is one of them, when she watches the yeerk inside his head kill an innocent stranger in cold blood, she changes her mind. that’s when it really hits her. kevyn is one of hundreds, if not thousands of people who are being held hostage by the yeerks in their own bodies. if she can’t save all of them, she can at least save him. and then there’s the team. the closest she’s got to a family outside of her mom. they’re fighting so fucking hard for a war they’re not even sure they can win. so she protects them. she can’t protect everyone, but she can protect her team.
jackie and misty are gonna get their own posts bc this is already long enough as it is. here's the first part of jackie's lore:
jackie: yeah, she’s not too proud to admit it. jackie taylor has made mistakes before. called the wrong shot, made the wrong play, miscalculated a gamble. but she doesn’t think she’s ever fucked anything up like this before. if she was going to go and get herself stuck in the body of an animal, she could’ve at least picked something that could’ve been useful to the war effort like a tiger or something. but nope, she’s essentially a glorified squirrel with a pom-pom on its ass. and maybe it’s a mistake that saved her life - but how much of a life does she have left to live? according to shauna’s research, the average hare has a lifespan of 3 to 4 years, maybe 5 if she’s lucky (and she is, she guesses. she’s living in a fucking cage in shauna’s room instead of out in the wilderness as a fox’s free meal). technically, she’s already dead. the cops closed her missing persons case, and the ink on her death certificate has yet to dry. shauna's doing her best to help her stay sane, help her stay human, but as the weeks drag into months, jackie wonders if she was ever worth anything as a human to begin with.
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gratefulfortwel · 11 months
Looking for some Yellowjackets plots! I have a few pairings i’m keep to explore and the character in bold is my preferred character
Plot wise, I am up for anything and have no qualms about writing AU’s so bring me everything and anything. Medium Lottie helping fresh out of rehab Nat with some ghosts in her house? Road trip AU where Nat and Misty have to take to the road and cross the country for information, stopping at motels along the way. An exploration of Taissa and Van starting their relationship?
I am up for any and every concept! All I ask is that we plot together and both contribute.
I'm 21+ and looking for the same. I write multi-para to novella style and have zero limits so angst and dark themes aplenty for me! I love side characters so would adore finding a partner that is willing to explore other characters and relationships outside of the main pairing. There’s so many incredible bonds to be adored in a show like this. I also ask that we don’t take the teeth away from these characters and don’t try and vanilla them. Nat has addiction issues, Lottie has a mental illness, Misty is obsessive… I want to be able to deal with those things!
It's important to note that I am currently only looking for partners who is active / available to write fairly frequently. My uni is off now until the start of October and I will be around a bunch to write and chat. Real life always comes first and I have my own responsibilities BUT I am not looking to write with someone who is only about once or twice a week. Thank you. ❤️
Like this Or Better Yet DM Me and I will reach out so you can tell me about yourself! Please, please, please give me a proper introduction about you, your writing style and your thoughts from this ad. I don't require writing samples but I do think of initial contact as a bit of an idea for how we will be as partners. We want to write together after all, l'm not going to be enamoured by a 'yeah, I'm interested' style opener.
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feminaferitas · 4 months
More Adult!Jackie AU Lore
Please note, these are exclusively my headcanons (though some plotting details have been created based on dynamics with folks like @healiotrope and @darkconsumed), so this isn't meant to be definitive, and also I would appreciate it if details weren't lifted for others' Jackie Survives AUs. I do acknowledge I'm late to the fandom and similarities are natural in general, but I have a very specific set of ideas as it pertains to her evolution in a survival situation.
This is a bit of headcanon/lore concerning her career, her dietary choices, and what danger that presents when the darkness returns.
On building up and breaking down Jackie Taylor's adult life through the way she manicures her life post-rescue:
Ever the clinger to normalcy, Jackie works herself overtime to distance herself from the experiences in those woods. Apart from the chronic pain of her arm always reminding her of how weak she was in the face of unstoppable, unfeeling nature, there are so many parts of herself she can control. She wants to starve the wild urges out of herself. She wants to entrench herself in organized society and wield it to preserve her status.
This turns into her veganism and career in law.
Where Lottie could cast the bones and witness visions from the outer edges of the wilds, Jackie focuses on becoming a student of the law, a set of guidelines that keep us civil and socialized (or so she believes). She doesn't dislike Lottie's spiritualism, in fact she knows she owes her life to Lottie. She just knows herself and cannot bring herself to be fully invested in the supernatural in that same way, so Jackie seeks to balance out Lottie's energy as an interpreter by becoming an interpreter of the cold, hard, human law. It also gives her status and power to wield over others. Not just moral superiority, but the law is on her side. While she does like helping people truly, there's undercurrents of struggling to maintain her place at the top of the pyramid as she did in high school. Once a teen queen, always a teen queen.
Veganism isn't as widespread when she first begins to adopt it, but as society moves forward and food-conscious options become more widely available and accepted (for dietary and other health reasons, most notably) this becomes easier for Jackie to live by. Plant-based eating makes her feel clean and guiltless (apart from ethical production issues but a girl's gotta eat something). It also gives her a power over social situations involving food. If you're looking for approval from the most disagreeable person in the room, they have all the power -- she can wield her veganism to control social gathering situations. "They have to have vegan options." She doesn't always, she's more than capable of accommodating herself. But it's another way to entrench herself firmly in society and not the wilds. She refuses to go back to the wilderness, those days of survival.
Except, I see her 25th anniversary regression/trauma manifestation arising in cravings. Temptations. Shauna comes back into her life and makes meatloaf and Jackie has to decide whether to refuse that part of her friend's approach or to stomach it. And of course she gets sick, she's been vegan for about 15 years by the point of Season 2. But her body craves nutrients, and she cannot starve the wilderness out of her entirely. She begins to backslide. She considers a cheeseburger at 11pm her low point, but she has no idea how far she's going to fall. Is it as bad as the movie Raw? Probably not. Not yet, at least.
But after two and a half decades of trying to rewire her instincts and become perfectly entrenched in society, the darkness comes for them all and Jackie has to grapple once again with her perfectly projected image of being a healthy, powerful woman who has it all (and absolutely isn't slave to her baser instincts).
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shaunamilfman · 3 months
Dating Jackie Taylor in the Wilderness
nsfw mentions
I think Jackie would still sit next to Shauna on the plane even if you were dating beforehand. Jackie cares a lot about her image and is hesitant to be near you a lot in public because she's afraid of the rumors. Rumors about her dating Shauna is fine apparently since it isn't actually true. You never quite understood her reasoning on that one. That changes a lot in the wilderness though. 
Crying to Shauna about how she forgot about you in her panic to get off the plane. She didn't see you outside and thought that she had left you in there to die. Shauna had to hold her back from trying to run back into the plane to rescue you. 
Jackie looks over Shauna's shoulder like she's seen a ghost when you pop out from the other side of the plane covered in soot. She nearly shoves Shauna to the ground in her haste to get over to you. Sobbing in relief as she desperately clings to you, as if she believes you'll disappear again if she gives you an inch of space. 
Jackie admitting the Bruce Willis thing forgetting you were there. can't look you in the eyes for days afterward. 
Jackie's ass is so desperate to get you away from the other girls. Spends 20 minutes trying to convince you into heading off into the woods to hook up. She has arguments and counterarguments planned. It's the most impressive speech you think she's ever given. Who cares if you get lost, no one's gone down on her in three days. Don't you care about the real issues?? 
Jackie whining and losing her shit like a week into the crash because she realized you didn't bring the strap for your three day trip to Seattle. don't you ever plan ahead y/n??? 
reluctantly picking Jackie's side to stay at the plane because happy wife happy life. you're so relieved when you end up going to the lake anyway. spending the entire walk down to the lake listening to Jackie lament about Shauna's betrayal. Jackie's all over you on that shoreline. Both to make Shauna jealous and to try again to convince you to walk off in the woods with her. 
finally dragging Jackie into the lake with you and she just whines the whole time about not wanting to get wet but you convince het of the benefits of getting a chance to knock Shauna over. Jackie of course loses that chicken fight and ends up taking a dive in the lake almost immediately. 
she comes up pouting with her wet hair slicked to her face looking the most pathetic you've ever seen her. 
she eventually gets over it enough to spend the rest of the time switching between flirting with you and splashing you. 
jokes on you though, now that she's out of the water she's cold as hell and will be stealing your shirt to wear too. 
Jackie is relieved as hell when you find the cabin: finally yall have somewhere to sneak away to hook up. You guys definitely run into taivan a few times and you all pretend it didn't happen. (not the only time you run into Tai in the woods)
“Is she… eating dirt?” You ask Jackie softly. Jackie shrugs as she drags you off. That's a problem for another time, Jackie had the most interesting dream that she desperately needs you to take care of for her. 
all the other girls thinking Jackie is finally helping out but she's just realized that if she follows you around while you're doing chores she can spend even more time with you. Wilderness Jackie reaches levels of clingy not previously thought possible
you're going down to the lake and she's like “would you love me if I was a worm?”/ “yes” / “but what if-”/ “yes” 
having to stop every couple minutes because she's tripped over another branch
wilderness jackie's knees are constantly skinned from tripping over everything. She's far too excited to talk to you every moment of every day to possibly pay attention to where she's going
Jackie gets mad at you and tries to use a visibly flustered and uncomfortable Shauna to make you jealous. she's all giggly and flirty while Shauna's cutting up a deer but you can't help but laugh at the way she visibly cringes at the sight of the blood. Nose wrinkling in disgust as she quietly laments her timing
you get mad at Jackie and start ignoring her and you're about to go to sleep when you realize that all your blankets are missing. of course the only empty spot is next to Jackie. go figure. she's so smug when you stomp over and lay next to her. she pouts at your back as you lay facing away from her. 
fine, she can be the big spoon. it can't be that hard. she clings to you like a backpack, but she's perfectly comfortable 
having to steal back almost every article of clothing you own every couple days because jackie's borrowed them all again. talking about our clothes and shit. girl bye. 
Jackie gives the absolute best motivational speeches I'm convinced. every time you start to feel like everything you're doing out here is pointless Jackie will be right there to reassure you. you can barely get more than a few tears out before Jackie shows up to comfort you, sitting herself in your lap and hugging you so hard you almost struggle to breathe. 
Jackie's such a soothing presence when you're upset. she's so kind and gentle at heart and will do everything she can to make it better. you're so important to her and she will take care of you no matter what
when you calm down enough Jackie starts peppering kisses against your face till you can't help but smile. 
Jackie will lie to your face about how hot you look right now. it's her favorite way to be comforted and she doesn't seem to realize it might not be universal
Jackie's newfound clinginess turns into an odd sort of protectiveness that you hadn't seen much from her before. Jackie will go to bat for you the second any of the girls make a comment towards you. it doesn't matter in the slightest to her how negative it is, but she won't let anyone talk to you like that. 
she doesn't speak to Shauna for days after Shauna's jealous ass laughs at a comment Mari makes about you. 
having to argue Jackie into eating all her food when you absentmindedly complaint about being hungry. It takes a good ten minutes to convince her that she needs to eat and that you will not eat her food no matter how hungry you are. 
she wants so desperately to take care of you but feels like she's constantly failing at it. pre-crash Jackie is such an absolute force of nature that she feels useless in this new world order you've found yourself in. all of the skills she has mean nothing out here and she feels like she brings nothing to the table. she's always worried you're going to see that too. she watches the way that Shauna and the other girls flourish out here, and even you seem to find something you're good at, and she feels like it's just a matter of time before your patience with her runs out. 
Jackie tries so hard at everything and sometimes she feels like your the only one who even notices
finding Jackie quietly crying about it in the woods because she doesn't want you to know. reassuring her and teaching her how to do the more simple aspects of wilderness stuff. she's still bad at it but at least she's making an effort. 
Jackie looking at you whenever the cult stuff starts up like ‘are you seeing this shit?` making fun of the cult is the meanest you think you've ever seen Jackie. you're almost in awe. 
and finally my last headcanons, just for soffsh. Jackie lives in this one ❤️
Jackie gets so fucking cold in the winter. she clings to you so tightly for warmth, talk about not knowing where she ends and you begin. she won't let you out of bed for hours after you wake up. Jackie always runs cold and it's absolute hell in the winter. she starts whining and pouting if you even think about getting up
Jackie side eyeing all the other girls when they start having hallucinations but when she starts it's suddenly a big deal and an epidemic
i just know that she makes the most insensitive fucking cannibal remarks on accident. puts Mari to shame, truly. her ass whispering to you about how Travis tasted funny after you guys cooked him.
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
This will be obsolete in a few hours and I know it is likely contradicted by the showrunners, but I honestly.... don't care about that.
There's a lot of talk about the loss of Wilderness Baby supplanted the loss of Jackie in Shauna's mind, and that's not....the way I see it. I think they're intertwined in ways Shauna likely doesn't even recognize, because they are the same loss. Wilderness Baby is why Jackie is dead: had Shauna's pregnancy not been discovered, Jackie would never have slept with Travis, fought with Shauna, frozen to death overnight in grief and anger at Shauna's betrayal. Shauna fed off of Jackie's imagined anger for months because that was all that was left: her only maternal instinct is shown in wanting to protect the baby from Lottie, to have something that was hers, not an object of worship (or food) to share with the group. I don't think she consciously realized she wanted the baby until her dream vision, and it's clear she's projecting big time. Me and you against the world? Well, who was the last person to stand by her side, through everything? This was her chance to move on, to take some good out of the disaster she created, to be capable of loving someone else.
But he died, because there was no way to save him. And now Shauna has nothing but herself as a destructive force, because she loved them both, and yet she created the situation that took them away from her. All that's left is savagery and rage, because she realizes that Jackie is truly gone, and she's never going to be able to make it right with her. So she takes it out on Lottie's face and whatever other horrible things she does out there in the forest.
I don't think she ever recovered, and because the baby died and she couldn't move on, she was subsumed in Jackie's shadow, living the life she should have lived, never able to take ownership of her role as a wife and mother or develop any other kind of identity. She can't bring herself to really love anyone else again....and yet she does anyway.
But not in the way that Jeff and Callie deserve....or the people she left behind.
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jollyreginaldrancher · 9 months
Yellowjackets S2 e3
So that all happened.
Everytime a non-main character starts to get flashbacks, they've died so that coach Ben guy is probably next, if the pattern continues.
Are we to really believe Taissa was sleep-eating with the gals? Not that it matters but I feel like this is just denial. She was wide awake when it all happened. Like I can rewatch to check but I remember her and Van hand-feeding each other at some point. That doesn't exactly scream sleepwalking to me. I think she just doesn't want to cope with what has happened.
I was thinking if Van is alive, why wasn't she with Taissa? I know high school relationships rarely last but come on. They've gone through so much and they're trauma bonded so something big must have happened. I wonder if it's the cannibalism of Lottie's clan stuff.
I'm starting to like adult Nat again but she's on pretty thin ice to be honest.
What was with the bleeding bush? Was that from Lottie's compound or part of the next scene with Taissa? I honestly stayed up just to see what happens to her and Simone. I couldn't tell if she intentionally got in that accident or if it was an actual accident. It's hard to tell when she switches between her normal self and her other personality.
Which begs the question is it just sleepwalking and a response to stress and trauma or another personality that surfaces in high stress situations?
I cannot stand this new Walter guy.
I honestly don't care much for Shauna and Jeff's midlife crisis stuff either.
I love Shauna though. She would be that old lady at the retirement home who casually reveals she killed a guy.
Lottie is getting within romantic distance of Nat and am I going to ship this? No, I'm too invested in Nat X Misty, but in another life maybe.
Lottie doesn't seem to have that accent anymore so maybe she just sounded a bit weird in that one scene.
It's sweet what Nat is trying to do but wouldn't the scent just attract every vulture or other predator to the airplane? Or worse, would it not bring everything to her location?
I'm really worried about that baby now. For starters how did it survive all this stress? And for second, wouldn't it be extremely fucked up by the mom drinking alcohol and eating human meat? Also the starvation and the cold. I don't think this baby will survive.
Misty is adorable. Her new friend is funny. I still don't like Mari.
It's nice to see someone other than Shauna show a sympathetic side to Jackie, even though she's already dead. A lot of time she'd been treated like a burden. The way I imagine they treated Misty before she turned out to be invaluable. I imagine Shauna realised she was in her shoes and that's why she was kind to her.
I have to give it to them though. Not a lot of shows can make you terrified of an Elk. Rightfully you should be scared of them but they're generally seen as a symbol of youth or freedom and dignity. They're seen from afar and give the protagonists courage. They don't scare the shit out of them and nearly knock them off the gene pool.
Is the one with no eyes tied to that funeral flashback? I don't remember much about it but it had something to do with maybe her grandma's funeral? Maybe she saw a dead body being prepared and that image stuck with her and that's the man with no eyes? I really don't remember much about that though and I don't want to google it and get spoiled.
Also Jeff said he's been married almost 25 years. Callie is definitely not the baby she had in the woods cause she's still in high school, isn't she? That baby definitely didn't make it 🥺
Shauna rolled a crit on that intimidation check ☠️
Is Misty spoiling Steel magnolias for me right now? 😭 It was totally in my watch list. I have to give her credit though cause it sounds like she's putting her whole ass in this performance.
What's Taissa miming? It kind of looks like those masks she and Van wore at Doomcoming. Are we finally gonna see adult Van?
Rachel Berry has nothing on Misty 😅
Does this guy know Moriarty was the villain?
Aww the teddy bear 🥹
I guess what tore them apart ultimately was Van's devotion to Lottie.
And Lottie is still having visions? Or she's just started having them again. Either way shit is probably going to go down again.
It does a great job of tiptoeing around the supernatural. There's definitely hints but also scientific explanations of things but when you're alone in the woods and you don't have those explanations it's easy to believe anything, and especially easy to put faith in things when you have nothing else.
The takeaway here I guess is that Taissa has lost Van and Shauna and Nat and Taissa are maybe the last non-believers. Aside maybe from Trent but I don't think he really matters.
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you-just-feel-used · 2 years
Here’s my Yellowjackets rant in its full non cohesive glory (spoilers, obviously):
Jackie is truly one of the most heartbreakingly tragic characters I’ve ever experienced. She didn’t have a good home life judging by what she says of her mother and what we know of her parents in the present day. She had a bf who she didn’t actually connect with or care about. The closest person to her betrayed her and lied to her on a regular basis. Her life seemed to revolve around being what she though she should/needed to be, always giving of herself to others and getting nothing in return. Her relationships are so much more surface level than she realizes because they’re never reciprocated. Her entire life is so completely and utterly… empty. And it is SO sad. When she talks about people being empty shells, that’s truly what her experience with people has been and by extension, how she sees herself. It all goes so beyond just the general ‘we’re gonna die’ nihilism. And then for it all to end in such a, again, empty way…. Just freezing to death… cold and alone, with no one by her side, no one even knowing about it when it happens…
Pre-crash Jackie was so excited about her future with Shauna, the chance to get away and build something, a life, that was real, with the one person she believed was truly there for her by her side and had never abandoned her…. Until she wasn’t. And Jackie *literally* dies because, really, what else was there for her anyway at that point? Of course, that’s how her character would end, narratively speaking. But it still hurt so, so much.
Because in the end, it didn’t matter that she tried to be the best captain she could be and keep everyone united pre-crash, despite being kept on the outside by the rest of the girls. It didn’t matter that she had genuinely nice things to say about the girls, even the ones we saw her clash with the most later, because she truly saw the value in them, despite everything else. It didn’t matter that even after her ‘love doesn’t matter, friendship doesn’t matter’ speech she STILL tried for some of kind of connection with Travis and later STILL cared enough to try and help him. It didn’t matter that she risked her life (*and* her friendship with Van and the respect of the girls) to save Shauna from a burning plane. It didn’t matter that she then risked her life, again, to try and make up for the sin she supposedly committed against Van (the way people saw her comment about being ‘even’ now as mean or manipulative but it only read as sad and desperate to me…. I still cry about it). It didn’t matter that she was one of the few people who treated Misty like a person and was kind to her.  It didn’t matter that she went out in the middle of the night to try to bring Van and Tai back despite the way they’d treated her the entire time they’d been stranded. 
Despite all her ‘mean girl’ behavior post-crash (which…let me not even get into that), when it counted, she was there and she did her best. And still, in the end, she died cold, alone and empty, And it just absolutely breaks my heart.
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fabaceous · 1 year
thinking about the “i just need my best friend” scene in 1x03 which is so interesting to me but i rarely see it talked about. shauna shipman notoriously has very low emotional intelligence in a lot of areas lol but imo she kinda knocks it out of the park here. she starts off with the intention of comforting jackie (bringing blankets) but i think she realizes pretty quickly that this would probably just wound jackie’s pride even further. jackie is clearly feeling raw, vulnerable, lost, and useless. so what does shauna do? she reverses their roles and makes herself vulnerable: she sort-of half apologizes for siding with taissa, she gives jackie insight into her thought process, and most importantly, she tells jackie she’s scared and that she needs her.
(i like to imagine that “i just need my best friend right now” is something they’ve passed back and forth between them over the years, a code phrase, a trump card, an affirmation.)
and here, shauna is simplifying jackie’s world, making it smaller and less overwhelming. forget the plane, forget the death and injury, forget the poison ivy, forget waiting for rescue, there’s only one thing you need to worry about right now: i need you. given the context added later by jackie’s dying fantasy-dream, i think this must have been a relief. shauna needs her. and so jackie got to finally feel like she had a purpose, and she got to feel connected to shauna again. and it benefits shauna too! she must be feeling very disconnected from jackie because of the secrets and the resentment she’s harboring, and she’s probably feeling like every interaction with her is tainted, and i think being needy is one of the few “pure” ways left for shauna to feel genuinely connected to jackie.
in conclusion i think shauna let herself be vulnerable FOR jackie’s benefit and i think it was very astute of her to do that !
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