#shavynel scribbles
shavynel · 8 months
The number of things that are just
Wax Dalinar
is so many.
killed their first wife
bullies god into doing better
absolute catnip to Shards
will fight an entire army even if they have to do it alone
series kicks off with the death of their sibling (and oh, what were you up to, sibling)
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shavynel · 8 months
Writing comments for fanfic
tl;dr -- Write one thing you liked about the fic (a phrase or moment) and how you reacted or made you feel! Also, keep it fun! Make no demands of fic authors who write out of love and Owe Us Nothing.
It took me a while to figure out how to write comments. I went through an evolution. There's lots of stuff on how to write stories, probably even giving crit and feedback, but commenting? Not nearly as much. So here's my not so short ramble on writing comments for fic. Includes my Ways of commenting and Tenets of commenting.
Examples here will be T-rated (by AO3 standards) and most are taken from or newly written with specific fics in mind. They are, ahem, almost all Genshin Impact.
Commenting is, I believe, a personal thing. I've been told I have a bit of an enthusiastic presence, so what feels true to you may vary. I also like to write words (can you tell?). And smash keyboards.
Leaving comments is, in fact, effort! But it's also a skill that can be learned and honed. And honestly, I think my fic experience is improved by it. I don't always leave a comment. But, I don't know... that random internet person authored a Whole Thing. For Free (likely). And I just get to read it?? Yeah, I'm going to leave a little appreciation. Just a little snack in return for this fulfilling meal you have fed me.
I also find writing a comment is also a way for me to just bask in a fic a little bit longer, linger in that feeling of oh, wow, this was so good, and I don't want to leave yet. (And then sometimes there's a response, and then I get a bonus dose of nostalgia!)
Ways of commenting
These are roughly ordered by amount of effort required. I would say the comments I leave are a mash up of these, really. There aren't actual hard lines between them.
1. An extra kudos.
Kudos are nice. Knowing the kudos button isn't enough is one layer deeper! Comments like
"Thanks for writing!" "<3" "i mash kudos button but no more kudos come out what's wronnnnggg????" "yay an update!" "this is so good"
Level of effort: slightly more than a kudos.
Honestly, copy-pasteable. Personally, I would always write these out. Somehow, to me, as a commenter, feels more real if I tippy tappy the letters myself even if Author can't tell. It's a nice way to let an author know you're coming back chapter after chapter when we can only kudos once on a fic. I like to leave a little something more, but I still often start or end with this.
2. Fic reaction.
Sometimes a fic just leaves me a certain way. Invoked a particular mood or visceral reaction. So, I let the author know!
"Awww, my heart is warm!" "Jaw on ground. WTF!" "Literal chills." "My eyes are wet. How did that happen?" "This fic is pure comfort." "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" "Heart on floor, smashed." "WHOLESOME!" "This has left me completely feral and ready to punch something."
Level of effort: you need some emotional intelligence or other awareness of you reactions.
As a starting point, was the fic -- wholesome, sweet, chaotic (in a good way), funny, heartwrenching, sad, delightful, shocking, calm, peaceful, I just want a hug now, terrifying, creepy, comedic?
How do you then turn this into a comment? "This was so ___!!"
Honestly, my crutch here is to just keyboard smash. What does it mean? Your guess as good as mine. I'm speechless, and I cannot words properly, but please participate in these Feels I'm having.
3. One detail I like. (My default comment style)
This one covers a lot of scope. If I read to the end of the fic, there's probably something I liked. Maybe
a turn of phrase. "Diluc drinking grape juice like a man chained to an interrogation table. sfjfskkdz" "Bedsheets twisted up like cooked spinach is SO accurate." "Itto-to is such a cute mashup name!" "We have years ahead of us. That was just one day in the past. The feeeeeelllssss" ":) as punctuation" "Barbatos and Nobles as a bookstore. Sdjjsfjdw I love it"
a particular character moment, action, interaction, or dialogue. quote or paraphrase it! "Diluc kicking Childe into the water was hilarious." "Childe is such an adrenaline junkie. I can't believe he would lean out the window while he was driving." "I'm so proud of Zhongli for actually admitting his feelings!"
some specific moment you emotionally reacted to. I've only recently trained myself out of stoic facing through fic. I mean, it's a useful skill, don't get me wrong (especially in public), but it's less useful when it's just me by myself. I now laugh at 3am reading fic, and my life is brighter for it. Comedy fic writers, you are my fave. "Can't get over when Diluc walks in on Kaeya and Childe. AHHHHH!" "Qiqi drying Childe's hair was so sweet!"
Level of effort: you have to actually remember something you liked or reacted to.
The number of movies I watch and number of times someone asks how's my week, and I just stare blankly because I know it was good but don't know anything else? High. So yeah, this isn't trivial.
I've gotten to the point where usually while reading I notice a moment of "wow I love this!" I don't go looking for them (because I want to stay in fic headspace not comment material hunting headspace), and I don't spend much effort trying to remember. If I forget, that's fine. Not like I'm not writing a book review for a grade or anything.
Just, what's a moment you just got to call out? (And bonus, what's your reaction?) Authors out there seem to like to make us feel things. Show them we're just dangling from their puppet strings!
I usually leave comments like this. Just popcorn style, as many things as I remember, whatever comes up as I recall it. I'm aware that sometimes I end up basically quoting a fic back to its author completely out of order interspersed with commentary or keyboard smashes. I'm occasionally embarrassed by how much I'm smashing into their comments, but the reception seems overall positive.
4. Between the lines and spin off thoughts.
Sometimes fic make me think. I mean, canon makes me think, and then people go and make fanworks off of that, so of course I'm bound to run into fic that makes me think. Sometimes the things I notice or think about aren't directly in the text, but implied or spin out thoughts. An interpretation, a mini analysis, or a reflection. Like,
a new thought or take on a character. "Aro-ace Venti! I like this take!" "Please don't break Klee. She's just trying her best to hold all the adults together. Oh no. You've already broken Klee. T_T" "I bet Jean is the only person who could have kicked Diluc's ass, and he really needed it." "Kaeya what are you doooinggg?? Why is he like this???" (An extra note, it's cool to disagree with a character, but not the author. Character did that makes you want to scream? Go for it. Author wrote the character in a way you disagree with? Don't comment. Leave the fic if it bothers you that much.)
noticing foreshadowing or a detail that isn't fully explained / only alluded to. "Is that Scara working at Scarabucks???" "Wait, something about what Venti said makes me think this isn't just a modern day AU ..." "Did that count as a geo construct for the purposes of the contract?"
some sentence or moment somewhere that just hits you in the brain. This one I don't actually know if author's like. On the one hand, I can imagine it being flattering. On the other, maybe it's too personal? I'll usually center these on the characters, kind of like character analysis. "Diluc sharing his anxiety with Kaeya, and that being what made Kaeya look at his own anxiety... really hits. Like, I don't even think Diluc could have said something sooner without Kaeya running, which says so much about how Diluc loves Kaeya. And the fact Kaeya can see this as a mirror of what he's doing and learns something from it. Just. Oof. Wow." "The conversation between Zhongli and Childe is just so real. Like Zhongli is trying so hard but his ass just can't understand Childe just wants him to tell them things and his not telling things is Not Helping even though he just wants to protect the boy!"
Level of effort: some amount of analytical thinking, reflection, or willingness to share when you get sucker punched by words.
This one I absolutely never go looking for, so I don't leave many such comments. When it does come up, it usually smacks me in the face, and I let it (roll with the hit and into the comments). On occasion I am wailing in the comment box when the revelation (like having broken Klee) just dawns on me. Am I Feelings Processing in comment boxes? Uuuhhhhhh, no comment. (Don't mind the lack of delivery on the pun.)
I'd like to think authors appreciate when we reflect back to them we get their interpretation, but I can also imagine it might be a little too much for authors if we get too personal. In which case, sorry. Your work is great! Please take it as my intention to flatter you since you've touched my heart or brain or soul with your words.
5. Craft appreciation.
This one, *head scratches* yeah, I don't often end up here. But sometimes it's not one moment, but something about all the moments, something underlying, or something in the way it was all put together. If I do end up here and write a general statement, I like to point to specific bits that made me think that (which is where I lean back on One Detail I Like). Actually, yeah, usually I use this as flavor to One Detail I Like, but I think it's sufficiently different to pull out separately. It's a writerly meta layer. What falls here?
dialogue. "Your dialogue is so good. I can hear it in in the VA's voice." "I love the contrast between how Zhongli talks and Childe talks."
imagery. "Can't get over the imagery of Childe releasing dandelion scenes. Such a kid!" "Childe sleeping with Tranquil Statlight is just so peaceful."
characterization. "The little nuggets you give characters like Rosaria doing community service at the church for Crimes just gives me life." "I love the way you write Childe. He's so aggressive!"
setting, world building (more for AUs but wow there are some authors good at expanding on canon lore). "Your world building is so cool. Like the abyssal graffiti on the walls?? HNNG!"
writing style. "Your style is very dreamy. <3" "This is genuinely so heartwarming, and yet at the same time what is this underlying feeling of something is wrong????" "I feel like people appreciate the art of comedic one liners but you've got angst one liners. AND THEY SLAY."
pacing, timing. "This fic reads like a high speed express train. It just never stops or slows down!!" "What is this cRaFT! Like. Para 1, comedic. Para 2, thoughtful. Para 3, WHY DO MY HEARTSTRINGS HURT."
use of language. "Using he for POV character and they for the other is LINGUISTICALLY MIND BLOWING." (Please, I want this to catch on more. I do absolutely respect people's pronouns. These fictional characters (and people who have pronoun flexibility)? She and they instead of she and she?? THE CLARITY WE COULD HAVE??!? I'm incredibly greedy for it.)
premise. "Pierro Dad gives me so much life." "The Bachelor but it's Diluc?? Let's go!!"
plot twist, or cliff hanger. "The reveal!!! *screaming*" "I can't believe you would do me like this." (No, I can't in good conscience leave a specific example and give a fic away. Yes, I am thinking of specific fics still.)
Level of effort: be able to map details you like to writer's craft.
Let's not pretend we're here to do crit. Even if we're using writerly words, we are not here to do crit. Well, I am not because I don't believe the comments box is the right time or place for it, but I am happy to lay on the praise and point out the things that worked for me.
Usually, I think it's harder to look across a fic and be like, yeah, the dialogue hit, or this writing style or pacing really does it for me. It's more nebulous. And sometimes it kicks you out of fic reading headspace and into a writerly meta land to notice, so I don't, and I just let the fic wash over me. And if something here strikes me, I will offer my praises. Again, I think it helps to think of this more as an additional kind of One Detail I Like.
Tenets of commenting (and a little of reading)
Okay, so those were some do's, but I also have don't's. These are my boundaries that I keep. Maybe yours are different. I suspect most of these stem from the place, Author did this for free and Owes Me Nothing, so that's the one real tenet. I keep these in mind so that I can keep fic a nice, fun, safe place for me (and hopefully the authors too).
1. I will never ask for updates. I never expect a next chapter.
I've seen enough content creators stressed out and burnt out about putting something out over and over again. I feel for them. That sucks. They probably just started doing it for fun, and now ... The demand and expectation they continue to perform for free? Yeah, it's not going to come from me.
Once upon a time, because of this and a desire to have complete stories, I wouldn't read incomplete fics. I now am The Biggest Fan of incomplete fics. Yes, hang me off the side of a cliff. I will scream at you. And if you don't haul me back up? Well, fine. I'll live. Some other author's got my back. Probably. There's still so much to love between world building, characterization, good moments, jokes -- and you sometimes get the experience of seeing familiar faces screaming at the fic with you update after update. It's precious. It's fleeting. I could go on, but maybe a different day. Back to commenting!
Flip side, as an author, I will say the desire for more is, in one case, why I plan to continue a fic from years ago. I was very firm at the time I would not be extending the one shot, but I guess time changes things, and the fact people were like, I would read more story contributes to that.
So this one is very much a personal tenet. There's some line between I love this so much I want it to continue, and expecting there to be more. Where is it? I don't know. So I just stay away. Surely Author will get I want more if I just say how much I love everything and have commented on their latest chapter. Rather than leave snacks that taste like burn out to some authors, I will focus on other flavors of comments!
2. I will not say what I dislike.
Not my ship? I probably won't read. Not my preferred ship dynamic? Tropes I don't like? Characterization not hitting it for me? Paragraph formatting not doing it for me? I just x out of there, find something I do like. People be writing things for free! Let them have their fun!
If I did read it, snd I stayed, something else must have grabbed my attention. I'll focus on that. Writing style not quite doing it for me but I love the details added to the world? "Wow, the world you flesh out is so complex." No mention about how much of a drag it is to read, because hey, I still read it, and I had reason to not put it down!
3. I will not give corrections.
Authors (and maybe a beta) have put in tremendous effort and time, and to be like, "you missed a typo" or "actually, the canon lore says X" often detracts from the beauty of the shared fic experience. I interpret random grammar and misspeaks and typos in daily conversation and texts all the time. Surely I know enough to employ this skill. And if I figured it out, other readers probably will figure it out too. If I can't, I usually assume the author was too big brain for me and skip merrily along to the next sentence. (And if it's too much for me to handle, I click out.)
Yeah I get it! I get the urge to want to be helpful and contribute to other people's experience! I know that feel! Because, well, I learned this one from experience. I tried once. Watched an author wilt a little when what I wanted was to be helpful. Yeeeaaah, not doing that again.
So, I suspect this often comes off as a little entitled that just by that bit of you say something and kinda underlyingly expect the author to do something about it, and again, Author Owes Me Nothing! Even if the author is asking for a beta, I'd reach out first and make sure they are now in a headspace to be expecting beta thoughts from me.
Wrapping it up
I love fic, the world is rich with it, and I am full of love for authors and their craft. It fills my heart with joy to know I can return a little smile to someone who has let me hop on their ride for free.
It does take effort. Writing comments, turns out, is writing. Writing is a skill, therefore writing comments is a skill. And writing takes practice to improve, so, guess what, writing comments takes practice to improve. Who would've thunk. (Not me, I assure you.)
I've wanted to write this for me for a while, capture what I've learned because I noticed my ability to write comments change over time. Then recently, I was rec'd a fic and told to definitely leave a comment because the author deserves it and I write good comments. Dispatched because I write good comments! Now my commenter feathers are fluffed up, and so I have actually written this. But I definitely didn't start out the comment writer I am today, so I wanted to share that, surprisingly there is a progression path! (Maybe this is only surprising to me.)
I do find commenting adds to my fic reading experience. And I love reading other people's comments. Sometimes other people notice things I didn't or have very cool interpretations, and that is an extra wow right there. (And look at all these other people who like the thing I like!)
And if I leave a comment, sometimes I get a reply! Author noticed my little comment! Extra dose of happy for everyone!
And sometimes, sometimes, (and again I would never expect it, but it is a gift much like fic itself is) an author will write back full of their notes and what they were thinking about writing those moments, and I treasure that so, so much. It's both a delight because of the usual Author saw my effort commenting and I get an extra behind the scenes! The craft behind the craft! (Now how do authors leave good replies? That is still a mystery to me.)
Sometimes I write a lot and then it goes into a black hole, and that's sad. Hmm. I'm pretty sure this is what authors feel when we don't leave comments. Hmm. Guess it's time to write more comments! (Sometimes, like fic updates, replies show up months later, and that's honestly <3)
So, let's go leave some comments and show those authors love and tell them how much they delighted us! Or ... how they smashed our hearts into the ground with angst/no comfort because sometimes that's just what one wants to read.
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shavynel · 11 months
I heard people are getting their Sel boxes with wax seals!
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Wax. Ladrian. Seals.
Oh shoot. Plural. I can fix that.
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shavynel · 1 year
coppermind wiki: ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Spoilers ⚠️ Ahead ⚠️
me: yeah yeah, give me the page. you're obviously a generic warning that doesn't apply to where I'm going. *clicks through and scrolls down*
coppermind wiki: *hands out spoilers*
me: what?? really??? ... I should have seen that coming ...
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shavynel · 1 year
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“Constable Colms,” he said, scratching his chin. “Can you make any sense of this?” He showed her the drawing, which proved to be a crude sketch of Constable Gorglen as a giraffe hiding in a constable’s uniform. It said Approved by Expert Types at the bottom.
“I’ll talk to Wayne,” she promised.
Reddi sighed, then slipped the paper into a very large folder on the corner of his desk—the one where he kept complaints about Wayne. Reddi had evidently stopped returning it to the cabinet.
-- The Lost Metal, Chapter 10
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shavynel · 1 year
I keep imagining Wax and Wayne bits that are of the form...
Wayne: <some wild idea like> We lost our horses, but there's some giraffes right there. I've always wanted to ride a giraffe.
Wax: Wayne, no.
And use Wax to contrast Wayne, and it's fun! But I feel their dynamic is more like...
Wayne: We lost our horses, but there's some giraffes right there. I've always wanted to ride a giraffe.
Wax: Yeah, giraffes, hmmmm... Yes! That's perfect! *pause* Wait, you haven't ridden a giraffe yet?
Like Wax usually can come up with a plan, but it has just one hole, and somehow he always manages to slot into it Wayne's seemingly infeasible ideas in the most reasonable sounding way.
Probably happens 'cause Wax just constantly lands in outlandish situations, which is exactly when thinking normally gets you nowhere and you need to pull out your handy dandy Wayne-level idea generator.
All to say, this is my apology post to Wax for making him seem like a boring man who doesn't appreciate chaos. He supports chaos so hard that chaos finds him for moral support.
I mean, he did name his extremely docile horse Destroyer and all.
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shavynel · 1 year
I am a fucking artist.
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@girlgeniusevents Day Three: Jagerkin & Crossover
wayne just has absolute jäger energy.
in the middle of a fight he stops to shop clothes off the guy he defeated
he believes in hats
his relationship with hats is unmatchable
book 1 plot is he loses his hat and tries to get it back
he's undyingly loyal
eager for a fight
knows how to start a bar fight
brawler in an age where there's shooty things
thinks getting shot at is a form of affection
absolutely would go up to someone and say "nize hat" (and eat it off their head)
inspired by one of my favorite panels of girl genius.
oh, and if they weren't stick figures, wax would be pulling him back by his suspenders.
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shavynel · 1 year
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Wayne: *pulls out dueling canes* It is time to eat!
Wax: You mean fight?
Wayne: Don't play with your food, Wax. *menaces foes with dueling canes chopsticks*
Foe: What is wrong with him?
Wax: Your guess is as good as mine. *sighs and pulls out his guns*
Brought to you by, what if Wayne learned about chopsticks? And what are chopsticks but mini dueling canes?
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shavynel · 1 year
Wayne on his list leaves noseball tickets for the first game for everyone.
Except, of course, he does so by giving Wax like 30 tickets.
Wax, the note says, make sure everyone goes. Tickets for you and Steris and Melaan and Marasi and Allik and Ranette and Jaxy and the kids. Don't know how often all you or Steris or Marasi or Ranette are fucking, so in case you've done a lot of it and have a big brood, I got you a lot of tickets. Wear a hat.
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shavynel · 2 years
A question: if Gil ruled Europa, would he let Tarvek run it?
Strong maybe.
Probably also like by accident.
Tarvek probably would just naturally take over all the intricate details and make everything actually run.
You know, like all those things that are causing Gil to not sleep? Tarvek could probably just handle them in his sleep.
I mean we’ve already seen it happen before.
Gil would remain the face of the empire barony. The press just loves him.
Of course, the best part of this is Gil would endlessly just complain about the fact that Tarvek has taken over and can’t be trusted and why hasn’t anyone done anything about this.
And then, probably, if anyone actually questioned Tarvek’s administration, they’d have to face Gil.
Wait ... hold on ... why does Gil even want to run an empire? Just ‘cause he inherited it and thinks it’s better than devolving into chaos? 
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shavynel · 1 year
Imagine Amber outriding comes across Eula Lawrence. Amber doesn't know who the blue haired girl is, just that she has a job to be ambassador to the city!
It's not that she's never heard of the Lawrence Clan. She has. However, it's just different when you grow up with your grandpa who isn't steeped in generations of Mondstadt politics. She's heard they're bad news, but doesn't know it in her blood, doesn't recognize the Lawrence sigils on sight.
Amber gives a friendly approach and Eula for one moment is completely shook.
Eula has been told all her life all Mondstadt is out to get her, and never will it welcome her. That she must always be on her guard, and the only way to win back the respect deserved is through force.
Yet here stands someone waving and welcoming her. Even after she gives her name. It's hard for Eula to respond at all given everything she's learned is to fight and demand recognition against those that have forsaken her and hers. What's she to do with someone who neither expresses the decorum and upbringing of those worth her time nor turns away in disgust?
They don't become instant friends, in large part because friendship is not a concept Eula understands. It doesn't take long for Eula to learn the outrider's routes, though, and the number of times they cross paths is not entirely coincidental. Amber, luckily, has infinite patience and endurance when it comes to letting others know Mondstadt is a place for all. (A view perhaps not all Mondstadt holds, but again, there are perks to being raised by a Liyuean grandpa.)
Slowly, Eula comes to learn that what she's learned is not quite right, but nor is it wrong. Neither Lawrence nor Mondstadt can ever quite be home for her, but with Amber, she finally knows what it means to be safe and to belong.
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shavynel · 1 year
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Steris had calculated when Wax needed to make his jump, and when the time comes to remind him, she does so. She had expected that he would need a couple minutes to disengage from whatever he was doing, but as fate would have it, he had just returned from the john, so he's out the door practically immediately.
Steris calls him back with a "Wait!" because he's early (even though she knows it won't matter to a Coinshot when there's so much rail to Push off of). He looks back, and Steris plants one on him.
Wax kinda has a moment of oh my wife and she has to push him off the train to keep him on schedule.
[Inspired by this]
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shavynel · 2 years
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a smol kaeya and a huge bread as inspired by @kae-karo’s Kaeya and the Huge Bread (rated E, a chaeya fic)
first time coloring line art wheeeeeeeeee!
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shavynel · 1 year
Light Sci Fi AU. Jeanlisa.
L.I.S.A. (LISA Information Synthesis and Analysis) is an information system Jean's been using.
Jean, an agent, uses LISA every single day.
Eventually, gets deeper into the system. Their interactions become less query, response, and more ... conversational.
Jean pieces together LISA is actually a human somewhere. LISA's human brain is somehow special and can process information in ways computers can't.
(Maybe they have a conversation about how pulling her out will result in her likely losing half her life, but LISA wants it. Whatever this is isn't living.)
With LISA's help dodging the security system, Jean manages to locate and free Lisa. Jean suggests they leave false trails in the system, and LISA, though disinclined toward disorganized information much less disinformation, does, realizing their safety may depend on it.
They escape and drink tea.
(This, of course, takes down the super fast high quality search engine / intelligence system, but the administrators can access the information. Via the old methods. The computers are not much slower, but analysis and synthesis of data is. They chase the fake leads. But that's all for Volume 2 in which Lisa reveals they were trying to make clones of her brain, and now Jean and Lisa are on a quest to deal with that.)
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shavynel · 2 years
Kaeya just brings Diluc a bunny, "This one is yours now!"
Diluc stares at him, like, wtf are you doing, shoves it back in Kaeya's face. "I'm not playing your games."
K: But I'm playing.
D: Take. It. Back.
K: Her.
D: What.
K: Her, not it. That's a living breathing creature! Treat her with care.
D: Take the fucker back. Now.
K: No can do. Look at that twitchy nose. She loves you.
Kaeya leaves (as far as Diluc can tell), and Diluc has no choice but to pull back the bunny. Holds it her tenderly. Brings her back inside. Kaeya watching through the window, like, yes, success.
D at bunny: If you eat my grapes, I will eat you back.
Kaeya brings another one. "This one's mine."
The vineyard is soon overrun with bunnies.
Kaeya, who of the two actually likes alcohol, just, "Damn, I played myself."
Diluc at Kaeya, "You are a fucker." But he's holding a bunny and giving it scritches.
K: You love the bunnies more than you love me.
D: Damn right.
Kaeya like, "Let's invite Razor and the wolves to help clean up this problem."
Diluc just, "Living breathing creature, Kaeya."
He's named them all. Got a whole family chart up on the wall. Adelinde helps him with it.
the muse
me: here, a plot bunny. now you have adopted it
@circumference-pie: aggressive bunny adoption!
me: please, a fic with that as a tag
... and now we have this. you're welcome.
oh, but, don't actually feed your rabbits too many grapes? so says the internet.
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shavynel · 2 years
Zoing serves the Wulfenbachs and tea.
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