#literal plot bunny
shavynel · 2 years
Kaeya just brings Diluc a bunny, "This one is yours now!"
Diluc stares at him, like, wtf are you doing, shoves it back in Kaeya's face. "I'm not playing your games."
K: But I'm playing.
D: Take. It. Back.
K: Her.
D: What.
K: Her, not it. That's a living breathing creature! Treat her with care.
D: Take the fucker back. Now.
K: No can do. Look at that twitchy nose. She loves you.
Kaeya leaves (as far as Diluc can tell), and Diluc has no choice but to pull back the bunny. Holds it her tenderly. Brings her back inside. Kaeya watching through the window, like, yes, success.
D at bunny: If you eat my grapes, I will eat you back.
Kaeya brings another one. "This one's mine."
The vineyard is soon overrun with bunnies.
Kaeya, who of the two actually likes alcohol, just, "Damn, I played myself."
Diluc at Kaeya, "You are a fucker." But he's holding a bunny and giving it scritches.
K: You love the bunnies more than you love me.
D: Damn right.
Kaeya like, "Let's invite Razor and the wolves to help clean up this problem."
Diluc just, "Living breathing creature, Kaeya."
He's named them all. Got a whole family chart up on the wall. Adelinde helps him with it.
the muse
me: here, a plot bunny. now you have adopted it
@circumference-pie: aggressive bunny adoption!
me: please, a fic with that as a tag
... and now we have this. you're welcome.
oh, but, don't actually feed your rabbits too many grapes? so says the internet.
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anthyies · 1 year
the thing about disco elysium is that it has women in it. what you see on the internet about it might lie to you about that but it has women, gay women even, very compelling women even, in it.
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bunni-art · 8 months
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she be in situations
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biboomerangboi · 2 months
Been thinking about the homoerotic potential of Xianle Quartet again and I think I’ve figured out the best/funniest way for the post canon dynamic to play out: Xie Lian gets his offical harem.
And no I don’t mean Xie Lian just gets to hold hands with everyone. I think Hua Cheng who wants Gege to be happy and give him everything he wants but also genuinely believes he’s better than Feng Xin and Mu Qing starts acting like the Wife and Feng Xin and Mu Qing are Xie Lians concubines.
I think it would start with Hua Cheng giving them strictly solicited times to be with Xie Lian and then later when Xie Lian admits he feels something more about the two of them he would get real into it.
He makes it extremely clear he’s the first and most important wife in this game and they play by his rules. They deal with his times and get to see him give Xie Lian really extravagant gifts to wear when he spend time with them as well as giving him lots of love bites not to mention lots of little digs and because Fengqing are Fengqing they instantly match the energy.
The Harem games begin.
There’s so much side comments and subterfuge and of course fights to see who is the favourite while also convinced that it won’t be them because they start to notice all the beautiful things about their competitors in a really homoerotic way.
They would all start to act nice with each other when they are with of Xie Lian because they notice that he likes that and they have points to win. So there are lots of group spars and meals with a general play nice vibe to them. Until they reluctantly start to like playing nice but are also be thinking fuck these guys. These two guys are the worst people in the world.
Then of course Xie Lian goes away for a few days on a mission and they all lose it . They will literally have no one to perform for and yet they are all still being so petty and in each others business, then each others faces, and then suddenly they are all in each others bed.
Xie Lian naturally comes back to this and is delighted by this development.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 3 months
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Thinking about a more modern beastars-style AU. Dabi isn't considered desirable in traditional rabbit circles after being badly burned as a child and ends up out on the streets. Eventually, he ends up with a job in a sketchy "host club" that is actually an illegal brothel that boasts that it can fulfill every fantasy and his scars caught the owner's attention. He doesn't have anywhere else to go and ends up working there.
It's a pretty shit situation, but the bartender is really sweet... you know, for a Predator.
AFO, owner
Dabi, server/"talent"
Shigaraki, bartender
Compress, entertainer (piano, etc. Not "entertainer")
Magne and Muscular, bouncers (one of them is a good bouncer, one of them harasses the staff, one guess which one.)
Spinner, handyman (the place is a sketchy hole-in-the-wall to avoid the wrong kind of attention)
Twice, janitor
Toga, a runaway who is like, living in the walls. Everyone knows Twice snuck her in once to get something to eat and then she never left and no one will kick her out, but it's very clear from how the white wolf bartender snarls at anyone who comes near her that she's off-limits
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tanoraqui · 1 year
the real problem with The Silmarillion is that the creative sandbox is SO big, from the literal world map to the many-millennia timeline to the characters who are half historical figure constructed from 6 different half-contradictory drafts, half mythical archetype, and don’t even get me STARTED on the theological philosophy… that there is NO chance anyone else will remotely properly write the fic in your head. In other fandoms, I can be pretty sure that at least the people in the carefully chosen 12-person discord server I belong to all have the same fic in their heads that we jammed together at 2am, with the same interpretations of character and theme which we’ve debated and discussed at length. But The Silmarillion? You can spend 3 hours discussing a single character in like a 5-year period and walk away completely happy with shared headcanons BUT SIMULTANEOUSLY certain that their interpretation of the character is fundamentally different than yours, such that any fic they write would suffer from notable if not severe “he would not fucking say that” disorder…and that both your and their interpretations are completely reasonable reads of the text, so you can’t even be mad.
So you HAVE to write ALL your own fic or it’s AGONIZING.
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kicktwine · 10 months
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#tumblr is still my doodle archive#my art#venitas#ffxiv#kh#sprawl au#ooooo veni you are so creature#first of all. Bunny. Bnnuy. I would like to consider the bunny. Sorry for trapping him he’s doing plot in my brain#I drew vani a while ago but I should have made him a catboy. I will next time I draw him#second of all back in pic order#ari is trying to be kind but violence is extremely fun for him. He loves it. He loves to gloat and he loves to cackle#if he’s allowed at a target for his pent up rage and aggression he gets weird#second of all I’ve been thinking about gender as one does. And what it would look like 5000 years in the future#so like in sprawl. there’s an entire timeline of gender studies and anthropology that leads from our time#through where the entire notion COMPLETELY fell apart; through where there was a resurgence of ancient gender roles#back and forth and in circles and where new things sprung up and fell and debates about the validity of self went nuts#Xion knows a lot about it bc she will claim trans as a label vanitas also knows a lot of things because he Doesn’t consider himself#trans. vens confused he was literally never taught about any of this. unity(divine) has its own… kinda messed up way of doing it#he got lost somewhere around the advent of gene augmentation and nonhuman drag (she didn’t have to go into that detail she just thinks it’s#really cool)#(Also that was really early —)#Anyways. vanitas is also getting his sense of touch back up there. xions a miracle worker#transgender is even a slightly archaic term. it completely died for about a thousand years and then came back with a retro wave
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january-summers · 7 months
Hmmm, what's new in Plot Bunny Land today?
Pre-series canon divergence where Epsilon's self-destruction left Wash in a vegetative state, his brain is completely intact physically, but it's a case of the lights are on and no one is home.
Not one to waste resources, Director decides to use Wash's empty brain to house Alpha instead of Private Jimmy. And Alpha creates a version of himself that blends what little is left of his own sense of self with the remnant memories of Agent Washington.
So Alpha wakes up in Blood Gulch convinced he's David Church, Dr Leonard Church's son and Agent Carolina's older brother and he worked for Project Freelancer in Command and oh god oh fuck oh NO, he's responsible for his sister's death. His father had him reassigned to the backwater Blood Gulch outpost as punishment because Alpha David is still his son but Director cannot even look at him right now.
(Worse, he thinks he got his sister killed because he was distracted by an affair/breakup with Agent Texas. Allison Beth, he calls her Beth, it's her middle name and she honestly preferred it and Allison was his mother's name.)
And Florida Butch Flowers thinks: good enough.
(There's still huge gaps, but Butch manages to convince him it's from brain damage when the MOI went down, so Church rolls with it.)
Except Wash isn't gone. He was just recovering.
Tucker has many concerns about his team, his CO is... certainly something, and he's convinced Church has a split personality disorder he doesn't seem aware of.
Church's ability to hit a target with a gun is inversely proportional to how much of a prick he's being. (or: Wash can hit his target, Church still cannot.)
Caboose likes Church. All of him. The nice-ish one and the mean one and the psychotic one. All Churches are good Churches and shall be his Best Friend. Yes.
(Wash is trying not to lose himself to the trauma Epsilon left behind, tries to cling to the outgoing and social person he was before, but sometimes he just really wants to do a violence. There's nothing wrong with that.)
Obviously Wash does not die by friendly fire, but he does maybe get severely injured which still prompts additional Freelancer backup.
Freelancer reactions start with "Oh, so this is where they hid Alpha" (for those in the know) to "Why does Church seems so familiar at times? ... HOLY FUCK WHAT DID THEY DO TO WASH?!?!"
Florida's survival is optional. Options are Optional.
(Ohhhh, Florida having Wash's emp unit in case of absolute emergencies.)
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kruffles · 1 year
based on the song “fast car”
a young woman, muse a, lives in a small town with her mom and alcoholic stepfather. her mom works long hours, and her stepfathers blows all their money on alcohol and gambling. she feels trapped and hopeless, dreaming of leaving town and starting a new life. she meets muse b, and it is love at first sight. muse b talks about wanting to move to the city, so muse a starts to work as a waitress to save up some money because she wants to follow him. they purchase an old car, fixing it while dreaming of the day they leave behind the godforsaken town. once the car is ready, they load up their few belongings and set out into the great unknown. so much angst, domesticity, & sweetness, pls!
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noecoded · 1 year
If you could have any Asmo/reader fic what would be the things you would want from it? like an ideal fic would contain what tropes or AUS or situations or whatever
uhmm anything wellwritten that characterizes asmo similar to the way i do ! i rlly like character exploration , both more serious stuff & just sillycute...anything where asmo is a little cunning and toxic and also gets railed into oblivion.anything where hes a vampire. ill write a tag essay about the specifics
#xreaders are too unrelatable for me usually .. im aroace and the only relationship dynamics that r rlly interesting to me r likee#toxic or tumultuous...i think in many asmo fics hes just very one note or like not a complex love interest .which is fine because hes like#that in the game but i am especially drawn to fics where the author has their own kind of unique take on it. nuance. etc#it's really interesting to see situations in which asmo kind of reaps the consequences of shitty behavior or struggles with parts of himsel#f he doesnt like. not just in like ohhh im insecure sobsob but like deeprooted issues & patterns thought processes that come with being a d#demon that maybe clash with human morality or ideals...like what if he sees human lives as generally more disposable because hes lived for#so long?? what would a fic be like about him wanting a fling with a human that ends up taking apart their life but to him its just a fun#little romance without any real consequences or commitment?? even if he was obsessed w them professing his undying love etc etc he could ge#t bored and drop it anytime and outlive them by millions of years and forget...& how does a human love an entity like that? how could the r#relationship look anything close to normal ever...anyway i like fics that touch on questions like this theyre kind of rare though#this all being said i def dont think asmo is completely evil💭 nuance#at work so im literally just wasting time by thinking about this rn but this was like the asmotoni dynamic its too interesting to me#asmotoni is like this in my head but on papwr i just draw them fucking witj bunny ears sorry#this doesnt even answer ur question really. if i could write a fic rn it would be like 200k word emo band au that isnt xreader or a romance#fic it would just be asmo beel belphie as humans starting a band and their rise and fall etc ive been thinking abt that plot nonstop
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compoundvee · 5 months
tell me more about avas background pls !
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yayyy! okay, okay, okay, i'm so excited! sorry this is literally a whole wikipedia article on her. i just love her so much!
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Ava was made in a lab using Homelander's DNA and the DNA of an unnamed female superhero. Many speculate it's Queen Maeve due to their similar red hair but this has been denied by Vought and Ava's creator, Dr. Vogelbaum. Vogelbaum described Ava as his "retry" when it came to Homelander, being much gentler and less abrasive with her training so her brain could develop properly unlike her fathers. During the seven years, Ava was kept in the lab, her father would visit her twice every year. For Christmas and for her birthday. She would describe these days as her "happy days" due to them being the only time she would get to see him in person and not on her TV screen.
She was revealed to the public at seven years old, being introduced on her father's hip as he floated down during a press conference. Many believe that Ava was only brought into the public eye so suddenly to keep Homelander in the court of public favor due to him having recently committed a war crime most likely. Now viewed as a loving father, Ava would quickly become "America's Daughter" being seen with her father everywhere and becoming a child star overnight.
Ava became the face for child supes everywhere and while being able to keep a professional demeanor on camera even at such a young age, Ava deeply struggled with emotional regulation and often had outbursts in her dressing rooms that would result in injury or death of her manager at the time.
Ava would go through several managers by the time she was fourteen.
Despite her outbursts, Ava would develop a close-knit relationship with Queen Maeve, viewing the woman as the mother she never had. Ava learned how to control her emotions and her powers with the help of Maeve as her father would just get frustrated with her, resulting in the pair fighting.
Ava would be the youngest member to join The Seven at just eighteen, officially joining alongside Stormfront as a replacement for Translucent. Ava had already been doing missions with The Seven since she was sixteen, as her connection to Homelander assured her an automatic spot in the group. Her addition to The Seven sparked many debates on nepotism in the supe industry, embroiling her in her first controversy when she claimed to "not be a nepo baby," and that she "worked just as hard as any other supe to get this position," concluding with "if those supes worked harder, they could've gotten the position too."
After becoming an official member of The Seven, her introduction ceremony being one of the most viewed specials of that year, Ava and her father's relationship would only become more tumultuous. Homelander often accosting, berating, and bullying Ava for being "weak" and "needing thicker skin" when it came to missions as her goal was to help people while his was to look good for the public. This turned every mission into a warzone, the pair often breaking into fights that would result in massive property damage.
After her father got into a relationship with Stormfront, Ava would only become more vitriolic towards the man as her and Stormfront notoriously didn't like each other, disagreeing on basic moral standpoints such as not killing innocent civilians. This would prompt Ava to team up with A-Train to expose Stormfront and get her kicked from The Seven. During this time, Ava would be attempted to be recruited by Starlight to take down Vought. Despite nearly being convinced, Ava declines to help her as Vought is the only family she's ever known.
Still, Ava would end up helping Starlight and The Boys when she and Queen Maeve would join them in taking Stormfront down. Though Stormfront would flee from the fight, Ava would follow her despite Maeve's warnings to let her go. Ava would fly after Stormfront, finding her in the woods with Becca, Butcher, and Ryan. It is unclear exactly what happened but this fight would result in Stormfront and Becca succumbing to their injuries.
After this, Ava and Homelander's relationship almost seems to mend as the rejection of Ryan brings Homelander closer to Ava, recognizing her as his child for the first time since she was a child and even hugging her.
After the tragic accident on 32nd Street, Ava announced to the public she would be attending God U in order to better understand and control her powers. This decision was not made by her but by Vought in order to clean up her image.
While attending Vought, Ava would study crimefighting where she would be introduced to Andre Anderson, Jordan Li, Cate Dunlap, and Luke Riordan. These would be the first-ever friends she'd make in her entire life. During this time, she would begin romantically seeing Jordan though that didn't last long due to their conflicting personalities and habit of always arguing. The pair still remain friends.
During her sophomore year at God U, she'd meet Marie Moreau and the pair would quickly become close. Upon meeting Marie, Ava finally felt like she had met a real hero and was in complete awe of her even if they argued occasionally. Marie would quickly become Ava's best friend, replacing Cate as they would begin to grow distant and cold towards each other.
During their investigation into God U, Ava begins romantically seeing Andre Anderson. Ava would find herself becoming very dedicated to him very quickly, nearly killing Sam Rioran when he attacked Andre.
Upon learning of the supe virus, Ava would take Marie's side on the matter, turning against Cate and telling her that she's reminding her of her father. A fight would break out between the two, resulting in Cate knocking Ava out and leaving to start the riot against innocent non-Supes at God U.
Ava would help Marie, Jordan, and Andre during this riot trying to talk sense into Cate but leading nowhere. The riot only ends when Homelander swoops in, accusing Ava and her friends of "betraying their own kind" and shooting Marie with his heat vision, knocking her out. This engages Ava enough to fight her father, nearly overpowering him but, despite her best efforts, losing and being knocked out by him.
Ava is now considered a disgrace to Vought, being falsely labeled a "Supe-Terrorist" and is locked up with Marie, Jordan, Andre, and Emma in supe prison.
Her father has gone on multiple press tours, denouncing her and pinning crimes he committed on her.
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starculler · 2 months
Lost & Found
spacial displacement, my old and severely underutilized friend -- notes from an idea featuring Padawan!Anakin and Cadet!Rex:
Anakin -- all of twelve years old, on an errand for one of the Temple's Masters, and definitely not where he's supposed to be -- finds a kid. Specifically, he finds a kid who's managed to get himself lost in Coruscant's lower levels for more than a week with no memory of how or why he's ended up there. Adding fuel to an already horrifying fire, the name the kid offers Anakin when he asks is a designation: CT-7567.
Anakin, he promptly decides, is going to murder someone.
First, though, he breathes. In through his nose, out through his mouth like Obi-Wan taught him in an effort to help him manage the sparking anger that sometimes kindles too hot and too fierce in his chest. The kid doesn't need that from him, and Anakin knows somewhere deep down that he needs to be clearheaded about this.
If there's one thing he knows for certain, though, he's sure as hell not going through Coruscant's sercurity forces for this. They already missed the kid for this long, and Anakin's been around enough (and heard enough) to know how vulnerable little kids (no matter that he looks close enough to Anakin's age) like the one he's found can fall through the cracks.
No. This, he knows, he'll have to handle himself.
Rex has no idea what he did to get himself into this situation, but knows for sure he's going to be decommissioned for it as soon as he finds a way back to Kamino. The Jedi Commander who finds him is a whirlwind of action from the moment he just about bulldozes into Rex to everything that happens after.
He's everything and absolutely nothing like what he expected a Jedi, cadet or otherwise, to be based on what his trainers, the Kaminoans, and his flash training have told him.
The Jedi -- "I told you my name's Anakin," he says, voice strangled with something distinctly distressed. "Please stop calling me 'sir'" -- shoots him rapid-fire questions, and Rex answers them with the military efficiency trained into him. The back and forth doesn't last long, not after one of the lamp lights buzzing over Anakin's head pops and shatters, startling them both.
"Sir," Rex starts hesitantly, staring wide-eyed at the broken light. The Jedi Commander breathes heavily through his nose and Rex course-corrects immediately, tense as a wire (thinks of annoyed trainers and brothers who don't catch on quick enough and disappear overnight never to be seen again). Anakin whines, the sound mostly stuck in his throat. Rex knows bitten back distress as well as he knows the shape of his face, and a hand darts out to grab the cadet's hand before he even really knows what he's doing. He's a little surprised when the little Jedi squeezes his fingers instead of letting go.
Rex, after they've settled, ultimately decides this is his Jedi when the boy pulls him into a nearby building, still holding each other's hands, and buys him a roll of the sweetest bread he's ever tasted in his life. Anakin grins, all sharp and Jedi-knowing, and promises he'll help Rex no matter what (including finding him a name instead of a number, because he's a person.)
(Rex chokes a little, his eyes blurry and burning, when he shares his name with his natborn Jedi -- the first person to hear it outside of the circle of brothers he's lived with his whole life. Anakin's eyes go wide and bright, his grin so wide Rex thinks it might split his face.)
A little clone cadet following his chosen Jedi like two little ducklings leading each other
So many instances of "here, try this!" as Anakin shoves food at Rex
A very confused Jedi Knight followed by a confused and horrified Jedi Knight and Council
The revelation of a Sith plot years in the making and the discovery of a clone army supposedly commissioned by a recently deceased Jedi Master on behalf of the Republic
Journeys of self discovery and personal betterment
Also, Jango's there.
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They are long-lost siblings TO ME!
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mid-nightowl · 8 months
i did NOT have joker saving jason before batman on my gotham war bingo card
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indigosabyss · 4 months
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*shaking in rage* ok i cant let this injustice go on for any longer. next sam fic is dealing with his insecurities about his intellect. in like. five months.
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willow-lark · 7 months
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