#shawn mendes hurt/comfort
jenflirts · 6 months
mending my broken heart
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pairing: tara carpenter x fem!reader
theme: angst :)
summary: maybe you're the one...
warning: profanities, grammar, no ghostface and cheating
a/n: based on my feelings :) | enjoy.
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Falling for someone isn’t for weak people,
Nor being attached,
Nor loving someone.
These are the feelings that will make you mentally and physically weak, just because you would do everything just to have them, just to give them all your attention, love, and hell, even your soul, but why isn’t it for the weak? Well, only emotionally controlled people can survive these challenges. These are the obstacles that we face when we’re in love and this makes us vulnerable.
We’ve always thought that if a partner loves or falls for you it means they’ve accepted your flaws, insecurities, clinginess, stupidity, good days and bad ones, but sometimes don’t you think that they accepted that because they needed too? Out of pity? Or sometimes just to play you cause they’re just bored. I’ve always thought about falling in love and being vulnerable to a person, but then my overthinking mind stops me from doing so.
Yeah, taking from my perspective—a person that’s been played and got attached too many times just because they showed affection—I’ve been hurt so much that I don’t even count how many times that they scarred my heart and still gave them another chance. I did everything I could just not to fall for someone, but I just can’t stop myself ‘cause it feels like an addiction I cannot control. I keep thinking about the past relationships I had and even thought about the times that I let my heart heal and mend it by myself and yet, I keep longing for the wrong people and their fucked up affections.
And then there’s Tara, the girl that makes me feel special, the person that let me believe that love is worth waiting for, and love really does exist. Tara is the type of person that would really make you fall in love with her and not in the bad way, but because she’s the type of girl that you’ll feel comfortable to be around with, rides with your antics, will help you in any possible way, and makes you love your true self.
Tara and I have been dating for almost 2 years and the truth is I’ve fallen deeply in love with her, she already accepted my vulnerability and I accepted hers so there’s really no turning back. I’ve thought about these feelings thoroughly ‘cause I don’t want to hurt her nor she wants to hurt me, I’ve always wanted to feel vulnerable around someone I trust and love the most ‘cause I don’t want to let people see my true facade. Tara saw something in me that people don’t and she’s been helping me to cope up with that.
Everything has been great ever since I dated Tara.
December 09
It's our finals and both of us are stressed out since both of us picked a hard course and I actually want to do something special for her since it’s our anniversary so I’ve prepared dinner, movies and gifts just to surprise her. I went home earlier than she did so I could prepare the things I wanted to give and the words that I wanted to say; Thankfully, Sam and Mindy helped me to do everything.
“Minds? Do you think Tara would like it if I gave her a promise ring on our anniversary?” I asked the girl as we strolled through the jewelry shop. She stopped her tracks and looked at me surprised “A promise ring? Really? Doesn’t that curse relationships?” She asked as she glimpsed the rings.
A promise ring breaks relationships? Now what kind of fuck-mind would believe that. “And where did you get that information? Is it one of those crazies at the uni?” I joked.
“I’m just telling you that rings don't mean forever,” she said. That’s actually true, but I’m not gonna listen to her and Tara deserves a promise that I will love her forever so I picked out the ring and necklace for our anniversary tomorrow.
I helped Tara go inside our apartment and took the blindfold off. She engulfed me into a hug and kisses all over my face. "Tara, we need to eat" I said as I put her down on the floor.
Everything went smoothly and both ended with a promise to love and hold forever.
December 14
The day that feels eerie and gut wrenching, it feels so slow and bothering. "Minds, Tara hasn't texted me for the last few weeks and it's concerning me" I said as I tossed her my phone to check Tara and I's conversation.
"She also hasn't been going home" I added and groaned loudly.
"Yeah, I noticed that. You didn't confront her about this? But I always see her at the uni tho" She said.
Is Tara avoiding me? Did I do something wrong last week? Did she do something wrong? Did something happen that I didn't know? A lot of things suddenly hits me, I thought about everything that I've done last week ago, but nothing really came into my mind.
It's already past midnight and I'm still going on about Tara. I heard the door open and keys tossed on the counter. I went outside and checked if Tara's here or just Mindy wanted to crash by.
"Tara? Baby? Where were you?" I asked as I sat beside her on the living room coach.
"Sam's and did some thinking, so can we talk?" she said.
Why does it feel so suffocating? The way she looks at me feels so different; it feels empty and drained. I nodded and sat in front of her.
"For the last few weeks I've been isolating myself to you and it felt different after what I did. It's been perfect for the last 2 years and I loved every single moment that we've done, but I think we must part our ways and fix ourselves" She cried.
What? Just like that? After 2 fucking years? She's just going to throw it all away? I was too stunned to speak, my brain was spewing out words, but my mouth can't function properly. I felt my eyes stung and tears rolled down on my cheeks.
"So? That's it? Gonna throw away our 2 year relationship out the fucking window like its nothing? Damn Tara, I don't know what to say nor to react" I said as I wiped the tears that keep continuing running down on my cheeks.
She doesn't say anything, but her eyes tells me differently like she's guilty for not telling me the reason why.
"Tara, what's the sudden break-up? what's the reason? 'cause I know for a goddamn fact that it's not about self improvement shits. Tell me so that we could fix it" I assured her
She shook her head no and keeps sobbing uncontrollably. I went to her and wiped her tears; I held her hands, "Love? what happened? tell me so we could fix it" I said as I gently squeeze her hand.
She slowly stopped crying and let me wiped her mascara tear-stains. "It was at Wes's parties and you were studying for your final lesson at that time. Amber snuck me out and helped me unwind by bring me to Wes's parties then I got drunk and I couldn't control myself and so did Chad" she explained.
I couldn't believe it.
The love of my life, cheated.
The girl that I trusted the most, cheated.
I felt my whole world fell apart. It feels like my heart just shuttered into pieces, it feels like there's a new cut to it. I feel betrayed, angry and disappointed all at the same time.
I stood up and went back to my seat and comprehend what just Tara said. I can't do this right now, my mind is all over the place.
"babe? hey? I thought we were gonna fix these" she said
does she really think there's something to be fix? I gave her my everything and this is how she repays me. cheating on me with my other best friend? damn, that's another form of betrayal.
"tara, get out. I can't right now. I just want to be alone for a moment"
She doesn't understand what pain I'm going through right now.
After Tara closed the apartment door, I tried smashing everything so that I could somewhat calm down.
I sat on the living room floor and thought about the things that I have done on why Tara have to do this. Wasn't I enough? Am I that easy to replace? Is our relationship just out of pity? There's so much unanswered questions that I have on my mind, but right now I just want to be alone and mend my broken heart.
I thought she was the one that’s going to help me mend up the open cuts that people leave on my heart, but I would never predict that she was going to leave a big one.
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(part 2 of my lovely, jenna is on-going)
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silverflqmes · 3 months
Do you have any hcs for yandere Sephiroth? 👀
notes. hi hi so uh i don’t do yandere stuff, it’s not a topic i’m super comfortable with writing ( as mentioned in my rules ) but i will provide a more subtle, toned down version if that’s okay instead :’)
genre. angst + suggestive
tw. possessive behavior, implied manipulation, jealousy
disclaimer. there is a visible flip in the headcanons from pre nibleheim sephiroth to post — which takes on a darker approach. if it’s not something you are comfortable with reading, then don’t.
sephiroth x gn!reader.
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⌗ as a person who dealt with the loss of those he allowed into his life, having brought his walls down for them.. i do think sephiroth might have developed a bit of overprotective behavior — which honestly, is expected..
⌗ he doesn’t want to lose you or for any harm to come your way. whether losing you refers to death.. or to someone else — he doesn’t want any of that to come to fruition.
⌗ everything in life he cherished has been taken from him and you are not about to be one of them..
⌗ normally he’s as cool as a pickle if you’re talking to someone else, but there’s this aura emitting from him.. one look at sephiroth and the innocent bystander is practically shaking in their boots.
⌗ you of course — would be confused as hell on this.. i mean when sephiroth pulls you closer, you just assume he wants proximity..
⌗ until you go home, that is, and he’s just holding you without any means of letting go.. it’s silly, watching that subtle, yet visible pout of his and the furrow to his brows and all is understood
⌗ piece of you by shawn mendes tbh that is where my brain is rn
⌗ sometimes it’s a little more than an inescapable hug and turns into a storm of kisses — perhaps even a mark or few would be left in his wake.. but nothing that makes you uncomfortable cuz he doesn’t want to hurt or force you into anything. consent!!
⌗ while he has selfish desires and would prefer to have you all to himself, he values boundaries and freedom — it’s something he wasn’t given and he isn’t about to take that away from you, too.
⌗ but if you were trying to get a reaction out of him by PURPOSELY trying to make him jealous.. good LUCK walking in the morning are the only words i have for you LMAO
⌗ there is after care tho trust and it’s all part of the plan because he gets to have you stay over and spend time with him<3 which — despite your grumbles — you are more than happy to do<3
⌗ now uh, post nibelheim sephiroth.. he is a different case cuz he’s under the influence of jenova cells — which are obviously making him do some wild stuff..
⌗ following the concept that you would have said cells opens up the opportunity to mess with you a bit, as a means of getting you to execute his whims. kinda like he does with cloud..
⌗ he’s aware you’re trying to take him back and save him from what he’s become, and uses that to his advantage. you would do anything for him, wouldn’t you?
⌗ slowly, he would isolate you from your companions — they want him gone, anyway, but you don’t. you couldn’t sit with the idea of your lover being gone, even in spite of all he had done.
⌗ you told yourself it wasn’t him, and it was true, it wasn’t. for that.. you wished to continue your attempts at saving him, even if it was a descent into madness..
⌗ gradually, you are succumbing to his words, allowing them to reshape the view you had made for yourself.
⌗ he was right, anyway. the humans who blindly believed in shinra- were the ones that gave the company the power and means of further destroying the planet for their glory. sephiroth was right in almost every way to execute the goals he made for himself.
⌗ he only ever appeared briefly to you, his caresses leaving enough of a linger to leave you touch starved — yearning for contact.
⌗ the one winged angel only whispered soon in that velvety tone of his, a reassurance of the reunion that would be upon you both in time.
⌗ but at times, you pressed, pleading for just another second — minute or few of his time.. and with that desperation in your voice, the expression that crosses your features, how could he refuse you?
⌗ he would spare his precious time and entertain you a moment longer, indulging just a bit in you, and himself, of course. but once more leaving you lingering, longing for more.
notes. not one for writing yandere oriented content, so i hope this was okay and fulfilling enough since i watered it down quite a bit :’) just not super comfy associating him with the qualities of a yandere..
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
So I had an idea 💡 so I was thinking what would be ateez ot8 reactions ( separate ) to you being broken up with and all they can think about is how much better they could treat and how much happier you would be with them
best friend! ateez wishing they were dating you
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genre: headcanons; hurt / comfort??, slight angst, a sprinkle of crack
word count: 1k
song rec: treat you better by shawn mendes
warnings: cursing, woosan are bold, iconic kings
please like and reblog if you enjoy! thank you for your support <3
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hongjoong has to hold his tongue each time you tell him you have a partner
because he has a problem with it. and he doesn't realise at first why he had such a problem with it
until you come to him crying because of the horrible breakup you were currently going through
he let you cry on his chest and cuddled you close for the rest of the night
... yeah, this is the guy who supposedly 'doesn't like skinship'
and yet here he is, wanting nothing more than for you to stay in his arms, where he can keep you close and safe
and thus, his feelings are realised. and suddenly being jealous of all the guys you ever talked about started to make sense to him
seonghwa can't help but feel a little disheartened
seeing the people you end up with and how they always end in disaster, he feels bad for you, of course
but he can't help but feel you are missing out on a guy that has always treated you with love, respect, sincerity, kindness, and nothing less
*cough, cough* HIM *cough*
he will continue to comfort you and provide a listening ear as your... 'confidant'. but all he really wants to do is ask you to be with him instead, so that you'll know what it's really like to be in a good relationship. one that doesn't have an ending...
but he wants to choose an appropriate time to confess his feelings. so for now, he'll be there to dry your tears
yunho would literally take the complete piss out of your partners like he's so shameless
can and will laugh in your face when you whine about your relationship issues
because he knows they would all be solved if you go out with him
and he'll flirt with you and make jokes about you guys dating:
"you know, none of this would be an issue if you went out with me 👀" or "technically, we're on a date right now... as we speak... should we kiss?"
but you just take that as him being one of THOSE besties who just flirts for the sake of it
and he's giggling and laughing along but really he's dead-ass serious ☠
it's all fun and games ig??
would focus more on your feelings than his own
he wants to comfort you and be a supportive friend; he's not going to let his feelings for you get the better of him when you're going through a relationship crisis or a bad breakup
and it doesn't really faze or hurt him at all. he's good at separating his feelings for you and being a comforting, good best friend
whether that's healthy or not is up for discussion!!
but unless you suddenly take a serious interest in him and make advances to him first, he's not going to go for it himself
because if he reads your signals wrong, he is at risk of ruining your friendship
and he would rather have at least one connection with you, rather than none at all
san is always there for you
especially when you have just broken up with your asshole partner that he hates so much anyway. he is there to cuddle you tight to his chest and comfort you, asking if you want him to beat your ex up, etc...
he's a great friend in this way. but he can't help but feel like he wants more
and so he hopes and wishes that you see his efforts. you appreciate his comfort and the way he's there for you whenever you need him - enough to not go out with anyone who isn't worth your time, but rather, go out with him
and he might just come out and say this because he can't bare to deal with another one of your heartbreaks
"this is where i want you to be," he'll say. "in my arms. every night. not just the nights you get dumped. you deserve so much better, baby. and i want to be the one to make that happen."
he literally loves you he loves you HE LOVVVESSS YOU
it's so obvious, come on guys
when mingi has a crush on somebody it's painfully obvious, it's actually hilarious
so you ignoring his adoring eyes and his attempts to make goofy jokes only to see your smile, and the way he buys you gifts and dotes on you and does anything for you ITS SO OBVIOUS
but yeah, stay blind ig?
he will flinch every time you mention your partner or your ex only because that pulls him right back into the reality that he is, in fact, not dating you currently
then he gets pouty but tries his best to hide his disappointment about the situation and fails lmao
will get frustrated. like, superrrr frustrated
because he has a massive phat crush on you BUT he has to hear about all the people you've dated and blah blah blah
ON TOP OF THAT!!!! he gives you advice on how to fix your relationships that pretty much inevitably fail anyway?? nope, he's defo losing it
for the longest time, he's always wanted to just ask you out himself. but there was never a good time. between you going out with people and recovering from break-ups, he never deemed it appropriate
but after what felt like the thousandth time of you crying about some asshole who had broken your heart, wooyoung had finally given in to his desires
"you're not going to waste any more energy on someone who doesn't care about you. instead, you're going to use it on me, your new boyfriend."
jongho is hilarious in this situation
because he's so subtly trying to make it clear that he likes you in his own... special way
he's not always sure how to go about it
to be fair, he's a very good supportive friend. he provides with the consolation and comfort you need when you come to him with relationship problems or are going through a breakup
but he also tries to use this as an opportunity to give you hints here and there
"you know... the love of your life might be closer than you think 👀"
"maybe your next partner is with us right now 👀 👀 👀"
".... but it's just me and you, jongho."
" 👀 isn't that interesting, y/n"
i literally can't take him seriously atp
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ateez taglist: @a-wandering-stay, @xlovehwa, @yeosangsbiceps, @anyamaris, @acciocriativity, @hawaiian-angel, @chammak-challokys
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mouschiwrites · 4 months
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💜- Headcanons
💙- Oneshots
🩵- Blurbs/drabbles
Ninjas (+ Pixal) Reacting to Your Outfit in Prime Empire - 💜
Elemental Masters' Rocky Relationship With a Little Sister - 💜
Making Breakfast for the Ninjas - 💜
The Ninjas When You Get Brainwashed - 💜
The Ninjas When You Get Mad - 💜
Unintentionally Becoming the Ninjas' Little Sibling - 💜
Being the Ninjas' Little Witch Sister - 💜
How the Ninjas Act When You Get Captured - 💜
Ninjas With an Older Brother Figure - 💜
Cuddling With the Ninjas (+ Pixal) - 💜
Ninjas When You (Their Little Sibling) Are Taken - 💜
Ninjas When You Have Cold Urticaria (Cold Allergy) - 💜
Ninjas Finding You in Their Clothes - 💜
Ninjas Having a Nightmare Where You Die - 💜
Ninjas When You're Being Protective -💜
Ninjas (+ Pixal) With an Artist s/o - 💜
Ninjas With a Touch-Starved Partner - 💜
Ninjas With an s/o Who Gets Flirted With a Lot - 💜
Ninjas With a Sensitive Little Sibling - 💜
Kai, Cole, and Jay With an s/o That Can Turn Invisible - 💜
Ninjas With a Portugese s/o - 💜
Their Favorite Place to Kiss You - 💜
Ninjas When Your Parent is Ex-Military - 💜
(Movie) Comforting (Transforming) Oni Lloyd - 💙
Cuddling With Oni Lloyd - 💙
Lloyd With a Good Oni Reader - 💙
Lloyd With a Serpentine Hybrid Princess Reader - 💙
Lloyd and the Dragon Princess at a Ball - 💙
Lloyd Comforting You During a Thunderstorm - 💙
Lloyd Finding Out You're a Dragon-Oni Hybrid - 💙
Arguing With Your Brother Lloyd - 💙
Your Wedding Day With Lloyd - 💙
Being Lloyd’s Best Friend (?) ;) - 💜/🩵
Soulmate AU With Oni Lloyd - 💙
Lloyd With a Tall Girlfriend - 💜
Being Lloyd's Younger Twin After the Tomorrow's Tea Incident - 💙
Being Lloyd's Younger Twin After the Tomorrow's Tea Incident Part II - 💙
Giving the Green Ninja Advice to Ask His Crush (You) Out - 💙
Cheering Up Lloyd After a Bad Day - 💙
Lloyd Proposes to You - 💙
"Come here. Let me hold you." and "Your hands are warm." With Lloyd - 💙
"Come here. Let me hold you." and "You're safe with me." With Lloyd - 💙
"You're Beautiful." and "You have no idea how cute you are." With Lloyd - 💙
"I'm yours. I'll always be yours." and "You're beautiful." With Lloyd - 💙
Lloyd With a Winged s/o - 💜/🩵
Lunch? - 💙
Mercy (Shawn Mendes songfic) - 💙
Daddy Issues (The Neighborhood songfic) - 💙
Cole Adopts a Mystery Baby (You) - 💙
Cole Adopts a Mystery Baby (You) Part II - 💙
Cole Loving the Colors of Your Voice - 💙
Dating Cole Brookstone - 💜
"Please don't go." and "You're safe with me." With Cole - 💙
Hold On (Chord Overstreet songfic) - 💙
Comforting Part-Serpentine Jay - 💙
Jay Comes Home to Find You Sick - 💙
Kissing Jay Under the Mistletoe - 💙
Jay Finds Your Scars - 💙
Dating Jay Walker - 💜
Best Friend (Rex Orange County songfic) - 💙
Falling for the Mysterious Red Ninja - 💙
Comforting Kai After Seabound - 💙
Lloyd Sets You Up With Kai - 💙
Kai Sees You Get Hurt - 💙
Kai With an s/o Who's Health-Anxious - 💙
(Movie) Zane With a More Human-Like Nindroid - 💙
Zane Patches You Up - 💙
Zane Finding Out You Have a Birthmark - 💙
"Please don't go." and "Whatever happens, I'll be here." With Zane - 💙
"I don't know how much longer I can do this." and "Please don't go." With Zane - 💙
"I don't know what I'd do without you." and "Your hair looks so soft." With Zane - 💙
Nya With an Oni Spy - 💙
Nya's Upper Body Strength - 🩵
Dating Pixal - 💜
Reading With Pixal - 💙
Waiting For Your Morro - 💙
Waiting For Your Morro Part II - 💙
Being Garmadon's Pupil Before and After He Was Evil - 💜
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(divider by saradika)
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dear-ao3 · 6 months
saphs song prompt challenge
ring in the new year with me and a silly challenge. any fandom, any genre. only rule is that you must use the song to inspire the fic. multi chap, one shot all are welcome. do as many or as little as you want, on time or not! doesnt matter to me. most fall into the angst/hurt comfort genre because that's what i write best but i threw in some other more happy ones
theres a collection link on ao3 for them here
all of these songs are some of my favorites to write to/about and i wanted to share :)
on each day of the month ill post some of my favorite lines/a bit of analysis of each song if anyone needs a bit of inspiration. happy writing everyone
the songs:
jan 1: quite miss home by james arthur
jan 2: lonely eyes by lauv
jan 3: dear reader by taylor swift
jan 4: my friends toyota by asiris
jan 5: montana by mikey ferrari
jan 6: girl on the internet by knox
jan 7: 3 am by matchbox 20
jan 8: jet pack blues by fall out boy
jan 9: love u like that by lauv
jan 10: line without a hook by ricky montgomery
jan 11: who says you can't go home by bon jovi
jan 12: just to hear you say that you love me by faith hill
jan 13: honest by the chainsmokers
jan 14: two by sleeping at last
jan 15: i hate your friends by alex cole
jan 16: safe inside by james arthur
jan 17: all i want by kodaline
jan 18: almost lover by a fine frenzy
jan 19: stick season by noah kahan
jan 20: if i could fly by one direction
jan 21: what am i by why don't we
jan 22: falling slowly from once
jan 23: the night we met by lord huron
jan 24: roaring 20s by panic! at the disco
jan 25: wonder by shawn mendes
jan 26: best years by 5 seconds of summer
jan 27: one way ticket by one ok rock
jan 28: falling by harry styles
jan 29: give me love by ed sheeran
jan 30: illicit affairs by taylor swift
jan 31: shallow by lady gaga and bradley cooper
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carelesslywriting · 2 years
Mercy - Eric Coulter
This is day 3 of 10 for my 10 days of music prompt! There's still some open songs available on my pinned post to choose from if you'd like to request an imagine. Based off of Mercy by Shawn Mendes.
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1395 Trigger Warnings: death Note: These imagines are my own work and I do not consent to distribution of my work elsewhere!
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"You always do this shit, Y/N! I don't have time to spend with you, you know I work crazy hours and that's not my fault," Eric shouted at you, tightly crossing his arms across his chest as he glared over at you. 
You didn't ask for much from Eric, you know his hours, all you were asking for was some time spent together at the end of the night in some form. It's been what feels like weeks to you where you've only seen glimpses of Eric, and it's been starting to take a toll on you. Why couldn't he understand all you were asking for was 15 minutes of acknowledgment or even just a conversation before he went to bed or started his wind-down routine?
"I'm not asking for a lot, Eric," You retorted, feeling defeated before you even opened your mouth to continue. "This fight is the most interaction I've had with you in weeks! You don't even ask me how my day is. Even though you don't mean to hurt me, you keep tearing me apart," Your voice got quieter towards the end, and you decided to stop speaking there because you didn't want to break down and cry in front of him. 
"Bullshit," Eric responded, rolling his eyes. "Stop being so fucking insecure and maybe try being understanding. I'm so sick of this shit from you when I get home after a long day."
"Eric I'm opening my heart up to you about how I feel and you call me insecure? Why can't you ever be supportive? Why can't you ever just tell me that how I'm feeling isn't crazy, or that you miss me too and want to spend some sort of time with me when you can? I can't take this anymore, would you please have some mercy on me?" You begged, a tear falling from your eye. 
"Mercy? Seriously?" Eric asked, scoffing. "That's so pathetic. I don't have to comfort you for every little thing, that's not my problem." You wiped the tear that fell from your eye, looking down at the ground and taking in Eric's words. Nothing is ever going to change. You sighed, looking back up into Eric's cold eyes. 
"Fine, then I need you to set me free because this isn't fair to me anymore," You spoke, voice shaking, looking for any type of emotion from Eric. 
He stayed silent, just staring at you. After a minute of silence, you decided to walk out the door before he could even say anything. Your pride is all you've got left, and your heart shattered at the thought that Eric could just never take it easy on you or try to understand you. You felt like nothing but a puppet being pulled by its strings whenever you tried communicating anything that hurt you, and you didn't know if you could take any more. He always manipulated and weaponized your feelings against you. 
You took off running towards the chasm, more tears falling from your eyes as you thought of the past year and the relationship with Eric. You gave so much for so little in return, he didn't even care that you left. Lost in your thoughts, you didn't realize how slippery the bridge over the chasm was, or that Eric had followed you. 
"Y/N!" Eric yelled out, taking you by surprise. And snapping you out of your thoughts. 
You whipped around, in shock that he followed, but the next thing you felt was losing your balance due to your foot slipping. You cried out, trying to reach out to anything that could keep you from falling. You heard Eric shout out your name again as you just barely gripped onto the edge of the bridge with the fingertips of one of your hands. A final tear left your eye as you realized you weren't going to be able to hang on. You saw Eric's hand reach for yours to try and grab you, but he was a second too late. His face was the last thing you saw as you fell to your death. 
Eric shouted out for you, looking at the hand that almost had your wrist. It all happened so fast. He looked around frantically, not wanting to believe he had just witnessed you fall. The sound of your body as it hit the ground below was going to be a sound forever pierced into his ears. All the air inside his lungs felt like it had disappeared as he started to hyperventilate. He continued to shout out for you, tears falling from his face down to the bottom of the chasm where you laid. One minute you were together, and the next you were gone, just like that. 
"Y/N, I'm so fucking sorry," Eric cried out to the void. "Come back, fuck, COME BACK! Please Y/N..." 
A crowd began to gather around as Eric continued to call out for you. He hung over the ledge, arm still out like he would be able to save you from the fate you just suffered. Max and Four quickly followed the sound of the commotion and yanked Eric off the ground the moment they saw him leaning over the edge. Both men had to use all their force to wrestle him away from the edge of the chasm and into a more secluded area, away from all the people who ended up gathering around him. 
"Eric, what the hell happened?" Max asked. 
"Y/N.." Eric trailed off, "She slipped, I couldn't grab her in time."
Four's face instantly dropped. Eric fell back down to the ground, head in his hands as he quietly sobbed. He didn't care how weak he looked, he just lost the one thing he loved. He was always prepared to sacrifice his life for you, and instead of him dying, it was you. The pain he felt swelling up in his chest was unlike any type of physical pain he'd ever felt before. He was internally begging for the same mercy you just begged him for. His cold, hard exterior that he'd maintained for his entire life fell the moment you did. If he hadn't yelled at you, hadn't called you names, if he had just listened to what you had to say, if he had asked you to stay.. all the what if's were now running through his head as he silently begged to be woken up from the nightmare he was in. 
Eric jumped out from the seat he was in, breathing heavily as he ripped the wire off his head. He quickly wiped the tears on his face and looked around the room trying to reorientate himself to reality. He got up quickly, pacing the room and trying to ground himself as he kept repeating in his head that it was just his fear landscape and it wasn't real. 
Eric's fear landscape was complicated. When he was originally an initiate, this specific fear was mild. He was never too worried about pushing people away and losing them. However, after he met you, this fear gradually grew and developed into his worst fear. Every time he ran this landscape, it never got easier.  
It's hard to switch the coldness required to do his job off when it comes to you. The love Eric feels for you is complicated because of that. He's petrified of losing you, but he doesn't know how to not be argumentative and defensive when it comes to feelings. While he's been able to manage it for the most part within your relationship now, he's scared that might not be the case in the future. He wants to have that type of mercy for you, he truly doesn't mean to hurt you when he does. That's why he continues to suffer and run this landscape every week until he can figure out how to make it easier and beat it. 
Once Eric felt he had his composure back, he realized he was late for meeting you for a quick lunch. It reminded him of the landscape, how he constantly blew you off and tore you apart that way. With that thought in mind, he quickly hurried out the door to meet you. One small step at a time, Eric was working to be the type of guy he felt you needed.
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ametrinearrows · 10 months
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In the world of WWE, Shawn Michaels and YN YLN were more than just colleagues; they were the best of friends. Their camaraderie was legendary backstage, where they’d often share stories, jokes, and the occasional friendly competition. However, life on the road had its toll, and their paths hadn’t crossed in a while.
As the cheers of the crowd resonated through the arena, Shawn Michaels stepped into the ring to face his eternal rival, the Undertaker. The match was intense, each move executed with precision, and the audience was on the edge of their seats. But as fate would have it, a risky maneuver left Shawn clutching his back in pain. The match continued, but the damage was done.
Meanwhile, Triple H watched from the sidelines, his concern growing with every painful expression on Shawn’s face. As the match concluded, Triple H rushed to the locker room, his heart heavy with worry. He knew there was only one person who could bring solace to Shawn in times like this—YN YLN.
Triple H burst into YN’s locker room, his voice slightly frantic. “YN, you need to know. Shawn’s hurt, really hurt.”
YN’s eyes widened with shock, her concern mirroring Triple H’s urgency. “What? How bad is it?”
Triple H took a deep breath, his voice softening as he spoke. “He took quite a beating from the Undertaker. He’s hurt, but I know he’d feel better if you were there.”
YN’s heart raced as memories of their shared moments flooded her mind. Without a second thought, she hurriedly got up, her determination shining in her eyes. “I’m coming.”
She followed Triple H to Shawn’s locker room, where he was nursing his injuries. The pain was evident on his face, but his eyes lit up when he saw YN standing there. A mix of surprise and relief washed over him.
“YN,” Shawn whispered, his voice strained. “I didn’t expect…”
YN approached him with a gentle smile, her presence calming the room. “I heard what happened. Are you okay?”
Shawn managed a weak chuckle. “I’ll live, thanks to you guys watching my back.”
Triple H nodded in agreement. “He’s right. We’re a team, always looking out for each other.”
YN’s gaze never left Shawn’s. “You scared me, you know. You can’t just go getting hurt like this.”
Shawn grinned, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Sorry to cause a fuss.”
YN’s expression softened. “Just promise me you’ll take it easy and let yourself heal.”
Shawn reached out and gently squeezed YN’s hand. “I promise.”
With a determined look, YN offered her support. “Alright, big guy, time for me to take care of you. Let’s get you home and on the mend.”
Triple H helped Shawn to his feet, and together they made their way to YN’s car. The journey to Shawn’s place was filled with lighthearted banter and reminiscing about their adventures together. Despite the pain he was in, Shawn couldn’t help but smile at the familiarity and warmth of their friendship.
Once they arrived at Shawn’s home, YN carefully guided him inside, making sure he was as comfortable as possible. She prepared a cozy space on the couch with pillows and blankets, ensuring he had everything he needed within reach.
“Here’s the remote, some water, and I’ll grab some painkillers,” YN said, moving around the living room with an air of practiced care.
Shawn chuckled softly. “Feels like old times, you taking care of me.”
YN handed him the painkillers with a playful roll of her eyes. “Don’t get used to it. You’re lucky this time.”
Over the next few days, YN became Shawn’s steadfast companion. She cooked his favorite meals, made sure he took his medication, and provided a listening ear whenever he needed to vent about the frustrations of being sidelined. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, a mix of laughter, reminiscing, and supportive words.
As Shawn’s injuries slowly improved, YN also found creative ways to keep him entertained without pushing his body too hard. They watched classic wrestling matches, played video games, and even attempted to recreate some of their favorite wrestling moves (with Shawn’s movements limited, of course).
One evening, as the sun set outside, casting a warm glow in the room, Shawn looked at YN with gratitude in his eyes. “You’ve made this recovery feel a lot less lonely.”
YN smiled back, her gaze soft. “That’s what friends are for, Shawn. I could never stop caring.”
Weeks went by, and Shawn’s injuries began to heal, thanks in no small part to YN’s dedicated care. As he regained his strength, they decided it was time for him to step back into the ring. YN stood by his side, cheering him on from the sidelines during his training sessions.
On the day of his comeback match, Shawn’s nerves were palpable. YN, however, exuded confidence. “You’ve got this. Just remember, I’ll be cheering the loudest.”
As Shawn’s music blared through the arena, he walked out with newfound determination. The match was fierce, but Shawn’s spirit was unbreakable. With each move he executed, he could almost feel YN’s unwavering support propelling him forward.
After the match, victorious and exhausted, Shawn made his way backstage to find YN waiting for him with a triumphant grin. “See? I told you that you had it in you.”
Shawn chuckled, a mix of relief and pride in his eyes. “Couldn’t have done it without you, YN.”
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ilovebokutokoutaro · 1 year
Minho x reader
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P.s. reading it with "mercy" by shawn mendes may bring out feels because i wrote it listening to that😭.
Warning: um angst ahhahah and angst and hints of self hate and ignorance mental illness and all that.
You were tired.
Tired of the constant ignorance, tired of the constant distance, the distance that had become so huge that you were sure falling apart the more you crawled towards him. Minho tend to put a lot of gap between you and his feelings.
The only share you were allowed to have when you agreed to be his girlfriend was the good one, he only ever came to you when he was happy and as good as it sounds it was not. You were never allowed to comfort him, whenever he was upset he'd cut you off, whenever he was stressed he'd ignore you and when he felt okay he'd shower you with love.
At first it felt nice, the compensation for his ignorance was so much love that it covered your breaking heart and you went on and on and on untill the ignorance became a routine. No matter what you did he was always mad...and you were left wondering where have you even gone wrong.
You were tired of hearing the empty i love you's, you wanted to cry, yell at him for making you feel so alone. All this hopelessness led you to overworking, because you'd never know when he'd leave you because you were not....you would never be good enough for him to seek anything from you.
At one point his disassociation with you had gotten so bad that the only time he'd smile at you was when he had sex with you, he'd tell you he loved you and look like he meant it only then. And the thoughts began to take root in your heart and head, breaking everything inside you apart as the roots grew deeper and stronger piercing all of your body, growing out of you skin, punching through your gut and soon damaging your whole self.
Overthinking was like that and it was worse when the words from someone never matched their actions. You had talked about this to him so many times that at this point you had given up. You wanted to leave, rip out all the roots from your body and throw them away somewhere deep in the smallest part of you worth.
His mental health deteriorated and he grew even more distant, both you busying your schedule in hopes you'd not have to face the lies he uttered and he'd not have to face the pain in your eyes as he avoided you.
And soon the only times you saw each other became the night, where you pretended to be asleep and he'd slowly slide in behind you, everyday he'd hold you, then slowly retrace his hands back and sigh, sometimes he cried, sometimes he told you he loved you, sometimes he'd say sorry.
And you laid there heart being ripped open at his slightest touch, skin burning wherever he kiss you thinking you were asleep. You could see your relationship falling apart, all the dreams you had put together slowly fading away to the most painful part of your chest and growing it huge in size.
You were so tired at this point that you couldn't turn yourself around as he cried to your back that he was hurting too much, that he couldn't take it anymore.
A part of you dying to comfort him and the other begging for mercy, mercy out of this immense pain, begging him to stop hurting you, you couldn't take it anymore either.
And so you cried, cutting off his sobs with your louder ones, he was eating you up alive. "Please stop! Stop treating me like I'm some-one not worthy of being able to be by your side, i feel so bad minho, I'm hurting, I'm begging you to stop hurting me so much. Where am i going wrong? I'll do anything so pleas- please stop breaking me apart-" you choked on a sob, the feeling of your tears hitting the pillow hollowing your chest even more, and when his hand touched your waist to pull you towards him-
You jerked awake, in a puddle on your own sweat and tears, he was not holding you, it was morning, the morning after him crying. You had woken up too early, you could hear the shower running, you wanted to go back to sleep to pretend you were not hurting but your chest grew heavier and tears flooded your vision again.
No matter how much you talked to him their was no response, he'd not answer back to your begs and you were exhausted. Please please someone- 'i want to leave i want to leave i need to leave please i want to leave please please let me go i need to-'
"i want to break up" you muttered loud enough as he opened the bathroom door, steps coming to a halt as you stared at his body, water dropping from his chest down the towel wrapped around his waist, dampening it just like your tears dampened the pillow.
You laid on you back, sprawled in the most casual way as you cried, "please i need to leave this" you cried harder as the words made their way past your lips.
You could hear shuffling, sniffling and then a thud, "what?" He muttered kneeling down on the edge of bed, eyes bloodshot as his hands trembled.
"y/n...what?" He uttered again letting put a small pained chuckle.
Grabbing your hand and pushing it against his cheek and you tilted your head to look at him in the eyes. "Please..." You cried tears interrupting you from looking at him.
"i can't take it anymore minho, how many times do i cry....how many times do i tell you that you're ignoring me, no matter what i do it's always wrong you're so far away it hurts, it's tearing me apart. I need to leave. I can't take this anymore.." you sighed pulling your hand away as you sat up, ready to wipe away you tears but he was quick to steal your hands back.
"no I'll change please don't lose hope in me i will change i swear i will- i will do anything please" he uttered, trembling hard as he watched you with the most heartbreaking look you've ever seen on him.
But you couldn't, you were ready to give up this time, you couldn't go back, your mental space had become such a hell living with him, the only thoughts that you knew spiraled through your head were how you would never be enough for him...for anyone. How you were not worthy to be heard of, how no one really ever cared about you and that you needed to leave. All of them were wrong except the latter one, the last one held power, you'd maybe hate yourself for leaving him maybe everyone else would too but you had to, to keep yourself sane...to keep yourself alive.
And so you stood up, blocking out his cries as you dressed up and left telling him you'd be back later to take your stuff.
For now you needed the space he wasn't willing to give you, maybe you'd come back, maybe he'd change, maybe it'll all come together but for now all you felt was hopeless...all you felt was pain.
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Telekinesis Pt 2
Shuri x Fem Reader
"Sthandwa..." Shuri starts but quickly corrects herself at the look on your face. "Y/n."
You stare at her blankly. You don't want to talk. You want her the fuck out of your apartment. She didn't get to make herself feel better by gaining 'closure' or whatever the fuck this was.
"I love you." She starts but you let out a bitter laugh interrupting her.
"You've got a funny way of showing it." You snort, trying to breathe through your laughing.
"Whether you believe me or not, it's the truth." She asserts. You had to force yourself not to roll your eyes because at this point you felt over the conversation and over her bullshit. "I was a different person back then. I knew I was fucked up and I still pursued you because I was selfish. I knew I was hurting you and I felt it was better I let you go before I did anything worse than I already had."
"What do you mean by that? You had to let me go before you did anything worse?" You focus on the tail end of her sentence. What the fuck did that even mean? Worse than she already had?
"You know I was struggling with my duties in Wakanda, and the loss of my family. I barely grieved my brother before I was grieving the loss of my mother. I was in a terrible place and I just couldn't let anyone in." Shuri looks downright ashamed and you can't find it in you to care. "The more I ignored you, the easier it was for me to not have to open up. I didn't have to think about how disappointed you were in me or how much I hurt you. It was selfish but at the time I couldn't offer you anything that you deserved."
"It didn't take you more than a millisecond to fuck someone else." You hated how much that affected you.
"Y/n, I was in a bad place and I turned to sex for comfort. You have to know it meant nothing, those women meant nothing to me." Shuri swears but you can't focus on what she's saying. Only on the confirmation that she had in fact fucked all the women she'd been linked to.
You felt sick just thinking about all the women you compared yourself to when you were bigger. How you cried, starved yourself and worked yourself ragged just to look somewhat similar to those women. The biggest knife to your back was her having a completely different type cast than you, which fucked with your head even more.
"How can you say you love me when all you've done is hurt me." Your breath hitched as you tried to blink away the tears stinging your eyes.
"Sthandwa, losing you hurt like hell." She cups your face in her hands. A move that would have warmed your insides if it weren't for all the mixed emotions running through you. "As much as I wanted you, I needed to lose you to love me. I couldn't be what you needed and that hurt more than anything but I just needed to find myself, and I couldn't do that if we were together because I would have been fighting the same demons."
You aren't sure if her revelation is better than what your mind had conjured up after all this time. Knowing you couldn't help her, fix her, heal her was painful. You would have done anything for her and she didn't want or need that.
The whole time she spoke you felt more and more overwhelmed. You had made so many assumptions as to the reason she cut you off, ghosted you. Nothing compared to this. You didn't know what to feel because how could you be angry at her for putting herself first? She didn't disrespect you, she never cheated, she simply distanced herself slowly before breaking up with you.
Were you selfish for hating her actions? Maybe, however you couldn't dissect that right now. Finally having some answers that had plagued your mind for so long wasn't like what you thought it would feel like. And that in itself was a whole headache.
A knock at your door broke up the uncomfortable silence. You moved off of Shuri's lap and swiped at your face before taking a breath and heading for the door.
"I know damn well you did not kick Dylan out to obsess over that b--" Lexi's rant is cut short when she sees Shuri sitting on the sofa. All the shit she was talking getting caught in her throat as she froze.
"Hello Lexi." Shuri greets her.
"You have some nerve showing up now and attempting to disturb Y/n's life." Lexi hissed. She'd been waiting for this moment for years. She hated the sight of Shuri, after all the sleepless nights, the crying, the break downs, and the not eating. She despised her.
"You don't get to speak. Y/n may fall for the bullshit but I won't. Do you know what you did to her? Do you know how badly you hurt her? You look at her now and you more than likely see a finer more detailed her but you didn't get to see what it took to get her here. She cried herself to sleep for months! Wouldn't eat beyond a few bites here and there! She had to get therapy just to fucking get her to eat properly!" Lexi's face was darkening by the second, you had never seen her more angry and that was telling considering she went on a Shuri shit talking rant whenever you went lurking on social media.
Shuri's face dropped as the Words registered in her mind. She looked from Lexi to you and the look made you feel for her. She looked absolutely devastated. You felt embarrassed by Lexi's rant. As if Shuri was seeing you under a new set of eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest and looked away.
"Meanwhile you were off partying and fucking all these models and socialite's. You were the worst thing that happened to her and you have the fucking nerve to show up after all you caused to what? Fuck with her even more?" Lexi's voice is raising with every word and you cringe.
"Lex..." You mutter her name. "Please stop."
She took her irate eyes off of Shuri to look at you. She exhaled before nodding.
"You need to leave Y/n the fuck alone. You don't deserve her. You never have and you never will. She finally has someone that treats her better than you ever did, could. Don't ruin that for her. She has a weakness when it comes to you, don't take advantage of it." Lexi utters.
Shuri swallowed hard. She wasn't sure what she was hoping to accomplish by coming to see you but to hear what you'd been through made her feel disgusted with herself. She never thought you'd take her breaking up with you that bad. She knew you'd be hurt, she knew you'd even be angry but she never knew it could have ever been that bad.
"I'm sorry." Her voices sounds broken, the look in her eyes was haunting you as she stood. "I won't bother you again."
You watched with bated breath as she walked out the door, every step she took causing your chest to tighten.
"Why would you say those things?" You cried. "You had no right to tell her--"
"I had EVERY right Y/n!" Lexi glared at you. "I know you. I know you have never gotten over her. A few sweet words and you'd be right back in that toxic ass bitch's bed."
"And if I was? That's not your problem. I make my own decisions. I don't need you to fight my battles and I damn sure don't need you to speak for me." Every word held contempt. You were pissed at her for overstepping. Even if she'd done it from a good place.
"Y/n look at you right now." She scoffs. "You're so fucking pussy whipped by that selfish bitch that you can't see just how stupid you're being. Do you think Dylan will ever forgive you fucking your ex?"
"Why do you give a fuck about Dylan????? I'm your best friend! What I want should matter to you!" You huff. You felt so drained.
"So you want the same bitch who dropped you like you were trash?" Lexi raised a brow.
"I don't know what I want. But I'd appreciate it if you were supportive instead of judgmental or scolding. I'm grown. If you can't accept me and my 'pussy whipped' mentality then fucking leave. You do not get to make me feel worse than I already do!" You shivered as you let out the sob you were barely holding in. "Don't you think I hate myself already for loving her still? Don't you think I'd let go of her if I could?"
"Oh, babe..." Lexi walked over and hugged you. The moment her arms encased you, you broke down.
The next day is shitty. You choose go ignore texts from Dylan or Lexi. After your breakdown you'd kicked Lexi out wanting to be alone. And so far you were stuck in a shitty mood.
You felt like shit. You couldn't help the feelings you'd tried to bury for the longest. You felt so conflicted. After hearing Shuri out you weren't sure you could be angry at her, but at the same time you didn't think you could trust her again. Then there was Dylan you really liked her but she didn't inspire the feelings Shuri did.
Dylan was safe. She was the known. You knew you could have a life with her that consisted of love, respect and loyalty. She could provide you with a stable life that Shuri just couldn't guarantee. Shuri herself had admitted she was emotionally unavailable and even with what she'd said. She never once stated she wanted you back. She didn't want you. She only wanted to clear the air.
She wasn't chasing you, she wasn't yearning for you. She hadn't missed any sleep over you, she sure as hell wasn't crying for you. Maybe you were being cynical, maybe you were just too tired of hoping and praying for someone to chase you the way you chased Shuri.
Either way you felt guilty for being stuck on Shuri while Dylan tried her best to give you the experiences you deserved. Affection, Time, Comfort, Love, Memories that didn't include you feeling like shit or crying or hurt.
Despite all the things that were on your mind, you sent a text to Shuri's old number.
Come over, please. - Y/n
It was a long shot. You hadn't texted the line since you'd been ignored. You were sure she'd long since disconnected the line. As you busied yourself with cleaning your apartment and making a salmon Caesar salad, you kept checking your phone for a reply despite the fact your sound was on.
You ate your food, while enjoying a glass or three of wine. The latter being the amount you'd drank. You checked your phone to see several hours had passed since the text was sent and you felt foolish for thinking she would have responded. She'd gotten her closure. She could continue to party and fuck all those women.
After placing the leftovers in the fridge and washing the dishes. You decided to do your night routine, before walking around naked. One of the many joys of living in your own spot.
As you went to find something to wear you heard the door and went to look through the peephole. Taking a deep breath you opened the door and let her in. You watched as she take you in, her eyes taking in every inch of you.
You closed and locked the door behind her, before turning to face her. Before you knew it you were lying on your bed with your legs spread and her fingers in your core.
Everything became a blur as you got lost in the sensations. You weren't sure how much time had passed but you knew it had been quite a bit by the darkness in your room.
"I'm sorry..." You whisper as she spooned you.
"You don't have to apologize Y/n." She assures you, her hand rubbing your hip.
"I do. I didn't mean to call you that.."
"You did and that's fine. I'm not delusional nor am I stupid. I know you still love her. I can only hope you can love me just as much." Dylan admits. She was too good for you.
"I don't know what to do." You mumble.
"Then don't do anything. I don't need commitment right now, I just need you however I can get you." Dylan kisses the top of your head.
In the middle of the night your phone alerts you to a text. You turn your head to see Dylan is knocked out before reaching for your phone.
Sorry I didn't respond right away. I wasn't sure what to say. - Shuri
No worries, I wasn't sure this number was still yours anyway. - Y/n
Well now you know it is. - Shuri
Can we have dinner tomorrow? - Shuri
Why? - Y/n
I know I don't deserve you but I can't let go of you again. - Shuri
I'm seeing someone. - Y/n
It can be a friendly dinner. No expectations. I'll take you anyway I can get you. - Shuri
Fine, but you want to take me out. You're picking me up. - Y/n
Great! How does seven tomorrow sound? - Shuri
It's fine. Goodnight. - Y/n
You place your phone done to go back to sleep right as another text comes in.
Goodnight Umfazi, sleep well. - Shuri
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iwanthermidnightz · 5 months
To me, these articles responding to that opinion piece aren’t so much concerned with contributing to the conversation, but with jumping on a topic for clicks that has been blown out of proportion because it made some Swifties uncomfortable. Meanwhile, the actual subject the piece is about has been unbothered by it and taken a woman on her arm to the Golden Globes.
And before anyone tries to counter—yes. We all know why Travis wasn’t there. Yet she has other male friends and even Austin she could have taken with her. Or gone alone.
I think the real conversation should be why it’s ok to “obsess and speculate” over Taylor’s sexuality when it’s assumed to be heterosexual, but an issue to “obsess and speculate” over her sexuality when posited that she could be queer or that her lyrics have queer undertones (if that’s the right wording).
People speculated for SIX YEARS that she was married to Joe Alwyn and were very much recently speculating that Travis was proposing over Christmas. Someone on Deuxmoi speculated she had a miscarriage, which (in addition to the pushed marriage ceremony narrative) pissed Tree off and prompted a direct response. But hey, those are completely fine, because those are built around a heterosexual construct. (*sarcasm*)
Yet, when an article brings up queerness and Taylor Swift in the same sentence, based on words written a spoken and actions conducted by Taylor herself (who as we know, prides herself on writing her own lyrics), it’s suddenly “harmful speculation” or a “delusional obsession” by a group of people projecting their “fantasies” and sexualities on a woman who has said she is straight.
Yeah, all while placing herself smack dab in the middle of the (LGBT) community in YNTCD….when she could have been Ryan Reynolds in her own video.
But I digress.
I think what’s really harmful is when people like Misha Collins (for example) tweet at Taylor about the piece saying his DM’s are open if she wants to talk because “he’s been there” (when idk, she could just talk to Shawn Mendes, who her “associates” threw in traffic while voicing their dismay).
After all, a few years ago at an event, Misha himself said:
"By a show of force, how many of you would consider yourself introverts? How many extroverts? And how many bisexuals?" Then said “I’m all three”.
He later “apologized” calling it “clumsiness of his language”. Saying his intent “was to wave off actually discussing my sexuality”, but he “badly fumbled that” and understood that it was seen as him coming out as bisexual.
So….here we are. Bisexuality (in the queerness family tree and used among the words “extrovert” and “introvert”) is being posed as “clumsiness of language”.
It’s just interesting to me how people use “obsession” and “speculation” in context of sexuality.
I very much agree. Thank you for putting this into words.
The most concerning part (and this has been the case for years and years) is how comfortable people (usually straight) are with accusing queer people of a whole slew of problematic accusations rooted in their ignorance and unwillingness to understand queer experience, culture and history, and their obvious intent of trying to hurt and gaslight an already vulnerable community with the most malicious rhetoric. It tells me the views/experiences of the lgbtqia+ community are not valued. At least not as much as heteronormative standards.
Like the guardian article mentioned yesterday,
“the entertainment industry is perfectly fine with its biggest stars flirting with LGBTQ+ imagery. It’s fine with its biggest stars draping themselves in rainbow flags and making statements about allyship. Dare to suggest that those stars might actually be gay, though, and you’ll see quite a lot of old-fashioned homophobia coming out.”
Moral is, it’s clear society is ok with using queer culture when it’s beneficial, and at the same time using it as a scapegoat when they feel threatened by it.
It’s the double standards and hypocrisy for me. It’s exhausting.
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yumenoyousei · 7 months
Notes for my Sokkla Celebrity AU (Azula's side)
This AU idea came to me earlier this year (like May??) and wouldn't leave me alone so I wrote all the notes related to it.
I then wrote a Sokkla fic based in this universe, which I struggled a lot with. To motivate me to finish it post it on AO3, I decided to share the notes of that universe. 
So here are the Azula-centric notes for it. I'll post the Sokka-centric shortly and in a few days, the fic.
*Note, all the songs/artists are references in style and/or mood/vibe and/or lyrics. I do not think it would be the exact same song if in that Universe Azula would sing it but it just gives an idea
TW: mental health issues and mention of su*cide and attempts
Notes for Sokka's side
Without further ado,
ATLA Celebrity AU (Azula-centric)
Azula 0-12
Azula is a child actor with Zuko, gets more roles than her older brother
The whole Sozin family are renowned actors and/or singers (Ozai was an okay actor, Iroh was an amazing actor and singer, and Ursa was an amazing singer who didn't get that much recognition until she got married to Ozai)
Ozai is still very much a piece of shit, setting his children against one another
Ursa doesn't help as she unconsciously supports Zuko more, gives him his love for music and playing guitar & piano
By the time Zuko is 13 (Azula 11) he focuses on music
Azula being always pitched against him, starts dancing & is good at it 
Still, the fire siblings are closer than in canon; Zuko teaches Azula to song-write and express her feelings through lyrics
Ursa is trying to divorce Ozai, but Ozai (and the Sozin family) is having none of it because of the image it would give them
Lu Ten dies (suicide, the pressure of being an actor, Iroh is never the same, remove himself from the limelight)
Azula 13 - 16
At Ozai pressure, forms a girl group with Mai and Ty Lee (think: Morning Musume & e-girls). Mai is a better singer, and Ty Lee is a better dancer but Azula is still made the leader. She puts immense pressure on herself to be better than them. Does fewer acting gigs but is known as an actress.
Ozai hurt Zuko (scar-like in canon?) to the media they say it's an accident but behind closed doors, it gives Ursa the out she needed. She leaves with Zuko (they go stay with Iroh) intending to get Azula too but:
1- Ozai fights her even more to keep Azula
2-Ozai makes sure to make Azula believe Ursa left her because she doesn't want her
Azula dates publicly actor Chan; gives him all her firsts "to get rid of them", and breaks up soon after
Azula 17-18
The girls make more sexual dances/songs. Mai and Ty Lee are not comfortable but Azula thrives in the "sex sells" mentality (Ozai influence)
Azula snaps at reporters that ask her about Zuko which gives her a "bad girl" personality which she also thrives in (somehow her doesn't give a fuck attitude boosts her popularity)
The girls have an ugly fallout making their 4th album and get kicked out of the agency (to the girls, it looks like Azula told her father and to Azula, it looks like they left her, but it is all Ozai) 
Zuko starts a solo career under Avatar Industries (they have the Gaang also and Zuko makes friends)
Before releasing his first single, he tries to contact Azula but she's having none of it: she believes Zuko also abandoned her
Rumours about Ozai's shady money deals come out and Azula has to lay low
Azula 18
Mai and Zuko start to date in the public eye and Mai makes one (1) comment about the girls' split which makes the media go into a frenzy
Azula's mental health starts to slip, stops acting altogether after she snaps at a director
Ozai makes Azula go see Zuko telling her to "check what the rivals are doing" but Azula just misses her brother so takes the occasion
Sokka is there also because of my Sokkla agenda to support Zukko
Azula actually has a good time with her brother, they mostly talk about music, and Azula can mock him (friendly) about his cheesy music (think early Shawn Mendes) She also surprisingly has fun with Sokka
(somehow develops a tiny crush that she destroys as soon as she hears Sokka mentioning his girlfriend)
The next day, a rumour explodes that Sokka cheated on Suki (Olympic Athlete) with Azula because Azula seduced him 
Even if Sokka, Azula, and Zuko deny it, the rumours spiral
Azula writes her frustration in a song about how the media portrays her as evil even if Sokka gets less heat. Ozai made Azula release it as her first official solo single (think Billie Eilish's "Bad Guy")
It explodes and Azula releases her first solo album, the second single from the album is actually about Zuko (think Rihanna's "Bitch better have my money" energy, but saying things like; you left me and I trusted you) and it does very well on the chart
Azula 19
Azula is about to go on tour when Ozai gets arrested for money laundering
Her mental health slips even more as they discover his other shady practices and an "anonymous source" relates the abuse Azula & Zuko got
Her tour gets cancelled
Azula gets into a mental psychosis and believes it's her mother who said it to hurt her career
The media tries to get a scoop about it
Azula almost drowns in her bath; Zuko rescues her last-minute
She gets hospitalized; diagnostic OCD, and stays for 8 months
Writes a lot while she's hospitalized
Zuko visits often, and they get a heart to heart, Zuko is also followed for GAD and PTSD
Ursa visits, the first time it makes Azula slip, the second she screams at Ursa. After, the doctors tell Ursa it's best if she doesn't come
Azula 20
After she gets released, (and followed by a therapist) Azula discovers that a lot of rumours were actually set up by her father, like the cheating scandal
(He wanted to make it seem like Azula was the one trying to reach out while Zuko was the one pushing her away, thus chipping his "cute awkward turtleduck" persona he has but when Ozai sees the pictures of Azula laughing at Sokka's joke, another idea comes to his mind)
And the "anonymous source" was actually Ozai's entourage in an "if I'm going down, you're going down with me" attempt
Azula is 100% heartbroken but also 300% mad
She writes a lot of songs
At some point, Zuko tries to make her reconnect with Mai & Ty Lee and even if Azula knows most of the conflict was amplified by her father, she's scared to contact them
Zuko manages to make Azula meet Ty Lee and one thing brings another, they write a song together which they never did because the agency used to write/decide what they sang
They invite Mai to join and through songwriting, they do an album as a group (think ChloexHalle's album "Ungodly Hours")
They become better friends but decide to officially split as a band after the release of the album (Mai & Ty Lee's careers are going great anyway)
(Mai & Zuko break up and might come back together I dunno, haven't thought that far about those 2)
Azula 21
Before releasing the album, Azula announced on social media her mental health conditions and said it was the biggest reason why she was out of the public eye for 2 years.
She tries the best she can to avoid mentions of her father
The girls release the album and it does well, they are praised for their new maturity and powerful vocals
Azula works on a solo album but even with all she has written, she is stuck.
She asks for help (in a very Azula way) from Zuko and she officially meets the Gaang
Azula and Aang become weirdly fast friends
Finished by releasing an EP that is 100% about her father that she conceals as break-up songs (think Naika's EP "Transitions")
Her mother announces she's pregnant with her boyfriend's baby, it lowkey makes Azula spiral for a few weeks, writes about it
Azula 22 
Azula wins prices for her EP and with the album with the girls
She still has a "bad girl" persona (she loves to call herself a bad bitch) to the media but the way she talks about her mental health makes her relatable - she's flippantly talking about tho which a lot called "refreshing"
As she hangs out more with her brother + the Gaang, her crush on Sokka comes back, especially now that he is single, though she doesn't want to act on it
To her surprise, she writes a love song that is just that, a love song (think Selena Gomez's "Souvenir")
Because in the song she sings about blue eyes, the media/internet speculate that it's about Sokka which she denies (even if it's true)
She does a fun danceable song with Aang (think Bruno Mars & Cardi B's "Finesse remix"), surprising everyone
She does a lot of featuring that summer, with other artists but she cannot see what she wants for an album
Something with her father's sentence happens (it got almost revoked or something) which makes her revisit all the (other) songs she has about him
**Sokkla story** (Link to the fic added !!)
Notes for Sokka's side
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lemon-boy-stan · 2 years
Being best friends with Steve but your secretly in love with him but he loves Nancy. You and Steve are inseparable, you two are like a package deal, but it would hurt a lot when he would blow you off to hangout with his girlfriend Nancy. You were so jealous of her even when they broke up and you comforted him, but you found a distraction from your feelings for Steve “the Hair” Harrington. That was when Billy Hargrove came to the school, Billy already didn’t like Steve but damn he wanted you. Steve always waits for you by your locker at school and his heart drops when he sees Billy in his place, worst of all flirting with you, twirling your hair, whispering in your ear as you smiled and blushed, watching his hands go all over you, it made Steve want to throw up. When you blew him off for an “unknown” reason he was too curious and had to find out what was going on, he walked you your place and ofc Billy’s car is there and peeks through your window and sees him legit pounding you into the mattress and god were you loud. When you saw Steve the next day he’s all pouty and sad because he misses you and that’s when he realizes how much he loves you and he starts bragging that he can treat you better than stupid Billy.😔😔
hiii anon tysm for requesting this! (i didn't include the biy smut because i suck at billy smut but I hope you liked it anyway!)
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summary: yn is in love with her best friend steve, but steve is dating nancy. every day she comes home miserable about seeing them together. fast-forward to senior year, and there's a new kid in town, billy hargrove. at first, yn turns him down, with eyes for steve only, but she soon realises her hints at steve are going nowhere, so she accepts billy's offer, even though steve keeps arguing that billy's no good for her. genre: angst, fluff. pairing: steve harrington x best friend!reader. warnings: billy's basically an asshole, use of alcohol and drugs, billy's abusive towards yn (kind of like how he is to max), yn hates nancy. an: this is based on the ask and also the song treat you better by shawn mendes.
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Nancy Wheeler. You tried telling yourself that you liked her, that she was one of your best friends, that you couldn't say anything about her, because she was one of the kindest people you knew. But when you cried into your pillow every week, you knew you hated her.
She was always one better at you than everything. In sports, in your grades, in the things you had, in your looks, and now, how your best friend thought of you. Steve and Nancy had been dating for a year.
She joined the group in your freshman year, wanting to be popular, even though everyone else had already known each other since middle school, either by you or by Steve.
Nancy was your friend first, and you always hated yourself for introducing her to Harrington, but you and Steve were the founders of the group. Every year, you had been prom queen and king. And then Steve got an actual girlfriend.
"She's such a bitch," you arranged the photos on the yearbook spread, "Like, what does Steve see in her?" one of your other friends, Hannah, shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe you should just steal him from her. Hey, Greg? This article is for the tenth page." Hannah was Steve's friend, Josh's girlfriend.
There were seven of you in the group: you, Steve, Hannah, Josh, Isaac, Tracy, Nancy, and Peter. "You know, she asked me if she could come to our party. She's basically new meat. She just stole him..." Hannah rolled her eyes, "babe, that was two years ago. She's intune now. And I would love to do some insanely bitchy shit to her, but I tell Josh everything, and you know he has a big mouth. Steve would be so upset, especially after that Barb girl died. Just try and be happy for him." now you were the one roling your eyes, "I am trying to be happy for him. I'm always fixing his relationship problems for him. Sometimes I just wish that I wouldn't."
You hoped your glowering wasn't too obvious, but you were glowering anyway as Steve and Nancy set their trays down on the table. They'd been dating for two years now, and it occured to you that your progress with dropping hints at Steve was going absolutely nowhere.
One of your friends, Tracy, turned to Isaac. He was a total nerd, but he was a shooter on the basketball team. "Apparently the new kid's really hot." and your ears perked at this, you were always a sucker for drama. You turned away from your conversation with Steve, "oh yeah? Who?" leaning in like you were discussing a very important matter. Steve frowned, although he didn't know why he was upset.
Tracy smirked, "Billy Hargrove. He's a total rebel and a bad boy, probably a druggie, too, but he's superhot. He's a surfer." Peter grinned at you, "so he's basically your type, then, Y/N." and you scrunched up your nose, "what? No, he's not!" trying your best not to look at Steve.
Hannah rose her eyebrows with a smirk, "you literally did it with that Munson guy at Josh's party, and he's like, a satan worshipper or something." your jaw dropped at this before you crossed your arms, "no he's not! He's actually really nice, okay? And anyway I was shitfaced drunk that night so it doesn't count." and Peter snorted at this, "yeah. I bet he was only nice because you showed him your tits." Steve got up abruptly, clenching his fists over his lunch tray, glaring profuesly at Peter before grumbling loudly and walking off.
You threw Peter an injured look that was filled with sarcasm, flipping him the bird violently. Steve sat back down, folding his arms over the table. You turned to him, "what the fuck was that for?" and he shrugged, narrowing his eyes at you. "What?" grinding his teeth. You rolled your eyes, "whatever, asshole." Steve slumped in his seat, but only enough for you to notice. Isaac chortled loudly, "it's his time of the month." and all four of you girls yelled at him, you, Hannah, Tracy and even Nancy, who'd been silent most of the afternoon. "SHUT UP, ISAAC!"
The whole cafeteria turned to look at your table and Josh slapped him on the back, "this is why you don't have any girlfriends, Isaac." and Isaac rolled his eyes, taking Hannah's empty juicebox, scrunching it up and throwing it over the table at the head of a freshman grumpily.
MARCH 1983
Steve had said if anyone puked on his seats he was going to leave them on the side of the road. You'd asked him, "what if Nancy's the one who pukes?" and Steve said, "I'll toss her out of the car." and although Nancy had been all pouty and miffed about it and Steve had asured her he would never do that, it still made you happy that he'd said that.
You'd gone shopping with Tracy and Hannah yesterday for a new outfit at Starcourt. You'd managed to leave Nancy behind, and you were glad that it had been a total anti-Wheeler bitch fest, but then you saw her and Steve coming out from the cinema with matching bracelets that were definetly homemade and it made you want to puke.
Even though you'd spent the rest of the afternoon crying, you looked fabulous, and it made you feel just a little bit better. And you felt even better when Billy Hargrove approached you at the party and called you hot.
Billy, the one guy who intimidated King Steve. He was smoking, and you guessed Tracy was right about the drug thing, but it was only marijuana, and Steve sometimes smoked marijuana, so. She was also right about him being superhot. This kind of guy wasn't normally your type, but you'd heard rumors about him, and they were all true.
For one thing, you'd seen him play at Steve's games. You'd seen him walk around the halls at school, how all the girls stared and all the guys were jealous of him. He might even be prom king this year. And you knew how Steve was upset that he wasn't the best player anymore. Oh, yeah. If it was anyone who was intimidating enough to get the attention of Steve "the Hair" Harrington, it was Billy Hargrove.
Billy spoke through the cigarette, "aren't you a pretty little thing?" you tried to look like you were hiding your blush, giggling softly. Billy smiled flirtatiousy and your stomach flipped. He leanerd in closer so you could smell him, cologne mixed with sweat, alcohol and drugs. "What do you say, you and I get out of here and I show you a good time?" and you were so tempted to say yes.
But then you saw Steve, from across the room, and you remembered what Steve smelled Like, of day-old sweaters and the leather seats of his car and his the old farmhouse you'd discovered when you were kids, still hanging out there with your friends to this day, and you smiled sheepisly sad, shaking your head.
"I'm sorry," you said at last, "but it's my friend's party and I'd promised I'd stay the whole night." But Billy wasn't miffed. All he did was smile charmingly and took out a marker.
"Well, okay," and he took your arm, "call me if you ever want to." and you held your breath as he wrote the digits on your skin, body tingling as he walked away, into the crowd.
MAY 1983
Steve scowled as he and Nancy took their seats at the table. He didn't know why, but he hated seeing Y/N and Billy together. It really pissed him off.
Y/N used to wear Steve's sweaters all the time, Nancy didn't like his clothes. But now all she wore were that douchebag's leather jackets, and Steve hated that she looked good in them. Hot, even. But it didn't matter. Nancy was his girlfriend, and Y/N was Billy's.
Steve glared at the couple, "could you not? We're eating. Get a fucking room." and while you pulled away from Billy and blushed like you were embarrassed, all Billy did was smirk. "You got a problem, Harrington?"
Steve scoffed and puffed out his chest. Tracy giggled softly, turning to Y/N. "Your boyfriend's so hot." and you blushed again, "yeah, he kind of is. Definitely Prom King material." Billy grinned, taking your hand, kissing it. "Not without my queen." Steve was gonna puke.
Isaac, Peter and Josh crossed their arms. Well, at least Steve had them on his side. They knew who Y/N really belonged with. Steve just needed Y/N to know.
Steve pulled Nancy close to him, "yeah, well, you've got competition, Hargrove." and Billy smirked again, cocking his head. "You sure about that, Harrington? I mean, you don't really fit the position, but Wheeler's got some damn hot boobs, I bet, and so does Y/N. Who knows? There might be two queens this year." Steve clenched his fists.
All Billy did was smirk. "Did that seriously rile you up, Harrington? Damn, next time I wanna kick your ass at basketball all I have to do is bring up Y/N's hot fucking boobs."
Steve lunged across the table, scattering food trays and juice boxes astray. You got up from your seat lightning fast, shrieking loudly. "Steve!" and the sound brought a clarity to Steve's rage-filled mind. He gripped Billy's shirt in his fist, but all he did was laugh.
One of the teachers began to glare at your table. "Steve!" you said again, gesturing with your head. Steve huffed loudly, "yeah, yeah, I know."
The bell rang.
As soon as you, Steve and Jamie were in class, Steve hauled you over to the empty desk next to his, taking your stuff with him even though you both knew Jamie would be listening in. She was like that. And besides, she was your best friend. It was her duty.
When your English teacher, Mr. Watson, wasn't looking, Steve broke into the conversation angrily. "Why do you spend time with that freak? He's a douchebag, Y/N! Have you seen the way he treats his little sister? He's no good for you! He doesn't deserve you. He's an asshole, I -"
"Mr. Harrington! Is there something you would Like to share with the class?" and Steve brought his attention to the front of the clasroom, "no, sir." falling quiet.
He didn't speak to you for the rest of the lesson, except for when you asked to borrow his eraser. When he gave it to you, he could've sworn he saw you blush.
JUNE 1983
The ringing phone in your room woke you up at nine o'clock on a Sunday morning. You groaned loudly before stumbling out of bed, Steve's old gym shirt flowing past your knees. Your legs were cold.
It was Billy. Great. Just great. "You wanna come over?" god, no.
You shook your head, "no, I can't, I'm sorry. I've got to study. No distractions," you added, remembering that one time you let Billy come over while you were studying. You could almost see his shrug, "all right."
You groaned in relief as Billy hung up, walking back over to your bed, sliding back under the doonas. You didn't actually have any studying to do. Billy was just... a handful. Steve was right about that.
The phone rang again.
"For fuck's sake!" you shouted angrily, stomping back over. You were about to yell at Billy, no shits to give, but Billy spoke before you could yell at him.
"Are you at home?" and you grumbled loudly, "yes, I already said I'm at home studying." and you could almost hear Billy's grin, "that was a trick question. I know you're at home, because I'm calling you with the phone in your living room." What the fuck? You thought to yourself. That was so fucking creepy! Why would -
"Ya-huh. Your mum let me in." oh. So Billy wasn't Billy. Billy was Steve. You smiled softly.
You blew out heavily into the reciever, "oh thank god, I -" and Steve grinned at the front door of your room, "let me guess. You didn't want it to be Billy?"
You wanted to say yes, so bad. You just wanted to cry to him, admit that he'd been right all along, tell him how much you hated Billy, kiss him and say, please, please take me away from here.
But then you remembered your birthday party in 1981 where your newest guest, Nancy Wheeler, was making out with your best friend and crush, Steve Harrington.
You shook your head, "no. I'm just glad it was you." Steve grinned, "is that my shirt?" even though he already knew the answer as he walked into your bedroom. You rolled your eyes, "of course it is, Steven."
But Steve was still grinning, "don't you have Billy's clothes to wear?" and you scowled at his words, "I'm not wearing leather jackets to sleep." though that wasn't the full reason why you didn't wear Billy's clothes. You had a lot of his shirts. It was just... they didn't smell like Steve.
Steve rolled his eyes, "whatever. Can you not talk about Billy for like, just five minutes?" and your jaw dropped at him, "are you serious, Steve? You were the one who brought him up!" and you crossed your arms, glaring at him profuesly, trying to figure out exactly why he was blaring so hot and cold.
Steve sighed sheepishly, "alright. I'm sorry." pulling you close and hugging you. "Hey. Wanna go watch a movie or something?" speaking into the top of your head. You smiled into him, "yeah, sure. Just let me get changed." and Steve pouted at this, "but I Iike it when you wear my shirts. Nancy never wears my clothes." and you scowled, "I'll get arrested for nudity. Now turn around, you perv."
Steve grinned, "whatever you say." and you checked that he really was turned around before pulling off his gym shirt and throwing on a dress. Steve whined loudly, "Y/N! Can't you wear one of my jumpers. Please." and you scoffed, "you act like you want people to think we're dating!" you waited for a reaction, but all Steve did was smile. You rolled your eyes, "fine. Now come on!"
Monday night
Steve loved the roads near Y/N's house. All the cobblestones were broken, but there was a time where they were kids and he played a game with her where you couldn't touch the lines on the road. She got a scrape on her knee and cried into him for half an hour before letting him put on the band-aid, but it was one of his favourite memories.
He was playing the game now, though he was sure he'd stepped on at least five or six lines. He was too preoccupied, distracted. He'd just broken up with Nancy, and the thought was swimming around in his head like a record he couldn't turn off.
"Don't say it's bullshit, Nancy!" Steve was the second to raise his voice, throat shaky. "Don't fucking say it's bullshit!" tears were threatening to spill from his eyes as Nancy crossed her arms, "oh yeah? It's bullshit. B - U - L - L - S - H -" Steve slammed the door in her face, anger seething out. It was the fourth time they'd broken up, but this time Steve knew it was final. He didn't love her anymore. He was pretty sure he'd never loved her.
Steve sighed as up to Y/N's house. He was so ready for a sick movie night right now. He put his hand to the door and knocked on it, opening his mouth to yell out for her. That's when he heard the screaming. He opened the door with the spare key under the little red mat, and ran into the house and up into her room, where the scene unraveled before him.
The rage and sirens blew through Steve's mind. All he saw was red, red as Billy grabbed Y/N's wrist, red as Steve barrelled over across the corner of the room where they were standing.
Steve tried his best to be gentle, but he threw Y/N away from Billy, shoving her lightly to the side, out of his reach. He drew an invisible line from him, Y/N, and Billy, and as soon as Y/N was on his side of the line, Steve tumbled over, yelling in rage.
You watched the scene in horror. Steve was wrestling with Billy, screaming, literally screaming, in his face. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER, HARGROVE!" the shock rested on your face and you were sure that it would never come off. "DON'T FUCKING TREAT HER LIKE THAT, YOU ASSHOLE!"
But then Billy laughed, flipping the two of them around so that he was the one giving the punches, and you were still watching in horror before a scream leapt out of your mouth. "STEVE!" you tried to run over but your legs wouldn't move. They were glued to the ground, fearful of what would happen if they did.
Steve grunted softly before heaving his breath heavily, muttering something under his breath. Then you screamed again, because now Steve was throwing punches. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen until Billy clocked out.
Your legs started working again. The tears sprang from your eyes as you ran over, shattered and uneven breaths tumbling from your mouth. "Steve," his name came out as more of a gasp, you reached up to try to clean the blood from his face but he took your hand away gently, shaking his head.
"Are you okay?" he pulled you close to him and even though you hated yourself for it, you cried into his shirt. You nodded violently, choking out the words. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Are you - are you okay? Steve." looking up at him with big, doe eyes.
Steve grunted again before nodding, "yeah, I'm okay. I just. God, I fucking hate your boyfriend." he let out a hollow laugh and you thought for a while. You sniffed, "he's not my boyfriend anymore." and Steve hugged you again, "good."
There was a long, calming silence when you spoke again. You stood on your tip-toes to look him in the eyes, "Steve?" and he placed his lips on your head, "hmm." the words tumbled out unwillingly, "would it be okay if I kissed you?" knowing full well what the answer would be, knowing full well that he loved Nancy and not you.
So it shocked you when Steve smiled and said, "I was actually planning on doing that." but you put your head into his shirt softly and mumbled the words, "no, it's okay. I know you love Nancy. Don't kiss me just 'cause I asked you. I was just being silly, I -"
Steve groaned into the kiss, and it was just like how he'd thought it would be. Your lips were soft and warm and radiated a warmth through his entire body. He was so scared to let go, afraid you would break if he did, but when he finally pulled apart, he saw your smile, and he knew you were not broken anymore. Steve kissed your forehead softly, "I don't love Nancy. I love you. It's always been you." you buried your head into the neckline of his shirt, "I love you too."
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dancingwiththefae · 1 year
For the song inspired fic: yennisker + “like to be you” by Shawn Mendes and Julia Michaels, please? :-)
This is such a yennskier song omg
This is set during and just after 1x6 because its the perfect opportunity for some mild hurt/comfort and softness
CW for discussions of infertility, kissing
wc: 1k
She had been avoiding him for most of the journey. Almost every time she and Geralt ran into each other, he was accompanied bt that damn bard. He grated on her every nerve. She'd made a point as they trekked up the mountain to ignore his presence. If she was honest, both he and Geralt were the last people she thought she'd run into here. Geralt didn't kill dragons, she knew. There was no reason for him to be here. And even less for his ever annoying shadow to be following behind.
But she couldn't avoid him forever. Curiosity was burning in her. So when she caught him sitting alone by the fire, scribbling nonsense into his notebook, she rounded on him.
“What are you doing here?”
Standing tall in front of him, she made a point to block his light. He looked up from his notebook and eyed her with mild confusion.
“That's probably a question you should ask Geralt,” he replied after a moment.
“I would, but I doubt I'd get a straight answer from him.”
She settled herself on the log beside him, internally pleased at the way he shuffled away from her.
“Well, I think Geralt is mostly here because of you.” He waved a hand in her general direction. “I'm here because...well I am. I came along with him because- because- we're friends I suppose."
“So that's it then,” she said in a way that didn't hide how she didn't believe him, “friendship.”
“Does there need to be anything else? You may be surprised to hear that we do in fact enjoy spending time together.”
She didn't respond. She wasn't really in the mood for trading barbs this evening.
“What about you?” The bard asked, breaking the silence between them, “what are you doing here? Surely a powerful sorceress has everything she could ever need. What could you need the coin for? Falling on hard times?”
“I'm not here for the coin,” she snapped.
“Oh?” he smirked in the way that he knew he was about to get a good story out of this, “then what are you here for?”
Yennefer hesitated. She could lie. Jaskier didn't need to know her business. Then again, it was a chance to shut him up.
“Fertility treatment.” The smirk wiped itself from his face. “Dragon hearts are said to help.”
“You want to be a mother?”
The audacity of him to ask outright. She was almost offended. That is if she wasn't already painfully aware of his habit of speaking without thinking.
“I would like the choice.”
His eyes flitted away from her.
“I'm sorry, I didn't know,” he said to the ground.
“There's a lot of things you don't know.”
She stood abruplty and stormed off, not bothering to wait for a reply.
She hadn't gathered her thoughts in time to portal away before Jaskier caught up with her. He wandered aimlessly down the mountain, face like a kicked puppy.
“I heard what he said,” she called as he came closer, “you didn't deserve that.”
The bard shrugged, defeated. He stopped right in front of her.
“I'm sorry you didn't get the treament you were looking for,” he said with painful sincerity.
“I'm sorry you were caught in the middle of everything,” she replied.
They sat together by the fire. Jaskier was surprisingly practical, building the fire himself and setting up camp. She didn't mention that she could have saved them both time with a wave of her hand. She had assumed that he had Geralt do everything for him. There was a lot about him that said he was completely unsuited to a rough life on the road. It had beena silly assumption in hindsight. Of course Jaskier travelled by himself at times. And he somehow survived before Geralt. He must have picked up a few pracitcal skills along the way.
“I was wrong about you.” He stared into the fire as he spoke. “It's kind of my job to put myself in other people's shoes. For some reason, I never thought to put myself in yours.”
She thought over what he had said. Perhaps that was it. They'd spent so much time at each other's throats they had forgotten that there was a person on the other side.
“I was mostly right about you,” she commented
The bard laughed.
“I suppose... I didn't know what it was like to be you. But I'm starting to understand.”
“Starting to,” she echoed.
“You are an enigma, Yennefer of Vengerberg,” he teased. The way he held onto every syllable of her name made her chest tighten. It was only then that she realised how close they were. Perhaps it was the firelight, the way it danced on their skin in the dark. Or the way the silence of the woods made them seem like the only two people in the world. Whatever it was, it brought them closer until Jaskier leaned in to kiss her. It was soft and painfully gentle. She felt herself melt into him. All too soon it was over and the bard was looking at her with a mix of horror and embarrasement.
“I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that.”
“No it's-it's fine.” she pulled on the collar of his doublet to try and bring him closer again. His hand came up to cover hers. She could see how conflicted he was in his gaze. He'd stopped her from pulling him closer, but he held onto her tight.
“We're both just looking for something to soothe a broken heart,” he reasoned, though he sounded more sad than anything
“We'd reget it,” he sighed.
“We won't know until after.” She leaned into him until they were inches apart. “A life with regrets is a life well lived, I always believed.”
Jaskier took a deep, slow breath. The hand holding hers let go and he brought it up to her face to cup her cheek. He kissed her like he would never get the opportunity again. Perhaps he wouldn't. But that didn't matter. They could regret it in the morning.
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1D Monthly Fic Roundup
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for December 2022! Below you’ll find 1D fics that were all published this month in the order they were submitted to the blog. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup​. You can find all our other posts here.
Happy reading!
🔹All I know is I'm in trouble (cause the atmosphere's so cold) by  we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (T, 8k, Louis/Harry)
While on a holiday with his best mate Zayn, Louis meets Harry, who seems to dislike him from the start. It's just his luck he ends up getting stuck on a ski lift with Harry. Except maybe the universe knows better and he really is lucky.
🔹Here where you should be by @lunarheslwt (G, 19k, Harry/Louis)
“I’m spending Christmas alone.” Harry would never have thought of himself as dramatic, but he could swear he felt his heart lurch at the quiet admission. “Huh?” “Just me, myself and I,” Louis joked, giving a little laugh. “It’s about to be a very….ah, silent night.” And Harry was so distraught at this news, that he didn’t even chuckle at the pun. “Louis,” he said dumbly, voice betraying how upsetting he found the idea. The sparkle in Louis’ eyes dulled further. “Don’t you worry about me, Harry,” Louis soothed, “It’s not that big a deal-” “-Would you like to spend Christmas with me?” And what. the. fuck. Why did he ask that to someone who was essentially a stranger?
Or, when Harry, an anxious alpha, found himself panicking over last minute Christmas shopping, he found comfort in the kind omega shop assistant, Louis. He wasn't meant to invite the omega home for Christmas when he found out that he's spending Christmas alone. He wasn't meant to catch feelings. Hell, he wasn't even meant to be able to go home for the holiday. It was shaping up to be a Christmas full of surprises.
🔹Mistletoe's For Two by crimsontheory / @ireallysawanangel (E, 90k, Louis/Harry)
After an encounter in a coffee shop with the rudest man he's ever met, Louis hopes the city is just big enough that he'll never bump into him again. When he spots that man at a bar the following evening, a plan begins to form. They both need dates for their respective Christmas parties and decide to use each other for their own benefit. They'll help one another through the holidays and then 'break it off' on New Year's, then agree to never see each other again. Developing feelings was not part of the plan.
Or, an enemies to lovers fake dating advent fic.
🔹One for the Books by @neondiamond (M, 25k, Louis/Harry)
When Harry decides to move to London a few weeks before Christmas to pursue his dream and become the new owner of a bookshop after seeing an ad online, everyone he knows tells him he must be out of his mind. As he gets acquainted with his new life and meets a handful of incredible individuals—one of which he happens to grow particularly fond of—he slowly comes to the realisation that it may just be the best decision he's ever made.
Or the one where there’s a bookshop, a cat, OT5 friendship, a budding romance, and all the festive vibes.
🔹when did i first know? i always knew by eynap / @panye (E, 7k, Niall/Shawn Mendes)
Shawn has thought about marrying Niall more times than he can count, but there’s a palpable difference in the way he feels around kids now. It’s gone from an immeasurable amount of love for being Uncle Shawn to Harry and Louis' children, to wanting to experience these moments for himself with his own kids.
He has a feeling that has a lot to do with the way he feels about Niall, too.
Or, it takes Christmas Eve spent with two dads, four uncles, and two children under 6 for Shawn to realize he might want kids of his own. He's nervous Niall won't feel the same way.
🔹The Holes of My Sweater by yourdelicatepov / @harrysmaison (NR, 31k, Louis/Harry)
Harry dusts off the flour from all over his body. His cheeks hurt from how much he laughed. Louis' face is flushed from it, brown hair looking like a nest. Yet Louis' eyes are lit with so much joy, bluer than the oceans, laughter dancing in the little green specks. Harry feels himself get lost in them, Louis looking right back. 'Has Louis always looked this pretty?' He can't help but think.They're snapped out of their trance by the sound of the oven beeping. Harry blinks. Louis is covered from head to toe in flour, looking an absolute mess. Why did Harry think he looked pretty?
Or, Harry is the new teacher, Louis helps him settle in, it's the sweater weather and no one's falling in love with their new, kind and charming best friend. No. One. (includes, harry's cat being 'the mood' all the time, zayn pining for liam, lilo never getting along and niall throwing parties every chance he gets which may or may not willingly trigger these friends to convert into lovers)
🔹find our place by @nouies (NR, 3k, Zayn/Louis)
“Fuck!” Louis says as he hangs up the phone and turns it off. He hopes the call didn’t connect, otherwise he would have to change his number. Again.
🔹make you mine this season by @disgruntledkittenface (M, 28k, Zayn/Harry & Louis/Nick Grimshaw)
After Harry’s Christmas plans fall through, she decides to surprise her best friend Nick in New York. Unfortunately, Nick decided to surprise her in San Francisco at the same time. When they realize what happened, they each resign themselves to staying and spending time in the other’s city. Harry tries to make the best of things, making elaborate plans to distract herself from feeling lonely, while Nick is just looking forward to her first real vacation from her hectic job in years. Neither of them will have the Christmas that they expected, but maybe they’ll each get the one that they need.
🔹Charm Your Pants Off by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou (G, 2k, Harry/Louis)
When Harry hurt himself in front of all of his coworkers, he thought his Christmas Eve couldn’t get any worse. That was, until he ended up in an actual ambulance.
Perhaps the gentle and ridiculously attractive doctor he meets at the hospital can make his trip (pun absolutely intended) worth it?
🔹Late Night Talking by @kingsofeverything (E, 53k, Louis/Harry)
Louis Tomlinson has a new album coming out and a second world tour on the horizon. Promo season gets underway with a stop at Late Night Talking, the late night show hosted by Harry Styles, and Harry Styles just happens to be the man who blew a chance to date Louis a decade ago.
🔹A Very Darling Christmas by @aquamarinedaffodil (M, 133k, Harry/Louis)
It’s Harry’s first holiday season since he opened the little bakery at Astor Square and according to his best friend Zayn, he is hopelessly unprepared. With the start of the local Christmas market right around the corner and an already hectic schedule, Harry really can’t afford to get distracted.
Then again, neither can Louis, who is in the middle of directing rehearsals for a winter musical with his drama class and promised his colleague Niall that he’d focus all of his energy on the musical.
But you know what they say: promises are like pie crusts — made to be broken.
🔹The Hour of Us by sitandadmire / @louistomlionson (M, 5k, Niall/Harry/Louis)
Harry loves her quiet life with her two partners, Niall and Louis. But one day, her magic starts acting up. Will Harry be able to figure out what's happening, how to fix it, and soon?
Or: the modern witches AU where Niall collects spell books, Harry is fascinated by plants, and Louis is ready to protect them at all costs.
🔹The Streetlights Are All Saying Your Name by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove (M, 4k, Niall/Shawn Mendes)
The roar of the crowd is still thrumming in his bones as Shawn steps off the stage, feeling like he’s riding on a cloud of music and marijuana smoke. As he descends the stairs, he sees Niall, hands in his pockets, smiling as bright as the stage lights. “You were amazing,” Niall tells him, pulling him into a tight hug. “Fucking killed it, as always.”Shawn squirms in his arms. “I’m all sweaty and gross.”“Don’t care.” Niall rubs his cheek against Shawn’s. “Smells like you. Plus it gives me an excuse to join you in the shower when we get back to the hotel.”Shawn laughs. “You know you don’t need an excuse,” he says. “Open invitation, any time.”
Or, Niall comes to visit Shawn at the Jingle Ball performances, and afterwards they spend some time in their hotel room together, reminiscing on old holiday memories and making new ones together.
🔹they say looks can kill (and i might try) by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove (M, 18k, Louis/Harry)
There is little Louis loves more than the look on a would-be criminal’s face when he falls from the sky. They never see it coming – which seems ridiculous, since they live in a city with dozens of superheroes. But then again, most of those “heroes” are CowellCorp’s pet monkeys, and CowellCorp isn’t all that concerned with helping ordinary folks.
Louis is, though. So when he looks into an alley and spots a man gripping a woman’s arm hard enough to bruise, he does the logical thing: he fires an arrow that neatly peels the man’s hat off his head and pins it to the wall behind him.
Isn’t that what anyone would do?
Once, Louis walked the streets as Ranger, a proud member of the CowellCorp Crusaders. With their training and tech, he thought he'd be able to fight evil and protect those in need.
Then he realized the evil people needed protecting from was the very company that had built him into a "hero" in the first place.
Now he walks those same streets as Rogue, a vigilante who makes his own justice - and he's making damn sure that justice is coming for CowellCorp too.
🔹I Keep Looking For Magic by @lululawrence (NR, 36k, Louis/Harry)
Harry loves Christmas, but this year is special. After ten years of boyfriends all failing to ever meet Harry's family, Harry has a fiance to introduce and things are looking like they will be perfect.
Until they break up.
Harry cannot go home alone when he had promised to bring a significant other again. This leaves him with little choice but to find someone to pretend they are his fiance.
Surely nothing could go wrong with this plan.
🔹Silver-White Winters by @lululawrence (NR, 9k, OT5)
Liam Payne had learned many things as a bartender. He'd learned when people needed to talk, or when they needed a gentle smile. He now knew when they wanted advice or someone to just agree with them. He also had come to recognize when someone was past the limit and needed to be told no.
But when it came to holidays, Liam had learned that when people came into the Neighborhood Pub alone on Christmas Eve, it was for a reason.
Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Louis all definitely have their own reasons for showing up at Liam's bar alone on Christmas Eve. With the help of a surprise winter storm, none of them will have a reason to be alone for long.
🔹love drunk, waiting on a miracle by @hellolovers13 (E, 30k, Louis/Harry)
Christmas inspired Coffeshop AU
Harry has a bit of a crush on a customer. Thankfully, the feeling is mutual.
These are their first 24 days together.
🔹Treat You Like A Gentleman by @justanothershadeofblue (E, 12k, Harry/Louis)
5 times that Harry Styles was unsatisfied by his dates, and one time Louis Tomlinson helped him find what he had been missing.
🔹no amount of words by @justanothershadeofblue (M, 7k, Louis/Harry)
a series of canon-complaint angsty vignettes that follow Harry and Louis through the years
🔹Just You and I (a starry sky) by @justanothershadeofblue (E, 7k, Harry/Louis)
"getting accidentally pregnant by his childhood best friend-with-benefits" was definitely not on Harry Styles' holiday to-do list - but apparently it's what has happened, so now he has to figure out how to tell Louis without ruining Louis' birthday, their family holiday, oh, and literally everything else about their lives. Oops?
🔹California stars by @justanothershadeofblue (M, 27k, Louis/Harry)
A month in the life (and diary) of one Harry Edward Styles, miner-become-farmer in the brand new state of California, and his hired hand, one Louis Tomlinson. AKA Harry goes to San Francisco for supplies, but ends up with more than he bargained for.
An Advent Calendar fic.
🔹the prettiest customer (and the cutest barista) by fearsparks / @onlythebravest (G, 1k, Louis/Harry)
“So there’s this guy,” Harry repeated. “And I really like him.”
“Is he cute?”
“The cutest,” Harry said with a bright smile, turning around to face Louis. His cheeks felt warm, but he ignored it, pushed past it. “Prettiest boy I’ve ever seen.”
“Ooh, tell me more.” Louis rested his head in his hand.
(Louis is the pretty customer that comes in and orders hot chocolate while Harry is the cute barista that takes his order.)
🔹party behaviour by fearsparks / @onlythebravest (T, 1k, Harry/Louis)
“Harry darling, get me a beer.”
Without looking at him, Harry flipped Louis off, causing Louis’ group of friends to laugh and ooh some more.
“Why’s he doing that?” Anya asked.
Harry lifted one shoulder in half a shrug as he said, “He’s just trying to show off to his friends. No big deal.”
(Harry and Louis are at a party, where their behaviours aren't exactly the best.)
🔹If you ever feel alone (Don't) by @beardyboyzx (G, 9k, Louis/Harry)
Louis is too busy worrying about helping his mum and paying the bills to let himself enjoy his teenage years and hang out with his friends. Enter Harry, who will help him reconcile with his friend and understand the difference between feeling lonely and being alone.
🔹Softer, Softest by @berzerkshires , @littleroverlouis (E, 1k, Louis/Harry)
A lazy Sunday afternoon of Harry appreciating the softness of Lou's body.
🔹Perfume Purgatory by @littleroverlouis (T, 4k, Louis/Harry)
Louis is enduring the purgatory of selling perfume as a seasonal employee at the department store where her girlfriend, Harry, is employed.
She still hates the mall but needs the extra cash to purchase Harry a special gift.
🔹Snow Squalls & Kitty Paws by @littleroverlouis (G, 8k, Harry/louis)
Louis and Zayn own The Future is Meow, a bookstore-slash-cat café, and are spreading the holiday cheer to their customers this Christmas Eve. A few morning snow flakes turn into a full-blown blizzard and before they know it, the safest place for them and their employees to spend the night is the bookstore.
Shop regular and object of Louis' affections, Harry, is also snowed in with them— as is another man who Harry seems more than friendly with.
Will it be a Christmas miracle if Louis survives the snow squalls, a seemingly unrequited crush, and a curmudgeonly tortoiseshell cat?
🔹we were lucky once, I could be lucky again by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (M, 4k, Louis/Liam)
It all started with a big battle. One of those big end of the world battles where Louis feels so incredibly powerless, where he knows he won’t be able to do anything but stand on the sidelines and wait for Liam to come back. Not to downplay his own abilities, which in some circles are considered formidable, but when it comes to true danger – well, there is only one Slayer.
The Slayer.
Into every generation and all that, Louis knows it, but that doesn’t mean that he has to like it when Liam puts himself in danger every night. It’s bad enough when it’s just your run of the mill vampire, it’s different when words like apocalypse and end of the world get thrown around. Liam takes it in stride, as he always does, jokes about how they need to come up with a plural form of apocalypse because they’ve lived through more than one in their time on the Hellmouth, but there’s always this tightness in Louis’ chest when he watches Liam head out to another battle, unsure whether or not he’s going to come back.
Unsure if this will be the last time he’ll see him and he’ll have to live with his regrets for years to come. With the thoughts of what could have happened.
🔹Ho Ho Hopefully by safetyfilm / @larrieblr (T, 5k, Louis/Harry)
Attached to the gift, just under the bow, was a paper tag, and Harry wished desperately that he could write his own name there. ‘To Louis, from Harry.’ What a dream that would be. He’d grown fond of Louis over the time that he’d been watching him, wishing that he could be part of Louis’ life, of his world, regardless of the fact that the only thing Harry had ever known was working for Father Christmas—or Nicholas, as he’d preferred to be called. The one where Harry is an elf in Santa’s workshop, and Louis is one of the humans he’s been assigned to.
🔹It's All Come and Go by @haztobegood (E, 2k, Louis/Orville Peck)
“Truck stops are like the original Grindr.” - Orville Peck, Coachella 2022
🔹Change of Plans by @haztobegood (G, 2k, Louis/Harry)
Harry and Louis plan to visit their families over Christmas. Sometimes, plans don't work out.
🔹Stole My Heart by @haztobegood (NR, 2k, Louis/Harry)
“Oh my god, Niall.” The door slams shut as Harry rushes into the flat. He’s still panting from his rush to get away from the scene of his crime. “You won’t believe what just happened!”
Niall is sitting on the couch in their tiny living room. He looks up from his laptop. “What happened?”
“The worst thing. I’ll never recover. I just reached into a box of free samples outside that new chicken restaurant. Only it wasn’t free samples. It was a man. Holding a box of chicken nuggets. His chicken nuggets. I stole this man’s food, Niall!”
🔹St. Elena by @allwaswell16 (NR, 1k, Louis/Harry)
When Harry’s illness worsened, the crew of the Ace of Spades sailed to the island home of Captain Grim.
An Ace of Spades timestamp from Zayn’s point of view
🔹If The Fates Allow by zita17 / @louisandtheaquarian (M, 25k, Louis/Harry)
A serendipitous meeting led former boy bander and current pop star Harry Styles to fall in love with a boy named Louis nine Christmases ago. Six Christmases ago, that boy left him to raise a baby that wasn’t Harry’s. And, well, Harry never quite got over that. But this year, he gets a second chance at first love.
A love letter to second chances, unconventional families, and Christmas in New York. Loosely inspired by James Arthur’s Emily and Dickens' A Christmas Carol featuring Liam, Niall, and Zayn as the ad hoc ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future. The ingredients for this Christmas treat include a wallop of a blizzard, a pinch of angst, a dollop of fluff, several cups of clichés, and The Rockefeller Center skating rink as a supporting character.
Title is from Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. (Frank Sinatra or Judy Garland version, reader's choice!)
-Fic Fest-
🔹Louis Rare Pair Fest / @louisrarepairfest (Masterpost)
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Day.11 Needle - Sawtober/Sawcember
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warning : needle, hurt/comfort, angst, kissing, trauma
Sawtober/Sawcember masterlist
The pain was the worst when she was on the bed on needles. When she felt the sharp little thin metal needles forcibly digging into her skin.
It wasn't like when she gave herself the needle for drugs when she let herself fall relaxed on the bed and the metal music disappeared around her and she finally had her peace from everything for a damn little moment.
It wasn't so painful when she ran the razor blade over her thighs either, she knew the pain by now and was able to tolerate it well.
It was something she almost welcomed. But this. This pain, these needles, seemed to have brought up again what had already been processed.
It seemed and was like an unwanted visit to the doctor that she had been thrown into as the hands of the starchy man closed around her body and he threw her into the needle bed trap.
It was horror as she straightened up, her eyes filled with tension and trembling, she felt the sparks in her hands leave her back and side.
She couldn't hear the voices of her fellow guinea pigs. She could barely hear them and when she did, she only heard their voices.
,,Amanda, I'm here, you can do it!" she heard the black-haired woman call and didn't have to look up next to her to know that Lynn was holding out her hand. Trying to touch her and give her a sign of being there and being close.
She always did and yet she seemed an eternity away. The touch of her Lynn seemed almost too long to remember but she knew it was a remnant of her former dependency.
But she knew that even if she wasn't really in the game that if Lynn and she weren't really tested the fact that Xavier was using his strength and forcing others to make traps for him.
But she knew if they were going to make it through this, she had to dig, cover the pain and keep going. She screamed, cried and cursed as tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision and making her feel more and more pain.
It was her cave, her own personal torture. But the further she dug, the harder the pain became, the more her hatred for the others grew and the more she wanted to get to Lynn and out of here with her.
She wanted no more and her pain turned to anger as she dug further through the pit until she saw the different colored syringe.
Clutching it tightly, almost thinking the glass would break and the needle would bend, she felt her strength give way for a moment.
She wanted to fall onto something soft but she knew it would only be pain. ,,Here, I've got you, come here!" she heard Lynn call, who, unlike the others, was still holding out her hand to her.
She held out her own hand trembling for her friend, finally feeling her warmth before Lynn helped her out of the pit.
The hard ground only dug the spikes deeper into her skin and she forgot to breathe, unable to get the air into her lungs. ,,Breathe, Amanda, breathe," Lynn said, her voice calmer, not shouting at her, and gently lowered her hands to her uninjured skin.
But the pain of the dream, the fear that had torn into Amanda's body, prevented her from seeing clearly as she lay on the floor, still cramped and too afraid to move. ,,It's going to be okay, I'll help you," Lynn said and laid
Amanda's head as gently as she could on her scarf, trying to give her some comfort, but she knew her friend couldn't hear her. Knew she saw nothing of the helpless child Amanda the old Amanda who was trapped and disappointing her mentor.
,,Breathe...I'm here," she said as calmly as she could, trying to ignore the shouts and angry noises of the others as she looked at the teenager crouched next to her, who seemed just as helpless as Amanda. I won't leave you alone, the doctor thought, remembering how they had met.
How she had healed Amanda on her own after she had escaped from the bear trap and fled to the hospital. Lynn was the only one who got close to Amanda and she helped her friend play with Jigsaw.
Because through Amanda she had learned to love life again, to care for her and give her love was something she had needed after the death of her husband and two children.
,,Can-can I-" she heard Daniel beside her, the younger boy clearly disturbed and shock in his eyes. She knew that if he survived this, no therapist in the world would be able to fix him.
He would need his father, his mother and maybe the help of Jigsaw. She took one of her hands from Amanda and placed it on Daniel's trembling hand.
She gave him a steady look before she said, ,,Help me pull out the needles," and she saw him seem even more frightened for a moment and after another moment he helped Lynn.
,,Sweetie? I'll pull the needles out and it'll be better...I promise," she said and leaned slightly towards Amanda giving her a kiss on the cheek and saw that she was still trapped in her own head at least starting to breathe shakily and her hand grabbed one of Lynn's.
It was almost painful and yet at that moment she would have given anything to take the pain away. Before she started to pull out the needles with Daniel, telling him to do it quickly and not slowly.
She knew he was struggling at first and with each pull Amanda winced and so did Daniel. ,,Shhhh it's all good," she mumbled from time to time and stroked Amanda's head. After a few moments, she pulled the last syringe out of her skin before pulling the younger girl lightly into her lap.
She placed Amanda's head on top of her lap and put her arm lightly around Daniel, who gave her a grateful look.
And for a moment, as she shut out her surroundings by closing her eyes, it seemed as if none of it was there. As if she was with Amanda and Daniel was perhaps their son.
When Daniel closed his eyes, he saw his father and wished he was in his father's arms. Only Amanda, who regained consciousness, saw the needles in front of her, felt Lynn's touch and felt Daniel's compassion and care.
And for a moment it seemed like a bad joke to have such a reaction just because of needles. But it was needles that had made her who she was today.
It was the first needle with the drugs that had led her to Jigsaw, it was the needle from Lynn that had calmed her down and it was the bed of needles that led her back into the arms of Lynn and the teenager they were supposed to protect.
They had always been needles and always would be. But back then she had to pull them out herself, now it was with the help of her friend.
It was a needle that brought her love and her life. Like a syringe, it injected her with life and pain at the same time...and she was grateful for that.
@a-reading-dreamer , @megustadilf , @klarise , @misslavenderlady , @mysunfishpeedinmyroom
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lilyswh0re · 2 years
strings - adrian pucey
date: july 22, 2022
summary: adrian and his long term crush
note: inspired by strings by shawn mendes, maybeeee follows the plot of the swan princess *wink wonk*. y/n is a ravenclaw, just bc i love ravenclaws and have so many headcanons about them. race and body type isn’t mentioned but y/n uses she/her pronouns
warnings: angst?? def hurt w no comfort 💀 and adrian being an attention seeker also written from 1 am to almost 3 am so the editing was kept to a minimum
a/n: back on my adrian bs eh oh el (pls yall write for him more, i need it) y’all are gonna hate that ending LMAOO. ion like how this turned out, i might go back thro in a couple days to re-edit this bc jesus christ
a/n n°2: edited tf out of this
tags: @limerenze @loverssfevers @ghostofscarley @dayangestre
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“mum, shut that off!” y/n frowned.
“oh baby, it’s cute.” vacations with the pucey’s were always a pain, despite resting in the lush italian countryside. the pucey’s and l/n’s were neighbors and met in hogwarts and having two children around the same time means y/n and adrian were always pushed together. it worked when they were younger, much younger.
which is what her mother was showing off.
a tape of a three year old y/n and adrian, holding hands. partners in crime, or so he thought. in reality adrian was holding her hand and she couldn’t move it (because of the stickiness of melted popsicles gluing them together). she conveniently shuts off the tape right before y/n shoved adrian off of her.
the annual tape showing didn’t stop until their first year at hogwarts.
adrian, as talented as he is at quidditch, never really understood transfiguration; y/n—however—excelled. the ravenclaw common room, which was open to anyone who can solve the riddle, was surprisingly quiet. adrian disturbed that peace. loudly.
“y/n.” he gasped, as he had run from the dungeon to ravenclaw tower, “please…help me with…transfiguration.”
she rolled her eyes, “no.”
“no? why not?” his shoulders dropped. he knew why not, he also knew that bothering her would guarantee her attention.
“i have things to do,” y/n reference the scrolls of parchment laid out in front of her.
“but this will just be quick, i promise.” after a few moments and weighing her options, she agreed to help him, “oh sweet! thank you.” he quickly scurried to sit next to her.
“i’m not helping you now! i don’t have time!” y/n tried pushing him off her seat, “adrian, get off!”
“fine, whenever you have time, let me know. any time that works for you is fine.” his dorky smile was disgusting. he couldn’t believe she agreed to help him.
fifth year brought new hormones and new boyfriends. cedric diggory, hufflepuff quidditch captain and a lovely boy. adrian and him were quite similar, golden boys. her roommates loved poking fun at how she was dating adrian variants just so her mother wouldn’t be right about her and adrian. what fun would it be if her mother had be right all along?
“what does she even see in him?” adrian asks, with his nose wrinkled.
marcus and terence share a glance. terence sighs and puts his fork against his plate, “well, you see…he’s the captain of the hufflepuff team. he’s a prefect, probably going to be headboy—“
“—he didn’t almost set y/n on fire.” miles cuts terence off. graham elbowed him, “it’s true! she had to wear a bandage for a week.”
“she did that to guilt me-“
“it worked,” miles intersected.
“anyways anything he can, i can do better.”
“we don’t doubt that, ade, but—“ adrian lifted his wand, pointing it at the goblet in between cedric and y/n “—what are you doing?” terence groans as he watches the pumpkin juice begin to bubble( suddenly stopping when adrian’s wand is pulled out of his hand and presses into y/n’s.
safe to say, her relationship with cedric didn’t last more than two months.
that summer was emotionally horrible. three failed relationships, all thanks to adrian putting his nose in her business.
y/n spent her days in the grass, absorbing the sun and her nights in the local town square, swaying drunkenly.
unfortunately, she could not go if adrian didn’t go. this was part of their mothers’ plan to grow a relationship between the two.
tonight, y/n decided to take a shot of every type of hard liquor available to her, forcing adrian to take care of her.
“c’mon l/n, let’s go home.” adrian hooked his forearm under her knees and she rolled her head into his shoulder.
as they stumbled back into the l/n family villa, adrian helped her slip out of her shoes and into her bed. she was a giggling mess until the moonlight bled over adrian’s face.
“sometimes, i hate you, ade,” she whispered. her eyes wide with knowledge. “i think you hate me too.”
“i don’t hate you.”
“my friends think you fancy me. i think they’re stupid because you of all people should know that i would never go out with someone who treats me the way you do. i don’t think you realize how many opportunities you’ve ruined for me. i want to like you but you make it impossible.”
“i’m sorry.” adrian was uncharacteristically quiet.
“can you sleep next to me for tonight?” y/n asks, drooling a little bit.
adrian nods, moving around her bed to lay on the other side.
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