#she craves approval
I'm a survivor of 2012 tumblr, I fought and defended Amy Pond, Clara Oswald, and River Song from tiresome accusations of being the exact same character, I've argue endlessly about how they have very different backgrounds, personality traits, flaws, character arcs, and goals in life, how they are not defined by their relationship with the Doctor nor the people they are related to, while also acknowledging that there are some valid criticism of how they were written, which is true pretty much every companion, I'm now at the stage where I really just need to bite my tongue when I see this lazy old arguments rise from the grave like the decrepit zombies they are.
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scalpelsister · 9 months
dark justiciar shadowheart is genuinely so interesting to me as like... a facet to her character. like it really hammers home how desperate she is for shar's love and affection (+ the validation and love from other worshipers of shar). like in a lot of ways I get that it seems shocking to others / some fans because it really does contradict some of the morals we see her express BUT imo that just speaks to the level of desperation she feels. her comments on how shar "must" love her for her to survive the shadowcursed lands, or the bit where she talks about shar nurturing her and loving her and sounds... almost more like shes trying to convince herself more than shes trying to convince you. theres a bit about other sharrans not thinking she had earned her name, and of course the mother superior not thinking she was ready / worthy of being a dark justiciar. like shes just so completely desperate to feel unconditionally and securely loved, and to earn the approval of others that shes entirely willing to injure herself in the process (as well as.... the people who actually love her, of course).
not to mention that mechanically, afaik, she can only end up there if shes encouraged to by the player. ie... she needs to know someone else approves.
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rogersstevie · 7 days
i understand that it sucked for lorelai when rory didn't make it to her graduation but damn some fans act like it was intentional and rory was being a selfish brat (as fandom is wont to do wrt rory lol) and it's just like she literally couldn't do anything, and it completely ignores that rory was so excited and proud of her mom and she got richard and emily there to see their daughter's accomplishment, like rory cared so much! she was not being selfish when she was certain she could make it to new york and back without a problem, like she didn't know she would get stuck on the bus ride from hell!!!
also if rory had been there, the moment between lorelai and her parents would not have been so poignant WHICH it's not rory's fault at all, but you notice that most of the sweetest moments between the are when rory is not there because lorelai doesn't have that "rory is the daughter they really always wanted" feeling hanging over her. like, little things like richard kindly letting lorelai escape when emily tries to set her up with that boring dude or emily taking care of lorelai while rory is at the dance, or in bon voyage and lorelai assures an uncertain emily their friday night dinners will continue and when richard points out that the party for rory is due to the amazing life lorelai created for the two of them in stars hollow like all these things happen without rory there. and like i said, it's not her fault, but i think generally the most emotionally vulnerable moments between lorelai and her parents, the ones that don't have them grating on each other are when they're on their own, so ultimately it WAS better for all three of them to share that moment simply as two parents seeing their daughter reach a milestone they otherwise never would've gotten to witness her do
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phasesofpencils · 1 month
Charlie's Daddy issues feel so forced in the show, like she SO CLEARLY has Mommy issues but this franchise is so fixated on the running bit that literally everyone has Daddy issues they just completely ignore Charlie's mommy issues. can't set up Lilith's character and twist too much, god forbid we SET SOMETHING UP properly to be paid off in the future. No let's focus on the daddy issues.
Especially Charlie's line about how "We've never been close - he only calls if he's bored or needs something." Like alright if he was ONLY calling you bc he needs you to do something that's one thing. But you're upset cus he calls you when he's bored??? When the fuck do you want him to call you???
Wow he calls when he's bored and wants to TALK TO HIS DAUGHTER?? Wow Charlie you're right the absolute nerve of that guy, who does he think he is?? Your Dad- oh wait.
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slicedblackolives · 11 months
modi having control over a billion lives and being too insecure to speak in his native language is just so fucking pathetic
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
We all assign Lilith as the Philip parallel when analyzing the similarities between the clawthorne sisters and the wittebane brothers. But have we stopped to consider for a moment that Belos saw Lilith as the Caleb in her situation? An older sibling who makes a selfish decision (in Philip's eyes) and betrays their younger sibling, leaving them a monster outcast from society??
We as the audience know just how different those situations were, but from Belos' pov...
I'm not saying Lilith was seen as so disposable and worthless by Belos, not just bc she was a witch, but because she was a Clawthorne whom Belos saw as a mirror of Caleb...but that's exactly what I'm saying and I'm realizing that Belos must've hated Lilith's guts more than we thought
#the owl house#toh#lilith clawthorne#toh belos#philip wittebane#obviously we as the audience know Eda is more analogous to Caleb#(someone longing for freedom and seemingly running from responsibility to get it)#(all speculation of course since we know so little about caleb but that seems to be the gist of things)#and that Lilith is the Philip in their relationship#(the more emotionally dependent and socially maladjusted one obsessed with conforming as a way to achieve status and love-#-has a (seeming in Philip's case) inferiority complex and can't comprehend their sibling making choices that don't include them)#but i remembered that Lilith is the older sibling and then this dawned on me lol#and yes i think Belos definitely had some kind of knowledge of the curse thing considering him and Lilith's deal in s1#my personal hc is once Lilith rose the ranks she had a moment of semi breaking down and confessing to her ''sins''#both in a creepy christian confessional way but. also i was thinking of andrias and marcy from the frog show hsbsjsnfk#anyway. Belos fucking hated Lilith didn't he. he was just waiting to screw her over#it's honestly kind of sad considering how much Lilith worshipped him and craved his (platonic) love and approval#obviously she was aiding a corrupt system but still. if anything that's just another parallel between her and belos lol#we all wonder why Lilith seemingly never interacted with other coven heads or why she resented hunter and I'm like#i think belos definitely isolated her on purpose yknow? he gave her the mission to find eda and then she put all her time into that#she probably barely talked to anyone other than kiki and the scouts. and the loneliness just fueled her desperation to get eda back y'know?#then for the hunter thing like. obviously it's Lilith's own insecurity at this teen prodigy seemingly favoured by Belos#and like. i doubt anyone in the castle besides kiki and some select coven heads really knew what went on behind closed doors#so Lilith just sees this kid who gets to be by Belos' side all the time and she doesn't get what he has that she doesn't#and because she's an emotionally stunted nightmare woman she turns it into this silly rivalry#and because Belos hates her he's like. lol okay i am not reassuring you abt your place in this hierarchy. i want to watch you suffer#and let's her feel these things and poor hunter is just like WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU???#and he's mad abt it#anyway. Lilith thoughts out of my system for tonight but can you tell i love this cringefail slug woman?
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Oh I guess we do actually have to see the fight happen too. I feel like I’m watching a recital and just clapping politely. 
You go, Lava Lamp! Well done sweetie! You sure do the thing! 
The art is gorgeous, though. Oh my goodness. Those angles. 
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Seishirou scores a point with his flexi-extendable sword whip, and I think Amaterasu is mostly just surprised that Kurogane hasn’t jumped into the fight already. Which, coupled with her teasing a little earlier, really shows just how long she knew Kurogane before all his character growth. Pre-Tsubasa Kurogane really would have been already in the fight for the fun of it. But Post-Journey Kurogane respects Lava Lamp’s need to have this fight on his own terms, especially after Lava Lamp already lived through the previous fight with Seishirou and died. If anyone gets to judge Seishirou for all his actions towards Syaoran, it’s Lava Lamp. 
THOUGH technically Kurogane does have a personal stake in this battle too, since Outo messed him up royally when he thought both Fai and Syaoran had both been murdered by Seishirou. Kurogane’s fight against him was interrupted before there was a clear winner, so it’d be pretty natural for him to want to finish things off - either out of revenge for Seishirou’s previous actions, or out seeing which of them would have actually won that time, or even just general dislike. The fact that he DOESN’T want to fight him and is content in his choice to let Lava Lamp fight for himself instead really does just show layers upon layers of growth this man has gone over the years.
Lava Lamp is going full Justice Arcana in this fight and Kurogane fully supports his feelings. Which will be a surprise to Amaterasu, but a good one nonetheless.
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I submitted my essay a day before it’s due who am I???
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
Normal lunch break behavior: printing out the two drabbles, annotating them, and figuring out how to draw them
I'll need more than just a lunch break to process my thoughts, but (1) thank you for the treat! (2) I imagine that these drabbles coexist in the same AU. (3) "Can we be good together?" / They could be good together. (4) I'm this close to writing fanfic in this area myself.
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I am normal about your normal lunch break behavior 👍
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peniscat · 1 year
rolling my eyes so hard at these posts being critical of the way gerri spoke to roman in the last ep. like bfr she's only getting criticism because her fight was with tumblr sad boy roman roy. 😒
in a way i understand ppl saying that she was being unprofessional but then again when have her conversations with roman ever been particularly professional? they're deep into mixing business with personal, and given that personal is not gerri's greatest strength, it's no wonder that she didn't quite manage to read the situation to her benefit. they've never particularly operated in the area of professionalism and especially considering how gerri has been treated lately and with roman doing something extremely stupid, it's no wonder she might not be acting her most professional, especially when she's having the conversation with roman.
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iahdosiahds im not even HALF the way thru the walking dead, idk if i can keep liveblogging all of it ;A;
it's good bg noise for drawing but like.........there's just SO MUCH ;A; THINGS ARE HAPPENING. and also NOT HAPPENING ;A; idk if i'll even finish watching it there's just so much aaskadksdalkdjk
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parasprite · 10 months
ik she'd never play favourites and stuff but god its like. depressingly clear how much my mum prefers hanging out with my cousin over me. they have outings and regular movie nights and go on walks together and run errands and do chores they do literally everything together. and honestly its not just that like... even when im hanging out with the two of them i know she's more focused on my cousin. like she takes an interest in his interests. she asks him about spanish all the time but doesn't give a shit that i'm learning portuguese. i feel like i bore her whenever i try to speak. i always wanna let him ride shotgun the rare times im out with them because she can hold a conversation with him but not me. and whenever i'm alone with her she just treats me like a receptacle for her dumb fucking rants about facebook drama and then she seems so surprised when i have good advice for her even though i Always have good advice. she treats me like her talk therapist. she never thinks about my needs or my life or my interests. not that i even wanna tell her about it.
and like. for my cousin's birthday she got him a paranormal activity 6-movie blu ray box set because it's their favourite film series to marathon together. like they've rewatched it a bunch of times. they discuss their fan theories and everything. yknow what she got me for my birthday this year? nada. which is PORTUGUESE for nothing. god and they had that spontaneous weekend partying in london together and then a few months later she fucking planned a trip and went to sussex alone even though she knew id been wanting to go to sussex with her for literal years. she kept saying she'd take me then she didn't. what the fuck.
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hxzelwallflower · 1 year
( 🌻 ) - :: Eileen's father wasn't emotionally present. Growing up, her mother would have to nudge him into doing social activities in an attempt to bond, but nothing worked. He made a few attempts after she turned eighteen, but by that point it was too late.
Although she gained some of that missing validation through her uncle, it wasn't same. His passing didn't make it easier. In short Eileen's was deprived of a proper father figure.
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onleylonely · 1 year
I loved last year when I didn't travel to visit my family and I didn't have to go to church for Christmas and it was just me and my cat in the dark with only the lights in the mini Christmas tree on, watching a movie about a man having an affair with his son's fiance while drinking hot tea in my underwear on my couch. Loved it, I felt true peace for the first time in years when I made that choice for my holiday.
Anyway, this year was bad.
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ninas-gf · 2 years
waiting in the wings is a kujou sara song…
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ninboyfriend · 2 years
When people act like South is somehow the Worst Meanest Evillest freelancer I get so mad. You just think that because she was a huge mean woman which is funny because RVB is a show about huge mean women. Wyoming was not doing all of that shit just for you to dethrone him
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