#she is insecure and pushes away the people she cares about because she fears and expects to be abandoned
theship-thewalrus · 2 years
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen wife. Where she's ignores him because she pregnant and thinks he dosnt want kids?
Hi Anon!! I enjoyed writing this and hope it is what you have been looking for :)
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aemond targaryen x targaryen! wife! reader
pretty much the ask
word count: 852 words reading time: about 4 minutes warnings: none
Pregnancy was not something that can be hidden forever, eventually, the bump would become too noticeable. People will begin to whisper, and eyes will be drawn to your midsection. But you couldn't tell Aemond, but you knew it must be soon. Each passing moment is a moment someone else may tell him. The Maester may attempt to graduate him, a maid who overheard it may begin to spread the gossip. But you needed time, just a little more.
Spending time in the library was not something you did all that often, preferring the fresh air you could gain from the garden. Yet, when you needed comfort, a warm and homey place to hide away. Protecting you from the pressures of the outside world, even just for a moment. You had been ignoring your husband as of late, hiding away from him in the hopes he would not find you. It was not that you disliked the man, quite the opposite, as he was handsome and kind, caring for you in his own way.
But the prospect of a child was not something the pair of you have ever discussed Of course, it was a part of your duty to produce a child to carry on his family line. Yet, he never pushed you for a child, never doing anything you did not want to. Something you would always be thankful for that, knowing someone else may have not been as understanding.
Approaching footsteps were heard from behind you, assuming it was a maid you did not react. Continuing to read the book you had on your lap, not even bothering to look up. "Is this where you have been hiding?" Aemond voice shocked you, thought you should have guessed your husband would not take kindly to your hiding away. He would find you eventually and demand an answer.
"I have not been hiding my dear husband." You say softly closing your book and resting it against your stomach, as though it was going to do anything to hide it. Aemond's eye scans over you, taking in your appearance. As though he was trying to read you at the moment, to figure out what was the matter before you tell him. There were thousands of possibilities of why you were hiding from him.
Perhaps you had grown tired of him, no longer wanting to see his hideous scars. Perhaps you have a lover, someone on the guard that can give you everything he can not. Such insecurities always plagued his mind, something he could not shake as he heard the whispers in the hall.
"Do not lie to me." His words were cold but not harsh, they were never harsh with you. Despite it all, you were his wife and it was his duty to protect and care for you. Looking up at him with wide eyes you knew you must come clean. You could see the worry in his eyes and the questions on the tip of his tongue.
"I fear if I tell you why I am here, you may wish I stayed hiding away." Your voice held fear, Aemond was quick to pick up on it. Taking your hand in his, he gave it a gentle squeeze trying to reassure you in some capacity. He hated to hear the fear in your voice, fear of his reaction to what you are hiding from him. He thought he made it clear you could tell him anything, no matter what it was.
"Tell me what worries you, my love." Sitting down beside you, he takes you in his arms. Shielding you from the world and anything that is upsetting you. Smelting into his embrace you allow his warm arms to ground you, giving you time to wrap your brain around your thoughts. Silence enveloped both of you for a moment, allowing the crackle of the fire to provide background noise.
"...I-I... I am with child," you say softly, shifting slightly to look up at him, wanting to see his reaction before he opens his mouth and simply tells you. Maybe he would tell you a lie, but his eye always gave him away. It was a window into what he truly thought about things.
For a moment his face showed nothing, he said nothing. Simply digesting the information you had just told him. But a small smile stretches over his face. It was wonderful news. He had always wanted a family with you, to see you swell with his babe. He could not fathom why you would be fearful to tell him. "This is glorious news. Why would you not tell me?" He asks softly, not holding any anger or frustration directed at you.
"Because... I thought you would not want a child." Aemond scoffs at your words, shaking his head. "Of course, I want a child with you. This is wonderful news." A smile forms on your face, one that mirrors his own. For a moment, you felt silly for thinking that he would not want this child. Of course, he would have wanted a child, your fear was simply misplaced.
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Pairing: Husband!Charles x Wife!Reader
Rating: Pg-17
Warnings: Angst, Misunderstanding trope, parental anxiety, fear of child loss, talks of divorce, good ending
Requested: Yes/No
Request: hey can you do something with charles where the reader and he had a baby a few months ago and she is super insecure with her body, thinking that he is no longer attracted to her, there may be some misunderstanding in which she interprets the wrong things and draws these conclusions
Part One: It's Too Early
A/N: Made this Pt.2 to It’s Too Early
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It's not supposed to be easy being a parent; being a parent is giving up this part of your life and becoming this whole new person, whose in charge of this little life. It petrified you beyond belief. Pierre was born at 26 weeks old. While you never told anyone, you were worried something would go wrong, and he'd be taken from you.
You were nervous and terrified to hold your son, afraid you'd hurt him somehow, not even meaning to. Charles....god, Charles was perfect. He took everything thrown at him and acted like it never affected him, he was excellent with Pierre, and some of you hated it. Why couldn't you be natural like your husband?
Charles was patient with you, but you could tell his patience was wearing thin but he wasn't home 24/7. Of course, he'd be happy to wake up in the middle of the night to soothe his crying son. He wants to do everything while he's there. But you were always there, and it wasn't helping you. It was breaking you down; you loved your son unconditionally, but a small part of you that went through all those negative tests you were terrified that if you got too close, the universe would play some cruel joke and take him away.
Charles could see how being home always with Pierre dragged you down and how you've changed; you even refuse his touch. That's what hurt him more. You didn't want to be intimate anymore, he knew it took a while for a woman to heal after giving birth, but he wasn't going to push it and started to provide you with space. You didn't want space; you just couldn't figure out how to talk to Charles about all your insecurities.
"Baby, let's go out for dinner tonight; Pierre can watch the baby, and we can....talk," Charles says, stepping back from you when you step near him.
You feel your chest grow tight with the rejection from your husband; he hasn't touched you since Pierre was born, and you know it was because your body was no longer its usual self. You nod your head in agreement and walk to your shared bedroom, thinking about what you should wear, but everything is either too form-fitting or shows off too much skin, and you can't even feel comfortable in your own skin. Why would you show it off?
You shower and try hard to make yourself somewhat.....sexy, trying hard to get your husband's attention back. You walk down the hall wearing only a robe since you need to breastfeed Pierre before you leave, but you freeze, hearing Charles's voice talking to someone on the phone.
"Nothing is where it is anymore; is that normal?" He asks the person, and you freeze, looking down at your chest. You knew that breastfeeding would change your breasts, but you didn't think that Charles would care so much about it enough to talk to someone over the phone about it.
"Yeah....but why can't it go back to normal? It's such a turnoff." He groans. Hearing that, you swallow back the tears and shake your head; walking into view, Charles turns and smiles at you brightly, acting like he is happy to see you. It was a slap to the face to see him putting on such an act when he was talking about you in such a way.
Picking up Pierre, you take him to his nursery, confusing Charles. You loved feeding Pierre in that little den corner, where the sun hit perfectly, and you could watch the sea and people below. He took a picture one day of you two together. It was the 2nd day home, and that's been his wallpaper for about 4 months. He loved that picture and used it to show this perfect family to fans and others.
The doorbell rings, and you come out wearing a loose dress that covers you but is still pretty; it is a gorgeous light purple color, and Charles wanted nothing more than to kiss you, but he knew you didn't want to be touched. Pierre comes through the door with a bunch of presents, making you laugh, and without thinking, you hug adult Pierre, causing Charles to stutter in his steps. His wife, who rejects his touches, is happier to touch someone else than him? He didn't know what to do.
"We should get going," Charles grumbles, patting his buddy on the back, who nods at him, and you list everything off, and how you pumped, and there was breastmilk in the fridge if he gets hungry. Pierre finally has to shove you out the door, Charles and you standing outside your home like you were strangers to one another. People who didn't even know each other or how to talk, you're married and have a baby together. Why would it be this way?
Walking to the restaurant, you keep your hands busy with your handbag, which would typically be wrapped in Charles's hands. But he kept his in the pockets of his suit jacket, both silent as you walked to the restaurant. You feel your breath leave when you come face to face with Brasserie du Cafe de Paris Monte-Carlo.
It was your first date, your first anniversary, where he proposed to you, and you had dinner as a married couple. Jesus Christ, you went here after discovering you were pregnant to celebrate. Was this another slap to your face? To shove how much you and your body have changed since you gave birth if it was, Charles was much crueler than you ever thought possible.
"Ahhh, Mr. and Mrs. Leclerc, seeing you back after the baby is a pleasure. How is the little one?" The head waiter asks, having seen your family grow right before his eyes. You both were perfect and an actual image of true love to him. But tonight, the couple in front of him was not the one he was used to; instead, it was almost like shells of the couple.
"He's doing wonderful, Benoit. Thank you for asking." You smile as he leads you to your favorite seat. It was the one overlooking the famous Monte Carlo casino, you loved this view, and Charles saw your old smile. He swore he could see the old memories playing across your eyes.
"Well, please enjoy," Benoit says, laying down the two menus and walking off but keeping a close eye on his favorite couple.
"I wouldn't drink wine." Charles cuts, making you look up, confusion on your face, and he clears his throat.
"You're still breastfeeding. Alcohol isn't wise while still doing it." He states, trying to start a conversation, but all it does is drive the knife deeper into your heart. Just another way for him to show off how he was a better parent than you.
You just hum in agreement, and Charles curses himself, knowing he just made things worse while trying to talk to you, his wife, the woman he loves more than life itself, and he can't even do that. You both order and sip on water while Charles sips on some old expensive liquor.
"Do you want a divorce?" You don't know why you blurted it out, but you did. Charles sucks his drink down and chokes on it. A sputter of coughs leaves his mouth while gently hitting his chest, trying to regulate his breaths.
"What?" He snarls, furious beyond means that you would even ask that.
"Do you want a divorce? Because clearly, you don't want me anymore." You lean back in your seat, refusing to even look at him.
"You ask me if I want a divorce, and you can't even look at me? Y/n." He hisses, anger and being scared shitless getting the best of him.
You turn and look at him, and his anger dies. Your eyes gave everything away, the hurt, sadness, rejections, everything was right there in front of him, but he was too wrapped up to notice how much you are hurting.
"Baby, Y/n. What's going on? You don't talk to me anymore or let me touch you, but you can touch other men. I have been patient with you; I know healing after birth takes a while, but....you just feel apart, and I'm trying hard to be strong for you, but I can't help you if we don't talk." He whispers, not wanting people to hear you.
"Am I a horrible mother? I ask myself that question all the time. Wanna know why? Because when I'm next to you or you tell me something, I feel like I'm a failure. I'm terrified that if I get too close to our gorgeous baby, the universe will just take him away, and I wake up every morning dreading the day it happens. What then, Charles?" Your throat tightens, trying hard not to cry in front of all these people.
Charles stares at you in shock before grabbing his drink and swallowing it now.
"Listen to me," He pleads and leans forward. "You...there is no one else in this entire world, fucking universe I would want to be Pierre's mother. You fought day and night to get him here, and he is. He's healthy and happy, and fuck, the way he looks at you like you're his whole world, is because you are. You're his mother; he loves you, feels protected by you, and craves to be near you. I know this because I have felt that same way every day since I met you. I married you and created a life with you because no one else could do it, and I would kill anyone who ever thought about taking you or Pierre away from me, Y/n." He whispers, tears forming in his eyes.
"You say all this but refuse to touch me, and I heard you earlier on the phone talking about how nothing is where it is anymore and how it's such a turnoff." You choke out, dabbing your eyes as the waiter brings you your food.
"Wha-" Charles clears his throat and looks at the waiter. "Thank you." The waiter scurries off, sensing the tension between you two. "Y/n, I was talking about my new steering wheel for the car." He explains, and you can't help the laughter that escapes your lips.
"What? Your damn steering wheel?" You curse, laughter getting louder while Charles rubs his temples.
"Yes, they moved all the buttons to different places. I was talking to one of the engineers. Putain." He curses, shaking his head.
"Then why won't....why won't you touch me anymore?' You whisper, cutting into your steak, mouth watering at the smell of spices and butter.
"You wouldn't touch me; I figured you didn't want to be.....intimate with you recovering, so this entire time, have we had one big misunderstanding?" He asks, cutting into his Lobster Bisque. You reflect on all your interactions and groan, nodding your head and making Charles chuckle.
"If being a parent was easy, love, the world would be perfect. It's not easy, and you know what? I want us to promise something." He bites into his food and nods at how it melts in his mouth, and you can't help but giggle at how he does that whenever he eats something he loves. He even did it to you for the first time; he went down on you. Still does.
"What's that, Char?" You ask, moving your free hand to grab his, and he smiles, lifting up and kissing your fingers.
"Once a month or whenever we feel we misunderstand each other, we breathe, sit, and talk. We can't keep this up. We have Pierre now, and maybe some...more in the future. We need to stay strong." Charles mumbles, kissing your wedding ring and then the palm of your hand.
"Char." You whisper, making your husband stare up at you, his thick lashes covering half of his eyes, giving those eyes that would make any woman naked.
"Check, please!" Charles yells, making you laugh and lean over, kissing him gently.
"Always be there for me?" You ask; glad to have this man in your life.
"Always." He whispers, unable to wait for the rest of his life with you.
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
I think it's also about the way sweetheart touches them. She's gentle with them, which is something rare for absolutely all of them. Sweetheart doesn't assume because they're in the military that they don't need kindness and support and delicate hands. She knows they already think that they don't deserve anything like that so when she sees them wanting it and craving it, she is so willing to give. Her love cup is so full for her team and the people she cares for.
She handles ghost like he's still just Simon Riley, a sad kid deep down. Sweetheart offers up affection that she can just feel is so foreign to him. Yes he can take care of himself but everybody knows it doesn't extend beyond the basics and she takes time to try to heal his aches and pains that he's gotten so used to living with
She's delicate with price, knowing how hard he's worked to keep the team alive and well. How most of the time, he gets no recognition for his efforts. Sure, she teases him and calls him an old man when he complains about his back but in the same breath is offering a massage to get the ever present knot out
She's attentive with soap, hating how he looks like a sad puppy when people try to brush him off as a loud and brash grown up child. She wants him to hold on to that because she knows if it goes away, he'll seem like a shell of himself. She's seen what too long in the field can do to someone like johnny and how it can change them for the worst so she always encourages his jokes and such.
She helps gaz as much as she can. She sees how he pushes himself and how it sometimes ends up in neglect of himself. How many meals has he missed due to trying to just get one more thing done? How many hours of sleep has he skipped to try to figure something out? With a firm hand, she always guides him into taking care of himself and to give himself a much needed break.
(I'm terribly sorry this took so long- BUT GARRICK'S IS PRETTY LONG SO ITS A WIN WIN-)
But holy cow I agree with this so much
Tw: mentions of depression, insecurities, trust issues
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I'm really gonna start with Soap because what you said is her biggest fear. She cares deeply for Mactavish and always pays a little bit more attention to him than the others because of that terror.
It would be a nightmare if she didn't see the life in his eyes anymore. Her heart was already broken when her second uncle came back a zombie from being in the army. Didn't talk to anyone, and if he did he would always snap at them. He loved his family still. He really did. But the happiness, and the compassion was gone. He couldn't let go of the guilt, of the regret he had in his choices. He didn't really talk about it, but when he did Sweetheart could see the black tar oozing out of his mouth. All the internal pain and suffering. She doesn't want to see Soap be like that, since their personalities are quite similar. Fun, chipper, determined and kind. She will protect his internal being with everything she has, just like she did with her uncle. So she will always laugh at his jokes and add on to them, making them both double over. She will always stand up for him when someone calls him loud and brash. Telling him it's okay to express yourself how you want to.
If she fails, if she even sees the shine leave his eyes for a second, she knows she failed her uncle again and will never be the same.
Now with Ghost-- GOOAAHHHHDDDD he needs all the hugs and cheek kisses he can get (and really just hugs) he doesn't like to be touched unless he knows you knows you (kinda like König and Roach) it took Sweetheart a WHILEE to get close to Ghost. Yes, he did have a small soft spot for her, but he would NOT let her touch him. It took like five months just to let her touch his shoulder. Because of his insane trust issues and paranoia, he didn't let her get close. He couldn't. He couldn't risk getting hurt from Sweetheart. Kind, charming, thoughtful, Sweetheart. Caring, strong, smart, Sweetheart. He craved for her touch so badly that he knew it was what he needed, but he couldn't handle the pain afterward. But there was no pain when she first hugged him when he came out of that explosion alive. There was no pain when she held his hand through his panic attack. There was just warmth. And love. Through every touch she gave him, it spoke of love and care. She gave him time. She gave him so much patience so he could trust her. So he could love her. And he does.
Price-- that man deserves a hundred medals I swear. As you said, he gets no recognition of his effort from anyone, because that's what he's supposed to do. He's supposed to get everyone out alive, he's supposed to succeed everytime. It's just built in the job with that expectation. But Sweetheart knows in order to keep that kind of task going, he needs support. And my god, does she give it to him. Always patting him on the back and saying good job. Checking for any injuries, and if there are, she would fix them. Listening to anything he's talking about and giving her opinions on it. Giving him some tea and something to eat if he's up late. And just giving him any form of affirmation. He deserves it. He deserves all the support, the back rubs, the massages and the teasing, the tea and the naps, all of it. And Price is so grateful for it. If she wasn't there for him, no one would be.
Kyle. Gaz. Garrick. Goodness, that boy has put so many expectations on himself that NO ONE ELSE has put on him. It's weighing him down. Since he's the youngest and has less experience than everyone else, he thinks that he has to catch up to everyone else or be better than them in order for people to see him. See him being one of the members of Task Force 141. The best of the best, right? Like Sweetheart? How she carries herself through chaos, how she handles dire situations, how well she works with others, how physically, mentally, and emotionally strong she is? Can he be skilled like Sweetheart? Calm and collected like Ghost? Well-armed like Soap? He doesn't know. His insecurities are always getting the best of him, making him forget to brush his teeth. Or eat breakfast. Or even get out of bed. Is he even fit to be on this team? Sweetheart knocks on his door. Is he even worthy? She knocks again. He has so much to catch up on. She opens his door. How will he catch up to them? She sighs, walking towards his curled up figure on his bed. He's in their shadow. Maybe he should leave. Sweetheart comes into his view, shocking him. She has a slight concerning face, but more anger than anything. Angry that he hasn't been taking care of himself. Concerned on why he hasn't been taking care of himself. She grabs his hand and brings it to her lips, closing her eyes. His entire body feels warm. Awake. She breathes in and opens her eyes back up. She urges him to get up. Get up and take a shower. His brain says no, but his body is moving subconsciously. She waits outside the Men's Bath Unit until he's done. She waits for him, quite closely, when he's brushing his teeth; Sweetheart tells him not to forget to brush his molars. She waits for him when he dresses himself in clean clothes, still in the same room as him, just turned. She waits for him to finish eating a big breakfast, which he eats fully. All with silence. All with a neutral face. Yet her actions are firm. Caring. Helpful. She sits him down on his now cleaned bed, the help of Sweetheart, and they just... talk. Talk about what's been going on, talk about why he feels this way, and when. It helps. She's giving her opinions on what he can do to be better, but it's up to him to take them. She sighs, eyes studying him. 'I hope I'm not crossing any boundaries with you. But I couldn't sit aside and let you make yourself disappear. Especially when you're valued as a teammate and a friend.' She says. Gaz feels like crying. And he does. He hugs so tightly. Tight enough that she could feel his appreciation through his touch. He's thankful that she saw him. And she continues to see him.
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unidentifiedfroggy · 7 months
thinking about sasha's passive suicidal behaviour again - the way she consistently disregards her own safety to an amount abnormal for other characters in the show, willing to work herself to the bone and plunge to her death if it means protecting those she cares about. her internalised role as a protector, as the one who takes the blows for others, who stands up for her friends and shields them against the world, and how that's corrupted by her deep insecurity. her fear of not being able to protect her friends, of not being needed, if she can't control everything that's happening, and how that turns into controlling their every action. how she, unlike either anne or marcy, is so initially laser focused on finding the others and getting home. how she falls at toad tower, because anne doesn't need her anymore. how she trains and trains and trains because grime is the only one she can count on and she needs to be needed. how she willing she is to throw away her life and that of her comrades because she cant stomach the thought that anne and marcy are getting on without her, that they dont need her. how when all is said and done in newtopia, beyond all the hurt, her first instinct is still to make sure anne and marcy are safe even if it means being left behind in the throne room of a killer. how in her quest for atonement she is immediately willing to lay down her life for wartwood, and seems almost accepting of her demise before grime saves her. how we see sasha's relationship with the girls begin - hurting herself to protect them. because that's all she's ever wanted, isn't it? to protect people, to be their hero, to make sure that they never have to hurt. to bleed so they can remain unblemished. and that want turns into a need because if she can't protect them why would they ever want her around, and if she can't control them she can't protect them. and it is only after falling to her near-death for a second time that she realises how much she has hurt them in her attempts to protect them, and how she has failed them. how in her attempts to stop their pain she has pushed them up against all her broken edges and they have bled all the same. and still her instinct is to bleed so others don't have to, and it is only as she finds herself not alone in her self-prescribed duty that she manages to let go of control, to realise that she does not need to be needed to be loved, and to accept that she is not the only one who has to bleed.
i just think she's neat
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deadpool15 · 7 months
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Roomate part 1
This is some dumb fucking shit. How can someone be this bad at their job, while sitting here smiling in my fucking face. "So, explain to me, umm, what was your name again?" Mika said, staring at the realtor with absolute disgust and annoyance. "Just Kim would be fine, sweetheart," he states, staring me up and down with a flirty expression. "Yea, that's amazing. I'm gonna call you bitch ass, you cool with that?" I stated watching his face completely drop. "So, since this very kind women can't talk to you like a fucking adult, I'm just gonna talk to you like the man child you mother obviously failed to raise. Now, would you be a dear and tell me how exactly does someone manages to sell a place to two different people with knowing. We obviously don't fucking look or sounds anything alike. Therefore, that rolls out that pathetic ass excuse. I should whoop your ass bitch-."
As I went to jump on him, the unknown woman that was standing next to me grabbed me. Holding me while apologizing, causing the man to immediately leave in fear. "OK ok you can stop now, Ms." I roughly back away from her casting her to put up her hands in the air as a showcase of surrender. "I know we are in a bit of a predicament here, but the papers have already been finalized. Plus, this place is more than big enough for the both of us, so we can just share it." I stared her down before laughing and shaking my head. "If you fuck up, I'll whoop your ass too."
And well, that's how me and bada met. At first, there was a bit of hostile energy, mainly from my side. I wasn't really sure about her, like I was judging her character before I let the real me out. Then, it all changed one night. She randomly got home from a long ass day of working, saying she needed some self-care immediately. I mean, true enough, I wasn't so sure about her yet, but I'm not a monster, and a girl in need is simply a girl in need. I sat her on the couch while we did face masks and painted each other's nails. She was a little on the rocky side about the nails, but I managed to talk or more so threaten her into it. After a while, we started talking about life. I learned she had a boyfriend named Howl, strange ass name.
"Wait so like when you two fuck, do you moan out howl or just government name. Because u fucking can't right now." I said laughing and hitting the coach, while bada sat there embarrassed and pushing me over. "I mean, I don't know. Like I don't really sit there and think about it." She says shyly. "What about you?" "Oo I don't do relationships, I mean, it's enough me to go around right. Plus, this pussy game is crazy, will have a motherfucker all obsessive and shit." She stares atcthe ground shocked. "Wow, are all Americans like this?" "Like what?"Just open and out there." I chuckle before adjusting myself on the seat. "To be honest, babes, I mean sex is sex. We are adults we should be able to talk about it freely. Plus, Korea is just really hush hush and polite about that stuff."
That night, Bada and i bonded. We became like sisters. Telling each other everything. I even met her man. They were a hot couple. I could see why they would go for each other. But that's pretty much all about Howl. we got to know each other to a certain degree. I mean, at the end of the day, girl code still exists, and it's something i truly ride and believe in, sisters over misters, you know. Like him and Bada would help pick out my outfits and stuff. Like right now. "So, what do you think?" I ask both of them as they are sitting on my bed eating snacks. "Don't you think they are a bit revealing?" Howl said while opening up another bag of the hot fries I had shipped here, while bada shoke her head, agreeing with him. "First of all, I'm a grown ass woman who is everything but insecure so I can show off. Secondly, shawty was fine in that pic she sent me, so she must wanna see all this. So, which one sluty sexy or sluty cute."
Each outfit was revealing yet gave a different vibe. I never questioned why Howl was protective over me, shit I thought he saw me as his little sister like Bada. Boy was I fucking wrong. I started showing then the messages between me and mystery women. She was a hot masc with a long wolf cut. And the entire conversation basically consists of us trying to have phone sex. But why sit in bed and play with myself when I can have her do it for me. "Wow, you two really are going to do this on the first date?" Bada asked while staring at me, looking slightly nervous, yet I couldn't understand why. To be honest, they both had been acting weird lately. They were like my best friends, so I wanted to know what was happening but didn't wanna drag it on. Maybe it's nothing. "Now you know I don't plan on dating that girl. Anyways, I'm sticking with sexy, so I'll be back and you two can do anything you horny fucks can thing of. Except fucking on my bed. Move it along weirdos." I tell them walking out the house.
"What the fuck, this shit is getting out of hand, Bada I thought we agreed to tell her?" Howl said angrily thinking about all the things Mika could be doing right now with that girl, she had been gone for hours. "I know, this is hard for me too. But we can't just tell her out of the blue. Hey, me and my boyfriend are totally in love with you, and I know you don't do relationships, but are you willing to date us, so we can finally call you ours and stop listening to you fuck other people." Bada stated basically yelling at him. "We just need to tell her this is bullshit-"
Before they could finish their conversation, they heard something slam against the door, startling them both. The sounds kept repeating as if someone was trying to get in, causing Howl to immediately grab Bada and place her behind him, thinking someone was trying to break into the apartment. "Are we being robbed?" Bada asks Howl in slight fear, but before he could defend them, both Mika comes crashing through the door, drunk as shit. With what seems to be her date. Both of them kissed and basically dry humping each other with clothes on, paying no mind to the people in the house. Mika moves her hand trying to lock the door before, the unknown woman grabs her neck shoves her knee into pussy, making sure to rub away all the tension. They both moan into each other's mouths and finally lock the door stumbling into her room, still without acknowledging her fellow roommate and boyfriend.
As they bedroom door abruptly closes shut, they are now finally out of the eye sight of Bada and Howl, who are seething in anger. "I thought you said they weren't gonna work out, jackass?" Bada whisper yelled at Howl, hitting him in the shoulder. Though he can't even find the time to register the pain before all they can hear is the sound of the bed creeks against the wall. "They shouldn't have, I mean, they don't have anything in common. What the fuck does she has that we don't?" "We are telling her tomorrow, I don't care what we have to do but she is gonna know. We can't go on like this. It's supposed to be the three of us, ok?" Howl says while grabbing Bada's cheeks, looking into her eyes for reassurance. She nods along.
"Y-yes... shit.... right there.... ughhh... fuck me...". Bada turns to looks at the door with a sour expression, "but let's go, I refuse to listen to this shit any longer. Not when we can obviously make her moan way louder then that." Howl just smiles for a moment and nods, "exactly baby let's not feed into negatively. She will be ours by tomorrow night."
(See, I know yall are waiting on the mommy duties part 2 fic, but I just got sick as fuck and I feel like garbage. But I don't want yall to think I'm one of those writers that's coming up with a new excuse every week, so I will try my best to work on it, babes. Now tell me if yall feel like roommate pt.2 would be a good idea or nah?)
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lemonnsss · 9 months
Moral of the Story pt.1
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Warnings: cheating, illusions to sex, angst, not BETA'D we die like men.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Taglist: @vicmc624, @mostlymarvelgirl, @yvonneeeee, @beetlejuicesupremacy, @moonlightreader649, @whattheduckisupkyle, @chrisevans-realwife, @nekoannie-chan, @mrsbarnes32557038, @imyourbratzdoll
Word count: 1k
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I was sitting around the bonfire with the other faculty at Xavier’s after all the students had gone to bed: talking shit, spilling fresh gossip, and discussing all the latest trends. Next to me was my best friend, Ororo when she said, “You do know Logan’s cheating on you, right?”
“Please, Storm. We’ve been over this. There’s no way he does that, it just isn’t like him.”
“Please,” she begged, “everyone else on campus knows, we see the subtle glances, we hear the quiet ‘I Love You’s, we smell his cologne on her so why can’t you see it?”
She and I had had a big fight about this earlier, to her it was as obvious as the sun. I was holding on to something that wasn’t there, a distant memory long forgotten by him
I didn’t believe what they said- moreover, I couldn’t believe- Logan was the first thing in my life that I knew Jean couldn’t cheat me out of or beat me at. Walking down the hall in the teachers’ wing I heard moaning and grunting coming from Jean and Scott’s room, two definite voices.
I had seen Scott less than five minutes ago when I left the bonfire, and that’s when it dawned on me. I crept over to their door, wanting to catch this mysterious offender who Jean was cheating with, a soft gasp escaped my lips when I peered through the crack.
There on the bed lay the Jean Gray who had bested me at everything in life legs wide open with her brassiere unclasped at the front with a barely concealed Logan between her thighs.
Tears welled in my eyes as I took a step back, unsure of what I was supposed to do. I mean, no one tells you what to do if you see your boyfriend of three years fucking another woman.
Walking into our shared room I started packing away my things, everything that was valuable enough to bring with me. I knew I had to come back for the rest but I couldn’t think about that now, I just wanted out.
After I fill my duffle bags and suitcases, I go to make my way out of the door when Logan walks in, looking like he had just gotten out of the shower.
“Honey, whatcha doing? Thought you wanted to stay out at the bonfire a little longer.”
“Cut the shit, Lo. I know everything.” I move towards the door, and he grabs my arm.
“Sugar, I don’t know what you’re talking ‘bout, you’re gonna have to be more specific than that.” He says while slightly pushing my baggage down.
“I saw you,” I let out a shaky breath, “ I saw you with Jean just then. I trusted you! Even when everyone told me you were cheating I trusted you! Why would you do this to me, Logan?”
He stood there. Silent, still. As if processing what I had just said. Not moving even an inch.
A few minutes must have passed before he moved to bring his hand to my cheek before I shied away. “Sweetie, baby, please,” he begged, a thing I seldom saw from him, ”I swear, that was the only time.”
“Really? Because the rest of the faculty, save Scott and Professor Xavier, has been telling me all this for months!” I didn’t care if I woke the entire school, I had been wronged and cheated by the one person I trusted with my deepest fears and my insecurities. The man I had wanted to spend the rest of my life mere hours earlier betrayed me in a way no one should have to experience, and I would let him fucking know.
After hours of yelling at Logan, my voice was hoarse and raw as tears streamed down my face, people began to run over to the faculty wing to find out what the commotion was all about, hearing the scandalous but anticipated news and spreading it down the chain. Until everyone from the bonfire called it a night only to find they couldn’t even get to their rooms with the amount of people crowded around.
Scott shoved his way through to the front as I yelled, hearing me say his partner's name in the context of cheating, he looked at her, across the hall from where Logan and I stood, hope draining from his eyes and he understood that she had chosen Logan while trying to keep him along.
“I’m sorry, you had to find out this way, Scott,” I say, apologizing to Jean once again.
He turns around and the crowd separates like the Red Sea for him, now with Jean following, apologizing, begging for him to forget about this, how it didn’t mean anything to her, to turn over a new leaf; to wipe the slate clean. He doesn’t face her, not while I can see.
I pick up my bags again just for Logan to reach out once again, “Please?”
He sits there silently begging. I pull away, watching the hope in his eyes crumble.
“We both know it’s too late for that, Lo.”
The crowd separates once more as I make my way down the stairs, out the front door, and to the garage where my 65’ Thunderbird sits. Popping the trunk, I picked up my suitcase when I saw a silver streak of light pass by.
“You’re gonna leave, just like that?” Peter says, leaning back on the driver’s door.
“What else should I do? It’s not like I want to see them after this.” I load my smaller bags in and shut the trunk before moving to the door.
“That’s fair.” Peter says, backing away, ”But is there nothing else keeping you here?”
A soft gaze met mine, practically begging me to stay.
“Pete, I don’t need another reminder that I’m nothing but sub-par in comparison to the great Jean Gray. I don’t want to feel like that anymore. I’ve been compared to her my entire life, it’s time I meet someone who sees me for me.”
And with the nod of his head, I drove out of Xavier’s School of Gifted Children for the last time.
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manicplank · 3 months
Got any angst about the pt cast?
Of course, I do.
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Peppino: He was bullied as a child/teenager and developed horrible social anxiety and depression from it. He also has generalized anxiety disorder. He's not necessarily estranged from his family, but he doesn't communicate with them a lot. This has caused tension to rise as his family began to think he doesn't love them. His failing business only adds to his crippling anxiety. He holds it against himself and is convinced that he's a failure.
Gustavo: I've said it a million times, but he's a divorced dad with minimal custody rights. He feels guilty for it. The divorce was super hard on him and still hurts. He was also very lonely at home before he got Brick. Other than that, he's a pretty jolly guy.
Mr. Stick: He's a lonely guy. His social skills aren't the best, and he's very condescending. His gambling problem has actually caused him great losses in life. He has maybe one friend (Burton). Despite being a con man, he's very gullible.
Pepperman: His narcissistic tendencies have cause many relationships to peril. Family, friends, and even partners had grown tired of his antics. He spends most of his time on his art and forgets to take care of himself. He's quite lonely.
The Vigilante: He doesn't have any family left. His maw and paw died early in his life after they were killed by outlaws. This is what made him decide to become The Vigilante. His peepaw, John E. Cheese, raised him. After he passed, The Vigilante had nobody but the ghost of him. He's become very lonely and is slightly depressed.
The Noise: He has an absent father who he resents for not being there. He grew up as a chaotic AuDHD child with a mother who didn't know how to handle it. He was bullied a lot. He's very paranoid that people will use him for money and fame, which is why he doesn't really have any friends other than Noisette. He's very angry and depressed underneath that silly persona. His social skills aren't great, either.
Noisette: She's incredibly insecure when it comes to criticism. She got bullied a lot in school for her poor social skills. Like Noise, she's also AuDHD, but her parents were educated and raised her well. She holds herself to modern beauty standards and occasionally gets insecure of her appearance.
Fake Peppino: He was met with violence and fear very early in life as he was constantly being hunted down by others in the tower (piggy police, The Vigilante). People were afraid of him, and it made him sad about himself. [Fic spoiler] Bruno was a great friend to him, but now he's gone. Until Peppino arrived, he felt that he was unlovable. Pizzahead is fine but can get too rough when it comes to correcting behavior.
Pizzahead: His poor social skills and onsessive behaviors have caused him to suffer greatly in his social life. He's very lonely and pushes most people away. He snapped at a certain point and went completely insane. He's a psychopathic maniac. He buries himself in work most of the time to avoid his feelings.
Pillar John: [Fic spoilers] John was originally a maintenance man in the tower. He was an incredible fixer and was good friends with Pizzahead. The tower was old and falling apart. Once Pizzahead realized there was no fixing it, he created a crazy contraption and trapped John in the top floor of the tower, causing the pillars in each level to support the tower's stability. Because of this, John developed a horrible depression after having a happy life.
Gerome: Gerome had somewhat of a tough upbringing. His mom and dad got divorced when he was young. His dad wasn't a great person. He was depressed as a kid because he felt the divorce was his fault. When his mom met John's father, things changed drastically, especially when John was born. At first, he didn't like John or his father. Once he saw how happy his mom was, he opened up and became close to John and his dad. Despite this, the depression still haunts Gerome to this day. Gerome even finds himself feeling a bit guilty over the tower situation.
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theslayerbrother · 4 months
So there is a lot of Saying of how Jim changed characters Such as Draal Strickler Angor and Nomura to name a few but not that much of how the character changed him (especially his friends and family ) outside of bein Supportive.
edit - there Amazing headcannos by @albentelisa and by a few more so maybe i would return on Something that people already Said
Also i am not a Writer i'm so not calming it's 100% (well Claire mabye hehe) jk.
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Let's Start with the easiest and Probably the most loyal person to Jim and the first Person after Jim that was introduce was his BFF Toby. Toby Represent Jim mortality the fact that he Can be hurt and injured because toby very easily get hurt and injured because he only human and not in the best of shape but besides that he is able to Keep going Which is Why Jim kept going able to do things despite being only human.
(i am well aware that Jim was the one who push to toby to Keep going as well was the first but Jim a lot of the time felt a moment of weakness that he isn't good enough and toby Should him that isn't true it Kinda go visa versa)
another thing about toby is his happiness and he have a Positive out Look of things toby and Jim become friends a short time after his father Left Which is Why Jim able to Keep going as much as he did because toby was always being besides him.
that's Also Why the rott movie was bad because it tainted that idea.
but isn't canon still hunts me a lot of the time.
overall Jim became much more happy and Much less angsty that he Should've been without toby.
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moving on to Jim's Crash and Jim's Soulmate the Lovely but dorky Claire.
Claire represent Jim's fear especially the ones who relate to Losing his Loved ones and become evil Plus Lacking in Self belief.
thanks to Claire Jim able or have much easier time overcoming his insecurities his Lack of believing in self to do Something risky Such as the final Push in the bathtub Scene (Part of it obviously is the fact that Claire herself is a bit of a Dork lol).
the thing that Claire gave to Jim was her Love and acceptance that she trust him and he totally deserve the Love and care that Claire give him. as he doesn't need to be fear that he always feel accepted with her.
She is also extremely Smart So she can her only Second to Blinky so she help Jim with things that aren't trollhunting related and Very Powerful So She can Protect Jim when ever he need a hand.
Claire is Jim greatest Love and i think that Jim feel a lot more confidence and accepted because of her.
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even tho Jim Claimed that he doesn't care about his father but he def need one and Blinky was the Answer. i believe that Blinky Represent Jim desire for family and being a Leader because both of them becomes Leaders Jim become a Leader at part 1 of Season 1 and Blinky at the end of Season 2 after the Death of Vendel both were hurt by a close family relative Jim by his father leaving him and his mother as a little kid. and Blinky by his brother Joining the Side of gunmmar both able to make their own family Jim found toby as best friend and brother then Blinky became his troll Dad and ARRRGHHH his troll brother. Blinky befriend ARRRGHHH and Adopt Jim as his son.
Blinky made Jim the best trollhunter change him and give Jim a Parent figure that's all the Most wholesome.
Jim need a father figure to guide him in trollhunting world and Also being a father in general. Plus Someone to share his Knowledge with.
so Overall Jim need a guidance of mentor and a father and Blinky answer that call
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ARRRGHHH is everyone favorite wingman i do think AREGGGGG represent Jim entering a role that can be very well take your whole childhood away. both were enter the role of a Warrior in a young age i believe that ARRRGHHH form @albentelisa worlds he understand Jim as a role of trollhunter the Most and Probably Jim has much better time dealing with being a trollhunter thank to ARRRGHHH
Also his big heart and Adorable Personality help Jim have much better time entering a Strange world of the trolls well and Blinky and Draal Obviously.
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Draal is Jim troll brother one of my favorite relationships in the Series
Draal represent Jim defined by his father both were defined by their fathers until they able to break it Jim but overprotecting his mom and have carry all the responsibilities in the house and Draal by following his Dad's Job of being a trollhunter which is Why is He was a rival to Jim at first
Fun fact - i thought that Draal would be an Antagonist for Jim after he defeated him but i glad that he didn't became one and instead became an ally.
Draal was a role model for Jim because Jim understood honor of a Warrior and Also build confidence in Battle as well. Draal was Protector so much that Jim carried his wish and Kill gunmmar by his name and his death consider to be the best one in the Series.
Draal was able to Change Jim make him better as a Person i feel lIke because of Draal i believe that Jim is even honor then he used to before (he had a lot of honor before that but still) better Adjust to the troll world because he had a troll for a brother.
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@pinkytoothlesso11 and @rexnanorum @yavannah  @seekerofblades idon't know about the following two these following ones your expert not mine so i feel free to add up if i miss Something.
Barbara is Jim's mom and i think she represent his heart Barbara is Super Compassionate and have a Similar heart to Jim by being a Doctor and helping people both Jim and Barbara were hurt by Jim's father when he let the both of them down.
the Desire to help people so no one will be left out is Something that they both share Jim by being a trolhunter and Barbara being a Doctor.
Jim Learnt form Barbara that he doesn't need to be afraid to share the burden that you carry with your Loved ones. and that lies not matter what the intention behind it can and will damage your relationship with your Loved ones like what happen with them in Season 1.
Thanks to Barbara Jim become more honest Person who will have better time sharing his burden with his Loved ones and put his trust in them.
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now to everyone favorite avocado troll nerd dad Mister Strickler. Strickler is one of the few relationships that is more antagonistic cuz Jim and Strickler butt heads a lot in trollhuntes in Season 1.
i feel Like what Strickler represent in Jim is the Desire to be Loved and accepted Sure Jim have toby and Barbara but he bullied and for the first part of trollhunters by the trolls because he was a human and Strickler by being a Changeling both however fortunately get the acceptance and Love Jim by Killing Bular and getting together with Claire and Building a family with Blinky ARRRGHHH and Draal
and While Strickler by getting together with Barbara and creating a family with Jim.
Strickler give further Knowledge about troll history and Changeling history to Jim teach him Combat Moves that Blinky won't teach because they cross his Limit.
Also i feel Like the Credit goes to @pinkytoothlesso11 i feel Like when Jim has a half troll Strickler is one who can understand him the most.
Which is Why at the end thanks to Lovely nerdy Strickler Jim is much easier time handling and Seeking things that others might won't understand.
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asha-mage · 6 months
Anaiya nodded. "We understand your reasons for disliking Elaida, even hating her. We do understand. But we must think of the Tower and the world. I confess I do not like Elaida myself. But then I have never liked Siuan either. It is not necessary to like the Amyrlin Seat. There is no need to glare so Siuan. You have had a file for a tongue since you where a novice and it has only roughened with the years. And as Amyrlin you pushed sisters where you wanted and only seldom explained why. The two do not make for a very likeable combination."
-The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 27: The Practice of Diffidence
Re-reading The Fires of Heaven has made me increasingly confident in the show's read of Siuan's character being book accurate (an opinion I originally articulated here). I always encourage re-reads of the books, but I would very much encourage re-reading The Shadow Rising and The Fires of Heaven specifically if you are doubting the choices the team made in episode 7.
Cause the thing is, Siuan's central character flaw- the one Anaiya is trying to gently cite above, the one on heavy display all throughout both books via Siuans treatment of those around her, is her complete lack of trust paired with a willingness to force and browbeats others into doing what she thinks is best.
It is, ironically, a trait she shares with Rand- both are unafraid to use their power (physical, magical, political- what have you) to make others obey, and both also are unwilling to demonstrate trust and good faith out of a fear of showing weakness. It's something born inherently of their shared insecurities about their respective positions of power- Siuan's young rise to the Seat and the fact that she is carrying on her conspiracy with Moiraine and Rand's belief that he isn't strong enough/good enough/hard enough to be the Dragon Reborn alongside the tendency of the people he cares about to get hurt or have their lives ruined by simple proximity to him.
Throughout both The Shadow Rising and The Fires of Heaven Siuan uses primarily tactics drawn form the same playbook that would later also lead Rand to disaster in the back half of the series: she comes to view those under charge more for their value to her agenda then as people she should be looking after, forcing Min to remain in the Tower against her will, refusing to make any effort to console or reassure those who care about Elayne (Gawyn, Galad, Morgase) that she is well, and engaging in many actions because their are expedient without regard for their moral implications (ordering Mazrim Taim's execution without trial, lying about Logain being set up by the Red Ajah, manipulation Logain so he has no choice but to follow along with her plan). And I don't think it's a mistake that many of those actions either lead to, or directly follow, Siuan's downfall in the Tower.
In fact, Siuan begins to make the turn in her character after encountering Mistress Tharne, which largely sets in motion Siuan's character arc for the remainder of the series: realizing that she can not force the word to conform to her will, not least of all because she is no longer the most powerful woman on the planet, but more over because it's wrong. Mistress Tharne's rough treatment of Siuan, her complete lack of respect or deference, is a wake call to Siuan that gives her empathy and understanding of the way she treated others when she held power. Much of her arc there after is about emphasizing that point, first as a stilled woman serving Aes Seadi, then as a restored but drastically weakened Aes Sedai.
In this way Siuan gets a taste of what it's like to be on the other side- forced and expected to obey, constantly fighting against a system rigged against her from the start, meant to keep her out of circles of power and away from the ability to make decisions as a woman who can not channel, and then as a Aes Sedai who does not stand high enough in the hierarchy. More over it gives her perspective on why things like the Oaths and the Tower's traditions matter- on the ways the Oaths protect ordinary people and the way Tower traditions like 'staying out of the business of other Aes Sedai' and 'respect secrets of individual sisters and Ajahs' help keep Aes Sedai working together and functional. But it's really her friendships, which she is able make on now even terms, with Nynaeve and Egwene, that help her gain empathy and understanding, and in particular allows her (via her mentorship of Egwene) to try and positively influence the Tower's future via reforms to make it more equitable, less mired and fractious and cracked.
As Amylrin, we're told, Siuan ruled by playing one faction in the Tower against another, widening the cracks between Ajahs and within them so that no one was able to effectively oppose her and her agenda- that is until someone came along who could rally support, to take advantage of those simmering frustrations and angers in order tear her down. But that person, Elaida, shared many of her faults and few of her virtues- instead of playing one faction against and brow beating, Elaida (with the Shadow's help) turned the Tower into armed camps ready to lash out at each other. Siuan's tendency (often cited by even herself) to send sisters to do penance on farms for opposing or annoying her, became Elaida using the same tool to humiliate and punish her enemies and using edicts to demote them to Accepted for being weak, and Siuan's precedent for keeping secrets and working around the Hall became Elaida plotting to kidnap Rand and 'make him supple' via Galina's embassy.
And it's a neat closing of the circle, the kind Jordan really likes to play with, that Siuan's redemption for this is her training of the woman who will replace both her and Elaida. Someone who will actually fulfill both women's ambitions of leading the Tower in the last battle- Egwene. Siuan's justice against Elaida is to help prepare an Amyrlin that will be more then either she or Elaida ever could- someone who will be free of their faults, who will be able to unite the Tower as both women dreamed of doing but never could- who can guide Rand and bind the nations to him, who can serve as a general of the Light strong enough to balance the worst of the Shadow. Siuan teaches Egwene how not to do the things she did, to fall into the traps that brought her down- the arrogance, the pride, the domineering, the compromises with her own morals- and it's that teaching which, in part, gives Egwene the ability to persuade the Tower that still saw her as a Novice....to raise her to Amyrlin of it's own accord.
Siuan still should have been allowed to kill Elaida though instead of the Suffa stuff, I will die on that hill.
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hoshinoyozora · 1 year
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Roses in the Thorns
🖤 Pairing: Yandere! Malleus Draconia x Female! Fae! Reader
💛 Word Count: 2,3k+
❤ Warnings: -
Do not re-upload my writing to another website or use it without my permission. Also, don’t ask for a sequel unless I like the story enough to write one. Please reblog so other people can see my stories!
I haven’t seen ch 7 yet, but I heard Mal causes snow too when he’s upset? Idk let’s just say he does that here XD Also the meaning of the title is that rose often denotes romance, but is it really romance in their relationship? @married-to-google-translater
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Malleus didn’t really like going home.
Of course, he missed his grandmother that worked hard in his stead. His little rose garden waiting to be tended and admired. And his palace that held the comforting yet no less fascinating gargoyles and grotesques. But he didn’t miss the loneliness of his status and species, the fear from people, and you.
The fiancée that his grandmother set up from some Duke a few centuries ago.
It wasn’t as if he hated you, per se. You did your job as a princess and a fiancée very well, perhaps a bit too well, strengthening Queen Maleficia’s fondness for you. She, out of all people, knew just how lonely he was, regardless of his attempts to hide it, and you were more than ready to spend the next centuries with him. Malleus knew he should be delighted, grateful even, that his fiancée wasn’t a shy or fearful thing. But if he had to pinpoint why he disliked you, he might not be able to answer it quickly.
“Welcome back. I miss you.”
You hugged him tighter and closer than any royal couple had done, than any royal couple was supposed to be doing. You hummed contentedly against his shoulder, trying to sway him side by side. You weren’t fazed by his rigid body, however, and merely smiled up at him.
“The castle feels so lonely without you, you know.”
Malleus squinted slightly. He never really knew if you were jabbing at his little insecurity or if you genuinely felt that way. Maybe he was reading too much into your actions, maybe he wasn’t. Who would’ve known?
“I see. That’s unfortunate.”
A neutral answer; neither sympathizing nor mocking. He pushed you away, gently as to avoid any suspicion from the unseen eyes and ears that your relationship wasn’t as harmonious as it should be.
“Avoidant, as usual.” you mused, trailing after him with your hands clasped behind you. “But allow me to accompany you a bit more, Malleus. Fortunately, I have a loose schedule for today.”
Your smile widened just as your eyes glowed in the dimly-lit hallway.
“Because I knew you’d come back to me.”
Ah, that’s right. He disliked you because of your confidence. While it didn’t exactly tiptoe the line of arrogance, it was still annoying how you thought he favored you any more than he favored other women desperate for his hand in marriage. Then again, he couldn’t really fault you for trying. A cold, formal marriage might be the standard for many royal couples, but a harmonious one – both in public and private – would greatly benefit your relationship and image.
And yet…
“I’m tired. I’d like to rest for now.”
Your confidence wasn’t the main reason behind his antipathy.
“Are you sulking, Malleus?”
It was your perceptiveness. Your ability to make him feel naked, vulnerable, tamed. Lilia had that power too, but he was his caretaker and retainer. He cared about him. While you? You were an enigma. A wildcard. A stranger that his grandmother was forced to marry soon.
“What makes you think so?”
Calmly, you closed the doors of his bedroom.
“Why, your face says it all, of course.”
Instinctively, Malleus touched his face. Was he really that expressive? Lilia could read him, but once again, he was his caretaker and retainer.
You chuckled, “Are you thinking about whether you’re being very expressive right now?”
His eyes widened slightly.
“Well, you’re not. But I’ve spent centuries observing you, so I can pick up all your emotions now.” You peeked through your lashes coyly. “So, did you finally find some joy in that school?”
Malleus resisted the urge to shift uncomfortably. He shouldn’t be surprised considering that you were his fiancée, but he knew that had you were more blatant with your ‘observation’, he’d think of you as another Rook Hunt instead.
“I didn’t go there to search for amusement.”
“Oh, really? Not even a new friend?”
“The people there are mostly pleasant.”
You simpered, eyes softening slightly.
“You know I’m not talking about schoolmates.”
“Quit talking in riddles. If you don’t have any business left to discuss, you may leave my chamber at once.”
“Always so cold to me, and yet, you’re strangely warm to that magicless human.”
Stiffening, Malleus whipped around and gripped your arms.
“How did you know about Yuu?”
“Are you really asking me that? I’m your fiancée. I ought to know about your matters, too. How else can I help you if you encounter problems?”
“I already have Lilia with me. I don’t need your intervention.”
You cocked your head in mock questioning.
“Really? Just like how you’re barely invited to any event, including the ceremony? Or how your own retainers forget about you sometimes?”
Malleus ground his teeth.
“I suggest you to watch your tongue if you don’t want to lose it.”
“Oh, but what would people think if they found out that you punished me due to a simple couple spat? And we don’t need to imagine how Her Majesty would react to this. She loves me, you see, and you know it too.”
“Don’t think you’re invincible, [Name].”
“Maybe.” You shrugged carelessly. “But I’m the reason why people started to look at you in a better light now. If I were to, say, complain that you’re being hurtful towards me, they’d sooner believe me over a big, scary dragon.”
His grip tightened. As much as he hated to admit it, you were right. Ever since you got engaged to him, you often invited him to events and used the power of social pressure by displaying affections to him. Of course, Malleus had no choice but to comply and requite the unwanted gestures. And those nobles, foolish little creatures despite the intelligence they touted, immediately believed the act and spread the news all over the country. Now, everyone knew you both as an unconventionally loving couple; surprising but no less heartwarming.
But he could care about his image later.
“Whatever you do, do not harm Yuu in any way.”
You huffed a laugh.
“You wound me, Malleus. When have I ever treat humans so unjustly? They’re a part of our people, too.”
Malleus squinted and opened his mouth to retort, only to close it back. What was he going to say again? That he thought you’d hurt Yuu out of ‘jealousy’ of his friendship? Thinking about it was silly enough; saying it aloud would make him a bigger fool. You probably couldn’t feel jealous, not when you seemed so complacent even in the face of threat. What would you respond later? Another jab? Another sneer?
“Lilia, are you the one who told Princess [Name] about me being excluded to school events?”
The cup hovered as Lilia paused to process the question. Peeking up through his lashes, he discerned Malleus’ agitated expression.
“Why, even if I don’t tell her, she can still find out somewhere else.”
“You know I don’t like it when she meddles in my affairs,” Malleus grumbled. “and now she knows about Yuu’s existence too. What if she hurts them?”
“I’ve been observing her, and never once did she mistreat humans. She might seem like a know-it-all, but she’s only trying to do her duty. Let’s not be too paranoid.”
Despite Lilia’s attempt to reassure him, Malleus couldn’t subdue the agitation in his chest. You were too unpredictable, in a way that might just be worse than Lilia. Even if the said fae wasn’t his retainer, Malleus would still trust him to be around Yuu due to his wish for a peaceful life.
Unfortunately, his anxiety was proven true when he spotted you talking with Yuu in the Ramshackle yard at one night.
“Oh, hi, Tsunotarou!”
You glanced at them in bemusement yet devoid of surprise, as if you knew the nickname was harmless. On one hand, Malleus was relieved to know that you wouldn’t scold or punish them for discourtesy like Sebek would’ve done. But on the other hand, he was still angry at your insolence.
“Pardon us, Yuu, but I’d like to speak to her first.”
“Oh, yes. You guys are, uh, dating, right? Go ahead.”
Squinting, Malleus grabbed your wrist and dragged you to a secluded spot.
“Why did you tell them that we’re ‘dating’?! And what are you doing here?! Why didn’t you tell me that you’d come?!”
“I just want to know what compelled you to them. It’s rather baffling, but I think I understand now. That child doesn’t see you for your species, right? They don’t even know about your true name.”
Malleus remained silent.
You simpered, “And it appears that you didn’t tell them about your status too. Why? Are you afraid that they’d change their mind about you?”
“That is none of your business.”
“You know, they’re the one who thinks we’re dating. And they’re not wrong. We are dating, aren’t we?”
“That’s because you’re being nosy!” Malleus hissed. “Can’t you just stop bothering me and let me have some peace for once?!”
Suddenly, your face hardened just as your body went rigid under his grip. It was rather eerie to see you without your calm smile or the way your eyes stared at him without their usual gentleness of complacency. Had he finally displeased you?
“Your grandmother once told me that you liked to read fairy tales and dreamed of happily ever after. I can give you that, and Queen Maleficia knows I’ve been trying for the past centuries, but it seems that my efforts are actually futile all this time.”
You snatched your wrist from his grip and stopped beside him.
“One day, you shall see that I’m the constant part of your life. Not even your fragile and temporary friendship with that magicless human can replace me.” you declared quietly. “And one day, you shall come back to me once the loneliness becomes too overwhelming for you. Because I am the only one you need in your life.”
The wind blew past him, and with it, you were gone. Malleus looked at your empty spot, wondering since when the silence rang too loud in his ears. Then, he scoffed.
How silly. You were useful as a princess and fiancée, yes, but as a companion? No. He didn’t need you platonically or romantically, and he was sure he could live for the next centuries treating you as a business partner or a distant roommate. Just like many others before him.
He could bear with that cold, formal marriage. He was sure of it.
Seasons changed, the calendars turned their pages, and Night Raven College became a distant yet bittersweet memory. Crowley officially failed to bring Yuu home, so Malleus decided to give them a new one in Queendom of Roses so they’d feel close to their friends. It didn’t lessen their eternal anguish and longing, but at least they were able to hide it in the letters and smile at him on the rare times they met. On the other hand, ever since that incident, you’d become distant despite your new status as his wife. Although you were still successful at fooling the nobles with your loving façade, the people close to you managed to sense the wall between you. It was concerning enough until Queen Maleficia decided to confront you both, and with a masterfully calm smile, you replied.
“We simply have a disagreement, but I assure you, it won’t affect our duties or images in any way.”
Malleus could tell she didn’t really believe it, but she sighed in a way weary parents usually did, including Lilia. And you both weren’t exempted from Lilia’s admonishment itself.
For years, the invisible wall remained sturdy, neither heightening or lowering
Until, one day, Yuu died.
Nobody needed to guess who the culprit was when blizzards and thunderstorm kept falling interchangeably around the country. Lilia had implored him to calm down to prevent more deluges in the small villages, and at one point even proposed to visit you for comfort, but Malleus merely lashed out at the latter. How dare he suggest such a ludicrous thing?! All Malleus wanted was to meet his one and only friend again, not you. Never you.
But, alas, Yuu’s fate was already set in stone, and for all his power, there was nothing Malleus could do. The storms had lessened, but dark clouds still lingered in the already gloomy sky. The cloud was heavier around him who refused to leave his room, leaving the court to handle the brunt of his duty. Including you.
Calmly, you sipped the warm tea and put the cup back to its saucer. You didn’t turn to look at him, but Malleus knew you were listening. You were always listening for him, about him, and the thought strangely flattered him now.
Malleus crossed the drawing room and stood beside you. He stared down at you for a moment before he kneeled.
“You’re correct.”
It was an abrupt apology yet no less sincere. He took your hand from your lap and clasped it within his cold and desperate hands, looking at you pleadingly despite your silent refusal.
“You are… the true constant part of my life. My queen, my wife, and my companion. I was mistaken to believe that my friendship with Yuu could be anything but…” He swallowed the grief and pride. “fragile and temporary, not when they were a mere mortal in my impossibly long life. Forgive me for being so blind and foolish to the truth.”
Malleus rested his forehead against your lap, already resigned to the silence that might stretch on forever. It wasn’t until he felt a hand prod him to raise his head did he obey.
Finally, you looked at him.
“I told you.” you whispered, caressing his cheeks with your thumbs. “You’ll come back to me. Because you just can’t live without me, can you?”
“Yes, yes, of course. You are the only I need in my life.”
Slowly, you smile widened just as your eyes glowed in the dimly-lit room.
The same confident and complacent smile that he once hated but now loved.
The same confident and complacent smile that told him you won this centuries-long game of cat and mouse.
“Good boy.”
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its-avalon-08 · 4 months
lando norris x reader part7
part 7 guys <3 themes enemies to lovers flirty interactions female Formula1 driver
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Red Lights, Racing Hearts: Chapter 7- Apologies and Hoodies
The moon cast an ethereal glow on the deserted racetrack. Lando sat alone in the cockpit of his car, engine off, eyes lost in the vast tapestry of stars that stretched across the sky. The day's events replayed in his mind, a tangled mess of adrenaline, regret, and an unsettling ache in his chest he couldn't quite place.
Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, walking slowly towards him. As she drew closer, bathed in the moon's soft light, Lando's breath hitched. It was Y/N, her hair flowing like a dark river in the cool night air, her face serene, devoid of the fiery spirit he typically associated with her. She wore an oversized hoodie and sweatpants, a look so casual it bordered on angelic.
Y/N stopped near his car, a small smile playing on her lips. She seemed surprised to see him, but the surprise quickly melted into a comfortable silence. For a moment, they just sat there, bathed in the moonlight, sharing the quiet magic of the night.
Finally, Lando cleared his throat, the silence pressing down on him. "I just wanted to… apologize," he started, his voice rough with sincerity.
Y/N cut him off, her voice quiet but firm. "No, Lando. I'm sorry. I overreacted. You were trying to help, and I pushed you away. I.. I really didn't mean to. It's just... sometimes, it's hard to believe that people actually care."
Her words hit him like a punch to the gut. He understood. The constant pressure, the scrutiny, the loneliness that came with being in the spotlight – it could make you question everything, even the most genuine kindness.
Their conversation flowed easily from there, a quiet dialogue under the blanket of stars. "Why is it hard for you to trust people Y/N?" Lando asked hesitantly. "Well, I guess its because of my father. He never approved of my passions and he couldn't bear it when I lost. He used to push me and push me until I broke. I just.., i find it hard to believe that people aren't out to get me." Y/N responded with tears in her eyes. They talked about their fears, their dreams, the things that kept them awake at night. Y/N confessed her insecurity about not fitting in, about feeling like an imposter in this world of fast cars and glamorous people. Lando, in turn, shared his struggles with anger, with always feeling like he had to prove himself.
As they talked, Lando noticed the hoodie she wore. It was red and way too big on her, hanging loosely off her frame, the sleeves reaching past her fingertips. "Doesn't that get in the way?" he asked, amusement tinging his voice.
Y/N glanced down at the oversized garment. "Nah, it's comfy. Carlos lent it to me."
Lando's eyes narrowed. A flicker of jealousy sparked within him, hot and unwelcome. Carlos, always hovering around her, always making her laugh. He tried to ignore it, focusing on the conversation, but the feeling lingered, a thorn in his side. Y/N smirked slightly upon seeing his suddenly frozen frame.
Finally, as the first rays of dawn painted the sky with streaks of pink and orange, they decided to call it a night. Y/N stood up, the oversized hoodie swallowing her even more.
"Thanks for listening Norris. You, you aren't the bad guy i made you out to be," she said, her voice soft.
He nodded, unable to meet her gaze. "Anytime Y/N."
As she walked away, he found himself calling after her, his voice barely a whisper. "Hey, just so you know, mine are more comfy."
Y/N glanced back, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "I'll keep that in mind, Pretty Boy."
With that, she disappeared into the shadows, leaving Lando alone with the lingering scent of her apple shampoo and the unsettling heat of jealousy burning in his chest. He stared after her, a new emotion blooming within him, one he couldn't quite name. But as the sun rose, casting a warm glow on the racetrack, one thing was clear: his rivalry with Y/N had taken an unexpected turn, and the road ahead, like the sky above, stretched out vast and uncertain, filled with both promise and peril.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (because i love you all i wrote a little lando special part)
She was a walking contradiction, that L/N. Fierce on the track, a storm of fire and ambition, yet beneath it all, a quiet vulnerability that tugged at his heartstrings. He should hate her, despise her for the way she challenged him, pushed him to his limits. But instead, he found himself drawn to her, captivated by the way her eyes crinkled at the corners when she smiled, the way her hair danced in the moonlight like a raven's wing.
As she walked away, the oversized hoodie swallowing her small frame, a pang of something sharp and unfamiliar twisted in his gut. Jealousy, he realized with a jolt. Jealousy of Carlos, of the casual ease with which she wore his hoodie, of the shared laughter that echoed in the paddock. He hated the feeling, the way it clawed at him, possessive and primal. But he couldn't deny it. He was falling for Y/N L/N, the girl who made him want to be better, the girl who saw through his bravado and touched something deep within him. And the road ahead, like the rising sun painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, was both exhilarating and terrifying. He was in uncharted territory, and the only compass he had was the pounding of his own heart.
incase you missed the previous part ^^^
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eldritch-spouse · 8 months
I swear this is my last ask for the night, I have been devoring your content and got the 601 badge for it, which I'm now proudly displaying on my blog. Anywhowitzers.
From my perusal of Vesper content, what if, his Queen desperately wants bio children of her own? Not just one. Maybe like, 4 with him. Originally was gonna shoot for like, 12 kids before she met him but understands that he has a limit.
His Queen has a big BIG momma bear streak as well and it breaks her heart when, with Vesper's mark, kids shy away from her out of uncomfortablness and she can't help but think, "Are my own children going to do the same?" She's always wanted at least 2 children of her own but upon learning about how concubi are around them, she's torn about if she should even try with Vesper and feels insecure about voicing what she wants because she's sure it would probably be countered with an immediate, "No." So she kind of slips into this funk, where engaging with rapture with him ends with a twist of deep despair because she knows that as much as she wishes for children of her own, she can't help but think it might be better to just give up that dream.
How would Vesper react to his Queen slipping into a depressive state upon that realization? Would he try to convince her that everything is fine as is? Would he try to speed up the process of turning his Queen into a Concubus so she wouldn't feel that desire anymore? Or maybe even try to actually conceive after learning about how she feels?
And then, let's say she does go through the transformation before having kids. She remembers her want for her own offspring and feels like a war is raging within her at almost all times. Her new instincts battling against her old dreams and desires. I feel like there would be times where she stares off into the distance, face twisted in disgust while tears drip from sorrowful eyes, and her hand clenched tightly against her stomach, nails digging in yet cupping herself tenderly.
- ZN
[It continues to fascinate me how people are so intent on shoving children upon Vesper. I've never even told you if he'd be good as a father, the sex appeal must create some sort of mental warp wherein people genuinely think it would work out- In spite of everything. Or maybe it's a deliberately torturous prompt, that I understand. I don't mind the asks though, congrats on the badge. 🎉 🤣]
Vesper will always push back on the topic of children, and it genuinely pains him that you're so focused on one, but you need to see things for what they are, and Vesper will not hesitate to open your eyes one day.
Look around you, you live in depravity. You are depravity- It's your new life! A child cannot he born into that life, ever. Not only would it wound everyone of his citizens to be in close proximity to them, that poor halfling would experience soul-shattering trauma that not a single person wants to imagine. You will not conceive anything in the grounds of Lust. Ever.
You cannot take an extended leave to the surface (or another Ring) for the purposes of carrying out a pregnancy and raising a child to at least eighteen years of age. He won't let you. That makes no sense to him. While it is true that demonlords of Lust have had kids before, these were mere transactions to acquire a direct heir who will grow up far away from them, which isn't something the most recent generations of Lust rulers are concerned with.
Can you do that? Can you separate yourself from your children after birth for that long? Do you fear they might resent you? It's risky business.
Vesper sits you down and he explains to you, at length, what a horrible idea having children would be. But please, there is no shame in having caring instincts. And, in his eyes, you should redirect that to the people around you. Take care of those within the mansion, take care of Lust residents in need (not just sexual need, of course), but please. For your own sake, don't try to establish contact with children.
Vesper is not about to sentence a potential child of his to a life of misery. He'd rather they not be born at all.
The Icon does tell you that your nature and your desires will change when your form does. That it will no longer be painful to exist childless, you will grow into a new age of your existence where that no longer weighs you down. Pain and sadness do not last forever, my Queen.
He will be there when it seems as if your own mind and body cannot come to an agreement, when your instincts fight, when you're torn inside out. It will fade.
It will fade.
One day you will be understand this is for the best.
Lust is not for the pure of heart.
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pastel-twilight · 9 months
✨ An Analysis of Shiki Misaki ✨
Neku, Beat, & Josh were all bitter towards the world because they felt like they couldn't be understood. Shiki stood out from them in that she outright wanted people to perceive her in a different way than she actually was.
It's interestingly ironic since she's the most accepting & empathetic out of the whole group. She's more than willing to encourage others to open up so she may understand them, & yet, she's very unwilling to show her "true self" out of fear that she's not good enough to be cared about in return. It shows how unworthy she feels in comparison to those around her. She even puts herself down at several points, subtly or not.
She was patient with Neku, gentle with Beat, & she'd likely be kind with Joshua. But she believes she's not like them. She shouldn't be herself. If she were, it'd expose just how unimpressive she truly is. Nobody would like her & her friendships would fall apart.
However, as good as her intuition is, she's very incorrect about that. Eri, who's apparently a large source of her self-hatred, adores Shiki. Claims to be nothing without her. Neku, a guy who hated humanity & pushed everyone away, warmed up to Shiki in a matter of days because of the cracks in her façade revealing someone he could have better respect for. He outright says he likes her as she is & to discard the notion that she has to be like Eri.
Shiki - insecure lil Shiki - caused a domino effect that led to the city she dreamed of basing her future in being preserved. It was Neku who proved Joshua wrong in the end, but it was Shiki's influence that inspired Neku to become better to begin with. She's simply that amazing.
Sadly, being able to change & befriend the previously uncaring Neku didn't fully clear her doubts. This led to the telling question, "Once you see the real me, will we still be friends?"
"Count on it. You'll always be Shiki," wasn't something she expected to hear in return.
I theorize that during the ending, she was only mostly shown & not completely because her arc wasn't finished. It symbolizes that her journey towards self-love has not yet reached its conclusion. We can't see Shiki at her (literal) fullest until she's ready to accept herself.
NEO is where that changes. She's living out her dream, being herself down to a fashion sense that might seem tacky to others, but feels cozy to her. It's what she feels about herself that matters, after all, & she's finally acknowledging it. This is why I like her new design.
Shiki used to base too many of her feelings on how others may or may not feel about her, but now that she knows she's good enough, she can be confident in whatever she does. Wear sneakers with a dress & oversized cardigan, then top it off with large, nerdy glasses? Sure, why not! She even succeeded in starting her fashion brand with flying colors. Now she can simultaneously make herself & others happy! Sad as it is that Eri didn't show up alongside Shiki, it goes to show that the seamstress can be iconic even if her bestie('s appearance) isn't involved.
Also, contrary to popular belief, Shiki's not shy. She was awkward when it came to herself & her needs, but was loudly eager to befriend & aid others. She was mostly super capable of putting her foot down when she felt disrespected. That strength can't be faked. It's no persona.
Shiki Misaki's bountiful optimism & compassion already helped her stand out. She never needed to be someone else to shine bright.
When we finally get to see her eyes, we note that they're big, beautiful, & brown like Eri's, but with a different hue. Shiki's hue. 💚
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Astrid (HTTYD) romantic concept?
Sure! I'll see what I got :) Sorry if I get something wrong :( I tried to incorporate some violence as that is what some people wanted lately!
Yandere! Astrid Hofferson Concept
(Ft. Implied Platonic! Stormfly)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Insecurity, Jealousy, Fear of abandonment, Slight stalking, Violence, Manipulation, Suffocating/Clingy behavior, Dubious relationship, Attempted murder/murder, Overprotective behavior, Deception, Platonic! Dragon.
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Let's start by discussing a yandere behavior for her.
Astrid is a Loyal, Competitive/Jealous, Dedicated, Persistent, Impulsive, Overprotective, and Caring yandere.
She's a yandere who's emotionally driven and is very invested in her darling.
In HTTYD she's probably one of the most caring yanderes.
Although she can get hurt and maybe even volatile if she feels neglected by her darling around others.
To say if she's an aggressive/violent yandere or not is sort of in the middle.
She isn't always driven to use violence to gain her darling's approval (usually).
I know, I know... most of my yanderes are like that.
To be fair Astrid could get violent at times due to her jealousy.
For the most part she tries to keep it under control...
But the idea of hurting people for you still gets in her head.
Astrid is attentive towards her darling.
She's difficult to impress but would grow close to someone in her group.
You could get along in a few ways.
Especially dragon racing and training, she's skilled in that and wouldn't mind giving a few pointers.
Astrid obviously would get along with someone similar to her as a darling, yet she would also get along with a darling she looks up to.
Then there's of course the option of a darling different than her... like if you are more reclusive she'd probably try to get you to open up around her.
Astrid is loyal to those around her.
When she becomes friends for you she is sure to look out for you.
That only grows when she finally considers you both in a relationship.
Astrid being emotionally driven as a yandere is partially just due to her character, but you could also say it's because she feels inadequate at times.
Astrid wants to feel like she's right for her darling.
She wants to be able to protect you.
She wants to be able to care for you.
She fears if she doesn't prove herself... she'll lose you.
Astrid is fierce and competitive.
There's no doubt she may challenge others around you if she feels someone else is trying to "take you".
Astrid may not jump straight to this, yet if she's jealous enough she may just indulge in her violent tendencies.
At first, if Astrid sees someone look closer to you than her, she watches from afar.
She wants to try and gauge if she needs to step in or not.
You can bet Astrid will jump straight in if someone like Snotlout tries to flirt with you.
She despises the idea of that guy trying to impress you more than her.
There are times she's punched people for one reason or another.
Safe to say she'll allow her violent tendencies to reach beating someone up until she's found out.
Her motive almost always involves you or your safety in some shape or form.
Depending on how far Astrid is pushed as a yandere, she can either bruise someone with a few broken bones, or do worse.
If she got into an argument over you with a friend she may just beat them up.
It's their mistake to push her that far.
When it comes to defending you... Astrid might just kill.
She knows she shouldn't feel like this.
None of Hiccup's group usually aim to kill.
Astrid may just get carried away if she isn't monitored.
I've talked about this before for previous yandere dragon riders, but the dragons may just help the yandere rider.
If Stormfly sees Astrid likes a particular person, she'll encourage her rider.
Which can only make Astrid even more deadly if she decides she really does need to kill a target for you.
If you two are already dating I'm not sure if it would make her more trigger happy with violence or less.
I mean... if you are dating somehow, she knows she has you.
Although if someone doesn't get the hint that you have a girlfriend, Astrid and Stormfly won't mind giving a bit of a reminder.
Astrid would give her darling her all.
Still a bit driven by the fear of losing you... she wants to show you that you won't regret it if you stay with her.
She likes to impress you.
She's work effortlessly to show she's strong for you and often tries to find ways to show her appreciation.
Stormfly would grow attached to you and your dragon when Astrid manages to get you to date her.
The Deadly Nadder likes that you make her rider happy and does everything in her power to help you stay together.
If you are somehow separated from your dragon, Stormfly swoops in to aid you for Astrid.
Stormfly is precise and loyal, similar to her rider.
Safe to say the extra dragon help is both a blessing and a curse.
It's nice you're safe... yet it makes it harder to get away if things go south.
Astrid can be a persistent yandere, meaning to get you two dating she tries hard.
While she may try to deny her feelings at first... when she embraces them she'll try every trick she knows to make you feel the same.
If you don't... she's sure there's other ways to get her desired outcome.
She wouldn't threaten you to date her but there is some subtle manipulation she uses to get you and her together.
Stormfly is also rather eager to push the two of you together.
Astrid is an overprotective yandere because she's so caring.
The idea of her partner getting hurt in any way greatly disturbs her and she tries to prevent it in anyway she can.
Which is why you'll notice your girlfriend's dragon hovering around you wherever you go.
Astrid can be impulsive due to her acting on her emotions.
This trait explains why she is quick to choose violence or cling to you at times.
She is partially driven by fear and jealousy as a yandere... a combo that creates a sick feeling within her.
Astrid may try to hide her darker yandere behavior.
When you two are dating she's almost always by you
When she has to part from you... she feels uneasy.
If she has to leave you out of her sight she may ask Hiccup to help watch over you if Stormfly can't.
In terms of affection I can see her giving her darling surprise kisses and hugging them tightly.
She loves you a lot.
She wants to be the best partner for you and doesn't care about what others think.
Even if Astrid may get trigger happy with Stormfly over you... she tries to hide the bloodshed from you.
For the most part it's a relatively normal relationship, other than the tight grip around you at times.
You've seen her hurt people... but you most likely haven't seen her kill people.
Astrid reassures you that she'd never kill anyone unless she has to...
Although... maybe she's spilt more blood in your name than she lets on, hm?
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evewasheretoday · 9 months
More Heathers (Movie) Headcanons!
Heather Chandler's love language are acts of services and words of affirmation.
Heather McNamara's love language are words of affirmation and quality time.
Heather Duke's love language are acts of service and quality time (with a sprinkle of gift giving because she's materialistic).
Veronica Sawyer's love language are words of affirmation and quality time.
Heather Duke is an ambivert but leans more onto her introverted side.
Heather McNamara is no doubt an extrovert.
Chandler used to be a very sporty kid.
Veronica hated books when she was a child.
How did she come to like them now? Well, Betty happened and she was influenced by her.
Duke used to hang out with Martha at her house a lot when they were still kids and were still good friends with each other.
Betty and Veronica were close to each other since childhood but when they got into high school, they grew apart from one another.
Mac knows that Chandler is a bad person but she doesn't care because while she might be the living embodiment of cruel, she was a good friend to her.
Duke was raised in a family that cared a lot about their image, it extended from one generation to another.
Duke and Mac both have the fear of abandonment but Duke has it a bit more severe because of how Chandler can just easily throw her away like an unwanted broken toy.
Veronica never really participated that much with the Heathers when they bullied people.
The only things she would do when she was participating were throwing a snarky comment here and there while hitting on the person's insecurity at it.
Veronica was usually just backup in case a person were too much of a handle for the Heathers.
Chandler DOES genuinely enjoy Veronica's company a lot.
She'll never tell that to anyone, of course. It's not a good thing to be known when you're her after all.
Mac is very naive and it makes her a very easy target to be controlled hence why Chandler has her so wrapped around her fingers.
While they all have an image to maintain and relationships that are mostly built for selfish (insincere) reasons.
They did somehow form genuine things out of it and as time passed, the lines between being actual genuine friend's and feeling like business partners to each other started to blur or mix.
Duke DID feel guilty about leaving Martha and becoming part of the Heathers but it disappeared slowly as she focused on other things than feeling guilty about it.
Mac wasn't fully aware she was bullying people back then until someone she bullied had enough of it and decided to point it out.
Mac was really conflicted with it but Chandler convinced her that the little “jokes” she would often make out of people they considered as losers were harmless.
That's when Mac started to become morally ambiguous apart from knowing Chandler is a bad person but still remaining by her side because she's a good friend to her.
Chandler is nicer to Mac than Duke because Mac has been her friend since forever and because unlike Duke, Mac didn't need that much pushing or persuading.
Chandler doesn't really know how to feel about Veronica, she wants her around and enjoy her company more than maybe Duke & Mac but she wouldn't hesitate to push Veronica into a lake for a mean prank or to remind the brunette of her place.
Veronica DOES care about the Heathers but it's a constant on and off thing she has with them.
Duke was hesitant and very reluctant to join the Heathers, it took Chandler a few weeks to finally make her change her own mind about it.
Duke has a little bit of a god complex along with Veronica.
JD did care when he made Veronica accidentally kill Chandler but after the blonde died, he had never felt so alive.
It was so refreshing to feel like that after feeling so numb and dead for years now.
JD has a god complex.
He also sorta has a martyr complex?
He couldn't imagine himself with anyone than Veronica.
Veronica meant a lot to JD but at the same time, she could have mattered less when it came to his goals.
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syrena-del-mar · 11 months
Embracing the Waters of Uncertainty
We've hit the beach episode this week and I can't help but love how they were able to intertwine this trope with a message that is so significant to who Kawi is as a character. Coming from Pisaeng no less. The one that always challenges Kawi to be better, to be truer to himself, to strive for more out of the relationships he's forged with people.
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So much of Kawi's life he been held back by his own fear. His fear of not having enough, of not being enough. He's spent ten years yearning for the idea of Pear because she was nice to him during his Freshman year, but he never took the plunge of actually getting to know her in the first timeline. It isn't until he believes that he has an infinite amount of chances (initially) of going back in time that he readily and willingly makes a move to pursue her.
Desires and fears go hand in hand, Kawi needs to take the step back to reassess whether the fears that he has held onto tightly are actual concerns or he's merely constructing barriers because of his own apprehension of getting accustomed to having people in his life. It isn't until Pisaeng throws himself on him to topple him over that he really allows himself to have fun in the water, similarly Pisaeng is the one that has been making Kawi confront his own fears about his insecurities.
Kawi struggles with the apprehension of facing his perceived failure, of returning to the life of being a translator, where he spent close to ten years alone with no human attachments. He knows what it means to be completely isolated after the death of his father, so he doesn't want to risk stepping into the realm of uncertainty that comes with pursuing what he actually truly wants. He's doing everything that he perceives will make him satisfied in the future, so he refuses to rock the boat. This time around he learned, that no matter how much he tries to fulfill the status quo of wooing Pear, of getting his father the emergency surgery, of keeping Pisaeng as a friend, of making amends with Max, he still ends up alone and distant from those he cares about in the future. His battle of fully playing in the water and getting in the water highlights Kawi's internal battle of desire of having people in his life and the fear of making a false move that would make them leave him.
It's paradoxical, Kawi wants to be happy, and honestly we see him to be at his most happy with Pisaeng, but he's the one that creates the most obstacles for himself in achieving that happiness. One might think it's irrational that he wants that happiness, he just might have that happiness and he's unwilling to accept the inevitable consequences of accepting it, but this man is only starting to grow from the shame that he has clung onto. Like @lurkingshan said, in this episode we see Kawi interrupting his own growth arc, he still has to put in the work. In episode 6 we saw Kawi finally starting to self-reflect, hanging his head just like the Wisteria flowers, and realize that his unchecked emotions of shame and anger cause him to push others away when they're only attempting to help him. He was starting to learn that allowing people to help you and depend on them doesn't drive people away, but how you react to that help might. Yet, by moving to the future, he put a pause to the much needed self-awareness and growth. He made his own obstacles that caused him to be alone in the future, again.
Getting wet for Kawi is an illustration of his perception of risks that he runs in attempting to fix his future. Just as getting wet can be inconvenient, he's still facing drawbacks. He gets everything done on his checklist, but he goes back to a future where he's an alcoholic. This Kawi has driven everyone away from him. I don't think that we'll ever fully receive an explanation for that Kawi, but I wouldn't surprised if his drinking stemmed from the loss of his dad, like he said about in the first timeline, his world stopped with the loss of his dad. But as @chickenstrangers said, it's important for Kawi to see the imperfect future, because it's motivation for him to see that sometimes no matter if you complete the checklist, it might not give him the future that he wants, because life isn't that predictable.
Kawi has to take the first step to confront and overcome his fears. Like @stuffnonsenseandotherthings said, there's going to be a moment where Kawi has to realize that he might not ever be able to completely fix the past so he gets the present that he wished for. Growth and progress isn't linear, but one still has to be willing to confront and overcome their fears to achieve the path of fulfilling their desires. This means willing to face potential setbacks, or in Kawi's case, learning to be okay with the fact that he won't ever able to completely fix the past. When you live so much in the past, you forget to appreciate the present, and with Kawi living in between timelines, it's so easy for him to develop a fear of failure, but if he examines and self-reflects on what he truly desires, then he might just learn that the future is nothing to fear and accept that change can still happen in his present with the choices he makes.
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