#she’s plum tuckered out
mintymusings · 6 months
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Shhh she eepy
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On the outskirts of Gotham a farm is made.
No one can pinpoint when it was started but it was clearly bountiful.
New orchards of plums apples and several other fruit whisper promises of fruits in the years to come.
Bee houses buzzed with life and ducks quacked and scurried to and from their pond, coop and the garden.
Vegetables by the rows with seasonal berries brushes spring up at the corners of the property.
Greenery that almost seemed to glow with how lush it was.
It was like a small oasis in the desert of Gotham’s dirty land.
And it was ran by only three people.
The woman’s name was Sam. She was known as an activist who seemed to do the primary care of the plants. The property was in her name and she went out of her way to invite people to take what they need.
Danny was the most well known of the trio. He brought the produce into the heart of the city. Anywhere that would take the food, kitchens, pantries, school cafeterias even people’s doorsteps.
Tucker was the technical mastermind, hidden but equally important. The sprinklers, planning of the pollination rotation, harvesting planning and statistics were his main focus on the farm. Not a single square inch of the the land was not under his watchful gaze.
All the food was fresh or properly stored and most interesting of all free.
Of course people were going to talk.
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esp3onsol · 4 months
How I think the Blueberry E4 sound as an American
Just a little disclaimer before I begin, I am in no way, shape, or form an expert on sociolinguistics. This is just a fun little thing that I wanted to do, and you're welcome to have your own opinions on the matter! In fact, I encourage y’all to share your headcanons/knowledge too! I'm a history major, so I like to study people and learn about different people's opinions on subjects!
Ok, now that's out of the way, let's get into it now!
All of the BB4 are from Unova, so they are going to all have some variation of an American accent. Unova is supposed to represent the US but focuses mostly on the boroughs (neighborhoods) of New York City and some parts of Northern New Jersey that border the city. I did some research on Bulbapedia and found the real-life locations of the BB4's hometowns.
Before I actually really get in, I could honestly be so wrong, and they could just have a "general American accent". Pokemon, especially Pokemon Masters are kinda weird with accents. Like Galarian characters having a general American accent in the anime, and Viola being the only Kalosian to have an accent in Masters. But oh well, enough of my rambling lol.
I'm going in their official rank order for this!
Crispin is from Virbank City, which is Jersey City irl, and is the second largest city in New Jersey, falling behind Newark. This is a little trippy to me because the name is so similar to Burbank which is a city in Los Angeles County, California. But it's honestly much funnier that he's a Jersey boy, especially since he likes to cook; I just can't help but think about those Italian-Americans who get angry if you don't pronounce Mozzarella as "Muzzarell." Like watch out we've got Buddy Valastro from Cake Boss over here lmaooo. The video below is a pretty good example of what I imagine Crispin to sound like! Crispin = nicest guy in Jersey. Fuhgeddaboudit 🤌🏻
Amarys is from Castelia City, which is Lower Manhattan, also known as Downtown Manhattan or Downtown New York City irl. Basically, think of Wall Street and Battery Park. Now, with Amarys, she speaks very formally, so I'd imagine that she'd still have a Manhattan accent, just very watered down and omitting any slang. Most Americans talk extremely fast, so we tend to find ways to shorten our sentences with things like "y’all" instead of "you all," "talkin'" instead of "talking," "'cause" instead of "because," etc. You won't find Amarys speaking like that, she likes to speak in complete sentences. I couldn’t find any specific examples, so just imagine this video with a watered down New York accent.
Now this is where it gets a little tricky. So Lacey is from Nimbasa City, which is Midtown Manhattan irl. Think of Broadway, Rockefeller Center, and Grand Central Terminal (Battle Subway). But also, her dad, Clay, is the gym leader of Driftveil City, which is Union City, New Jersey irl, and has a very heavy Southern (Texan, I'd assume?) accent. So with Lacey, she probably has an accent that mixes all of these elements. Like Amarys, she speaks pretty formally, but not to Amarys’ level. I noticed that she tends to slip some Southern sayings, like “I’m plum tuckered out” in her dialogue. This mix happens a lot more than you may think! For example, I like to think I have a general accent, but I live in the US South, so I have a slight twang in certain words, such as y'all, and specific slang from the state I’m from. In addition, one of my parents is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the other is from New York City, New York (not being specific bc don't wanna dox myself lol), so I tend to dip into those accents and slang, especially around family. I can honestly see that being the same situation for Lacey. This is another one where I couldn’t find an example I really liked, so we’re just going to have to use our imaginations again! I’d imagine she’d have a mixture of New York, Texas, and one of the people with a generic accent, like the lady from Delaware. She’d mostly likely switch between these accents based on words, situations and who she’s talking to.
Drayton is from Opelucid City, which is Harlem and Washington Heights, neighborhoods in Upper Manhattan irl. Think of the Harlem Renaissance or the musical ‘In the Heights’. It's honestly so funny to imagine Drayton talking in an extremely thick accent lol. He definitely says things like schmear, pie (instead of pizza), Bodega, yerrrr/yurrr, and Manhatty.I honestly couldn’t find any really specific videos on people from Upper Manhattan, so I’m sorry this is a really generic video. Obviously he sounds somewhat like the man from New York.
Thanks for listening to my dumb spiel, this has been a great way to procrastinate my Uni work! I look forward to see what y’all think!
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antiquatedsimmer · 11 months
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As the storm raged outside, Helena and Eddy sought refuge by the crackling fire, their conversation weaving a tapestry of shared interests and newfound camaraderie. Helena spoke of her affinity for the seclusion this place provided, relishing the solitude that allowed her to delve into the art of knitting. Meanwhile, the aroma of a tomato soup, created from the meager harvest she had scavenged during the summer months, wafted through the cabin, teasing their senses with its comforting allure.
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Eddy's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as he regaled Helena with tales of his cherished pastimes—fishing and the joys of toiling with his hands on the fertile land of Windenburg. A genuine smile graced Helena's lips as she listened, appreciating the passion and connection he had with the natural world. She couldn't help but notice how he devoured the soup she had prepared, his appetite voracious as if he hadn't savored a wholesome meal in days. Although a question lingered unspoken, Helena chose to remain silent, allowing the warmth of their friendship to envelop them, casting a temporary veil over the untold stories that brought them both to this place.
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As the night wore on, Eddy couldn't help but find himself drawn to the captivating allure of Helena's appearance. Her hair cascaded in loose curls, resting gently over one shoulder, while her carefully applied makeup accentuated her features with a smoky allure. Her eyes, adorned with ash-colored shadows, seemed to hold a hint of mysterious seduction, while her lips, plump and vividly red, mirrored the fiery hue of her hair. Eddy's gaze occasionally lingered on her mouth as she spoke, a silent acknowledgment of the undeniable attraction he felt, but he quickly averted his eyes, determined to maintain respect and decorum.
Inwardly, Eddy acknowledged the unmistakable signs that Helena was one of the women he had encountered in the seedy bars of his past. He held no fondness for the lifestyle they led, and a fleeting concern crept into his thoughts—had she entertained clients within the confines of his cabin during his absence? However, choosing to prioritize civility and maintain a friendly demeanor, he suppressed his reservations and decided against addressing the matter directly.
Both Eddy and Helena knew that their paths would soon diverge once the rain ceased.
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As the clock struck 10 pm, the rain continued its unrelenting assault, showing no signs of relenting. Their friendly conversation had reached a natural pause, and amidst the lull, Eddy broke the silence in his rustic country drawl. " I reckon it's been ages since I laid eyes on a downpour like this," he remarked, his gaze fixed on the cascading raindrops that danced upon the windowpane.
Helena let out a tired sigh, showing the weariness in her voice. "It seems like the heavens themselves have opened up today. Hope them roads don't turn into nothin' but muddy rivers," she replied, her eyes momentarily drifting towards the deluge outside.
As a brief interlude of quietude settled in the cabin, Eddy eased back in his chair, his shoulders sagging with fatigue. Moments later, he rose from his seat, his hands meeting his knees before he stretched, the weariness evident in his movements. "Well, Miss, I'm plum tuckered out. I reckon I'll turn in for the night, and come mornin', you can make your way once this rain subsides," he announced, his words carrying a mix of exhaustion and the understanding of an imminent departure.
Helena looked up from her seat at the table, her eyes meeting Eddy's gaze. A flicker of gratitude crossed her face, appreciating the kindness he had shown during their time together. "I appreciate yer hospitality," she uttered softly, her voice steeped in the manners of the countryside. In that moment, the cabin seemed to hush, as if holding its breath, while Helena pondered her sleeping arrangements. It was clear that Eddy would reclaim his bed, leaving her uncertain of where she would find rest.
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blubushie · 1 year
I haven’t been camping in a while
and everytime all I could do was walk and play on the rope tied to a tree
And bc google isn’t realistic about camping
what do adults do while camping, my knowledge is that there’s alcohol and cards against humanities and 4 wheel driving
this isn’t an important question, I want to make posters of the mercs camping and Tom fuckery
What do adults do while camping alone?
Usually when I'm in the bush I'll finish every other night with a beer, so yes there IS alcohol, but no I'm not getting drunk. I don't play cards by myself. When I'm camping most of my time is spent sleeping or cooking. When I have free time I fish or read or whittle or write. Rarely I'll draw and sketch my environment or the wildlife (usually the wildlife, I suck at landscapes). Sometimes I'll skip rocks or practice throwing my knives. I'm good at the rocks, I could be better at the knives. I'll practice knots. I'll swim. I'll do bird calls and see what answers. Sometimes if I'm really bored and it's too dark to do much else I'll take a small dose of shrooms and get high. The stars are never more beautiful than when your brain is playing connect-the-dots mid-trip.
With other people it's all of the above (minus the shrooms unless it's Jack) with some other additions too. When I'm by myself I hum. When I'm with people I sing. Jack will bring out his guitar and play old bush ballads and I'll provide the vocals. Around other people I get tipsy (not drunk, just a mite loose). Sometimes we'll play horseshoes. Other times we'll go bushwalking.
We'll tell ghost stories. I'll talk about my adventures and the things I've seen. He'll talk to me about the stars and Aborigine mythology.
Mostly we talk. That's the best benefit of camping. When you're sitting at a campfire for long enough with your mates, you start feeling raw. So we talk. Things going on in our lives, we talk work, hunting, fishing, pretty girls and handsome blokes, the people we've met and places we've seen while apart. We talk about good food and politics and the weather and people we don't like and people we do. Lots of blokey lockerroom talk.
If I'm in Kakadu we share bush tucker. He'll find the good yams because he's better at it. I'll find the ripe plums and dundil fruits. If I find dundil fruits we usually spend some time chucking the nuts eat each other's mouths and trying to catch them. I always have to be doing something with my hands, so usually he tries distracting me with questions because it's hard to multitask between talking, catching nuts out of the air, and picking apart a piece of wood.
Also we're best mates, so we insult each other constantly. It usually devolves into racial remarks. One we come back to a lot is me saying god burnt him when she made him and him replying "Least I'm edible, you're undercooked." We make comments about each other's faults: ability to acquire mates, cooking skill (he's a better cook than me especially with native seasoning, I barely season my food), age (I'm the wayward little brother because I'm three years younger than him), horses, livestock, good vs bad beer, good vs bad roots, what we like about the fairer sex (besides the obvious) and what we DON'T like. He whinges about family and so do I.
So mostly it's just talk and eating. We never argue and if we do disagree on something we'll change topic so we don't spoil the mood.
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aercnaut-archived · 11 months
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thinking about how lee absolutely volunteered to tell lyra about billy. he was probably hovering around the costa's tent, anyway, to keep tabs on the little boy, but the moment he heard maggie's cries, he just knew the worst had happened. he waited until he got the okay from john fa, and made his way to his tent. he didn't expect to find lyra asleep, but he figures she'd had a long journey. she was plum tuckered out. i imagine he sat there for a few minutes, watching her in these last moments of peace she'd get to have, trying to think of what to say. how do you tell a child their friend they fought so hard to save is dead? he maybe even tears up a bit for the boy, his mother, the other gyptians, and for lyra. he finally wakes lyra when hester nudges his hand, reminding him that prolonging the news won't make it hurt the little girl any less. he just met her, but he's already trying so hard to protect her from things he can't fight.
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mycharacterdump · 7 months
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𝗘𝗟𝗜𝗭𝗔𝗕𝗘𝗧𝗛 '𝗕𝗨𝗙𝗙𝗬' 𝗪𝗨 aka 𝙗𝙪𝙛𝙛𝙮𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙘
FULL NAME: elizabeth wu.
NICKNAME(S): lizzie ( their mother only ), liz, buffy. 
DATE OF BIRTH: january 14th, 2003.
ETHNICITY: chinese / caucasian / filipino.
GENDER: nonbinary.
PRONOUNS: they/she.
ORIENTATION: homoromantic homosexual.
RELIGION: agnostic, raised in the lds.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english + cantonese.
FACE CLAIM: madison hu.
HAIR COLOUR/STYLE: naturally black, normally cut short around the shoulders and left spiky to give a more cartoonish look; dyes highlights teal regularly.
EYE COLOUR: brown eyes. 
HEIGHT: five foot seven.
WEIGHT: 134 lbs.
BUILD: slightly athletic.
TATTOOS: the master sword from legend of zelda: breath of the wild on their left forearm.
PIERCINGS: ears; lobe and industrial, and a hidden septum piercing.
CLOTHING STYLE: striped long-sleeved shirts under tees, boyfriend jeans, sneakers, winter hats all year round, fingerless gloves.
AILMENTS: severe nut allergy.
MENTAL AILMENTS: mild clinical depression.
DRUG USE: weed, very rarely a cigarette. 
ALCOHOL USE: occasional. 
LABEL: the escapist.
JUNG TYPE: intp.
POSITIVE TRAITS: amiable, colorful, freethinking, intelligent, humorous + genuine.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: aloof, noncommittal, stubborn, disobedient, childish + troublesome.
HOBBIES: reading boring political theories, writing, performing.
QUIRKS: always writing at every meal, penmanship like a caveman, still can't sleep without praying first, hoards syrups for their soda.
LIKES: changing their style often, thrift shopping, dyeing their hair, learning dramatic makeup looks and failing miserably, writing, video game music, feeding stray cats.
DISLIKES: organized religion, eating meat, changing the oil in their motorcycle, people who chew with their mouth open, asking for help, most men, kiss asses.
WEATHER: cloudy days.
COLOUR: teal. 
MUSIC: classic rock.
MOVIES: the lord of the rings trilogy. 
BOOK: the hobbit.
FLOWER: plum blossom.
SPORT VIDEO GAME: baldur's gate 3. 
BEVERAGE: dr. pepper w coconut syrup and lime juice. 
FOOD: veggie xiaolongbao / impossible cheeseburgers.
FATHER: dash jensen ( alive ).
MOTHER: wu chuyu ( deceased ).
SIBLING(S): none maternal, one known paternal younger sister.
PET(S): none.
FAMILY’S FINANCIAL STATUS: upper middle / upper class.
AESTHETICS: long socks with patterns, a pot of black coffee, clicking of a keyboard, all-nighter to finish a video game, a scowl that seems permanent, self-deprecating humor, a cracked relationship with a father, red eyes from a screen, the song father of mine by everclear, ripped jeans, thrifting for clothes, found family, bags under your eyes, a worn out beanie, still using an ipod for music, the echo of an empty theatre, a sense of the dramatics in everything, a starvation for the unconventional, thoughts scattered on pieces of paper, the lingering smell of marijuana, chipped nail polish, messy hotel rooms, graphic t-shirts, sour candy, a forgotten empty bottle of adderall.
CHARACTER INSPO: mason 'dipper' pines ( gravity falls ), daria morgendorffer ( daria ), lily tucker-pritchett ( modern family ), velma dinkley ( scooby-doo, where are you! ).
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mtnkat3 · 1 year
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9.56am. Good morning my loves..... blushing shyly grin. My handsome sexy hunky yummy delicious beasts Mavericks Bears Angels.....
I hope each piece of you slept ok. I um.. was out like a light evidently in my recliner even though I was moving around I think... huh. Blushing shyly. What can I say.. ya'll tuckered me plum out. Sprawled.. Giggling softly blushing behind my paws.
My gosh I love & adore each piece of you so.....!
Good thing I had the heat on & all! Cause when I woke at 3am I think I was 30°F. & it's just now gotten to 37°F @ 10am! Kinda nippy for Georgia! I just pray that each piece of you.....is safe, sound, warm & cozy & no cold tootsies like mine! Heat pumps are useless in these temps. [64°] So gonna bundle up now that I quickly took care of the cats. Then my meds & getting started to late work. Blushing beet red grin.
[I've accumulated to all kinds of temp ranges over the years. From working in dairy freezwrs/coolers, to warehouses needing shorts but 15° outside. I've worked in 100°F heat with lawnmower parts &... I've worked in offices as secretary to lawyers, doctors, insurance, etc. The body can accumulate to almost anything given time, hydration, food & proper care. Why I sometimes enjoy watching Dual Survival on Quest. The body is an amazing miracle. Biomechanical computing but still so much unknown. Which I think is the heart & soul that beats within us all.
Opps. Blushing shyly grin.
Time to get to it & get the cat undraped from across my lap! Lmao! Spoiled silly kitty. [but 18½ & been thru a lot with me, so I kinda baby her. Accept when she walks all over me at 7am demanding her food, bumping & rubbing my hands until finally curls back up beside me then gives me a look when I finally come out from under the covers at 9a like how dare you! Roflmao! ]
Whoa! Sigh. I just.. chewing my lips blushing shyly. Peeking. I miss you..... each piece of you.....ssooo much. I could talk for hours.. & not at all & be comfortable with you..... blushin grin. Because....I love & adore & crave ... you.....
Ok. Sigh. Please be safe & careful & take care of each piece of you today.....
I love you always.....
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺✝️☸⚓⛓🔗🙏🤲👣🐾🐯🦉🐐🐢🐛🌱🌟🗝🔱⚜💝🐻🦌🐺🧩♠️♾🧭🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯
[& yeah, about 10 gifs fit today but gonna be a good kat. Cheeky grin. Yours.....!😉😋😘]
Tu.3.14.2023 10.38am.est.
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hoodie-prince-kid · 2 years
did you did you know that every year she goes home at like 2 am, the very definition of plum tuckered out, sad because it's over yet filled with the bittersweet knowledge that she had such fun, and sometimes she doesn't even get to close her coffin she just passes out the second she gets in.
The thought is making me really tired but halloween night tired is a different type of tired and oh such a tired to be because you have so many new memories this year and you know this was your favorite night. Even if someone thought it would be funny to walk out on you with stilts.
I get it, i know the feeling!
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
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Dee Dee getting ready for bed
She looks plum tuckered out.
Probably all that energy she used being such a good and beautiful girl all day.
And maybe a touch of mischief
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Undercover love
@detective-giggles​ and i came up with this a little while ago and it bloomed into this cute little two parter. Part 1 to this
Warnings: This does talk of undercover work and the reader being put in a bad situation with drugs and an serial predator. 
WC: 2701
Enjoy x
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“So- care to tell me why I wasn’t informed that my Detective was undercover at one of the biggest law firms in the country?” Rafael pulled off his jacket throwing it over Nick’s desk putting his hands on his hips as he walked over to the big screens set up in the bullpen.
“If you had answered your phone this morning you would have known” Liv stood up from the chair she was sitting on pulling her glasses off walking towards Rafael while everyone else chuckled at his statement “Interesting choice of words Rafa” Liv smirked at him
“You know what I meant” he snapped back, frowning at Liv.
“Did we?” Nick shot over his shoulder.
“No one asked you Amaro” Rafael hissed “I could have blown her cover”
“Barba your face was priceless” Sonny turned to smile at him, making Nick, Amanda and Fin burst out laughing.
“Yeah yeah jokes on me” Rafael narrowed his eyes at Sonny “Going to fill me?” he looked at Liv huffing “I need to stay to make sure all my detectives are doing their job”
“I see what you did there, nice try” Liv smirked at him.
A victim had come in claiming she had been assaulted by the head of Jeffery and Partners, one the biggest firms in Manhattan. After doing more digging there were multiple complaints brushed under the carpet, some now out of the statute of limitations, only one case with evidence which was the most recent from that week. So it was decided for you to go undercover to catch him red handed. Jeff Jeffery had the same MO. Pretty personal assistants, wine and dine her week 1, take her for drinks and dancing, drug and assault her week 2. He had a huge turnover of assistants some not even remembering being assaulted.
You had turned up at the firm that morning in a tight fitting grey and burgundy plaid knee length tight fitting dress, black waist belt with burgundy cardigan and a pair of black peep toed Mary Jeans. Your thick rimmed glasses had a camera in it and your watch had your microphone. Your undercover name was Rachel.
The undercover was approved by Tucker, but you never knew that morning that Rafael would be turning up to have a meeting with Jeff about a case the DA had kicked to Rafael to get it sorted out. As soon as you saw Rafael being walked into the conference room your eyes opened wide and you saw him do a double take. He went to open his mouth and you shook your head slightly at him and it clicked. You were standing next a sitting Jeff sorting out some files for the meeting,
“Rachel, be a Darling and order Mr Barba and I a coffee. You know how I like it” Jeff winked at you reaching up and giving your hip a squeeze. Rafael frowned as anger ripped through him seeing another man touch you like that.
“Mr Barba how do you like your coffee?” You looked over at Rafael trying to act cool.
“Black” Rafael looked you in the eye, a slight smile pulling to his mouth.
“No problems” you smiled walking out of the room.
“Pretty thing isn’t she” Jeff looked over at Rafael who gave him a tight lipped smile.
It had been a long first day and you felt so dirty. Jeff was a sleaze. Nick, Sonny and Rafael clenched their teeth in anger a few times that day watching how Jeff spoke to you and touched you.  You had to kept your cool and played along. The undercover was only approved for 3 weeks.
“This guy is creep, it’s her first day” Sonny kept watching the screen.
“I don’t want her in there longer then she needs to be” Rafael looked at Liv all red by what he was seeing the jealousy running through him.
“Neither do we” Amanda answered back.
“If he sticks to the same pattern, he will ask her for dinner on Friday, then next weekend comes the dancing and drinks.” Liv looked between everyone.
“I’ll have to remind her again to not drink the cocktail when that happens” Nick looked at Liv.
You had just stepped out of your bathroom after a shower still feeling dirty from the day, walking out in navy cotton shorts and a Beatles Abby Rd t shirt, your hair still damp. You had ordered in Thai for dinner and thought that’s who it was when there was a knock on the door.
“Just a second” you yelled as you pulled money out of your purse walking to the door, you swung it open, “You’re not my dinner- Hey Barba” a small smile came to your face.
Rafael laughed gruffly at you looking you up and down taking you in, “No I’ am not your dinner Detective. Can I come in?”
“Sure” you moved out of the way for him, “Is something wrong?” You said to Rafael’s back as he walked into your apartment.
“No, it’s a social call” Rafael spun on his heels to look at you “I wanted to check in, make sure you were ok after today. I was with the squad all day watching”
“Mr ADA checking up on me hey” you winked at him and walked into your kitchen to turn the jug on, Rafael laughed to himself. “Coffee? Or something stronger?”
“What are you having?” Rafael shot back at you with a smirk.
“After today, something stronger” you laughed.
You turned around in the kitchen and opened the cabinet that had your harder liquor and mixers. Rafael watched as you reached up on your tippy toes stretching up giving him a good view of your ass and seeing the exposed skin around your middle from your shirt riding up, he felt himself twitch behind his zipper and cleared his throat to control himself.
“Pink gin and lemonade?” you looked over your shoulder.
“Sounds good Y/N”
“Well I better call it a night” Rafael looked at you with a small smile starting to get up off his chair “Thanks for sharing your dinner with me and the drinks” You now standing making your way around the table, walking closer to Rafael.
You had a good night with him. The laughs and the conversation just flowed. An amazing tension filled the apartment, and the flirty back and forth excited you.
“You’re welcome anytime Rafael, it was just what I needed after today. It’s only the first day” you huffed “Can only imagine what the next couple of weeks are going to be like”
Rafael walked closer, running his pointer finger knuckle down your jaw.
“How about tomorrow night- I can bring dinner and wine?” his nose almost touching yours “Help you unwind”
“Just dinner and wine?” you looked up with a cheeky smile on your face, Rafael laughed gruffly.
“For now” he looked at you with a smirk “Just until the trial is over and the case is closed. Then I’ll be making you scream my name” You laughed stepping back.
“You’re going to make me wait 3 weeks?” you crossed your arms in front of yourself frowning.
“I promise it will be worth it” Rafael lent over and kissed you on the cheek. Rafael pulled away and had a serious look on his face “If it gets too much, let me know and I’ll get you out of there. Please stay safe”
Rafael had come to your apartment every night bringing dinner with him and helping you unwind. The tension between you both was thick and heavy. Just the night before, you both stood in your hallway as he was leaving just touching each other all over, ghosting each other’s lips, fingers tips just brushing along skin, Rafael extremely hard and you so wet.
“Do we really have to wait?” you said into his lips as yours almost touched his.
“It’s for the best or I’ll have to recuse myself. Just a bit longer- It’s killing me too” Rafael answered back as his fingertips brushed down your arm.
“Y/N remember, don’t drink the cocktail” Nick looked over at you.
You were standing in the bullpen with everyone including Rafael while you put on your spy wear. A camera in your earrings and your microphone in your necklace.
“I don’t know how I feel about you going in dressed like that” Sonny looked at you up and down.
“I agree” Rafael followed, everyone turning to look at him.
“Ok Dad’s-You two need to relax I need to look the part” You snapped back at them both.
You had a black backless very low v cut thinned strapped singlet top with a gold sequin short a lined skirt with black strappy blocked heels that wrapped up around your ankles. Your hair down in lose waves and heavy make up with plum lips.  
“Carisi, Rollins and Amaro will be in the club, you know your signal. We will be waiting in the van” Liv looked at you a little concerned.
“I’ll be fine Liv” You smiled at her squeezing her arm “I can’t wait to nail the bastard. I better go or I’ll be late, see you all after” You turned on your heels and headed to the lifts. Just as you pushed the button you felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned to see Rafael looking at you,
“If it’s about my outfit-“
“No” Rafael shook his head “Please be safe” he lent over and kissed you on the cheek.
You gave Rafael a small smile reaching a hand up to his cheek rubbing your thumb over his cheek bone, he lent into your hand “I’ll be fine Rafael, I know you’ll be waiting to take me home” you winked at him stepping into the lift.
The night club was filled to the brim, you would never know how Jeff managed to get a private booth in such a popular night club. You scanned the room and saw Amanda and Sonny sitting on the stools at a high top table, then saw Nick near some speakers near your booth also in clear view which settled you’re nerves. Rafael, Liv and Fin in the van watching your screen,
“As soon as she signal’s” Rafael looked over at Liv.
“Relax Barba she is doing a good job” Liv patted him on the shoulder.
Jeff had been handies from the moment you walked in. You were sitting next to him with his hands all over you running along every inch on your exposed skin.
“How about a shot and a cocktail” Jeff said into your ear.
“Sure” you kissed him on the cheek. He got up and walked to the bar, “I ‘am glad this is over tonight, don’t know how many showers I’ll need to get the muck off” you said loud so the van could hear it, Fin and Liv chuckled low at your comments, a small smirk on Rafael’s face.
Jeff had walked back to the booth with a tray which had two shots and two cocktails. He placed the tray on the table and handed you your shot. He made his way back over to you sitting right next to you putting his arm around your waist holding the shot glass up to you,
“Cheers to the most beautiful assistant I have ever had. May the fun begin” you both clicked your glasses and shot it back.
You were dirty dancing with Jeff soon after when you started to feel hot and light headed, you hadn’t touched your cocktail so you didn’t know why you were feeling like that. You shook your head and continued to dance. Jeff sat down on the couch in the booth, pulling you onto his lap. He started to run his hand up under your skirt, you pushed his hand away,
“I-don’t-feel-well” You tried to get up off him. Jeff pulled you back onto him.
“Where do you think you’re going, the fun is just beginning” his hand went under your skirt again. Your head was swimming and you felt dizzy.
Rafael had sat in the van with his teeth clenched nearly all night. He couldn’t even drink coffee he thought he might throw up with what he was seeing unfolding in front of him. The way Jeff had his hands all over you made his blood boil. Liv had seen him multiple times ball his hands into fits.
He couldn’t wait for all this to be over so he could get you home and finally rid both of you of all the tension that had built up between you, he knew the wait would be worth it. After he saw you shoot the shot back he started to feel uneasy like something was telling him something. After a little while he could hear your breathing getting deeper,
“Something isn’t right” he sat up in his chair “Tell them to move in”
“Wow Barba” Liv looked at him with her mouth slightly open, Fin’s eyes wide.
“Listen to her breathing, something is wrong with her, Liv tell them to move in NOW” he slammed his hand down on the bench.
“She is dancing. Rafael I’ am commanding officer”
When your screen footage moved fast from you shaking your head and as soon as he heard you say you didn’t feel well, panic filled him.
“He spiked the shot” Rafael blurted out reaching over for the radio in front of Liv pulling it to his mouth “All unites go go go”
Sonny and Amanda looked at each other confused hearing Rafael’s voice coming over their ear piece, Nick quickly looked at you. He seen you stand up off Jeff and then fall onto the couch passed out Jeff reaching over to pull you onto him.
“I SAID GO DETECTIVES NOW” Rafael shouted over the radio while Liv and Fin jumped out the back on the van to run inside the club.
The club was locked down and Jeff was arrested. Nick wasn’t so gentle when putting his hand cuffs on, walking out to throw him in a squad car. Sonny and Amanda had rushed over to you when they saw you passed out on the couch. Both of them worried when they shook you and it did nothing. Sonny scooped you up bridal style and walked outside of the club to wait for EMT hoping the fresh air would wake you up slightly, Liv following behind leaving Fin and Amanda to crowd control.
Rafael was pacing outside the front door, he was tempted to just walk in, but he knew he couldn’t so he waited. His heart was in his throat when he seen you in Sonny’s arms limp and passed out. The EMT had just pulled up and Sonny walked straight over to put you inside,
“Barba, I’ am sorry I should of listened” Liv stopped next to Rafael.
“Yes you should have. You’re a smart women Liv how could you not see what was going on” Rafael frowned at her “You need to find out what he has given her for it to kick in so fast. You put her in danger, he has done enough damage to her these last couple weeks, we have all seen it and you still let her walk back in there every day and then you let him pull that not even taking on board what I could see was going on” Rafael raised his voice at Liv “I told you last week I had enough for a case and you kept pushing her to go back”
“I thought your jealousy was getting in the way” Liv shot back, making Rafael huff back frustrated.
“So because you thought I was jealous you left her in there to what- punish me for having feelings for her?”  
“Barba- She had a job to do. No one knew what was going on” Liv put her hands on her hips.
“I did” Rafael shouted again “All the signs were there how could you no- you know what” he frowned to her “You and I are done talking” Rafael turned his back and walked to ambulance.
Tags: @beccabarba​ @the-baby-bookworm​ @thatesqcrush​ @dianilaws​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @lv7867​ @permanentlydizzy​ @averyhotchner​
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broomclosetbrew · 2 years
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A cold full moon rises over a bottle of 10 year Bib & Tucker paired with a J. London Gold Series cigar. ..... Pouring a toast tonight to the crews of USCG Station Charlevoix, Statiom Plum Island, USCGC Sundew, and USCGC Hollyhock who launched into the teeth of 40 foot waves and 65 mph winds in an attempt to rescue the crew of the SS Carl D. Bradley after she broke in two and sank 12 south of Gull Island in Lake Michigan. The Bradley is the largest wreck in Lake Michigan and sank on this day, November 18, 1958 with the loss of 33 of her 35 crew. The majority of her crew were from Rogers City, MI. The station crews had to turn back or seek shelter that night while the cutters pounded their way to the scene with Sundew arriving five hours after the sinking and the Hollyhock taking seven hours to reach the scene in what the skipper called a "visit to hell". Sundew reported rolling to 55 degrees three times during their fight to the scene with the waves so high that water flooded out the main radio transmitter abaft of the bridge. The Sundew found the Bradly's forward liferaft 15 hours after the sinking with two survivors. An additional crewmember was also found alive but died shortly after. 17 of the crew's bodies were found in lifejackets and brought back to Charlevoix, 15 remain missing to this day. .... I started my Coast Guard career on another 180-ft cutter out of Charlevoix and Sundew is still sailing the lakes out of Duluth, MN as a museum ship. .... “Mayday! Mayday! This is the Carl D. Bradley. We are 12 miles southwest of Gull Island. We are breaking in two and sinking. Any ship in the area, please come to our aid!” - First Mate Elmer Fleming, SS Carl D. Bradley .... #onthisday #thisdayinhistory #cigar #CigarLover #CigarAfficionado #cigarphoto #jlondoncigars #SailorsAndSticks #cigarsandwhiskey #TapThatAsh #whiskey #tennesseewhiskey #bibandtucker #WhiskyAfficionado #WhiskyNeat #whiskylife #whiskyphoto #whiskyandhistory #USCG #uscoastguard #firelight #fullmoon (at Coastal San Pedro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWcMdxIJu7D/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kawaii-mango · 4 years
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Donsy Week Day 2: Family
Surely Donald’s family will be on their best behavior when Daisy is invited over to the family barbeque, right?
(The drabble below was inspired by this post from @drummergirl231-2)
Donald and Daisy have been dating for a few weeks now, and with the exception of Louie and Dewey, his family is starting to become antsy to meet her.
Of course, Donald is a little hesitant about introducing her to them. They’re a little unconventional and he feels that it’s too soon to discuss his family dynamic with her, so he puts his foot down and says that he’ll introduce her to them when he’s ready.
Well, ready or not, that day comes.
Thanks to the boys and Della, they organize a family barbecue that weekend and invite Daisy (who brings homemade potato salad as a courtesy).
And right now, it looks like that might be the only thing they’ll be eating since Scrooge is manning the grill...and he cannot grill. Mrs. Beakley offers to lend her expertise, but he rebuffs her help. Della then offers to help, but both Scrooge and Beakley say no (she’s currently forbidden from using anything other than the microwave to cook...and even then she has to be supervised).
Add into that the ducklings are chatting up a storm with Daisy. They’re asking her questions at a million miles per hour to get to know her and between that, the boys are sharing some rather embarrassing stories about their uncle.
The cherry on top to this fiasco comes when Launchpad crashes the limo through the courtyard. (Scrooge leaves the grill to scold him and shortly afterwards, his burgers catch fire. Beakley promptly extinguishes them.)
Donald then retreats to his houseboat to decompress. This is exactly what he was afraid of. No sooner than he starts to wish that his family could just be normal, his eyes rest on the photo from the time when he and his family were trapped in a sitcom.
He realizes that he’s being selfish, not just today but ever since his family started asking about Daisy. He’s been so focused on himself and worrying about making a good impression that he hasn’t taken his family’s feelings into consideration.
And the least he can do to make amends right now is save the barbecue.
He dons an apron and marches towards the grill. He also gets Beakley to help him out. Shortly afterwards, Scrooge appears and starts to reprimand them about touching his grill, but Donald stares him down and tells him no.
“Have a seat, old man, and leave the professionals to work.”
With an added glare from Mrs. B, Scrooge reluctantly stands down.
Things quickly turn around and they start putting out actually edible food! (Somehow, Mrs. B also manages to prepare more sides including grilled corn and slaw and even dessert: Strawberry shortcake.)
With the day coming to an end, Donald is just plum tuckered out. He slumps down into a chair as he watches the ducklings, Della, and Launchpad play with a frisbee. Moments later, Daisy approaches him to let him know that she’s about to leave and that she enjoyed meeting his family.
But first, she needs to pay her compliments to the chef.
She gives him a kiss on the cheek and then departs.
A week later, Donald receives a package in the mail. It’s a gift from Daisy: A custom-made apron that says “Kiss the Chef”.
And a note that says “Let me know when’s the next BBQ ❤”
If Donald can help it, it would be tomorrow.
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
Forged From The Fiercest Fires PT. 1
A Shay Cormac x Reader One-Shot
Warnings: Explicit Language Author’s Note: TBH, I’m not even sure if this is gonna be a ship type of fic??? It probably will be. With Shay. Because I love him to pieces. Enjoy! -Thorne
The ache in her side seemed to pulse with each step she took, but she didn’t slow in her sprint, too worried that if she did stop, she’d collapse on the spot. Thoughts raced through her mind as the dock came into view, and as she raced up the walkway, she was met with the first mate. His smile faltered as he took in her panting form. “You alright there Blair?” For a moment, her eyebrows furrowed at the name, but then she remembered why. She nodded, chest heaving as she responded lowly,
           “Fine, Gist.” Her eyes darted to the vacant wheel. “Where’s Captain Cormac?” Gist thrust a thumb back towards the stairs.
           “He’s with Master Kenway going over some business.” He took a step towards her, carefully regarding her. “You sure you’re alright boy? You look like you’re going to keel over.” She swallowed thickly, pressing a hand to her side as she countered,
           “I’m alright sir. The assassin made me run all over New York before I caught him.” She gave a tight smile as she passed by. “Just plum tuckered out.” His concern never left his face as she walked by, descending the stairs, fist rapping against the door harshly. A calm voice came from within.
           “Enter.” She gripped the door handle and entered, offering,
           “Apologies for being late Captain Cormac. Ran into trouble with the mission.” She nodded at the leader of their order. “Master Kenway, sir.” Nodding, his steel eyes narrowed as he observed her walking up to them. She reached in her coat and pulled out a thick booklet. Handing it to her captain, she said, “The target didn’t have anything on precursor sights on him, but he did have this.” Shay unwound the tie around the booklet, flipping though it before passing it to Haytham. “It’s smuggling routes between the ships and where they’re keeping goods between runs.” When Haytham had stopped on a page, she leaned over pressing her pointer to a spot on the map. “That’s where they’re keeping some arms and ammunition. If we get there between the next few days before they know we’ve got the routes, we should be able to take it for ourselves.” Shay nodded, looking over at her. Furrowing his brows, he asked,
           “Are you alright lad? You’ve gone a bit pale in the face.” Shaking her head, she waved a hand, ignoring the warmth seeping through her shirt.
           “You and Master Gist both said the same thing sir. Don’t worry about me. I’m just worn out and tired.” Finally, the Grandmaster turned to speak to her, inquiring,
           “What trouble did you run into on the mission, Blair?” She met his gaze and stated,
           “I made a miscalculation and the target spotted me. He took off and I spent about two hours chasing the bastard down until I finally caught up to him.” She paused, tipping her head side to side. “Despite being run into the ground, he put up a decent fight. Took a few punches to the gut.” She looked back at Shay. “If that’s everything sir, I think I’d like to retire for the night.” Shay nodded, but the worry was still evident. She bowed slightly to the Grandmaster, clenching her jaw as another painful throb echoed in her side. “Master Kenway, sir.” He gave her a nod and she turned on her heel, heading for the door. A few feet away from the doors, the world seemed to flip on her, and before she knew it, her knees buckled, sending her to the floor. Behind her, she could hear the distressed voices of her superiors, but even in such a short distance, they seemed so far away. Dark spots entered her vision and a wave of nausea sent her falling forward, rolling onto her back. As she tried to focus on the ceiling above her, Shay came into sight, blurry but apprehensive. Haytham appeared on her other side and he said something to the other Templar, but she couldn’t make it out. Shay looked between them, then his eyes seemed to widen as he gripped her shoulder, speaking quickly. All she could see were his lips moving before her vision went black.
Some Time Later:
           Warmth stretched across her face and she inhaled deeply as she cracked her eyes open. Blinking the sleep away, the ceiling of the Captain’s Quarters cleared, and she took another breath in, this time from fear instead of awakening. Just as she was about to move, she heard an accented voice from beside her. “You’re finally awake.” Turning her head, she saw Shay sitting in a chair beside the bed, eyes narrowed as he watched her. “I was beginning to wonder how long you were going to sleep.” For a moment, she didn’t respond, then she dropped her gaze, hands shifting in the covers that stopped just above her breasts. It didn’t take a savant to realize that her cover had been blown straight out of the water. Choosing to let it go, she looked back at him, murmuring,
           “How long was I out?” He uncrossed his legs and leant forward, propping his elbows on his knees.
           “About two days. You were completely delirious when we were patching you up.” She drew her eyes back to the covers, pulling them up enough so she could cast a glance down to the bandages around her torso. Meeting his coffee eyes, she asked,
           “I say anything important?” An eyebrow quirked on his face and he recounted,
           “You kept repeating, ‘Please don’t tell them I’m a woman. They’ll kick me out if they know.’.” A tightness crossed her chest and she looked away, gritting her teeth. Shay opened his mouth to question her when the door opened, and a man slipped inside.
           “Is she awake?” She turned her head to the door and immediately sat up but hissed as a burning ache spread through her side. Shay brought a hand to her shoulder, gently pushing her back.
           “Lay down. You’re not ready to be up and fighting yet.” Ignoring him, she pushed through the pain, sitting up straight, the covers bunched up in her hands as she reported,
           “Master Kenway, sir.” He strode over, standing at the edge of the bed, demanding,
           “Who are you?” She opened her mouth, but a glare from him made her snap it shut as he added, “And be honest this time, Blair.” She couldn’t hide that the spat made her heart hurt, but she nodded, admitting,
           “My name is (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N).” His steely gaze didn’t shift as he asked,
           “Why lie?” (Y/N) dropped her eyes, feeling the shame creep up her spine as she answered,
           “I thought that if I tried to join the Order as I was, you wouldn’t accept me. So…I found another way.”
           “By dressing up as a man?” She jerked her head up and glowered at Shay, countering,
           “You men have no idea what it’s like to be turned down from jobs solely because you’re a woman. To be told that,” Her voice turned downright self-loathing as she repeated, “‘This is a man’s job and women like you need to be at home.’ I have fought for years to be seen by business owners, only to be turned away because I’m a woman. Go figure that the moment I hide my femininity in favor of masculinity, suddenly, jobs are everywhere for the taking.” (Y/N) turned her glare to the Grandmaster. “I’m sorry I hid who I was, but I will not apologize for everything else. I have worked my ass off to get where I am now, and I will not let anyone take that from me.” Haytham pondered her words for a moment then raised a hand, holding something between his pointer and thumb. The glint caught her eye and she realized it was her Templar signet ring he was holding; he saw the realization cross her face and he corrected,
           “Actually, I am the one person who can take it from you.” Turning, he made his way to the door, continuing, “Shay, when she’s recovered, see her off the ship.” The Templar made a sound of acknowledgement, but it quickly dissolved into one of worry as he watched (Y/N) shove the covers off and fly from the bed, stumbling to the floor. He reached for her to help her, but she shoved his hands away, clambering to her feet, ignoring the ache in her side. He’d reached the door when she called out,
           “I’ll fight you for my spot in the Order!” Haytham’s hand stopped on the handle and Shay exclaimed,
           “Lass, you can’t be serious!” (Y/N) didn’t look at him and challenged,
           “You want to kick me out because I lied? Fine. But if you do that, then I want to fight to save my place. I challenge you to a duel of blades.” The Grandmaster turned, staring her down.
           “You want to fight me? For your position?” (Y/N) nodded, and after a moment, he shrugged. “As you wish. Let’s go.” She started after him, listening to Shay cry,
           “Sir, you have to be joking! She’s still recovering!” Haytham didn’t turn, simply calling over his shoulder,
           “If she’s challenged me to a duel, then I’m honor bound to accept it.”
           “This is a terrible resolution to this problem!” (Y/N) whirled around, holding a hand to her side.
           “Captain Cormac, with all due respect sir, shut the hell up and find me some clothes.” She watched Haytham ascend the stairs, adding, “I’ve got a duel to win.”
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sunsetcurve · 4 years
thank you for the tag @chenryhart , @ginger--binger , and @henryhearts ! (i used eliza’s version because it had more questions lol)
Who was your overall favourite member of Team Danger and why? i will never be able to decide between charlotte and henry (it’s called being bisexual). i relate to charlotte a lot, and she’s a role model for me; she’s smart, she’s bold, she knows what she wants and i really love her for it. henry, on the other hand—there are moments when i’ve disliked him but i’ve watched him grow up, i’ve watched him be a hero for so long and i do still admire him a lot. he’s brave and loyal and he cares so much about people, like i’ll honestly just be soft for him forever. 
Who was your favourite non-team danger character and why? gonna have to go with bose and mika (who count, right?) because they’re both so pure and enthusiastic and i can’t wait to see more of them
Who was your favourite villain and why? definitely twitler. i think he was the only villain that had actual motivation, and he was definitely the least cringey of all of them. he set up high stakes and challenged team danger a lot.
What were your top five favourite Henry Danger episodes of all time and why? ooh, good one. okay i think the finale is my all-time favorite. it just really was the culmination of the core of this show and there were so many amazing moments between all the characters. the actors and writers delivered so hard. second would have to be back to the danger because that episode was solid start to finish. i love the high-stakes episodes, and the time travel was a really cool aspect. third would probably be the three-parter, because again, i love the high stakes episodes, and that one really brought it. fourth would be broken armed and dangerous because it was completely hilarious. and fifth would probably have to be either double o danger, because i loved getting to see them all dressed up and undercover and joss moss was awesome, or i dream of danger because it was charlotte centric and also chenry. honorable mention to danger games entirely because of that scene where all four game shakers fall in love with henry at once. 
What were your top five least favourite Henry Danger episodes of all time and why? not a fan of henry’s birthday because i can’t watch it without getting incredibly pissed; like it’s a well-made episode i just get really upset while watching it. i hated man of the house because the whole ray trying to get with henry’s mom made me suuuper uncomfortable. i did not like one henry three girls because the cheating plot was not it for me, or sick and wired for the same reason as henry’s birthday, and also because that was definitely the episode where dad!ray started to disappear. and captain mom because...nope.
What was your favourite running gag and why? oh god i have so many that i made a full post about this. the hmm thing was awesome, especially the fact that they acknowledged it. i also love the “piper has a license—established” joke 
What was your favourite one-off throw away gag and why? gonna steal @henryhearts answer here and say the cat universe that respected charlotte; also bringing back the bro song from the musical that one time.
What episode, which character and which duo made you laugh the most? episode would definitely be broken armed and dangerous. laugh after laugh. the arm fashion show? the part where henry’s like “i’m plum-tuckered!”? the sign language interpreter? peak. character would be henry because i LOVE the way he reacts to stuff, like when he does his little *hand clasp* “there is something wrong with you” or like “dude, dude, dude, dude, dude—”. duo would probably be ray and henry because bose was right, their banter is hilarious.
What episode, which character and which duo made you the most emotional? episode would be the finale, and i feel like i don’t have to explain myself there. character would also be henry, like, the whole “i was thirteen!” thing and the fact that he’s given so much to this makes me want to cry sometimes. duo would be chenry because they’ve been together since the beginning and i have way too many feelings about them.
How would you rank each season from 1 to 5, one being the best and five being the worst? this is difficult, because i think season 5 is my favorite overall because of it had so many solid episodes and high stakes and good plots, but there were also sooo many things i didn’t like. still! i think it takes the top spot. after that would be season 2, just because it was really fun and fresh and in that stage where they’d started to figure things out as a show but weren’t getting cocky just yet. then probably season 3, then 1, then 4, because that season didn’t really have anything that stood out to me besides back to the danger. 
Who was your favourite duo in the show (romantic or non-romantic)? chenry, but hensper and chasper were both very close seconds
What was your favourite Henry and Ray moment/episode? blimp scene and i don’t think it’s necessary for me to elaborate
What was your favourite Chenry moment/episode? toss up between the lion scene in idod and the time jerker because of “this is for you, char” and the hug at the end
What was your favourite Hensper moment/episode? when jasper found out oh my god. that was SO good. also love muffin and “as henry’s best friend...and soulmate”
What was your favourite Chensper moment/episode? oh god The Scene in the finale when henry is telling char to get out of there and she’s not leaving him and jasper has to carry her out and it just shows how much they all care for each other. and the fact that they all went to dystopia together!
If you could go back and change one element of the show, what would it be? RESPECT. CHARLOTTE. PERIOD. (i would change a lot of ray’s character as a whole, especially season 4/5 tbh)
If you could say one thing to each main character in the pilot, what would it be? i would tell the trio to stick together, appreciate each other, and don’t forget to be kids. i would tell ray not to bring a 13 year old kid who doesn’t have powers into this.
If you could say one thing to each main character in the finale, what would it be? i’m proud of you
Were you satisfied with the finale? What part was your favourite and what part was your least favourite? yes. i think overall there are always going to be things they could have handled better. but i’m happy with the way it ended. i think it’s fitting and wonderful and i felt good. favorite part would be the entire part in the finale with henry arguing with ray about who’s going to go down and later with char and jasper for them to leave. partially because i’m a glutton for angst, but also because the actors put so much into it and it was a real display of emotion and feels, and it showed henry’s selflessness and heroic nature so plainly. least favorite was the fact that char never got an apology from ray.
What would your ideal Henry danger spin off look like? dystopia!!!!!!!! the trio fighting crime in dystopia but it’s pg-13 and also they’re falling in love. also they sometimes come back to visit ray and mentor the danger force kids.
Where do you personally see the characters 10 years from now? What are they doing, who are they with, where are they in their lives - what do you think happened to them? Most importantly, are they happy? i think the trio is going to be living and fighting crime together for a while. char runs a charity on the side, jasper does photography, and henry is a botanist. but they’re first and foremost a team. piper runs a media company and ray and schwoz are being parents to the DF kids. they all still have thanksgivings together and yes, they’re all very happy.
What was your favourite part of the show and why did it initially draw you in? so i watched the thundermans right before this, and the whole reason i got into it was because i love anything superhero related but i wanted something lighthearted instead of my usual gritty dctv shows. i stayed for the humor and because the kids were cute, and yeah i did develop a crush on henry as the seasons went on. sue me.
What was your favourite part of the fandom and why did it initially draw you in? the people are so! freaking! supportive! i made some really amazing friends through this fandom, and everyone is sooo talented and kind and just unproblematic as hell. i love it.
Describe your overall emotions/feelings regarding the show being over and the show in general, looking back on it as a whole, with one quote from the show. the iconic “feels good”
If you were able to add one scene in the finale, what would you add? charlotte getting a goddamn apology and some recognition. also i would’ve liked to see the in-between of the blimp crash and the funeral, aka henry reuniting with ray, jasper, and char after they all thought he was dead
Favorite outfit/hair style? i LOVED the trio’s looks in the epilogue. char’s outfits every single episode? their looks in double o danger. piper and henry’s sister twister outfits were also very cute. for each character: i like char’s braids, henry with the curly hair he had in the finale, jasper in a crop top, ray’s bangs and blazer, and that one time schwoz was in a leotard and tutu.
Least favorite character? mine would be jake hart, and i feel like that’s another one of those things that doesn’t need an explanation
one twist: add one question at the end for the next person to answer! tag at least two people so this spreads around!
i’m tagging @bitchmilsky @cactus-con @rorythevambire @bijerbear @mychenrymadness and anyone else who wants to do it!
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Ok after that awesome micro fiction any of your whumpers saying the “your mouth looks so much better stuffed with a rag” one and/or “choose leather/ropes/duct tape”???
HEY GUYS you want some fun stuff from the @whump-tr0pes alternate universe?! You know you do! Consider this a veeeeeery short prequel piece. Although…
CW: Dehumanization, degrading language, noncon touching, implied noncon. 
Joseph Stormbeck (referenced) belongs to @whump-tr0pes
“So where’s your fucking trophy boy?” Gill sat back, squinting at his cards. He didn’t like his chances - the Denners were excellent poker players, with faces that never moved in any expression but a continual, slightly deranged amusement. You could never tell if their hand was good or bad, they had the same stupid grins on their faces regardless.
“Oh, he was busy earlier,” Ashley said. She’d folded a while back but remained at the table, sipping clear liquid that almost certainly wasn’t water. “That little Syndicate bitch had to do a lot of work today, he’s just plum tuckered out.” She dropped into an overwrought Southern American accent, and she and her brother laughed, in awful near-hysterical shattered glass sounds that made Gill wince. 
“What, you peddle him out now? Thought he was yours and yours alone.” Gill frowned down at his cards, and finally sighed. “I fold, Denner. You win.”
“I usually do.” Abraham grinned. He and his sister next to each other had an eerie horror-movie look about them. Nearly identical in the face, almost impossible to tell apart if they were fully clothed. Thankfully, Ashley rarely was.
Gill didn’t exactly mind that, but he also knew better than to look. Ashley Denner might take out his eye if he lingered a moment too long on the sight of her long legs in the tiny little shorts she wore with her black leather vest.
“We’re making some money on the side,” Abraham said with a shrug, pulling the cash that had piled up on the table closer to himself with a happy grin. “Fun fact - most people don’t care which Syndicate asshole they get to fuck over. Revenge is revenge is revenge, the Syndicates are all the same.”
“Today,” Ashley said softly, with a twinkle in her eye, “Our little Red got to play the part of Joseph Stormbeck in the eyes of at least three very interesting people who gave us money for the privilege of using him. Joseph’s one fuck of an asshole and we never have a shortage of people who don’t mind overlooking a bit of red hair or the fact that our puppy is someone else entirely if they get to have their fun with a Syndicate son.” She considered this. “It’s just a lucrative opportunity we hadn’t considered before. Fuck him in effigy. It’s incredibly well-received at parties.”
“Oh?” Gill looked up. “I’m surprised. No, don’t look like that, it’s just… I mean. Joseph’s pretty distinctive.”
“The room is dark,” Ashley said, eyes dropping back to her drink.
“He’s tied up,” Abraham said, counting the money in his hands.
“And we make sure he can’t say a word,” Ashley said in a voice not quite unlike a purr. “You wanna see? His little guard dog is always in there, but we can send him out. Cost you, though. $100 for half an hour, $175 for the full hour.”
“Can’t ignore that discount,” Gill said with a laugh, and pulled out his wallet. Why the fuck not, the Denners were always taking his money anyway, he might as well get some fun out of it this time.
They weren’t lying. The room was nearly pitch-black, windows blacked-out with hastily-applied black paint that still let in hints of the promise of natural light outside. When Ashley pushed the door open it creaked and groaned on the hinges, and Gill looked in to see the vague form of a tall, lanky man on the bed, wrists tied to the headboard with cords that were so tight you could see the irritation around his skin even in the dark.
Next to him, sitting in a chair and reading in a low voice from a book he had open on his lap with a small booklight shining on it, was a second man with short black hair who went silent the second the door opened and looked up.
“Here he is. He can be Joseph, if you want.” Ashley smirked. “He can be Joseph’s kid, too, we’ve had two requests for that one this week. Stormbeck boy’s already getting a reputation. Don’t know his name.”
“Stormbecks killed my partner,” Gill said, thoughtfully, considering the two men in the room. “We used to work for them, I didn’t have intel Joseph cared about but my partner did. When I asked around, they said he kept my partner alive for three fuckin’ days.”
"You paid your money,” Ashley said pragmatically. “Nothing he can’t survive, and you get one hour. Those are the rules. Hey, Nate.” She snapped her fingers and the man in the chair closed his book with a snap, his face set in a scowl of empty hostility “Out you go, guard dog. You can clean up the puppy when Gill’s all done.”
The man stood and walked out without a word, but Gill felt a hint of unease as he saw the man’s deep green eyes stare at him like he was memorizing his face.
"Use the rag on the table to gag him, if you want,” Ashley said brightly, closed the door, and left him alone with their little puppy - the Michaelson’s eldest son, richbitch Syndicate boy brought low. The lowest.
Gill grinned as he moved up to the bed, already unbuckling his belt.
The Michaelson kid just stared dully at him, seemingly only barely aware of his presence. Gill aimed to fix that.
“Hey, Stormbeck.” Gill picked up the balled-up cloth on the side table, grabbing the redheaded man on the bed and squeezed hard at his jaw to force it open, jamming the cloth inside. He leaned over, looked right into the blank blue eyes.
It’s not Joseph and it won’t ever make up for what happened to his partner, but he’s going to enjoy himself, anyway.
He’ll enjoy pretending.
“Your mouth looks so much better stuffed with a rag, Joseph. Now just sit there and fucking take what I’m going to do to you.”
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