#she’s so traumatised and it’s sad to watch her go down like that
padfootdaredmetoo · 4 months
Tommy x wife reader: Charlie and Ruby are theirs (no grace or lizzie) and they have a few other children, in order of their ages: Charles (Charlie) James (Jamie) Edward (Teddie) Ruby (Ru)
And just after Ruby dies and Tommy finds out he’s dying, his wife finds out she is pregnant again and she is just traumatised by it as she’s lost her only daughter and her aunt-in-law and about to lose her husband too
But Tommy doesn’t die and they have a baby girl, who they name Rose Elizabeth, because Ruby loved roses and after Polly and they nickname her Posy as a portmanteau of Rosy and Polly
Hey Love,
Sorry it took forever. This one is pretty sad and I really enjoyed writing it. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Peaky Themes, Childbirth, Child death, grieving.
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Not a single dull day had passed in Arrow House. It was always loud as the children ran around causing chaos. Today was so silent you could drop a tack in the kitchen and hear it in the attic. 
You lay on the floor of your youngest daughter's room. Your little girl. The grief clenched in your chest and you felt your heart miss a beat as your body twisted in on itself. You’d never felt such a loss in your life. 
Now you have a baby in your stomach, your husband is going to die leaving you with three boys. You knew you should be with him, enjoy his presence while you have him here amongst the living.
How could you worry about anything after watching your daughter slip from the world just a day ago? You remember holding her hand and singing to her. Thomas holding it together just until her eyes fluttered closed before falling apart in a way you didn't think him capable of. 
You sat there silently. Something deep inside you felt at peace. She was safe where she was. Polly was with her. Knowing something deep in your soul had never taken away from the way your brain and body worked. 
Your body hadn’t stopped shaking since it happened. Your limbs vibrating as you lay on her pink carpet. You felt discarded like all the stuffies and dolls that lay on the floor around you. Without her to come and breathe life into you, you would stay on the carpet like a doll. 
Teddie was the first person to find you. His small body came and curled up against your side. The warmth of him seeped into your icy body. 
A mother could only stop being a mother once she had no children left. And you had three. This moment of sadness and grief couldn't go on for the eternity you felt it needed. You had boys to wrangle. Little Ruby adored her brothers and you knew she wouldn't ever forgive you if you let them down. 
With the strength of a British Mum, you brushed the tears off your cheeks with the side of your hand. You sat up even though every selfish part of you screamed to lay back down on that carpet. To rot away to a place where you could hold her again. 
“Hey, Teddie.” You whispered running a hand down the small boy’s back. 
“Mum I’m hungry.” He mumbled.
“Teddie! Dad said we have to leave her alone.” Charlie was in the doorway, with his arms crossed. His tone was angry and you could swear he looked years older than the last time you saw him. 
“Darling, never leave me alone.” You said giving him a serious look. His face faltered slightly as he took in your words. “I’m still a mum. And mum’s make dinner, let’s go. Into the kitchen.” 
Teddie was happy and you picked him up even though he was far too big for that now. Walking down the hallway, Charlie surprised you when he opened Jamie’s door. 
You sat Teddie on his favorite spot on the counter and started getting out various pots and pans. 
“She’s up.” He said and your middle boy came into the hallway. Silently the four of you made it into the kitchen. Grief was creeping in all the shadows of the room as Charlie made a fire. 
“Ruby isn't coming home is she?” Teddie asked. Charlie let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose in the way only the eldest child could. 
“No, she’s with Aunt Polly now. They live in the sky.” Jamie answered softly. You gripped the edges of the pot tightly as you pushed down the intense feelings threatening to overflow again. 
The window opened and you could hear her voice on the wind that whipped around your face. 
Keep Going.  
That’s what you did. Death be dammed you’d made a deal with God to sacrifice and survive for these boys and that’s what you would do. 
With a cracking heart you closed the window and looked around the kitchen at the boy's stunned faces. 
“Please tell me you heard that as well right?” Charlie said with wide eyes. 
One dinner down a lifetime left to go. 
The weeks turned into a month and the pain did not relent. You had no moments of peace only the love felt by shared grieving. Esme was always around now. All the kids lumped together in Arrow House like the days of the Changretta feud. She made sure your hair got brushed and your outfits matched. 
Arthur came around every day. He kept Tommy together while they worked out all this conflict. He feels a war is coming and you couldn't imagine it could be anything worse than the one raging in your mind. Alfie stops by and tells you things that confirm it will be much worse. 
Three boys, and a war. 
You put your make-up on so you have a reason not to cry during the day. 
You spend every evening with Tommy. You know what he is doing is important. It could change the outcome for the rest of the families on the planet. So you sacrifice your time with him and survive on the couch reading. When really you just stare into the fire wishing everything would burn up to be reborn as something new. 
Three boys and one more undetermined in your stomach. Your hand rested there often. You expected to lose the baby so you didn't really think about it. If they did come into this world you prayed it would be before Tommy passed. Grieving with a baby in your stomach would be easier than grieving with a newborn. But you wanted them to meet their father, even if it was for a fleeting moment. You would suffer and survive. 
Tommy finally got over himself and got a second opinion. He hated doctors and you expected him to be in a foul mood when he got back from a series of appointments in London. Alfie accompanied him back and you placed a plate of biscuits and cups of tea on the kitchen table. The kitchen was for family, but Alfie somehow managed to get an invitation out of Tommy. You were always happy to see him, but were wary of the news he often brought these days. You took a seat and he grabbed your hand and held it.  Your mind flashed back to the good old days when something so small would have sent Tommy after him in a rage. 
Alfie knew better than to ask how you were keeping. Tommy finally sat down at the head of the table, he looked pale. Too pale to drive, which explains why Alfie had come back with him. 
“I’m not sick.” His eyes closed and he leaned back against the chair. 
“What?” You whispered. 
“The f-uck-ing doctor was working for that stupid mustache piece of shit,” Alfie said his voice was venomous but his smile was unshakeable. 
“You're not going to die.” Your eyes moved to Tommy and he shook his head.  
“Going to have to wait a while longer to steal you away, love.” Alfie's voice was all humor now, but he knew it was time to let go of your hand when Tommy flashed him a look. The look of the old Tommy. 
“I’m pregnant.” You blurted out. 
“Looks like I dodged a bullet. Last thing I wanted to be raising up another little Shelby brat.” Alfie was laughing and Tommy smiled. A genuine smile. 
You were happy, and then the brutal deafening sadness crashed down on you. The sheer panic of having a child hits again and the nausea has you throwing your head back in the sink. Tommy is there pulling your hair up. 
“Like she would ever go for you,” Tommy said easily taking a sip of tea.
“Shit,” Alfie says from the counter near you. He gets a glass for Tommy to fill with water. 
You told Esme and you both held on to each other as you cried. 
“I never thought I would say this but thank God Tommy will be alright.” She shook her head as the words strangled her. “You’ll never have to know what it’s like to raise em up with out their father.” 
You both cried on the kitchen floor for a long while. 
The time came and you had high blood pressure meaning you had to do things in the hospital. Something that made everything a thousand times more painful. But that was your baby, and you would sacrifice and they would survive. 
They kept trying to medicate you and Esme kept throwing nurses out of the room screaming at them in Romani when English wasn't scary enough. In the thick of it you kept crying out for Polly. 
You didn't want these strangers to help you. They didn't care about you or your baby. They weren't family. Arthur came and spoke to Esme in the doorway for a moment. You expected news that Tommy wouldn't make it in time or that something worse had happened. 
Instead, Esme handed you one of Polly’s rosaries to hold. You gripped the cold crystal beads and felt yourself split apart over all the reasons you were crying. 
Tommy showed up and commanded the room with Esme. The window blew open letting cold air around the room and you could feel her love for you. 
You gave birth to a little girl. 
There were no pictures taken as you bawled. You got her latched on to your breast and cried and cried. The nurses kept pushing for sedation but Esme started at them and Tommy pointed towards the door. Arthur came in and read a passage from his bible for you. You're not sure why exactly but it helped. It felt like a blessing that this baby would be alright. 
You brought her home the same night, itching to get out of the hospital. You carried her in and watched all your boys get excited. You handed her off to Charlie first. 
“I love it when they look like grumpy old men,” Jamie said with a smile, Teddie let out a loud laugh. 
“She does look like an old man.” 
“What did you name her?” Charlie asked his finger tracing down the slope of her nose. 
“Rose Elizabeth,” Tommy said sitting next to him placing his arm around his eldest son. 
“Posy then,” Charlie said with a sense of finality. 
Charlie, Jamie, Teddie, and Posy. Your heart was happy and sad at the same time. 
Jamie came round and put his arm around you. 
“Love you mum.” He whispered and you wondered when he got old enough to kiss the top of your head. The boys were strong like their father, and you had no doubts they were strong enough to carry you and Posy.
This chunk of time was easier than it was with the other four kids. Tommy took time off. Churchill had other moves he wanted to play and for now, Tommy wasn’t involved. 
He’d sit while you breastfed in the night, he’d change nappies, and read stories. You watched him be a girl dad again and the pain was harsh and beautiful at the same time. 
Esme helped you take down Ruby’s room. The idea of moving one of the boys to a different floor or wing of the house made your skin itch. Ruby’s room needed to be emptied. 
You aired the room out and you knew that she would be happy about giving it to her sister. Esme assured you at every turn that she wouldn't be angry at you. 
Eventually Arrow House moved on. Posy was very attached to the idea she had both an Aunt and a sister in the sky watching over her. 
The war came and what was left of the family did what they had to do. Thankfully Posy was there with you so you were never alone.
Thankfully when it was all over all your boys came home to you.
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chez-cinnamon · 1 year
Time is meaningless, so just Good. How are you.
I know all the puppets' personalities are essentially the same, but they clearly don't act like children's characters anymore (like wallys fuck you to fionn in that one ask;I know it was a joke but still)
When wally watches old wh reruns, or when any of the others see any, I feel like they'd get reeeallly embarrassed. And like, identity-crisissy seeing how they were before they gained sentience
Sally (on tv): I just LOVE watching MOVIES with my FRIENDS!!! What's YOUR favorite movie???
(awkwardly long pause)
That's MY favorite, too!!!!
Regular Sally: 😐😑 what the fuck
Just some thoughts to rotate in your brain. Have a Day
Abgbgfnghf I mean you're not wrong - they keep their original personalities but as the days go on they realise they've actually changed a lot from who they were before they gained sentience...
Wally, still the friendliest neighbour you could meet and still a lover of the arts, but everything he went through changed him from a once calm and silly puppet to a tired, traumatised puppet who feels responsible for their predicament, and suffers from the betrayal of his own Home.
Barnaby still loves to tell jokes and act the sly, silly scallywag he is, but inside is an unshakeable paranoia, that he might lose his neighbours and best friend for real this time, and he doesn't want that to happen. He's already lost his mama technically, and that's bad enough!
Still joyful and playful, Julie feels skittish and restricted however, in a world that sees adults as those who have to be serious, hard money making machines, where fun is looked down upon. On top of that she has technically lost her siblings.
Frank remains knowledgable and stoic, his love for butterflies never dying, but inside he hates the sudden change. He didn't want to leave Home, he didn't want it to go; thus he is prone to meltdowns every now and then.
Eddie's heart is still of gold, still clumsy as can be yet forever well meaning, but after seeing Home's carnage, he feels kind of lost. His dear post office was ripped away from him, and his dearest Frank was nearly taken too, so he will never let Frank out of his sight, no matter how overbearing he seems.
Friendly clerk Howdy remains the fast talking, smiley caterpillar he always was, and even gets a chance to let loose in the human world, but like Eddie, he so dearly misses his little bodega, even if it nearly hurt him. He now feels responsible for Frank and Eddie's behaviour, trying to keep them in check, and oh how can dealing with Fionn grind his sanity.
Once a performer, always a performer: Sally always likes to make little plays to keep everyone happy, and will make all the foolproof plans in the world to keep them safe from any dangerous humans. However even the most skilled actress can tucker herself out with people pleasing through acting, and like Howdy, arguing with Fionn puts a toll on you.
Poppy is definitely the most careful neighbour, always looking out for her friends and being there for them always. But after travelling to a whole new world, wouldn't your nerves and worries increase tenfold? Hers certainly did, bumbling and whimpering at anything bad that might happen, feeling like a burden due to her cautious nature.
Watching their old shows brings back a sad mix of hopelessness, longing and nostalgia - they may not be able to go back, it seems, but at least they can still experience their old lives one way or another, even with the occasional embarrassment at their quirks in episodes!
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goodgirlofglory · 1 year
Don’t worry! I didn’t shut down 😂 and thank you for the follow!!
As for the requests, I don’t want to be a bother, so ill try not to overload your asks. Do you also write stories that don’t have any smut? Because, as much as I love the game of hide the eggplant 🍆 😉 I sometimes really just craze a sweet soft story or something that’s angsty with a happy ending.
Like for example, it’s spring/summer early morning, and Bucky being a trained soldier wakes up with the sun. But his partner on the other hand…. Let’s just say she isn’t a morning person. However, today they wake together and lie in bed all soft and sweet and talk about anything, and maybe they both drift back to sleep… and uhh I just melt
Or… Bucky is new to the tower and does not get along with the newest younger avenger member that everyone loves. And they bicker back and forth, and she is so sassy and witty and one ups him every time. And In the end, they have a big argument and she asks why he hates her so much, when she didn’t even do anything. And Bucky basically confesses that he doesn’t hate her. He actually really likes her and is just scared Bec of what he used to do and who he used to be, and the fact that she’s so young and is the sunshine person of the group, and they talk and share the sweetest first kiss 🥹
I just really love Bucky Bec his story is so sad
Anyways, you’re amazing. I hope you have a good day/night 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Bestie!! I have something for you! 🌸💖🌸💖🌸
This is for your first prompt and honestly, idk how I feel about what I did with it🙈 Lmk what you think🫶
As for your second prompt, it made me look up a similar draft for a series I wrote long ago, and now I’m super inspired to continue writing on it!!!!😳🙌 A real enemies to lovers, can’t be in a room for two seconds without snapping at each other, but also desperately attracted to each other with Bucky still being very much traumatised and thinking himself completely unworthy of love and affection and reader wanting so much to get along with him and be his friend and potential bed mate iykwim type vibe!!
UUUUGH, like I said before, these prompts you give are so thought provoking and inspiring. I love them, thank you!!!😍
Hope you're having a splendid day/night, enjoy🫶🦋
Sleeping in / One-shot
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 3,5k
Warnings: fluffy fluff, some angst, a few references to smut
Summary: Bucky never considered sleeping in until you - soft, sweet, precious you - started sleeping in his bed.
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Bucky’s eyes shot open at precisely 6 AM like they always did. It was a routine ingrained in his very bones at this point. Whether it came from his years as the Soldat, his military training before that or the hard days of his upbringing, for as long as he could remember, he’d always been wide awake and alert at precisely 6 AM. Nowadays he kept a strict morning routine consisting of a short and non-indulgent breakfast, a ten mile jog, short to the point cold shower and then a crossword puzzle before starting his day. It was like clockwork, and Bucky hadn’t really questioned it, nor had any incentive to change it. That was, until you - soft, sweet, precious you - started sleeping in Bucky’s bed. 
Bucky had been blessed with your intimate company for half a year now. He’d never been so nervous as that night he took you out to the beach to watch the stars after three months of dating, and asked you to go steady with him in the light of the bonfire. Nor had he ever felt such blissful, perfect relief and elation as when you’d thrown your arms around his neck and squealed in his ear. 
“Yes, yes, oh my god, of course I do, Bucky,” you’d exclaimed, damn near rupturing his ear drum. He’d only wrapped his own arms tighter around you and nuzzled into the hollow of your throat, grinning like a dolt against your skin before peppering it with kisses, working his way up to your lips, his heart soaring in his chest. You’d made love for the first time right there in the sand, his cock drawn out of his fly and your panties pulled to the side, clothes awkwardly askew and sand getting everywhere, but it had been absolutely perfect. 
From that point on, It didn’t take long for the two of you to become virtually inseparable, spending meals and nights and whatever spare time you had with each other. Bucky just couldn’t help it, he became completely and ardently addicted to you. Your scent, your warmth, your laughter, the color of your eyes and the way the corners crinkled when you smiled. The way your brows furrowed when you concentrated on something, how fiercely you defended anything you loved or felt empathy for, how sopping wet you got when he teased you just the tiniest bit. 
The two of you loved taking walks together on the grounds, both finding it relaxing and like a much needed detox at the end of a long day. On days off you took longer hikes together in landscapes near and far, sleeping out in the fresh air and making love on mossy forest grounds. 
You both had a special craving for physical connection (or as you liked to say, your “love languages were physical touch”), which in truth was a lucky blessing, for never had someone unlocked such need in Bucky. Need for your warmth, need for your touch, need to hold your hand or your waist or shoulder, or just feel the weight of your feet in his lap on movie nights with the rest of the team. It didn’t need to be sexual either (though it certainly often was, or turned to that) - it was just the knowledge of you being close that soothed whatever aches Bucky had inside, quelled and quieted some fidgety, restless part of him. 
Further, your company and your skin on his had done miracles for his sleepless night. You were like a soothing blanket and a sleeping pill, all in one. Whenever he laid down and pulled you close, felt your hands around his torso and your legs tangle with him, sleep found him easily, which was a feat he hadn’t found in years. You alternated between sleeping in your room or his, but you always slept together whenever you had the chance. In his quiet mind, Bucky liked it best when you slept in his bed. There was just something about seeing you in his room, in his sheets, relaxed and warm and soft with sleep, leaving behind faint traces of your scent on his pillow that Bucky would never admit openly to pressing his nose to and inhaling gratefully whenever you left for your own daily work.
 Inviting you in and seeing you so comfortable and at home in his private, intimate spaces had a newfound emotion spreading in his body. A sweet ache that wasn’t pain, nor sadness, or even longing. He’d scarcely dared put a name to the new feeling that bloomed like the tiniest, most fragile thing in his chest. The feeling was happiness, so foreign and unexpected Bucky had damn near had a panic attack that first time he caught himself gazing at you while you were deeply engrossed in your book next to him, and recognised the feeling for what it was. 
On this Sunday morning, when neither of you had any plans for the day, Bucky opened his eyes to find you snuggled up to him like a koala, legs and arms wrapped tightly around him as you slumbered on, and that same pang of sweet ache hit him as he looked down on you, saw you so relaxed and peaceful in his arms. By God, you were a deep sleeper, and you slept a lot, too. Bucky’d been baffled to observe how fucking much you slept if only given the chance. Proper sloth, he’d tried to tease you once, only for you to stretch with a lazy smile and nuzzle his chest. That had in turn only served to make Bucky’s heart melt right out of his ribcage. You were too cute, damnit, and far too powerful, and Bucky could only clutch you tighter to him. 
Bucky looked down at you, the soft rays of the warm spring sun coming in through the open curtains and casting your beautiful face in a golden sheen, taking his breath away as his gaze flitted about your face, without a single tension, mouth slightly open, quiet, steady puffs of air coming out and fanning across Bucky’s face. He put his nose gently to your throat and breathed you in, pulling in a grateful fill of your mouth watering scent, all warm and heady from your sleep.
He wondered what you were dreaming about, and how long you would sleep like this, undisturbed and unburdened, like you deserved. Did you even know how much of a miracle you’d been to him? How you single handedly fought off his nightmares? Kept him sleeping through the night, not awakening to sheets damp with sweat and an even more exhausted mind than the night before? He suspected you didn’t have a single clue. And maybe he was to blame for that. Cause even though his body had practically leapt at the chance of living in semi-permanent connection with yours no problem, he still had a little ways to go when it came to properly opening up emotionally. With words. God, he hated talking about his feelings, hated how vulnerable and easily wounded he felt, how much he fumbled for the right things to say and the guilt of taking comfort from others when he’d been the cause of so much horrid pain in the past. Whenever he felt the need to get things off his chest, those thoughts would hit him. It wasn’t right to demand people soothe and comfort him, he didn’t deserve it. He needed to own his actions, no matter if Hydra was og wasn’t here anymore. Especially because of that, actually. If he didn’t repent, how would he ever make up for all those people who’d suffered at his hands? 
So no, it was better to just work on it himself, to not burden anyone with it, and especially not a sweet, loving, caring ray of sunshine like you. You deserved so much better. 
Bucky stared at you while his thoughts whirled. He would let you sleep in, he decided, and after bending slightly forward to kiss one of your eyelids as softly as his body could possibly allow him, he started the meticulous procedure of removing his arm from under your neck and extracting himself from the secure cage you’d made around him with your limbs, so he could go start his morning routine. Just when he’d managed to untangle your legs and was about to slip his arm from under your head, your brows crinkled and the most adorable little sound of protest came from you. Sluggish and weakly, you reached for him, still mostly asleep, and tugged at his shoulder and arm to get him back to you. 
Bucky’s heart clenched again, and he huffed a laugh as he let himself be pulled back into your embrace, secretly relishing the feeling of you determinant pulling him close to you, of wanting him close to you. He couldn’t help it, those small reassurances meant so much to him. 
Your eyes opened to slits and looked up at him. 
“Mornin,” he mumbled, feeling himself light up with a sense of excitement at having you awake and with him.
You hummed long and slow, settling down with your head on his chest.
“Mornin, baby, what’s the time?” you asked, and your small, raspy voice was so fucking cute Bucky had a hard time dealing with it, actually.
He didn’t have to look at the clock on the nightstand. 
“Just past six,” he said, still gazing at your sleepy form. 
Your face scrunched up in what could only be described as disgust at his words. 
“What? Whyyyy, Bucky, it’s Sunday,” you whined, and Bucky couldn’t help his grin. 
“Can’t help the way I am,” he said as his only excuse, hoping you didn’t catch on to the way the words reflected his earlier thoughts. 
You stretched like a cat in his arms and snuggled closer to him, pressing a kiss to his throat. 
“I can help you. Settle down, we’re sleeping in today,” you said, eyes closing. It seemed you were halfway back to sleep already, though your grip around Bucky was uncompromising. 
“Is that an order?” Bucky murmured, so stupidly entertained by your every word he just kept grinning, the ache in his chest growing stronger.
“Yes it is, so you better obey me, soldier,” you mumbled. 
Bucky chuckled, watching you drift back off to sleep, but found he couldn’t quite get there himself. He found himself gazing out into the room, mind still going over his worries like a steadily churning maelstrom. Sleep didn’t come easy when he was stuck in a thinking loop like this. It didn’t help that his morning wood was as incessant as always, and you snuggling your warm, soft body up against it only made it worse. That wasn’t that much of an issue, though. He actually, secretly kinda loved just laying like this, feeling how you aroused him and knowing you reciprocated. 
To Bucky’s surprise, he looked back down to find you watching him, having cracked one eye open. He almost started. 
“What’s the matter?” you asked, sounding vaguely concerned. 
Bucky schooled his expression and shook his head. 
“Nothing, sweetheart, go back to sleep,” he said, kissing your forehead and then kissing it again when you hummed contentedly at the gesture. 
Your hand came up and started gently playing with the hair on his chest, something you often did when you were thinking and wondering how to say something. A contemplative gesture Bucky didn’t think you were all that aware of. Not that he’d ever made you aware of it. He liked being able to read your behavioral patterns. Liked it when you were open and honest and comfortable showing him your authentic self. He wouldn’t dream of taking that away and making you self conscious. 
“You sure? You look like you're thinking very hard and not talking about it,” you said and Bucky blanched. Had he been that obvious? Maybe he had some revealing behaviors he wasn’t aware of too. For some reason, it warmed his heart to know you could read him as well as he could read you. That you paid attention. That you cared as much as you did. He took your hand in his and played with your fingers, loved the way his hand engulfed yours, seeing how elegant your bones were while knowing the strength you could pack in a punch. 
He turned your hand over and though he’d only meant to buy himself some time with his exploration, he noticed for the first time a scar on the tip of your ring finger. He brought your finger closer to his eyes and yes indeed, in the shape of a question mark without the dot, the pad of your fingertip was sliced in two by a fine, pale scar line. He ran his thumb over it, suddenly engrossed in this detail he’d missed until now. 
“Where’d you get this?” he asked, curiosity making him giddy while deep down, a furious anger stirred; Anger that promised death and despair upon those who dared hurt you. 
You giggled as he brushed his thumb over it again, squirming slightly in his arms, and Bucky got even more curious. 
“It tickles. And it’s nothing exciting, just a small accident from when I was a kid,” you said, squealing lightly when Bucky brushed his thumb even more gently over the scarred skin, watching you avidly. 
“Tell me,” he said, giving your fingertip peace, but not letting you pull your hand away. 
You gave him a stern look, though you couldn’t hide the smile tugging on your lips.
“Fine, I’ll let you distract me for now, but I want to know what had you looking so forlorn earlier,” you said, the most adorable flush creeping up on your cheekbones as Bucky slowly pulled your hand up to his mouth and kissed each fingertip, noticing with glee how your pupils dilated as you watched his lips caress your skin. 
“Forlorn?” Bucky repeated, settling down even further into the soft mattress and the soft, silky sheets he’d gone out and gotten that first week you started sharing his bed, “I like when you go Shakespeare,” he teased, grinning when you smacked his chest in petulant offense. Bucky pulled you even closer to him and rolled you over so you lay across his chest as he settled on his back. “No, c’mon, tell me,” he insisted. 
You lay there together as the sun rose higher, Bucky listening intently as you told him about the accident that had split your finger tip as a seven year old, and then the stitches you’d have to get sewn while in the ER. Bucky couldn’t help pulling you closer and kissing all over your face when you talked about the praise you’d gotten from the nurses for being so brave. 
“That’s my girl,” he murmured onto the skin below your ear and relished the way you shivered. You gave him that look you got when you were delightfully preening under his praise while at the same time getting just a little bit shy - that look that made Bucky go half-mad with desire. 
“Tell me about this one?” you asked, pointing to a scar that ran along his lower abdomen, a  line that zig zagged diagonally up to his waist. It was one of his more gnarly scars. Thick, ragged and ugly, with darker, blotchy scar tissue, indicating a more serious injury. Not that Bucky knew. 
“Don’t know, I don’t remember how I got them,” he said, finding the words a bit more difficult to get past his throat as he focused on the scar, and the lack of memories accompanying it. 
You looked up at him in surprise. 
“Any of them?” you asked. 
Bucky gave a noncommittal shrug, fighting off his self-consciousness. He didn’t want to get defensive around you, knew he didn’t have to. Hell, you were the one person he knew by now he could be open and honest with. But the lack of knowing was still a sore spot for him.
“I know where the arm went, Steve told me, but the rest is, um…well, mysteries,” he said. 
You blinked, looking a little like a wounded puppy as your fingers traced another scar. You were so empathic, always caring so deeply for others. It was something Bucky admired about you, along with how open you were yourself about your feelings and stuff like that. Bucky drew a steadying breath, gathering his courage. 
“I’m glad I have them,” he said, catching your attention again. Your brow crinkled for the tiniest moment. 
“Why for?” you asked softly, a small, perfect encouragement for him to elaborate. 
Here we go, Bucky thought, a shrill nervousness suddenly swelling inside him.
“I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t have them,” Bucky said, swallowing thickly. His courage faltered slightly and he averted his eyes, but he forced himself to continue speaking, “They’re a part of the life that led me to this, to…you. I wouldn’t be here with you right now if I didn’t also go through whatever gave me all these scars…and for that, I’m happy,” he said, drawing a mortified breath as he stopped speaking, his heart suddenly pounding in his chest. 
The silence felt like an eternity, and Bucky steeled himself for whatever reaction you might come with. Was it too much? Too weird? Too morbid? 
Your hands cupped his face and brought his eyes up to yours. They were shining with emotion, with empathy so deep he almost winced at the raw intensity. 
“You’re so strong, Bucky. A strong and good man, and so fucking sweet. You didn’t deserve any of your scars, or any of the pain you went through to get here. And I know you feel guilty, and I know there is little I can do to make it alright, but I…,” you trailed off for a beat and to his astonishment, Bucky swore he heard the words love you hang in the air between the two of you. Your heart, which Bucky could feel between your two bodies pressed together, shot up to an alarming speed, and a crimson flush stole across your face. 
You must have seen him catch on, for you lowered your gaze and laughed a bit self deprecatingly. No, no, no, don’t hide, please say them, Bucky thought desperately, his own heart picking up speed, thudding hard in his chest. God, could it be true?
“Is it selfish to say I’m happy you’re here with me too, even though you had to go through so many unfair, horrible things to get here?” you asked, and Bucky wondered if you were feeling guilty too at that moment. 
He hugged you tighter to him, lowering his head to catch your down-cast eyes. 
“I want you to. Be selfish, I mean, ehm, with me,” he said in a surge of bravery that had him fumbling his words all the same. “I mean I like it when you are - I mean, oh God, I -”
“I get what you mean,” you said softly and assuringly, biting your lip and smiling so sweetly Bucky’s heart lurched. 
He bent forward and caught your lips, so fucking grateful for you, for caring, understanding and supporting you. Maybe he didn’t need to hear you say you loved him yet. His heart was soaring in his chest just by the implication, just by having you here in his arms. He could be gracious and continue working to deserve your love in the future, and be completely ready to receive it. 
You broke the kiss and settled down on his chest again, and his hand found your hair, playing with it. 
“I need a haircut,” you said after a few moments, voice just the tiniest bit tense for it to be a nonchalant remark. Who needs a distraction now?, Bucky thought a bit smugly, listening with his enhanced hearing that your heart was still thudding just a little faster than usual. He could be gracious, though it was a near thing. 
“I like your hair like this,” he said, kissing the top of your head, satisfaction surging warm and proud when you tried to snuggle even closer to him, tangling your legs even more with his.
“Oh lord, no it’s all frizzy. I once had a hairdresser -”
You spent some time talking about nothing and everything, the languid morning settling heavy in your bones. Bucky felt like he was floating, like time slowed and you were hiding away together on a cloud of affection and drowsy, peaceful contentment. 
Nestled together in the privacy of his room, Bucky’s thoughts went to the future for once, and not the past. They went to the hope that you would tell him you loved him one day. That he would be ready to receive that love then, and be truly deserving of it. As of now, maybe he could get used to sleeping in, Bucky thought as he listened to you murmuring about a dream you’d had. 
And after a while, when your eyelids had closed entirely and your breath evened out, Bucky drifted back off to sleep with you, still entangled in the soft sheets illuminated by the warm, spring sun. 
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chrismcleanswife · 1 year
𝐒𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐦!! 𝙸𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚁𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚘𝚛 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚜 𝚞𝚙 𝚝𝚘 𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 <𝟹
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♥💜 -> You never talked anymore.
♥💜 -> And all your friends knew that.
♥💜 -> Since the seventh episode of the first season of Total Drama no words ever left your mouth, you got highly traumatised in the phobia factor episode and since you couldn’t get help in time, now you were selectively mute, only talking when strictly necessary and probably only to Cody, who was your best friend since the start of the show.
♥💜 -> He first tried to flirt with you but you finally stayed up as friends and then best friends.
♥💜 -> Sierra, being the crazy fanatic she is, knew that.
♥💜 -> Well, she knew way much more than that but she had to keep it down or else she would scare you away, ruining her chance to be friends with Cody’s best friend.
♥💜 -> When you got off the bus that led you to the airport you gave Chris a shy smile and a wave, which he gladly returned with a grin, before you practically ran into Cody’s arms, practically squealing.
♥💜 -> He let you do that as he knew he was the one you barely trusted out of all the people there, maybe you trusted Gwen or Courtney too but Cody was like your safe space so he let you be.
♥💜 -> Then, you heard the typical fangirl squealing behind you and you turned your head to watch a purple haired girl looking at all of you with excitement visible in her eyes.
♥💜 ->  “she is surely a fan” was what you thought, and you were right.
♥💜 -> You let go of Cody as the girl walked to you both and started fangirly rambling to the boy with such an elevated volume tone that you almost got scared.
♥💜 -> After practically showing into Cody’s face all the facts that she (creepily) knew about him in screams she turned to you.
♥💜 -> You felt your body starting to tremble, “why was she looking at you??” “Was she going to hurt you???” “omg was she also a creepy fan for you?????” were some of the questions that plagued your head.
♥💜 -> But then, she completely changed when she started talking to you.
♥💜 -> She was moving her hands slowly and calmly, always keeping them in your visual camp as a way not to scare you, and she sweetly talked to you, in a low tone, not wanting you to think of her as a posible danger.
♥💜 -> Your trembling body slowly started to stop doing so, and you let a shaky smile plaster itself on your lips.
♥💜 -> Since that moment, you liked being near Sierra, sure she was an excited hurricane when talking to Cody or the others, but with you she was like a sweet summer breeze, making you feel safe and warm.
♥💜 -> The best of all is that she was being sincere, and you knew it because someday you were researching through the confessional videos in search of Alejandro’s because you didn’t trust him, and you came across one of Sierra’s, out of curiosity you put it on play, letting the record speak.
♥💜 -> ❝This is soooo great!!❞ squealed the Sierra in the recording, making you want to hear more ❝Y/N’s finally trusting me! That is so awesome!! I’m so happy I got to know her, and Cody ofc, but now this is about her❞ she continued, making your eyebrows raise with surprise.
♥💜 -> ❝um... we all know that Y/N is traumatised since the first season of Total Drama Island, specifically since the seventh episode, and I truly feel sorry for her! Chris made her fear so traumatising that she went mute!! Can you believe that??!??❞ She said, practically tearing her hair apart while a sad look appeared in her eyes ❝I... I feel truly lucky to be her friend, and I hope she doesn’t think I’m trying to use her or smth because of my change of personality near her, It’s just that If I am that loud and energetic near her I fear I might scare her! So I just let my sweet and smooth persona rise when I’m with her, because I love her- A-AS A FRIEND O-OFC!! But She deserves peace and I’m willing to give her that!❞
♥💜 -> As the record finished you felt your chest warm and your eyes watering, you sniffled with a smile on your face as you tried to wipe the few tears picking at the corners of your eyes... She truly wanted to be friends with you and not just because of Cody! 
♥💜 -> You wasted no time in running out of the pilot cabin and go search for Sierra, she was talking with Cody as always.
♥💜 -> You practically jumped at her hugging her from behind, leaving the rest of team and Cody spechless.
♥💜 -> Sierra was surprised as well, but not wanting to break the magical moment of her favourite Total Drama actress hugging her she slowly and steadily turned until your chest were touching and she sweetly wrapped her arms around your waist, giving you a slight squeeze and holding her need of screaming until her vocal chords were damaged to no repair.
♥💜 -> ❝I- um... If you don’t mind me asking, Y/N... what is this for...?❞ she asked in a low tone of voice, still hugging you from the waist, she then felt her top getting a bit wet and the fact of you crying almost sent her to highly panic.
♥💜 -> ❝Oh my- Oh my! Are you crying?? Ugh- Ofc you are crying, dumb me!! Why are you crying?? Did I say something wrong? Di-Did I scared you??❞ She started to panic in a still (somehow) low and sweet tone of voice, but when you shake your head no and hug her even tighter the confusion takes control of her brain. ❝Wha-What is it then...?❞ she asked, slowly lifting one of her hands to cup your cheek and lift your head slightly to lock her eyes with you.
♥💜 -> You opened and closed your mouth, the fear of speaking trying to stop you from speaking, but you inhaled deeply while closing your eyes, preparing yourself to do something you haven’t done in two years.
♥💜 ->  ❝Sie-rra, th-thank you f-for being m-my fr-fr-friend❞ you managed to choke out from your non used in two years throath, smiling sweetly as the pruple-haired girl’s eyes opened widely at the fact of you talking and to her.
♥💜 -> If the team was before spechless then I don’t know how to call how they were now.
♥💜 -> Sierra squealed in happiness as she hugged you a little more thight, not wanting to hurt you at all, but still wanting to show you how happy you made her.
♥💜 -> Cody looked at you with confusion and surprise, but he still smiled at how safe you looked between Sierra’s arms, because maybe Sierra wasn’t made to love him, but maybe she was made to love you <3
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ellieshairtye · 2 years
can u write ellie angst with a fluffy ending 🙏🙏
Me too || Ellie Williams
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Pairings: Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
Warnings- Joel’s death, ellie being mean, angst and fluff
Word count-883
A/n: I don’t like this one 😛👎
When you love someone to tend to put them before yourself but sometimes that’s just not enough for them, i guess that how I ended up in this situation. Nothing happened to lead up to this point, all I asked was to put the fucking dishes away while I hang out the clothes. Is it that hard? Obviously it is to lead us into this screaming match.
“Why are you getting so upset over me asking you to do the dishes?” I loudly ask the woman sitting on her stupid chair. She looks at me with rage in her eyes before yelling at me once again. “Because you ask me to do every fucking thing around here can I not get a fucking break for once.”
I look at her in disbelief. Can she get a break can she get a fucking break. “Excuse me, I have done everything around here while you have been healing from Joel’s death, i never ask you to do anything but the couple time I do it’s so I can get dinner ready for both of us faster.” I tell her as I walk over to the dirty plates.
“It’s like you can’t do anything properly though, I mean look at this place you say you clean and all this shit yet it still looks like a fucking pigsty.” She hisses at me as a wash the dishes. I sigh officially over this argument but that only seems to anger her more. “Don’t fucking sigh at me, you say I do nothing but who goes out to catch the food you cook huh? Oh that’s right me, I do. But you don’t seem to appreciate that do you.”
As I wash the last plate I look over at her. “Ellie you know I appreciate everything you do, all I’m saying is that I needed you to do the dishes so I could-“ I cut myself off not being able to finish my sentence as tears make there way on my lash line, I just put my head down and finish packing the dishes away before slowly making my way to the laundry basket.
“Can I be honest with you, I’m really starting to get sick of this. I feel like I’m suffocating with you,” ellie said while standing up. Still holding the basket I turn my body to look at her. “I have done nothing but give you space and the life you wanted, but that’s not enough for you huh just sweep that under the rug, not only that but I’ve been trying to heal myself watching that woman hurt someone I truly loved was traumatising and I wish someone would of taken care of me the way I’ve been taking care of you.”
I couldn’t help but yell I’m so sick of getting treated like I do nothing and I’m not good enough. I look straight Into her eyes and saw something light up in there that scared me, debating if I should leave or not was short live when she spoke up.
“I wish it was you.” I give her a sad smile. “Me too.” I whispered before walking out the door to hang out the laundry.
I’m half way through hanging out the clothes, I felt like shit did she really feel like that, does she not love me anymore, am I good enough. A set of silent tears rolled down my cheek only to be harshly wiped away.
I stood their thinking and pinning a shirt when I feel arms go across my torso pulling me into a tight hug I knew who it was immediately and just stood there. As Ellie put her face into my neck I felt the wetness of her cheeks collide with the side of my neck and shoulder. 
“I’m sorry,” a her muffled voice said, hugging me tighter and bringing me closer, “I’m so sorry.” She sobs not showing any sign of letting go. Sighing I bring my arms to hold hers while swaying a little, as a cold breeze flows over us making me shiver. Silence is all the is heard as I continue hanging the clothes out while Ellie holds me close.
“I’m finished babe, let’s get back inside it’s getting cold.” I said to her quietly as I push the laundry basket to the side. I feel her losen her Hold only to keep one arm tightly on my waist as we make our way back inside. I lead her to the dining table sitting her down before making my way over to the oven to get dinner started.
“Are you hungry babe?” I ask to not get a reply but arms tightly making their way back on my waist. “Are you tired Ellie?” I ask only to feel a nod on my neck. I hmm before gently pulling her arms off me and helping her to our bedroom.
Once we make it there I lay her down, as I look at her and giving a little smile before leaning down and placing a kiss on her cheek before moving to her ear, “I’ll always forgive you ellie.”
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lesbianbanana · 6 months
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Little piece based on my Roman Empire au. basically it's the gods who didn't shift trying to work out why everyone else did. everyone is sad and lonely and traumatised.
breakdown ⬇️
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✨Apollo✨. This au is centred around him. Basically he's trying to work out why everyone around him suddenly went all dark and violent (especially Artemis because Diana is MUCH more witchy scary than her). He goes around the block. Olympus is different. He's a Dii Consente now. Hestia (Vesta) has replaced Dionysus on the council so he goes off to find Dionysus (and finds Bacchus/Liber). He goes to visit Artemis (who is Diana and hates him). He goes to visit his mother (who is Latona and unsure why he keeps insisting she has a daughter called Artemis). He goes to visit Asclepius (who is Aesculapius, and still locked away). He tries to find the muses (who I just can't find mentioned in the Roman era much so they're just gone). Finally he goes to the Fates, and they're like "well, everyone's gone 😊. They're never ever going to come back the way they were 🤗. Bye 🤪" and then he goes and cries and shit but he gets better!!! He has some besties.
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Nemesis!! She's goddess of retribution (revenge) so she turns up because Helios (Sol) keeps bitching about Apollo stealing his schmick. (Apollo didn't become associated with the sun until early Roman days). So she comes to Apollo and she's like "girl, this boy won't shut up. Also he hates you." And Apollo, standing with his new house on fire, is like, "YOU THINK???" and somewhere along the way they both work out neither of them switched like everyone else. (Nemesis has been a bit lonely down in the Underworld. Proserpina as Persephone, Pluto as Hades, Trivia as Hecate, Nox as Nyx, Somnus as Hypnos, Mors/Letum as Thanatos). So they both kind of stick together and Nemesis makes Apollo realise that legitimately a lot of people hate him for being a piece of shit back in Greece.
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Iris is a messenger for the gods, and she's kind of peeved that MERCURY is getting all the credit for it, especially when Mercury's a little bitch. (didn't she mention in cotg that she wasn't annoyed at Ganymede for taking her role as cupbearer, but was annoyed Hermes had taken over messaging?) But she has first had experience just how much the gods have changed now. (MARS IS CALM?? HMMMM??? NO VIOLENCE ALL THE TIME???) but she's at a lot of the Roman Olympus parties and just kind of watches Apollo get drunk and shit because a) he doesn't want to be there and b) he doesn't want to remember that the family he's there with isn't his family. And at one point she's kind of like alright bitch that's enough, and she forces him to take care of himself <3
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Apollo comes across while searching for Dionysus. Ariadne is usually just Ariadne in Roman times but sometimes she's Libera, like how Dionysus is Liber instead of Bacchus at times. So I kind of figured she'd be Libera whenever Dionysus was in Liber form, and be Ariadne whenever he was Bacchus. So as well as her husband being completely crazy, she also blacks out at times to get taken over by another goddess. This stops happening over time but it's still really annoying. Anyway Apollo tries to talk to her after he realises she's Ariadne, and girl gets pissed because why is Apollo the same and her husband completely not? She has this idea or something that Apollo did something to make this happen and Apollo is literally like "I AM JUST AS DISTRESSED AS YOU ARE" but he's also not sure whether it IS his fault or not. anyways Ariadne comes round after a few years and chats to him at a party on Olympus and she sort of gravitates towards his little group because she's very very lonely.
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Britomartis is a Hunter of Artemis and doesn't generally hate Apollo, but doesn't like him either. But she, like all the other hunters, is 100% caught off guard when Artemis switches to Diana. And Apollo is around a lot because he wants to work out Diana and doesn't want her to hate him (which she does). Idk. Diana is very volatile in my head (at least during Roman Empire days) and gets very annoyed when her hunter's call her Artemis, so Britomartis sort of slips away and starts hanging out with Apollo, mainly because she's a little bit worried about him, and mainly because she knows Artemis would want him to be okay, even if Diana didn't care.
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Ganymede probably got so much whiplash from this whole thing poor kid. Like, he's one of the newest gods to the pantheon, and suddenly everyone just shifts up and is super ANGRY. and bros like I am literally fourteen chill please. but he's up front with a lot of the gods as their cupbearer, so he sort of has to internalize his breakdown until he goes to Apollo and is like "get me tf out of here". And Apollo's like slowly recovering and is like holy fuck this boy traumatised, so he takes Ganymede under his wing and eventually just kidnaps him away from Jupiter. (he's a protector of youth, so I like to think he helped Ganymede settle in after his abduction).
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Triton is pulled along by Iris. He's a messenger too and Iris kept messaging as a little defiance because there's no way the little punk Mercury is going to take her job. So she keeps in touch with all her friends and realises quite quickly that Triton is still Triton. Actually a lot of the sea deities stay the same, except mainly Poseidon as Neptune and Amphitrite as Salacia. And obviously Triton is the most affected by their change as they're his parents. He's not on the verge of fading but.. he is. Romans don't worship minor sea deities (which is why a lot of them didn't change) and he's kind of losing his will to go on while feeling like a stranger in his own house. So Iris pulls him away and up to hang out with all the others and he gets less lonely <3
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Thetis was like a butterfly effect. Iris pulled Triton and Triton was like fuck it you're coming too. It's a little.. tense to say the least between Thetis and Apollo, but they warm up over time (centuries). It also gives Apollo the chance of redemption there. Also thetis doesn't like looking human and never has since she was forced to be with Peleus for a year. Thetis also like being a little shit and she will use that against Apollo.
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Psyche!!! I love her. Obviously the switch up between Eros and Cupid is crazy. I cannot imagine Psyche being amused with her husband being a little child thing. And she didn't hate him, because she's all about loving the soul and stuff, but it did fed her up, so she kind of gravitated towards the gang. Psyche and Ariadne were probably friends before everything anyway since they could've bonded over both originally being mortals. Also Apollo being a little "she's the wife of the guy that cursed me and Daphne" character development
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In the empty world, the skeleton finds someone else.
Here's the fun part, whoever they find is entirely up to you. It could be their brother, an enemy, or even someone completely estranged to them.
Here is the first (very angsty) part!
Undertale Sans - So. He might have thought Toriel was an hallucination and said outloud that he would have at least see nice boobs before dying. He is surprised when Toriel roars with laughter suddenly, startling him, and brutally realising she is really there and what he just said. Sans teleports (not to) far away to hide. He's sad it's not his brother, but he's relieved he's someone he knows and could live with without a problem. Finally he's not the only adult in charge of the end of the world.
Undertale Papyrus - He was kinda hopeless after posing his signs until one day he woke up with someone in his house, criticizing his cans of food and throwing them by the window one by one. Papyrus is happy, thinking that thrash person must be his brother. He for sure didn't expect Jerry of all people to be the only other person alive. Papyrus is having a mental breakdown right here and right now.
Underswap Sans - He was about to die in his car because of his own stupidity when he heard a familiar voice insulting him and threatening him to kill him herself if he was dying on her. Alphys. Blue never got so relieved in his life and will gladly let her save his life. He has no words to say how thankful he is.
Underswap Papyrus - He didn't even react when Asgore opened his closet as he heard people crying inside. Honey still thinks he's dreaming and lets the old King carry him like a ragdoll. When it clicks in his head it's real, Honey cries again, this time hugging Asgore like a koala. He's so glad he is not all alone anymore. He's traumatised.
Underfell Sans - He was watching a bank burn, eating pop corn, when Edge suddenly pops next to him, looking at the fire in disbelief. Red looks at him, shrugs and keeps watching. That's surely just his conscience telling him it's bad. It was damn time he loses it entirely! You know what! Fuck you conscience! He kicks his brother in the knee and instantly regret it when Edge makes him fly with a bone on several meters. Oof.
Underfell Papyrus - AH! He knew it was a survival game! He's facing Undyne like a cow boy, a hand holding a machette, and runs to attack her. Undyne flinches in surprise but quickly attacks back. They're rolling in the mud like wild animals now. That's their way to say they are happy to see each other again I think.
Horrortale Sans - His chicken are back. One day, he saw them running to him in panic from a random street. Oak is kinda happy to have them. Making sure they can survive is like his new goal in life and they make good cuddle buddies at night. He still feels lonely, but at least he has something to do until things go back to normal.
Horrortale Papyrus - He was having a panic attack when he felt something big hug him and purring like hell. Willow can't believe it. Oak is back, like nothing happened, and asks him what they're eating for dinner. Willow breaks down in tears and crushes him in a hug. Oak has no idea what's going on. Oh yeah, he found the chicken outside too. He's not sure why they were outside again, he kinda forgot everything that happened once he saw Willow. For the best, probably.
Swapfell Sans - The universe hates him. That's the only way. When he thought that he was finally free from Toriel... It turned out she is the only monster still alive and overprotective now. Nox is kinda chained to her and forced to follow her around as she's telling him horrible things, like that it was time he realised his brother was holding him back. In the end, Nox starts to believe it to not lose it entirely.
Swapfell Papyrus - He found a Mc Donald's employee. The both of them invaded one of the restaurant and stressed it all the nuggets in two hours. Now Rus is in depresssion cause he realised he will never eat nuggets again. The McDonald's employee says that they could start a McDonald's pilgrimage to go eat every McDonald's chicken McNuggets around the world. Rus says it's completely ridiculous. He loves the idea and wants to do it now. Here goes your weird romance fanfiction start.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Well, when he saw Alphys on the rails while he was driving his train, he didn't think and sped up the train... On one hand, he is still alone. On the other though, he fucking beat Alphys to death with his hell train, god he's so proud of himself! If only they had trains Underground!
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - One day, Undyne opened his closet and joined him to hide from the world. It's a thing now. None of them is talking, they're just kinda awkwardly hugging each other to comfort the other, and once in a while, one of them goes out to cook and bring back the food. He guess they're sort of friends now???
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limeleviathan · 25 days
introducing the first of my traumatised lesbian couple!
meet Subject: AVIAN
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same with the other Subjects, she uses her codename of AVIAN as a nickname
AVIAN's speech indicator will be A, for example (A: do you need a hug?)
she is a lesbian and goes by she/her
the ball of sunshine among the Subjects, she is highly emotional and cares deeply about her friends, and could absolutely kill someone if they tried to hurt her friends or her girlfriend, Cerulean
formerly going by Tangelo, she uses AVIAN as her main name and codename, however sometimes still uses Tangelo with Cerulean or anyone else she knew before Operation Vanguard
she is capable of flight through wings added onto her cybernetic torso. she pairs this ability with a customised sniper rifle built by LEVIATHAN and uses two wing blades to stabilise it. when in closer combat, she attaches a wing blade to the end of her sniper and uses it like a bayonet, and uses the other as a hands-free sword
she was entered into Operation Vanguard after a car hit the one she and Cerulean were in side-on, causing the petrol tank to explode, with her needing the help of the Operation to live, and Cerulean only just getting by with standard care
My life has always been great. Yeah, I’ve had some ups and downs, and some extra downs, but that’s in the past. Life is short, you gotta live it to the fullest. Anyway, it was only relatively recently that everything really got going. I’ve met so many wonderful people, like ARACHNID, my adopted sister, Cerulean, my girlfriend, and the other Subjects at Operation Vanguard.
Let's start from the beginning here. First up, ARACHNID. I still remember their old name, but since they’ve stated that they don’t like the ties it has to their past, I’m gonna make sure I respect that. I first met them at the park with my parents. I was just running around, as kids do, when I saw them sitting on the bench, looking fairly upset. 
I was a little wary at first since they seemed at least a few years older than me, but I couldn’t stand to see anyone that sad without helping them. So, I walked over and asked if they wanted to play with me. They seemed delighted, as though that was the first time someone had cared about them for a while, which knowing their backstory, it kinda was.
We were running around, playing games, having a couple of friendly duels, with no injuries of course, until my parents came and said it was time to go. I noticed that I hadn’t seen ARACHNID’s parents at any point during our time together, so I asked where their parents were.
They broke down sobbing. I didn’t know what was going on, I didn’t know what to do, I was stressed.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“My parents…” they murmured, “They… They’re…”
“They’re what?”
“They’re dead. I watched my dad murdered in front of my own eyes, and my mum starved right next to me on the streets a few months later.”
I realised just how horrible of a situation this was. I thought they were just independent, going to the park on their own, but this was NOT what I had expected.
“Do you… Do you still have a home, at least?” I asked, a lot less enthusiastic and a lot more wary than before.
“No,” they said quietly, “we couldn’t afford to keep it after the loss of Dad.”
“Yeah, it's probably a lot. Well, you’d best go with your parents. Maybe I’ll see you again soon.”
“Hopefully. I’ll try and help you as best I can, alright?”
“That’d certainly be nice.”
And with that, I went back home. Although I didn’t sleep too well that night. I had nightmares where I watched ARACHNID starve, helpless, watched them lose their parents, just horrible scene after horrible scene. I couldn’t take it anymore. I came over to my parents and explained everything.
“Well, there might be something we could do…” Mum said thoughtfully.
“What?” I asked enthusiastically.
“Well… That kid’s an orphan, right?”
“A what?”
“An orphan, a child who lost their parents,” explained Dad. “Where are you going with this?”
“Well, considering that they are an orphan, we may be able to adopt them,” Mum explained.
“Adopt them?” I asked. “What does adopt mean?”
“Basically, when a kid has no parents, you can bring them into your own family, and become their legal guardian,” Mum explained, “although we’d obviously need to make sure that we are ok with it. How about we go to the park again and see if we can find them? Maybe we can get to know them and talk about this with them.”
And that was what we did. We returned early that morning with breakfast packed for all 3 of us as well as ARACHNID. 
As we arrived, we saw them lying on a bench, asleep but clearly not comfortable. I walked up to them and sat in the little remaining space on the bench. I intended to wait until they woke, but my arrival there caused them to jump up defensively, before realising it was me and relaxing.
“Well,” they said, clearly still tired from their poor sleep. “Wasn’t expecting to actually see you again.”
“Fair enough,” I said, “considering that I wouldn’t be going to the same park every day usually, and you would probably move before I even returned. Anyway, we brought you breakfast.”
“Wait, you brought me food?”
“Yeah, you seemed really hungry yesterday, and considering that you don’t have anyone or anywhere to go to, chances are food would be scarce.”
“Wow… Thank you so much. I haven’t had breakfast in quite some time.”
“And another thing. I’m gonna introduce you to my parents because we’ve had an idea!” I said, beaming.
So we sat down in the middle of the field and I introduced ARACHNID to my parents. After they exchanged introductions, my impatient young self quickly got straight to the point.
“So what’s the plan about that adopting thing?” I asked, too excited to handle myself.
ARACHNID stopped eating mid-bite and looked at me. For a moment I thought I had said something wrong, but then they suddenly said “You’d do that for me? You care about me that much? Haven’t experienced that since… Well, you probably know when.”
So my mum and dad explained everything that we had talked about, and how they wanted to get to know ARACHNID before going through with all of this. We sat in a circle talking and exchanging stories for hours. Finally, my parents reached a decision.
“So,” Dad said, “we’d love to be able to bring you into our family. Although we want to make sure it’s what you want as well. I know Tangelo would love that, and we’d love to have you, but ultimately, it’s your decision.”
“Well,” ARACHNID said, contemplating the last few hours. “My final decision is… Absolutely! Why wouldn't I want to join you guys?!”
“YES!” I yelled before I could contain myself. I ran over to give them a hug, which they reciprocated. My parents joined the hug and we all remained there for a minute.
“Welcome to the family, kid,” Dad said.
“We’ll do everything we can to help you,” Mum added. “You’re one of us now, and we’ll do our best to help you with whatever you need us for.”
And that’s the story of how I met ARACHNID. As we lived as siblings, we shared so many crucial moments of our lives. This all eventually led to another key turning point in my life at the age of 12.
I had realised that I was a lesbian only relatively recently, although it hadn’t really impacted me very much. One evening, though, I had my best friends over for a sleepover. Naturally, we played Truth or Dare, as you do. And I asked Cerulean about who her crush was.
The secret, though, was that I had had a crush on her for quite a while now. Every evening I just lay in bed, thinking about a future where we could be together. However, despite how close we were as friends, I always knew that she’d probably fall in love with some guy and crush all of my hopes. So naturally, I asked her in the one place where you cannot lie: Truth or Dare.
I knew that this was probably going to crush my hopes, but better crush them now than later when I only loved her more. This was where things quickly turned around though. When I asked her, she blushed and looked at the ground. She seemed to be working up the courage to say something.
“My crush…” she began, clearly nervous. “My crush is… it’s you, Tangelo. But I know you’re probably straight, so I haven’t told you… Until now.”
The room went silent. Everyone else turned to me. According to them, I was blushing even more red than usual.
“That…” I stuttered, butterflies in my stomach. “That was… This is… I can’t believe…” I gave up on words and ran over to hug her. “I had a crush on you too,” I whispered into her ear.
The room went crazy. Everyone was shocked that not one, but TWO of their friends were lesbians, AND they just so happened to like each other! What were the chances?!
I still remember that day as one of the greatest days of my life. 2 years later, Cerulean and I were still together, and still absolutely in love. We had gone through some of our hardest times together, and some of our greatest moments side by side. Things turned around quickly though.
On my 14th birthday, mum was driving me and Cerulean down to the bowling alley to have some fun and so that we could settle a bet we had. Cerulean claimed to be an incredible bowler, and that she used to do league bowling every Friday. Here’s the thing I didn’t tell her, though: I did league bowling every Wednesday for 6 years. We thought we’d see how she stacked up against my hidden skill.
Well, that was the plan. While we were driving, a car came speeding down the highway and slammed into the door next to me head-on. That caused the rupturing and explosion of the fuel tank, which seriously injured everyone in the car and would’ve killed me if Operation Vanguard didn’t exist.
As we were rushed to the hospital, it was apparent that I wouldn’t make it. I was too heavily burned and was struggling to get enough oxygen to breathe. As I fell unconscious, I whispered “Go on without me, Cerulean.”
As I lay unconscious, my dreams flicked through all my key moments in life: my first meeting with ARACHNID, and how they became my sibling. My meeting with Cerulean, not knowing that we would come to be so much closer than friends. That game of Truth or Dare. All the little moments I shared with those closest to me. I thought I had died. 
It was certainly a surprise to have actually woken up. As my vision returned and I processed what was going on, I immediately asked a purple figure standing next to me “Did… Did I die? Is this heaven?”
As my vision cleared, I saw ARACHNID standing next to me, Cerulean by their side, both clearly relieved that I had woken up. I thought I was hallucinating, though. Did ARACHNID have 6 arms?
“What…What happened?” I murmured.
“Well, first of all, you died,” Cerulean explained, “and me and your mum nearly did too, only barely escaping it.”
ARACHNID looked at me and said, “Look down.”
I did and saw some kind of cybernetics around my torso and upper arms and legs.
“So what happened was that you were burned beyond saving,” ARACHNID began, “at least by standard medicine. So they entered you here. Operation Vanguard they call it. I volunteered, too. I wasn’t going to leave you alone here, sis. And that’s why I have so many arms.” Well, that explained that.
“As soon as I woke up again in hospital,” Cerulean said, “I asked where you were. They said you were part of some experimental government operation to work on further medical abilities through cybernetics. I asked to see you the moment it was possible, and they brought me here and set up a place for me to stay while you recover. Your parents are outside, and you’ll get to meet with the other Subjects who were part of this soon. They’re great people, you’ll love them.”
And so began the latest chapter of my life. As we chose what abilities we wanted, I chose flight through wings, paired with the codename AVIAN, and learned why ARACHNID had 6 arms, and that’s also when she began going by ARACHNID.
The best part was, Cerulean stuck with me the whole time, seeing me every day she could. Now, since I got the hang of flying, carrying her around the sunset sky has become our favourite thing to do.
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stardewlegends · 1 month
[Part 2] The Day After The Day Before | Sebastian x Reader, Platonic!Sam x Reader (Angst, mild Fluff)
Category: Angst, Fluff (Mandatory) Age: 18+ Trigger Warnings: Implied non-con, implied sexual assault, physical violence, blood, miscarriage, forced pregnancy, physical violence, verbal abuse, bleeding, head injury, hospitalisation, explicit language Ship: Sebastian x Reader, Platonic!Sam x Reader, implied Sam x Sebastian x Reader Summary: She'd heard so many good things about her best friend, Sam's, father, Kent, and it was true, he was lovely! Right up until he wasn't. How was she meant to tell Sebastian? Sam? The answer is simple: she couldn't. But apparently she couldn't hide it either. Request: N/A Contains Spoilers for: N/A Word Count: 6k
Almost six months have passed since the day (Y/N) learnt she was pregnant with that monster’s child. She decided to keep the baby. It was a hard decision, unsure whether she’d permanently be traumatised every time she looked at her child but thought about it more prominently as Sam’s brother than Kent’s son or daughter.
Sebastian and Sam, as promised, supported her the whole way. It’s not like she had anyone else. Harvey and Maru were judge-free too and have been helping her throughout the entire process.
Sebastian and Sam moved on to the farm with her, Sam occupying the spare room whilst Sebastian shared hers. It was fun. They helped her grow once again into the bright, chatty woman she once was before he took it all away.
Jodi never welcomed Sam back into their home after that Godforsaken day. She spread rumours about Kent’s beaten up face. Said that Sebastian had gaslighted Sam into abusing the family. Said that Sebastian was the one who raped (Y/N). Oh, yeah, a real likely story. Robin and Demetrius tried to get answers out of Sebastian about what actually happened, but he didn’t give them any information. He simply told his mother that he was moving onto the farm with (Y/N) and Sam to support her as she’s pregnant. Clarified it wasn’t his child. Robin didn’t interfere much more than that, Demetrius making snark comments at the boy which is just ignored.
Abigail regularly came by when she could, but Caroline forbid it. Naturally, Jodi opened her mouth and made the farmer the talk of the town. No one really gossiped about it except Jodi. She would do anything to protect her husband, and if that meant making everyone in Pelican Town hate the little bitch who took over the farm then so be it.
On the farm, Sam absolutely adored her chickens. Who knew the skater boy enjoyed farming so much? Sebastian enjoyed collecting fruit from all the trees, being sad in Winter when that wasn’t something he could do. They always went out foraging for some crystal fruits though. The pair made sure that she didn’t have to lift a finger anymore. Not whilst pregnant.
“I wanna go to the saloon.” (Y/N) admits one Friday night as the trio are watching some grid ball game on the television.
The two men look at her with surprised expressions on their faces.
“You serious?”
She nods but keeps her eyes on the screen across the room.
“I miss playing pool on Friday nights. I miss Gus and Emily listening to my boring farm talk, I miss Clint telling me about what cool shit he managed to forge together out of the leftover ore I had, I miss Willy’s voice shaking the place as he tells Clint all about some huge as Scorpion Carp he found…” The woman trails off. “I miss being normal.” “Then let’s go to the saloon.” Sam states. “People are gonna stare…” The woman trails off. “Let them; you look stunning.” Sebastian tells her, watching her blush and curl into him. “He’s right.” The blond adds, smirking and flashing a wink. “Come on, you’ve got me and Seb by your side - nothing will happen to you. Besides, as much as my mom is capable of opening her huge fucking mouth, the town adores you too much to listen.”
(Y/N) wishes she believed him. She’s trying to.
Sam calls up Abigail, asking her to come down and meet them at the saloon. She’s never been so excited to watch the boys play pool.
They walk down, basking in the late-Spring breeze that surrounds them.
“I’ve missed town.” (Y/N) sighs, smiling at the sight of the buildings around her in the town square. “I dunno why, it’s shite.” Sebastian remarks, the trio chuckling at the sarcasm.
They come to a halt outside of the Stardrop, the two men patiently waiting for the woman to be ready to go inside.
“It’ll be okay. My family don’t even come in here.” Sam reassures.
She nods and they finally enter. Peoples heads turn to acknowledge whoever has just walked in and the chat immediately dies down.
(Y/N) wonders if Sebastian is nervous, knowing the rumours were that he’s the one who knocked her up without consent. He doesn’t seem phased. The truth is he isn’t. The people who matter know the truth, and anyone who believes the lies aren’t worth having around.
The farmer’s convinced everyone heard her gulp.
Sam and Sebastian don’t falter, the latter reaching for the woman’s hiding and offering an encouraging smile. He’ll take anything that is thrown her way. Both of them will. She knows it. She’s grateful.
As Sebastian leads her into the pool room, Elliott’s voice speaks up.
“(Y/N),” He calls, the woman freezing. Sam and Sebastian do too. The trio turn to look at the man sitting at the bar, everyone’s eyes on them. “It’s good to see you back.”
The tears that well up in her eyes are staining her cheeks before she can even attempt to hide them.
Elliott smiles and stands up, Leah admiring his confidence, approaching the farmer, opening his arms for a hug which she graciously accepts.
“Thank you so much.” She whimpers into his burgundy jacket. “No need, little lady. We’ve missed you more than you know.”
The red-head offers a smile at the two men whom the farmer walked in with, them returning it with a nod.
“How many weeks are you now?” He asks, admiring the prominent bump under the woman’s dress. “Twenty-four.” She whispers, naturally resting her hands there. “You know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?” “Keeping it a surprise.” “Nice.”
Elliott heads back to the bar, taking a seat by Leah, and (Y/N) continues her path toward the pool table with Sebastian and Sam.
The tension is already gone thanks to Elliott and the night is pretty relaxing. Abigail joins them shortly after they arrive, her constantly talking to the baby bump as if it’s gonna respond.
“I’m gonna go order a drink from the bar - I wanna chat with Gus and Emily.” (Y/N) states, her three friends nodding and smiling in admiration. “Okay, doll; we’ll be right here.”
She nods at Sebastian with a smile before heading over to the bar, standing beside Elliott.
“Hey, Gus,” She greets, the bartender offering her a warm smile. “Evenin’, farmer. Good to see ya face again. What’re ya havin’?”
She giggles at his attempted farmer’s accent.
“Just a blackcurrant and soda water, please?” “Comin’ right up, ma’am.” “It really is good to see your face again, (Y/N).” Elliott comments, turning to face the woman once again. “I appreciate it so much.” She whispers, tearing up again.
He smiles and wraps his arm around her before picking up his drink.
“Ladies and Gents, if I could have your attention, please,” The red-head begins, (Y/N)’s eyes widening. “I’d like to raise a toast to our sweetheart of a farmer who joined our wonderful town and naturally made it a better place. She hasn’t been able to have our support lately but I’d like everyone now to raise a toast to this little lady in congratulations of the wonderful baby they’re carrying.” He announces, eyes locking with everyone in the bar. “To (Y/N)!”
And everyone does toast. Drinks in the air. Everyone cheering. Hell, even Clint does and he’s as quiet as anything.
The woman hides her face in Elliott’s jacket in embarrassment. He chuckles and strokes her back.
There’s some fun chat and banter throughout the bar as (Y/N) catches up with everyone, quickly feeling a lot more welcome in her local despite what her worrying thoughts warned her about.
So much fun going on that she doesn’t acknowledge the saloon doors opening.
“Well, well, well, this all looks awfully friendly.”
(Y/N) freezes up at the voice. She’s stood at the bar talking to Emily, the door directly behind her, along with the wife of that monster.
“Surprised the whore actually decided to show her face again.”
The farmer’s eyes clench shut as she fears everything that’s about to happen. Sam and Sebastian hear the voice and stride over to the archway that connects the pool room to the main bar.
“I presume you’ve also fucked the bitch by now, Samson.” Jodi snarks, turning to look at her son who stares her down.
Sebastian looks ready to kill.
“Jodi, I’m afraid if you’re going to be rude, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Gus states, trying to remain professional.
The woman smirks.
“Why do I have to leave when that little rat has been spreading her legs for everyone in order to ruin my life!?”
(Y/N) is trembling now, hands gripping onto the bar as if it’s keeping her from collapsing.
“Jodi,” Elliott speaks up, giving the woman a glare that tells her not to start. “Gus asked you to leave.” “Are you all stupid!?” “Mom-” “Don’t you dare call me your fucking mother!” Jodi instantly interrupts her son, pointing her finger.
Sam gulps but is prepared to fight this battle.
“And you!” The woman continues, pointing at the dark-haired boy standing beside her son. “You manipulative, gaslighting little shit!”
Sebastian doesn’t falter at her words. She’s delusional.
“What did you think you’d gain out of making my own son hate his father!?” “Kent did that himself.” The boy remarks, Jodi’s eyes flaring up with more anger. “You’re sick. You’re fucked in the head.”
Sebastian’s convinced that if his mother was here, she’d have lost her shit at Jodi by now.
“Perhaps, but my husband didn’t rape someone half his age whilst still married, so I guess I’ve got that going for me.”
The tension in the room is suffocating. People’s eyes widen as they acknowledge the truth in Sebastian’s words. Kent was the one who got her pregnant.
“Let’s just go.” (Y/N) manages, turning to look at her two best friends.
Jodi scoffs.
“Yeah, that’s right, run back to that petty little farm that you can’t even run properly so drag those two down with you. My son had a future before you fucked him up!”
The farmer sighs and turns around to finally meet Jodi’s glare.
The woman’s eyes widen at the sight of her belly and (Y/N) very rapidly realises that Jodi didn’t know.
“You have got to be fucking joking me.”
The woman at the bar freezes, shaking once more.
“I’m just gonna go home.” She manages, taking a step forward and turning toward the archway where her two best friends are standing, but that’s when Sebastian screams.
Everything happens too fast.
(Y/N)’s head whips back around just in time to see Jodi lunging for her, shoving the farmer with enough force to send her stumbling back into the bar, knocking the wind out of her, before falling into the bar stools and to the ground.
Sebastian and Sam dove forward but weren’t as fast as the silent man in the blue Joja jacket who grabs Jodi by her throat and slams her up against the wall of the saloon.
(Y/N)’s breaths are heavy, moaning in pain, hands wrapping around her belly as her two best friends drop down beside her, along with Elliott and Leah.
“I was always taught to never hit a woman but you’re no fucking lady.” Shane all but growls as Jodi gasps for breath, hands clawing at the man’s hand in an attempt to alleviate his grip. “Shane-” She gasps, eyes wide. “I could fucking kill you, you know that?” The man warns, grip not faltering. “You had the audacity to tell everyone in this town that Sebastian touched her without permission when in reality it was your shit-eating husband.” “Shane…” Marnie’s voice manages to reach his ears. He forgot she was here, to be honest. He doesn’t care.
Marnie isn’t telling him to stop, no. Marnie agrees wholeheartedly with his actions. He knows that. She’s warning him to be careful. To not get caught.
With another shove into the wall, Shane drops the woman, Jodi dropping to her knees as she gasps for breath once more. The man spins around and acknowledges Sebastian and Sam helping the pregnant woman stand up.
And that’s when he sees it.
“Get her to Harvey.” He states, eyes wide. “Yeah, no shit.” Sam manages, not intending to come across harshly. “No, seriously,” Shane adds. “Guys…” Elliott speaks up, Sebastian and Sam looking down and seeing the red stains on the floor where (Y/N) was lay.
The same red stains at the bottom of her dress. The same red stains leaking down her legs.
The two boys’ eyes widen and they look at one another before looking at the girl they’re holding who’s eyes are also on the mess.
“No…” She whimpers, legs giving in but Sebastian and Sam catch her. “Come on, baby, we’ve gotta get you to Harvey. The dark-haired boy manages, heading toward the door. “No, no, no, no, no, please!” She’s screaming. Sobbing. Her heart is shattering and everyone can see it.
Shane opens the door for the boys, sprinting ahead and banging on Harvey’s door.
“HARV, OPEN UP! EMERGENCY!” He yells, Sam and Sebastian slowly approaching with the screaming woman in their arms. “FOR FUCKS SAKE, HARVEY, OPEN UP!”
The doctor sprints to the door scared that Shane has relapsed once again, but this is so much worse.
“She’s bleeding.” They’re the only words Sam manages as he meets the scared gaze of Harvey.
He nods and ushers them inside, quickly preparing a bed for the woman where he injects her with some substance or other to knock her out, her screams dying down.
Sam and Sebastian are stood by the bed, bloodstains on their clothes, eyes wide as Harvey begins to work on the woman.
“Guys, come on, you’ve gotta let him work.” Shane attempts, they listen. They stare at the woman with lost eyes but let Shane lead them outside of the room.
They’re lost. Sam and Sebastian. Shane is talking to them both but neither of them can understand any of the words he’s saying. They simply manage to find each others’ gaze and cling onto each other in a bone-shattering hug.
Shane’s breaths are heavy. He isn’t exactly best friends with the farmer but she’s the only one who never judged him. She would always sit with him and have a drink. Buy him a pint or two. Saved his life when he hit an all-time low. He saw her as a friend, and she saw him as an equal. That was more than enough for him.
When he heard the gossip that Kent was attacked by Sebastian because the soldier threatened to expose that the quiet emo both was a rapist, he didn’t believe it. How could he? (Y/N) treated Sebastian with the same amount of care that she treated himself with. Now he knows he was right. Sebastian isn’t a bad guy, but that fucking asshole…
Hours pass. How many? Neither of the men are sure. Sebastian told Shane to go home after he calmed down. Thanked the man for defending (Y/N). Shane could only apologise that he wasn’t quick enough to stop the initial hit - Sam and Sebastian told him it wasn’t his fault. He wishes he believed them.
Harvey’s footsteps echo across the surgery, Sam and Sebastian immediately up on their feet and looking at the man with so much anticipation
“She’s still out but will probably wake in the next hour or so.” The doctor begins, the men somewhat nodding but awaiting the more important information.
Harvey sighs and removes his glasses from his face and ruffling his hair.
“Gents, I’m sorry, but the baby didn’t make it.”
Sebastian’s body starts to shut down. He remains frozen, eyes staring lifelessly at the brunet in front of him.
“Seb,” Sam whispers, noticing the absence of life in his friend.
The blond’s heartbroken. He’s crying. Not only was that his best friend’s kid, it was his half-brother.
Sebastian’s face turns to look at Sam, still remaining stoic.
“Why her?” He whispers, Harvey tearing up at the question. “What did she ever do to deserve this?”
Sam lets out a sob and shakes his head, looking around the room for the answer that doesn’t exist.
“She didn’t deserve this.” Is all he can whisper.
Another two hours pass. The two men are sitting on either side of her bed as she stirs. No words have been said between them.
A groan rumbles in her throat as the blinding light of the hospital room takes over her vision.
Sebastian is holding one hand whilst Sam is holding the other.
“Take it easy.” Sebastian whispers.
When the room finally starts to make more sense, the woman glances over at Sebastian and Sam.
“Hey…” It’s muffled against the oxygen mask covering her face. “Hi, gorgeous.” The dark-haired boy murmurs, forcing a smile despite his painfully obvious tear-stains.
She takes a moment to remember everything that happened but the gasp that escapes her follows a number of beeps from the monitors she’s hooked up to.
“Woah, hey, hey, hey, baby, calm down,” “Woah, (Y/N), it’s okay!”
Sam and Sebastian are both up on their feet trying to calm the now frantic woman down.
“Breathe, baby, breathe.” Sebastian attempts, watching her head drop down and hands jump to her, now, flat belly. “No, no, no, NO, NO, NO!” She’s ripping the mask off of her face, tearing at all the wires in her body, throwing the bedsheets off of her as she gets a better look at her stomach.
Sebastian wraps his arms fully around the woman, cocooning her against him, whilst Sam stumbles back and throws his head back against the wall. His fists are clenched as silent tears pour down his face.
It took the woman months to come to terms with her pregnancy and decide she wanted it, picturing the perfect life with Sebastian and Sam by her side, but it's been ripped away from her.
“WHERE’S MY BABY!? WHERE’S MY BABY!?” She’s screaming, Sebastian sobbing and trying to keep her trapped against his body to stop her flailing about. “(Y/N), doll, shh, it’s okay, it’s okay, breathe for me.”
Harvey comes sprinting into the room and sees the state of the woman who’s just woken.
“SOMEBODY TELL ME WHERE MY BABY IS-” The woman’s screams fade out as Harvey injects her with some sort of drug to knock her out. “I’m sorry, I was upstairs organising some files.” The doctor utters, Sebastian pulling back from the woman so Harvey can fix up her wires.
The two boys don’t respond.
“What do we do, Harvey?” Sam whispers, still leaning against the wall, staring aimlessly at the unconscious woman. “She’s going to take a while to recover but with the right support around her, I think she’ll be fine.”
More silence.
“Can she ever get pregnant again?” Sebastian manages, voice barely above a whisper. “Yes.”
It’s barely enough to relieve either of the men.
“Can she have sex?” The darker-haired boy continues to ask as many questions as possible, wanting to be ready to answer everything the woman may have when she wakes again. “Yes, but I would recommend waiting a couple of weeks before inserting anything into her vagina. Her cervix is open so she’s prone to infection.” Harvey answers all the questions with explicit professionalism. “Is she gonna be in pain?” Sam manages, his eyes flitting to Harvey for a moment before returning to (Y/N). “Some pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstrual cramp pain, is quite common after a miscarriage,”
Sebastian’s eyes clench shut at the word itself.
“This should only last a couple of days really; if there’s any noticeably bad pain then you can come back to me and I can offer painkillers, but I won’t let her out of here until she feels up to it anyway.”
They both manage a nod.
“Is there anything we can do for her?” “She needs to continue to eat and drink plenty even though she may not feel up to it. Try and stop her doing physical work on the farm, she needs rest.” The boys continue to nod in understanding as Harvey speaks. “She will probably struggle to sleep for a while honestly.”
There’s silence after that as Harvey switches about the wires and tubes in the woman’s body.
“If she wakes up again, press this button and I’ll be right in.” “Thanks, Harvey.”
It’s an hour later when the doctor returns with a knock at the door.
“Sorry to interrupt, gents, but Robin is here and has asked if she can see you, Sebastian?” Harvey states, Sam looking at his friend, curious for the response. “Is she welcome in here?”
Harvey nods.
“Of course.”
A moment later, another knock followed by Robin’s entry. She looks like she’s going to cry when she looks at (Y/N)’s, practically lifeless, body laying on the medical bed.
“Hi…” She whispers, looking at her son with uncertainty.
Sebastian stands up and hugs his mother in that moment.
“Oh, Sebby…”
A sob escapes the boy’s lips.
“She didn’t deserve any of this, mom.”
Robin remains silent for a moment, glancing over at the blond across the room who’s staring at the floor, crying once again.
“What’s gone on, Sebastian?” She whispers, hands stroking the back of her heartbroken son.
The pair pull back and sit down, Sebastian’s eyes returning to the unconscious woman.
“(Y/N) and I have had a ‘friends with benefits’ arrangement for a little while now - discussed dating and stuff but decided we’re not quite ready for it,” The boy begins, Robin holding his hand and stroking it. “I know full well I’ll never love another woman the same way I love her.”
He pauses, trying to find a starting point.
“When you and Demetrius were away on your anniversary trip, I had Abigail, (Y/N) and Sam over to play some video games and shit. Everyone left except (Y/N), but she was packing her stuff as if ready to leave; she normally stays the night. I wrapped my arms around her and asked if she was leaving already but she froze.” He pauses, remembering the exact moment he held the woman he loves in his arms and she froze up like he just made the worst mistake of his life. “Like, really froze. It scared me. I let go. She said she had some farm stuff to take care of and started heading toward the door but I grabbed her wrist - not hard! But she fucking screamed. Stumbled into the wall and stared at me like I just burnt her.”
Robin doesn’t tell the boy off for swearing on this occasion.
“She ran out after that. I was scared shitless. I saw it in her eyes that she was fucking traumatised. She’s never been like that - certainly not with me. She loves physical affection and shit, she would never react like that. Anyway, I sat and thought it over for a while, worried about what the fuck I’d done to make her so fucking scared of me, and realised I hadn’t done anything, and even if I had, she would’ve told me. We’re best friends, she tells me everything…”
Robin is tearing up as she listens to what her son has been through whilst she’s been completely oblivious.
“I decided to deal with it later cause it was late. Next morning I call by Pierre’s to ask Abby for her help, grabbed Sam too, and told them what had happened. Sam immediately suggested that someone’s hurt her, agreeing that it’s not like her to turn down physical affection, especially screaming from a touch. We went to her place - she was still in the same clothes she fell asleep in which worried me too. We asked her if someone had hurt her and she lost it. She broke down in tears as we asked her more and more questions trying to get to the bottom of whatever the fuck had happened.”
Sebastian pauses as he sniffles and wipes the tears from his face.
“She told us she was raped; admitted it was Kent. Said she didn’t wanna tell us because he’s Sam’s dad. She didn’t want Sam to lose the father he’s been waiting years for.”
Robin’s eyes turn to the blond across the room, seeing his eyes clenched shut, fists tight, tears falling.
“Sam didn’t believe her first - I don’t blame him, but I knew (Y/N) would never lie to us, especially about something like this. Sam stormed out and gave Kent a hefty punch or two, I followed - scared Sam might take it too far.”
He fucking deserved it. Those are Sam’s unvoiced thoughts.
“He fucking deserved it though.” Sebastian voices his thoughts anyway. “I went in and Kent was mouthing off some shit about how she was asking for it and shit-talking her, so I lost my fucking cool and gave the guy a good hit.” “Or ten.” Sam quietly remarks, a very brief smirk on his lips. “The asshole deserved it. Anyway, I was stopped because (Y/N) and Abby turned up and I didn’t want her to see that. She passed out after Kent spat out some more utter bullshit. I carried her up to ours since you guys were away - figured she could do with somewhere away from her own house and that fucker’s.”
Robin is crying but lets her son finish.
“I just let her rest for a few days. She didn’t say or do much, we just watched some TV, I read to her, made her food, bla bla, then one day she asked if she could speak to Maru as she realised she could have damage, infections, possible pregnancy, which I hadn’t even fucking thought about.” “You can’t beat yourself up over this, Seb.” Sam manages, sparing a glance at the dark-haired boy.
Sebastian gulps but continues.
“I asked if she was sure and she said yes, so we spoke to Maru who got us in with Harvey that very evening. Found out she was pregnant. We slept on it since she was unsure what she wanted to do. Sam came over the next day to see how (Y/N) was doing - and because Jodi and Kent kicked him out, Jodi losing her shit and saying I was gaslighting them both or some dumb fucking shit,” He takes a deep breath, trying to remain calm. “We eventually agreed to move to the farm, all three of us, and she decided she was going to keep the baby - wanted to try and get something good out of this whole shit show.” “So when did Kent actually…” Robin trails off, not wanting to break her son even more. “End of Spring - like, a fucking week after he came back to Pelican Town.” Her son confirms. “Anyway, I’m sure you’ve heard the drama of what happened in the saloon. (Y/N) decided she missed going out. We were all very aware of Jodi spreading utter bullshit in order to protect to darling husband and whatever, so we’d all been on the down-low for a while. We decided to go to the saloon, Sam and I very ready to protect her from any bullshit thrown her way, but Elliott grabbed our attention as we came in and said she’d been missed. Later in the night, she was chatting to everyone, Elliott raised a toast to congratulate her on her pregnancy, it was really nice to see her smiling again.” “She was glowing.” Sam whispers, Sebastian managing a momentary smile. “Yeah. Anyway, Jodi turns up at like eleven PM, starts shit-talking (Y/N), me, Sam… You probably would’ve smacked her.”
Robin attempts a small chuckle.
“(Y/N) says she’s just gonna leave and doesn’t want to cause any drama, but Jodi obviously wasn’t aware she was pregnant and lost her shit, shoving her back into the bar. She fell down, smacked her body on the stools and her head on the floor. Sam and I were too far away to fucking stop it. Shane stepped in though, pinned the bitch up against the wall and threatened her. (Y/N) was bleeding… a lot. Shane helped Sam and I get her here, but she, uh, the baby didn’t make it.”
“And now we’re here.” “What time even is it?” Sam manages. “Just after one PM.” Robin confirms.
The boy nods.
“I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t talk to me about all this. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this has been on you. Both of you.”
Sebastian attempts an appreciative smile but it barely lasts a second.
“Come here, Samson.” Robin adds, standing up and opening her arms for the boy. “Robin, thank you, but-” “Come here.” She doesn’t take no for an answer, simply smiling and accepting the embrace. “You’re always welcome into my home.”
He squeezes a little tighter.
“Thank you.” “You and Sebastian have always been like brothers anyway.”
He pulls back and smiles
“He drives me crazy like a brother.”
She manages a chuckle.
“He drives me crazy like a son.” “I’m right here.” It’s a sarcastic remark from the dark-haired boy. “Has she woken up yet?” The carpenter asks, taking a seat back beside her son. “Yeah, but she realised her bump was gone and lost her mind; Harvey had to inject her with some anaesthetic or something to knock her back out.” “Oh, bless her.”
Some time passes and Robin says she’ll head off, not wanting to intrude when the woman wakes up once more. What she doesn’t tell either of the men is that she’s going to add some renovations to the woman’s farm, free of charge, to help accommodate all three of them, and a baby in future if she wishes to try again.
Sam stands up and walks over to sit beside his best friend, taking his hand.
“I’m sorry, Seb.” “Do you think she’ll be okay?” Sebastian whispers, not taking his eyes off of the girl.
The blond pauses, contemplating his answer.
“We’ll make sure she is.”
Another forty-five minutes pass before the woman begins to stir, Sebastian immediately noticing the way her eyelids twitch. He presses the emergency button to contact Harvey straight away, praying that they can keep her calm enough to stay awake this time round.
The running footsteps resound in the small medical room the three of them are occupying, Harvey unlocking the door with worried eyes.
“She’s twitching a little - stirring - I think she’s gonna wake up; I figured I’d get you here first.” Sebastian briefs, the doctor nodding and checking over her machines and stats once again.
The woman groans, feeling exhausted, which is bizarre given that she’s waking up. Her body feels like it’s got the weight of Lewis’ truck resting on it.
What the hell?
“(Y/N), can you hear me?”
Is that… Harvey’s voice?
“If you can hear me, love, can you try and give me a sign? Wiggle your fingers or toes?”
Why the hell wouldn’t she be able to hear him? He sounds like he’s right beside her.
Nonetheless, she complies and attempts to move her digits.
“Perfect. Okay, (Y/N), I’m going to tell you a few things but I need you to remain calm, okay? Despite everything I’m reminding you of, you’re one-hundred percent safe right here right now.”
She’s clearly in the hospital.
Another mining accident? She usually can hear Marlon nagging in her ear by now though about how reckless she is.
“You’re in the hospital due to getting hurt when in the saloon. You were pushed and fell to the floor. Do you remember?”
Who in the hell of Stardew Valley would push her?
“Can you hear me, doll?”
Attempted finger movements.
She also tries to turn her head toward her best friend’s voice but her eyes aren’t assisting just yet.
“Hey, pretty girl,” She fails to see the soft smile on Sebastian’s face, perfectly paired up with the tears staining his cheeks. “You remember Sam’s family?”
Oh, fuck-
Another gasp and she feels multiple hands on her body as if pinning her down.
“Breathe, doll, it’s okay.” “(Y/N), remember that you’re safe.” Harvey inputs. “Don’t panic, you’re okay, I promise.”
The pet name ‘baby’ is on the tip of Sebastian’s tongue, but there’s a time and a place for that…
“Just focus on staying calm, doll, or else we can’t help you.”
She was pregnant.
The saloon.
Jodi was pissed.
Jodi didn’t know she was pregnant - how!?
She was pushed.
The blood.
Her baby…
“Try and stay calm, (Y/N).” Harvey’s voice interrupts her thoughts once more; it’s then that she realises how obnoxiously loud the beeping of her heart monitor is as it gets faster.
With struggling efforts, the woman manages to move one of her hands across her body to her flat stomach.
She lost the baby.
There’s no way she had the baby - she had two months left.
Is that possible?
Perhaps this was the way it was meant to be.
With strain, she manages to open her eyes, the blinding hospital lights barely hurting in comparison to the loss of her baby.
“Welcome back, (Y/N).” The doctor greets, but she hasn’t even looked at any of the men in the room yet. “Just to make you aware, I’m in the room along with Sebastian and Sam.”
“Hey, (Y/N).” The blond comments.
She doesn’t respond.
Eventually, she manages to turn her head and acknowledge the doctor beside her. He offers a reassuring smile and waits patiently for her to feel comfortable.
She then rolls her head around and sees the two boys standing side by side, both crying and looking like they haven’t slept in days. Or showered. Or eaten.
With slow, mechanical movements, the farmer reaches up and slowly slides down the oxygen mask covering her mouth. She licks her lips and moistens her mouth, feeling just how dry her throat is.
“You two look like shit.”
Sam can’t help the laugh that erupts from his throat, mixed with a sob or two. Sebastian simply smiles and shakes his head.
“Missed you too, gorgeous.” The latter mutters. “You’re not lookin’ too hot yourself, farmer.” Sam adds, jokingly.
She attempts a smile before turning to look back at Harvey.
“How long have I been out?” “Eighteen hours-ish.” The doctor confirms. “You woke up about ten hours ago but weren’t doing so good.”
She nods.
“I lost the baby?”
The anguish on Harvey’s face is enough to know.
“I’m really sorry, (Y/N). I tried everything I could.”
She simply smiles and nods before turning to look at the two boys on the other side of her.
“Are you mad?”
The men's faces contort into confusion and shock.
“Mad? Why on Earth would we be mad? Of course we’re not mad, doll, we’re just glad you’re okay.” Sebastian assures the woman, resting a hand on her matted hair. “(Y/N), I’m just glad you’re alive and breathing.” Sam adds.
Harvey answers every question the woman has, brings her some food and drink, and leaves the trio to chat amongst themselves.
“I love you both very much.” “We love you very much, pretty girl.” Sebastian smiles. “My mom came by earlier, by the way - I told her everything.”
(Y/N) nods.
“Does she hate me?” “Of course she doesn’t hate you, (Y/N).”
“I want to go home.” “We can go home whenever Harvey says so.” “Will you both stay with me?” “(Y/N),” “Doll,”
Sam and Sebastian begin at the same time, (Y/N) giggling at their synchronisation.
“I think I can speak for Sebastian as well as myself when I say we don’t plan on leaving your side for the rest of our lives.”
It was at that moment that (Y/N) looked at Sam in the same light she looks at Sebastian in.
But three’s a crowd.
Sebastian sees the conflict in the woman’s eyes and it makes him grin.
“We’ll figure it out, pretty girl.” The emo boy comments, flashing a wink as she realises he can read her like a picture book. “I love you both.” “We love you too, farmer.”
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okthatsgreat · 5 months
Ocs in AHL anon here, I'm now wondering how well your OCs would deal with the Convention from lgowab.
YOURE SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok ok ok so. long story short: not fucking well
just to get her out of the way, i honestly think billie would be fine. shes fifteen years old but not a season 53 member so i guess she'd be a spinoff character?? not involved in the main plot, kinda like a warrior of hope maybe. shes unassuming and nobody would be actively targeting her, she would NEVER be chosen as an enforcement team member, so as long as she keeps to herself she'd be fine. honestly it would just come down to luck, worst case scenario she gets gunned down after a failed task (this honestly seems most likely lmfao).
i think season 50 would be eighteen/nineteen at this point (since their season aired mayyyybe threeish years ago), so unfortunately most of the convention considers them to be past the age of "kids". which means theres not gonna be a lot of people watching out for them. Sad! sae is one of the "older" participants at 34 so she'd really be on her own here
from most to least likely to survive/what probably happened to them here we go (THIS IS NOT INCLUDING THE RANDOM FACTOR OF THEM BEING GUNNED DOWN BY THE FAILED TASK!!! ALSO TW FOR SUICIDE):
yoshito is fine i think. he's a protagonist that is liked enough and pretty damn harmless in most peoples eyes, so he'd have some kind of influence and isnt likely to be targeted. he wouldnt be asked into the enforcement team but he'd likely lean more towards the future foundation's side. he'd absolutely be in mental agony over his "i can save everybody" mentality but he'd make it out alive!
mika is smart enough to stick by yoshito and has been with danganronpa enough to learn how to survive it, she's scrappy and headstrong and i reckon she'd be fine. again she would lean more towards the future foundation side of things, would have major feelings of inadequacy and would have multiple breakdowns throughout the entirety of the convention but would probably make it out with a few scratches
sae would be asked onto the enforcement team just because of her physical strength and she would not have a good time about it, might have a target on her back during the latter half of the game but would be fine for most of it. would spiral quite a bit and definitely emerges with like a million mental illnesses resurfacing
rie is smart about appearances and extremely paranoid about her safety after her killing game so she would do quite a lot to survive. not sure if this includes killing anybody but she would deffffinitely change quite a bit. joining the enforcement team will be veryyyy difficult just because she isn't close enough to mondo/sayaka to get in while the team is being formed and she can't sell her smarts like miu did, but i think she'd try? that, or i can see her forming a more lowkey kind of alliance just so she has more people around her to protect her. super paranoid about not dying again, definitely has an ugly breakdown at some point, probably attracts a bit more attention than she would like to
ryobe would struggle BAD. BADLY. he has serious trauma from getting killed by a gun and what is the primary weapon of this convention? GUNS. he would be a completely different person, genuinely so frightened and traumatised, totally unlike his normally goofy and lighthearted self. would get irritated easily and become emotional at the drop of a hat. i have no doubt in my mind he would run around like mad and get himself caught in even further chaos. also he's the antag of his season so he has somewhat of a target already. would definitely need to be wrangled in to survive
erin would be in TROUBLEE since she has already been established as an AHL member. major target, massive presence, would really struggle to keep up her persona and actually could become quite violent if provoked and frightened enough. i think it's unlikely she survives this one to be real with you
straight up i think naomi just takes herself out i dont think there is a universe where she doesnt have a serious psychotic break and kill herself to be real with you. she can not handle another killing game and especiallyyy after her killing game and all of the trauma she is struggling to endure she would absolutely be the person who walks off the roof at the beginning of the story
and andi, of course, is a hologram
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yatorihell · 5 months
Noragami Reread Volume 18-21
We've finally come back to the original wish, and there's a lot of foreshadowing going on... I wish I had Discord emojis
Vol 18
Takemika and Yato still fist fighting in the background as their guides chat
Kiun defending Takemika's actions from Sekiun
This is the first time we've seen Nora get banged up this badly
Nana sees a whole army and is ready to catch hands I love her
Kazuma shows up to stop Bishamon and the whole flashback of him hold her hand
'I will always be by your side' (40 chapters later)
God remember when this chapter dropped and so did Kazuma hhfg
The whole flashback of Kazubisha then going to current situation I hate this manga
Who's that beefcake god Yato took the garment from hello
'You will never save anyone' vs recent chapter
Father neck cut tracker: 1
Baby Yato panel and then he just obliterates Heaven
'I'm not letting dad kill another drinking buddy' then he slashes her
Oh I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad that Kazuma is carried away
Oh I'm so sad Adachitoka I'm going to kill myself in front of you that flashback to choki vs the bloody ear I'll never forgive you
Oh yes we're back to tying up Yato
Hiyori imagining Yato dying like Ebisu then going to be useful find Bishamon
Yato popping off on heaven
Amaterasu reveal followed by immediate death sentence hshdh
BOXKINE ARRIVES @boxkine I miss you <3
God remember when we got that memory page and dissected the hell out of it, thentheories on what container it was
Tenjin coming in clutch with the trial by pledge
Remember the reaction to Tsuyu getting beheaded jsbdbn Tenjin and Yato's faces when it happens
Daikoku volunteering I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
Yato's reaction to it all I hate this
Yukine memories breaking through nsbdb hell
Yato's dark nature seeping out why couldn't you show it to us king
Oh remember how bad this cliffhanger was with the fact Kofuku is a bad luck charm
Volume 19
Oh Hiyori's hand on Yato's face she's so relieved
Small trio panel jsbd
Kofuku’s guilt over not wanting to risk Daikoku but tbf they all acknowledge they wouldn't risk their own guides
Hiyori waiting for Yukine to fall asleep before leaving him
Yukine's bloody nails not a foreshadowing at all
Kuraha scratching the door, poor thinvs stuck in form until Bishamon wakes up in 5 years
Arahabaki faking Nana's death to bring her home
'I abandoned my little girl' there are several daddy issues in this manga
Yukine trauma getting stuck in the dark it gets worseee
Adachitoka sweetening us up with happy trio panel as if they didn't just traumatise Yukine
Time for a lughthearted chapter of Ebisu getting kidnapped
Kunimi bargaining for vacation time as if Ebisu's life isn't on the line
Kunimi with no sleep is how I feel
Little Nora is so innocent she won't kill you
Ebisu not cared for and he knows he'll be replaced, but at this point it's child neglect
'Death doesn't mean the end of flesh it's the end of memories' running of the most recent chapter live laugh lobotomy
Hiyori being useful finding Ebisu with scent
Remember the superkunimi photoshop trend we did
Oh Hiyori and Yukine height difference grows I'm so sad
Yukine having a scary dream but it was Yato and he felt better
Adachitoka is really giving the trio content before separating them for like 5 years
Hiyori narcolepsy plot finally returns
Oh look at all the photos I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
Hiyori shooting down the flash mob idea and it happens anyway
THOSE COLD DEAD EYES I mean it's accurate
Yato thinking Bishamon can come as if she isn't hanging by a thread
Takemika joining because he thinks it'll teach him how to be like Yato hdhd
Nora fuck off I forgot what you're about to do
Oh they're at the naming place I'm so sad
Oh I'm going to end it the blossoms and his real name is spring tree oh I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
Hiyori's wearing her old uniform and Yato notices she's grown
Nora you fucking slut you ruined the whole chapter (I'm not slut shaming I'm just mad)
Oh Yatori are ao happy it's gunna end so soon
Yato forbidding Yukine's romance ahhg
Takemika just bursting through the roof like it's nothing
God another ablution for Yukine you'd think he'd just come out with it after the last time
Kiun is a whore confirmed
Oh this is the last time the three of them are together I'm so sad it was when Yukine runs off and then jdjdbd
'You think Yaboku's going to come for his daddy's head' yes <3
God what is that face Nora I can't tell if she actually likes Yukine
Nora girl bossing gaslighting herself into Takemika's employ
Oh my god as soon as I saw Hiyori with the bike I realised where I was I hate this
'Maybe you don't even realise when you're in love' what if I died
He's following Bishamons plan I'm so sad
'I KNOW THAT YOU WILL NEVER FORGET ME HIYORI' Oh my god its because he believes he can be reincarnated from Hiyori
Vol 20
Yato really giving it all up about Father he's finally serious about ending it
'I wanted to be together until the very last second' vs recent chapter
'I still have Hiyori' he's thinking of reincarnation he puts so much belief in her
Arahabaki is basically running an orphanage
Nana hunted a bear for dinner jsbdb
'I don't want anyone taken from me ever again' vs recent chapter
Yato clicking Bishamon is unprotected then flashing to Father killing her oh we were so pressed after this chapter
Oh that intro had us we thought Bishamon reincarnated
Rip Kuguha you duplicitous bitch
Kazuma hatred for himself and everyone else he's microwave meal ready to be your burial vessel
Yato admitting he admired Bishamon and he was jealous as a war god
'I want you to die Yato' isn't that the bloody mood
Iwami not wanting to change history so he lets it repeat over and over watching this child suffer
Kazuma giving Harry Potter vibes with that unbreakable tracking spell on him and Nora
Nora showing up to Yukine saying she's been abandoned and her names are gone this was sus in the first place but we had a few nice chapters from it
Saying it was a lie liking him but Yukine still seems to like her
Oooo Father you're a mean one you're so slimy die
Nora wanted names to fill a void because she's not figured out she wants to live
Yukine wanting to take care of Nora
Yato just name him why do you feel such a way about sharing shinki bsbd
'Sweet innocent girl as a human sacrifice' fucjifbh
Hiyori death forshadowing tracker: 5
'You'll never have Yato' hhdbd probably not
Kazuma projecting his rejection from Bishamon on Hiyori telling her to try confessing to Yato
A GOD AND A HUMAN CAN NEVER BE TOGETHER we've just been ignoring the signs <3
Kazuma forcing Yato to name him and kissing his Kazu name I'm unwell
Oh they're both crying same
'So I never forget' girl you're about to forget so hard
'A gentler version of myself would suit him better' fuckifnnf Yukine would be such a good big brother
Hiyori's diary must show up in the final chapter it is the catalyst
Tenjin knew she liked Yato all this time jdbd
'They spend countless reincarnations waiting and that something becomes cherished' Oh Yato's going to be waiting for her when she's an old lady like grandpa Iki
'God's love isn't only about giving also taking' vs recent chapter
'Whether you live and forget or die and forget you have to give an answer' I hate this manga
Yukinora hanging out and him treating her like she's alive
'If I'm going to forget it'll be like we never met at all' hate hate hate
Volume 21
Hiyori ignoring the warning from teacher about falling behind and going to look for Yato girl you may as well die
Rekki practice
Father reincarnated into random bodies which is interesting, and he got the powers of a god after returning from yomi?
Yukine daddy issues have been stirred
'Nora died a terrible death'
Oh no Yukine's thinking about his death
Yukine came that close to breaking Daikoku and Kiun
Kofuku knows Yukine's is doomed I hate this, I wonder where they go since they disappear for a while
Yukine starts looking at news articles about people who have died sjd
Nora trying to stop Yukine but it turns out she's not trying she's sowing the seeds for him to seek out Father
'I want to meet my mum and dad' are you sure about that
'I chose to stay on this side, it's fine this way' ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT
'You're smiling and that bothers me' fucking mood
Father's really just a bastard and now Hiyori's cord is damaged
Masaomi forgot Yato but not the shadow or ayakashi which is interesting for Hiyori's future links to Yato
Hiyori death foreshadowing tracker: 6
Masaomi remembers Yato and says was good looking but kind of pathetic djdnnd that's how I like my men
Kazuma doesn't realise Bishamon chose Nana so Kaazuma wouldn't die
Bishamon tear oh she heard it all I'm so sad
Yato in the traffic cone using Takemika as target practice kdnc
I'm not gunna get won over by the Sorcerer' ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT
Oh he's taken the protection charm he believes in it (it doesn't really work <3)
Vomiting is this the last time he sees his home (Kofuku’s)
Poor Ebisu please learn to dress it's not hard
Takemika's messy hair is a look
Daddy Daikoku making a kite with Yukine
Ajshbd coo phone taking a dump on Takemika
Rip Takemika Kofuku is swearing vengeance
So the og plan is the Gods go hunting with Amaterasu without shinki
Yukine you dumb bitch this manga could've ended like 26 chapters early and with significantly less trauma
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owlphibiansprite · 2 months
SO I HAVE BEEN TYPING UP ALL MY THOUGHTS AS I WATCHED HERE YA GO EPISODE 1 COMMENTARY IS POSTED A FEW HOURS AGO and as i watched i got more tired and less wanting to write stuff down
ep3: "burying their feelings"… come on. this whole storyline is just dumb. these kids are actually smart, barring spider of course. like they know by then that the patriarchy is bullshit, right? this whole "men biologically stronger thing", right? this whole "we're men we do this" thing. like c'mon malakai doesn't actually believe this shit…?
(oh also just thinking about ca$h & how darren kinda almost believed chook and how that literally wouldn't make sense cuz he's asexual but also chook was being really traumatising assault-y in that moment so it kinda makes sense if that shook darren and they are prepared to believe the worst of ca$h)
watching this season i am actually full of anxiety half the time. this is rly frustrating. i rly hate this cumlords storyline like it just feels so ooc for many boys the quinni scenes are my only solace
heh! ca$h doing the cook "fuck it" thing with the drugs CA$H ON DRUGS SCENE IS PURE ART
no seriously i rly don't like this season maybe i'm not high enough or maybe i'm not in the right frame of mind but i LOVED the first season but the second one is… idk. giving so much space to boys being patriarchal storyline like i don't fucking care about this ffs
amerie & quinni shenanigans are the best :D these two are such gremlins together
ep4: quinni is literally the highlight of this whole season right now
is no one gonna talk about how timothy is here talking over jojo and interrupting her plans and demeaning her and touching her in a patronising way? what if jojo did this to him. hm?
is everyone seriously that dumb to blame amerie for a recording someone else played during the activity?
ep5: well, i guess jojo is getting roped into this once again and is blamed for this misogynist white man's mistakes. anything else new?
oof feeling quinni a lot ca$h & quinni quality time let's have it
ohhh, i knew quinni was gonna have a moment like this.💚💚💚💚 :'( it was the buildup, i felt that hard (also i love frogs too!!)
ep6: i live how darren is so smell sensitive
LOL 2minute sex love it
quinni is everything i am crying
darren really out here with the puriteens with a bag that says "god's favorite" i love them
quinni literally just saved two people's lives, three by proxy she literally fucking ran into a burning building and saved lives
annyyyyyways ok that is done
um, final thoughts: there was no sasha redemption arc. she kind of stayed flat as a character, just self-centred. sad, but oh well.
after the whole cumlords storyline eased up i didn't feel so anxious anymore. glad voss got what he fucking deserved.
ca$h & darren endless drama, what else is new BUT all these new scenes give new fodder for wonderful AMVs (that are not anime lol) btw i love them your hunour i still love the love these two share
now i'll go back to my old post and see what parts of the list got ticked off
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Hellooo! Can I have "art museum" for Phrack + Jane? 🏛🖼 Thank you 💕
Of course! But, uh, just so you know, this one turned out a little longer than most. Hope you don't mind! 😂
Enjoy, friend! ❤️
“Here it is!”
WIth a bounce of excitement in her step, Phryne led their little group into a room off the main gallery floor and gestured to one of the smaller paintings on the left. 
“La Dame Aventureuse,” she announced with an easy grin.
“A little on the nose with the title, isn’t it?” Jack teased, stepping forward to get a better look.
Phryne rolled her eyes, but otherwise ignored Jack’s remark. “I’m so glad Mac let me know this was here,” she continued blithely. “Do you know, I’d forgotten all about this one.”
With a wistful sigh, Phryne turned and gestured for Jane to come closer, which she did. “Emilien was a very nice man, but not the most imaginative artist. I actually think this might have been his best work.”
“Must have been the muse,” Jack remarked dryly, though there was pride in his tone. Phryne put a hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow.
“Jealous, Jack?” she asked, the K in his name clicking like her heels on the museum’s marble floor. “Wishing you’d had your chance as an artist’s model?”
Jack’s lip quirked up in response.
Oh she did like that quirk.
“Oh absolutely,” he replied. “It’s always been my secret dream to randomly find myself in various states of undress in collections across the globe.”
Phryne gave him a suggestive look that even Emilien’s limited imagination would have understood, to which Jack responded with a chastising expression of his own. She opened her mouth to speak — if there was anyone who should constantly be finding themselves in various states of undress it was Jack, and her imagination was not limited at all — but the man in question held up a hand in protest. 
“Whatever you’re about to say, stop. You'll traumatise poor Jane.”
Jane laughed and pushed down his hand playfully. “Jack, I’m sixteen!”
“Then you'll traumatise me,” he argued.
Phryne crossed her arms over her chest in defeat. “Fine. But I’m not dropping the other thing.”
“The other — oh the modelling? Phryne, you can’t be serious.”
“I think you’d enjoy it! After all, you learn so many new things about yourself as an artist’s model. And you love learning new things!”
“New things like what?” Jack asked, curious as always. “Besides how thin the French make their gowns,” he added with a glimmer of mischief in his eye; Jack only ever got but so flirty when Jane was around, but also couldn’t seem to stop himself entirely. Phryne stuck out her tongue and then bit her lip in thought.
“Well... like when an artist tells you to look sad, you learn what memories — for you — take the shape of sadness. Or when they want you to stay very still, you learn how to tune out everything but the moment and exist in a state of intense calm. Or you learn things about your body, like what relaxation feels like in your muscles, or — ”
“Or how cold Paris was, apparently,” Jack added in a voice low enough that Jane couldn’t hear.
Phryne laughed. 
“Not cold — exciting!” she teased, taking his arm. “When you're the muse, as you put it, you know that the piece — the emotion in the piece — wouldn’t exist without you. It’s an incredible feeling, Jack, and really I think you should give it a go sometime.”
He raised an eyebrow, kissed her cheek, and whispered in her ear.
“Uh, no thanks. Think I’ll stick to crime.”
“Fine, suit yourself,” she conceded, turning the two of them back to the painting Jane was still admiring. Phryne was clothed in this one, but only just, and she watched her lover examine it carefully. 
“Well, what do you think?” Phryne asked.
He shrugged, the gesture intended to demonstrate that he didn’t feel qualified to answer, rather than to express disinterest. “Well I can certainly admire the form — ”
And have, Phryne thought cheekily. Enthusiastically.
“ — but it’s not my favourite from the Phryne Fisher Collection.”
“What was your favourite?” Jane asked, turning back from the painting, also curious as always.
Jack tilted his head to the side in thought, wanting to make sure he gave the girl’s question the careful consideration it deserved.
“The one we saw in London,” he finally decided. 
Jane frowned, trying to recall it. “The one where she was playing chess?”
“The one where she was winning chess,” Jack amended.
Phryne smiled at him softly, then shook her head. Only Jack would prefer knights to nudity. “You know, I think I’m wearing more in that one than I am in all the others combined,” she joked.
“I’d noticed,” he agreed. “There seems to be a bit of a theme in your work, Miss Fisher. I mean, you’re a lovely woman, but at a certain point it’s just showing off.”
Phryne laughed so loudly at that one the museum guard shot them a warning look. Phryne threw him a dirty one right back, and then opened her mouth to elaborate on it.
“Please don’t get us thrown out, Miss Phryne,” Jane pleaded quietly. “I want to come back this summer — they’re doing a whole show on Berthe Morisot.”
“Fine,” Phryne said, turning her back on the guard. “But I’m not happy about it.” 
“Don’t worry, Jane,” Jack said in a low voice, offering the girl his arm, which she gladly took. “You’re in safe hands here — if Miss Fisher gets herself banned, I’ll use my years of undercover experience to sneak us in.”
“Well then obviously we’ll need matching disguises.” Jane added eagerly. “Oh! We can pretend to be Morisot’s descendants!”
“Absolutely,” he agreed. “Most convincing Parisians Melbourne has ever seen.”
Jane laughed as Jack pretended to twirl a fake moustache and started towards the door, and Phryne’s heart swelled to see them together. Jane had had such a hard life for so long... to see how gentle and kind and patient Jack was with her — now, before, always — was truly wonderful.
Phryne loved many, many people, but the two currently laughing together in terrible French accents held a most sacred place in her heart.
She watched them a moment longer, then shook her head a little to bring herself back, and, together, the three of them moved on to the next gallery. But on the way out Phryne made sure to flash the museum guard her most blinding smile.
“Why are we here again?”
“Because we’re supporting Jane.”
“Ah yes, right right.”
Phryne shook her head at Jack’s grousing and the two of them scooted their way down the line of seats, waiting for the headmistress to speak, and Phryne was proud of her partner for only checking his watch twice as they did. Finally the woman in question took the podium.
“Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us here at Warleigh Grammar for our graduating students’ final art projects. Tonight you will hear poetry and music, and are then invited to tour our mini gallery as refreshments are served.”
Everyone clapped politely, and then continued clapping politely through all the poetry and music. Phryne checked the program, expecting to see Jane’s name under one of the two — Jane had been rather adamant that they attend tonight — but it wasn’t there. She frowned, confused, but soon enough the performances were over and Phryne and Jack made their way to the mini gallery with everyone else. They glanced at a few of the pieces — the standard fruit bowls and vases one would expect from teenaged art students — and Phryne noticed with amusement Jack checking out the food table when he thought she wasn’t looking, but then something else caught her eye. She moved over to a different section of the gallery, and stopped dead in her tracks.
There, on the wall, was a painting of a bicycle. But, not the full bicycle. It was just the handlebars, and the front wheel, a girl’s skirt just visible around the edges; the perspective was that of the rider. The wheel appeared to be wobbling, and young fingers gripped the handlebars tightly, but, next to them, also on the handlebar and supporting the rider and keeping her from harm, were another set of hands. Older. Male. Familiar.
Phryne knew those hands. Phryne dreamed about those hands. She quickly checked the piece’s title card as Jack came over to join her.
“What’s this?” he asked, a frown of puzzlement on his face, like he knew this was something but didn’t know what yet.
“Jane’s entry,” Phryne replied softly. “I believe it’s when you taught her to ride a bicycle.”
“So it is,” he agreed, smiling a little at the artwork. “It’s quite good, isn’t it? And it seems I’ve become an artist’s model after all,” he joked, wiggling his fingers at her playfully. “What did she title it?”
Phryne swallowed around the lump in her throat.
“Safe Hands,” she said, and then she watched as Jack’s impish smile was replaced by something deeper — a smile more solemn, more significant, more profound.
“Ah,” he said. “Well then.” He stared at the piece, his hands behind his back, and rocked on his heels slightly, trying to maintain a facade of nonchalant interest and probably succeeding to anyone who wasn’t Phryne. When he finally settled, Phryne just took his arm.
“So... you’re a model now, Jack,” she said quietly, admiring Jane’s work. “What did you learn about yourself?”
“I think,” he began slowly, eyes straight ahead, looking to all the world like a police inspector casually taking in a student’s painting and not a man in the middle of an emotional epiphany. “I think I might know what new memory will take the shape of joy.”
“Do you know what, Jack? Me too.”
Phryne squeezed his arm, and he did the same to her hand and, together, the two of them went off in search of Jane. 
September Prompts 🌻
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ssszlami · 2 years
Harry Potter characters as things my friends have said except there's way too many characters
Yes, we write down funny things we say, no that's not weird
Harry: “I wanna jump out a castle window but like not die” 
Hermione: “It’s feminine to write a paragraph”
Neville: “Lore update: I’m confused as hell.”
Luna: “Hey I can’t come to the party on Friday night, I just bought a bunch of cows and I gotta chill with them.”
Ginny: “I feel like you’re only dating me for my brother.”
Draco: “My chat is in it’s gaslight era”
Dean: “This is a lot like a cult for a Christian movie”
Seamus: “Agility: Setting things on fire and watching it explode... but in different directions.”
Dumbledore: “No one here has committed any crimes, and if you have, they were funny crimes, so it’s fine”
McGonagall: “When u get to the exam its not gonna be helpful that you spent your lessons drinking gatorade and eating donuts”
Snape: “If you’re going to traumatise children at least make it aesthetic”
Sirius: “I’m so alpha that the men around me change their sexuality to accomodate for me”
Remus: “I have four lines of self-hate for you”
Lily: “The milfs in my bag”
James: “No beta we die like parental figures”
Molly: “Goodnight offspring.”
Arthur: “How often a day do you reckon your car gets a boner?” 
Fred: “Love. Truth. Bodacious Booty.”
George: "In this world, it's either meme or be memed. In my case it's both."
Percy: “It is boring! But.....we like boring.”
Bill: “Sometimes you gotta ruin the vibe for the greater good”
Charlie: "Close your face nipples and think about dragons" 
Oliver: “I’m a white man, we always win! Except at sports….except at hockey”
Hagrid: “You can't say fuck you to the dog!”
Lavender: “Not all women want to kiss women. I know, that one was a hard pill for me to swallow”
Parvati: “There is no girl on earth who is so straight she wouldn’t love having another pair of boobs around”
Padma: “Nobody likes princesses!! They’re white bitches who weren’t loved enough as children”
Crabbe: “Pancake....buttplug……pancake…….buttplug”
Goyle: *grunt* “Yes I just farted.”
Cho: “I was like ‘whatever’. Wait no I was really sad”
Cedric: “I just thumbs-upped the roof down”
Krum: “*completely monotone voice* but wait there’s more”
Fleur: “Sexism is bad. Kill everyone.”
Tonks: “Gotta go to the bathroom to change my gender real quick”
Moody: “This is not a time for sassy comebacks, this is a time for SURVIVAL!”
Lockhart: “Because I look cute it’s all my fault. Thats how that works apparently.”
Umbridge: “Oh my god it’s me! Shiny trash!”
Voldemort: “Sorry I’m holding your parents hostage and killing you but your parents can’t hear your screams of terror because they can’t hear you right now”
Lucius: “Have you started another cult?”
Narcissa: “Your son is okay” *sobs and cries*
Kingsley: “I haven’t laughed since 1972.”
Peter: “So, you’re on the floor spooning the rat”
Slughorn: “*loud chewing noises* Wow I hate myself”
Mundungus: “My voice cracked on the crack and im on crack”
Dobby: “I took my ugg boots off for that.”
Winky: “Is she gonna kill me? I’m very excited.”
Kreacher: “It’s just war miss it’s not upsetting at all” 
Myrtle: “I went to the toilet and I see like the toilet seat around her neck”
Trelawney: “Teaching pigeons to be art connoisseurs” 
Filch: “He’s like a really sticky person!”
Dudley: “Screw you I just want stuff”
Petunia: “Is there a reason you’re interrupting me mid-soup?”
Vernon: “So he’s mad” “Yeah he’s cranky” “No like insane”
Pansy: “I don’t hurt them I just legally stab them”
Lee: “Bro that’s rather cringe”
Quirell: “I don’t need an exorcism” “That’s exactly what somebody who needs a exorcism would say”
Amos: “I’m one of the last old white boys”
Karkaroff: “Terrible behaviour…. ur in denial my guy” 
Greyback: “I… put my hand inside his chest…and ripped out his lungs” 
Cormac: “Closeted homophobic”
Blaise: “He’s more attractive in a suit.” “ALL MEN ARE!”
Regulus: “Lucy it’s my turn to drown!!”
Aberforth: “ME? A member of the TEN COMMANDMENTS??"
Nearly Headless Nick: “Well, if you have to execute me… ok”
Marietta: “You can’t slay if you vape”
Mrs Figg: “Old lady woman man and his dog”
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Hey Bea can you please write for Steve Kemp when he is on a hot holiday and he won't relax and Mrs. Kemp tries to tell him to relax when they're both away from their kids and parents. I would love to see Mrs. Kemp and Steve on a hot holiday.
Love Everly ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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12 days of christmas- day 7
pairing: steve kemp x darker!reader
warnings: smut (18+)
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      - AARON DEAN KEMP! - Steve ran after the slippery two year old through the beach.
Steve had been trying to put sunscreen on the two year old, a t-shirt, and a hat, but William, being William going through his terrible twos, had decided that following the seagull would be a much better use of his time. Therefore, Steve was now running after him in the sad, managing to catch him by his t-shirt before bringing him back to where the towels and his mother were. Y/N lowered her sunglasses, giving Aaron a disapproving look before he ran into her arms like a sheepish little boy as if he hadn’t run away from his father. 
       - Don’t hide next to mum. - Steve opened the sunscreen bottle handling to his wife who finished what he had started. - Maybe we should put you in track if you like running so much. 
      - Not as bad as Cornelia running into traffic. - she smiled at Aaron who was looking at her with puppy eyes. - Don’t run from daddy and mummy, okay? We want to make sure you’re ok and we can’t do that if we can’t see you. 
       - Where’s Daisy and what’s-his-name? - Steve perked up. - Darling, where are they?
       - Maybe having sex in the ocean. - she attempted her best serious face which only had Steve panicking more. - Relax, they took William to get ice cream. 
       - DAISY ANNE! - he yelled out loud enough for the whole beach to hear, making his wife roll his eyes at him. 
His overprotectiveness only died down once he saw Daisy and Billy come down with William between them holding a SpongeBob ice cream in his hands. He rushed towards his mother, waving his ice cream around. 
      - Look, mum! Look what Billy got me! - he smiled at his mum.
      - That’s lovely, Will. Did you thank Billy? - she held onto Aaron before he could escape again, while keeping eye contact with William. 
      - Thank you Billy! - he ran off again this time to show his other sisters the treat he’d gotten. 
      - You two better be in my sight. - Steve pointed at the couple. - I don’t wanna see anything else than a peck. 
      - Dad, we live together. - the 20 year old crossed her arms. 
      - Then do it in your flat so I can keep my delusions. Good?
      - Daisy, can you watch your siblings for a bit? - Y/N got up, holding onto Steve’s arm. - Me and your dad need to have a chat. 
Before Steve could protest any longer, Y/N was pulling him away from the beach and towards one of the small little wooden cabins on the beach. She guessed she couldn’t blame him for his overprotectiveness - it had been one of the things she’d liked about him when they got married, so it only made sense it got slightly worse once he got children, most of them being girls. He kept mumbling until she closed the wooden door behind her. 
       - Darling, they can be traumatising our remaining children as we speak. 
       - You need to relax. - she sat on his lap, each leg on the side. - Remember our honeymoon? 
       - Hm ... - he smirked. - Which part? 
       - You know what part. 
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There is... a lot to process about that episode of Casualty. So while I organise my thoughts, I’ll start with this:
It looks like I was right about Max Cristie’s backstory! About halfway through his very first episode, I thought “he’s definitely gonna have a backstory where he either lost a kid, suffered childhood trauma, or both and that’s why he cares so much about children now”. And tonight seemingly confirmed at least the childhood trauma part. What the trauma exactly was still isn’t totally clear (a Holbyverse character hasn’t been this vague and incomprehensible about their backstory since John Gaskell), but from the stuff he said regarding the patient Ivy and how he “knows what it’s like”, it sounds like we can assume, at minimum, that he was a victim of child neglect and went down a dark path (possibly involving a gang or something??) trying to cope with it. Interesting.
Nigel Harman did say, if I’m remembering right, that someone from Max’s past will show up and provide insights into his character. So I’m assuming that’s where his backstory will be further explored - I imagine this is all we’re getting for now. (I’m not actually even all that interested in this character, funnily enough. I’m just fascinated to see where they go with his backstory, because they’re definitely setting up a tragic past for him.)
One thing I do know is that he is continuing to give me strong Greg Douglas vibes. Remember when Greg gave that teenaged patient his phone number so she could speak to him?? Yeah.
As for the Ivy storyline itself... eh, I struggled to focus or get invested due to Faith’s involvement. Why are they keeping that woman on this show?!?!?! Everything she’s done is just... beyond redemption. There’s no salvaging that awful abusive monster. Casualty producers, if you’re reading this, please write Faith out.
Her being outraged at Max for shouting at Ivy was especially ridiculous. Yeah, Max shouldn’t have shouted, but Faith has absolutely no right to get mad at someone for shouting at a teenager. Just a few months back, she literally physically assaulted Natalia’s boyfriend Tristan. Max shouting is nothing in comparison.
Speaking of which, I really, really despise how they seem to be setting up a Faith/Max/Dylan love triangle. Revisiting Faith/Dylan would be bad enough - pairing Dylan, an abuse survivor, with an abuser would be absolutely disgusting. (They could pull it off if they actually turned it into a deliberate abuse story and made it a story about revictimisation. But I don’t think they’d do that, because that would require acknowledging Faith is abusive.) But throwing a pointless love triangle in, where Faith’s other potential victim is also (from the sounds of it) an abuse survivor - yikes. And that’s not even getting into her future relationship with Iain... who wants to bet they’ll break up the moment she finds out about his depression? Faith does, after all, hate it when her men aren’t perfect and dare to be mentally ill and traumatised. ://
The Rash and Ashok storyline is still incredibly sad. I don’t have much to say because they didn’t have that many scenes in this episode, but it really is heartbreaking. And from the looks of the spoilers, it’s only gonna get sadder. :( Neet Mohan and Kriss Dosanjh are still as brilliant as ever.
The Stevie and Marcus storyline is... a lot. I really don’t know how to feel about any of this so I’ll just say, Elinor Lawless absolutely smashed it. What a wonderful actress - Casualty are very, very lucky to have her. Adam Sina has been great as Marcus too, although it’s harder to compliment his acting precisely because of the thing that makes it worthy of compliments: Marcus has been getting more and more repulsive to watch.
But I am kind of disappointed that they gave Eloise, Marcus’ previous victim, BPD - giving me hope for a properly represented BPD character in the Holbyverse, even if one who was just a guest role - and then... killed her off. Like, did they have to give her BPD for the story to work? I feel like it could’ve worked just as well if they’d said she had depression or something. Idk. I’m just tired. I guess I should be glad it wasn’t “BPD makes you evil” like John Gaskell (who was a textbook case of BPD, whether Holby intended him as such or not). But the only Holbyverse character I can think of with even potential BPD who survived their storyline (Jac fits a lot of traits too, but like John and Eloise, she didn’t survive) was Chloe Godard, and they retconned all her traits away! (And her mental health struggles in general, but I especially noticed them retconning the BPD traits away. And yes, I am still on the “Chloe has BPD” train after all these years.) Sorry for the rant. I just want some good BPD representation for once. :(
The Jacob and Stevie scenes were absolutely fantastic. I’m so glad the show tied Jacob’s own experiences of domestic abuse into Stevie’s storyline. Charles Venn was brilliant, too. I hope Jacob gets to be an ongoing support to Stevie throughout the aftermath of the Marcus storyline. They’d better not just isolate her into only interacting with Faith again.
Marcus is a monster. I mean, what more can I say about him? Everything he’s done to Stevie in the past and everything he did tonight... he’s just so awful. I despise him with all my heart. He feels like a very realistic abuser, so kudos to Casualty for that.
I’m also glad they made the choice to avoid going down the usual cliche route of Marcus physically hurting Stevie and that being his point-of-no-redemption. I feel like these storylines always spiral into something like that. And I’m not saying that’s not worth depicting, but it’s nice that they let the coercive control/emotional abuse stand on its own, without feeling the need to add physical abuse to make Marcus a “proper” abuser.
I could see some of Stevie’s actions while seeking evidence and revenge being called “unrealistic”, and that would probably be a reasonable argument, but personally I’m fine with it - it doesn’t cross the line into sensationalism for me, as it feels perfectly in character for Stevie (if it were anyone else, that would be another story).
Anyway, I hope Marcus suffers for his actions, or dies, or both. I don’t really know what else to say. May Stevie succeed in her revenge plan! I fully support her. <3
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