acoustic-eel · 2 years
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zombie au!
(they are holding hands offscreen)
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voidlace · 8 months
What is your fave M/M ship and F/M ship from homestuck
Uhhhh idk Signpsii or DualGhb for m/m and Condy/Sassacre or Meenkri/Mitula for F/M
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psiignciple · 2 years
omg omg ancestor playlist…. yes…… obvs no pressure but if you ever get the hankering to explain why you chose some of the songs/what they mean to you in ancestor context… 👀
i just saw this anon . thank you omg
i will talk about the lyrics that make me go stupid. putting this all under a readmore bc im reaching peak ancestors cringe
no crying in baseball by mothers
neither here nor there
i am out of control
these days i feign forgetful
but oh my memory teases
and i wake
ashamed of my fantasy
when i dream of us
as two strains of bacteria
of a porch talk that lasts 1.5 billion years
This is about signpsii. Thanks
we found two dead swans... by ts
the world is ending in my dreams
every week for the past few years
when it really ends theyll fill my body with flames
you and i will be a household name
This Is About the ot3
sportstar by alex g
my dream
let me play on your team
im clean
let me tie your nikes
holding on for sportstar
let me wear your jersey
this is a psii moment about signpsii
pearl diver by mitski
oh hunter if you didnt want the beautiful so badly
perhaps you wouldve found it in your spirit singing softly
but hunter you were human dont forget it and go safely
and i i'll live without you though the struggle will be daily
treasure hunter you are dead the light of the world is fading
This Is Psii Abt Sign thanks
spread the word by attic basement
well i guess i can see that this road is gonna end
and as i talk im wasting time
while i talk im wasting time
when jesus comes i dont care what that fuckers gonna do
that motherfuckers gonna lose
that motherfuckers gonna lose
this is a sign moment like right before his execution / the final sermon
oh comely by nmh (i could quote this entire gd song but i wont do that)
of some pretty bright and bubbly
friend you could need to say comforting things in your ear
but oh comely
there isnt such one friend that you could find
here standing next to me he's only my enemy
i'll crush him with everything i own
say what you want to say and hang for your hollow ways
moving your mouth to pull out all your miracles
aimed for me
This is a psii moment post sign's death thinking about the signless. thank you
the fool by nmh is instrumental but it has big the signless' funeral procession energy imho
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voidhopper · 6 years
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redraw of this from only 4 months ago!
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pinktatertots99 · 3 years
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vantas’s...vantas’s everywhere...lord save me WHY did i get so attatched to these dorks i’m-
1: if your a vantas -or limeblood or honorary au vantas- 9/10 your getting the poly hc and bi/pansexual hc -except fia she’s gay- -and yes those are the poly flag colors i just, had to tone em down cause they hurt my eyes sorry guys-
2: seadweller vantas’s bcs someone in a server im in mentioned there weren’t enough and their so right we’ve failed as a society. -course these’re like, semi different hcs to my own like they only have one fin vs the whole seadweller set and one set of gils for neck and sides but i drew em fast so blugh-
and a bonus comic from incorrect quotes cause i WILL find a way to make this poly ship have like...five extra people shipping it, maybe three. source to incorrect quotes generator
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zuicid-e · 6 years
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and if you have five seconds to spare
then i’ll tell you the story of my life
sixteen clumsy and shy
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shepardlives · 6 years
Oops I did it again to your heart got lost in thi
Beforus is cooler than most planets, the purple moon lighting the night sky and making the landscape nearly glow.
Kankri Vantas sighs as he settles against the sturdy trunk behind him, closing his book on a long finger as he looks up at the stars. He had been reading, steady and peaceful, when something shook him from his reverie.
He glances at his phone, wondering if perhaps the sudden nagging suspicion in the back of his head was a missed conversation. Everything seemed to be in order: meenah had been ragging on him without a proper comeback from him, porrim was fussing, Mituna was still trying to trick him into downloading a virus, and Cronus....
The tips of Kankri's ears turn red, and he tucks his phone away again. No new messages, so perhaps it was just Aranea trying to subtly influence his mind into reading the wall of text she had sent him two days ago. One day he'll let her know the trick didn't really work on mutants; then again, for as much as highbloods listened to him he may as well stay silent.
He really wonders how he got such an array of terrible friends.
His caretaker is calling him, but he ignores it. He's not in the mood for a new outfit or another picture or whatever else they've come up with this time. Kankri scowls, rubbing his neck where the thin collar used to reside; he had finally torn enough off in irritation for his caretaker to throw her hands up in exasperation and stop buying them.
He supposes it could be worse; Damara's caretaker often times didn't bring her food for solar cycles. She relied on her lowblood neighbors to bring her food, especially Rufioh to fly in food and drink.
Rufioh's caretaker had tried to cut off his wings when he pupated, fearful of what it might mean. Rufioh had hidden in Cronus's hive for days before the empress caught wind and reassigned him.
Some would say it was lucky for the lowbloods to have so many highblood friends, especially a Tyrian and a violet blood: the two highest on the spectrum ready to protect and keep them in comfort.
Kankri can't help but wonder, however, what it would be like to actually be able to live his life on his terms. To have people listen to what he wanted instead of deciding for him.
He glances at his phone again and opens up a chat, scrolling past the virus laden links to find the last message Mituna had sent when they were actually chatting. A file to download, a game which Mituna promised would change their lives forever.
Kankri hesitates, his finger hovering over the file. Could change really be that simple? The world was stacked to view him as a pet; a game couldn't change that could he?
Would his friends go in without him if he said no?
Kankri presses the his finger to the file, starting the download.
"Mituna, you'd better be right."
"Who's Mituna?"
Targus blinks once, twice, and the firelight swims back into focus. The twin alternian moons cast the landscape in a sickly light: the purple and green mixing to create an uneasy landscape.
The preacher's head is pillowed on his friend's chest, and the hand that had been lazily tracing patterns into his arm had stilled.
Psiimon is looking at him, a slight frown on his face and brow furrowed. Then again, that seemed to be his default expression since his moods ranged from grumpy and enraged.
"What?" Targus says, starting to play with the thick fabric of psiimons clothes again. He dressed like some kind of ridiculous mage, but Targus only found it endearing. He really was in to deep with this, but he had precious few joys on a world that wanted him dead from birth.
"You said, 'you'd better be right about this Mituna'." Psiimons brows furrow even more, his hand moving to bury in Targus's choppy hair. "Who's Mituna?"
Targus hums, pressing a kiss to his chest. "Don't worry about it. It's a long story." He tucks himself further against his chest, closing his eyes again.
Psiimon snorts, playing with an errant lock of hair that curves upward stubbornly. "You look weird as hell when you're having your visions. I think you're having a stroke every time you go glassy eyed."
Targus smirks, leaning up to press his lips against the yellow blood's. "You always know exactly how to sweet talk me." He says dryly, laughing as the other flicks his forked tongue against his cheek.
They fall back into a comfortable silence, Psiimon stroking up and down his spine and making him purr softly. Targus wants to be lulled back into a peaceful doze, to be content to rest in his matesprit's arms, but the vision is still dancing in his head.
To be friends with highbloods.... a Tyrian no less. Anyone with blood higher than Jade wanted his guts to decorate the most royal halls of the empress, at best. Not to mention having a flush crush for a seadweller? The audacity of it would make a blue blood blush. Even with the babying it was still a better cage than the one he was in now.
He wonders what it's like, to be so free that you could blatantly show your mutant blood and only be treated as something to be desired.
"Sometimes I wish I didn't have them." He suddenly murmurs, curling his fingers against his chest. "I wish I didn't know."
Psiimon is quiet, his breathing slow and steady, but Targus knows he's listening. Knows he won't judge.
".... I wish I didn't know this wasn't the only way I could live." He says, and suddenly he's so, so tired, the weight of his life resting hard on his shoulders. "I wish I didn't know how things could be."
Psiionic holds him closer, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I know." He says softly, cupping the back of his head, "I know. And I'm sorry, I'd take them from you if I could."
They're quiet for a moment, simply holding each other as the wildlife of Alternia chirps and screeches around them.
".... although." Targus says after a moment, resting his chin against his chest. "I suppose if I never had these visions I never would've met you."
Psiimon smiles, kissing him again, slow and sweet. "That was corny as hell Targus." He says with a smirk, giving him a squeeze as he laughs.
".... in that other world." Psiimon speaks up again when they've gone quiet, Targus content for now. "The one you can see. Are we... are we still friends?"
Targus hums, playing with a button. "Yeah, we are. But I'm flushed for Orphaner Dualscar."
Psiimon starts, but rolls his eyes after a moment. "Figures your shit taste would transcend worlds."
Few things could be considered joyful on Alternia, but the Signless's laughter ringing through the dark forest was a sound that could lift even the heaviest of hearts.
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officialspec · 7 years
hey spec,,, what are ur thoughts on signpsii?
its Pretty Good
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acoustic-eel · 1 year
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signless asked if he's had any water today
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whatdoangelsdream · 8 years
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someone just tried to convince me that signless and psiioniic weren’t fucking
and sir i say to you:
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ohmyvantas · 9 years
-Who cries when someone dies in a movie?
Psii, although usually just so he can get comfort cuddles from Signless. 
-Who wears the ugly holiday garb?
Psii always goes overboard with the tacky holiday shit, one year they had lights and music. 
-Who pays for the meals?
Usually Signless, and Psii doesn’t have any problems with it considering he’s usually broke anyways. 
-Who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone?
Psii slams the oven door, Signless on the trombone
-Who brings home stray animals?
Signless is a sucker for helping anyone or anything in need, even when he ends up with a herd of various animals that he can’t hope to sustain. 
-Who leaves the bathroom door open?
Psii, because what’s decency and privacy?
-Who tells the ‘dad jokes’?
Psii is the king or terrible Jokes, no matter what kind of Joke. 
-Who wants kids more?
Signless has always wanted kids more than anything. 
-Who travels more?
They both travel all the time, and love traveling all over the place togehter. 
-Who spends more cash?
Signless, considering he’s usually the only one with money at all. 
-Who buys the things in infomercials?
Psii, because of course it’s going to work how have we lived our lives without this amazing inveniton. (It’s allways useless bullshit.)
-Who draws in the dust on their cars?
Psii is a car-dust artist, thank you very much. 
-Who starts the snowball fights?
Usually Psii, who plays innocent despite the fact its obvious who triggered this all-out ware. 
-Who throws away the directions to things?
Psii, who end’s up frustrated at himself until Signless steps in to help and figures it out in like 0.02 seconds. 
-Who puts up holiday decor?
They both love putting up holiday shit, no matter how tacky and half-assed it ends up looking. 
-Who is more likely to forget to bathe?
Psii, who more or less has to be forced to bath every once in a while.
-Who gets more obsessed about things?
Psii all the fuckin way. 
-Who sings in the shower more often?
Signless, who has a surprisingly soothing +amazing singing voice. 
Send me a ship!
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kurosake01 · 10 years
I want more Homestuck rps on skype
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