#silver bear award
buckyndean · 3 months
sometimes i randomly remember this account exists- sebstian stan the man that you are, i am so fucking proud
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buckysbbgirl · 3 months
The emotion in his eyes 🥺 Oh he so fucking deserved this award and I hope this is the first of many for him with this role.
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amarriageoftrueminds · 3 months
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unearthlydust · 3 months
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SEBASTIAN STAN Winner of the Silver Bear for Best Leading Performance for the film "A Different Man" Award Ceremony of the 74th Berlinale February 24, 2024
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sebastiansource · 3 months
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SEBASTIAN STAN Winner of the Silver Bear for Best Leading Performance for the film "A Different Man" Award Ceremony of the 74th Berlinale February 24, 2024
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cable-knit-sweater · 3 months
Sebastian’s full speech at the Berlinale Awards Gala | Silver Bear for Best Leading Performance
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luckydiorxoxo · 3 months
Sebastian Stan accepts his Silver Bear for Best Leading Performance for the film "A Different Man" on stage during the awards ceremony of the 74th Berlinale International Film Festival
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cybrsan · 2 months
Vignette: Duty — P.SH, K.HJ
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STORY SUMMARY: For as long as he can remember, Seonghwa has dedicated himself to a single goal: making his father proud. To do so, he needs to win the Nightingale commendation, become the best of the best. But when he falls a step behind Hongjoong, he has to reconsider what it is he truly wants.
PAIRING: N/A, Seonghwa POV ft. Hongjoong (Future OT8 x Reader in main fic)
RATING/GENRE: PG-13 ; dystopian AU, steampunk AU
WARNINGS: Alcohol use (in a very unhealthy sort of way), self-deprecating thoughts and behavior, blood/injury, violence, strained father-son relationship, minor character death
A/N: This is the first out of six prologue stories that will be posted prior to the release of mine and Orion's main fic, Through The Darkness. Stay tuned for more <3
LINKS: ATEEZ Masterlist. Cross-posted on AO3. Story masterlist and glossary will be added once posted.
BANNER CREDIT: @kwanisms
General Elowen Nightingale makes for an imposing figure, dressed head to toe in military regalia. Her uniform is a stark white, not a crease to be seen, and decorated with numerous patches and medals that are a testament to her years of service and hundreds of battles won. Her honey-colored hair, streaked with silver, is pulled back into a perfect bun, and her piercing, grey eyes burn with an intensity that can make even the most hardened soldiers avert their gaze.
As she scrutinizes the crowd of cadets from behind her podium, Seonghwa finds himself having to make a conscious effort to maintain his position and not falter. His fingers itch to smooth out the non-existent wrinkles of his own—far less decorated—uniform, his heart pounding in his chest. He has been in the Vanguard Program for a few years now and has known her since he was a child, but he’s still not used to being in her presence.
Hongjoong snickers from his place beside him, whispering, “You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“Shut up,” Seonghwa hisses through gritted teeth, keeping his eyes trained forward. “The last thing I need is to get in trouble for talking out of turn.”
“You have no reason to be nervous, Hwa, seriously. You’re one of the best in the class.”
“Says the General’s favorite.”
“Well, yes.” Seonghwa doesn’t have to look at Hongjoong to know there’s a smug grin on his face. “But that doesn’t make what I just said any less true. You have as good a chance as any to get the Nightingale Commendation.”
The Nightingale Commendation is a tradition of 30 years standing, named after the General’s family who established the program. It is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a young, eager cadet, marking them as the one to watch (or the one to beat, in the eyes of their peers). It’s a ticket to swift promotions and the most coveted assignments. Naturally, everyone wants it.
Seonghwa can hardly even imagine being considered for such an award. He wants it, of course he does; after all, his name means “to be a star,” so being the rising star of the Vanguard Program would suit him. Or so his father says. But the idea of actually standing at the general’s side, his first medal pinned to his jacket… it’s almost too overwhelming to bear.
Though he won’t openly admit it due to the risk of relentless teasing, Seonghwa does feel put at ease by Hongjoong’s words. He glances toward him, momentarily forgetting the fear of being reprimanded. Hongjoong’s gaze is still cast forward, though he seems completely unfazed by the general or her commanding presence. He’s always been confident in a way that Seonghwa envies.
Suddenly turning his head, Hongjoong’s eyes meet his. In the harsh light of the auditorium, they seem a shade or two lighter than their usual brown. He smiles, though it isn’t the teasing grin Seonghwa was expecting. Instead, it’s soft, reassuring.
“Let’s promise each other that no matter who wins, we’ll celebrate together. Deal?”
Heat rushes to Seonghwa’s face against his better judgment. He’s so used to their competitive banter that this show of such genuine camaraderie has taken him aback. Still, he agrees without hesitation. “Deal.”
With that, the knot of anxiety in his chest unravels near completely. Having someone else be so confident in his abilities, someone who is so outstanding in their own right, is deeply comforting. Before either of them can say more, General Nightingale’s voice booms over the speakers.
“Attention!” she demands, and Seonghwa would swear she’s looking directly at him. “The time has come to announce this year’s recipient of the Nightingale Commendation. As you all know, this award is not given lightly. The cadet who is bestowed the honor will have earned it through their hard work, unwavering courage, and dedication to the cause.”
Sweat prickles at Seonghwa’s temple, a lone drop dripping down the side of his face and disappearing underneath the neckline of his shirt. This is it.
“Over the past few years, I have seen growth in all 46 of you; the Vanguard class of 1018 has been one of the most promising in our history. And while many of you have exhibited extraordinary promise, there is one cadet who has consistently exceeded all expectations.”
She pauses for a long moment, her eyes sweeping over the crowd. It’s as if she wants to savor the anticipation and make everyone squirm for as long as she can. Seonghwa can feel his heartbeat picking up again, and he even sees Hongjoong begin to fidget out of the corner of his eye.
Her gaze lands on Seonghwa and, for just a moment, he lets himself believe. But she passes over him without hesitation and immediately, he knows. He closes his eyes and prepares himself for what she is about to say.
“Congratulations, Cadet Kim Hongjoong. Please come up to the stage and accept your award.”
Seonghwa’s eyes remain closed as applause erupts around him. Deep down, he’d always known this moment would come, always known it would be Hongjoong and not him. But disappointment is not an easy pill to swallow.
Hongjoong whispers his name, and Seonghwa comes back to reality, opening his eyes to meet his expectant gaze.
“Congrats, Joong.” And he means it. He can get over his own disappointment in order to celebrate his friend.
He brings his hands together, mustering up a smile as he watches Hongjoong take the stage. General Nightingale hands Hongjoong the framed commendation before shaking his hand firmly. She then pins the matching medal onto his lapel—his first medal—and allows the crowd to cheer for a few moments longer.
“Cadet Kim,” she begins. “You have demonstrated exceptional skills throughout your time in the program. You are an example to all cadets of what an elite member of the Vanguard should be. I am confident you will uphold the Nightingale tradition of excellence in service.”
Hongjoong’s face, lit up with pride, is something Seonghwa will fondly remember for a long time.
“You’re welcome to give a speech,” General Nightingale says, stepping back as she gestures to the podium.
“I want to share this honor with all of you.” Hongjoong’s voice is strong and unwavering as he addresses the entire class. “We are all the future of the Sector. We are in this together and I am honored to fight at your side.”
He pauses for a moment, his gaze landing on Seonghwa once again. “There’s someone in particular I want to acknowledge.”
The auditorium falls silent as everyone follows his line of sight. Seonghwa feels himself flush with embarrassment, but he can’t bring himself to look away.
“Seonghwa,” Hongjoong says, his voice much softer now, as if he were speaking only to him. “You have been both my fiercest rival and my closest friend. Always there to push me beyond what I thought was possible, or to pick me up when I fall. This award,” he holds the commendation up in the air for emphasis, “Would not have been achievable without you. Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart.”
There’s a moment of stunned silence. Seonghwa feels like he might pass out from all the blood rushing to his head.
“And if you or anyone else brings up the fact I got so emotional, I’ll take you to the mat.”
Just like that, the tension is broken. Laughter and cheers erupt as the crowd surges to life. The noise is enough to break Seonghwa from the trance Hongjoong’s words had him under and he can’t help but laugh as well.
Hongjoong takes a final bow and steps down from the stage, receiving some congratulatory pats on the back as he walks back down the aisle. Seonghwa notices the general watching Hongjoong closely, her gaze alight with something he can’t quite decipher. A mixture of approval and curiosity, perhaps? Yet he barely has time to question it before Hongjoong reaches him and claps him on the shoulder.
“Bet you weren’t expecting that, huh?” he says, his grin widening as he scans Seonghwa’s flustered expression.
“Expecting what?” Seonghwa’s proud he doesn’t stutter. “That you have a sentimental side or that you would actually admit it in public?”
Hongjoong chuckles. “Hey, you’re the one that complains I don’t give you enough affection.”
“Still, I never would have dreamed of you publicly declaring your love for me,” Seonghwa teases. This banter is good—it’s what he’s used to. His heart finally settles in his chest.
Hongjoong rolls his eyes, the act belied by the softness that lingers in his expression. “Don’t let it get to your head.”
“I’ll try not to.” Taking a deep breath, Seonghwa allows some of his sincerity to shine through. “All jokes aside… Thank you, Joong. Your words really do mean a lot. And I hope you know that they’re returned tenfold.”
“Yeah. I know.”
Before either of them can say more, General Nightingale reclaims her place at the podium. “Cadets,” she begins, her voice cutting through the clamor of the crowd. The room quiets almost instantly, and everyone returns their gaze to her. “As you all know, this ceremony isn’t just about the Nightingale Commendation. It’s about all of you and how much you have achieved over these past few years. Some of you will move on to other assignments, and some will have to report for further training, but all of you are part of what makes our Sector so great.
Hongjoong, of course, will become a member of the Vanguard Elite squad. Like all the past commendation recipients, he will be awarded Flight status, which gives him access to the most advanced machinery, classified assignments, and even travel outside of the Sector. Considering his outstanding performance throughout his time here, there is no doubt that he'll excel in his duties."
There is a momentary pause as she locks eyes with Hongjoong, and a curt nod of approval is exchanged before she turns back to the crowd.
“Alongside him, the top 5% of the class will also become part of the elite squad. We have evaluated the performance of these three cadets on various fronts: combat skills, strategic planning, adaptability, teamwork, and overall growth. The names I am about to announce are the individuals who have consistently excelled across these parameters. When I call your name, please join me on stage.”
If Seonghwa had thought the auditorium was silent before, it was nothing compared to the hush that fell over the room now. For a moment, he wonders if it’s possible Hongjoong might be able to hear his heart beating from his spot at his side. The general calls the first name. Not him. Second name. Also not him.
Then, finally, “Cadet Park Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa’s knees almost give out from underneath him. He wasn’t expecting this. He had been so focused on receiving the Nightingale commendation that he failed to consider the possibility of being in the top 5%—of still being part of the Vanguard’s most sought-after squad. In his shock, his gaze instinctively drifts to Hongjoong, who smiles and mouths, “I told you so.”
Walking on autopilot, he joins his new squad mates on stage. Surely, this must be enough to please his father. He may not be the best, but he is still among the elite; that has to count for something. Turning to General Nightingale, he bows slightly before shaking her hand.
“Congratulations, Cadet Park.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“I present to you,” her voice rings powerfully through the auditorium once again, “the top 5% of the class, our Vanguard Elites!”
The rest of the class cheers and stomps their feet, the stage shaking from the force of it all.
“Moving forward, the remaining cadets will be assigned based on their individual strengths and overall rankings.”
She begins listing the remaining names, but Seonghwa is too lost in thought to hear them. He's on stage, a member of the Vanguard Elites, standing shoulder to shoulder with some of the academy's most talented cadets. He might still be a step behind Hongjoong, but surely that doesn’t matter. They’re still a part of the same squad, the same team.
“Our ceremony has come to an end. Congratulations to each and every graduate; you have all worked hard and should be proud of your achievements. To those who did not graduate—this should serve as motivation for you to work even harder in the future. Is that clear?” The crowd responds with a short cheer of understanding. “As always, we commit our hearts, bodies, and minds to service—”
“For the glory of the Sector!” The entire class finishes the alma mater in unison.
Seonghwa is flush with pride, standing straighter and more confidently than he ever has. This is it. This is what he has been working for. As the crowd erupts into a final round of applause, he takes in the sight before him: the sea of uniforms, the smiling faces, people hugging and congratulating one another. Everyone disperses, wandering off in different directions, presumably to go celebrate.
But Seonghwa only has eyes for one person.
Hongjoong approaches him, still beaming, and salutes him. “I’m excited to work with you, soldier.”
Seonghwa returns the salute. “You’re not sick of me yet?”
“Well…” Hongjoong draws out the word, letting it linger in the air for a moment before laughing. “No, not yet. We’ll see if that changes, though.”
Seonghwa wraps his arm around Hongjoong’s shoulder, pulling the shorter man firmly against his side as they continue to walk. “Oh, shut up. You confessed your love to me, remember?”
Hongjoong curls his lip. “Keep bringing that up, I dare you.”
“Cadet Kim.”
Seonghwa almost jumps out of his skin when the general speaks up from behind them. Hongjoong flinches slightly as well but has a much smoother recovery; Seonghwa never would have even noticed if he didn’t have his arm around him.
Hongjoong separates from Seonghwa and turns around, standing at attention. “Yes, General?”
“At ease. I need you to come with me to my office. There’s much we need to discuss concerning the commendation and the benefits you have been awarded.”
“Oh,” a glimmer of surprise crosses his face. “Of course. Hwa, I’ll see you later, okay?”
Seonghwa just nods, watching as the two walk away. A pit settles in his stomach but he tries to ignore it. He decides to head back to their shared quarters on his own, his footsteps bouncing off of the polished stone floor. He begins the careful ritual of removing his dress uniform, his hands shaking slightly as he undoes each button, adrenaline still coursing through his veins.
While shrugging into a more comfortable shirt, Seonghwa glances at his nightstand and is surprised to find his aurvox lit, indicating he has a message waiting for him. He presses play and instantly tenses as his father’s voice comes over the speakers.
“Seonghwa. I watched the ceremony. Call me immediately.”
A wave of apprehension rolls down Seonghwa’s spine. In the message, his father’s voice sounds stern, almost frigid. It’s the voice he always uses when he is about to scold him, but surely that can’t be right. He got on stage and his abilities were acknowledged by General Nightingale herself. He made it into the Vanguard Elites. It’s not the commendation, but it’s still something.
He takes a deep breath, willing his hands to stop shaking as he returns the call. The aurvox rings once, twice, before his father answers.
“Father. I—”
“You didn’t win the Nightingale commendation.”
Seonghwa’s shoulders fall. Any excitement he may have been feeling, any pride, is instantly extinguished by those six words. “No. I didn’t.”
“You need to try harder. Your win this year was supposed to make up for your brother losing the commendation to that rusted piece of scrap from the Outer Sector.”
“I know. I’m sorry, sir.”
“Don’t be sorry—be better.” Seonghwa isn’t even given the time to respond as his father continues, “We are going to host a celebratory dinner for Hongjoong. His mother will be there so I expect you to be on your best behavior. After all, if you can’t beat him, at least make sure to use him. He might be able to aid you in the future, and Sunhee has plenty of connections.”
Seonghwa knows his father wants him to agree, but he can’t bring himself to say those words out loud. Use Hongjoong? He’s his friend. He won’t do it. He can’t.
“Seonghwa?” His father’s voice sharpens and Seonghwa flinches despite being nowhere in his vicinity.
“Yes, sir. Of course.” His words sound strained, but his father doesn’t seem to notice.
“Good. I will see you tonight. Dress well.”
His father hangs up without even saying goodbye, signaling that the conversation is over. Seonghwa places his aurvox back on his nightstand and immediately flops face down on his bed, groaning into one of his pillows.
He can hear the distant sounds of the other cadets, their conversations and laughter drifting in through the thin walls of his room. But they seem a world away to him now. He wonders if he's supposed to be feeling elated, liberated from the years of hard work and all-nighters that led to this moment. Instead, he feels numb.
He’s not sure how much time passes before the door swings open and Hongjoong walks in, a grin on his face. “Hwa! Both the general and I got the invite to your father’s dinner party tonight. You won’t believe what she told me—” He stops short when he notices Seonghwa’s current state. “You okay?”
“I’m fine. Just tired. How was your meeting?” Seonghwa manages to muster up a weak smile, hoping it’s convincing enough. By the look on Hongjoong’s face, it’s not, but he doesn’t press for more information.
“It was good,” Hongjoong answers after a moment, his smile slowly returning as he begins to fill Seonghwa in on the meeting. He babbles on and on about all the different benefits he will be able to take advantage of, unaware of the bitter taste filling Seonghwa’s mouth.
Seonghwa listens, nodding at the right moments, but he finds it hard to fully focus. He should be focused on his friend, celebrating with him. Instead, all he can think of are his father’s words. “Use him.”
“Seonghwa?” Hongjoong’s voice breaks through Seonghwa’s daze. “What’s going on?”
Seonghwa’s gaze snaps back to him, seeing the concern written all over his face. He attempts a smile again but it feels more like a grimace. “I’m okay, really. Just… there’s a lot on my mind.”
Hongjoong moves closer, shrugging off his overcoat and draping it over a desk chair before taking a seat next to Seonghwa on the bed. Their knees brush and Seonghwa jolts, pulling his leg away slowly enough for it not to be noticeable. As much as he wants the comfort he knows Hongjoong can provide, he can’t allow himself to indulge. Not now.
“You know you can talk to me about anything,” Hongjoong says, voice gentle. “Yeah, we compete, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be there for each other. We’re in this together.”
“I know, Joong,” Seonghwa replies, voice barely above a whisper. “It’s complicated, that’s all.”
Hongjoong stays quiet for a moment as if searching for the right words to say. “My mom always used to say that sometimes it’s the most complicated things that help us grow. They force us to confront parts of ourselves we aren’t comfortable with.”
Seonghwa feels a lump forming in his throat, his eyes shining with unshed tears. How can he explain that the uncomfortable thing he’s confronting is not a singular part of himself, but who he is at his core? That it takes into question his very values of duty, family, and loyalty? He can’t.
“Yeah, you’re right,” he murmurs, wiping at his eyes with the back of his sleeve. Then, getting up, he heads over to the wardrobe in the corner of their room, pulling a bottle of some top shelf liquor out from behind a loose panel. They aren’t usually allowed to keep alcohol on site, but that hasn’t stopped most cadets. “How about a drink? We should celebrate.”
Uncorking the bottle, he pours two generous servings into crystal glasses and offers one to Hongjoong. Hongjoong hesitates, his gaze switching from the glass to Seonghwa and back again, but then he reaches out and takes the drink.
“To us?” Hongjoong raises his glass.
“To us,” Seonghwa echoes. He downs his drink in one go, the burn of it helping distract from his thoughts. The alcohol slides down easily, too easily, and he pours himself another glass.
“Careful,” Hongjoong warns. “Don’t forget we have that dinner later.”
“I remember,” he retorts, a little sharper than he meant to. It was only for a split second, his tone barely changed, but it’s enough for Hongjoong to pick up on it. He picks up on everything. Hurt flashes across his features and Seonghwa immediately backtracks, adding, “Maybe I just need a little liquid courage.”
“Liquid courage, huh?” Hongjoong sighs before downing his glass as well. “Just don’t get too drunk or you’ll leave me to face your father all alone.”
“Trust me, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”
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The opulence of the dinner party is overwhelming. Seonghwa expected it, of course, but still. Instead of being held in the Nexus Chambers like most work-related events, his father decided to host it in their manor which has been adorned with gold and crystal as far as the eye can see. Velvet chairs and couches have been set up to form intimate conversation circles while the occasional serving automaton weaves its way through guests to offer champagne and hors d’oeuvres. There’s even an auto-orchestra in the grand hall despite Seonghwa’s continuous complaints that their music is nothing compared to that of the street performers he heard during his mandatory field trip to the Outer Sector a few years ago.
He finds himself following from a distance as his father leads Hongjoong around the room, introducing him as the newest addition in the running for the title of the Symposium’s best and brightest. Everything he says is perfectly polished, enough to praise Hongjoong while simultaneously reminding everyone of his own affluence. Seonghwa can see Hongjoong’s discomfort, the way his smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes, the polite, robotic nodding as he is passed from conversation to conversation. As a friend, he should intervene. As a jealous son, however…
He refills his glass.
At one point, Hongjoong walks over to him, a drink in each hand. He seems to hesitate for a moment before extending one to Seonghwa. “I just bumped into Wooyoung and his friend, Yeosang," he says, his mouth quirking up at the corners.
"You did?"
"They were with some new girl Woo has taken under his wing. I didn't catch her name, but apparently, she's the sister of the new Watch Master."
"Oh, them," Seonghwa sighs. "Watch Master Luxe, right? My dad won't stop berating my brother because of that whole situation."
Hongjoong takes a sip of his drink before answering. "Yeah, I know he still hasn't gotten over Junghwa losing the commendation to him."
"Let's not talk about it. But is that what you have in store? Watch Master Kim?"
"Shut up, Park."
That’s the only time Seonghwa gets to talk to Hongjoong before his father comes back into the picture, whisking him away. After that, Seonghwa’s descent into total, blackout levels of intoxication is swift, the drinking he did earlier in the night definitely not helping. His mind is fuzzy around the edges, making it hard to process what he’s doing or saying. He becomes a blur of motion, stumbling from one group of attendees to another, slurring his words and laughing at jokes that aren’t even funny.
The dinner bell rings and with unsteady legs, Seonghwa makes his way into the dining room. The table is long enough to fit 50 people on each side and is covered with more food than anybody could possibly eat. Guests begin to settle into their seats and he goes to join them, only to find that Hongjoong has taken his usual spot to the right of his father.
For a moment, Seonghwa stands frozen, the room spinning around him. That spot is typically the seat of honor, the seat reserved for whomever the patriarch of the family deems most worthy. First it belonged to his brother, and then it belonged to him. Now, it seems, it belongs to Hongjoong.
“Oh, Hwa,” Hongjoong begins to stand, sensing his distress. “Is this your seat? I’m sorry, Speaker Park said—”
“Hongjoong, please, I told you to call me Soohyuk,” Seonghwa’s father interrupts. “And you’re the guest of honor tonight, so you should sit at my right hand next to General Nightingale. Seonghwa can sit next to his older brother at my left. That’s alright with you, isn’t it Seonghwa?”
Seonghwa’s vision blurs momentarily as heat floods to his face. He tries to form words, but can’t seem to make a sound. It is as if his breath is trapped in his throat. The longer the silence stretches on, the harsher his father’s glare becomes.
“Seonghwa,” he repeats. It isn’t a request—it’s a command.
“Of course,” Seonghwa finally manages. “It’s fine.”
He slumps into the seat next to Junghwa, who claps him on the shoulder and whispers, “Guess neither of us are the favorite son anymore, huh?”
“Not funny, hyung.”
Junghwa scoffs, letting his hand fall back to his side. “I’m not trying to be funny. This is what happens—displease father enough times and you are easily replaced. Get used to it. I have.”
Seonghwa doesn’t reply, instead reaching for the glass of wine that is being served with dinner. His hand shakes a little as he does so, enough for his brother to notice. Junghwa raises an eyebrow at him but mercifully stays silent.
After piling some food onto his plate, Seonghwa can do little more than pick at it, the appeal completely lost on him. His tongue feels numb in his mouth and all he can taste is the bitterness of the wine. He watches his father converse excitedly with Hongjoong, his eyes shining in a way they never do when looking at him.
“Seonghwa, how have you been, dear?”
Seonghwa startles, so lost in his own thoughts that he almost forgot he would be expected to entertain guests. He looks up to see Hongjoong’s mother, Speaker Kim Sunhee, smiling at him from across the table. Even if the dinner wasn’t being held in honor of her son, she is still apart of the same council as his father and would have been in attendance anyway, yet he failed to consider she might try to engage him in conversation. She’s a pleasant woman, and at any other time, he would have been happy to talk to her, but tonight, he can barely hold himself together.
“I… I’ve been well, thank you.” He hopes he isn’t slurring his words too much. “And you, Speaker Kim?”
“Well, I’m thrilled! After all, my son has received such a prestigious award—I couldn’t be more proud.”
Seonghwa nods, plastering a polite smile on his face. “I’m sure you are. No one deserves it more than him.”
“Thank you for saying that. You’re very kind.” Her voice is soft with the kind of appreciation only a mother can have. Seonghwa can’t help but feel a twinge of envy; would his own mother have been as proud? “But I have to say, you’re a big reason my son is where he is today. You’ve been such a good friend to him, Seonghwa. He speaks very highly of you.”
The praise sneaks past his defenses, warming him from the inside out. For what may be the first time that night, he smiles genuinely. “I’m really happy to hear that. Hongjoong… he means a lot to me.”
His gaze involuntarily drifts to where Hongjoong is seated, his attention still occupied by Soohyuk. The light casts a warm glow on his profile, softening his features. For a moment, Seonghwa is captivated by the sight before the weight of his father’s order pulls him back to reality, and the guilt returns in full force.
“I can tell,” Sunhee says.
Before he can reply, his father stands, tapping his fork on his glass. “Everyone, can I have your attention please?” Once he’s sure that all eyes are on him, he continues, “As you all know, we are here tonight to celebrate the recipient of the Nightingale Commendation, Kim Hongjoong. I decided to host as he is a cherished friend of my son, Seonghwa.”
His father makes eye contact with him and smiles—that sick, twisted, vindictive smile. Seonghwa’s stomach sinks with dread.
“Before we continue, I feel it is only appropriate that he make a toast to celebrate his future squad mate’s accomplishment.”
The room falls silent, the air heavy with expectation. Seonghwa should have expected this, why didn’t he expect this?
“No pressure,” Junghwa says, a twisted sense of amusement in his voice.
Seonghwa glares at him before rising to his feet, swaying in place. He steels himself by gripping the edge of the table. His heart is pounding in his ears, his skin prickles with sweat, and the room seems to be closing in around him. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady both his hands and his voice as he raises his near-empty glass.
“To Hongjoong,” he begins. “To a friendship… a friendship that has meant so much to us both. And to… to a future that…”
His voice trails off, his words failing him. How is he supposed to toast to a friend he might betray, to a future that is so uncertain? He can’t, he can’t do this. His fingers tighten around the stem of his glass and suddenly, it cracks, shards digging into his hand.
“Seonghwa,” Hongjoong gasps, shooting up from his seat. It almost seems as if he’s about to rush to his side, but Soohyuk stops him in his tracks. Hongjoong’s eyes narrow, but he obeys.
“Stay where you are, Hongjoong. Everyone, please excuse my son’s poor manners; it appears he has had too much to drink.” His father addresses the crowd rather than him. “Seonghwa, apologize and then go get yourself tended to.”
Seonghwa swallows hard, the taste of bile stinging the back of his throat. He barely notices the blood dripping down his fingers, staining the tablecloth red and pooling around shards of glass.
“I… I’m… I’m sorry,” he stutters. “I’m so very sorry.”
He bows his head before quickly turning and bolting out of the room, his vision blurring with tears. He barely makes it to the grand staircase before tripping over his own feet. His knees hit the ground with an audible thud, and he grabs the banister to keep from going down completely. He’s too far gone, too drunk and too devastated to get back up. His grip slackens and he lets himself slide down onto the bottom step, ignoring the bloody handprint he leaves behind.
Nausea roils his stomach, and that, combined with the hot tears streaming down his face, makes him want to retch. He places his head between his knees and takes some deep breaths. He vaguely registers that he should be worried about keeping up appearances in case a guest walks by, but it’s hard to give a damn about that when he feels like his world has turned upside down.
An automaton servant walks over and comes to a stop in front of him. Its glowing, mechanical eyes don’t show a hint of concern, but it wordlessly offers him a clean, white cloth. With shaking hands, Seonghwa takes it and wraps it around the wound. The fabric quickly darkens with his blood, but it staunches the flow enough for him to gather his composure.
He drags himself upright, leaning heavily against the banister. He hauls himself up the staircase, one agonizing step at a time. He isn’t particularly fond of the idea of staying in his childhood room, but going back to base and having to face Hongjoong might be even worse.
He stumbles into his room, the door creaking as it opens. Seonghwa sobers a bit as he’s hit with a wave of nostalgia, the unchanged interior reminding him of his youth from before he was a soldier. Moonlight peers in through the window, bathing his old desk in a soft, silver light. It reminds him of quieter, simpler times, hours spent studying in his room, playing with building blocks and paper dolls.
He takes a seat in his desk chair, and his eyes drift to the portrait of his mother hung above the fireplace. He barely remembers her face outside of what it looks like in the painting; she smiles down at him with a warmth he can no longer feel. Sighing, he takes a first aid kit out of one of the drawers and begins the familiar routine of treating his wound, years of muscle memory kicking in. He peels away the blood-soaked cloth, grimacing at the sight of the jagged shards of glass still embedded in his flesh. Gritting his teeth, he starts to extract each piece, ignoring the stinging pain that shoots up his entire arm. He sterilizes the wound with a stinging splash of alcohol and then hastily wraps it with a clean bandage.
Once he finishes, Seonghwa collapses onto his bed, unable to keep his eyes open any longer. He doesn’t know how much time passes before he is brought back from the edge of sleep by a gentle knock on his door.
“Go away,” he croaks, his voice barely audible as he speaks into his bedsheets.
The knock sounds again, more insistent this time. Seonghwa immediately tenses. Is it his father, coming to berate him further?
“Seonghwa,” a voice murmurs from the other side, the timbre so soft, so hesitant. It isn’t his father—it’s Hongjoong. A rush of anxiety and embarrassment shoots through Seonghwa at the thought of facing him, so he buries his face in his pillow and pretends he doesn’t hear.
The knocking persists until it becomes too much of a nuisance to ignore. “I’m trying to sleep, Joong.”
There’s a pause before Hongjoong responds. “I know. I just wanted to check on you. Can you open the door?”
“No. I can’t. I’m sorry.”
The knocking stops and, for a moment, Seonghwa thinks that Hongjoong really walked away. But then he begins to speak again.
“Okay. We don’t have to talk. But listen to me, alright? What happened tonight… I’m not upset, and I don’t blame you. What your father did to you, putting you on the spot like that, it wasn’t right. Especially with you being as drunk as you were. I…” His voice hitches and Seonghwa can almost hear the cogs turning in his head as he struggles with what he wants to say. “I should have stopped you from drinking that much. I knew something was bothering you, but I didn’t press you on it. That’s on me. Just know that I’m here for you. Whatever you’re going through, you don’t have to go through it alone.”
Seonghwa bites his lower lip to keep his cries from becoming audible; Hongjoong is kind, too kind, and he doesn’t deserve that kindness. Not now.
A moment of agonizing silence passes before Hongjoong says, “I’ll just leave you to rest then. Goodnight, Hwa. I… goodnight.”
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Months pass with Seonghwa avoiding Hongjoong whenever he has the opportunity. Between spending most nights sleeping at home instead of their shared room and investing himself in his new duties, It’s surprisingly easy. Even though they’re part of the same squad, Hongjoong is always on elite missions, carrying out confidential orders, or out to dinner with other high-ranking officials. Rarely do they go out on missions together, and when they do, there’s little time for personal talk as General Nightingale usually accompanies them.
It’s not that Seonghwa doesn’t want to make things better with Hongjoong—he does, truly. But every time he thinks about facing him, about bringing up that night, his stomach lurches with fear. He’s not ready to confront the guilt that still gnaws at him endlessly, not ready to face the gentleness he knows he will find in Hongjoong’s eyes.
It doesn’t help that his father, after inevitably finding out about their falling out, has been pressuring him every chance he gets to fix things. Not out of love or care, but because of the prestige Hongjoong now holds as a commendation winner and the connections he and his family have. If they do become close again, Seonghwa worries that, through him, Hongjoong will just become a pawn.
It’s a cold, winter evening when Seonghwa accidentally bumps into Hongjoong outside their quarters. He had just stopped in for a moment to grab a heavier coat, not expecting anyone to be there. Hongjoong is dressed from head to toe in his winter event uniform, the same striking red and black as usual but with synthetic fur lining the collar. He looks like one of the princes from the old-world storybooks Seonghwa’s nanny would secretly read to him when he was little.
“Hwa,” Hongjoong says, surprise evident in his voice.
“I was just leaving,” Seonghwa mutters, trying to move past him, but Hongjoong blocks his way.
“Please, don’t. We need to talk.”
Seonghwa worries his bottom lip, trapped between the desire to flee and the knowledge that Hongjoong is right and a conversation is long overdue; he’s been running for far too long. “Okay,” he agrees. “You’re right.”
Hongjoong walks into the room and Seonghwa follows. The space feels oddly unfamiliar to him now, even though it’s the place where they used to share countless meals and stay up late into the night talking. They sit down on their respective beds, the distance between them feeling far larger than it actually is.
They start to speak at the same time and immediately stop, cutting themselves off with awkward laughter. The tension eases, but only slightly. Hongjoong gestures for Seonghwa to begin first.
“I… I’ve been avoiding you,” he admits, his gaze fixed pointedly on the floor. “And I know that’s not fair. Especially not after the mess I caused at your celebration dinner. I—”
“Hwa, wait. You don’t have to apologize for what happened at the dinner. You were obviously hurting, and you needed someone. I should have been that someone for you. I’m sorry.” Seonghwa opens his mouth to speak but Hongjoong continues, “Wait. While I will apologize for that, and I don’t blame you for what happened that night, I am upset that you have been avoiding me. In fact, I’m livid. Since when do we not talk about our problems? I thought we were closer than this.”
The silence stretches on as Seonghwa struggles to form a reply. “You’re right,” he finally admits, his voice barely more than a whisper. “We… we are closer than this. I’ve just been so… God, I’ve missed you, Joong. I’m so sorry. For all of it.”
Hongjoong’s stern expression softens at that. “I’ve missed you too. More than I can say. Do you know how many nights I stayed out late, expecting to come home to one of your homemade dinners? Or to you nagging me about working myself too hard, or not cleaning up my side of the room? I didn’t realize how much I depended on you until you just disappeared. Maybe I should have appreciated you more, or—”
“No, no, you did more than enough for me. You are one of the only reasons I have made it this far, not just in the program, but in life. I mean, I was such a scared little boy before I met you, I—” Seonghwa takes a shuddering breath. “I still am. I was scared to death of what you would think of me after that night, scared of what my father might do, scared I would lose my position, lose you—”
Hongjoong jumps up from his bed, coming to sit next to Seonghwa so he can wrap him in a hug. “You won’t lose me. No matter what happens, no matter what anyone says or does, you will never lose me. Promise.” His grip tightens as he says this, as if to emphasize the sincerity of his words.
Seonghwa feels tears prick at the corners of his eyes and he buries his face into Hongjoong’s shoulder, refusing to let them fall. He just allows himself to be held, to soak in the comfort. This feels familiar—safe, like home.
“I don’t want to run away anymore,” Seonghwa says.
“Good, because I can’t bear you running away again,” Hongjoong replies, his voice barely audible. “Move back in. Please.” Something about the way Hongjoong says this sounds like a confession.
“Okay, Joong. I will.”
They spend the rest of the night talking, laughing, making up for lost time. They agree that they won’t discuss their achievements, that they’ll put aside their differences, and just try to go back to the way things were. Time moves on, and slowly but surely, it seems to work. The following weeks are a whirlwind of vigorous training, missions, events, and more training, yet there is an underlying sense of peace and contentment that had been missing for so long.
Occasionally, Seonghwa still feels a tug of guilt, especially whenever his father decides to make some offhand comment. But when that does happen, all he has to do is look at Hongjoong and remember his promise. He won’t let anything get in the way of their friendship again.
One night, months after their reconciliation, Seonghwa walks into their quarters to find Hongjoong asleep at his desk, the dark circles under his eyes relaying his exhaustion. The sight is a familiar one; he remembers the countless times in the past when he found Hongjoong in a similar state. He quietly approaches him, taking in the numerous reports and other documents strewn about.
As gently as possibly, he picks Hongjoong up and carries him over to his bed, laying him down on top of his blankets. He softly brushes a stray lock of hair from Hongjoong’s forehead, smiling down at him as he sleeps. He stirs slightly but doesn’t wake, his body relaxing further into the comfort of the bed. Seonghwa contemplates waking him to eat, certain that he hasn’t, but decides against it. He seems like he needs sleep more than anything. Heading to his own bed, he crawls under the covers, ready to get some rest of his own.
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Another year passes in a blur, with both Hongjoong and Seonghwa falling comfortably into their new roles. Hongjoong rises in rank, becoming a sergeant, while Seonghwa focuses on his own responsibilities, earning a solid reputation amongst their squad mates thanks to his meticulous eye for detail. Throughout it all, they try to carve out time to spend together when they can, refusing to let things get as bad as they were before.
One night, they’re out to dinner with Soohyuk, Sunhee, and General Nightingale to celebrate a recent win in which they managed to dismantle part of a criminal ring based in the Scrapyard. One of the leaders was captured and detained, thanks to the general’s brilliant plan and the Vanguard Elite’s flawless execution.
“Seonghwa?” His father holds up a bottle of wine, gesturing to Seonghwa’s empty glass.
Seonghwa clenches and unclenches his fist. “I’m fine, thank you.”
“Are you sure? It’s a fine vintage.” The smirk on his lips suggests it’s more than a simple question.
Hongjoong clears his throat and turns to General Nightingale, smoothly redirecting the conversation. “So, General, can you tell me more about the new opportunity you mentioned earlier?”
Elowen stirs in her chair, eyes shifting around from person to person before settling on Seonghwa. He gets the subtle feeling that this is something he isn’t supposed to know about.
“We’re starting a new program at the beginning of next year,” she says. “The Affiliates Assembly has worked out so well that we want to open up more opportunities for those who already have a place in the Symposium and Inner Sector.”
“And what do you want with my son?” Sunhee asks, eyebrows furrowing. “I think he has plenty of opportunities open to him already.”
“Certainly he does. But, he’s one of our strongest soldiers and he could be an asset—”
Soohyuk clears his throat, putting a stop to the conversation. “I think it is best if you finish this conversation later.” He glances at Seonghwa. “Not everyone here is privy to this type of information, after all.”
Seonghwa feels a pang of irritation at his father’s needless remark. Hongjoong shoots him a sympathetic glance from across the table and opens his mouth as if to say something before deciding against it. The topic switches to that of the new flu that seems to be sweeping through the Outer Sector. Soohyuk reassures everyone that he has spoken with the Outer Sector representative and it is being contained—it shouldn’t spread to anyone inside the Ring.
Seonghwa forgets about the conversation entirely, having not wanted to focus on it for fear of his jealousy rearing its head. At least until a few weeks later, when Hongjoong bursts into their bed room, the door slamming shut behind him. Seonghwa nearly jumps out of his skin, dropping the book he was reading onto his bedsheets.
“Joong—” Seonghwa stops short, the words dying on his lips as he takes in the sight of the man before him.
Hongjoong’s chest is heaving with panicked breaths, his eyes wide with a fear unlike anything Seonghwa has ever seen before. His hands are clenched into fists, shaking at his sides. He doesn’t seem to even process the fact that he isn’t alone in the room, beginning to pace as he mutters frantically under his breath.
“Fuck, what the fuck… I can’t… the fucking lab… cogbrains, all of them…”
Seonghwa can’t make out everything he says, but it’s enough to send a chill down his spine. He gets up, approaching Hongjoong calmly, carefully.
“Easy, Joong,” he says. “It’s alright. Tell me what happened.” Hongjoong doesn’t seem to hear him, still muttering. “Hongjoong, hey!”
Seonghwa reaches out and grabs his arm with a firm grip, forcing him to still. His touch seems to jolt Hongjoong back into reality and he whirls around to face him,
“Hwa?” he whispers. His voice sounds so broken, so terrified, so unlike the friend Seonghwa has come to know and love. It’s heartbreaking.
“Hey, you’re okay. It’s okay,” Seonghwa murmurs, pulling the shorter man into his arms.
Hongjoong stiffens at first, but then his knees seem to buckle from underneath him as he collapses into the embrace. A strangled sob escapes him, muffled against the fabric of Seonghwa’s shirt, the same shirt that he’s grasping onto so desperately.
“I’m not okay… It’s not… I can’t…”
“Shh, shh… I’ve got you.”
Seonghwa wraps his arms more tightly around Hongjoong’s trembling body, rocking him gently, his hand rubbing soothing circles on his back. Even after he finally calms down, something about him is still so on-edge. He refuses to tell Seonghwa what he was upset about, no matter how much Seonghwa pries.
“Hongjoong, come on! Is it confidential? Does it have anything to do with what the general mentioned a few weeks ago? Why can’t you tell me?”
Hongjoong takes a shuddering breath. “I just can’t, Seonghwa. The situation is too complicated. I need to figure it out on my own.”
“What happened to our agreement to handle things together?”
“This isn’t… it’s not the same. I don’t want to bring you into this mess, it’s dangerous.”
“I can handle myself just fine—you don’t have to protect me!”
Hongjoong just shakes his head, his hands curling into fists at his sides. He looks like he wants to say more but instead gets up and storms toward the door.
“Hongjoong!” Seonghwa calls after him, but it’s too late. The door slams shut behind him, leaving Seonghwa alone in the room.
In the following days, Hongjoong becomes a shell of his former self. He is silent and distant, avoiding everyone, especially Seonghwa. He disappears for hours on end, returning each time looking more drained than the last. Usually, around this time of year, he’d be talking about his upcoming birthday, pretending he doesn’t want anything while simultaneously dropping hints about the latest tech or some book he’s been eyeing.
Even without Hongjoong showing any indication of wanting to celebrate, Seonghwa is determined to do something to lift his spirits. He won’t let whatever secret Hongjoong is holding onto change their yearly tradition of celebrating together. So, he goes all out with the planning, and spends days scouring the Nexus shops for the perfect gift. He even debates heading to the pier to take a look at a different variety of items, but with the flu that has been plaguing the Outer Sector, that’s probably not the best idea.
He finds a leather-bound journal in an old-world antique shop, it’s pages yellowed by time but in perfect condition otherwise. Hongjoong loves to write, and he’s never owned anything quite like this. Seonghwa purchases it without a second thought, barely even glancing at the price. It’s perfect.
The morning of, Seonghwa comes back to their shared quarters at a time when he knows Hongjoong should be at training. His arms are full of decorations, and the journal is tucked safely away in a gift bag. He struggles with the door, having to balance everything on his hip in order to turn the handle, but when he finally manages to get it open, he freezes.
The room is empty.
Not empty as in Hongjoong just isn’t in there—empty as in every single trace of him is gone.
Seonghwa lets go of the decorations, dropping them to the floor with a resounding crash. Candles escape their packaging, rolling on the hardwood, disappearing under furniture. The journal lays abandoned next to a string of silver stars. He stares at the room in disbelief, taking in everything that’s missing. The usual clutter of papers on the desk—the clutter Seonghwa would always complain about—is gone. Hongjoong’s shoes aren’t haphazardly stashed in front of his wardrobe. His aurvox, his tablet, all of his devices are nowhere to be found.
He’s gone. Hongjoong is gone.
No, Seonghwa thinks. Maybe he went to another Sector on an urgent mission. Surely there’s a logical explanation as to why he would leave without saying anything. Seonghwa rushes out of the room, praying that General Nightingale will actually be in her office for once. The halls are eerily quiet as he sprints down them, and he can hear his own blood rushing in his ears.
Reaching the general’s office, he barely knocks, forgoing the usual protocol of waiting for her permission to enter. Elowen is seated at her desk, pouring over some files which she quickly closes upon his intrusion.
“Ah, there you are. I was hoping we would have a chance to talk.”
“Wait, before you say anything—do you know where Hongjoong is?”
She raises an eyebrow. “That is exactly what I was going to ask you.”
Seonghwa’s heart drops into his stomach, and his mouth goes dry. He has to wet his lips before asking, “But… but he was with you, wasn’t he? At training this morning?”
“No, he wasn’t,” she sighs and puts down her pen, rubbing her temples. “He never showed up for training today. In fact, he’s been MIA since yesterday.”
Seonghwa’s knees nearly buckle and he stumbles toward the nearest chair. He’s vaguely aware of Elowen saying something more, about how if Hongjoong isn’t found he’ll be marked AWOL, he’ll lose everything he has been working towards, so on and so forth. But he can’t focus on her words, not when he feels like his world is crumbling to pieces. Nothing he has ever felt, not losing the commendation, not what happened at the dinner, even comes close to comparing to the devastation he feels now.
One day turns into two, two into three, but Hongjoong never shows up. His family confirms that he has had no contact with them, and he is officially marked AWOL. Now, even if he does come back, he will never be able to return to the same life he had before.
Seonghwa’s initial shock turns into anger. How could he throw away everything he’s worked for? How could he abandon his responsibilities, his squad, his family… Seonghwa? How could he leave without so much as a goodbye? How could he break his promise? Each day, the betrayal and hypocrisy of it all festers, like a scab that refuses to heal.
To make things worse, the flu from the Outer Sector makes its way through the Ring, into the Inner Sector, the Symposium, and even the Nexus. It’s as if Hongjoong leaving started a chain reaction of unfortunate events. Soldiers are falling ill left and right, spending days or even weeks in the infirmary. The base seems to become quieter and quieter. At night, when Seonghwa lays in bed, alone in his room, it’s so silent that he feels suffocated.
One morning, one of his squad mates approaches him, a forlorn look on their face. “Hey, did you hear? Apparently Larkin is sick with whatever flu has been going around.”
Larkin is another member of the Elites, someone Seonghwa has grown quite close to over the past almost two years. The news is worrying—they still don’t know what’s causing the sickness, or what can cure it. Luckily, most people seem to recover with no lasting issues, but that isn’t much of a balm to his nerves. Maybe it’s because Hongjoong’s disappearance still feels so fresh, but the idea of anything happening to someone else he cares about makes him feel like he can’t breathe.
After he finishes up with his daily training routine, Seonghwa heads to the infirmary to pay Larkin a visit. It’s a cold, sterile place, the stark white of the walls and harsh lighting making everything seem so impersonal. The pungent smell of antiseptic fills the air, turning Seonghwa’s stomach. Trying to ignore it, he heads toward the reception desk, smiling at the woman working.
“Hi. I’m here to see a Mr. Ashwell?”
The nurse fiddles with the knob of her eyeglass, pupils moving rapidly as her eyes follow text only she can see. After a moment, she says, “Larkin Ashwell? I’m sorry, he’s in the restricted wing. No visitors allowed.”
“The restricted wing? Is this flu that contagious?”
She gives a non-committal shrug. “I’m just telling you what his file says, sir.”
“Oh… Well, thank you.”
He turns around as if to leave, but, when she looks away, he quickly slips down a side corridor. He can’t shake the nagging feeling that something weird is going on. If he leaves without seeing Larkin, he fears he’ll never get any answers.
He holds himself confidently, knowing that the key to deception is acting like you belong. He walks past all of the nurses and doctors with what he hopes is a determined look on his face. He nods at them, as if he is familiar with them, as if they should be familiar with him. Luckily, no one spares him a second glance, and he makes it all the way to the restricted wing with no issues. However, once he tries to open the door, an alarm blares.
“Shit,” he curses, glancing at the wall. He didn’t notice the ID reader.
Panicking, he backs away from the door, but it’s too late. Two guards turn the corner and spot him, looks of surprise crossing their faces; they’re both from his graduating class. He tries to explain what he’s doing there and, as sympathetic as they are, they can’t let him off the hook. He’s given a stern talking to from General Nightingale, as well as a warning that one more infraction on his record will terminate his status as a Vanguard Elite.
But the worst confrontation is, of course, the one with his father.
“Attempting to break into a restricted area? Must you continue to bring shame to this family? To me?”
“Stop. If I hear about you doing one more thing—one more stupid, idiotic thing—the General will be the least of your worries. Do you understand?” His father’s voice is laced with pure venom and Seonghwa can’t help but flinch. “I said do you understand?”
Seonghwa bows his head, making himself seem as small as possible. “Yes, sir. I do.”
He should stop there. He should listen to the general’s warning, to his father’s. But whenever he tries to sleep, his thoughts go haywire. He remembers Hongjoong’s fear, the secret he was holding onto. He thinks about Larkin scared, alone, sick with some unknown disease. He can’t just do nothing.
And so he returns to the infirmary no more than a day later.
The same nurse is stationed at the desk and Seonghwa ducks around a corner, waiting for an opening. He’s learned his lesson—running into this blindly won’t get him anywhere. He doesn’t know how long it takes, but eventually she leaves to go check on a patient. He hurries up to the desk, grabs a spare ID card, and throws it around his neck, heading back to the restricted wing.
This time, he's ready. He scans the ID and the door opens with a satisfying click. He slips inside before anyone can see him. The restricted wing is dimly lit and eerily silent, save for the rhythmic beeping of machines. He searches everywhere for Larkin, looking at every bed, ducking his head into every private room, but he’s nowhere to be found.
Eventually, a doctor walks up to him, a questioning look on their face. “Excuse me, can I help you?”
Seonghwa’s heart jolts but he tries to temper down his panic. Confidence is key. “I’m looking for Mr. Ashwell.”
They activate their eyeglass, and, after a moment, confusion crosses their features. “Hm, it doesn’t look like we have a patient here by that name.”
“What do you mean? I was just told that he was in the restricted wing.”
“I’m sorry, but there must be some sort of mistake. I can go talk to my supervisor and see if we can get this all cleared up for you.”
Seonghwa shakes his head. He shouldn’t press his luck any further. “No, no, don’t bother. It’s fine. Thank you for your help.”
Feeling defeated, he leaves the infirmary, dropping the ID card on the floor near the reception desk to make it look as if someone had just misplaced it. He feels a prickling sensation of unease as he walks out into the crisp night air. The base is nearly deserted at this hour, save for the on-duty guards standing watch and a few people prepping for early morning drills. He pulls his collar up against the bite of cold and heads back to his quarters.
It all seems too suspicious: Hongjoong is AWOL, Larkin is sick with some mystery flu yet missing from the infirmary… Something is going on. It can’t be a coincidence.
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The next day offers no respite from Seonghwa’s worries. General Nightingale sends out an announcement to everyone’s aurvox—Larkin is dead. The news hits him hard, knocking the breath out of him. He can hardly make sense of it. The illness, as far as he’s aware, hadn’t killed anyone. Why now?
He can’t stand not having any answers, so he goes to the one person he knows who should. His father. Soohyuk’s position as a Speaker means he has access to information few others possess, or at least that’s what he always boasts. Normally, Seonghwa would avoid his father at all costs, and the idea of depending on him for any kind of help doesn’t sit well with him. But he can look past his father’s misgivings for something this important.
He finds his father nursing a glass of whiskey in his study, the amber liquid catching the light in a way that makes it seem to glow. Soohyuk raises an eyebrow at his entrance.
“Seonghwa. What a pleasant surprise.”
“Dad. I need answers. About this flu. About Hongjoong. You have to know something.”
Soohyuk looks at him thoughtfully as he takes another sip of his drink. He doesn’t say anything for a long minute, and Seonghwa fights the urge to squirm under his gaze.
“I know a lot of things,” he finally says. “But that doesn’t mean I can share all of them.”
“Someone is dead! If you know something, you should feel obligated to do something about it!”
“The world is full of death. There’s nothing I, or anyone else, can do about that.”
His father’s cold response sends a chill down his spine—Seonghwa can’t believe how callous he is. But he can also tell that he is trying to avoid something.
“There’s something more going on, isn’t there?” he asks.
Soohyuk puts down his glass, standing up and brushing invisible specks of dust off of his pants. “I think we’re done here.”
Something inside Seonghwa snaps. He walks up to his father, getting in his face. “Stop! Stop treating me like a useless child! I am a soldier, a member of the Vanguard Elite squad—tell me what you know!”
Soohyuk finally loses it, pure rage slipping past his mask of indifference. He grabs Seonghwa by the collar, slamming him against the wall and knocking the wind out of him. “Fine. You want answers? You’re right. There is something big happening. Something that I cannot tell you about. Maybe if you got the commendation instead of your friend, you’d be able to be a part of this.”
“I’m your son! Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”
“You are not my son. A child of mine would never be so weak.”
With that, he lets Seonghwa go, leaving the room without sparing him so much as a second glance. Seonghwa falls to his knees, gasping for breath. His back throbs from where he hit the wall, and he’s certain that there will be a nasty bruise there come morning.
For a moment, just one moment, he considers letting it all go and falling back into the role of an obedient soldier and son. But after everything that has happened, he can’t. Determined, he returns to his room and starts to pack.
He waits for an opportunity, and it comes in the form of a mission in the Outer Sector. The job is a simple one, something about discontented citizens and potential rebellion. It’s the Vanguard’s job to make sure nothing goes awry. But that’s not what he’s there for. Not this time.
With the rest of his squad distracted with their orders, he slips away from the group, putting his stealth training to good use. He sticks to alleyways and small, unlit streets, moving farther toward the outside of the Sector. The buildings become more and more dilapidated, some even missing parts of their walls or roofs. He feels like he never truly realized just how stark of a difference there is between the comfortability he grew up in and the harsh reality of those not as lucky. But his eyes are open to it now.
There’s something wrong in the Symposium. Something wrong with everything he has ever known. And if he doesn’t try to get to the bottom of it, who will?
He takes some materials out of his pack and, after some careful manipulation, creates what he hopes is a realistic looking fight scene. Signs of a struggle, torn clothing, even his Nexus ID thrown haphazardly on the ground. All that’s missing…
Seonghwa cuts open his palm, letting out a hiss. He clenches and unclenches his fist, encouraging more blood flow. He smears it on the clothes, on the ground, until enough of him has been left behind to paint a convincing picture. He knows this is it. There’s no going back from this, not after what he’s just done. Not that he wants to. He feels oddly free, despite the pain throbbing in his hand and the uncertainty of his future.
Bandaging the cut, he starts moving again. He knows there’s one place he can go where no one would ever think to look for him. The Scrapyard. A place for all of the Symposium and Inner Sector’s trash, broken technology and rusted metal. He thinks most of the upper class has forgotten that it even exists. He knows he has to be careful there, since it is a place home to scavengers and outlaws—people hardened by years of living in the underbelly of society. But he also knows it is a place where it is easy to disappear, to start anew.
Pulling his hood up over his face, he steps past the threshold, a small entrance hidden by piles of discarded machinery and rubble. As he moves deeper inside, scrap turns into ramshackle buildings. Surprisingly, it’s not nearly as dismal as he imagined. There's a strange charm to the place, with twinkling string lights hung between stacks of old cargo containers, casting everything in a warm glow. He stumbles upon an open area where a market bustles with activity, despite the late. Even some children run by, chasing a dilapidated automaton that zips through the dust.
As he ventures further, he finds himself at a makeshift bar, crafted from old metal panels and street signs. The bartender is a burly man with a wild mane of hair and a scar over his left eye.
"You’re new here,” he observes, wiping down a cracked glass. "Name's Brio. What can I get ya?”
“How about a place to stay?”
He gives a hearty laugh and looks Seonghwa up and down. "Ain't much for lodgin' here, pal. The 'yard ain't exactly a popular vacation spot. But there's always someplace to squeeze in if you ain't picky.”
“I’m not picky.”
“I find that pretty hard to believe, lookin’ at ya. You seem like the Inner Sector type.” Brio squints at him. "On the run from something or someone, are we?"
“I just need a place to lay low for awhile, that’s all.” Seonghwa raises an eyebrow. “Is that a problem?”
Brio grins at him, showcasing his missing front teeth. “Not at all, kid. Welcome to the Scrapyard.”
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Somewhere, a stolen letter sits in a locked drawer.
To: Hwa
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anothersebastianblog · 3 months
A week ago today Sebastian deservedly won the Silver Bear award for best leading performance at the Berlin film festival ❤️🧸
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And served meme ofc:
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mrs-stans · 28 days
‘Pam & Tommy’s Sebastian Stan & Lily James To Reteam On Horror Thriller ‘Let The Evil Go West’Pam & Tommy’s Sebastian Stan & Lily James To Reteam On Horror Thriller ‘Let The Evil Go West’On Horror Thriller 'Let The Evil Go West’
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Following a highly successful collaboration on Hulu’s Pam & Tommy, Sebastian Stan and Lily James are set to reteam on Let the Evil Go West, a psychological horror thriller from director Christian Tafdrup (Speak No Evil).
north.five.six. reps the film’s international rights and will introduce it to buyers at Cannes, while CAA Media Finance and UTA Independent Film Group arranged the financing and will handle the domestic sale.
Let the Evil Go West follows a railroad worker who stumbles upon a fortune under deeply disturbing circumstances. As horrifying visions and manifestations drive him toward madness, his wife becomes convinced that an evil presence has attached itself to their family.
Xc Vs penned the script. Tim and Trevor White (King Richard, Fair Play) are producing under their Star Thrower Entertainment banner, alongside Mark Fasano and Nathan Klingher for Gramercy Park Media, which is also financing the film, and Allan Mandelbaum. Stan and James will also executive produce along with Gramercy Park’s Joshua Harris and Ford Corbett and north.five.six.’s Michael Rothstein and Samuel Hall.
Playing Tommy Lee to James’s Pamela Anderson in Hulu’s award winner Pam & Tommy, Stan will next be seen starring in A Different Man, which won him Berlin’s Silver Bear after world premiering to much buzz at Sundance 2024. A24 will release the pic in September. Also coming up for the actor is Ali Abbassi’s The Apprentice, an anticipated title that has him playing a young Donald Trump, which will premiere in competition at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival.
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It's time for another mini-bracket!
Alright, so I clearly love me a good bracket - otherwise why would I have started this blog? They're a really good way of narrowing down a big group of contestants to find one ultimate winner, and I, for one, find that very fun! That said, one shortcoming of brackets that's always driven me a bit crazy is that they don't really give you any useful information on runners up. This is because if the second most unhinged person in a bracket judging unhingedness (just for instance) happens to be pitted against the most unhinged person in the very first round, they're out right away and looking at the bracket results won't tell you a damn thing about how unhinged the loser is! On the flip side, a pretty normal person could make it to the semi-finals by just happening to be the craziest person in the most sane quadrant of the bracket!
With this in mind, I've devised a mini-bracket to find the most unhinged loser from rounds 1 and 2 of the main bracket - a sort of unhingedness honorable mention poll, or, as I've been thinking about it, the "whoo boy those hinges are looking rusty as hell and should not be trusted to bear weight" awards. It won't exactly solve the problem of not having a meaningful silver medalist for the main bracket, but it will hopefully give some love to the contestants folks were most disappointed to see go out early (Becca and BDG truthers, I'm looking at you).
The format of this mini-bracket will be the same as the first, with initial polls containing four contestants followed by two rounds of one-on-one polls. Polls will last 1 day. The pool of contestants are all the losers from round 2 and the 8 losers from round 1 who did the worst in the hingedness mini-bracket.
And in the meantime, don't forget to be voting in round 3 of the main poll, which is still live! (I think after this I'm gonna stop with the minis for the rest of this poll but I really wanted to pit these losers against each other first.)
Now, without further ado, let's get round 1 of the Unhinged Honorable Mention Mini-Bracket started!
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buckysbbgirl · 3 months
He’s such a goofball and I love him 😂🥰
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mydaddywiki · 8 months
Mack Brown
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Physique: Average Build Height: 5'9’ (1.75 m)
William Mack Brown (born August 27, 1951) is an American college football coach. He is currently in his second stint as the head football coach for the University of North Carolina, where he first coached from 1988 until departing in 1997, when he left Chapel Hill to become head coach for the University of Texas. Brown, with a 251-128-1 overall record, was a 2018 inductee into the College Football Hall of Fame.
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Daddy Mack is all most perfect for me. From the silver hair, to the great smile, to the big belly, the furry arms, and the fact that you occasionally get nice bulge shots from him. In 2006, the Cookeville, TN native was awarded the Paul "Bear" Bryant Award for "Coach of the Year", the second-winningest coach in Texas history and Carolina's all-time winningest coach. He is also a five-time winner of the 'Sexiest Coach' accolade which is sponsored by Mature Men of TV and Films. I have it on good authority that he values these awards above any of his football successes.
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Again married, but aren’t all the men I like are? They have four children which makes me speculate that he loves to fuck. What? You can't have that many children and not love fucking. Any way, there isn’t much else I can say about him other than he’s handsome and I’d love to fuck him.
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xoxoskai · 6 days
She threw her head back and laughed, hand teasingly slapping his shoulder as she squealed in mirth.
The man in front of her smiled indulgingly, not averted to her obvious flirting in the slightest, if his open stance toward her was any indication. She said something that made the lazy grin on his face tilt further while she ran a finger down the underside of his tie, gaze inviting.
I was counting one breath in, two and in sync with my third one, he'd already politely pushed back, her attempts useless as he rose from where he was lounging against his desk, creating much needed space between him and his secretary. He definitely made a joke to dissipate the tension lingering after his clear rejection for the smile on his secretary's face didn't reach her eyes.
Pushing the sleeve of his shirt back, the man was finally- finally noting what time it was, rounding his desk to pick up his suit jacket which he put on in record time. With some final orders towards his secretary, he dismissed her.
The clear glasstop of his work desk reflected the city lights that hinted on how long it had been since night had fallen. As he picked up his car keys, he paused. Lightly tracing his finger over the surface of his desk, he smiled to himself before exiting his office, the lights automatically switching off behind him.
Lowering my binoculars, I rolled my shoulders and finally stood up from where I'd been camping out for the better half of two hours. Dusting the dirt off my clothes, I made for the emergency stairwell located toward the side of the building, taking the steps two at a time.
Securing the strap on my helmet, I waited. Counting, calculating. When the unmistakable glint of silver sped past the alley I was in, I finally switched the headlights on, my bike silently swinging into gear behind the car I was following.
The roads were relatively empty, which was not a good cover for me but I pushed anyway. There were consequences to the decisions he was about to make in the next few minutes and I intended to see them through.
Consequences that came in the form of an intersection. Right would take him straight home but left? Left would be an interesting choice I'd never expect him to make.
The light on the signal turned green but his car didn't move. Not when the car behind his honked and lowered their window to belt out curses as they overtook him and not as the light turned red again. Stopped behind a parked taxi, not too far behind, I waited for him to make his decision.
When the light turned green and he turned left, I smiled to myself as I finally sped past.
It was not often I made a spectacle of arriving late in style, it was something people expected of my sister. Like my father, I valued time. Mine more so over others.
"Congratulations, darling" My father was speaking into my hair, kissing my head like he hadn't congratulated me atleast 50 times prior to this.
I was late to a party being thrown in my honor.
"Thank you" I managed, trying desperately not to look like I was dismissing him as my eyes roved over his head, searching searching searching.
"You've got to let her go, hon" My mother slid into place next to my father, his arm automatically finding a home in her waist as he pulled her flush against his side "She does not want to be caught here talking to her parents all night"
"Untrue" I held up a finger "On the contrary, I would love to be stuck here talking to only the both of you for the entirety of this party"
"That's my girl" Dad was beaming at me when I caught a flash of blonde appearing by his side.
"Kissass" My sister coughed into her fist, leaning over to kiss our parents on their cheeks in greeting before pulling me into the biggest bear hug she could manage.
"Babysister won another big award, this is the third party we're attending this year alone for it"
"Sweetheart, it's the Noble Prize. It's much bigger than just a big award" Mom gently chastised.
"Eh" My sister lifted a shoulder "We all know she did it because she was bored not because she was-" Emphasizing her point with air quotes, my sister continued "-passionate about it"
Dad looked ready to rise to my defense, my sister cutting him off before he could "I know it's a huge deal, Dad. No one is prouder than I am" As he opened his mouth to retort, she cut him off again "No, not even you"
Before he could get a single word in, sister dearest cleverly maneuvered me into the direction where I could see her friend group was standing together, champagne glasses in hands, heirs of the most elite families of England.
"You should come say hi to everyone"
"Why should I say hi to your friends?" Trying to dig my heels into the carpet, I tried to wrench my arm away.
"Because they're your friends too"
"No. They're my friends through you"
"Semantics. Now, come on" My sister looked about ready to drag me across the length of the grand ballroom where my father had gone out of his way to celebrate his youngest's latest achievement.
"Why are you forcing the poor girl?"
Halting in her tracks, my sister finally dropped my arm as she huffed, turning towards the ones who had interrupted her plan to drag me across the floor "Because otherwise she's gonna spend the entire night glued to Dad's side"
"Unlike us, some people prefer his company. Why so, that remains a mystery" My brother-in-law reached out and interlaced his fingers with my sister's, pulling her to his side. Turning to me, he smiled "To reaching heights greater than this, babysis" He raised his champagne glass toward me as I nodded in thanks.
"Congratulations are in order, I believe"
Mentally preparing myself was not enough, never enough whenever I had to look at him. He appeared next to my brother-in-law, the dimple in his cheek deepening as his gaze finally, finally landed on me, lingering.
"Thank you" I managed, smiling to cover up urges that had no business being here, tonight, at this party.
"Late to your own party?" He questioned, his smile widening as I blinked.
If I wasn't blindsided by the force of having his full attention on me, I would have managed to respond a lot faster.
"Arriving late in style is a family trait" I gestured to my sister who shrugged in agreement.
It was only when his smile tilted into a smirk like he could see straight through my lie, like he knew I was the butterfly caught in his web that it sent my radars blaring. When he leaned close to whisper, it was as if the world had stopped.
"Four, R, E, one, double L, four"
My sister and her husband looked confused but a sinking feeling in my stomach had my throat tightening as color rose in my cheeks and suddenly, I felt faint. The numberplate of my bike.
"You can do better than this, Ariella"
He knew.
Remington Astor knew I was his stalker.
As he turned to leave with Eli, leaving me behind with Ava, my lips finally lifted into a smile for the first time tonight.
It was our little game. It had been for years. And the stakes just became a lot higher.
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sebastiansource · 3 months
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Sebastian Stan wins the Silver Bear for Best Leading Performance in “A Different Man” at the Award Ceremony of the 74th Berlinale.
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tuttle-4077 · 1 month
The 2024 Papa Bear Awards Winners, Continued
Are you ready for more PBA winners? Let's go!
Best Portrayal of a Canon Character
Newkirk in Uneasy Company by dust on the wind
Klink in Ashes by LightShiner14
Newkirk in Drop Bears by dust on the wind
LeBeau in Spring Flowers by Tuttle4077
LeBeau in Voice of Reason by @rose-of-pollux
Newkirk in Autumn Winds by Fear-Of-The-Cold
Best Portrayal of a Canon Extra
Marya in Once Is Enough by Abracadebra
Langenscheidt in Uneasy Company by dust on the wind
Gertrude Linkmeyer in In Too Deep by @rose-of-pollux
Wilson in Sergeant 'Don't You Sass Me, Hogan' Wilson by @whatisthismandoinghere
Best Original Character
MacDonald in Drop Bears by dust on the wind
Pitts, Potts, & P. 'Gregory" Putter in The Murder That Never Happened by Khebidecia
The Wind in The Winds of the World by Fear-Of-The-Cold
Sasha in Once Is Enough by Abracadebra
And finally, one of my favourite categories....
Best Multimedia Fanwork
Newkirk's Cap by @benevolenterrancy
Marya: Unstoppable by Oconee Belle
Go Ask Mother by @benevolenterrancy
Congratulations to all the winners. And thank-you to everyone who participated by nominating and voting!
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