illicthearts · 1 year
I’ll never watch the Sirat track. I love Kaira too much and it’s honestly ridiculous and unnecessary
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sheikhabdellatif · 2 years
Kannst du mir #Eigenschaften von dieser #Ummah nennen - Ummatu Muhammad saw
Jeder Muslim muss so etwas wissen und stolz darauf sein. Es gibt viele Eigenschaften
Wir sind die Einzige Ummah die Tawhid hat
Wir sind die Einzige Ummah die Allah awj alleine anbetet
Wir sind Zeugen aller vorherigen Ummat Bspw. #Nuh alayhi salam wird sein Volk sagen er hat uns nicht gewarnt. Er hat nicht mit uns Dawah gemacht obwohl wir die Wahrheit kennen dass er a.s. Tag und Nacht mit seinem #Volk gemacht hat. Aber sein Volk wird alles leugen. Er wird gefragt: Hast du Zeugen? Ja Muhammad saw und seine Ummah sind meine #Zeugen.
Gemeinschaft der Mitte als Zeugen über andere Menschen
Muhammad saw sagt wir sind die 70. Ummah seit #Adam a.s. und die beste Ummah. Das ist eine #Ehre #Sharraf
Hadith Abu Dawud diese Ummah richtet #barmherzig Die #Strafe wird hier in der #Dunya sein mit #Erdbebe #Töten etc.
Solange sie #Waswas haben oder gezwungen sind was zu machen wird es nicht #geschrieben. #subhanAllah Wir haben ein paar Sachen was die andere Ummata nicht gehabt haben. Unsere Reihen sind wie die von #Engel. Die #Erde ist rein und ein #Gebetsplatz Die letzten #Versen von #Sura al #Baqarah sind ein Schutz unter #Thron von #Allah awj was keine andere Ummah bekommen hat. Auch #Ghanima die #Beute nach einem #Krieg #Jihad haben wir als einzige #Ummah erlaubt bekommen dass wir sie mit nach hause nehmen. Es gibt so viele Eigenschaften was wir gegenüber den anderen haben. In Yaum al Qiyamah wird RasulAllah saw uns anhand von #Wudu erkennen. Die Spuren von #Wudu werden leuchten. Wir sind die 1. Ummah die #Abrechnung bekommt. Wir stehen als erstes aus den Gräbern auf überschreiten die #Brücke 70.000 von uns treten ohne #Abrechnung nach #Jannah #Paradies ein und davon jeweils wieder 70.000 Jede Ummah geht eine #Hälfte in Feuer und eine Hälfte nach Jannah Bei uns kommen alle nach #Jannah die #Muwahhidun sind. Die #Paradiesbewohner sind 120 Reihen. 80 Reihen davon sind von #Ummatu Muhammad sallallahu 3alayhi wa sallam. #Tirmidhi Über unsere Ummah wird gesagt dass wir an unserer #Ni'mah festhalten um Muslime zu bleiben.
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ndadakpos · 2 years
Mendidik; Memelihara dan Menjaga
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Mendidik; Memelihara dan Menjaga
لا إِله إِلا هو سبحانه { رَبِّ } الربّ: مشتق من التربية وهي إِصلاح شئون الغير ورعاية أمره
(As-Shobuni, 2019:18-19)
لا                 = tiada
إِله                = Tuhan
إِلا                = selain
هو                = Dia (Allah)
سبحانه            = Yang Maha Suci
رَبِّ                = pemelihara
مشتق             = kata turunan berfungsi sebagai subjek
من                = dari
التربية             = tindakan mendidik
وهي              = dan dia (merujuk ke kata ‘tarbiyah’)
إِصلاح           = perbaikan
شئون الغير       = urusan orang lain
ورعاية أمره        = dan kepedulian akan perkaranya
Upaya penulis dalam memahami ini adalah bahwa tiada tuhan selain Allah Yang Maha Suci, Sang Pemelihara yang senantiasa merawat dan peduli akan kemaslahatan hamba-hambanya, semesta, dan jagad raya.
قال الهروي: يقال لمن قام بإِصلاح شيء وإِتمامه: قد ربَّه ومنه الربانيون لقيامهم بالكتب
(As-Shobuni, 2019:18-19)
قال               =  telah berkata
الهروي            = Al-Harawi
يقال               = disebut (rabb)
لمن               = karena sesiapapun
قام                = yang berdiri
بإِصلاح           = dengan perbaikan
شيء              = sesuatu
وإِتمامه            = dan penyempurnaannya
قد ربَّه             = telah merawatnya (sesuatu itu)
الربانيون          = kaum robbani
ومنه              =  dan darinya (tindakan merawat)
لقيامهم            =  karena berdirinya mereka
بالكتب            = dengan kitab-kitab
Dengan upaya mengumpulkan pengertian-pengertian di atas, penulis mengambil pemahaman bahwa Al-Harawi telah berkata: “Lafadhz robb itu diperuntukkan bagi sesiapapun yang memelihara suatu (perkara) dan menyempurnakan (kekurangan)nya: dari terminologi itulah mengapa kaum pemelihara disebut juga dengan sebutan kaum Rabbani karena konsistensi mereka dalam memelihara sesuatu sesuai dengan tuntunan kitab-kitab yang diturunkan oleh Sang Rabb, Sang Pemelihara”.
والربُّ يطلق على عدة معان وهي المالك، والمصلح، والمعبود، والسيد المطاع
(As-Shobuni, 2019: 19)
والربُّ             = dan lafadhz “rabb”
يطلق على        = memiliki
عدة               = banyak
معان              = makna
وهي              = dan itu (merujuk ke lafadhz plural makna)
المالك            = pemilik
المصلح           = yang memperbaiki
المعبود           = yang disembah
السيد المطاع     = Tuan yang ditaati.
Dari upaya pengumpulan makna perkata di atas dapat dipahami bahwa lafadhz ‘rabb’ itu memiliki banyak makna, di antaranya adalah: Sang Pemilik, Yang memperbaiki segala bentuk kerusakan, Yang patut disembah, Sang Tuan yang perintahnya mutlak dan wajib ditaati. Namun kata ‘rabb’ lebih dipilih untuk mengenalkan Tuhan kepada hamba-hambanya karena lebih terkesan mesra dan tidak imperialis, karena kasih-sayang Tuhan itu lebih besar melebihi kasih-sayang seorang ibu kepada anaknya, dan kasih-sayang Allah itu lebih besar pula daripada murkaNya.
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Sirat Pos, 2023
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modelsof-color · 4 months
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Serigne Lam and Sirat Kaur by Andres Jaña for L'officiel Mexico Magazine September 2021
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wordofprophet · 1 month
Facts about the Bridge of Sirat...
1. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) will be the first to cross it. 2. It's thinner than a hair, and sharper than a sword. It's placed right above Jahanam 3. Not a single person will be able to escape it, every soul must cross it. Except the disbelievers, their destination is automatically Jahannam 4. True believers will pass it like lightning or wind, some will crawl, some will slip and fall, some will be snatched and thrown into the fire 5. Whoever was slow to obey and worship Allah will pass over it slowly with fear.
Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 7439 | Sahih al-Bukhari 6573 . . .
#bismillah#islamicreminder#loveislam#islampost#islamicposts#islamicreminders#islamicquotes#islamicquote#deen#islamicpost#islamformankind #alhamdulillah#quran#اسلام#deen#quranverses#Hijab#mashallah#holyquran#religion#islam#muslim#jannah#allah#قرآن#taqwa#الله#محمد#مكة
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faithful-diaries · 1 year
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Oh Allah, on this blessed night we ask you to forgive us, for you are the Forgiver of sins and you love to forgive.
Change our fates to what's best in our haq, Ya Rab, we place our trust in you, the best of planners.
Oh Allah help us remember you, love you, worship you and be thankful to you in the best of manners.
Oh turner of hearts, keep our hearts firm upon your deen🤲❤️‍🩹
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therunwayarchive · 11 months
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Mannat & Sirat Kaur for Collina Strada, Fall 2022
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chashmenaaz · 3 months
اَللّٰهُمَّ اهْدِنِيْ وَسَدِّدْنِيْ ، اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَسْأَلُكَ الْهُدَىٰ وَالسَّدَادَ.
O Allah, guide me and grant me firmness. O Allah, I beg You for guidance and firmness (on the straight path).
Ali (raḍiy Allāhu ‘anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to him: “Say: [the above] and when you make a mention of guidance, keep in mind the (Straight) Path and when you consider the Straight (Path), keep in mind the straightness of the arrow.” (Muslim 2725)
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naimmhedhbi · 20 days
مختارات من الرائية الصغرى فى ذم أهل البدع ومدح السنة الغرا (٣) 
مختارات من الرائية الصغرى فى ذم أهل البدع ومدح السنة الغرا (٣)[١]  قبسات من فوائد الشيخ يوسف بن إسماعيل النبهانِى المتوفى سنة ١٣٥٠ هـ رحمه الله تعالى  [اضغط هنا لنسخة منسقة بصيغة بي دي أف] الحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى ءاله وصحبه وسلم وبعد فهذا القسم من القصيدة الرائية فى وصف الوه��بية أتباع محمد بن عبد الوهاب النجدِىّ التابع فى بدعته لابن تيمية ووصف المجنون المفتون…
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whassan2025 · 2 months
Sirat al-Mustaqeem refers to the path taken by all the noble prophets and the path of Islam which the Companions and the Saints followed. It is this path that leads one to the Divine Essence. Tap below to read more: https://sultan-ul-ashiqeen.com/sirat-al-mustaqeem-the-right-path/
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valleyofsacrifice · 4 months
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mofizmohiuddinblog · 7 months
Knowledge of Islam's philosophy of life (one)
The main voice of the Islamic way of life is the vision of knowledge of the Qur'an and the vision of love of Ahl al-Bayt and its simultaneous union, which is the implementation of the essence of the farewell Hajj speech given by the Prophet (PBUH). The speech informed that the only way to stay on the right path and not to go astray is to cherish the knowledge of the Qur'an with love and itrat, i.e. love for Ahlul Bayt. This approach is the main philosophy of Islamic life law and the essence of worship. The main goal of this article is to show what needs to be done to implement that philosophy in every aspect of life.
The formation of the loving nature of Allah-Rasul is the real life philosophy and knowledge Allah says - وَالَّذِيْنَ امَنُوْا اسَدُّ حُبَّا لِلَّهِ. Those who believe have a lot of love with Allah. - Baqarah: 165 verses Allah says this verse differently in Hadith Qudsi - 'I was a hidden treasure; I manifested myself in love to make myself known and created everything in the heavens and the earth to know me.' (Hadith Qudsi) This means that God's creation is the symbol of His love and in fact love is the generational process of all creation. Without love there is no birth and development of creation. The human birth process is also a product of that same love. Therefore, the loving creation has to wait for God's love by nature. Without love, no act of worship is possible for a servant. Allah made Adam (Alaihis Salam) his knife, He said - 'Inni khalaka Adama ala churatihi (Qur'an). That is why the children of Adam are urged - 'Takhallaku bi akhlakillah - you form nature according to the nature of Allah (Qudsi in the hadith)' and Kalamepa also said - صِبْغَةَ اللَّهِ. Chhibgatallah - Be colored in the color of Allah or form nature by nature. (Baqarah: 138) In order to form such a character, one has to do hard Riyazat Sadhana and Ibadat-Bandeghi from the path of truth-right-siratal mustaqeem for a lifetime. So Allah Almighty says- اَلَّذِيْنَ جَاهَدُوْا فِسْنَا لَنَهْدِ يَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا ط
That is, those who endure hardships in my way, surely I will guide them to my nearness and virtue. (Ankabut: 69 verse) Thus, the means of nearness and virtue is the Habib of Allah (SAW); It is not possible to earn Allah's love and satisfaction if one does not love him, if one does not follow and imitate his Sunnah and moral character. So the last Prophet (peace be upon him) said - 'You (no one) can become a believer, until you keep friendship with me (most) than your lives and property, children and children, parents and the whole human race. (Hadith) Therefore Ishke Rasool is the medium and standard of Ishke Ilahi. It is said in the hadith Qudsi - Laulaka Lama Khalaktu Aflakh (O Prophet) If I had not created you, I would not have created anything. The echo of this is the saying of the Holy Prophet - 'I was a Prophet when Hazrat Adam was in the mud of water and mud. (Hadith) So he (the Prophet) assuredly said - He who loves me, surely loves Allah. Whoever follows me follows Allah, whoever sees me has indeed seen Allah. (Hadith) This is the true philosophy of the means of attaining Allah or Siratal Mustaqeem and the constitution of the Islamic way of life.
Documentary evidence of the use of means in Islamic life rules:
The Qur'an says: يَاَویُّهَا الَّذِيْنَ اَمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَابْتَغُوْوّا اِلَيْهِ الْوَ سِيَلَةَ وَخَا هِدُ وْا فِىْ سَبِيْلِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْو تُفْلِحُونَ 0 'Ya Ayyuhallajina Amanu'ttaqu'llaha Wabtagu' Ilaihil Wasilata, Wa Zahidu' Fi'Sabilihi La'Allakum Tuflihun -O you who believe! (You) fear and love Allah and seek means or means for Allah, and strive (spiritually and physically) in His way; So that you can be successful. (Surat al-Maida, verse 35); Surah Baqarah verse 143 says- and Thus I have established you as a nation of moderates so that you may be witnesses for mankind and the Messenger will be witnesses for you.' This means the identity of the Ummah Muhammadi - as a nation of mediums and moderates. Allah says - فَلَا تَخَا فُوْهُمْو وَخَا فُوْنِ "Don't fear people, love and respect me. (Ale Imran: 175 verses); He who has this fearful love of Allah in his heart can be a righteous believer of the Muhammadan Ummah and a beloved servant of Allah. But in the case of human life, it is mostly seen that they love Allah's creation more than Allah, which is becoming and becoming a partner. These are the wayward Siratal Mustaqeem, the wayfarers of the opposite course. Their predecessors were Ezidi-Abu Jaheli characters, unbelieving drunkards, maluni (cursed) servants, and infidels-mushrik-fasek-monafek servants.
Islamic philosophy of life philosophy:
According to the hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radi Allah Anhu, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Hereafter, let him speak good words or remain silent.” (Bukhari and Muslim) He also said, "Whoever preaches something to slander a Muslim, Allah Ta'ala will cast him into the fire on the Day of Judgment." (Continued)
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goharshahi · 1 year
New Video: Sirat e Mustaqeem Kya Hai? | Sufi Master Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Scplaz1noBI
Sufi Master Younus AlGohar delves into the meaning of the Qur'anic verse of 'Sirat al Mustaqeem', i.e. 'The Straight Path'. He elaborates on its significance, the process of acquiring it, and the source from which it can be obtained.
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illicthearts · 1 year
Yk the Goenkas (especially Dadi) don’t deserve Naira, and ain’t no way did they replace her with Vedika, like I expected this form Kartik’s family but not Naira own family as well
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therunwayarchive · 2 years
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Mannat & Sirat Kaur at Collina Strada, Spring 2022
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