whatevvvs · 1 year
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Time to shake it up with some skylighter angst
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months
luke and biggs… thoughts?
many thoughts + it means luke has a type
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vulpes115 · 17 days
Luke’s Love Life Headcanons
-Biggs was his first kiss and his first real love back on Tatooine, their relationship got put on pause when Biggs left for the Academy and Luke and was kinda looking forward to resuming and building on their relationship with him in the rebellion-and then Biggs immediately dies, WHOOPS
-Had a tiny crush on Han over the course of A New Hope but Leia staked her claim quite quickly, even if it took several more years for her to admit it, so he let that one go without much of a fight
-Luke and Wedge had a casual relationship during the rebellion, with Luke still kinda burned from his relationship with Biggs so they weren’t really serious, never exclusive and their were no deep romantic feelings there as the war always came first, but it was a good distraction and made for quite a few fun nights and a handful of dates on spare time. They kinda just naturally drifted apart after Endor when Luke got more caught up with doing Jedi stuff, but they are still very good friends
-Him and Lando also had a casual friends-with-benefits relationship that lasted about until Luke got more settled down with Din, Lando makes for a REALLY good sugar daddy, brilliant in bed and will spoil you rotten
-After the events of Mandalorian season 2, newly minted Mand’alore Din keeps visiting Luke’s Jedi school and one thing leads to another, with both being able to relate to the other’s struggle to rebuild their culture, and Luke realizes for the first time since Biggs he might be in LOVE love and that led to a confession and oh force Din liked him BACK and they kinda got in a relationship after that, though it was kinda a long distance one. Still their connection was strong enough that that did not matter and a few years later they got married, one for Luke’s people at the Jedi temple and another for Din’s people in the Mandalorian style. They don’t have any biological children but they adopt a girl Luke finds on Jakku named Rey so they have two kids, Grogu and Rey
(Also maybe he also is poly and forms a relationship with Mara as well as Din, but I haven’t decided yet, I have to work out if I actually want to do a ‘Legends-Canon hybrid AU or just ‘Canon but we ignore the bad parts’ AU)
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darthskys · 2 years
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I think about this poor guy's sex life way too much to be considered healthy, i think
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lesbidin · 6 months
aaaand biggs darklighter wins the award for most intense lip stare in star wars.
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dinlukewarrior · 11 months
fellas, is it gay to return home to tell your childhood best friend and lover that you’ve joined an antifascist rebellion movement and may soon meet your demise
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bon-sides-sw · 1 year
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Meme done under the provocation of the Dinluke Server
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berrywinkle · 2 years
Yes I headcanon Luke Skywalker as asexual, yes I also love all the Luke ships. We exist🖤.
How does it work, you ask? Simple. Everyone is smitten with his cuteness and sexiness while Luke’s not even trying. His charm is just that strong that people can’t help falling for him. He has a line of suitors simply for existing.
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dukedirtfarmer · 2 years
Luke ‘Chanel Boots’ Skywalker got his style from Biggs Darklighter and you can’t tell me otherwise
You’re telling me he was around this on Tatooine and didn’t pick up anything??
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I’m sorry this is the same man who went to the Imperial Academy, graduated, and wore a whole cape with his uniform
He walked so Luke could sprint
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lithopsy · 3 months
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working on a “Biggs Darklighter shouldn’t have joined the rebels, he and Luke should have been at the club” playlist
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whatevvvs · 3 months
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After mission cuddle
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spell-cleaver · 1 year
On Tatooine, Biggs and Luke make their escape.
"What are you going to do?" Luke hissed. "The hell were you even thinking, convincing him to come back here? He doesn't want to help. He just wants to be the person in control, for once." Though Luke's voice wavered slightly. They both knew Vader wouldn't have reacted nearly so sharply if he hadn't already cared.
That was when the troop transports, requisitioned by spare stormtroopers from the garrison, shot past. Under the cacophony of their engines, Biggs leaned in to whisper, "Once Vader is inside the Palace and we're not, we're going to run."
Luke's eyes widened, but he was smart enough not to cry out. Biggs added, before Luke could tear him apart with doubts and distrust, "Leia's coming."
Luke relaxed significantly after that.
The rest passed by in a desert haze. Once the transports stopped in front of them, they climbed in, and were delivered to Jabba's Palace abruptly. Again, the squeals and cacophony of miscellaneous life silenced when Vader strode forwards to pound his fist on the door. A droid shaped like an eyeball, presumably Jabba's doorman, shot out to inspect him.
After a few sharp words, the door screeched open. Vader waved his hand and the troopers fell into step behind him. But before he marched into the darkness, Vader glanced back at Luke.
"You are not trained enough to witness this," he said. "It will be… chaotic. I cannot guarantee your safety."
"You haven't really cared about my safety so far," Luke retorted.
Vader ignored him. "But remember that you are also capable of this," he continued. "And you will be capable of all that comes after."
Read the rest on AO3 or on FFN!
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materassassino · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy, The Mandalorian (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Biggs Darklighter/Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker Characters: Luke Skywalker, Biggs Darklighter, Laze "Fixer" Loneozner, Deak (Star Wars: Original Trilogy), Windy (Star Wars), Din Djarin, Original Toydarian Character Additional Tags: Smut, Porn Watching, Masturbation, Anal Sex, Gay Awakening, Discord: DinLuke Server, teenagers being idiots, Planet Tatooine (Star Wars), Prophetic Dreams, but it's also, Wet Dream, starts off biggsluke ends up dinluke for reasons that make sense in the fic, i hope you find the little easter eggs entertaining Summary:
Who knew that an adolescent dare concerning pornographic holovids would lead Luke Skywalker to not one, but two of the most important men in his life?
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sandsu03 · 1 year
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Luke Skywalker / Biggs Darklighter
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word: smile
Thank you mid 💙
He only had eyes for Biggs Darklighter, who was standing there with his helmet under his arm and a broad smile on his handsome face, safe and whole and alive.
This sappy self-indulgent Skylighter fix-it has been gathering dust in my WIPs folder for ages now but one day. One day I shall get back to it.
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vintagehomecollection · 3 months
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Rooms by Design, 1989
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