#slavic yuu
cloudcountry · 1 year
ivan kupala
SUMMARY: The whole point is about summer solstice and renovation of nature, but we're gonna focus on one particular tradition here: girls make flower crowns, decorate them with candles and ribbons and release them into a river or a creak as a way to look into the future. It is said that the guy who picks up a flower crown like that is the girl's one true love and will become her husband. So the mc in this one is obviously Slavic(probably implied female, but you can change it however you see fit) and missing their home and culture, as well as having a crush on Riddle. So I put my faith in your writing skills so you can manifest a creak on NRC's territory, we have our mc with a crush releasing a flower crown, a clueless Riddle picking it up and bringing it to them - BOOM.
CHARACTER: Riddle Rosehearts
COMMENTS: this was a request on ao3 with a slavic mc!! also reader is implied to be afab but they/them pronouns are still used!!!!
Homesickness was hitting you hard as the weather warmed up and the flowers around Ramshackle began to bloom. In an effort to combat this, you spent most of your free time gathering flowers and weaving them together. Back in your world, it would have been Ivan Kupala today, and even though that didn’t matter to Crowley you were not about to give up one of the parts of your culture that brought you comfort.
Once the wreath was finished, ribbons and candles decorating the woven flowers, you made your way down to the mini creek that passed through the Botanical Gardens. It ran throughout the whole campus and from what you remember the Science Club was often tasked with checking the water purity to make sure the natural beauty of the water was preserved.
Crowley’s words, not yours.
Crouching down, you gently place the crown of flowers in the water. It bobs for a few seconds before drifting away, and you watch it go. Eventually it leaves the greenhouse and you can no longer see it, so you make your way back to Ramshackle.
A few hours pass as you busy yourself with cleaning up your dorm, the dust and grime having practically vanished since you came here. A knock on the door stops you from sweeping, and you can’t help but be confused. There’s no one aside from Malleus that would visit you, but he isn’t normally here at this hour. Leaning the broom against the wall, you make your way over to the door and pull it open.
Riddle stands on your doorstep with your wreath in hand, a confused look on his face. Your heart catches in your throat and you wait for him to speak with bated breath.
“Pardon my intrusion, Prefect.” he says, holding out the wreath for you to take, “This was floating in the creek by Ramshackle and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a decoration of some kind that you had lost.”
“Um…no, that’s not what it is. Riddle, do you guys have a tradition involving wreaths and marriage here?” you ask, hoping there’s something similar to Ivan Kupala so he’s not flying blind here.
“I…don’t think so, no. Though I did not celebrate many holidays as a kid.” he mumbles, brow furrowing, “Why do you ask?”
You explain what that wreath means, stumbling over your words when you get the part about how the first man to pick up your wreath would be your future husband. Riddle’s face is turning red by the second, his lips wobbly and eyes wide.
“Ah, pardon me then.” he blurts out, fumbling as he hands you the wreath like he’s in a rush to leave, “I…didn’t mean to imply such a thing, I’m so sorry-”
“Hey, hey! It’s okay. I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else.” you try your best to smile as he freezes in place, hands clearly shaking from nerves.
He swallows thickly, peeking at you through his lashes.
“Well, uh- in that case, it would- be my pleasure to, um- I mean, I would love to…” he winces before taking a deep breath in an attempt to regain his composure, “I wouldn’t mind courting you. Shall I begin the process, or...?”
You try to hide your laughter behind your hand, but he notices.
“Why are you laughing?! Did I do something wrong?” he freaks out, gnawing at his lower lip worryingly.
“No, no. You’re just so adorable.” you laugh again, and he can only blush harder.
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moon7struck · 11 months
Slavic Yuu in twst pt2
Ace: Did you seriously bring a sandwich that only has ONE bread???? Pft-
Slavic Yuu: Yeah? Everyone eats their sandwiches like this??
Ace: …
Ace: You come from a weird place Perfect.
Slavic Yuu: *Talking about slavic crime shows they watched*
Deuce: That is freaking traumatizing??? When did you watch something like that???
Slavic Yuu: When I was around 8. It was actually pretty fun!
Deuce: Are you ok…?
Slavic Yuu: Yup! So anyways, they tortured the dude and also chained him up on those really old heat warmers that will burn you if you touch it. They take his identity, make him so weak that he can barely think for himself, and pretty sure he died!
Deuce: Yeah, you most definitely need therapy the most.
Slavic Yuu: He was just the side plot. Now onto the main plot…
*At night*
Malleus: So, child of man, why are you not asleep? I was informed that tomorrow is quite a important day for you? It is quite late at night.
Slavic Yuu: Hm? But I need to clean the house??
Malleus: Child of man, are you inviting people over?
Slavic Yuu: Nah, my mom will beat me if she knew I didn’t clean the house..
Malleus: Your mother isn’t here? How shall she know if you cleaned or didn’t?
Slavic Yuu: She always knows somehow….No matter where she is…Always there…
Slavic Yuu: Heyyyy!
Random person: Heyyyy, how have you been bestie?
*Slavic Yuu and random person have the best conversation in the world. They sound like they were the best of friends ever since childhood*
Ace whispering to Grim: Does the Perfect know them???
Grim: Nope, just met them a couple of minutes before.
Ace: When will they stop???
Grim: If you’re lucky, a hour.
Slavic Yuu: Ace shut up or I will personally beat you.
Slavic Yuu turns back to random person: So sorry about that. As you were saying?
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wolfiesmoon · 3 months
reader is gender neutral and is a silly prankster
ofc anything for my slavic friendo 🤭 yall get special treatment fr
i am still genuinely blown away by how well recieved that body swap fic of mine was, i've never gotten that many comments on a fic of mine before
(and how well recieved i was into the twst fandom in general, srsly guys thanks for the support💕)
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You are in a silly mood today. But then again, when are you not?
You feel like causing a bit of trouble to someone, but all the fun options have already been exhausted and you doubt they'd fall for your tricks twice in a row.
However, you still do have one person you can pull a prank on, and that's Vil Schoenheit. Normally, you'd give him a special pass which lets him bypass your pranks because he's extra special to you.
But what's the fun in that? Sometimes even he deserves to be messed with a little. Also, wouldn't it be kind of unfair if Vil was the only one spared from your little tricks?
That settles it, you're sneaking into Pomefiore tonight.
You knew Vil would be out at about 7 pm, busy with a photoshoot. He told you himself. Beginner mistake.
You're already cooking up a funny prank to pull. It's an expensive one, but his reaction will be worth the empty wallet. You can always work a few shifts at the Mostro lounge to make the money back.
Once 7 pm hit, you quietly snuck into Pomefiore, trying your damn hardest to sneak into Vil's room without getting caught.
"What are you doing here?" A very familiar voice stopped you in your tracks just as you were about to reach the door to Vil's room. And you were so close, too.
"Good evening to you too, Epel." You greeted him, slightly irked by the instant interrogation. He quickly corrected himself, greeting you back with a slight stutter.
"I just realised I forgot something in Vil's room." This actually wasn't a bad excuse at all since you often visit Vil and Epel knows that. You mostly just let him experiment on you with makeup or let him talk about his passions. Which is always a pleasure.
"Why do you have a backpack, then?" Epel glanced at the backpack which was hanging off your shoulder. He didn't mean to doubt you, but even he's been a victim to your pranks before. You're being really suspicious, but then again, it feels like you're always planning something.
"They're books, and thick ones too. They'd be difficult to carry with my hands." You shrugged, subtly showing the conversation is over as you placed your hand on the doorknob.
Of course, that part about the books was a lie. Your backpack was filled with "skincare products". They looked exactly like Vil's skincare, but really, all the bottles were filled with mayonnaise.
It's very convenient that mayo is coloured moderately like skincare products, and if it wasn't, you made sure to color match it with dye. You even tried replicating the original smell on some of them. Buying all that skincare from Sam was truly eye opening to just how expensive Vil's shiny skin is.
You're going to swap out his actual skincare with your counterfeit mayo skincare. You would pour out the contents of the original bottles and simply refill them but you have a feeling you'd never escape Vil's wrath if you did that and that's the one thing you definitely do not want to happen.
You placed the mayo skincare on his vanity table, carefully replacing each cream and balm one by one exactly as they were placed originally. Ohohoho, this is going to be great.
You put Vil's actual skincare back in your backpack and left Pomefiore with a sense of accomplishment. Oh, you wish you could see his initial reaction directly.
"Care to explain what these are?" Vil lifted one of his creams out of his bag, sat across from you in the Pomefiore lounge.
"They're uhhh... your skincare creams?" You acted innocent, like you had no clue why he was taking that tone with you.
"I know it was you. Epel told me he saw you in Pomefiore acting suspicious yesterday." He pressed you further, serious expression on his face. Ohohoho, you suddenly feel like you're in a detective movie.
You tried not to let the satisfaction on your face show. "Huh? I was simply taking back the magical history book I left in your room. What does your facial cream have to do with it?"
"I am not here to play this game with you. What did you do with my skincare?" He did not look amused by your excuses in the least.
"Hehehehe, I might or might not have replaced it with mayonnaise." You grinned evilly at him.
"You-" he seemed at a loss for words for a moment. "I knew you switched it out with something, but mayonnaise? Really? Why do you do these things?" He knew you knew that mayonnaise was his least favourite food. And he also knew of your affinity for pranks and jokes, but it seems he's gotten a bit too comfortable with not being their victim. Just how long have you been planning this? (One day.)
"Becaaaause, it's funny. Oh man, I wish I could've seen your face when you first applied it." you snorted, imagining his expression. His face is always such a joy to look at, but you imagine it must have been especially expressive in that moment. Your snort developed into hearty laughter.
"I for one do not find it as amusing as you do." he crossed his legs, looking at you with an expression that demanded seriousness. If you weren't so comfortable around him, you would have immediately apologised and bowed gracefully. His presence sure is strong.
You tried your best to stop laughing so he wouldn't actually kick you out of Pomefiore, but it was hard. Whenever you thought you had calmed down and tried looking him in the eyes, it was right back to laughter.
After about a minute of this, Vil seemingly gave up on stopping you, expression softening slightly.
"You should know by now how important skincare is to me. Having to miss out on it this morning was a horrible experience. Which, speaking of... just what did you do to the original contents of my products?" he looked incredibly horrified at the thought of you simply throwing away the contents.
"Oh, I, uh...." you acted nervous on purpose to make him think you're confirming his fears. His eyes widened slightly and he leaned forward in the fancy lounge chair.
"...Put the original tubes and containers away in Ramshackle dorm and bought new ones to refill with mayo." he took a visible sigh of relief. His products live another day.
"Didn't that hurt your wallet?" he asked.
"Yeah, a lot. But it was worth it." you shrugged, smiling at him.
"Well, I suppose you're quite a dedicated person, too. I didn't peg you as one initially." you really are a dedicated prankster. In some aspects, he respects the commitment. In others, he thinks you were kind of stupid for spending so much money just to annoy him.
"Always have been, pookie bear, always have been." you jokingly blew a kiss at him.
He cleared his throat, cheeks dusting pink. How ungraceful.
"I like you when you're angry." you blurted out after a few seconds of silence.
"...You're strange." he narrowed his eyes at you.
"Hahahaha, I knowwww. It's just, like... when you're angry with me for pulling a silly prank on you, it feels different. Your face becomes all expressive and stuff. Oh, and also, it's like, really hot." you recall watching a few movies which he acted in and you felt all giddy when he got angry playing the hot villain. As much as you know he dislikes being typecast, you always simp for him quite excessively when he plays a villain.
"Then why have you only pulled one prank on me so far?" he ignored that last comment after a few moments of consideration. He supposes the pranks would lose their effect if you did them too much, but if you really get that much enjoyement out of his misery, then why have you waited so long?
"Oh, that's because you get a special no-prank pass. You get it since I love y-" you paused.
"I realise I've said too much... I mean, uhhh, that was a prank! Got you! Hahahaha!" Suddenly, you wanted to remove yourself from Pomefiore, so you did just that. You quickly left the dorm without saying goodbye. You cringed at yourself for how unnatural and forced that laughter sounded.
He blinked a few times at the sudden end of the conversation and then fell back on the lounge chair.
"That little... Oh, your real goal is to make me lose my mind, isn't it..." Vil pressed his fingers against his forehead, mumbling that to himself before going to sort out some paperwork. He's wasted far too much time dealing with you anyways.
He denied any accusations from Rook about his cheeks being more pink than before.
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The different versions of "Yuri"
There are two versions of the Japanese name "Yuri" and I wrote a short guide how to distinguish them:
The female Yuri (百合) translates as "lily". It's a fairly common name in Japan. In Japan, white lilies haven been symbolising the beauty and purity in women for centuries, and because of this it eventually became the term to describe sapphic fiction, especially in manga and anime.
The male 勇利 is fairly different in meaning and writing. The first kanji 利 ("yuu") translates as courage, the second one 利 ("ri") as advantage--attributes that traditionally haven been associated with men and match Yuuri's personality nicely. Likewise, many female names are derived from terms that describe beauty, gentleness, and other traditional "female" virtues, and not only in Japanese culture but also other cultures (thanks for nothing, patriarchy).
Yes, you read that right: the creators didn't give Yuuri a woman's name.
The pronunciation for each name is different as well. Whereas 百合 has a short first vowel, the first vowel in 勇利 is drawn out. This becomes obvious when both names are written in hiragana:
百合 -> ゆり (yu-ri)
勇利 -> ゆうり(yu-u-ri)
That's why "Yuuri" has established itself as the preferred spelling of our beloved katsudon's name in the fandom. (Another valid spelling would be Yūri.)
In katakana, these names are:
The second one looks familiar, right?
To sum this up, we have
勇利 ≠ 百合
and in romaji:
Yuuri ≠ Yuri
With this in mind, watching the show with English subs becomes a bit jarring, especially as you can hear the characters drawing out the first vowel in "Yuuri".
There are a few more combinations of kanji forming both names, with different meanings. If you're interested in that, you can look them up on Wikipedia.
Bonus: What about Yurio's given name?
The Russian (male) name Yuri (Юрий) derives from the Old Greek Georgios (Γεώργιος), which means farmer, or literally, "he who works the earth". Yuri and its variants are popular in Slavic countries, while in Western Europe and English-speaking countries worldwide Georg/George is more common.
So, yeah, we have three different "Yuris" with different meanings and spellings.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk! Hope this helps!
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fregget-frou · 1 year
Chernabog Dorm AU!
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Basically before ramshackle was ramshackle it was an actual dorm!
For me I think the whole general theory of Yuu being related to Chernabog from Fantasia is amazing and I love it so much for many reasons!
(If you’re unfamiliar with Chernabog I have notes on him that I’ll link here, and some video links to YouTube for his parts in the movie fantasia)
Yt vid #1 Yt vid #2
anyways, i made a dorm logo! Say hello to the 8th dorm, Chernohyne!
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Some things I added to this:
Chernabog’s horns, similar fashion to disomnia as him and Malificent are connected
His volacano/mountain that he sprouts out of
Ramshackles colors and vibe to fit more with the story for Yuu
Stone outside to symbolize Chernabogs likeness to Gargoyles!
Chernohyne roughly (I mean roughly) translating to “old servants of the dark”
The dorm in general is themed after Slavic architecture(because the myth is of Slavic origin), with a lot of themes coming from Ukrainian, German and Russian inspiration. Ramshackle is very boring to be completely honest and holds some German/French inspiration, but I have a headcannon that dorms are similar to living creatures in a way, where they are fueled by the students energy. Not to go too into it but after being left alone for a while the dorm now known as ramshackle had reverted and dilapidated into what we are familiar to with today in canon, even if in this au it could’ve have very well looked like scarabaria and it would’ve still reverted to what it looks like today because of abandonment and neglect.
Chernohyne however, would have a very stony look similar to pomfimore or disomnia, with a plethora of dark spaces, cold frigid weather, rocky and mountainous terrain, statues, ghosts galore, and mostly importantly to me, gargoyles or symbols of Chernabog himself!
Here’s some examples of what that could look like, I’m very bad at building design but it would look similar to these buildings!
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The domes are part of the main structure coming from Russian/Ukrainian architecture while I’d imagine there’d be more German inspiration in the spires and towers that still litter the dorm. The most alike to what I’m imagining is the first image with the same domes/spires as the last one with browns, grays and blues as their color scheme.
Themes/Attributes of Chernohyne:
Members of Chernohyne are often seen as dutiful people, people who take a clear goal and run with it. With a seemingly unrelenting spirit they’ll latch onto something and focus on it. They are also known to be adept at spiritual magic involving the dead, skilled at flight lessons, a malevolent to stony personality ranging from tricksters to goody toe shoes. They are all connected with their desire to continue on and their innate connection to the night.
If you were sorted into Chernohyne you’d likely be from more northern places or atleast tolerant of cold and dark places. With a very strong desire to improve/continue on your path, wether that be gardening to the dark arts, you are very passionate! Friendly with ghosts, ghouls and gargoyles alike as they are everywhere in the dorm acting as both fellow residents and actual staff! The gargoyles only really come out at night though, which most of the dorm members are thankfully night owls!
Surprisingly, it’s not a rigid dorm. It’s very much a dorm with many rules and processes like everyone cleaning and tending to the statues and gardens, everyone making sure the dorms are clean and proper, acceptable offerings to the residents etc. but the dorm prided itself to being very much about the person and their goals more than being a true collective. In the times when there were dorm leaders that forced strict rules, they were quickly challenged and overthrown as the members would not quit and if you got in the way of progress you needed to go! And if you got rid of the fun you needed to go!
I have a few future ideas I’d love to expand on when I have the time but for now, I have an idea to make a Yuu oc that lived when Chernahyne wasn’t ramshackle yet/never was abandoned and became a dorm leader. They could have no magic but I like the idea of them having either a gorgon styled unique magic or a spirit rangler themed unique magic. Very focused on competition and furthering goals, with a love for all things rocky and spooky!
Also the idea of Yuu being Gargoyle themed with Malleus RIGHT THERE with a dorm basically surrounded by gargoyles??? Excuse me he’s secretly envious of that and also??? Yuu and Gargoyles?? Some of his favorite things into one this man is swooning so hard.
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bestmannequin2018 · 7 months
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*throws my Yuu's glorious masquerade and playful land concept outfit and runs*
ignoring art style inconsistencies and lack of proper background for the 2nd drawing, these were kinda fun to do for the sake of purging the thought. i initially had a very different concept with more slavic designs for the glomas design, but then i read the bit about matching grim and went with a more purple design. plus i love a good 1540s french hood so i had to add that. for the playful land design, i was basing off of mainly pierrot and malvina from the 1976 buratino movie, since I grew up on that instead of the disney pinocchio.
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aquaburst3 · 1 year
Here's a fic prompt idea. So @stormkitty97 and I were watching this Russian movie last night called "I'm a Dragon" (or "He's a Dragon" as it's also translated out to in English).
The movie is about a medieval Russian village that used to sacrifice maidens for a dragon, but said dragon was slayed and left the guy who did so a hero. Cut to a hundred years later or so, and the Princess Mira is engaged to the grandson of the dude who slayed the dragon. On their wedding day, he sings the song to summon the dragon. Surprise, bitch! The dragon has a son, who scoops her up and takes her to his lair on an deserted island. They slowly get to know each other better, and she learns he's not a bad guy. I won't explain more than that, because of spoilers.
I can see that plotline fitting Yuu and Malleus, especially since I hc that Malleus is a zmaj (a type of Slavic dragon that can shapeshift into a human form). Hell, Armon, the dragon in the movie, reminds me of Malleus a bit, even if he's far more dramatic than Malleus by a long shot. If you want to use this as a prompt for a fic, go ahead. I would love to read any fics that use this concept.
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starrycrossedlovers · 3 months
so yeah about self insert- ahahaha after such a time-
basically I partly save the ingame plot, but instead of coming from another world I was picked as a student by mistake (therefore my origin is Twisted Wonderland). so, basically I was somehow misgendered and my speciality wrongly assumed, so that's why the magic mirror couldn't see anything. but somewhat at chapter 3 an all-girls block was given to Crowley's headmastery, and there is when I was seen my the mirror.
so, there goes my fan dorm where I was sorted - Dilvestria, based of the Forest Witch's (Baba Yaga) patronage. Basically a dorm where many witches sustain strong natural magic and are number one druids and ritualistic mages.
and yes, it is based on slavic character! I know it's not Disney, but we have lots of cool cartoons involving Baba Yaga that would catch the disney vibe
I do like how you kept some of the canon (the mirror not seeing anything) but still have a twisted wonderland origin. I also love the whole witch idea, that’s honestly really cool/gen
Tbh, I’ve seen the ghost bride event, and if the guys flirting towards the ghost was that bad, I fear for the school being officially co ed/silly. But hey, only female in a school full of boys??? (This premise is touched upon a bit in my own s/I AU). Makes your f/o all the more special
For me, I actually have two TWST!Sadie’s. One that’s basically Yuu!Sadie and Disomnia!Sadie (more of a “what if” I was actually from twst. I’d 90% be Disomnia, maybe??? Heartsaybul). I use Yuu!Sadie more often than not (mostly cause that’s the “default” for x reader stuff), but it’s fun to play around with a TWST reader
Though I am curious, you said your unique magic would’ve been something like teleporting to your own mind space(?). Would that be the case for your s/i?
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orginllazyblog · 8 months
Twst Art of my Yuu's/oc's, I did
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Around the time I first joined Twisted Wonderland Fandom, I wanted to make a girl Yuu, but then others were arguing about "hOw CaN yUu bE A gIrL iF iT's A aLL-bOy ScHoOl"
This was before Yuuka was introduced. In the end, I draw both female and male versions of Yueme. Girl Yueme, boy Yueme, and gender-neutral Yueme.
Later on, I was writing a twst fiction about Yuu, which is a twst reference of Chernabog. Name them, Zoriana, Slavic name that mean "dawn", and also "evening star"
Though they might not look like Chernabog, but there older brother is.
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It wouldn't be Disney if there weren't love interest. When the masquerade event came out in the JP server, I had an idea of creating a twst oc reference of Phoebus because Yueme was inspired by Esmeralda.
That's for the female version of Yueme.
With the male version, I thought of what Disney male character to draw to be paired with male Yueme. Going through Tumblr, I read a twst fiction of where Yuu ended up in RSA instead of NRC, new characters, and such. Which is how Lucian came to be, the opposite of NRC Yuu, who is more of a quiet and aware character. Of course, the vessel of the disney protagonists, his mission is (**IIVIF(h08oij...
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Percival, on the left, and Lucian on the right. Talking about their amazing waifu/husbando
And of course, Mizuki. One of the first ocs I made where I was still part of Obey Me fandom I wanted to give Mc a friend. They are gender-neutral as they are now a demon and not a human anymore that they are free from their curse. They are an old friend of Yueme as they continue their adventures again together and never separate.
And lastly
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Girl Yueme and Boy Yueme looking gorgoeus while GN Yueme look's like a "potato"
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yunarim · 1 year
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— ✦; for now i write only for TWISTED WONDERLAND ₊ ﹒﹒⟢﹒you can request twisted wonderland x other fandom (but i'll write for it only in case i'm familiar with the fandom)
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⟢ READER INSERT only ! ⇢ ˖⊹ gender neutral reader mostly, but i also write for female reader (she/her pronouns). if gender isn't specified, i'll go with gn reader (no pronouns or they/them will be used) ⇢ ˖⊹ SFW blog (may try mild suggestive themes but only for characters reached 18) ⇢ ˖⊹ ANGST is ok! ⇢ ˖⊹ headcanons/reactions/oneshots/series — ok! ⇢ ˖⊹ i won't write for something local culture related if i'm not familiar with it because i don't want to cause any misconceptions or misunderstandings (i'm slavic coming from muslim republic) ⇢ ˖⊹ may decline writing topics i find uncomfortable for myself or for others
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.ᐟ.ᐟ — WON'T WRITE : ⏤ problematic things (pedophilia/incest/racism/ableism and such) ⏤ yandere themes ⏤ bully au ⏤ cheating scenarios ⏤ gore (minor injuries and blood – ok)
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✧ ⎯⎯ WHEN REQUESTING please keep in mind that i use jp translation terms and my works may contain spoilers for eng version players! (will be appropriately tagged)
✧ ⎯ characters i write for :
– all NRC students (personally vibe more with 3rd years) – NRC staff (platonic only) – RSA (platonic and romantic content for Neige and Chenya, only platonic content for dwarfs)
✧ ⎯ only platonic content for ortho, cheka and grim. ✧ ⎯ request one group per post only (dorm leaders, overblot, 3rd years and so on) or 5 characters maximum ✧ ⎯ i avoid using 'Y/N', so reader will be named yuu (whether reader will be canon yuu or will have another role in the story will be appropriately tagged)
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Hi Korka :D if you are still up to it, top 5/10 twisted wonderland characters. I know you play it too and I am curious!!
HOHO! Tbh if i ever rb an ask game i'm basically up to it at any time from then on lmao thank you for the ask! Haven't posted ab twst in a while😃
Okay okay okay
Floyd Leech. My abysmal taste in guys etc etc
LEONA KINGSCHOLAR... I love him, I hate him, he's a worse version of me, I'm a worse version of him etc etc.
Ruggie Bucchi. He's literally me. I want to- no, I need to cook a five-course meal for him
Malleus Draconia. I'm a MalleYuu truther, I'm sorry. I think he's sooooo <3 I'm so soft for him, all his interactions with Yuu are so wholesome, I can't wait for him to Overblot and try to kill us.
ARTEMIJ "CHENYA" ARTEMIJEVIČ PINKER. Mischievious heehee wahoo catboy!! A slavic(-coded) character who's not made to be a villain or a caricature! Also I transliterate his full name the way it goes in my 1st lang just for the giggles don't mind it
Vil Schoenheit. I haven't even finished Ignihyde yet but he grew on me so much during the bits I've played through. I still want him dead for trying to erase Epel's dialect, but- he's a good soul, I think
Jamil Viper. Save him. Send him on vacation. To a spa. Let him destress, he deserves it
Deuce Spade. That is my son. I can't even elaborate here, look, it's Deuce, what else do I say. It's Deuce
Rook Hunt. Abysmal taste in guys pt.2
Idia Shroud. [Sighs dreamily] he's so cringe.
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caladhel-iarian · 5 years
Introduction: Dhel, Vocalist for Dysphoria
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full name.  Caladhel Ia’rian.
pronunciation.  CULL-uh-DELL. YAH-ree-ON.
This is both his stage name and a family nickname.
This is a family nickname only. His grandmothers, his parents, and his siblings typically call him this.
Professor [Ia’rian].
His more ambitious students and his colleagues address him by this title.
Master [Caladhel].
It may seem trite, but Dhel has his reasons for enjoying this title beyond, “I’m a big, bad Dom, now get on your knees.” 
His students call him this behind his back. Unfortunately for them, while his vision may not be great, he has excellent hearing.
The Ice Prince
Would-be wives and ex-girlfriends call him this, usually with wistful sighs and a glint in their eyes that says they want to be the one to melt that ice.
Thanks, Ji.
An obscure pronunciation of Dhel, you probably shouldn’t call him this if you like yourself the shape you currently are.
A lot of people seem to want to call him this, but if you enjoy his company and want to continue to enjoy it, I can’t recommend this. Dhel hates this and likely any woman who tries to address him this way. Use this term in bed and he’ll probably toss you straight out the window without bothering to open it first. Did I mention he lives in the penthouse on the top floor?
Various other silly endearments his brothers come up with on the fly.
Usually some form of alliteration.
height.  8′. He’s a big boy.
age.  305. Roughly equivalent to a human in his mid-to-late 30′s.
zodiac. Scorpio, with many of the negative traits said to come with the sign.
languages. If it’s a language, he probably has some passing familiarity with it, at least enough to ask for directions. He has native-speaker-fluency in Thalassian, Darnassian (ancient and modern), Shalassian, and Common. 
hair colour. Thick, silky, and blacker than a crow’s wing with azure highlights in the sun. Mostly straight, though the jagged ends often sweep out in all directions. He has two long strands that drape over his shoulders and touch his abs, shaggy bangs, and the rest is a choppy mess.
eye colour.  Beneath the lime green glow, his irises are a rich chocolate brown with gold flecks. They resemble a deeper, darker tiger’s eye held up to light.
skin tone.  Olive with gold undertones.
body type.  Enormous, broad-shouldered, and covered in lean, ropy muscle, Dhel has the athletic build of a man who could outswim a shark on cocaine. 
accent.  Shalassian. He sounds like a cross between someone who speaks a Slavic tongue and an eastern Asian tongue.
dominant hand.  Ambidextrous, but he’s a southpaw naturally.
posture. Tall. Stately. Proud. Self-assured. Dhel walks like a man who knows exactly where he belongs in this world: in charge of it.
Thick, knotty scars cover his ankles, his heels, and his soles. They appear to be the results of clumsy hands wielding serrated knives.
The rest of his body bears the typical scars earned through childhood adventure:
A long, thin scar runs up the back of his left calf as a result of a tree-climbing accident.
His knuckles bear the marks from a stupid game of “does it hurt?” he played with his brothers and other students. The game involves rubbing a pencil eraser over the knuckles until the victim either cries uncle or bleeds.
A thin scar spans the length of his left palm. Made by Bren’s treasured pocket knife, it’s the reminder of a blood pact he made with his brothers as children.
Left arm:
Family crest on the inside of his forearm. It’s a massive wisteria tree on a hill with the sun rising behind it.
Infinity symbol curling around his wrist. It looks like a musical staff with several notes.
A trio of fox kits chase a red butterfly down the outside of his forearm.
Musical staff around his bicep. The staff contains notation and a few lyrics written in ancient Darnassian.
Canary, I want to break your wings but if I do, will you ever sing again? Canary, here is all I can give you. You can have everything as long as you promise to stay in my gilded cage...
Oh, sweet Alice, who do you love? How many suitors do I have to get rid of?
Right arm:
Azure cloud serpent Ouroboros on the outside of his forearm.
Slumping marionette with severed strings on the outside of his bicep.
Fleur de lis on the inside of his wrist.
A Punch ‘n Judy stage with the titular characters on the inside of his bicep.
Words from his favourite poem on the inside of his forearm.
The poem reads:
If I freed you now, to whom next would you fly? I’d rather watch you wither under these hands than see you tamed by a snake who can only slither in the dirt, belly-down and ambitions no higher than his eye level. I’d decapitate every liar who approached you with sweet words. I’m not better than a devil who slept so long without you that my bed forgot your shape and my trembling fingers nurture the weeds that grew in the home I made for you where your sunshine still lingers.
Full body:
From his jawline to his toes, he is covered in runic tattoos that are only visible when he uses magic. They glow a vivid violet during his spellcasting and should you catch a glimpse of them, the runes come from a language thought long dead. 
most noticeable features.
An expression that says he wakes every morning to find someone has pissed in his shoes.
A lower lip piercing that he usually only wears onstage and for photo shoots.
His height. The man is enormous.
Glasses. If he’s not wearing contacts, he’s wearing his glasses. Otherwise, he can’t see his hand in front of his face.
A glacial glare, harder than diamonds and sharper than the edge of an obsidian blade.
Tattoos. Many, many tattoos.
His cheeks dimple when he smiles and his smile is crooked; the left side of his mouth pulls up higher.
Dhel is a chainsmoker. You’ll rarely see him without a cigarette and a cloud of purple smoke hanging around him.
The air around him is a good 3-5 degrees colder than the rest of his surroundings and if you touch his skin, you’ll find it cool as a cucumber. When he’s angry, the temperature drops even further and he’s been known to sprout ice crystals.
place of birth.  Sunset Palace on Skyfire Isle. The palace sits at the end of Morning Glory Lane in the eastern part of the capital city, Berl’din Mor. Skyfire Isle is a massive island about fifty leagues to the northeast of Quel’danas.
hometown.  Berl’din Mor, Skyfire Isle.
birth weight / height. 8 lbs. 23 inches.
manner of birth. He was the second of the triplets born to first-time parents, Taenaran and Sumire Ia’rian. His brother, Calaglin, preceded him by two minutes and his other brother, Calabren, followed Caladhel two minutes later. Sumire gave birth to her first three children in the royal family’s wing of the palace with her mother (Mienari Ker’anith) and her mother-in-law (Tekkele Ia’rian) attending her alongside the midwives.
first words.  “Mm-mh.” (He couldn’t quite say “no” yet, so this was a suitable substitute for him.) “Ann’da.”
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Dhel with his tired baby brothers, Yenchul (red shirt) and Tevryn (blue shirt).
Calaglin Ia’rian 
Elder twin brother by two minutes.
305 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in his mid-to-late 30′s.
Calabren Ia’rian
Younger twin brother by two minutes.
305 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in his mid-to-late 30′s.
Ylinderwyn Ia’rian
Eldest sister.
218 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in her mid 20′s.
Kethian Ia’rian
149 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in her early 20′s.
Istaunna Ia’rian
84 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 14 year old human.
Kouwin Ia’rian 
Brother and older twin of Kouyuu by five minutes.
68 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 9/10 year old human.
Kouyuu Ia’rian 
Brother and younger twin of Kouwin by five minutes.
68 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 9/10 year old human.
Yenchul Ia’rian
Brother and adopted twin of Tevryn.
25 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 6 year old human.
Tevryn Ia’rian
Adopted brother and twin of Yenchul.
25 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 6 year old human.
Phirayaela Ia’rian
3 years.
Taenaran Ia’rian
Current monarch of Skyfire Isle.
Elder twin brother of Taenorin Ia’rian (deceased).
722 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in his 40′s.
Sumire Ia’rian nee Ker’anith
Current empress of Skyfire Isle.
621 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in her late 30′s to mid-40′s.
parental involvement. High. His parents love their children and, despite having governesses and tutors to aid in watching their large brood, both Taenaran and Sumire made it a point to spend as much time with their kids as they could. The entire family is close-knit and protective of one another, and they always spend the holidays together. Not to mention, each of the older children has a comm device and the family keeps in regular contact.
Vocalist, lyricist, and pianist for Dysphoria.
Crown prince and heir apparent.
Adjunct professor at both the Sunfury Spire (Silvermoon) and the Violet Academy (Dalaran).
He teaches:
World Mythology (fall term).
Ancient Runes (fall term).
Advanced Evocation (spring term).
General education (both terms).
He only teaches general education to students 12 and younger.
On occasion, he also teaches ballroom dancing as an afterschool club elective.
close friends. Dhel is a private, moody man and if you aren’t part of his family, he’s more likely to shove you an arm’s length away than welcome you into his embrace--and he has a wingspan greater than seven feet. But he does have a few people who have managed to get reasonably close to him. They include:
Lin @calaglin-iarian
Bren @calabren-iarian
Eldya @eldya
Ji @puppet-master-jihye
Kearhyn @kearhyn
and Amorette, @amorette-frostsong
Reikandalin Ia’non (who doesn’t have a Tumblr)
Ishikilan Phyr’yl (who also doesn’t have a Tumblr).
He needs more friends. 
relationship status. Although he’ll tell you he’s married to his work, Dhel isn’t actually committed and doesn’t even seem to be dating anyone. But honestly, with his acid tongue and icy nature, that probably isn’t surprising. At this point, I’m not sure anyone could put up with him long enough to actually want to start a romantic relationship. When it comes to warming up to people, he moves slower than a glacier. A romance with Dhel takes time and effort, but in return, you’ll get a devoted elf who will move the universe for you.
financial status. Wealthy. Although a teacher’s salary won’t usually afford you a lavish life, Dhel is a prince from two long lines of royalty and noble blood... which means he has plenty of access to the family coffers. He also offers private tutoring for promising students and fronts a popular rock band during the summer and winter semesters.
driver’s license. I don’t think Azeroth really requires a driver’s license, but if it did--or if he were transplanted to modern day Earth--he would certainly make it a point to get his license. And probably be heavily invested in car mechanics.
criminal record.
Dhel has never been suspected of, charged, nor convicted for any crimes; his record is cleaner than a fresh sheet. But he is certainly guilty of several less-than-savoury activities, including (but not limited to):
Illegal drug use.
Blackmail and bribery.
Human trafficking and false imprisonment.
Use (and abuse) of fel magic.
Grand larceny and looting.
Assault and battery.
He is a careful planner who takes precautions to hide his tracks. Royalty can be dethroned.
With more vices than the sky has stars, I’ll provide a few of his more prominent vices and a link to a complete list of his personality problems for those interested in seeing it.
Addiction (painkillers and cigarettes).
Full list of Dhel’s vices can be found here.
sexual orientation.  Heteroflexible, sapiosexual, and demisexual. If you want Dhel’s attention, bring a strong personality and a brain. You can have the prettiest face and most perfect body in the world, but if you don’t have anything more than cotton candy or air inside your skull, Dhel will not be interested. romantic orientation.  Once again, heteroflexible, sapiosexual, and demisexual. Want to romance him or encourage him to romance you? Banter with him. Few things draw his attention more readily than a person who can keep up with him and go verbal blow for blow. His idea of flirting is bickering to test the waters.
preferred emotional role.  Dominant. Wholly dominant. Follow his lead or he will make you follow his lead.
preferred sexual role.  Dominant. Dhel typically has zero percent interest in allowing others to orchestrate any part of his life and that definitely includes the bedroom.
libido.  High, though he’s picky and doesn’t always indulge his baser wants. 
turn on’s. Intelligence. Guts. Strong personalities. Smart mouths. Dark, dry humour. Curiosity and willingness to learn. Talented people with a passion for their craft. Brats that must be broken. Creativity. Stubborn submissiveness. Adventure. Dominating others. Complete control. BDSM. His favourite riding crop. Poetry. Class (elegance). Loyalty. Obsession. Brunettes. Curves. People who can respect his solitude. Power play. Tears.
turn off’s.  Willful ignorance. People who waste his time. Wishy-washy people. Conceit. People who display evidence of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Stupidity. Listlessness, laziness. Nosiness. People with pudding spines. Infidelity. Women who try to dirty talk during sex--they inevitably say something that kills his mood. Blondes. Skin and bones. Those who haven’t figured themselves out enough to be consistent personalities. Being touched. Loss of control.
love language.  Acts of service. Gifts. Quality time.
relationship tendencies.  While he won’t hesitate to make his move for a one-night stand, Dhel is extremely picky when it comes to relationships. When he manages to land himself in a romance, he tends to think of his partner the same way a spoiled kid thinks of his favourite toy during show and tell--he wants to keep it to himself, wants to hide it away so no one else can play with it or break it. For his brothers and his family, he is wholly generous and willing to go out of his way to please them... but with a romantic partner, he looks for someone who will martyr themselves for him the same way he feels he plays the martyr for his loved ones. He seeks out those who like pain, those who have abandonment or connection issues so he can wind them around his finger and force them to be completely reliant on him. It’s another form of having control and Dhel is one bajillion percent a control freak.
And if you don’t have those issues? 
You will.
hobbies to pass the time.
Snowboarding and ice skating. He loves winter sports. 
Polar bearing with his brothers, much to their mother’s concern.
Tinkering with engineering. He likes building clockwork golems and toys, and his little siblings’ rooms are full of his experiments; the music boxes and robotic dinosaurs sit on the shelves alongside the dolls Bren creates.
Ice sculpting. His mother has a private garden dedicated to all the sculptures he’s made over the years.
Collecting books. The man could rent out his houses as libraries and if he’s traveling, you can bet he’s probably stopping in every bookstore he comes across.
Reading everything he can get his hands on. Doesn’t matter what it is, he’ll read it. You can never have too much knowledge.
Traveling and urban exploration. Dhel enjoys the strange peace he finds in the ruins of past civilizations.
Baiting people with biting banter. It’s how he vets them and uncovers those he deems worthy of his time.
Tea ceremony. Tea is his drink of choice and, as with anything he enjoys, he takes great care to learn everything he can about it. He is certified to teach the tea ceremony and has given demonstrations as an afterschool activity for those students who are interested.
Playing piano. As a child, he and his brothers were encouraged to study everything, including the arts. The triplets were allowed to choose their instruments and Dhel chose piano. He certainly has the fingers for it.
Making paper lanterns and origami. Folding the paper in such careful lines gives him a measure of peace and control; crafting soothes him in much the same way teaching does. 
Astronomy. He’s insanely curious about the stars and the worlds that lie beyond his own. One of his goals involves visiting foreign planets, especially when he visits the Consortium and hears their tales of strange places light-years away.
Hide-and-seek. As a kid, he was the hide-and-seek champion and he still enjoys playing with his younger siblings, his nieces, nephews, and small cousins.
mental illnesses.
Clinical depression.
PTSD. Thanks, Dalaran.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder. His OCD manifests in:
Unwanted acts of aggression (the urge to harm people)
The need for exactness or being as close to correct as possible.
Excessive cleanliness. Everything must be clean.
Hoarding objects gifted to him by loved ones (with the idea that if he can hold onto these things, he can hold onto the people).
Checking, double- and quintuple-checking his private possessions to ensure no one has touched or even seen them.
He gets turned on by making his partners cry.
Impostor Syndrome.
Paranoid Personality Disorder.
physical illnesses.  While these aren’t exactly illnesses, they do cause him great physical stress. Dhel’s runic tattoos are actually a terrible curse etched into his skin and any time he channels magic of any variety, his body suffers excruciating agony of the sort that makes a person pray for death. When the weather is bad, his ankles cause him tremendous pain and he becomes even grouchier than usual while he struggles to keep himself from limping in front of other people.
left or right brained.  A pretty even mixture of both. He’s coldly logical but capable of great creativity and emotion.
Losing any members of his family or his few friends.
Never being good enough for anyone or anything.
Invasive thoughts and existential crises.
Watching his brothers crumble under the weight of their own issues and being powerless to do anything to help them.
Failing his people as a leader.
Unrequited love. He watched it come far too close to destroying Lin.
self confidence level.  Dhel comes across as perfectly at home in his own skin and, for the most part, he is. It’s the stuff behind the attractive curtains he worries people will see, but he keeps those curtains glued together.
vulnerabilities.  Thanks to his curse, he isn’t able to sustain extended spellcasting. If you can exhaust him magically, then he’ll be forced to fight you physically. His ankles and feet are a weak spot. His family, though he takes great pains to ensure their safety behind the scenes because he’s a suspicious asshole.
Tagged by: @loveherdekay and @snowfallen-nymph (Thank you both for the tag; I really appreciate it!) 
Tagging: @kolabooc @sanasunbringer @amorette-frostsong @eldya @dae-shadowvale @latildarommel @veleanthe @valishoneybee @nymm-wildseeker @sanguinesorceress @susan-gampre @duraxxor @silvertonguedaggermaw and anyone else who wants to do this thing. If you do it, please tag me in it so I’ll be sure to see it.
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moon7struck · 11 months
Slavic yuu in twst??
I got bored and never seen a slavic yuu in twst before. I apologize if my writing is bad, I’m not a writer.
Ace: Yo Perfect! Can I have some coke?
Slavic Yuu: Sure. *hands over a random soda that isn’t cola*
Ace: What th- This isn’t coke?!?
Slavic Yuu: Yes it is :)
*At the unbirthday party*
Slavic Yuu: This is the definition of perfection. Nothing, and I mean nothing can beat such a beautiful being that only continues to bless me. I will literally sell my organs just to drink this delicacy again :).
Everyone there: You are literally drinking just tea.
*Chapter 2: when the group was visiting Trey in the nurse’s office.*
Slavic Yuu: Heard what happened Trey… Sorry that happened to you.
Trey: It’s fine Perfect! Don’t worry too much.
Slavic Yuu: I got something that will help you recover.
Trey: …
Slavic Yuu: …
Trey: Perfect that is literally tea.
Slavic Yuu: Yes, and? Tea helps with everything. Tea is life 🥰
Trey: It’s summer.
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rukkilill · 7 years
@foliefolio​ tagged me in this, SO.... (20 questions meme as follows)
Name: Yuuago Nicknames: Yuu (and various puns on such) Zodiac Sign: Grumpy crab Height: 5'8, plz don't ask me to metric Orientation: North Ethnicity: Slavic Favourite Fruit: Macintosh apples, fresh off the tree. Or peaches, ditto. Ahhh I miss the Annapolis valley so much.... Favourite Season: Autumn for the atmosphere, winter for everything else (except the extreme windchill...) Favourite Book Series: Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, if I had to pick just one. Favouurite Flowers:  cornflower, fireweed, red geraniums, carnations, Alberta wild roses, chokecherry blossoms, corn poppies.... Favorite Colors: Blue. And black. And red. And- Favourite Animals: Can't pick just one. BUT Whitetail deer are so cute. They have these loooong adorable eyelashes.... Coffee, Tea or Hot Cocoa: All of the above, but not at the same time. Average Sleep Hours: Not enough Cat or Dog Person: Fish, please. I'm an aquarium person. (Though I don't have one right now, unfortunately.) Favourite Fictional Characters: Rincewind, if I had to pick just one. For the reasons why, read Sourcery. Number of blankets you sleep with: Two regular blankets + two down-filled quilts. Though the wilts will come off soon... hopefully. Dream Trip: A relaxing stay in Waterton National Park, by myself or with a friend who understands a need for occasional quiet - a creative type who likes writing in fresh air and taking lots of photographs. Either that, or... somewhere in Nova Scotia, with access to a car (let's pretend I can drive it). Main point would be Halifax, and then I could just day-trip to whichever lovely place I desired. Eating lots of delicious seafood would be a must. Blog Created: I can't be bothered to look this up Number of Followers: 10 + various bots
"Tag 20 people and -" You know what, all you bots following me can do this. /LAZY
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pankracy · 6 years
yuuago replied to your post“everyone who put the kylux slavic au or w/e...”
I... do not understand... what is the premise of this AU, is it like "this pairing except set in fantasy!Kievan Rus" or is it like "everything is the same except they are Russian for some inexplicable reason"
...I recognize this is my own fault that I now have to talk about it because it was indeed me who mentioned it in the first place for you to ask questions, but Yuu, with all my love I hold for you, I am not going to search for it to show you. I just can’t.
I also don’t know how I’m supposed to deal with the idea of Kievan Rus!kylux you put here right in front of me as if I haven’t gone through enough.
To answer your question at last, I think it’s closer to your second idea -- the post I'm talking about is a humorous photoset with “slavic” aesthetic (I averted my eyes each time I noticed it as soon as I realized what it is, but I definitely saw a tracksuit, maybe two, squatting? maybe, idk, I’m happy I’m so unsure though the idea alone will never stop haunting me), with the characters appropriately photoshopped.
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moon7struck · 11 months
Slavic Yuu pt3
I dunno why but I’m now obsessed with slavic yuu.
Slavic Yuu: I love children!
Leona: You literally beat them up while saying, “I’m giving you vitamin р, stop crying.” What is vitamin р anyways???
Slavic Yuu: Something your parents clearly never gave you. So don’t worry about it.
(For those who don’t understand, р is a letter in the ukrainian and russian alphabet that is pronounced by rolling your r. It is also the same letter that begins with the word beating. And in my family when a kid is being annoying/misbehaving you simply say, “Come here I’m going to give you vitamin р.” And they start running, but you still beat them anyways:))
Mallues: Child of man, why do you look so sad?
Slavic Yuu: Ace compared my home soup to a beggar’s soup. Then he apologizes to me and then said that a beggar’s soup is 10x better than mine-
Malleus ready to commit murder: His name was Ace? Correct?
Slavic Yuu: Yeah, wait. What do you mean by was??
Malleus: 🙂
Slavic Yuu: ????
*In pe*
Ace while gulping water: Bro I’m so tired, I swear that this Vargas dude is trying to murder us.
Deuce: Don’t be rude Ace!
Slavic Yuu: I’m wondering if our deaths would become a murder documentary. *Sips some tea*
Deuce: HEY! Don’t say stuff like that! He wouldn’t murder us…
Slavic Yuu: I have no idea what you’re talking about. *Sips some more tea*
Jamil: Oh no, there’s two Kalims…
*Kalim and Slavic Yuu talking about tea*
Kalim: Tea is life.
Slavic Yuu: Agreed.
Kalim: And sugar in tea is an absolute NEED.
Slavic Yuu: w h a t.
Kalim: Tea needs sugar..?
Slavic Yuu: Get out.
Jamil: They were literally besties like seconds ago???
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