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kipandee · 6 months
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atevegter · 7 months
3080 Een pijnlijk begin
Op het moment dat ik de Volvo instap lijkt alles van mij af te vallen als regendruppels van een jonge duif of willekeurig welke andere vogel dan ook. Hoe heerlijk is het om hier te zijn, in deze ruimte met twee stoelen en een bank waarin alles lijkt te kloppen. Ik zet mijn tas op de passagiersstoel en haal de invalidenparkeerkaart achter het raam vandaan. Langzaam kom ik tot rust. Dan valt mijn…
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afieldinengland · 9 months
happy i don't need a sacrifice saturday
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disbear · 1 year
most underrated Tom Wambsgans line: “I need something - dO YOU HAVE A SMINT? dO YOU HAVE A SMINT?”
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soupmode0 · 1 year
smint wiba moment but its like 4am so really does it count
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rwrbmovie · 10 months
RE: intimacy & the intimate scenes
Quotes from interviews on #RWRBMovie about the intimate scenes and the intimacy between Alex and Henry
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Last updated: August 9
From Glamour
Red, White & Royal Blue, the book, is—I'm not sure how to put this any other way—famously horny. For the movie adaptation, intimacy coordinator Robbie Taylor Hunt was enlisted to ensure that physical intimacy between Henry and Alex was told in the best and safest way possible. “He was incredible,” Zakhar Perez says of working with Taylor Hunt. “In London there are these brand of mints called Smints, and we called him the Smint Lord because we would always come up to him and ask for a mint or Listerine strip. I didn't want my breath to be offensive to Nick as soon as we get on set and have to be intimate with each other…” He continues, "A great thing about having rehearsals is that we'd have an hour a day set aside to be with Robbie. It was just like a dance. I grew up in theatre, and Nick's done musicals. We're both very musical people. So Robbie found it easiest to talk to us in musical terms—there's a musicality to intimacy. There'd be lots of counting. Like, ‘1, 2, 3, 4, grab. 2, 3, 4, squeeze.’ That's what was going through my mind as we did it, to get it in your body. Once your body remembers it, you can let it go. The muscle memory is so strong. Then it's just about getting your mind in the game.” Adds Galitzine, “It's a very vulnerable and trusting space. Taylor and I had to rely on each other because we really wanted to tell that story honestly and feel that we weren't hindered by any of our own boundaries that we were setting up. It becomes a sort of wonderful choreography that all serves to facilitate these two young men who fell in love with each other. Robbie was really helpful in educating me in the physical language of the character.”
From GQ
As our tea gets cold and our time draws to a close, we quickly touch on what it was like to film Red, White & Royal Blue’s more intimate scenes. To fight the awkwardness of being surrounded by the film crew, Zakhar Perez and Galitzine would whisper jokes and try to make the other one crack up. “There’s a playful teasing that never veered into anything nasty, which was a lovely dynamic to be a part of,” says Robbie Taylor Hunt, the film’s intimacy coordinator. “But also they just treated each other like colleagues and co-creatives in a really nice, collaborative way.” “There’s so much choreography to sex…ual scenes,” Zakhar Perez says, laughing, recounting the sheer amount of time and energy (and the occasional blow-up mattress) that went into rehearsals. “It’s a crazy thing to be intimate in that way with your friend,” says Galitzine. “And we want people to fall in love with these characters, because their love has to be real.” “Our guards were down during the rehearsals,” Zakhar Perez adds. But as soon as someone would yell “Cut”? “One of us would say something stupid, like, Get off me!” 
From People
When Red, White & Royal Blue got labeled with an R rating from the Motion Picture Association, López admits he was surprised by the stamp. The MPA cited "some sexual content, partial nudity and language" in its rating. "I think I was a little surprised at the R rating just because, while I never was encouraged to limit what we were showing or limit what I was depicting, the scene is what I intended to show. It plays exactly how I wanted it to play," López says of a sex scene between the two leads. The Tony winner explains that he had free rein to include whatever he felt necessary onscreen while depicting the love story: "It's the movie I set out to make." He adds, "I essentially decided to hedge my bets, in that I wouldn't step a toe over the line of PG-13 into R when it came to language, when it came to— there's no violence in the story, of course. But I would just do what I felt was right for the story when it came to the sexuality of the film and let the chips fall where they may."
From Out Smart Magazine
The director explains that giving the film’s sex scenes the royal treatment was an important factor for him. “One of the things in the novel that I knew needed to be in the film was the fundamental truth that these two people have really good sex with each other, they are very attracted to each other, and they find ways of expressing it physically. I inherently knew that there were a multitude of ways that we were going to express intimacy in this movie and that we were tracking the progression of their closeness. They sort of meet-cute and not only go from being enemies to lovers, but one of them is not fully aware of the extent to which he’s into guys before they meet. I thought a lot about the intimacy themes in the movie as a way of bringing them incrementally closer and closer together. “By the time we got to the real lovemaking scene in the movie, I knew that I wanted to create something that was beautiful, loving, and tender. It’s not about maximizing an opportunity to get as much sex in the movie as possible. It’s about maximizing what I’ve got in order to tell the story effectively and honestly, in a way that the people for whom the movie is being made understand that it is being made for them.”
From Hindustan Times
Red White And Royal Blue also features a sex scene that was so empowering in terms of how it chooses to focus not on the body but on the gradual understanding between what two people in love want from each other. Did you always have a specific direction in how you wanted the scene to be shot? My answer to your question is your question! That is precisely how I wanted to shoot it. It is undeniable that these are two beautiful men but what was more important to me was this be a scene of true intimacy between these two characters. I always knew I wanted to shoot those scenes primarily on their faces. I knew that what we would read in their eyes and their faces was much more powerful a storytelling tool than what I could have shown in a wider shot using their bodies, and it allowed them to thoroughly act that scene rather than simply perform that scene. I love that question because the way you phrased that question is exactly the way we talked about the scene- as we planned it with my intimacy coordinator, and as Taylor, Nick and I rehearsed it. Yeah, so you could just your question and turn it into my answer, because that's precisely it.
From TV & Satellite Week
The two leads were equally keen to make their characters’ relationship evolve believably. ‘Nick and I felt a responsibility to bring to life these sexual moments that are in the book in a real, grounded way,’ says Zakhar Perez. ‘The intimate scenes were choreographed and specific when it came to whether it was a moment of passion, or a tender experience. In a relationship you go through different stages, and we got to explore those throughout the film.’
From PinkNews
“I don’t think you can tell the story of Alex and Henry without talking about their very enjoyable sex life,” he says. However, the sex isn't just thrown in for the sake of it, each has a purpose and nuance. López likes to think of the scenes as songs in a musical. "It needs to progress the story, it needs to progress your understanding of the character. If it doesn't, then it doesn't belong," he explains. The two lead stars worked with an intimacy co-ordinator to ensure the scenes were done carefully and safely, but were also realistic. “We need to actually believe that Alex and Henry have really great, connected sex,” López says. “That, as a queer man, was really important to me to convey.”
From Observer
Hollywood has a tendency to shy away from gay sex onscreen. But this movie goes all in. Did you get any pushback about that?  ML: When I was pitching myself for the job, this was part of my pitch. Basically, “If you hire me, you’re getting this.” I let it be known from the get-go that this was going to be in the film. And, of course, there were negotiations throughout the process of what exactly it would be. But I was adamant from the start that this film honor what’s in the book, which is that these two characters have a very healthy sex life. They are very, very into each other, they have great sex, and a lot of it. So that was important to me.  It was really important to me as well in a mainstream love story. We talked about this as a rom-com and there other times we talked about it as a love story. As a love story, it was really important to me that the audience understand that these two young men are deeply connected—emotionally, intellectually and physically. Their physical connection is a huge part of what binds them. It would have been absolutely the decision I would make if it was a man and a woman. So I was going apply the same storytelling and requirements on my queer film that I think anybody would on a on a heterosexual film. I will say Amazon didn’t give me a hard time on these scenes. I got support. I got notes, of course. But that’s what happens when you don’t have final cut. There was a lot of support for this story being told as we all knew it needed to be told.
From MetroSource
Our sex is beautiful. The way we have sex is beautiful. Our intimacy is beautiful. Consensual sex between two humans is a beautiful thing, and it’s one of the wonderful things about being alive. The book is very steamy, very sexual, and I really love that about the book. I knew that I’d be committing heresy if I didn’t bring that into the film. A sex scene in a movie is like a song in a musical. It really does need to either charm you or teach you something about the characters and move the plot along. The other thing, too, is that you’re asking two performers to do something that is really vulnerable, and you don’t ever want to ask too much of them, and you don’t ever want to make anybody feel uncomfortable or forced into doing something. We were conscientious about how we approached each one of these scenes. I spent a lot of time with my intimacy coordinator mapping them out. We really paid particular attention to what story are we telling with each and every one of these intimacy scenes so that we could turn around and speak to Taylor and Nick and explain to them exactly why we were asking them to do what we were asking them to do. Beyond just sort of the mechanics of the filmmaking, to tell the story of Alex and Henry and not include the fact that they are very passionately, physically attracted to one another, is to not tell the full story of Alex and Henry.
From Windy City Times
Robbie Taylor Hunt was the intimacy coordinator on the film. How important was that for this film? ML: It was essential. I think that if someone doesn't like working with intimacy coordinators, then they are missing the point. Robbie was an important partner in creating this. In essence, it was a way of protecting the actors and making them not just feel, but be, safe. It is no different than working with my director of photography or my costume designer. We use stunt coordinators with stunts, so in the same way, I wanted to use an intimacy coordinator. Robbie helped me articulate what I wanted to show and execute it. He was invaluable to me.
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thatsoup · 7 months
There used to be a lot of different cool mints in interesting and unique containers in the early 2000s. I finally found one of the containers that I always admired. They were called smints (thank you!) I don't remember the brand but the flavor and the name of the brand were on a sticker on the side of the box. I would always peel a sticker off of something if I could because I hated how the labels would wear off from use and get curly edges.
The mints were shaped like the rounded triangle on the side of the box and the box dispensed one mint at a time by pushing the side.
It was such a novel idea I was hoping I'd see more products using this kind of dispenser or something similar that people could buy for medication dispensing. I'm putting the other pictures I took of it and also pictures of the inside below.
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wambsgender · 2 months
someone offered me a smint today and i smiled wistfully remembering my late wife
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robottocs · 7 months
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Su sabor de SMINT favorito es...
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a-earthssprout · 1 year
random thought, but Ari calling mints " smints " 😭
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wonderinc-sonic · 10 months
I took a college course in mechanics because Tails had been my favourite character growing up and took up gardening as a hobby because Silver was my second favourite.
Is there anything you do now that you can attribute to a Sonic character you love? Outside of blogs and fics since that's very self evident, I mean like other hobbies or even something like trying chillidogs cos Sonic made them sound good.
That's such a fantastic thing to be inspired to do oml! Tails would be proud! Also a very thought proviking question, I have actually been ruminating on this awhile.
I used to massively take mannerisms from my favourite of the Sonic cast. When I was a kid, I often felt like I didn't know how to react to things, and would get in trouble for being too cold or dismissive of people. I remember specifically having a phase of thinking "Well, what would Amy do?" (WWJD? Not for me!) and it helped me fit in and be a lot friendlier. I carried this on far too long, but with different characters mostly from Sonic, until I was about 17, at which point I had developed a colour code of how to interact with my friends and what attitude I needed. Is that weird? This tumblr ask has had me questioning this for ages now 😅
In terms of hobbies? I did Kickboxing because I wanted a sport that would make me tough in a Knuckles era, and it's still the only exercise I've ever liked.
Absolutely never, ever touching a chilli dog. Honestly, if I could block the tag, I would, but it's everywhere! I have issues with food, and am scared of a great many textures and smells. Really hoped to grow out of that, but it seems I'm long past growing...
I do, however, eat enough mints to rival fanon Tails! I get sick a lot (above: food is ehh), and my medication has other side effects, but I discovered strong mints are a great solution for low-level sickness. I get through zillions of Smints and Trebor extra strong, and I brush my teeth at any time almost anywhere just for the taste and feel. I used to have a mint bush on my bedroom windowsill to chomp on. Mint leaves + Ice cubes is a favourite combo, it makes me all cold 🥰 I realise its a flanderisation of Tails to say he is that mint crazy, but it is completely accurate of me!
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atevegter · 7 months
3078 Pijn en tijd
Maandag is echt niet mijn dag. Ik moet om kwart over acht in het ziekenhuis zijn voor de Lutetium-psma-behandeling. Wil om half acht in de auto stappen, maar die is zwaar beslagen en ik kan de grote trekker nergens vinden. Met een doekje ramen schoongemaakt en vervolgens op weg. Het mist behoorlijk en iedereen rijdt rustig. Ik neem een Smintje ter verstrooiing. Dat had ik beter niet kunnen doen.…
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juststarsandthemoon · 2 years
How to get the worst taste of world:
Brush your teeth
Smoke a cigarette
Eat an oragne flavuored smint
dirnk doctor peipper
Burch yuro teth agin whil smokng cigret
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gewoonkarin · 2 years
Morgen is het twee weken geleden dat m'n laatste tanden zijn getrokken en een volledig kunstgebit is geplaatst. Het zou de hel worden, zo had de tandarts al gezegd. Nou denk ik bij de hel aan chemo en ongeneeslijk ziek, niet aan een nieuw gebit.
Het is ook niet de hel. Het is op het moment geen leven. Klinkt dramatischer dan het is. Ik kan niet zoveel. Niet eten, ja, vloeibaar of heel zacht en dan bij voorkeur zonder gebit in. Ik kokhals me suf als ik geen smintje ofzo in m'n mond heb. Zelfs met afleiding dus dat psychische gaat niet op.
Begin bij het begin. Trekken, tanden in, bed in. Pijn. Pijnstillers. Dag erna terug, mochten de tanden er even uit. Dag daarna tanden er 's ochtends zelf weer in doen. Bijna flauw gevallen van de pijn. Bellen. De persoon die me zou begeleiden blijkt vakantie te hebben. Tandarts keek, vijlde wat af en het ging weer een beetje. Kokhalzen kwam en bleef. Vrijdag weer terug. Andere tandarts, weer wat eraf. Kokhalzen bleef. Maandag. Weer wat eraf bij een "expert". Kokhalzen bleef een uur weg. Woensdag. Terug naar de "expert". Het gevoel een zeur te zijn was groot en hij frotte er een zacht laagje in "omdat ik bij de kleine groep hoor die niet kan wennen aan een kunstgebit". Dat geeft de burger moed. Kokhalzen bleef. Ik heb donderdag gebeld voor een afspraak voor morgen. Dan is de vakantieganger terug.
Ik kan mijn tanden niet de hele dag inhouden want het past niet. Onder zit een bult waar ik m'n lippen overheen moet werpen en ik een apentoet heb. Gevolg daarvan is veel spanning op mijn gezicht, als ik m'n tanden uit doe trilt alles.
Ik ben er boos om. Was heel verdrietig omdat ik zo hoopte op beter en ik zo nergens met goed fatsoen heen kan. Praten is lastig en helemaal met een smint in de mond en tanden die eruit willen. Ik had al geen vertrouwen meer in tandzorg maar nu is het nog minder dan geen. Als het morgen niet goed wordt opgelost ga ik een klacht indienen heb ik besloten. Het kan toch niet zo zijn dat er betaald moet worden voor een slecht gemaakt gebit en waardeloze nazorg tot nu toe. Na dik 25 jaar tandenverdriet is de koek op. Klaar mee. Er was anders beloofd dan nagekomen, dat moet recht gezet worden.
's avonds ben ik nu tandeloos. Waar ik zo tegenop zag is nu een bevrijding. Wel voel ik me lelijker dan ooit en misvormd. Zelfvertrouwen is nu afwezig. Het liefste mijd ik mensen. Ik heb vrijdagochtend wel op het werk gewerkt. Een hele stap. Op de helft van de dag lukte het praten helemaal niet meer. Moe van.
Morgen. Misschien gaat het dan beter.
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soupmode0 · 2 years
smint wiba moments all around really
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