#snape Lockhart
r0yalqueen · 8 months
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Younger Severus
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poitionsprince · 2 months
Severus being born in 1960, Lockhart in 1964.
Severus' worst memory - June, 1976 - Lockhart's first year.
Severus becoming a teacher on September of 1981 - Lockhart is in his 7th year.
The new students are weary of the dungeon bat and Lockhart just going "this goth potions nerd? I remember when *yada yada talk about his humiliation in the worst memory with how the rumors described it*"
Needless to say when Severus found out he made Lockhart's last year a living hell.
Needless to say Severus was very close to off Dumbledore when he gave Lockhart the DADA position.
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hogwartsraccoon · 10 days
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with Lockhart
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willwediejustalittle · 3 months
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Moments before Desaster strikes | Snape meme part 5
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jeananasartblog · 29 days
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If I had a nickel for every time I considered a rare ship after reading a fanfic, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
(It was in this fic)
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severussnaperevived · 10 months
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McGonagall: "now I want you guys to tell each other what you think about each other"
Y/N: turns to albus "you are who I think of them I set up my grandfather clock"
Y/N: turns to Severus "you are who I think of when I have sex with myself"
Y/N: turns to Lockhart "you are who I think of when I take out the garbage"
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iamnmbr3 · 5 months
"Snape was looking as though the first person to ask him for a Love Potion would be force-fed poison."
-- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
You know what. Given that Love Potions are basically the magical equivalent of a roofie I'm going to go ahead and say good for Snape. You go dude.
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dinxieyinxie · 4 months
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Linx: patience is one of my greatest attributes :)
Lockhart: im boutta end this man's career
in reference to this
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venskih · 10 months
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Gilderoy Lockhart is so slay
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Being on the Hogwarts staff has to be the most insane experience.
Have a nice weekend!
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the-herdier · 3 months
Foster dad!Snape hearing about how Lockhart forced Harry (his ward) to take a picture beside him (if not witnessing it himself) and being just about ready to slap that bitch for that act alone
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all the marauders era characters animagi *my opinion*
James Potter: stag
Sirius Black: black dog
Peter Petigrew: Rat
Remus Lupin: Wolf pup
Regulus Black: Black cat
Barty Crouch Jr.: Raccoon
Pandora Rosier: Dove
Evan Rosier: Fainting goat
Dorcas Meadows: Duck
Marlene McKinnon: Orange cat
Mary MacDonald: Ermine
Lily Evans: Doe
Alice Fortescue: Sheep
Frank Longbottom: Ardvark
Bellatrix Black: Black Mamba
Narsicca Black: Swan
Andromeda Black: Rottweiler
Lucius Malfoy: Peacock
Severus Snape: Bald faced hornet 
Ted Tonks: Elephant
Gilderoy Lockhart: Himalayan cat
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sofoulandfairaday · 11 months
yesterday i was re-reading chamber of secrets and oh-my-god I did not remember it being this hilarious. every single interaction between snape and lockhart is gold.
my personal top three:
Duelling Club
“Wouldn’t it be good if they finished each other off?” Ron muttered in Harry’s ear. Snape’s upper lip was curling. Harry wondered why Lockhart was still smiling; if Snape had been looking at him like that he’d have been running as fast as he could in the opposite direction. Lockhart and Snape turned to face each other and bowed; at least, Lockhart did, with much twirling of his hands, whereas Snape jerked his head irritably. Then they raised their wands like swords in front of them.
2. Valentine's Day
“My friendly, card-carrying cupids!” beamed Lockhart. “They will be roving around the school today delivering your valentines! And the fun doesn’t stop here! I’m sure my colleagues will want to enter into the spirit of the occasion! Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how to whip up a Love Potion! And while you’re at it, Professor Flitwick knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any wizard I’ve ever met, the sly old dog!” Professor Flitwick buried his face in his hands. Snape was looking as though the first person to ask him for a Love Potion would be force-fed poison.
And my personal favourite, 3.
The staffroom door banged open again. For one wild moment, Harry was sure it would be Dumbledore. But it was Lockhart, and he was beaming. “So sorry — dozed off — what have I missed?” He didn’t seem to notice that the other teachers were looking at him with something remarkably like hatred. Snape stepped forward. “Just the man,” he said. “The very man. A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Taken into the Chamber of Secrets itself. Your moment has come at last.” Lockhart blanched.
i'm not even going to start with the shenanigans with Tom Riddle's diary and how much Ron shit-talks him in this book, but let me just leave this here:
“I wish I knew why someone did try to chuck it,” said Harry. “I wouldn’t mind knowing how Riddle got an award for special services to Hogwarts either.” “Could’ve been anything,” said Ron. “Maybe he got thirty O.W.L.s or saved a teacher from the giant squid. Maybe he murdered Myrtle; that would’ve done everyone a favour. ...”
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scribbledoctopus · 1 year
I reclassed some HP characters into Dungeons and Dragons classes not one wizard in sight. ✨️
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Imagine having to DM for this crazy D&D team. 😂
I feel sorry for Sev, he would not enjoy putting up with Lockharts singing, Sirius being Sirius, the twinsies shenanigans and then being protected by Neville of all people. 🖤
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jeananasartblog · 24 days
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nail painting
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severussnaperevived · 11 months
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Severus: see's Lockhart walking towards door, closes door using wand just as he reaches it
Lockhart: opens door holding nose "these danm doors keep closing on me today"
Albus: "Severus what are you doing"
Severus: "you are the one that said I needed to enjoy my life more"
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