dreamspy · 1 year
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Left or right? Artwork by @dreamspy
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sunbathe · 3 months
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tokiotours · 4 years
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Yokote Kamakura Festival The Yokote Kamakura Festival (横手の雪まつ, Yokote no Yuki Matsuri) has a history of about 450 years. It is held every year on February 15 and 16 in the city of Yokote in southeastern Akita Prefecture. The festival features many igloo-like snow houses, called kamakura, which are built at various locations across the city. Within each kamakura there is a snow altar dedicated to the water deity, to whom people pray for ample water. A charcoal brazier is set up to provide warmth and grill rice cakes. In the evenings (18:00 to 21:00), children invite festival visitors into their kamakura and offer them rice cakes and amazake, a type of warm sweet rice wine with zero or very low alcohol content. In return, the visitors make an offering to the water deity at the altar. The Kamakurakan Hall preserves a couple of kamakura all year round in a small -10 degree Celsius room, making it possible for visitors to see these snow houses even during warmer months. In the area close to the hall, many kamakura, snow sculptures and festival food stalls can be found, contributing to a lively atmosphere. 📸: Unknown #festival #横手の雪まつり #yukimatsuri #amazake #igloo #snowsculptures #iceroom #snowroom #akita #februaryfestival #festivalseason #japanesefestival #akita_pref #ricecakes #snowyfebruary #waterdeity #kamakurahut #kamakura #photography #temple #nature #buddha #travelphotography #kamakurajapan #shrinr #travel #japan https://www.instagram.com/p/CHVIAOulM27/?igshid=vbx22pu1lqsp
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the-flowerman · 4 years
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#salento #designinterior #home #farmhouse #loft #industry #bowl #bohostyle #nature #style #details #homeinterior #homedecor #iron #wood #vintagedesign #shop #snowroom #corsano #lecce (presso 0,37) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBFgunMggCO/?igshid=to5drsumhg4u
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johann-paulenyak · 5 years
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#new #snowball #snowroom (hier: Olympia Schwimmhalle) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4-S71AqtFk/?igshid=1vq8zj0ndvfu7
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afronik · 6 years
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It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.. . #snowroom #blueeyes #sakhalin #films #clouds #vsco #intense #russland #fashionsnow #travellers #sea #icecream #sunlight (at Toyohara)
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bivocalbirds · 3 years
Antilia: The 2nd most expensive home in the world
The son of a renowned visionary and business man, Mukesh Ambani, born in Yemen, with heritage of name and position of Dhirubhai Ambani. He had a silver spoon, but Mukesh's enthusiasm, determination and business savvy all converted that spoon from silver to gold. He worked meticulously to build this multi-billion empire. The hard work and dedication resulted in huge success of Mukesh and after several years of patience, he moved from his little two-bedroom flat to a 27- story mega building. The tower is glorified as a sign of Ambani's richness, and the power.
The Marvel
The Brihan Mumbai Municipal Corporation accepted the construction proposal in 2003. The construction of the skyscraper commenced in 2006 and was originally initiated by the Australian business Leighton Contractors in collaboration with Perkins design companies in the USA and Will and Hirsch Bedner Associates. B. E. Billimoria & Company Ltd. completed the building. The house consists of 27 storeys with lofty ceilings. (Another equivalent-height structures may have up to 60 storeys.) The Building is designed to resist the earthquake upto a magnitude of 8.0.
The Astonishing Exterior
Even though it is a 27-story structure, due to the height and the huge high ceilings, of a 60-storey skyscraper, it is calculated to be as large as each level of a 2-story building. It is the highest residence in the world owned by a single family as it is 173 metres, almost 568 feet. However, this matter is continually discussed, as Antilia also has about 600 employees. These employees comprising bodyguards, assistants and other security workers have a large area to rest. There are three helipads in the building, however they are not operational. The helipads have to be certified air worthy by the Director-General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), and get approval from the central defence and environment ministries. The house has the possibility to host up to 50 guests, an on-site theatre, a salón, a dance room, a health spa, a ballroom, a studio, a yoga room, and a multi-suite for visitors. The property also includes a magnificent and notable temple. The villa also features 3 swimming pools of the Olympic size. The six upper floors are enclosed as private floors of the Ambani Mansion, and nobody has access to go there except Ambanis.
Also read Plunge into swanky house of Virat and Anushka​
Elite Interior
Each floor of Antilia features a separate design for all the rooms. The use of unusual materials such as precious stone, marble, and mother-of-pearl in the building, and themes of the sun and the lotus all over the building makes the interior more attractive. No two storeys in the Antilia are meant to be same – regardless of the layout or materials used.
Apart from the life draining heating of Mumbai, one of the other areas in the Antilia, Labyrinth is the Ambani family's snowroom. The snowroom's walls have been engineered to emit out Antarctic vibrational snowflakes. Do you wonder how the families move without breaking a sweat from one location to another? Well, owing to the 9 high-speed elevators. These lifts are allocated to various floor sets. The Ambani family, workers and visitors have separate elevators. If this is not enough, the gigantic edifice consists of three helipads. However, it still doesn't work since licences are waiting from the Director-General for Civil Aviation and the Ministries of Central Defence and Environment. Also read Step into the plush LA mansion of Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra​
Passion for Automobiles
The love of Mukesh Ambani for automobiles is widely known and reflected in the six-story parking space alone! It can hold upto 168 vehicles. The most expensive car owned by Mukesh Ambani is exclusive German-customised armoured BMW 760i, valued at US$1.4 million, its registration fee alone is about US$251,000. Here are the list of Top 8 most prized cars owned by the Ambani’s Clan-: 1. Maybach 62, worth US$730,000 2. Mercedes-Benz S-Guard 3. Bentley Bentayga 4. Bentley Flying Spur 5. BMW 760Li 6. Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé 7. Rolls-Royce Cullinan 8. Lamborghini Urus Not only that, Ambani is at its seventh storey with his own private vehicle service station.
Also read Top 5 haunted places in India that will chill your bones   
In one of the world's most expensive addresses, Altamount Strad in South Mumbai, lies the building with its 4,00,000 square-foot area. According to property trends, the rates near Altamount strad is ranges between Rs.85,000 to Rs.80,000 per square foot. The 4,00,000 sq. ft. building is valued at $2.2 billion, and is claimed to be the world’s second most valuable residential
property, after British crown property Buckingham Palace.
More into Rituals
The Griha Pravesh was done in November 2010, but Ambani did not immediately move in for fear of "bad luck". In June 2011, almost 50 pandits were invited to perform pujas and address vastu issues in the building, after which the Ambanis took up residence in September 2011.
So this was all about Ambanis dreamland. Their house is one of the most remarkable place of Mumbai. 
If you are looking for any rented accommodation then login to BivocalBirds. It offers you all the rented home services without any trouble through a single point of contact.
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blogger-itodai · 4 years
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マーケティングのコモディティ化【西野亮廣エンタメ研究所 投稿共有】 11月6日(水) ※11月8日以降は『いいね』を押さないでください。 ━━━━━━━━━ おはようございます。 オンラインサロンの投稿の時間が遅い朝は、「朝っぱらからカジサックのYouTubeを見漁っている」と思ってもらって間違いないキングコング西野です。 さて。 先日、SNOWROOMの前田さんとの対談の中で、我ながら良いコトを言っていたので皆さんに共有したいと思います。 (※対談の様子は一冊の本になるみたいなので、詳しくはそちらで) 2017年。 世間の皆様(とくにクリエイターを名乗る人達)のマーケティングリテラシーの低さにそこそこ苛立ちを覚えて、怒りにまかせて4~5日で書いた『革命のファンファーレ ~現代のお金と広告~』(幻冬舎)というビジネス書が18万部ほど売れました。 「モノはどうすれば売れるのか?」という“マーケティング”がテーマの本なので、売れないと説得力がありませんので、本に書いた内容どおりに販売戦略を立て、狙い通りに売りました。 そこには、仮説がハマっていく気持ち良さがあって、イイ気になってズンズン売ったのですが……ある時から、マーケティングの本を売ることに矛盾を覚えるようになりました。 「こうしたら売れますよ」という手段が広まれば広まるほど、その手段の希少性(奇襲性)が無くなり、効き目が落ちてくるからです。 事実、当時、大変話題になった「書籍(えんとつ町のプペル)の全ページ無料公開」は、その後、販売戦略の選択肢の一つとなり、今では“当時ほどの”効き目がありません。 供給が増えすぎちゃって、そのもの自体の価値が下がることを「コモディティ化」といいますが、ここ数年で「マーケティングのコモディティ化」は明らかに加速しています。 少しエグい話をすると……最新アプリなどを誰よりも先に利用して、「次はコレが流行りますよ」「今のトレンドはコレですよ」と時代の潮流を紹介していた系のインフルエンサーは、ここ1~2年で一気に戦闘力を落としています。 もちろん時代の流れにはアンテナをはっておいた上で、今こそ耳を傾けなきゃいけないのは「市場」ではなく「私情」で(※うまいこと言ったと思ってる!)、「そもそも自分は何をしたいヤツなんだ?」という、自分しか答えを出せない難解な問いと向き合うべきだと思います。 先日、パリのエッフェル塔で『にしのあきひろ光る絵本展』を開催し、鼻血が出るほど人が押し寄せて、ビックリするほど絵本が売れたわけですが、地球が始まってこれまで『光る絵本』の需要なんて無かったんです。 自分のオナニーで絵本を作り、光らせてみたところ、その理由は言語化できませんでしたが、「なんかグッとくるぞ」となり、何度か光る絵本を開催している(市場とコンタクトをとっている)うちに、「どうやら光る絵本の展示は『高さ』を出した方が、お客さんの顔が上がり、口角が上がり、笑顔までの距離が近くなり、満足度が上がるぞ」となり、エッフェル塔の結果に繋がります。 このことを前田さんとオリラジ中田君が整理してくれたみたいで、「①市場→②私情」というやり方は終焉を迎え、今は「①私情→②市場→③修正・改善」で、繰り返しになりますが、まず最初に耳を傾けなきゃいけないのは「そもそも自分は何をやりたいヤツなんだ?」という自分の声ですね。 安い歌の歌詞みたいでイヤですが、これが、今のところの僕の結論です。 長々と語ってしまいましたが、一言でまとめると、「マーケティング価値が暴落した今、キミはどうする?」です。 面白いのが、時代の潮流(市場)を先取りして紹介する人の人気が落ちている一方で、「あの人がやっているコトは…」と“私情の解説・翻訳”を丁寧にしてくれる人が人気者になっているように見えます。 売れるモノを見つけるよりも、自分がやりたいコトを見つける方が遥かに難しいですが、たくさん行動して、たくさん移動して、環境を変えて、人を変えて、自分に入ってくる情報を入れ換えて、答えを見つけてください。 今は、それしかないよ。 頑張って。 現場からは以上でーす。 【追伸】 西野は今、LINEスタンプづくりに夢中です。 #今さらかよ
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ambertrinh102-blog · 5 years
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bikini me seeing snow for the first time 🤪
*snowroom 😳
#freezing 😱
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sunbathe · 11 months
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thekingoftrainers · 9 years
Good Evening Kingdom!! Check out this video 🎥 of me trying do the Kool Slow-Motion Modeling Pose down @Nikelondon #TechPack #TechArmoury #Experience Today this was filmed in the #SnowRoom ❄️ PS: All Modeling Bookings & Enquiries please email my assistant @jodecichin [email protected] 😎 #KingOfTrainers
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