#so I went to the shop and walked home before it got too dark out thinking I could start early on cooking and do some work tonight and sleep
exopelagic · 7 months
I shouldn’t have to do ANYTHING ever again I’m done with doing things I’m retiring
#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#I got one of my two presentations (the important one) to a standard where I can present it.#I just. now have to write a whole other one by Thursday 2pm#I finished the presentation at like 4pm today and I was like oh cool!! I’m done early!!#so I went to the shop and walked home before it got too dark out thinking I could start early on cooking and do some work tonight and sleep#and proceed to spend THREE HOURS making ticking STIR FRY#it was a good fucking stir fry I’ve never had so many compliments on how my cooking smells#it didn’t taste That great but food you make yourself never does :/#this was meant to be quick meal. I didn’t even have all the normal ingredients like my broccoli went slimy#anyway! am done doing things now no more things I’m done no more things#I was out from like 9:30-4:30 today mostly working and shopping and goddamn#also god mr fucking GUY comes in right before the lecture and sits behind me AGAIN even though today was empty#and I had to hear him talking non stop for 2 hours bc it was kinda a coding class thing#i didn’t turn around much bc he was. right there. but when he was moving around in the break and before leaving he was once again looking.#and I can’t tell if he’s trying to catch my eye or not but he made no fucking effort to talk to me despite being sat Right There this time#so like??? what the fuck am I meant to do with that???#I don’t have time to make a point of talking to him about This Bullshit so this is just Happening for the foreseeable future huh#god the thing is if I DO try talk to him abt wtf man I wouldn’t put it past him to just blatantly lie abt it#what no I’m not looking at you#subtly ​make out that I’m making things up or I’m not over him#maybe this is being uncharitable again but goddamnit dude what’s UP with you#I’m kinda scared that I AM making things up but. it’s happened kinda a Lot and I know that things are still weird between us#I might ask my friends to keep an eye out just to verify I’m not actually losing my mind#anyway!!! fuck you mr guy I don’t have time for this <3#I gotta work on presentation 2: electric boogaloo#this time with waaaaaaay more mushrooms#or not I guess bc I don’t think mycorrhizal fungi make mushrooms? t potentially no mushrooms but significantly more fun guys#also obligatory fuck you also to Sinclair et al (2023) you’re so annoying#we all know nitrogen use efficiency is important but maybe other things exist too <3#luke.txt
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kquil · 1 year
SUM. : walking home late from your shift at the pub, you get followed and chased by a crazy drunk. thankfully, you run into the three men running the tattoo and piercing shop down the road
TAGS. : muggle au ; modern au ; tattoo artist sirius ; tattoo artist james ; piercer remus ; protective marauders ; tatted up marauders ; biker sirius ; fluff
WARNING : attempted assault (not explicit + nothing happens) ; stalking behaviour - please stay safe lovelies
LENGTH : 1.3k
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You typically didn’t care much for catching the late shift since you didn’t live too far away from the pub, if you were slow it only took 15 minutes. Most of the walk home was also along the main, where other people could see you so even though it was dark, you still felt safe. You’ve always made it home without feeling at risk of any attack for the last four months, ever since you started working, until tonight. 
It was a regular night shift at the pub, you couldn’t count how many people you served but you made sure to flash your sweet smile for some extra tips here and there. You greeted the regulars and had their drinks prepared for them before they even made an order and occasionally engaged in some idle chatter when you found some free time. It started off well until one of the more difficult regulars came in and started causing a ruckus three pints down. He always tried to get handsy with you but you had your co-workers, manager and the pub goers there to keep him in check so he never got very far. The bastard had left an hour or so before he knew your shift ended so you didn’t think you’d see him again but he had been waiting for you across the street outside and now you were desperate to get home and away from his distressing company. 
But what then?...If you went home he’ll know where you live and god knows what he’d do if he knew that. Your heart stuttered in your chest and your breath caught in your throat from the disturbing images that thought brought on. You won’t ever let that happen, especially since you lived with your friends and would put them in danger too. For now, you’ll take the long route home and maybe find a turning you can run down to escape him in.
Making the turn for the long route back home, you wrapped your coat tighter around you and sped up your pace only to feel your stomach drop at the sound of the footfalls behind you also accelerating. This can’t be happening. There were tears in your eyes as you looked ahead and resolved to start running as soon as you caught most of your breath back. The streets weren’t as busy tonight so people were scarce, which spiked the fear and adrenaline in your veins, heart hammering in your chest. 
“Ay! Slow down will ya’! I just wanna talk sweetheart!” the man shouted suddenly, his smug tone illustrating his malicious grin behind you. The suddenness of his yell shocks your nerves and shoots you forward into a sprint when you realise how much closer he was than you originally anticipated. The terrifying pursuit was on. 
His verbal assaults flew over your head. You blocked them out because your heart was pumping so fast from the adrenaline and fear, your only focus was on keeping up your pace and looking out for anyone that could help you. Just as you were beginning to lose hope, you looked up to see three men exit the tattoo and piercing shop (The Marauders) you walked past when you had more time to get to work. The bulkier one wearing glasses was locking the door as a tall brunette stood by his side with a hand in his pocket and the last man with his black hair up in a small bun made his way over to lean against a parked motorbike, his helmet propped up on the seat beside him. 
“Help!” you call out immediately, desperation and anxiety evident in your voice as your legs sped up to reach them faster, “Help me, please!” The tears had spilled over now as the man behind you also sped up and started shouting louder. The man who had been leaning against his motorbike shot to his feet and opened his arms up for you to run into, which you happily did. At that moment, you had never felt such relief in your life and sobbed freely into his shoulder, “please help,” you cried, “m-make him go away,”
“It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s okay,” the biker whispered into your ear, pulling you close by the waist as his other hand gently caressed the back of your head. With you locked in his arms, Sirius steps back some more and moves to put himself between you and your pursuer. 
Panting the drunk bastard pulled an unconvincing friendly grin, “Come on now, guys-”
“Shut it mate,” peering over the biker’s shoulder, you see the brawny man in glasses snarl at the drunk, his arm muscles made taut as he folded them across his chest, flexing his tattoos, “you better fuck off before things get dirty between us, alright?”
“You’re misunderstanding,” the drunk hiccupped and continued, “you see, she’s my girlfriend and she’s just bein’ dramatic aint ya, sweets?”
“That doesn’t matter,” the tall brunette piped up and stepped forward, towering over the disgusting man, “she clearly doesn’t want to be around you right now so you better do what the lady says and get!”
“She’s a little liar is wh-”
“Don’t even try you sick bastard,” James shouts, grabbing the guy by the collar and pushing him back, “we know that you’re the liar here so you better leave the pretty lady alone or else I’ll start swingin’”
Struggling to push James off, the man eventually scrambles away and almost lands face first into the pavement, “You’re bunch o’ pricks!” 
“Yeah yeah yeah, shove it up your arse, dickhead, we don’t care,” the one in glasses waved off and, together with the brunette chased away the poor excuse of a man. 
“Don’t worry, love, he’s gone now…” Sirius whispers comfortingly beside your ear and leans back to take a look at your face with a sympathetic pout, “you’re gonna be okay,” he wipes away your tears and tenderly tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. The affection brings a soft smile to your lips and you thank him sincerely in a meek voice, which he smiles at in return. 
“You okay, doll?” James asks, brows furrowing in concern as his anger gradually subsides. He couldn’t believe any man would do such a thing to a lady. The bastard probably grew up in a swamp of some kind with no manners, James truly hopes he gets run over.
“Y-yeah, a little bit,” you smile at them with a grateful nod, “the adrenaline is still there but I’ll be fine,”
Taking in your shaking shoulders, Sirius gives you a tight squeeze and pats your back reassuringly, muttering under his breath, “There, there love,” thankful for his actions, you lean your head against his shoulder and breath in his scent of comfort and safety - leather, green soap, musk and smoke. 
“Well, at least you’re not hurt,” Remus smiles but in his eyes there is still evidence of his earlier rage. He can’t imagine the amount of fear you had to have experienced from such a chilling affair, he feels somewhat protective of you now, especially when you look so small and compliant in Sirius’s arms.
“We’ll walk you the rest of your way home, okay?” James gently insists with a subdued grin, appreciating your cute face when you pull away from Sirius’s shoulder to stare at him wide-eyed.
“Y-you’d do that for me?” you bite your lip, feeling tears well up from how fortunate and relieved you felt. 
“Nonsense, dove,” Remus smiles warmly at you, “it’s not any trouble, it would be more for us since we’d be worrying about you all night, otherwise,” comforted by their reassurance, you let them walk you home and gave them each a hug and one last word of thanks at your doorstep before you waved them off and slipped inside. Safe and sound, you smile to yourself at the thought of your heroes in tattoos. 
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A/N : im practically exposing how james, sirius and remus are comfort characters to me. please stay safe my loves and this is not me trying to romanticise stalking or assault in any way
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
Hihi! Just wanted to say I absolutely LOVE your works esp the kurapika ones
Soo basically they take the reader out shopping specifically for undergarments and someone just so happens to walk in while they’re changing? Maybe w the phantom troupe + kurapika?
Panties and such(NSFW)
A/N: I’m going to assume you mean that the character walks in on reader, but if you meant a random person, sorry 😭🙏 also I’m only doing a two from the phantom troupe, doing all of them is just too much. I’ll do a part two if enough people want it, though! 🫡 REQUESTS OPEN! JOIN MY SERVER
characters: Kurapika, Chrollo, Feitan
warnings: creampie, reader wears lingerie, semi-public sex in Kurapika’s
NSFW: @lightshowerrr @jungtoast @nenggie @pannacottababy @aliceattheart @atransmuter
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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-you brought up the fact you wanted new panties, and he nodded along before processing what you said.
-“d-did you say… panties? As in… underwear?”
-a little flustered, but he insists on taking you, and paying for whatever you want.
-he brings you to a lingerie store, pouting when everyone assumes he’s a woman. that does work in his favor tho
-he keeps bringing you different sets of lingerie to try on, and he’s starting to get horny imagining you in each pair.
-eventually he pushes himself inside the dressing room, eyes going wide and cock hardening in his pants when he sees you pulling up a pair of lacy panties.
-he pushes them to the side, slipping his cock into you and pushing you up against the wall. “s-so pretty, angel…”
-you leave the store with several new sets of lingerie… some of them a bit… sticky…
-he’s the one that suggested it.
-“my love, it seems you don’t have much lingerie. You know how I’d just love to see you covered in lace, don’t you?”
-he takes you to the most well known, expensive lingerie store in the area.
-he’s a bit picky, and takes forever choosing what options for you to try on. He settled on mostly black lingerie, with a few pink and red sets… and one white one, with little angel wings on the top.
-Chrollo helps you into each set, his fingers gently tracing your figure. “Just gorgeous… oh my love, you look like an angel sent from above.”
-he’s quick to purchase every set you try on, and soon as you get home he’s on top of you, his teeth nipping at your jaw as his cock sinks into you.
-“that’s my pretty girl, so good for me…”
-he takes you out for dinner later that night, insisting you wear the lingerie he fucked you in. You spend the entire dinner feeling his cum oozing out of you, embarrassed as he stares at you with utter love and adoration.
-“Bras? Don’t care about that. Steal it if want it.”
-that’s usually how it went when you asked Feitan to go shopping with you for anything. Either he’d say he didn’t care, or he’d offer to just steal it for you.
-so that’s how you ended up following him to the lingerie store in the middle of the night. He easily broke in, guiding you by the hand through the dark store until the two of you reached the lingerie.
-“okay. Pick your favorite.”
-you huffed at him, looking through the selection. “I’ve gotta try it on first…”
-you stripped, and this got Feitan excited enough… but he started stroking himself when you pulled on a pair of lacy panties.
-he continued to jerk off to you, until you caught him in the mirror.
-you blushed, but felt strangely flattered… “I’ll take care of it…”
-you sat in front of him, leaning down to take his cock in your mouth. “F-fuck…”
-seeing your pretty lips wrapped around his cock, your ass perched in the air was enough to have him cumming in no time.
-he helped carry home as many sets of lingerie as you wanted… maybe he liked seeing you like that more than he thought.
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moonstruckme · 9 months
I feel like Poly!marauders are sooo caring so maybe a dynamic where the reader is like an overly-insependent person and is not used to this kind of care and affection. Maybe it is reader’s first relationship so they have a hard time with the concept of leaning to others for support. Thank you in advance love!
Lmao this came wayyy too easily because I've definitely done all of these things! Thanks for requesting lovely <3
modern au
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
"Where you headed off to, gorgeous?" Sirius looks up from his laptop as you step into your shoes.
"Grocery store," you say. "I'm thinking of making souffle tonight, would you want some?"
"Yeah, that sounds great." He grins at you in that way of his, and you know he knows your knees just went wobbly. "Want a lift?"
"Thanks, but the bus goes almost directly there."
Remus looks up from his book with eyebrows already furrowed in disapproval. "It's nearly dark out, love. You shouldn't be walking around by yourself this late."
You roll your eyes. Men. "I can handle myself, been doing it for years," you say as reassuringly as you can, slipping out the door before either of them can argue with you further. "I'll be back soon!"
You keep a hand close to the rape alarm attached to your bag as you maneuver your way through the shadowy streets. You've been tired since you woke up that morning, so a ride would have been nice, sure, but you don't want to become one of those girlfriends who relies on her boyfriends for everything. That was your biggest concern with getting into a relationship: losing the sense of self-reliance you've cultivated over your life. You don't need help from anyone, even if the big, strong men think you do. You huff a laugh to yourself.
The grocery shopping goes quick, soon you're back at your own front door. Sirius and Remus are almost exactly as you left them, both curled up on the couch, but now James is home from the gym. You know this, because he apprehends you as soon as you walk through the door, hair wet from the shower and dripping on your paper grocery bags as he attempts to take them from you.
"I've got them," you laugh, dodging him.
James gives chase. "You're carrying three! Let me take a couple."
"I can handle it." You kick at his ankle playfully, sniffling.
He pauses, and you take the opportunity to whisk the bags into the kitchen, setting them on the counter victoriously. "You feeling alright, sweetheart?" he asks.
"Yeah." You wave him off. "It's just chilly outside. Go relax, I'm about to start dinner."
James pouts but goes, flopping dramatically over the side of the couch. His head lands in Sirius' lap, and the other boy starts combing his fingers through the tangles of James' wet hair absentmindedly. Satisfied, you start setting out the ingredients you'll need, but a moment later Remus materializes beside you.
"You've been running around all day," he says. "Let me make dinner. You go relax."
"I don't mind," you say, slightly affronted. "I can handle dinner."
"Baby," Sirius pipes up, turning to look at you over the couch, "just let him do it. Take a—" he stops as you sneeze. "Are you sick?"
"No," you sniffle. "I don't think so."
Before you can move away, Remus has a hand on your forehead. "You're warm!" he says, in the same tone as one might say You're killing people and burying them in our backyard! A bit dramatic, in your opinion.
"Oh," you say, covering your face with your elbow as you sneeze again.
"Aw, angel," James says, your sole ally as Remus and Sirius look at you accusingly, as though they suspect you've been keeping this from them on purpose. Which....to be fair, isn't outside the realm of possibility. "Come sit with us, let us take care of you."
"Go," Remus says, moving his hand to the back of your neck and pursing his lips at whatever he feels there. "I'll make dinner, and some tea for you, yeah?"
You shake your head. "That's alright, I can—"
"Don't say you can handle it."
You huff, but it's clear you're not going to win this one. You go to the couch, where James accepts you with eager arms.
"Our poor girl," he coos, kissing every inch of your cheek sloppily. "Fuck, you are warm. You just need to take some time to rest, yeah?"
You sniffle grouchily, but Sirius pokes at your side, eliciting an unwilling snicker. "You could stand to let us help you out every now and then," he says, already seeming less upset with you. You suspect you have your illness to thank for that.
"I can take care of myself," you argue, but the fight is going out of you as you finally give into the cold you maybe sort of knew was coming on all day.
"We know you can, dove," Remus chimes in from the kitchen. "And that's what you've always done, but letting us take care of you sometimes isn't going to suddenly make you helpless, either." He shoots you a knowing look, too perceptive for his own good. And yours, apparently.
You sneeze again, jerking away from James so you don't spray on him. You feel disgusting, and pathetically vulnerable. Is this what they want you to succumb to? "I don't want to get too used to this," you say, voice small as you sniffle, wiping your nose on your sleeve, "and forget how to manage without your help."
Each of your boyfriends, even Remus, softens like butter in the sun.
"Baby." Sirius wraps an arm around you, looking at you with eyes so soft you feel like you could cry. "You won't forget. You're tough, and that's not gonna change just because you let us do some things for you, yeah?"
You look at your lap, contemplating. He's not not making sense. The idea of accepting help is so unfamiliar to you, it feels like a betrayal of your core values. But you love Sirius, and Remus, and James, and if what they want is to help you, maybe you can try to let them. Some of the time, at least.
Sirius curls a finger under your jaw, his thumb resting on your chin as he tilts your face up to his. He must see the concession in your eyes, because he smiles softly. It's almost an apology, and you know that he's aware of how difficult this is for you to give up.
"You're gonna have to get used to this, sweet thing," he says lightly, pressing a kiss to your overwarm forehead. "Because we're not letting you go."
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tyx003-alt · 2 months
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Now playing: Pinkpantheress - pain ( slowed + reverb ), https://youtu.be/eMOKD-RUfIg?si=A_LVdfr_LkN47D6S
●━━━━━━─────── ⇆◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷ㅤ↻
Teacher / Y/N X Miss Circle X Miss Grace ———————— [Cash out, Jump start, Kick start.]
Note ; [Who should i make next?]
✏ < You were at home, laying in the dark by yourself. You lay in a starfish position on the old wreaked-up mattress, pondering if you should hit up your Co-workers for some late night food. You've done it before with Mister Demi, though he got scared in the dark at night near the shops, Miss Sasha was fine but you couldn't call her over now, she's probably sleeping from the hard time with the kindergartners.
✏ < Miss Emily was perfect but she always said next time, you know she was busy and was honest, Zip, Oliver and Edward gave her a hard time for the past couple of weeks of trashing her class room, taking some advantage that she was patient and sweet. And of course you and Miss Circle always stayed back to help, even if Miss Circle only did it because you were there and didn't care for anything else. She mostly leaned against the door frame as she seemed annoyed.
✏ < Oh, right you never really dialled her unless it was important or you needed to get something from her. Miss Circle didn't seem to yell at you, only stay calm and layed back. She liked to turn off her brain for a minute when sitting next to you on the Gray lined couch in the break room while Miss Grace sat polietly next to you too. They both seemed more chilled down but kept their seemed normal expressions.
✏ < But now you lazily wrap three fingers around your phone, tapping away at a group chat with the teachers. Kicking up Miss Circles contact, you send ; "Wanna go get a snack at the mall ..?" No one answers but after a few milliseconds, she texts ; "No." You had to get her to come, who doesn't want someone to go out to a mall with them, especially at night. "I'll get you a Mcflurry with extra oreos." Immediately she aggressively sent ; "Who wouldn't wanna come." And that was it, easy, right? Not exactly. Your message was seen on read by every teacher except Emily and Sasha. You said too meet up at the closet mall since it was open 24/7.
✏ < You were half surprised that Miss Circle dragged Miss Grace around, but its only a little bit surprising only because all three of you guys talked silently in the break rooms once in a blue moon. Making this whole thing not the brightest but it suits,
✏ < You walked too the mall but it seemed as Miss Circle had other plans ..she bringed Miss Grace as you all cashed out money and went inside the mall. Sprinting into the mini Cafe on one of the sides, they walked behind you while chatting slowly. You slip in and order a drink or maybe just a cake or little treat, Miss Grace ordered coffee and Miss Circle was already coming back with her Mcflurry. All three of you stayed their for a few hours just hanging out, you even got too know Miss Grace more about her life and so Miss Circles.
✏ < And after everything, you take a ride home from them in a uber, you fell asleep. You waked up in your bed, seeing a little drawing with a triangle with two lines across the top. It reads ; "I miss you more then anything.." well, atleast you know that one person seems to care ... [Maybe even two.]
Credits to: hanaki_edit
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oizysian · 4 months
My Wanda | Wanda Maximoff
Pairing: Dark!Mafia Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader Warnings: brief mention of murder, anal play, tears, cold Wanda Word Count: 2k Genre: smut Summary: Y/N just wants Wanda’s love again.
AN: I’m not very good writing dark characters so she’s not very dark, I’m sorry! I tried my best.
• Kinktober Masterlist •
I knew the Maximoff twins long before Wanda was in any sort of position of power. I knew them back when they were working for whoever would give them a chance. He was a thief and she was a conman - and they were both exceptional at what they did.
When they started their own mini empire, working for themselves and making their own connections, another budding family in New York caught wind and tried to put an end to them and their ambitious new family.
Pietro, Wanda’s twin brother was killed one night while he was out on a job - a job that Wanda later found out was a hit and Pietro had been set up. I comforted her the night she found out about her brother, her only living blood in this world. That’s when she became serious about the business. She changed that night, her eyes not holding the same spark as they used to, her smile never really reaching her eyes anymore.
She took solace in me, and slowly I fell in love with her. We became lovers, but nothing more on Wanda’s end, as she felt it was too dangerous to get close to anyone ever again.
She quickly found respect once she found out who killed her brother, and took her time killing them in return, torturing them and giving them the pain she had felt tenfold.
She came home that night covered in blood and that was the first time I had seen her cry since Pietro’s death. I washed her as she sobbed, mourning her brother and her innocence.
She had two men that would do anything for her, that would lay down and die for her if she so asked them to. Their names were Dimitri and Leo, two boys she had known in the orphanage back in Sokovia and took under her wing when she and Pietro started their own family. They helped her murder the man that killed her brother and they stayed by her side, no matter what.
Dimitri and Leo were loyal, like guard dogs, and she made sure they were also loyal to me. I felt uncomfortable having one, or both of them, following me as I went shopping or if I just went out for a walk, but Wanda demanded it. She wouldn’t allow someone else to be taken from her.
Even though she wouldn’t commit to me, she would never look at another person the way she looked at me. I knew she loved me, but she was afraid, and I loved her enough to know that and be patient with her.
But the more power she gained, the more hardened she became. I had to remind myself constantly that she loved me, even when she fucked me. She became rough with me, almost callous, using my body simply for her own pleasure.
“My beautiful malyshka,” she purred as she thrusted her strap deeper into my mouth. “You take my cock so well.”
I held back tears, bobbing my head up and down her long, thick shaft. She had my hair wrapped in her fist as she pulled me down into her length. I nearly gagged as I took it to the hilt, doing anything and everything to please her.
I knew she got off on the power she had over me, and to be honest, I also got off on the immense amount of power she had. To an extent, I enjoyed being used by her, but afterwards I just wanted to be treated sweetly, kindly, and with love.
She pulled me off of her cock, my spit trailing from my tongue to the tip, my eyes glistening with unshed tears as she tilted my head up to look at her.
She was completely naked in front of me, save for the strap secured tightly around her hips, and I was mesmerized by the sight of her.
Her brown locks fell past her shoulders, barely brushing along the top of her perfect breasts, her thick lips parted ever so slightly, her green eyes, deep and dark, stared down at me, and her hands, adorned with silver rings, gripped at me as she helped me up from my kneeling position.
“Detka,” she whispered as she ran her hands along my hips, my skin forming goosebumps at her touch. “You know how hard work has been lately.” I nodded, knowing she had stayed up late nights trying to solve problems or help people instead of sleeping. “I need to just … use you. Okay? Just for tonight.”
My eyes were round like saucers as she turned me around, my back pressed against her front, her cock pushing into my ass and her lips on my neck. I almost gave in immediately at the feel of her against me, holding me against her and her teeth gently digging into my sensitive flesh.
I let out a moan as she pushed us towards the bed, my hands going out to catch myself as we landed on the soft mattress, her weight pressing me down.
Her hips moved against my own and I gripped at the sheets below me, my body trembling with need. She raised herself up off of me and spread my cheeks, letting the silicone dick slip between them as she rutted against me.
“W-Wanda,” I whimpered softly, turning my head to look at her. “What -”
“Shh, malyshka, shh.” I trusted her, but sometimes she was unpredictable and that made me nervous. “I’m gonna take good care of you.”
My heart fluttered in my chest at her words as she thrust herself against me, her fingers digging into my hips. She pulled me up to meet her thrusts and I pushed myself up on my elbows so I could grind my hips into hers.
“Oh, malyshka,” she cooed, “You’re being such a good girl for me.”
I bit my lip as she slid the cock down between my legs, letting the tip hit my clit.
I let out a whimpering cry as she slid into me, my cunt milking her desperately as she began fucking me. I could feel her eyes burning into me, watching me as I took every inch of her.
“You’re perfect - fuck - look at that pussy.”
“Wanda …” I moaned, blushing furiously when I realized she was admiring me so intimately.
The squelching sound of my pussy taking her strap was loud in the quiet room, the only other sound was the squeaking of the bed as she pounded into me.
She slapped my ass roughly and I pressed my face into the bed sheets, stifling my cries as she continued to spank me.
“I want to hear you,” she said, her accent thick. “I want to hear you crying for me.”
She smacked me again and I jerked, my hands balled up into fists to try and control my emotions.
“Did you hear me?” Her hand came down on my ass hard and I cried out, my pussy throbbing and my body aching.
“Yes, ma’am!” I cried, my tears falling onto the sheets below me.
“Again.” She demanded with another slap.
“Yes, ma’am!”
She admired my reddened cheeks, smiling as she heard me crying softly beneath her. She knew I loved it; I loved being treated like this.
She pulled out of me, leaving me wanting as she flipped me over onto my back. I hissed as my ass met the cool bed sheets and she hummed at the sound. She took hold of the cock and slapped it against my aching cunt, my whole body jerking towards her at the feel.
“So sensitive. Are you close, detka?”
I nodded and she smiled down at me, reaching up to pinch one of my nipples between her talented fingers.
I cried out softly, my hands on either side of my head, knowing very well that she loved when I showed my submission to her like that. I wouldn’t touch her or myself unless I had her permission to.
She tugged and twisted my nipple until it was red with abuse, then brought her head down and sucked the other one into her mouth, her teeth scraping along my hardened bud roughly.
I could feel myself getting closer and closer to release with everything she did to me. If only she would touch my pussy …
She bit down into my nipple and I cried out, my body pressing up into hers. She lifted her head up, a string of saliva hanging from her lips, and smiled at me.
“We need to get these beautiful nipples pierced.” She brought her hand up to my wet breast and slapped it. “Imagine how sensitive you’ll be then.”
I shuddered, my mind beginning to get fuzzy at her words. I’d let her do whatever she wanted to me. She dressed me, she fed me, she fucked me, I was hers to do with as she pleased.
She licked her lips and propped herself up, gripping the cock between her legs and rubbing it along my puffy slit, my wetness spreading all along my thighs.
“What a mess you made.” She hummed softly. “I’ll have to clean you up when I’m done with you.”
I could feel my legs trembling as she slid the cock towards my hole, slight panic setting in when I realized she intended to fuck my ass.
“Relax,” she said as she inched it in, my whole body tensing as she forced herself into my ass. “Relax.”
“W-Wanda,” I whimpered. “I can’t …”
“You will.” She grunted as she continued to slide her slippery cock inside of me.
It felt like fire as she slid, at least half of it, in and out of my ass. I grabbed at the sheets, my jaw falling slack as it started to feel somewhat good. It still hurt, but Wanda managed to make anything feel pleasurable after a while.
She reached her free hand down to play with my clit and my eyes fell shut at the feel, my climax approaching rapidly.
“I’m gonna cum inside your ass.” She groaned, her hips jerking as her hand moved to the base of the cock, ready to squeeze the balls to squirt her cum into me.
I came at her words, at her touch, at the feel of her inside me, and suddenly she let the cock spurt its cum into me, heightening my high. I cried out softly, my hips rising to meet her thrusts as she fucked the cum into my ass.
She leaned down towards me, wrapping her free hand around my throat and looked into my eyes as she continued to fuck me. She squeezed slightly and I couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of my airway being constricted. If she killed me now, I wouldn’t mind. I would still love her more than words could ever say.
Her hand slid from the cock to my clit and I tensed underneath her, my whole body humming with arousal.
“Give me one more, malyshka, just one more.”
I felt myself cumming again, white hot pleasure washing over me as I clenched around nothing.
“God, I wish I had a cock so I could feel this tight pussy squeeze the cum right out of me.”
I whimpered softly as two of her fingers slid into me, feeling my walls clench around her.
“Yes, just like that,” she mused softly, thrusting her fingers into me gently. “So fucking tight.”
“Wanda,” I whispered. “Kiss me.”
She looked into my eyes and for a brief moment I could see her love for me in them, but then they darkened and she pulled away from me.
“Get cleaned up and get dressed.” She said as she stood from the bed, unhooking the strap from around her hips. “I’ve got a meeting in an hour and I need you to stay out of sight.”
I sighed, rubbing my face with my hands as I held back tears. She could fuck me like she hated me, but she couldn’t even show me that she loved me in private.
“Do you understand?” She asked and I nodded.
“Yes.” I whispered sadly.
She loved me, but she couldn’t be in love with me. She could be sweet and gentle with me sometimes, but showing any affection was off limits. Was this how it truly had to be?
I missed the days when she used to kiss me, when she used to be loving and tender with me. I miss my Wanda.
@natashaswife4125 @poison-blackheart @aemilia19 @claxre-bear @dorabledewdroop
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
lando with a partner who dyes their hair all the time?
more requests pls - I don't get much sleep now and would love to stay up actually doing something (writing blurbs) instead of laying awake staring at my ceiling (check the masterlist for who i write for/ send over an ask)
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Y/N walked down the isle of the shop, looking at the collection of hair dye. She wanted something natural for her first time at a grand prix in months. But then her eyes moved down to the lower part of the isle, where the more colourful dye was.
Orange, a very bright, papaya orange would have been perfect, but Y/N couldn't find such a colour. It was either way too dark or way too natural. So, she went for the next best thing. There was a beautiful red on the bottom shelf, a very bright, unnatural red. It was going to be perfect.
She bought it and headed home. Lando had already gone to Texas with the team, getting ready for COTA. Y/N knew she wanted to dye her hair, granted it was supposed to be a natural colour, and had agreed to meet Lando there.
After Y/N had finished dyeing her hair, Lando tried video calling her. When she answered, Y/N had her camera off as Lando's grinning face appeared on her screen. But that grin quickly dropped as soon as he realised he couldn't see her. "Are you there?" He asked, his voice higher pitched at the end.
"Yes, Lan, but I've just finished dyeing my hair and you're not allowed to see it until I land tomorrow," she said.
Lando laid back on his bed as he let out a huff, running his hand through his curls. "I miss you," he said. "I really want to see you."
"Well, you'll just have to wait."
Y/N let out a laugh as Lando pouted again.
As soon as Y/N touched down in the USofA, she headed straight to Lando's hotel room. He wasn't there; he was at the race track, anxiously waiting for his girlfriend to arrive.
Y/N quickly dropped her things off and headed towards the race track. Her hair was hidden inside of a winter hat, even though Texas was sweltering. It was painful but it was going to be worth it for the bit.
She was led through the McLaren hospitality unit until her boyfriend was standing in front of her. Lando had his back to her as he spoke to Oscar, Oscar who had spotted him. Y/N held her finger to her lips as she snuck up behind Lando and pressed her fingers to his back.
Lando jumped as he turned around. "Baby?" He squeaked as he turned to face her.
"Hey, Lan," she said as he wrapped his arms around her.
Lando pulled her hat away from her head, revealing the red hair. His eyes went wide as his fell out of the hat, showing Lando the colour. "Wow," he whispered as he ran his fingers through the strands. "You look incredible."
Unless he was driving, Lando couldn't take his eyes away from Y/N during the COTA weekends. Interviewers had to snap his attention back towards them when he got distracted by her walking by.
But then...
"So, Lando, how do you feel about your girlfriend dyeing her hair Ferrari colours?" Asked Will Buxton as he held the microphone towards him.
"She what?" Lando squeaked as he looked around the paddock, towards where Y/N just went. He took just a second before answering properly. "She may have Ferrari red hair, but she'll always be a McLaren girl."
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aperrywilliams · 15 days
I Need You Now (Spencer Reid x Ex!Girlfriend!Reader)
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Author Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Ex!Girlfriend!Reader.
Summary:  After the break up with his girlfriend, Spencer isn’t taking it in the best possible way. Memories flood his mind and the guilt of what he could have done differently. When everything is lost, there is no more to do than to go on, even if the only certainty in his heart is that he needs her now.
Word Count: 2.1k (a little thing)
Warnings: Angst. Spencer overthinks over and over again. The reasons for the breakout are not explicit, but you can infer them. Alcohol consumption. Open ending (hahahahahaha). I’m sorry (I’m not).
A/N: Full inspired by I Need You Now by Lady A. Please don’t sue me.
Pictures perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor
It’s late when I unlock my apartment door. As soon as I open it, it is the darkness that welcomes me and not you.
At other times, you would have jumped from the couch to greet me, throwing your arms around my neck and kissing me all over my face. And even if I always complained about you being up late for me, I silently loved it.
Sometimes, when I returned at dawn, I found you asleep on the couch with a book open on your chest. Those times, you looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn't like the idea of waking you up.
That isn’t happening tonight, though.
You’re not on the couch. You’re not home.
And the worst part is that you said you are not coming back.
Reaching for the phone cause
I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me, it happens all the time
Our love story started pretty close as a romantic movie would do. I bumped into you on my way out of a coffee shop. You were going to go inside but were distracted by your phone. You didn't see me coming out until you were stumbling, and before touching the ground, I secured you with my arms.
I was the one who apologized profusely, even if you were the one who didn't watch your way.
When I finally looked at you, words left me. And to hear your voice telling me not to worry didn't help my cause.
I would have asked for your number if I were bolder.
I didn't and let you go instead.
But luck must have been by my side when we crossed paths again.
The same coffee shop, two weeks later.
I got inside that morning and saw you at the counter waiting for your drink. I recognized you immediately.
Without a second thought, I walked up to you. Before I could say anything, you looked up and recognized me, too. A smile tugged your lips when you saw me.
“Hi,” I greeted you.
At that moment, I realized I had actually spoken to you. Why did I do that? What was I going to talk to you about?
“Hi. Glad you haven’t got a coffee yet,” you quipped. Making me stutter.
“Oh, no, no. I wasn’t thinking of spilling my coffee on you. I mean-” I stumbled over my words.
“Don’t freak out. I was joking,” you hastened to explain. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
“A joke. Yeah. Uh. I knew that,” I said, trying to sound casual.
Why was it so hard to sound casual?
“Yeah. I figured,” you chuckled. “Will you tell me your name this time?”
That day, my fate was sealed.
We exchanged phone numbers, and against the odds, I was the one who called first.
That was followed by text messages and some coffee dates.
We both were pleasantly surprised at how naturally the conversation flowed between us and how much fun we had together. Forgetting our first encounter where I couldn't stop stuttering, as the weeks went by, I relaxed enough to be myself.
I can recall the time I told you I loved you. I was a nervous wreck, and as the words left my mouth, I only wanted to take them back because I couldn't stand the idea of being rejected by you, of losing you.
You were the one who told me not to be afraid of telling the truth because you felt the same way. I can swear it was one of the best days of my life. A passionate kiss sealed our confession as we vowed to be each other forever.
Nothing of that remains now, though. And I know that the one to blame is no one but me.
It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone, and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control
Why did things go down between us? We were perfect for each other. People told me that often, and I believed it, too.
After dating for over a year, I asked you to move in. I was excited to begin a new phase in our relationship, although you were a bit reluctant. Not for lack of love or wanting. You said you were head over heels for me, but you have been cautious about your love life. The last time you had a serious relationship, things ended pretty badly for you. That time, you swore not to go through something like that again, so you were careful about protecting yourself.
I knew that, too. You told me what happened to you a few months after we started dating. I swore I would never hurt you. I loved you, and I would never do anything to harm you.
I’m now sitting on the same couch where we spend so many movie nights. The same where truths were told, dreams were discussed, and we planned a future.
With a drink in my hand, I glance at my phone over the coffee table and feel the urge to hear your voice. I want to grab the device and dial your number even if you told me not to call you again, even if I agreed not to contact you again.
But I miss you, even if every day I tell the world I'm doing better and I will get over it.
The truth is I don't know how to do it without you.
I need you now.
And I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Never did the silence overwhelm me as much as it does right now. It’s past midnight, and I can only think about what I should have done differently.
Maybe I should have opened up about what was happening before. You always knew I had a hard time expressing my feelings, but with you, that never was an issue. That’s why I can’t figure out why I did differently this time.
You told me I didn’t love you anymore, and that’s farther from the truth. I couldn’t stop loving you even if I tried.
Why did you say that, though?
Because I stop nurturing our love.
Because I took it for granted.
I made you doubt your worth and how important you are to me. I stopped listening. I stopped seeing. You gave me the signals, and I overlooked them.
Yeah, the job seemed more important at the time.
Of course, lives were on the line.
It's funny because none of that matters to me right now.
Missing you is something I never thought it could be a reality. How could I think about that when you were by my side to stay? Even the times I hurt you, you said you were to keep up no matter what. It was an unconditional love until it wasn’t. And I can’t blame you for leaving. It's all my doing, and I deserve to be alone. I deserve it, but I can’t stand it.
Another shot of whisky
Can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me, it happens all the time
There are times when you think of me. I do think of you every day. When I wake up alone in my bed or when I drink my first coffee in the morning, you are not teasing me by pouring all the sugar from the container.
I think of you when I check my phone, and there are no texts from you. When at night I don’t want to go to bed because you are not with me to let me love you.
I can still hear your footsteps on the hardwood floor of this apartment.
I can recall, like yesterday, the times we danced in this very living room. The time you build a fort with cushions and blankets just because I told you once I loved that as a kid.
The nights when you let us watch foreign films so I could translate you whispering in your ear. The same nights when the movie ended were long forgotten because we were making out just like the first time.
I don’t think I can stop recounting every single memory we shared: the good ones and the bad ones.
Because, of course, I, too, remember the fights, the arguments, the silent treatments. But above all, the talks and our agreement of never going to sleep mad at each other.
It's a quarter after one
I'm a little drunk, and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control
With the alcohol running in my blood now, I can’t stop thinking about if your affections belong to someone else now.
Of course, I can’t be mad or blame you for it.
But my heart aches when I think about it.
I know I lost you the moment I allowed you to walk out that door.
But the damn phone is still there, tempting me, pushing me to call you. Even if I don't know what I could tell you.
Or maybe I do: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I fucked up. I love you. I miss you. I need you.
Would you believe me this time?
It’s wishful thinking. A naive one?
I don’t think any word I could say right now can do some repair to the pain I caused you. But I could try.
I grab the phone with trembling hands and start typing the first three numbers: 8-6-7...
I can do this so that I will continue: 5-3-0... just one more digit.
But I know you’ll not answer. And if you do, it’s unfair to you for me to do this. I should respect your wishes. It’s the bare minimum I can do.
So I toss the phone again over the coffee table, and the tears run freely this time.
And I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Guess I rather hurt than feel nothing at all
If anything, I feel jealous of the person who will love you the way you deserve and will call you his.
In the same way I did a time ago.
Maybe I just need to get used to the idea. I lost you, and there is nothing I can do even if I still need you here.
I had the privilege of you letting me love you, and I’ll be grateful for having the chance.
Curling on the couch, I see the damn phone watching me again, defiance me. I’ll not give in this time. I owe you that much.
I was so immersed in my new determination that I could barely register the two knocks on my front door. It’s past one am, so I just assume it must be on a neighbor's door.
But then I hear another two knocks again. It is louder this time and impossible to ignore.
Grumbling, I stood from my spot.
I already know who it is. Derek Morgan has been adamant about pulling me out of my misery in the way he only knows: going out.
I could pretend to be deaf and pretend I didn't hear anything. But I know Derek; he won't settle, and he will use his spare key to get in anyway.
I open the door, ready to scold him for showing up at my door at this time. But words kept stuck in my throat when I confirmed Derek was not the one who was standing at my door.
“Hi. I’m sorry for showing up here without warning. I guess I didn’t think this thoroughly.”
My mouth opens and closes several times with nothing to say. At the lack of words, you continues talking.
“I thought I should call you first. But I wasn’t sure if you would pick it up. But if it’s a bad moment, it’s okay; I can go.”
Does telepathy really exist? I don't know, but I don't want to question it either.
“No, no. It’s okay. Would you like to come in?”
Your face shows something similar to relief. A bit of anxiety, maybe? I’m sure I’m not doing better.
What kind of test is this? I don’t know, but if it is the last chance I’ll get to do things right, God helps me to doesn’t fuck up.
A/N2: Bonus point if you know where her phone number comes from.
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey @taintedstranger @khxna @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @dysphoricsanity @levi-of-starz @themoonchildwhofell @silver138 @lovelybaka @shinytinywhispers
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guilty-pleasures21 · 5 months
Maybe this will just be my trash one.
I was inspired by this fic by @tarjapearce . I LOVE her writing so much!!! Please go check her out and give her some love!!!
1. Um ... yeah ...
Part 1 - the beginning
Part 2 - the car
Part 3 - the detectives
Part 4 - the contract
Part 5 - the clothes
Warnings: graphic descriptions of sex including blowjob (f receiving), penetration (p in v).
     She studied herself in the mirror, her critical gaze running over the new lingerie she’d bought earlier. Francesco only ever let her leave the house to go shopping. ‘It’s for your own protection, mia cara’, he’d always tell her, the term of endearment sounding like poison on his lips. And then she’d feel bad all over again - because he was right. He’d given her everything and asked for nothing in return. It was the reason she’d married him, after all: because he’d promised to keep her safe. Because he had kept her safe, when no one else would. She walked over to the cupboard to pull out one of his shirts: a neatly pressed white top that grazed her thighs and slipped off her shoulder when she buttoned it up. It had been a while since she’d dress up for him, so rarely was he ever at home. But he’d said he’d be coming home early tonight, so she’d thought to take the opportunity to bring some of that spark back to their relationship. He’d been sweet in the beginning, taking her to dinner, buying her jewellery, promising her that no one would ever hurt her again, not as long as he had anything to say about it. But the thrill of chasing after her - of being much more in love with her than she was with him - must have worn off at some point, because his work days had become longer, his trips to the city more frequent. Now, she was lucky if she got to see him more than a few hours every weekend. She returned to the mirror to adjust the shirt, but then heard a sudden commotion happening outside, cars screeching and doors banging and guns going off before the sickening sounds of fists meeting bodies flew through the room. She dashed over to the intercom by the bedroom door and turned on the camera. An unfamiliar group of men and women stood outside the entrance, surrounded by the unconscious bodies of the guards Francesco had hired to keep watch over the villa. She shuddered, the fear squeezing around her insides as she tried to come up with a possible escape route. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand and took her passport from the safe, stuffing both of them into one of her crossbody bags. Then she went over to the window, taking a moment to survey the area below, making sure she had an unobstructed path to the shed at the other side of the swimming pool. She inhaled a deep breath, then climbed over the ledge and lowered herself as carefully as she could, hanging from the edge to get her feet as close to the ground as possible before she jumped. Then she let herself go. 
     She was pretty, he thought to himself, his eyes running over the long, curling lashes, dark, almond-shaped eyes and soft, rosy lips of the woman curled up in his arms. But whatever was she doing jumping out the window of Francesco Lombardi’s bedroom? And in his clothes, no less. She scrambled out of his arms, horrified, and pressed herself against the wall, clutching tightly to the strap of her bag. She curled into herself as he continued to study her, doing her best to minimise his view of her bare legs and shoulders. But she couldn’t hide the gleaming golden band that wrapped around the ring finger of her left hand. Francesco Lombardi had a wife? And such a beautiful one too, no less. 
     He folded his arms across his chest as he looked at her, the expensive material of his back shirt pressing against the rippling muscles of his forearms. She glanced up at his face and her heart skipped a beat at how handsome he was: deep-set copper eyes, sharp cheekbones and jawline, powerful, defined muscles. His full lips twisted into a smirk, noticing the way her eyes roved over him, and she gulped, the sight making her stomach flip over. She lowered her gaze and bit her lip, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. 
     “I don’t have anything,” she told him softly, making her voice vulnerable and helpless. She tugged on the strap of her bag. “This is just my phone. And my passport.” 
     He walked closer to her, intrigued by how ready Francesco Lombardi’s wife was to leave him at the slightest hint of danger. But was that just common sense? Or did she know more than she was letting on? 
     He stopped a few centimetres in front of her, close enough for her to smell the woodsy, spicy scent of him and feel the heat radiating off his imposing form. He stayed there for a bit, letting her squirm for a few seconds, her gaze flickering between him and the ground in anticipation of his next move. Then he held out his hand to her silently. 
     “What?” she asked.
     “Passport,” he requested. His voice was deep and thick, but gentle - not like Francesco’s; harsh and demanding, an undercurrent of slyness lacing his every word. And his accent was different too - not the Italian that tinged Francesco’s voice or the hint of British that crept into hers. His was Spanish, if she’d had to guess, but mostly American. He hadn’t grown up here then, not like Francesco. 
     “W-Why? What would you want my passport for?” She was cute, the way she hunched over her bag protectively, her eyes narrowing in suspicion as she looked up at him. 
     “So I can find out your name.” He shrugged, his lips widening into a full smile. She frowned and straightened, trying to make herself seem bigger. Even though she was so very small to him, especially in that oversized shirt that kept slipping off her tiny form. 
     “Why don’t you just ask me?” she pointed out to him. 
     She had to know how adorable she looked when she made that face; had to know that no one would ever take her seriously if she looked at them like that. He took a step even closer to her, tilting his head down so that their lips were just a breath apart. “Would you tell me if I asked?” 
     Her lips parted, stunned by their sudden proximity. She felt her mouth begin to water at how soft his lips looked, how lush and inviting. And she swallowed hard, pulling her gaze away from his. “Only if you’ll tell me yours.” 
     “Miguel,” he revealed, holding his hand out to her. “O’Hara.” She eyed his hand carefully, then slid her gaze up to his again. Miguel. It suited him. But his last name … it sounded Irish. Maybe he was mixed? He didn’t really look it though, with his dark features and tanned skin. She took hold of his hand cautiously, her slender fingers curling around his.
     “X,” she confessed. He raised an eyebrow. 
     “No last name?” 
     “I don’t want you to search me up.” She tried to keep her tone light as she said it, like she meant it as a joke. 
     “Hmm.” He considered her thoughtfully. Then he jerked on her hand, pulling her forward so she fell against his chest. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise, and he slid his hands up her back, holding her close to him. “Tell me, X: do you usually shake the hand of strange men who break into your husband’s house?” 
     She curled her fingers against his chest, chastising herself for forgetting to take off her wedding ring. But what did he want with her? And how could she get him to let her go? It was no use trying to push herself away from him - any effort she made would be futile, considering how big and strong he was next to her. She hunched over, trying to make herself seem even smaller. 
     She was so small and soft in his arms, her warm body fitting so perfectly against his as he held her close. He bent over slightly, bringing his mouth closer to her ear so he could murmur in it. “What a shame, princesa.” 
     She pushed against his chest, hoping to catch him off-guard - and conceal the way her body shivered at the feeling of his warm breath tickling her neck. But he loosened his grip on her anyway, letting her go. She took a step away from him, avoiding his gaze. “Just … Can I at least put on some proper clothes before you … torture me or whatever?” 
     He brought his hand to his mouth, trying to hide the smile that took over his face at her request. Not just cute, but funny too; in a sarcastic, witty kind of way. He placed his hands on his hips and bit his lip as he looked at her, waiting until she lifted her gaze back up to his. “If I was going to torture you, cariño, you’d be taking off your clothes. Not putting more on.” 
     How could he say that to her? While looking at her like that? In a way that had her feeling hot enough under the collar that she might have considered removing her clothes anyway? She folded her arms across her chest and frowned at him, trying to look stern. “You … If you’re going to be using lines like that, then I’m definitely going to be putting more clothes on.” 
     He grinned and moved closer to her, stopping just in front of her once again. He lifted his hand to her chin and tipped her face up to his, their mouths so dangerously close once again. His gaze fell to her lips and stayed there. “Then what should I say, cariño, to get you out of those clothes?” 
     Her eyes widened as she looked up at him, then she wrenched her face out of his hand and side-stepped him. “Can you just … tell me why you’re here?!” 
     There it was, that adorable frown once again. Dios, he might just fall in love with her if she kept it up. “I’m here because your husband has some information I need.” 
     If he took Francesco down, she’d go down too. Unless she found a way to escape - to run away to some other countryside where no one would find her. But how would she even be able to afford it? Never mind the meagre savings she’d managed to transfer to her mother’s account before the lawsuit, everything she had belonged to him. She had to interfere - had to throw him off Francesco’s scent. At least until she managed to convince her husband to share with her all the passcodes for his numerous off-shore accounts. She gripped onto her bag strap again, hesitating. 
     “I … can help you,” she suggested, looking up at him to gauge his reaction. “Maybe?” 
     She probably had some plan in mind to try to stop him. Then again, she had tried to escape from the house immediately. With her passport, no less. Maybe she did know something useful about Francesco Lombardi’s business dealings. And besides - his eyes trailed over her small figure again - there was no way she could pose any sort of threat to him. Maybe he’d try playing along. He waved a hand at the house, signalling for her to lead the way. She obliged, turning to slide open the balcony door. As soon as they’d stepped in, however, the front door slammed open and Francesco himself burst in. His gaze bounced between the two of them, his brows drawing together in an angry frown. Then he stalked over to them. 
     “You let her go! Now!” he commanded Miguel, grabbing X’s elbow to pull her to his side. He turned to face her, his light brown eyes widening with concern as he looked at her. “Take the car, mia cara. Go to your mother. I already told Antonio to transfer money to your account. I’ll meet you there.” He pressed the car key into her hand, pushing her towards the door. But she hesitated, glancing back at Miguel thoughtfully. He folded his arms across his chest, waiting to see what she’d do. 
     “What are you waiting for?!” Francesco yelled at her, his normally immaculately styled sand-coloured hair falling into his eyes as he yelled at her. “Go!” 
     X stumbled as he shoved her again, making her way over to the door. But then she froze. 
     “Cariño,” Miguel called out to her lazily. “What happened to you helping me?” Francesco moved to block X from Miguel’s view. 
     “You leave her alone,” he warned Miguel. “She has no business in any of this!” 
     Miguel leaned to the side slightly, easily chancing a glimpse at X over Francesco’s smaller form. “That’s not what it seemed like to me.” 
     Francesco turned to glance at X, trying not to let his confusion show at Miguel’s revelation. “What are you still doing here?! I told you to run!” 
     X nodded and continued walking to the door. But then she was stopped by two of Miguel’s … bodyguards? A short woman with smooth brown skin and tightly curled hair and a taller, fair-haired man with a long face and bulging muscles. 
     “Ven aquí, cariño,” Miguel instructed her, that languid tone still drenching his voice. X gulped and returned to him, knowing that her best bet was to just try and play along until he got bored with her. 
     So, she understood Spanish. He’d have to make note of that for later. He tugged on her shirt when she’d gotten close enough to him, pulling her even closer. She gasped as she fell into his chest again. 
     “¿Qué pasa, hermosa?” he asked her, injecting a tone of hurt into his voice. “I thought you said you were going to help me?” 
     Francesco leaped forward, meaning to pull his wife away from the monster, but Miguel pulled out his gun and aimed it at Francesco, stopping him in his tracks. X curled into herself as she tried to avoid meeting Francesco’s gaze, ashamed now by how she’d tried to sell him out so quickly. “I-I … I don’t …” 
     Miguel wrapped his free arm around her waist and nuzzled her hair with his nose, inhaling the sweet and fruity scent of her shampoo. 
     “¿Qué pasa, bonita?” He lowered his mouth to the base of her ear, grinning when he felt the shiver run down her spine. “Tell me where he keeps his bank statements, mi angelita. The ones you’re not supposed to know about?” 
     He brushed his nose against her neck and she let out a choked gasp at the feeling. “M-Mi-Miguel …” 
     Ay, coño, the way she whimpered his name? It drove him mad. He pressed his lips to the crook of her neck and let out a soft moan, squeezing her soft curves appreciatively. “Mmm. You have such a lovely wife, Francesco. How could you even think of cheating on her.” 
     She dug her fingers into his shoulders, horrified by the revelation. “W-What?”
     She turned to Francesco, looking to him for reassurance. But he looked away, avoiding her gaze guiltily. 
     “Did you … cheat on me?” she asked him, knowing the answer deep down anyway. It would explain the long nights, the trips to the city, the months he’d gone without touching her. He refused to answer. 
     “Francesco!” she pressed, the rage beginning to bubble up within her now.
     “It was just … It was just one time, mia cara!” he pleaded with her. “I was tired and … She took advantage of me!”
     “Oh.” Miguel schooled his features into a fake expression of confusion. “One of them actually managed to take advantage of you? What kind of lawyer are you, Señor Lombardi?”
     “‘One of them’?!” X repeated, horrified - the exact reaction Miguel had been hoping to draw out of her. Francesco glared at him, but whether it was because of his declaration or because of the insult, Miguel didn’t care. 
     “Tu sporco canaglia!” he shouted. (You dirty scoundrel!) X tightened her grip on Miguel unconsciously, her lips twisting into a frown as she looked back at Francesco. 
     “You … You filthy piece of shit!” He hadn’t expected that. Miguel grinned, amused by the curse falling from her sweet lips, and wrapped his arm more firmly around her waist, supporting her as she seethed at her pathetic excuse of a husband. Eventually, she gritted her teeth and turned to Miguel, revenge the only thought on her mind. “His safe is in the kitchen. You can check there.” 
     “Gracias, cariño.” Miguel pressed a delighted kiss to her forehead. He might keep her around, he decided. Pretty, smart, and driven by anger, turning it into something productive. She couldn’t have been better than if he’d conjured her up himself. He gestured for Ben and Jess to bring Francesco into the kitchen, following after them with X. She went over to the oven and pulled it open.
     “No! X! Don’t you dare! You f*cking b*tch!” Francesco screamed at her, struggling against Ben and Jess. Miguel scowled at the insult and stepped forward, ready to smack the insolent b*stard across the face. But X yelled back at him. 
     “Shut the hell up, Francesco!” She pulled out the back of the oven and handed it to Miguel, then disappeared back inside to key in the passcode to the safe. It wasn’t long before she’d gathered up the binders inside and given them to Miguel. He opened one up and sifted through the papers within, then grinned when he saw they contained what he needed.
     “Bien hecho, mi angelita (Good job, my little angel),” he praised her before setting the binders atop the kitchen island. He took hold of her shirt again and tugged her back to him. He brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, then cupped her cheek in his hand, his heart speeding up as he gave her a smirk. “Should I give you your reward now?” 
     “I didn’t do it for a reward,” she told him, her voice coming out much softer than she’d meant it to. She could tell by his tone how, exactly, he planned to reward her. But in front of other people?! In front of her husband?! Sure, he was a cheater, but she wouldn’t be the same. Although … it wasn’t like they’d ever repair their relationship; cheating was a dealbreaker for her, so he was as good as dead in her book. 
     Miguel grinned as he watched the emotional conflict play itself out across her face. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him, leaning down to press his lips to the crook of her neck. 
     “¿Qué estás pensando, mi angelita? (What are you thinking, my little angel?)" He slid his hands higher up her back, pulling her tighter against him, and brushed his lips along her neck. Then he began pressing soft kisses along her skin, taking his time to relish the feeling of her against him. 
     “I-I … I …” she trailed off, her words disrupted by the shiver than ran down her spine at the feeling of his lips on her. He was so gentle, so soft, and he smelled so, so nice. Like nutmeg and wood, warm and spicy, clouding all her senses entirely. 
     “You … You f*cking leave her alone, you b*stard!” Francesco yelled, his voice cracking with his fury. Miguel groaned loudly against X’s neck, maintaining eye contact with her husband as he did so. 
     “¿Qué dices, querida? (What do you say, darling?)” he asked her, voice low and husky. “Do you want me to leave you alone?”
     “M-Miguel …” ¡Ay, coño, that p*nche whimper again! He slid his hands down to squeeze her ass, causing her to squeak and tense against him. Maldita sea, she was cute. He wondered what other sounds he could get her to make, if the layers of clothing between them weren’t stopping him. He slipped his hands beneath the hem of her shirt, sliding them up her bare skin. Then he trailed his fingers down to her underwear, tracing the thin fabric and giving a soft chuckle at the feeling of the delicate lace draped across her curves.
     “Was this a surprise for him, mi angelita?” Miguel asked her teasingly, face still buried in the crook of her shoulder. “Do you think he deserves it, cariño?” He curled his fingers around one of the thin ribbons, his mind running wild as he tried to put together a mental image of what she might have been wearing underneath the shirt. 
     “N-No!” She glared at Francesco, still yelling and struggling against his captors, then her head fell back with pleasure as Miguel dipped his hand just into her underwear, his fingers tracing lazy circles along her skin. “I-I … D-Divorce …” She gasped and wrapped herself around Miguel, sliding her fingers up the back of his neck and into his hair, clutching at the strands tightly. He groaned into her neck, his fingers moving dangerously low along her skin. 
     “Mmm, angelita.” He looked up at Ben and Jess and nodded his head at Francesco. “Leave him. I want him to watch.” He turned his gaze to Francesco as he lowered his mouth back to X’s shoulder, bare now where he’d slid the collar down. Franscesco continued his futile protests, kicking and fighting against Ben and Jess as they handcuffed him to the very oven that had been his downfall before they left. 
     “M-Miguel.” She clutched at the collar of his shirt, pulling back to look up at him desperately. “I don’t even … k-know you.” He grinned and plunged his fingers all the way into her underwear, dragging them through her rapidly dampening folds. She bit her lip, trying to muffle the moan that fought to slip out.
     “Angelita,” he whined, feeling himself start to harden at how soft and wet she was, how her little body shuddered against him helplessly, getting more and more aroused by his movements. “Should I take you on a date first, princesa? Hmm? Where would you like to go? Dime dónde quieres que te lleve (Tell me where you want me to take you)." He brought his mouth closer to hers, chuckling when she tilted her head to follow his lips with her own. Then he leaned forward and kissed her as he continued playing with her p*ssy, his fingers stroking and teasing her while his tongue swept across her mouth. She stumbled at the overwhelming feeling of him all around her and he pulled her hips against his, holding her upright as he kissed her. 
     “Angelita,” he moaned again, pulling his lips away from hers to move them back to her neck. He groaned at how wet she was, at how sweet she tasted on his tongue, and circled her entrance with his fingers. Her legs twitched at the sensation and another whimper fell from her lips. “Me estas matando, cariño (You're killing me, sweetheart)."
     God, he was good, torturing her and teasing her with his large, calloused fingers. She gasped, her entire body tightening as he slid his finger into her. He laughed. 
     “Relájate, mi angelita (Relax, my little angel),” he soothed her, tickling her walls gently. “I’m not going to be able to go any deeper if you don’t relax.” 
     “F*ck you, you f*cking b*stard!” Francesco yelled at him, the oven banging and rattling as he pulled at his handcuff. X relaxed her body, so lost in her own pleasure that she didn’t even hear the horrified shrieks of her husband - soon-to-be ex-husband, if either she or Miguel had anything to say about it. Of course he’d never let her go back to that monster - not now that he knew what it felt like, having her in his arms. He pushed his finger deeper inside of her, then added another, forcing a gasp from her lips. 
     “¡Ay, p*ta madre, mi angelita!” Miguel groaned, bringing his mouth to her ear. “Don’t tell me you’ve never had sex before.” She was just so tight, so sensitive and so desperate for him: it was like she’d never been touched before. X gripped onto his shoulders tightly, her body beginning to contract at the feeling of his fingers prodding and poking at her. Miguel chuckled at her gasps and moans, then looked back up at Francesco, his features pulled tight in horror as he watched the sight unfolding before him. 
     “Or is your husband just too small for you?” Miguel grinned wickedly at Francesco and curled his fingers inside of X, prompting a loud moan to fall from her lips. “Discúlpeme, mi angelita (Excuse me, my little angel). Ex-husband."
     “I’ll kill you! I’ll f*cking kill you, you f*cking b*stard!” Francesco threatened him, dishevelled like he’d never been before. Miguel snorted at the threat and returned his attention to X. 
     “Then I’d better take advantage of this moment, sí, mi preciosa?” Miguel teased, removing his fingers to trail them across X’s clit. “What do you say, mi angelita? Do you want me to show you what a real man feels like? Between those legs?” He ignored Francesco’s curses as he looked at X, waiting for her response. 
     She couldn’t - she shouldn’t. She didn’t even know him, this stranger who had broken into her home and tied up her husband after stealing his bank statements. She looked up at Miguel, eyes wide, lips quivering as she tried to tell all of this to him. “M-Miguel …” 
     P*ta madre, she was cute. He lifted his fingers to his mouth, sucking and licking off the glistening liquid she’d left there. He moaned at the taste, then flashed a smirk at Francesco before reaching up to cup her cheek in his hand. “Sabes muy deliciosa, cariño (You taste so delicious, sweetheart)."
     She whimpered at the declaration, tangling her fingers in the collar of his shirt as she felt another stream of arousal leak out of her. Miguel grinned and lifted her up easily, setting her down on the kitchen island and spreading her legs apart to accommodate himself between them. He held her thighs down and looked her in the eyes, his expression serious. “I’m not going to force you, mi angelita. Tell me if you want me to stop.” 
     A gang leader? With morals? She would have laughed at the thought if she hadn’t been so painfully aroused then. She glanced over at Francesco, knowing she should say no, knowing she should tell him to stop, then leave and never look back. But she said nothing, just turned back to Miguel with an embarrassed look on her face. He grinned. 
     “Let’s see this underwear you got, hmm, cariño?” he suggested, starting to unbutton her shirt. “We wouldn’t want it to go to waste, would we now?” He slid her shirt off and tossed it aside, sucking in a breath when he saw her exposed curves beneath the scanty pink lace. F*ck, she looked delicious. So f*cking delicious, all his for the taking. He ran his hands up and down her sides, completely exposed save for the streams of ribbons holding the piece of fabric that clung to her front against her body. She was so, so beautiful, he was getting hard just thinking about all the ways he’d make her squirm and writhe beneath him, her soft curves pressing up against his hard muscles. 
     “Cariño,” he growled, his lips curling into a snarl as his eyes roved over her hungrily. She glanced over his shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of Francesco’s reaction - he’d used to look at her in the same way, back at the start. But then he’d found his other toys and hadn’t needed her anymore. He clenched his jaw, his normally handsome features scrunched up in anger and frustration, his eyes boring holes into Miguel’s back. And then Miguel slid his hands up her front, landing on her breasts where he pinched and stroked her already stiff nipples, pulling her attention back to him. 
     “So … So f*cking beautiful, cariño,” he told her, licking a stripe up her neck to her ear. Her head fell to the side in response and he let out another growl before cupping her face in his hands, straightening her so he could begin kissing her. He groaned into her mouth as he brushed his tongue against hers, the sound sending vibrations running down her chest, then he glided his hands back down to her thighs. 
     “Can I … Can I …” he mumbled, his lips moving against hers as he tried to get the question out. He pulled back, his thumbs toying with the ribbons around her waist, and fixed his gaze on her chest. “So f*cking beautiful, cariño.” He raised his hands to undo the ribbons around her back, taking his time to expose her full, luscious breasts to him. He licked his lips as she whimpered nervously, then leaned forward to press his lips to her nipples, holding her firmly in place as he sucked and licked on her gently. 
     Holy shit! He was so gentle, so … appreciative, like he was in such awe of her body, had such a desire to just worship her. He dragged his tongue around her nipple, then closed his lips around it, pulling her breast into his mouth and groaning as he sucked on it thirstily. She gripped onto the table as she let out a choked gasp, her p*ssy throbbing desperately against his stomach. Francesco stilled behind them, his lips curling with horror as he found himself unable to pull his gaze away from the sight. Miguel released her with a wet pop, then licked his way up her collarbone, his teeth grazing her throat as he made his way back up to her mouth. He kissed her again, harder this time, more aggressive, then began moving his hips against hers, driving the bulk of him into her. 
     “M-Miguel,” she gasped, her body begging for more - for him. “P-Please?” 
     “Lo sé, mi cariño, lo sé (I know, my sweetheart, I know),” he reassured her, his lips and tongue brushing along her neck and throat. “I just … Just let me taste you, querida. Just … Déjame probarte, mi querida, solo una vez. Solo … (Let me taste you, my darling, just once. Just ...)" He stood back and undid the rest of her ties, his wavy hair cascading into his eyes at the frenzy of his movements. And then she was fully exposed, completely bare before him, her delicious curves entirely on display for him. 
     “Mmm, f*ck,” he murmured, his pupils dilating as he squeezed her breasts together, bouncing them in between his hands. She let out a desperate whine and he lowered his hands to her thighs, pulling her legs apart and kneeling down on the ground. 
     “Don’t,” Francesco begged softly, his tone defeated. “Please.” But Miguel ignored him, instead pulling X closer to him, so that he could drag his tongue up her centre. A loud yelp escaped her throat and her body shuddered at the feeling, her hips bucking against his mouth as she silently begged him for more. He closed his mouth around her, his pleased moans sinking into her skin and vibrating along her nerves, adding onto her pleasure. He dribbled his tongue up and down her folds, drinking up the c*m that continued to leak out of her as he kept playing with her. F*ck, she tasted delicious. 
     “Miguel!” she pleaded with him, her legs twitching as he circled her entrance teasingly. “Miguel, please! Please?” He dipped his tongue into her, swirling it around her insides, brushing up against her walls and stroking her vigorously. She whined and moaned loudly, drowning out any protests Francesco might have had, and Miguel increased the intensity of his movements, spurred on by the sounds of her pleasure. Finally, with one last curl of his tongue, she came, her body shaking and shuddering as she rode out her orgasm on his mouth. He kept his tongue shoved up inside of her when she’d finished, making sure to drink up every last drop of her sweet, sweet c*m, and she felt her brain turn numb at the feeling. How could she sit there, completely exposed, another man’s tongue buried so deeply inside of her while her husband watched? She shifted uncomfortably, ashamed by how thrilled she was by the thought, and Miguel finally slid his tongue out of her, pushing himself up to look at her. She glanced up at him nervously, a squeak escaping her throat at the mix of saliva and c*m dripping from his jaw, and lowered her gaze again. 
     “P*ta madre,” he breathed, shaking his head in awe. “Sabes muy p*nche deliciosa, mi angelita (You taste so f*cking good, my little angel)." He raised one hand to her face, cupping her chin and tilting her head up to his so he could start kissing her again. He needed … He needed more. He needed to feel her clenching around his d*ck the same way he’d felt her clenching around his tongue, her tight little p*ssy begging him for release. He began undoing the buttons of his shirt, his lips never leaving hers as he pulled off his clothes and tossed them to the ground, climbing on top of her when he was fully naked. 
     “Querida,” he whined, holding her down against the cold marble of the kitchen island as he tugged on the skin of her neck with his teeth. “Querida, tu … Te necesito, mi angelita. Te necesito … ahora (Darling, you ... I need you, my little angel. I need you ... now)."
     “Mi-Miguel,” she breathed, losing control of her thoughts once again. Holy shit, he felt good, his broad shoulders and chest, his smooth skin and hard muscles, pressing into her and shielding her from the rest of the world. She tangled her fingers in his hair, gripping onto the silky strands as she wriggled beneath him, rubbing herself up against him for relief. God, his c*ck! It felt huge! So hard and so warm and so painfully outside of her, not filling her up like she wanted him to. “Migue-el!” 
     “Mmm, querida,” he chuckled, delighting in how badly she wanted him as well. He moaned against her neck, then sat up, sliding her around so she could lie more comfortably lengthwise on the counter. He took hold of himself then, tracing his tip along her soaking folds, lubricating himself in preparation of entering her. She raised her hips, seeking him, but he pressed her down gently, holding her flat against the island. “Calmate, angelita (Calm down, little angel). I’ll give you what you want. I’ll give you everything you want, mi angelita preciosa.” 
     He grunted as he began easing himself inside of her, stretching her out and filling her up so very nicely. She sighed at the feeling, arching her back and wriggling her hips to better accommodate him, barely hearing the groan he let out at the satisfied look on her face. Then she was sitting up, her head falling onto his shoulder as he held her against him, keeping her upright on his lap. He raised her off of him slightly, then slammed her back down on top of him, thrusting his hips into her at the same. F*ck, she felt … so f*cking good. He continued the movement, pumping himself in and out of her, relishing the feeling of her tight and warm walls squeezing and squelching around him. 
     “Querida,” he mumbled in her ear, sliding his hands up her back to press her soft curves tightly against his hard body. She wrapped her arms around him, her eyes fluttering shut as her brain went numb, completely consumed by the sheer pleasure of having him so deeply inside of her. She gasped as she came again, writhing helplessly in his arms as he continued to drive himself into her. He bit down on her shoulder and squeezed her ass as she contracted around him, her soft little p*ssy tightening around his d*ck even lovelier than it had around his tongue. And then he came as well, his muscles finally relaxing as he relieved himself inside of her. She leaned over and bit his ear, then lowered her lips to his neck and sucked on his skin, licking up the salty sweat there as his warm seed seeped into her. 
     “Mmm, Miguel,” she murmured against him, scrunching his hair in her fingers as he continued to hold onto her. His chest heaved up and down as he tried to catch his breath, his fingers stroking her spine as she panted against him as well. Dios, she was cute. He definitely wouldn’t be able to let her go now that he’d had a taste of her. 
     “Boss?” Jess called out to him from somewhere outside. “Cops are on their way. We’d better get going.” Miguel pressed a final kiss to X’s cheek, then lifted her off his lap, setting her down on the table. 
     “That’s right,” Francesco told him, suddenly regaining some of his confidence. “You’d better get going you filthy b*stard.” Miguel rolled his eyes and got off the table, holding a hand out to X to help her down. She hopped off of it, stumbling slightly as her legs shook, still weak from having him inside of her. But he held her steady until she regained her footing, then bent over to pick his clothes up. X reached for her underwear, then grabbed Francesco’s shirt as well, starting to put it back on. But Miguel held a hand in front of her, stopping her. 
     “I don’t want you wearing that, cariño,” he told her, taking the shirt from her and replacing it with his own. “Here. Put this on instead.” She bit her lip, worrying at it as she contemplated his underlying meaning. Her gaze flickered over to Francesco, his brows set into a harsh frown as he glared at her. Then Miguel moved to stand in front of her, blocking her husband from her view. He nodded at his shirt, gesturing for her to put it on, and she did so, setting the underwear aside. He picked it up and shoved it into his pants pocket, flashing her a wicked grin that hinted at whatever he had planned in mind for later. So he wanted there to be a later. Was he really intending on taking her with him then? But how long would he keep her for? What would he have her do? Besides … the obvious, of course. She gulped as her stomach flipped at the thought, lowering her head to avoid meeting his gaze. He slipped his jacket on and placed a hand on her lower back, guiding her out the door and far away from the life she knew she’d never come back to.
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monoclesnapple · 2 months
Wan Kindergarten!Chuuya
Bungo Stray Dogs Chuuya Nakahara & Gender Neutral Reader + Osamu Dazai X Reader
Beginning Note: Initially, I wanted to include all the scenarios that were thought of, but I decided to make them separate. So, there will be a continuation of this. @kiwibeanv helped a lot with the scenarios, especially the future ones I’ll do.
Word Count: 2191
(Fluff/Little Crack)
At some point, you had decided you wanted to take care of a human child, but you didn’t have a significant other and you didn’t really want to go through all the trouble of the process in making it.
So, you went to an adoption center and looked around at all the children there. All different ages, appearances, personalities, etc.
One child caught your eye, a ginger haired boy with big, blue eyes. He was so adorable, and he didn’t seem to be troublesome.
You did all the paperwork and whatever else needed to be done and now had an adopted son whose name was Chuuya.
Initially, he didn’t want anything to do with you, just locking himself up in his room that you’d prepared. He only left it for necessities, but sped back as soon as possible.
You didn’t have much hope in the beginning, but he eventually started to trust you. He would start eating at the dinner table, say good morning to you, sit in the living room for a while.
As more time passed, he was comfortable with you. Chuuya finally saw you as a parental figure, and you couldn’t be happier. All the waiting for him had paid off.
He was such a good kid. If he ever had to say hi to someone, he would greet them politely and introduce himself. He cleaned up after himself, he wasn’t always too loud, sometimes he would yell out, but he quickly calmed down.
Chuuya then reached the age of attending school, so before the year started, you took him shopping for clothes. The ones he had were a little worn and he could use a wardrobe change.
“How’s this one?” You held up a blue shirt with a sheep on it. He took a quick glance before shaking his head.
“I don’t like that one.”
You sighed and placed it back. Of all the options there were, he didn’t like any of them. You turned to him and asked, “Well, do you have an idea of what you’d like? We can look for it.”
Chuuya thought about it before looking up at you. “Something dark. I don’t like bright colors.” He looked at another shelf and pointed at it. “Like those!”
You looked where he pointed at and saw that the clothing were mainly black, gray, white, navy blue, and other dark neutral colors. You raised an eyebrow. “Those are church clothes.”
Chuuya pouted, “But those are the only good ones.” He turned back to you with puppy eyes. “Now you don’t want me to get what I like?”
You decided to check them out so you walked over to the shelves. “I suppose it can’t hurt. But don’t blame me if you don’t like them anymore.” You browsed through them all, asking him what he thought, and he finally made his decision.
When you two returned home, you told him to try it on to make sure it fit. He walked out of his room wearing the new clothes and showed you his outfit.
You were silent for a few seconds before muttering, “You look like a Christian. Like you’re going to the church summer camp.”
Hearing your words, his jaw fell a bit and his eyebrows furrowed. He looked offended at what you said. “I do not!” He screeched. He fell silent and looked down at himself, beginning to quietly mutter to no one in particular.
You let out an airy chuckle and crouched down to his level and pet his head. “I didn’t necessarily say it was terrible.” You didn’t actually know what to think. It was goofy, but you’re not going to hurt his feelings.
He felt a little better and smiled at you. “Can we go get some ice cream? I was good today, right?” He bounced on the balls of his feet.
You couldn’t resist him, so you agreed.
The first day of school finally arrived, so you ensured that Chuuya had anything needed and that he wasn’t going to misbehave. The two of you got to the building and you escorted him to the front.
“I trust that you won’t cause trouble while you’re here?” You crouched down.
He sighed, “I’ll be good, I promise.” He was quiet for a few seconds before hesitantly taking a step closer to you and slowly raised his arms. He was asking for a hug.
You smiled and embraced him, caressing his head before planting a kiss on his temple. “Good boy. If you behave today, we’ll have whatever you want for dinner.” You pulled away, but kept your hands on his shoulders. “Sound good?”
His eyes lit up. “Yeah! That’s good!” His smile grew and he quickly hugged you again before skipping to the door. Before entering, he turned and waved to you, then went inside. You returned the gesture and stood up to make your way home.
Once the day ended, you went to pick him up. He was waiting at the front, looking around before his eyes landed on you and lit up at the sight. He ran to you and hugged your legs.
He told you all about his day and that he made a few friends. But he didn’t like his teacher and didn’t really tell you exactly why.
As the year went on, he seemed to have fun. He did complain about a few things, but it didn’t sound too terrible. You had met some of the staff and thought they were lovely.
Dazai, who seemed to be the main teacher, had come up to you at some point to whine about being threatened with bombs. And any time parents and teachers met up, he just says to you that Chuuya wasn’t nice with him.
He just complained about anything and everything, no matter how minor the “offense” was.
At the news of the bomb threats, you didn’t know how to react. You just stood there, thinking why a nice kid like Chuuya would throw out some bomb threats, to his teacher especially.
“I’ll talk to him when we get home,” you told Dazai before leading Chuuya away. And talk to him you did. He wasn’t happy about the lecture.
In general, Chuuya’s a very good child except for when he’s around Dazai, for some reason. He tries to be all mature, but you know that he loves all the children stuff.
He loves Odasaku Man and always plays the episodes when he gets home from school. At this point, you know the whole script of the show.
Doesn’t matter what meal he’s having, he wants milk as his drink. “I want to grow taller!” (Throughout all the years, he didn’t grow as much as he wanted)
The books he reads, he wants to read all the adult books (You never let him), but for bedtime stories, he goes with the picture books and fun plots.
You’ve also seen the other kids in his class, and you’re a little hesitant on the ones he’s best friends with. They might not be the best influence for later in life, but you’ll let him choose his friends. You’ll just make sure he knows how to take care of himself, but he’s still your little baby boy.
One of them is also wearing a strange outfit. He looks like a pilgrim and you feel like him and Chuuya could relate with the odd clothing. He seems cute. [Talking about Akutagawa]
You’re not even sure if Dazai is the best teacher. He’s gone onto his knees and pleaded with you to join him in a double suicide, and you’re skeptical. How was he approved to be teaching the class?
(Bonus) Romance with Dazai:
Despite your doubt concerning Dazai, you’ve somehow gained feelings for him. You never really acted upon them, just letting them exist. Sure, he may flutter your heart once or twice, but you’re not going to ask him out. If he were to somehow reciprocate, you’ll leave the confession to him.
And he did ask you out. Albeit, in a weird way. You still accepted, agreeing to go out with him. You had also befriended Yosano and Kouyou, so you left Chuuya under Kouyou’s care while you were out.
The two of you hit it off, so now you’re both in a relationship. You didn’t tell Chuuya because you knew he would throw a fit whenever Dazai was mentioned. You kinda regret not telling him, but oh well.
He noticed you and Dazai beginning to get closer, and he thought it was weird but shrugged it off as weird adult things. Then Dazai kissed your hand, which he’s kinda done before, but Chuuya was never used to it, so he just loudly gagged at the sight, letting his thoughts be known.
One time, you told Chuuya to wait for you at a specific spot because you wanted to talk with Dazai. He obeyed and started idly playing with the dirt for a while before looking in your direction, wondering why you were taking a bit. You seemed to be saying goodbye to his teacher, but Dazai planted a kiss? On your cheek?
His face morphed into a horrified expression as he let out a shocked sound. He ran up to you, tugging on your clothes and begging you to get away from Dazai.
Really, all he did was throw a tantrum. You excused yourself and took him home, where he locked himself in his room for the rest of the night.
You decided to let him do his thing for tonight, peeking into his room at midnight to see him sleeping in an awkward position on his bed. At least he put on his sleepwear before laying on the mattress.
You repositioned him, gently kissing his head, then left to your own room.
The next morning, he said good morning to you and apologized for his behavior. You forgave him, of course. It’s not his fault that his teacher and guardian got together and didn’t let him know.
Whenever he sees you and Dazai do anything that could be classified as romantic, he just gags and says “Disgusting!” Or “Ew!”
You had asked him to be as respectful as he could towards Dazai, but you didn’t really expect much from him. You just wanted them to at the very least tolerate each other.
He indeed did not act as nice as you wanted. Chuuya would still be the little rebellious kid he apparently was in the class, even more so with Dazai as his parental figure’s boyfriend.
Now, the brunette had two advantages in the power dynamic. Not only could he have the upperhand as Chuuya’s teacher, but also as his future dad. He poked fun at the boy and if Chuuya tried to retaliate in some way, Dazai would just complain to you.
With you, Chuuya is an absolute angel, always smiling at you, cuddling up to you, doing whatever you say, bringing you little gifts, and the like. With Dazai, he was the opposite.
That little demon, he would be louder, cause more trouble than usual, throw little fits, give Dazai weird looks, and more. It’s like Chuuya’s only goal when around Dazai was to make his life hell. And it kinda was.
One time, you had to run some errands, but couldn’t bring Chuuya along. Luckily, there was no school that day, so Dazai came over to babysit. It should be easy, right? Chuuya wouldn’t want to cause any trouble in his parent’s house, would he?
When you opened the door to your home, it was a mess. Furniture was out of place, the TV was on, there was food on the floor, and in the middle of it all, Dazai and Chuuya froze. The former holding the child away from him while Chuuya was biting Dazai’s wrist. They both looked roughed up.
“What happened here?” You slowly asked, closing the door behind you. You placed down whatever was in your arms and removed any articles of clothing, putting them in their proper place.
“Oh, my lovely significant other who I deeply cherish and wish to spend the rest of my life with! I was just handling your little demon!” Dazai’s smile was tight as he placed Chuuya onto the floor. The latter removed his teeth from where they were. “I know it looks terrible, but we were just bonding! Right, Chuuya?”
The boy flinched at his tone before running to you and jumping onto you. You held onto him as he buried his face in your neck. “Mom/Dad! Dazai was a big meanie! Why are you even with him? He tried to hurt me!”
Dazai scoffed, “I did not! You were biting me! And you saw it, (Name).” He sighed, going into the kitchen and wetting a paper towel. “I’ll start cleaning...”
Although the two of them were troublesome at times, you loved them both. You knew Chuuya would grow into a strong gentleman. It doesn’t matter what he will do for the rest of his life, he will always be your baby.
Honestly, when you first felt like taking care of someone, it was an impulsive decision. But you’re glad that you went through with it, otherwise you wouldn’t be with Chuuya.
End Note: When KiwiBean first watched Wan, they thought Chuuya had a Christian fit, while Akutagawa had a pilgrim one. So, thanks to them!
Honestly, it took a few months to convince them to watch BSD, and they watched a few out of context before seeing the first episode. A few days to continue watching, and now they’re hooked. [I kept repeating BSD until random thoughts of Dazai and Chuuya’s name just ran through their head. :)]
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xxemiexx · 11 months
Do It Again
Around 2500 words
Dark theme, birth denial, clothing birth
I took deep breaths as I slid the dildo inside of me, the soft vibrations taking my mind off the contractions. Hopefully this would help me get through my last shift.
I put on 2 pairs of tight panties over the top to ensure the dildo stayed in place. This baby was not being born today I needed that bonus from work too badly.
The bus station came into my sight but the bus was already there
"Shit! Please wait!" I shouted and started a slow jog up to it but the driver shut the door.
"Please!" I waved and shouted but the bus drove off.
A contraction rushed through my stomach and I quickly ducked into an ally as I doubled over, I pulled my phone out and turned the vibrator up needing something to ease the pain.
I started to walk very quickly so I wouldn't be late.
I got to work 5 minutes before my shift started. I rushed to put my coat and bag in my locker, the movement of the stairs moving the dildo inside of me making my moan quietly to myself.
Just 7 hours and I could go home and give birth. I clocked in and went to the shop floor.
The store manager, John, came up to me after a while of stacking shelves.
"Could you get something from the top shelf for me sweetheart?" He smirked as he asked looking me up and down.
I nodded and walked towards the isle, grabbing a step stool on the way. I carefully made my way up and reached towards the back of the top shelf, the stretching movement allowing the baby to drop down. I groaned a little, focusing on the task.
He chuckled to himself as I felt his hand press against my vagina, I gasped as the dildo went deeper, pushing through my dilating cervix.
"Oh my god!" I said breathlessly. I looked around for help but the isle was empty. He pushed the dildo so far into my cervix I felt the vibrations in my stomach. I doubled over holding the shelves to keep me up.
"I could fuck that baby out of you sweetie, I'll take good care of you. You better keep quiet if you want the bonus." He whispered into my ear as he reached inside my trousers pushing deeper through the panties.
The stretch of the dildo in my cervix made my eyes water.
"Come with me baby." He pulled me down from the stool. I was in a haze of shock, pleasure and pain as he lead me to the entrance of the store.
He told the front of store staff he was taking me to the hospital as I was in labour. They nodded and wished me luck before going back to their work.
He led me out to his car, it was small and only had two doors, he opened the passenger door and pulled the seat forward telling me to get in the back.
"I won't be able to fit in there." I panted, there was no room in the back, both front seats pushed back as much as they could be.
"Get in, it's the back seats or the trunk." He grabbed my arm and pushed me forward.
I took my time to climb through the small gap, gasping when I felt the baby flail around in my stomach when the manager slapped my ass, the dildo digging in hard.
"Good girl." He said when I was finally in. He slammed the door.
I tried to move my legs so I could spread them, there was an ache deep inside me, needing relief from the pressure I kept trying but I was so restricted from my tight pants and the lack of space back here.
John finally got in and started his car.
"Please take me to the hospital." I panted rubbing my stomach as a contraction hit me.
"We're going sweetheart don't you worry!" He chuckled and set off. "Put your seatbelt on." He warned, looking at me through the rear view.
I reached and pulled it around me, it was incredibly tight around my stomach. He seemed pleased with this and got on the highway.
The vibrations inside me were steadily increasing, my hips bucking from the seat searching for friction. John chuckled and I saw my phone in his hand, he was controlling it. He turned it up full and threw it in the seat next to him.
My hips were bucking faster, moving the dildo deeper inside of me, I put my hand inside my pants, reaching for it to pump it in and out of me but I could no longer feel it it was so deep inside me.
I whimpered and rubbed my clit, searching for any kind of release.
All of a sudden John slammed his breaks on, the seatbelt tightening around my stomach so hard the air left my lungs.
I felt something trickling out of me, wetting the seat underneath me.
"No..." I pulled my hand out and it was wet.
"Ah your water! Don't worry, when we get where we're going you won't need it." He said and turned into his drive.
He pulled me out the car, and into his house.
"Let's look at what's going on down here sweetie." He pushed me to lay on his couch and pulled my jeans off and removed my pants, he inserted the length of his thumb inside of me behind the dildo, forcing it through my cervix once again. I felt the baby move in my stomach.
He slid the dildo out after a few extra rough pumps. There was a pop of amniotic fluid on the exit.
I took the opportunity to push, John grabbed my legs behind my knees and pushed them up to my stomach, seemingly aiding my pushing.
"That's it, push hard!" He pushed down on my stomach forcing the head through my cervix with such force my head was spinning.
He did the same again and the head moved rapidly through my birth canal.
A contraction took over and forced me to bear down, the head coming to my opening. John chuckled and pushed my legs apart further as he pushed on my stomach.
I screamed at the speed all this was happening, pressure hitting me from all directions.
Fluid spurted out of me around the stretch of the head and there was a sudden and forceful pop as the head shot out.
"That's it!" He gave a forceful shove to my stomach and pushed my knees so they were by my shoulders.
"Agghhh!! No! Please stop!" I begged him reaching down to touch the baby he was forcing out of me.
The shoulders pop out next and the baby arms come out next, leaving it half out of me.
John let's go of my legs and sighs.
"Silly me! I forgot I had some stuff to do today!" He chuckled to himself. "I'm so forgetful." He said has he pushed the baby's arms back inside of me.
"No John please!" I cried as he pushed the shoulders and head back inside me, he does this until the baby is forced back into my womb.
"Doesn't that just feel better!" He smiled, "It's a shame your water broke, it would be safer in there with some protection." He stood there thinking to himself for a second.
The urge to push slowly creeping up on me.
He left the room for a few seconds, reaching something in the kitchen.
I didn't have the energy to get up and move, I wanted to run away so badly.
He returned with a funnel with a long tube and a 2 litre bottle of water.
"I'm just going to make it like your water never broke!" He smiled, saying it like it was simple.
He grabbed my legs and walked behind the sofa with them making me fall back and hit my head on the floor.
"Gotta have gravity keep the water in!" He chuckled and spread my legs, I put my hands on the floor to support my head.
"Please John! Don't do this I need to push!" I beg as he slid the tube inside me with his fingers.
He held the funnel up and poured the cold water in.
I gasped and tried to wriggle away but he was holding my legs too tightly.
"Yeah, this is a cold one isn't it! I only had water in the fridge!" He laughed and emptied the entire 2 litres into my womb. The stretch felt unbearable but not as bad as the cold feeling.
He finally put the funnel down and pushed something big inside me.
"Ow no!" I gasped as I felt some liquid spill out of me because of how much he had poured in.
His mouth connected with my clit before I could process anything else.
I moaned and arched my back best I could with the full feeling.
He licked and nibbled on my clit, a hand reaching round to my breast. He rubbed my nipple through the fabric.
"John!" I moaned and cried out as I came, clamping down on whatever he had pushed inside me.
He quickly shut my legs and forced some very tight underwear up before wriggling my jeans back on me.
"There you go! It's like it never happened!" He pulled me up to standing.
The weight of all the water in my stomach nearly pulled me over. I rubbed my hands over it.
"It's nearly doubled in size." John commented, "if you're a good girl and do what I say I'll drink from you, you're so full of milk." He reached to grab my breasts.
A groan left my mouth as the baby flailed around in my stomach, my nipples aching for some stimulation.
"Please, I need to push, the water is too much!" I cried.
"We're going to do some errands, the vibrations will get more intense whenever I want them to." He opened the app on his phone and hit the max setting making me gasp as I got close to climaxing around the dildo.
"John!" I moaned, I rubbed my clit over the tight jeans and moaned as the orgasm hit me, my legs shook with the pleasure.
"See, I'll make you feel good if you're a good girl." John purred in my ear.
He turned the vibrations down and pulled me toward the stairs.
“Let’s get you a new top, this ones covered in milk.” He grabbed my breasts and squeezed, that alone let a fresh flood of milk out.
He pulled my top over my head and threw it on the couch, he then reached round to unhook my bra leaving my top half fully exposed.
His fingers flicked over my nipples, the sensation brought on another contraction instantly.
“Owwwwww-! John please!” I tried to squat down but the weight of my stomach would allow it.
“Let’s go upstairs.” He stood behind me and pushed me slowly towards them, it took my a deep breath to lift my leg and get on the first step.
“This can’t take all day!” John reminded me. By the fourth step a contraction took over me and I was pushing, John tutted and pulled my body down into a squat.
The pressure made my body ache. I crawled up the rest of the stairs and finally made it to his room.
He gave me a shirt but before I could slip it on, he latched onto my nipple, sucking and drinking from me.
I moaned and gripped his hair.
I gasped as I felt a little dribble of cold water run down my thigh. I must be dilating around the dildo.
He covered me with the T-shirt and made me face the stairs again. More cold water ran down my thighs as I had to stop to push. We got outside eventually and he opened the trunk of his car.
“Do you need help getting in?” I moved to get in, it was a tight fit.
“If that baby’s out by the time I open the trunk I’ll force it back inside of you and you won’t give birth for a month!” He threatened and slammed the boot shut.
The force of the slam hit the top of my stomach, the pressure knocking the air out of me.
My legs were left open, in a birthing position. It made the vibrations feel so much more intense when he turned them up full!
I moaned as more water escaped.
We were driving for what felt like an hour. He finally pulled over and I heard him on the phone, his voice faded and 30 minutes later I was struggling to hold on.
I undid my pants and wiggled them down, only able to get them to my hips, my thighs spread too wide to go any lower.
I reached in the panties and pulled the dildo hard, it hit my panties and slid right back in.
“Fuck!!” That felt so good. I did it a few more times until I came around it.
I then pushed my pants to the side and with a strong push, the dildo came out of me, along with floods and floods of water!
The baby’s head shot down so quick it blocked most of the water from coming out.
“Oh god!” I moaned as the head was at my opening ready to crown.
I felt the head pushed down lower as a contraction hit through my stomach
I gripped the back of my thighs and pulled up towards my stomach as I pushed hard.
A scream left my throat as the head reached a full crown in my underwear. I looked around for something to cut the pants with, I can’t pull them any lower.
I find an old pair of scissors and start to cut down from the zipper, I just get to the front when I need to push again.
“Fuck!” I pull my legs up as much as I could and pushed, the head inching out slowly.
I quickly cut the rest of the pants and felt the baby’s head, half out of me and I push, birthing the head into my hands.
A gush of water escaped around the head.
I was mid push when the trunk opened and John took in what was happening.
He chuckled as I begged for him to leave me alone.
“I’m gonna let you give birth, then I’m going to push it back in, so you can do it again.” He pulled me out the trunk roughly and dragged me into the field we were parked in.
The baby dropping lower inside me with each step.
“She’s going to fall onto the floor!” I screamed as the urge to push took over.
John pushed me to the floor I landed on my stomach, the force alongside the pushing forced my baby out of me, the water gushed from me.
The crying made a sigh of relief leave me.
John picked the baby up and started pushing its feet back inside me.
“I’ll leave its head out. Now do it again.” He chuckled.
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magewritesstories · 3 months
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[ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ ɢᴏᴊᴏ ] ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇɪɢʜʙᴏᴜʀʜᴏᴏᴅ ᴍᴏᴍ ᴀꜱꜱᴏᴄɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
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summary: just a simple one-shot of your life before Megumi went to Jujutsu Tech tw: implied fem!reader but no pronouns are used note: listen, gojo has a chokehold on me but domestic!gojo? ooohh boy words: 811 (it's pretty short) jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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YOU BROWSE THE ISLE BOREDLY. Some old Ed Sheeran song playing over the low-quality speaker of the grocery store as your eyes scour the colourful array of cereal boxes in front of you.
It had been an annoying experience this morning, waking up to find not only all the Captain Crunch cereal but also the instant coffee gone.
Usually Gojo does all the grocery shopping (which leads to an unequal ratio of healthy- to junkfoods.) But he's out on a mission and you can't survive without coffee.
So, here you are, trying to find a good cereal.
You could just get Captain Crunch, but Megumi complained about it last time so that was a no-go.
"You should get that one," A feminine voice spoke up as you were reading the label of a bright pink box.
You turn around to face the unfamiliar voice. "Excuse me?"
An elder woman, maybe ten years older than you, holds up a dark green box with what seems to be the picture of a monkey and chocolate shells.
"This cereal—it's more nutritious but my kids love it because it tastes like chocolate."
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" You question, a little taken aback. The woman's smile falters a little and suddenly you think you've made a mistake. Had you met her at a parent-teacher conference, maybe?
But thankfully she quickly reassures you. "Oh, no sorry, I'm Saori Aino," She introduces, maneuvering past her cart to shake your hand, "I live in apartment 107. I suppose I got a little ahead of myself there."
"Ah, okay, it's alright," You reply quickly, smiling somewhat awkwardly as you shake her hand, "I'm Y/N L/N."
The woman nods as she hands you the box of cereal, letting out a soft giggle. "Oh, I know. My son goes to the same middle-school as your daughter—tells me how Tsumiki can never shut up about how amazing you are."
The comment makes you go a little red as you smile, "Really?"
"Oh yeah, honestly we're all dying to meet you—you should swing by a PTA meeting some time," Saori replies, "I know all the other parents would love to meet you. Bring your husband too!"
Before you can reply that technically Satoru isn't your husband yet, Saori continues excitedly. "Actually, the spring dance is coming up, and we need volunteer chaperones."
"Oh, uhm, I suppose I could check my schedule..." You reply, sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck.
"That's great!" She replies, clasping her hands together excitedly before checking her watch, "Ah, I should really get going and make dinner but think about what I said. And don't be shy to ask for a favour every now and then, we parents should stick together, right?"
Saori doesn't give you the time to reply as she quickly walks off with a small wave. Leaving you standing there with a box of cereal in your hand, wondering what had just happened.
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You're lazing on the couch—halfheartedly listening to the protagonist of the movie monologue—when Satoru get home that night.
He leans over the back of the couch, watching along for a couple of minutes before jumping over it and plopping down next to you.
You quickly wing your legs over his lap as he takes of his blindfold, tiredly resting your head on his shoulder.
"How'd the mission go?"
"As always, it was a walk in the park."
You playfully roll you eyes at his bragging tone. "How was it here? Anything exciting happen?" Satoru asks, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as he relaxes.
"Nothing special, just ran some errands, helped Tsumiki with math—at least I think I did, pretty sure we were both crying about the primitive at some point."
Then you suddenly remember your interaction at the store. "Oh, and I think I'm officially a part of the neighbourhood mom association."
Gojo peels his eyes away form the glowing screen, "What?"
"Yeah, I was grocery shopping today—because somebody finished all the coffee and didn't bother to restock—" He feigns an innocent face at that—"And one of the moms that lives in the building walked up to me."
He raises a brow at the statement. "She started talking 'bout how the PTA would love to have us join them, they need chaperones for Tsumiki's spring dance, and how we shouldn't be shy and ask for help if we need it, etc."
"Congratulations," He replies sarcastically, grinning at the proud smile on your face. You nod, "I think I deserve to be recognized as a parent after putting up with you and Megumi."
Satoru just rolls his eyes playfully.
"Oh and by the way, everyone thinks you're my husband."
He lets out a laugh at that statement, placing a sloppy kiss on you cheek, "Yeah, I should probably get on that, huh?"
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fuyuswifey · 8 months
Pairing: Takemichi Hanagaki x Female! Reader
Cw: Smut with plot, oral (male and female receiving), masturbation, fingering, face sitting, unprotected sex, virgin! Takemichi, experienced! Reader, sub! Takemichi, roommates, friends to FWB, minor spoilers for ch. 277 and forward, 3.7k words
💫In which you and Takemichi are "just bestfriends"💫
To say you and Takemichi were inseparable was an understatement. You guys have always been there for each other. Back in middle school when you both got into your first relationship and constantly went to each other for advice. Whenever he and Toman got into fights and he needed someone to patch him up. Or when you needed a shoulder to cry on during your guys' high school years because some idiot cheated on you. Whatever the reason is, you guys were always there for one another. Even now at 26, you guys were still the same. Always together. What made it even better is you guys are roommates.
It may have seemed like more than you guys just being friends to others. You always tried to convince your friends it was nothing serious and that's just how your guys' friendship was, but did they ever listen? Of course not. Sure he always stopped by the shop and excused it as “he happened to be in the area”. Yes, he waited outside the shop for you at the end of every one of your shifts, dinner in hand as you guys walked back home together. It’s for your safety he always claimed. Sure he called you pet names like babe, baby, sweetie, honey, and honestly so many more. To you guys though, it was just how your friendship worked. 
“I don’t know why you keep trying to deny it,” Seishu said as he helped you close up the shop. He was the number one firm believer that you and Takemichi were more than just friends. “It’s clear as daylight. What’s the point in fighting it?”. 
You rolled your eyes at him as you finished mopping the floor, freeing the tiles of all the gunk it collected throughout the day. You and Seishu had the same debate every day. You would think it had grown old, but how could it be when you and Takemichi continuously gave him more reasons to think something else was going on? “We’re just friends. That’s all. Must we go through this every day?”. 
You didn’t have to look at him to know he was giving you a smirk, not believing a word coming from your lips. Before he could even make a witty comment you interrupted him. “Believe whatever you want Seishu, but I know where I and Takemichi stand”. 
When you stepped out of the shop and entered the dark, cold night you immediately noticed something was off. Takemichi wasn’t there. Now it’s not like you need him to walk with you. After all, you only live four minutes away from your work. However, it felt odd not seeing your best friend when you were fresh off your shift. You figured he was probably busy at home or out running late-night errands.
When you stepped inside your apartment, it was awfully quiet. Way too quiet. Whenever you came home, you were greeted with Takemichi’s TV blasting loudly from his room (which you guys have gotten many noise complaints about). Hearing nothing made you question if you stepped into the wrong apartment for a moment. You slowly walked through the living room and towards the back where both of your guys' rooms reside. You would have been convinced you were home alone if it weren’t for the sound of faint shuffling coming from your best friend's room. A smile immediately grew on your face, and you were about to open the door and greet him, but the sound of more shuffling and what sounded like a moan stopped you. 
You should have just turned around. It was clear as day what was going on in there, and you should have respected his privacy. You didn’t though. You couldn’t stop yourself from pressing your ears against the wooden door separating you guys, wanting to hear more of what was happening on the other side. 
The sounds of his soft moans were slipping through the door and straight to your core. You couldn’t help the way you were getting aroused. Your legs crossed together, the wetness from your arousal growing by the second. You really should walk away and leave him be. After all, friends don’t do this. Friends don’t listen to each other masturbate. They for sure don’t get horny either because of it. There was something about the way he sounded though. His high-pitched moans were on the verge of being whimpers. He sounded breathless and tired. Almost like he’s been at it for hours. He sounded beautiful. You thought there was nothing else that could sound more heavenly. That was until you heard it. The slip of a name. 
Your name. 
You were supposed to be quiet so he didn’t know you were spying, but the gasp you let out blew your cover. You were just so surprised by the fact that he was in there calling out for you. Chanting your name like a hymn. You could hear the sound of his bed moving, followed by footsteps on the ground, heading towards the door. You should turn around and retreat to your room. It would be awkward if he caught you outside his room. You couldn’t seem to move though. You were like a deer in headlights. He was getting closer though. Closer. Closer. The voice in your head was screaming for you to run away as fast as your legs could carry you, but you felt like your feet were glued to the ground. There was no escaping this. You watched as the door handle turned, the door swinging open to reveal your best friend. 
His eyes widened, his shocked expression mirroring yours. “W-What are you doing outside my door?”. 
He looked disheveled. His hair which was usually neatly styled was anything but neat. His skin had a thin layer of sweat along his exposed upper body, and his sweatpants hung low, exposing his v-line and happy trail. All clear evidence of his previous activities. He looked majestic in your eyes. Something about it made you want to hop on him now. That would be ridiculous though. He’s your best friend. You couldn’t help but feel some kind of way though. He looked too good like this. 
You couldn’t deny the way he was making you feel. “Takemichi… what were you doing in there?”. You already knew what he was up to, so your asking was pointless. He didn’t answer you though. He was too nervous. That was clear by his flustered cheeks and the way he was avoiding eye contact with you. 
“Takemichi” You called to catch his attention, which worked. When his blue eyes met yours, it felt like something lit up within you. You wanted him. You wanted him bad. “If you needed help, you could have just asked. We’re friends after all”. You honestly didn’t know what you were saying. It was like your mouth was moving faster than your brain could process.
Now it was his turn to look like a deer in headlights. He seemed surprised by your suggestion. “Do you mean it? Would that be weird?”. The last thing he wanted was for your guys' friendship to be ruined because of this. Of course, you didn’t want that either, but that wasn’t what you were worried about right now. Nowhere near it. You had to reassure him everything would be fine and no matter what, your guys' friendship would always be solid. 
That’s exactly how you ended up where you are now. Accompanying him in his room. You had decided to play some background music to kill the silence in the room. Takemichi was sitting on the edge of his bed next to you, looking straight at the wall instead of at you. This probably would have felt more awkward if it wasn’t with someone you were so comfortable with. The black-haired boy turned to you, finally deciding to speak up. “I need to tell you something before we start though. I-I’m a virgin..”.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at him. “I figured that much”. It was a little obvious that he was still a virgin. No scratch that. It was extremely obvious. After all, you guys tell each other everything, so you know he would come running to tell you about his first time. You also knew he would have asked you for advice about being sexually active with a girl. Those two things had never happened, so it was clear he never did anything. “I can teach you some things if you’d like”. 
You swear you had never seen your best friend so excited. He had a small little smile on his face and he was nodding his head slightly. “I think that sounds good”. That was all the confirmation you needed. 
You turned your body so you were facing him. You wanted to start slow and easy to not overwhelm him. You leaned in slowly, wanting a kiss, and he got the memo, meeting you halfway. When the two of your lips connected, you swore you melted away. His lips were soft and tasted like cherry, thanks to the chapstick he stole from you weeks ago. It felt like the kiss lasted forever, and you weren’t complaining. Honestly, if it could stay like this forever, you would. However, you couldn’t, and you slowly started to pull away. 
“So, how was-”
Before you could even finish asking your question his lips were back on yours. This time it was more aggressive, teeth clashing as his hands made their way to your waist. To say he was growing eager was an understatement. You didn’t mind how messy the kiss was growing though. His tongue was instantly in your mouth, exploring the area as he let out a muffled moan. You allowed your hands to cup his cheeks for a second before moving them downward, brushing against his chest and stomach, to which he shuddered in response. You didn’t stop lowering your hands until they reached the waistband of his sweats. You could already feel his semi-hard length through the cotton. You palmed him slowly through his bottoms, earning a soft groan from him. 
He pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting you both. “Don’t tease me..” He said in a breathless tone as he leaned back on his hands. You chuckled at him once more. You found how eager and impatient he was quite amusing seeing as though you guys were only just getting started. You wanted to take care of him, so you decided not to tease him too much. Slipping from the bed, you situated yourself on your knees in between his thighs.
“Have you never done anything with a girl?” You asked him. It was a dumb question honestly. You already know the answer. You just wanted to hear him say it. He didn’t respond verbally though. Instead, he nodded his head, a flustered expression returning. That wasn’t good enough for you though. “Takemichi, use your words,” you said in almost a degrading tone. 
The blush on his face deepened before he finally spoke. “N-No.. I’ve never done anything with a girl”. Feeling satisfied with his response, you hooked your fingers underneath his bottom. He immediately got the idea, raising his hips so you could pull his sweats down. You watched as his hard dick slapped against his stomach, precum leaking from the tip. Your eyes widened. You hadn’t expected his size. He was long and thick, with a vein traveling down his shaft. It made you question how you would manage to make it fit. Of course, you’re experienced. You’ve been with a few guys, but never have they ever been this size.
You wrapped your hand around his shaft, hearing him release a soft groan in response. You used your thumb to smear the precum that was leaking from his tip before starting to stroke him. He was so sensitive, already releasing nothing but moans that served to egg you on more. You wanted to hear more of his pretty noises, leaning forward and licking a stripe up his dick before taking the tip into your mouth, sucking at it lightly. 
“Oh fuck-” He moaned out as he brought one of his hands up and placed it onto the back of your head. His fingers curled in your hair. “Please”. Oh. He was begging. It was honestly music to your ears. You lowered your head farther down, only stopping when you could feel his tip touching the back of your throat. It almost felt evasive. The way he was stretching your mouth wide. You could feel the tears forming in your eyes. You looked at him, not realizing he was already looking down at you. When your eyes locked you could feel it. The desire growing in him, and it was growing in you too.
Takemichi could almost cum from just this. The way you looked with him shoved down your throat was ravishing. He used his hand that was already in your hair to lift your head before pushing it back down. He continued this motion, using your mouth as he pleased. You allowed him to. You couldn’t deny that it felt nice for some reason. It felt nice knowing you were the reason he was getting off. Takemichi shifted his hips upwards, forcing his dick farther down your throat, earning a gagging sound from you. He continued to force his hips up, fucking your mouth as he let out nothing but moans and groans. “You have such a good mouth,” he said as he tightened his grip on your hair. You couldn’t say anything in return, your mouth being too stuffed, opting in just humming softly. You could feel his hips start to stutter as his movement only grew faster. Before he could even give you a warning you felt him finally cum, the string of white substances filling your mouth. He watched as you swallowed it so easily, finding the act arousing for some reason.
You stood up from your spot, watching as he laid back on the bed, panting slightly. “Don’t tell me you’re tired already” you said with a chuckle. “We’re only just getting started, baby”. The pet name made his dick jump. He looked over at you, shaking his head. “Of course, I’m not done yet. If anything, it’s your turn to cum now. I have an idea. Something I’ve always wanted to try”.
You raised an eyebrow at him, a little curious as to what it was. “What is it exactly?”
“I want you to sit on my face”.
You paused for a second. You had never done face-sitting and were a little nervous to try it now. However, you trust Takemichi enough to do it with him. The soft sound of your “okay” made his eyes light up. He was happy you were willing to try it with him. You slowly unbuttoned your pants, pulling them down along with your damped underwear. From the corner of your eyes, you could see Takemichi staring. He looked hungry, starved, and ready to just pounce on you like you were his prey. You slowly crawled over him until your exposed pussy was aligned with his face, straddling his head. Slowly you lowered yourself until you were just barely hovering over yourself. 
Takemichi licked his lips before he hooked his arms under your thighs, pulling you to sit down on his face. You were startled at first, a little worried that you would suffocate him, but Takemichi didn’t care about that. He lifted his head to lick a stripe across your wet pussy, to which you immediately let out a soft moan. He then attached his lips to your clit, alternating between sucking and licking at it. Maybe it was just the position, or maybe it’s the fact that Takemichi is just surprisingly good with his mouth, but you felt like you were on cloud nine.
“Y-You sure you've never done this before..?” You asked as you threw your head back, your hands reaching to hold onto the headboard. Slowly you grinded your hips against his face, letting out wanton moans. Takemichi was eating you like a starved man. Like you were his only meal. He was releasing soft moans as his tongue moved at the same rhythm as your hips. His hands gripped your thighs tightly, before he slipped one hand in between your legs, tracing one finger along your entrance before pushing it in. Your walls immediately clenched around his digit and you let out a gasp. He fucked his finger into you before slipping in another, and another. His fingers perfectly hit your sweet spot, and his tongue lapping at your pussy had your thighs starting to shake. You had no idea how he was already so good at this, but man did you feel blessed. The knot that was forming in your stomach had finally snapped. “O-Oh fuck Michi!” you screamed out as you felt your orgasm rush through you, your juices spilling done your thighs and all over the boy's face. 
It took you a second to recover from your orgasm, but once you did you moved down till both of your guys' hips were aligned. You took ahold of his cock that was once again hardened, the tip red and leaking with precum again. “Are you ready?” You asked to which you earned a quick “yes”. Takemichi was tired of waiting. He was ready to have what he had desired this whole time. As you align his tip with your entrance you slowly sink, letting out a hiss from the stretch. The way he filled you up was unbelievable. He was huge. It was almost like he was splitting you in half. You bit at your bottom lip as you didn’t move, trying your best to adjust to his size. 
You felt his hands grab onto your hips, rubbing small, soothing circles on the skin as he tried to help your body relax around him. “A-Are you okay?” He asked you in a soft voice. He always was a caring boy, and of course, he was especially caring and attentive towards your feelings in this moment. 
“I’m fine,” You say as you slowly raise your hips before sinking back down, pulling a moan from the both of you. Takemichi’s eyes screwed shut, the feeling of your tight walls squeezing around him feeling almost overwhelming. He had never experienced something so good. No toy or his hand could ever compare to this feeling. “Fuck… you’re so tight”. You continued to bounce on him, moving a bit faster when you adjusted to his size to the best of your ability. The way his dick perfectly hit that one spot without any effort was sending you into a frenzy. You could feel the tears forming in your eyes from the pain and pleasure mix you were feeling.
“How do you feel now Michi?” You asked in between your moans as you looked down at him, a grin forming on your face. “Do you feel like a man?”. You didn’t get a response from him though. You wouldn’t even be surprised if he didn’t even hear you. Not when he had his head thrown back and his bottom lip was tucked between his teeth, his whimpers still managing to slip out. He honestly sounded pathetic, and you loved it. He sounded pathetic just for you. 
You bounced a little harder, the sounds of your wetness partnered with your guy's skin clapping filling the room. “I-I can’t believe this was waiting for me..should have taken what was mine sooner” Takemichi muttered, looking at you with full-blown eyes. His eyes were glossy and his lips were swollen, assuming from how hard he was biting them. He would have looked innocent if it wasn’t for your dirty deeds. If he had to describe the way he was feeling, he would say he felt like he was in euphoria. There was nothing that felt better to him than your walls squeezing him. 
You were growing close, and so was he. You took ahold of one of his hands that was holding onto your hip, lacing your guys' fingers together. It was honestly a small gesture, but it meant a lot to both of you at that moment. “M-Michi!” you whined out, “I’m so close”. He took his other hand off of your hip, bringing his thumb to massage circles into your clit, only pushing you further over the edge. You let out a staggered “fuck!” as you felt your orgasm hitting you for the second time in the night. Your walls spasming around him was close to sending Takemichi over the edge. He lifted you off of his lap, earning a whine from you at the emptiness when his dick slipped out. He was quick to wrap a hand around himself though, giving his dick a few strokes before he was releasing onto your inner thighs with a harsh groan. 
You fell onto the bed next to him, feeling weak in your knees from the position you were just previously in. The two of you guys lay next to each other, panting slightly as you both tried to catch your breath. You slowly looked over at Takkemichi who was just staring at the ceiling. “How do you feel Takemichi?”. The boy looked over at you, and only then did you realize something that made you happy. He was smiling. “I guess you enjoyed it then”.
“More than you know,” he says with a chuckle. “Thank you. There would have been no one better for my first time”. He leaned over to connect your guys' lips once more in what was a sweet and gentle kiss. When he pulled away his cheeks were flushed red and he leaned his forehead against yours. “I hope this doesn’t change our friendship drastically. I don’t want you to feel differently about me”.
“It won’t” You reassured. “Don’t worry”.
You were right. Things didn’t change. Even after three months, you guys were still best friends, just best friends who engaged in certain activities at times. Of course, you heard an “I told you so” from Seishu, but that didn’t matter. What matter is you were Takemichi’s best friend, and he was yours. 
Network: @enchantedforest-network | @planetonet
293 notes · View notes
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~4k
Summary: You sneak out one night
A/N: Sorry y'all, I'm in an angsty mood
Warnings: Angst, relationship troubles (distrust and such), sneaky behavior.
You’re trying to ignore how sweaty your palms are, and you quickly reach for your drink to try and hide it. The condensation from the glass of course makes it worse and you hold back the urge to curse as you check your phone for the time.
It’s 8:15pm.
Usually at this time of night you would be at home with your wife and dog finishing up dinner, or more likely sitting on the couch in the living room. After dinner you walked the dog before settling beside your wife to cuddle while watching something mindless on TV. If Wanda got her way, it would be a sitcom with a laugh track that you hear in your sleep sometimes, but if you’re lucky, you’d start to doze off to a nature documentary before Wanda drags you upstairs.
You would much rather be at home with her, but you had something you needed to take care of first.
You are only a few seconds away from checking the time again when you feel a cold hand on your upper arm, and you have to stop yourself from bristling from the touch.
“Y/n Y/l/n. I didn’t think you would show.”
As you turn to greet the woman who’s been on your mind and the bane of your existence for weeks, you fight the urge to grimace. It had been a mistake to get involved with her, and you knew it from the very beginning, but you were desperate. One of your character flaws was that you were damn stubborn, and when you wanted something badly enough you couldn’t help but go for it.
You try to offer a sincere smile, but you’re tense and she can tell as she sits down on the barstool beside you and reaches out for your drink. You don’t mind that she’s finishing it because you don’t even want it, but you don’t like the message that it sends. You’re trying to be as incognito as possible with this arrangement. You waited to meet until a night that you knew Wanda would be working late, and then you’d left the house under the guise of going grocery shopping. You then ditched Bucky by sneaking out the back of the store and walking three blocks to this hotel bar where you’d agreed to meet.
You hated lying, but there really was no way around it. If anyone found out what you were up to, you’d be in deep shit and you didn’t want to deal with that. You couldn’t explain why you were being so needlessly reckless except for maybe to blame your determination.
This had to work.
You only take a moment to glance at the blonde’s outfit before you sit up a little straighter and offer an only slightly forced smile.
“Rosalie. Thank you for meeting with me. I’ve been looking forward to this all week.”
Wanda sighs in exhaustion as she arrives home to a dark house a little after 9pm. She stifles a yawn as she rolls into the garage only to do a double take when she sees that your car isn’t there. She quickly reaches for her phone to call you, but by the time she walks into the house you still haven’t answered. When Boone comes up to greet her, the call’s gone to voicemail and Wanda just hangs up with an annoyed huff. She scratches Boone for a second longer as she glances at the clock to confirm that it’s way too late for you to be out.
Bucky responds almost immediately and Wanda’s hand stops mid-scratch as she reads his message.
She went to the grocery store near Glendale but she’s been in there for an hour. I’m going to check on her.
Wanda has no idea why you would drive so out of your way to go shopping so late at night. Admittedly sometimes you had weird cravings, but this was odd even for you. Despite often losing track of time in a grocery store, Wanda figures that at such a late hour you would be in and out for whatever you wanted.
She decides to wait until Bucky finds you to respond, and she heads toward the kitchen to find some leftovers to eat. She hopes to be able to claim to have eaten dinner by the time you get home so you won’t get upset with her. When she has late nights like these, sometimes she forgets to eat and she comes home without having eaten for over 14 hours.
She can barely focus on dinner as she tries to patiently wait for Bucky’s response. She can imagine him finding you wandering around aimlessly as you try to figure out what food you’re craving. She’s had to drag you from several grocery stores when you’ve done this for over 30 minutes, and she’s almost wishing that you’d waited so she could have done this tonight.
Twenty minutes later, Wanda’s only had a couple of bites to eat before her phone rings. She sees that its Bucky, and she doesn’t hesitate to answer it as she takes a deep breath. She’s sure he’d found you roaming the candy aisle.
“Hey Bucky.”
Bucky is near sweating as he speed-walks up and down the aisles of this too cold grocery store. He’s looked for you for nearly 20 minutes, and he’s run around the store like a lunatic to the point of worrying that someone is going to call the cops. He’s tried calling you only to have it go to voicemail, and he doesn’t know what else to do. He stops by the ice cream for a moment before pulling out his phone to call Wanda. He has a feeling that you aren’t here, but he’s not sure if he believes that you’ve been taken. There was no one suspicious here except him, and after speaking with a disinterested cashier, he figures nothing sketchy went down.
As he waits for Wanda to answer, he tries to figure out what the hell you were up to.
The smile you receive in return makes you wish you’d said anything else, but it’s too late to take it back now. You decide to ignore your discomfort and get right down to business because you’re sure this will take a while. Wining and dining someone takes tact and patience, neither of which you are in possession of tonight. After leading Rosalie from the bar to a secluded booth in the back, you wait for a waiter to take your next drink orders before taking a deep breath.
“I really do appreciate you being here, Rosalie. I’m not sure what I would do without your help.”
Although you know that you’re feeding her enormous ego, you have to kiss her ass to get her to agree to your proposition. You know that under normal circumstances you wouldn’t have been this successful in your campaign. That said, your chance meeting with this woman who was capable of making you so happy was something you couldn’t overlook or take for granted. You aren’t even sure that she knew who you were before flirting with you, but that was of no consequence to you. If anything, it helped your chances.
You’re reminded of this as the blonde not-so-subtly, looks you up and down while you wait for your appetizer. You take a deep breath behind your glass when she’s distracted, and you pray that this all works out.
When Rosalie offers you a near-predatory smile you realize that you’re going to have to take it up a notch.
“What can I say? You made a very appealing offer, Y/n.”
When Bucky had called to tell her that you weren’t in the grocery store, Wanda had been opening the app on her phone to track you before he could even ask. For safety reasons, you and Wanda had your locations turned on your phones. Wanda had insisted and despite arguing that you never went anywhere other than work, the store, or home without her, you acquiesced. You’d had nothing to hide and you did sometimes check and see where Wanda was occasionally, only to wonder what she was doing on late nights away from home.
Wanda’s frown deepened when she’d realized that your phone was turned off. The last place it had been on at was the store, and now Wanda was oscillating between pissed and worried.
What were you up to?
“Oh really? You must have the cutest pictures!”
You smile widely because you really do and you’re already reaching for your phone to find some when you remember why you’d switched it off.
While you and Rosalie ate dinner, conversation had luckily transitioned to your work and more specifically your patients. This was something you were comfortable talking about, and honestly you could go on and on about your adorable patients. That said, you hesitated long enough for Rosalie to notice, and her brow furrows slightly in question.
“What’s wrong? Do you have other photos on there that you don’t want me to see?”
You can’t help but blush, and you poorly conceal it with a cough as you shake your head and turn on your phone. You’ll make it quick before powering it down again. It will be fine.
You reach out for your fork to take another bite before you shake your head with small smile.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
After showing off the last few adorable patients you’ve seen, you steer the conversation back to the reason why you’d invited Rosalie to dinner in the first place. You try to push down your discomfort of asking for something from someone, but you think about the puppies before you meet Rosalie’s expectant gaze.
“So have you thought anymore about my proposition?”
After checking continuously for nearly half an hour, she jumps when your blue dot appears on the map. She watches it move not far from where it had been earlier before she calls Bucky back. He’s been searching nearby buildings while she waited impatiently, but now she was going to look for you because she was beyond angry.
“Bucky, I found her.”
Wanda pauses as she zooms in on the map for a precise location. When she sees where you are, her breath catches in her throat and she just stares for a few long seconds.
“Yeah? Where is she?”
Wanda still doesn’t answer right away. She’s trying to come up with a logical reason for you to be where you are. Anything but the worst-case scenario. Wanda clears her throat before shaking her head and speaking through clenched teeth.
“She’s at the hotel off of 5th. I’ll meet you there.”
You’re taking another bite of cheesecake, blissfully unaware of the storm that’s headed your way as you and Rosalie share a companionable silence.
She’d agreed to your terms and you were near giddy with excitement. That said, you were still aware enough to remember your manners, and you slide the plate toward the blonde with a teasing smile before setting your own fork down.
“Please. Eat the rest. I think you’ve more than earned it.”
Rosalie smiles and only tries to argue with you for a moment before she gives in. You could eat this slice and maybe three more, but you realize how late it’s getting, and you’re almost certain you’ll barely beat Wanda home. It’s nearing 11, but the fact that even Wanda’s early ‘late nights’ are rarely before 1am is enough to relax your nagging nerves.
It only takes a few more minutes for you two to wrap things up. You foot the bill because it’s the least you can do, and then you’re going your separate ways. You wait until Rosalie is out of sight before you near run to the exit. You don’t dare turn on your phone, but your watch is telling you that you need to hurry.
Wanda’s staring at the sky trying to calm herself down when you come running out the front doors of the hotel. She’s settled on the steps out front, sitting on one of the stone banisters as she tries to understand what she’s feeling.
She and Bucky had arrived and it had only taken a few minutes to spot you. When Wanda had seen you sharing dessert with a woman who was smiling at you adoringly, well she almost lost it. She stared at you for just long enough to convince herself that she wasn’t mistaken, before she stormed back outside and planted herself in this spot.
She had sent Bucky back to your car to make sure you didn’t sneak by her, but she figures it’s unnecessary. She mostly did it to be alone and shed a few tears without him watching. She had a feeling you’d walk right out the front door, and then she’d confront you. She just had to figure out what to say.
She almost misses you fly by her and her gaze snaps towards you with a vicious glare that’s wasted on you. She ignores the fact that you’re getting further away and she stays exactly where she is as she calls out to you.
“Hurrying home to someone?”
You think you’re hallucinating when you hear your wife’s voice when you’re halfway across the street. You stop in your tracks, stiffening in surprise before you dare to turn around to confirm your suspicions. You’ve never had any luck at keeping secrets from your wife, so you’re not sure why you thought this time would be different.
Despite being over 20 feet away, you’re sure Wanda can hear your audible gulp as you turn to face her.
“Needlessly it seems. You’re already here.”
Now despite your actions tonight, you’re not an idiot, and you know what’s about to happen. You consider how you’d feel about seeing Wanda in your shoes tonight. It might be slightly different because she has more of a reason to meet random, beautiful women at hotel bars, but for a moment you suspend your disbelief and consider how angry you’d be at her. At least half as angry as Wanda appears to be with you now. You walk deliberately towards her, and do your best not to flinch at her furious expression. You nearly startle when she jumps down the stairs and meets you on the sidewalk with a scowl.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
You can’t help but flinch and you think it makes Wanda even madder because her glare honestly makes you want to run and hide. You can’t remember the last time she’s been mad at you, actually mad, but you’re sure this is much, much worse. Unfortunately, in your infinite wisdom you dare to shrug before providing the worst answer possible.
“I was meeting someone.”
Wanda’s eyes flash as she remembers the beautiful blonde that had been looking at you like she wanted to take you upstairs. Her words come out as a snarl and you actually start to sweat as Wanda steps toward you.
“No shit. Who the fuck is she, Y/n?”
You realize, belatedly, that maybe this hadn’t been the best plan. Sure, you’d waited for an ideal night, or so you’d thought, but there had to be a better way. Clearly. It had to be possible to have pulled this off without getting caught. Right?
You sigh in defeat before you realize that there’s no way to lie yourself out of this one. You know Wanda’s going to be hurt, but you just have to say it. What was the point of dragging it out any further?
You run a hand through your hair and nearly roll your eyes at the fact that your ring snags on one of the knots. Figures.
“Her name is Rosalie Evans. She’s a donor who’s just pledged $10 million to help renovate the animal shelter.”
You and Wanda stand in silence as you let your wife process what you’ve said. You can tell by the look on your face that she’s trying to decide if she believes you, but after a near agonizing three minutes in silence, she just shakes her head. She walks past you with a huff, and you’re equal parts relieved and disappointed that she barely says anything in response.
“Come on. We’re not talking about this here.”
Despite Wanda’s desire to storm back into the hotel and find the blonde you’d been with; she knows there’s no point. She has a feeling the blonde is long gone, but that doesn’t mean she’s not going to have Bucky look into her right this second.
The trip home is made in separate cars and it’s silent for both of you. You’re lost in thought and Wanda’s waiting to get confirmation from Bucky that you weren’t just lying to her face. It comes only minutes from arriving home, but still the news that you’d been out with a rich, beautiful, animal lover didn’t sit well with her.
She slams her car door so hard the house almost shakes, and she waits impatiently as you pull into your spot before getting out as slowly as possible without ticking her off more.
She storms into the house, and you just have to follow her as she ignores Boone and immediately heads to the deck. You scratch your dog a few times as you trail behind your wife, but you leave him inside as you follow Wanda back out into the dark.
“Were you on a date just now?”
Despite expecting the question, you still can’t stop your initial reaction at the mere thought of doing something like that to Wanda. You would admit that you had been selfish and that you’d used Rosalie, but dammit if you weren’t desperate for the money.
“No, Wanda.”
You barely say her name before she spits her next question with such disgust that you instantly feel like a horrible person.
“Did she think it was a date?”
It never ceases to amaze you how smart your wife is. She’s always so many steps ahead of you that it would be embarrassing if you hadn’t already accepted that she was a genius. It’s only times like these, when you’re in trouble, that you truly regret this fact.
You don’t really know the answer to this, and you don’t take long to consider it before you shake your head. Wanda’s still facing away from you, and you can’t help but feel ashamed by this. She’s so angry that she can’t even look at you.
“I don’t know. It didn’t come up.”
This was technically true. That said, you would have let her believe that it was a date if it had gotten you the money. Is this what a gold digger did? Suddenly your self-respect tanks further at the thought.
Wanda doesn’t respond immediately as she considers all of her options. She’s still plenty mad at you for this, but she has to admit that by seeing this woman, you didn’t technically do anything wrong. That said, the way you went about it had been sketchy as hell, and she wants you to know that she doesn’t appreciate it in the slightest.
“Why did you go behind my back like this? Why not just tell me what you planned on doing?”
Wanda’s trying not to be angry about the fact that you’d snuck out of the house on a night that she’d specifically told you she would be late coming home. How you ditched Bucky to sneak away and make sure nobody was the wiser. She rolls her eyes at the thought of you pulling this off.
You have sat down at this point because you’re exhausted and you’re tired of staring at your wife’s back. You huff in frustration before you shake your head with a groan. You’re such an idiot sometimes.
“Because I didn’t want you to know what I was doing.”
You knew what question was coming next, so you tried to beat Wanda to it as she finally spun around to face you. You’d wished she’d stayed facing away from you instead. You would have preferred it to the glare she was shooting you.
“Of course not! You were practically on a date with this woman, and for what? For-?”
“For money!”
You’re back on your feet as you rip out some of your hair when your hand gets stuck again. You squeeze your eyes shut before you take a deep breath and try to calm down. You meet Wanda’s suspicious gaze and you feel your shoulders drop.
“I needed her to agree to the donation. I’ve only been trying to convince her for weeks. I-I needed the money, Wanda.”
Your wife simply scoffs before she crosses her arms and levels you with a look that hides how hurt she is. If you’d needed money so badly, why hadn’t you just asked her? Why had you needed to literally grovel to this woman you barely knew when she could have helped you easily? She asks this and your face says it all. Wanda almost wishes, for a millisecond, that you’d been having an affair instead.
“I couldn’t ask you Wanda. It couldn’t come from you. I needed the donation to be public. For campaigning purposes.”
Wanda suddenly realizes why you’d gone to so much trouble to keep this from her. You both often donated to various causes that you felt strongly about. Unsurprisingly, number one on your list was animals. You’d given countless donations to shelters and other rescues in the areas so they could keep helping stray animals. That said, sometimes you knew that an anonymous donation just wouldn’t cut it.
When the projects were larger and they required the help of many donors, you wished that you could be one of them without causing suspicion. Despite making good money at work, no one would believe that you could give $3 million without batting an eye. It just didn’t make sense. You also knew that since everyone thought you were married to someone named ‘Linda’; you couldn’t have Wanda donate either.
That and the fact that she’s a known criminal.
That wouldn’t go over well.
So you’d tried to go behind her back to accomplish your goal of getting money while sparing her feelings. She’s still mad at you, but she seems to deflate when she feels the familiar pang of disappointment that accompanies moments like this. Sometimes she thinks she’s failed you. Sometimes she desperately wishes that she could have had any other occupation as long as it was legal. At least then she would be able to support you more readily, more publicly.
She doesn’t realize she’s stared off into space berating her past self for her career choices until she feels your hand on her shoulder. She blinks before realizing that you’re standing right in front of her with an apologetic look. She suddenly feels exhausted, and she doesn’t want to talk about this anymore. She doesn’t want to think about beautiful blondes or not being able to help you with your selfless pursuits.
“I’m sorry, Wands. I should have told you.”
Wanda shakes her head as she sighs in defeat and walks past you toward your barking dog. She ignores the frustrated tears that are streaming down her face, and she hopes you can’t hear them in her voice as she lets Boone run past her so she can sneak upstairs while you’re distracted.
“It’s fine, Y/n. I get it.”
Wanda disappears up the stairs as you chase after Boone to get him to come back inside. It’s far too late for this and you quickly steer him back in the house before locking up and heading up the stairs. You need to follow Wanda and try to convince her that she shouldn’t feel bad about any of this. You’re the one who went behind her back. You thought that it would be worth it, but even the thought of $10 million doesn’t make the idea of trying to make amends with your wife any less daunting.
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ifancyharry · 1 year
Cuddly baby
Cuddling like this with Harry has been a dream of mine since i was like 13 years old 😔 he'd be sooo soft
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Word count: 1.3K
What is it: Harry comes back from work and wants needs a cuddle; almost no plot just fluff
YN shut the door behind her, taking a step to enter her and Harry’s home and turning the light’s switch on the side, the previously dark house lighting up in an instant, turning the dark and cold atmosphere into a cozy one. 
She loved their home. 
Growing up YN never really took part in decorating her childhood home, because it was her mum that bought furniture so she went with whatever her mum liked, and when she moved to London, she was a broke college student, so buying fancy furniture wasn’t exactly her priority. 
When Harry had asked her to move in, his house was already decorated, and honestly, YN liked it as it was, but almost immediately, Harry made it clear that was also her house now, and he wanted her to be comfortable in his space, so he gave her his card and told her to buy everything she wanted. 
YN didn’t really know where someone with Harry’s amount of money would go to shop for furniture, so she asked him if he was fine with IKEA and he had agreed, because he didn’t really care as long as she was happy. 
When it came to Christmas decorating, though, it was a whole other deal. 
Harry loved Christmas, and when YN asked him if he wanted her to take care of decorating alone — since he’d come back home on the 15th —, he got a little upset and whined like a baby for the entirety of their call, turning in his usual chatty self only after she’d told him she would wait for him and they’d go Christmas shopping together when he’d be back from Los Angeles.
So, when she walked in their shared living room, YN smiled happily at the sight in front of her, walking towards the Christmas tree to switch on its lights.
She then made her way upstairs, hurrying up the stairs, eager to remove her uncomfortable work clothes to wear something more comfortable.
She walked in her closet and took out one of Harry’s merch hoodie, which ran oversized on her and was honestly so comfy, pairing it with some sweats. YN never really understood people that don’t change immediately after coming home. She cringes at the mere thought of relaxing in jeans. She could never!
After a quick shower to warm her limbs, she changed in the clothes she’d picked out earlier and sighed happily when her skin met with the soft fabric of the hoodie, the scent of the fabric softener Harry always used when doing laundry, filled her nostrils and she felt truly relaxed for the first time ever, the sudden realization that it was the 20th and she finally had some time off of work taking place, soothing her running head. It always took her a while to get accustomed to he holidays, always so busy with work, and she never truly felt free until Harry was free from work too.
He’d just came back less than a week ago, and he still had a couple of interviews and some charity events he was supposed to attend before closing everything on the 24th.
To her, it was truly crazy how someone could work until Christmas Eve, and she told him many times, but he always shrugged it off telling her he was used to it. To YN, it didn’t make it any better.
After picking a book from their office’s bookshelf, she made her way back downstairs, plopping down on the couch. 
She rested her head on the arm rest and scooted down so she could be comfortable enough to stretch her legs and lay down.
She opened her book and started reading to occupy the time it would take Harry to come back home.
A couple of hours had passed when YN heard the front door shut softly and the sound of keys tilting in the dish placed by the door. She smiled to herself, not raising her eyes from the book. Harry was finally home.
When he made his way in the living room, he was still wearing his work clothes — just jeans and a sweater, but they were still work clothes to him — but he had removed his shoes. Yn eyed him briefly before tapping the screen of her phone that rested on the coffee table and she frowned at the time, it was past eight o’clock. She knew he must have been exhausted.
“Hey, my love” she whispered, resting her book open on her chest and stretching her arms towards him. 
Harry smiled lazily at her and at first sat down on the couch near her feet, resting one hand on her ankle and thumbing at her exposed skin absentmindedly.
YN knew not to question him. It wasn’t the first time he’d come back from work and didn’t feel like talking, so she usually would let him do his thing until he felt like being social again. She understood how hard it must be to always be expected to be happy and laid back, so she didn’t want him to feel like he had to pretend at home too.
Two beats passed and YN picked up her book again, resuming her reading. 
She felt Harry shuffle in his place at her feet, and after a while she felt him sneaking up her body, resting his smushed cheek against her chest and she opened her legs a bit so he could rest comfortably between them. She intertwined one of her legs with his and Harry sighed heavily against her chest, moving his head so he could splatter light kisses against her covered skin.
YN switched the book from one hand to the other, holding it open with just one hand and burying the other in Harry’s hair, removing the hair clip from his curls and placing it on the hem of her hoodie. Once his hair was free, she started to tug gently at the roots, alternating the tugs with a gentle massage on his scalps with her fingertips.
His body was starting to get warmer, and she loved feeling his body weighting on her. Harry always used to joke that if he could get inside her skin he would, because he never seemed to feel close enough to her.
After some time, YN closed the book, marking the page folding the ear of the page, and placed it on the ground. Harry had fallen asleep, and she didn’t want to wake him stretching to the coffee table, so the ground would do just fine.
She kept playing with his hair with one hand, smoothing the hair from his forehead so she could see his face better. He looked so peaceful with his cheek smashed against her chest, his plushy lips red and slightly opened, small breaths puffing out of his round cheeks.
She loved him like this, soft and tender. She brought her other hand down and started caressing his back in circles, hoping to soothe the tension off of him.
“My baby” she whispered, tilting her head a bit so she could plant a kiss on his hair line.
Harry mumbled something incomprehensible at that and she tugged gently at his hair, “what?” 
“I’ll get up in a bit” he repeated, muttering, his eyes still closed and his words coming out strangled from his squished cheek.
“No need, you’re like my personal teddy bear” she giggled softly, pressing another kiss to his hair line.
“Love you so much” he mumbled, never opening his eyes. He squeezed her a little harder with his arm and she smiled against his hair.
“Sleep now, I’ll wake you when it’s time for bed” 
Harry nodded against her chest and his hair tickled her chin. 
“Love you too, cuddly baby” She whispered, resuming her massages with her hands. Harry was already asleep again, and she knew he probably didn’t hear her, but she knew she’d tell him how much she loved him as soon as he’d wake up. She truly did love him, cuddles and all.
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tac-the-unseen · 14 days
Stalker König x Reader
Slight NSFW warning
CW: stalking, panicking, Unhealthy Relationship, Creepy guys
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•It happens slowly
•At first he just watches from afar
•Whenever you go out, he's there
•Sitting just a few tables away from you, using different cars to follow you home, He's always just a couple steps behind when you go shopping
•He's utterly infatuated with you
•then he started to elevate it
•He slid open your window one night
•He didn't do anything except Stand there and look around
•At the time he didn't want to do anything else, He was terrified that you were going to wake up and call the cops.
•But when you didn't, he started to do it more frequently
•And then he got bold enough to take a few over things
•just things you've never notice
•He especially loved when you doodled on sticky notes. As soon as you turned away he'd snatch it up
•He gets more bold as time goes on
•He bought you flowers
•whether you know flower language or not, both of you were happy
•While watching you sleep one night, you actually got up to use the bathroom.
•It startled him but he hid in your closet just in time
•That turned him on likes he's never been before
•He felt like such a horny teen while he softly stroked himself while hiding
•That's when the theft turned to your panties collection
•He’s watched you long enough to know which one is your favorite and least favorite pair.
•He buys identical panties to swap out so you don't get suspicious
•he stopped after you noticed one of your older pairs had elastic bands that were tighter than normal.
•he noticed you being more paranoid than normal
•Your eyes flickered around like a survivalist assessing their options
•You no longer went on walks
•You had stopped going out with your friends
•He took note of it, but didn't stop watching you
•Then, two days later, you broke
•You cried on your bed while shouting at the darkness that you know he was lurking their
•He know you didn't, We were yelling at a different corner of the room from where he was
•He found it silly, but kept quiet and watched you
•It was that same night he had a brilliant idea
•He stopped lurking in your shadow for two weeks
•It practically killed him to leave you alone, but he left you alone
•Until finally your friends dragged you out to have fun.
•You were still paranoid, but not like when he left you last
•You had just enough confidence to go outside
•And it was that confidence he was going to use against you
•Your friends dragged you to a club, to drink and/or dance your ‘problems’ away
•Then began his wait
•He wants to nurse on your drink for a while
•then finally, the moment he's been waiting for
•A man had approached you, clearly flirting and looking for a one night stand
•You told him no, he persisted. This when into a back and forth for just a minute until König finally swooped in
•He used his intimidating size against the man and made a little show out of shooing him away
•then the next step to his plan starts
•He turns to you and fakes concern and ignorance
•He gets to talking to you until you start opening up more
•The night ended up going so well He even got your number (He already had that, but you didn't need to know that)
•then he started to properly work His way into your life
Thanks for reading <3
I have an actual one shot in the works! I just didn't want you guys to get too anty!
That one shot will have a different ending too, just so you don't know what's to come 💖
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