#so don’t come at me with oh but Louis needs to be private
alarrylarrie · 25 days
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ha1taniwh0re · 2 years
This is a real mess
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{Smut one}
Fandom: Moriarty The Patriot
Characters: Mycroft, Sherlock , William and Albert
First time writing smut, not proud of this one<3
/third person pov/
You are married to the famous Lord of the Crime and your bestie is dating the Famous Detective. So you can call it that besties date besties. One day your handsome husband decided to all of you go on vacation. As the group agreed William booked some luxury apartments. Well if you and your friend only knew the bet between your husband and his friend before you went there.
/Readers pov/
My husband, our friends and family and me went on vacation to relax ourselfs after that plan about changing the world we had. My best friend (her name) is dating Sherly so she is here too. Im so happy because of that. We went to Paris, town of love. I love that town, and Liam told me he will get me there in the future. And he did. When we arrived in Paris we went straight to our hotel. Albert, Mycroft, Moran and Louis were in one apartment for 4 people. William, Sherlok, (friend’s name) and me, we were in other apartment. And Bond, Fred and Jack got the third one. When we got to our rooms (friends name) and me decided to go on a walk around Paris to buy something and to see the town.
“Honey?”, i said as i was going to William’s and my room in the apartment.
“Yes baby?” He asked me as i saw him geting my dresses into closet.
“Baby don’t do that. Its my job you don’t have to”
“No worrys baby. What did you want to tell me?”
“Oh yes (friend name) and I will go on a walk, maybe shopping”
“Sure baby have a great time”, he said and i went ti kiss him and left the apartment with (friend name).
/Liam’s pov/
“Let’s go and prepare everything” Sherlock told me and we started making everything so we can start our deal as girl come back.
Sherlock and I made a bet about who can stay longer in bed.
We got some wine, candles and flowers. We went to prepare ourselfs because i have a feeling our girl will ne here any minute.
/reader pov/
As (friend name) and I came back, the scene we saw made us all red. I saw my husband sitting on sofa with cigarette in one hand and wine in the other. His shirt was unbuttoned and he has white pants on. Sherlock on the other hand was laying on the wall with cigarette in his hand shirtless.
“Ladys, we are very excited that you are back.” Sherlock said.
“You see Sherlock and I made a bet, but we need you two for that”, my handsome husband said and showed me with his hand to come and sit on his lap.
As i was back to reality i was already sitting in his lap and he pulled me into kiss. As we were kissing he was unting my dress.
/Friend’s pov/
(Name) was sitting on her husbands lap, they were kissing and he was unting her dress. As i was watching them my boyfriend Sherlock pulled me by waist and we were only 2cm away.
“Dont look at them baby. They have there time, we will have our”, as he said that he kissed me and untied my dress.
They picked us up and went straight to bedroom. Placing us gentle on bed.
Sherlock placed his hand on my bra and with one move he took it off. I instantly cover myself.
“De, de baby don’t be shy you know i love your body”, he said and gently took my hands and put me in his lap, he started kissing my neck.
/reader’s pov/
As Liam put me on bed, in one second he ripped my bra. When i moved my hand a centimeter from last position Liam took them and places above my head.
“Don’t hide my things, my love”, he said and started sucking my boobs.
He started getting lower and lower and than he was face to face with my private part.
“My favorite place to be”, he said and move my panties and started sucking on my clit.
“Mfmmm Liam”.
/(Friend’s name) pov/
As Sherlock was kissing my boobs he put his hand into my panties.
“Sherlock~~”, i moaned.
He put one finger inside of me and looked straight to my eyes.
“You are doing good little one”.
After I cum he put me on bed and sucked his fingers. I looked over to (name) and she was already looking at me with smile. And william was cleaning her pussy.
“Girl if someone ever told me this would happen i wouldn’t believe them”, (name) said.
“I agree with you girl”, i said.
As i wanted to tell her something she moaned because William put his dick inside of her.
“Sorry but i will take my girl now, you should be careful of Sherlock (friends name)-chan”, Liam said and I looked at my boyfriend.
He was standing in front of me nacked. I got his dick I started sucking it.
“Mfmmm you little devil”, he said.
/reader’s pov/
Liam was fucking me so hard in so many positions and i cum over 3 times, and i could say the same for (friends name). And after 30 more minutes they cum at the same time. I was laying at Liam’s chest and (friends name) was doing the same but at Sherly’s chest. As us girls almost fell asleep Liam spoke.
“Albert ni-san, Mycroft-san how can we help you?”
ALBERT?! MYCROFT?! (Friends name) and I covered ourselfs bit first thing we found.
“De, de girls. We are sorry that we came uninvited but we heard you girls screaming”.
“We are sorry”, i said with blushed face.
“Neee William is it okey if we like older brothers show you some tricks?”
Liam and Sherly looked at each other and agreed.
“Ladys is that okey with you?” Mycroft aksed us.
With blushed faces we agreed. Albert came to me and removed cover. And made me to get up. He placed his hand on my ass and i moaned.
“Nee I didn’t do anything i just placed my hand and you already moaned”, he smirked.
Liam sit on corner of the bed and Albert made me sit directly on Liam’s dick.
“Liam~ Albert~”
Albert took of this shirt and as i was riding Liam and looking at albert i took off this pants and strated sucking his dick.
“You are devil one” Albert said.
/(friends name) pov/
As Albert and Liam were with (name) and I watched them Mycroft took my head and made me face his nacked body.
“Don’t look at them you perv. That’s not good”. He said and in one second i was sitting on his dick and Sherly put his dick in my mouth.
/third person pov/
As the girls came for 10th time this night, boys were close to the end. Albert was laying on bed with (name) riding him and as he cum liam took his wife and fucked her on desk they had in room and cum inside her.
And for (friends name), Mycroft was fucking her from behind and Sherly was sucking her boobs and enjoying with sound of his girlfriend moaning. When Mycroft finished Sherly took her and fucked her hard form another 5 minutes.
Girl had no energy and just fall asleep when boys put them in bed.
/next morning/
In the morning girls woke up and Liam and Sherly jumped to help them.
“Good morning my love”, Liam said.
“Good morning”, (name) said and Liam took her to get shower.
The same goes with other couple. When boys helped girls to prepare themselves for the day there was a knock on the apartment door and Albert and Mycroft came inside.
“Good morning girls we hope you are good”, Albert said and girls saw flowers in there hands.
“This are for you as apologize for being harsh with you the other night”.
“Thank you guys”, girls said and there days started.
Even they slept there relationship was the same. They acted like that never happened.
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 10 months
Bathed and Bound
here is the next fic in my Bruises and Bitemarks series. it's bascially 2k words of smut, so maybe don't read at work
Daniel is sore when he wakes up the next day, both from being spanked and being fucked.  It’s a good sore, at least the first few hours.  Then his ass starts to hurt and his knees ache from the time he spent on them.  Getting old has its drawbacks.  
Louis knows about Armand, of course.  Hard not to notice, when he mauled his neck.  His neck is sore too, a dull ache whenever he moves his head.  Part of him, a part he hates, likes wearing Armand’s mark.  What had Armand said?  That Daniel was his.  Daniel doesn’t know where that came from–he certainly hadn’t seemed too fond of him as Rashid.  But Daniel hadn’t been very kind to Rashid.  
He’d assumed Rashid was Louis’ plaything, his boy toy, his kept man.  That he knew full well Louis was a monster and crawled into bed with him anyway.  And Daniel had judged him for it, hadn’t he?  Turns out he’s a hypocrite.
Armand is so much worse than Louis and here Daniel is, not caring about any of that as long as he can get his teeth in his throat and his cock up his ass.  Or a taste of his blood.  He wishes Armand would give him more of it.  It makes him feel loaded, yeah, but it also makes him feel better.  His hand doesn’t tremble or hurt after he drinks from Armand.
Daniel shifts uncomfortably on the couch.  Armand is watching him and seems amused.  “Everything alright, Daniel?  You seem to be in pain.”
The fucking prick.
“Armand,” Louis chastises softly.  
“I’m fine,” Daniel says and glares at him.  
“You’ve made a mess of our boy,” Louis says, looking at the string of bites on Daniel’s neck.  
Daniel doesn’t like the attention.  “Let’s get back to the interview.”
Armand holds out his hand and feigns interest in his nails.  “Daniel is an old man, Louis.  We should let him have a rest until he feels better.”
Daniel’s about to explode, then Louis smiles at him.  “You should have a soak in our tub.  It’ll help your aching joints and your sore bottom.”
Daniel glances between them.  Did Armand tell Louis about spanking him?  He thought that was private, something just between them.  
“You’re very loud, Daniel,” Louis says, not unkindly.  
“Fuck off,” Daniel says and rises to his feet.  He’s going back to his room if they’re going to tease him.  
“Daniel,” Armand says, voice authoritative.  “Sit down.”
Daniel considers telling him to go to hell.  He doesn’t, but he doesn’t sit either.  He glares at Armand in silent challenge.  Armand’s eyes don’t leave his, and his voice is deceptively soft when he says “Don’t make me ask again.”
Daniel sits down and blushes fiercely.  He can’t believe he’s listening to Armand; can’t believe Armand just expects him to.  It isn’t fair.
“Good boy,” Armand says and looks to Louis.  “Go run a bath for Daniel, our boy needs to relax.”
Louis goes and as soon as he’s gone, Armand turns his attention back to Daniel.  “You like when I tell you what to do.”
He does, but he doesn’t want to.  
Armand smiles and there’s a hint of fang.  “Oh, Daniel.  What will I do with you?”
Daniel has a few ideas, but he isn’t in the mood to put out.  He doesn’t like being laughed at.  
Armand crooks a finger.  “Come here.”
Daniel goes and stands in front of Armand.  Armand’s hand trails up his side and around his waist to tug Daniel forward.  Daniel allows himself to be pulled into Armand’s lap.  Arms go around his waist and Armand nuzzles into his neck.  It feels nice, but Daniel is still irritated with him.  
“What if I join you in the bath, and heal these marks?  I’ll clean you up and take you to bed and use my mouth on you till you cry.  Would that improve your mood?”
Daniel’s dick stirs in his pants and tells him that yes, that would improve his mood.  
“Maybe,” he says.  
Armand chuckles and runs a knuckles over the line of his cock.  It pulses beneath his touch, even through Daniel’s jeans.  “Or I could give you your privacy if you prefer.”
The asshole just wants to make Daniel say he wants him there.  
“No, you can join me.”
“Can I now?”
Daniel feels himself flush.  Armand is going to be the death of him.  “I want you to join me.”
“Then I shall,” Armand says and brushes a light kiss to his throat.  It’s a barely there touch, but it makes Daniel’s heart race.  
Louis comes to tell them the bath is ready.  He doesn’t seem to pay much attention to Daniel in Armand’s lap.  It still makes Daniel feel strange, having Louis witness…whatever the hell he and Armand have going on.  
“Let’s go, Daniel.”  Armand leads him through his and Louis’ bedroom into the bathroom.  The circular tub is made of black and gray marble, deep enough to soak up to the chest.  Louis has lit a few candles; the air smells like lavender and vanilla.  
Armand pushes Daniel’s sweater off his shoulders and onto the floor.  Daniel lets him undress him piece by piece, his hands stroking lightly over exposed skin.  By the time Daniel is naked, he’s half-hard.  Armand strips off his own clothes and trails his hand over the water.  Satisfied with the temperature, he slips inside and leans back against the wall of the tub.  
“Come, Daniel.”
Daniel climbs in after him and goes to sit across from him on the other side, but Armand pulls him close.  Daniel rests his back against Armand’s chest and lets out a deep sigh.  The water is hot, hot enough to sting his skin, but it feels good to his aching joints.  
Armand’s hands rake over his thighs and up his sides to his chest.  He pinches Daniel’s nipples and tugs on them, making Daniel gasp.  His mouth finds the curve of Daniel’s shoulder and kisses a trail up to his jaw while his fingers deftly play with his nipples.  Daniel arches his chest into the touch and Armand sucks at the spot just beneath his ear that makes him squirm.  
His mouth sucks hotly at Daniel’s neck, harsh enough to leave a bruise.  It makes his sore neck ache, but it’s a good ache.  Daniel thinks Armand is going to bite down, but he doesn’t.  He moves down to wear neck joins shoulder and sucks another mark into Daniel’s skin.  His fingers continue to torment Daniel’s nipples, rubbing and tugging.  Every time he pulls at them, it sends a throb straight to Daniel’s cock.  
“Please,” Daniel gasps.  
He can feel Armand smile against his skin.  “Please what?  What do you want, Daniel?”
Daniel whines out his name and is ashamed of how needy he sounds.  Armand chuckles and releases one of his nipples to run a hand along his inner thigh.  Daniel wantonly spreads his legs.  Fangs graze against his flesh and he tilts his head.  
“You can have my teeth or my hand; which would you prefer?”
Daniel could cry; it isn’t fair for Armand to get him so worked up and not give him what he needs.  “Boss, please; need both, need you.”
“You may have one or the other.”
Why is Armand making him choose?  Didn’t he just say that Daniel likes him telling him what to do?  Why can’t he just decide?
Armand places a gentle kiss to the curve of his shoulder.  “Decide, or you’ll have neither.”
“Your teeth,” Daniel says breathlessly.  He can always touch himself, but he can’t bring on the feeling the bite brings.  
“As you wish.”  Armand licks over his jugular vein and drags his fangs across it.  Daniel wants him to stop teasing and get on with it.  Almost before he can finish the thought, teeth pierce him.  Daniel cries out wordlessly as the pleasure-pain of it hits.  
Armand’s teeth are buried deep in his throat, and his mouth is soft and warm.  He pulls at Daniel’s blood, making his heart fight against him.  Heat unfurls in Daniel’s stomach and molten pleasure seeps through his body.  He sinks back more heavily against Armand and moans.  His entire body feels both relaxed and like he’s sparking with electricity.  
His dick is so hard it hurts.  Daniel reaches his own hand between his legs to touch himself and get some relief.  Armand’s hand captures his and holds it prisoner against his chest.  His silky voice echoes inside Daniel’s head “Did I give you permission to touch yourself?”
“Please, need to come,” Daniel whines.  Armand withdraws his fangs from Daniel’s neck and the noise he lets out is humiliating.  “Come back, come back, just a little longer.”
“No,” Armand says simply.  
He licks over Daniel’s bites methodically, and Daniel realizes his tongue is bleeding.  The dull ache in his neck fades as the wounds heal.  Daniel’s entire body feels relaxed, except his throbbing cock, and he’s faintly dizzy.  It’s similar to the way he feels when he donates blood, but not as strong.  He wonders if Armand took more than usual.
He can feel Armand’s erection pressing against the small of his back, and he wants desperately to have it inside him again.
“Turn around, Daniel.”
Daniel doesn’t want to turn around, his body feels so lax, but Armand’s voice brokers no argument.  He slowly turns and moves himself so he’s straddling one of Armand’s thighs.  Armand looks at him with dilated pupils, eyes blown with lust.  It’s the only clue he isn’t perfectly composed.  
Armand spreads his arms along the lip of the tub and tilts back his head.  He tears a gash into his throat and lets his hand fall back into place.  “Drink.”
Daniel latches onto him and sucks harshly at his neck.  As soon as his blood hits his tongue, Daniel feels like he’s flying.  The candles seem to burn brighter and smell more fragrant and he can hear his own blood rushing in his ears.  Everything feels more and better and he doesn’t ever want to stop.  
Armand presses his thigh up against Daniel’s erection, and Daniel has to fight the urge to rut against him.  He doesn’t have permission.  
Fingers lazily pet his hair and Armand says “Good boy, Daniel.”
The fingers wind through his hair and tug.  “That’s enough.”
Daniel doesn’t want to stop, but he pulls back as soon as Armand tells him to.  Armand doesn’t look at him, doesn’t even lift his head.  “You can ride my thigh until you come, if you’d like.”
If he’d like.  As if it isn’t the only thing he can think of, with Armand’s skin pressed against him.  He wants to feel more of it; he wants to touch him, to put his mouth on him.  But Armand hasn’t said that he could.  Daniel grasps onto Armand’s shoulders for balance and grinds down against him.  It feels fucking divine to his aching cock.  
“Can I-ah-can I touch you?” he pants, frantically rubbing against Armand’s thigh.  His cock is already leaking.  
“You may.”
Daniel wants to touch him everywhere, but he needs to hold on to keep his balance.  So he puts his mouth on Armand’s neck and kisses along his throat, down over his collarbones.  He loves Armand’s collarbones.  Fucking distracting is what they were when he was flouncing around showing off his chest as Rashid.  
He mouths up Armand’s neck, over his jaw and to his ear.  The entire time he’s urgently grinding against Armand’s thigh and it feels so fucking good.  It shouldn’t feel this good just rutting against someone’s leg like a dog in heat.  Daniel sucks Armand’s earlobe into his mouth and tugs it with his teeth.  Armand makes the smallest noise, a soft little sigh of pleasure.
It’s all it takes and Daniel is spilling over his thigh, nearly shouting with the relief of it.  He slumps against Armand, utterly spent.  Armand rubs a hand up and down his back, then slips it down to cup a handful of his ass.  “Do you feel better now?”
Daniel nods, face smushed into Armand’s neck.  
“Good,” Armand says, “I believe I said something about taking you to bed and using my mouth on you until you cry.”
Daniel’s cock jolts and he feels himself beginning to get hard again.  He figures it’s probably an effect of the vampire blood, because there’s no way it’s natural.  He hasn’t been able to get it up like this in the last decade.  
“Yeah?” Daniel says and Armand tips his head back up and meets his gaze.
“You want me to get you off first?” Daniel offers.  He can feel Armand’s erection, hot and heavy against his thigh.  He wants to put his hand around it.  He wants it in his mouth.
“Not yet, my boy.  I haven’t decided how I want you.”
Daniel can hardly wait to find out.
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Why am I a bad person for believing his kid is his? How does this make me homophobic? Can’t we all just accept that people have different opinions in this fandom and that they are also being vocal about it? This is not about winning a game. It shouldn’t be a gang war between different groups in this fandom.
I have nothing against anyone, i simply disagree with many theories in this fandom so im probably not a larrie by definition but more somewhere in between. I would love to discuss different perspectives especially regarding all the things that happend this year. But it’s not possible bc everybody only sticks to their own theories. Nothing else seems to be allowed. Taking Larry aside, I think questioning Louis or Harry’s actions sometimes doesn’t make you a bad fan. It’s fair to do so, sometimes. Not everything is black and white. No need to call out people just bc they don’t agree with you. And you are probably confused why I’m even on your blog. It’s bc i agree with some things that come from larries. There’s also lot of stuff that I can relate to that comes from other parts of the fandom. It’s hard to find a space where you can discuss different opinions in a more unbiased and neutral way. Maybe you can understand what I’m trying to say, at least a little bit. I understand what you believe and where it’s coming from and I respect that (not the bbg part, I must add but nevermind :))
All the love
Hi nonnie, I admire that you can remain open for every opinion, but you’re in a very comfortable position, on anonymous and not being a target.
Whilst asking me, a (“no stunts” as they say on Twitter) Larrie, why they’re not willing to accept other people’s opinions. You’re singling out that one group in the fandom whose stance is in itself the most burdensome, the most painful, in order to support them in the shit closet they’re stuck in. In order to celebrate the good people Louis and Harry are.
Yet we are relentlessly harassed, bullied, doxxed, hated on, called out, fooled, used, attacked. Yet our opinions are the least acceptable nowadays in this fandom. So don’t come to me and ask for validation and acceptance - on anon, maybe lurking for me to take some bait so you can come back and reveal you’re actually an anti having a field day.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that we’re all so sensitive. No one actually wants talk opinions and have a discourse with Larries, so we will shut you out and huddle and won’t trust anyone. That’s why I don’t trust you one bit, nonnie. Don’t take it personally.
And while the new influx of Larries has grown Louis’ fanbase in quantity not quality (mostly teenage Larries who are willing to accept Louis is closeted but not that closeted, he is probably bi, Larry broke up in 2015, Louis had an oops baby and now Larry is back together, they’re coming out soon, they made it, everything’s a scavenger hunt and oh Hamille was defo real cause they were cute or whatever), it has become harder to talk to one another in a proper discourse. Even the “respectful Larries” are going at “no stunt” Larries now. (And RIP rEsPeCtfUl Twarries because Louis is uncomfortable with all of us apparently, you too!)
But we are being attacked from all sides, not only from within:
There are Louies who in general don’t care about Louis’ private life (his sexual label, his love life, his partner) and enjoy his music with zero links to his personal experiences I guess, they say they stan the artist and probably don’t really care what Louis wants to say with his music. I guess they’re the most casual fans but will claim their neutrality wherever they can - unsolicited. Like you, they’d go to Larries and asking what the fuck our problem is. (Just in comparison, I believe Harry has managed to gain loads of new fans of that caliber.)
There are Louies that ship Louis’ private het life the way it’s presented in every gossip mag and interview. They follow Eleanor, create fan pages for the kid, fan pages for Elounor, follow all of the Tomlishians around. Most of them are ready to fight Larries without hesitation.
There are Louies that are rads, who believe Louis is gay, was in a toxic relationship with Harry, shit on him, his looks, his music any way they can, blame him and the Azoffs for sabotaging Louis’ career but also say Harry’s obsessed with Louis still, hence all the songs and stuff. They spend a lot of their time in the fandom looking up Larrie blogs to bully them.
And there are Louies that are antis, who spend their days solely fighting Larries, trying to win whatever fight for Louis’ straightness. It’s their only mission.
Everyone above feels encouraged to blame Larries for everything. Daily. So excuse me, when my opinion hurts your feelings a bit, but I’m not too worried about you since you’d be welcomed with open arms literally everywhere else! 💜
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writteninthesewalls28 · 5 months
A story about a girl wanting to find out the truth
A/n: chapter seven!
Warnings: mentions of death
Milly’s POV:
After a full night of sleep with Calum next to me, I woke up the next morning, pretty relaxed. With the soft smell of vanilla, probably still from the scented candles we put on yesterday, I got out of the cuddly bed after noticing that Calum wasn’t next to me anymore. Every once a week, he gets up before me, carefully, so he doesn’t wake me up, and prepares breakfast with the things I love the most: pancakes, breakfast tea (yes, I am a full brit when it’s about that), honey, peanut butter and fresh fruits. It is a tradition we picked up from Calums mum, who did it for him and his sister when they were little. I, sadly, never got to experience that since my mum had to work a lot during mine, Louis' and Félicité's childhood. When we were older, we sometimes tried doing it for the younger kids, but 3 to 4 teenagers (ages 14-17) in a kitchen is not working out in the slightest. You simply couldn’t call the pancakes pancakes because they were burnt half of the time. But we had fun doing it and it helped keeping the mood up in the rainy Doncaster.
As soon as I stepped out of the bedroom door, I already heard Calum moving and working in the kitchen. When he saw me entering the room, he gave me a sweet smile and I myself felt like the honey he put on the table at that moment. How can someone be that perfect?
"Good morning beautiful!" He greeted me and gave a quick kiss on the cheek while carefully turning around the delicious looking pancakes in the pan.
"Morning, thanks for doing all this." I said, not really knowing how to thank him for all the extra work he does, just for me.
"Oh, no need to thank me, I love making you happy!" My Calum. He’s simply the best. "Come on, sit down princess, I'll do the work today!"
After the long but definitely good breakfast, me and Cal spent some time talking about upcoming events.
"We’re putting together a tour list at the moment. Should I show it to you, so you can think about coming to some of them?" Calum knew, I‘d love to just come with the boys on tour, but my job of course didn’t allow me a break of 6 months, so I‘m always very involved in the tour planning with the boys, to get to see them at least 3 times.
"Yes, I'd love that. By the way, how’s the album, how many songs do you have?" Calum and I are both very introverted and private about our job life, so even though we understand each other blind, we mostly don’t really have that much knowledge about one another’s job.
"We got around 5 songs where we are pretty sure, we’re gonna put them on the album they’re simply amazing." He sighed. "But other than that, we seem to have a lack of inspiration at the moment. All of us." It felt good to have a complete platonic talk with him, not even wasting a single thought about the whole googling-the-names thing because if I'm being honest I am kind of scared about that. I'd rather just not do it and pretend it isn’t even there.
Before I could answer Calum, we heard the doorbell ring. We looked at each other. "Did the boys say, they want to come today?" I whispered at Calum. He just shook his head as a response.
Slowly making my way to the door, I wondered who'd have the idea to visit us at a Tuesday morning at 10 am. Opening the door, the familiar face of an irish person, wearing one of his beloved cardigans in a soft baby blue and his strong accent when he said:
"Missed me?" Made me jump into his arms, screaming because of how happy I was to finally get the chance to see my best friend again.
"Nialler!! I missed you so much!"
Me and Niall definitely do have some history. As soon as Louis got put into 1D and the five lads started to hang out more, I of course also met them, shortly before I went to Australia for the exchange year, and immediately became best friend with Niall. You know, these weird people where you think, they have to be dating because they act so couple-like, but are actually just best friends? Yeah, that’s us. I remember having a very exhausting 30-minutes talk with Louis just because he was convinced I was hiding the fact from him that I was dating his friend Niall (which I‘d never even dare to do, he would’ve killed me) and then couldn’t believe we literally were JUST friends.
I really hope no one ever finds these chaotic photos from 2013 on my phone where I was on tour with them. Me and Niall used to cause so many problems and make the most chaotic things ever, but it was the best time of my life, even now.
"Why are you here though?" I asked after letting go of him. He looked at me with a huge grin on his face, showing he loves being with me as much as I do.
"I haven’t seen y'all in too long and since I do not have anything to do at the moment, I thought why not visit my bestie and her Australian boyfriend in this little city called Adelaide." Calum approached us from behind laying his arm around my shoulder.
"Not to mention that we just talked yesterday." He said, earning a confused look from me.
"I sent him songs." Calum informed me. I pouted.
"I didn’t even got to hear them, but you are showing them to my bestie?“ I asked. Niall simply couldn’t stop laughing, he wasn’t used to the daily banter me and Calum had whenever other people were around since he wasn’t visiting us that often, mostly also busy with touring, songwriting and promoting new stuff.
But that only made me even happier he was there right now.
"Come inside!“ I said to him, stepping away from the doorstep, to let him in our house.
The break I took from work, originally for other reasons, was the best idea ever. I got to catch up with Niall and we talked about the last year that we haven’t seen each other. Currently, all of my musician friends - which are basically all of my friends - are working on albums and preparing a world tour, also including Niall. He’s writing songs, already played some for me, and is gonna call his second album 'Heartbreak Weather' because of his breakup last summer, his songs representing his feelings to different times during the relationship.
"And how are you?" He asked me, after he literally talked for over 1 and a half hours about himself and how he’s doing. But I totally appreciated it, catching up with my friends, especially with him, was something I always enjoyed.
"I'm… good." I said, not sure, if I'd upset another important person in my life with breaking the current news to him. So that sentence seemed to describe my current state pretty perfectly.
Niall raised his eyebrows, immediately seeing through my lie, simply debating if he should say something about it. He decided to just let me go with it right now.
"Okay, that’s amazing!" In this moment, Calum entered the living room again, sitting down exactly in the same spot as yesterday when I came home and had that horrible conversation with Lou. For a moment, I couldn’t focus on what the two of them were talking about. I got lost in my thoughts, having a flashback from yesterday, how Cal comforted me, understanding how much Louis words hurt me. Is Louis okay now? Is he still angry? I stared at the spot on the comfy couch and stopped breathing for a second.
"Milly?" Calum said, waving both of his hands in front of my face.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" I responded, snapping out of the weird situation I was in seconds ago. I was completely unsure and also scared what just happened, it felt like, someone held me underwater and I couldn’t break out of it.
Both of the men looked at me with a both worried and concerned look in their face.
"Are you okay? You are really pale." Calum said, softly placing his warm hand on my shoulder. Was there fear in his eyes?
"I'm not feeling so good right now, I’m gonna go upstairs for a bit." Seeing the worried look Calum gave me as he let me go, I added: "Don’t worry, I just forgot to take my medicine this morning." Which was the truth, I indeed forgot to take my pills to make sure my blood pressure stays okay and I don’t faint all of a sudden, but I never got this weird feeling from not taking them.
Cal's POV:
Of course he was worried when he saw her go up the stairs in a very slow pace, also scared she’s gonna faint on the stairs. But Niall asked him a way more important question in the mean time, he couldn’t seem to ignore.
"Why are both of you acting so strange? Please don’t tell me it’s nothing, I know there is something going on."
As much as he felt like ignoring this would be the best idea, his inner voice didn’t stop telling him that if he’d talk to Niall about Milly’s father’s death, everything will get a little easier, he won’t have to handle the whole situation and his knowledge completely on his own. Someone else would know.
"Milly is searching for her biological parents." All of the color in Nialls face who was sitting right beside him, suddenly vanished and he nearly got as pale as Milly was before she went upstairs.
"Oh no…. How is Louis?" Niall seemed to know that he doesn’t have to worry about his best friend, Calum would take care of her. But he knew Louis better than anyone else, he’s too protective to just not care.
"He and Milly had a fight on the phone yesterday, she was away for 8 hours and forgot to answer her phone while visiting the empty house of her biological parents." Calum explained the poor situation between the two siblings. He continued telling him about everything else Milly went through yesterday, not leaving out a single detail, and Niall got more and more uncomfortable on the sofa. When he finished a awkward silences stood between them, like a wall was built up in the middle of the sofa, Niall being the first to break it.
"And you? You seem to deal with something too." Calum definitely was surprised Niall also noticed that, since Calum tried hiding it pretty successfully in front of Milly, as much as he could tell.
"Well…" He tried thinking about a more gentle way of explaining his misery to Niall, but didn’t get a single idea. "I googled their names. I know I shouldn’t have done that since Milly basically forbid me to do anything without her consent, but I just need to protect her you know?" He took a deep breath before continuing.
"I found a obituary. And-" His voice cracked, he didn’t know how to finish this sentence, why he even started it in the first place.
Niall placed both of his hands on Calum shoulders.
"What happened?" Calum could easily spot the fear in Nialls tone.
"And it said that her father died right before her birth, that’s probably why she was adopted." He finally said it out loud. How relieved he felt. He finally got to say it.
But Niall obviously wasn’t very happy about that piece of information.
"He’s dead?" He asked one more time, getting a little nod from Calum. Milly really didn’t deserve this. She is such an amazing girl who is already dealing with so much in her life, death sadly being an important part of it. He'd love to just hide it from her for forever and make sure she never finds out, just to protect her.
"You have to tell her." Niall then said, much to Calum’s surprise.
"But Niall, do you understand this? He died, Milly maybe won't recover from another death in her family!" He tried explaining it to his old friend with a desperate tone in his voice.
"But what do you think will she do if she finds out, he boyfriend knew all along? Be happy that you tried 'protecting' her? She’s not gonna appreciate your concern for her, not this time Calum!" He got louder and louder, causing Calum to bring more space between them by sitting back a bit. He knew, Niall was right, he already felt it last night that his decision isn’t the best. But something in Calum still made him believe that this is the best way of dealing with the current situation.
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morbidist · 11 months
louis, out wandering early into the morning, hears the beginnings of a fight and out of sheer curiosity goes to investigate.  when he finds your muse being assaulted by two assholes, he steps in.  he could just knock them out or kill them outright, but he picks a fight with them instead.  it’s more fun this way, but by the time he’s done, they're both in bloodied, dismembered heaps on the pavement & he’s got blood dripping down his chin onto his shirt & uh oh! your muse saw the entire thing. depending on their reaction, he has to either convince them (by way of threats, probably) or incapacitate them long enough for him to take them to his home upstate [*thread dependent].  because he can’t possibly let them start telling everyone about the monster in town.  well, he could, because who would believe them anyway? but it’s more fun this way...
louis happens upon a newly turned werewolf or vampire and has to help them:  a) learn how to come to terms with the fact that they aren’t human, and/or b) learn to exist in a world full of hunters with skills that far surpass their own.​
give me that one plot where your muse spends years seeking out supernatural creatures because they want to be turned.  they don’t want humanity anymore and they’re wholeheartedly willing to give it up.  they’re “lucky” enough to find louis–and now they have to convince him to turn them.  of course, he’s going to be an asshole about it and really make them jump through hoops.  or, another option: they find louis and see how he is, how indiscriminately he kills, how brutal he can be. suddenly they’re not so sure about giving up their humanity.  for a darker twist, maybe louis isn’t so happy about them changing their minds; they’ve wasted his time so now he’s going to make them pay for it.
after hiring your muse to be a private tutor for some subject he’s suddenly got an interest in, meetings always take place at louis' home upstate [*thread dependent]. things start to get eerie for them when they start to pick up on all these strange things about louis and his unusual personality, his weird hybrid-related quirks.  he can pick up on their growing unease straight away, but he doesn’t mention it; he keeps things cordial, just smiling through it.  three weeks later, they get the courage to confront him about it and demand the truth.  bonus points if they end up being from a hunter family... can you imagine the angst?!
give me louis + hunter plots!!! all of them!!!!!
a specific hunter-esque plot:  some twenty years ago, louis took a young orphan child under his wing (he does nice things every couple of years!).  he cared for them while they couldn’t & taught them to hunt wildlife and defend themselves against both animals and people.  they parted ways while the kid was still relatively young, but old enough and smart enough to care for themselves.  flash-forward to now, when louis is running as a wolf in his woods and here they are, all grown up with a crossbow aimed at louis' heart.
witches!! give me all the witches!!!  louis loves witches so give me one that hates his guts and can’t stand him, but he still shows up unexpectedly with that one thing they need but don’t have.  “stop coming here, i told you—you aren’t welcome.  i’ll set you on fire.”  —  “but wait, i brought this thing for you.”  and the entire dynamic is just louis hardcore adoring them while they can’t stand him.
also give me one-sided relationships where louis is the one being taken advantage of; a witch who isn’t afraid to use his love for them to their advantage, one who only tolerates his presence because of the things he does for them, etc.
another witchy plot (we love our witches here) where louis unexpectedly comes across a scent that reminds him of dahlia, his creator.  he’s completely thrown and just freezes up for a few minutes because he hasn’t come across a scent like that in hundreds of years—and for it to be so alike is insane on its own.  as insane as anything in his world can be.  apparently, dahlia has a distant ancestor that louis wasn’t aware of.  give me an awkward, hesitant first meeting and eventual bonding! also: maybe they don’t yet know they’re a witch, so louis has to break it to them. *this one requires some plotting, as dahlia is very close to my heart.
found family plots!! family dynamics!! please. i want close connections and louis to struggle with them; i want new people coming into his life and reminding him of the past; i want new relationships that challenge what he knows of love and allow him to learn new, better ways of expressing it... i want him to learn how to love someone again after being alone for so long!!
give me... louis + human ships!! platonic or romantic; they're always tragic.
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raxistaicho · 1 year
Are we not Engaged? Part 6
Spoilers under the cut
- Morion left Roy with Diamant because he’s a fuckin’ idiot and wants a “fair fight”.
-Morion has Hyancyth at swordpoint and just... stands there and lets him put Lyn’s ring on. Slowly. While ranting. Morion dies an idiot’s death and so does this game’s plot.
-Ivy and her boobs are here to stop us from interfering with them reclaiming Morion’s body. Hyancyth tells Ivy to stop us even if it means sacrificing herself.
-Alear spares Ivy, arguing Hyacinth doesn’t want her back since the weather already slowed us down. Big nice, the villains just tossing aside loyal minions for no reason.
-Seems Sombron needs the 12 emblem rings to restore his full powers permanently, but by eating idiot Morion’s corpse Sombron can get his power back temporarily.
-Oh no, Anna’s sad that I haven’t deployed her. Why you gotta do this to me, game :(
-We’re lost in the now, but Azura dragon loli showed up! \o/
-”How did you get here?” She just kinda gets around lol.
-Veyle noticed the Marth Emblem Ring and kinda went into a trans. It was all very short and weird.
-Why’s everyone acting like Morion ain’t already dead, he got shot in the chest lol.
-Alear Louis B: Louis has 3 younger brothers for whom he was promoted to parent after his mother died.
-Alear Citrinne C: Citrinne wants to get Alear a gift for helping her in battle. Alear’s kinda modest about it. Citrinne wants to give Alear a private island, lol. Alear naturally refuses and asks instead for something money can’t buy, which seems to blow Citrinne’s mind.
-Framme Diamant C: Framme messed up duties so Vander’s making her study, but Framme doesn’t like history. Diamant tries to coax her into being more diligent. Framme mimicking Vander’s kinda cute though, and she kinda admits it’s hard to focus on studying past wars while stuck in an ongoing one.
-Celine Louis B: T T E E A A. They’re drinking the super tea from their C support, Celine is super happy. Louis apparently got wounded by wild animals on the way to getting the tea, which upsets Celine.
-Citrinne Alcryst B: Citrinne’s sad about the results of her training, and thinks she doesn’t deserve to be Alcryst’s retainer. Citrinne is actually Alcryst’s cousin and says she wants to protect him because she sees the good in him that he can’t. This is actually a pretty nice support.
-Amber Diamant C: Amber had a truth potion but breaks it open ‘cause he’s an idiot. It effects him and he thanks Diamant for making him his retainer. He’s noticeably more subdued under the effects of the truth potion.
-The fuck, Etie dislikes “precise work”. She’s an archer!
-Seems bandits can also spawn on the world map, not just corrupted.
-Anyways, on to chapter 10! Consecutive battles ahead. Ominous!
-Fuck, it’s Hortensia.
-Seems the girl who killed Lumera appeared alongside Sombron and psycho bitch and the others.
-Hortensia has a new Emblem Ring.
-Marth has a bad feeling ‘cause Sombron is here and urges Alear to flee at the first sign of trouble. It’s been a while, but the game’s shoving Marth down my throat again.
-Marth, stop throwing... whatever the Emblem equivalent of Death Flags are.
-Hyacinth accuses Alear of killing Ivy and Alear just... fails to correct him. In front of Hortensia.
-Oh no, Morion’s a corrupted now! I don’t care lol. Morion was an idiot. Looks like the ritual was done. Marth urges Alear to retreat but Diamant and Alcryst refuse.
-Shit, Hortensia has Byleth now :(
-Hortensia almost merc’d Alear with Luin. Still, good on her for putting Relics to their proper use.
-I think I aught to let Hyacinth come to me.
-Hycainth was a bit spooky with Lyn but luckily he just blew his load with her Engage attack and created duplicates just to move away from them. I wonder if you can make dups and then attack on the same turn? Otherwise they don’t seem TOO useful. Still I like the reference to Lyn making after-images in her crit animations in Fe7.
-Surround Hyacinth and give him the Denning treatment!
-Lol he’s a coward
-Evil dragon loli saved him
-Fucking Sombron jumpscare. Does this game just not have animations for enemies arriving?
-Sombron killing Hyacinth now lol.
-Oh Sombron is actually pretty fucking scary, nice job there.
-Lyn’s ring is okay at least
-Hortensia big big mad
-Gasp, Azura dragon loli is actually Hierophant dragon loli!
--Fell princess lol
-Oh she’s a split personality. She doesn’t recognize Alear.
-Oh boy it’s psycho bitch. Zephia’s a mage dragon. The rest of the hounds are human. They’re all fucking clowns and idiots aside from Mauvier, please let him be the one to live. Especially not Zephia or the armor loli.
-Seriously, why are the villains in this game SO FUCKING TRASH. They’re all fucking psychos and they aren’t even entertaining about it, at least Garon was so over the top he was funny. It even extends to Ivy who had a personality swap after I beat her the first time.
-Fucking Veyle just STOLE the rings AND the time crystal while Alear wasn’t looking, how’d she pull that off. Also now the game confirms the time crystal is a plot thing so I’m free to mock it for not using it as an all-solving hammer. At least 3H handwaved Byleth not using Divine Pulse more aggressively in cutscenes.
-Oh no, not Maaaaaaaaarth. I don’t fucking care about Marth, give Celica, Micaiah, and Sigurd back :(
-Wait, how’d we get past the four hounds. They were in the way.
-Ivy with the save! Ivy and Zelkov are the shit. Ivy has Lyn and Lucina and the time crystal.
-Oh no, Wendee Lee stole another job from a starving voice actress.
-Zelkov’s bases are fucking insane what.
-Alear going from Marth to Lucina is kinda funny in a meta narrative sense.
-I gave Lyn to Chloe though. Kinda nice to get a benefit from overkill speed and also it lets her shoot down opposing fliers hopefully.
-Chapter 10 was pretty long and Hortensia was actually annoying ‘cause she was a threat to Alear, Louis, and Etie. Chapter 11 was actually pretty harrowing but that Freeze staff bastard kinda ruined it. The dragons are pretty cool though, nice to see New Mystery style dragons with the area footprint of 3H monsters coming back. I wanna see if Engage uses them better than 3H did. Fighting Emblems woulda been worse but the enemy kinda deliberately put them on chumps, which is a mercy I’m grateful for. I’m gonna miss Celica and Sigurd badly :(
-Alear Diamant B: Alear’s scared of corrupted and tries to get Diamant to empathize. Diamant remains absurdly boring.
-Louis Yunaka B: Yunaka’s on-guard around Louis because he’s good at getting her to speak too freely.
-Alcryst Diamant B: Diamant’s scared of mages.
-Diamant Ivy C: Ivy’s scared of ghosts, Diamant gives her a shiny stone to help her calm down, she’s touched.
-Yunaka Zelkov C: Zelkov knows she’s a former killer, and she knows he is too. They’re both retired though.
-Ivy Alear C: Ivy’s awkward around Alear for now.
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
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plot wishlist for louis degarmo.
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louis, out wandering early into the morning, hears the beginnings of a fight and out of sheer curiosity goes to investigate.  when he finds your muse being assaulted by two assholes, he steps in.  he could just knock them out or kill them outright, but he picks a fight with them instead.  it’s more fun this way, but by the time he’s done, they're both in bloodied, dismembered heaps on the pavement & he’s got blood dripping down his chin onto his shirt & uh oh! your muse saw the entire thing.  depending on their reaction, he has to either convince them (by way of threats, probably) or incapacitate them long enough for him to take them to his home upstate.  because he can’t possibly let them start telling everyone about the monster in town.  well, he could, because who would believe them anyway? but it’s more fun this way...
louis happens upon a newly turned werewolf or vampire and has to help them:  a) learn how to come to terms with the fact that they aren’t human, and/or b) learn to exist in a world full of hunters with skills that far surpass their own.​
give me that one plot where your muse spends years seeking out supernatural creatures because they want to be turned.  they don’t want humanity anymore and they’re wholeheartedly willing to give it up.  they’re “lucky” enough to find louis–and now they have to convince him to turn them.  of course, he’s going to be an asshole about it and really make them jump through hoops.  or, another option: they find louis and see how he is, how indiscriminately he kills, how brutal he can be.  suddenly they’re not so sure about giving up their humanity.  for a darker twist, maybe louis isn’t so happy about them changing their minds; they’ve wasted his time so now he’s going to make them pay for it.
after hiring your muse to be a private tutor for some subject he’s suddenly got an interest in, meetings always take place at louis' home upstate.  things start to get eerie for them when they start to pick up on all these strange things about louis and his unusual personality, his weird hybrid-related quirks.  he can pick up on their growing unease straight away, but he doesn’t mention it; he keeps things cordial, just smiling through it.  three weeks later, they get the courage to confront him about it and demand the truth.  bonus points if they end up being from a hunter family... can you imagine the angst?!
give me louis + hunter plots!!! all of them!!!!!
a specific hunter-esque plot:  some twenty years ago, louis took a young orphan child under his wing (he does nice things every couple of years!).  he cared for them while they couldn’t & taught them to hunt wildlife and defend themselves against both animals and people.  they parted ways while the kid was still relatively young, but old enough and smart enough to care for themselves.  flash-forward to now, when louis is running as a wolf in his woods and here they are, all grown up with a crossbow aimed at louis' heart.
witches!! give me all the witches!!!  louis loves witches so give me one that hates his guts and can’t stand him, but he still shows up unexpectedly with that one thing they need but don’t have.  “stop coming here, i told you—you aren’t welcome.  i’ll set you on fire.”  —  “but wait, i brought this thing for you.”  and the entire dynamic is just louis hardcore adoring them while they can’t stand him.  also give me one-sided relationships where louis is the one being taken advantage of; a witch who isn’t afraid to use his love for them to their advantage, one who only tolerates his presence because of the things he does for them.
another witchy plot (we love our witches here) where louis unexpectedly comes across a scent that reminds him of dahlia, his creator.  he’s completely thrown and just freezes up for a few minutes because he hasn’t come across a scent like that in hundreds of years—and for it to be so alike is insane on its own.  as insane as anything in his world can be.  apparently, dahlia has a distant ancestor that louis wasn’t aware of.  give me an awkward, hesitant first meeting and eventual bonding!  also: maybe they don’t yet know they’re a witch, so louis has to break it to them. *this one requires plotting, as dahlia is very close to my heart.
found family plots!! family dynamics!! please. i want close connections and louis to struggle with them; i want new people coming into his life and reminding him of the past; i want new relationships that challenge what he knows of love and allow him to learn new, better ways of expressing it... i want him to learn how to love someone again after being alone for so long!!
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sacrialege · 1 month
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plot wishlist for louis degarmo.
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louis, out wandering early into the morning, hears the beginnings of a fight and out of sheer curiosity goes to investigate.  when he finds your muse being assaulted by two assholes, he steps in.  he could just knock them out or kill them outright, but he picks a fight with them instead.  it’s more fun this way, but by the time he’s done, they're both in bloodied, dismembered heaps on the pavement & he’s got blood dripping down his chin onto his shirt & uh oh! your muse saw the entire thing.  depending on their reaction, he has to either convince them (by way of threats, probably) or incapacitate them long enough for him to take them to his home upstate.  because he can’t possibly let them start telling everyone about the monster in town.  well, he could, because who would believe them anyway? but it’s more fun this way...
louis happens upon a newly turned werewolf or vampire and has to help them:  a) learn how to come to terms with the fact that they aren’t human, and/or b) learn to exist in a world full of hunters with skills that far surpass their own.​
give me that one plot where your muse spends years seeking out supernatural creatures because they want to be turned.  they don’t want humanity anymore and they’re wholeheartedly willing to give it up.  they’re “lucky” enough to find louis–and now they have to convince him to turn them.  of course, he’s going to be an asshole about it and really make them jump through hoops.  or, another option: they find louis and see how he is, how indiscriminately he kills, how brutal he can be.  suddenly they’re not so sure about giving up their humanity.  for a darker twist, maybe louis isn’t so happy about them changing their minds; they’ve wasted his time so now he’s going to make them pay for it.
after hiring your muse to be a private tutor for some subject he’s suddenly got an interest in, meetings always take place at louis' home upstate.  things start to get eerie for them when they start to pick up on all these strange things about louis and his unusual personality, his weird hybrid-related quirks.  he can pick up on their growing unease straight away, but he doesn’t mention it; he keeps things cordial, just smiling through it.  three weeks later, they get the courage to confront him about it and demand the truth.  bonus points if they end up being from a hunter family... can you imagine the angst?!
give me louis + hunter plots!!! all of them!!!!!
a specific hunter-esque plot:  some twenty years ago, louis took a young orphan child under his wing (he does nice things every couple of years!).  he cared for them while they couldn’t & taught them to hunt wildlife and defend themselves against both animals and people.  they parted ways while the kid was still relatively young, but old enough and smart enough to care for themselves.  flash-forward to now, when louis is running as a wolf in his woods and here they are, all grown up with a crossbow aimed at louis' heart.
witches!! give me all the witches!!!  louis loves witches so give me one that hates his guts and can’t stand him, but he still shows up unexpectedly with that one thing they need but don’t have.  “stop coming here, i told you—you aren’t welcome.  i’ll set you on fire.”  —  “but wait, i brought this thing for you.”  and the entire dynamic is just louis hardcore adoring them while they can’t stand him.  also give me one-sided relationships where louis is the one being taken advantage of; a witch who isn’t afraid to use his love for them to their advantage, one who only tolerates his presence because of the things he does for them.
another witchy plot (we love our witches here) where louis unexpectedly comes across a scent that reminds him of dahlia, his creator.  he’s completely thrown and just freezes up for a few minutes because he hasn’t come across a scent like that in hundreds of years—and for it to be so alike is insane on its own.  as insane as anything in his world can be.  apparently, dahlia has a distant ancestor that louis wasn’t aware of.  give me an awkward, hesitant first meeting and eventual bonding!  also: maybe they don’t yet know they’re a witch, so louis has to break it to them. *this one requires plotting, as dahlia is very close to my heart.
found family plots!! family dynamics!! please. i want close connections and louis to struggle with them; i want new people coming into his life and reminding him of the past; i want new relationships that challenge what he knows of love and allow him to learn new, better ways of expressing it... i want him to learn how to love someone again after being alone for so long!!
0 notes
harrytea · 6 months
OG anon here again! this is my response to (cc-horan)
1. Because of the literal PLETHORA of proof. The DOZENS of songs for each other with no other explanation. [like no shade to taylor swift but man if you think Harry meant her with "same white shirt couple more tattoos" please.] And the fact that Man mans wears the same shade of blue EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. The tattoos? All the reciepts of people who have apparently seen them (i understand not all will be true but statistically, a few should be, and that's enough). As for me to stop believing, not unless one of them gets married to someone else will I stop believing. Stunts have ruined the idea of relationships for them for me. So yeah.
this goes back to my 10th point. which you didn't really answer.
4. BWAHAHA the same thing i have to say to Hendall, and Holivia and whatever the fuck Harry's PR with Taylor (russell) . It's a business babe. Have you seen the dozens of videos oh them during the 1d days when they'd look at management after every move? Them telling Louis to move a bit further away? please.
again this goes back to my 10th point
5. Well have you ever noticed Harry's so called 'relationships' tend to be with women who have project scoming out soon? And the 'relationship' ends when the project is released? Yeah. Enough said.
Harry would not be in a 2 year long relationship willing spending most of his time and holidays with someone that was only used for business. And his relationship with camille was completely different than what you're implying.
6. Nope.
You were hypocritical through all of holivia.
 "I have a private life. You just don’t know about it.” To quote Harry. Have no fucking idea who thinks he's trans, god please (fully support trans people, again, don't come at me) but who the hell has that theory. About Larry proofs. Darling Anon, there's a 2:25:01 long compilation on YouTube. We didn't make that shit up.
exactly if antis wouldn't know about his private life neither would larries. you're contradicting yourself. The trans theories are a thing a simple look on twitter can tell you that. "Darling Anon, there's a 2:25:01 long compilation on YouTube. We didn't make that shit up." Thats subjective. and pls don't call me darling.
11. Well then you explain why they'd sing to that box pointedly when there's a whole stadium in front of them. With tears? Ik we sound a bit, excited but its just our opinion is all.
The thing is y'all never take into account how the video is being filmed. I mean that in the sense areas are large with multiple different angles from where you're seating. you truly have no idea what's he's looking at. IE. he was singing cherry to a fan but other mistook it for him singing it to olive based on the angel it was recorded at.
You didn't really answer my questions tbh and everything you said goes back to my 10th point. Also there's no need for the attitude, I came in peace wanting to see how carries would answer the question.
There are some people that do think he's trans I remember seeing some tweets about during lockdown
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burtalvarez5 · 2 years
replica birkin bag 26
The Place To Purchase Tremendous Faux Birkin Bag? (unbiased Evaluations From Hermes Expert) Hey Licia, I’ve bought this bag from Purse Valley. Hey Meri, I bought it a number of years ago from pursevalley. Hey Noreen, Sometimes web site do get shut down. The size of the roulis mini is just like that of the constance mini. Some folks assume that the massive H of the constance is too conspicuous, however the roulis could be mentioned to be without the apparent mark of H. And compared to the constance H button, roulis might be significantly better, and the bag also has more compartments inside. Anders die out after a short time as an it-bag, style comes and sacs are disponibles pour over 25 years Birkin nonetheless needs to achieve high resale revenue. In the 180 years for the explanation that Hermes Outlet opened its first harness retailer in Paris in 1837, it has been based on the pinnacle of classic clothes brands with exquisite handwork and aristocratic design fashion. It is luxurious, conservative, and noble. birkin bag replica The whole model, from the whole to the details, and to its specialty stores, is filled with a powerful and profound heritage centered on horse tradition. Madison Avenue Couture is not affiliated with, nor a licensed boutique of, the brands we sell. Madison Avenue Couture ensures that each one of our merchandise are authentic and in the condition described. Every considered one of our customers are completely different from their allotted budgets to their private styles. I often see authentication guides calling out fakes for their sketchy stitching however clearly it appears that the authentic manufacturing requirements are hell-bent on perfectly straight stitching both. I will do a extra detailed faux vs. actual Hermes comparability shortly to compare my bag side by aspect with an unique. CUSTOMER SERVICE ❤️ At Scarleton, offering top quality fashion designs and merchandise at an affordable price is at the high of our precedence listing. We at tradtp.com worth our customers more than something, which is why all our efforts are directed at getting 100% customer satisfaction. wikipedia handbags We offer a clear, honest and easy return policy, live customer assist and the best high quality merchandise, so shopping with us is a worry-free and enjoyable expertise. On the higher entrance side of the replica Birkin is the authenticity mark " Hermès PARIS MADE IN FRANCE," written in three totally different rows. Ostrich Palladium tone hardware Leather lining Turn lock closure Made in France Date code present Handle drop 4.5" Measures 11.5" W x eight.75" H x 5.75" D Includes authentic Hermes clo... There are many things to contemplate when shopping for Hermès. First, you need to find out which sort of Hermes merchandise you want. Oh, if you consider this then you would possibly be already thus far misplaced. Luckily, there's redemption still available. Don’t let anyone misinform you because there is all the time a threat when shopping online. This is very true in case you are going into the market as an uninformed shopper. And, that is just one of the many reasons that people have had so many dangerous experiences with these handbags. Ultimately, there's a lot that I like about AAA Handbag. I’ve handled many other corporations together with Purse Valley, LuxuryTastic, and Dhgate. This firm has proven to me again and again that they’re legitimate. I like the truth that I can place my order online at any time of the day or night time. One reason why I love good Fake Louis Vuitton Sellers a lot is that they are really transparent. They inform you the limitations of the knock-offs they do. They are additionally upfront in regards to the material, the quality of the development, and so forth and so forth. But earlier than I provide the secret sauce, let me give you some essential data first. Check out the image to see the bag I bought, I’m so glad I discovered an excellent place to purchase bags. Supple calf leather with constrastive leather handles. 4) The drawstring on the mud bag can be brown and should be made of 100% cotton. Please remember that with some used Birkin baggage the dust bag may have been misplaced and therefore this only applies to brand new luggage. The Hermès zipper options an H on the zip cease. This is made of one piece and matches the relaxation of steel hardware.
0 notes
mistresspotterhead · 3 years
The American Ymbryne- Chap. 1
Alma Peregrine x fem!reader
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Warnings: Yelling, slamming hands on a table, being outed (kind of)
Words: 1,900 on the dot
A/N: Wow, this took a lil bit. Alma doesn’t appear until the very end of this chapter, but she’ll be in the next one a lot. Everyone has been so kind, and that has helped a lot <3. Also: Miss Saker indicates the type of bird you are, not your given name. I hope you guys like this. 😊😊😊
Tags: @itsonlydana @evil-feather @merci-bitch @multimilfs @escapetodreamworld @gay-and-sad-tm @multifandomfix @romanottsmaximoff @n0thing-is-real-exe​ @theaudreymere 
(ask if you want to be added/removed)
In a strange way, Cairnholm reminded you of the Chicago loop you and your wards had just fled from. They were both very dreary, cold, and, from what you could tell from those on the ferry, the people would rather be anywhere else. 
“M-miss Saker? I’m cold.” The bundle of talking coats shivered next to you. 
“I know, Astrid. We’re almost there, though.” You sighed and looked out toward the slowly approaching coastline. Your surviving children, Elina, Alexander, Leonard, and, of course, Astrid, all huddled closer to you. You stared at Cairnholm for a while longer, until the ferryman’s voice suddenly called out.
“Alright everyone, ‘ere we are! The… lovely… Cairnholm!” He steered the small ferry over to the somehow smaller docks, and you led your children out.
“Is everyone here? Astrid, Leo, Elina, Alex?” David, Beth-Anne, Lisa, Frankie, June, Stefanie, Josef, Alice, Rosie, Reggie. You suppressed the urge to call out their names as well. 
“Yes, Miss Saker,” they called in long-suffering voices- you were very adamant about attendance. It was good to see something was normal.
“All right then. Leo, can you see where the loop is? And Alex, are there any other peculiars near?” Ah yes, your diviners. It was very lucky for all of you that they were two of those that survived the wight’s invasion of your loop. 
Your Chicago loop near the Art Institute was one of the last surviving loops in America maintained by an Ymbryne, along with your South Side, McKinley Park, and St. Louis loops, though the latter was run mainly by its older wards and reset once a week.
As of a fortnight ago, though, the Art Institute loop was the only one you had. McKinley Park was attacked by Wights and Hollows in December, with South Side following close in early January. Samuel, the sole survivor of McKinley Park, was what Syndrygasti call a Librarian. He could see hollows and alerted you to them when you were traveling to St. Louis for reset. The problem with this, though, was that Sammy was only five years old, and so frequently got distracted.
It wasn’t hard to understand- Illinois in 1975 was very colorful. Sammy was gone now, though, as were all most all of your children. Speaking of… 
“There aren’t any other peculiars on the island, Miss Saker- at least not in this time,” Alex said, startling you out of your thoughts.
“Thank you, dear. How are you faring, Leo? Have you located the loop? I don’t like being out in the open for this long.” For emphasis, Elina gave a giant, chattering shiver that was surely exaggerated.
“Indeed, but it is on the other side of the island, and the night is fast approaching.” 
You looked over and scowled at the sun; if you couldn’t get rest, then why was it allowed to?
“Well then. It looks like we’ll have to go into town.” Immediately, protests arose.
“Aw, no!”
“Come on, Miss Saker! We can make camp out here!”
“Because that sounds comfortable,” Leo deadpanned to Astrid.
“Well, it’s better than town! There probably isn’t even a hotel!”
“Actually, Astrid, that’s where you’re wrong.” Astrid looked shocked at the suggestion that she could ever be incorrect at something. “There is a hotel. It’s called the….” You took out the crumpled guidebook the ferryman had given to each tourist. “Preist Hole. What kind of hotel is called the Priest Hole?” You muttered that last part to yourself. “Anyway, off we go. Come along, single file now.”
Your ducklings dutifully arranged themselves from youngest to oldest, seven-year-old Elina closest to you and sixteen-year-old Leo at the back.
You hoped that the food was at least good.
Nope. Everything on the Preist Hole’s menu was covered with vinegar. You wondered if that was a Welsh thing or a Cairnholm thing. Maybe the owner just liked vinegar. Next to you, Elina was grimacing with every bite. On a whim, you decided to flag the bartender down.
“Hey, Kev, was it?” He grinned widely at you. You gave him a small smile in return.
“Yes, ma’am, that’s me. What can I do for you ‘n yer bunch today?” 
“I was just wondering if you had some fries- sorry, chips- with less vinegar. My youngest is still picky.”
“Hmm. Well, I’ll talk to Arnie ‘n see what he can whip up fer ye. He’s the cook, ye see.”
“Thank you so much, sir.” You attempted a bigger smile, but it still felt forced.
“Naw, it ain’t a problem, really. ‘N please, call me Kev. Sir sounds like I’m fifty- ‘n I’ve still got twenty years ‘fore that,” he chuckled.
“Well then, you must call me y/n.”
“Of course, ma’am- y/n, sorry.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“It’s alright, Kev.” This time, your smile was a small bit genuine- his hesitancy was endearing.
“Yeh. Well, um, I’d better talk teh Arnie now. I’ve kinda been lingering here for a while.”
“Of course. I wouldn’t want to keep you from work, anyway.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t object if yeh did,” Kev concluded, winking before walking away.
Once he was out of earshot, Astrid started chittering.
“Ooh, was that flirting I saw, Miss Saker?” You rolled your eyes, and Alex guffawed into his water.
“Miss Saker? Flirt with a guy? I think Elina would drink an entire bottle of vinegar before that happened.” You turned your head sharply in his direction, but not before Astrid snapped back at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You jerk your head toward her now.
“Well, Miss Saker isn’t really the type to, ah, dabble in the male gene pool.” It was like you were watching tennis, really, with all this head-turning.
“That doesn’t make any-”
“ENOUGH!” You stood up, placing your hands on the bar. “This is not a discussion we are having, especially not here and now. Alex, I told you that information in confidence, and I am severely disappointed that you have betrayed that. Astrid, whether or not I am flirting with someone, and really my love life in general, is none of your concern. Do you both understand?”
They nodded, Alex looking especially ashamed of himself.
“Sorry, Miss Saker. It just slipped out.”
You sighed and ignored all the stares you and your wards were getting because of your outburst. 
“Alright, Alex. Just… you can’t share things that people tell you privately.”
“Yes, Miss Saker.” He was quiet after that, poking at his food.
It bothered you that he had shared that information, though it didn’t seem as if the other wards had understood. Of course, Leo was the only one you would expect to, as he was sixteen, but he had been sheltered in your loop his entire life. All of your wards had, really.
Just as you were beginning to sink into your past again, Kev came out with Elina’s new plate of fr- chips.
“Here ye are, little lady. I hope you like these better.” He smiled at Elina, tugging a small one out in return. You both watched expectantly as she took a tentative bite. And another. And another. Until the plate was almost gone, and she was rubbing her stomach in contentment.
“Well, that was fast.”
“It was good, Miss Saker. I wasn’t going to let it cool.” You laughed at the disapproving look on her face.
“Alright, alright. I suppose you have a good point.” You turned to Kev. “Thank you again, sir, for-”
“...right. Thank you for doing this. How much will it cost?” You were ruffled at his interruption, but he didn’t notice. He pretended to think for a moment.
“Hmm… how much will makin’ a little girl ‘n her mam happy cost? I dunno.” He smiled at you. “It’s on the house. I can see that ye haven’t had such a good day, so….”
“Really? Are you sure? I mean, I have the money….”
“I’m completely sure. It’s good te make someone happy once in a while.”
“Well, I truly do thank you. It also seems that we’ll need a room, if that’s alright?”
“Sure. Room four was just recently vacated. It’s right up here.” He led you up the stairs, the kids trailing behind.
The room was small for five people, but it seemed like a mansion to the children, who only had their old, overcrowded loop to compare it to. There were four rickety beds, though they did seem to be clean, and a barren nightstand next to each of them. 
“Ah… I forgot that this only had four beds. I can get ye another room, or-”
“No, no, this is fine. Thank you for your help, Kev.” You subtly ushered him toward the door.
“Oh- well, if ye need anythi-”
“Yes, of course. Ta, then! Have a nice day!” You shut the door, leaving him very confused.
Alex was wheezing on the floor behind you.
“That… that was absolutely amazing Miss Saker! You are an absolute icon!” 
What in Abaton does that mean? You never could understand the new slang terms that the 1970s held. 
Elina yawned, setting off all the other children and alerting you to their needs.
“Alright then, time for bed.” Immediately, they were completely awake.
“I’m not tired at all, Miss Saker, therefore I shan’t be able to fall asleep.” 
“The fact that your accent is coming out very strongly tells me that you are indeed tired, Leo.” You crossed your arms. “Bed. now.” Your wards slouched, and grudgingly picked out a bed each.
“Miss Saker, where will you sleep tonight?” Astrid asked as you were tucking her covers in.
“On the floor, of course. Now, did you remember to take off your gloves?”
“But it won’t be comfortable! The floor is so hard and cold and dirty and-”
“Your gloves, Astrid.” She was very talkative, even late at night, though you had come to enjoy it. Sometimes.
She took off the gloves that helped control her peculiarity and was about to start chattering again when Elina suddenly spoke up from her bed in the corner.
“I could make you a nest with a spare blanket, Miss Saker?” You gave her one of your very rare genuine smiles.
“That would be lovely, Elina.”
“Wait- how did she know you were going to sleep in bird form?” Alex asked, finally catching on. You smiled again at Elina and kissed her on the forehead.
“She’s made me a little nest before when I fall asleep in my study while in bird form.”
“And that happens often?”
“Surprisingly so. Now, snuggle in and no more talking.” As the children said their goodnights, you finally transformed into your bird form; a stunning saker falcon. You jumped lightly onto Elina’s bed, careful not to hurt her with your razor-sharp talons or accidentally hit her with your wing (which had happened on more than one occasion). 
Though you nestled into the warm bunch of blankets right away, you didn’t fall asleep until much later, and even then, you were restless all night. 
Little did you know, in the old manor that you would trek to the next day, a group of peculiars and one very curious ymbryne had observed all of this. Alma LeFay Peregrine set her watch and gave the children a reassuring smile while she pondered what this meant and why her stomach had fluttered when you gave that dazzling smile.
203 notes · View notes
cherryatiny · 3 years
𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲! 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳: 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑚 𝑎 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡 (𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡) 𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠
𝐺𝐼𝐹𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑔𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠
⩥ 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠
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„Are you done, baby?“ Resonated the voice of your sugar daddy Hongjoong from outside the luxurious bathroom you were dressing up in. As you were finishing putting on dark red matte lipstick - the last detail of your makeup to decorate your perfect image, you opened the door and stepped outside into the wide hallway of his house.
Hongjoong was taking you out tonight. He had to use this opportunity of the only performance the worldwide famous soprano singer had in your city.
Coming out of the bathroom, you were wearing the black satin gown made by the best French tailors, Hongjoong bought for you when he was staying in Paris last week. It was as if the dress was made for you and you only, perfectly accentuating every curve you wanted to show off.
„Gosh, you look like an angel who fell straight from the sky, beautiful. Words can't explain how pleased I'm to accompany a lady this charming. Ladies first, we should get going to the philharmonic orchestra, shall we?“
Hongjoong bowed a little as he saw you, holding out his hand for you to take. A true gentleman. Going outside the luxurious mansion, a limousine was already waiting for you two in front of his grand house.
If there was anything Hongjoong loved more than you, it was spoiling you with everything you wanted, so when he heard that the primadonna you were fond of, was going to sing in your city, he had to buy the tickets with the best seats for you two.
Walking down the red carpet, straight to the VIP lounge of the philharmonic orchestra. Leaving your purse on one of the hangers, along with the coat Hongjoong helped you to take off, you sat down on one of the two velvet sofas there were, as Hongjoong did the same next to you.
The waiter who was previously waiting by the door came up to you two, a bottle of red wine from the best French winery in his hand as he poured you two a glass.
Throughout the concert Hongjoong’s hand never left its place on your upper thigh, your one, on top of his, fingers playing with the rings he had on.
However, the concert was kind of forgotten as you two just peacefully enjoyed the presence of each other.
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The sound of a steak being grilled, vegetables being roasted, the tastiest smell of the chocolate lava cake that was being baked only added to the sight of your handsome sugar daddy Seonghwa, as you two enjoyed your time together in his black & white marble kitchen.
You were sitting on a kitchen counter, watching Seonghwa who had his back facing you as he stirred the vegetables, however, your mouth wasn't wetting at the vegetables, but the immaculate sight of his broad shoulders in the white shirt.
It wasn't a problem for Seonghwa to afford any 5-star Michelin restaurant or rent the best chef in the country to cook for you, but it didn't have the same atmosphere, nor was it a gesture that came straight out of his heart, like cooking for you himself was.
As he turned off the stove, he served the meal on pretty ceramic plates with golden lining. Pouring champagne into a fancy glass and dropping some strawberries into it, Seonghwa picked you up, your legs wrapped around his waist, and arms around his neck to not fall, he seated you on a dining chair in front of the glass dining table
Flashing him a smile, you dipped your tongue into the bitter alcoholic liquid, cutting the vegetables and the meat on your plate, you put some of it into your mouth, the tasty food melting on your tongue.
Like seriously, is there something this man is bad at? He is the most lovable person you know, he's smart, he's handsome, he can cook, and he can definitely bring you a lot of enjoyable moments in bed...
„Enjoy the dinner, beautiful. I hope you’ll like what I’ve cooked for you and don’t get too full, because there are also some desserts waiting for you.“
You laughed at his flirty comment because you knew the chocolate cake wasn’t the only dessert waiting for you tonight.
⩥ 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨
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Spoiling his sugar baby, buying expensive clothing and accessories for her, or just spending money on her in general, was probably Yunho’s favourite activity. So when he was scrolling down different blogs trying to look for some place to take you to next a photo of Milan in Italy popped up.
Travelling there wasn't a problem as your sugar daddy Yunho owned a private jet ready to take him wherever he pleased. And before you could say anything, you were already laying in a king-sized bed with a tray full of different types of breakfast food, because in Yunho's opinion there was no better way to start a day than with a tasty breakfast in bed.
Laying next to you, he fed you crepes with fruits, pouty smile showed up on his face as he saw how much you seemed to have enjoyed the food he ordered for you, his hand tucking your hair behind your ears so it didn't get to you face as you ate.
After the breakfast you had to take a shower because let's say, there just wasn't much energy left to shower the night before. And as you finished showering an outfit Yunho prepared for you was already waiting there, since you two were supposed to go out today and do some shopping for the next week's ball Yunho was taking you to.
And there came his favourite part of this day - shopping. It wasn't a coincidence he chose Milan for your trip, since it was a city of fashion you two adored that much. Shops like Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, or Versace, you name it. Yunho's hand found your as you two intervened fingers and headed your way through the beautiful city.
„Princess, take this dress as well. I’m sure it'll look amazing on you, this shade of blue is totally your colour.“
You know, when shopping with Yunho, everyone would feel like the prettiest person alive, he won't stop hyping you up or complimenting you as you show yourself off in different robes. The current blue satin robe, that was accentuating your curves went perfectly with the clear high heels with diamond straps that adorned your ankles. However, the diamonds on the straps weren't that shining as the ones in Yunho's eyes when he looked at you in awe.
„Oh god, no words needed, we must get you this dress, it's just so... perfect on you baby. Now… what do you think of us going shopping for lingerie and you give me another private fashion show afterwards?“
⩥ 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠
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After you got into a sugar daddy type of relationship with Yeosang, you learned the difference between secret and private relationship. Even though people knew you two were in some kind of relationship, no one knew what it was about and apart of that, Yeosang liked to keep things rather private and just between the two of you. So the best dates in his opinion were the dates where you two weren't in public and could be just by yourself, which was quite difficult to carry out considering your busy schedules.
„Good evening, Mr. Kang. Your table is ready, the restaurant is closed down as usual, so you two could dine and enjoy each other in private.”
Said the young waitress, who was here always at the times you two came.
Showing you the way wasn't necessary as you always took the same table. The one right next to the glass wall with a panorama of the city covered in the dark, shining lights that decorated the evening in the streets.
You usually just stood there quietly for a few minutes, while the best cooks in the city prepared your meal. A glass of red wine, in one of Yeosang’s hands and the second one, wrapped around your waist, keeping you close to him. At this point, dinner at this restaurant was like a ritual, always keeping your schedule free for a few hours on a friday evening no matter what.
Every friday, Yeosang would reserve the whole restaurant for two hours, just so you two can eat in private, and spent the time talking and enjoying each other's presence.
„The view today is magnificent, the lights are shining bright, not as impressive as my girl though, but it's still very beautiful.”
Giving you a soft peck on your cheek, Yeosang's hand motioned for you to sit down on the leather chair with soft cushions, and talk to him about your week while enjoying your favourite food with the best man in the world.
⩥ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐧
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„Gosh, princess come on, why does it always take you so long to pack when we go somewhere, it isn't like you're gonna wear something half of the time though. I told you that you don’t need to bring anything, I’ll buy you anything you need when we get there, so please hurry up already...”
You couldn't quite understand why San was being so impatient to leave when the jet you were flying by was his, therefore, it probably wouldn't be that much of a problem if you came a few minutes late, but you still listened and obeyed his complaints, zipping up the luggage you decided to take with you.
Turning around, your eyes fell on the already impatient figure of you sugar daddy San, the unbuttoned top buttons of his white linen shirt exposed how in shape he was, sometimes making you wonder why he hadn't become a model with a face and body like that, but when you came to think about that, if he were famous, he wouldn't have been yours...
San needed a well-deserved rest at some peaceful place for a while, since his job was stressing him out so much, and there wasn’t a better rest than a week on a private island with his beautiful sugar baby. And since you already finished your semester, there wasn't a problem with you leaving for two weeks.
His limousine along with a driver, with who you were well acquainted, was already outside his mansion, waiting to take you to the airport. San, like the true gentleman he was, immediately took the luggage out of your hand and opened the door of the limo for you.
Throughout the drive to the airport, you were sitting on the back seat next to him, your head on his shoulder and his fingers playing with your hair.
You fell asleep on the way to the airport since San for some unknown reason woke you up at 5 fucking am, and San just couldn't help but admire how beautiful you looked as you were in the peaceful state occupied daydreaming. And because of that, he didn't have the heart to wake you up, so as you two arrived at the airport, his strong arms picked you up close to his chest as he carried you to the jet bridal style.
⩥ 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢
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Seeing the impact your overly stressful work had on you lately, Mingi couldn’t leave you to suffer and cope with it by yourself, that’s why he had to come up with a way to help you relax, and there wasn't a better way to make you relax than to take you to a luxurious spa resort in mountains.
He wanted to dedicate you a week full of massages, swimming pools, jacuzzis, saunas and of course himself. While you two were there, Mingi had carefully planned out your daily routines, so you can get as much relaxation as possible.
According to his in your opinion completely unnecessary schedule, it was time for a good massage. But for real, what was the point of creating a timetable, when you could just be spontaneous. However, it was still really cute and thoughtful of him.
The male masseur hasn't even massaged you for more than five minutes, when Mingi told him off, jealous at having to watch the way the male's strong arms rubbed on your bareback rather inappropriately in his eyes. And that was why Mingi was currently massaging scented oil into your skin, certain that he'll do better than the male masseur because he knows what's the best for his princess.
His hands roamed all over your body, not leaving any part of it untouched, and by that time, you both knew that it wasn't just a massage to relieve stress anymore. He tried to hold himself back to not tug at the towel that covered your bottom half from him, his eyes drifted to the wet swimsuit you previously had on when you two went swimming.
„Princess, what do you think of jacuzzi right now? You know, the one that's outside on our balcony, we could watch as the snowflakes fell onto the ground, while mountains covered us from the sun, while enjoying the hot water and bubbles. And since it’s private I don’t think there would be any need to wear a swimsuit…”
⩥ 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠
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„Mr. Jung, here’s the virgin mojito for you and Ms. Y/L/N” interrupted the waiter you and your sugar daddy Wooyoung in a conversation full of teasing and sexual tension. Poor boy, the awkward discomfort visible on his face. You two smiled at him and took the drink he handed you „Hmm, virgin mojito, just like the first time we met, well except for the virgin part...“
You two were laying on the couchette, the beach umbrella keeping you safe before the piercing sun rays. You cringed at the reference about your virginity from the first time you two met in the club. „Oh my god, Wooyoung can you not-“
Looking at him in disbelief through the expensive sunglasses you had on, you both fell into a burst of deep laughter at the memories from a few months ago that were flooding back. Taking a sip from the cold drink in your hand, you eyed the people that were playing around on the beach or in the sea.
„Wanna go swimming, princess?“ giving Wooyoung a side-eye, you pondered over his idea, without any word being said you stood up from the couchette and made your way to the sea. Looking back you saw Wooyoung still sitting there under the umbrella watching you in the distance.
„You going or not?“ and with that, he ran over to where you were, a mischievous smile on his face as he picked you up unexpectedly, running with you deeper into the water, „Jung Wooyoung, if you throw me into the water, I'll fucking kill you.“
⩥ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨
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Opening the massive door of your sugar daddy Jongho’s penthouse, with the golden entrance card e gave you, you stepped into the marble hallway. His housekeeper took the purse from your hand and helped you take off the coat you had on.
And as you arrived in the living room, he was already waiting for you there, his eyes shining brighter than the beaming smile he had on when he was you standing there in all your glory. You two haven't seen each other for almost two months he spent abroad.
And as soon as you caught the look in his eyes, you ran towards him, not wanting to wait any longer until you can finally hug him. Jongho's strong arms effortlessly picked you up as your legs wrapped around his waist to get closer than possible to him as you hugged him, probably squeezing the soul out of him.
„Baby, I’ve missed you so much, my pretty little princess, I promise to never leave you for this long, every day I had to spend without you was like a punishment. And the guilt I felt for neglecting you was eating me alive, that’s why I had to bring you some gifts to make it up for you. Come on, let me show you.”
You pecked the tip of his nose as you always did, the look in your eyes telling him that you felt exactly the same without him, allowing him to take you wherever he wanted. Not letting you go out of his arms that held you up, he took you to the guest room of his penthouse.
The one that was usually empty, because you of course always spent the night in his room, when you were staying over. Opening the door of the room for you, you almost fell from his arms as you saw all the designer dresses, shoes or accessories there were. „Jongho, baby, but you didn’t have to buy me anything, I just wanted you to finally be home.”
„Well, then now you not only have me but all of this. I too wanted to get back to you as soon as possible, but you know how much I love spoiling the heck out of you, so buying these things for you helped me overcome the sorrow I felt from not being able to be with you, princess.“
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
“I like a challenge Darling”
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Word Count: 5,366 Demetri x reader Oneshot Warnings: Fluff, reader being paddled, NSFW
Marcus and Demetri had a different relationship as Master and Personal Bodyguard when compared to Aro and the Twins and Caius and Felix. Marcus would quite often converse with the tracker when it was just the two of them in his private study, exchanging views of the books they have read, sharing stories from their human lives etc. This is how he came to know that Demetri had become lonely over the years as he had yet to find his mate, unlike his friend Felix who found his mate Mia a few decades back. Marcus had told him to have faith and that when the time is right, he would meet his mate and they would spend an eternity together.
So when Demetri finally met Y/N courtesy of Esme Cullen, although it was totally by accident that the two met, Marcus was happy for him and welcomed Y/N into the family with open arms. He liked her as she was respectful to him and his brothers and being human, she was curious about a lot of things including their world, their laws and this was something Marcus found endearing about her and would give her as much of his time as possible when Demetri was away so she wouldn’t become bored or restless. Even Caius liked her and he hated humans. Marcus surmised this was because of her interest in their laws and how they came to power and she understood that the vampire world and the human world were better off under their rule than that of their predecessors.
Marcus was in his private study working at his desk, Demetri being his personal bodyguard was in the room sitting on the sofa reading. Marcus didn’t see the point of him standing at the back of the office when he could be comfortable on the sofa reading or planning for missions. Sometimes Marcus would hide in his office just to escape the throne room and the bickering of his brothers, he always bought Demetri with him which the tracker appreciated. This was one of those occasions.
They had been in Marcus’ study for about an hour when he surprised Demetri with a request, one that related to Y/N. “Demetri, would you bring Y/N to my office please as I have a proposition for her?” Demetri’s eyebrows rose, a look of shock flashed across his and he knew Marcus saw it “Do not worry my boy, it’s nothing untoward. I promise” Marcus reassured him “Of course Master. When would you like to see her?” He asked “As soon as possible” Marcus replied “I’ll go get her now then. She’s in the garden” “Very well. Thank you Demetri.” Demetri bowed his head and left the room making his way out to the South facing garden where Y/N was reading by the fountain.
“Hello mi amore” He said softly as he approached her, not wanting to spook her “Demetri” She replied with a smile, one that showed she was happy to see him “Have you been let off early?” She asked, a hopeful look crossed her face “No, sorry. I’m here to escort you Marcus’ study as he would like to talk to you” He replied “Oh. Is it bad? Have I done something wrong?” “Not that I am aware off. Maybe he has become bored of my company and wishes for yours instead” He chuckled “We both know that’s a lie. He’d never get bored of talking to you, you have too much in common. I’ll admit he does seem to like my company or should I say he likes to keep me company when you are away on missions” She replied as she slipped her hand in his, their fingers interlacing with one another. Demetri loved how warm she felt against his skin.
“Good afternoon Y/N” Marcus greeted her with a smile as she entered his study, Demetri right behind her “Afternoon Marcus, I trust you are well” She replied with a smile of her own “I am thank you and hope you are too” He gestured for them to sit on the sofa “I’m well too, thank you for asking” She sat beside Demetri and placed her hand in his, Marcus noticed and smiled, seeing the strong bond between them despite the short time they had been together.
“So you may be wondering why I asked to see you?” Y/N nodded and smiled “Well, Gianna is out sick for the week and I was hoping you might fill in for her. I know the two of you get along well and you have helped her out on occasion, when you’ve needed a change of scenery for example” Y/N looked at Demetri and he just smiled back at her “It’s your decision cara mia” She looked back at Marcus and smiled “I’d love too. Be nice to do something different for a week and at least I know I’ll be safe as everyone knows I’m Dem’s mate” She chuckled, Marcus and Demetri doing the same “That’s very true my dear.” Y/N was in for an interesting week and she didn’t even know it.
Later that night Marcus informed Aro and Caius that Y/N was covering reception for the remainder of the week in Gianna’s absence. They were pleased to hear this as the lower guard Louis, who had covered that day did not do a very good job. Caius had threatened to rip his hand off just because he could.
The following morning Demetri escorted Y/N down to reception and ensured she had everything she needed to complete the day’s work “Thank you for helping out mi amore” He said softly and placed a kiss to her temple “It’s no bother really. I’ve helped Gianna before and it’ll be nice to be out of our room and see somewhere other than the library for a few days” She replied “I’ll come by and see you at lunchtime” He kissed her lips before leaving and heading to the throne room for guard duty. “Please gods let this week pass without incident for my beloved” Demetri muttered low, praying to his gods.
The first two days on reception went by without any problems or incidents, something everyone was pleased with. Day three however, there was a small problem when Heidi bought the ‘tour’ group in. Two of the tourists started bickering and Heidi was busy sorting out the disruption and therefore didn’t hear one young lady ask Y/N where the bathroom was “I don’t know why they call it morning sickness when it lasts all day” She said to Y/N as they walked to the female bathroom. Heidi did a final headcount and noticed she was one person short “Y/N I seem to have lost someone” She whispered “She’s in the bathroom being sick. She’s pregnant” Y/N replied and Heidi’s face paled “Wait five minutes, then please escort her out the castle. Make some excuse for me otherwise I’m in big trouble” “Leave it with me Heidi. I had no intention of letting her re-join the ‘tour’ as it would’ve gotten you into trouble” Y/N said with a smile “You are a star Y/N, truly” Heidi gave her a grateful smile “I owe you one” She called over her shoulder and continued on her way with the tour group to the throne room. Y/N was pleased as the young lady got to keep her life and Heidi didn’t get into trouble for bringing a pregnant lady on the tour.
Day six of Y/N covering reception for Gianna was more eventful than anyone could have imagined. Demetri and Felix were in the training room with the lower and transitory guards carrying out the regular training session. Jane, Alec and Santiago were on duty in the throne room with the Kings. Y/N heard a commotion and got up from the front desk to look and saw some of the transitory guards fighting at the entrance to the castle, humans were beginning to pay attention which worried Y/N, especially as it was sunny outside.
Y/N made her way to the throne room and knocked on the door once and they opened from the inside “Sorry to interrupt but…” “Y/N you know you aren’t meant to interrupt” Aro cut her off “Yes Aro, and I apologise but some of the guards are fighting at the castle entrance and humans are gathering to watch and it’s sunny outside” She replied quickly, hoping she wouldn’t be punished as Gianna’s predecessors were. “Santiago, Josh please go and deal with the guards at the entrance. Y/N you can return to reception” Aro said with a smile “Thank you Aro” She smiled and bowed her head before leaving the throne room quickly.
“Y/N needs to be punished” Caius says to his brothers “Really brother? Do you really think it’s necessary?” Aro asked “She did interrupt despite knowing she shouldn’t” Caius replied “She came to warn us of a possible exposure threat and she did knock first” Marcus defended her actions “Still rules are rules brother. If Gianna had interrupted instead of Y/N we would’ve punished her. We cannot play favourites just because she’s Demetri’s mate even if she is helping out this week” Caius reasons “Ok then. I’ll take care of her punishment” Marcus says as he gets up from his throne “You? You’re going to punish her?” Caius asked smirking “Yes, Demetri is my bodyguard and Y/N is his mate. Therefore, I will handle this situation” He replied and left the throne room.
“Demetri won’t be happy” Alec muttered low to Jane so only she could hear “My shift has finished so I’ll go tell him. He’ll want to know about Y/N” Jane whispered back.
Marcus went to reception to see Y/N “Hello, my dear. I need you to come with me please” “Of course Marcus, am I in trouble?” She replied “I’ll explain soon enough” He said and held his arm out for her to take. He led her to one of the guest rooms in the South Wing. Once inside he closes the door and explains the situation they are now in. “Caius has asked that you be punished for the interruption” Marcus started softly “But I knocked first and I thought you’d want to know about a possible exposure risk, especially as it involves your guards” She replied “I know my dear and I pointed that out to him but he was adamant a punishment was needed. I told my brothers I would deal with your punishment as Demetri is my bodyguard and you are his mate” “O-ok. Thank you. Does Demetri know?” She asked “Jane has finished her shift and I’m sure she’ll inform him of what has occurred” He replied and she nodded.
“Please can make your way over to the bed?” Marcus asked and she did as he asked. She stood at the end of the bed and felt Marcus come to stand beside her. “Please lean over the bed with your arms out” She did as she was instructed and felt his cold hands wrap something silky around her wrists “I’m tying you to the bed so you don’t move during the punishment you’re going to receive” He said low as he reached over her and gently placed a silk scarf into her mouth and secured it at the back of her head “This is to muffle your cries. Although, I ask that you don’t resist or cry out as Demetri is likely to hear and the punishment will start over if it’s interrupted for anything but an emergency. Also, you must keep your eyes closed throughout. Understand?” “Yes Marcus” Her reply coming out muffled.
There was a knock at the door “I won’t be a minute” He told her and opened the door to see Demetri, a confused and slightly angry Demetri. He stepped into the corridor and shut the door. “Calm yourself, my dear boy. No real harm is to become her” He advised “Jane told me what happened and whilst I agree she shouldn’t have disturbed you, she only did it to save us from being exposed by our guards” Demetri replied, worry clear in his ruby eyes “I know that and that is why I decided on her punishment and not Caius…” “What is her punishment?” Demetri interrupted “She is to be paddled 40 times” Marcus replied “What? Why?” “Well I heard Y/N talking with Gianna recently about certain things and well Gianna’s been spanked by an ex in the past for ‘misbehaving’” Marcus replied and Demetri’s mouth fell open a little “So you thought Y/N should be paddled for interrupting you?” “Yes, I do. Unless you’d prefer I take a leaf out of Caius’ book?” Demetri shook his head and Marcus smiled “Here” Marcus says and hands Demetri the small black paddle “You want me to do it?” He asked surprised “If you’d rather me do it…” He trailed off and held his hand out “No, no I’ll do it” Demetri replied and went to enter the room, only Marcus stopped him “She thinks I am going to hand out the punishment and I didn’t correct her. Also, I never said you had to hit her hard, just that it has to be 40 times” Demetri nodded in understanding “Thank you master” He bowed his head “Of course my boy. Do you really think I would harm her or order you to do so” Demetri shook his head “Exactly, once you’re done take her to your room and spend the afternoon together.” Marcus turned and walked away.
Demetri entered the room and locked the door, he turned and saw Y/N bent over the end of the bed and secured in place by silk scarfs; he felt himself harden a little ‘No, this is punishment not pleasure’ he tells himself as he makes his way over to the bed. He doesn’t say anything just lifts her dress up to her waist so her lacy covered ass is on display ‘Gods this isn’t fair. She’s wearing the blue set I love’ he thought to himself. He counts to three mentally before bringing the paddle into contact with her ass softly.
‘Is that a practice one?’ Y/N thought to herself as the paddle hit her ass softly; the answer came to her rather quickly when the next few paddles to her ass were just as soft ‘Marcus must be being gentle cause I’m human and Dem’s mate’ she thought to herself as the paddle continues to hit her softly. ‘twenty-five’ Demetri counts in his head. ‘wonder what Dem will think when he finds out Marcus paddled my ass’ her thoughts going to her mate and his reaction. Demetri continues to hit her softly as his minds wonders too ‘I think next time I spank her it’ll be a little harder and with my hand, just to see what effect it has on her in a different setting.’ Y/N feels confused as this doesn’t seem like a punishment Caius would approve of but she wasn’t going to complain. ‘forty’ Demetri places the paddle on the bed and unties her wrists and places a kiss to each one; a soft gasp escapes her lips and he smirks “It’s just me darling” He says low in her ear as he removes the scarf from her mouth “Dem” She breathed and he helped her up and held her to him “I’m here” He kisses the top of the head “Did you…” “Marcus let me carry out your punishment” He cut her off “I’m sorry. I only…” “Don’t worry about it. Marcus and I have spoken and agreed your actions were for the right reasons, this was just to satisfy Caius’ request.”
He took her hand in his and they made their back to their shared room, once inside he locked the door “How are you feeling?” “I’m ok but next time the dumbass guards risk exposure, I’m going to ignore it” She replies and he nods as he pulls her into him capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. He pulls away his eyes locked on hers, his burning in his need for her. He kisses her roughly, his hands moving to her ass and he gives it a squeeze before lifting her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. “Good girl” He says low and she gives him a sultry smile.
He placed her gently on the bed, one hand running up her thigh coming to rest on her lace covered hip. He kissed along her jawline making his way to her ear and nipped it gently, before placing a kiss below and leaving a trail of kisses down her neck, his hand stroking her through her lace covered panties “Hey, I’m not that easy Dem, take your time…play me like a violin” She says low in his ear and he growls before replying “Play your cards right and I may snap your G string” He gave a wink and continued to kiss and nip at her skin.
He pulled away long enough to remove her dress and his shirt and trousers before capturing her lips with his. She bit his lip and he opened his mouth allowing her to slip her tongue inside, their tongues moving against each other as soft moans fill the room.
“You’re lucky I love this blue lace set you’re wearing or I’d be ripping it to shreds” He says as removes her bra and panties before settling himself between her thighs, his mouth closing around her clit and sucking harshly, flicking the bud with his tongue. Soft gasps fill the air and she feels his fingers dance against her skin, he growls as the scent of her arousal fills his nose, the sound vibrating against her clit, her arousal building and a soft whimper leaves her lips.
He moves up the bed, placing one hand to her cheek and kisses her lips softly as he enters her slowly, stilling for a moment “So warm and wet just for me” He pulls out of her a little before re-entering her slowly “Ahh Dem” He moves in and out of her over and over filling her deeply with every thrust; hitting that sweet spot and she met him thrust for thrust “Ahh Y/N” He breathed against her skin, she felt his mouth on her breast, kissing and sucking her skin leaving a mark. He continued to move within her as he took a nipple into his mouth sucking it and flicking it with his tongue. Her fingers carded through his hair and she gave it a tug; a growl escaped him before he gently nipped her breast.
He could feel his release was near but held off as he was determined for her to finish first, he needed to claim her, finally mark her as his. He kissed her neck and then sank his fangs into her skin, a light gasp left her lips as she felt him bite her. Her orgasm hit her at that moment, her eyes closing and stars flittered behind her eyelids. He continued to drink her blood, drawing out her orgasm as he released himself deep inside her. He pulled his teeth away from her neck, licking the wound closed; leaving a bite mark on her skin that would show everyone that she belonged to him.
Y/N could feel that Demetri was still hard inside her despite him climaxing moments ago “Dem, you’re still hard” She said low “It’s a vampire thing, we can go for multiple rounds without tiring” He replied and winked at her “So, there’ll be a round two then?” She asked before biting her bottom lip and looking at him through her lashes. “Definitely sweetheart” He replied as he began thrusting in and out of her again “I could stay here and make love to you all day” He said looking into her eyes and gave her a quick kiss “I do have the afternoon off…” He trailed off and let his hand slowly move down her body, his fingers lightly brushing her folds. “As fun as that sounds, I’m human and I don’t think I could keep up with you” She replied low “I like a challenge darling. Let’s see how many rounds you can keep up with me for. Mmm?” He asked, his eyes darkened by lust, before capturing her lips with his, both of them moaning into the kiss.
“Ok, but we have to try different positions. Switch it up a little” She replied, taking her bottom lip between her teeth, she felt him twitch inside her “Deal. Where would you like round two?” “On the bed but I’m on top” He smiled and rolled them over “Do with me as you will” He smiled at her, she smiled back before lifting nearly all the way off of him only to sink back down on him hard “Cazzo” He breathed out and she chuckled “That good huh?” She lifted off of him again “You had a great teacher” He smirked at her as she lowered herself back down on him, his hands going to her hips “Uh uh. You gave me control sweetheart” She circled her hips over his and he growled, his hands moving to grip the bedsheets “Good boy” She praised low and he chuckled. She leant forward to kiss him as she grinded against him and felt him hit a new spot inside her, she repeated this action as she left a trail of open-mouthed kisses along his jaw and down his neck. “Ah Y/N.” She continued to move her hips over his and he felt her teeth graze his skin where his neck meets his shoulder before she sucked on the skin there eliciting a purr from him. He was smiling as he watched her rise and lower herself on his hardened length, her hips grinding against his to get the friction she needs as she nears her orgasm, “I’m so close” He breathed out “Me too” She smiled and sped up her movements, her release followed shortly after; her hips continuing to move over his and she feels him twitch inside her, his cold seed filling her once more. His eyes were closed tight as he came, his mouth open; a soft gasp escaping his lips as his grip on the sheets tightened. “Gods, you’re amazing” He praises her and sits up to hold her close, pressing a kiss to her temple “Like you said, I had a great teacher” She whispered and he smiled against her skin.
“Round three” He breathed against her ear “Your choice” She replied and he thought for a moment “Any chance of a blow job…whilst I think of our next position?” He asked “Only if you say please…Mr Volturi” He growled and thrusted up into her “Dem” She cried out “Any chance of a blow job please?” “Of course Mr Volturi” She climbed off him and moved over to sofa “Coming then?” She beckoned him with a wave of her fingers. He went to sit on the sofa when she placed her hand on his stomach “You stay standing” She sat down on the sofa and wasted no time in taking him into her mouth; his head fell back instantly, loving the way her warm mouth felt around his cock “Oh gods” Her hands moved to his ass and gave it a squeeze as she took him further into her mouth, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat. She moaned around his cock; one of his hands moved to the back of her head, his fingers grabbing a hand full of hair. She ran her tongue along the underside of his cock, swirling it around the tip, licking up some of the pre-cum that had leaked out. He growled low as he felt a warm hand cup his balls, massaging them and he tugged on her hair and thrusted his hips forward ensuring he hit the back of her throat and she moaned around him. She hollowed her cheeks as she continued to suck him off and massaging his balls “Such a good girl” He praised her as she run her teeth along him and he twitched inside her mouth. He tugged on her hair and she stopped moving her head up and down his cock, allowing him to fuck her mouth, he moved his hips forward a few times ensuring he hit the back of her throat each time. He felt her tap his thigh and he stopped moving his hips, giving control back to her. She sucked and licked his cock a few more times before she ran her teeth over his length again and he emptied himself down the back of her throat, her swallowing everything he gave her. She licked him clean before pulling away and looking up at him. He knelt down before her and kissed her, tasting himself on her tongue. “I love you Y/N” “I love you too. Next position then?”
He took her hand and led her to his desk and bent her over it; and he entered her easily from behind, one hand wrapping around her throat applying a little pressure “If you don’t like this or you want to me stop, let me know” She nodded in response as the pressure on her throat increased a little. He thrusted in and out her setting a fast and rough pace “Demi” She breathed out and he leant over her burying his head in the crook of her neck, slipping inside her deeper as he continues to thrust inside her, his other hand moving down to play with her clit as he applies a little more pressure to her throat “You’re doing beautifully mi amore” He felt her walls flutter around him and he sped up his pace, edging them closer to their releases; the warmth of her release coaxing his own to follow. He released his hold on her throat and placed a kiss to her neck as he pulled out of her, she turned to face him smiling. One hand going to the back of his head and she pulled down for a passionate kiss.
“Round four is your choice darling” “Well, Mr Volturi before round four I’d like you to get on your knees and return the favour. Please” He smiled wide “Anything for you.” Demetri sat her on his desk and lowered himself to his knees in front of her and buried his head between her thighs, inhaled slightly taking in the scent of her arousal and growled low. He looked up at her to see her looking down at him, his ruby eyes had darkened further due to his continued arousal. He gently lifted one leg over his shoulder before lowering his head and sucking on her clit, flicking the bundle of nerves with his tongue. She leaned back slightly and gripped the edge of his desk as he placed a hand on her stomach keeping her in place before he gently pushed her other leg away from him, giving him better access to where she needed him most. He continuing to suck and flick her clit with his tongue, her soft moans being the only sound in the room. He smiled against her knowing he was the only one who could elicit that reaction from her. He moved his head lower and she felt his tongue enter her, she gasped and one of her hands moved to his head and she threaded her fingers through his hair before tugging on the strands, eliciting a growl from him. She felt his growl vibrate against her “Dem” She breathed out, he growled again and she felt a knot form inside her; she tried moving her hips to get the friction she craved but his hand still held her in place. He withdrew his tongue from inside her and closed his mouth back around her clit, sucking harsher than before; his tongue flicking her bud. She felt him slip two fingers inside her, curling and uncurling them so they brushed her inner walls a few times. He uncurled his fingers and moved them deeper inside her, hitting her sweet spot; his fingers and tongue working together to bring her to climax. “Ahh…Dem” She breathed out as she came hard, her eyelids half closed. He withdrew his fingers and put them into his mouth “Mmm. I love the taste of you baby” He smiled looking up at her through his lashes “I love you Demi” “I love you too.”
He stood up and surprised her when he lifted her over his shoulder and made his way to their walk-in closet and set her down on her feet before he pinned her against the wall. He captured her lips with his in a heated kiss and nipped at her bottom lip and she whimpered allowing him to slip his tongue inside her mouth and dominate the kiss. He lifted her up into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist and she could feel his cold hard length pressing against her entrance and with one slow thrust he entered her easily “Fuck…baby” He growled in her ear, he didn’t give her time to adjust to him, he just began to thrust in and out of her at a steady pace; her legs closed tighter around his waist and she grinded against him; he slid in deeper hitting that sweet spot inside “Oh yes” She cried out, her nails scratching lightly across his back and he growled and thrusted up into her harder. He kissed and sucked his way up and down her neck, nibbling her earlobe and she felt him smile against her neck with each moan of pleasure he coaxed from her. His thrusts sped up chasing his release as he felt her walls flutter around his cock; he bit her neck for the second time that afternoon and took a few gulps of her blood and she screamed out in pleasure as her orgasm hit her hard, stars dancing behind her eyes. The warmth of her release pulled him over the edge and he emptied himself inside her; continuing to move inside her with slow, long stokes as they rode out their highs together. He licked the wound closed and kissed his bite mark, he captured her lips in a slow sensuous kiss, she opened her mouth to him and he slipped his tongue inside, their togues moving in sync with one another.
“I love how you feel inside me” She whispered when he pulled back to allow her to breathe “I love how warm you feel wrapped around me” He replied before kissing her again. He walked backwards to the loveseat in the corner and sat down with her still in his arms, staying buried inside her for a little longer. He wrapped his arms around her holding her to his chest as she wrapped hers around him. She buried her head into his neck as he laid his on her shoulder, both enjoying their after-sex cuddle.  
Y/N was totally exhausted once Demetri had finally finished making love to her and he noticed her heartrate and breathing had slowed. She was supersensitive now and knew she was likely to be a little sore in the morning but didn’t mind as she had enjoyed every minute of being with her mate.
He carried her to the bathroom and set her down on the counter and run a sink full of water using some of her favourite bubble bath and washed her gently with a warm cloth. He then cleaned himself up before carrying her over to their bed, placing her gently beneath the duvet. He crawled in beside her and pulled her into his arms once again and held her as she fell asleep, breathing in her scent. He smiled to himself as he thought about the sexy afternoon they had just spent together, impressed that she had kept up with him for six rounds of amazing sex. ‘my amazing little human’ he thought and tightened his hold her, placing a kiss to her hair “I love you darling” He whispered and closed his eyes, resting beside his mate.  
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thot-writes · 3 years
Hello, it’s that anon again who sent you the Louis thing… SO! What if everyone is taking a break at a mistle and you drag Yakumo off to do some sinful things while he desperately tries to keep his voice down to not alert the others nearby
i love u anon. i think u deserve a nickname or an emoji ... tell me what u want ur title to be bestie!! anything u want !! u deserve it !!!!!! 💖🌸❤️
also 日本 is scared of fat asses for some reason. yakumo is built, he deserves a fat ass. so i’m giving him one. even tho i don’t mention it, he still deserves it. also-also the reader is tall (at least as tall as yakumo). please, please enjoy.
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yakumo gets annihilated ten feet away from camp (18+ NSFW);
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“Yakumo, can I ask you something in private?” you gesture a thumb to an abandoned, mostly crumbled building behind you. “Over there?”
the aforementioned revenant looks up from his drink. “Hm? Oh, sure.”
his neutral stare tells you he has absolutely no idea what you’re planning on doing. so cute.
you and Yakumo entered a relationship a little while ago, though due to his bashfulness you hadn’t told anyone about it yet. of course, he’s a terrible liar and absolutely cannot hide his feelings for you so they all suspect somethings up— though they just think that he has a huge one-sided crush.
you tell the others you’ll be back in a bit and lead him behind the building. it’s close enough to the mistle that neither of you need to wear your masks. he leans casually against the wall - still sturdy enough to support his weight despite being mostly obliterated - and folds his arms over his broad chest.
“So?” he starts. “What’d you wanna ask me about?”
“Do me a favour and lock your hands together like this.” you hold your hands out in front of you and interlock your fingers in demonstration.
“Hah?” he raises a brow in bewilderment. “I don’t get what you’re trying to do here... but alright...”
he does as you say.
“Hold up the fingers on one of your hands like this.” you stick up the fingers on your left hand while your right is still curled around them.
he does.
you unlock your hands and grab onto his, instinctively his straightened fingers hold onto you as you yank his hands up and hold them against the wall.
his face turns beet red as he stares at you dumbstruck. “W-what the hell are you doing that here for? We’re out in the open— the others are right there!” he protests.
“Then I guess we’ll have to be quiet, won’t we?”
before he can argue more you catch his lips with yours, and his complaints are lost in your mouth.
you slip your tongue into his mouth and his eyes drift shut as he massages your tongue with his. despite not being very experienced, Yakumo is surprisingly talented.
he sighs into the kiss and you settle your knee between his legs, pushing up against his crotch. his body stiffens — almost as much as his dick — and he moans a little.
you separate from the kiss and grin at him. “Oh my. You’re as sensitive as ever, I can already feel how hard you are.”
he can’t stand the intensity of your gaze and averts his eyes. “S-shut up... it’s your fault I’m like this in the first place..”
“Don’t worry, I intend to take full responsibility.”
you run your hand up his body, feeling the contours of his chest and stomach through his absurdly tight shirt as you grind your leg against him.
Yakumo bites down on his lip to prevent any noises from coming out, but they still slip through anyway.
“Aaahh... d-don’t do that... The others...” he whines pitifully as you continue grinding on him.
you put a finger to his lips. “Then you should keep your voice down, sweet boy.”
you trace the shape of his mouth, and as his lips part in a moan you put your index and middle fingers inside.
he licks and sucks at them as white hot fire runs through his veins. his cock is painfully straining against his pants, just aching for some freedom, but for some reason that only turns him on more.
your thigh runs up and down his length and he starts to gyrate his hips onto you. you can see the hearts in his eyes as he starts to hump your leg like a bitch in heat.
“Feels sho good... my dick feels amazing...!” he cries, your fingers managing to drown out some of the volume.
you take your fingers out of his mouth and drool flows down his chin. he’s thrusting wildly now as heat builds in his stomach; you’re not even moving anymore, it’s all him.
“Mmh— oh! Shit, yes, I’m gonna cum, unh it’s so good~” he’s getting too loud.
you clap a hand over his mouth and start moving your leg again and his eyes roll back. he picks up the pace even more, practically bouncing on your thigh as he finally cums.
his hips twitch and quiver, thrusting weakly as sticky cum soaks the fabric of his pants. you let him ride out his orgasm and remove your hand once his voice quiets down again.
as his climax fades, he realises he just came in his pants and that’s gonna feel super uncomfortable in a few minutes. “C-crap. I shouldn’t have done that, I don’t have a change of clothes with me,” he says as you release your grip on his hands.
“That’s so sad,” you tease in a singsong voice. “Poor baby.”
“You can be real evil, you know that right?” he scowls.
you beam at him, seemingly invigorated by his comment. “Yep!”
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
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A demon or an angel? 
▸ Taeyong x female!reader  ▸ 1,836k words ▸ SMUT, SMUT, FLUFF ▸ Pure fiction, Slight exhibitionism, BDSM themes (I tried, it’s my first time), everything is done with consent + safe word, blindfold, ICE PLAY, tying of both arms and legs, smacking, unprotected sex, overstimulating, teasing, swearing, mentions of alcohol, Taeyong drinking your tequila shot hehe.  ▸ For Neo Smut Collective’s drabble festival, Wet & Wild
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Everything was not planned.
You just wanted to have a good time after a long day at work and go home drunk then plan on hating yourself the next day because you had too much alcohol. But no. Everything you planned on doing was completely forgotten when you met a demon that looked like an angel by the bar who shamelessly drank your tequila shot.
“Excuse me,” you said to him with a flirty smile, not even annoyed at what he did.
“You go here often?” he came closer to you and put his elbow on the bar counter and placed his hand on your lower back to keep you away from strangers who move recklessly.
“Just for tonight” you smiled. Giving him a hint that you’re flirting back.
“I tell you this,” he clears his throat and gave you a small smile, “try not to get drunk tonight so you won’t get a bitch headache tomorrow and spend your day with me, headache-free” he winked after he lay down his offer.
“I don’t even know your name stranger,” you giggled and fixed his tie, only to pull him closer to you and the smell of expensive perfume explains it all. This gentleman right here is not just anyone.  
“Oh you’ll know my name, in fact, you will get to moan my name if you just do what you’re told” his breath tickles your neck and immediately made your legs weak. Shamelessly, he left kisses on your neck and collar bones to make you say ‘yes’ and to show you what lies ahead if you agree.
“I’ll say yes if you give me a ride home”
“Then it’s settled. Right this way, please”
And just before he takes you home, the heat of the moment did not stop you two from making out at the back of his car while his driver pretends like he’s not hearing anything. You invited him to your house and fuck there, but he declined you like the gentleman that he is and told you that he had been drinking way before you arrived at the bar, “I can’t fuck you good if I’m tipsy but don’t worry-“ he pulled down the collar of your blouse, just enough to expose chest and cleavage to him so he can kiss you there and leave a mark. “you will enjoy everything that I will do to you tomorrow”
On the next day, he picked you up with a different car but this time he’s the one driving. He greets you with a kiss on the cheek and a proper hug, nothing too lustful just a decent greeting to start your day right. And while he was driving, he holds your hand and kisses it whenever he can. Making you smile and your heart flutter so you know his intentions.
“Are you going to take me to a fancy hotel? Fuck me in your private jet? Yacht?”
What you just said made him laugh. Oh his smile makes him even more handsome, you thought. “No and no. Though, I can. But I prefer bringing you to my house, sounds good? Unless you prefer my private jet or bask under this afternoon sun, I can make it happen”
His way of flexing his riches was amusing that you two just laughed and decided that his house is the best destination. Though he promised to fly you next time and have a short vacation with him if today goes well.
When you arrived at his house, you weren’t surprised to see a huge house because you quite expected it already. It was quiet and spacious but you didn’t have enough time to snoop around for he is quick to drag you towards his room and show how hungry he is for you.
You just met last night but obviously, he misses you already and you can tell it by the way he kisses you and touch you.
“What’s the name I’m going to moan today?” you reminded him of what he owes you.
“Taeyong,” he started to undress you, “baby, honey, babe, whatever you want,” he smacks your ass deliciously and both landed on his king-sized bed. Both hands are busy undressing each other and caressing each other’s bodies. And when you’re left with only your matching lacy underwear, especially for him, he stopped you from unhooking your bra and made you lie comfortably in bed as he pulls away from your lips.
He reached on his bedside table and showed you a black Louis Vuitton bandeau, “Do you trust me?” you nod your head ‘yes’, “What if I tie you? Do I still have your consent?” he waited for your answer while he scans your body and feeds his eyes, of course, you said ‘yes’. “Your safe word is rose” he says and kissed your temple before he covers your eyes and takes your breath away by pushing you on the mattress without a warning, kissing your body with want as he removes your bra and puts both your arms above you to tie them securely. By this time you feel very excited and you just can’t wait for him to make his next move.
But be careful what you wish for. Because you didn’t expect him to spread your legs wide and tie them both, right after he removes your lacy panties. Now you’re left with nothing.
For a moment, he stepped out of the bed to fully undress and feel him come back when the mattress dipped on your side. Still, he isn’t making a move but you hear sounds of water and ice from where the bedside table is located and-
“Mmm. Fuck! That’s cold, ahhh” you moaned deliciously and tried to fold your legs but you really couldn’t. You moved your body to ease the sensitivity but nothing is working, so you have no choice and accepted it like a good girl he expects you to be. Up and down, and oh so slowly, Taeyong moves the ice cube on your slit while lying comfortably on his side. Gently and carefully, building the momentum and giving you the full experience of what he’s doing to you.
“Good? Just nod if you can’t talk,” he teased you with his question but you nod and let out sounds of approval to further support your answer.
“Told you you’ll enjoy it,” he says and left a kiss on your lips, just long enough to make you catch his lips and ask for more when he pulls away intentionally. “Lift your chin,” he commands and went on top of you. You thought he will finally kiss you there but no, the gentleman has something in mind. He bit the ice cube and brush it on your neck, making you shiver and moan near his ear as he wet your chest with the ice in his mouth. And when the ice melted and became small, Taeyong ran his thumb on your lips and planted a kiss… only to transfer the ice from his mouth to your mouth but not letting go of the kiss until the ice is fully melted.
“I chose the right person,” he says and gently caresses your body before running another ice cube in between your boobs.
“Nipples please” you moan out but he put his pointer finger on your lips and made you suck it.
“But since you asked so nicely,” he let out a dark chuckle and ran his thumb on your nipples, gently and carefully pinching them with his cold fingers before he finally ran the ice around your nipples. Going in slow circles and watching you part your lips and let out soft moans beneath him. You can feel that he is very hard already because his cock is poking your thigh.
He bit your left nipple before he flips you effortlessly on your stomach and ran an ice cube on your back which tickled you and made you laugh… but he wanted you to moan, not laugh. So he smacked your ass and said, “moan” very sternly that he gave you goosebumps. But all you can do is let out soft sounds and cute giggles.
“you think I’m still playing?” he asks you while spreading kisses on your nape and on your shoulders, making you shiver with his low voice alone.
And just like that, he lines his cock on your cunt and slowly pushed in, caging your body with his strong arms. “There’s the moan that I’ve been asking for,” he says when you finally let out a string of delicious moans.  
He thrust and thrust hard that you feel the impact on your body. Given that you’re on your stomach and your body is not arched, your hole is extra tight, which he loved so much and fucked you harder by the second.
There’s that devil in that at angelic form, you thought.
Taeyong smacked and smacked your ass as he fucks you until he cums, hurting you good and making your body sore.
After he cums, you were the one who needed to catch your breath not him and he noticed that. Maybe he was too rough on your first day together? So he decided to release you and untie you, kissing the red marks on your wrists and ankles to show you that he’s sorry.
“Are we done?” you asked weakly.
“Catch your breath baby, you’ll need it” he says and put you on top of him. Switching your positions effortlessly, “one of my many ways of saying ’sorry I was too rough’,” he giggles and soothes your back, “ride me, you will cum I promise” he added and kissed you on the lips but not for long. His lips traveled on your boobs as you line his cock on your cunt and slowly go down.
You moan and moan as you roll your hips and feel his tongue swirl around your nipples and his hands roam freely around your body. You feel very much appreciated by the way he lets you fuck him. “Can’t believe I’m not gonna last” you scoffed and bounced up and down his cock, putting both of you on edge and ready to reach your climax together.
“Keep doing that” he says. But you reached for his lips and kiss him as you dive together towards lust, watch him closely and see how he lost his mind when he reaches his climax.
“Ohh-“ you bit his shoulder when you finally reached your high. Closing both of your eyes tightly as you shiver on top of him and feel him shoot his cum inside you for the second time.
Unlike earlier that your body is cold because of the ice, now your both burning and sweating but shivering because of oversensitivity.
“Still good?” he asked and gently placed you down the mattress, kissing your sensitive body while pulling out and keeping you close.  
“Thank you for choosing me,” you whispered and enjoyed his warmth, “how about that second date then?” you said before closing your eyes and drifting to sleep.
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