#so earnestly too
heartofarcanum · 6 months
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This girl just actually for real drew a picture of her and her crush in the margins of her notebook idk what to do I’m-😭😭😭
And the way he’s so much taller than her in the picture 🥹🥹
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somnimagus · 9 months
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My page for @destinytriofanzine! I drew something about kids always dreaming of far off places
[id in alt!]
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Up High!
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possumteeths · 27 days
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
me: *thinking about kira in her thematically significant white tank top* you know maybe it is worth it to keep going after all
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cp3killer · 1 year
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love burns brighter than sunshine.
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susieandhobbes · 12 days
I feel bad because Ayo is clearly legitimately pissed about the baseball video of her and Jeremy blowing up like this and her feelings are valid but in my extremely unprofessional and not at all certified PR perspective - she/her team are handling it SO BADLY.
Deleting her tik toks or IG pics, not dropping another vogue partnership video that (allegedly) was coming today, reposting that video about filming people in public - BABY THE STREISAND EFFECT!!!
The more rattled you seem, the more the internet is going to think they caught you at something and the harder they're going to read into everything. Hell, half the people who saw the video were like "oh this must be a marketing strategy" and while that makes literally no sense because you don't promote a ~platonic~ friendship by stirring up dating rumors, it was still something people were willing to believe. She should have posted "anyway The Bear Season 3 airs June 27th! Go cubs" on her IG story and kept it pushing
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fairycosmos · 1 year
i hate people who try to downplay grief. if my friend asks me one more time if im "seriously going to be sad forever" im going to scream
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possamble · 14 days
realizing that the characterization of Falin being more dragon-like is a really fine line to toe because like. In terms of pure magic and biology the dragon is a teeny tiny part of her. It wouldn't actually affect her in ways beyond her control. She's not really a Dragon Girl so much as a chimera with like. 10% dragon at most
But Falin herself really, REALLY likes being part monster. She would most likely lean into it and enjoy making it part of her identity/how she sees herself. So when you're writing from her perspective, you get this very weird balance of like... Falin attributing things about herself to her "dragon side" in ways that aren't necessarily true. Or her taking a very minor urge/instinct, incorporating it into her existing desires, and just running with it because it makes her feel cool.
anyway idk where I'm going with this, I just wanted to say that like. I really like that Falin's world bible blurb emphasizes that "she is herself, first and foremost." when I talk about her being very Dragon-y, it's because she gets to choose to be that way and I think it's neat!!
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bayesiandragon · 2 months
Not sure I care enough to engage with the post, but to read SVSSS + extras and come away with the interpretation that SJ doesn't care about why YQY failed to save him, just that he did fail, and therefore would never forgive him or change his behavior towards him if he learned the truth, feels off-place to me. It seems to lean into the view that SJ doesn't actually care about YQY, just sees him as a useful tool, and thus couldn't be hurt by the supposed abandonment - with that interpretation it would then make sense to think he would neither care nor change his behavior (towards YQY) upon learning what actually happened.
#generously put - I suppose it's not an interpretation that the text of svsss completely forbids#but I don't see it as the most probable interpretation by a long shot and it doesn't explain their interactions or themes well at all#given that Shen Jiu eventually canonically forgives YQY even without an explanation I don't see why he wouldn't if one was earnestly given#I could see SJ continuing to throw some lingering degree of fit if he learned that YQY had indeed tried but failed#(and YQY honestly doesn't need to elaborate on the whole trauma only the important part - that he set out too late)#but I really don't think their relationship would have been anything like how it turned out in canon#no real comment on how SJ's actions would change on ~everything else~ since it's so counterfactual after that point and we know he's a git#I do honestly feel that the novel bolsters this idea with the whole thing at Maigu Ridge#where SY learns of YQY's tragedy and immediately sees what he has to do to avert the same with LBH#he saw how important it was to explicitly let LBH know how loved he is even if he can't explain everything because it CAN change things#and it does for them#the responsibility part is... well everyone is responsible for their own behavior - including SJ#now I don't have strong opinions on this next part#but regardless of trauma or his right to remain silent - YQY has some responsibility for the ~direct~ consequences of the choice he made#namely referring to SJ's belief that he was callously abandoned and his pain and anger over it#but he is absolutely not responsible for SJ's “everything else”#idk just had some thoughts
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bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
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"Everything you went through was meaningless." [St Voyager S3 E7: 'Sacred Ground']
#Serving Jesus realness#star trek screenshots#Janeway#iconic that all the aliens are like 'damn....that's crazy....anyway-' about Janeway HEHEHE they're like snickering behind their hands#I would be too honestly if some outsider tried to speedrun my ancient spiritual rituals#Love the vibe of 'this could all be hazing' they're putting out. Also I keep seeing the face paint on the guide woman as like a mic#honestly this woman's fucking hilarious HEHEHE#Janeway: I'm dying. / Alien Guide: We all die someday :) <- lady who just told her to stick in her hand in a poison jar#AHAHAHA THEY REALLY DID HAZE HER...I love these guys they're so nahnahnahbooboo-core#also the refrain 'Everything you went through was meaningless' ..... thinking BIG thoughts about post-voyager voy crew back on earth#I really do earnestly love the gleeful contempt vibe...it just seems so right. In a funny way but also in a way that's deeply true#the feeling of trying to find answers while you universe laughs and says there are none - it's meaningless - but you're welcome to go ahead#and try. If you find God you have the feeling it would just stare at you blankly. Then laugh.#Chakotay: Captain I've been so worried about you! Have you found a solution? / Janeway: Absolutely. I'm going to walk into the death shrine#Chakotay: (internally hysterical) Oh of COURSE!!!! no of COURSE she's going to walk into the DEATH SHRINE!!!!#great imagery in this one <3 folks who love religious imagery (me) will get a kick outta this one <3#anyway I love when star trek does hopeful eps like this...makes me tear up like. Yeah there could be a scientific explanation but that#doesn't make it MORE true or MORE real than the religious one - it's just as valid to believe in the spirits#Also those three old creeps were lovely <3 scared me and I like that! existential dread!
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firein-thesky · 5 months
will never understand authors who say shit like they have no idea where they are/were going with their published works’ plot or like. that a main character was originally a joke or something.
like wdym you didn’t painstakingly craft this? wdym you didn’t think at length about works that would be published under your name?? or take a character in your main plot seriously? i don’t think it’s cool or funny or quirky to be aloof about your art or storytelling. in fact it makes me quite annoyed.
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laurasbailey · 8 months
is it weird that the bells hells party dynamic might be my favourite
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ecofridge · 4 months
I apparently have a real soft spot for introverted smartasses who secretly care very deeply and earnestly about their loved ones
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chilapis · 27 days
Last post before I crash and no-one hears from me until I return from my first final the morrow’s eve (a changed man no doubt) but there’ll never be anything funnier to me than consistently being viewed as a composed and calm saviour by peers while I’m, actively and uncontrollably losing it.
#not said sarcastically or as a vent by the way I genuinely find it so terribly amusing. you think I have it together ? aw <3 you fool.#i’ve been pacing around my room like a starving lion since the past week in whatever free time i’ve had.#and i keep getting people in my messages begging me for last minute help ? which is endearing but. i’m hanging on for dear life myself#helping isn’t foreign to me; i have 4 (?) people in my class who almost exclusively refer to me as ma’am and even refer to me as a teacher.#but helping last minute is so. deeply chaotic.#and I have this issue with me where having others around me makes me immediately drop into a ‘role’ of sorts?#i’ll be freaking out but then someone else starts freaking out around me and my immediate response is to just.#hey. we are going to make it out of this. it’s easy as pie. do you see me worried? no right? <- on the verge of hyperventilating#there’s this one guy in particular who got so excited to find out we have the exact same examination set-up tomorrow.#i gave him like basic pointers and i don’t think i’ve ever been thanked so earnestly and desperately in my life.#i remember during mocks my friends would message me what I wrote in questions and then they’d immediately go oh thank Fuck.#they’d literally just act like they’re absolutely going to pass now just because we had points ​in common.#as if i’m some sort of fucked up correct answer sheet incarnate.#it’s genuinely really sweet to me though; like i’m not posting this ranting or such.#having so much faith in another to the point that you can put yourself completely at ease says. alot i think.#and i’m glad i can be that person for so many.#and I feel like it helps me in a way too because i become so concerned with others that I forget to drown myself in my worries.#i forget that I’m worried because there are others to care about and console and help. so i suppose they help me in a way as well.#but also who is going to be that person for ME. who is going to console ME. im going fucking neurotic /jest#<- woman with ego issues & control issues who would rather die than accept help.#sigh. oh well. I’m sure we’ll do just fine. cannot wait#🥀🍷 — colloquy.
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kenobion · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield on The Late Late Show
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